Warren Gail Part Two
- 4 years ago
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I arrived home around 9:30 PM and I slipped quietly into the house to see where Megan was. Seeing that she was in the bedroom watching television I went back out to the garage and installed the GPS transceiver in her car.
As soon as I walked into the bedroom Megan turned on me.
"Why were you so rude to Carl?" Megan said.
"When was I rude to him?"
"It was your whole demeanor. You barely spoke to him and then when you left you called him Tredwell instead of Carl," Megan said.
"So? What's the big deal?"
"Calling him by his last name like that is disrespectful."
"I happen to think that his coming to my house to flirt with my wife shows a lack of respect for me."
"What the hell are you talking about? He wasn't flirting with me. We were just talking. Friends do that, you know?"
"Just talking, huh?" I said. Then a falsetto voice I continued. "Oh, Megan is such a good tennis player ... Megan gets better everyday ... Megan will be the best tennis player at the club ... Megan can walk on water..." Then back to my normal voice. "Don't you think he was pouring on the compliments just a little too thick?"
I waited for Megan to respond but she didn't. It looked like she was actually thinking about what I had just said.
"A word to the wise, Megan. You had better pay closer attention to what Trish is up to before it's too late. That is if it is not already too late."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Megan asked.
"Just think about it and in time you will understand," I said. "I am going to my study to read for a while."
"I thought we were going to ... ah ... Didn't you ask me to wait up for you when you left?" Megan said.
"It's hard to think of making love when you are being eaten up by other worries," I said.
"What other worries?" Megan said.
I said, "We'll talk tomorrow," as I walked out of the bedroom closing the door behind me.
Chapter 20: Jacobs and StargillMonday morning I was up and out of the house before Megan got out of bed. I just didn't know what to say to her anymore. Until I was ready to confront her I planned to avoid her as much as possible.
I got to work at 7:30 AM and started working on two of the RFPs that were on my desk. The next time I looked at the clock it was lunchtime. I picked up the sandwich I brought from home and went to the break room. Leon Crain and Betty Arnold, Thad's secretary, were sitting in the break room talking when I got there.
"Hey, Warren," Leon said. "Betty and I were just talking about Thad's meeting with Mr. Harris this morning."
Betty looked at me with a big smile on her face. "Mr. Harris gave Mr. Achsole an RFP for Jacobs and Stargill. I heard Mr. Harris tell Mr. Achsole that the contract could be worth over 100 million dollars over the next ten years."
"I don't think I have ever seen an RFP that big come through here before," Leon said.
"I heard Mr. Harris telling Mr. Achsole how important winning this contract would be for the company," Betty continued, "so Mr. Achsole had to make sure that the proposal was done right."
"Get this," Leon said. "Thad told Mr. Harris that he would do it himself to make sure that it was done right."
"I didn't know that Thad ever actually wrote proposals," I said.
Betty started to laugh. "Every time an important RFP comes in Mr. Achsole tells Mr. Harris he will take care of it personally," she said.
"So, what you are saying is that Thad handles all of the important proposals himself?" I asked.
"No. What I am saying is that Mr. Achsole tells Mr. Harris he is writing those proposals but what he is doing is having his proposal writing superstar write the proposals and then Mr. Achsole takes credit for them," Betty said.
"I always knew Thad was an asshole but this proves it beyond any doubt," I said. "So, who is this proposal writing superstar?"
Betty and Leon were both looking at me. "You're kidding, right?" Leon said.
"No. Should I know who it is? Is it you?" I said.
"You must be kidding," Betty said. "You have to know that you're his proposal writing superstar."
"Yes, you," Leon said. "You can't tell me you didn't know. You are the one he is always giving the high value opportunities to. He has been living off your talent ever since you got here."
"That fucking son-of-a bitch," I said. "Pardon my language, Betty."
"You really didn't know?" Leon asked.
"I had no idea. I just put my head down and worked," I said. "I guess I've been a little naïve."
"I guess. Jesus, I should have talked to you about this a long time ago," Leon said.
"It's not your fault that I am an idiot. I let this happen. I just wanted to do a good job. I never considered the possibility that Thad Asshole would take advantage of me like that." I said.
"What are you going to do about it?" Betty asked.
"I don't know. I guess I will have to use this to get some leverage over Thad," I said.
When I got back to my desk I logged onto Mace's computer and check the location of Megan's car. It was at the medical center as it should have been. As I stared at the map on my screen I thought about what I had learned at lunch. Thad Asshole had been taking credit for my work. It made me wonder what else he was doing to me. Had he really ever talked to the sales manager about giving me a job? He may not have wanted me promoted out of his department as long as he could take advantage of me. I felt so stupid. How could I not have figured that out myself?
I was still angry over my own stupidity when Betty called me.
"Mr. Achsole wants to see you," she said.
When I got to Thad's office, Betty winked at me as I walked past her desk.
"Oh, good, Butterman you are here," Thad said.
"The name is Butterfield, Thad, but I would prefer that you call me, Warren. Try and get that right from now on."
I almost laughed out loud when I saw the shocked look on Thad's face. I had never before spoken up to him like that. I had always been afraid to say anything because I was worried about losing my job, but not anymore. He wouldn't dare fire me now. He needed me too much.
"Okay, Warren, whatever you want," Thad stuttered. "I have an RFP I need you to work on. This is a big one and I need you to have it back to me by next Wednesday. That gives you a little more than a week to complete the bid."
