Witness Protection Chapter 1
- 2 years ago
- 43
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Witness To Horror
By Sonya Esperanto
E-mail: [email protected]
Author’s Note:
This is a story that I wanted to write, being both inspired, as well as adapting and borrowing, from a lot of Europorn/grotesque films and documentaries from the mid 1970s such as Cannibal Holocaust, Jungle Holocaust, Shocking Asia 1 & 2, as well from horror-fantasy stories and films based on Loveraft’s and Robert Howard’s works, such Shadow Over Innsmouth, Call of Cthulhu, Dagon,. The Black Stone, and even propaganda films from the early 1990s with degrading sexual themes such Showdown in Little Tokyo and Rising Sun.
Overall this is a more of a Lovecraftian-type story than anything else but with erotic theme in it. I must also say you must go through the first 20 pages before reaching the sex part of the story, but if you can enjoy a good Lovecraftian-type story and even a fan of it (like I am), then the first 20 pages is a treat and I must say, worth reading and the wait (patience is a virtue).
I was also thinking of having this story as the first part of a Lovecraftian/Erotic Anthology/Trilogy (two more sequels may be coming out after this story).
The title of the story is self-explanatory, and shows you what is the result of it. I do hope that you enjoy this story (my dear readers), and if you really did enjoy this story, please do send me an e-mail and we can even talk about the story and even some other things.
The Story:
It was a stormy rainy Friday night, somewhere in some part of the Philippines that is far away from civilization It was pouring heavily. On an open field are two camping tents. On one camp, are four young Filipino kids. Two guys. Two girls. All of them 14 or 13 who attended their local schools and were classmates from the same grade. The boys and girls are boyfriends-and-girlfriends, but not that their parents would ever know. The boys told their moms that they were going out camping while the girls lied to their parents that they were sleeping at each other’s house.
The boy named Santiago and the girl named Michelle were smooching and making out on one side while the boy named Marcos was making out with the girl named Sheila. As far as they were concerned, the thunderstorm wasn’t going to bother them. After all, in the middle of the tent was a blazing campfire. It kept them all warm, but not that they would really need it at this point.
?It is too bad that Jamie doesn’t have a girlfriend!! I feel bad for him!! Maybe Sheila and I shouldn’t have come!!? Michelle talked to Santiago in a concerned tone.
?Nonsense Michelle. He is ok with it. why do you think us two are here while he has his own tent. You know that guy!! He is like a lonewolf!!? Santiago trying to justify his guilty feelings.
The person whom they were talking about was their classmate, who was sleeping in the other tent. All the moms from the boys OKed their campout for the night, thinking it would be good for them to spend some time outdoors, appreciating nature, and helping them learn some responsibility and developing survival skills.
?Loser is more like it!! I don’t know why you invited him out with you guys. He is so weird. No girl in her right mind will be going out with a guy like that!! He is a loser? commented Sheila.
?Oh give the poor guy a break Sheila. He really is a good guy, if you get to know him better. I mean ok, he is not good looking and looks like a fucking geek?.? Marcos kept on talking until they all heard noises outside the tent.
Before they knew it, someone was tapping outside their tent’s zipped up entrance. They could see a silhouette figure stood outside.
?Oh shit!! It must be one of our moms!! Shit we’re s screwed up!!? panicked Santiago.
Marcos and the two girls also panicked and looked at each other. Marcos whispered over to Santiago.
?Listen dude. This is what you do. You just lower your zipper and see who it is. A for you ladies, go over to that side and hide begind the bags. Wait let me help you up!!? Marcos suggested.
Marcos quickly got up and placed the bags in such a position, that both girls could lay on their backs behind the bags, without anyone from outside noticing if there were other people, hiding inside this tent. Once Marcos positioned the bags and made them lay flat, both girls quietly laid behind the bags, like canned sardines and Marcos quickly put the large blanket over their bodies.
Marcos nodded his head to Santiago. Santiago lowered down the zip. To his surprise, it wasn’t any of their moms. In fact the person wasn’t a Filipino. That person was a she. She was a white woman, about his height. And she looked hot and sexy too. The white woman was holding an umbrella over her head, dressed up in some raincoat and she even held a flashlight too, which beamed light towards the tent.
?I’m sorry to bother you but I was looking for Jamie. I guess he must be in the other tent!! Have a good night!!? the white woman had spoken with an accent.
She went away. Santiago looked towards Marcos.
?There is a white woman looking for Jamie. Man she is hot!!? Santiago spoke with an excited tone.
The two girls instantly got up from their hiding place.
?You gotta be kidding me??? Sheila was puzzled.
?Is she American??? asked Michelle.
?Don’t think so!! She doesn’t sound American. I think she is from one of those European countries!!? exclaimed Santiago.
While the four of them were quivering amongst themselves, discussing whether to become busybodies and go over to Jamie’s tent and see what is going on with this woman or finding another way of eavesdropping.
?Maybe he did something wrong!! That guy is such a troublemaker and that woman just wants to find out where he is and kick his ass!!? remarked Sheila.
?Or maybe she is going to give him a blowjob!!? joked Marcos.
?That sexy white woman giving that geek a blowjob?? Not in a million years. You didn’t see her face dude!! She looks very sophisticated!! She looks like she dates real men with real jobs and men who are good looking, probably only guys from her own country!!!? Santiago chuckled at the comment.
?Wait a minute. You said she is not American but you said she is white?? I am confused!!? stated Michelle.
?Michelle, not all white people are Americans!!! Some of them are Spanish!! Maybe she is Spanish!!? Sheila proudly exclaiming, as if she had just solved a very significant case.
?Maybe she is Italian or Dutch!!? Santiago sarcastically commented in an annoyed tone.
He thought a lot of students in his class are really stupid, thinking that all white foreigners are either American, or from Spain. He blamed it more on the Philippines’s education system, since he himself is a more self-learned self-taught intelligent thinking individual, who shows interests in all kinds of issues, despite being a young teen.
As the two couples continued bickering, the rain started dying out a bit and then they could hear what is going on in the other side of that tent.
And what they heard really really really shocked them, sending all their eyes, ears and mouths wide open. They had finally been shut up.
And it was getting louder and louder.
?Jamie!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Yes, oh yes!!!! Make love to me Jamie!!!! Make love to me Jamie!! Make me feel like a woman Jamie!!! Take me Jamiee!! Take me!!! JammieeeOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!?
On the other tent was Jamie, fucking that naked white woman on her ass. She laid face-down while he was on top of her. His dick was inside her ass, and he was fucking her ass harder and harder, while squeezing her neck a bit.
?You like that!! Huh!! You like that!! You like that you fucking bitch? Jamie shouted at her.
He slapped the sides of her ass cheek.
?You like that!! Say it!! Say it loud!! What are you!!? Jamie angrily excitedly taunted her.
?I am your Bitch Jamie!! I am your Bitch Jamie..OOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!! OOOHHHH!!!!!!!? the woman screamed.
Every time she said his name, it made him fuck her ass harder and harder, causing her to scream louder and louder. He was fucking very roughly.
Back On Santiago-Marcos ‘s tent
?My God!! They are having sex!!!! Oh shit!! You know what that means!!? Santiago said.
?What??? asked Michelle.
?I told him that he would never score and he got angry with me and then told me that he could get any girl he wanted, and a white girl at that!! I laughed!! I really laughed!! I thought no way he was going to ever get a girl, or a woman, especially a white woman. I laughed at him. I even made a bet with him!!? confessed Santiago.
?You made a bet with him?? How much??? Marcos asked in a shocked tone.
?Let’s say that I would pay him 50 Pesos if he gets himself a girlfriend and even fucks her. He happily took my offer and even bragged that it won’t be just any girl he would be fucking but a woman. A sexy woman. And not just any sexy woman!! A white sexy woman!! Now I owe him money!!? sighed Santiago.
Back in Jamie’s Tent
Jamie kept on fucking the white woman in her ass, while she laid face-down, with her arms to and legs to her side while he kept on pressing his palms against her neck and even her upper back.
?Jamie!!! I am your Bitch Jamie!! I am your Bitch JamieOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! JamieOOOOHHH!!!!!!?
As Jamie was happily fucking her white asshole, the woman’s mind drifted away. She let her mind wandered around, so as to take away the focus from the pain he was giving her ass.
The woman tried remembering how she ended up as Jamie’s bitch and how it all began.
It was a very breezy day, but not unusual in that part of the Philippines. It was about 20 Degrees. Normally the rest of the country, which comprises of three large main islands and many many little islands, was boiling hot. But not in Mavudis, the most northern island of what makes up The Batanes Islands. The Batanes Islands are ten islands which are known collectively as The Province of Batanes.
The Batanes wasn’t that much populated and had a sizeable middle class population, compared to anywhere else in the country except for the capital Manila. In Mavudis there are fishing and farming villages, as well as late 20th Century-style modern towns, with modern houses and apartment blocks and office buildings, shops and supermarkets selling things, churches, hospitals, and even electrical, as well as Internet, connections.
People had televisions in their houses but overall, only 1 or 2 public schools. There were even proper roads and bridges over rivers. People had cars but they normally pay for it at the local car loan shop.
All of these things had been built by the Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Americans since the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, and then maintained and further built up by local Filipinos.
On the bad side, no cinemas and no malls but all that is made up for by night clubs.
Half of all The Batanes Islands are part hills/mountains and lots of beaches by the coast sides. But no jungles or forests whatsoever.
