- 4 years ago
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2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth opened as if surprised with a quizzical 'O' and watched them grow hard at the touch. Unbuttoning her jeans, Jasmine tugged them down over her hips, letting gravity take them to the floor. Her panties had also pulled down to her thighs and she gazed at the pubic hair curling up over the top of them. Her mouth still shaped the 'O' as she ran her hand across her flat stomach, permitting her little finger to slip down under the elastic and enjoy the soft, silken tufts just above her mons. With a deep sigh, Jasmine finally edged her silken underwear all the way down and stepped out of them.
Pausing a second to run her hands along the inside of her thighs, while her thumbs rippled along the dark brown down of pubic hair. The music approached a crescendo as she tested the water with her big toe, and then lowered herself into its oily warmth, letting it envelop her. She chose to lie back with her eyes closed while languidly caressing her soapy legs, thighs and breasts. Her thumb meandered around until it found her belly button lingering at its edge while her remaining fingers drifted down between her legs. Slowly Jasmine pinched thumb and forefinger together. Tweaking lightly, deliberately dawdling, while she thought about Warren. About his trim, hard body, handsome face and his adorable broken nose. Jasmine almost dozed off in the warm scented water, but Warren kept intruding. Intruding. Intruding. Enveloped up in a hazy lust, Jasmine's fingers moved deviously, curling here, poking there; moved faster, moved deeper, faster and faster...
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jasmine's climax reverberated off the foggy, steam-clad mirrors and tiles while her cat scurried to its safe place in the bedroom. 3:15 PM. Jasmine opened the door on the first ring and stood there chin slightly raised, an arrogant, but impish expression on her face staring at Warren. Her thick, chestnut brown hair, not quite dry, hung damply about her ears. She wore no makeup. She didn't need it and knew it. He studied her with a casual eloquence. She wore a black floor-length kimono of purist silk, trimmed in brilliant yellow (actually tiny canaries) that split along both sides almost to the hip. There was nothing under it, nothing but Jasmine. Warren knew from the way it stayed with her, molded to her breasts, her hips, clinging to her flat stomach. Jasmine's eyes sparkled mischievously and the sweet odor of marijuana swirled past Warren. Jasmine smiled and said, "Well, I just lost a bet with myself. " "How come," Warren asked, returning the smile and presenting the dimple women found so enticing. "I bet you wouldn't come. "
"Hey," he said with another smile, "I can always go away. "She stepped back and swung the door wide and leaned against it. Cocking her head to one side, she said, "No. No, I don't think so. "Warren went past her into a well-furnished living room and looked around. "Sumptuous," was all he said. Jasmine closed the door and came very close to him, staring up at his face before saying, "Thank you. "She had set the table for two. Wedgwood china, delicate silverware and tall, fragile wineglasses waited patiently to serve them. "If you'd like to wash, the bathroom's over there," she pointed to the far left. "Thanks, I will," he said, and followed her finger's direction into the bathroom where he carefully washed his hands. The room was still warm with the memory of her bath and smelled vaguely of bath oil. He absorbed these factors into his memory bank. When he returned, Jasmine was pouring white wine into two glasses. Motioning him to sit, she handed him a glass and held hers up in a toasting fashion. "To us," she said. Warren smiled and said, "To Jasmine, to Warren and to pleasure. "
"Well, you know what I mean," he added lamely. He'd thought he was further along towards bedding her. The mischievous look crossed her face again and Warren didn't miss it. Their glasses pinged as they touched. Jasmine leaned forward on her elbows, holding her wineglass between her fingertips and stared at him again. "I have to ask you something personal," she said, very quietly, almost confidentially. Warren wondered what she'd heard about him. Was it damaging? But kept his face expressionless and said, "Ask away. I'm not a politician and have nothing to hide. "She smiled, pleased at his response and asked, "How did you get that?" pointing toward his nose. "What?"Jasmine reached out and ran her middle finger very delicately down between his eyes, lingering for a moment where his nose flattened out between them. "That. "
"Oh, that. "
"Um hum," Jasmine grinned, adding, "If it's not romantic, please lie to me. "
"Ahhh, when I was in the Navy, I was conned into entering a boxing tournament. The worst thing possible happened. I won my first two matches. Boy, was I full of myself. Then I stepped into ring against the Navy's middleweight champion. I must've lasted... oh, forty seconds or so. He did 'that' and a couple other things the surgeon managed to repair. Jasmine found herself laughing hard at this revelation into his past and shook her head. "Did you really? Did you really do that?"
