HomebodiesChapter 9 free porn video

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“Incoming!” the voice cried over the emergency frequency. “Mortars from the east!”

Gath had been dozing. Like everyone else on this deployment, he was exhausted. This was day five of the intervention assignment, day three out in the field. In that time, he had gotten perhaps six hours of good solid sleep and maybe another six of scattered dozing that was often broken up by cries such as the one that had just awakened him.

“Tork me,” he muttered, rolling from the semi-reclined position he had been in for dozing to the protective posture that would hopefully save his slagger from shrapnel penetration if one of those eighty-millimeter Norcal mortar shells that were coming toward them happened to land close.

He was behind a protective carbon fiber barrier that shielded him from direct fire coming from the east. The barrier was ten meters long, two high, and five millimeters thick. It came in flimsy rolls that could be carried by a single marine and then unrolled where needed. Once an electrical charge was added by a charging battery the barricade became as rigid as steel, impenetrable by anything short of a cutting laser, and, by means of a reverse magnetron field, rooted to the ground as solidly as if attached to pilings driven ten meters deep. There were dozens of such shields deployed here in the gap they were defending. But they would do the troops behind them no good if a mortar round, which was indirect fire, happened to land just behind them.

Lieutenant Sparksafroth, Sparky, was on his back against the barrier just a meter away from Gath. “How many incoming?” he asked, his voice calm but with an edge of strain in it. Sparky was in charge of the platoon defending this particular gap. Gath could hear his voice both on the command channel that he was monitoring and through the air.

“Three rounds, el-tee,” came the voice of corporal Ganny, who was circling above in one of the AVTOLs. “Three launchers. Wait, they just popped off three more!”

Before Sparky could reply the incoming rounds landed, one after the other. Cracking explosions sounded. The first two were not close. The third was. It landed less than ten meters in front of the barrier they were hiding behind, close enough to rock it a little. There was a pattering sound as shrapnel slammed into it.

“Tork me, that was close,” Sparky said, the edge in his voice getting a little edgier.

“And three more incoming,” said Gath.

“Three more after that, el-tee,” said Ganny. “They just launched again.”

“Take them the tork out!” Sparky yelled at him.

“I’m rolling in hot now,” Ganny replied. The rules of engagement for this particular skirmish had already been adjusted so lethal force would be used on any mortar sites or long popper shooters. Quite a few had already been killed by the AVTOLs and their twenty-millimeter guns. So far, however, the Norcals kept bringing up more and using them. No marines had been killed—yet—but five had been injured, two in this section alone.

The next three rounds landed, sending their sharp crumps rolling across the landscape. None were close to Gath’s position. Before the next three rounds came in, the AVTOL with Ganny in it passed overhead, props forward, engines screaming, heading rapidly to the east where the redwood covered hills rose from the coastal flatlands. In was in those hills where the Norcal soldiers were dispersed, their goal—so it seemed anyway—to move through the gap that Sparky and his platoon held and capture the Crescent City harbor facilities beyond it.

The Crescent City harbor belonged to the homebodies known as Oregonians, who themselves were divided into three other perpetually warring groups. The Southern Oregonians were the poorest and least populous of the three. The center of their empire was the abandoned coastal enclave of Crescent City and the fine harbor it enjoyed. That harbor was a stop for the various PacRun ships that delivered supplies from Homeport Ground to the west coast homebodies. The Norcals, though they had no coastal settlements north of the San Francisco area, seemed to think that the Crescent City harbor was in their territory and they coveted it. Every ten or fifteen local years, according to historical documentation, they pulled together some troops and marched off to try to take the harbor from the Southern Oregonians so they could have the supplies delivered there for themselves. Fleet marines always prevented the takeover.

This attempt, however, was a very ambitious one. Fully six hundred Norcal troops had been spotted by satellite forming up and marching north from the ruins north of San Francisco. For almost a week they marched along the remains of a pre-collapse magna train route that hugged the coast. Once their destination became clear, attempts were made to dissuade the Norcals from their mission by overflying them and warning them by loudspeaker they would be opposed. These attempts were met only by thirty-millimeter fire at the aircraft. The Norcals marched on without slowing, so a battalion consisting of three companies of Fleet marines was assembled from CVS, SCS, and the northern Oregon secondary base (NOS) near Portland. They were flown out to Crescent City and positioned in a staging area just outside the harbor and the city area where the Southern Oregonians lived.

It was assumed the Norcals would attempt to capture the harbor from the south, but someone in their command possessed a bit of unconventional military thinking. Twenty kilometers south of the harbor, the entire Norcal army took a right turn and headed into the steep, redwood covered coastal mountains that dominated the terrain in this region. They worked their way east and then north through the hills and forest and then turned back west, heading for the flatlands east of the harbor. These flatlands were dotted with densely forested hills that formed multiple gaps of passible terrain. It was in one of these gaps that Sparky’s 2nd Platoon, with Gath attached as combat medic, had been deployed. They had held the line for three days now, three days in which they had not been out of their armor even for a moment, three days of drinking recycled water, eating nothing but food paste, pissing into relief tubes, and shitting into waste packs. The Norcals had tried to push through this gap twice now and both times they had been beaten back easily with overlapping fields of pain sweeping. They had tried similar maneuvers in other gaps with similar results. They now had to know that they weren’t going to be able to push through, yet they still sat up there in the hills above the flatlands and sniped at the marines with their long poppers and dropped mortars on them from their launchers.

The next three mortars landed. CRUMP, CRUMP, CRUMP. Again, none were terribly close to Gath and Sparky’s position.

“No more incoming,” said Ganny. “They’re trying to pack up and clear their position.”

“Understood,” Sparky said. “Continue to follow the ROE.” In other words, Gath knew, kill them anyway so they couldn’t shoot from somewhere else fifty minutes later.

“Never thought otherwise, el-tee, Ganny replied. “Engaging the first nest now.”

