Sherry got fucked by the Shemale hairdresser Shemale Sex Stories
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There is no graphic sex in this story. I suggest you look at other authors if that is what you want. Comments are welcome and appreciated. It is the only way I can see if I'm improving. Thank you for reading my work. Enjoy.
I was in love. At least I thought I was. In hindsight, it was probably just lust and an infatuation with the girl in question. Everything would have been okay if I had stood strong in my beliefs. Everything would have been okay if I hadn't been afraid of losing my girl. The lack of standing up for my beliefs and a fear of losing my girl friend led to that very thing; the loss my girlfriend. We would still be dating and probably engaged, if I had just accepted what she did.
My name is Ron Beckman, 26 years old. I am average at 6 feet 1, decent looking, and in relatively good shape. I'm no movie star, but you wouldn't be ashamed to be seen with me.
I met Donna in college when I was 21. She was a little heavier that the fashion gurus suggested as the perfect build. Donna had a Marilyn Monroe like figure rather than the skinny fashion model type. It suited me, I had always felt a woman should feel like a woman and not like another guy. Donna has natural blond hair, an outgoing nature, and sort of a 'what the hell' attitude.
Donna was dating several (3 or maybe 4) guys when I first met her. We were in a few classes together and met in the study groups. I had known Donna for about two years before I asked her for a date. By this time she was dating just one guy, Brian Johnson. He was good looking, rich, arrogant, and a big man on campus. Did I mention that he was arrogant? In other words he was everything I hated.
Donna told me that he was a little upset that she would dare go out with someone else while dating him. Donna informed him in very clear language she was a free agent and could do what she wanted, because she hadn't made a commitment to anyone.
I found that I really enjoyed Donnas' company and not just for her good looks and body. She was intelligent and fun loving. (Don't forget she was very pretty.) We seemed to hit it off very well, and one date led to others. Donna wouldn't date during the week as her education had first priority on school nights and she counted Sunday as a school night. That left just two nights of the week available to spend time together, and Brian got one of those. Brian would take her out on a Friday or Saturday and I would take her out the next night. She would seldom date either of us two nights in a row.
I was going out with another young lady as Donna refused to stop dating Brian. Barbara was the sister of a classmate and we really had good times together. She was tall, slender, freckles, and auburn hair; a true Irish lass. Barbara was a little more serious and a little more mature than Donna. She wasn't a student and held down a full time job.
Donna wasn't overjoyed to find out that I was squiring around another girl. Sitting together in the student union after class one day, she asked me what I was doing. "What am I doing about what?"
"Why are you dating another girl," Donna wanted to know.
"The same as you Donna, I'm having fun," I answered. "You can't expect me to sit and wait for the one night a week I get to see you, can you?"
"If you care for me, you will wait your turn to see me," Donna said.
"You're joking, right? Seriously, I'm supposed to sit at home until you can find time for me." I was being very sarcastic. " I really like you Donna, but I am not going to be at your beck and call waiting for you to tell me it's my turn now. Especially while you're still seeing that ass Brian."
"Why do you need to go out with that girl?"
"Why do you need to go out with Brian?"
"Brian is fun and likes to be with me," Donna answered.
"Ditto Barbara," I responded. "I enjoy my time with her and I'm not limited to one night a week. This conversation is a dead end Donna. You have no right and a lot of nerve asking me to stop dating other people. Until you decide to be exclusive with me, I will continue to enjoy spending time with other girls. That includes Barbara."
Donna wasn't happy with my comments and told me so. I believe she was waiting for me to apologize and agree to quit dating others. That wasn't going to happen any time soon. I really liked her but I wasn't going to be her puppet. She left the table in a huff. I thing I had made her mad.
Her parting shot was "If you can't see things my way I don't think we should go out on Friday." Now I know I had made her mad. That effectively broke our date for the next night. If I had maintained that attitude, my life would have been a lot easier.
Saturday night I was at my apartment settling down with a pizza and some beer. I was going to spend an evening alone with the boob tube. It was 7:30 when my phone rang and I saw that it was Donna. Surprised, I answered her call.
"Hello Donna. What's up?"
"Hi Ron, I have good news, but you have to get a move on. Brian had to go to some family thing at the last minute and isn't available. I have tickets for the new musical that opens tonight and you can take me. Now hurry up and get over here," Donna informed me of my good fortune.
"You have to be kidding me Donna. You don't really think I would go for this, did you? You broke our date last night and now expect me to save you because Brian broke his date with you. This has got to be some kind of sick joke."
