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"Have another, Melly?" the bartender asked.

"No thanks, Jack. I'm good," I slurred. I was a bit more drunk than I had anticipated and wondered how I was going to get home.

"Is there anyone you can call for a ride?" he asked.

"It's a nice night, I think I'll walk. Thanks anyway," I said as I slowly got to my feet, trying to keep myself steady.

Just as I stood up and took a few steps away from the bar stool, I lost my balance. I fell right into the arms of Jason, my neighbor who lives across the hall from me. He held me while I got my balance before he spoke.

"Melissa, funny seeing you here."

"How many times do I gotta tell ya not to call me that?"

"Sorry. It always gets your attention, though," he said, smiling. "Can I walk you home?"

"Whatever would your wife say?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm just walking you home, Mel. She wouldn't say anything," he said as we walked out of the bar up the street from our apartment building.

Morgan, my husband left me six months ago and it hit me pretty hard. I had no idea it was coming. Just one day he got up, went to work and never came home. He never gave me any explanations. I spend most Friday nights here at Quinn's Tavern now, drowning my sorrows wondering exactly what it is that I did to make Morgan leave. He and I were high school sweethearts, I was 16, he was 17 when we met, we'd been together for 25 years.

"How's things going with Patty?" I asked Jason as we got off the elevator.

"They're going. She seems like she's trying to make the effort to make our marriage work. It's difficult though."

"Why's that?" I asked, putting the key into the lock of my door.

"She goes away on these business trips all the time so that doesn't give us many opportunities to spend any time alone together," he said as he followed me into my apartment.

I flopped down onto the couch and flipped on the TV. It was getting close to 11pm so I changed the channel over to the local news. Jason walked to the kitchen to fix me some tea. He knew his way around my apartment pretty well. He and Morgan were good friends so were Patty and I, they spent a lot of time here when Morgan and I were still together.

Jason and Patty helped me through a lot of rough spots after Morgan left. When Patty was away on business, Jason would spend some nights in my apartment, sleeping on the couch. I was so confused about my feelings toward him, I just buried them deep knowing he was married and if I ever acted on my feelings, it would damage his marriage more than it already was.

"You want Earl Grey or Green Tea?" he asked, holding both boxes.

"Earl Grey," I told him. "So where's Patty now?"

"Away on business again. She left a few hours ago," he said, not turning to face me while he filled the teapot with water. "Tea should be ready in a few minutes." He pulled out a chair and the kitchen table and took a seat, waiting for the water to boil.

"Another Friday night alone," I sighed. "Quinn's has become my home away from home on Friday's. They know me pretty well in there." I sat up a bit more and tucked one leg underneath me.

"You've gotta stop doing this to yourself, Mel," Jason said with concern in his voice.

"Stop doing what?" I hissed at him.

"Stop drinking your problems away. Sooner or later it's gonna be every night, not just Friday's."

"If you're gonna lecture me, you can just go home now, Jason. I really don't need --"

"It's not a lecture. You know I'm right. Morgan left you. So what? Move on with your life and stop this self destructive behavior."

"Now you're a psychologist, too?" I said, still slightly slurring my words. "Just go, Jason. I really don't need this shit t'night, okay?"

The tea kettle on the stove started to whistle. "Sorry," he said and got up to pour my tea. "Here's your tea, Mel. Have a good night." He left and closed the door quietly behind him.

Jason was really a good guy, he deserved better than what Patty was putting him through. She ended up pregnant a couple years ago but it turns out the baby wasn't Jason's. She gets to see the baby from time to time, but for the most part, his daddy takes care of him. They started seeing a marriage counselor shortly after that, much to the surprise of just about everyone who knew them. I figured he'd have left her after that, but he claims it was just a mistake on her part and he was willing to forgive her and try to work it out.

Shortly after Patty had the baby, things started getting rocky with Morgan and myself. He'd start working late or going out with the boys, I figured he was having an affair but could never prove it. That's more than likely why he left. He always liked the younger, slimmer blondes and I was far from that these days. My figure isn't what it was in high school.

Morgan's secretary was probably about 21 with long flowing blonde hair, brown eyes, and big boobs. She wore skimpy outfits and always seemed to be shaking her ass around any man who would pay attention. Morgan's probably banged her a few times on the nights he was "working late." I always died my hair a lighter blonde for Morgan, figuring that's what he liked and maybe I could hold on to him a bit longer.

Lately, I've just let it go and it's starting to finally get back to my normal color, a much darker blonde -- almost light brown. I always kept it long for Morgan, too. After he left, I had it cut. It was down to the middle of my back, now it rests just below my collar.

