My sexy neighbor
- 3 years ago
- 22
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Kelly and Catherine King went to the Officers’ Club which appeared to be an English pub. Cathy told her it had been one until SACEUR took it over. Kelly was glad she was wearing her new silver oak leaves. Her rank got them a table by themselves in the corner in spite of the club being very crowded. Theirs was the last vacant table. As they were being seated, three young officers headed over toward them. Kelly thought they looked drunk.
One came up and declared, “We trust you candy-assed ladies won’t mind giving us your table. We’re combat troops!”
Although Kelly wasn’t wearing her decorations, she was wearing her insignia including the paratroop badge she had earned in Quantico as well as her Combat Infantry Badge. She noticed that the officer’s name was MURPHY and he was a first lieutenant in the 82nd Airborne Division.
Lt. Murphy looked at Kelly, bleary eyed. It was obvious he was having trouble focusing his eyes. He peered at her uniform and saw the paratroop and combat infantry badges. “What are you wearing those for, sister? Did your lover give you his to wear?”
Kelly rose from the table and faced Murphy. “Lieutenant, you’re making a very big mistake. Did you notice my rank insignia? It says lieutenant colonel! Now blow, before I call the MPs!”
“Why don’t you make me, sister? You’ll wish you were never born!”
Kelly could see Murphy was reeling, but his friends were backing him up. He made a sudden move to grab her.
She saw his move coming and said, “I’m sorry, Lieutenant.” Then she grabbed his head and slammed his face against her rising knee. She heard a sickening crunch as Murphy’s nose was broken. The other two officers, both second lieutenants, came towards her. Kelly grabbed their heads and slammed them together, trying to avoid serious injury. The two officers immediately lost consciousness and dropped to the floor.
Murphy, who had fallen to the floor, got up again with blood streaming from his broken nose. Kelly looked at him, grabbed his wrist and pulled him into their table. She had pulled his head down exposing the back of his neck. Kelly used a karate chop against it and put him out cold.
Meanwhile, Cathy King went to a phone. She called Sam Adams at his office. “General, I’m at the O-Club with Colonel Jackson. A few paratroop officers picked a fight with her. Three of them are unconscious. We need some MPs fast, sir!”
Moments later she heard the scream of sirens. A squad of MPs entered the club and picked up the three officers. The sergeant in charge saluted Kelly and said, “Colonel, we’re sorry for the trouble. We’ll take care of things from here.”
The two junior officers were helped to their feet and hustled out of the club. Murphy, still unconscious, was carried out.
Kelly sat down again and Cathy King looked at her. “Colonel, weren’t you scared?”
Kelly looked at Catherine King with an impassive expression on her face. She replied, “They were drunk. I hope I didn’t hurt Lt. Murphy too badly. I know I smashed his nose, but I hope it wasn’t anything more serious.” A smile started as she said, “And my name is Kelly. I hope you’ll allow me to call you Cathy.”
Cathy King was taken aback. She looked flustered but said, “Of course you can call me Cathy if you want to, Colonel.”
Kelly looked rueful as she said, “Cathy, it isn’t going to work for me to call you Cathy if you call me Colonel. The name is Kelly, or Kel, or you dumb broad. I answer to all of them. Then there are a few in Russian I won’t go into.” She looked at the woman and said, “How old are you, Cathy?”
She looked startled but replied, “I’m thirty-two. Why do you ask?”
Kelly grinned and said, “Because I’m only nineteen. You make me feel like an old woman when you call me Colonel.”
Cathy’s mouth opened as if to speak and then closed again. “Kelly, you’re only nineteen years old? I can’t believe it!”
“Ask your boss.” Then her expression became serious. “Cathy, why don’t you like me?”
Cathy was about to deny her feelings when she stopped herself. She decided to be honest. She said, “Because you wear too much makeup. You look cheap.”
With a self-deprecatory smile Kelly asked, “Are you sure?”
Cathy looked at her carefully and suddenly her eyes widened, “My God! You’re wearing no makeup at all, are you?” She looked at Kelly very carefully and added, “I don’t think you’re even wearing lipstick! I’m wearing more than you are and have the nerve to say you’re wearing too much. What is it about you? You glow. You’re vibrant!”
She looked at the younger girl intently, and then said, “It’s sex, isn’t it? I’ve heard people talk about ‘a well-fucked look’ but didn’t know what they were talking about. Now, I think I do. You are well fucked, aren’t you, Kelly?”