"I really did that. " He jumped to his feet and danced around the room, flicking left jabs at an imaginary opponent, then falling on his behind and looking dazed, while an imaginary referee counted him out. Tears of mirth rolled down Jasmine's cheeks as she dabbed at them with her napkin. "Even... even if it is a lie, don't ever change that story. It's absolutely delicious. " She sighed and her eyes glittered as she finished dabbing at them. "I'm so glad we got that settled," she said. "What?"
"The business about your nose. "
"Does my nose bother you?" he asked seriously. His eyes darted from her face to her nipples, now prominent as they swelled against the fabric of the black silk kimono. "No," she said, shaking her head slowly, continuing to stare at it with
an intensity that made him a bit uncomfortable. "No," she continued, "it gives you character. "
"Thanks. "A bell or a chime sounded faintly from the kitchen. "Oh!" Jasmine cried out as she rose from the table. "What is it?"
"Our dinner is ready. " Jasmine said softly. " Please excuse me. I'll only be a moment. "He watched her walk into the kitchen and thought if he had seen a finer body on a woman he couldn't recall her. And he was impressed with Jasmine's intellect. No movie magazine princess here, no sir, he thought. Sitting back in his chair, Warren conjured up erotic thoughts about the remainder of the evening even as he admired the expensive furnishings. Then as promised, Jasmine was back with their dinner. Filet mignon, oven-baked potatoes and asparagus with hollandaise sauce. "Jasmine, this is... " he paused. "This is not a little thing here. This is... like your place, sumptuous. The presentation is... well, I feel I'm looking at a page from 'Gourmet' Magazine. Jasmine felt a flush of guilty embarrassment creeping from her neck to her cheeks as she thanked him for his simple praise. Many other guests at her table had formulated more expressive, more flowery compliments, but she felt Warren's to be much more sincere. The guilt was a direct result of Jasmine's having ordered everything from a nearby restaurant and merely zapping it in the microwave. They ate in earnest, after a while Warren put his knife and fork down and smiled at her. "What is it?" she smiled back. "Do I have something on my teeth?"
"No he laughed. You're just so... beautiful. I can't help staring. If it bothers you I... I'll keep my eyes averted. " As if to demonstrate his sincerity, he looked at his hands. "Warren?" Jasmine said quietly. "I've been a model. I'm used to people staring at me. I accept it and don't take offense. After all, you weren't raping me with those brown eyes of yours, were you?" He smiled at her, appreciating her candor. "No," he said flatly. "Undressing you, maybe, but rape? Never, well not at the moment anyway. "She laughed it was a tinkling sound that he savored as much as the meal. "Good," he said, "I'm glad that's over with. Now, I've got a joke for you. "
"Oh, good! I love a good joke. "
"Well I should preface this by telling you that I love humor and have made it a kind of hobby of mine. "
"Really?" she exclaimed, her surprise reflected in a gay voice. "Oh yeah. " He folded his napkin and placed it on the table next to his plate. "For example I've collected all of W. C. Fields' movies. Even have some tapes from radio shows he appeared on. Anyway, one of my all time favorites was a guy named Myron Cohan. " Warren's eyes dropped to the plate in front of him as he searched for the precise words, he didn't want to mess this up. She took a small sip of wine, her eyes never leaving his. "Cohan was a master story teller, like Bill Cosby is today," he said tentatively. "In fact I think Cosby polished the timing of his early acts watching or copying Cohan. "He became more buoyant as his confidence in the story to come surged through his body. "I came across several tapes of his and I treasure them. He was a salesman in the garment district here in New York, and he was so entertaining to his clients that they forced him into show business. He was around fifty when he started professionally. "She was thoroughly enjoying his honest enthusiasm. He was looking straight into her eyes now, "Anyway," he stopped to laugh at himself. "I'm not sure if this is one of his stories, maybe not. But it should be. It's kinda got his stamp on it, ya know?"
