pokerfun birthday surprise
- 4 years ago
- 32
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It was Marla’s birthday a some years ago, and we embarked out on our usual dinner ritual with our friends, another couple. We’d go out the weekend before, or after, for each of our birthdays. This particular year the four of us went out on a Saturday night, and we were feeling like stirring things up a little for a change. We all called it our "night out away from the kids," so to speak. This particular time it was, as I’d said, Marla’s birthday, hence the story below.
On this occasion we all planned to go out to dinner, then afterwards to a club for some dancing. The other couple was Angie and Cosmo. They were quite the opposite of each other in most ways, sexually as well. Cosmo was basically a laid back kind of guy. He was very nice, but definitely Angie’s polar opposite; sexually he was way too vanilla for anyone’s taste. Cosmo is a stocky guy, a little graying up top, but average looking. Now Angie, she is a very pretty Colombian woman. Pretty isn’t a good word; she’s spicy. She has jet-black hair that’s medium length, a very nice body, and this incredible sexy Spanish accent. And to top it off, she, too, likes to dress sexy. She is taller than the typical South American girl, and has these piercing dark eyes. She also has a tremendous sexual appetite that was apparently being stifled with Cosmo. From our other stories you might know that Marla is very sexual, and has that sultry, get anything she wants, look about her. Angie has a similar way about her, but hasn’t learned how to use it. She’s much more tentative and unsure of herself, but she does have a very active sexual imagination. Cosmo, on the other hand, is pretty bland sexually, not at all overt, and provides no sexual tension when he’s around. Angie once told Marla " He’s a great woman satisfier. He is the best lover ever", then she’d add with a grin, "If you ask him."
There was no denying that she loved him very much, but he wasn't satisfying her sexually, at all. He was the typical horny guy, but didn’t go much past the missionary position and letting her performing oral on him. Many times she would find herself confiding in Marla about things she’d wished he’d do for/to her. She once mentioned to her that he wouldn’t even masturbate for her, something she’d really wanted him to do, very badly in fact. And forget about him performing oral on her, it’s never happened (too bad she doesn’t know what she’s missing).
Before that night, I knew very little about the sexual talks Marla and Angie had. About 4 months prior to this night, Marla and Angie were at Angie’s house without all the kids. I was watching them because the ladies wanted a break and Cosmo was in China on business. So they’d had some wine, did some talking, watched some Ricky Martin videos, and before you knew it Angela produced a porno that she’d had hidden from Cosmo. They both watched it, and things began to get sexual. I won’t go into what happened, but let’s say, yes, probably everything you’re thinking happened.
But after that night, Angie seemed to be in denial, and decided it didn’t really happen. She took the stance that It was all a good dream. She wouldn’t even talk about that night with Marla. Sure, it was classic denial, but Marla didn’t bring it up again. It’s too bad, because I would have loved to have been a part of round two and seen the two of them together. I think it was something that Angie didn’t want to admit to herself that she loved and hungered for, but I’m convinced she’s dying for it again. And, hearing what happened from Marla, and knowing the sexual the animal she can be, I guess it was a mind-blowing experience for Angie. Total satisfaction kind of screwed with her head. But what actually happened is for Marla to tell. (E-mail’s to her might help convince her to spend some time writing about that bisexual experience). And the last reason I know Angie wanted her night with Marla kept a secret was she was sure Cosmo would leave her if he knew. Not because of the cheating aspect, but because he thought that bisexuality was disgusting for a woman. I know, I know, as crazy as that sounds, guys; he finds it very unattractive, the thought of two women together. Personally, I know he’s fucking crazy because I’ve never heard of a guy thinking that way. And I guess that’s the main reason that Angie didn’t want to talk about it, ever again.
So anyway…………………………….back to this story.
Our relationship with this couple had always had sexual overtones, but never anything too visually overt, especially when Cosmo was around. Even though, like I said, Marla and Angie were together sexually; there was no denying that Angie was very attracted to Marla, and vice versa. They would dress sexy when they knew they’d see each other, and there was a lot of sexual energy when they were both in the same room. Just seeing the way they both acted around each other was very fun to watch. Marla always purposely dressed a little revealing when we’d all go out, for me, but also for Angie, and even to tease Cosmo. She'd try to push Angie to the limit, with affectionate touches and innuendo, more so after that night they were together.
That night we picked up Cosmo and Angie at their house and went out. Both girls were dressed to kill, using just the right combo of class and trash. They were both very appetizingly sexy that night. Both were in skirts, my favorite (SEE OUR OTHER STORIES). Marla had on a black silk top, semi-sheer, and a black leather skirt that was just a tad longer than a mini. It was July, so she had a killer tan, with tan lines. To me, there’s nothing sexier than a nice tan and milky white skin where the sun can’t hit. That looked really hot with her outfit, no panties, no bra and no stockings, but a nice pair of heels on. Angie had on a skirt as well. Hers went to at least her knee, looked a bit long for summer, and she wore a light turtleneck shirt, again a bit warm for summer.
Angie was also tan, you know that all over Latin kind of tan, and she looked very nice as well. Cosmo and I were wearing slacks and button up shirts. I don’t wear underwear, and have no clue or care what Cosmo wore underneath. We went to an exclusive little Italian restaurant near our home. I was very friendly with the owner, in fact at that time I’d been talking about getting a piece of the business, so the owner did his best to impress that night. We got "our" table near the back of the room, and we ordered some drinks and just chatted away. The one thing that this couple doesn’t really do is drink. But, that night they decided to have a few drinks during dinner while we all talked and had a relatively good time. As Marla drank her wine, I could see her stealing glances at Angie. I could feel her toes cross my leg as she reached out to touch Angie with her foot. I just knew there was some under the table footsie going on, I knew this night would be fun. Cosmo caught none of this. Just the look Marla was giving Angie had me rock hard, and as the night progressed it turned more and more sexual. Angie seemed to be receiving it well, and was even giving some of it back too. Dinner went well, and fairly fast. After dinner we had a few more drinks at the bar and the girls had to go to the bathroom.