As for who lived in Mavudis, were working class people such as the fishermen and farmers and middle class people who worked in shops and office buildings. The Middle class were both local and foreign.
As for Tessa, she was enjoying the weather while laying on her back. She was resting on a pool chair, with her eyes close and only in her two piece blue bikini. She was resting by the swimming pool within the confinements of the apartment buildings she had lived in.
Tessa was a white-tanned French woman in her mid 20s; slim, sexy, short trimmed brown hair, blue eyes, and stood at 5’5. Despite the fact that she wore a cross around her neck, she was not a devout Roman Catholic. The cross was for decoration. In fact she did not believe in God. She had been living and working in the Philippines for nearly 3 years and she found it laughable that people over there, including those living in the big cities, were still religious and superstitious.
She even had a Filipino boyfriend (who was actually half French) once but that was back when she still lived in Manila. Even he was afraid of ghosts or creatures the local people called aswang.
Just as Tessa thought she was going to enjoy the rest of her day, someone had jumped onto the swimming pool, splashing lots of water over her. She got up furiously. She was now wet.
?I’m soaking wet. This is all your fault you stupid boy!!? Tessa scolded a young Filipino boy named Jamie, in her sexy French accent.
A lot of Filipinos have Spanish and English type of names and surnames, due to colonization by both the United States of America and Spain.
?Hey chill out!! We are all supposed to be getting wet here. This is the swimming pool!!? Jamie defending himself, while swimming all over the swimming pool water.
?You didn’t have to jump!! You got water all over me!! You ruined my day you know that!! You always do this!! Always!!? Tessa shouted at him over the pool, then walked away.
All the young kids who were swimming in the water, giggled and laughed.
?She is always so nasty!!? one of the kids said.
Tessa had a problem with a lot of young kids who were playing by the pool and everywhere else in the building. Their naughty behaviour and the loud noises they were making, always ended up with her complaining about them to their parents and the manager. The parents always assured her that they would discipline their kids but so far, the kids seem to be misbehaving again and again.
But of all the kids none annoyed her more than Jamie. He was a skinny 13 year old dark-skinned Filipino, who was about her height. He was something like a Filipino version of Dennis the Menace.
As for Tessa, she went back to her apartment. She took a shower and when she was done, cleaned herself off with a towel, in front of her bathroom mirror. She looked at her reflection. She was angry that her usual nemesis ruined this day for her, and it had to be this day of all days.
?Why me!! Why did I have to live in the same apartment as these stupid brats!!? Tessa talked to herself in her native Parisian French.
The apartment complex she lived in comprised of four small building blocks, each being three storeys and each building having at least four apartments. Each apartment had a bedroom, a living room with an adjoining kitchen and a small bathroom with only a shower. Normally for the families who lived in such apartments, the kids’ daddies only came to see their kids during the weekend since they worked all week long on the other islands, for whoever they worked for and that meant kids slept with their moms in the bedroom. Within the compounds of the apartment were a swimming pool, a tennis court and a small bar. The apartment complex was very inland.
In Tessa’ block, she lived in one of the apartments on the upper/second floor. There was only one person living downstairs but not below hers. She didn’t even really know who that person was. As for the three other blocks, all the apartments had tenants in them.
When Tessa got changed, she looked at her cell phone. It was five in the afternoon. She thought of going out but before she does, she was going to the bar for only ten minutes and get herself a beer.
Tessa left her apartment and walked out of her building block. As she took a different route for the bar (which was close to the swimming pool), she was passing by the tennis court. It was a tennis court on a small open field.
On the tennis court she spotted Jamie, crouched down with the bushes behind him and reading a Playboy magazine.
?He is not old enough to be reading such filthy things!!? Tessa told herself angrily in French.
Tessa marched towards him and angrily took the magazine away from Jamie.
?I am going to tell your mother about this!! Where did you get this magazine?? Does she even know you read this?? You are not old enough to read this!!! You know that it is illegal for a small boy like you to be reading and possessing such a thing!! I bet you stole this, didn’t you!!! You know what happens to little boys in France who steal!! They go to jail for the rest of their life!! They don’t see mommy anymore!!? Tessa commented while flipping through the Playboy magazine.
Tessa looked at Jamie. He looked scared.
?No shop would sell this to someone as underage as you!! You stole this!! And now you are reading this!!? Tessa talking Jamie down his throat.
Tessa flipped at the pages. It was an American edition Playboy magazine. It was full of naked women. Most of them were white Blonde women, followed by Brunettes. There were few Redheads, Asians, Blacks and Hispanics. All of them exposing their tits, nipple’s ass and shaved cunts, in all sorts of positions and in all sorts of location.
?You are a bad boy reading the filth that you stole!!? Tessa commented in French, not taking her eyes off the pages.
Jamie gulped. He got this magazine from a retired American soldier living on the island. That soldier sold him that magazine, illegally of course. Jamie’s mom doesn’t know he has it. Only some of the other kids know. If his mom found out, he knew there will be Hell to pay, even for him.
Jamie looked at his bag. He opened his bag and took something out. While Tessa’s eyes were still glued to the pages, Jamie spoke to her.
?Please don’t tell her. Look I have something. It is yours, if you don’t tell her,? Tessa heaing Jamie talking to her.
Tessa turned her attention towards him. Her eyes shot wide open. Jamie was holding two small figures. One was a small rock and the other was a figurine of some sort. They were both glittering. They both looked like they were of pure gold.
Tessa dropped the Playboy magazine on the floor and grabbed both small gold icons out of Jamie’s hands. While Tessa was inspecting if the items were really made of gold or not, Jamie picked the Playboy mag and quickly put it in his bag.
Tessa was very very very deep in her thoughts.
‘They really look like real gold. They don’t look like fakes. They don’t feel like fakes. Have seen and felt real gold before and can tell a genuine one from an artificial fake one. We have a lot of these things back in France and can tell real from fake. The boy doesn’t know the true value of these things. How could he have gotten possession of such things? Stupid boy. Obviously does not know what gold is. Maybe there were pirates here a long time ago, brought real gold with them and hid them, thinking they would come back for them one day and this stupid Filipino islander was just at the right place and at the right time, stumbling upon this by accident, somewhere’
?Where did you get these???? Tessa asked Jamie inquisitively.
?Well I found them on the beach!!? Jamie answered.
?Where??? You must tell me!!? Tessa spoke to him in a bossing tone.
Tessa was getting greedy, really hoping that what she has in her hand is real and that this is all not some stupid wishful dream. If this was all real, she can make a lot of money. Of course she can’t sell it to anyone with the money to pay for this, in any of Batanes Island. She would have to go a bank in Manila on the main island of Luzon, or to one the rich areas over there where they sell and buy such things, like a pawn shop or a jewellery shop.
What is the most important thing is to actually find out how much it is worth and how much the person with the most money is willing to pay for this. She even thought of selling the information about where in this island she found it in. If it was worth too much money, she could even get paid millions by powerful wealthy parties. That meant shed would be rich for the rest of her life and spend money on shopping and no longer have to work for a living.
?It was on the beach, on one of the fishing villages, the one near the sea!!? Jamie said.
?All the fishing villages are near the sea you stupid boy!! Never mind!! Let’s go over to my place first. I have to study this!! This looks something good!! Hey if I can find anymore of these, I promise I won’t tell your mommy about your porn magazine!!? Tessa spoke to him in both a threatening and greedy tone.
?But I have already given you those two!!? Jamie protested.
?Just shut up and come with me to my place!!? Tessa said.
?Cool!!? Jamie smiled.
The notion that Tessa was inviting him over to her place was exciting. Normally she hated his guts but now felt that she was warming up to him, because she liked his presents to him. It never entered his mind if these things had any real value. In fact he had no notion or idea about the importance of gold and wealth.
But as for he and Tessa, he thought this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship and he was sure that she really wouldn’t rat out on him. And he also gets to see her place. He also found her to a very sexy attractive woman. A part of him made him feel a bit guilty, Imagining her to be completely naked, showing off her tits and ass to him, envisioning her behaving and posing like all those naked white women in all the porn magazines he had kept hidden in his bag (including the one she saw him with, he had two more).
Jamie followed Tessa back to her place. He was looking around her living room. He sat himself down on the sofa, noticing her TV and Laptop on a table, while Tessa placed both the small gold items down on her eating table.
Tessa did not have her own magnifying glass but thought that maybe her downstairs neighbor did. She remembered a tactic a professional once said about how you can tell if what you have in your hand is real gold, and with a magnifying glass.
?You just sit here while I go downstairs!!? Tessa told Jamie.
Before Jamie could ask if he could get himself a drink from her fridge, she opened her front door, left it open and went downstairs. She knocked on her block neighbor’s door.
?Is anyone home??? Tessa asked.
Tessa thought of asking that question in Tagalog. She had been in The Philippines for the last three years and she still made no effort to learn the language. Frankly she felt that it should be Filipinos who should learn to speak French, and fluently too.
One minute later, her neighbor’s front door opened. She now saw who her neighbour was. It was an old Filipino man in his 60s; almost about her height, bald, wearing glasses and he had a t-shirt on that actually got on her nerve. It said GOD BLESS AMERICA in bold capital with a Bald eagle flying over those words.
?Hi!! I am sorry to disturb you. I am your neighbour from upstairs,? Tessa trying to introduce herself.
The old Filipino guy stared at her. She felt like an idiot, realising that perhaps this guy only speaks his native language and knows no English at all.
Tessa smiled at him. A fake pretense smile.
?I wish I spoke Tagalog!!? Tessa sighed.
