Neighbors free porn video

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Sitting in front of the TV watching some male to male porn displayed while I stroked my dick became a sudden awakening of introspection.

While still stroking my hard cock, I began evaluating what I liked but where my life was.

My sex life was mostly with men but in reality I was more omni-sexual than gay. I liked sex of all varieties but I enjoyed sex with men possibly just a little bit more.

I really enjoyed fucking a guy's asshole while jacking him off.

There is almost nothing better than to suck a nice dick until it shoots torrents of semen into your mouth for you to taste and swallow.

It is so good to feel a dick rub back and forth on your prostate until your own cum blasts up your body and sometimes into your mouth. I taste sooo good.

But I needed a new direction. I needed to think about my future and what I wanted for a life in my future.

While sitting on the sofa with my hard dick in my hand and an alarmingly hot video playing, my thoughts raced to the future and what I would like to experience.

I wanted to experience being a husband of a woman. (That was a weird thought from left field) I wanted to experience being a dad, perhaps being a dad multiple times.

My dick wilted as my mind raced into the future. Some of my preferences would have to change and some of my activities would have to change.

The next morning, Saturday morning, I stretched out and began running the trail I ran most every day. Who knows why but I was pushing myself a little by running faster than normal. Mostly I jogged but this morning I was running and not tiring from the exertion.

I ran past multiple people running together not paying a lot of attention to them as I sped past them but when I came to a group of runners I had to go outside the concrete sidewalk to get around them.

As I passed the last runner in the pack the runner in front of her stepped into my path and I tried to side step him but he elbowed me just enough to send me sprawling.

The group stopped to help me up and the group following them stopped as well. The following group was quick to condemn the group I was passing for obstructing and hitting me.

I was still having trouble breathing as I had taken a good tumble.

A young lady stood over me and offered me a hand to stand-up. She smiled as she asked, "Are you okay to keep running?"

After moving my arms and legs and stretching a little to see if I was okay I made a suggestion, "Go ahead and I'll just trot along to find out what I might need."

All of the morning joggers ran off but the one lady who helped me up stayed to watch me. I began jogging slowly and she followed alongside of me.

She said, "You seem to be doing okay. Are you hurting anywhere?"

As I slogged along I told her, "I think I'm fine but I'm going to head home to get a hot shower and perhaps go for some breakfast."

The girl said as she ran beside me, "I'm Marty and I'll change and be at your door so we can go to breakfast together. Is that okay?"

"How do you know where I live?"

"Easy," she said, "I've been running with you or rather following you for months. I'll be at your condo's front door. Let's eat together."

We separated at the entrance to my condo's high-rise building. I watched her run to the next tall building and turn in. It was reasonable that we had run together for months or perhaps years and never met. My shower and shave didn't take long and I was back down at the building's front door when she walked up.

I stepped out and stuck out my hand, "Hi, I'm Dean and you're?"

The lady laughed and said as she took my hand, "Marty. I think I told you but we really didn't introduce ourselves did we?"

I suggested, "How about the Village Inn a couple of blocks up. We can have breakfast there unless you have somewhere special you'd like to go."

Marty smiled and said, "Village Inn is a good choice."

We casually walked the couple of blocks to the restaurant while talking about how crowded it has been in the area lately. She told me she had often followed me while I ran as I was big enough to encourage others to move over for me. I agreed with her that of late it has been more difficult to get people to move over for runners who were faster.

While eating, we continued our get to know each other conversation. I found out she rented with a girl friend and she found out I was a new condo owner after having rented for years. She was an interior decorator architect and I was a tenant exec for a large property holder. We actually had probably crossed paths multiple times in the past but didn't realize it.

When we finished our breakfast, I asked Marty what she had on tap for today. She told me nothing, as she only needed to do some laundry but that it could wait if I had something better to do.

