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I was in the ancient warehouse practicing with one of two old replica crossbow pistols. I am a architect and this whole area was scheduled to be destroyed so more huge sky buildings could be built. The crossbows only had a light pull so they were not considered deadly weapons. I had three dozen of the small bolts and was aiming across the empty space.

When I heard the yelling I crossed to the broken window and looked out to see three men facing another. I blinked and pulled my comm and started to take pictures in case they vandalized something. One pulled a pistol and shot a man several times in the body. Another man looked around and saw me before jerking a compact weapon out and firing at the window.

I fell back with a tearing, burning pain ripping through my chest, left shoulder and upper left arm. I fell to the floor and crawled away from the window as more bullets exploded through it and the wall beside it. I fumbled for the crossbow and looked around for somewhere to hide. I looked at the door as the firing stopped and lifted the crossbow pistol.

It was moments before the man came through the door holding the weapon. I aimed at his head and squeezed the trigger. Normally the bolt would not have penetrated the skull but this time it struck the man's left eye and went through his brain. He went straight back and down as I struggled to pull the string back and put another bolt in place.

No one else came in as I finally pointed the crossbow at the door. It was a few minutes before I heard police sirens outside. What followed was doctors and a hospital followed by police detectives with a thousand questions. When I identified the man that had killed the other, they had looked at each other.

His name was Dagger Sinter and he was the biggest criminal boss in the city. Four hours later I was in a small apartment in a sky building with two of six marshals and two dozen cameras watching everything and everywhere. The man I had identified was the boss of a large gang.

They had brought everything I had on me in the warehouse and bought a couple of changes of clothes. The pain meds made me really groggy and after everything I needed to get clean. I sealed the bandages before fumbling through a shower. I managed to get dressed as two other marshals came to relieve the ones with me.

A stunning brunette stepped into my room as I tried to slip the mocs on, "Mr Silver?"

I looked up and she smiled before kneeling, "let me."

She slipped the mocs on and I heard one of the others through the door say, "who is that?"

A second later an explosion ripped the front door off and shook the apartment. The woman pushed me towards a corner of the room, "stay there!"

I heard automatic shots like in the warehouse and looked around as the woman pulled a pistol and aimed at the bedroom door. My pack was on the bed and I opened it to pull out the second crossbow pistol. I slowly cocked it and fished in the pack for a bolt before putting it in. I shifted and held it up as the shooting stopped.

A few moments later the door shattered and the woman marshal twisted away. I aimed as she started to turn back and a man stepped in with a gun pointed towards her. I fired straight through his temple and he dropped. The marshal fired into another man that had been behind the first as I cocked the crossbow and put another bolt in.

It was a minute before she moved to the door and then a shot sounded and she went back and down. I took three steps and looked out as I aimed. The man was just standing from the other room across the hall and taking a step. I squeezed the trigger and the bolt flashed across the hall and into his throat.

I turned to kneel beside the marshal as she gasped and took her pistol before looking at the door. Another men stepped in and started to lift what looked like a extremely large bore gun. I did not even lift the pistol as I fired three times and struck him in the stomach and chest. The woman grabbed my hand and I looked at her as she sat up, "you are alive."

She pulled her gun out of my hand as she gasped, "they hit my vest."

I helped her up and hesitated before going to each of the men to pull their weapons away. I also grabbed any spare ammo as I tried to watch the end of the hall with the marshal pointing her gun. I moved back into my room to shove everything into my pack. I cocked the crossbow and slipped another bolt into place before struggling to put the pack on.

I moved to the door and looked at the marshal before taking a step. She reached out to grab my shoulder, "stay here."

I looked at her, "they found me with you marshals protecting me. I am not staying where they can find me."

I pulled away and she cursed as she followed. I peeked around the hall corner and knelt to check the marshal on the floor. I did not feel a pulse and moved across to kneel beside another. He was dead too and just one look told me the third was also dead. I moved to the shattered front door and looked out before stepping out.

The marshal followed as she used her comm and I went past the lift and down to a utility room. I hesitated and then pulled my pocket knife to pry the scan plate cover off. I unplugged and changed a couple of fiber wires and the door slid aside. I replaced the wires and closed the plate before I stepped in as the marshal followed, "what the hell are you doing?"