Kelly smiled a very friendly smile. Her eyes lighted up as she said, “I certainly am, Cathy. I guess I’ve slept with Mike Callahan almost every night since we met. I guess I average about ten orgasms a day. Yes, Cathy, I guess I’m very well fucked.
“Now what about you? You’re madly in love with Sam Adams. You thought I was a little chippy who Sam was keeping and you were jealous, weren’t you?”
Cathy smiled ruefully and replied in a small voice, “Yes. I was jealous ... Very!”
“Well why in hell don’t you do something about it? Cathy, do you have a figure?”
“I beg your pardon!” Cathy responded, blushing.
“I asked if you have a figure. I can see your face and it is very pretty. Why do you always wear your uniform blouse?”
“What do you think I am? The idea! I’m not a whore, for God’s sake!”
“What does that have to do with wearing your blouse? I’m sure that’s a full uniform shirt you’re wearing. You wouldn’t be nude if you took off your blouse,” Kelly replied reasonably. “I notice Sam doesn’t wear his blouse in the office. Why do you?”
Cathy looked puzzled and didn’t reply. Kelly continued. “You get teed off at me because you think I’m stealing your man. Does he think you think he’s your man? Why on earth would he? You seem to do your level best to appear to be a piece of office furniture ... government-issue furniture at that. It isn’t the first thing a guy will think about when he wants to unwind. I ask again, do you have a figure?”
“Yes, damn it! A very good one, too. I work out all the time. I ... I’ve got a trim ass, very nice legs, and ... and ... good tits.”
Kelly smiled warmly and said, “That came hard, didn’t it? Are you experienced with men?”
Cathy’s eyes widened. “Of course I’m experienced...” Her face fell. “The hell I am! I guess I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I’ve been with a man ... and I’d have fingers left over.”
She looked at Kelly, abashed. “I guess I’m a real mess, aren’t I? I love the guy, hate any girl that gets near him, but don’t do a damn thing myself.” She looked straight at Kelly who could see tears forming in the woman’s eyes. She said, “You must think I’m the funniest thing in the world. Why aren’t you laughing?”
“Because I don’t see anything funny,” Kelly replied. Then she smiled a very warm smile at Cathy and asked, “Would you like to win Sam Adams?”
Cathy’s face registered shock, then pleasure, then determination. She returned the smile and said, “Damned right, I would!”
“Well, let’s get going then. I’ll take your word for your figure. Are you comfortable with a man? What would you do if Sam grabbed your ass?”
Again Cathy looked shocked. “Why ... why ... I don’t know. What should I do?”
Kelly said, “Do what feels right. Mike is wonderful with me. He knows how, and in what ways, I was abused by the Russians. He’s always gentle. Lately, though, he’s become more aggressive as he learns what I like and how I respond.”
There was warmth in her eyes as she spoke. “When we had our little apartment at Quantico, I always cooked. One evening we had just made love and I was starting dinner. I hadn’t bothered to get dressed. He came out to the kitchen and I was standing at the sink peeling ... carrots, I think. Anyway, he grabbed me softly by my buns and squeezed lightly. I could feel my knees turn to rubber. The next thing I knew, he had lifted my hips and entered me from the rear.”
Kelly’s smile turned into a grin. “Can you imagine? Here I am with my ass in the air being reamed by his glorious cock and I’m still trying to peel the damned carrot!” She looked at Cathy and said, “How do you think you would react? I gather it’s never happened to you.”
“No, it hasn’t.” Again she smiled ruefully. “Kelly, I think I’m passionate. I think I would melt if Sam grabbed me. Do you think I should?”
Kelly said, “It’s worth a try. Now, there are two suggestions. First, take off your tunic in the office. What about your uniform shirts? Are they government-issue or are they tailored?”
Again Cathy reddened. Then she said, “I’ve got to knock off this shit, don’t I? If I’m going to get Sam between my legs ... My God, Kelly, that’s the first time I’ve ever said it out loud! I want him between my thighs!”
Then she smiled. Kelly thought it was the first real smile she had seen and it lit up her face. She thought the older woman was very pretty ... beautiful, in fact.
Cathy continued, “I have one tailored shirt. And would you believe it? I’ve never even had the nerve to wear it. I’ve been too afraid. I’ll get more and throw out the others. What else?”
“Underwear. Cathy, I could swear you’re wearing a girdle. But you said your figure is good.”
