Jasmin wears the Pants Part III
- 3 years ago
- 35
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The head eunuch entered my quarters, bowed, and excused himself for arriving unannounced. “Princess Jasmin, your father requests your presence at dinner tonight.”
“Does he?”
“He requests that you make yourself the most beautiful you can and also requests that you borrow some jewelry from your mother. As there are guests, you will be veiled and maintain a decorous attitude.”
“What’s the occasion?”
“I have been commanded not to tell you, Princess.”
I summoned my personal attendant, Nour and told her to draw a bath for me and to lay out what she thought were my most beautiful clothes.
When the bath was ready, Nour removed her clothes to enter into the tub with me, as she usually washed me.
“Not now, Nour. Much as I would enjoy the games we usually play as you wash me, the request to join the Sultan for supper is so unusual that I would not be able to participate and to do us justice. When I get back, join me in my chambers, and we will lie in each other’s arms tonight to pleasure one another.”
“Yes, Princess,” she answered with a pout.
When I turned sixteen, two years ago, Nour was appointed my personal attendant. Nour was a slave girl who had been brought from Egypt and who had a sweet and charming personality. Over time we had gone from a mistress servant relationship and eventually become lovers. We were of the same age and had taught ourselves the arts of Sapphic love.
In this mausoleum called Topkapi Palace, we lived in a gilded cage pampered and well cared for, however, the absence of men and living with the wives and concubines and children of the Sultan was an environment bereft of joy. The bickering and petty jealousies, as well as the continuous jockeying for preference in the eyes of the Sultan, was constant and wearing.
I was somewhat sheltered from the chaos this caused as my mother was the chief wife of the Sultan, and since the passing away of the Sultan’s mother was the ruler of the Harem. I also was not concerned with winning a place in the Sultan’s bed, as I was his daughter.
Nour had laid out clothing on my bed. She had chosen filmy, azure translucent harem pants over a pair of tiny silk undergarments of the same colour and a matching breast covering which left my stomach bare. This attire would be covered by an embroidered surcoat of rich purple brocade.
She worked on my hair and makeup, pulling my long auburn locks back into a braid, then applied blue kohl to accent my eyes and eyebrows in the Egyptian fashion. My hair was wrapped in a muslin scarf for proprieties' sake.
My mother entered my chambers and stood there, examining me minutely. “Jasmin, you look absolutely beautiful. Here, I have brought you this to wear,” she said, placing a jewelled tiara over my head covering.
“You smell wonderful too. Is that sandalwood perfume?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Your father will be pleased.”
“Mother, what’s the occasion? Why am I being asked to attend?”
“You’ll see. I have been told not to speak about it yet as your father wants to announce the news.”
I entered the main salon with trepidation, not knowing what to expect. My father was lounging on a large divan and beckoned me forward. “Jasmin, my beloved daughter, come. I want to introduce you to the man who will be your husband as of next week,” he said, pointing an older and unprepossessing man seated next to him. “Come meet Hassan, Caliph of Damascus.”
My jaw dropped at the news so abruptly announced to me, and I quaked at the sight of the dotard. He must have been more than three times my age and by far, one of the ugliest men I had ever seen. He eyed me from under thick eyebrows and smiled, revealing yellow teeth.
“Come sit next to your betrothed and get acquainted,” commanded my father.
Mother, who had come in with me, sat next to my father and gave me a sad frown. I realized that I would not get any sympathy from her as she always submitted to my father’s will.
As I sat next to Hassan, his stench was overpowering. He smelled like meat which had been left to rot in the sun. I sat on the divan as far away from him as I could; however, he kept inching towards me until he was close enough to run his grubby hands over my arm.
“So what do you think, Hassan? Is she not as I described to you? Do we have a deal?”
I realized that the match was a business transaction, and I was being traded for something my father wanted.
“Well, Sultan, I think so. However, I would like to see her in private for a few minutes and get the opportunity to examine her further. As the Romans used to say: ‘Caveat Emptor’ - let the buyer beware.”
“Well since you are now betrothed I see no impropriety in that. Take my daughter to the small salon next door and talk to her. Jasmin, follow your fiancée and talk to him.”
I glanced at my mother, who gave me an encouraging nod, and meekly stood up and followed him to the adjoining chamber.
My father signalled the court musicians to start playing as Hassan and I strolled into the adjoining room.
As soon as he had waved me into the room, he entered and locked the door pocketing the key. He rubbed his hands and gloated as he looked at me from head to toe. “Come here, bride to be,” he commanded.
At those words, I retreated as far as I could from him. He strode forward to me as I cowered against the wall. Reaching me, he spun me around and stripped the surcoat of my shoulders and flung it to the ground. I could feel his eyes devouring my body, now mostly revealed under the translucent clothing I was left wearing.
I was speechless and frozen by my fright. I struggled but as a good daughter tried to endure what was happening to me.
“Ah! You have spunk, I like that. Cry out as you will, no one will hear you through those thick doors or over the sound of the music. It is inspection time for you. Are you a virgin?”
“How dare you ask such a question?”
“It is my right as your future husband to know. But, no matter. I will find out for myself.”
With that, he spun me around so that I was facing the wall, and I felt his hand reach into my underclothes, where he inserted his fingers into my virginal vagina and started probing.
“Well that seems fine,” he said, withdrawing his fingers. “Now let’s check the back entrance.”
This time he inserted a finger into my anus and probed it while I struggled in his grip.
“Well, that is delightfully tight,” he gloated while my whole body was suffused with shame and rage. “I am going to delight in ravishing your holes once we are wed. Now show me your breasts.”
Before I could react, he had reached into my top and was mauling my breasts and pinching my nipples. I was speechless from the pain he was inflicting on me.
“You beast!” I hollered when he released me, “You are filthy slime. I can’t see why my father would agree to this match.”