I looked back as I crossed to what looked like a large closet door, "most people do not even know building maintenance has their own lifts."

I opened the closet door and touched the call button, "this is on a separate maintenance monitoring system so anyone watching will not know we are using it unless they are watching the maintenance feed."

I stepped in and she followed as the lift dropped all the way down into the sub basement. I led the way out with her trying to move around me. I let her and she opened the door and looked around before starting towards the stairs. I cleared my throat and she stopped to look at me. I tilted my head the other way and started down the wide plasticrete hallway.

At a door that said electrical I remembered and used a general city maintenance code and the door slid aside. I went in and started down the stairs with large pipes on one side. The marshal caught up, "what the hell is this?"

I smiled, "this is how the building gets power and water."

She looked around as I stopped at the four way intersection and used a power grid comp. I pulled up the city grid map and followed a route from us to the city central police building. I shut it down and turned to start walking. I glanced at her a few minutes later, "I am Tye."

She glanced at me, "Marshal Jinn Diamond."

I smiled, "I hope you are a good Jinn."

She smiled, "good enough."

It was not long before the adrenalin wore off and I felt the pain return as if I had never taken any pain meds. It was a good thing we were not that far from the police building. At every other major intersection I stopped to check the city grid map. I was glad when we got to the police building and led the way up the stairs to the sub basement hallway.

I went down to the utility room and used the general maintenance code to open the door. I crossed to a building maintenance comp and accessed the central data net to enter a password and user code. I shut it off and grinned as I headed to the lift. This time I used the password and user code to override the lift so it was not monitored.

I started it up and we went all the way to the top floor before it stopped. I restored the normal lift operation and led Jinn out. I caught her as she headed towards the door and nodded to a ladder on the wall. I moved to the ladder, "wait for me to turn the lights on up there."

I hesitated as I anticipated the pain this was going to cause. I used a snap to hold the crossbow and reached up with my right hand as I stepped onto the first rung. I used my feet and not my arms to climb up and paused at the ceiling hatch. I reached up to push the open pad and it slid open. I climbed up and carefully stepped out of the hatch before feeling to the right.

I touched the panel and a dim light came on. I glanced down at Jinn, "come up."

I waited until she was up and knelt to touch the close pad. I stood and looked around before starting off, "each sky building has four sections with maintenance lifts. This would be considered the attic, the clearance is only two and a half meters."

Jinn cleared her throat, "what are we doing here?"

I turned a corner and touched an open button and a door slid aside, "we need someplace to hide."

I reached in and touched the light switch, "this is our bathroom."

She looked in and then took a step, "you are kidding?"

I stepped in and grinned at the huge shower and sink as well as a regular toilet, "the showers were for emergencies."

She looked at me and bit her lip, "close the door."

I blinked, "why?"

She sighed, "I need to pee and you are not leaving my sight."

I grinned and closed the door before turning to face the door, "go ahead."

She giggled, "turn around Tye."

I turned and watched as she undid and pushed her pants down before sitting on the toilet. She even spread her legs as she looked at me and started to pee. Her trimmed pussy was beautiful and I finally shook myself before walking to the cabinet across from the toilet. I opened it and grinned when I found a plastic wrapped roll of toilet paper.

I turned and handed it to her. She accepted it and looked past me, "is that a towel?"

I nodded as I looked at her pussy and she opened the toilet paper, "strip."

I looked at her and she nodded to the shower. I took the pack off and undressed and that was when I noticed all the blood on my clothes. I looked up as Jinn stripped and she smiled before pushing me into the shower. We did not have soap or shampoo but at least the water was warm. I had to grin when she rubbed her breasts on me and giggled.

I reached between her legs to finger her slit and she spread her legs more to let me. It was a minute before she was panting and shuddering as she humped against my hand. She finally pushed me back, "we need to find a bed."

I shut the water off and reached out for the towel and dried her before myself. I was careful of the seal around my bandages and turned her and wrapped the towel around her when I was done. I gathered my clothes and swung my pack over my good shoulder, "one bed coming up."

She laughed as I opened the door and peeked out. I shut the light off, "hold onto the pack."

I used the floor plan as my guide and walked on the plasticrete floor towards the east. I could have turned on the dim lights but did not. The wide window filled the room I came to and let in light. I moved to one side and pulled a couple of wide and thick sealed plastic bundles away from the wall. I put two together and added two more going the other way.

