Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 80 Holy Week 1984
- 2 years ago
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Gentle readers, a friend and writing partner suggested I make it clear from the beginning that this isn’t a stroke story. And truly, it is not. Sometimes, you just need an old-fashioned love story. All rights reserved, but you knew that.
‘Money may buy you a fine dog, but only love makes him wag his tail.’
– Kinky Friedman
raconteur, Texas Jewboy, and founder of Utopia Animal Rescue
‘I’m never going to say goodbye to you.’
As his front door closed, Archie wondered what that meant. Valerie had broken up with him, right? She’d said that the long-distance relationship thing wasn’t working for her, that the sheer distance between her life and career in Milwaukee and his life and career in Denver made it impossible. She wanted someone who’d be there for her on short notice, if she needed a shoulder, an ear, a sounding board, or just a lust-filled late-night booty call.
But… then why had she been so insistent that they make love last night? And that’s what it was, Archie thought. It wasn’t screwing or ‘fucking’ (that word she hated so much). It was tender and touching, slow, passionate. It promised that the love he felt for her was in her heart as well. And then the next morning, she’d packed her things, took off his grandmother’s engagement ring, paused at the door just long enough to say ‘I’m never going to say goodbye to you’ without even looking at him, and then she was gone.
He called her, of course. He told himself he was calling just to make sure she’d make it back home safely. If he were being entirely honest with himself, he was calling to see if she’d had a change of heart, if their love really couldn’t be enough. But ring after mocking ring, message after unreturned message, all he got was silence. Days turned into nights, but he barely noticed.
Some eternity later, his phone rang. And it rang again. Again. Finally, he screwed up the courage to answer it.
‘Archie, this is David Williams. Is my daughter still there? We haven’t heard from her since she got to your place on Friday, and we thought she’d get on the road three days ago.’ Three days? Had he really been here, sitting in the dark for three days? Had it really only been three days since his world collapsed? It somehow felt like ancient history and this morning’s news, wrapped around a sledge hammer.
‘No, sir. She left Sunday morning, so … I figured she’d get home in time to teach her classes Monday afternoon.’
‘This isn’t like Valerie at all, Archie… Did something happen while she was there?’
Archie briefly wondered where all the oxygen had gone. ‘Yes… Yes sir. She … uh … she decided…’ He fought back the sobs rattling around his chest, if for no other reason than that he still wanted the respect of his now-never-to-be father-in-law too much to lose control. ‘She broke things off with me.’
‘Oh… I see. I’m so sorry.’ He could hear Mr. Williams breathing, trying to balance between comforting him and worrying about her. ‘Do you know where she would have gone?’
‘No sir. She … she didn’t answer when I’ve called.’
‘She’s not answering mine or her mother’s either. Okay. Let me make some calls. But … keep your head up, okay? You’re a good guy.’ Great. The guy who’d been so intimidating when Valerie introduced them two years ago was now telling him there were other fish in the sea. That can’t be good.
The good news, if the word ‘good’ applied here, was that Valerie’s dad was retired from the Highway Patrol, so if he really did ‘make some calls’, Valerie would be located really soon. She was safe. She was just somewhere alone, collecting her thoughts. She had realized that what she had with him was worth everything to them both, and she was probably driving back to him right now.
Archie looked at the afternoon horizon, watched the sun set behind the mountains, and tried not to see that as a metaphor. He had only closed his eyes for a fraction of a second when the phone roused him. Funny… it was light outside now. How did that happen? Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, he grabbed the phone.
‘Archie… this is David. They found her… it’s not good.’
‘What happened?’ Somewhere in his mind, he knew from the tone in Mr. Williams’s voice that ‘it’s not good’ was an understatement.
‘I… I think you should come here to Omaha.’
‘Of course. I’ll be there as quick as I can … Wait… Omaha? You’re in Omaha? Why are you in Omaha?’
‘Archie, there’s been an accident. She’s holding on, but … just get here.’
In the 7 years since that phone call, Archie had replayed it in his mind over and over again, but he never remembered what he’d said next. Or, for that matter, how he got to Omaha. One minute, he was panicking, the next, he was standing in a funeral home, breaking down in front of Valerie’s grieving parents. And no matter what anyone said, her parents, her friends, his family, a legion of psychological professionals… No one could divert him from one inevitable conclusion: there was something he could have, should have said, that would have kept her from getting in that car and driving away. And if he had, she’d still be alive today. Somehow, this was all his fault.
Chapter 1
‘Dr. O’Donnell? There’s a call for you on line 3. The caller said ‘I’m Ginger Conrad, and you tell Sammi to get her butt on the phone now!’ Who’s Ginger Conrad, who’s Sammi, and do I need to call the authorities?’