I sat there blankly staring at the TV, completely oblivious to what the newscasters were saying. I kept hearing Jason's voice echo through my head and it got me angry again.

"Who the hell is he to tell me what to do?" I said aloud. I finished my tea, turned off the TV, turned off the lights in my apartment and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I walked to the bathroom, got some aspirin then headed to the kitchen to fix breakfast. I saw something sitting on the kitchen table and as I focused my eyes, I noticed it was Jason's cell phone. He must have left it here last night. I thought again about what he said last night and I felt guilty for getting angry with him. He was just being a concerned friend. I went back into the bedroom, put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, then grabbed Jason's cell phone and headed over to his apartment to return it to him.

I wasn't sure if Jason was awake yet, so I knocked lightly on the door instead of ringing the doorbell. I heard movement inside after the first knock so I waited for Jason to open the door.

"Mel. What's up?" he asked as he opened the door. It looked like he had just woke up, his short black hair was uncombed and his eyes were partially closed. He was wearing just a pair of black silk boxers. It's been a long time since I had seen him in no shirt and he looked good, damn good. I felt something stir inside me.

"Uh -- um -- you left your cell at my place last night," I stammered, handing his phone to him.

"Oh. Thanks. I'm always leaving this thing somewhere," he said. "You wanna come in?"

"No. I just came by to return your phone," I said, not making eye contact with him.

"Have you had breakfast yet?" he asked.

"No," I said quietly. "Look Jason, I'm sorry about being such a bitch to you last night. I know you were just being a concerned friend and I treated you like shit."

"It's okay, Mel, really. I paid no attention to it. I'm just glad I could make sure you got home safely," he said, smiling as I looked up at him. His blue eyes sparkled when he smiled at me. "Why don't you just come in and have breakfast with me?" Before I could refuse, he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"I really should go, Patty's not here and I --"

"So what if Patty's not here. If she were, she'd invite you in for breakfast, too. What's the problem?"

"No problem," I replied quietly as I sat down at his kitchen table.

"By the way, you look really good this morning," he told me as he headed toward his bedroom. "Let me get a quick shower and some clothes then I'll cook you breakfast."

Where did that compliment come from? I thought I looked like hell. My hair was a mess, I had a splitting headache and my sweats and t-shirt probably look like something I got from a second hand store. I felt something stir again as I watched Jason walk down the hall. I got up and headed toward his bedroom. The door was partially open and I could hear the shower running in the bathroom that was off the bedroom.

I walked into the room and peaked into the bathroom. I could see Jason's silhouette behind the shower curtain. I just stood there for a moment watching him and briefly fantasized about being in that shower with him, feeling him pump his hard cock deep inside me. I snapped out of my daydream and reminded myself that he's a married man and as I turned to leave I heard the water turn off. I froze in my tracks, still in the bedroom, but just out of eyesight of Jason still in the bathroom. I took three or four large steps to get to the bedroom door, then quickly walked back to the kitchen table and sat back down.

I had no way to conceal my extremely erect nipples that were poking into my shirt, so I just crossed my arms over my chest as Jason came back into the kitchen wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a black t-shirt. His hair was wet and still uncombed. He looked at me and smiled as he pulled some eggs and bacon out of the refrigerator.

"I should go, Jason. I don't wanna keep you from anything today." I kept my gaze anywhere but on him as I got up to leave.

"You're not going anywhere until you have breakfast, young lady!" he said playfully scolding me.

"Okay, okay. At least let me help you make breakfast then," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"You cook the bacon," he said, handing me the package. "How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled," I said. "Is there any other way?"

"A woman after my own heart!" he said, smiling. My heart started beating faster.

What the hell is going on here? Jason is married to a good friend of mine, I shouldn't be feeling this way about him. He looked so damn good, though. There wasn't a lot of room in the kitchen for two people and every time Jason had to walk past me, he placed his hand gently on my back. It sent shivers through my body every time he touched me. I just kept my focus on the bacon cooking in front of me, ignoring the stirring of feelings I was having toward him. He walked back to the pan next to me again and when he brushed by me this time, I felt his erection brush against my ass.

"I got the wrong spatula!" he said, looking at the spatula in his hand.

He reached around me, opened the drawer next to me and rifled through it to find another spatula. My heart was beating so loud, I knew he could hear it. He seemed to move in slow motion looking for the spatula. Feeling his body against me was driving me absolutely crazy. I felt my desire for him intensify. He finally pulled away, finding the spatula that he needed. I pulled the last piece of bacon out of the pan and quickly walked to the table.