But to her surprise, the old man started smiling and then spoke to her, in an American accent.
?No worries hun!! I can understand every word you just said!! I was hoping you were going to ask me out on a date!!? the old Filipino guy joked.
Tessa started joining in the laughter too.
?You..you?sound..? Tessa was loss for words.
?I was born in Hawaii and yes, I am an American. But my parents were from Luzon originally!! Heck I even served in the US military, even fought in ‘Nam. I am sure you know about that. Judging by your accent, you must be French. Vietnam was France’s problem and you asked us to come and help you out. Sorry I don’t speak any French but you French women could sure make a man’s heart beat really fast!!? the old Filipino-American guy joked.
Tessa laughed.
?I am so sorry. I really don’t know most of the people living in the apartments around here!!? Tessa trying to be friendly.
Tessa tried her best to portray a good image of herself so that she could get something from him.
?Oh we all know you more or less. You always have a problem with the damn kids around here, especially at the swimming pool. Spoiled brats if you ask me, but don’t let ‘em get to ‘ya. So Mademoiselle, what can I do for you?? Oh where are my manners?? Would you like to come in??? the old Filipino-American guy offered to invite her in.
Tessa knew that he was just some lonely horny old man, who wanted to have sex with a young attractive woman as herself. She just took that as a compliment.
?Thank you but I am actually in a hurry!! I was wondering!! Do you have something that I could borrow? I mean I will give it back to you in five minutes!! Do you have..a?magnifying glass? I mean it is for my work and there is something I did to do a quick analysis of. I mean if you do have one, I would be really grateful!!? Tessa said to him.
?Actually just wait right here!!? the old Filipino-American guy said to her.
He walked away from the front door, leaving it partially open. It took him ten minutes to find it and get back to Tessa, by the front door. But the moment he handed her the magnifying glass, she quickly took it, crying.
?I will bring this back!!? she cried, as she ran back to her own apartment.
Tessa quickly used the magnifying glass and inspected both the items. First the small rock. She tapped on it and it glittered.
?It really does seem to be genuine gold!!? Tessa speaking to herself.
?Hey I’m thirsty!!! Can I have a drink!!? begged Jamie.
Tessa ignored him completely. She then picked up the second object. The small figurine. She took the magnifying glass over it, analysing and inspecting it.
?This also seems to be real gold. Pirates who came to this island must have taken this from somewhere like South America. Philippines was a Spanish colony and the Spanish raided South America for gold. Pure gold. And even objects made out of gold. This must be one of them. They brought it here and forgot about it or even lost it unknowingly. This has a lot of value. Maybe I can find more of these. But this object looks so strange!!? Tessa talking to herself in French.
The small figurine looked like it had the body of a muscular man but the head, hands and feet of a toad. Its face looked malicious, even evil.
?Ok we are going!!! You must come with me and show me the way!!? Tessa announced.
Tessa went to get her car key. They then left her apartment. When they went downstairs, she quickly knocked on the Filipino-American guy’s apartment. But when he opened the door, she shoved the magnifying glass on his hands.
?Thank you very much but we are in a real hurry!!? Tessa speaking for both herself and Jamie.
They left the building and went to the car park.
?I never asked you but what is your name again??? Tessa asked Jamie.
?Jamie!!? Jamie responded.
?Listen to me very carefully!! Does your mom know where you are??? Tessa had to ask.
?Oh she knows I hang out with friends and she lets me stay up late. She even lets me come back home even after midnight. She thinks I am old enough to know what I am doing!! I mean I have a cell phone and she knows how to reach me. But she normally comes home late too since she also spends a lot of night hanging out with her other lady friends at the bar or the karaoke places,? Jamie responded.
Tessa could tell that Jamie’s mom lets him do what he wants because she also wants to have free time for herself. This was a reason why Tessa never got married and have children. It would restrict her freedom, with all sorts of responsibilities.
?What about your father?? Is it just you and your mom in your place??? Tessa asked.
?Yeah just us. Got no brother or sister. Daddy comes back to us on the weekends and that is when we do everything together as a family. But on week days, it is just us and she basically lets me do what I want. I mean I am good in school and do well in my assignments and tests,? Jamie said.
?I can see why you continue to be a nuisance!!? Tessa responded sarcastically.
It seems to Tessa that his mom never really paid attention to her speaking, especially about needing for her to discipline her son more often.
Tessa opened the driver’s door. Tessa had a Peugeot, a French car. Tessa sat down at the driver’s seat and opened the passenger’s door, motioning for Jamie to get in. Once they were both inside her car, she told him to put his seat belt on and that he lead the way to where he went and which fishing village’s beach he found it on.
Tessa drove past roads that were close to the sea. While driving she asked him some question and he answered them all. The village where Jamie found the object was somewhere far to the north. In fact it was the fishing village that seemed strange even to the other villages in this island. It was the village where the locals kept to themselves, as Jamie explained. It was the village that was at the far northern tip of the entire island.
?And how did you travel that far?? I mean it is not possible for you to have walked this distance??!!? Tessa spoke, while driving.
Her car window was open and the wind was blowing through. It was also dusk and the sky was getting dark. Soon it will be evening.
?I have a bicycle and I normally cycle a lot!!!? Jamie said.
?So you say you found the two objects on the beach!! Did anyone see you??!? Tessa asked.
?It was somewhere in the morning. I thought of going there because I wanted to see what the people were like. I mean the other villages are scared to visit these people, because of some story. I went there to check the place out. When I was there, there were only few people. They did not notice me but they did act strange, even the way they walked. They all walked like hunchback, like that cartoon Hunchback of Notra Dame. You know, that American cartoon!!? Jamie said.
?It is actually French!! So you found these two small objects on a beach and no one saw you going there??? Tessa asked in an annoyed tone.
?Well I was at the beach. There were no people there. I found a lot of objects. Not just these two. I found lots and lots of them. Some as big as statues!!? Jamie said.
?You mean there are more than two. And you didn’t pick up the rest??? Tessa asked.
?How could I?? The entire beach was full of them. Not just hundreds but I think thousand!!? Jamie cried.
?A whole load of gold and objects encased in gold just surfaced up on the beach and no one pays attention or cares!!? Tessa chuckled cynically.
Stupid Filipino villagers, Tessa thought.
?The rest of the island is too scared to come up there!! I mean I heard stories but I want to see it for myself!!? Jamie said.
?You know I don’t know this entire island very well. but when you say stories, I take it that people from the rest of the island believe that there are aswangs lurking around in this village of yours!!? Tessa joked.
Jamie looked scared. Tessa looked at him for a while. She could tell that he too was as superstitious like the rest of the locals. He was scared the moment she used the word ‘aswang’.
?Oh you believe in all this!! So you, like every Filipino in this island, thought that aswangs prowl around this fishing village!! Here I thought you were so brave to come and see what was going on. But then you went there during the day, and not during the night when the aswangs would come out!!? laughed Tessa.
Tessa felt smug and superior. As far as she was concerned, there were no such things and if anyone believed in such things, they were superstitious idiots. This, in he opinion, was what separated Europeans from the rest of the world, including the Americans and the British. Seeing is believing and that everything can be scientifically explained, rationally.
?Friends of mine and even some other people said that they heard noises coming from that village. They were really frightened. They would kiss their crosses and pray to Jesus to protect them. I don’t think we should be going there. It is already getting dark!!? gulped Jamie.
?Jamie listen to me carefully. Those villagers are playing a game with you!! If you are so scared, this is what we can do!! We can hide behind the bushes. I am sure we can find ourselves a nice spot where the villagers won’t see us. We can hide behind it and see what really goes on in the beach. I think something is going on there. I think everyone else hears strange noises because this fishing village wants to keep people like you and everyone else away frm it, because they are hiding something!!!? Tessa jumping to conclusion.
Tessa thought that this fishing village was purposely creating Aswang noises so that no one would come to their side of the island and that pirates came here and stored gold. Or some other criminal organization. She was sure that they would find a good distant location to hide and see who entered the beach, without being noticed or getting spotted. Probably some boats or ships, carrying truck loads of gold, that they got from somewhere else.
?Jamie do you know where I can park this car without anyone in that village noticing it and where we can hide together, from a distance, without anyone from the beach seeing us or even spotting us?????? asked Tessa.
?I know some good spots!! I know the layout too well? Jamie answered.
?Excellent!!? Tessa genuinely smiled.
By the time they reached the village, it was already dark. It might have been 8 o clock or just after 8 o’ clock. As for where Tessa parked her car, it was by a cliff that overlooked the village beach where Jamie found his gold items and that the cliff merely adjoined this fishing village and not a part of it.
From the top of the cliff, Jamie and Tessa were laying on the floor, on their chests. Above them was the full moon and the cliff itself not just faced the beach but also the roaring ocean waters too.
?You know we shouldn’t be here!!? Jamie cried, with fear in his tone.
?Shut the fuck up!! They won’t know we are here!! And if they see us, the car is not far away. I will drive us out of here before those people could even sing God Bless The Queen!? Tessa spoke to him with annoyance.
?You know they say that strange?.? Jamie spoke.
