Indian girls and a huge black Doberman
- 4 years ago
- 17
- 0
This story was written as an adult fantasy.
For those who missed Part 1 of this story, I am Prachi,
a 5 ft 7 young light-skinned Indian girl with a slim,
tight body and small firm breasts. My friend Roshni is 5
ft 6 and looks quite similar to me, except with a more
dusky skin tone. We had gone for a drive when we
encountered an abandoned doggy. He had fucked us both
but then Roshni left me, bound and gagged, and
disappeared with my car while I was fucking the dog. The
dog, having shot its cum into me, also ran off. Here I
was, in the mid-afternoon, naked and alone at a rest
area in a lonely farm area on a deserted Indian highway.
It is very difficult to put in words what I was feeling
at that time. Part of me was ecstatic, having
thoroughly enjoyed my first fuck even if it was from a
dog. Another part of me was frightened at the prospect
of being alone and nearly naked on a lonely dangerous
highway. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was too
confused, frightened and horny to think logically. As I
walked slowly toward the highway, I wracked my brain,
trying to think where Roshni might have gone. Maybe she
had just taken the car a short distance ahead to tease
me. As I approached the highway, I heard the sound of a
truck engine. Petrified, I immediately ran behind a
tree. As I hid behind the tree, three or four trucks
zoomed past.
That fucking bitch Roshni, I thought. Where is she?
“Please come back Roshni,” I cried. I stood behind the
tree weeping softly.
Suddenly hearing voices behind me, I spun around and saw
two young boys about 100 meters away walking down the
farm road herding their sheep before them. I stood
rooted to the ground. In a few seconds, one of them
spotted me. He stared at me for a few minutes then
nudged his friend. He too looked at me as if I was some
sort apparition. They started laughing, walking towards
me. I became frightened and raced down the road about
200 meters, thinking that the boys were following me but
when I stopped, out of breath, and looked back there was
no one in sight.
My head ached and I was frantic with fear. I decided I
had to do something positive, I couldn’t just run away
from people. I needed help. I stood at the side of the
road, hoping to draw the attention of the next driver
who came along.
Surprisingly, no vehicles came by for nearly half an
hour. I was becoming discouraged when I heard a whimper
behind me. It was a dog, but not the Doberman Roshni and
I had fucked earlier. This one was a smaller, mixed
breed dog. I ignored it and continued staring at the
highway, watching for a car or truck. The dog came
nearer and started jumping at me, barking excitedly.
“Shut up” I shouted at him.
He must have smelled my drying pussy juices or the
Doberman’s cum on my crotch because he started jumping
up on me, his paws clawing the small of my back. I ran,
trying to evade him, but he kept pursuing me. I cursed
him under my breath. Then I noticed his prick. My god,
it was even thicker than the other dog’s, although a bit
shorter. Don’t look at it, I told myself. Right now you
have to get out of this jam that Roshni put you in.
I stopped and the dog jumped up, putting his paws around
my hips and starting to hump against me, rubbing his
prick in between my knees. Immediately, I felt a surge
of desire flash through my body. Without a conscious
decision, I immediately fell to my knees and put my head
on the ground, right there in full view of the highway.
The mutt immediately mounted me and started humping his
cock against my bottom, searching for my pussy opening.
After a few tries, he found it and, with a strong
thrust, entered me fully. I let out a loud cry; he was a
lot thicker than the Doberman. His humping also seemed
much more rapid. I climaxed quickly but he continued
humping away. My mind was filled with a sense of deja
Suddenly, Roshni appeared out of nowhere. She smiled as
I tried to pull free from the dog, which proved
impossible because his knot had expanded in my pussy,
temporally locking us together. She was fully dressed,
looking fresh and clean and carrying a bottle which
smelled as though it contain homemade liquor. She must
have bought it at one of the local hooch shops. She
opened the bottle, took a sip and looked at me with an
evil gleam in her eye. I mutely gave her an angry look.
She walked over and crouched down in front of me,
lifting my shoulders and placing them on her knees.
Holding the bottle up to my face, she shoved it into my
mouth. I was shocked and refused to swallow.
“Oh, You won’t drink it? I thought you would love it,”
she laughed.
I shook my head furiously.
“Well then, you are going to have very sore nipples!”
Gripping my right nipple, she squeezed it so hard that
tears filled my eyes.