The zipping sound of a stream of twenty-millimeter high explosive shells being fired reached them. It was a followed a moment later by the crackling sound of the shells detonating on impact. This was followed by the deep crump of a secondary explosion.

“Target one suppressed,” Ganny reported. “Circling around for target two.”

“Squad leaders, report!” Sparky barked. “Any casualties?”

The four squad sergeants all reported no casualties, letting Gath breathe a little sigh of relief. He had treated several of the injured marines on this deployment—one of whom had had her left arm nearly ripped in half by mortar shrapnel—and was grateful that his services weren’t needed after the attack.

The zipping, crackling sounded two more times. Both were followed by secondary explosions and reports of “target suppressed.”

“Good job, Ganny,” Sparky told him after the third report. “Are you getting any thirty-millimeter fire?”

“No long poppers in sight,” he reported back. “I think they learned they’re not going to shoot us down with those things so there’s no point in sacrificing themselves trying it.”

“Yeah,” said Gath. “They’re saving them to take potshots at us on the ground.” So far, they had not hit a single marine with one of the clumsy thirty millimeter exploding shells the long poppers fired, but they had come close. And none of the marines had any illusions about how well their armor would hold up to such a projectile if directly struck.

“What, do you want?” asked Sparky. “To live for a hundred and fifty years, or something?”

“If it’s all the same to you,” Gath replied.

“Returning to patrol station,” said Ganny from above. “Three hours of fuel left and one two zero of lethal.”

“Copy that, Ganny,” Sparky told him. “You did what you had to do.”

“Yeah,” Ganny said, a little emotion in his voice this time. No one liked killing people, even if they were dangerous, violent homers who were trying to kill fellow marines.

The AVTOL passed back over the top of them, its engines merely purring now as it returned to the monitoring station behind the lines. Things quieted down again and Gath took a long drink of water from his hydration straw, getting little satisfaction from the feel of the bland, room temperature water sliding down his throat. He shifted out of the protective position and put his back against the barricade again.

“How long are these slagholes going to keep this up?” he asked Sparky.

Sparky shrugged, the gesture hard to appreciate through the armor. “Your guess is as good as mine,” he said. “They have to know we have all the ingress routes to the harbor covered. They have to know that they can’t advance through our pain sweeps. They have to know that they can’t drive us out of here. They have to know that if they try to shift their forces to another approach we’ll see them and shift ours as well. There is no military reason for them to think they can achieve their objective at this point. And yet, there they stay.”

“Maybe they’re hoping we’ll come into the hills after them,” Gath suggested.

“Fat torkin’ chance of that,” Sparky said. “Fight hand to hand with those slagholes in the middle of a forest full of hundred-meter trees? We’ll just wait them out. Eventually they have to get low on food. There’s no way they can feed that many people by living off the land in that kind of terrain.”

Gath shook his head. “The pointlessness of this is astounding.”

“From which perspective?” Sparky asked. “Them for expending all this energy trying to accomplish something they knew from the start wasn’t going to succeed, or us for expending all this energy and risking our lives to stop something that doesn’t really matter anyway?”

“Well ... I was talking about from their perspective, but I see your point as well.”

“Hey, at least the concluding resolution is about to start, right?”

“That’s what they say,” Gath remarked, his tone a little sour.

The concluding resolution of putting sperm reduction drugs into the homebodies’ food and water supply was supposed to have started two weeks before, back before the Norcals had even started their march to the harbor. However, as things often went, delays had popped up. There were not enough trained personnel at Homeport Topside and Marsport Topside, where the food tampering was to take place, to begin on the scale it needed to be done. There was not a proper computer program in place to ensure that the contaminated food did not end up being served to Fleet personnel or innocent civilians. But those wrinkles were being worked out. At least, according to the Fleet whiteshirts they were.

“Still having your doubts about the plan?” Sparky asked him.

“I’m still questioning the ethics of imposing birth control on a population without their consent,” Gath said.

“It’s not birth control,” said Sparky. “Thinking of it in that term is probably what is causing your doubt. Birth control means they cannot breed. We’re simply cutting down on the amount of pregnancies to reverse the population growth.”

“Yeah, I know the company line,” Gath said. “And I’d still like some medical explanation of how this magic drug works. Do you think it’s a little strange that they’re not publishing any particulars on the drug?”

“I’m a marine lieutenant,” Sparky said. “They don’t pay me to think about slag like that.”

“I’m a Fleet medic though,” Gath retorted. “They do pay me to think about slag like that. And so far, they’re providing no material to enhance my thinking.”

“I’m sure the drug does exactly what they say it does. You did the math on their figures, didn’t you?”

“I did,” Gath said. He had, in fact, crunched the numbers on the very night the concluding resolution was announced. If the drug did, in fact, reduce the homebodies’ pregnancy rate by half, that, combined with the infant mortality rate of two hundred per thousand and the life expectancy of forty-five metric years, would indeed induce a negative population growth of at least fifteen percent. “That doesn’t change the fact that they’re not sharing the details of the drug with the working medics.”

“At some point,” Sparky suggested, “you have to sit back and assume that your superiors really do, more or less, kind of know what they’re doing. The Fleet has been up and running for more than thirteen hundred years now. The Federal Government has been in its current form for almost as long. Our people are mostly enlightened and educated. Don’t you think that if there was some heavy-duty fouling of the waste converter going on, we would have picked up on it by now?”

Gath thought about that for a moment. “Maybe,” he finally concluded.

“I’ll take a maybe,” Sparky told him. He adjusted his position and shifted his weapon, which had been sitting by his side, up onto his lap. “Well, I guess I’d better get my report on the mortar attack over to the good captain.”

“Yeah,” Gath said. “And I guess I’d better start checking some vitals and making my rounds.”