“Well, that is the price he has to pay for me to keep his southern border secure. Now if you ever thwart me again or displease me in any way, I will have you stripped naked and flogged in front of my troops who will then proceed to amuse themselves with your charms. Now straighten your clothing and let us rejoin the festivities.”
When he left the room, I straightened myself out and went out to the hall. I made a point to sit away from him. Seeing my father frown at my behaviour, I told him that I was not feeling well and asked if I might be excused.
He turned to Hassan as if to ask him if I could leave when my mother spoke up. She recommended that I be allowed to go as it was a lot for me to digest in such a brief amount of time. He nodded, noting that Hassan was already toying with one of the dancing girls, and gave his assent.
“Nour, what am I going to do?” I asked after telling her all that had happened to me in the past couple of hours.
“There is only one solution, Jasmin.”
“What’s that?”
“You must escape. Your father will never go back on his word to Hassan.”
“How can I do that? I don’t know where to go or what to do.”
“You must flee southeast or north to go around Hassan’s territory. I would suggest you make your way to Egypt by going east then south. Once there, you can lose yourself in the multitudes of Cairo.”
“I can’t go alone. I wouldn’t know how to act out of the seraglio. Will you come with me?”
“I can’t, Jasmin, I am but a slave. If I were caught, I would be put to death.”
“Go to my desk, there is a sealed envelope with your name on it. Bring it to me.”
I unsealed the envelope she handed me and pulled out the parchment and handed it to her. As she scanned it tears welled out of her eyes and she almost swooned. “I had meant to give you this next month on your birthday. Nour, you are no longer a slave. I have never thought of you as such. You are my friend and my lover and the most precious person in my life.”
“Thank you, mistress…”
“Not mistress, just Jasmin or on high occasions Princess Jasmin,” I said with a giggle. Now, how do WE escape?”
“Horses, I think. Yes, that’s it. The stable master has enjoyed my favours in the past as well as the head of the guard eunuchs, poor man. He can’t perform but enjoys the body of a pretty girl in his bed at night. I will go and see what I can arrange. You start packing and make sure it is a light load. Get out of those clothes, and I will bring some men’s clothes to disguise ourselves. Make sure you pack all your jewelry and money as we are going to need them. I’ll be back soon.”
Within half an hour she was back with two sets of men’s riding clothes such as worn by the Sultan’s messengers. We donned the clothes and proceeded to stuff the four saddlebags with our belongings and crept out of my quarters and down the stairs to the doors of the harem. The guards at the gates were asleep or feigning sleep. One of them opened one eye and winked at me.
Two horses were hitched to the balustrade in the courtyard. We rapidly mounted and started trotting away and out of the main gate of the palace. We were not stopped as it was common for the Sultan’s messengers to begin their journeys in the cool of the night.
The streets of Constantinople were deserted, and we rapidly were out of the city. We hired a raft to carry our horses and us across the Bosporus. Once on the other side, we headed east along the shores of the Black Sea. We galloped enveloped by the silence of the night. The only sounds, the occasional baying dog in the distance and the clopping of our horses’ hooves.
Every bone in my body ached, especially my seat and thighs. The sedentary life of the harem had not prepared me for this. Slowly the sky lightened with the coming of the dawn. We started to hear the chirping of birds, and our pace slowed as our horses neared their point of exhaustion. Nour led us towards a deserted sandy beach which had an abandoned shell of a house hidden by a sand dune.
I collapsed to the ground as I got off my horse. My legs and thighs ached, and I struggled to get to my feet. An aroma of horse and sweat emanated from every pore of my body as I staggered into the house. It indeed was just a shell of a former home, but I figured that it would be a place to sleep through the day out of sight to anyone wandering by.
Nour led the horses to a copse of trees where they would be able to rest through the heat of the day and munch at the grasses that grew in the shade of the trees. When she got back to the hut, she dragged me to my feet.
“No rest for the weary?” I asked.
“Not yet, Jasmin. First, we bathe, and then we rest.”
We stripped off our clothes, and she helped me stagger to the water. I waded in the warm water until I was submerged to my chin. To my amazement, I saw Nour propel herself through the water until she was ten yards further than where I was standing. “Nour! You know how to swim. Where and when did you learn to do that?”
“Jasmin, I am a daughter of the Nile. As a child, we lived on the river, and my brothers and sisters and I spent our days in and around the water.”
I realized with shame that I knew nothing about her or her family. I had never asked her about what her life had been like before she was brought to the palace as a slave. A sense of guilt assailed me to realize that we had been together for two years, and I had shown no interest in her other as my handmaid and playmate.
“Come join me,” she cried out to me.
“I don’t know how to swim.”
“Time to learn then.”
She came over to me and had me lay flat in the water while her hands supported my stomach. “See, you can float either on your tummy or on your back,” she said as she spun me around, so I was floating with her help on my back. “It’s not hard to float.”
“But I’m not floating, you are holding me up.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes… No, Nour, hold me! I’m afraid,” I yelled as I felt her hands leave my back.
“Don’t yell. Keep the air in your lungs; it will help you float. Here, let me help. Take a deep breath.”
As soon as I inhaled, she leaned over me and kissed me passionately on the lips. As her tongue slid into my mouth, I sucked it in and wrapped my arms around her neck while still on my back. As she withdrew, I found that indeed I was floating unassisted. She then taught me to make my arms and legs move to propel me as I floated. After a brief time, we swam back to shore and returned to the hut.
“Time to sleep, Jasmin. We need to rest, we have many days of travel ahead of us. We will travel by night and sleep during the day.”
“Nour, I’m so afraid. My father will send troops after us to capture us and bring us back. We have no means to resist, and our punishment for our flight will be terrible.”
“You can’t worry about what you don’t know. They will not notice we are gone for many hours yet, and by the time they do, we will again be on our way. Besides, they don’t know which way we went and,” she giggled. “Also we do have the means to defend ourselves as befits two valiant warrior maids,” she said as she pulled out from her pack two wicked-looking kitchen knives. “Now eat this piece of dried meat and then we are going to sleep after I give your sore limbs a massage so you can use them tomorrow.”