“Drink it all or I will rip your nipple off!” she
Terrified, I began guzzling the hooch. Within a minute
or so I had downed most of bottle’s contents.
Meanwhile, the dog began shooting his scalding hot cum
into my throbbing pussy. His knot was so thick I thought
my legs would be separated from my body.
By this time, however, I started feeling groggy; the
hooch was having its effect on me. Roshni stood over me
smiling as I passed out.
In the next part, Roshni will have to tell you what
happened since I was unconscious.
Hi folks, this is Roshni. I’ll try to describe what
happened to us next.
After a few moments the mongrel withdrew from Prachi’s
cunt. She just lay there on her knees; knocked out by
the strong hooch I made her drink. She was looking damn
pitiful in that crumpled, torn T-shirt, which was her
only clothing.
I slapped her a couple of times, trying to arouse her,
but she just responded with soft, sleepy moans. This
part of my plan accomplished, I dragged her a short
distance away, placing her behind a large tree where no
one could see her from the road.
I stood at the roadside waiting for a suitable vehicle
to flag down. I had parked our car just down the road in
a shady clearing. I stood there thinking of the fun that
I was going to have and how my lifelong fantasy was
about to come true.
A few trucks passed but I didn’t try to flag them down.
Truck drivers could be very unreliable. I had to find
someone more suitable. A large bus filled with college
students passed by. No, that wouldn’t do either. Then I
finally saw it, an army jeep full of men. I immediately
waved my thumb in the air.
The jeep ground to a halt almost immediately next to me.
There were seven men in the jeep, all about 30-35 years
of age. There were also two women. I was wrong when,
from a distance, I thought it contained only men. The
man in the passenger seat looked at me and smiled. Oh,
what the hell, I thought.
“Hi” the man said. “What’s a young girl like you doing
out here alone in the country?”
“I was driving with my friend when my car broke down. My
friend got a little sick and she is taking a nap behind
that tree,” I said, pointing to the tree where Prachi
slept peacefully. The man strained his neck towards the
tree I pointed at but it was so large that he couldn’t
see Prachi.
“You want a ride to a repair shop?” he asked.
“Don’t be crazy Amit,” the driver said. “A girl alone
with a country mechanic? Its too risky.”
I smiled at this. He had raised a point that I myself
was going to raise.
“Why don’t a couple of us wait here with these two
girls. It’s too risky to leave them alone,” one of the
men in the back seat said.
“That would be good.” I said, seizing the opportunity.
“In fact, it would be a big help if about four of you
helped me out, because the car is stuck in a ditch. It
will have to be pulled out first.”
There was a short discussion about who should stay with
us, then four men climbed out of the jeep. They
introduced themselves as Raj, Amit, Sandhu and Mohan.
The remaining three men and the two women drove off,
promising to come back with a mechanic.
I took charge. I had to play this really well if my plan
was to work.
“Three of you please go down that way and try to free
our car,” I suggested, pointing my finger in the
direction of where I had hidden the car, “The other one
come with me and help me get Prachi on her feet.”
“I’ll help you with this Prachi person,” Amit said.
“Where is she?”
Raj, Sandhu and Mohan started walking down the road to
find my car. When they had passed beyond earshot, I
smiled and said “Amit, please don’t be shocked when you
see my friend” and started walking towards the tree and
he followed.
You could have knocked him over with a feather when he
saw Prachi. “What is this? Why is she like this?” he
exclaimed as he saw her lying on her side, her eyes
shut, her T-shirt torn, naked from waist down, and
saliva drooling out of her mouth. I also noticed that
the sight of Prachi, lying there half naked and
helpless, was causing a huge erection to spring up in
his pants.
“Our car is fine, really. This girl is my friend and is
blind drunk but she is so horny she wants to be fucked
by all the men in the world. She has already been fucked
by two dogs,” I said, parting her ass cheeks with my
fingers to show him the goopy wetness of her cunt.
“Would you and your friends like to be next? She was a
virgin until the two dogs had her but she really has
great potential for fucking.”
He thought about it a moment and then said, “Any real
man would love to screw a girl with a great body like
“Then help me pick her up. We’ll take her to the car.
Your friends must be wondering where that ditch is that
I told them about.”
Amit lifted her legs while I took her shoulders and we
carried her towards the car and the other three guys.
“I can’t believe this! ” Amit said. “My wife is so fat.
