My Incredible Birthday Night Part Two free porn video

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After my husband went to sleep on us, I asked Joan, that’s what she called herself, if she would like a cup of coffee. As we got off the bed she started to put on her clothes and I stooped her, telling her no clothes, no way. I said you put your clothes on and I can’t feel you up whenever I want and she said great, I hate clothes. I led the way out of the room and when we started down the steps Joan started rubbing my ass, saying this is a great idea, no clothes. I loved the way her hands felt on my ass, they were nice, smooth and hot as hell making my pussy get wet again. We got to the kitchen with my cunt dripping, I couldn’t believe how much she turned me on and I wanted to kiss those awesome lips again. I turned around, grabbed her around the waist, pulled her body to mine, kissed her as passionately as any body I had ever kissed in my life and while kissing her I grabbed her little cock with my hand. It was hard again, sticking straight out, begging to be sucked so I went down on my knees, took it into my mouth and still couldn’t believe how much I loved having her tiny prick in my mouth. I grabbed her by the ass, started fucking her prick with my mouth and she went nuts, moaning so loud I thought she would wake my husband up. She started pushing her ass in and out, fucking my mouth so that I didn’t have to move at all and I felt her prick swell up a little just before she shot her hot load into my mouth.

When she came in my mouth, my cunt erupted with my pussy juice running down the crack of my ass, a feeling I loved, but not the best part. The best part was having her hot so I could savor it before swallowing her nectar of the Gods. When I got to my feet, I said it’s a shame I couldn’t make her cum multi times like a real woman and she said, my God, you really love sucking my cock don’t you. I said, you have no idea how much I love your prick, I can take the whole thing in my mouth with ease, I can play with it with one hand and play with your tits with the other hand and your cum tastes so good it makes my pussy cream. She said I’ve been looking for you all my life, everybody, men and women always make fun of it size but now I’m so happy that it’s so small but I would like to fuck your pussy at least once. I said, honey you can any time you want as long as you fuck me up the ass with it too once in a while and she looked down at her cock, which was hard as a tiny rock again. She said just the thought of fucking your pussy makes me hard so I grabbed her by the cock and took her into the living room so I could lay on the couch. I laid down on the couch, spread my legs and said, come on darling, fuck your mama’s hot pussy. She got on top of me, slid her little prick into my pussy and started pumping like crazy. I could hardly feel it at first as I was used to my husbands fat cock but after a minute I could feel it sliding in and out of my cunt.

It was a nice feeling and then she started kissing me while she was pumping for all she was worth. As soon as she put her lips on mine, my cunt went into over-drive; I wrapped my legs around her and started to move my ass around. I wasn’t sure if my pussy would be tight enough for her but then I realized that the way she was pounding my pussy, she was enjoying the hell out of her self. I was a little surprised she could get my cunt so hot with that pint sized prick but I started to convulse, shooting my hot cream all over her cock also making it run down the crack my ass. I said to her, you made me cum you cunt lapping little bitch, you made me cum and then I came again. Just as I calmed down a little, she shot her load off in my pussy, which made my pussy contract right around her little cock and I think she almost passed out. She was lying on top of me breathing hard but squeezing my tits and I thought it was nice feeling her cum in my cunt but I would have rather had it in my mouth. I knew then I was addicted to this little prick/cunt and I wasn’t going to live my life without her. I rolled her over on her side so we facing each other, kissed her with all the passion I had in me and said, sweetheart, you are going to spend the rest of your life with me. She looked at me, said what, I said I can’t live without your cock so get used to the idea because you are moving in here with us. She said well if that’s the case I can do this when ever I want then, got up, turned me on my back, spread my legs apart and got between them sucking on my pussy. She could really eat pussy because I was in foaming at the mouth, panting, gasping for air and I know my pussy was on fire because I swear flames were coming out of it.