“You’re right. It’s armor. Okay, the girdle goes. What else ... No. I know what else. The underwear goes. I’m wearing GI bras and panties. Could I go without a bra?”
Kelly smiled and said, “You said your tits are good. Do you want to prove it?”
Cathy didn’t answer. Instead she left the table and headed for the ladies room. A few minutes later she returned and Kelly smiled. Cathy was moving easier ... looser. There was no girdle. She stood at the table and asked Kelly, “What do you think?”
Kelly grinned and said softly, “Catherine King! If I didn’t know better I would swear you’re wearing no underwear at all.”
Cathy grinned back and nodded her head vigorously. She sat down again. “I think I ought to wear something, don’t you?”
Kelly said, “I think I can help you. You can get to a store soon enough, but I’ll send you a couple of pairs of bikini briefs in a courier pouch. And Cathy, do me a favor?”
Cathy nodded and said, “Of course. What?”
“Keep me posted on progress. I think I can help and would be happy to. I know it would be good for you and I think it would be very good for Sam.
“One more thing: For heaven’s sake, change your hairdo! Don’t look like a spinster. You should wear your hair so you don’t have to do anything with it at night. One of my great joys is to sleep with Mike and feel his hands running through my hair. I love it! But I almost cut it off when we met. When I was a prisoner I was forced to lick the sexual fluids off Russian cocks and then use my hair to dry them. Mike wouldn’t let me cut it off and now I’m glad that he didn’t.”
Cathy looked chagrined. “My God, what a fool I’ve been! Kelly, I don’t know what to say. You are a marvelous person. It’s becoming clear that you lived through hell on earth and yet you’re interested in helping me in spite of the way I acted toward you. Why?”
Kelly smiled and shrugged. “I wasn’t a very nice person, Cathy. Maybe I’m trying to make up for it. I think you’re very nice. Now will you please change your hair? You’re off for the rest of the day and under my orders. My orders are to get a new hairdo — one that’s easy to care for. I don’t want you to have to put your hair up before you sleep with Sam. Now beat it!”
The girls smiled at each other and left the pub. Kelly retrieved the jeep and returned to the country home they were using as a base of operations.
The next morning Tom Hawkins named Kelly the unit’s adjutant and Mike, director of operations. Tom smiled at Kelly when he gave her the assignment and said, “It’s going to be hell around here when you and Mike go off. I lose my entire senior staff.”
He looked at her and shook his head. “Kelly, I haven’t had the chance to talk to you alone. I just want you to know that you’re the best thing that’s happened to this unit since Mike Callahan. Your performance yesterday was absolutely magnificent. Incidentally, I got calls from both Sam Adams and Ned Carlson saying the same thing. It’s getting a little boring to keep hearing that you can’t be only nineteen! There’s an office for you. Now get to it!”
Hawkins had asked Kelly to be in uniform. She didn’t ask, but she sensed there was a reason for the request. At eleven o’clock, she received a call from the front gate. There was a Colonel Harding to see her, if it was convenient. The guard added that he had three other officers with him. She told the guard to admit them. Minutes later there was a knock on her door and an orderly admitted the four officers.
Harding, a colonel in the 82nd Airborne, was ramrod straight. Behind him were the three officers from the previous day. Murphy’s nose was bandaged and he now had two huge black eyes. One of the other officers had his skull bandaged. Harding approached her desk and saluted Kelly smartly. She returned it as smartly, and rose to greet them.
“How do you do, Colonel? I’m Tom Harding. I have the misfortune to command a unit with junior officers who try to defy the laws of nature by living without brains. May we have a few minutes of your time?”
Kelly had given him a firm handshake and told him she would be happy to spend a few minutes.
She asked the reason for the visit. Harding smiled and said, “Colonel, I would like to use you as a live training aid, if I may. Murphy, what is the senior decoration Colonel Jackson is wearing?”
Murphy peered at Kelly’s breast with bloodshot eyes and saw the blue ribbon with white stars. His eyes bulged as he said, “I believe it’s the ribbon of the Medal of Honor, sir.”
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The coronavirus is everywhere. The non-stop media coverage, the hysteria, like it could be Armageddon. The end of days, end of the world. Coronapocalypse! And all I can think is that I’m too young to die! I can’t die, at least not yet, I don’t want to die without ever having sex! That’s right. I’m a virgin. Not that I don’t want it, or that I’m a Tim Tebow religious type of douchebag, or that I haven’t tried, but, sadly, I’ve yet to do - “IT.” I’m a virgin, a fucking incel. And with the...