That just killed me cause I knew how Marla would be to Angie there cause it was a very small bathroom. It drives me crazy to know they’re fooling around in the bathroom, but I loved it. I wish I’d had a video camera in there. I knew she’d have her sexuality on full bore in there. Later she would tell me of how she pushed Angie against the wall, kissed her on the lips, slowly parted her lips with her tongue, all the while pressing up against her as her hands roamed over Angie’s body.
Angie moaning, “No Marla,” as her tongue pushed deeper into Marla’s mouth.
Yes, Angie responded very well to the kiss she put her arms around Marla and drew her closer. As Marla’s hands roamed Angie’s body she found her crotch and Angie slumped a bit and opened her legs to allow Marla's hand to access her wetness. (You know guys; it’s so wonderful what a few glasses of wine does to women). Then Marla took Angie’s hand to feel how wet her neatly trimmed perfect pussy was and Angie’s fingers found the mark immediately. Her hand started to make semi circles and their mouths fused together as one. Then all of a sudden they heard the first of the double doors open signifying someone coming in the women's bathroom. They both immediately stopped, both turning toward the mirrors to mess with their hair just as two woman entered the bathroom not knowing the hot time these two just shared. They stole one more quick kiss and Marla took Angie’s hand and gently took her two fingers, the one’s Angie had just had pushed inside her and gently and as sexy as she could put them in Angie’s mouth and said, “I want you to know how I taste,” as the pair exited the bathroom. Angie on cloud nine.
When they came back we already had the tab paid, and I just knew that something had happened in the bathroom. I saw it in their flushed faces, and heard it in the giggles, but kept it to myself. What else could I do? We all headed for my car and talked about where to go dancing. Despite Cosmo’s complaining about the choice that was made, the girls where very happy. As we all got in the car, I’d heard Angie talking about giving Marla her birthday gift. We always exchange a little gift with them, never anything of any real value, but never anything suggestive or sexual.
I was driving my new Chrysler LHS four door sedan, Cosmo in the passenger seat, and the girls behind their own hubby.
I heard Angie say to Marla, "Here is your present." I looked at Cosmo, and he shrugged his shoulders like he has no clue what the gift is. And I heard Angie say that she had picked this out for Marla especially. Angie said that she had even tried it on, as well, to see how it looked. As Marla got it open, she gave me a quick glance in the rear view mirror, then held it up.
Marla put the gift, a very skimpy, see through thong from Victoria Secret, to her nose and deeply inhaled and said, "Mmmmm, you did try these on, I’d know your sweet smell anywhere." Cosmo gave me a look like, what the fuck did that mean? I just ignored it and then I said they looked very nice but that she should try them on to be sure they fit, of course. Marla said, "That’s a good idea," but asked me to pull over so she could. I left the car interior light on so she could see what she was doing. Angie reached over and helped hold Marla’s skirt while she tried to get them on.
Cosmo said to me, "How’d she get her panties off so quick?"
"Sometimes she doesn’t wear them in the summer, it’s a nice shaved look, huh?" I answered.
I heard him mumble, "My God."
She first pulled up her skirt, and then extended one leg toward Cosmo and proceeded to put them. Cosmo was getting a perfect view of her almost totally shaved perfect pussy. His eyes almost bugged out like he’d seen a ghost when Marla spread her legs, and he really saw her whole pussy, not just the little hair at the top.
He again said "Oh My God", but didn’t break eye contact with her pussy once. He just kept staring at her pretending to have a difficult time getting them on.
Angie didn’t see her husband looking; she’d have been mad if she did, but she was way too busy looking and helping Marla, herself.
When Marla got them up and on, she said, "Oh they feel so soft. Go ahead," she said to Angie, "Touch them," and Angie did what she was told, but kept her touch as un-suggestive as she could.
Angie whispered something in Marla’s ear that I later found out was, "You’re really very wet down there." I’m glad I didn’t know that, because I’d have lost it right then and there. During their time together Angie hadn’t gone down on Marla, but she’d played with her with her hand. I could see now she regretted that while she stared. Angie knew that Marla liked to go with out panties at times, and the present was a little joke between them, one that Cosmo wouldn’t ever understand or ever know any more of.
Then Angie said, "Happy Birthday" and gave Marla a big hug and a kiss and stayed in Marla’s arms. I turned the light off and drove, a little slower than normal, too. We pulled into the place we were going, it was a local hotel that had a nightclub and it was Latin night for dancing, something that Marla and Angie would simply love. We went in and the place was packed. I ordered our drinks, and the women were already on the floor, dancing together.
Cosmo was at the table waiting for me, and I jokingly said, "Thanks for waiting dude, but let’s get out there before someone steals our girls."
He said, "No thanks," and motioned for me to go on without him. At first I thought he was kidding because he was looking at the same thing I was, Marla and Angie were dancing pretty close and grinding a bit out there. He said, "Nah, I don’t feel all that great."