"Yes I know what you mean. " She gave no indication of impatience with his long prologue. Instead, her hand slowly massaged the stem of her wineglass as she took him in with her smoky eyes. Her tongue flicked out trying to capture an imaginary speck of food on her lip. Warren saw this and was momentarily distracted. He took a deep breath and continued. "All right, here goes: Jesus is wandering around one of Jerusalem's markets when he decides he really needs a new robe. After looking around, he sees a stall with a pile of robes for sale. He enters and meets a gnarly little man named Finkelstein and asks politely if Finkelstein can make him a robe. "Can I make for you a robe? Of course, of course, of course. I'll make for you the perfect robe. "Finkelstein prepares a new robe for him, which is a perfect fit. When Jesus asks how much he owes, Finkelstein brushes him off. "No, no, there's no charge. But, may I ask a small favor, a little tiny favor? Maybe whenever you give a sermon you could just mention a little something about how your nice robe was made by Finkelstein the Tailor?" "Sure, sure," Jesus readily agrees and, as promised, plugs Finkelstein's robes every time he preaches. Some months later, Jesus is walking through Jerusalem again and happens by Finkelstein's shop. There is a huge line of people waiting for Finkelstein's robes. He gently makes his way through the crowd to speak to Finkelstein. "Jesus, Jesus, look what a marvel you've been for business!" Gushes Finkelstein. "Would you consider a partnership?" "Sure, sure," replies Jesus. "Jesus and Finkelstein it is. " "Uh... no... no," says Finkelstein. "It should be Finkelstein and Jesus. After all I am the craftsman. " The two of them debate this and other topics for some time. They have quite a good theological discussion as well. Finally, they arrive at a compromise decision. A week later, the new sign went up -- "Lord & Taylor. "Jasmine burst into an unpretentious peal of laughter that gave Warren a warm, contented feeling that lasted well beyond the meal. After dinner they sat on the couch enjoying brandies. There was occasional contact. No -- they brushed against one another, as if by accident. Could it have been premeditated?"Ever play football?" Jasmine asked to get a conversation going after a long silence. "In High School. Wasn't big enough for college. "
"Where did you go?"
"Rutgers. "
"What was your Major?"
"Psychology. ""Why?"
"I like analyzing people. "
"So why aren't you a Psychologist?"
"Well, the Navy happened along... "
"And after the Navy?"
Our meetings became more frequent following the blow job event. We started to see each other on a more or less weekly basis and always ended our chats with some form of sex act. Some times without leaving the premises, furtive fingering or wanking under the table when we felt we could get away with it. Other times we'd sneak into the toilet and fuck or give each other oral relief. Occasionally we would take a drive to a more remote location just outside the city, walk a while then indulge...
Conversion of Jasmine Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure...
It was the summer of 1869. It was the summer of my life ending in India… Oh how I shall miss my beloved Princess Jasmine, the silky smooth texture of her fair skin, and the lips that pulsate with fiery bliss whenever they so, so gently press against my cheek. Oh how I can still feel the heat of her breath upon my skin, the gentle breeze coming from the smiling lips and her nose… Then in an instant to the here and now I suddenly returned, calling out orders to the handful of my men who...
I caressed the long, silken tresses of the exquisitely nude young Asian who knelt proudly before me, then turned to her equally exquisite sister - a three-dimensional photocopy of the one I had just petted. "Lovely," I proclaimed softly. They were, but I had an ulterior motive for letting them hear me say so. These two were obviously proud of their beauty and used it to great advantage in their lives and in their enterprise. The twins ran a business in San Francisco catering to the needs...
The first time I saw Jasmine I was sitting in a local starbucks, drinking coffee while reading a book. It was the height of summer and unusually hot for the UK. Three young girls came in and joined the queue. They were all very pretty and dressed in short skirts or tiny shorts and tshirts, trainers without socks. I felt a little hardening in my pants watching them as they queued and chatted, giggling with each other. Their bodies young and taught, silky smooth calves and soft thighs on display,...
This is a story that has been on the shelf for awhile. It is about a bunch of people that interact with each other. Not a particularly happy story. Jasimine might be a good study as a psychiatric subject. "Hi Hon, you're going out with Sherry tonight, right?" "Yes. Why, do you have to work late again?" "Yeah. Two more weeks and then I'm home every night. It has been a rough three months for both of us, I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise. "It's not been that bad as long as...