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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

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HandsOnHardcore Kitana Lure Double Dripping Icicle

Kitana Lure that naughty nympho Milf is back with more hardcore humping in this Hands On Hardcore double penetration triple-x eXXXtravaganza. Join in on the action as the brunette babe puts herself in the middle of Erik Everhard and Vince Karter taking one in the pink and one in the stink. The curvy assed hunny first blows them both like a good girl should before bending over for some deep and dirty double penetration action in doggystyle. Watch her pussy and ass get pumped when she takes a...

3 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 10

Jenny What are you supposed to do when the one who use to mean the whole world to you, cheats on you and then later, comes begging for your forgiveness when you have already moved on? Douglas has been sending me texts after texts begging to meet with me to talk. I have been ignoring them. Can I face him? I don’t know if I can. Do I want to find out? Not really. Am I happy with Jacob? Of course I am. Jacob is… He is amazing. He knows how to cook and he gives incredible massages. We play...

Love Stories
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Lynn finds a Boyfriend Part I

The holiday season is in full swing with the usual festive gatherings. My wife, Lynn, and I are at a party hosted by one of her friends. We have been married for about 8 years and are in our late fifties. Lynn still looks very good as a result of her attention to her diet and regular workouts. We make the rounds at the party greeting old friends and meeting some new people. After awhile we get separated as we each find people that we have some common interests with. Eventually, I figure that I...

2 years ago
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Substitute dad pt2

Todd bolted from the couch and raced around Nicole as she reached for him, and darted into the bathroom, slamming the door and locking it behind him. He took several deep breaths before picking up his phone and calling Michelle. Voicemail. Shit! Shitshitshit!!!! As soon as her voicemail beeped, he began speaking. “Michelle, you need to get back here, Nicole had too much wine tonight and is acting all weird, and I just don’t feel comfortable being alone with her right now. Call me as...

3 years ago
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Monas Secret

Leon, 25, with messy blonde hair and wearing jeans and t-shirt, was at his laptop when his girlfriend Mona, 25, with a black bob-haircut and wearing a green dress and glasses, walked into the room and said, "Leon, turn off the computer. I have something to show you. " Leon did so. Mona was full of surprises and Leon was sure another bombshell from her would be par for the course. "All right," he said,"What is it?"

1 year ago
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The Receptionist Who Was An Angel

Hi guys, this is a true story. Muskaan was working as a receptionist at my parents office. When I first saw her it was as if I was struck by lightening! She had an hourglass figure which was better than even Bollywood actresses. She was fair, slim, big eyes, high cheekbones, pouty lips like Angelina Jolie and long jet black hair. Her nose was straight narrow and small. She always had kajal around her eyes if made them look very sexy! Her body was fit and she would wear tight Punjabi suits or...

2 years ago
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Waiting for a girl like Laura

Waiting for a girl like LauraThis is a true story so I‘ve had to be a bit vague in places. Please bear with the slow start. I promise you it has a sizzling ending.In recent years I’ve rediscovered going to live music gigs. Where I live in the West Midlands there is a thriving tribute band circuit and you can see many good outfits playing the music of groups who have either died or grown too rich and lazy to play anymore. You know the ones I mean. I prefer 1970’s and 1980’s rock bands and my...

1 year ago
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Step Daughter 4 Part 1

She was a mouthy, sexy, flirty thing, drop dead gorgeous, great body, and lips that looked botoxed but au natural. It was interesting my story would unfold the way it did. My wife was out of town visiting a girl friend in Detroit, and was gone for a week. My doorbell rang at about 7pm, and the step daughter was at my door with a bag. She got into a fight with the boyfriend and wanted to crash. I was annoyed because I had no interest in babysitting this 28 year old while I had the house to...

2 years ago
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My first Master

Divorce was fun I had time to do all kinds of fun stuff but the best part was I had time to have sex. Sex with men sex with women and sex with anything I wanted. I got divorced and the first one I hooked up with was a girl from work. Pam was a fun girl always had a lot of fun talking to her and when she found out I was getting divorced she came over to me one day and asked me if I was interested in going out. I said sure what do you have in mind and she said well I have always wanted to sit on...

1 year ago
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The Slag Whisperer

My name is Stefan and my fetish is fucking dirty older women, I don’t care on looks or age just that they have full figures and are no good whores. A bit about me, I am 26 yrs. Old, 6 ft tall average build with olive skin and a decent 9” cock that’s pretty thick. I got in to this fetish through a dating app on my phone, I was chatting to a lady who was in her early forties size 16/18 unhappily married with huge tits. We spent weeks chatting and speaking on phone and each conversation got...