Off I went to have fun. I was dancing with them both like it was my last day on the planet. We had a fun few dances, and then went back to the table. I could see there was some tension between Angie and Cosmo; Angie excused herself to go to the bathroom and Cosmo followed. About 10 minutes later Comso came to me on the dance floor and asked if I could drive him home. I asked if all was ok, he said it was, so I said, "Sure, just let me pay the bill, and we can go.
He said no, the girls should stay; it was just he wanted to go home. I was said, "No, come on, you want me to stay with two horny girls???"
He said he was tired and wanted to go home and at that point didn’t care. So I said, “Ok let’s roll”.
Although it was about 10 minutes there and back I think it took about 8 minutes total, I wanted to get back to the ladies so badly. I got back in record time to find Marla and Angie again dancing together, but this time they had about six guys around them, all vying for some kind of a position in front of them. When they saw me they both grabbed me and wrapped their arms around me. As the six other guys looked on wondering who the hell I was, I just knew the next few hours had to be a lot of fun. We all danced grinding away, touching very suggestively, until all the other guys went away. It seemed the girls really enjoyed making the other guys jealous, the were rubbing their behinds all over my crotch and spinning around, Marla’s skirt going high enough for all the guys around to see she had her birthday thong on, Angie and I already knew that. As Marla suggestively rubbed her ass on my crotch her hands reached around and stroked my cock a little. Then she switched with Angie and pushed her butt into my very hard cock, Angie spun around and for a split second had that, fuck me right here look in her eyes. The song ended and I took them off the floor so that they could cool down with a new drink, and I asked Angie if all was ok with Cosmo and she said something in Spanish that amounted to party pooper. Angie said that they’d been fighting, and it was better that he went home, because he'd been acting like a bump on a log anyway.
Well ok, I thought, how could this turn out bad? I switched the conversation and said, "Boy, if someone told me that a hot woman and my sexy wife would be dancing and touching, and I wasn’t there, I’d be pretty pissed." Angie looked at Marla, knowing the double meaning of what I meant, and smiled. She said that her husband wasn’t turned on by much, and definitely not by the thought of two women together. That always confused me. He was the only man in the human race that must have felt that way.
I said, "No Angie you must have that wrong. Do you mean to say, that if you and Marla kissed, that it wouldn’t do anything for him at all?"
She said, "Nope."
"Come on, really?" I asked, "Because I’d probably bust out of my pants if I saw that."
She said, "You would???" and gave Marla a quick peck on the cheek.
I said, "Well, maybe a bit more sexual, but yeah."
She asked what I meant. I said, "A deep passionate kiss with tongue."
"Ohhh," she said, "Like this?”
It was for only a few seconds, but it was hypnotic. She looked under the table, and jokingly said, "I can’t see anything popping out, maybe it’s too small." Then Marla whispered in her ear, and she said, "Ooooooh, really now" and she licked her lips. Later Marla would tell me that she told Angie about my cock.
As the conversation progressed, it became quite sexual. We found that she had porn hidden all over her house. It was more hidden from her husband than her kids. She’d pop it in whenever she could to masturbate. I couldn’t believe me ears. She had porn in magazine and video form for quickies. I told her how odd that sounded to me, since that was usually what guys did.
She said that there was a lot he didn’t do sexually, but she did love him. She asked Marla if she could dance with me and Marla said sure, and that she’d be right back. We danced and you could tell Angie was so worked up. She was rubbing her butt on my crotch again, and yes I was rock hard again too. She turned toward me and her hand gently traced the outline of my cock.
She said, “Marla said I could do this, it’s it ok? I said, “I’ve dreamt about it even since the two of you were together, it’s more than fine.” Then a slow song came on and I motioned for Marla to come out and we three slow danced and we all kissed on the dance floor till it was over. As we walked off I saw that we had built up an audience, and a few of the guys were giving the thumbs up.
We stayed for another hour, and had a few more drinks. The ladies finally asked if we could leave, so I waited outside the bathroom for them, all the while thinking they were playing in there. As we all walked arm in arm in the parking swaying a little, my sway was more pretend than not. I was hoping I could get them both to sit in the back seat so they could put on a show for me on the ride home. At least maybe watch them kiss some more.
But Angie wouldn’t let Marla sit in the back with her; she said, "No, sit with your husband, he needs you."
I was thinking, you know…. maybe this was all a bit too much for her tonight. Marla said ok. And when she got in, she started reaching over to my crotch right away, like the two of them had planned for this.
She looked at Angie and said she was horny, and she wanted to suck my cock right there while Angie watched. I looked in the rear view mirror, and Angie sat without acknowledging Marla’s words. So I said, "Ok, ok, we can do this later, Marla, let’s stay in control," and had her sit back and started to drive. I didn’t want to totally blow our friendship; all Angie had to do was say ok.
Marla stayed on the subject of my cock. She said, "Angie you have to see it. It’s so nice looking. It’s long, and so thick, and so proportionate, you’d love it inside of you."
She was grabbing at my fly like an animal. Then she started talking dirty, saying how she knew Angie wanted to see her suck my cock. Then she looked at Angie, and said, "You want to see me suck it don’t you Angie? You asked me if I would while we were in the ladies room, didn’t you?" She kept reaching over and stroking it through my pants.
"Angie, can I tell Rusty your secret?"
Angie didn’t respond again, so I said, "What secret?"
Marla said, "Angie never saw a guy jerk off, and wants to see that so bad. Cosmo thinks it’s disgusting, but she knows he always jerks off alone."
Then Marla asked, "Rusty, would you jerk off for Angie right now? Please, would you?"