I pulled out a third and set my pack and clothes on it. I opened my pack as Jinn set her clothes down, "that is a bed?"

I pulled the small stuff bag out of my pack and then the light fiber blanket out of the stuff bag. I shook it out and then spread it over the bundles, "it is now."

She grinned as she tossed her gun and comm onto the bed and pushed me onto it. I wiggled back as she stalked after me and straddled my waist. She rubbed my chest before lifting and slowly working my thick cock into her. She groaned and wiggled to get more in before starting to rock.

It was a minute before my cock was buried and pushing against the back of her pussy. She shuddered as her pussy squeezed and began to thrust and rub back and forth. It took a minute for her to start shaking and panting. Her pussy was clenching and grasping my cock as she jerked and bounced.

She dropped onto me and rolled over, pulling me with her. She kissed me when I shoved into her nice and deep and screamed into my mouth. I fucked her with long, deep thrusts as she wrapped her legs around me and started thrashing and bucking. I continued to fuck as I rode her wildly spasming body.

Several minutes later she was still convulsing as I shoved all the way into her and kissed her while I gushed cum. She screamed again as her pussy gripped and milked my cock. It was awhile before I stopped cumming but she continued to shudder for another minute before relaxing with a sigh.

I pulled out and rolled her onto her stomach as she looked back at me and I moved back over her. She grinned as I pushed into her slimy pussy and started to fuck her with long strokes. I fucked her for two hours before we stopped. I was laying behind her with my arm around her when her comm went off.

I lifted my head as she looked at the tiny screen before sitting up to answer it, "yes?"

She looked at me, "Mr Silver is still with me."

She frowned, "how did you get my number commander?"

She moved to the side of the bed, "you do not need to know where we are and I am not coming in to answer questions. Call my commander and he will..."

She looked at me, "you have the surveillance vids from the safe house."

She stood and walked to the window ignoring the fact that she was naked, "if the vids have gone missing you need to call my commander or the attorney general's office. Copies were automatically sent to both offices as well as a secure government comp."

She turned and looked at her comm, "you are stalling."

She hung up, "get dressed."

I moved out of bed and quickly dressed before grabbing the blanket and stuffing it into the bag. I was putting it into the pack when I heard something. My hand was on the extremely large bore gun and I brought it out and looked at the doorway. Jinn was turning as the two men in black military uniforms stepped in.

One had a gun like the one I was carrying and I fired. I blinked as the whole area exploded and the two were thrown back. Jinn was moving as two more stepped in and shot the first in the face before shooting the second as he lifted a short barreled assault rifle. I grabbed my pack as I heard a lot of explosions and firing below us.

Jinn was looking into the other room as I knelt and started stripping the men. She almost growled, "what are you doing!"

I yanked the vest and equipment belt with holster off, "how many bullets do you have left?"

She did not answer as I slipped the vest on and moved to the next man. I pulled it off quickly and held it out to Jinn with the rifle. I got the vests and equipment from the men Jinn had shot before shoving everything into my now full pack. I closed it and put it on as I stood and started through the door.

She tried to stop me and I pulled her after me, "quiet."

I left the lights off as I felt my way from room to room. I ignored the utility room we had used to get up here and went all the way across the building. I stopped and felt around before kneeling and pushing the open pad. Jinn knelt and pointed her weapon down into the room but it was empty. She went down and I started after her, stopping to close the hatch.

I used the code to call the lift and then my code and password to cancel the monitoring. I restored it when we reached the sub basement. I led Jinn to the other door and let her check it before heading for the electrical door. I was thinking ahead, trying to think of where we could go. I remembered a resort on the other side of the city with serious engineering problems.

We just needed to get there, I looked around before checking the nearest city grid map. I smiled as I turned to start off and walked quickly as Jinn walked beside me. She looked pissed and I smiled, "save it for when you catch whoever is hunting me."

She snorted and then chuckled, "you do know that weapon you are carrying is a breacher and fires explosives."

I glanced at the gun and grinned, "it seemed to do a good job."

I stopped at the panel I needed and then looked further down the hall, "stay here."

I walked to the inset box twenty feet away and used my pocket knife to open it. I looked at Jinn and she walked to me and I shook my head as I held out my hand, "let me see your comm."

