Warren Gail Part Two
- 4 years ago
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I called in sick again on Monday and didn't answer any phone calls so I wouldn't have to talk to Thad. I spent the day taking care of some personal business and ended the day at the country club.
As I was leaving the club, I spotted Tredwell's car in the parking lot. "I need to talk to that pecker wad," I thought. I was about to go looking for him when it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to have some kind of record of my conversation with him.
I drove home and got to the house just as Megan was getting a bag of groceries out of her car.
"What are you doing home so early?" Megan said.
"I had some errands to run," I said.
Megan gave me a questioning look but I didn't elaborate. On the way into the house, Megan asked me what I wanted for dinner.
"I have to go back out and I may not be back in time for dinner."
"Are you going back to work?" Megan said.
"No, but there is something I have to do and I don't know how long it will take," I said.
While Megan went into the kitchen to put the groceries away I went to the bedroom and got my digital video camera from my closet and without speaking to Megan I headed back to the country club in search of Carl Tredwell.
I spotted Tredwell sitting at the bar exchanging his empty glass for a fresh drink.
"Hey Carl. Just the man I wanted to see."
I sat down next to Tredwell and ordered a beer. Carl looked a little uncomfortable but he managed to smile at me.
"You wanted to see me?" Tredwell said.
I didn't say anything until the bartender delivered my beer. I knew my silence would make Tredwell uncomfortable and that was part of my plan.
"I was just curious, Carl. what are your intentions toward Megan?" I said.
Carl almost choked on his drink.
"I don't know what you mean," Tredwell said.
"I was just wondering if your interest in Megan was for more than just tennis."
"It's just tennis, really. We're just friends."
Tredwell was visibly nervous and although it would have been fun to continue questioning him, I had other plans so I let him off the hook.
"Have you been following the Reds this year?" I asked.
Tredwell, glad for the change of subjects, immediately dove into the new topic. Tredwell finished his drink and I offered to buy him another. It turned out that he was drinking double Manhattans. For the next two hours Tredwell and I discussed the Cincinnati Reds, local politics and other meaningless topics. During that same period of time I drank two beers and managed to get Tredwell to polish off three double Manhattans in addition to however many he may have had before I arrived.
It was 7:30 in the evening when the two of us left the bar and headed out to the parking lot.
"Before you leave," I said, "I want to show you something."
"Come over to my car and I'll show you."
Tredwell was a little unsteady as he followed me over to my car, which I had parked in a far corner of the parking lot where it was blocked from the view of the clubhouse by a tall hedgerow. Tredwell was looking over my shoulder as I reached inside the car and retrieved my video camera.
"You wanted to show me your camera?" Tredwell said.
I said, "No." Then I turned the camera on and set it on top of the car and pointed it toward Tredwell.
"What are you doing?" Tredwell said.
"I want to ask you a few questions and I want to record your answers," I said.
"Are you fucking crazy or something?" Tredwell said as he laughed at me.
"I am not crazy but you are if you think I am kidding," I said.
Tredwell was pretty intoxicated from all the Manhattans he had consumed but my last comment seemed to get him to focus on what I was saying.
"Now, Carl, I want you to tell me what kind of game you're playing with my wife."
"I told you, we're just friends," Tredwell said, as he looked around for a way to get away from me.
"Come on, Carl, do I really look that stupid to you? I know you are hoping to be more than just friends with Megan," I said.
"No, no. Just friends," Tredwell said as he took a step away from me and almost fell down.
"Now, Carl, you better listen to me," I said. "Unless you want to end up wearing your knee caps as ear muffs you had better start telling me the truth."
Tredwell looked as though he was about to lose his lunch.
"What are you doing with my wife?"
"Nothing, just playing tennis," he said.
I took a step toward him and Tredwell held his hand up to stop me. "Wait. Don't hurt me, please."
"You pathetic bastard, you had better start telling me the truth right now," I said.
"I am. Let me finish. I have only been playing tennis with Megan. That's all I have been able to get her to do," Tredwell said.
"So you admit that you had other plans?"
"Yes. I was supposed to seduce her but I haven't been able to get past playing tennis with her."
"What do you mean when you say you were supposed to seduce her?" I said.
"It was your mother-in-law's idea. She paid me five thousand dollars to flirt with Megan and she said she would pay me another five thousand if I was able to get her into bed," Tredwell said.
"Trish paid you to try and seduce my wife? She hired you to seduce her own daughter?"
"Why would you even get involved in something like this?"
"I need the money. When my wife divorced me she almost cleaned me out. Trish's money allowed me to keep my membership in the club. When I couldn't even get Megan to stop in the bar for a drink with me after tennis I was ready to give up but Trish gave me another two thousand to keep trying and she said she would give me ten grand if I managed to get her into bed. I couldn't afford not to keep trying."
If Trish had appeared in the parking lot at that moment I would have snapped her neck like a twig.
"Okay, Carl. I don't want you playing tennis with Megan anymore."
"That's fine with me. I am tired of telling her how great she is doing. She really isn't that good."
"So you were just stringing her along for the money?"
"You really are a worthless piece of shit, aren't you?" I said.
Tredwell didn't respond. He just stood looking down at his feet.
"I don't want you to go anywhere near Megan again. I don't care what you tell her but I want you to stay away from her, otherwise I will remove your testicles with a corkscrew. Do you understand me?"
"You're not going to hurt me?"
"If you remember what I said and leave right now before I change my mind, I won't hurt you," I said.