I again looked in the mirror at Angie, and she had a slight smile but said nothing. At that point Marla started to unzip me.
"No, not this way," I was still unsure of Angie’s feelings toward this. I said, "Here’s what we’re going to do; I'll drive Angie home, and Marla, during that time you can do whatever you want to do as long as my cock stays in my pants. When we get to Angie's driveway, I'll park and it'll be up Angie whether she stays in the car or gets out of the car. If she stays, then you ladies can ask me to do whatever you like."
Although I was a little tipsy and so was Marla I didn’t want us to get trapped up into Angie’s denial again so I thought this was the best way.
I seemed to, once again, beat the land speed record to her house, pulled in under her driveway light, put it in park and turned off the head lights but kept the car on for the A/C. I started to recline my electric seat. I said I was going to put it all the way back and did mostly. The drivers seat headrest was almost touching the back seat now. I was almost in a laying down position and Angie scooted forward as Marla unzipped my fly and pulled out my cock. The outside light from her house was enough to give a good view.
Marla looked at Angie and said, "Can you see? Look at this cock."
My cock was really hard and wet; I had about an ounce of precum oozing out of it and it glistened in the light. Marla squeezed very hard and pulled up to make more pre cum slip out.
Angie moved forward to get a good look, and Marla turned in her seat and pivoted to put her mouth on it. Angie’s face was so close to my cock that she and Marla could have taken turns sucking it. In fact, Marla did offer it to her, but Angie said, "No, I want to see you suck it, it’s so big! Ohh baby, Marla, does it hurt when he’s inside you? Please lick it. Eat it for me. Taste the juice from it. Ummm, yeah, ok, Rusty, how does that feel?"
Oh my fuckin’ god, Angie just started talking real dirty, and nasty, telling Marla what to do. I was so turned on by hearing, Little Miss Silent talking up a storm, like someone found her button. It was suddenly very hot in that car. And you could tell the way Marla was following her orders, she was so very turned on, too. She was doing exactly what she was told with enthusiasm.
Angie was getting so hot; she was rocking in her seat with her hand between her legs. It was easy to tell what she was doing, with all that squirming in her seat, one hand between her tightly clamped legs.
Then Angie whispered something in my ear, I said, "Say it out loud, it’s ok" So she said, "Marla I want to see you sit on that big, thick cock, I want to see him fuck you. Yes I do, fuck you hard, real hard. I need to see that big cock slide into your pussy and see you take every inch of it. I want to see it part your pussy. I want to see your face as he pumps it into you. When she whispered in my ear, she had only said, "Will you go inside Marla?” This was such a treat hearing her continue to talk so dirty like this.
We were so turned on by this transformation of Angie’s. Marla was already out of her new panties and was able to acrobatically straddle me in the seat. Marla was so wet, and I could feel the heat of her pussy before my head touched her clit. She put the head in and then lowered herself on it, slowly. I started pumping up and down slow. She started moaning almost immediately and she was SO wet it was just flowing out of her like a river. She started cumming very fast, but I wanted to wait. This needed to last.
Angie was still talking dirty about my cock, asking how it felt and telling me to fuck Marla hard. Her face was right near both of ours now; I could smell Angie’s perfume. Then Marla started coming again, Marla is a loud comer and was not a disappointment this time at all. She was almost yelling and so was Angie, it was almost deafening, but totally erotic.
She screamed "Oh my god, I’m coming, oh my god," and started her timed panting and moaning and looked into Angles eyes as she came. I was able to hold off by focusing my mind away from the incredibly hot situation I was in.
Then Angie said, "Rusty, you too. Cum for me, too. PLEASE…”
I knew I couldn’t cum just yet. I had other plans.
Finally, Marla’s slumped body slowly got off me, and filled the car with that sweet pussy smell. Her pussy always tastes so sweet. She started to grab for my cock, and I asked her to sit back and just play with herself and offered Angie the same thought.
I started to stroke my cock slowly as it glistened in the light with all the pussy juice on it. I slowly pumped long strokes up and down, purposely driving Marla and Angie crazy. Marla was playing with her pussy, and Angie's hand was between her tightly clamped thighs. I stroked my cock for about 5 minutes. Angie’s eyes, as well as Marla’s, were transfixed on my cock. I was in heaven! I could hear Angie’s breathing get heavy and erratic. I knew she was about to cum again.
I tried to make it last as long as I could and would probably still be there, if Angie didn’t start saying, "P-l-e-a-s-e, cum for me, Rusty. I want to see that big cock shoot it’s cum all over. Please, cum for me, Rusty! Russsssty, I’m cumming!!!"
That was it for me. I couldn't wait any longer.
I moaned, "Oooohhh, I’m cumming," and told Marla to open her door.
Angie’s face was less than a foot from my cock, and when Marla opened her door all the interior lights went on, giving Angie and Marla a perfect view.
My first shot was about four feet straight up, a long thick shot. I’m sure it would have gone further, but it hit the car's moon roof. The second spurt went a little angled and hit all over the steering wheel. The third and fourth shot, I’m not sure where they went as my eyes were closed at that point. The rest just oozed up over the head, flowed down the shaft and onto my hand, which was at that point was filled with my cum. I kept sliding my hand up and down on my shaft, knowing that once I stopped the moment would be broken and over.
Angie's gaze was still transfixed on my cock. I’d seen her shuddering when I came, and knew she had an explosive orgasm. A few minutes, at least, went by and Marla closed her door, pulling Angie out of her trance. Angie pushed back in her seat, and I offered Marla my cum covered hand to lick. She licked my hand clean with gusto as Angie watched, fascinated, and then gave me her new panties to clean up the areas that were all over the car.