What started as a massage quickly became something more. We did not have the oils and creams that we typically used in the palace, and soon it was Nour’s mouth and tongue which substituted for her hands. She kissed me softly on the mouth before tracing her way down to my breasts. My nipples were as hard as desert stones, and she scraped her teeth over the delicate morsels before pulling and sucking on them with her mouth. I felt my pussy start to clench as I yearned for her to touch me there. I was feeling my juices well from my core as she brought her fingers to play with my slight pussy lips before penetrating me.
Spreading my thighs, she crawled between them, and I could feel her pussy against mine. She scissored her legs with mine, and we rubbed against each other. The feel of her warmth and wetness sliding on me soon had me bucking my ass upward against her till both of us came at the same time. After that orgasm, things went blank as I fell asleep with a feeling of extreme wellbeing and her between my legs.
When I woke, it was dusk outside, and I was alone in the hut. Getting up, I realized that I was still a bit sore, but not to the extent I had been when we got there. I went outside, and Nour was swimming. She called out to me to join her, and I received my second swimming lesson along with a profusion of kisses, caresses and ass pinches.
After a hasty breakfast of bread, cheese and olives, we filled our water containers from a cold stream which ran past the hut and mounted our horses to continue our flight towards safety. We rode for four days along the coast, avoiding any villages. From time to time, Nour would leave me and ride into a village to purchase food and other necessities. We would ride on during the night and rest during the day. Many times we slept in the open air as we did not always find an abandoned hut.
I could feel my body gaining strength and my state of panic lessened. Nour entertained me with her life history. She had been born in Egypt, the third daughter to the mayor of a village not far from Cairo. Her home was a happy one, and her father instilled in her a love of knowledge, teaching her to read and write as well as do simple arithmetic.
At eight she had been kidnapped by some slavers and transported by ship to Constantinople. There she had been put on the auction block to be sold to the highest bidder. By chance one of the bidders at the auction was one of the black eunuchs, as the eunuchs born in Egypt were referred to. He was there to see if he could spot any woman he thought would be suitable to add to the harem as a possible concubine for the Sultan.
A man in the market had started to molest her, when Nour cried out ‘laa’ in Arabic, meaning no. The man laughed and kept pestering her. Seeing this and the fact she had spoken in Arabic, the eunuch had intervened, purchased her, and brought her to the palace. She was put to work for the black eunuchs as a servant. She washed clothes and cleaned for them. They noticed the intelligence of the girl and had kept up her education until it came time to find a permanent spot for her. She had been recommended to my mother, who decided she would be my handmaid and study with me.
Nour had inherited the looks of the Greek conquerors of Egypt. She was dark-haired and her skin tanned but not dark. With her black hair, green eyes, and elfin face, she was indeed a beautiful woman. We were both slim and not overly large breasted. Both of us had long legs and tight asses. We could have passed for sisters, but my ancestry came from Britannica. My mother had the same peaches and cream complexion that was so typical of that part of the world. She never discussed her past, so I had no idea if I was right.
After the fourth day, Nour decided that it was time to move away from the coast of the Black Sea and head towards the south. She thought we were far enough east to bypass the territory of Hassan. Moving inland, we faced small hills that seemed to go on forever. We tried to follow the course of streams that descended from the mountains to always have enough water for the horses, but the going was now slower and more arduous.
“Nour, how long is the trip going to take?”
“Probably another month,” she said. “Until we reach the coast by circling Hassan’s lands and then go on to Egypt by ship.”
“A month!” I wailed.
“Well, I could cut corners, and we could ride across Hassan’s land and reach the coast faster.”
“A month sounds much better when put in those terms.”
The days followed each other with sameness. It was unfortunate that as we rode at night, we could not see much of the land we were going through.
Early dawn of the tenth day Nour halted suddenly and stopped to listen. She suddenly grabbed the bridle of my horse and led us into a copse of trees and had me get off to hide in the brush.
“Horsemen,” she whispered, "keep quiet.”
I now heard the approaching sound of horses. They were walking at a steady pace, and I listened to the voice of a man say, “They can’t be far. I think they know we are here and are hiding.”
“My father’s men?” I whispered to Nour.
“No. I think I recognize that accent. I think those men are Druze.”
“Hush, don’t move a muscle. Take out your knife, so at least we can defend ourselves.”
I heard another voice calling out, “Jaffar, that thicket is the only place they can be hiding.”
I heard a horse approach, and a man’s voice boomed, “Get out of there before I have to come in and get you.”
Nour and I looked at each other and shrugged, stood up and walked out of the thicket. A tall, muscular man stood facing us.
“Sultan’s messengers? What the hell are you doing sneaking around across our territory?”
“Sir, we are on a secret mission for the Sultan and heading south around the lands of Hassan the Caliph of Damascus and going towards Egypt.”
“Nur!" he called over his shoulder, “Go into the thicket and get their horses.”
The man called Nur soon came back leading our mounts while Jaffar stood there looking at us with a puzzled frown on his face.
“Search the saddlebags," Jaffar commanded.
Our total worldly possessions were unceremoniously dumped to the ground, and Nur began to rummage through them. “Hey, Jaffar, women’s clothes and a Sultan’s ransom worth of jewelry.”
“Women’s clothes! So you are Sultan’s messengers? Unlikely! I think you are thieves and possibly escaped slaves. We will soon get to the bottom of this. Nur, mount them both on our mounts and tie their legs under the horses so they can’t escape. We will ride behind them on the same horses and take them to our encampment where we will get to the bottom of this.”
I was led to one horse and Nour to the other where we were told to get on. I felt a rope tied to each ankle and under the horse. As soon as the contents of our bags were picked up Jaffar vaulted in the saddle behind me, and we started out at a trot while leading my own horse.