Tessa cut him off
?????.things happen at night here!! Yes Jamie I agree with you. I think someone comes up on the beach at night, some ship maybe, bringing their gold and storing it here and the village gets a lot of money to keep their mouths shut. The village is helping some criminal element. Maybe they are from South America or even from Taiwan. You know what I think. I think that they are South American. They found the rest of the gold that the Spanish overlooked and they took the gold over here, running away from the South American governments. Maybe they are rebels who turned criminal and used this village as their base. I mean they think why not here. Here no one would think of looking for them, compared to the US. The world economy is bad and right now, gold is looking better than US Dollar. In South America, they must turn the gold loot to the governments but these people are at war with the governments there and so they think of running here. After all, the Spanish invaded your country from south America and not Asia!!!? Tessa telling Jamie her opinion.
Jamie didn’t understand what she was talking about, but still did not stop Tessa from thinking that she hit the jackpot about why there is gold here.
?Stupid pirates or stupid South American criminals think that this whole island is backward and that there are no people like me around!!? Tessa lectured.
?You mean the aswangs are not from Philippines. They are from another country??!!? Jamie was puzzled.
?Jamie, get this through that thick coconut skull of yours. There is no aswang. They are just normal people. Flesh and blood. Like you. They may not even be Filipinos. They are probably some criminals who ran with looted gold from South America. When you got here on that one morning, the people were just about to hide all that gold. But I can see that even such a task was too hard for the careless idiots around here!!? Tessa speaking her conclusions.
They waited and talked for an hour until they both saw lots and lots of people crowding the beach. What shocked Tessa next was when she a woman in her 30s being dragged along by some men, and not behind them were adults dragging a young boy and a young girl. They were screaming for their lives.
?Oh my God!! Are you seeing all this!! What are they doing to that poor woman and her children? I better call the police!!? Tessa told Jamie.
Tessa quickly got up, took out her cell phone and tried making a call. She wasn’t sure what the police number was but she tried Philippines’ main police number, which is that country’s equivalent to America’s 911. She dialled that number but it was engaged.
The problem was that the police are in the main island of Luzon. In other words, she can’t get hold of them, since the cell phone only allows reception within that island itself and not outside it. If something happens in any of the Batanes Islands, people would have to go all the way to the island of Batan, because that is where the provincial capital Basco is.
The villagers were also starting to chant in a strange language that neither Yessa nor Jamie understood but it was very very loud.
?Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?
?Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?
?Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?
?Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?
?What kind of language is that???? Tessa was surprised.
The language and the chanting really disturbed her. She thinks that these fishing villagers were devil worshippers who were about to sacrifice three innocent victims.
?Oh my God!! Come!! Look!! Aswang!! Aswang!!? cried Jamie.
Tessa walked closer to the side of the cliff. To her horror, she saw some creatures coming out of the beach waters. It was like being in a horror movie. The creatures looked like human-sized bipedal toads, just like the gold figurine she had.
?Oh shit!! They are looking up here!!? Jamie cried.
Tessa and Jamie saw the villagers and the toad-like humanoid creatures looked up towards the cliff. One of the toad creatures pointed towards the cliff.
?Oh my God!! They have fucking seen us!!? Tessa screamed.
Without thinking about Jamie, Tessa quickly ran towards the car. She was sure that from the distance and height she was on, they couldn’t have gotten a good look at her face.
Tessa opened the driver’s door, got inside and quickly closed the door. She fumbled as she took out the car key but once she got, she then used it to start the car. Jamie ran to the other side, knocking at the passenger’s side.
?Let me in!! Let me in!!? Jamie begged.
Tessa and Jamie were scared for their lives. Tessa quickly opened the other door and Jamie quickly got in.
?Quickly let’s get outta here!!? Jamie suggested.
But before Tessa could drive away, she heard something thunderous coming from the ocean waters beside the cliff. To Tessa’s and Jamie’s horror, they saw the head of a giant monster emerge over the cliff. It was a giant monster, instantly reminding Tessa and Jamie of the sea monster from the 2010 Hollywood film Clash of the Titans.
The monster’s head was something like that of the monstrous pirate in that movie Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Deadman’s Chest. Its face and upper body was greenish and scaly. Its head had tentacles. Its eyes were dark red. It looked evil. And it was looking directly at the car.
?Quickly!! Drive!! Drive!!? screamed Jamie.
Tessa was just mesmerised with fear. Jamie knew he had to snap her of her trance. He slapped her on the face.
Tessa snapped out of it and looked at Jamie.
?Quickly!! Drive towards the way we came!!? advised Jamie.
Teas nodded her head eagerly. She hit the brakes and the pedal and the steering wheel. She manoeuvred her Peugeot, so as to turn the car around and drive towards the direction they came. It was all happening automatic and quick in Tessa’s mind.
She kept on driving until they were so far away from that village. As the road they used was near the sea, she tried not looking to that direction, fearing that sea monster is following behind them.
Before either of them knew it, they were safe and sound within their apartment complex’s compound’s car park.
?Hey we are alive!! I don’t think the aswangs are going to come for us!! If they did, they would be here by now!! They have no interest in us!!? Jamie calming things down.
?I don’t think I will ever go near the beach again or even travel by sea!! But the police must know!! The world must know!!? Tessa talked as if she were in a trance.
Over the last six months, many things have changed. Tessa was no longer the same person she was. she was no longer cocky and brave and feeling so superior. When she told the apartment manager and her boss at work and her fellow co-workers about what she had seen, they were not very interested.
The apartment manager of the apartment complex she lived in, told her that if she was so interested, she should go to the main island of Luzon and report it to the police over there or even to local authority in Batan. This was something no one in authority would entertain over the phone or even over Skype, on the Internet. This had to be done face-to-face and that meant she would have to travel over there by ships.
When the Manager told her that, she walked out of the office. She was too scared and psychologically affected now, by even looking at the sea. She dared not even go to even the swimming pool anymore, since she is automatically imagining that monster popping out of the pool and that it was coming to get her.
The last thing the Manager told her that he believed her but to get involved in a village that dealt with aswangs would make things worse, for the people living on that side of the island that they were in and just not worth it. The police in Luzon could try something but she would have to go over there and explain them what she had seen.
As for her working place, because she kept on bringing up what she had seen, her boss got mad. He asked her if she had proof. He told her that she had a cell phone and that if it had all happened, why didn’t she record it all on her cell phone, as evidence of her proof
Her boss made her feel stupid, for not having done just that. After all, ?seeing is believing?.
After two months, her boss finally fired her because she was no longer competent and even told her that she was a ?shadow of her former-self?. The moment she lost her job, she panicked.
She was jobless and stuck on that island. If she could not pay for her rent, she would be kicked out of nice apartment and even have no food and drink. Since the events of six months ago, she was even afraid to be out of her apartment complex after dark.
She was tirelessly job hunting (her fear was giving her impetus) and still living in her apartment with what little money she had left. Even her friends online had stopped talking to her, since they got tired of her ?bullshit aswangs story?.
But things weren’t as bad as they seemed. Tessa managed to get a job at the supermarket. But not as a manager like in her old working place but as someone stacking things into shelves and putting price tags on them and taking orders from someone in a higher position, like a supervisor. . For local people who went shopping, it was exciting to see a white woman working there and taking orders from a Filipina, the one who was in charge of the supermarket.
Because the pay was much lower, she had to sacrifice certain things as she could no longer afford to live the way she used to. She lost her Internet service, TV (because she couldn’t afford to pay for the licensing), and even sold her car to the car rental shop, as she needed the money. After all, the supermarket wasn’t that far from the apartment complex she lived in.
As she was behind her rent, she paid for what she owed to the apartment manager through other means. She slept with him, in her own apartment bed. He was excited having some white French woman owing him money and having to pay for it through sexual servitude. Despite the fact that he was a married man with two kids, he was adulterous.
He would tie Tessa up and blindfold while roughly shoving his cock up her pussy and fucking her very roughly while at the same time, would suck and squeeze her breasts. He was fucking her so hard that she was screaming really really loud. He also fucked her doggy style and made her open her mouth and give him blow jobs.
Tessa had a new agreement with her Manager. She only needed to pay half the monthly rent since her new job was not as rewarding as her last one and in return, he could fuck her anytime he wanted to and even use her body when he is gambling with his guy friends. If he did not have enough money to pay his own debt, the person whom he owed money to can have his ways with Tessa, for the night.
Tessa didn’t really care. As long as she wasn’t alone or had to go anywhere near water, she was willing to put up with all sorts of degradations. And most importantly, that she was never really alone. Being all by herself completely meant that something out there could get her. Like the fishing villagers up north, who sacrificed that poor woman and her two children. . Like those hideous toad monsters that emerged from the sea. Like that giant octopus monster that rose over the cliff.
Monday Afternoon
Jamie was sat down all by himself on the tennis court, playing with a video game console the size of an I Pad or a Kindle. He seemed glued to it. While he was fixated on his game,
Tessa approached him.
?Playing with your video game!!? Tessa breaking in.
Jamie looked up. Tessa was smiling towards him. last time he saw her was six months ago, when they both went to the village up north and saw a giant monster and people sacrificing three locals to some toad-men. And before that, he remembered her being an arrogant bitch who was always on his case.
?Yup!!? Jamie responded in a cold tone.
He once found her sexy and attractive but her attitude ruined it all. To be frank, he didn’t want to see her again.
?Jamie, listen. I know that we didn’t start out very well and I know it is my faulty. I was hoping that we could start all over again. You know. Forgive and forget. I want to be your friend. I want us to be good friends. I want to make it up to you for having been a?.? Tessa trying to find the words.
??rude selfish bitch. You wouldn’t even offer me any drinks when I was at your place,? Jamie finishing her sentence for her.