As I started to put my seat forward Marla grabbed me and gave me a big kiss. I could taste my cum in her kiss. Angie opened her door without saying a word, got out, closed it and started to walk to her front door. Marla and I just watched her.
Angie got half way to the door, turned, and started to walk back. I hit the power button on my window once and the window came all the way down as I continued to clean up. She came to my window, knelt down and leaned her head in the car and said, "My god, guys, that was the hottest time I’ve ever, ever had! Thank you both."
As she stood, I noticed that she had my cum in her hair as well. I didn’t say anything because my hands were sticky, and I couldn’t have helped clean her hair.
I finished cleaning off a little more, opened my door to get out and survey any remaining cum, and caught her walking back toward me. For a split second I was hoping that maybe she’d say, "Let’s get a room for tonight," but she said, "Oh no, Rusty, I dooooon’t have my keys."
"That’s ok, you can stay with us," I answered.
She nervously chuckled and said, "No I can’t, can you call Cosmo with your cell?"
So, with some cum still on my hand, I pressed the speed key on my cell phone for their home. Cosmo answered, and I said, "Um, ah, yeah helllooo, oh hi buddy, did I wake you? I’m down in your driveway with Angie and she doesn’t have her keys. Can you open the door?"
Cosmo said, "Oh, um, yeah, ok," and hung up.
I walked Angie to her door. Through the side-frosted glass in the entryway we could see Cosmo come down and unlock the door and walk back upstairs. We both kind of chuckled. I reached out toward her to wipe my cum from her hair and I think she thought I was going to kiss her, and she kind of fell into my arms. We kissed a deep passionate kiss and I opened my mouth as our tongues met. It seemed a lot longer then it was as I swirled my tongue around, I thought about my cum being in her mouth now, via Marla’s mouth to mine to hers. The kiss lasted for about ten seconds but seemed like ten minutes.
Angie said, "You really taste good," I guess she had thought about my cum in her mouth too. She started to turn, I again reached for her hair, she looked at me strangely and I said, "I'm sorry, but you have some of my cum in your hair."
As my hand was pulling away from her hair, she grabbed it and put my two fingers all the way in her mouth, and said. "Mmm, yes defiantly, you do really taste soooo good, Rusty. Ummm mmm mm."
With that she turned, opened her door, slipped quickly inside, and softly closed it, I watched till she became a distorted pattern in the frosted glass.
I went back to the car and told Marla what had happened and she said she thought that was pretty hot. I agreed that the whole situation was very hot. Marla said, '”that too,” but watching you kiss Angie, that was really, really hot."
As I pulled out of the driveway, I knew I’d always remember this night very fondly.
On our way back home we started talking about what had happened. Marla was still so turned on she started playing with her pussy again, and when we got in our driveway she begged me to jerk off for her once again. As I did, I thought that the dream was now over and Marla assumed her natural role again, the role Angie had temporarily taken over a few minutes ago, and talked dirty about what we’d just done, but this time when I was about to cum, she said she wasn’t letting it go to waste. She wanted it all for her, and told me to shoot it all right in her waiting mouth. Marla really does love the taste of my cum, yep she really does.
As I thought oh man oh man, am I lucky guy or what I also thought that Marla and I had been equally as turned on by this whole situation. And that in itself made it so very special. Yes, Marla means the world to me and that will never change, and the fact that she was able to share me with Angie like that, just makes her one of a kind.
As always, our story is 100% true. Thank you and we both hope you enjoyed us sharing our hot birthday night with you. And remember if you liked it then don’t forget to vote and leave feedback on whatever this story did for you…..…………..
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IncestThis is the story about how birthday party helped my dream neighbor anitha aunty to get into the bed. Hello friends,today i'm going to share my lovely real sex experience with my neighbor anitha aunty happened during this lockdown.If any girl's or auntie's looking for secret fun please do mail me at myselfakash875[a][t]gmailDOTcom or even you can message me on hangouts on the same email id. So without wasting much time let's get into my story.Myself Akash working in IT company.This incident...
IncestOn my stepdaughter Melissa's 21st birthday I allowed her friends to throw her a birthday party at our house. My son had been deployed overseas and obviously could not attend. Her mother and I divorced a few years before and she has not been involved in our lives since she left.Everyone was drinking and getting high and the party was a lot of fun and I did my best to stay in the background so as not to cramp anyone's style.At a point where everyone was feeling good and the party was getting loud...
Aunty,Indian sex stories, Aunties,Milf,Anal,Cheating wife,female sex,Incest,Wife,Mom Hello friends,today i'm going to share my lovely real sex experience with my neighbor anitha aunty happened during this lockdown.If any girl's or auntie's looking for secret fun please do mail me at myselfakash875[a][t]gmailDOTcom or even you can message me on hangouts on the same email id. So without wasting much time let's get into my story.Myself Akash working in IT company.This incident happened during the...
IncestAs the days until my birthday went by, Janny made me take it easy. She said that I'd overextended myself too much since Uncle Dar had gotten home. I didn't argue much. Having Uncle Dar and his daughters around made it easy to sit back for awhile. Having Ellen and Nancy around was a big change for me though. I'd had friends over several times, but they always went home eventually. Ellen and Nancy were home and that took getting used to. I loved them dearly and was grateful for their help...