I took a quick look at the Jacobs and Stargill RFP and asked, "This looks pretty important. Are you sure you want me to work on this?"
"I am giving this to you because I know that you will get it done quickly. I need it back by next Wednesday so I have a couple of days to review it before I submit it to the client on Friday," Thad said. "This is a good opportunity for you, Warren. If we win this proposal it could go a long way toward getting you promoted."
I wanted to reach across the desk and grab the grubby little bastard by his greasy hair and throw him against the wall a few times but instead, I picked up the J&S RFP and said, "I'll do the best I can with it, sir."
"I know you will, Warren."
Back at my desk I quickly read through the RFP. J&S was asking for a ten-year ongoing services contract to cover 600 service stations / convenience stores J&S operated in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. There was nothing complicated about the request other than its size. I quickly broke the RFP into is component parts and sent them out to get costing information. Once that was underway I went back to working on the other proposals that were sitting on my desk. I quickly realized that I was no longer working because I felt pressure to perform. I was now just working to kill time.
At five o'clock Megan called me. I don't know why her call surprised me that day; after all she had called me at work every night at the same time for the last two weeks. Megan actually sounded cheerful on the phone as she told me about her day. Then she asked me if I would like her to get me some Chinese takeout for dinner.
"You can zap it in the microwave when you get home," she said.
"That sounds good. Thanks."
"Warren? You do know that I love you, don't you?"
The question surprised me and I really didn't know what to say. Could she love me if she was having an affair? I guess that is possible, but did I know that she loved me? No, I didn't, but I was not ready to have that conversation yet.
"Of course I do and I love you too," I said.
As soon as I put the phone down I linked to Mace's computer and started tracking Megan's car. It was just after 5:15 PM that Megan's car left the medical center and headed toward home. At 5:35 PM the car stopped at an address on Montgomery Road. The Chinese restaurant we usually go to for take out is located in that area. The car began moving again at 5:55 and arrived at our house at 6:10 PM.
Then, at 7:05 Megan left the house and drove to the southwestern section of Cincinnati to an address on Southacres Drive. I wondered whom Megan could possibly know in that part of town. Southacres was at least twenty miles from our house and I knew that Tredwell lived just a few miles from us. I wrote the address down and kept the link to Mace's computer open as I tried to concentrate on the school RFPs I had on my desk. At 10:30 Megan left the Southacres address and headed home. I had found out where Megan had gone but I still didn't know whom she had gone there to see or what she did while she was there.
When I got home that night I didn't even bother to ask Megan what she had done that evening. I just didn't want to hear any more lies.
Chapter 21: Life Begins to ChangeTuesday morning I was up and out of the house again before Megan got out of bed. I was the first one in the office so I made a pot of coffee. When the coffee was ready I poured myself a cup and sat at my desk. I tried to get into my work but couldn't. I just kept thinking about how my life had turned into the basket of shit.
I could pinpoint the exact day when my marriage started to fall apart. It was the day that Trish and Brandon moved in with us. Trish the bitch was doing everything she could to drive a wedge between Megan and me but Megan didn't even seem to notice. Had Trish somehow brainwashed her? Then there was that spoiled shit Brandon. His mother allowed him to steal from me and then acted like I was being an ogre when I got upset about it.
Since Trish and Brandon came to live with us I had sold the house I loved, moved into a house I didn't want and didn't think we could afford. We joined a country club that I didn't care to belong to and leased a new Lexus for Megan because Trish said that Megan needed to have the proper car to be seen in our neighborhood and at the country club. In addition to all that Trish had already picked out a new man for Megan.
Things had progressed to the point that my marriage was about over. Megan had taken to sneaking around behind my back and lying to me about it and I couldn't help but think that Trish was behind all of my problems. For a brief moment I had a happy fantasy of the good old days when they burned witches at the stake.
I was getting so depressed that I started to think about my career to take my mind off of my marriage. That wasn't much help. My career had turned into just a routine job. I busted my ass trying to get ahead and all the while Thad Asshole was taking credit for my work. One thing Thad did do was to make sure I was well paid. He made sure I wouldn't get promoted out from under him and he also made sure I wouldn't leave thinking I could get more money somewhere else.
Could I really be that stupid? I wondered if I was just too stupid to live. Now that was an interesting thought. For a brief moment I actually considered suicide but then realized that I really didn't want to die, I just wanted to get back control of my life. Once I started thinking about how I would do that I started to feel better.
By noon I had cleared up the RFPs I had on my desk, except for the Jacobs and Stargill request. I was still waiting for the cost information to come back from engineering, procurement, and our subcontractors. I figured to have everything I needed to write the final proposal by Friday. Before going to lunch I called Buck on his cell phone.
"Hey, Butter, how ya doin?"
"If I was doing any better I would have to shoot myself," I said. "Have you got a minute to talk?"
"Sure. I was just heading to the station to file an accident report," Buck said. "What's up?
"Can you check out an address for me? Find out who lives there?"
"So you found out where Megan has been going?"
"Okay, what's the address?"
I gave Buck the Southacres address and he told me he would give me a call when he had the information.
Somehow I managed to keep busy the rest of the day without doing any real work. When Megan called at five o'clock I told her I would be home for dinner. She was surprised but she seemed to be happy that I would be home which puzzled me. If I didn't know that Megan was sneaking out on me while I was working late I would still believe that she loved me as much as she ever did.
When I got home Megan was already there fixing dinner for us and I noticed that there were only two places set at the table.
"We're dining alone tonight?" I said.