Now I was stymied, as I didn't have anything special to do either but whatever we did needed to be within neutral territory. "Marty, how about looking into the convention center to check out the boats there. They'll have more boats outside that are really big and are all just drooling specimens."

"I'm up for it Dean. Sounds like a great way to spend the day."

The boat show was everything we thought it would be. Inside were boats all the way up to forty feet long. We went through boat after boat and talked about what we liked and didn't like about each. When we went outside, the first boat we looked at was a sixty-five foot cruiser that wasn't all that nice. It was fancy and had some nice features but the cost of operation figures were enough to scare me away.

We looked through several boats before we came to a group of catamarans. The first couple was motor boats that were nice but you had to carry a lot of fuel to go anywhere. The cost of fuel was enough to keep you away.

The next group of catamarans was sailboats and we began with the smaller ones and went through each on the way up to a seventy-five footer. It was easy to see that we were out of our class there and went back to a forty-four footer that had a very nice layout.

I lost Marty as I talked with a seasoned salesman about learning to sail a boat such as this. The man was good as he kept showing me how easy it was to lift and lower sails and the various configurations it would take to sail the boat. The salesman offered me a way out by offering me a two day experience on a catamaran to find out if I like it or not. We set it up for the following weekend.

When Marty came up from below after looking at the staterooms, she said, "This is the way to do it. If I had a sailboat it would be like this."

I told her that I had taken up the offer of a weekend on a catamaran sailboat so I could decide if something like this would be right for me.

Marty looked at me with half closed eyes, "Take me with you Dean. I want to see if I like it on board a sailboat too. If I really like it, I'll get one of my own."

Marty and I ended up running with each other every morning starting on Sunday. After our run Sunday, Marty asked if I wanted to go to church with her. I didn't care one way or another so I agreed to meet her at her building's front door in a half-hour to go to church.

After church I suggested we take my car to a restaurant for lunch. We didn't go to a local place but drove across the bay to end up at a small place near Pass-a-grill beach that had delicious seafood. While we ate, Marty asked, "How come you didn't invite me over last night to get better acquainted?"

I was smiling as I told her, "Long ago I learned not to be too aggressive with young ladies I have just met. You are someone I'd like to know better and for a long time so I figured we needed to get to know each other one step at a time."

Marty told me, "Well, next week we are going to be out for two nights on that sail boat so we better be good friends by then."

I reassured her, "There are four staterooms on the boat so we will each have our own room. You don't have to worry about having to share a room with me."

Marty looked at me with a blushing half-closed eyes come on, "I may not want my own room Dean. We might want to share one."

Sprong. I wasn't and had not thought of us getting together but that comment brought on a major woody. My pants were stretched to the max.

Now this is funny as most all of my sexual activity for the past several years had all been male to male, pure homosexual. I was not flagrant about it but I enjoyed sucking off a load from a friend and I enjoyed being fucked until I squirted. I enjoyed fucking a partner until I filled a condom and loved to be sucked until I loosed a barrage of cum into another's mouth. I figured I was close to gay, queer, homo. Is this babe going to screw up my entire sexual mentality? Is she going to be the answer to those questions I had been asking myself?"

Friday morning as I stretched out on the walkway, Marty came up to me and stretched with me. When we were ready, we began to jog slowly preparing ourselves to run. Marty asked, "Are you excited about sailing?"

I nodded and smiled, "Actually Marty, I am. This is going to be fun as well as educational. Are you looking forward to it?"

Marty was picking up the pace but said, "You bet. I want to feel the water under me and watch the sails fill with air as we're pushed along."

As we parted that morning, Marty grabbed my arm and pulled me around. She looked me in the eye and said, "I hope we both have a good time sailing this weekend." She pulled my head to hers and kissed me. That left me with a smile as I watched her trot off to her building.

I was in my car, sitting in front of Marty's building at five-fifteen. I no sooner had stopped than she ran out of the building with a small duffel bag on her shoulder. Once in my car, she buckled up and settled back in the seat. As I drove from her building, she said, "I can't believe how excited I am about this weekend. I hope it's as good as I'm anticipating."