Birthday Fun In his gaze I could feel my mask begin to slip. My face turn into a blushing scarlet that stained my cheeks. With one look from him my heart would begin to race within my chest. How extremely clich?nd poetic it all must seem to the outside observer but I could not lie and trivialize all the feelings that had blossomed as a result of this new found angel in my life. Many long days and nights had passed since our first meeting. Yet my mind was bewildered by thoughts of him both day...
Today was the best day ever. I was officially sixteen, and in the eyes of the court, free to choose my own life path. That was easy, I was leaving the Naval base in Hawaii. My mom had married a Navy Airman a couple years back, dragging me with her. At first it was Whidbey Island, than after a year, it was Hawaii. Both fun places, but not home. Home was in Ohio, where my friends and more of the family lived. The plan was made a couple months earlier, I would leave for Ohio on my birthday. Last...
Straight SexJust wanted to tell my friends on here about my husband Dave’s birthday treat the other week.It started off with us going on a nice romantic meal in our favourite restaurant with plenty of wine; I wore nice tight fitting dress which showed off my generous curves. I could tell Dave was getting turned on judging by the bulge in his trousers so we jumped in a taxi to go home!I told Dave to get to bed while I locked up, I left the front door on the latch and quickly texted my friend Sarah, Dave was...
It was my birthday and my husband promised me would really make an occasion out of it this year. He had made reservations at a real classy restaurant in the city and said we would go out dancing after dinner. The restaurant was very nice, food was excellent and we drink two bottles of wine with our dinner. Needless to say I was feeling really mellow and was looking forward to going dancing. Our waiter told us there was a really nice club about a block and a half away that had a good band, nice...
EroticCuckoldress Birthday FunThe door bell rang. She checked herself in the mirror one last time. She knew who it was on the porch before she opened the door and she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.The anticipation of being fucked by a man other than her husband was almost more than she could bear. There had been one other but he was just a boy when she was just a girl in her early teens. Now she was a woman with a family.She had been worried that her then to be husband might notice...
************************************************************************This story is the continuation of the story titled ?Happy Birthday Angie?, although this can be read even if you haven’t read the first story yet. Feedback is much appreciated, especially if it is positive and constructive.************************************************************************Happy Birthday Angie IIElite was the best new restaurant in the area and Angela felt a surge of self-satisfaction as she stepped...
Synopsis: Angela's birthday party goes horribly wrong despite her meticulous, yet poor planning. No one turns up for the party except Nikki and Tamara who weren't originally on the guest list. The two beautiful and mischievous sisters take control of Angela and soon the birthday girl finds herself stripped down to her birthday suit. The sisters invite their friends over and the party kicks off. Having fun at Angela's expense becomes the name of the game as the girls tease, humiliate and finally...
Hi All, I am back with my new story and this is about how I enjoyed with my neighbor’s daughter. To start with the girl in the story name is Sakshi, she is 27 years old and has a body every girl craves for and every guy wants their girls to have. She has a nice perky hard boobs of size 34D, with a nice slim belly and an even better ass which is round and shows off the best when she is wearing tight gym lowers. In total she is the one girl in my society who makes every guy turn their head as she...
Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...
“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...
Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...
The next couple of weeks, while still crappy at work, fly by. Every night is bliss, and when the weekends come I’m in paradise as I am my Daddy’s little girl full-time. We don’t go out much. We will occasionally stop for a drink at the bar we had met at on the way home from work. But I am usually too anxious to get home and into my diaper to want to stay long.You know I’m in torment on these occasions but tells me that I will always need some outside adult interaction to keep me balanced in my...
FetishIt Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...
Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...
"Look what I brought home!" Megan Pierce ran to the doorway as soon as she heard her father's voice. He stood in the doorway holding a large white box in his arms, which he struggled to keep upright. "Dad, let me help you with that!" Megan said, as she rushed to help hold the other end of the box. The two of them carried the box into the kitchen and rested it upon the counter. "Let me see, let me see!" Megan said excitedly. Bill Pierce gave his daughter a knowing smile, and...
I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...
MatureMia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...
First TimeChapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...
BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...
My Mothers Birthday was coming soon, and my parents were both busy planning her big birthday bash, however before that weekend I got a text message from Katie, the hot young girlfriend of Tyler one of our neighbours, and it in it she had invited me to another birthday party at a neighbour I didn't know."Should I bring my parents?" I text back."No. this is strictly just, us party!" she text back.So, Saturday night I told my parents I was going out to friends, and then strolled off down the road...
Birthday Wishes by Bruce Leach 1. "Goodnight Claire, night Robert. Happy birthday Jess!!" yelled his aunt Nancy as Jessie Evans closed the door on the last of his party guests. Thank god the whole ordeal is over, Jesse thought, family parties are the worst. He figured at 19 he should be able to have his own friend over to his own party, but the big get together was a family tradition. All his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and all their spouses got together...
My name is Erin. I'm an 18 year old girl living in a small Montana town. Last May i graduated from high school and now i'm living out on my own.About a month ago i answered a local newspaper ad for two cords of oak firewood to be delivered to my house to keep me warm during the cold winter. The next day a high school boy, Buzz, arrived at my house with a pick-up truck full of firewood. The ad was just for delivery of the wood and not stacking. So, i asked Buzz to dump the load on my drive-way...
She’s actually been sucking my dick nightly for years. I say “nightly” because she primarily does it when she comes in to say goodnight, but she’s always been willing to give me a quick blow if I asked and no one was around. Once, I was particularly horny one summer afternoon, so I went and found mom sitting at her computer doing some work. I walked up.. “Mom?” “Yes honey?” She said, turning to look at me, “What’s up?” But her eyes quickly caught sight of the tent in my shorts, and she...