This will be the first time in almost 10 years that I’ve
had a chance to fuck such a shapely girl!”
“Oh, she is beautiful and has a very submissive nature,
and she loves to experiment also,” I told him.
Prachi was mumbling incoherently and trying to spit out
the fowl taste of the hooch. She seemed to subconscious-
ly realize she was being taken somewhere but her eyes
remained shut.
I was almost breathless with anticipation. Just then a
thought struck me. “Do you have any condoms on you? ” I
asked. He said, “No, I didn’t think I would have any
need for them.” This presented a bit of a problem. Poor
Prachi might well be pregnant by the end of the day. Oh
well, anyone can get an abortion these days, with no
questions asked. This was not a reason to cancel my
We carried Prachi down the road to where the three other
men were waiting with puzzled expressions on their
“Put her here,” I said. The sound of my voice caused
them turn toward us, then stared at Prachi with eyes as
big as hubcaps. Amit hurriedly put her down and started
removing his pants. As he did, he explained in the most
concise manner what was to be done. Hearing this, they
all started undressing as well.
“Aren’t you going to join us? After all there are four
of us,” Raj asked me.
“No thanks, I’ll just watch for now,” I said
Amit, who was now buck-naked, went down to his knees
next to Prachi, who was lying on her side. He grasped
the neck of her T-shirt and stretched it down so that
her firm young breasts were totally exposed. The shirt
was gathered in a roll just above her tummy, exposing
her tits and securing her arms to her sides. He then
turned her over onto her back.
“How does she do oral?” he asked me.
“Find out for yourself,” I told him.
Amit moved behind her head and opened her mouth by
pulling down her lower jaw. She tried to protest but it
came out as only an incoherent mumble. His cock, about 7
inches long, immediately sought her lips. He slipped it
between them, then jammed it all the way in. Prachi,
suddenly regaining a degree of consciousness, tried to
say something but found her self-gagging on something
large, hot and throbbing.
I knelt down beside her head. Amit’s balls and legs
covered her eyes and nose. He was now on his knees,
pushing his cock in and out of her mouth at an amazing
“Suck at it, you boozed bitch,” he cried.
Prachi was moaning, trying to get away from the invading
cock. I talked to her, saying that if she could hear me,
she should suck at the nice cock in her mouth.
“Hey, she’s sucking it,” Amit cried in a triumph. “The
bitch is sucking it.
What a hot, bloody whore!”
Raj, Sandhu and Mohan were standing around with their
cocks hanging out; all were pretty much the same size as
Amit, although Sandhu’s was immensely thick. When I told
them to do something, Raj immediately grabbed her tits.
They are not really all that big but they are firm and
nicely shaped. He started sucking on them like a hungry
child sucking on mango. He sucked on the left breast,
holding and squeezing the right one with his hands.
Prachi was feeling this, because she let out a feeble
nasal protest. Mohan was meanwhile parting her legs and
rubbing her pussy.
“Hey! It’s already sloppy! Who had her before us?” he
“Oh just a couple of dogs,” I laughed. He apparently
took it as a joke and laughed as well.
Mohan didn’t indulge in any foreplay, just lifted her
ass up a bit and placed his cock at the opening her
cunt. He slowly slid it in and out until finally, with
one big effort, he rammed it all the way into her almost
virgin cunt. Even while sucking Amit, Prachi let out a
groan of pleasure. Mohan started rocking back and forth.
I couldn’t help noticing how much more slowly men fuck,
compared to dogs.
As Sandhu stood with his thick dick in his hand waiting
for his chance, I went to the car and got the camera we
always carried to take photos of pretty sunrises.
However, this was going to be something much different
from our usual sunrise photos.
As I returned with the camera, Amit was spewing his cum
all over Prachi’s face and she was murmuring something
to him. Sandhu immediately took his place. His dick was
almost twice as thick as Amit’s. Prachi had great
troubling swallowing it but, helped by Sandhu’s pushing,
she managed to swallow the whole length. Wow, never
thought she could do it. Meanwhile, Raj apparently
tired of her tits, stood up.
“Hurry, Mohan,” he said “It’s my turn next,” as Amit,
his limp cock quickly hardening once more, came and
stood next to me.
“Don’t rush me man,” Mohan said breathlessly. “Take the
other cunt”
“But, she isn’t willing,” Raj said.