She hesitated before pulling it out and handing it to me. I turned to pull a tiny wire with a plug from the box. I slipped it into comm before starting to enter a set of commands. I grinned when I was done and handed it back, "when you use it now anyone looking is going to have fun."

I closed the box and headed back to the panel and Jinn caught up, "what did you do?"

I opened the panel to revel a shaft with a ladder, "I linked the comm id to the city comm grid. If anyone is looking it will show the comm is everywhere in the city."

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Floral Rita

Note : This story is completely fictional! When my father married mother, Rita, the age gap was wide since he was 20 years older than her. At present, daddy (who still works in the Secret Service) is 62 years old while mom is a technician in the biology department of a certain Yorkshire (England) university. I joined this university last year in a scientific field which involved some biology courses with practical periods in the laboratory under the combined supervision of an instructor & a...

2 years ago
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Cheating girlfreind

"You know that i love you?" I say to him as he looks through profiles on some fuck site. And i mean it now too... but it wasn't always this way. We used to have great sex when we first met, we were always all over each other and couldn't get enough. We fell fast and we fell hard, and after a few years we had fallen deep too. But eventually, a few k**s, bills, jobs, and a mortgage later, all that had petered out. We didn't prioritise each other any more, i started to feel neglected and so did...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Sexual Addiction

I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...

2 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved Part 2 Overwhelmed

 Emily had screamed, thrashed and wailed, but in the end she could do nothing but watch helplessly through the monitors, tied up tight and muted by the ball gag and loud techno music blaring as her father had raped her, stretching her virgin slit with his huge cock and filling her with his cum.  Now she watched the screens above her, terrified at what may be next. The voices of the horny men cheered and laughed, and she could hear every disgusting word through the speakers on each side of...

1 year ago
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Be The Cuck! I would call my readers cucks, but you sad fucks don't have a girlfriend or wife to cuck you. However, that doesn't stop you, bastards, from having a cuck mindset, and nothing is more pathetic than being a single cuck.Cucking SoloIn an effort to create the cuck illusion, I bet you fucks give back ally hand jobs while depriving your own cock of a stroke. Of course, it's not the same thing, but it's just as depressing, if not more so. An angel cries every time you cuck your own...

Premium Cuckold Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Young Love at Prom

Before I go on, I guess I should describe her a little bit. She had beautiful light blonde hair that went just passed her shoulders. She stood a little higher than five feet and had a small frame. I always thought she had a “cute” complex to her, but she was always very pretty in my mind. Maybe I was just biased because she was my friend. Her breasts were a good handful, I think about a B cup, but I could never tell exactly from looking. She had a great ass as well. I especially loved it when...

2 years ago
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Janice Goodall mind controlled day 1

·        I received the message as soon as David had left the house Brian was coming. ·         I wore a. Fleece, bra, white knickers and jeans I was barefoot as that was what the message ordered. ·         I watched out of the window for him feeling eager I was looking forward to seeing the man I used to hate and hoping he could make me pregnant. ·         He walked down the street carrying a bag. ·        I opened the door stepped out of the house and kissed him. ·        Do...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Pamela Morrison He Has A Crush On My Feet

Jake and I have been in the same class for two years. He’s always very helpful and shy, which I find kind of cute. One day he walked me home and I invited him in to study together while my parents were at work. He opened his laptop and we started working on the project. A few minutes later he excused himself and went to the bathroom. While he was in there I looked at his laptop and as I closed a window, his notebook popped up with yesterday’s notes. OMG it was about me! He wrote how he...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Ashly Anderson 24525

When summer means water guns, water guns means bombs, meaning big tits bouncing in bikinis! Speaking of, Ashly Anderson’s bombs are jiggling around in her thong swimsuit as she’s battling her friend’s brother Kyle in a water gun fight. But when his shooter goes bone dry, Ashly’s got him cornered…until he sees a bottle of oil in plain view, grabs it and squirts it all over her. But now that Ashly feels her bikini’s ruined, she’s got no choice but to take it off, exposing her big fat juicy tits,...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip

Five summers ago, I went camping with my cousin Ron and his friend James. We had a three bed camper, it was nice, it had a mini fridge and they brought a little propane grill. There was a T.V. as well, what more could you ask for. If we had to take a shower or use the bathroom, we had to walk to an area that had that. The camp was in the national park. We were going to stay a week or two. So this is how it went with the beds. There were three beds, one on each end of the camper and the 3rd one...