?Jamie I am sorry but c’mon. That was six months ago. I have changed. Listen, I really really want to make it up to you. I was thinking of inviting you over to my place for dinner. Tonight. I even have some movies we could watch. Do you like movies Jamie?? How about this. Anytime you wanna come over to my place to help you out with your homework, I will help you, free of charge. What do you say?? Will you forgive me and let us become friends??? Tessa pleaded.
Jamie looked at her. Her blue eyes didn’t look cold and arrogant. They looked scared and desperate. Jamie thought that she had no friends and was really lonely. Served her right for having been such a bitch, he thought.
Jamie thought that as a good Roman Catholic Christian, he should let it all go and give her a second chance. And besides, it was more than six months ago. And that she still looks kinda hot.
?Ok!!? Jamie said.
?Cool!! So how about we come over to my place now!!? smiled Tessa.
They both went over to Tessa’s apartment. Jamie sat in the living room and this time Tessa offered him a drink – coke. While Tessa was cooking spaghetti Bolognese in the kitchen (which adjoined the living room), Jamie shouted towards her.
?Hey you said we are going to watch TV? But you don’t have a television!!? Jamie said.
?Oh!! I meant watch TV in my laptop!!? Tessa answered his confusion.
When Tessa told the TV station that she was cancelling her TV licence, she had been told to also get rid of her TV as she could still pick up channel frequencies and if she was still watching TV without having paying for her license, she could go to jail. She just let them took her TV away for her.
But she can still watch her DVDs on her laptop, even if she no longer had Internet access.
By the time Tessa finished cooking Spaghetti, they ate by her table while the laptop was playing some movies. One movie they saw was Les Miserables, a French movie with English subtitles. While Tessa enjoyed European arte farte movies, Jamie did not. He hated social films. He wanted Hollywood Blockbusters, but all Tessa had were French films, with humor he couldn’t relate to. After Les Miserables, the next film they saw was Chocolat.
By the time they finished the second movie, it was somewhere close to 10PM. Jamie was bored. He hated both French films and thought they sucked.
?I think I am going to go now!! But thanks for dinner!!? Jamie smiled to her.
As Jamie got up and walked towards the front door, Tessa rushed ahead of him and blocked his way.
?Jamie please don’t go!! Look I have some American movies. We can watch Da Vinci Code. It is an American movie!!? Tessa said.
?I heard about that movie. It sucks. Jesus died in the cross and there is nothing bad about the Pope!! Look I am kinda tired!!? Jamie protested.
?Jamie please don’t be mad with me!! I really like your company!! Look can’t you go home later. I mean we can play cards or..? Tessa sounding desperate.
??you got Internet on your laptop?? asked Jamie.
?No!? Tessa responded.
?Do you have any porn films!!?? Jamie purposely teasing her, hoping to get her mad.
?Jamie no!! Those films are disgusting and you are too young for that!!? Tessa angry at such dirty thoughts and words.
?Why did you really invite me over for dinner!! Why are you being so nice!! Look if you don’t tell me the truth, I am walking out here and don’t bother trying to start a conversation with me the next time we meet!!? threatened Jamie.
Jamie was suspicious and he wanted her to confess why was she being so nice to him. he suspected an ulterior motive.
?Alright!! Alright!! Jamie I am scared of being all by myself. I know six months had passed but I can’t stop thinking about those monsters. The women and her children being sacrificed. That giant monster we saw by the cliff. I sometimes have nightmares about what had happened. Every time I close my eyes I am afraid that I will find myself at the same spot and that monster will come after me. I am frightened. I don’t want to be alone. You understand, don’t you. I am so scared of going anywhere near the sea. I am even afraid of going to the pool. I imagine that if I go swimming, those monsters would drag my legs from under the pool!!? Tessa cried.
Jamie finally knew the truth why she was being so nice. She needed him to keep her company. She is afraid of being alone and that if she was alone, her imagination would get the best of her, if the real monsters didn’t.
As for Jamie, he learned the truth about the monsters from another fishing village and some one there told him that that village was the only village in that island were such things had happened before and that even the Philippines police and even the army were reluctant to get involved.
The villagers had lived there for thousand and thousands of years and they were not really Christian but worshippers of ancient ?gods of the sea? and in every four or five generations, they sacrifice some of their own people to ?sea creatures? and some gods called ?Cthulhu? or ?Dagon? or ?Hydra?, the first god ever worshipped in the Philippines, since pre-Christian times.
As long as Jamie does not get involved with that ?village? or attempt breaking their sacrificial rituals, no harm would come to him. None of the toad monsters or that giant monster ever plagued anyone else living on their side of the island. The real reason why the Japanese left the Philippines in World War II and why the Chinese and the Mongols and Arabs never stayed there too long was because the villagers invoked their ?sea god? to come to their rescue.
?So you want me to keep you company. But you know that sooner and later, my mom is gonna be worried and I would have to be home!!? Jamie said.
?Look!! You don’t have to be here all the time but that you regularly come here and keep me company!!? Tessa said.
?And what can you offer me in return for this??? Jamie asked in a teasing wicked way.
Tessa just stared at him. she didn’t have enough money to pay him to keep her company.
?Ok Tessa. It’s Tessa right!! I have my own terms. I promise not to leave you alone too long but in return, you will do whatever I say, make me happy, do whatever I tell you to do without complaining. From now on you will be my slave. My comfort woman. My bitch who will always make me happy and give me whatever I want!!! Accept this or I am going and you will be here all alone with the?.aswang!!? Jamie dictated.
?What?? Of all the?? Tessa cried.
?Ok!! Good bye and good night!! Now get the fuck out of my way!!? Jamie getting angry.
Jamie grabbed her by the arms, and he could because they were of the same height.
?Ok!! Ok!! I agree to you terms!!! Just please don’t go!! Please just go back somewhere after one or two in the morning!! I will do whatever you want!!? Tessa bowed her head meekly.
Jamie was excited. Tessa the sexy French woman was now his personal bitch.
Jamie walked over to the couch and sat down. He looked at Tessa.
?I want you to stand right in front of me!!? Jamie pointed to the spot between her shelves and the sofa. Tessa meekly walked there and stood up straight.
?Look me in the eye!!? he ordered her.
Tessa looked directly at him. Jamie was enjoying the power he had over Tessa.
?Ok bitch!! This is how it works!! I will be visiting you every week day, and I will protect you from the aswang and in return you acknowledge that you are my bitch, my comfort woman and personal slave!! I own you and can do anything and whatever I want with you at any time!! Got it!!? Jamie shouted at her.
?Got it?Jamie!!? Tessa nodded her head meekly.
?Your new name now is Bitch. That is what I am going to call you because that was how you had been behaving towards me since I first met you!!! Now Bitch, I want you to take off all your clothes!!!? ordered Jamie.
Tessa nodded her head. Tessa right now was wearing some thin slippers, a thin white buttoned t shirt, a dark blue mini skirt that nearly reached her knees. Tessa first slipped off her slippers, and then unbuttoned her shirt, tossing it off the floor and revealing her black bra. She then unzipped the behinds of her mini skirt and then let it go down on the apartment floor, revealing her black panty. She then removed both her bra and panty, revealing her big 40D size tits and her shaved cunt.
Watching her strip until she was exposing her naked self, was making Jamie’s cock get harder.
?Bitch, let’s go over to your bedroom!! I never had sex before but I always wanted to lost my virginity to a white woman, especially a hot Blonde. But you will do. And one thing!! I don’t want you to walk to your bedroom. I want to see you crawl, like a dog!!? ordered Jamie.
Tessa went down on all fours, crawling towards the bedroom. Jamie watched her crawl from behind, watching her tits juggling and her ass wiggling. It made Jamie laughed.
?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!? Jamie laughed, with power.
Jamie followed his crawling French slave to her own bedroom. Once they were inside, he ordered her to climb over her bed. Tessa climbed over her bed. Jamie took off all his clothes until he was completely naked.
Tessa was shocked. For a boy who was just 13 or 14, he sure had a big uncircumcised cock. In fact his cock was much bigger than many French guys taller and older than him. Also that Filipinos, like other Asians, Africans, Middle Easterners and Americans of all ethnicities and backgrounds, were circumcised. European men kept their foreskins.
As far as Jamie was concerned, there was nothing really bad about having Tessa. Even though he had a fantasy and a thing for Blondes, the truth was that many of them were much taller than most Pinoys. In fact all Western women were, except for those from Southern Europe. Tessa was about his height and he hoped that she had been a lot shorter.
Jamie climbed over the bed. He pinned Tessa down her own bed. He put his right hand on her jaw.
?Listen Bitch!! Tonight is a special night. I am going to lose my virginity by fucking your slutty white body, or sun-tanned body or whatever, color it is that you have now. You are going to have sex with me, make love to me, and really make yourself mean it, and teach me everything I need to know about sex!!? Jamie told Tessa.
First, Tessa told him that women played with themselves, so as to get them sexually stimulating. She fingered her shaved cunt and even fondled her own breasts, softly and tenderly, and licking her own lips, like some kind of Euroslut.
Only after giving herself orgasm, that she then told Jamie what he must do. She helped him push his dick into her cunt while pushing his face first to hers, instantly making them both French kiss and then, told him to kiss and suck and lick at her neck and her nipples.
Jamie was happily fucking Tessa’s pussy while sucking on hr right nipple and massaging her left one. Tessa was making sexually moaning sounds. They were also making Jamie so excited that he kept on pumping more and more of his sperm into her pussy.
?OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Tessa screamed in ecstasy.