“Do you think this bitch would be willing if she wasn’t
drunk? This gal wants us to abuse her friend, so let’s
give her taste of her own medicine.”
This was an unexpected shock. I started to run but Amit
grabbed my arm and said, “Where are you going’ honey?
Don’t you want to join the fun?”
The next few minutes are a haze. Amit and Raj caught me
and, despite my protests, stripped me naked in minutes.
I stood there shivering in anticipation of what was to
“Bend over, bitch” Raj demanded.
I didn’t want to comply but Amit slapped my butt
“You heard him” Amit said and gave me another slap.
I finally gave in and bent over. Raj immediately
positioned himself behind me and, without hesitation,
slid his cock all the way up into my already wet pussy.
He started to fuck me doggy-style, causing me to gasp in
indignation; I had been too complacent about these guys.
Actually, Raj turned out to be a pretty gentle guy and
just stroking back and forth for a few minutes before
coming all over my ass. As soon as he withdrew, Amit
slipped his cock into me and began rapidly deep-stroking
me. But I wasn’t really turned on yet and not even close
to an orgasm.
While Amit was humping away, I looked at Prachi. Sandhu
was now rolling her over as Mohan stood near him. I
wondered what they were going to do to her. Then Sandhu
said to her “Get up on your knees!” She just mumbled
something. He pinched her ass really hard and she let
out a moan of pain. “Get on your knees, bitch,” he
shouted! With an effort she got her knees under her but
her head was still resting on the ground, causing her
ass to jut out in a very sexy way.
Suddenly Amit started fucking me harder and shot all of
his cum inside my vagina. I thought that now I would
have some respite, but Mohan immediately walked over
behind me.
“Let’s see how you feel with your hands tied,” he said,
harshly yanking my hands behind my back and lashing my
wrists together with his belt. I looked over at Prachi.
She was still on her knees but Sandhu wasn’t doing
anything, just standing over her.
“Get that bitch over here,” he said. “And lets have them
in unison!”
“Get over in front of her and take the same position.”
Raj ordered. Amit roughly pushed me forward. I went down
on my knees in front of Prachi; her eyes were halfway
open now and she seemed a bit more sober.
I was now staring at Prachi from an angle at which her
back rose above her head and then bulged out into her
tight, shapely ass. I’m sure she had the same view of my
body. Then I saw Raj standing behind Prachi. Looking
back over my shoulder, I saw the tall, muscular body of
He was slowly stroking his thick dick.
“You kids want to have some real adult fun?” he said,
sliding a hand between my ass cheeks and dipping his
fingers into my cunt. I saw Raj was doing the same to
Prachi. Raj took a blob of cum from Prachi’s cunt and
rubbed it over his dick head. He then took two fingers
and shoved them into her asshole. Simultaneously, I felt
Sandhu inserting two fingers in my ass.
“Noo!” I cried, “We’ve never been ass-fucked!”
“In a moment you will never be able to make that claim
again, girl,” Raj said as he dug his fingers deeper into
Prachi’s asshole.
“Please Sandhu, not your cock, it’s too wide for a first
timer like me” I begged.
“Look at it this way, once I get my cock into your ass,
you will be able get anything in there,” Sandhu said
with a grin and the others started laughing.
“I have to piss first,” Sandhu said, removing his
fingers and walking away to relieve himself against a
Meanwhile, Raj bent down and put the head of his dick
against Prachi’s asshole. She moaned as he pressed it
against her small, puckered opening. Then he put all his
weight on it and suddenly half his dick popped into her
asshole! She began to cry, saying “Please don’t do it,
it hurts.” Poor girl didn’t even have the energy or
sense to scream. Raj pushed in deeper as Prachi started
trashing about wildly and crying even louder.
Sandhu came back and, without any preliminaries, pushed
his dick into my pussy.
“Hey,” said Mohan, “I thought you were fucking her ass!”
“Have to lubricate it first,” Sandhu commented as he
stroked it into me ten or fifteen times, then pulled it
“Your friend could take it into her ass because she was
relaxed by the hooch but you will have concentrate on
relaxing your asshole. Don’t tense up or you will get
hurt, ok?” Sandhu said. I nodded fearfully.