I could hear the sound of Nour’s mount behind us though I could not turn to see if she was there. I smiled inwardly at the thought that Nour was mounted with Nur. It seemed to me to be a good omen.
Strangely I was not frightened by these men. I’d had almost no experience with men in the past, but these men seemed to be honourable.
We had been riding all night before our capture, and I felt myself becoming drowsy as we rode. I could feel the manly chest of my captor against my back, and his brawny arm encircled me as we rode. I could distinctly feel his forearm cradling my breasts as I fell asleep with a warm tingling feeling between my thighs.
I woke up with a start realizing that we were stopped. I was lying across the horse’s mane, where I had apparently fallen asleep. My legs were untied, and Jaffar bodily lifted me out of the saddle and carried me in his massive arms into a crude stone house where he set me down on a pile of cushions on the floor.
The Nures, as I had come to think of them, walked in, and Nour was told to sit next to me.
“So now, girls, it’s time for the truth and nothing but,” Jaffar said to us.
I remained silent while Nour spoke up. “We are not slaves, but we have escaped from the Sultan’s harem.”
“Can you prove you are not slaves?” he asked.
“Yes,” said Nour reaching into her bodice and pulling out her emancipation document which I had given her before we fled.
Jaffar scanned the document. “You are Nour the Egyptian?” he asked.
“And who is this Princess Jasmin?”
Nour nodded her head in my direction. “She sits there on your cushions.”
“Really! We are honoured to have you in our humble abode, Princess.”
“I think there is more to this tale than you have said, however, it is now late, and we had been trailing you for two days. I, for one, am tired and exhausted. I am now going to bathe in the stream, as is Nur, and you will remain tied up in the house.”
“No!” I exclaimed. “We have now also been riding for almost two days nonstop. We are also tired and need to bathe. Please permit us to bathe if you are a noble man.”
“Noble I am, stupid I am not. Know that you are in the presence of Jaffar Bey, son of the Chief of the Kurd Clans in your father’s territories and charged with my brother Nur with keeping the peace in these lands by my father. What will prevent you from running away if I let you do that?”
“Come bathe with us," I answered.
He glanced at his brother, who now sported a huge grin and blushed. “Have you no fear that we would take advantage of you?” he asked.
“Not if you are the noble men you say you are and which I believe you to be.”
“You do understand you are to remain in our sight at all times?”
“Well, let’s go and wash up.”
We walked to a small brook, and the men stood around with a bemused look on their faces, as both Nur and I removed our soiled clothing. It was interesting to see how they averted their eyes from our naked bodies and pretended this was an everyday occasion. I could not help but notice how Nur’s eyes would peek at the nubile Nour, and Jaffar kept glancing at me.
I heard them speak to each other in low voices, and finally, both of them took off their clothes and joined us in the water. The sight of Jaffar sent my blood to a boil. He was truly a magnificent man. Over six feet tall with a body that seemed hewed out of granite and with dark flashing eyes and jet black hair, he was a sight to behold.
For the first time, I saw that appendage that differentiates men from women. I had a theoretical knowledge of how it was intended to be used from all the gossip in the harem. When I saw how massive he was and the size of his testicles, my thought was that if he tried to penetrate me, he would split me in two. However, I salivated at the thought.
I glanced at Nour, who seemed to only have eyes for Nur. She was actually licking her lips as she ogled him.
We quickly washed and returned to the house, where we donned fresh clothes and had a bite to eat.
We ate in silence, as each of us thought his or her thoughts. Mine was that this was a man who I would be proud to wed, especially as compared to the brute my father had betrothed me to.
Jaffar broke the silence by stating, “Time to sleep. Nur, take Nour to your room and Princess, you will be with me.”
As soon as we were alone, he assured me that I had not to worry about him molesting me, but that we would sleep together so I would not attempt to flee. Smiling inwardly, I refrained from saying that he was the one who should fear being molested. I truly craved this man.
He tied a rope to my ankle and attached the other end to his leg so that if I tried to escape it would wake him up. We lay down on the cushions. He was clothed in underpants while I was in a sleeping shift. It seems that the moment our heads hit the pillows, we were instantly asleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night with my body against his back. My pussy was throbbing with need. I curled an arm around his chest and cuddled even closer to him. He grunted, and I felt his ass push back against me as he kept on sleeping. I fell asleep again to the sound of faint moans coming from the adjoining room. Lucky Nour, I thought.
Waking first in the morning, I looked over and saw Jaffar lying flat on his back with his arm cradling my body to his. I gently stroked his naked chest and ran my fingers down his tight stomach. Looking down I saw that what had seemed a massive appendage yesterday was now standing straight up and was twice the size it had been the previous day. Curiosity got the best of me, and I carefully slid my hand into his drawers, and for the first time, I touched what I now know is called a cock.
It was hot and meaty in my tiny hand, and it throbbed to my touch. Slowly I freed it from Jaffar’s drawers and saw that the massive tip was engorged and transparent fluid was flowing from the tip. I wet my finger and brought it to my lips, tasting his juice for the first time. It was like nectar to my lips. Leaning over, I licked the tip and scooped up more of the heavenly emission.
“Are you sure, Princess? Once you go down that road, we are on a path from which we can’t turn back,” came Jaffar’s voice.
Instead of answering, I opened my mouth wide and engulfed the tip of his cock into my mouth. I was rewarded with a moan of appreciation. My hand wrapped around the part not in my mouth, and I instinctively stroked the shaft. Jaffar raised his hips, wanting me to take more of him into me. I valiantly attempted but could not get more than a third of his cock into my mouth.
I felt it pulse, and to my consternation, a series of thick spurts shot out of the tip coating my mouth and throat. I valiantly swallowed as he kept sending streams of cum into my waiting mouth. I stayed until I felt his stiffness decrease, and he pulled his cock out.