He took turns sucking both tits and then just simply French kissing her while his cock rocked her pussy and both hands were groping at her tits and nipples.
Afterwards, she taught him about how he can fuck her in the ass. as she went on all fours on the bed, he shoved his cock into her ass, fucking her ass like he fucked her pussy. Her pussy was dripping with a young teenage Filipino boy’s sperm.
Jamie was happily fucking Tessa’s ass. He pumped her ass hard while squeezing at her tits below or even sometimes pulling on her hair or squeezing her nape.
?Man having my cock inside your ass feels good!!! It really feels good!! It really really feels so good that I don’t think I want to stop!!? Jamie cried with overexcitement (first time he is fucking a woman, and a white woman at that, anally).
?AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Tessa kept on screaming louder and louder.
Jamie’s sperm was flooding her ass, up to the point that some of his sperm dripped out of her sexy French asshole.
Afterwards, he laid his back against her bed while she was bowing her body before him and her head crouched over his cock, giving him his first blow job.
?That feels good!! So this is what a blowjob feels like!!? Jamie enjoying Tessa sucking him.
Tessa’s mouth was working on his jaw. She was drinking and slurping all his cum, from the tip of his cock to the sides of his cock, which were covered with sperm drippings. While she was sucking him, even lovingly and affectionately, he put his hand on the top of her head. It was his way of saying ?I own you?.
When she stopped sucking him, she moved his cock out of her mouth and he could see his cum stains all over her beautiful French face and jaw. She looked at him lovingly and smiled.
It was at that moment that he slapped her face really hard.
Tessa looked at him, with fear in her Western European Caucasian blue eyes.
?You know what Bitch!! I enjoyed having sex with you. But since this is my first night with you, I want to have some more fun with you!! I am not through yet? he told her.
He pulled her by the hair and made her get out of the bed. He led her by the hair back to the living room. He made her stand at the same spot she stood earlier that night. He went back to her bedroom and went over her drawers. He found some of her clothes. He went back to the living room and used her own clothes to tie her wrist behind her back, really tight.
The next thing he did was go over to her fridge. He opened it. He saw that she had some beer bottles. He took one. It was a Carlsberg, the number one beer in the world and from Denmark. Filipinos love all products Danish.
He opened the drawer with the utensils and found what he was looking for: a can opener. Tessa saw him opened up the beer cap and then joining her again, sitting himself down in font of her, on the sofa.
Tessa saw him drinking one of her beer bottles. She thought he intended to get himself drunk, so that he could have some more sexual fun with her. He looked at her, licking his lips and enjoying watching a tied up naked French bitch standing before him. Her cunt was dripping with his cum. Her mouth was dripping with his cum and her jaw was stained by it.
He was enjoying drinking beer but the impression she got was that, despite the fact he was underage, he and his school friends probably drank beer out of the sight of adults. If they got caught, they would all be in trouble. She knew that for a fact.
What shocked Tessa was after he finished the beer bottle, he walked over to her and placed the empty beer bottle three inches away from her feet.
?Bitch I want you to squat over the bottle. I want you to push and impale that fucking sweet pussy of yours into the top of the bottle, like how you fuck that pussy of yours with a dildo or vibrator. NOW!!? he screamed at her with a high intimidating tantrum.
Tessa gulped with fear. She moved over the bottle, and slowly slowly squatted herself over the beer bottle. She was moving her legs in a way that her legs were in a crouched frog-like position and her cunt was just on top of the open top of the bottle. Tessa looked Jamie in the eye. He had a cold malicious but kinky look.
?What are you waiting for Bitch!!! You are my Bitch, my comfort woman. Do what I say now!!? ordered Jamie.
Tessa needed him to be here right now, since a part of her mind was trying to remember that there were worser things than to disobey him, no matter how humiliating and rough and brutal his orders may be.
Tessa thought of the beer bottle as a large black dildo. She squatted her cunt inch by inch on top of th beer bottle, until she could get its top part to insert itself, into her pussy.
?OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Tessa sexually cried, as her pussy was now so impaled on top of the beer bottle, that it was fucking her pussy, just like a dildo.
?Now move up and down on it!!? ordered Jamie.
Jamie started laughing and getting sexually excited at the same time. Tessa was squatting up and down the beer bottle, with her pussy skin being touched by the beer bottle’s upper greenish glass surface while the top of the bottle even touched her clitoris, causing her to have an orgasm.
Jamie made her squat up and down over the bottle-in-her-cunt at least 55 times, until he told her she can stop fucking herself with the bottle. Jamie saw that the top part of the bottle was covered with her cum.
?Man you are one dirty Bitch!!? Jamie making fun of her.
Tessa was a bit disgusted of having herself get fucked by a bottle and then leaving her juice on it. it was as if she enjoyed such perverted activities.
Jamie then got up and forced her to be on her knees. He untied her wrists only to have all her wrist and ankles tied behind her back. He then went to the fridge, took another beer bottle and forced her to drink it, while holding on to her hair. Once the bottle was empty, he then took that bottle and shoved it into her cunt, while she laid sideways on the living room floor.
?AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Tessa screamed really loud, like she was in pain.
Her screams and pain was music to Jamie’s ears. Then he took the first empty bottle that still had her cum stains on it and shoved that one up her ass.
?AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Tessa screamed even much louder.
Jamie laughed, at her pain. It was making his cock excited. He shoved both bottles further deeper into both holes. While Tessa was screaming, shaking her head frantically and even crying down with genuine tears, Jamie just masturbated over her head, spurting tons and tons of Filipino sperm all over her head, face and short brown hair. He had spurted so much sperm over her hair, that her hair was no loner looking brown but like sticky white.
?Oh look!! You have white hair now, just like your country’s bitch-of-a-queen Marie Antoinette!!? Jamie commented vulgarly.
While the two bottles were still shoved up her holes, Jamie made her suck his dick. Jamie kept on slapping her face.
?Suck harder!! Suck harder!!? Jamie ordered with screaming abuse.
Tessa kept on sucking his dick harder and harder, drinking more and more sperm. As she sucked him, he just moved his cock to-and-fro, as if he is fucking her head. This went on for more than half-an-hour. When he was done fucking her in a humiliating and painful way, he untied her wrist and ankles and even pulled both bottles out of her holes.
While Tessa was laying on the floor, Jamie just pushed her to be on her back, sat on top of her and put his cock between her tits.
?I once saw this is in some Swedish movie!! I want you to push your tits against my cock and make me ejaculate even more!!? he ordered Tessa.
Tessa pushed her breasts against his cock, while Jamie stroked his cock, spurting more sperm towards her face and even on her neck and breasts. He masturbated over her beautiful breasts, causing sperm ejaculations over it. he moved his cock up, so that the sperm hit her nipples. he made her lick each of her nipples, while holding on to her hair and slapping her face a couple of times.
?Lick your nipples!! Lick your nipples!! fucking puta!!? Jamie yelling at her.
Tessa didn’t like getting slapped and she kept on following his riders ie licking herself. While she licked herself, he came on top of her, shoved his cock up her pussy, started fucking her really hard, pinning her wrists on to the floor and French kissed her, like how rapists do in movies. He went over her, from French kissing to sucking her boobs. And when he sucked her boobs, he sucked really really hard.
?OOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!!!!OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!? Tessa would moan, while closing her eyes and frantically shaking her head, left-and-right.
Jamie was fucking her over and over again, from fucking her on top to fucking her doggy style, to making her give him a blowjob and making herself finger her pussy.
Jamie was at her place, until 2 in the morning. When he was by her door, she remained naked and with her entire body covered in his cum. But before he left, they exchanged cell phone numbers. He even had one last fun with her.
While he made her shove her own cell phone up her pussy, he rang her cell phone number. The buzzing sound and mechanical movement within her cell phone, caused some stimulus inside her own pussy.
?OOHH!!? OOHHH!!!? Tessa moaned, while holding the cell phone up her cunt. Jamie laughed, enjoying the sight.
He also talked to her about how her social life worked and if did she ever had any schedules, which could be risky to him having fun with her. After all, he didn’t want the wrong people to know that he had this bitch under his power. It could be trouble.
She told him about her relationship with the apartment complex manager and so he had a general idea at what days of the month she can be ?used and abused?.
Apart from that, her instructions that every time he was going to come and visit her place, she must always be naked and even smile, like she is happy to see him.
Throughout the first three weeks, Jamie visited Tessa. Sometimes he visited her in the late afternoon and sometimes in the evening and at night, depending on his own free time during that particular day.
Whenever she was going to cook dinner for him, she had to cook not European food but Asian Filipino food, like boiled rice, cooked fish, cooked chicken drumsticks, plates with Kikoman sauce etc And when they are on the table, she had to eat like how he ate. Even when Tessa ate rice, she had to eat rice like a Filipino, by using her hands. He forbade her from ever eating like a European again.
At her place, he stored all his porn mags and blue films. He never dared do this in his own apartment. In his house, he shared the same bedroom as his mom and even if he slept in the living room, his mom often did house inspection and so, forcing him to keep all his porn mags in his school bag.
Sometimes he would flip the porn magazines and made her pose the same way the nude models did and when they watched films at her laptop, it was only the porn films he had stored I her place. He would make them perform the same acts and mimic the porn actors in these movies, which were actually mostly European porn films.
As usual he had sex with her the same way ie oral, anal, frontal etc etc. he would even be kind enough to lick her pussy and see if he could also give her sexual satisfaction the same way he made her give it to him. He could hear from her moaning that she enjoyed having him play with her pussy and her pussy tasted nice.