He began to tenderly massage my ass cheeks, crooning
“Relax…Relax.” In front of me Raj had penetrated
Prachi completely and was humping her hard; she was
still crying. I closed my eyes. Sandhu’s touches felt so
erotic, anyone would have relaxed. For about two minutes
he kept caressing my ass, then suddenly I felt a huge
monster invading my anus. I cried out in pain. It felt
so painful yet, at the same time, so nice. I cried out
a few more times, as Sandhu’s mighty cock penetrated me
to the hilt. He then began to stroke it in and out of my
ass. It felt so great to have my asshole filled with
cock that I came almost at once. I opened my eyes to see
that Raj was dumping his load into Prachi’s ass. In a
few moments, Sandhu also shot a load into my intestines.
The feeling gave me another orgasm. I lay there with
Prachi in front of me and my hands tied behind me.
“Well Roshni, how did it feel, honestly?” Amit asked.
“Wonderful,” I answered with a smile.
Suddenly, the other three guys and the two women turned
arrived with a mechanic. I had forgotten all about them.
They were surprised by the scene, which greeted them.
The two ladies shrieked in terror and ran quickly back
to their jeep. The other three guys and the mechanic
stood rooted to the ground and stared at us.
Sandhu explained how I had played a game with them. Then
assured them that we both had enough energy left to
satisfy everyone and told the four new men to undress.
His three friends leered at our young bodies and quickly
stripped off their cloths. The mechanic was a bit more
reluctant but finally put his toolbox down and took out
his cock out of his pants.
“The drunk girl is totally limp and submissive. Let’s
try a ‘Unison’ on her,” Sandhu suggested. The three new
soldiers nodded and walked towards Prachi.
I rose to my feet and stepped back. Amit untied my hands
while I stood there, curious to see what a ‘Unison’ was.
One of the guys told Prachi to stand up. Surprisingly,
she understood and stood up, although she was bent at
the waist.
“Excellent,” a man, whom I later learned to be Prashant,
said, “She is in the correct position already!” Prashant
lubricated his cock with the sperm juices from her
pussy, then shoved his dick into her asshole. She just
groaned a little as his relatively small cock penetrated
her anus.
Then a guy named John positioned himself on the ground
beneath her, his dick pointing to the sky. “Now listen
baby.” Prashant said to Prachi, “You have to sit down on
his dick so that it slips right up into your pussy, ok?”
Prachi just nodded feebly and started lowering herself
towards John’s groin. With a lot of help from Prashant
and John, she finally got it in. John started to fuck
into her pussy while Prashant did the same to her
asshole. Then the third man, Neel, put his dick in her
mouth. Prachi swallowed it hungrily.
I was struck by the irony of the situation. Just this
morning Prachi had been a virgin. Now, by the evening,
she had been fucked by two dogs and seven guys. All of
her fuckable holes were filled with cock and she was
loving it! What a way to be deflowered! And I took all
the credit for her awakening.
Suddenly I felt a hand pushing me towards Prachi. Amit
bent me over and rammed his prick into my ass. Although
his prick was a lot thinner than Sandhu’s, it still sent
painful waves of ecstasy through my body. As Mohan lay
down in front of me, I realized that I was about to be
‘Unisoned’ also. I carefully descended onto Mohan’s
cock. Oh shit, it felt so damn erotic, both my holes
being fucked by large pricks. Then the mechanic stood in
front of me with his huge cock aimed at my lips. Its 10
inches made it by far the longest cock present.
I opened my mouth. This was the first cock I had sucked
today. The mechanic was so horny that he crassly jammed
it into my mouth without any warning. It hit the back of
my throat and I it took all of my concentration to
swallow it completely.
Having all three openings being fucked at once is a
great sensation and every female should try it once in
her life. Raj took the camera and snapped a picture of
both Prachi and me completely filled with dicks. I came
about four times during the ‘unison’ which continued for
about an hour. Whenever one guy exploded and vacated a
hole, someone else came and filled it up again. This was
very tiring for me but, at the same time, extremely
Suddenly Raj, who was in my mouth, said something to
Amit, who was in Prachi’s mouth. I didn’t exactly hear
it, but it sounded something like “Don’t fill their
mouths, I have something better in mind.”
Sure enough, they both withdrew without cumming in our
mouths. John, who was in my ass, pushed me forward,
until my face touched Prachi’s. “French kiss her”
ordered Raj. I looked at him incredulously. We weren’t
lesbians; he couldn’t do that to us. Raj reached down
and pinched my nipple sharply. That was a very easy way
to get my undivided attention!