I couldn’t believe my husband didn’t wake up because Joan told me I was screaming and she had to cover my mouth with her hand. All I know is that the only feeling I had was in my pussy and I was in that special place when my cunt erupted making me pass out for a minute or so. When I recovered my senses, Joan was sitting between my legs, rubbing my tits and smiling like hell. She helped me to my feet, kissed me, said do you want me to carry you into the kitchen and did your pussy enjoy being sucked off? I said if you keep doing that, you are going to kill me, but what a wonderful fucking way to die. I made coffee, poured out two cups, put them on the table next to each other, pulled a chair out and told Joan to come sit on my lap so we could talk, she got, came over, sat down on my lap and said what do you want to talk about? I took a sip of coffee, put the cup down, put my hand on her cock and said I don’t care; I just love holding your cock. She said, you my love are insatiable and I am going to love living here but what about your husband. I said, like I said before, you give him a blow job every morning, I’ll let him fuck when he wants, we both make a big fuss over him and he will be good to go. She said you know I’m not really sold on him fucking me up the ass given the size of his prick and I said don’t worry I’ll keep him away from your hot little ass. She asked where she was sleeping, I said with us, it’s a king sized bed and I wanted to feel her hot body touching mine. We went up to bed feeling each other up all the way.

When I woke the next morning my husband was still asleep but Joan was starting to wake up so I helped her along by kissing her neck, ear and playing with her cock. She came awake fast then and tried to pull me onto her but I said no way, we have to take care of my husband. I guess our talking woke him, so I had Joan get between his legs and put his prick in her mouth before he was fully awake. When she started sucking his cock his eyes opened real wide so I got next to him and started playing with his balls. His eyes shut again, he started moaning a real low moan and then said, oh God, suck me, suck me and then he went rigid. Joan had almost all of his cock in her mouth, her head bobbing up and down on it and I knew my husband was enjoying the hell out of this blowjob. Then I saw Joan sucking like mad and I knew my husband had shot his load in her mouth because it was dripping out the sides of Joan’s mouth. When he opened his eyes, I asked him, how was that honey, did you enjoy Joan’s mouth sucking your cock. He gave me a look and I knew I had him because there was nothing he loved more then a blowjob in the morning and this time he was able to blow his load in her mouth. I said we are keeping her you know, he said do I get that every morning and I said that’s the deal honey, now get cleaned up while I make breakfast. While I was cooking breakfast, my husband came up behind me, put his arms around me and said, Honey I would really like to play golf today.

I usually didn’t like him playing on Saturday but when opportunity knocks, go for it, so I said fine honey, play 36 hole if you like. He looked at, said really and I said it’s still my birthday weekend, so enjoy. He couldn’t eat fast enough; he almost shoveled the whole plate into his mouth. Joan had put one of my husbands tee shirts on while eating and when we were finished I made her stand up so I could take it off of her. I had never put anything on and Joan said she was salivating while eating breakfast and looking at me. I rubbed her prick to make sure it was hard, said to her, I have this urge to get fucked in the ass and bent over right there. She asked if she should put oil on her prick and I said no; just shove it up my ass hole. She got behind me, wet her cock with her spit, put it against my ass hole and shoved it right up there. I almost came the feeling was so overwhelming, I think I whimpered because Joan asked me if it hurt and I said God no, it felt wonderful. She had hold of my hips to help hold me up, started pumping my ass like it was a pussy and I started stroking my cunt, What a feeling, having my ass being so well fucked, my pussy being stroked and I found out that this way I really liked finger fucking my own cunt. It didn’t take long before my pussy juice was pouring out of my cunt, but happily for me, Joan showed no sign of cumming yet. I started stroking my pussy again in time to the ass fucking I was getting and that feeling started welling up in my pussy again. Cum shot out of me like I was putting out a fire and I know I was screaming all kinds of things but I have no idea what as I was in a “fucking” trance. 