Sometimes he made her entertain him. There were evenings when he ate boiled white rice and fish pieces on her naked body while she laid naked on the table, with the Kikoman sauce dipped on her cunt. He would take the fish part and dipped it in her Kikoman sauce covered cunt.
She was behaving like a Japanese nyotaimori ie female sushi plate, like in that American films he had watched Showdown in Little Tokyo and rising Sun. in both films, Asian men had sued white Blonde American women as human plates, with Asian men using chopstick to pick sushi and sashimi pieces off their breasts, tummies and pussies.
But when Jamie sued Tessa as a nyotaimori, he would still be kind enough to feed her by putting some mouth in her mouth and telling her to open it and eat the food, just like how the Japanese businessmen do it with their female sushi plates.
He didn’t want her thinking that he was only going to be cruel towards her.
He even put ice cream on her breasts. He would lick his favorite ice cream, which was Vanilla Bourbon, off both her nipples and pussy. But for Tessa, having her private parts covered with ice cream made her feel sexually excited, as well as those parts feeling cold and sticky.
Sometimes he made her sit down on her own kitchen sink, spreading her legs and exposing her pussy for his pleasure, while sticking an ice cream bar up her pussy, pushing it really deep (which makes her clitoris shiver), and then only to retract it and eat right in front of him.
?Yum!! Yum!!? Jamie would joke.
There were even times when they played cards together (not strip poker and not for sexual purposes) and even moments when Jamie would have some kinky fu with Tessa, by making her bend her as over the table while he whacked her ass with his metal ruler. She would scream, since it was painful and even left red welts. He would then lick her ass cheeks and that made her scream even more.
He even once shoved that same metal ruler up her ass and he would never forget that night that he did that. He remembered how her body quivered and how loud she screamed.
Jamie would remember that night because after hearing scream like that, he nearly thought he had gone deaf.
There was even one particular Wednesday night where he brought a real rope into her house and used it to hog-tie her (her wrist and ankles tied behind her back), but to also to bind her big breasts together. Her breasts being bound together, made them look bigger and made her nipples become bigger but also thrice as sensitive.
This was when he would not just suck or put saliva on her nipples but also twist and pull on them or pinched on them but also to hit on them, when he puts his thumb and middle finger together to make a finger-hitting-move.
That was the same Wednesday night he fucked her pussy while sucking really hard on her nipples and pinching and twisting and pulling on them, while being made to face towards the ceiling. And when he stopped concentrating on her nipples, he would grab her short brown hair and forced her to look him in the eye, while they were having sex. It was a very exciting moment for Jamie. Her scared blue eyes were staring at his domineering brown eyes, and at the same time was making loud moaning sounds.
When he was done hammering her pussy in her hogtied position, he just pushed his lips towards her, romantically French kissing her and even meaning it.
?I love you Bitch!!? Jamie romantically told her.
Every night, he always made her body get dirty, whether it is from their cum juices or from food or from drinks.
As always, he normally got exhausted from taking out his excitement on her, by 2AM in the morning. He could do this because he never got tired from waking up around 7 in the morning. His mom, as always, was happy to see him and cook him fried eggs and bacons and toasted Gardenia bread slices for breakfast.
From 1:15AM onwards, they (he and Tessa) would lay together on her bed and he would massage her breasts lovingly and talk social stuff to her. This was when they both took shower together, to wash off whatever dirt they had on their bodies (especially Tessa). Tessa had to use soap to clean his body while he enjoyed washing her cum-food covered body with the water hose. And that was when he would wickedly use cold water on her. Not lukewarm. Cold.
For the last 3 weeks, Jamie had taught Tessa some things in Tagalog and made her say it. She would be saying in Tagalog things like ?I am a whore? to ?Play with me? to ?I am a French bitch craving Filipino dick? to ?I like to be fuck from behind?.
Finally on the Friday Night of the third week, he went out camping with two of his classmates. One of them annoyed him back in the middle of that week, when he told Jamie to change his attitude or else he would never get himself a girlfriend. Jamie went emotional and said that he was good enough to get any girl or woman he wanted, even a white foreign woman. They ended up ?betting?.
(Back to where our story began)
There was a tap on the tent. All four teens (Marcos, Santiago, Michelle, Sheila) could make out a silhouette figure standing outside the tent.
?I know you guys are in there!! Open up!! We are coming in!!? Jamie announced.
Santiago got up and lowered the tent zipper. Once the tent was opened, Jamie and Tessa stepped right in. While Jamie had his clothes on, Tessa was smiling like a slut and completely naked, with sperm dripping down her mouth and pussy. Jamie had his hands around Tessa, fondling with her right breast.
Tessa put her palm out and looked towards Santiago, saying:to him in her sexy French accent.
?Fifty Pesos Please!!?
Witness Relocation and Protection Program II By Bill Hart Superior Court Judge Abigail Carstairs looked down from the bench in the direction of the prosecution's star witness, while the convicted defendant was escorted in shackles from her court. She wasn't overly pleased about the deal that had been struck by the DA's office giving this particular witness immunity from prosecution for all of his earlier crimes in exchange for his testimony, but she also knew all too well that the...
Witness Relocation and Protection Program III By Bill Hart Veteran WRPP field agent Jake Losfeld wondered what was up as he rode upwards in the elevator of the WRPP headquarters. He hated riding in elevators; they were too confining for his tastes. Given a choice, his preference would always be fieldwork. However, something was very definitely up; he could always tell. Whatever it was, Jake had a bad feeling about it. He'd been summarily summoned from the field and ordered to report...
Chapter Two - Penelope Poppy lay on the couch in a very undignified repose. She was wearing a black vinyl micro-miniskirt, a pink crop-top and transparent white lycra tights. Her legs were splayed, lying side-on watching TV. Elliot could see what he thought was a camel-toe in her tight pink nylon panties, but he knew it wasn't and quickly averted his eyes. "I saw you looking." Poppy caught him averting his gaze. "You're intrigued aren't you? How has she got a god-dammed...
While I was running this throught the spellchecker this morning, I had the idea that this might make an interesting new universe. Bill -------------------------------- Witness Relocation and Protection Program by Bill Hart "On behalf of the state, Mr. Marwell, I'd like to personally thank you for coming forward and testifying." the judge said. "Without your testimony, its very likely we would have had to release Frank Farnelli for lack of evidence." "Prison's the best place...
I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesI really wasn’t looking forward to reviewing AdultEmpire’s horror section, until I saw Lexi Belle on the very first results page and thought that maybe there’s some potential here. Look, if I haven’t made it abundantly clear already, horror porn used to be very fucking boring back in the day. It was uninspired. It felt exactly like every other type of smut, except it claimed to be horror themed.AdultEmpire has videos on backlog from over two decades ago, so as you can imagine, most of the smut...
Premium Extreme Porn Sites++This is a short story written for a variety of reasons. It’s kind of a kid’s story, I know, but I think that some here may like it despite being slightly saccharine. We all have to face our fears eventually as we grow up. We all have our own personal fears, and we all face them in our own ways. Either way, this is just a fun little adventure story that was written a year or so ago that I decided to go ahead and share. I hope that some of you get a kick out of it. No laundry was harmed in the...
Chapter Three - Do You Have Anything Besides 'Cheap American Hooker' In Your Wardrobe? "And that's everything." Poppy drained the last of her scotch and put the glass on the coffee table. Elliot remained silent and she wondered if she had put him to sleep with her story. She looked up at him and saw the tears rolling down his cheeks. After telling Elliot her story she was jonesing for a cigarette. Poppy had not had a cigarette since she arrived at the safe house, Elliot...
iXXX.com! The only place where horror meets actual whores. My initial reaction to IXXX's horror category was pure fascination and absolute fucking shock. The only thing more terrifying than seeing the Predator eat pussy is watching Freddy and Jason Fuck. But don't get me wrong, their videos have plenty of shit to fap to. I'm not gonna say that my cock didn't stick up when I saw Pennywise fuck a fat-titted MILF, but some of the shit on this site blew my mind while blowing my load. With various...
Extreme Porn WebsitesMuch of human action is inspired by two emotions: Arousal and fear. It makes complete sense. The whole point of our existence is to fuck and make more humans, so of course, wanting to fuck would be on our minds all day. Furthermore, it's tough to fuck if you're torn to pieces by a bear while wandering the rugged forests of the northeastern United States. So you better keep your head on a swivel if you ever want to dip your dong into a danky snatch ever again.Ahh! Real Boners!You may have...
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HorrorHow do you define horror, dear reader? I mean true horror, the kind that rips a mind and soul apart. Is your horror supernatural, with extraordinary creatures lurking in the shadows and mystifying forces overwhelming us, but beyond our ability to comprehend? Or is horror more banal in its origin, stemming from human weaknesses and failings, from generations of damaged people handing down their ways? Maybe your flavor of horror comes suddenly, with dramatic and deadly confrontations or from...
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Chapter Four - Braidwood "If you hadn't spent all your time trying to put your pee-pee in her pooper and done your job we wouldn't be in this predicament." Brett Mendelsohn was ropeable and taking it out on Elliot Granger. "I know you're angry Brett but you better curb your mouth. The tranny cooze had changed her mind and I did everything I could to get her to stay the course," Elliot replied. Brett eyed him suspiciously. "Everything? What does that mean?" he asked. "I'm...