“What have you done, little one?” he asked.
“Only what I wanted to do,” I answered. “I have lusted for you from the moment I saw you.”
“Well, that puts a new perspective on my thoughts.” Saying those words, he untied my leg and removed my sleeping shift. He sat up over my now naked body and gazed with lust at my charms. Leaning forward, he kissed me passionately, which I returned with equal passion. I wantonly slipped my tongue in his mouth where we sucked on each other while exchanging saliva.
His hands gently caressed my body, and his mouth found my nipples, which he feasted on. I felt his tongue trace down to my navel and swirl around in its depths before he lowered himself to my pussy, which he lapped at like a giant cat as his fingers teased my clit. Spreading my thighs, he gazed at my now glistening pussy before inserting that massive head at the entrance to my passage where he stopped.
“You sure about this, Princess? If I go forward, there is no going back.”
“Oh, yes! I want to feel you in me, I want you to take my flower and spread me wide open.”
“The first time it might hurt.”
“Stop talking! Take me. I want you to be the first and the only man who will have that privilege. Please,” I pleaded.
He slowly thrust forward, and I saw his length sink into my depths. Apart from a slight twinge, there was no pain. Just an incredible feeling of heat and a spreading of my inner walls to embrace his cock.
“You are so tight,” moaned Jaffar. “You feel marvellous around me. So soft and slippery, yet I feel you milking every inch of my cock.”
My hips were thrusting up at him, and I clenched my vaginal muscles to grip him as tightly as I could. I felt my juices flow and coat his member as he kept thrusting into me.
He rolled over onto his back with me still impaled on his shaft. I placed my hands on his chest and squatted over his body my thighs forced wide apart, and I moved my body up and down over him while continuing to squeeze his shaft with the muscles of my pussy. His dark eyes looked at me, almost piercing me to my core while I could feel his cock throb deep in me. The head of his member bottomed out against my cervix on each thrust upward from his hips.
I realized we were both moaning and suddenly became conscious that we were not alone, but deciding that I didn’t care, I flung my body with even more vigour when his hands reached for my breasts. He pinched my nipples, sending me over the edge into an orgasm such as I had never experienced. I felt him erupt in me, flooding me with his hot cum.
Panting from my exertions, I lay my body down with him firmly ensconced in me. He smiled at me and brought his mouth to mine in a kiss so intense I felt my toes curl.
He smiled at me and looked over to the door of the room where I could see his brother and Nour standing there with broad smiles on their faces. When they saw they had been noticed they both applauded and laughed at us.
“Get up, you two,” Nur said. “Now you’ve done it. Out of the frying pan into the fire.”
Breakfast was served after the four of us had gone to the brook to wash. Jaffar walked around seeming bemused. He was always touching my body and kissing me.
“Well, brother, you’ve solved one problem for these two.”
“What problem?”
“I think it’s time you listened to their story and that we made some decisions as to what we are to do.”
“Nour and I talked late into the night, and she has already told me their story. Now it’s your turn to listen and to decide.”
“Only talked?” I asked.
“Well… No, not only talked, Jasmin. Nur and I have reached an agreement, but it’s up to you to decide. Nur now knows about our relationship, and he is okay with that. Just so you know.”
Jaffar looked at me and indicated I was to speak. I proceeded to tell him our story omitting no detail about my life in the harem, Nour’s relationship with me and about Hassan’s treatment and words to me on the night of the announcement that we were to be wed.
As I told my tale, he remained silent, though I could see the rage in him when I told him about Hassan. When I finished, he remained calm and wrapped in thought. Finally, his face relaxed, and he broke into a smile.
“Jasmin, would you consent to marry me?” he asked.
“Marry you?” I asked as my heart gave a lurch. “Yes. I would, in a heartbeat,” I replied, but wondered how this mess would sort out.
“Do you think you could trust me?”
“Of course.”
“Well, Nur, I don’t know your intentions, but we are taking these two back to Constantinople. I don’t know your agreement with Nour, however knowing you I think it might be the same as mine with Jasmin.”
“But… Istanbul?”
“Trust me.”
“You still want to marry me, knowing about the relationship between Nour and me?”
“Yes! I have no objection as long as you do whatever you do discreetly, and it does not interfere with our relationship with me and with our children.”
Children! I suddenly realized he was dead serious.
We galloped for six days, this time not bothering to conceal ourselves and using the roads and not trying to hide. Nour and I were again in disguise. Our nights were idyllic, and I drew closer to Jaffar by the hour. My heart opened to him, and we laughed and kissed, and the nights were orgiastic.
At the gates of Topkapi Palace, the guards stopped us and demanded our business. Jaffar requested an audience with the Sultan as was his right as one of the chiefs of the tribes which made up my father’s empire.
We were asked to wait while the audience was requested. After a couple of hours, my father’s Vizier came out and asked us what this was about. He looked at me strangely, and fear filled my heart as I did not know what Jaffar had planned and was afraid I would be recognized and imprisoned.
All Jaffar would tell him was our mission concerned the safety of the empire. He went away, and we waited a further hour before we were summoned to the audience chamber.
Jaffar approached the Sultan and stood before him.
“So you are Jaffar Bey, the son of my old friend the head of the Druze clans in the east.”
“Yes, Your Highness. I am here on two missions to your most exalted self.”
“And what may these be?”
“Your Majesty, the two missions are intertwined. They concern the Caliph Hassan. Lately, Hassan has been attempting incursions into our lands. We have been watching him amass his troops at the borders of our territories.”
“That is disturbing news. Why would Hassan want to do that? He has great problems to cope with in the land he rules. The population is against him, and by pledging my daughter to him, he has much to gain.”
“It is that he has dynastic intentions for his clan. If he succeeds in taking over our people, he will be able to raise a large enough force to threaten even Istanbul and yourself. Also, he does not have your daughter and never will.”