Every day, at three o’clock, my neighbor’s daughter sunbathes in the nude. She’s the most beautiful young woman I've ever seen. She’s eighteen and has a very athletic body. She’s 5’7” and has the longest tan legs that are shaped quite beautifully. Her breasts are firm and I’d say they’re about 38C cup size. She shaves her pussy. She has blond long hair that she wears in braids and beautiful blue eyes. Her name is Jasmine, and I’m the horny old neighbor that gets off every day watching her...
TabooWonder what she has on her mind? “What language were Alvin and you speaking?” she, his wife Nell, Anna, Ester, and two of the kids I brought here last night wanted to know. In a language that she knew, which she also thought no one outside her small family knew, I said, “Bitch. You had to go there, didn’t you? I’m so much more than you can even guess.” Now you have that surprised look on your face. I took a few bites and then said, “I met Alvin’s half-sister, Skylar, when I was at one of...
Author's notes: Well, 'bout time I got back on the fic writing scene, isn't it? This work is a not a big departure for me in one sense (M to BBW transformations are still the soup de jour), but I wanted to take a shot at doing a different type of transformation story, moving a bit away from dwelling on the physical aspects of the change, and going more into a longer mental/identity transformation process. It's still meant to be more of a work of erotica than anything else, so I'm not...
“If you must know, Aaron was my first,” said Jasmine.“The guy who lives above your garage?”“Isn’t he Israeli?”“Yes. And yes,” she admitted. “And of course, he’s poor as dirt.”“And you’re…”“Palestinian. Obviously,” Jasmine didn’t need to say how well off her father was, her Model X was parked outside waiting to take her home in the morning.“I thought that was weird, him staying there,” said Bell.“It’s complicated, which I guess is why I need to start with why he’s there at all. Aaron’s real name...
First TimeI had just turned twelve. A late bloomer, I had only a bit of peach fuzz hair above my smallish cock and overall still had the body of a little boy. There had been nothing particularly unusual about my childhood, except one time I had a dream in which I was a girl - I wore a pink dress, white leggings and black Mary Jane shoes. I went to the potty and peed sitting down. That was all. Back to when I was twelve, it was summer, and I was spending a week at my aunt's place in another town...
The quest for JasmineBy BdsmasterPrologueStory synopsisThe main characters in this story are Glenn and Jasmine. Glenn, who made himself rich by having a successful illegal business importing and exporting prostitutes, finally finds the girl of his life. However, it wasn’t a fairy tale for Glenn immediately as Jasmine’s a sex slave who is own by the kingpin of the illegal sex trade himself, Master Rob. Master Rob was Glenn’s sworn enemy (it will become clear in the later parts of the story) and...
Just a short time ago, I came across a website that offered Love Dolls and fascination got the bestof me. I thought it out long and hard and decided to order one. I choose the color of her hair, the eye color, the lip color, etc. After two hours picking the Doll of my Dreams, Jasmine was her name, chosen by me. When checking out the site, I read that the delivery time would be around six weeks, enough time for me to get ready for Jasmine's arrival. I bought her clothes, shoes, bras, panties;...
MasturbationThe story of Our Dirty Kissable Lips. Marion's story is so tightly twisted with the story of the band I thought it best to share the stories of the other members. This is Jasmine the dancing bass player's story. I play in the greatest rock n roll band in the world (my opinion only) and my name is Jasmine. I grew up in Lawrence Kansas a small city in that exists principally for the University Yeah University towns can be lots of fun and this one is no different. It has a very...
Hi, my name is Joe. I'm about 6'1, 180 pounds, latino, and quite handsome.Well this is my story which is actually a true story. And I was a virgin until that day in that hotel. Me and my family went to six flags in San Antonio and after we check in to a hotel my parents got a room on the second floor and me sice I was a only child took a room alone in the fourth floor. It was really late when I check in but I felt dirty so I took a bath. After I took a bath I was still in my robe when I heard a...
First TimeParker leaned back in his chair as he watched his younger cousin Jasmine play a round of Halo 3 multiplayer. Well, he wasn't so much watching her play as he was just watching her. She had long, slightly curly, brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin owing to her half hispanic ancestry. Her breasts were a small and perky 30B, something Parker had learned from a recent game of truth or dare. As he stared at her body he decided that her cute bubble butt, just barely contained in a pair of short...