Joan kept pounding my hot little ass hole, her body bouncing off of mine and before I knew it I was cumming again. This one was so strong; Joan had to hold me up until my pussy finished shooting cum juice and I could stand again. When I got my legs back, Joan started pounding my ass hole again, making my pussy start to boil over again. Just as I reached the point of cumming again, I felt her little cock swell up in my ass hole and just as I came, she shot a red-hot load into my ass hole. Between my pussy juices exploding all over the place and Joan filling my ass with her hot cum I went into “fuck” shock and collapsed onto the floor. I was lying on the floor with Joan on top of me, both of us panting like two fucked out dogs and I told Joan, I had never cum that many times in my life before and she said wait my little cum slut, we are not finished yet. With that, she turned me over, spread my legs apart and got down between them. I said, God Joan I don’t think I can take any more but she said, yes you can my sweet cunt and started tongue fucking my pussy. She then started sucking on my clit while she stuck two fingers in my pussy and was moving her fingers all over the inside of my cunt. She knew she found it when my ass came up off the ground and she started finger fucking me in earnest. I think I went into convulsions as that incredible feeling of getting your clit suck on and the G spot in your pussy being touched came over me. My pussy exploded and I blacked out because went I came to; I was on the couch with Joan holding me. I smiled at her and said, sweetheart that was the most incredible feeling I ever had in my life. 

She smiled at me, said I’m glad because we are going to do that again, especially the ass fucking part because I really enjoyed the hell out of that, you were so hot it was the best fuck I ever had. I said did you like it better then me giving you a hot blowjob, and she said, I said it was the best fuck I ever had, nothing compares to your blowjobs. I said you fucked me out, I need a nap and she said that’s a shame because you make me so hot I’m hard again. I looked at her stiff little cock and said, no problem, I can still handle that for you so sit on my face and don’t move. She mounted my face; I took the thing I had come to love most in the world into my mouth and started sucking and licking that magnificent little cock. When I sucked on it while rubbing my tongue on the underside of her cock she would go wild but I backed off just before she was going to come. I did this a couple of times to see how much she could take before she came and she would call me names every time making me hot as hell. She called me a cock sucking little cunt. A fucking cunt lapper, pussy eater, cum sucker and a fucking prick licking tease every time I did it. I loved hearing her talk to me like that and I couldn’t believe my pussy was on fire again. I reached between my legs, started fingering my pussy and sucked the hell out of her cock. Her little prick swelled up in my mouth and cum shot out of it coating the whole inside of my mouth and right after she came, I came again while keeping all of her cum in my mouth. 

I just loved having her cum in my mouth and I kept it in my mouth, swirling it around with my tongue for a couple of minutes before I swallowed it. Joan was still sitting on top of me with her cock on my chin and she said you can’t believe how happy I am that you own me now. With that she rolled off of me snuggled up next to me and we both went right to sleep. We slept for a couple of hours when I woke up feeling something touching my pussy and when I opened my eyes it was Joan of course with my legs spread wide checking out my pussy. She spread the lips apart, opening them wide so she could get a good look and then she put a finger from each hand into my cunt hole and opened it up. I figured she was enjoying her self so what the hell and just lay there, letting her do what ever she wanted. She was really getting off on my pussy so I asked her if my pussy was the first one she ever got personal with. She jumped a little, saying I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I was just looking. I said, I could see you were just looking but that doesn’t answer my question. She said, yes your pussy is the first one I ever really got to look at, I only have had three other pussies that I’ve eaten and that was in the dark so I really couldn’t see anything. I said look away honey, this pussy is now all yours now so you can eat it suck it, fuck it, play with it or stare at it, whatever makes you happy. She said, thank you, because I really like eating your pussy, especially when you cum in my mouth.

She went back to checking out my pussy and I said, when you are finished let me know and I’ll make us lunch. While I was making our sandwiches, she got behind me, holding my tits and kissing my neck and right ear. I told her I loved feeling her body next to mine while she was using her hands as a bra to hold my tits. I said my husband used to do that when we were first married but stopped a while ago. She said she would do that as long as I let her and I said she was going to be doing that forever then. I said when you are done feeling me up, we’ll eat and then go get your clothes and stuff. She said it’s your turn to sit on my lap, so I got on her lap, rubbed my ass on her cock and settled in. She was taking a bite of sandwich, sucking my tit, taking another bite, sucking my tit, take a bite, rub my pussy, so I said you better stop, you are making me fucking hot again. She said, I hope so, I want to fuck your pussy again before we go, so you eat, I’ll play. When I finished eating I said, well I’m done and my poor little pussy is soaking wet and really fucking hot. We went upstairs to the bedroom and she said I want you on the end of the bed so I can really pound your sweet cunt. I got on the end of the bed with my legs spread wide open and she got between them and drove that little cock home. I didn’t care how small her cock was, I loved having her fuck me and she could still make me cum using her pint sized prick. Even better, the whole thing fit into my mouth like a lollipop and I could suck on her whole prick to my hearts content. I looked at her fucking my cunt like a mad person, pounding her body against mine and I was so happy I would have done anything she wanted.