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With the service over Candice made her way back to stretch limo the driver looking appropriately respectful his hands crossed, head down. As she neared he opened the door allowing the young woman to climb inside her uncle already waiting for her. She had turned 18 just 3 days ago; but it was a birthday she would want to forget. Sure her aunt and uncle had made an effort to celebrate but how could you seriously celebrate while you made funeral arrangements? As the diminutive red head sat down...
I'd kicked down a gear and accelerated hard justs creaming in to the ferry port. Landed a job looking for locations for filming and photo shoots. Working for a friend in media I'd been sent to Greece and the Greel islands to check our locations. one of our local contacts suggested I tried one of the islands as I had four days between jobs and I fired my bike towards the port and just grabbed the ferry and called my wife back home. Greece has some boheman venues and I fund a room at my...
Erotic"Why don't you take those pajamas off and let me see what I can do make you a little more... um... comfortable?" Missy said, biting her fingernail coquettishly.As I got up out of bed to get undressed, she scooted over for a better look. Seeing her keen interest in watching me get undressed, I decided to build the suspense and make a little show of it. I slowly lowered my pajamas watching her face as they slid down past the bulge that seemed to have her so transfixed. Of course, with my boxers...
HistoricalHello all beautiful people. I have another story to narrate, but first of all I would like to thank all those who have given good feedback. As always a small intro, I am 32, married, a gentleman and residing in Bangalore. This is not my story but a good fuck session which I saw. Few years back before getting married we were staying in a rented house in the ground and there was a young couple staying in the first floor. To describe they were good people basically from northern part of India. The...
There’s no sound except for the gentle whispers of the wind in the night air. Katie stopped at her car, putting her purse on the hood to fumble for her keys buried in the depth of it. Soft footsteps behind her begin. She stops cold in her movements, turning around to see if one of her friends were trying to scare her. There’s nothing but the opaque darkness of night. “Kenny?” She said, calling out the name of her friend that likes to play pranks on her. No answer. ‘Stupid Katie… ...
MY FIRST NIGHT…I awoke hours later, it was still dark out but I could see every piece of furniture in the room as if it was dusk not night. As I looked around I found that I could focus on an object and see every detail of it, the grain of the wood and the memory that was locked to it. But before I could investigate my new sight farther James was beside me, I visibly startled.“I’m sorry love, you will get used to me moving too quickly for you to see, but I will try not to do it too much around...
It was a bright summer afternoon, me and my husband kunal were going on a small vacation up the t#@## hill station to spend a little quality time together.Our own personal time. As we were driving our way through the hills I casually looked at my husband. His eyes were kind of dull with the dark circles more prominent . He has been working too hard, it’s been 3 years to our marriage and he is completely into his work and his work alone. He never gets time to spend it with me , his dear wife...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. This story is written for one of my favorite critics,...
Massage Parlor HorrorJulian loved going to Asian Massage parlors. Even though it was usually understood that all these establishments specialized in ?rub and tugs?, he found that the majority of the ones he frequented at one time or another were actually legitimate?or maybe they were just legitimate for him. This is exactly the reason he loved going to this particular one near his house as often as he did. Not only did they give great massages, but they also seemed to excel in the ?happy...
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Penny's cheerleader costume was attracting more attention than she anticipated. She wore the vest top without the requisite turtleneck sweater underneath, plus she left the top three buttons undone. Her D-cup breasts put a tremendous strain on the remaining two. The vest was spread so wide that her nipples were barely covered. Once when she was dancing a whole tit popped out. The skirt wasn't much better. Her husband, Rick had her shorten the pleated little number by five inches. Instead of...
"Miss Frost, I want to see you in my office. Right now." Something in her boss's voice chilled her. Had he--found out? Clutching her arms to her chest, she scurried to Mr. Leahy's office. "Miss Frost, I show you this voucher and this cancelled check. Do you recognize them?" Oh, God, she thought. It was the voucher she had fraudulently created for a thousand dollars. "I-I..." she began. "They are yours, then," said Mr. Leahy in a voice of thunder. "Please, I can explain," she...
The whole riverside was cordoned off, with saws and torches hissing and whining in the cold. Every construction worker in the county had been hired for this project, many of which required either bribes, threats, or extortion to accept the job. They were paid in gold, conjured into existence with Dominion’s powers. They worked day and night, no matter how much it snowed or how sharp the northern winds were. The warehouses were being renovated under the guise that they would be turned into...
Es war ein lauer,leicht verregneter Spätsommernachmittag auf einem Autobahnparkplatz als ich eine Pause machte und noch in Ruhe eine Zigarette rauchen wollte, bevor es wieder weiter ging. Ich schaute auf die Uhr...17:32 prangte in weissen LED´s im Armaturenbrett. Ich mochte diesen Parkplatz. Er war für LKW zu klein und wurde von ihnen auch so gut wie nie benutzt. Und er lag so ungünstig zwischen 2 Autobahnen das er auch sonst so gut wie nie angefahren wurde, weswegen ich auch wieder mal alleine...
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Monster SexRole Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...
The flight from Don Muang to Chiang Mai was rather pleasant in first class. Even though the welts on her bottom had mostly faded away during the last three days, Simone still felt a little sore sitting on her backside. She was wearing a Ralph Lauren outfit just purchased in a Bangkok mall: Thompson skinny jeans that hugged her curves like a second skin, designed to show off her backside. The ankle-high black leather boots had four inch heels that clicked noisily wherever Simone walked, drawing...
Witnessing the Complete Degradation of Cassandra and SierraBy The Qmoq (c) 2010Story codes: M/f+, F/f+, M+/f+, anything else with /f and /f+! exhibitionism, humiliation, S/M, bondage, serious, consensual, watersports.Synopsis: Two buxom women consent to be degraded, teased, fondled and screwed by a mixed audience of perverts over a long evening.The arena most reminded me of one of those Victorian teaching hospitals, where there’s a corpse in the middle of an oval arena with a couple of tiered...
“Kathy, the Judge would like a word if you don’t mind, he is in his chambers,” her minder a Police Inspector known as “George” told her. She didn’t mind at all. The nightmare was over. Her abusers were going to prison for between 10 and 22 years. The Judge reminded her of her grand dad. A greying middle aged man, slightly flabby around the waist and jowls but with twinkling eyes. “Ah the hero of the hour!” he laughed as she walked in. “Not really,” she replied shyly. “But my dear your...
Willow stopped and stared for several seconds, before rushing forward and planting a big, warm kiss on the mouth of who she thought was her Tara. "Tara, you're back, but how?" "I found a way to bring her back," said Rack. Willow rushed up to him, planted kisses on his cheeks and pressed all the money that she had in her pockets into his hands. "Thank you... I'll always remember this, if you ever need a favour from me, just ask." "Willow," said Warren, expecting his disguise to fall...
It had been two hours of lovemaking. Warren had accidentally bitten Willow's nipples. "Ow! Be careful, Tara, be gentle. I know you've been through a lot but be careful." He had been luckier when it came to Willow's pussy. "Willow, I want you to show you how much I love you." This was it, if he couldn't eat pussy there was no way he could ever pass himself off as Tara. He planted a warm kiss on Willow's forehead and then another on her mouth. Then he gently undid her trousers, before...
Warren quickly muttered the words from a spell he had read in Willow's own personal hand written Book of Shadows. Even before becoming Tara he had learned a couple of spells from Andrew, who knew several of his own. Andrew groaned in pain and dropped to his knees as his guts felt as if they were twisting around inside him. "Listen, you freaks, if you try anything, one of two things will happen. Either Willow will come after you after killing me, with murder in her mind - she would...
“Kathy, the Judge would like a word if you don’t mind, he is in his chambers,” her minder a Police Inspector known as “George” told her. She didn’t mind at all. The nightmare was over. Her abusers were going to prison for between 10 and 22 years. The Judge reminded her of her grand dad. A greying middle aged man, slightly flabby around the waist and jowls but with twinkling eyes. “Ah the hero of the hour!” he laughed as she walked in. “Not really,” she replied shyly. “But my dear your...
I was in the ancient warehouse practicing with one of two old replica crossbow pistols. I am a architect and this whole area was scheduled to be destroyed so more huge sky buildings could be built. The crossbows only had a light pull so they were not considered deadly weapons. I had three dozen of the small bolts and was aiming across the empty space. When I heard the yelling I crossed to the broken window and looked out to see three men facing another. I blinked and pulled my comm and started...
‘I’m really glad that we got to do this.’ Jake commented lazily. Kelly glanced over at Jake and rolled her eyes. ‘At least keep one hand on the rod.’ She commented with a smirk. ‘You know that’s how your Junior lost that rod last year.’ ‘Its how I lost that fish.’ Junior replied without looking up. He had his rod fastened tight to a custom harness he’d built over during the year. Kelly had made it clear that as impressive as the device he had to make sure he was anchored to the boat when he...
Danii knew that her gymnastics instructor was watching her and she loved teasing him. He always sat in the same place in the lunch room every day during her lunch break. She knew he wasn’t even supposed to be there, so she knew full well why he was there. She remembered giggling at him the day before as she bent over in the tightest jeans she could find just so he could stare at her ass. She nonchalantly placed her hand up the skirt she was wearing and gently pushed her panties into her...
You climb off the bus after about forty minutes from leaving your hometown, the driver ensuring you that this is the adress you wanted to go to. Finding yourself in the middle of nowhere, surrounded on all sides by the deep forest, you watch with sinking heart as the bus speed off into the distance. As you look up and down the lowly trafficed old road (if used at all, except for that usually empty old bus), you catch sight of an overgrown path leading into the forest at the other side. Crossing...