IncestRecently I met a beautiful girl called Jasmine. She has her own profile on XHamster as Jasmine1998. She has written her first story and it's on her site. It's wonderfully, explicitly erotic and inspired me to write one about her. Here is the first chapter of my story. I hope that she, and others, will like it. . Thank you, Jas.-------------------------Jasmine was beautiful. She had long blonde hair and green eyes and was prettily dressed in a tight black skirt and a silky top that hung loosely...
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Just a short time ago, I came across a website that offered Love Dolls and fascination got the best of me. I thought it out long and hard and decided to order one. I choose the color of her hair, the eye color, the lip color, etc. After two hours picking the Doll of my Dreams, Jasmine was her name, chosen by me. When checking out the site, I read that the delivery time would be around six weeks, enough time for me to get ready for Jasmine’s arrival. I bought her clothes, shoes, bras, panties,...
PATRICIA Jasmine??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2Workout fallit i c?stig????????????????????????????????????? 2Gimn?s?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3Sala de C?stigs.................................... 6Pinces..................................................................................................................................................................... 8Estirada?????? 8Pinces. Ara si.??????????? 9Negocia el c?stig.???? 10C?sting...
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The stereo was blaring out Billy Joel's, "Uptown," and the sound prevented Gail or Warren from hearing the door to the apartment open.But from his position, Warren saw Gail’s roomie, Karen enter the foyer and freeze at the sight in front of her. Warren used his free hand to wave and signaled Karen to be quiet. She nodded, and remained frozen in place.Gail, completely unaware of her roommate's arrival, was obliviously humping up and down and meshing her hips from side to side so eager was...
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After an hour, he didn't think she was going to come, and was debating leaving when he heard the car door open and the nimble frame of Harry slide into the seat next to him, dumping her rucksack in the foot well and only glancing at Warren before looking back down at her fidgeting hands. She had changed out of her gown, now in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt under a bomber jacket, but her hunting knife was still sheathed on her thigh. "I didn't think you'd come," he said, and she...
Having Trish and Brandon living in our house complicated our lives considerably but Megan never complained and I just kept my mouth shut, so it was a real surprise when it was Trish that started complaining that our house wasn't big enough for the four of us. I didn't know what Trish expected me to do about that but I soon found out. One afternoon I stopped by the house for lunch because it was one of Megan's days off. I was pleased to find that Trish wasn't home. "Where's that sweet...
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BisexualAfter a hard day’s work in the prison … I leave work, I’m so tired. I stand all day at work, since I am the supervisor of an industrial line in an all men’s prison, an easy job for the incarcerated. Oh and you did not read wrong I do work in a men’s prison. Working in a male prison is hard work, I will not deny that. But harder and more difficult is to locked in a place brimming with testosterone for more than eight hours. Maybe it’s my diet of sex, but since my husband left me uhm … it is...
Cross County One morning, Charlie approached me with a really lucrative challenge. He challenged me to go cross county by hitching rides with big rig truck drivers. For his part, he was willing to pay 50,000 dollars when I reached 69 Brainerd Street in San Francisco. In return, I would travel naked, with no money or identification. At no time during the challenge could I cover my nudity or accept money. I would have to rely on the drivers for food and shelter. If I mentioned the challenge, the...
Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she’d waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he’d be bunking up with his younger brothers. “Meet us in the hall as soon as you...
“Incoming!” the voice cried over the emergency frequency. “Mortars from the east!” Gath had been dozing. Like everyone else on this deployment, he was exhausted. This was day five of the intervention assignment, day three out in the field. In that time, he had gotten perhaps six hours of good solid sleep and maybe another six of scattered dozing that was often broken up by cries such as the one that had just awakened him. “Tork me,” he muttered, rolling from the semi-reclined position he...
This yet another part to Terry and Lou’s school project: Terry was sitting at his desk the events of the last few weeks had been staggering. His dad was becoming more feminine every day. His mom and Maria (Lou’s mom) were become nymphos, Jill was having her son ass fucked regularly she wanted Terry to convert her husband as well. Jill herself always wanted sex, the only person who had not been infected was Lou’s dad, but he was always on the road. As he sat at his desk looking out the window...