Friday evening traffic toward the beaches is horrible but we rode along talking about our week. Both of us had experienced a grueling week but we were able to overcome obstacles and make it a success. We talked about what we wanted from the sailing experience and we both hinted that we were interested beyond what was considered the norm. I didn't give away that I was really into men and she didn't define her interests.

We parked in the time measured public parking area of Clearwater beach but considered the safety of that area worth it. We walked to where the boat was birthed to find the deck busy with people preparing the boat for sailing.

The salesman came from the cabin and welcomed us. He took us to one side of the catamaran and showed us the fore and aft cabins. After Marty selected the front cabin, I took the aft. All we did was throw our duffel bags on the beds.

On deck we listened and learned as the men worked on lines, un-wrapped sails, and tested electronics. We learned this was a boat that was for sale by a customer who needed to get out from under the payment. It was explained that this was a forty-four foot Lagoon catamaran sailboat that was only three years old and had not been used much at all.

We were given a tour of the boat that included the galley area that had a microwave, stovetop, oven, freezer, refrigerator, dishwasher, lots of storage and a small wine cooler. There were two small diesel motors that would normally be run simultaneously but could be run independently. There was a generator that supplied power to the air conditioning and other electronics if the batteries were depleted. That should not happen often, as there were solar panels on top of the main cabin as well as a small wind turbine on the main mast.

I was almost ready to blow off most of the information as I figured there was no way I could afford something like this.

When I asked how much water the boat could carry, I was in for a surprise. There was not much of a fresh water tank but that's when I learned the boat had a desalination system that could keep the fresh water tank full. This was a nice boat.

There were three people acting as crew to get us ready to sail but I figured at least one or two would get off the boat before we cast off.


I watched as one of the crew was at the wheel, a guy was catching lines as they were untied, and the third crewman or person was throwing the lines on deck from the dock before she jumped on deck. The crew was two good-looking guys and a very attractive female. Considering there were two staterooms on the other side of the boat, I didn't think too much about it until I realized the salesman was still with us. Hopefully they didn't think Marty and I was an item and would be sleeping with each other.

We motored out from the slip until we were clear of traffic before hoisting sail. We were shown how to hoist sail and how to lash it tight. The crew decided on an additional front sail, a billowing Genoa that would give us a little extra push so I learned how to hoist that one too. Everything you pulled up had to be able to be taken down so I was instructed how I would take a sail down as I put it up. There was an awful lot to learn.

While we were gaining speed, a whopping ten knots, one of the crew and I had time to chat. Don was a college student about my age who was working for a couple of semesters before continuing his schooling. Between our conversations and his occasional intimate touches, I figured him for a friendly bed partner if it should work out that way.

I watched as Marty and the female crew member became very good friends. The two women were doing everything but kissing in the galley area.

Don and the other male crewman were working together polishing chrome items while sitting on the deck, occasionally touching each other and chatting.

Only the salesman was content to be alone and didn't come up to me or any of the others to join in or talk.

We were away from port about two hours when the girls announced, "Supper's ready. Steady the boat and come eat."

I was impressed, as the table was set up for all of us to eat at once. We sat and ate as the boat sailed along on its own without a problem. The salesman even asked if we noticed how the boat was able to continue without anyone at the wheel.

After we ate, I helped clean up the table and galley but found out that most of the dishes went into the dishwasher. This whole adventure was becoming very informative.

When the sun had been down for a couple of hours, I mentioned that I was beat from a tough week. Carl, the salesman said he would stay at the wheel a while before lowering the sails and tossing the anchor to drag a while.

The guy that had been hanging with me leaned to me and asked, "How about I help you go to sleep. I think we might be on the same wave length. If you're really into it, Denny would love to make it a threesome."