Samantha chuckled to herself. Ginger Conrad had been her mother’s best friend and sorority sister at Colorado College. They’d stayed close right up until the end, and since Samantha’s parents passed away eight years ago, Ginger was the closest thing she had to family. When Ginger’s husband Tommy passed a year later, she moved in with Ginger for a couple months to help her grieve. Ginger was the only person in the world who was allowed to call her ‘Sammi’, because the sound of Ginger’s voice saying it reminded her of the warmth and safety of her childhood home.
Samantha would walk through fire for Ginger (and Ginger knew it, too), so the ‘get her butt on the phone’ line was just one of the more playful sides to her personality, like a signal phrase from some World War II code book. And that, of course, required responding in a similar fashion…
‘This is the West Denver Veterinary Hospital. I’m sorry, Dr. O’Donnell is unavailable at the moment. Would you care to speak with her assistant, Dr. Shut the Hell Up?’ The entire office heard the cackling through the phone.
‘Sammi, girl, your mama raised you right, didn’t she? How are ya?’
‘Things are great, Aunt Ginger. How about with you?’
‘Honest to goodness, they’re not so great. Oh, I’m fine, things are good for me. Still making all the boys whip their heads around when I walk down Main Street. But I do have a problem here at the shelter, and I think you just might be the person I need.’
The Golden Animal Shelter of Jefferson County. Some of Samantha’s best memories were of the weekends she’d volunteered there as a teenager. Those experiences, seeing the way some people mistreated animals, but seeing the way that other people loved them and tried to make them whole again, were the first steps on her road to vet school.
‘Sammi, I’ve got one here that’s really gotten shit on by life. He could use an expert’s once-over.’
‘I probably can’t get away until the weekend. Is he in serious trouble?’
‘No, dear, I’ve got him stable for the time being. He’ll be fine for a few days. Would coming by the shelter Friday after work put too much of a crimp in your social life? Say, around 6:30 or so?’ Samantha tried not to let that dig sting, Ginger knew full well that she hadn’t dated, casually or seriously, in a while. And the last guy? She suppressed a shudder. The less said about The Jackass, the better. Since then, the only men she met were clients, and she categorically
refused to date a client. ‘Besides, there’s a new restaurant in town, and I’ve been dying for an excuse to check it out.’
‘That’d be great, and no, I don’t have a date on Friday night, you old busybody. Can’t wait to see you.’
‘No, Sammi, I can’t wait to see you. You know, Friday would have been Tommy’s and my anniversary. Now, don’t you feel bad if you didn’t remember, it kinda snuck up on me this year too. And … if I can’t share it with him, it’d be great to share it with someone else who I love and who loved him. Don’t bring me a gift, just bring you. That’s all I want for my anniversary.’
They said their goodbyes, and only afterwards did Samantha realize that Ginger hadn’t said what species of animal she was having a problem with. ‘Well,’ she thought, ‘it can’t be anything too out of the ordinary, she would’ve mentioned it if it was. And I can always bring him back here to the hospital if I have to… assuming he’ll fit in the back of the Explorer.’ She briefly thought about calling back to make sure it wasn’t something like a horse, but Ginger had earned a lifetime supply of benefit of the doubt, So, if Ginger wanted to be playful and dramatic, she wouldn’t ruin the surprise. ‘Watch it be a skunk. Hah… Just like her.’
‘But wow…’ Samantha thought, ‘They would have been married … what, 45 years now? Unbelievable. All that time, even after he passed away, and she loves him today like she did when she was a girl. Amazing, in this day and age …’ When you’re 32, it’s hard to imagine being married for that long.
‘So much for step one,’ Ginger thought. ‘Now, step two.’
The next morning, Archie walked into work and heard yapping. That wasn’t anything new, the Animal Shelter had yapping going on 24 hours a day. But he’d taken care of every animal there, and this yapping sounded different. Younger, maybe. Sounded like …
Sure enough, as he rounded the corner, Ginger was playing with a beagle puppy, couldn’t have been more than a couple months old. Cute little guy too. ‘Oh Archie, thank goodness you’re here! Does your landlord still allow small pets in your apartment?’
‘Ginger… You know that I don’t…’ She cut him off, sternness in her eyes. ‘Archimedes Grantham, I know, and I don’t care how much you ‘need your space’. This little guy needs you more than you need to be alone.’
Whenever Ginger pulled out the absurd formality of his full name, Archie knew that the argument was over. ‘What happened? When did he come in?’