"No Ron, I wanted to be with you and I shouldn't have broken our date for last night. Now we can be together tonight. Then we can get back to normal next week."
"You're not as smart as I thought Donna. The more you talk, the more you dig a hole for yourself. Let me explain in small words for you. I like you very much but I will not be a date toy for you anymore. If we continue to see each other it will be just you and me. No dating other guys and no Brian, just me. Got that? Only you and me. See you around, kid." I hung up before she could say anything else. Enough already, no more of the dating merry go round.
After the phone call, I thought of sometime my dad had told me. He had met both girls at different family functions. I had taken Donna to my cousins wedding and reception. Barbara and I went to a family BBQ at my dad's summer cabin. Donna wasn't the type to rough it like that and I think my family made her uncomfortable. Barbara liked my family, especially my dad, and didn't care what we did as long as we had a good time.
Donna was a formal dance, musical theater, fancy dinner, and movie premier type of date. Barbara was almost anything to have fun type of date. Hikes, picnics, Easter egg hunts, whatever; she always seemed to have a good time.
The BBQ was winding down and Barbara was helping with the clean up. My dad and I were flaking off with a couple of beers supervising the women as they worked. He looked at me and told me " Barbara is the pick of the litter. She will always have your back and be a rock to lean on."
"You met Donna," I said to Dad, "What do you think about her?"
"This is gonna piss you off, but remember you asked. Donna is the type that will always be there when she needs you. If you look in a dictionary at 'High Maintenance' it will show her picture."
"Come on Dad, that's not fair," I exclaimed.
"You asked, and that's what I see," he finished. "Anyway it's you life and you need to follow your heart. Sermon over."
A word about my dad and me. We have always been close without having to overwhelm each other. When I was 16 or 17 I knew it all. My dad was old fashioned, out of touch, and didn't know anything about modern society. At least that was what I thought. By the time I got to be 21 or 22, it astonished me to see how much my dad had learned in just a few years. God we were really dumb as kids.
Back to the story, I didn't hear or see Donna for about a month after that Saturday phone call. (Three weeks, 2 days and about 8 hours, not that I counted) She called on a Thursday and asked me to meet her at the coffee shop at 7:00. This must me important, I thought, she never goes out on a school night. At 7:20 Donna walked over to my table and sat down. I had almost left twice because she was late. Typical Donna, everything revolves around her.
"Hi Ron, sorry to be late," was Donnas' opening. "I have done a lot of thinking and I miss our time together. Can we start seeing each other again?"
"Just like that Donna? For a month I don't see or hear from you and now you want to get back together again?" I replied.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking. When I left you at the student union, I was mad, that's why I broke our date. Then when you wouldn't see me that Saturday, I got really frustrated. It did make me stop and look at things in a different way. I realized that if I could date others you should be able to date others too. I let my pride keep me away from you this long but I decided I rather see you than have my pride. So here I am."
I sat for a minute, thinking about how I should answer her. There was no doubt that I wanted to spend time with her, but did I want to go back to all the bullshit of the dating merry go round? I didn't believe I wanted to put myself back in that miserable situation again. "No Donna we can't go back," I informed her.
"Oh please Ron. Why not?"
"I would like very much to spend time with you Donna. I just don't want to be one among the many. If we start dating again you will have to drop the others. We will be going steady or be exclusive or whatever you call it. There will be only you and me with no outside parties involved. That's how it has to be."
Donna looked at me and finally responded, "I'd like that Ron, just you and me. I'll tell Brian tomorrow night that it is our last date."
"Whoa, just a second. Did you hear what I said about it being just us? What's this about Brian and tomorrow night?"
"We have a date for tomorrow and Brian will be out of town until tomorrow afternoon. It wouldn't be fair to call him at the last minute to cancel."
"I don't like this at all Donna. We are not even back together yet and you are already going to date someone else."
"This is different Ron, and after Friday night, I will be all yours. I'll tell Brian then that I won't see him anymore."
"Why is it okay to break up with him during the date and it's not okay to cancel the date? I don't see the logic here."
"It's just that I can break it to him more gently in person. After all I still want him to be my friend. It's no different than before, when I dated you both. Except this will be the last time. Please Ron."
I didn't like it one little bit, but I agreed she could see Brian this one last time. I wasn't real happy with this last date but I was afraid she would go anyway. Then I would have lost her again. Maybe that would have been the best thing that could happen.