“I SAID KISS HER!” Raj roared, as he cruelly pinched my
nipple and applied a resounding slap to Prachi’s sore
bottom. Prachi tentatively pressed her lips to mine. “I
told you to French kiss her! Let’s see a little tongue
action! Do it NOW,” Raj demanded, delivering another
hard slap to our asses. I felt Prachi’s tongue softly
reach out for my lips, then press its way between them.
Suddenly excited by this new feeling, I opened my mouth
and met her tongue with my own. Our tongues intertwined
and a sudden passion coursed through my body, causing my
pussy to tingle. Judging by the way that Prachi’s tongue
responded to mine, I knew this kiss was affecting her
the same way.
I was sure that we weren’t lesbians, we both enjoyed
fucking men too much for that, but this felt far too
good to be ignored. I guess we both discovered that day
that we might well be attracted to each other. I think
the term that best describes our status would be ‘bi’.
Whatever it’s called, it felt very comfortable. We would
have to explore this further.
These sex games continued, with many variations, for
several hours before the men tired of them. They finally
cleaned themselves up, got back into their jeep and
continued on their way.
After they departed, Prachi and I smiled at each other
and embraced, kissing one another deeply. We had
discovered something about ourselves that we had never
After cleaning ourselves up, we rested awhile then drove
“Why so late, Roshni?” my mom asked.
“Car broke down Ma,” I replied causally.
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Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...
Indian girls are innocentStory codes : : M/f, M/f+, f-self, MF/f, enema, exhibition, fisting, incest, spanking, teen, toys, D/s, B/D, bondage, chastity belt, real, slow, romantic, reluctant, humiliation, nc, SeriousSynopsis : An overseas Indian man marries a beautiful Indian girl who was born and brought up in an Indian village. He has to teach her the basics of sex and its pleasure. He then gradually imposes restrictions on her and corresponding punishments to preserve her obedience and...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
Dear friends, this is Nalini (changed) with my new story of my college friend Lavanya, and thanks for your comments on my previous stories, and please don’t forget to comment on ISS too, and male readers stop asking about my personal details and don’t invite me on hangouts.Girls and Ladies can mail me at [email protected] am a newly married housewife aged 26 years with a 34B-26-36, enjoying and satisfied with my husband’s love making in bed, but still yearn for a...
As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...
Wife LoversHe watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Hi friends, this is Nathan Age 37, working in Navy and my wife is Beena, age 33 working as a personal secretary in a Pvt. Company. This is a real life story that happened in our life during our honeymoon days. Beena is a plumpy lady weighing about 85 kgs, and her boob size is 38D with ass size of 95 cms. Her ass was so big that it giggles in a very rhythmic manner when she walks. Her boobs were so big that anyone would need two hands to hold her single breast. She was very much passionate about...
Sandra Ottershaw Ponygirl 314 pt 1The scene, a small island among the stunningly beautiful Isles of Scilly in the Atlantic Ocean off the southwest tip of the Uk, its two thirty on a warm sunny afternoon with just enough breeze to send the waves crashing against the shore and Sandra, Ponygirl 314 stands patiently admiring the view as she awaits the arrival of the afternoon boat from the mainland.================================="It's funny how you get stuck in a rut," Andy mused as the speedboat...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Two days after letting his grandson take me in the ass, my black neighbor Samuel called me again; saying he missed my sexy body.I told him my body was still aching after so many sessions of wild sex with him; but he insisted, saying he wanted to fuck me again and he would be gentle with me… The bastard convinced me.I had been home alone during the entire week end; so, I had no problem about telling Victor where I would spend the evening…I went upstairs again to Samuel’s flat.The old man smiled...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
i ISS readers, I am Nandu from Kerala I want to share my sex experience with my grandmother Prema. I am living with my grandmother as my parents are abroad she is 60 years old. My grandfather’s name is Kumaaran. He is having Alzheimer’s disease he is always in his bedroom. My grandmother looks after him for 3 years he does not getup from bed coming to the story my grandmother is really a sex bomb she has 36 size boobs and a great well built figure her boobs are in awesome shape like 2 mountains...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
Steph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...