‘Last night.’ Ginger sighed. She was sighing a lot these days, he figured she was thinking about Tommy. Let’s see, their 45th anniversary would have been … day after tomorrow! No wonder she was grumpy this morning. ‘He got rescued last night from … I don’t want to say his name, but you’re sure to recognize it. That jerk is behind bars this morning, and it’s a damn good thing too, or I’d have given him the same kind of treatment he gave Gabe here.’
‘Do I want to know what happened to him?’
‘I do know, and I sure as hell wish I didn’t. Look, Archie… He needs a home. Not a shelter, not a kennel, not the best I can do here. He needs to be loved and petted and scratched behind the ears. He needs to have someone to wait for at the door. He needs someone to walk him and play with him in the park.’ She took two steps closer to Archie, handing him one end of a leash. ‘He needs you. Dogs respond to you, and you respond to them. He needs a home, and honestly, you need someone to come home to.’
‘Ginger, has anyone ever said ‘no’ to you before?’
‘Nope, and you ain’t gonna be the first one. Now come on, let’s get Gabe checked out before he goes home with his new daddy tonight.’
Archie bent down, allowing Gabe to look into his eyes. Those beautiful, puppy dog, I-need-to-be-loved, won’t-you-please-love-me eyes. And he realized that today wasn’t going to be the day when someone first said ‘no’ to Ginger either.
They took their time examining Gabe, and what Archie saw got his blood boiling. There were scratches, tears in his skin where blood had dried. Clumps of fur looked like they’d been torn off his chest and belly, and Gabe flinched whenever anyone tried to touch his tail. Ginger was right, more than anything else, Gabe needed love.
‘Okay, Ginger. I’ll take Gabe home on two conditions. One, you give me the morning off so I can straighten up the place before he comes in.’
‘Eminently reasonable request, sir. Done. What’s number two?’
‘You let me take you out to dinner Friday night.’
‘Why, Archie, you old devil! Have you been looking down my shirt again?’ she cackled. ‘Honey, I’m old enough to be your grandmother.’
‘No you’re not, but you’re closer to me than my grandmother was, and you shouldn’t be alone on your … I mean … on a Friday night.’
The smile that spread across her face made him feel warm inside, knowing he’d just done something kind for a friend who’d done so much for him. ‘Archie, I know what you meant. I’ve been able to read a calendar since I was in the 3rd grade. But it’s sweet of you to remember. Only … I have an old friend coming by for dinner on Friday night. Hey, you wanna join us? Assuming you can stomach the prospect of two women swapping 30-year-old stories and laughing our drunken heads off!’
‘It’s a date. And if you play your cards right, one of you old biddies just might get lucky!’ They howled with laughter, while Ginger’s eyes twinkled with impishness. ‘You be careful, whippersnapper. Shouldn’t tease an old dog, you never know if she’s got one more bite left in her!’
‘Ginger, I don’t doubt that for a second.’
‘Okay, boy. Get on out of here. Go home, get your place puppy-proofed, and come back this afternoon. I’ll take care of the paperwork and all that stuff later.’
Hopping on his bike, Archie took a moment to process the time. ‘Forty-five years. Wow. Amazing …’ When you’re 31, it’s hard to imagine being married for that long.
Ginger watched him walk to his bicycle, and thought to herself, ‘Step two.’ She had the ingredients for the stew. Now, she just had to get the fire lit and keep it simmering…
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This story is intended for open-minded, adult audiences only and deals with adult, highly sexual, and magically fictional concepts. If your age, opinions, location, and/or general attitude prevent you from legally enjoying such stories, do not read on!! This story has been posted with the author's consent to FictionMania (I know this, because I, the author, am the one typing this). Any redistribution, reprinting, reproducing, reposting, or otherwise thieving this intellectual property...
This is a mostly true story. Only a little bit has been exaggerated for artistic fun :). My name is Jana. I'm 34 and been married for almost 13 years now. I have a great husband who is good to me, most of the time. I love him to death but he is handicapped. He wasn't when we got married it happened in his late 20s (he's only a year older than me). We were already into swinging before he became handicapped. He doesn't really care for sex much anymore. He has a neurological disease and...
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Hi friends I am Suresh from Delhi i am 46 year old married man with normal personality & very high on sex. I am a regular reader of indian sex stories some of the stories are really exciting & it gives a hard one. My wife is bit fat but have very exciting breast but my sex life is not so exciting i look for sex where ever possible & i have been lucky to have many sex partner before & after marriage. After reading most of this stories i decided to write some of my real experience as well as some...