I didn't want to appear that eager to run off with a crewman but Marty and the female crewperson were giving each other the moon eyes and went below for the night.

I slipped below with my two new friends and we were soon stripped bare and touching each other. As we gently kissed for the first time, we heard moans from the other end of our pontoon. My one partner smiled and said, "Janet loves to love a woman like your Marty. I'm surprised you two are not together."

The truth was, "Marty and I are just acquaintances so far. You can tell I'm into someone like you two so I may desire your companionship over Marty's."

My guy said, "Janet is one of the best fucks known to man and we're lucky enough to be two of the men who know. Your salesman is somewhat of a narcissist who I think usually pleasures himself and seldom anyone else. Come on Dean, get down and suck me dry. Let Denny work on your ass to open it up."

The three of us drained every bit of bodily fluid from each other all night long. When we finally fell asleep, my dick was buried in an ass after shooting my last load up into him.

Someone whispered in my ear. "Get up, come up on deck and we'll swim this morning. Come on, you don't need to get dressed or anything."

I rolled from my guy and smiled into the lips of Marty. She reached down and stroked my growing cock before saying, "Come on and wash that thing in the gulf so I can use it just for me."

That didn't help as I followed her out of the cabin and out on the back deck with my dick leading the way.

Janet, the crew-person, took hold of my hard on and pulled on it. "Nice one Dean. Come get it washed off good so I can get my morning drink of protein."

I dove from the rear and swam out a dozen yards before turning and swimming back. I was met by Marty who had dived in after me. As we met and kissed, Janet dived in with us and joined us in a group hug. I noticed the boat slipping away from us and swam for it. Janet laughed and said, "Carl is watching us and won't let us be left out here. All the sail is down so it is only drifting. If we get too far away, Carl will start an engine and come get us."

Within a few minutes, the three crew, Marty, and me were all crawling up on the steps at the rear of the cat. The salesman was watching us from the cockpit ready to retrieve us if needed.

The next order of business was washing off the salt water and preparing breakfast.

I had my first introduction to salt water soap. The five of us were on the tail of the cat washing each other. Janet was becoming very intimate with me by stroking me into a full erection. Marty was doing one of my overnight buds the same way. The more we stroked, the hornier we became until I had Janet on her knees pounding away from behind.

My overnight friend was doing the same to Marty but had somehow come up with a condom. While we two couples were engaged, I watched as the other crewman was watching us from between Carl's legs while he gave the salesman head. I think the six of us all came as one. Oh so good.

We had a great breakfast before hoisting sail and heading out into the gulf. As we sailed in very light wind, it was decided we should troll for our noon meal.

Baited hooks on lines were thrown out the back and we didn't pay much attention to them. When Marty went to check on them she was squealing that we had fish on both lines. We reeled in our catch to find two very large trout. This was enough for us to enjoy a great fresh fish lunch.

During the day, everyone but the salesman stripped down and sunbathed nude on the deck. The prevailing winds were carrying us north at the time but it was perfect for some hanky panky with sun tan lotion.

Janet with messing with one of my overnight buds and Marty had decided we should find out more of each other. After sharing some kisses, we played with each other until I was kissing and licking everywhere on Marty's generous body. At first I had her on her stomach as I kissed and licked her back and butt cheeks. When my tongue found her pucker, she screamed but pushed back into me. With my tongue in her butt and my fingers in her pussy, Marty squirted all over my face and chest. This was as good as it gets.

When Marty collapsed, she turned on me and tried to inhale my cock. I would have enjoyed this immensely but Marty began choking from trying to swallow more than she could handle. We finally worked it out and I flooded her mouth with my jism as she tried to suck me dry.

Minutes later we were going at each other again as we prepared to join the way man and woman were intended to join. As I slid into Marty, she exhaled slowly, smiling as she said, "Oh, I want this every day Dean. Fuck me baby and keep fucking me."

Now that's almost too scary to continue plowing some good pussy. This lady just scared the shit out of me.