I stepped aside and let Tredwell pass. As Tredwell stumbled toward his car I turned off my camera and dropped it onto the front seat of my car and picked up my cell phone.
"911. What's your emergency?"
"A very drunk man just drove out of the Kenwood Country Club. He is driving a Blue 2000 BMW; license number 'CTRED 1.' He is headed west on Kenwood Drive."
I gave the dispatcher my name and number so they would take the call seriously. Tredwell would have to be a complete fool to think I would allow him to walk away from this mess with no punishment.
I had to sit in my car for twenty minutes before I headed home so that I could calm down. I knew that Trish had to be behind a lot of the problems I was having at home but I was still shocked that she would actually pay someone to try and seduce her own daughter. I wanted to run home and throw Trish out on her ass but I wasn't ready for that yet.
Chapter 29: Pleasant Chat with Thad AssholeTuesday I didn't even bother to call the office. I just took the day off to drive down to Lexington and drop some things off at Grandma Jean's house.
Wednesday morning I told Megan that I needed to use her car and told her to take the old Toyota to work. Megan asked me what I needed her car for and I told her I just needed it to run an errand. I was still eating my breakfast when Megan left for work and I was drinking my third cup of coffee when Trish walked into the kitchen.
"I didn't know you were still home. Shouldn't you be a work?" Trish said.
"I have some things to do before I go into work. By the way, we are having a family meeting this evening. Be here at eight o'clock."
"I have an engagement this evening..."
"Trish, it is extremely important that you be here tonight so I think that you had better postpone your engagement."
"What's this about?" Trish said.
"You'll have to wait till tonight. You need to make sure Brandon is here also."
"Okay. We'll be here, but this better be good," Trish said.
I waited until one o'clock Wednesday afternoon before I went to the office. I spent an hour with personnel before going to my cubical. Leon spotted me as soon as I entered the room and came over to my cube.
"Jesus, Warren. Thad's pissed. He has been trying to get a hold of you all morning," Leon said.
I smiled at Leon.
"Good. I need you to do me a favor," I said.
I handed Leon the J&S proposal.
"Don't tell anyone you have this proposal. I want you to hold onto this until Friday afternoon and then deliver it to Jacobs and Stargill before three o'clock," I said.
"What are you up too?" Leon asked.
"I am giving Mr. Thad Asshole a major case of heartburn," I said.
"You could get yourself fired for this," Leon said.
"You're probably right," I said.
"You don't care?"
"No. I just wish I could be here when Thad has to tell Mr. Harris that he doesn't have the J&S proposal that he said he would take care of personally," I said.
Leon smiled at me. "I'll be sure to tell you how it goes down."
Just then we saw Thad coming out of his office.
"Leon, I think you should be somewhere else when Thad gets over here."
"I think you're right," Leon said.
Leon quickly headed back to his cubicle before Thad arrived at mine.
"Where the hell have you been?" Thad said.
"I told you, I was sick."
"Yeah, right. You had the flu. Where is the J&S proposal?" Thad said.
"Don't have it."
"You don't have it? Where the hell is it?"
"I didn't get it done," I said.
"How much more do you have to do?"
"All of it."
"You didn't do any of the proposal yet?" Thad shouted, his red face turning crimson.
"I didn't get around to it," I said.
"I should fire you right now," Thad said.
"You should but you can't," I said.
"What do you mean I can't fire you?" Thad said.
"You can't fire me because I already quit. I am only here to pack up my personal things."
Thad was so angry that spittle was flying from his mouth as he shouted.
"You just walk away from your responsibilities? You owe it to this company to finish the work that was assigned to you," he screamed.
"I have always completed my work," I said.
"The J&S proposal was your work and you didn't complete that."
"The J&S proposal was not my work, it was yours. You were just trying to get me to do it so you could take the credit."
Thad was beginning to have trouble breathing and had to sit down. I picked up the phone on my desk and dialed the number for the first aid station and told them that someone should come check on Thad. I waited until a paramedic showed up and then I left.
On my way out the door I waved to Leon.
After I left the office I took care of some bank business and headed home. I was home by three o'clock and used the rest of the afternoon to plan for the family meeting. Megan had planned to play tennis after work but I expected that she would be home early when she didn't find Tredwell waiting for her at the club. I didn't know when Trish might show up. I never knew what she did with herself during the day but I suspected that she spent her days hanging upside down in a cave somewhere. I didn't know what Brandon did during the day either. The big dope probably just hung around the country club pool trying to look less of a dork than he was.
Megan was the first to arrive home at 6:45, much earlier than expected.
Megan gave me an angry look and said, "What did you do to Carl?"
"What makes you think I did something to Carl?"
"He said that he can't play tennis with me anymore."
"Carl and I had a chat the other day and I reasoned with him," I said. "I like reasonable people."
"Carl said that you threatened him."
"Well, your Mr. Tredwell is not a reasonable person."
"Why would you do that?" Megan said.
"We'll discuss this later, during the family meeting," I said.
"What family meeting?"
"I called a family meeting for tonight at eight."
"What's the meeting about?"
"It's a family meeting. You'll have to wait until the family is here to find out what the meeting is about," I said.
"What has gotten into you? Lately I don't know what you are going on about."
"You'll find out tonight at eight," I said and then I went to my study.
Chapter 30: Family MeetingI heard Trish and Brandon come into the house around 7:45. I was glad she was there but a little surprised that she showed up for a meeting that I had called.
When I came out of my study Trish stopped me.
"Can we get this meeting over with? I have somewhere else I need to be tonight."
"All right, if Megan is ready we can start now," I said.