"Yes. Trish is at a school function with Brandon tonight."
I wanted to ask if they were both in detention but decided to let it go. Why ruin what might actually be a pleasant evening with Megan.
We had a porterhouse steak with a baked potato and a garden salad. Megan served this with a nice Cabernet and for a while I was able to put all of my problems and concerns away and just enjoy being with my wife.
After dinner Megan put on some music and asked me to dance with her. Holding her in my arms as we danced, I realized that I was still in love with this woman and for the first time in the last few weeks I began to pray that I would be able to save my marriage.
I think it may have been during the third song we were dancing to that I began kissing Megan. There was no reluctance on her part and our passion built quickly. After a few more minutes of dancing and kissing I took Megan's hand and led her into the bedroom.
While Megan was standing by the bed I noticed the stockings she was wearing. I was sure that they were part of a set that included panties and a bra that I bought for her for Valentine's Day a year earlier.
"Are those the stockings I bought for you?"
Are you wearing the panties too?"
Megan took hold of the hem of her skirt and slowly raised it until I could see matching panties. I moved closer to her and dropped to my knees and began to remove her panties. As I slid the panties down her legs I stared at the thick triangle of dark hair that pointed the way to her most intimate area. By the time Megan stepped out of her panties my cock was rock hard. The anger and distrust I had for Megan earlier in the day was gone, replaced by lust. All I wanted was to make love to her. I got up and took her head gently in my hands and pulled her toward me and kissed her softly on the lips. Megan responded by slightly parting her lips and allowing my tongue to touch the inside of her lips. As the kisses became more passionate Megan seemed to melt into my arms.
I picked Megan up and laid her on the bed and then opened her blouse. I opened her bra and began kissing and licking her breasts. As I began to suck on her nipples Megan let out a soft moan and pulled my head tighter against her chest. I slowly worked my way down over her stomach until I reached the top of her skirt. I lifted my head then pulled her skirt up over her hips. I felt the soft, smooth flesh of her thighs against my cheeks as I pressed my face into her pubic hair and inhaled her scent.
I slowly moved down and began running my tongue lightly over her vulva. Starting on the soft flesh just below her mound and going up over her clitoris and onto her pubic mound. As I did this the lips of her pussy separated allowing me to run my tongue around her lips and then pushing it inside her aroused pussy. She tasted fantastic. I couldn't get enough of her sweetness. I continued pleasuring her orally until she had a shuddering orgasm.
After her orgasm I climbed on top of her and slid my cock head between the dripping lips of her excited pussy. As I pushed myself all of the way inside Megan, she said, "I love you."
After that she just made mewing sounds in her throat until she started her second orgasm. Then she started pushing her pelvis up to meet my thrusts.
"Oh, God, that's so good. Ahhhh ... Ohoooo ... Oh yes..." she moaned.
Then as she peaked she just made a deep guttural sound in her throat. No sooner had she finished than my climax began. I emptied a rather large load inside her and rolled onto my back. We didn't speak for a few minutes as we lay there enjoying the afterglow.
The beauty of the moment didn't last very long.
"Warren, I was thinking that maybe it's time for us to start thinking about having a baby," Megan said.
It wasn't that I was against having children; it was just that Megan's timing sucked. She was asking me to consider having a baby with her while I was trying to find out if she was cheating on me. To make matters worse, before I could even begin to respond to Megan's statement the bedroom door opened and Trish just walked in and before she even noticed that we were both laying naked on the bed, she started talking.
"Megan, would it be all right if I borrowed ... Oh, my God."
As Megan and I scrambled to cover up Trish just stood at the door.
"Mom, didn't you think to knock when you saw the door was closed?"
"I didn't think Warren was home," Trish stammered.
"What did you want, mom?"
"It's not important," she said. "I have to go out for a while, I shouldn't be too late."
The door closed and Trish disappeared and along with her the good mood I had been in since I got home from work also disappeared. I certainly wasn't in any mood to be talking about having a baby.
"I have some work to do," I said.
Without another word I got dressed and went to my study and Megan was asleep before I came back to bed.
Chapter 22: Another Long DayWednesday morning I went back to my usual routine and had breakfast with Megan. One thing I didn't understand was why Megan always seemed to be happy when I was with her, that is, except when we argued about Trish and Brandon. Thinking back over the last few years, Megan and I didn't really have many arguments and the ones we did have were almost always generated by something Trish or Brandon did. So, why would Megan want to cheat on me? Talking about having a baby doesn't sound like a woman getting ready to dump her husband does it? Something wasn't right about this whole mess. I couldn't figure it out but I was sure I would have the answer very soon.
At work I dug into the pile of school RFPs again and spent the day working on them. At four o'clock that afternoon Buck called me.
"Did you find out who lives at that address?" I asked.
"Sort of."
"What do you mean by sort of?" I said.
"I need to talk to you about this," Buck said. "But it will have to wait till tomorrow. Can you get out of work at five tomorrow?"
"Yes, I can get out at five o'clock. If Asshole doesn't want me to leave, tough shit," I said.
"I'll pick you up in front of your building at five."
"Aren't you going to tell me who lives at that address?"
"Not till we talk. See you tomorrow."
After the call I wondered why Buck wouldn't tell me who lived at the Southacres address. Was it someone we knew? I tried to get back to work but I kept thinking about Buck's call. I was still thinking about the call when Megan called me at five o'clock.
"Any chance you can come home early again tonight. Maybe we could have a repeat of last night," Megan said.