I could tell she was getting ready to cum, so I said to her, don’t you cum in my cunt you little fuck, I want it all in my mouth. She had her eyes closed while pumping away on my pussy and said I can’t hold it any longer and shot a load into my cunt. I was surprised at how hot it was in my cunt and how good it felt inside me so I just enjoyed it with out saying anything. When she pulled out of me I said lick my cunt clean bitch because I didn’t cum yet and I’m going to cum in your mouth. Then I thought better of it and said, no lick your cum out of my cunt and put it in my mouth my little cunt lapper. She got right between my legs, stuck her tongue in my pussy, rolled it around and then put it in my mouth. She had gotten some of her cum on her tongue and I sucked it right off like it was desert. I said to her, I’m I a good piece of ass or what, she said, you’re the best piece of ass in the world my love and the best fuck ever. I said we got to go get your stuff now because when my husband comes home you two are going to make a sandwich out of me. She looked at me, said a sandwich and I said yes a sandwich, he’s going to fuck my pussy and your going to fuck me up the ass, now let’s go.

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Happy Birthday 8211 Part II

Hi this is Renu back with another experience, this happened on my birthday. I got lot of replies from you guys for my first story thank you a lot for your response and I hope I will get the same for this story too. I had a boy friend when I was doing my college. I enjoyed my college life with him, as good lovers we roamed all over the city and all naughty things like kissing. But this was how I gave me to him. That was my birthday so he called me for shopping with me. So I went to his room. My...

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The Neighbours Birthday party 2

It had been a very long dull week after Mrs Chester birthday party, all I could think about was how amazing it had been, and how great it was to fuck my old English teacher right in front of everyone, and eagerly waited for the next party, Mrs Tulley's.Now Mrs Tulley was a petite redheaded Milf around the same age as my mother, but who had two k**s younger than me, but still looked fairly young for her age, and kept her self fit by going running every other day as well, and I really wanted to...

4 years ago
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My BirthdayI was wearing a pair of cut off shorts with a shirt. Then Jill said “let me take your clothes off”. She pretended to have trouble preceding. So she got a 3” switch blade and with it's assistance my clothes fell off. After her work was done she said “Ahhh that's better. You can breath again”. As she looks at my equipment as if for the first time. Then she took my hand and slowly her sheer robe fell on the floor. Then we went into the living room. Where we sat nude relaxing in front of...

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My birthday present to my husband part 1

I never have any idea of what to get my husband for his birthday, he has everything, until for his last birthday I had a brilliant idea.On birthday morning I gave him two envelopes, one with a birthday card, the other with a hand written note - the note said:"Happy Birthday Darling - my present to you is the promise that I will do whatever you wish on TWO occasions during the next month - absolutely anything, anyplace, but they must take place before the end of the month " - All My Love Shirl...

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Lucky StiffChapter 44 Seventeenth Birthday Part 2

When you hold my hand, I understand The magic that you do, You're my dream come true, My one And only you, --Only You (The Platters / Ringo Starr) Kristen noted that I was no longer very cheerful on the ride home. It was obvious that my mood changed after I talked with Sherry. Kristen knew Sherry's problem, and I think she understood my mood. Despite the fact that I decided that I was going to take charge of my life, it was evident that there were still some problems caused by the...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 9 Happy Birthday

When you are a teenager looking forward to your birthday, two weeks is an eternity. When you are planning someone else's birthday, two weeks is but a moment. Time has a habit of speeding up when you have a lot to do. That was the case for Grace and me. We had some extensive plans to make in a hurry. I guess the hardest part was not letting Kim discover what was going on. We intended to make her day a big surprise. Our first task was to get Kim to make up her guest list. I told her that she...