-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...
“Fore!!!!,” Sam shouted as he swung the club, striking the little white ball with a resounding ‘crack.” I held my hand up to shield my eyes from the sun as I watched the ball sail into the distance, veering off to the right before disappearing into a copse of tall trees. “God Damn It!” he cursed, pounding the driver into the turf in frustration. I smiled in amusement as I made my way to the gold cart, taking a sip of the luke-warm beer in my hand. “You know,” I said with a smile as I...
Beth married Phil ten years ago, yet the fire hadn't gone out in their relationship. They still passionately loved each other and sex was the centerpiece of their marriage. They had done just about everything a couple can do when making love. Indeed, no matter how kinky they became, it still was with love.They had used a variety of toys on each of other. They had tried light BDSM. They had fucked indoors and out, in the car or on the playground swings. They loved trying new ways to have sex....
Wife Lovers"It's Leia Mason's birthday party this weekend" said my mother holding up the invite."Who?" I asked looking confused because I didn't recognise the name."Leia Mason, she lives down at number ten, with her husband Billy!" replied Mother "They're the young couple who moved in a couple of years ago!""Oh" I said still not sure who she meant."So, are you coming to this one?" my mother asked "I'm sure you won't regret it!" she then added with a knowing smile.Of course I was going to our neighbours...
Renee's Birthday By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 There are some definite problems associated with being a single mom who is trying to raise a teenage son and work full time. The other day is a case that best exemplifies this point. It was my son Richard's fifteenth birthday, and he and I were supposed to be going out to dinner to celebrate this occasion. However, at the last minute, I found out that I had to work late in order to complete a rush project that absolutely...
Birthday Bliss I woke up slowly in a semi-awake state enjoying the lie in. In my semi awake state I felt different, a great feeling. As I became more and more awake, I realized the reason for my wellbeing. My girlfriend Tammy was under the sheets trying to revive my penis. We had made it twice last night before we fell asleep exhausted. Tammy never liked to give head = or so I thought- and I wondered at this new found love of my cock. I moved the sheet and looked at her as her head...
Author's Note: This story is a Thanatos Society fan fiction - it's been a few years since Cerberus gave us one of his genuine stories, so this is just my addition to the canon. It is very extreme and probably not to your taste.0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0`0(Narrator): Thank you for purchasing this new release DVD from Thanatos Movie Productions - Prissy's Sweet Sixteen. If you have seen any of our other productions, you will know that it will involve the degradation and torture of an...
It was my 18 birthday last week, and what a birthday it was! Don't get me wrong though, it started crappy like my last three birthdays, but it ended in a way I couldn't ever enticipated. My name is Stephanie, as I mentioned before, I am eighteen years old, I have long straight black hair, don't call me a brunette though cuz it annoys me, it's black, not brown, with sparkly blue eyes... People usually make fun of my height, when you're only five foot two, it's bound to happen I guess, and I am a...
First TimeDavid made our anniversary quite an event, and while I knew I could never top that, I knew with his birthday coming I needed to do something a little special. it took some planning, even some courage on my part, but this is how things went. Jess I told me we were going out for my birthday, said she had a special evening planed. I was looking forward to it, she had arranged the babysitter, reservations, it was going to be fun. I had no expectations of repeating our anniversary, that was kind...
I retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...
Six years ago I went on the best date of my life, and funny enough, it had nothing to do with the girl I was with… It was the summer of 2014 and I had been seeing this girl for about a month. She was cute enough, funny, easy to talk to, but she wasn’t 100% my type. She was rather petite…I prefer my girls on the bustier side — thick thighs, booty, big boobs, just something you can really grab on to. Ironically, my luck with those girls had been thin. But again, she was fine and pleasant to be...
This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...
IncestSusan's Birthday By Susan Fraser Chapter 1 - My birthday It was the morning of my 18th birthday and I woke up early and lay there thinking. Today I would be man and the thought depressed me. I lived with my parents and my older sister Ann and in two days time we were due to move to live in the Lake District. My father, who was an architect, had decided to move his business there and I was going to start working for him. My mother and sister were going to open a...
Wishes do Come True, a Birthday Wishes Beginning. By: Tiffany Taylor Copyright 2008 Tommy was sitting in class bored out of his mind. Slowly he started to doze off. For him tomorrow was THE BIG DAY and that was all he could concentrate on as he started to doze. Tommy had a dream of his future. In it a man and a woman were kissing, making Tommy very happy. He sensed the love between them and their happiness. "Mr. Tabler, would you...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I don't know why I did it. A crazy impulse. Maybe just that I was a bit randy. I'm not really in a relationship these days, haven't been for a while. And I guess I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever be again. It isn't my biological clock I'm worried about, the hell with that, I never wanted children anyway. But I did want a man. And men who could fulfill my particular needs while still treating me with love and respect--outside of...
My father and I were at the airport to say farewell to my mother. The international company she works for is promoting her as manager of one of their overseas branches. Mom told Dad, "Bob, please take good care of Honey (my nickname). She is beautiful and so young, almost 16 and needs parental care and love, but I won't be around. So please be extra nice to her... keep her happy." Dad said, "Of course Beth, don't worry. I'll take good care of her and give her plenty of my love." Then...
100% fiction! Cheryll was taking a shower in my bathroom because the shower in her room had lost water pressure the night before. She is a beautiful 18 year old who looks just as her mother did when she was her age. She has a beautiful caramel color, with shoulder length hair and piercing grey eyes that she had gotten from me. I stood there staring through the shower doors watching as she slowly soaped her body, enticingly bending to wash her legs so that I could see the soap sliding down the...