Wife Loversby Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
Melissa, Cheryl, and Jenny rested their heads on Andre’s bare chest. The three white girls had just spent the previous hour and forty-five minutes enjoying their first interracial encounter. Andre ran his black fingers through Melissa and Jenny’s long the best sex I have ever had,” Jenny told Andre. Melissa smiled and went on to add, “Now I know why white guys dislike black guys so much, they’re jealous!” Andre, brimming with confidence, smiled and asked, “Is a white dudes dick really that...
InterracialThis is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
"kasem, are you seeing that little indian girl again tonight?" mumtaj khan asked her eighteen year old son. "Yup," he replied while combing his hair, "I think we'll hit a movie and stop off for some burgers after the show." mumtaj leaned against the bathroom door jam while admiring the build on her only son. Solid as a rock without and ounce of fat and handsome to boot! "Don't you think it's time you brought her around to meet me?" she asked casually. "Not yet, mom," he replied softly. "Maybe...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesGranddad's Experimental Erotic Educator Pedagogical Psychiatrist & Socio-Sexual AnthropologistGranddaughter Cute Chrissy Comes to see him Seeking Sexual Schooling Enlightenment & Advise================================================================================Great Grnddad Openly Offers Girly Granddod His Hot Horny Hairy Big Bend Banana As Breakfast:================================================================================# 1: - S H E - G O E S - A L L - T H E - W A Y...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...
Guys plz suggestion me in pms what should I write next. If you interested in writing let's do Collab ---- by your favourite Indian slut !! Plot Everything started with her death of our main character anusha's parents. She was very open minded and caring person in mind and heart. She may look like a typical Indian girl but in her mind she can be dirt bitch . Get quick temper and get emotional quickly . Then she felt lonely and depressed after her parents dead in accident. But somehow her...
Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...
on my journey to work i have been seeing an indian woman most days she gets on the same train as me and stays on for around 5 stops as i have 8 stops for my journeyshe has a very voluptuous figure great set of huge tits thats what caught my eyes the first time i laid eyes on her she was wearin sunglases a black skirt and a cotton v-neck jumper her cleavage was on show and it was deep cleavage. The sight of her huge tits made her the most attractive woman to me in the world at the time as she...
You don't need a 200+ IQ to know what to find on IndianSexStories! Indian women may as well be the most beautiful in the whole world with purely naturally tanned skin as well as curvy bodies. There is also something about their conservative culture and way of life that makes the prospects of laying with an Indian bitch next to impossible and strangely worth a fucking try. Well, I know for some of us the closest we've been to these gorgeous bitches is the Bollywood movies, i.e. If you guys have...
Sex Stories SitesLooking for real user submitted amateur Indian girlfriend videos at IndianGFVideos? There are many different porn sites that you can check out and they all have their little niche to them. Now, there are certain themes are more popular than others and it comes as no surprise that the Indian niche is one of the most popular ones on the internet. The reason being is that there are just so many damn Indians out there and you won’t be able to get away from them and their needs when it comes to porn...
Premium Indian Porn SitesI had just moved to Bay Area, California for my new job. I was pretty lonely, so I posted an ad in the personals section of Craigslist. In a few hours, a girl named P. Kaur (withholding her full name) sent me an email. We exchanged a few emails and I sent her my pic and asked for hers. She told me she is from a very conservative family, so she is reluctant to send a pic. She said she would instead meet me at a bar that evening in Dublin.I was a little late for our date, so when I reached the...
Reddit Indian Babes, aka r/IndianBabes! Ah, Indian women are stunning, when they have a throbbing schlong shoved down their love holes until a wave of thick goo splatters all over their face… if you agree, then welcome to a fantastic subreddit dedicated to the hot Indian sluts. Reddit overall is a free website, so you are welcome to browse as much as you want.Have you heard of Reddit?First of all, if you do not know what Reddit is, then you must have been living under a rock because this place...
Reddit NSFW ListThere are loads of gorgeous Indian girls who are in the mood for something naughty, and they all decided to post their naughtiest crap at r/IndianTeens/. I think the subreddit basically explains all that you need to know about what to expect and all that crap. So, there is probably no need for me to actually go balls deep into the description, but that does not mean I cannot give you the gist of it all.Let’s also not forget that this is just one of many subreddits. Reddit is a free website...