Hi everyone. It’s me, Walter. I’m going to tell you about my High-school Prom. Before I do that I need to explain a little bit about myself and the school I went to. First I’m 6 FT 5 IN tall I have broad shoulders and I keep in great shape. I’m not overly muscular but I’m no weakling either. My soft cock is also impressive as it is 7 IN long and about 2 IN thick. When hard I’m 10 IN long and closer too 3 IN thick. I don’t fight and that is by choice. When I was a lot younger I hit a kid for...
It was in 1964 or 65 (I was 10 or 11) on vacation we always took 3 or 4 weeks in summer for them. Dad would close his office have another professional friend on call for clients. It was just dad with us k**s, heading to places unknown, actually it seemed our vacations were dictated by dad’s appetite. Seafood was a coastal visit, steak or pork was south or west to cattle and livestock ranches or farms. You get the picture how are vacations got planned! Also you will find no mention of mom, she...
After I Die I Want to Come Back as A Lesbian - MaybeI love pussy! It's my favorite food! I don't just LOVE pussy; I ADORE it! I even love the WORD "pussy!" I love to look at it; I love to think about it; I love to touch it and to feel it and to kiss it and lick it and rub my nose in it. Anyone who has one is my kind of person! This is why I once had the thought that after I die I would LOVE to come back in my next life as a lesbian!Lesbians seem to have SOOOOO much fun with each other. ...
Hello there, I go by Kachakali here. I Havent made any stories like this in a while but I was inspired recently by a picture I saw. If you want to see more of my works check out my site and read some other captions and short stories: https://fantasyspiroscaptions.blogspot.mx/ Here is the origin of the picture used to create my short story. The Creator Toonexterminator, made a nice story on it too, have a...
It was spooky. When Beth asked what came next, all four of them turned to look at Phee. I was not to find out for another month why that was, but it was weird, that's for sure. She looked past them at me, and said "If you guys want to go on like planned, that's fine with me." The girls turned back to look at me. Danni said, "What do you want from us?" I blinked. "I thought it was the other way around. I thought you had questions, and I was supposed to try to answer them." "You...
We all piled into the bus along with some parents and we were off. There was a lot of singing and laughing on the bus. Even the parents joined in on the levity. After a five hour trip with a stop for lunch we arrived at the stadium. When we got off the bus we noticed a banner above the stadium entrance which read: The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Are Proud to Host The 2012 Texas Cheerleader Championship Competition I hollered to our group "Hey girls, looks like we've finally hit the big...
J10 I just couldn't do it - I could not shoot him. I was still so much in love with him and he did not care. It was shocking - I already gave up on everything. But James suddenly coming up behind him was something I did not expect to happen. As I saw the knife he pulled and next how he rammed it into Michael's chest. I felt a pain - I knew it was over for him now - but watching my father how he kills my first time lover was about to kill me. As I saw James grinning up to me and Melissa I...
I’ll never forget the first time I had sex in tights. I have always been into nylon but I didn’t start wearing tights until my early twenties when my girlfriend at the time left a pair laying around and I thought I’d find out how they actually felt on. Instant hard on followed closely by short wank! Anyway, one evening when I wasn’t seeing her I decided to go into town, for a couple of pints, and thought it would be a bit of a turn on to wear a pair of tights under my jeans. I slipped them on...
One day, goofing around on the internet, I came upon a list of things men love and women hate. First thing on the list: professional wrestling. I'll leave it to you to judge the accuracy of the observation, but it did give rise to this story.This was initially conceived of as a multi-chapter tale, but I liked the way it ended and decided, for the moment, to stick with it as written. Let me know what you think. End here? Add Pamela? Her friends? Milla and William? Somebody else? Something else?...
Are never sexually satisfied when in heat Just last week I became engaged to the beautiful Mai, my feisty, supermodel-type fiancée with raven black hair and that luscious 5' 8", 38C-26-28 with long legs. All that makes for the perfect, loving cat girl that knows just what she wants. She has had me pop the question with out even knowing it. God, I love having Mai for my wife-to-be. Well, that night when we got back we made a mad dash to our bedroom, tearing off each other's clothes until I...