The two men continued to sit next to each other behind the barricade but each began doing his own thing. Gath picked up his own weapon, which was leaning against the wall, and cradled it across his lap, where his hands could find it by themselves while his eyes were blinded to the scene around him. He then called up his VR display and started looking at the telemetry sent from the marines in 2nd Platoon. The names of any members with abnormal vital sign readings were outlined in yellow. There were three such names. He looked at the first. It was Sergeant Vicadole Dealerman, leader of third squad. His heart rate was elevated about twenty percent above normal and his temperature was slightly high. His urine output was only thirty milliliters in the last two hours and he had been going through water rations like they were going out of style. Something was definitely going on there.

Gath released the telemetry screen and then looked at the tactical map that floated in his view, searching for the location of Sergeant Dealerman. He was behind one of the barricades seventy-five meters to the north and further east, along the main line of the marines.

“Sparky, I’m off to make rounds,” he said. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Okay,” Sparky said absently. “Be careful out in the open.”

“You got that slag right,” Gath assured him.

The terrain here was a mixture of ancient, pre-expansion ruins that were crumbled to concrete dust, and open, irregularly shaped fields where luscious green grass grew knee high and waved in the coastal breeze. Half a klick to the north stood Hill 125, which guarded the left flank of the gap. It was covered with dense vegetation and coastal redwood trees. To the south, stood Hill 215, another densely forested rise in the land that guarded the right flank. The gap between the two opened up onto five hundred meters of what had probably once been farmland but was now covered in course reeds and grass. Beyond this flat plain the true coastal mountains rose steeply before them. The trees were particularly tall and dense there, hiding the Norcals from visual sight but not from the sensors on the circling AVTOLs. The sky above was a brilliant blue, almost completely cloudless. The environmental reading in Gath’s helmet display showed a temperature of sixteen degrees and rising as the mid-morning sun climbed higher in the east.

Gath picked up his weapon and rested his thumb on the selector switch, which was currently set for pain sweep. He stood, careful to keep his head below the top of the barricade and then glanced at his mapping display, plotting the easiest, safest course from his position to where he needed to be. He activated chameleon mode on his armor. Though the current conditions were about the worst possible for the effectiveness of the camouflage scheme—bright low-lying sunlight created obvious shadows on the ground, and the varied topography of the terrain made the computer struggle to keep up when a soldier moved quickly—it was still worlds better than just strolling out there in all his glory. He moved away from the barrier, trotting quickly through the crumbled concrete and into the grasslands, weapon held out before him, eyes tracking on his first waypoint on the journey, eyes nervously watching the prominent shadow he was creating. He reached another of the barricades, this one protecting two privates and a corporal. He scooted behind it without incident and paused, head below the top, back resting against the barrier wall.

“Hey, humes,” he greeted the occupants of the position.

All three greeted him with variations of “hey, Gath.”

“Everything demonic over here?” Gath asked them.

“Just torkin’ electrifying,” grumbled the corporal.

“To what do we owe the pleasure?” asked one of the privates. “I’ve been drinking my water rations, I swear.”

“Just passing through,” he replied. “I heard they’re serving hot meals up ahead.”

“Really?” asked the second private.

“No,” Gath said, “not really. I’ll see you all on my way back.”

“Right,” said the corporal.

Gath pushed out from behind their barricade and moved to the next one on his route. He then moved to the next and then the next, working his way to the easternmost positions. At each stop he paused for a minute or two to pass a few words with the marines on station. Most of them grumbled sourly, their words peppered with profanity. One corporal asked Gath to look at his foot, as it was bothering him and he thought maybe he might need to be pulled off the line. Gath told him he was on a mission right now but would check it on his way back.

He reached the barricade behind which Sergeant Dealerman, a corporal, and two privates were holding without incident. Once there, he put his back to the wall of the barricade and slid down to his buttocks, setting his weapon down next to him. He turned off chameleon mode since he planned to stay here for a bit. This was partially to save battery power—chameleon mode almost doubled power usage and the replacement battery supply was finite—but mostly because it tended to cause nausea in a person you were trying to converse with while it was active.

“Hey, Gath,” he was greeted by four voices.

“Hey, humes,” he returned. “How are things up here in the front?”

“About as much fun as a torkin’ slagger tork can possibly be,” answered the corporal.

“Yeah,” agreed a private. “A couple of them mortars came pretty torkin’ close to us. Shrapnel hit our torkin’ barricade.”

“I feel you,” Gath said. “That happened back at my position too. Let’s hope their accuracy with those things doesn’t get any better.”

“Let’s hope they torkin’ run out of food and head for home soon,” said the other private.

Gath turned to Dealerman, who was sitting with his back to the barricade and his knees drawn up. His weapon sat on the ground next to him. So far, he had said nothing besides the original greeting.

“Vicky?” Gath said, using Dealerman’s common name. “How you holding up?”

“I got the slags,” he said, his voice low and miserable. “For the last twenty-four local now. Been through about six waste packs.”

“Yeah,” Gath said. “I noticed your vitals were a little out of whack. You’re looking kind of dehydrated, sarge.”

He shrugged. “I’ll be all right,” he said. “I’ve been drinking extra water rations.”

“I see that from your telemetry,” Gath told him. “I don’t think it’s enough though. You’re not pissing much.” He reached in his medic pack and pulled out a scanner. “Let me just check you over.”

“I’m fine, Gath,” Dealerman protested. “It’s just my stomach doesn’t like this food paste diet.”

“You never had that problem on deployment before, did you?”

“Well ... no.”

“Exactly,” Gath said. “You might’ve picked up a little gastrointestinal bug somewhere. Maybe something was floating around back at the staging area. Living in these armor suits can lower your immune system and make it harder to fight off.”

“Those latrines at staging were pretty disgusting,” Dealerman allowed.

“My very thought,” Gath said. He turned on the scanner. “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

It turned out that Dealerman was indeed suffering from a gastrointestinal bug. His white blood cell count was elevated and viral particles consistent with norovirus were found in the contents of his discarded waste packs. As a result, his temperature was up, his potassium and sodium level were down, and his blood viscosity was high.