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Officer Logan Keefe surveyed the scene he’d wandered into. The girl was young and completely naked. The older gentleman was standing just behind her, his flaccid penis hanging out the front of his lowered jeans. It was obvious they had just had sex. He checked toward the cab and saw a young man getting ready to jump out of the passenger side of the truck. He’d deal with him first. “Both of you remain where you are,” he instructed the couple. He stepped into the open on the right side of the...
The doorbell continued ringing incessantly. “I’m coming, I’m coming. Jeez! Give me a chance to put on a damn robe.” Rudolf Morgan hurried down the stairs, his robe trailing behind him as he struggled to fasten it. His wife, Ruth, trailed behind. Jacob stepped out of his room. “Be careful. You never know who it might be, especially at this hour.” “I know how to use a peep hole, Jacob.” Rudolf finally got his robe fastened. The intrusion started with someone knocking and then pounding on the...
It started as any normal Monday morning would: slowly moving down the road to the office, jockeying for position among the rest of the bleary-eyed working class. I steeled myself as I finally entered the building and headed for the elevator, ready for another uneventful week. Just before reaching my destination I noticed a blonde woman that I didn't recognize sitting in the lobby. She wore a black pencil skirt, white blouse, black blazer, and eye-catching red heels. Despite her efforts to...
By the end of the month we've had the same simple sex a couple times and I've stopped and started the herb therapy a couple times. My wife has become more accepting of her sudden youthful desires and vigor. I'm ready to kick it up a notch and plan a nice romantic evening. So during the next round of herbs when you are good and horny, I spring it on her. Flowers around the house, a mild incense and candles round out the mood. I welcome her home and direct her into the living room, hand...
Ok so as I said this morning, I woke up with the hangover horn, all I wanted was some cock but as I didn't pull last night I made up for it with around 2 hours of playing with myself while surfing for porn.That did me fine, till I got settled for the night and it returned, honestly felt like my pussy was biting my leg off, so I text a guy I'd met at Xmas who was really hot and asked if he fancied coming up, my plan was to give him some chat and let him know in no uncertain terms that I wanted...
Hey, whats up its kk again with another story. I thank all of you for your feed backs. Any comments, suggestions or conversations, you can mail me at You can also talk to me regarding anything through email. So I am 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches, fair, athletic and friendly guy. Coming to the story, this happened with my mom’s friend. As I have said earlier in my stories that my mom is a socially active lady. She has her own group of friends and all are ladies. Her friends often come to our house...
"Can I show you something?" I asked. "Sure," he replied. Ever so slowly, I lowered my body on to Kevin. His cock stuck straight up in the air. My labia spread as he entered me. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. After several months of abstinence, having a real live cock inside me felt heavenly. That it was attached to someone who was ready to fall in love with me only made it that much better. My pussy was slick from Kevin's considerable oral talents. If they were still...
Chapter One: A Meeting with a Dominatrix My name is Joyce-Lynne I am a 26 year old Criminal Defence Lawyer working for what I consider a good firm in Sydney Australia. I have had quite a few successes in my short career and have just been given a weird case. My senior partner wants me to defend a woman accused of the murder of a politician in bizarre circumstances. My client is known as Madam Sin, she runs a brothel, not an ordinary brothel, one where bondage and S&M is performed by, or on...
Jon and I were friends from high school, we had just graduated in June and were getting ready for college. To get ready for the party scene we had enlisted the help of our former baby sitter, Angela. She was five years older than us and 5’9′ tall. She had been a dancer through college and had such beautiful sexy legs and a strong torso. We were from a small town and she had been the sitter for both of us individually and occasionally together too. She had just graduated with a degree and was...
TinaI hadn’t expected that. Before last night, I had only ever had an orgasm from playing with my clitoris. Tonight, Luke hadn’t been touching my vagina. Of course, I needed all the other bits to build up to that, but I had never had an orgasm, even from the times I had penetrated myself with my fingers unless I used my clitoris. I was still in a bit of a daze when Luke turned over and lay me on his bed. He kissed me on my lips and looked at me for a second. When I smiled, he returned it and...
College SexJulie Parker was nineteen and openly bi. She was a slut, just like her twin sister, Linda. Julie loved sex. But, unlike Linda, Julie didn't concentrate only on men. No, she knew the pleasures she could get with female companion. And she still couldn't believe how some girls (like Linda) could live their whole lives without feeling a feminine touch on their hot bodies. They're missing so much! Women bring with them lots of fun that men simply can't provide. It was true, however, that...
Drip! Drop! Drip! A staccato of water droplets add to a quiet and dark ambience. A nearby rock is dislodged, crashing with a large boom. You awake with a jump, chilled from the rock floor you were sprawled on. The room you're in is almost too dark to be traversed. You can see three ragged walls surrounding you, sprawling upward out of your limited night vision. Stalactites strike from the darkness above, giving little indication of when the dark ends and the ceiling begins. You rise to your...