"Brandon, go get your sister," Trish said.
Brandon and Megan returned a minute later.
"Okay, now what is this all about?" Trish asked.
"A lot of things have happened in the last few days that have forced me to make some changes. First of all, I lost my job. Actually I didn't lose my job. I mean, I know where it is, I'm just not going there to do that job anymore," I said.
"Oh, great, the genius got fired so the rest of us have to suffer," Trish said.
Megan just stared at me with wide-eyed concern.
"I didn't get fired, I quit. Anyway the affect is the same. Some belt tightening needs to be done, so I sold our country club membership effective the first of July. I returned the Lexus and canceled the lease. The dealer wasn't very happy but when I told him I couldn't pay for it he had no choice but to take the car back. "I also sold Brandon's guitar and amp on 'Craig's List' yesterday."
My audience had become very quiet.
"Tomorrow, our real estate agent will be putting this house on the market so we will all have to find somewhere else to live. Well, actually you will all have to find somewhere else to live. I already have a place. I am moving back to Lexington."
Megan finally reacted with a gasp. "You're leaving me?"
"It looks that way. You chose sides against me with you mother so the three of you are on your own now," I said.
"I don't make enough to support the three of us. What am I supposed to do?" Megan asked.
"Why don't you ask Trish for help?" I said.
"How can she help? She doesn't have any money," Megan said.
"Is that right, Trish? You don't have any money?" I said.
"You already know that Harold left me broke," Trish said.
"That's funny because I talked to Harold last Saturday and that's not what he told me," I said.
The color drained from Trish's face and Megan just looked at me waiting for me to say more.
"It seems that Trish got a nice little settlement from the divorce that she decided to keep for herself," I said.
"Is that true, mom?" Megan said.
"Are you going to believe him? You know he has been trying to get rid of me since the day I moved in. He will say anything to come between us."
So that was the line that Trish has been feeding Megan. I was trying to come between them. Destroying her was going to be more fun than I thought.
"Megan, why don't you call your father and ask him about it?" I said.
"Your father is just as bad. You know he would lie to support Warren's story. They both want to ruin me," Trish said.
"Brandon, what is your father's name?" I asked.
Brandon hesitated a moment and looked at his mother before saying, "Harold Forester."
"No. I mean your real father, your biological father," I said. "I know the truth so don't lie. Don't look at your mother, just answer my question. Who is your real father?"
"Preston Matthews," Brandon said.
Megan turned to Trish, who had just collapsed onto the sofa.
"Is that true?" Megan asked.
"It's true," I said. "Trish has been having an ongoing affair with Brandon's father for about sixteen years. That's where she goes twice a week. Good ole Preston has a house over on Southacres Drive and that's where Trish goes to be with him."
Megan could tell by the expression on Trish's face that it was true.
"Now back to the money," I said. "Trish got more than $600 thousand from the divorce settlement. She and Brandon have been living with us free of charge and good ole Preston has been paying all of Brandon's expenses. So where is all of Trish's money?"
"Six hundred thousand dollars?" Megan said.
"I handed Megan the printout of the divorce settlement. "Your father gave me this. I wrote his phone number on the upper right hand corner. You need to call him."
Megan was staring at her mother, anger written on her face, Brandon was trying to catch a moth that somehow had gotten in the house and I was observing the whole scene with a smile on my face.
"Mother, is all of this true?" Megan said.
Trish began to cry and said, "I was going to tell you everything when I first moved in but Warren immediately started trying to put a wedge between us so I was waiting, hoping things would get better between Warren and me before I told you."
I wondered if Trish's lie was as obvious to Megan as it was to me.
"Trish, perhaps you can explain this," I said as I hit the play button on my camera. There on the large screen TV was the image of Carl Tredwell as he explained how Trish had paid him to try and seduce Megan. I had edited out the parts of the video where I had threatened Tredwell with the reconstructive surgery I proposed to perform on him if he didn't tell me the truth.
Tears were streaming down Megan's face as she screamed at her mother. "How could you do that to me? I am your daughter. Why would you want to hurt me that way?"
Trish seemed to be in shock as she sat without speaking. Brandon? I think he had wandered out to the kitchen looking for something to eat.
"Warren?" Megan said. "Please don't leave me."
"I am sorry, Megan but I just can't be with you right now," I said. "You wouldn't listen to me. My life became a living hell and you couldn't see that. You were too busy enjoying the high society life your mother wanted to notice that it was ruining our marriage. I may get over this someday but for now I have to leave."
Megan stood silently as she watched me leave. I sat in my old pick up truck for a moment before pulling out of the driveway. I had thought that I would feel a greater satisfaction after the confrontation but all I felt was sadness.
Chapter 31: My New LifeBy September I had settled into my new life in Lexington. We had a buyer for the house on Kenwood Drive in less than a week. I didn't even bother to go to Cincinnati for the closing. I told the real estate agent to send me any papers that I needed to sign and then to send me a check for half of the proceeds from the house and give the other half to Megan.
My life wasn't what I had wanted it to be. I wasn't sleeping well and I missed Megan terribly but I couldn't be with her. I felt as though a part of me was missing. On the bright side, I did manage to land a job in sales working for a large printer manufacturer in Lexington.
One thing that I felt good about was that I was able to spend more time with Kate. I was able to bring her home to Grandma Jean's house to spend weekends in her old bedroom. I wanted to bring her home for good but I couldn't leave her by herself while I was at work. Kate didn't mind. She was happy to spend the weekends with me and seeing Kate happy made me feel that I was less of a shit for walking out on Megan the way I did.