We didn't quit fucking though and the two of us pounded each other until our juices were squirting from between us.

The day was spent tied up to the St. Petersburg pier. We were approached by literally hundreds of lookers who wanted a closer look at the boat. The salesman welcomed the increased traffic but finally shooed the visitors off the boat when we wanted to get out on the gulf again.

We had a salad and some steaks for the night and cleaned up early. As we drifted, dragging an anchor, the salesman asked me if I was ready to buy the boat yet. When he quoted the price of the boat, I almost swallowed my tongue. It was hundreds of thousands under what I thought it would be. He said he had run my credit and if I were to put ten percent down, he could arrange financing. This was too much to even consider this fast. I told the salesman that I would sleep on it and we'd talk in the morning.

When it was time for bed, Janet and Marty told Don and me to clean up and meet them in the far cabin. After scrubbing and shaving, we entered the cabin seeing the two women were laying in each other's arms, nude, kissing. When we tried to get on either side of them they told us to lie together first and give each other pleasure so they could watch.

We two men hugged, kissed, and caressed each other until we were both ready to spew cum over each other.

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I'm 55, semi-retired and live in a modest home situated in a typical upstate NY suburban neighborhood. As in the past couple of summers, my immediate neighbor's smokin' hot little 19 year old daughter Tamara has come home from college for the summer. God damn, this chick can rock the fuckin' foundation of a volcano...she's gorgeous, statuesque, lithe, and friendly as all get out. As she matures, she's developing into a real stunner and has this hot Kendall Jenner but-a-little-older type of look...

1 year ago
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Hi, I am Akhil from Hyderabad. Now I will submit my recent good fucking I had with my neighbor lady Padma. She is 25 years with a female baby of 5 months. She is of 32-28-34 size but medium complexion and lean. But her sizes are very good. Her husband is working in a software company and busy with his duty. They are tenants of my opposite flat. At the beginning, I have no intention of fucking this young lady but when she talked to me while moving from my flat to going down, I found some...

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It was a usual school day and as often happened I woke up with a hard on. I remember I was dreaming about my hot neighbor from thirteenth floor giving me a blowjob. Images from the dreams were so live and arousing, that I needed to release my semen really badly, but unfortunately I hadn’t have time to do it. When I was dressing up I had the dilemma whether I should put my underpants on, or should I give my dick a little more space to hang freely and relaxed in jeans alone. I went for jeans...

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A young man in his late teens is walking the neighborhood, looking for odd jobs to perform for some summer money and has visited several homes coming up empty and is beginning to get discouraged. He has tried all his close neighbors and is leery on leaving his familiar surroundings when he comes up on a home that appears to need a lot of work and there is a car in the driveway. He summons up all his courage and rings the doorbell and after several rings he begins to walk away when the door...

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I had been fucking my eighteen year old neighbor boy for over three months. I remember the first time we fucked. He came over to give me something never knowing what he really was going to give me. I had a short robe on and was nude underneath it. I took him to the kitchen and sat him on a stool as I poured us some iced tea. As I slid the glass to him my robe gapped open and I did not bother to close it. He stared at my huge tits and I smiled. He was going to be easy to fuck. I then sat on the...

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My wife was leaving for a three with business trip. We had just fucked the night before so I would be good for a while (so she thought). As she drove away, I was ready for some fun action. I stepped into the bedroom, stripped naked, and rolled on the bed. I put my legs over my head and pulled my ass down until my hardening cock was touching my lips. I ran my tongue round the head and pulled harder to get an inch or so if my cock in my mouth. I rocked back and fourth for a few minutes. ...

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Again, this is true and not a fantasy:We use to have a neighbor by the name of Don and his wife Mabel. One day I was sitting in my downstairs rec room and there was a large glass sliding door on the left. I was sitting on the couch watchng tv in my underwear when I looked out the glass door and saw the bushes between Don's house and us moving. Then I looked at the bottom of the fence and I noticed a pair of work boots. My neigbor Don was looking at me!! However, I couldn't see his body, just...