“True, Princess Jasmin has run away, but she will soon be found and delivered to him either willingly or by force. A daughter cannot contest her father’s will.”
“I doubt your men will ever find your daughter. Should they succeed in finding her, they will not take her alive. A wise father does not use his children as he would use chessmen on a game board to satisfy his needs without discussing the situation with them and obtaining their consent.”
“YOU DARE!” roared my father. “Guards, seize this man and throw him in the deepest prison you can find. Take his companions with him.”
The guards started forward, and I took off my scarf, which had hidden my face. “Father, listen to me,” I called out. The whole assembly and the guards froze in place.
“Jasmin! Where have you been, and why did you run away?”
“Father, all I ask is a chance to talk with you. I would like my mother to be present and hear what I have to say. If you do not permit, I will kill myself at the foot of your throne,” I said, pulling out a dagger that had been given me by Jaffar and hidden in my clothing.
My mother was summoned, and as she saw me, I saw her eyes fill with tears. At the sight of the dagger poised above my breast, she came to me and lowered it, before going to sit next to my father.
“Speak,” commanded my father.
“I would rather we have no one else hear what I say, father. This is a family matter and not for the whole world to know.”
The room was vast, and my father motioned for the courtiers to leave and for the guards to move to the back of the room where they would not hear what I would say. He motioned me to come to him and held out his hand for the dagger.
“If after I listen to you, you feel you need to kill yourself, I solemnly swear I will give it to you.”
I proceeded to relate my private interview with Hassan. The anguish on both their faces was apparent as I told my tale. When I told them of his threat to have me flogged before his troops before letting them rape and sodomize me, my mother started to weep, and my father’s rage was apparent.
“In any case,” I continued, “he will no longer want me as I am no longer the virgin he desired.”
I went on to recount our flight and our capture by Jaffar.
“Father, I have shamed you, I know, but…”
“You are a little slut. I always knew that. Do you think I am not told what happens in the harem at night?”
I blushed as my mother spoke up, “What did you expect, Majesty? The apple never falls far from the tree.”
I was amazed that both of them knew of the games Nour and I played in our chambers.
My father looked at me questioningly and nodding at Jaffar asked, “Him?”
“Yes, father. We want to get married. We returned both to warn you about Hassan and to ask your blessing on our union. This is a worthy man. Worthy of being your son-in-law and my husband. Father, please give us your blessing.”
“Go and leave us alone. It seems Jaffar and I need to have a long talk.”
Nour and I were summoned back several hours later. It seemed that Jaffar had prevailed in obtaining my father’s consent to our marriage. We were going back to his land. Him with the title, Imperial Prince, and placed at the head of several regiments of Janissaries.
All this took place long ago, and Jaffar and I raised a large family. Nur and Nour also married and are jokingly referred to as the Nures. It seems my joke took root.
Hassan was deposed by his people in a brutal assassination that also removed his grown children as it seemed they were very much like him.
My father still rules and often requests we visit him and always to make sure we bring his grandchildren to visit.
Nour and I will occasionally get together for a tryst, always making sure we are incredibly discreet.
As in the fairy tales, we all lived happily from then on.
Many thanks to JefferyB for his edits.
My First Session with Jasmin the Masochist By the time I met her when she was twenty-three, Jasmin was pretty experienced with S&M. She had had multiple lovers. Many of the guys she met in her civilian life, including boyfriends, were too tame for her. They were not prepared to treat her like dirt, slap her around, choke her, beat her all over with paddles and whips. She was really a wild girl, into drugs (mostly hash and coke), sex parties, and kink.Despite the vast differences in our lives...
BDSMFirst EncounterBy the time I met her, when she was 23, Jasmin was pretty experienced with S&M. She had had multiple lovers. Many of the guys she met in her civilian life, including boyfriends, were too tame for her. They were not prepared to treat her like dirt, slap her around, choke her, beat her all over with paddles and whips. She was really a wild girl, into d**gs (mostly hash and coke), sex parties, and kink.Despite the vast differences in our lives and lifestyles, Jasmin and I hit it...
In Part 1 of "Jasmin wears the pants" our hero is fascinated by a woman and in the end of the chapter he is waiting in front of her door just wearing his briefs. Thank you very much for all the positive feedback. I really appreciate the praise. Once again people who don?t like TG stories and or are under aged shouldn?t read on. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. I will start the new chapter with the last sentence...
Nach ihrem Karriereende als Sängerin hatte Jasmin Wagner nur Pech gehabt. Sie hatte auf ihr Management gehört und ihre sauer erarbeiteten Gagen und Tantiemen in Aktien ihrer Plattenfirma Edel gesteckt und nach dem Börsencrash waren die Millionen auf ein lächerliches Sümmchen zusammengeschrumpft mit dem sie ihren Lebensstil auf keinen Fall halten konnte. Anders gesagt, sie war pleite ! Das hatte auch wohl Kurt, ein wohlhabender Mensch in den 40ern aus ihrem Umfeld, mitbekommen und dieser machte...
“Jai darling, you gave me a wonderful fucking experience. I really enjoyed it fully. To speak the truth, this is the most exciting fucking I have ever got in my life so far. And I never got this much of pleasures before. From your look, I never thought you would have so much of vigor and vitality to fuck…” she said appreciatively. “Jasmin, that makes two of us. It was all your magic. To be specific, the magic of your pussy” I complimented back. “See for yourself, Jai, what mess you have made...
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BisexualThis story is fictional. You know the drill: If you are underaged or don't like TG stories don't bother reading any further. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. Jasmin wears the pants by Greta I had just arrived in New York for a week long visit. After I checked in my Hotel I left in order to grab a bite. I walked the streets not really knowing where I...