The first month we were apart, Megan had tried to call me three of four times a week but I wouldn't talk to her. I thought long and hard about everything that had happened over the last few years and although I knew that it wasn't Megan that had created the problems in our marriage, she is the one who refused to see the damage her mother was doing and had constantly taken Trish's side in disputes.
Buck and Mace came to visit but they made it clear that they thought that I should try to work things out with Megan.
One Saturday afternoon in late September I had been out mowing the lawn and when I finished I went into the house and found Kate talking on the phone. Kate was laughing and chatting away like she was talking to an old friend.
I walked over to ask her who she was talking to and she just handed me the phone.
It was Megan. I didn't want to talk to her but I couldn't hang up on her either.
"How have you been?"
"I'd rather not talk about that," I said.
"I understand," Megan said.
Then for the next ten minutes we talked about my new job and how Kate was doing. Megan started to say something about Trish and I stopped her.
"Don't mention that woman to me ... Ever."
"Sorry. Did you know that I went to see my father?"
"Yes. I talked to him last week," I said.
After that we were both silent for a minute.
"Would it be all right if I called Kate again?" Megan asked.
"Yes. I think Kate would like that," I said.
"When I call, would you talk to me too?"
"I guess," I said.
"Next week then?"
"Okay," I said and then Megan hung up.
That became the pattern for the next few months. Megan would usually call on Saturday or Sunday and I would let Kate answer that phone. Somehow that made it seem that Megan was calling to talk to her instead of me and that was the way I wanted it even though I had started looking forward to her calls.
Chapter 32: ShrinkageIt was in November that I finally decided that I had a problem and I needed help. I couldn't seem to get past what had happened to my marriage. I hadn't been able to sleep well since before the break up. While I couldn't bring myself to go see Megan it would bother me if she didn't call when I expected her to call. I tried to tell myself that I was disappointed if Megan didn't call Kate but part of me knew that I wanted to talk to her too.
I just couldn't make myself move on. So, in November I went to see a psychologist and for the next two and half months he frustrated the hell out of me. I went to Dr. Snyder hoping he would tell me what I needed to do to get on with my life. Instead of giving me answers he just gave me questions, often the same questions over and over.
My last session with Dr. Snyder was mid-January.
"Warren, how are you feeling today?"
"Same as always."
"What would you like to talk about today?" Dr. Snyder said.
"I want to know what I should do to make myself feel better," I said.
"What do you want to feel better about?"
"The same thing as always. The breakup of my marriage," I said.
"Have you filed for a divorce yet?"
"You know that I haven't. Why do you keep asking that question?" I said.
"I think it is important. Why haven't you filed?"
"Why should I have to do that? Let Megan file," I said.
"Why did your marriage break up? Was your wife unfaithful to you?"
"I told you before, Megan was not unfaithful. She never cheated on me. But she let her mother ruin my life."
"So you blame Megan for her mother's actions."
"No ... Yes ... I don't know. That fucking bitch ruined my life," I said.
"Megan ruined your life?"
"No. Not Megan, her mother."
"But you blame Megan."
"When Megan's mother first moved in with you, did you see any reason Megan shouldn't trust her mother?"
"When she first moved in, did you trust Megan's mother?"
"When did you start to distrust Megan's mother?"
"I don't know exactly when I started to distrust Trish. It was kind of a gradual thing."
"And you think that Megan should have noticed the same things you did?"
"So you felt that Megan should have distrusted her mother?"
"She should have seen what Trish was up to. She should have listened to me," I said.
"Where you aware of anything that Trish had done prior to moving in with you that made you not trust her?" Dr. Snyder asked.
"No. She always seemed nice."
"Did Megan ever say anything about her childhood that made you think her mother was a bad person?"
"But you believe that Megan should have picked up on her mother's evil ways as quickly as you did?"
"Maybe not as quickly but she should have eventually seen that something was wrong."
"You said before that you were having problems at work during this time," Dr. Snyder said.
"Were these problems caused by Megan?"
"My problems at work? No. Of course not."
"Was Megan's mother responsible for your problems at work?"
"No. My problem at work was my boss. He and the fact that I hated my job," I said.
"So, your job and your marriage problems were completely separate issues that were happening at the same time?"
"I guess you were pretty angry all of the time."
"Not all of the time but I was angry a lot of the time."
"Do you think that anger affected the way you saw things?"
"How the hell should I know? Maybe it did."
"Do you want a divorce?" Dr. Snyder said.
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Because you never give me a straight answer. Let's say that Megan never files for a divorce, will you file?"
"I don't know. I haven't really thought about that."
"You should think about it. Do you think that if your wife wanted a divorce she would have filed already?"
"I guess so."
"So what do you want to do?" Dr. Snyder said.
"Why can't you just tell me what to do?" I said.
"Warren, you are not sick; you are just confused about your feelings. I can't tell you how to feel or what to do. All I can do is help you clear the cobwebs from your mind so that you can make your own decisions. Let me ask you this? Do you hate your wife?"
"Are you so angry with her that you want to hurt her?"
"Do you wish she would just go away and leave you alone?"
"Yes ... No ... Shit, I don't know."
"I think you do know, Warren. You don't need to answer this one, Warren, just think about it until our next meeting. If Megan were here right now, would you want to hug her or scream at her?"
"If Megan were here right now?" The first image that came to my mind was the way she was looking at me with her big blue eyes full of tears as I walked out of the house. I didn't want to think about that.
"I don't want to hurt Megan."