After that last date with Brian, things went really well with Donna and me. We spent every weekend together and I even saw her on a week night sometimes. It was six weeks into our commitment that the next problem jumped up and bit me in the ass.
Donna called me on Wednesday and told me she couldn't go with me on Saturday to my dad's birthday party. I of course wanted to know why.
Donna said, "I have to go to a charity affair with Brian."
"WHAT? A charity affair with Brian, what are you talking about? We are not supposed to be dating anyone else and now you want to go out with Brian again. I don't think so Donna."
"Brian and I had planned this date before you and I became a couple. He has been in Europe with his family since that last night. He has planned on me to go with him and doesn't have time to get an appropriate date now."
"Bullshit, he knew you and I were going together that night. You told him then that it was your last date with him. He has had six weeks to get another date. You're not going."
"Well, you see I didn't tell Brian we were done on that last date. He was leaving for Europe the next day and I figured when he got back he would know about us. I forgot about this charity thing until he called me today.
"Looks like he'll have to go alone or take his sister or something. I can't force you to not go on this date; it has to be your choice. If you want to stay with me, you won't go. Just remember you are responsible for your actions. If you go with him, we are done."
"Oh please Ron, don't be that way. It wouldn't be fair to back out on Brian now. I don't want him, I want you, but I have to keep my word to him. I've already told Brian that it was strictly platonic, that I was just going save him embarrassment. Please Ron; it's just this one time."
"Fair to him? What about being fair to me? I let you be 'fair' before and that was supposed to be the last time. Now this is going to be the last. How many more dates with him are you going to remember? You know, just to be fair to good old Brian. How about being fair to me? You promised to go to my dad's party that night."
"Ron, I'm sorry. I really have to go with Brian, please understand. I'll stop by you place after wards and we can spend some time together. It shouldn't be late."
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© Copyright 2003 "You said in your emails that you met online." I asked "Is this the first time you've met in person?" She sat at one end of the sofa, arms folded under her modestly sized breasts, while he sat at the other end, leaning away from her on the arm of the sofa. From their body language, it wasn't a promising start. They both nodded and shot each other embarrassed glances. "You were wise to meet on neutral ground," I continued, "and to enlist the help of an...
Sheetal is 24year old young housewife living in Surat , her husband was a Diamond merchant , she lived in spacious ancestral house , her only problem is she was bored with life , her husband does not have any time to spend with his beautiful wife , neither he has time to look at sculptured body or indulge in sex every day , he is totally into making money & his sex indulgence is limited to 2 minute quickie & then off that may be once in 15Days , since they are leaving far away neither she had...
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Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...
Shelton aka Sherrie Gabe and Nick had worked various home construction companies. Both were not “team” workers and had been fired by all the major builders. An accidental meeting at a bar brought them together to form their own company “Boonie Builders”. If it was “in the sticks, off the grid, in no man's land”, they would build it. They were barely surviving for a year, until they built a cabin for Shelton aka “Shell”. Shelton was a architectural designer. He had come out of the closet and...
Sheetal was feeling very uncomfortable with the advent of monsoon. This happens every year around this season ever since she lost her husband 18 years ago. She was an affluent lady looking after her dad’s business and bringing up her only c***d Dharmesh.Dharmesh was a young man of 16 now. Tall and handsomely built, with a figure of 38-24-34, he has a workout for 90 minutes each day. He has just completed class 10. But strangely he is not attached to his mom. She leaves for her office at 8.15...
After I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...
Well, the boat docked and we all parted before going ashore. Rachael told me that Jack would be there to pick her up and she would just as soon not have him see or meet me. He would probably get very suspicious when he saw me. I agreed, kissed her privately before we left the deck and wished her well. I reminded her of my numbers and told her to keep them safe. She promised to call in a week, just to update me. I watched her walk up to the railing on the top deck to join Susan and Mickey. I...
Wishbone: Along Came Jacki By The Sympathetic Devil [email protected] Dave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn't be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother's apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother's clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is...
Hello Readers. This is Rohan again. My maid Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She has dark skin tone and is a little chubby. She has hanging boobs like most women of her age. She took my virginity and we have been having sex since then. She is very adventurous and this quality of hers landed me into trouble. She would often insist me on having sex with her when my parents are in the house. We had done that on several occasions and were never caught. Last week my parents had to go to a wedding for...
Sheetal and had opened up a part of me I never really admitted I had. My life with my wife Rupali was your typical, wholesome life. We loved each other and our infant son. We shared household chores. I worked hard and provided for the family while she stayed at home and took care of the house and our son. Despite our hectic lives we made love to each other a couple of times a week and maintained a healthy sex life. Nothing had changed there, but now Sheetal had added another more devious...