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A Very Happy Birthday Straight Practice part 2

It had been seven months since I fucked Angie, my (mostly) lesbian roommate. It happened when Angie, to everyone's surprise (including her own), became attracted to a guy at her gym. Not wanting to scare the guy off by being totally inept in bed, she asked to practice straight sex on me first. Being the nice guy I am, I agreed to teach her. As it turned out, she was a natural! Okay, when you summarize it like that, it sounds pretty unbelievable, I know. But it really did happen, I swear. I...

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A Very Special Birthday Present Part 1

A Very Special Birthday Present - by: Jennifer Allison My Birthday - Part 1 Today is my thirteenth birthday. My Aunt Ida and cousin John came over to help me celebrate. "Hey Dean," my mom yelled upstairs. "Your Aunt Ida and your cousin John have been here for ten minutes and you still haven't come down to say, Hi." "I'll be down in a minute. I have to finish this chess game I am playing on the Internet." If I hadn't been on a twelve game winning streak I would have...

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A Billionaires LifeChapter 5 The Birthday Party

AUGUST "Mr. Kwong, we should be landing in three minutes." The helicopter cabin went silent as the pilot clicked off and I glanced out the window to see Shea Stadium and the Tennis Center go by. I sighed. "Sometimes it feels like I'm barely working, and yet I really want this vacation." I shook my head for a moment. Just a week ago, I'd been in Tokyo seeing the sights with Cassandra by my side. But despite the good food and exotic little excursions, that hadn't really felt like a...

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Surprise Birthday Party

Introduction: Kinda gettin hooked on this writting thing let me know what you think of this one and if you like it read my other stuff and let me know too. Still trying to find my voice but I definitely write some messed up stuff so I hope you appreciate a good Dark Fantasy. My names Brad and Im here to tell you about my sixteenth birthday. My family had planned a surprise party for me but they had no idea that I had my own surprise planned for them. But before I start Ill tell you a bit about...

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Surprise Birthday Party

Introduction: Kinda gettin hooked on this writting thing let me know what you think of this one and if you like it read my other stuff and let me know too. Still trying to find my voice but I definitely write some messed up stuff so I hope you appreciate a good Dark Fantasy. My names Brad and Im here to tell you about my sixteenth birthday. My family had planned a surprise party for me but they had no idea that I had my own surprise planned for them. But before I start Ill tell you a bit about...

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A Suprise birthday party

One week following the destruction of Sorceress Ultimecia and the world being returned to normalcy, Zell, Irvine, Selphie and the pigtail girl were sitting around an early morning coffee shop table, when Rinoa walked in. “Whoa” Irvine exclaimed surprised, “What’s Rinoa doing here so early?” Selphie said, “It’s her birthday, stupid.” Selphie had continued to be highly upset over Irvine’s behavior at the Garden celebration party after they had returned from time compression. Selphie continued,...

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My birthday party five girls and one guy

This story is about what happened when I teamed up with four of my closest girl friends to have fun on my birthday. Centre of attraction was my slightly soppy but amazingly well hung neighbour, Greg. The idea for my naughty party began on the Saturday before my birthday when I was sitting at home with Laura, discussing how we should celebrate my 22nd. “Are we having drinks out or a party or what?” I said, between mouthfuls of coffee. “How about we do something here on the day and a piss up at...

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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 5 The Birthday Party

They say it's your birthday It's my birthday too, yeah They say it's your birthday We're gonna have a good time I'm glad it's your birthday Happy birthday to you —The Beatles, "Birthday" (used without permission) The rest of June seemed to last forever. With few exceptions, each day was a repeat of the last. The gang stopped by once or twice each week, but only on their way to other places. Sometimes they were going fishing, sometimes to the mall, but usually they were going to...