“All right, here’s the deal,” Gath told him when his exam was complete. “I want you to double your water rations effective immediately. I’m going to give you a shot with an antiviral in it. It won’t get rid of the viruses that are already there but it will keep them from reproducing any further and making you sicker. I’m also going to give you some potassium and some B12.”

“You’re the medic,” Dealerman said. “Can you give me something to stop the torkin’ diarrhea?”

“I can’t,” he said. “You don’t want that staying inside you, you need to slag it all out. The extra water will keep you hydrated while you’re doing it and, with the antiviral, you’ll hopefully be better in about twelve local. If you’re not, if you start to get worse, or if you start vomiting, get in touch with me and I’ll pull you off the line.”

“I’m not leaving the line, Gath,” Dealerman said. “I’m a torkin’ squad sergeant. They need me out here.”

“You’ll come off the line if I say you come off the line, sarge,” Gath told him. “You’re a slagger kicking squad leader—you and I have been through some slag together so I think I can say that with authority—but this little skirmish can resolve without you. I expect you to report worsening symptoms. Are we clear?”

“Oohrah,” Dealerman said without much enthusiasm.

“That’s what I like to hear,” Gath said.

He pulled out his medication pack and began mixing his concoction in a large syringe. When it was done he injected it into a port on Dealerman’s arm armor, a port that would be able to access his antecubital vein from the inside.

“That torkin’ hurts!” he complained as the medicine went in.

“Yeah,” said Gath, “but it’s a good hurt, isn’t it?”

From there, Gath went chameleon again and carefully made his way to another position, seventy-five meters to the south, where Corporal Binge, next on his list of abnormal vital sign marines, was dozing lightly between two privates. He woke her up to ask her how she was doing. It turned out she was suffering from the same ailment as Dealerman, though her diarrhea had only started eight hours ago. His treatment of her was the same, as were his instructions about worsening symptoms.

“Slag,” she said, “if that’s what it takes to get pulled out of this torkin’ place, then I’m getting worse right now.”

“Honor of the Corps?” Gath asked, knowing that a marine would not lie lightly when the honor code was invoked.

“Tork you, Gath,” she said sourly. “I’ll let you know if I’m getting worse.”

He moved on to his next patient, Private Zulfa, who also reported diarrhea, body aches, and thirst. Physical exam revealed more norovirus in the waste packs, along with the dehydration, potassium insufficiency, and elevated white blood cell count. After treating and lecturing Zulfa, Gath put his back up against the barricade and dialed up Sparky on the comm channel.

“I got some cheerful news to brighten up your day, el-tee,” he told him.

“Why do I have a feeling you’re being sarcastic?” Sparky returned.

“You’re very perceptive,” Gath said. “It looks like we got a little epidemic of norovirus out here on the line. I have three people so far with viral particles in their waste, rampant diarrhea, altered vital signs, and elevated white blood cell counts. At this point they’re all still fit for duty and I’ve initiated treatment, but I have a feeling this thing is going to start hitting more of our humes as the day goes on.”

“Torkin’ wonderful,” Sparky said.

“Isn’t it?” Gath said. “The good news is that we probably picked it up from the latrines in the staging area.”

“Why is that good news?”

“That means it won’t spread any further out here, or at least it will have a hard time spreading, as long as we take a few precautions. Norovirus is extremely virulent, but its fecal-oral spread.”

“Fecal-oral,” Sparky said flatly. “That means you have to get infected slag particles in your mouth in order to catch it, right?”

“Kind of,” Gath said. “You can get them in your nose or your eyes as well, and you can also get them from vomit particles. So far, however, no one is vomiting.”

“Thank Whoever for that,” Sparky said. “If they start vomiting they have to take off their helmets.”

“Yeah, that would be bad in the current environment. If anyone does start vomiting I’m going to pull them off the line immediately, for their own safety and ours.”

“Sounds good,” Sparky said.

“In any case, the spread can be contained because we’re all eating food paste and slagging in our waste packs. None of us are using our hands to wipe our slaggers. We all have our helmets on so no one can put their fingers in their mouths or eyes even if someone dig get the virus on their fingers. This alone should stop spread to those who are uninfected, but I’m also going to initiate a medic’s order that, for the duration of this deployment, all marines open and load their own food packs, that the water fill hoses be sterilized prior to refill of an armor tank, and that everyone sanitizes their gloves after they change out a waste pack.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Sparky said. “Any idea how many of us are already infected and just waiting for the bomb to go off?”

“No way to tell,” Gath said. “It could be every last one of us, realistically. We all used those latrines back at staging.”

“Hopefully it’s not that bad,” Sparky said.

“Hopefully,” Gath agreed. “In any case, I need you to put out an order on command. Anyone who has diarrhea needs to let me know immediately. If I can start treatment when the first symptoms appear then I can head the disease off before it gets too bad.”

“Consider it done,” Sparky said. “I’m also going to contact the captain and have him check with battalion command to see if this is going on in other platoons or over in Billion Company.”

“Good idea,” Gath said. “I’m going to wait here until your order goes out. If anyone reports the symptoms I’ll get started on treatment.”

“Copy,” Sparky told him. “Sparky out.”

Five minutes went by, during which time Gath began to imagine he felt rumbling in his own stomach. Was it his imagination? Was it the first sign of the virus? He did not know, had never, in fact experienced norovirus before, though it was one of the few remaining contagious diseases that plagued human beings and quite a common one at that, particularly in spaceborn environments, where close-knit living created an ideal breeding and spreading ground for it.

Just as he was getting a handle on convincing himself he was imagining his own symptoms, three reports of marines with diarrhea came to him. Corporal Hinge, Private Lexus, and Staff Sergeant Mule all contacted Gath to tell him they started slagging their intestines out in the last hour. He checked his telemetry. So far none of them were showing abnormal vitals. Hopefully he could head this off at the pass.