Reddit NSFW ListAlessandra feels fond of her freshly found friend, the elderly erotically experienced gyno, whom she frequently visits.Alessandra opens up to him. First foremost in sexual spirit. She would love to meet a tasty teen great girl like herself.Alessandra admits with a big blush she does pleasure herself often, imagining to make love to a lesbian like she feels.Alessandra says she is still a virgin, as she does not dare to insert her own fingers inside her soft silken pretty pussy.Alessandra can not...
Esara was 22 years old at the time and living in the bid city Jhb for 2 years now after moving in with her fiancé Anesh who was 24 and both in love with each other. However, she was introduced to drugs, namely khat, a month back by her white girlfriend Anneline and her husband Jacque who were a 42 and 46 year old married white living in the plush suburb of Sandton after she went home to their flat one evening to stay over from the work function. She remembers in detail how she knelt down on the...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Many years ago, when I still had time and needed a little bit of extra money, I would occasionally give guitar lessons. Now, I'm not the best player in the world, but I was cheap, and I guess the people who hired me thought that for a start, I was good enough. One of my students was Alessandra. She was a perfectly normal girl with a very italian look - relatively short, with long black curly hair around her round face, cute dimples on her cheeks and some pretty full lips. Her parents were as...
When Priya came home from her evening classes that day she sounded quite happy and excited. She told her me that she had made friends with a new girl in her class. Her name was Jenny. Priya said that Jenny was a really sweet girl and they even went to have a coffee. I was really happy for Priya as she had finally found a friend in her class.Priya was like any other typical Indian housewife settled in US. She was incredibly beautiful and sexy lady but just like any Indian wife she was quite...
It was during this bitter struggle to get through the desert that they met their first Navajo war party. They were battling a steep sand hill when they were hit by surprise by a shower of arrows falling on the men wrestling with a heavy wagon as they struggled to push it up the hill. No one was killed, but 3 men were painfully wounded and would be out of action for days. Both mules were injured badly enough that they would have to be put down once the Indians were dealt with. The Indians had...
Abigail retrieved her rifle and went back to check on Abe. He was doing better than Abigail had feared, so she left her rifle with him while she set out after the third Yaqui. She reloaded her pistol before leaving; you never knew when you might need a bullet. The third Yaqui had been a bit more cautious than the others. He had made some half-hearted effort to cover his trail, but Abigail had no trouble following him. He must have been the naturally cautious type because he headed for some...
Indian GemSo I walked into our local newsagent to pick up a copy of my favourite wank mag "Titty Slags". The shop closes at 7:00pm and it was now 6:45pm which is the best time as the shop isn't busy and Mrs. Singh the owner is getting ready to close. I had just picked up my mag and was headed toward the back of the shop to pay when I see a new Indian girl sitting behind the counter. God, she was gorgeous. Wearing typical indian style clothing she had long, silky black hair that I could tell...
Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...
This is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
Hello friends I m Prsashant Sharma from Modinagar. I guy on whom girls are mad. Till now date I have fucked many girls many virgins but today I would like to share story with ,y student Chandni. The hottest girl of my collage .please mail your suggestion on Now coming to the story…. After completing my engineering I decided to work as a teacher in engineering colleges. I got as a lecture appointment in a college in meerut NIT. As a lecturer I preferred to go by bus for my teaching job. The...
The political condition between our country and our neighbors was boiling. Talks of an upcoming invasion filled the air. Our village was situated on the border of the two countries so the villagers were always waiting for any piece of news on the fragile peace between our two countries.I was born to my dad and mom soon after they married. At the time of the story, I was five years old and I had no brothers or sisters. I still remember my parents citing the cause of not having other c***dren to...
The air was knocked out from her lungs for a few seconds as the priest was only the second man in her life to fuck her.“Please stop. I can’t take it anymore” screamed mom.Me and dad heard the priest from outside telling her: “Hold on woman I am fighting with all my force to defeat these demons”Inside the room, the stud began his fucking again as he slammed into mom’s tender vagina, his big black cock filling her completely and stretching her to limits dad could never dreams of reaching.As she...
I did as I said I would. I pulled my blouse out of my skirt, unbuttoned it and let it hang open in front of me. Chandra looked at me like she was still trying to get a handle on what we were doing. "And you'll do anything I say?" Chandra asked. I nodded my head. "O.K., then. Let's try this. Mommy, take off your skirt." Without a word I did as my little Chandra asked. I unzipped my skirt, brought it down and stepped out of it. I stood in front of the bed in my open blouse, deep purple...
Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...