I really didn't feel like working but I didn't feel up to spending an evening with Megan while pretending everything was all right.
"No. We are buried with these school RFPs. I need to stay and work tonight, I said.
"How much longer will this go on?" Megan said.
Given the circumstances, her question struck me as being ironic.
"Not much longer," I said. "It will all be over soon."
"Okay, I'll see you at home then. I love you." Megan said.
I felt my anger build at those words but I held it in.
"Love you too," I said.
I spent the rest of the evening distracting myself with work. It was a little after nine o'clock that I clicked on the link to Mace's computer and checked to see if Megan was at home. The map that appeared on the screen showed that Megan was once again at the Southacres address. For the next few minutes I had difficulty breathing. My stomach was burning and I could hear my pulse throbbing. I had to go to the men's room and splash cold water on my face and do a deep breathing exercise until I calmed down.
When I got back to my desk I tried to get back to work but I couldn't concentrate. Why would Megan hint that she wanted to make love to me and then sneak off to meet her lover? How cold blooded had she become? I thought briefly about not going home at all that night but I ended up going home. The ticking and pinging of Megan's car as I walked through the garage was just a confirmation of what I already knew.
Chapter 23: The House on Southacres DriveAt work, Thursday was a do nothing day. I just wasn't motivated to work. I did get back most of the information I needed for the J&S proposal and I put it in the file for that account and sat at my computer pretending to be busy.
At three o'clock Thad called me.
"How's the J&S proposal coming," he asked.
"No problem. I'll have it done in plenty of time."
"You will you be working late tonight, won't you?" he said
"No? What do you mean by no?" Thad said. "Everyone in this department is working long hours to clear out the backlog of school RFPs. What makes you special?"
"I haven't been feeling well lately and I am trying to make sure I get enough rest so that I don't come down with something serious. I need to be ready to put the rest of the J&S proposal together."
I could tell this upset Thad but he let it go. "Just make sure you have the J&S proposal on my desk next Wednesday before the end of the day."
"No problem," I said.
At five o'clock I shut down my computer, slipped the J&S file into my briefcase and headed for the door. I noticed that several people looked at me as if I was abandoning the ship but I didn't let that bother me. I knew that I had already submitted twice as many proposals as anyone else in the department so I wasn't about to feel guilty about leaving early. Besides, these people all seemed to know that Thad was screwing me over and no one had bothered to tell me.
Buck was waiting for me at the front door in his squad car. I climbed into the front seat and noticed the serious look on Buck's face.
"Gees, am I under arrest?" I asked, trying to get Buck to smile.
"No, but this is serious business," he said.
Buck pulled out of the parking lot and headed for I-71.
"Where we going?"
"That depends on you," Buck said.
I didn't like the sound of that.
"What's going on Buck? All I want is the name of the person that lives in the house on Southacres," I said.
"Before I tell you what I found out I want to know what you are going to do with this information," he said.
"I don't know," I said. "I haven't thought that far ahead."
"Well, start thinking ahead then."
"Jesus, why are you so pissed at me? What did I do to you?" I said.
"Nothing. You're my best friend and I am just looking out for you. I have to know that you won't do something stupid with the information I give you," Buck said.
"Do something stupid? Like what?"
"Like trying to hurt or kill someone."
I felt as though Buck had punched me in the stomach.
"God damn it, Buck. How long have you known me? Do you really believe I would do something like that?"
"Butter, I know you to be a fair minded and even tempered guy but I have seen a lot of these domestic disputes get way out of hand. People in emotional distress do all sorts of things no one would ever expect them to do. I don't want you to end up dead or in jail because of this."
I was beginning to understand what he was telling me.
"Buck, I promise you that I won't do anything stupid. I already have enough problems without destroying the rest of my life. I just need to find out the truth about what is going on so that I can move on with my life, with or without Megan."
We drove south on I-71 and then went west on 562 to I-75 South. From I-75 we merged onto I-74. We must have driven twenty miles, Buck lecturing me the whole time about keeping my cool no matter what I found out. When we finally stopped I had no idea where we were.
"Where are we?"
"We are on Southacres Drive and that house is the one you are looking for," Buck said as he pointed at a large brick ranch style house on the other side of the street.
"The house belongs to a guy named Preston Matthews. Does that ring a bell?" Buck said.
"No. Never heard the name before. Is that who lives here?"
"Not sure yet. It seems that there is also a Preston Matthews that has a home fifty miles north of Cincinnati. That home is listed in the names of Preston and Karen Matthews. If this is the same Preston Matthews this might be a rental property. Let me go up and see if anyone is in the house. You stay here."
Buck got out of the car and put his hat on. I had seen Buck in uniform several times but this was the first time I had seen him in his cop persona. I watched from the car as Buck rang the doorbell and then knocked on the door. No one answered. Buck peeked in the window and then walked around behind the house before returning to the car.
I got out of the car and waited for Buck on the sidewalk.
"Someone is living there. Today's newspaper was on the porch and the house is furnished. There's patio furniture in the back yard and the lawn was mowed recently. There's a large two-car garage on the side of the house. I looked in through a window. No cars in the garage."
As I stood waiting to hear what Buck suggested we do next a man came out of the house behind us and walked over to where we were standing.
"Looking for Preston?" the man asked.
'Yes, I was hoping to speak with him," Buck said.
"Well, Preston doesn't live here. He has a place up in Springboro. He usually spends a couple of nights a week here, the rest of the time he stays up in Springboro," The man said.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," Buck said.