The man saw the woman as she paid for her ticket. At first he thought maybe she was on a movie date with someone. The movie they were both going to see had gained notoriety by nearly getting an x-rating because of its sex scenes which were crucial to the plot. The theater was an old one which had balconies which were no longer used and was what was called an “art house theater”.She went into the theater with him a few paces behind. The theater was crowded but they both found seats next to each...
I woke to kids climbing on top of me. "Get up, get up, come on, Chuck, we can't eat until you get up. We're hungry, Chuck, please get up." They all left, or so I thought. I was about to throw the covers off when a soft voice said, "I'll be glad to be back on the ocean so you can teach me how to play some more. I've missed you teaching me." Bonita was sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing me. She was sitting there waiting, for what, I don't know. "Ah, Bonita, why don't you go...
Sometimes you have to wonder who's right, the moralist or the people who say live life to the fullest. I think everyone gets bored at times in their life but it's all about how we handle that boredom, especially in the sexual department. Going back to my college days, I realize that flirting can be fun. I remember talking with the guys and we would say if we made it to first base or hit a home run with the women we dated. I was from Ohio and going to college in Michigan. I really didn't do...
She was exhausted. Simply worn out from teaching and counseling and as well, listening to all those students and administrators throughout the past year she was relaxing on her bed, and reading a new romance novel she’d heard about as she drank some of the favorite wine she’d bought. Lying on her bed she stripped off the skirt and unbuttoned her blouse, leaving her only in that top and also her panties. The book had already engulfed her as she sipped on the wine faster then she normally drank...
Hi everyone, I’ll start with the story after I tell you this story may or may not be a work of fiction. Its about an eighteen year old boy and a 24 year old sex goddess. So let’s begin! Girl’s POV I’m Ayesha, I’m having fair skinned and height 5’7”. My stats are 34-24-34 and honestly speaking, I’m basically a slut ;). Boy’s POV Playing on x box, eating and sleeping are pretty much only thing I did after appearing for JEE Advanced but this gorgeous ( wicked sexy!) girl has been living next to...
This is not a story as such, rather it is a history of how I made my wife into an unaware web-slut. I’m sure that many other guys have gone through a similar process, and I’d like to hear from you if you’d like to talk about it. At first, my wife was reluctant about me taking photos of her naked, but with some prompting she eventually relaxed a bit, and I slowly began to get a small collection of her porn pics. Of course photos are of no value unless they are to be viewed by...
Through The Door Part One They were well into a bottle of wine. His trousers unbuckled, her hand expertly teasing, not letting him go too far. Then she stood before him, unhooked the little black dress, and let it drop, her eyes never leaving his, always with that frank, slightly teasing look. Later, he would realize, always in control. You like this, don't you? she said. Posed a little. She was wearing all black; a cami, bra, panties, thigh highs with lace trim,...
I’ve just had the most exciting arousal in my trousers for some time, all because I had to fasten my mom’s bra for her. I went to her house to keep her company for the day while waiting for news of my father who was in hospital for an operation that afternoon. It was when we were having our customary hug I noticed how low and soft her breasts were hanging “Is Justine not with you” She asked me. Justine is my wife “No she’s at work, will I do,” I asked, I knew I told her yesterday it...
It’s been 18 months now since I’ve seen my family and I have no hope yet of going home. The deserts are endless here. The winds blast the sand whenever desert storms rise, but I can see how people have survived here for so long. I don’t know where I am anymore I’ve been a wanderer for so long. My camel’s humps are depleted, and that means one thing to me: he’s dehydrating and will die soon if I don’t get us to an oasis. My skins are all empty, except one, which is only half full of water....
It has been a while, i recently thought i would write again after sometime, read other parts if the memories need re jogging of the story-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was the morning after the crazy night, i laid there in shock before mom got up, i went downstairs to make a coffee, and i heard her wake from her sleep, i wanted something to happen but i was also...
“That’s her problem,” I commented lightly. “I made sure she knew about it and I’ll make sure she knows if I hear of him doing anything else that’ll piss her off.” “Still looking out for my big sister?” Jane asked playfully. “Maybe a little,” I admitted. “She’ll never be my wife again, but she’s going to be my sister-in-law. I don’t want to see someone take advantage of her. I’m not gonna lie though. It would bring a smile to my face to find out that she’d kicked him to the curb for lying to...