Gath said his farewells to the troops staffing the barrier and stood up, his weapon in hands. He plotted out a route to Staff Sergeant Mule, not because he was the closest, but because he was the one the platoon could least afford to lose. Chameleon mode was activated once again and he started off.

He never made it there.

As he was trotting past a tall mound of crumbled concrete, almost exactly halfway between one barrier and the next, an evil sound, a cross between a whistle and a low-pitched growl passed close from left to right in front of him. He caught the briefest impression of a red streak zipping by less than a meter from his head and then the concrete on his right erupted into a flash of smoke, dust, and fragments. A sharp crack hammered into his ears, overwhelming the dampening effect of his helmet.

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“I’m only doing this so my children will have a future,” Charlene had said, when they had first gone into the bedroom. “I’ve waited fifteen years to fuck your hot pussy again, so shut up and strip,” Russell had told his sister-in-law. He had watched as Charlene slowly took off her clothes while he had shed his own. Tears had been streaming down her face as Russell roughly threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her. He showed her no mercy as he rammed his hard cock into her pussy as hard...

4 years ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 11

"NO!" yelled John, his voice rising with frustration and the knowledge that he had no other choice if he was to rescue his lover. He understood that the front was going to gradually collapse, that there was now no hope for the Popular Front Government of the Spanish Republic. "No way!" "Don't fucking argue," 'Oz' told him, "that floatplane can only take three people at a squeeze, you, Benin and the Russkie. I want to stay, y'here, really!" "You take Benin..." "Fuckin' mug!...

1 year ago
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Church of Anguish

The Church of AnguishPart 1 - HannahThe device worked great and had an awesome effect. Hannah was not able to close her mouth, but instead of a traditional ring-gag, this one was almost invisible from the outside. Jimmy made a close-up shot with the handheld 4k camera to show the viewers the 2 stainless steel devices that were tailored to fit perfectly around the 4 sets of molar teeth. On each side an extendable pole was pushing the mouth wide open by pushing each of the sets of bars apart. By...

4 years ago
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Mom Taught 4

…………………….. David finished scanning all the documents and pictures to a jump drive and carried the fireproof box and key back to his parent’s bedroom. The morning was already warm, and the sun had not even full rose in the eastern ski. Walking to an outbuilding his mom was hard a work. “Gonna be a hot one darling,” she said with a smile. In long strides, he walked to the barn and saddled his well-rested Appaloosa. Riding along a large stand of ponderosa pine, David’s sharp eyes scanned...

4 years ago
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My Unexpected First Time With a Man

In the Arizona heat… It was Friday, the first day that I would be alone at home while my wife was on her trip. It was also the day that I timed a delivery of some clothing and accessories for a weekend of crossdessing and anal play. As I sat at work repeatedly checking the status of two shipments, one was a box of dildo’s, lube and anal plugs, and the other was filled with lingerie, a wig, and a couple pairs of heels. ‘Out For Delivery’ the status read… Out for delivery meant, I was going to be...

3 years ago
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Lovely Tyrant

I groan knowing trouble when I hear it. "What is it now…" Probably just more of her homework. She's a senior now while I'm only a sophomore, but she has me help her out with homework, which end up with me doing it for her more often than not. I want to tell her to do it herself, but she's always been like a big sister to me, even if I had all the book smarts, so she always has been the boss of me. She's pretty much ruled my life even more than my own mother. When we were very...

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Neighbour FantasiesPart 7

I fell asleep in Gloria's bed, and awoke about 3:30 A.M. to a still-raging rainstorm. As I gathered my wits in the dark bedroom with only lightning flashes for visibility, I saw Gloria sitting next to the bed, with her legs crossed, wearing only a panty, and smoking a long 120mm cigarette. "Did the storm wake you?", she asked. "What are you doing," I asked her, and she replied, "Oh, I've been enjoying watching you." "What have I been doing?" I asked. "Hmmmm...not much other than sleeping with a...

3 years ago
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Real First Time With My Mom

To start off, I was a 14 year old boy and my mom was a 39 year old woman. My mom had long curly brown hair while I had straight and short brown hair (most likely from my dad). My dad and mom divorced when I was 6 after my mom caught him sleeping with her cousin. She took me, and we started living in a 2 room small apartment. Because of that, mom and I started becoming really close such as we told each other everything that happened and secrets and friendly stuff like that. When I turned...

1 year ago
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Seduicng my mum

100% Fiction I never found it strange that I had a sexual attraction towards my mother; she was , petite, a cute round plump ass and fantastic firm DD cup titties. I often fantasized about fucking her but would never let her know this. Every chance I got I would catch glimpses of her fantastic body e.g. walking in on her in the shower, walking in on her getting dressed etc… In my house it was just me and my mum, my dad left home when I was boy and since then it’s just been my and my mum. I knew...

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But I Dont Want to Be a Boy

The patient sat nervously perched, on the edge of the examining table, in the Doctor's office. The crisp paper under her ass crackled so loud, it was as if little firecrackers exploded in her head. The covering was wrinkled quite nastily by her squirming buttocks. She had one hand at her lips in a most agitated manner. Her nails had been bitten right down to the quick. Her brow was all furrowed with concentrated concern. Her chewing compulsion was a sign of great stress. Most notably, she...

2 years ago
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Chuswane ka pehla maza

Hello doston kammy again doston meri pehli chudai ki kahani aap logo ne padhi hogi lagta hai aap logo ko pasand nahi aayi kyonki mujhe mails nahi aye jinko bhi meri kahani pasand aaye wo mujhe pls. Mail kare mera mail id hai hai pls mail hindi main kare meri english kaafi kamjor hai. Doston ab aapko apni dusri kahani batane ja raha hun delhi se wapas aane ke baad mujhe chudai ka man jyada hone laga kyonki sher ke mooh khun jo lag gaya tha apni naukraani ke saath thoda bahut karke muth maar...