"Henry. Henry Midland."
"Well, Mr. Midland, do you know Mr. Matthews?" Buck asked.
"Not very well. He keeps to himself when he's down here. Is he in some kind of trouble?"
"No. I am just following up on an accident report. Mr. Matthews was a witness and this was the only address I had for him," Buck said. "So, you say he comes here a couple of times a week. That's kind of strange isn't it? I mean keeping two houses."
"Preston bought this house about five years ago," Henry said. "When he first moved in I went over and introduced myself. He wasn't real friendly but he told me that he and his wife lived up in Springboro and that he bought this place so he would have a place to stay when he had to work late or when he had an early meeting in the morning."
"I would think a condo in the city would make more sense," Buck said.
"Preston is loaded. I don't know what his house in Springboro is like but he paid 750K for this house. He has a cleaning service and a lawn service that come in every week."
"What kind of job does he have that he can throw money around like that?" Buck said.
"I don't know. I think he is the CEO of some corporation in Cincinnati. Between you and me, I think he bought this house so he would have some place to bring his girlfriends," Henry said.
Buck gave me a quick look and then turned back to Henry.
"Really? What makes you think that?"
"Well, Just about every time he spends the night here he has company," Henry said.
"Does he have a lot of girl friends?"
"I don't know how many girl friends he has. I have only noticed one lately," Henry said.
"Oh, so you have seen his girlfriend?"
"No, only her car. She drives a Lexus but the windows are tinted so I have never seen her face. When she comes she pulls right into the garage," Henry said.
Buck gave me another look.
"Does she spend the night?"
"I don't think so, at least not very often. I usually see her arrive between 7:30 and 8:00 and leave between ten and eleven."
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"The cabin is at least still standing," Warren said to himself once the old, wooden building came into view.His truck slowly crawled across the worn, bumpy gravel drive that led to his rural hideaway. For days, he pictured his cabin in disrepair as he let his son use the place to host his friends for a weekend getaway from college. Despite the promises his son made to clean and take care of his cabin, Warren knew his son would likely fall short with his promises.Warren pulled up to the cabin...
Masturbation"The Bar," was really just that, a bar in a no frills neighborhood joint populated by a young, knowledgeable in-group making the late night scene. Historically, it was a converted blacksmith shop, located in New York's Financial District. The actual bar was small, patrons clustered around tables that held clam fritters and other appetizers. The drinks were expensive and more than covered the cost of the free food. Music blared from an audiophile's dream of what speaker's should really...
Glenda found herself kneeling on a pillow with her back to Warren as he lazily fucked her from behind as though screwing a bitch in heat. I am in heat, she thought. I am a bitch, then unable to contain herself she shouted hoarsely, "Oh, gimme that big prick you bastard! Slam it to me!" Warren didn't respond. His cock continued to skewer her slowly, penetrating deep, filling her taut, slushy cunt with its size and hardness. Their bodies glistened with mingled sweat. Warren's hands slid...
2:20 PM: Humming along with Previn and the Pittsburgh Symphony, Jasmine poured soothing bath oils into the tub then turned and admired herself in the full-length mirror as she slowly stripped off the shirt, let it fall away from her shoulders and turned sideways, and examined her breasts. She acknowledged their firmness and with a tight smile reached under them to trace their curve with her fingertips. Inevitably, her fingers slid out to the nipples and gently squeezed them. Jasmine's mouth...
The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...
His hand was poised to knock for the first time when the trailer door opened. Abby stood there smiling at him, her perky breasts pushed against the Grateful Dead T-shirt she wore. "Come on in," Abby said. "Take a load off. I happened to see you getting out of the 'vette." Warren entered the trailer, bending even though it wasn't necessary. His piercing brown eyes digested everything about her. He was trying to disguise the hunger within him, but it would have been evident to the most...
I’m Melinda, would rather be called “Mel”, and this is the story of how I spent my summer. This tale begins when my mother caught me naked with two boys in my bed. She shrieked and my father came running. He stood over the boys as they dressed and showed them to the door, leaving Mom to deal with me. I hoped he’d noticed that their peckers were soft and would think that they discovered me in time to “save” his precious daughter. I kept my thighs together so the four cum loads that were really...
Because of the congested traffic, Warren left the cab in the middle of the street a half-block from his apartment and jogged through the heavy rain to the dryness of his apartment's lobby. Once inside, he ran his hands through his hair and wiped them on his raincoat before removing it and shaking it over the marble floor forming a small pool. Draping the raincoat over his shoulder, he sauntered over to the mailbox and retrieved his mail and perused it, noting with some chagrin they were...
So I found myself out of town alone again over the weekend and as usual, I was checking craigslist, backpage, all the local sites, looking for action.I noticed right away this town had some great adult booths, something we don't have around home, I knew I had to check one out. The one that seemed to get the most action was all the way across town from my motel so I decided to pass on it. I did find one very close that seemed to have great reviews. So Friday night once I got checked in, I headed...
CHAPTER 1 This story is set in Sydney, Australia * * * It was stormy when late morning the young boarding school history teacher, Sophie Cuthbert, hurried under the lashing of wind and rain, shedding her hat and coat before entering the head mistress’s office where she was given the expected news. Thirty minutes earlier the school board decided to fire Sophie following her admission she’d supervised an interschool hockey after-match party knowing that party drugs were being used and she...