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As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable, almost....

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As the woman sat on her porch rocker, she thought back to a particular day. Was it 1951 or possibly 1952? She couldn’t remember all that well but what she did recall was the day and the moment he did what he did. Her best friend and her were about to turn 20 years old. They had the same date of birth too. She smiled once she started to recall the events of that day. While slowly rocking on the porch rocker one day, she relaxed and sat back. Her and her friend Elaine seemed inseparable,...

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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

4 years ago
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If you read my first story, then this is a little story that happened when I was 16. When I grew up everyone on our street had a "victory garden" because WWII made everything scarce so everyone grew vegetables on a plot of land that was not used or owned to our knowledge. It was just called "the canal" and there were deep woods where we played as k**s. Since I was by now firmly into sex at home and with the neighborhood boys we fucked and sucked each other in our fort that we played in. One day...

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She had been alone for a while, and was starting to get desperately needy. At the same time she didn’t just want anyone, she had her eyes on someone special. His figure had been intriguing her for some time already. They really didn`t know each other, she actually didn`t have much contact with anyone in her building, and that only made it easier, because no one would be asking questions. She was well aware of his arrival times, and was determined to be noticed by him, in a way he would not be...

1 year ago
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She had been alone for a while, and was starting to get desperately needy. At the same time she didn’t just want anyone, she had her eyes on someone special. His figure had been intriguing her for some time already. They really didn`t know each other, she actually didn`t have much contact with anyone in her building, and that only made it easier, because no one would be asking questions. She was well aware of his arrival times, and was determined to be noticed by him, in a way he would not be...

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He knew she was going to be at her window, which is exactly what happened every day. His window faced hers and he could see clearly inside the bedroom. He stood in the dark behind his half drawn curtains and looked into her brightly lit bedroom. He didn’t know if she knew he was there but he suspected she did, her routine never varied. She walked into her room. Her white skin glowed in the soft light of the lamps, her body was covered by nothing but a soft white towel, her dark brown hair wet...

3 years ago
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Did you see us last night? Were you peeking through your window blinds? When did you notice us? Or did you hear us through the open window? How long have you been watching us? Was this the first time? How did my wife look in the light of the full moon? Did you watch me as I woke her? Look at her lying in the moonlight in just her panties and a small tank top? Watch as I ran my hands over her body slowly undressing her? Did you see her roll over and smile at me? Did it...

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Want to share one of the most memorable incident of my life the memories of which r still a fresh in my mind… As my college was quite far from my place I lost most of the time traveling 2 and from, so I rented a room near my college vicinity, my landlords were very friendly and nice people the had a daughter Anjali. She was in 12th standard; she was very cute looking gal with a very nice physique with 34 c boobs fair in complexion and around 5’3 inches tall. It so happened 1 day that I came...

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I’m sitting in my chair watching a porn tape my pants were off and my cock was hard I was playing with it but hadn’t CUMED as much as I wanted to. I had to pee really bad but I remember closing my eyes and thinking about you but I new that you were not around and all the sounds that were on the tape my cock was leaking large amounts of clear pre CUM just thinking of you and what I WANTED you doing to me my cock was covered with it I was so involved think about you I didn’t here the door open...

2 years ago
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Bebe A Disney Wedding Day 1

"There's nothing like planning a wedding to make you want to punch everyone you've ever met in the throat." ~ Anonymous "I wonder if other mothers feel a pain in their insides, watching their daughters growing up to be the people that they wanted so badly to be." ~ Judy Picoult, 'Keeping Faith' XXX It was a beautiful, cool DECEMBER morning in Lake Buena Vista, Florida as Bebe woke up in her suite at The Grand Floridian, the Walt Disney World resort that had been designed to...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 7

Linda Clark managed to get through two cigarettes in the high school teacher's lounge before looked at her watch, and realized she had to head back over to the elementary school. With those, she could hold out till two thirty, and she wasn't thinking about the snake, which she left on the table with Pacobel. The coach didn't realize it was sitting there for a while; he immediately went back to figuring out who to pitch in the season opener. Finally, he decided to go ahead and pitch the...