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Janet Revisited

Chapter 1 Janet had gone out to the farm's barn with me, and we'd climbed up in the loft where there was a huge pile of aromatic new hay, just the perfect bed for two horny teenagers to use while they dealt with their mutual sexual lust for each other. Janet and I had experienced our first sex together a couple of months earlier and by now we were regularly finding places to fuck and suck with each other. Sex with Janet was as hot and luscious as she was -- totally erotic. She'd basically...

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Chatroom tricks 3

For those of you first reading this let me fill you in on a Friday that that opened my eyes. I am a 26-year-old normal guy who had for sometime been flirting and playing with an older woman named Mary via an Internet chat room. She was about 41 a firm fit body and gorgeous red hair, perfect, better than that she didn’t live too far away. Our chats didn’t really get too kinky so when she asked us to meet I agreed, as you would.Well I went to meet her one Friday dinnertime for an afternoon of...

2 years ago
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Kinky School Part One

School was a brilliant time of my life. Everything was great. Especially the teachers. My school was home to many ofthe countries finest teachers, many of whom were very sensual. One teacher, my history teacher, was one of them.She had an amazingly large rack and big booty. She was not especially fit, but she looked like a good fucker. We were watching some boring documentary about WW2 and my mind went off into a day dream. My teacher, Mrs M, wore a someone seethrough shirt this day and I could...

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The Farm

The characters in this fictional story are Mandy 16 years old, Kim 14 years, Sara 12. July 10. Simon 17. Simon was working in the cow shed when he heard voices, he looked out and saw the 4 girls walking through the farm, he knew the girls were sisters and trouble makers from the town. Simon watched the girls knowing his parents were away and that he was on his own and hoped the girls did not see him. The girls went into the pig goat shed, Simon crept over to the wall looked through a hole in...

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BangBus Madison Summers Bang Bus Strip Club

Madison Summers was trying to decide which book to borrow next when the bang bus stopped next to her. To cut a long story short the boys quickly figured out that she was a stripper, they declared the bus as their private club and hired her to come in, strip and do a lap dance. During that lap dance Tyler Steel got naked and the lap dance thus got some much needed friction. As soon as his big dick slit into the vagina all fucking broke loose. Steve was trying to drive extra bumpy so Tyler could...

2 years ago
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Cat on the lap

Cat on the lap By: Set3 Garnet was at his computer in the living room of the small two-bedroom house he shared with his college room mate working on his paper for class. His roomate, Troy was sitting in front on the sofa watching tv. Loudly. Garnet sighed to himself as he continued typing while Troy ocasionally shouted suggestions at the screen until he called for Garnette's attention. "Hey Garnet, come over here. Look at this!" he called sounding really excited. Garnet...

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Wifes adventure on new years eve

My wife was invited to a new year party by one of the ladies in her cuckold group. It’s a small group of married women that get together for sex with well hung black men. She has hosted parties at our home a few times and on that occasion I was allowed to watch the action. Now back to the new year party, I wasn’t invited in fact non of the husbands where allowed to be at the party. I asked my wife who was serving the drinks if no husbands where allowed? She said that Mattie ( the hostess ) had...

3 years ago
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Big Time SwitchChapter 8

I couldn't move I was frozen in place inside my own home. I walked into the room next to mine and saw Mom and Pops examining a body. I snapped back into the real world when I heard Mom say, "Cleo darling, we can explain." I looked at her and blinked about what seemed like a million times then looked back at the body. "Yeah I think that might be a good idea Mom." I slowly said. Steven spoke up, "This young girl suffered from the same condition of the brain as our Stacy did. However,...

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Marriage Material

Marriage Materia By Cal Y. Pygia A full moon hung in the star-studded sky, and a faint breeze stirred the palms outside the restaurant. Ted had asked Marilyn to join him for dinner at Boca del Senorita, or "Girl's Mouth". They sat at a small table on the balcony, beneath a large umbrella, enjoying the sound and the scent of the sea and the glimmer of moonlight upon the otherwise dark and rolling waves. They'd ordered wine and shrimp. Marilyn hadn't stopped smiling since he'd...

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It’s a personal experience that I am going to narrate to share with others. I am a housewife, aged 41, from Dhaka, Bangladesh. All names in this story have been changed. I was one among those several parents who had queued up before the Principal’s room. The final results for admissions to SSC have been just put up on the notice board and my worst fears have come true. I couldn't find the name of my only son anywhere. My son had been studying in the same school from c***dhood and his bad result...

4 years ago
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TV in Drab Travelling in Chastity

This actually happened on Wednesday, I was told by a Dom Mature Admirer that he wanted me to wear my clear pink chastity device for my journey back from the other side of London, into London by train, the underground through London, train back to Lancashire. He knew all my travel details, even what route I was taking, what times my tube and trains were (I had them on an App and so did he) he knew what I was wearing, He would monitor me and set me tasks on the way, he said he had a surprise for...

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I Got Leid In Hawaii

It was about a month after my 16th birthday when we took our trip to Hawaii. My name is Adam McIntyre and this is the story of my first sexual experience... This vacation was supposed to be to celebrate my birthday, but a couple days before we were scheduled to leave, a winter storm came down from Canada and blanketed our small town of Grand Rapids, Michigan with nearly three feet of fresh snow. Once we were able to reschedule our trip, we were able to get a flight out. We flew to Chicago where...

First Time
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My wife fucks young black guy and leaves me

My wife and I had been fighting for some months and the situation became unbearable; she started to og out with ”friends” and me too and one Saturday late at night or Sunday early in the morning, at around 4am I came home and she came home right after me. I was angry at her coming back so late so I decided to leave again. She asked me to stay and I answered that I would just drive for a while and then I would come home.I drove to the center and saw a young black guy eating a hamburger in the...