Jeff wasn't sure what to do about Paige. She continued to treat him with snotty superiority, calling him names, insulting him and his football prowess. It was like she wanted him to spank her, and he thought she must get off on it. He was afraid of what his Mom would think of that though. He didn't want to ruin what he had with her after all. Paige was making it hard though. She had begun to prance around the house in next to nothing, wearing these thing little nighties that she'd...
Her name was Kim and I ended up dating her as she was a very kinky girl and Edd could not handle her erotic suggestions . Kim and I married the following year and for twenty five years we have had a blast , we have been involved with swingers , sex clubs , and beastiality weekends. This story starts after we got married , knowing what Kim was like and me enjoying the same , we tried to find places to go where the we could find sex fun and caravan parks was our first. Arriving late one...
Derek wasn’t stoned when he got up that morning so he worried that he and his sister Mandy had taken chances with unprotected sex. Later that morning, he questioned her, she assured him that she was close to her cycle, that she felt safe. But regardless of what she said, there was a slight hint of doubt in her eyes. Other than him questioning her safety, nothing else was said, the two expressed no excuses, apologies, or pleasure for the long night of intense sex; the two quickly resumed a...
The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully. Most of the tenants were gone until Sunday evening, when they straggled back in and prepared for another week of school. Danny Kaiser, much to Louise’s surprise, would hardly make eye contact when he came in on Sunday afternoon. Louise felt a vague unease, but chalked it up to a little lingering guilt. Her other male guests, however, were different. Although they were discreet, it was not unusual for Lonnie or Mark or even Jeremy to give Louise’s...
I was mortified by the sound of her voice as she said "And just what the hell are you doing with my panties?" I stood frozen with a pair of her panties in my hand as I jacked my cock and another pair of used ones held to my nose. I didn't know what to do... I tried to hide and Mom grabbed my arm. You aren't going anywhere with these as she grabbed the panties away from my face. She grabbed the panties that were still wrapped around my cock. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I hurriedly got...
Halloween Part 4: Chapter Five: Sharp Dressed Man I hesitated. You see I wouldn't exactly describe myself as religious but I would go to church fairly regularly. I was sort of isolated in church which consisted largely of older men and of women of the same age or in some cases women of my age. We had nothing in common and In short there was no-one I really identified with. I tended to fall asleep, out of boredom, during the sermons. So, perhaps you will understand with...
Hello frnds mera naam Rohit he . Me Odisha se hun. Ye story kuch din pehle ka he. Mene zindegi me pehle kabhi sex nehi kiya tha jo bas movie dekh ke sikha tha . Ye mera pehla story he hope you all will like this story. Agar koi Odisha ki ladhi ya bhabi ko secretely sex karna he to mujhe jarur mujhe contact karna. My email id is I am waiting for ur reply. Khas kar ke Bhubaneswar ya uske pas me. Me hab waqt ready hun sab kuch karne ko. Ye secrete hi rahega hum dono ke bich. Ye mera pehla story...
New Year’s is an exciting time of the year and let’s get it real, it’s all about the banging parties. My hot wife, Charley Hart, is full of nervous energy about the evening I put together at our house. Just a small gathering, but she knows there is always the potential to end up fucking someone. Charley gets horny and shows off her pussy to me, but doesn’t let me touch it. The party gets swinging and I find my wife in my friend Chris Blaccwood’s lap. It...
xmoviesforyouGoing off the name, Mega Cams sounds like it might be any other webcam sex site. I mean, it’s got “Cam” in the title, so you know what they’re selling, and the “Mega” part sounds like the standard brag at any porn site that they’re the biggest and the best. I’ve been reviewing these things for long enough to know that a lot of them are really the same, no matter what they’re telling you. Hell, a lot of them are literally white label sites that just rebrand some other cam site with a new set of...
Premium OnlyFans SitesThere exists a board on earth that miraculously chooses its own user every generation.Some users claimed that the board is not of earth. Some even theorized that it existed on earth from the time humans started developing as a species. But its rules are soo strict that no one other than it's user know about it. It gives "almost" unlimited access to control and alter everything being around them.It sometimes helped its user and sometimes ruined them. But remember.There is no free meal in this...
I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...
I never had any doubt that I was a lucky girl to have three handsome male cousins with excellent male parts to train me in the way of men and improve my sexual talents to help me corral a husband before I hit the old maid age of twenty and lost my fresh bloom of youth and juicy feminine liquids. Adam, Billy and Clyde used me for a lot more than a partner in “spin the bottle” and I was grateful for their services in getting me up to snuff in the art of getting poked in all my female openings....
The sun was shining in Springfield and all seemed right with the world. Marge Simpson stood in her kitchen thinking how nice that the Simpson Family Show was on hiatus the grind on doing "The Simpson Family Show" took its toll on the whole family. Now, it was her chance to let her tall beehive hairdoo down and just be her normal self. It was her plan to finish washing the dishes and with luck she would get a chance to catch some rays in the backyard. "It is so nice to not have to have my...
IncestThat's a question I got ask:Would you rather cheat or be cheated on? And what would be your fave scenario?That was my reply:What kind of a sub-sissy would I be, if I would want to cheat on my mistress? ô.oFav scenario huh?Hope at least one person will read the whole story… It took me so long :oI would like her to tell me about some guy that’s in her class. Let’s call him Dave.She always complains about what an asshole he is, and how he tries to hit on her everyday. But one day she just stops...