4 years ago
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Growing up in Gwinnett Volume4

I first discovered sucking dick at Best Friend Park, and when I was able to drive, I found out about the gloryholes at Stone Mountain Park. But it wasn't until I had a car and went to the mall at I learned about cruising. The mall is called Northlake Mall in Tucker, Ga. I remember it started with me going into the Sears men's room and seeing several men standing the urinals, and me slipping into the last stall to read the graffiti. I ignored the guys while I read and stroked between my...

2 years ago
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In Plain Sight An Escorts Story Part 4

As Kayla and I walked out of Mr. Keller’s house and toward a brand new Black Mercedes Benz 500SL glimmering in the driveway I started to realize that my life was about to change. I’m sure that some people will argue the change wasn’t for the better but sometimes you have to do what works for you. For me stepping out of a multi-million dollar ocean front house and getting into a $90,000 dollar car that was going to take me to a private jet waiting on a runway wasn’t half bad. What I...

1 year ago
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BangBus Stella Raee 4th of July Celebration on The Bus

This July 4th the bus went out in the wild searching for some desperate hot chicks. We came across this tattooed hottie waiting for the bus. At first we made up some game about answering American history trivia questions for money but soon after we were offering her money to show us this good. And man was this chick a beauty, huge fat ass and perfectly pierced nipples. Once on the bus she took the diking of a lifetime. Brick Danger was the one uncharged of giving her a good ol’ 4th go July...

4 years ago
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The House at Greenwood Lake

My name is Lisa, and I’m eighteen. I just graduated high school and am now on my summer vacation until I start college. I’ve been accepted to New York University. I’m so excited. I’m going to be studying to be a nurse. I’ve done very well in high school. I received a scholarship for Soccer. Even though we live in New York, I still will be living on campus. I’m five foot three inches tall, I have blonde long hair and blue eyes. I don’t have a huge chest. I guess I am 34 B-Cup. I have a shaved...

1 year ago
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Hospital Nurse Udan Midnight Kaamam

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

2 years ago
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Friends 8211 5

They decided to celebrate their first anniversary in Goa. Kiran booked a beach house so they would be by themselves, without having to worry about neighbors and their voices carrying. Sheetal was actually surprised by the gesture. Over the last year, although the sex had been great between them, Kiran had not come across as a very romantic person. So his initiative to celebrate their anniversary came as a pleasant surprise. However, that soon disappeared when she realized that Pranay was also...

1 year ago
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Alex and Vicki Ridin The Storm Out

It was about eleven p.m. when I returned home from a meeting. Since Vicki and Tara were shopping and had not returned yet, I decided to take a shower, get comfortable and relax. When I walked into my bedroom I saw a note on my side of the bed. It read, “Hi Hon’, I hope your meeting went well. And Hon’, please don’t wear any undies tonight, just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt… I love you, Sex Goddess.” “Okay,” I thought… “Now what does my wife have planned?” Although it was against my better...

2 years ago
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Double Dating With the Parents Version BravoChapter 14

The next morning was the second day of October. That was important to Karen, primarily because her last period had ended on the fifth of September. And that meant that all that dangerous sperm her son had pumped in her womb (two loads) was probably not all that dangerous after all, because her period was due to start, according to her calendar, the very next day. But after last night, and looking back on the train wreck in the cold light of day, with a cold dose of reason, she had a pretty...

4 years ago
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The Servant Girl

Lord Charles Allsop III sat in the study of his grand house located in the beautiful Wessex countryside. He sat at his desk with a bottle of brandy that he poured small draughts of into a shot glass before consuming it to calm his excited nerves. It had taken a lot of courage on his part to decide to indulge in one of his fantasies. A scandal could potentially ruin him after having built a reputation as a just and Godly man of the community. Had Lady Allsop not decided to spend three weeks in...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Bonnie, Tina, and Denise had been dreaming of Spring Break all winter long, and now it was finally here. They were juniors in college and, as such, all finally able to legally drink. They had planned for over a year and managed to rent a three-bedroom condo online using Bonnie’s older brother Joe’s name and credit card. Joe was twenty-nine and happy to help the girls out. He remembered how much it sucked being too young to rent a hotel or a car when he was Bonnie’s age and had relied on an...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Second Time Lucky In UK 8211 Part II

After continuing my relationship with the lecturer, I was eager to have someone different who could ride on me and make some more exotic moves and noises and here it goes I got lucky the very next week I got a house from a student home. My study room was right in front of the student home. I would spend some of my evenings and nights in my study room gaming or working at my computer. In the room right in front of mine lived a beautiful young lady with dark hair and about 1.75 meters tall. That...