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The Neighbours birthday party

We live next door to the Chesters, and have done since I was young, and Mr and Mrs Chester are an older mature couple who are almost retired, Mr Chester works at the local car factory, and Mrs Chester is a teacher at my school.Now when it comes to birthdays Mr and Mrs Chester always throw a big bash and invite all the neighbours and their friends around, and reluctantly I've always been dragged along by my parents to attend, but as I got older I didn't have to stay all night and usually...

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College Sex Chronicles II 19th Birthday Party Ga

Part 2 - My 19th birthday "party"! For my 19th birthday, near the beginning of my sophomore year at college, my fuck buddy Randy decided to throw a party for me. He told me in advance that it wasn't going to be a traditional birthday party, and requested I dress as sexily as possible. So I put on a black satin corset that exposed my breasts, laced up the front, my breasts heaving out of it. It contrasted greatly with my pale skin. My pussy was shaved bald, my belly flat, my nipples hard. I...

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Mothers Birthday Present Part II

Mother's Birthday Present, Part II By Bobbi Gold Author's Note: I would like to thank everyone for their kind reviews. When someone takes the time to write something and post it here, it is really nice to then read that people have read and enjoyed what you wrote! Some readers suggested that I take my true story and continue it, but more with my imagination. I decided to try that here. So my story continues, but this time from my mother's point of view. Of course, this is...

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Perfect Birthday PresentPart 2 Saturday

I awoke just after 6 a little stiff from sleeping on the floor. I had apparently been dreaming or the after-effects of the Viagra were still potent. I had a good erection. I rose quietly so as not to disturb Mistress and crept to the guest bath where, as instructed, I shaved and showered. I went naked to the kitchen and prepared Mistress' breakfast of Coffee, OJ and a toasted bagel with cream cheese. I felt very sensual moving around the kitchen while naked and sporting an aroused cock. I...

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Abby Abbyrsquos Birthday Part 2

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby’s Birthday Part 2(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is the sequel to Abby’s Birthday, right after Abby’s daddy had fun with her in her room.[SEXY COMMENTS are HIGHLY APPRECIATED] “Where are you going?” asked Jim while sitting on the sofa, watching TV. “I’m going over to Abby’s to get some…… Ugh……, Ugh……, Ugh……,” said Jeff while arching his butt forward and backward thrice, imitating that he’s fucking a pussy. “Hmmm……, Didn’t you just finished...

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Sissy dannis birthday party

My last "true life" story was about how I became Heidi's sissy crossdresser "Danni" - I only explained the initial experience of Heidi coming home to find me in one of her dresses - followed by spankings, punishment and eventually getting pegged by her wearing a strapon. Of course there is MUCH more to what happened next (like being taken out in public and going shopping, to hair salons, etc...), but I'd like to for now jump ahead to what happened to me on my 19th birthday. By then I...

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Birthday Celebrations Part 2

I couldn’t sleep the entire night and so very wished I didn’t do what I did but I couldn’t help what had already been done. Thought in the morning will definitely apologize and accept any punishment she dishes out even if it meant not to have any communication with her. I woke up early at around 6 AM and went to her flat to find that it was already locked, I was little apprehensive as she never used to leave this early, was worried if she took some wrong steps because of my mistake. I tried...

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Birthday Gift 8211 To Her Or To Me 8211 Part 2

Quick recap (I still strongly recommend to read the Part1): I (Imran) and my closest friend Shabuddin (Shabu) planned to fuck the brains out of my long term chat friend Meghna (Megi / Megs), on her 22nd birthday. She has the curves that even a man of 60’s could die for. I’m a recent pass out of a prestigious Engineering college and got a campus job in an MNC, with a great salary. Shabu is my classmate and childhood friend, who is also working in an MNC. We stay in Mysore and my would be bitch,...

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21st Surprise Birthday Party

I considered myself lucky that when I moved into my first apartment I found a roommate who also wanted to be my fuck buddy. That itself is a topic for another story, but I will say that from the time we moved in together we had great sex. Every night before going to sleep Jim (my roommate) would fuck me and deposit a thick load in my ass then every morning he'd give me a good morning fuck and some times he'd bend me over in the shower. Let's just say I was quite content with the amount of sex I...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 27 Rons Happy Birthday Part Two Afternoon Delight

Chapter Twenty-Seven – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Two – Afternoon Delight Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, magic, spank, unif Ronald Weasley had just had an exceptional dream; in it, Hermione had come to his bed in her slutty school uniform, tight floral panties and an extremely horny demeanor. His dream was so vivid, so life-like, that...