When Justin was a young 17 year old sophomore in high school he had the same urges any boy his age is expected to have. Unfortunately for him, he hadn’t had any luck with the ladies. A bit overweight with glasses, and always a little late to social trends, he wasn’t the most attractive kid. He was a shy, intellectual with plenty of friends, many of whom were girls. They felt they could open up to him, but it always stopped short of romance. Those brother-sister like relationships were cherished...
"Hey gorgeous!" "Ah... hi." "Kiss me, quick!" "What? Listen..." "Hush. Lips. Here. Now." "Yeah, but..." "Shh... Just kiss me. Please." Hell, I didn't have a clue who she was. It was a shopping mall, for God's sake. But she had blonde spiky hair, a stunning smile, and she was just the right height. What was I supposed to do? Say no? Not a chance. I put my arms around her, pulled her close, and kissed her. Properly. She didn't resist a bit, pressing her breasts into me,...
As planned, Mary joined Grace and me for tai chi at dawn. I use tai chi to meditate, which means that the slow-motion moves performed with grace and combined with proper breathing allow me to relax and look inward. I didn't meditate that morning. I fantasized. Some might argue that fantasizing is a form of meditation because to fantasize one looks inward. They'd be wrong. Watching two beautiful women wearing bikinis move slowly and gracefully as they searched for their centers produced a...
Colleen reveled in being a slut when the opportunity availed itself. I saw her as she rounded a corner of a building downtown, wearing high-heeled boots, a matching skirt and blouse, a big purse perched on a shoulder. It was late in the afternoon. She was 5’8′ 5’9′,with thick pale thighs, ample ass and matching bosom, easily 40dd, curly red hair to her shoulders, big sunglasses, voluptuous and appealing, even more so as she smiled at me and walked up to me as I waited for a trolley. ‘Hi.’ ...
My uncle came home for his 14 days and I limited myself to only using "Jean's" panties. I tried peeping a couple times to see if I could catch them fucking but somebody had moved the curtains. One day while they were out, I "fixed" the curtains again and that night I got to watch as they fucked. I watched my aunt suck my uncle’s cock and then watched her have a couple huge orgasms as he ate her pussy. They started out fucking in missionary then she got on top and rode him then they ended up...
Jack, who had his sixty-ninth birthday this year, suffered a serious accident and was rendered limp from the neck down. His prognosis didn’t seem very promising. Jack was unconscious in the hospital for about a month. Once he regained consciousness, he was prepared to be shifted to his home.Jack’s elder son lived across the country but his younger son lived in the city. Jack’s house was located in a nice suburban locality just outside the city. So, Jack’s younger son decided to move in with his...
IncestAs we headed to the flat of her somewhat friend, Jade assured me, "Don't worry you'll love Joe. He's amazing fun, besides a total man whore that's right up you street right?" Finishing the sentence with a cheeky wink knowing that bringing the conversation to sex would bring out my somewhat reckless nature, I felt at ease. After all we were only heading there for the convenience of the location to down some cheap drinks before heading on out. After the settling in, grabbing some drinks I began...
Oral SexI don't know Jenny, it's just like he doesn't care about me anymore. He's more worried about his job. When we have sex, he only takes care of himself and then he goes to sleep. I haven't had an orgasm in years."My ears went on full alert when I heard this. I have been trying to find a way to fuck Mrs. Hudson since I was 18. She has been my fantasy when I jack off or have sex for years. Mrs. Hudson, or Stacy, as she liked to be called, is 36, about 5'4", and looks to be a 36"-24"-36". She has...
As Bob observed just before he left Karen and Rachel alone, Rachel had not been this happy in a long, long time. Rachel was finally realizing that her life did not have to end with her husband’s. In the past 48 hours, Rachel had discovered that she could not only feel attractive, but that she could even look attractive to others. She sighed as she remembered Bob’s and Karen’s admiring glances earlier in the evening. She certainly could not believe how erotic she looked in the photos now on...
MatureWe were late to the wedding "Shit!" I yelled as I heard the squeal of brakes, followed by a crunch and clatter behind me. "Shit, Shit, Shit, just what I fucking need!" I looked in the mirror on the drivers side, nothing. The passenger's side mirror didn't reveal anything amiss. The rear view mirror showed nothing either because of the giant box in the bed of the dump truck. I pulled on the emergency brake and hopped out. Stepping around to the rear of the truck to see what had run up my...
I was so surprised to hear Molly say she was going to be living with me. I honestly couldn’t answer her. Sue came down from the porch and I asked her exactly what was going on? ‘After you left this morning, Chris and I went over to help mom clean up the mess from the remainder of the party. I know you’re not going to believe this, but it was Mom and Dad’s idea. She mentioned to Chris that they had talked about it. They offered the second floor to them since they have that big house all to...
There are so many operations and treatments you can have on your body, I have never been happy with my nose,I think it is too big, too wide, at certain angles it looks like a Boxer's, in my re-occurring nightmare, it's not my nose but my boobs that get operated on... kind of admin error.Well it starts off in a country Manor House all very shooshi, the man giving me the operation is usually Daniel Craig he of the James Bond fame, so he is drop dead gorgeous!The nurse is usually Lady Gaga or...
Well I am just a normal guy who is married and does not get enough sex from his wife. So I sit there at night while she is sleeping and watch porn on the net. Then I ease off into the restroom where I stroke off and shoot my load, wasting in to the toilet. Not very exciting but I do believe it is pretty normal for most of us married men and allot of single guys as well.So one night while laying there watching porn I got pissed off and decided I was done with this shit. I rolled over and woke my...
i am a young girl 17 ,slim , tits size 32D,nice ass and my story is about me and my brother, i always kinda thought that he was good looking hes muscley slim and very good looking hes 2 years older and one day when he was comming out of the shower i was walking past nd he was walking out of the bathroom and his towl fell and obviously it was by accident cuz his face went red and he had a hard on, i looked and his big veiny hard cock was so hard nd it made me horney so i went into my room and...