2 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 20

Sunday was a quiet day in the neighborhood. A lot of people seemed to have gone out of town, including Jessica and Marie, who had left for the week on some mysterious errand.Kat decided to drop by Kelly’s house, partly to return a math book she’d borrowed, and partly just for something to do. She thought of calling ahead to see if Kelly was home, but didn’t bother because she felt like a walk anyway. And maybe she had something else in the back of her mind....The door was answered by Betty Ann,...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Ice Queen

It was three in the morning and Will was bone tired, almost too tired to climb out of his truck and climb in his comfortable bed. Finally, he crawled out of his truck, stretched, and headed inside. First order of business was to get him a Mountain Dew and then it was shower time to wash all the oil and glitter from his body. Once he accomplished both goals on his mental list, he fell into bed and was soon asleep.After only what seemed like minutes to him but had been several hours, he was...

1 year ago
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Kate and I Ch 2123

21. I start to wake up, and I look outside, it’s dark, What the, say to myself, what time is it? As I sit-up on the side of the bed, and reach for my phone, which is on a side table table beside the bed, damn it’s 2034. I drag myself out if bed, and head towards the bathroom with a piss-on (piss hard-on). After I do ‘business’, I wash my hands (of course) and throw some water on my face to get the sleepys out. Thirsty, need lemon water, arh, arh, argh. Sounding like a zombie, I go to my...

3 years ago
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Hard horny and in need of sex. Three things to leave the house with and mind made up that I needed some relief.Went to a couple of places where things have been known to happen but no joy. Last on the list proved to be good. A few cars parked and one or two empty which meant others must be about.Parked and walked into the trees and as I climbed the embankment up higher into the trees I saw a car door open and someone follow. Excellent and now to be found. No more than a few yards further on...

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Lupin the 3rd

Jigen listened, mildly annoyed, as the guy behind the bar scooped some ice cubes into a glass. He hadn’t ordered his whiskey on the rocks. Nonetheless, leaning back with his elbows on the bar, he said nothing and let the kid pour the drink. It was a clear, crisp evening in Paris and he, his partner Lupin, and Lupins’ favorite cock-tease Fujiko were all enjoying the hospitality of an old friend from the French underground. There was quite a party going on there in the great room of the stunning...

4 years ago
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Helping Wifes Friend Get Pregnant

I came home from work one day to find my wife sitting at the kitchen table, two empty bottles of wine, and her friend balling her eyes out. I could tell by the looks of things, there was a problem they needed privacy for, so I left them alone. After her friend left, my wife came to find me and fill me in. Apparently, her friend had broken up with yet another boyfriend. They had been dating for 2 years, and with her now fast approaching 40, she felt this relationship was her last shot at having...

2 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 63

I woke up just before dawn and got dressed without waking Tran by some miracle. I put the shoulder holsters on and the fifty on my belt. I put the extra mags in the vest I was wearing. I had bought it at a gun store and it was made fuller for the shoulder holsters. It had many inside pockets that fit all the mags perfectly. I went down to the kitchen and opened the shelter. I quickly got out several of the sixteens and about a dozen mags for each of them. I hid them around the house, up high...

4 years ago
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Someones always watching The Conclusion

Beads of sweat formed a line between my swaying breasts, my body writhing with pleasure as Will greedily lapped up my pussy juices. This would make the fourth time I'd come while his tongue assaulted my now sensitively swollen clit. They had me laying on the bed, my back resting on the soft Egyptian cotton sheets, my head hanging back over the edge of the mattress, while my husband's massive erection was being forced in and out of my mouth. The upside down position of my head made it easy for...

4 years ago
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The Cross Dresser and The Big Fat Fuck

As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie’s bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren’t for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria’s Secret. ...

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