“I just don’t know why he married me,” Arianna said to herself, while fingering her pussy in the shower. “He doesn’t romance with me, doesn’t love me and doesn’t even care to fuck me.” Arianna was a thirty-five year old beautiful woman. She did a little modeling in her early twenties, and then did a couple of TV shows, where she just appeared as a hot mom or a sexy housewife. Two years earlier, when Arianna figured out that her acting career had no bright future, she decided to be married and...
MILFAn hour later Bryan was in the shed unloading the trailer and sorting the supplies into categories diligently. The three trailer loads of supplies had seemed like so much when he had paid for them and hauled them home, but stacked into piles they really didn't look like all that much. He frowned, wondering how he was going to get all the food into the storage room without anyone knowing. He could enlist the kid's help, but quite honestly what they didn't know they couldn't tell. He...
A big hi to all the ISS readers.. My name is sameer sandhu.. I am 5’9″ and with not an athlete body but quite attractive one.. I have fat and 6″ penis..And this is my first story of a sexual encounter with my aunt.. If you like it please let me know via my email address eroticliberation.. Also via this email I can be contacted for special treatment services..Hahhaha.. If you understand what I mean .. Anyways lets get back to story.. My name is sameer and I live in new delhi.. I was young when...
IncestStudent Nurse, Part 2: Lingerie Purchase Payoff Lois and Aline had experimented with the nurse’s uniform and the lingerie, so they knew their potential. Nearly transparent, the uniform showed her sexy undies quite well in most light. A slip and a lab coat gave her options to preserve modesty. After her last final, Lois returned to the dorm, showered and changed into her nursing uniform. She pulled the stockings up her legs and fastened them to a sturdy, white garter belt trimmed with lace. A...
Author's Note: Note carefully: Although this chapter is a coming of age story, there are absolutely no sexual acts, I say again, absolutely no sexual acts, consensual or otherwise involving persons below the age of consent. There's Something About Sarah By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Sloane Not many boys get a breast augmentation for their birthday; nor that many girls for that matter. I had the operation during spring break from college. I needed it. I was a good looking...
.......... The club wasn’t very busy this evening, there was some fiesta going on in Portimao. Consequently, I was feeling a bit down, I like a good crowd to work with. When there aren’t enough punters, the requests tend to clash with each other, just not enough of them to pick and choose. Romero, the Portuguese waiter, fetched me a drink, “Hi Dina, you okay? Bit quiet tonight, but we expected that. Not too many prospects for either of us either, huh!” I liked him, which is a rarity, I’m...
Mirage rose to fill his glass after he drained it then returned to her seat, crossing her legs uncomfortably. She wasn't used to being dressed like this in front of anyone but Lineal and Lynette and she was feeling a bit naked in front of Hunter. It might have helped if he wasn't looking at her the way he was, as if she were sitting here in that extreme state of undress. She drank more of her whiskey, clearing her throat. "Okay, anytime you want to start. I don't have all night...
The date was June twentieth in the year 2348. I was sitting in the pilot's seat of the Intrepid III, a cargo ship bound for the lunar mining colony. My job was to deliver the supplies that they needed to keep the place running and producing the mineral deposits that the company had discovered.It was supposed to be just a routine mission–one I had made at least a dozen times before. The company usually sent one of these resupply ships up every month, and I was one of four pilots the company had...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAlexis Tae is a tall babe and mixed beauty with a dirty sexual mind. This hot slut is ready to take a black cock deep in her tight wet pussy. Watch as this horny slut moans in pleasure as she gets railed by Rod Jackson from every position. She teases and strips then spreads her twat and takes it balls deep before extracting a big load of cum all over her. This beautiful ebony shows up wearing sensual yellow lingerie, her natural tits, hairy pussy, she seduces and invites Rod and immediately...
xmoviesforyouAccording to Google, Witblits is a white brandy made of the leftovers from a winery and contains a fifty-five, to sixty-five percent alcohol content. According to the local maker, however, it is actually based on an Italian Grappa recipe. The name Witblits is an Afrikaans word, a language indigenous to South Africa and translated it means; ‘white lightning.’ It is a very popular beverage in the most southerly region of the country and it would be unheard of, not to have a bottle or two in one’s...
Gay Male