IncestIt is Thanksgiving vacation, school’s out and everybody is coming to the house tomorrow for the big feast. Me and Mommy grocery-shopped and we have everything ready for tomorrow morning in the kitchen, with a 16-pound turkey thawing in the fridge. But the most exciting thing isn’t that all the family is coming, or the delicious meal and seeing everyone again, but that it will be Daddy’s birthday! Mommy and I have big plans! BIG plans!! Cassy had come up with the idea to give HERSELF...
Introduction: Husband gets special birthday gift Today is Adams birthday. Today he turns 30. Not a huge birthday but a milestone of sorts. Hes excited because his wife Kevia had promised him a birthday hed never forget. He amused himself all day thinking of what that might entail. Kevia is an absolutely stunning woman. As far as Adam is concerned, shes the most beautiful woman Adam has ever seen. She has eyes that sparkle and a smile that will disarm you in a heartbeat no matter how angry you...
My name is Christine. I am a stay at home housewife living a comfortable life with my husband, Tom. I met Tom at the University of Colorado in Boulder during my sophomore year of college. He invited me to coffee one day after class. We seemed to hit it off immediately. We began dating exclusively soon after our coffee date. We were married upon Tom's graduation in May, 1992, more than twenty three years ago. Upon graduation, Tom accepted a very good paying position with an energy company. The...
InterracialSynopsis: Very Long story. Jennifer and her friend Linda get a paddling, and Jennifer gets her rectum pleasured by her friend.---------------------Jennifer's Birthday PaddlingJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'.I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit...
Jo’s Birthday TreatJo gets an unexpected suprise on her birthday.John was working away on Jo's birthday, he'd tried to get back in time but the job he was working on needed a couple of days more than he'd anticipated.It had been too long since they last had sex and John was disappointed he couldn't fuck his wife on her birthday, look into her eyes as she thrust her pussy on to his cock, and hear her throaty moan as she juddered and orgasmed beneath him.Over the last few days they had been...
Jason!" shouted his mother from the foot of the stairs. "What?" he shouted from his bedroom. "I need to go into town to get some things for Cindy's Birthday party on Saturday." "OK, see you later," he shouted back. A moment later his mum shouted, "Come on, I haven't got all day." "Why can't I stay here?" he asked. "No, you have to help me choose a nice birthday present for her." "Mom," he moaned, "I'm busy!" "Busy playing that play station thing," his mum retorted, "now...
It was not until one hot summer’s night when I was heading to the bathroom late after studying for a test the next day. I had to go pee and well brush my teeth so I could go to sleep, I had a test in first period, which is my history class one of my worst subjects for me I have to say. I could hear my mother and father talking, I heard mom speak out, yes harder, that’s it. Then dad said not so loud our son might hear you. Mom giggled saying our son can’t hear a thing while he is sleeping. ...
“Janet?” Jim asked to see if she was awake yet. “Yes” Janet answered wondering what would ruin the moment of silence. “Happy Birthday!” “Who told you?” “A psychotic NYMPHO at work”. “You must mean Trisha in Accounting”. “Yes. Do you know her?” “She used to work for me until she moved to Accounting. Plus, I get the pics you *********** that are inappropriate. She has a nice ass, doesn’t she?” “Yes, she does. She keeps sending the nudes through company mail knowing...
“Janet?” Jim asked to see if she was awake yet. “Yes” Janet answered wondering what would ruin the moment of silence. “Happy Birthday!” “Who told you?” “A psychotic NYMPHO at work”. “You must mean Trisha in Accounting”. “Yes. Do you know her?” “She used to work for me until she moved to Accounting. Plus, I get the pics you decide are inappropriate. She has a nice ass, doesn’t she?” “Yes, she does. She keeps sending the nudes through company mail, knowing I’ll see...
In my way of thinking there is no other day on the calendar that should be as important to you personally or mean more to you than your BIRTHDAY. With out this day your very existence would cease to be and your life would have never occurred. In some cases the world would have been a better place with a lack thereof.The year was 1965. Gas was thirty one cents a gallon. Milk was ninety five and you could get a loaf of bread for less than a quarter (.21). Sonny and Cher first appeared on t.v. as...
Don't get me wrong though, it started crappy like my last three birthdays, but it ended in a way I couldn't ever anticipated. My name is Stephanie, and, as I mentioned before, I am eighteen years old. I have long straight black hair, don't call me a brunette though cuz it annoys me, it's black, not brown, with sparkly blue eyes. People usually make fun of my height, when you're only five foot two, it's bound to happen I guess, and I am a measly one hundred and ten pounds and on my...
An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy: Audrey felt her eyes closing as she tiredly dragged herself up the stairs all the way to the third floor. She fumbled through her purse for the keys and unlocked the door. She put her purse down and yawned as she looked around her tiny two-bedroom apartment. It was 7 am and the stuffy little house was silent. Audrey quietly stepped over to her small bedroom and removed her jacket. She was wearing her nurse's uniform underneath, and although she was...
I have 2 guys that wants to take me out somewhere for my birthday. Benjamin and Stephen. I'm so confused right now. I don't know what to do. I really like them both. I been talking to Benjamin for 3 years now. One year after I moved here. I meet him at the local grocery store. He was hawking me as I was doing my weekly grocery shopping. I was shocked by the way he was checking me out all over the store. I'm not the prettiest woman on earth or have the greatest body. I'm 5'6 197...