I couldn't get that image of Megan out of my head as I drove home after the session.
Chapter 33 The AmbushLater that week I got a call from Mace telling me that he and Buck were going to come down to see me on Sunday. I hadn't seen them in about a month so I was happy that they were coming to visit.
When Buck and Mace arrived Paula and Georgia were with them. I hadn't expected to see the girls but I invited them all into the house. We talked for a few minutes about nothing important and then during a lull in the conversation I saw Paula jab Buck with her elbow and then she tilted her head toward me.
"Hey, why don't I go pick up a pizza?" Buck suggested.
"Good idea, I'll go with you," Mace said.
I somehow knew what was coming next. I tried to suggest that we just order a pizza and have it delivered but Buck and Mace insisted that they would have to go pick it up. On the way out the door Mace whispered, "Sorry, man."
As soon as the door closed, Georgia asked me to come back and sit with them. The two women were sitting on the sofa so I sat in a chair facing them.
"Do you have any idea how much pain you have caused Megan?" Georgia asked.
"This isn't my fault," I said in my defense.
"It wasn't Megan's fault either. It was that evil mother of hers," Paula said. "Megan is miserable. You have to go see her. She still loves you."
"If she loves me why didn't she see what her mother was doing to me?" I said.
"Her mother was doing it to both of you," Paula said.
"Why are you being so stubborn?" Georgia said. "It's obvious that you aren't happy without her. Just talk to her."
After an hour, he didn't think she was going to come, and was debating leaving when he heard the car door open and the nimble frame of Harry slide into the seat next to him, dumping her rucksack in the foot well and only glancing at Warren before looking back down at her fidgeting hands. She had changed out of her gown, now in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt under a bomber jacket, but her hunting knife was still sheathed on her thigh. "I didn't think you'd come," he said, and she...
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From his position, Warren saw Karen enter the foyer and freeze at the sight in front of her. Warren used his free hand to wave and signal her to be quiet. She nodded, and remained frozen in place. Gail, completely unaware of her roommate's arrival, was obliviously humping up and down and meshing her hips from side to side so eager was she for Warren's prick. Warren gripped her hips and made a minor adjustment to her position, parting her legs a little, and Gail, her sweat sheened body...
"The cabin is at least still standing," Warren said to himself once the old, wooden building came into view.His truck slowly crawled across the worn, bumpy gravel drive that led to his rural hideaway. For days, he pictured his cabin in disrepair as he let his son use the place to host his friends for a weekend getaway from college. Despite the promises his son made to clean and take care of his cabin, Warren knew his son would likely fall short with his promises.Warren pulled up to the cabin...
Masturbation"The Bar," was really just that, a bar in a no frills neighborhood joint populated by a young, knowledgeable in-group making the late night scene. Historically, it was a converted blacksmith shop, located in New York's Financial District. The actual bar was small, patrons clustered around tables that held clam fritters and other appetizers. The drinks were expensive and more than covered the cost of the free food. Music blared from an audiophile's dream of what speaker's should really...
Glenda found herself kneeling on a pillow with her back to Warren as he lazily fucked her from behind as though screwing a bitch in heat. I am in heat, she thought. I am a bitch, then unable to contain herself she shouted hoarsely, "Oh, gimme that big prick you bastard! Slam it to me!" Warren didn't respond. His cock continued to skewer her slowly, penetrating deep, filling her taut, slushy cunt with its size and hardness. Their bodies glistened with mingled sweat. Warren's hands slid...
2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth...
The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...
His hand was poised to knock for the first time when the trailer door opened. Abby stood there smiling at him, her perky breasts pushed against the Grateful Dead T-shirt she wore. "Come on in," Abby said. "Take a load off. I happened to see you getting out of the 'vette." Warren entered the trailer, bending even though it wasn't necessary. His piercing brown eyes digested everything about her. He was trying to disguise the hunger within him, but it would have been evident to the most...
I’m Melinda, would rather be called “Mel”, and this is the story of how I spent my summer. This tale begins when my mother caught me naked with two boys in my bed. She shrieked and my father came running. He stood over the boys as they dressed and showed them to the door, leaving Mom to deal with me. I hoped he’d noticed that their peckers were soft and would think that they discovered me in time to “save” his precious daughter. I kept my thighs together so the four cum loads that were really...
Because of the congested traffic, Warren left the cab in the middle of the street a half-block from his apartment and jogged through the heavy rain to the dryness of his apartment's lobby. Once inside, he ran his hands through his hair and wiped them on his raincoat before removing it and shaking it over the marble floor forming a small pool. Draping the raincoat over his shoulder, he sauntered over to the mailbox and retrieved his mail and perused it, noting with some chagrin they were...
Easter break was busy, but low-key. Being with Brenda on Sunday really shook me. Not that I didn't like it. I really liked it. I took my swimming trunks home and when I got to the privacy of my room, I sort of sniffed the front of it where my cock had pushed it right up into Brenda's wet pussy. And she'd ... she'd tasted my sperm after I shot it all over her stomach and boobs! And then she made an off-hand comment about how she didn't think she was the first or only girl who'd tasted...
December 28 I was up early again today, which has become typical for Saturdays since November, when Becky began giving me sex lessons at her daughter’s request. Both Katie and I have been getting eager for her birthday on January 10 to hurry up and get here. That will be the evening when she gives up her virginity to me. She won’t be my first though, because my own first time will be the weekend before that with Becky. Yes, my girlfriend’s mother is going to take my virginity in order to...