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L020 Lizzys story Lizzys vacation 9

My Daddy and I have been on vacation at Babyworld for a week now.  We have made friends with other adult babies and their mommies or daddies.  We are developing a network of new friends and do things with them exploring all that Babyworld has to offer.  We have time for ourselves too, as we continue to discover more and more about each other. This, between us, you becoming my Daddy and me becoming your Little Lizzy, has happened in a heartbeat.  Leading to our hearts beating as one for the most...

1 year ago
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Summer refreshment

I was walking with some friends through the shopping mall on a sunny summer day . It was vacation so we didn’t have to go to school . Nothing to do , slumbering around all day . Everyone of us was bored and the warm hot burning sun was making us lazy too . Little drops of sweat were covering our faces and bodies . We needed a refreshment , and we needed it quick . I was thinking about a nice and cold ice cream till a friend came onto the idea to go swimming in the large lake not far from here ....

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 5

I was happy that I at least left on a high note as I rode the elevator to the 14th floor of the county courthouse. It didn't last. Al Castille had two other people in his chambers – Tony Baker and Valerie Dwyer, the elected district attorney for the county. I had met Dwyer only twice – and that was enough. She was nearing the middle of her first four-year term in office. From the outset, she set her sights on bigger things, namely moving across town as a federal prosecutor or taking a seat...

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A Soldiers Surrender Part 1

II reenlisted in the Army in 2006 after returning from my second deployment to Iraq. At twenty-two, I was a young but battle-hardened soldier who had earned a Silver Star, two Purple Hearts, and a rapid promotion to Staff Sergeant in just four years of military service. It was already a certainty that I was going to be a lifer, a career Army man. I was very grateful to be stationed near Seattle as this would give me the opportunity to continue my education so that I could apply for Officer's...

2 years ago
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It is time. It has been far too long. Walking down the emptying streets in the seedy part of town, I cannot seem to form complete thoughts. How long has it been? How much longer must I wait. This desire must be fulfilled. Tonight. I have waited long enough. I must seek pleasure of the flesh. The usual place will do nicely. I wonder if she will be there tonight. Tonight will be the night. I see the dingy and run down looking bar near a dark alley. I slowly slink into the dimly lit room. I see...

1 year ago
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A Wylde Knight for Jennifer

This tale is the combination of a crime drama, romance story and good ole' hardcore sex. Like most of my stories, it is also quite long and detailed. But for those of you Kind Readers who appreciate my work, I think you will truly enjoy this one. So, without further ado, I present to you..... A Wylde Knight for Jennifer The Sun was just starting to rise on that March Sunday morning as I got quietly out of bed. I did not want to disturb the lovely young woman sleeping beside me....

4 years ago
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My Not So Innocent Little Brother

Hello friends, this is your friend Veena again with yet another exciting sex encounter which occurred in my life recently. Sorry for such a long gap as since few months my sex life was lacking excitement as I wasn’t able to taste a new meat. Even my boyfriend Raj had become busy with his new business and Manish Bhaiya too has gone to US. Just then my aunt called up from Dehradun, requesting me to pay a visit to her place since my uncle had gone out for a business tour and aunt was feeling alone...

4 years ago
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My name is Swetha. I am aged 24 As the name suggests I am white 5ft 6in height and 55 Kgs weight. I have big boos and nice tits. I am married six months ago. My husband is a software engineer. He is aged 28 years. He always at work. Even at home he works for the company. He earned good name in the company. We live in a two bed room apartment.When ever I get mood for sex either he will be working or sleeping. I get disappointed. Even when he is awake he does not respond to my request. His cock...