About Betty I told you when I and a guy fucked her for a modelling job for a Danish pornomagazine. We answered on an advertise for appear in a photosession for pornografic production.. After we had finished the shooting we stayed overnite with Betty. And had a greatfultime. A few weeks later The phone rang and there was a guy in the phone. He introduced him as Bettys husband. We were talkin a shiort while. When he suggested me to meet up with him and Betty. I began Think whats goin on. I dont...
Married Into Petticoats - Chapter 5 of 5 a story by Prim The story so far: It is Simon Barber's wedding day, but instead of spending it with his bride, Monica, he finds himself under the orders of his new Mother-In-Law, Veronica. She bosses him into submission, to the amusement of Monica and her daughters, Shannon and Sophia in their late teens. Veronica's friend, Doctor Catherine Del Mar, reduces his resistance with medications, as well as stimulating his nipples and genitals. By...
Die Sommerpause ist nun vorbei und diese Geschichte geht jetzt weiter. Viel Spa? beim Lesen1 Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht...
HumorI joined this site to fill a void of sexual excitement in my life, and I intend to make the most of the opportunity. I'm approaching 40 and I've been in a sexually repressed relationship for most of my adult life, but that is in the past and I'm temporarily living with my buddy, Kyle, a friend from work.I met you on this site and your openness to trying new things immediately excited me. We made a connection, shared a few emails and decided we should meet. Being prudent, we meet in a local pub...
It was most obviously still McGonagall, but she was much younger, somehow. Maybe 20 years old, from appearances. He grinned his evil little grin as she opened her eyes and looked right into his, wiggling into him and causing him to get very hard against her ass. For appearance sake, Harry ordered McGonagall to go and see the headmaster, and pretend to be panicked about being younger. She was to tell his nothing about Harry himself, or her new relationship with him, just that she had woken up...
We got to the theatre in time for Carol to change into her black wig, and for us to change into our first outfits; my first scene is Act 1, Scene 2 – the graffiti scene. Carol’s first scene is Act 1, Scene 3 – the bridal shop. Marcus, our director was yelling, “We start in 5 minutes?” Everywhere around us you could hear, “Thank you, 5.” In five minutes our assistant stage manager, which used to be me, but now was Wally Newberry, announced, “PLACES, EVERYONE.” The orchestra was finishing...
My wife and I visited the local glory holes once or twice a month, so it was no big deal when I told her I wanted to go again soon. It was unexpected however, when I told her I wanted to do things differently next time. I had bought a mask for her to wear so her face wouldn’t be seen. I wanted her to pose with her incredible tits at the glory hole, so the guy in the next booth knew there was a woman there (I guess she could have seemed to be a really well equipped tranny…) I might...
Chuck Bando is not your average high school senior. He is a man of contradictions, and he exploits them to his benefit. He can be as sensitive as a delicate flower or as calculating and cold. He can ignore all social conventions yet obsess about keeping up appearances. He can be the life of a party or retreat to a fortress of solitude. He aced all his classes and has gotten into every college he applied to. He meticulously maintains his hair that never seems to change length to give the...
TeenI am Sudhakar (name changed) from Coimbatore. I am 22 now. I would like to share with you my first sex experience with my aunty. Her name is Malathy Aunty. This has happened four years back when I was enjoying the Christmas vacation of my final year of engineering. I am 5.6 inches well built and fair. Let me say few words about my aunty. She is 38. Her husband had left her some years back due to some family problem. Aunty does not have any child. Aunty used to stay in Chennai alone. She...
EroticI had been feeling off for a few days and in the wee morning hours, I conceded defeat and took my temperature… 40.9 degrees. I called my parents and asked them to help me with my son. My mum stayed with him while my dad drove me to the hospital. Bless them! I was eventually hospitalized. The worst bit about being hospitalized was that I was supposed to have a date that afternoon!!! It was a movie date organized through a website but I had also corresponded with my date over e-mail and chat. I...
The ceremony had just started and Katie looked beautiful. The tissues came out quickly. Jennifer was dabbing her moist eyes. Suddenly, “Excuse me, pardon me.” God she hated latecomers and they always felt the need to sit next to her. She turned and as he slipped past the old lady he nearly fell and bumped her. “Oh I am deeply sorry.” Came the deepest voice she had ever heard. She turned and was staring into the most soulful and sexy eyes she had ever seen, deep dark brown almost black. That...
An army the size of two nations surrounds the city, they are here for a prolonged siege. You have been tasked with protecting Queen Sophia, a task which may soon test your capabilities. Riots in the streets below, bandits on the roads, there is no place to run. War has come, death shall follow. She stares out the window from the castle, her eyes full of sorrow for her homeland. "I could have done more...if only we had more time, our relief is only so far gone. Esteban, tell me you have a plan,...
BDSMAuthor's note: This story is for everyone. There is no disclaimer. You can hear language like this on TV and you can get more sex in public. And remember: the moment that you zone out of a story and think about something else is usually the moment that an idea is presented to you- an idea that needs you to think about it. Of course, that's also what happens when a story gets convoluted and boring. Re-read and decide! This is for my friend Jen, from way back, and my friend Sarah,...