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Happy Birthday Dear Wampyr Part I

Happy Birthday, Dear Wampyr... (Part I) The Dark Lord Stefan celebrates Her birthday..."369, The Goose Drank Wine, The Monkey Chewed Tobacco On The Streetcar line..."It was her birthday. The Dark Lord rose, the old rhyme humming in his head as he scented her upon the night air. The scent of her yes, but also the smells as she prepared herself to allow him to take her into the night in celebration. The Almond Butter she used to dress her curls, the ancient Florentine perfume she still favored...

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16th Birthday CUM Party

Though I will be 16 years old am still little in body type, but then again big in other areas for being a boy, my jelly Bubble Butt, (BB), evil smile, just the way I like it, am such a sissy bitch, hehehe, on the day of my 16th. Birthday something strange happen that I should had been more aware and paid more attention too, MY SURROUNDINGS, which cost me to get rape by 5 clowns, but thats just getting ahead of this story, thats for the next story, it’s very late in the afternoon, am still...

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16th Birthday CUM Party

Though I will be 16 years old am still little in body type, but then again big in other areas for being a boy, my jelly Bubble Butt, (BB), evil smile, just the way I like it, am such a sissy bitch, hehehe, on the day of my 16th. Birthday something strange happen that I should had been more aware and paid more attention too, MY SURROUNDINGS, which cost me to get **** by 5 clowns, but thats just getting ahead of this story, thats for the next story, it’s very late in the afternoon, am still on my...

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The Neighbours Birthday party P4

On Friday night, my mother, dressed in a tight little blue dress and matching heels, my father, dressed in a shirt and trousers, and me dressed the same, were strolling down the road to the Dawson's house.It was Mrs Dawson's birthday, and my mother said it was going to be a pretty good event, one we should not miss!So, after a short walk, we knocked on the door of Mrs Dawson's home, and were invited in to a very nice posh looking house, full of nice wooden furniture and expensive ornaments.Mr...

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My Birthday Present Part 3

I dove into the pool, naked, to join Jewel and José. The water felt cool and refreshing. I took a quick lap, passing my step-daughter and her brother-in-law as they played grab-ass together. Their laughter was muffled a bit by the water coursing by my ears as I swam the length of the pool. When I touched the far wall I held on to the side and looked back at them. Jewel and José were in the shallow end and Jewel had her arms wrapped around José’s neck. They were locked in a passionate kiss....

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DeAnns Birthday Trip Part Two

DeAnn's Birthday Trip Part TwoSo I was all packed and waiting for the Limo to arrive. Finally it did. A white stretch Limo carrying my closest girlfriends inside.Mark carried my luggage out to the Limo and the driver opened the trunk and put my stuff inside. Turns out the driver was also the stewardess on the private flight. A beautiful Asian lady named Joey who was there to do anything needed to insure I had a memorible trip. She was dressed in a dark blazer and a cute little red hat and...

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A Very Fun Birthday Night

It was Marla’s birthday a some years ago, and we embarked out on our usual dinner ritual with our friends, another couple. We’d go out the weekend before, or after, for each of our birthdays. This particular year the four of us went out on a Saturday night, and we were feeling like stirring things up a little for a change. We all called it our "night out away from the kids," so to speak. This particular time it was, as I’d said, Marla’s birthday, hence the story below. On this occasion we all...

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Pleasures In The Prison 8211 Part 4 The Queen8217s Birthday

Thank you guys for your appreciation of my stories. Some of you have asked me to continue this stream, so I continue with the next part. To give a brief context of the story up till now. This story goes back to 200 years where kings and queens ruled the provinces. I was a traveler passing through a province ruled by a queen and used to hate men. I committed a crime and was landed in prison. The prison had a different set of rules and different types of punishment. It was...

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