3 years ago
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Slut Wife needs a hard cock Part Five

Slut! Wife needs hard cock: part 5Since my husband’s impotence due to prostate cancer, my life and his, has turned to a different path. We used to swing in the early days of our marriage, and then narrowed our escapades down to a few selected couples. Our marriage grew stronger from the trust we placed in each other during this period and eventually our extracurricular activities dwindled. We have been unique to each other for over 10 years now and until his recent medical issue I never thought...

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Welcum surprise visit

Surprise Visit Working in my studio above my carriage house last week a voice came over the intercom “Miss Michelle can I come up it’s Jimmy” (jimmy is one of the teens that does some of my yard work Have posted a couple of stories about him and his friend). I buzzed him in and opened the door as he came up the steps. “Hi Jimmy what’s up” I asked. “Just wanted to see you” he said he was visibly nervous. I was wearing a red sweater dress and black tights and bra and started to walk back to my...

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Brides Request

I was lying on my bed, talking on the phone. Surprise, Surprise. It was a friend I had dreamed about getting in bed for a long time. She was no saint and yet she was still quite innocent. She was getting married to a nice guy. She was talking about the wedding and asking questions here and there. I told her among other things, that the best thing she could have was a personal attendant to keep her calm and keep all the petty problems off her back. Make sure it is someone you trust, who knows...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 5

I said that nothing new happened over the next three months. What that means is that there was no escalation of our activities. She did not pull back from me or anything, but she was busy at school, and I had some projects that needed extra time to get done, so I spent a little less time at their house. I knew things were okay between us, because she still gave me long, passionate kisses in the hallway, or if we were in some part of the house alone. So I was pretty sure that, if getting my...

1 year ago
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The Monstrous Regime

THE MONSTROUS REGIME By Heather Alexander Chapter One To us it was all just history, what do they say that history is written by the victors. I wasn't one of the victors, I was cursed, born male in a society where to be born female was to be given a winning lottery ticket, they were smarter, taller bigger and far more aggressive then us poor boys. Oh how I hated that phrase, 'poor boy.' It really got up my goat but here I was looking into the mirror. I pulled my long black...

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Romantic Makeover With My Girlfriend

Hi to everyone this is my first story in ISS… I don’t want to waste much time let me come to the story.. My name is Shiva and my girlfriend name Aarthi.. We both love each other for past two years this incident happened last month let me describe my girl she is little short to me but bubbly her boob size is 38 which is really sexy and her ass will be like a half cutted apple over all appearance will be 38-32-36 and about me i’m around 6feet tall and slim and my dick will be 6″ Let me come to...

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Hunting DelightsChapter 17 Punishment

Early the next morning Zubeydeh was awakened by a eunuch roughly shaking her shoulder. This was so unusual that she thought that the harem must be on fire at least. The eunuch didn't deign to answer her questions so she knew she was in trouble again for some reason. Reviewing the previous evening, or as much of it as she could remember, she could not think of anything which might warrant Ramzy El-Najjar's displeasure. Displeasure there certainly was because without waiting for a bath or...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 17

Derrick jerked awake, ah Christ his head hurt, the light was so bright, ugh! Looking around he could see that E had integrated back into the system. Sitting up a thought filled his mind, E? Why in the hell had he just called Shelby E? Then again where in the world was she? She never left his side, then the memories started to flood his mind, looking at the chronometer he did a double take, huh? It seemed that he was missing a few months, though he could slowly feel the memories starting to...

1 year ago
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Camping In Style pt 1

NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try this in real live!!! Last summer my 15-year-old daughter Linda wanted to go camping one last time before school started back up. I figured why not after all summer was just about over and it would be nice for the two of us go camping one last time. Then she asked if it would be okay if a friend came along. "Sure why not" I answered. I decided to take Friday off so we could leave Thursday and get up in the mountains to find a secluded spot....

2 years ago
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Things We Do In Secret

We head down to our secret place, where the two of us can be alone. Usually it takes a while before one of us makes the move but it’s been too long. I grab you and hold you close with our lips meshing and our tongues wrestling. Our hands are roaming each other’s bodies squeezing, feeling.This lasts for maybe five minutes when you tell me to lie down. I comply and lie down and watch you slip off your pants to show me your glorious panties. You then slide those of to show your lovely mound and...

Quickie Sex
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Fucking Neighbor

I Girija, was posted as medical officer in charge of an hospital. The only attraction of that place was that there were two quarters adjacent to the hospital for the occupation of the doctors. One big among them was occupied by me and another by my assistant Dr. Padmanabhan and his wife. I was recently married and my wife, Liza was carrying third month. for the first six months we did not want any pregnancy and hence we adopted every pregnancy prevention methods. Later we allowed to go...

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How to suck a penis the right way

I borrowed this from someone on xhamster. I hate when you 'favorite' something good, and then it gets deleted.How to suck a penis (the right way)The sad fact is that most people, men and women, do not have the slightest idea of how to suck a penis. Most seem to think that simply by making a cunt of their mouth, closing it around a man's penis, and bobbing their heads lustily up and down until he climaxes automatically makes them an expert. Au contraire!Consummate skill is required to suck a...

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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 18

To simply say that they were startled would be a severe understatement. Angelina and Lizzy rushed over to Georgette and Pamela when it appeared that the two might be in danger of fainting. John was quick to reassure Brittany and Melody that he was quite alright and they were in no danger. Young Jason was so enraptured at the display of gorgeous female flesh everywhere he looked, that he didn't much care what else might be going on - he was on hormone overload and nothing could spoil...

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Hot Indian Couple Has Sweaty Sex On Camera

Last week, my friend invited me over to his house. He had also invited a girl over. The girl was gorgeous, and as I stared at the sexy pics in his phone, he told me he had invited her over, and that she was a super freak. When she finally came over, they started making out on the couch. After a while, I felt a tap on my arm. I looked over and her hand was touching me as she stopped kissing my friend. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. She then got off my friend’s lap and sat in mine,...