Devon Green and Lily Adams were excited for their weekly father daughter gymnastics session. The dads began by stretching their opposite daughters out making sure they were nice and warm. The dads started getting a little too handsy though. They were getting close to private areas that did not really get touched too often. The girls were unsure how to react, but they transitioned gracefully into their gymnastics training regardless. When the girls regrouped, they told each other what was going...
xmoviesforyou"How nice of you to come and see me," Marilyn Goodge said a little nervously to hernephew Peter. She was still embarrassed from the sexual encounter she hadwitnessed with young Jenny Phillips and didn't know quite how to act around herattractive young nephew. It was almost as if she were seeing him for the first time,she had only thought of him as a little boy, but now, having seen him suck Jenny'snipples so expertly she was beginning to see him in another light."I brought you a little present...
Hi friends. This is sreeraju presenting a lovely story in Telugu language in the english font. Naperu sreeraju .Ipudu cheppabotunnadi oka interesting katha naku telisina oka family lo jarigindi. Raghu yamuna manchi andamina dampathulu. Raghu state government lo job chestadu. Yamuna nu eri kori chesukunnadu. Ame andam alantidi.. Yamuna degree chadivindi. Raghu office kelletapudu college kelle yamuna nu roju chusevadu. Chesukunte amene pelli chesukovali ani decide ipoyi peddalato matadi...
Dusty got up early the next morning and found that not only was DJ up, but he already finished some light stretching, completed a run around the house a few times, and was now seated at the kitchen table entertaining himself as he waited for everyone else to get up. Laughing to himself he found it interesting that the boy had similar habits as himself. "I see your up early, any reason for that?" asked Dusty as he got a cup of something out of the icebox and then leaned against the counter...
We met at the Coldwell Banker Real Estate office. She was looking at pictures of houses for sale on the bulletin board that was hanging on the wall. A sales person came out and ushered her into a small office. The realtor addressed her as Miss Billings. My eyes followed her as she went across the room. She knew it too. She turned to close the office door and her glance held mine. The woman looked like she was a hippy, but that movement had been dying out after its peak of twenty-five years...
“So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John. Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful little sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds. I had to be concerned, because he’s too young to be getting mixed up in their mysterious goings-on over the road. “Nothing!” he claimed, but looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.” “At Mr Whitaker’s?” “He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.” That was true. Our parents did...
Airtight Training is over, Airtight MILF #1Driving away from the Honeywell residence, I reflected on the successful sharing I had just experienced. Sammy was at that very moment lying naked with his mother in her bed doing god knows what. I felt curiously content but still tense, wound as though waiting for something to happen, which of course I was. I glanced at my mother. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked. Mom folded the seat divider up and moved over to lay her head on my shoulder....
Our resort was just outside of Syracuse, the legendary Greek polis on the East of the island. Under the hot sun of August, the whole island was constantly glowing in a mysterious heat filled with promises of romantic adventures. Glancing from the small window of the circling airplane at the mountainous landscape of Sicily, I fell in love with it instantaneously. An unknown force drove me to dive in those bleak, ancient valleys encircled by the far-sounding sea, to knock on the doors of those...
Hello all. Ye 100% real story hai ek sexy ladki ki. Aur is story ko padh kar sari ladkiyon ki ungli unki choot jarur ragdegi. Mera naam Rahul hai. Age 26, from Lucknow. Ye baat pichle saal ki hai. Main Lucknow se Prayagraj ja raha tha interview ke liye. Main apni car se jane wala tha. Par shayad mera luck achha tha isliye mere mann mein aaya ac bus mein travel kiya jaye. To main bina confirm ticket ke bus station pahucha aur ek ac bus mein baith gaya. Us bus mein bohut kam log baithe the....
( Author's Note: Hello fellow readers of Chyoa. In case you were wondering, this so happens to be my first story on this website. I've gotten a chance to read a good amount and now feel that I am personally ready to come up with something myself. Any criticism, whether its pleasant or harsh, is greatly appreciated. I am still an amateur writer. All help is welcome. Hope you enjoy! ) Ah, yes. 9:35am, at least, that's what the alarm clock reads. Typically time isn't a part of my worries,...
IncestHi Friends. This story is about a love that generates within the family. It’s between me and my aunty (mom’s elder sister) from Kozhikode, Kerala. Let me explain the whole situation.My aunty’s name is Priya married and has 4 daughters. 2 of them already married and the other 2 are studying for higher degree. Aunty is in her 40′s and still gorgeous.I dont know how to explain her. She usually wears sarees when she goes for outing. Her sarees are usually low neck. We can see her huge cleavage if...