2 years ago
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Pushpamadam Ne Chutke Rasse Muzko Nahalaya

Hello, meri pyasi aur pyari pyari rasbhari chutwaliyo,kaisi ho? Mai Yogu, age 24, sexy handsome ladka, humai fir se aapke liye ek nayi sex story laya hu. Agar apko pasand aye, aur koi aunty, bhabhi, girl, ladkiya, ladies koi bhi mere sath secret sex chat ya secret sex karna chahti ho ya google hangout par video sex karna chahti ho, aur mere sath enjoy karna chahti ho, muze mail kare. Mera email id hai abhi mai Mumbai, Pune mai job krr raha hu agar koi secret frdship karana chahti ho to mail...

1 year ago
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Black Orchids and Wildflowers

Black Orchids and Wildflowers by Armond 1. Friday, 5:00 PM Sam was all about helping people. But for Samuel Albert, Esq., this week of endless legal counseling needed to end. Friday had stretched into three forevers, crawling by like a turtle, appointment after appointment. Or was that sliding by like a snail? Tricky things, metaphors. His last of the day, appointment, not metaphor, was Last Will and Testament drafting time with sweet Mrs. Beasley and her son...

2 years ago
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Needful Things 2 Stop the World

Timothy Fishlake had a problem. Wait, let’s correct that: Timothy Fishlake had at least two problems. One was that at the ripe old age of 20, he was still a virgin, a fact that was a constant source of embarrassment to him. But that was not the problem that was uppermost in his mind at the present time. The prevailing problem was Gloria Goodhead. Mrs Goodhead was the office manager of the shipping department of Amalgamated Widgets plc. And she was a real bitch. At least so far as Timothy...

3 years ago
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Heavy Spiced SubStandard Experience

Myself Sonal Soni I’m 25 years old, People say I’m an awesome bombshell, have perfect shaped breast, thick thighs, curved bums, as I haven’t been a mother yet so tummy is flat with a deep navel. Soft and tender lips, pink of colour, fair skin beautiful face cuts, long and sharp nose. I don’t stuff myself with jewellery and use only a nose ring, just like Sania Mirza uses, which actually enhance my beauty. I’m a doctor by profession, a gynaecologist to be specific.I’m married to a doctor itself...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 2

The music was just as I liked it; loud, fast, hammering my ears. The deep bass rhythm had my body moving on its own. My hands were raised over my head as my whole body twisted to the beat. The two guys I was dancing with were enjoying it too. I could tell. The one in front of me kept his body moving along with mine. His hands were on my sides and the straining bulge of his slacks kept brushing the front of my leather pants. The guy dancing behind me was even less subtle. His hands were...

1 year ago
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My wife fucks on our first rock crawl

My wife and I have always enjoyed mud bogging in our four wheel drive but lately we have started rock crawling. I did some work for a guy on his rock crawler and he told me about a nice crawler that was for sale. I went and had a look and bought it. As I was going over it getting to know the dual stick transfer case and other controls my wife came out to have a look. I explained how this is a lot cleaner four wheeling to her. She said I like getting muddy. I said yeah, but you can wear nicer...

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For Chapter 3

Johnny only gave Lisa a few seconds to recover before he jumped into action.  He moved quickly and grabbed her by the hair.  He lifted her up off the bed making her stand on tiptoes to help relieve the pain and tension he was holding her with."Oww, Johnny, please! That hurts!" she complained. He pushed her up against a wall close to the bed, holding her there by the throat, tight enough that she had to work to breathe, but not enough to actually choke her."What did I tell you about my name?" he...

2 years ago
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The Story Of Two Strangers In Delhi

Hey Guys! Rohan here from Delhi. I am 27 years old. Today, I am going to tell you a real story of turn of events which happened to me in the last fortnight. I met a girl through an online chat platform. Soon we hit up quite well. I asked her of her email credentials and with hesitation at first, she was kind enough to give it to me. I am that kind of a person who always craves for sex and that too with different girls at different times, so it was not very different this time around. The girl...

3 years ago
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Trip Pe College Friends Ka Gangbang

Hello friends. I am samar and I am back with a new story. Ye story meri or meri ek college ki friend ki hai. Wo meri classmate hai. Maine pehle bhi stories likhi hai. To ap logo ko usme se mera detail mil jayega. Ab apni classmate ke baare me bata du, uska name “anu” hai… dikhne me cute hai, choti si height lekin body uski bahut hi jabardast hai. Uske pehle bhi 4 boyfriend reh chuke the aur shayad usne sabhi se bharpur chudai bhi hogi. Itni sexy girlfriend hogi to kon ni chodega. Wese abhi wo...

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