2 years ago
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Mindys FamilyChapter 4

Ethel breathed a sigh of relief when the job was done. "OK, fellows, who is going to christen it to see if it works?" "Mom, I know what to do; something really nasty!" Jason's cock, up until now at half mast, after pumping his load into her ass, took upon itself a life of its own and sprang into a good resemblance to the horn of a narwhal much to his mother's pleased expression. "Mom, lets fuck and when we've cum, I'll tell you what to do." Without more ado, his mother laid down...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Holly Molly Off The Clock

Holly Molly has just arrived for work. Before she clocks in, the lovely little redhead can’t help but pause in the hallway to admire herself in the mirror. Since she began working for Ricky Rascal, Holly has had the hots for him and today she plans to get so. She gets down to work business with Ricky to begin the day. The fact that Ricky’s office doubles as his spare bedroom doesn’t help Holly concentrate, though. Eventually, she decides to just go for it. When Ricky gets...

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For perhaps the tenth time in as many minutes, Kathryn Gray glanced up at the large clock on the office wall. It had been one of those days that seemed like it would never end. She had a theory that the three-day weekend that waited beyond five o'clock caused time to move much more slowly. A silly theory, she admitted to herself, but as good an explanation as any as to why the day was dragging on forever. Kathryn had been working at Moore and Ryan for nine months now. It had been the...

3 years ago
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Not my Redheaded Sister

Written by Hard93 Let me start by saying your honor, in a few months I will graduate from high school. I have completed my classes this semester. Although I do not think I will continue with my education not that I really need. You see I am independently wealthy, and have enough money to live extremely comfortably, unless something goes wrong with the economy. I guess that really does not matter except for the fact I can support the three of us, if that is one of the deciding factors...

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My wifes fantasies

My wife and I have been married for about four years. She slept with about fifteen guys before we met, but was always a one-guy girl. She has never had a threesome. We don't talk about threesomes and, usually, never role-play about them. To the best of my knowledge she doesn't want to be with anyone else and expects complete fidelity from me. She has never been with another woman in any way, and has always said she doesn't fantasize about or have desire for other woman at all.Her fantasies tend...

4 years ago
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Out Of Africa Chapter 46

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 46- The Clinic's first customer******​Our story thus far:Rhino, the black-owned electronics and media conglomerate together with the teachings of the Church of the Black Staff, had bought joy and prosperity to the previously depressed town of Hawksville. This had been mainly achieved by the insidious effects of the mind-controlling software embedded in all Rhino's products that...

1 year ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 24

Erica turned to Christy and smiled. “You know what seems ironic about today?” “What’s that?” asked Christy, looking up from a magazine. They were in the waiting room of the orthopedics clinic at the VA hospital in Wichita. Will had been wheeled down the hall about an hour ago by a busy nurse that sent little zings of jealousy through Erica. She knew what was probably going through Will’s mind as the pretty nurse pushed him. “It’s tax day,” said Erica. “That’s usually a day everybody...

2 years ago
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“Glad you like it baby, I love to please you,” I whisper as I insert a finger into his arse. “Not long at all baby.” The noise he makes as I swallow his load is very flattering for me as he tenses and shudders. Shortly earlier after he arrived home I was determined to pleasure him as I watched him shower and slowly undressed as he watched me. The last things I was wearing were a pair of heels and a tiny g-black string. “Like my ass baby?” I teased as I turned my back to him, knowing he...

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White SlaveChapter 2

Chris O'Brien took one look at her checkbook balance and swore. Damn! There was no way she could pay the rent and afford bus fare too, not to mention coincidentals like laundry and an occasional glass of wine. Then the worst realization imaginable struck the sandy haired girl between the eyes like 40,000 watts of voltage: there was no more money coming in until she found a job. Thank God they were getting food stamps! Oh God! What to do? She collapsed on the single bed that squeeked under...

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