Im not a jock but I do love athletics. Im not a brainy nerd but I do love learning. I not a geek but I do love new technology and gadgets. Im not a sex fiend but I do love the thought of knowing what its all about and constantly fantasize about doing it with any girl who would let me. Now if I could just figure out what it truly means to do it then I would be ahead of my peers. Im a kid, a 13 year old suffering through hormonal and bodily changes and unlike the information out there being...
I joined the army after I quit school in the 12 th grade. After joining the army it put a crimp in my dressing up as a girl. I did wear panties whenever I got the chance but I really wanted to dress up completely as a girl. I wanted to go out dressed and I have to admit I was attracted to several guys in my unit. My third year in the army I went to Viet Nam in December 1967. I was in the 101 st Airborne. I had a best friend in my unit and we were friends since we were both assigned to the...
CrossdressingA quiet night inby timidbruinAs I sit locked in my box with little possibility of changing my situation, I could not help but begin to wonder where it had all gone wrong. Or right. It all depends upon your point of view, and even with the hood and gag in place I still tired to smile.It was nothing but a usual busy Friday afternoon of meetings, reports and the usual sifting through bullshit. During a moment between problem solving I was pleasantly surprised with a phone call from my wife.?Hey...
Ian's frown grew more pronounced as he waited his turn. He'd been in line at the security checkpoint for fifteen minutes. He always showed up to work at least ten minutes early. Now, thanks to this spectacle, he was five minutes late and counting. They'd warned him there would be more strict security protocols at the newly established Special Projects Division, but he didn't think it would take this long. The only thing he hated more than being late was someone else's poor planning making...
POW! ‘Fuck.’ I knew exactly what happened. This was not good it’s cold, the middle of winter, a blizzard outside and I blow a tire in the small town of Buffalo Minnesota which about 45 minutes Northwest of Minneapolis and worst of all I had no spare. I pulled over the the side of the road and got out of my car and walked around and saw my right front tire was the one that was flat. Even if I did have a spare I had no idea how to change a tire. I was on my way to visit my aunt and uncle and I...
Raja is living with his family in Newyork now. He has only one daughter Mala, a college girl. Raja’s wife is a working woman. Raja stood at the sliding glass doors to the patio admiring his daughter just home from college on her first Fall break. Still eighteen, broke, and not knowing many people, home was the best plan she could come up with. Indian Summer weather was good for getting in a last all-over tan. She was naked, stark naked, and Raja hadn’t seen her that way since she was four. A...
IncestSuspicious Latina woman on the hunt for her husband…watch out! Vanessa Sky knows her man was out with Tyler the other night, and now she’s trying to find out where he is and what he’s doing! She tracks Tyler down and practically rips his balls off asking him about her possibly-cheating-ass-husband, but Tyler makes like he doesn’t know anything. But remember, there’s a punishment for everything! Vanessa decides that if her husband isn’t around to give her dick, she’s going to get it someway,...
xmoviesforyouShe blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
The snowflakes grow and she loses her thoughts in the patterns falling on the windows. Feeling his strong hand slip around her waist, she's startled back into reality. My love.. she whispers in the voice she knows he loves. "Baby," he replies as his lips meet the small of her back,his hands wrap around her waist and finally cup her firm breasts. Feeling his fingers brush over her nipples and his lips on her shoulders, she closes her eyes and concentrates on his touch. Sliding up...
CAST in this chapter: Amos Jones (mechanic, B)—Mary (B), Luanne (B), Molly (W), 7 children Bill Zafir (chemist, W)—Alice (surgeon, W), Sarah (big gun, W), Jane Martin (W), 8 children Ezra Pond (navigator, W)—Margaret (computer expert, W), Sue (W), Beautiful Flower (I), 6 children Jimmy Winslow (hunter, narrator, W)—Angie (farmer, W), Jean (hunter, W), Martha (EMT, W), 7 children John Williams (generalist, W)—Adel (women's coordinator, W), Janice (big gun, W), Lynne (glass blowing, W), 7...
No more than a day had gone by since that night then the town car pulled into the driveway again. Will saw it first and went downstairs, sighing to himself as Logan slipped out the door to meet Jack half way. Will sat by the window, watching the scene. ‘Jack, get back in your car and leave.’ ‘Logan, stop being unreasonable,’ he said, approaching her as he took her hand in his and kissed it. They were so close then that Will couldn’t make out what they were saying. After exchanging many...
Jason had woken up that morning feeling like he had more sleep in one night than he had had the past week. He no longer felt like he had fallen so far behind in the journal that he had no hope of catching up. He dared to think he might close the gap further before he went to bed that night. After all, Elizabeth had developed her defense; all she had to do was test it and refine it. The only question which remained was whether she would reveal the formula of what he assumed was a potion. To...
I scream, you respond. "Shut up you dirty bitch, take it and shut up". You slide your hands between me and the bed and squeeze my tits as you keep nailing me from behind. You pull my hair. So I have one of those beds with the mission style headboard and footboard. The one with the wooden vertical slats that just scream "let me hold you hostage". It's a king size pillow top, extra high off the ground. It needs a big man to occupy the space and I have a sexy fucking navy boy in mind. Your mind...
FantasyAge:18 yrs this is the continuation of my story new life ........ I was sitting on the schools balcony talking to cris she was standing just beside me. I was talking about how jake and my father had been a jerk to me.That day i didnt attend any class as i was broken from within both mentally and physically ,i was just wandering around the school campus thinking about all the bad things that happened to me in the last few days before i went to the balcony to meet cris.She sat down beside...