4 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 24

“Wait here,” Radu commanded the two guardsmen. The guards were dressed normally: a long-sleeved burgundy surcoat and pants covered by fitted, studded-leather armor. The two carried no weapons but kept a short sword in a scabbard at their waist. As usual when accompanying the emperor, the swords were unknotted so they could be drawn quickly if the need arose. “Guard the door. Only Werten is to enter.” He reached for the door, paused and drew back. “Not even my Right Hand is allowed to enter,...

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My gay experience

I got in trouble with my girl and as punishment, she made me have a 4some with three very thick and long guys. I do small anal play, but they were about four times bigger than what i use. My girl had strapped me down so I was in a doggy style at the edge of the bed. She brought in the guys and you could easily see the bulges on their pants. they were massive! She had the first guy take his pants off and it hung there maybe 12 long. And I found out it wasn’t completely hard yet either. My girl...

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Drinking Smoking Fucking

Hello this is Vimal again with another story. Stella is my senior in office, she is my team leader, ever since the day I joined I was working under her she was very supportive, kind and she had a helping mentality and she taught me several things. She is from Kollam Kerala she is 28 years old slim tall medium complexion she had an attractive figure she has been working here past three years and, I joined here eight months ago, she become very close to me in the second month itself she is not...

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My Friend8217s Horny Mom

My name is Vinu I am 18 years old and I have a lot of fantasy towards my sex life . I watch a lot of porn but I never expected something like this would happen in my life now lets not waste much time and get into the story. All this started in the summer I use to visit my friends place to play games and have fun . Whenever I entered his house I found his mom sleeping in front of the door almost flaunting her boobs out like a horny female. I generally had a chat with him on whatsapp everyday...

1 year ago
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A Girl named Areola Part 03

by Vanessa Evans As usual, it’s best if you read the earlier parts before this one. Part 03 Camping again We were only going for a few days but we wanted to look our best so we spent as much time as we could improving our all over tan a couple of days before we went camping. On the second day B and I were sunbathing in the back garden, totally naked, when we heard the doorbell ring. We got up and walked round the side of the house to the front and saw a delivery guy with a big box in his...

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AdultTime Lisey Sweet Open House Exhibitionists

So… my girlfriend, Lisey, and I like to get a bit WILD sometimes. When it comes to sex, we like to be DARING, always pushing the envelope. Nothing beats the rush from almost getting caught with your pants down around your ankles, amirite?? We film ourselves a LOT, too, and in all kinds of different places to document all the risky public stuff we love to do. I just HAVE to share this video of one of our latest adventures at an open house. I have to give credit where credit’s due...

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Game of Thrones

Arya's stitches were crooked again. She frowned down at them with dismay and glanced over to where her sister Sansa sat among the other girls. Sansa’s needlework was exquisite. Everyone said so. “Sansa’s work is as pretty as she is,” Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. “She has such fine, delicate hands.” When Lady Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed. “Arya has the hands of a blacksmith.” Arya glanced furtively across the room, worried that Septa Mordane might have read...

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Made Maryanne Part 2

When I woke up the following morning, I immediately became aware of the situation. It was difficult not to notice the pretty white cotton and lace nor the fact that I was wearing it. I quickly recalled the events of the previous night, feeling ashamed at having been caught masturbating. I knew that Beatrice somehow wanted to make a point by telling me to wear her nightdress, but I had no clue why. I rolled over to see her watching me. She was wide awake, looking as beautiful as ever with her...

3 years ago
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Revealing Afternoon with Donna

His cock was so thick that my cunt was stretched to the point of tearing. I could feel every vein along its rigid rubbery surface as it tore deep into my womanhood. My juices eased the assault on my cunt somewhat but his powerful strokes where relentless and he fucked deep into my very being. He held my hips in his powerful grip as his cock bore deeper and deeper into me. His cock was so very big. It was longer and thicker than any cock that ever split my pussy lips previously. It was...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 100 In War There Are No Winners Only Survivors

The Invictus lifted off the landing pad on Sequathis’ upper platform, retro-thrusters blazing bright orange amidst the blue glow from Brimor’s sun. Alyssa banked the sleek battlecruiser around, departing on their initial approach vector, rather than just pointing the nose skyward and blasting them into orbit. The reason for her careful manoeuvre was not in deference to Brimorian port speeds, but simply because they had a rendezvous to keep, with a certain black stealth shuttle lurking in a...

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Illusions Lost

This is my first submission to Literotica Stories, hopefully not the last. This story was originally going to be sent to an anthology contest, but by the time I was finished and ready to submit it, it was reported that the publishers were no longer going to make the books. A missed opportunity. So, I decided to submit it here instead. I hope you like it. ___________________________ Captain Picard paced the length of his ready room still not believing his luck, and wasn’t sure whether it was...

1 year ago
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Picked up at the 49er Club in Omaha Nebraska

Picked up at the 49er Club in Omaha Nebraska I had a lady’s night out and decided to go to a bar downtown Omaha. For a while, my husband had tried to get me to go out by myself. He had the fantasy of me getting picked up at a bar and bringing them back to our place to play. I was a little nervous but decided it might be fun to at least go out and go dancing.We had been to this bar once and they had a live band but most of the clientele was from the University of Nebraska Omaha. Just a bit of a...

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Mistress Sarah plays mind games

I woke up at 7am when my alarm went off, I was wrapped up in a pink quilt, Mistress Sarah had obviously thrown it over me as I slept. It was soft and comforting despite the fact that I had been sleeping on the floor in the hallway. I had been banished from the bedroom after I had cleaned her strap-on. I had stayed close to the door listening to the sexual tones of Mistress Sarah. I unravelled myself from the quilt and admired the black silk negligee I was wearing..It was a short and simple...


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