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However the event which this story follows is one which they had never practiced before. It all started 2 weeks previously. The girls were in Jasmines house chilling out as it was raining heavy outside. Katie and Lucy loved being in jasmines house, simply because they fancied her twin brother Carl. “Hey Jasmine is Carl in” they asked as they sat slumped on her big double bed. “I think he’s out with our parents” she replied “why? You want to see if you can get a piece of him”? They laughed...
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She awoke. The noise of the city was loud in her ears as she got up, she licked her lips, she was feeling hungry, but she knew the sun was still up — she was looking forward to the night ahead. She rang the bell to let him know she was awake, but he would already know that, it was part of his life now, ever since she took him. "Jasmine you are awake." He said, Jasmine smiled at him, a calm seductive smile, one which he could never resist, he reached up and kissed her, she being nearly six...
A MONTH AGOJasmine did not mean to do it. It was her first time drink driving, but she was just been so happy after closing yet another deal. At 23, she was still a fresh lawyer, but she knew she would be hitting the big time soon, at the rate she was going. Then it happened. She never saw the smallish figure in front of her car, and by the time she had heard the thud it was far too late. All she could think of was,"Fuck", and she hurriedly drove off without a backward glance. She had thought...
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Jasmine awoke the following morning with George sprawled on top of her still partially dressed. They had fallen asleep immediately after their extremely hot lovemaking, both were totally satiated. George rolled off of Jasmine and got out of bed, ‘I could stay here all day with her’ he thought. He kissed her gently and went to shower before work. The hot shower washing over his body and relaxing his aching muscles, reminding him why they were aching in the first place. Jasmine stretched lazily...
Chapter 1 My younger sister, Jasmine, was only 15 at the time she had run away from home. She'd been sneaking out in the middle of the night to go out with her friends and finally our parents caught her. They had grounded her, giving her very little freedom to do anything. Frustrated and feeling alone she ran away that summer. I was 26 at the time and had just landed a great job and bought my first home. It was a two bedroom home but it was just perfect for me. I wasn't married but had a...
Jasmine and Doug lay there, sated for the moment. Jasmine thought about Doug and all their communication before this meeting. They’d gone over several fantasies of his, planning several. There was one she was thinking about; she wasn’t sure he would go for it but thought there was a pretty good possibility. She turned on her stomach and put one arm across Doug as she lifted her head, looking at him closely.“Doug, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”He wasn’t sure where she was...
TransIndru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...
Chapter Six – George’s Adventure Begins George sat in his car in the rush hour traffic, cars jammed bumper to bumper, moving at a crawl. Instead of being annoyed as he usually was, he was thinking about Jasmine and what she had told him last night. She had had a sexual encounter with Rick in the park. He was a little jealous, but he was also extremely turned on by the thought of Rick fucking his wife. George also could not believe Jasmine had told him what had happened the previous evening and...
Chapter Four – Eric’s Ride Home The day started out just like every other day. George took Jasmine’s car because it needed some work done on it. She still had George’s car in the garage, but she seldom drove it. George had a really nice sports car, sleek, white and powerful, but Jasmine was not very comfortable driving it at times, but then at other times that car made her feel young and free. Jasmine was puttering around the house when the phone rang. It was Rick and he had a favor to ask...
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All for Jasmine By Samantha Jay © November 2001 Part 2 - Jason and Karen The smell of breakfast being cooked wafted into the bedroom and brought me slowly back to consciousness. I was confused; Barbara never cooked breakfast. Slowly the events of the last two days came drifting back. I then realised who was cooking and, more frighteningly, who was meant to join her. Had I really agreed to do this? I got up and went to the bathroom. After my shower, I shaved my...
George was apprehensive about waking Jasmine this morning. He was not sure if she had forgiven him for last night’s argument, even if she said she had. Never in their many years of marriage had they fought like that, and while it was exciting it was also frightening for him. He loved Jasmine very much and did not want to lose her. He held her in his arms, not moving, enjoying her closeness. The smell of her hair was arousing to him and her legs entwined with his were not helping at all. In fact...
Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...
Conversion of Jasmine Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure...
Jasmine becomes a slave part 1 Chapter 1 The betRacheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and was picking out her outfit. She selected the black leather cat suit that hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know she had a hot body. Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate new items on her slaves. As...
I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister - a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted. "Lovely," I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise. The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs...
The following story is a work of fiction based on my own dreams and fantasiesJasmine nervously waited outside the hotel for a taxi, it was only 5 minutes, but it felt like an eternity.Finally a taxi pulled up and Jasmine nervously got in, "where to miss" asked the driver, Jasmine froze, she had never been out dressed before and she had never talked to anyone whilst in Female mode, "i'm not sure" she nervously said, the driver turned and looked at Jasmine, "first time out dressed" asked the...
Chapter Two – An Evening to Remember The next morning when she saw her neighbor’s son through the window, he smiled knowingly at her. It was then she realized they had not shut the curtains or windows last night. Jim had been watching her fuck George, and he had gotten one hell of a show. She smiled back, a naughty little smile letting him know that she knew what he had seen. He winked at her and turned from his window. ‘Let him look,’ she thought, ‘It turns me on.’ Jim was a good-looking...
Mistress Jasmine made me a slave forever By Greta Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So please leave some words of praise or critics. Those critics which help me to become a better author are the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I laid my head on Jasmine's beautiful chest as I heard her heart beating. I could still taste her delicious nectar in my mouth. She laid there looking so precious so innocent. Her eyes slowly moved down to look at me. I felt her love intensely. "Alex will you make love to me?" Her voice was so soft. I licked her one of her nipples and kissed her neck. "Yes, only if you want me to." "I want! Oh God do I want!" She sighed. It was turning me on more and...
IncestIt was the summer of 1869. It was the summer of my life ending in India… Oh how I shall miss my beloved Princess Jasmine, the silky smooth texture of her fair skin, and the lips that pulsate with fiery bliss whenever they so, so gently press against my cheek. Oh how I can still feel the heat of her breath upon my skin, the gentle breeze coming from the smiling lips and her nose… Then in an instant to the here and now I suddenly returned, calling out orders to the handful of my men who...