GayDan walked his beauties from Chandler’s to Barney’s Bar. They entered to the sound of loud rock music and made their way towards the back. Dan enjoyed the heads turning, the eyes taking in his wives, especially Lisa wearing her devastatingly sexy dress. Wendy scanned the various tables for the best selection of men. “I love you Dan and you know how I get when I’m pregnant. You can dance with Lisa, all I want is cock and lots of it,” Wendy said kissing him. “I’ll bring my studs back to our...
After few days, about a fortnight of seduction and sexual subtle signals as detailed in my first story (my real life experience), my husband and I planned various methods by which our milkman will be sexually aroused and compelled by the situation to fuck me. First of all for 2 consecutive days, my husband hid himself below our bed and I faking a try to take out the milk pot from the shelf kept at a height in dining space, by standing on my toes, stretching my hands extremely upwards, thereby...
Don’t you cucks wish that you could get your hands on high-quality porn comics without having to keep track of all of the artists and creators individually? It’s a pain in the ass trying to remember all of their sites, and it can get fucking expensive if you’re dishing out dosh every month to a bunch of Patreon pages just to get your hands on this content. Thankfully, you cucks have me to figure out the easy way. I went out and waded through all of the shitty comic sites out there, searching...
Porn Comics SitesChapter 1 Ei Incumbit Probatio Qui Dicit, Non Qui Negat. English translation: The burden of proof is on he who declares, not on he who denies. True maybe in a court of law but not in Donovan Corbett’s world. No one in his world appeared at all familiar with the fundamental right of innocent until proven guilty. Two weeks had passed. Two very long weeks. 14 days. 336 hours. 20,160 minutes. 107,209 accusatory glares aimed directly at Donovan. Where was Virgil? The hunt had started almost...
Well my wife is a total slut for cock. I take full credit for her transformation to the whore of my life. When we got married I told her that there are three things I want in a woman 1A gourmet cook 2 a gracious host when we have company and 3 A total slut in bed. Well she took the last real good. This story I'm telling happened about 3 months ago. My friend Dave lives 4 houses away and we have been good friends for about 20 years. The first thing you notice about Dave is his size 6'8" and...
Hello, iss readers . I m rehan from islamabad.pakistan. I am 23 years old male and you can say i am very lucky. Because i have my sexperience in this age in a conservative society of pakistan. I am also a fan of desipapa and today i am sharing my wonderful experience with your fans when i am 19 years old. I am 5ft 9 inch high and have a good body. I have many friends and there my best friend’s elder sister is kiran. She is very loving and loves me as her own younger brother. I also respect and...
IncestThe head eunuch entered my quarters, bowed, and excused himself for arriving unannounced. “Princess Jasmin, your father requests your presence at dinner tonight.”“Does he?”“He requests that you make yourself the most beautiful you can and also requests that you borrow some jewelry from your mother. As there are guests, you will be veiled and maintain a decorous attitude.”“What’s the occasion?”“I have been commanded not to tell you, Princess.”oOoI summoned my personal attendant, Nour and told...
HistoricalWorld Civics in the Twenty-Third Century- fifth ed.Chapter 1: A Fresh StartYou and your classmates have grown up in an age of prosperity. The average world citizen can expect to live a long, happy life. Our leaders are honest and hard working, and our governments are good members of the world community. Large-scale v******e is a thing of the past. In fact, there have been no wars anywhere on Earth for over two-hundred years, but it might surprise you to learn that the world wasn't always so...
————— Edited and polished by Bronzeage. Great job, thank you. ————— Thursday morning, Todd woke up at 7 o’clock and found himself spooning behind Andromeda, her warm body in full contact with his own. His free right arm was wrapped around her delicious frame with his hand gently cupping her breast. A back glance told him Samantha and Donna cuddled behind him in this order. All his lovers seemed still asleep. The thin bed linen they had covered their bodies with that night – it was still hot...
Es waren Sommerferien, und es war heiss! Und was tut man wenn es heiss ist? Genau, man geht baden. Das hatten auch Michael und Daniel getan, und zwar die gesamten letzten Wochen. Morgen würde die Schule wieder beginnen und sie hatten kaum etwas anderes getan als am See zu liegen, Beachvolley zu spielen und zu schwimmen. Und so war es auch an diesem Tag. Dank der vielen Sonne hatten sie ganz schön Farbe bekommen. Daniel sah mit seinen dunklen Haaren schon fast wie ein Südländer aus und auch...
Mind Control