Currently I am a temporary IT worker, I tend to work long hours meaning I can be the last to leave at night. The office where I work is cleaner by contract workers mostly the same people. I have noticed an Indian lady probably about 35 years old medium height long black hair tied back. She is slightly tubby with an amazing pair of large tits. I always try and speak to her and try to make her laugh as she has a beautiful smile with lovely white teeth. I have invited her out for a drink several...
A more worrying fact was that the small supply of Jim's blood was fast running out. It was the only remaining stock of Jim's male DNA and when it was gone Anne would have no way to turn him back into his old self. But it was vital she used his blood to confirm it worked. There was one way to get a new supply of Jim's male DNA and that was to inject someone with a virus containing Jim's DNA but that would only result in another person being landed in the same problem. In other words,...
Malachi had been working for weeks on finishing up his little showroom. What was once a typical suburban basement had now been furnished with racks, tables, and cots, boxes of toys and chains hanging from walls and attached to tables. He had machines he was eager to test and ropes strong enough to hold down a horse. All he needed now was a little inventory. He had his eye on a few girls to make the first of his little items, all shapes and sizes. A little googling had enlightened him on the...
Hi all readers. I am Abhay aged 26 average looking tall guy from Bangalore, a big fan of sex stories. I am always fascinated by having fun with strangers and this story which I am narrating is something which I can never forget. It was this night, which I was supposed to travel back to Bangalore I usually prefer a semi sleeper, but I was too tired so I had booked a ticket in a sleeper coach. Let me tell you I was too lucky b4 as I already had 2 females in bus one was unmarried with whom I had...
She’s got a filthy mouth.. Kendall Karson is what keeps the sex interesting. She video-chats her man and shows her giant tits off, begging him to cum home. She can’t wait much longer and neither can he. When they lose connection, he rushes home to make the real one. Manuel gets his hands all over Karson’s beautiful body, paying special attention to her soft, sweet pussy and probing his digits in her tight asshole. Karson returns the oral favors and gets straight nasty as she...
xmoviesforyouWhile this conversation took place Vera Banks was on her way home from work - she was still only working part time and on Tuesday she got off mid-afternoon. She had been driven back from the coast last night not by her branch manager and his wife but by Major Harman, or Cedric as he had urged her to call him. He had escorted her to the door but then withdrawn as they couldn't be sure Harold had left and he 'didn't want to cause any unpleasantness, ' as he put it in his gruff voice that...
"I'm just going to look," she said, backing up the stairs. "I give her two minutes before she cums," Patricia offered, sitting down in the vacated chair with her glass of orange juice. "But how could she?! How could she just..." "He just has this way about him." She drank several gulps of juice. "Don't! Don't you dare!" they heard Sarah's voice from upstairs. "Ignore that," Patricia advised Daphne. "She's just playing hard to get. Won't last, though. But she may try to...
"You don’t waste any time, do you?" The woman said, a sly smirk on her face. She looked to be in her mid-thirties, wearing a long brown jacket, a yellow cardigan and a grey pencil skirt that ended before her knees. Her hair was a silvery blond pixie cut with a pair of thin stencilled glasses resting on top. She was sitting cross legged, her legs bare save for a pair of white Cuban-heel boots. Noelle blinked. "Uhh..." "Not two hours after your first encounter," the woman continued,...
The next weekend after Jens risky gangbang I ask her as we're having breakfast,"So, when are you supposed to get your period?""Um, should be near the end of this coming week, probably Thursday or so I would hope!""Me too! You don't feel any different do you?" "Different? Like as a person?" She questions back."No I meant, different like you could be pregnant!""Oh, well my boobs have been very sensitive the last couple of days, but thats all. God! I hope I'm not pregnant!"" You did take that...
She walked alone through the night, silently, in the light of the full moon, at peace with the world, and with only her thoughts for company. She loved the night. Even when she was a small child she loved to walk at night, looking up at the moon, or watching the stars if the night was dark. She was never afraid of being alone when she had the night for company. She knew that the night was her friend. As she grew older, the child maturing into a teenager, she became aware of changes to her...
Cherri and I were on our way out the door when I accidentally bumped into Phillip Taylor, who happened to be the hottest, most popular guy in the school. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. When I looked at his face and realized who it was, my beating heart stopped and then began to pound. ‘I’m sorry,’ he apologized. ‘No, I’m the clumsy one.’ ‘Everyone is a little clumsy every now and then,’ he said, with a smile. ‘You are Sarah, right?’ I glanced at Cherri’s...
Anya Krey a very serious with her partner: he wants to fuck her anally but her asshole doesn’t seem to be able to stretch so she visits Potro de Bilbao M.D. to try to find a solution. The Doctor is pretty convinced that her problem is actually psychological so he starts by dilating her rear hole manually first to end up stretching it out all the way using his huge cock as a medical tool. Once her ass turns into a wide open gaping hole, Anya is finally able to verify that her ability for...
xmoviesforyouI had been busy at work, and in a mood where I wanted to take a break from the women I had been involved with. My plan to "lay low" had been working quite well until one evening when Dara - my "Aunt Lorene's" sister called to see how I was. We talked on the phone for almost two hours, and she encouraged me to fly to her home in Texas for a visit. As we spoke, she told me it had been very hot, and that she could hardly wait to come home from work and change into comfortable clothes. In what I...
Hi All, this is Rahul. I am 28 years old, working in Mangalore. I am here to share my true experience, which happened to me. It was just a week after the lockdown had opened. I had just started to explore the world back again. When I went out, I met my colleague Anusha (name changed) in a shopping mall. We were genuinely happy to see each other after such a long time. We went to an ice cream parlor nearby to catch up since we all were working from home. She was wearing a white shirt and blue...