EroticBoonie Baby's Whore Warren came to assist her getting up, he winked at her. Knowing what that wink meant, she clumsily got up spreading her thighs, pausing seconds, twisting on unbalanced legs. She made sure everyone in every direction got flashed. As she stood, Warren told everyone to give them a minute of privacy and grab a cigarette break outside. Sherrie said, “I know what my Baby wants”. She turned around, got on her knees, using her own dripping cum to lubricate her hole, she waited...
"If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep." Calvera – The Magnificent Seven Paul Simmons is brilliant, generous, a kind and loving man. Yet he is the antithesis of all that. A passionate man who possesses all he can, holding on to what he covets with a tightly clasped fist until he no longer wants it. Including people – his secret side isn't really a dark side, still, he is a controlling man who has taken what belongs to others. Fulfilling needs locked up deep...
Saturday, 26 October 2019:Staring into the bathroom mirror, the tiny apartment’s lessee remarked aloud. “My life certainly has changed. You’re a long way from Iowa.” A light laugh followed.The statement was a matter of fact. There had been several prominent milestones. A few of them came to mind… ================Thursday, 2 April 1982:“Waaaaaaahhhhhh,” crowed the new set of lungs.“Congratulations, it’s a boy,” the doctor yelled.A drenched, tired, but overjoyed new mother managed a smile. “Can I...
Just a recap of the last session. Sheila my new found love is 54 years old and I Mohan Reddy am 52 years. Sheila has a figure of 36/34/38 and height 5’9” and I am 5’11 “ and an asset of 6”. To continue with the story. We met at the gym and since Sheila’s hubby was abroad in Bangkok this is her enjoyment. Sheila had the food ready. We came and I poured 2 vodkas for us. We started drinking and began dancing. I did not tell you that after coming out of the bath we did not put anything on. We were...
Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...
That night after returning back to our room after dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about Sheetal’s sexy body. I wanted to fuck her again. I wanted to suck her juicy lips and caress her soft breasts. I went inside the bathroom and took out her soft silky panty. I put it on my dick and started to slowly rub it on my dick. The feeling of her soft panty on my penis made me go mad, and I masturbated like crazy. I wanted to play with her body. If you look at Sheetal and even if she doesn’t know you,...
Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...
Hi this is Rajeev here from Delhi/NCR. Am 6 feet tall, fair, well built handsome guy with a 7 inches cock. This is my first story on this site. I am sharing one of my real life sexual encounters with a friend of mine. This event happened about a year back. It involves me and a colleague of mine in an ITES company in Delhi. Her name was Sheetal (name changed). At first we were not very friendly, but we had a change in the seating arrangement in our office, and she landed just next to my seat...
Dear readers, this story is not mine i ve just taken it from net and it mostly belongs to curly bhojrani. So due credit must be given to the original author for a fabulous story which is one of my all time favorite [meaning never fails to give an erection]regards vicky kumar alias bicks…My name is Sheela, I am married to Vinod Agarwal who now heads the south east region of a global tele company. I read with my friend Curly, stories posted in Hindi Internet Love Stories and enjoy how the writers...
I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...
I met Sheetal at the local Costco. I was there with my wife Rupali. She loved buying stuff in bulk. I guess I should be thankful to have a wife who is so frugal with my money but the idea of buying diapers by the caseload hardly fills me with the same kind of excitement as it does her. I love Rupali; ours was a love marriage though with the consent of both our parents. We both grew up in India and met in college here in the US. That's where we fell in love and decided to get married. We held...
InterracialHi, this is Mohan Reddy again with a recent story of how he met a lady of 54 years, made friends and made love. I am a 52-year-old who stays alone in Indore due to work. The lady is my dear Sheila. She is a lovely lady with a cute figure. Not fat for her age but has flesh at the right places. We met recently at the Gym when we went for a workout. I go daily for the treadmill and so does she. I have been seeing her for the last week come to use the treadmill and sit for a while looking around...
Shelia pays off betChapter 1Shelia’s Bar and Fetish shop was the hub of the BDSM community in South Florida. Also many folks came from other parts of Florida, as she had a reputation for the finest B&D fetish wear and equipment in the state. Shelia Bobbs was 35 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10? and about 140lb. She was very popular and her close friends also knew she had a dungeon up in her loft for their enjoyment. It was a Monday night in April, when Racheal entered the bar with...