All day long as Jasmine and George did chores, her mind wandered to her bath and Jim. It really excited her to recall him outside of her window the night before. The glimpse of him reflected in the mirror masturbating while she did the same thing made her lust for him! Should she call him? She wanted to, but could she really do it? The sexual tension was building inside of her all day, and in a way she liked the way it made her feel. When George and Jasmine finished, they sat out on the deck...
All for Jasmine By Samantha Jay © November 2001 Part 1 - Jason I looked at the clock. It was ten past six. 'She should be there by now,' I thought. "I'll just give it another twenty minutes," I said to no one in particular. Picking up the evening newspaper, I carried on reading the article that I had started. I glanced at the clock after I had finished the report. "Well, Jason, time to start." I have this habit of talking to myself. I got up and walked into the...
George and Jasmine had been married for twenty-five years. They had married young and had a loving marriage. But after having sex with the same person for twenty-five years, well it got dull. It was the same old thing, go to bed, have sex the same old way, go to sleep. While it felt nice, George and Jasmine had fallen into a rut. They had had a really hot sex life at one time. They had probably done it everywhere they could and as much as they could have, but with time came the routine. Jasmine...
Chapter 8 – Jasmine’s Bath Jasmine walked into the bathroom, it was one of her favourite rooms in the house. It was completely feminine. The walls were a dusty rose shade, complemented with gold fixtures, black rugs and huge black fluffy towels hanging on a gold rack beside a large ivory bathtub. She walked from the bedroom nude into the bathroom, watching herself in the mirror behind the tub. ‘Not bad for an old girl.’ She thought while glancing at her reflection before bending over to turn...
Chapter Five — A Walk in the Park The night had cooled off, so Jasmine decided to go for a walk. She went to the park like she had many times before. The park was one of Jasmine’s secrets, if anyone knew about her secret spot and what she did there they would be shocked. Rick saw her go and he decided he needed some air too. He waited a few minutes and strolled off in the same direction Jasmine had. He walked through the park looking for her, but didn’t see her right away. Maybe he had been...
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn't deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman.Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman.Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
Hello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman.Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth...
England isn't exactly known for its porn scene. "They're sexy" is nobody's first thought upon hearing the word "British." These motherfuckers have been inbreeding for so long that they all look like they're missing a chromosome. If you have a retard fetish, go for it; otherwise, people would rather jerk off to almost anyone else.From Freak to ChicHowever, occasionally a Brit is born that looks marginally human. Even rarer is a Brit that looks sexy. Whenever one pops up, they instantly become...
Twitter Porn AccountsHello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman. Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
Cheating WifesHello, my name is Tim. I am a 30 year-old married man. I have been married for five years to my wife Danielle. She is an absolute beauty of a woman. I remember when we were married, I felt like I was the luckiest man in the world. Since I am no hunk myself, standing at just five foot six and extremely lanky, I felt like I didn’t deserve such a nice, gorgeous wonderful woman. Let me describe my wife to you. Danielle is five foot seven, fair with blonde hair. Her bright blue eyes and charming...
She MalesNote : This story is completely fictional! My sister, Jasmine, was only 16 at the time she had ran away from home. She'd been sneaking out in the middle of the night to go out with her friends and finally our parents caught her. They had grounded her, giving her very little freedom to do anything. Frustrated and feeling alone she ran away that summer. I was 25 at the time and had just landed a great job and bought my first home. It was a two bedroom home but it was just perfect for me. I wasn't...
IncestThe first time I saw Jasmine I was sitting in a local starbucks, drinking coffee while reading a book. It was the height of summer and unusually hot for the UK. Three young girls came in and joined the queue. They were all very pretty and dressed in short skirts or tiny shorts and tshirts, trainers without socks. I felt a little hardening in my pants watching them as they queued and chatted, giggling with each other. Their bodies young and taught, silky smooth calves and soft thighs on display,...
That’s all it for Jasmine to turn around and start talking to Stoner. He was the first boy to show her any positive attention due to her being on the thick side. She started talking and telling him her wildest dreams and desires. Jasmine told Stoner that she wanted to get out of the small town and move to somewhere that no one knew her name and that they would not treat like she was something that could kill them just because of her weight. Jasmine told Stoner that she love his eyes and...
This is a story that has been on the shelf for awhile. It is about a bunch of people that interact with each other. Not a particularly happy story. Jasimine might be a good study as a psychiatric subject. "Hi Hon, you're going out with Sherry tonight, right?" "Yes. Why, do you have to work late again?" "Yeah. Two more weeks and then I'm home every night. It has been a rough three months for both of us, I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise. "It's not been that bad as long as...
I heard nothing from Jasmine for almost three weeks. She was always in my head it seemed and I often found myself running the events of that first encounter through my mind, partly shocked and surprised at my behaviour, totally out of character, but wanting so much to repeat it, to do so much more. I found I couldn't masturbate without thinking of her, without thinking about how it felt to touch her. I had almost given up hope of seeing her again. Several times I had made my way to the city to...
One year, that's how long my wife, Jasmine 21, and I have been married, but we dated for five years before that. I have always found my Latina wife attractive, being 5'3 weighting 120 lbs, with a beautiful curvy figure, firm round 34c breast, and a . She always had her long brunette fall down her neck reaching her breast. What can I say, she always looked amazing. I had a dark history though, before I was married, I had an addiction to porn. The ones I would really spend my time on would be the...
Cheating WifesI had a dark history though, before I was married, I had an addiction to porn. The ones I would really spend my time on would be the ones where the husband is forced to watch his wife get fucked by another man. After I got married though, those desires faded away. Until recently, I had these dreams, these dark dirty dreams. In these dreams, I would see my wife getting manhandle by a big black man, and for some reason when I would wake up, I would be extremely turned on. I told Jasmine...