You are Robin Wren, a great looking college sophomore, and you are once again stroking your large cock to cuckold porn; currently and seemingly perpetually girlfriend lacking. That isn't completely true, you aren't perpetually lacking a girlfriend. Yesterday, you had a girlfriend, Penny . She wasn't even your first girlfriend this semester. There was also Nancy and last semester there was Tracy, Kristin,Leslie, and Jane. You don't seem to have any trouble getting a girlfriend. Your great looks,...
FetishThat night Barbara got out of the shower and did her nightly douche, enema, and makeup as instructed. Fully cleaned, she placed the leather cuffs on her ankles and wrists and attached the ribbed dog collar to her neck. Presentable at last, she slowly made her way down the stairs and into the living room. Both John and Cheryl sat side by side, waiting for the submissive Barbara to take her position in the center of the room. ?Well Barbara.? Cheryl broke the silence as she walked...
I recently joined a sex dating site, no messing about, just meet up to shag.It's a fee paying set up. I was scanning for men local to me, and came upon an ad from two black guys, who work in ...tandem as it were, to please ladies. I placed a message with them including my "dating" mobile number, a pay as you go.I was expecting to get a message back in the next day or three. In fact I had a call withinten minutes. The men were in a local pub in Great Barr, watching the football. I panicked a...
"Life can't get much better than this," Jack thought aloud as he laid around his family pool. Jack was the heir to his family's vast fortune and constantly thought that this made him better than everyone else. This was especially true with regards to his younger sister. Jack was 19 years old and loved to threaten his younger sister, Jackie, about how if something ever happened to their parents she would find herself penniless and destitute. The thought of his 18 year old sister...
HorrorThe Doctor watches intently at the two sleeping, naked bodies lying on the small bed through the one-way mirror. "They should be waking up any time now." He says to his assistant as for the umpteenth time, he looks at the subjects notes. Subject #1 Name: Brad Grey Age: 18 Profession: Pupil Status: Single. Subject #2 Name: Morgan Grey Age: 25 Profession: Model Status: Single. Additional note: The two subjects are Brother and Sister. Purpose of experiment: To inject a brother and sister with a...
IncestFun Size - Exercise Time By Apple Step up. Step down. God, I wish I hadn't said that about his late daughter... I couldn't have known he'd hear, and I guess he'd still have lost it, but I figure it would be someone else here right now. Step up. Step down. I'm doing step aerobics, it's that time of day again. I stand, facing him, him facing the TV. He mostly ignores me and just watches the TV, but it's still humiliating. Step up. Step down. My breasts... Yeah, that's...
He studied the restaurant guide and when he couldn't decide, he asked his father for advice. Dad had a quick answer -- Ambrosia. It was just out of town on the secondary highway north, but his father assured him that it was, by far, the finest restaurant in the area. He warned him that it would be expensive, but Bill assured him that Zena was worth it, and that he hadn't spent any of his earnings on himself in so long, he couldn't remember when. His father offered congratulations when Bill...
You see, I am a cum slut. I love to take cum all over my face. The more cum I can get the better. The place I usually go is a local adult movie theater with stalls in the bathroom. What are nice about these stalls are the glory holes. I love to suck cock through glory holes. There is something about sucking a cock from a total stranger that you can't even see. I have sucked a bunch that way, but I am beginning to want something more. I want a cum bath, a bukkake session. I want to be in a room...
anyways, we met at a party. you were in the in crowd. I was passing out whiskey shots as part of my costume. I also didnt have a bottle opener for my hard cider. you did. you and your wife were so kind and down to earth. We all became fast friends. you always have nice things to say to me in and out of the bedroom. The amount of effort matching is a huge green flag. as well as the lack of games and idiocy. everyone can be themselves. Its a good friends with benefits setup. we do...
Men often ask me if I secretly love the idea of being rap*d. I have thought long and hard on the subject and came to the conclusion that a lot of women want to feel they have been taken, and by men they have no connection to, so we are talking about illicit fucking, brutal men laying claim to another mans pleasure, the following is an account from my twenties, that happened one day, and for me an erotic adventure that I lost control of my body as men enjoyed my lust.Please read and comment so I...
I was on my way home from my 6 month gynecologist visit and had to Pee so bad, I knew I shouldn´t have drank so much coffee that day …. I knew there was a public toilet in the parking house where my car was, ……I slipped into the woman’s room only to find they were out of order … what to do I could feel the drops of Pee coming out of my pussy, I was not about to pee my paints…..so I went back outside and saw the mens room, …with fingers crossed I slipped the door open and looked inside, ..no...
Jim, my wife and I recently had an incredible experience that we thought you might enjoy reading about and if you'd like you can upload this story on your Wife Watch Collection. Maybe it will encourage other couples on the net to act out their fantasies as I have with my wife. I don't know why my wife was ever interested in me. I suppose that my wealth had something to do with it. Certainly not my good looks or charm since I'm very plain and somewhat shy. On the other hand, My wife, Lisa, is an...
Introduction: She couldnt wait any longer a mother finaly has sex with her 11 year old son Andy was quite an active lad but didnt actually go out too much in the evenings at his age, one thing he did do though was to go to his local scout group on a Friday night. If he left on time he could make it home before his mum and dad went out for the night, but more often than not he would stay on afterwards for a while and take a long route home as he chatted to his friends. In addition he liked...