The Penelope Incident - 1 free porn video

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Heviya Adel felt another wave of Panic flood over her. It was an uncomfortable shiver racing up and down the petite body of the 24 year old operator. She eyed the red icon on her Monitor and the figures indicating the distance of the raider from the Penelope continued to fall.

"Miss Fischer report" came the calm voice of Captain Pierre Lestrange.

Nadine Fischer was the Penelopes Chief Engineer. An Earther, and like Heviya from the European Union, but unlike the young woman she was in her mid fifties and a veteran of spacemanship. Heviya admired her for being so calm in this situation and wished that she could be more like her.

Nadine continued to listen to somebody talking over her headset. "Max confirms this is the most we can do. No way we can overcharge the engines any further without risking to blow the core."

"Miss Adel any luck with our friends from the Solarian Fleet ?" Lestrange focused his eyes on the young operator. Heviya swallowed hard and tried to remember her military training which now seemed to be a lifetime in the past. "The SF..." her voice trembled and she felt her palms breaking a sweat. The old man gave her the faintest of encouraging smiles and she willed herself to speak again. "The SFS Madrid is still the closest ship I have in the network. We sent our distress call two hours ago and it will take another... seventeen hours and forty minutes until they receive it. No response to our general distress call from any other ship."

Her eyes darted back to the menacingly glowing icon of the raider. Two hours twelve minutes until intercept.

The bridge fell quiet for a minute, which for Heviya felt like no small fraction of eternity.

"Miss Adel give me a channel to all hands" Captain Lestrange broke the silence. Her Fingers flew across the keys of her console and connected the Captains Comm to all speakers across the ship.

"Attention shipmates. As you know we are being followed by an unidentified ship which is not responding to our hails. We will be unable to reach the hyperlane network before they intercept us and there is no Solarian ship responding to our distress calls. To avoid any unnecessary bloodshed I intend to power down our engines and surrender to the attacker. You have all trained for situations like this. Remember that Elysium Interstellar has a ransom insurance for every employee on this ship. I will make it clear to our attackers that we are as valuable to them alive as the cargo on this ship. Offer no resistance when we are boarded, do as you are told and we will all get through this together."

After his short speech the Captain ordered an engine stop. The raider adjusted his approach shortly thereafter and Heviya saw the time to intercept decrease at an alarming rate. They had 16 minutes left until interception.

At 3 minutes before intercept Heviyas console lid up and indicated an incoming message.

"Captain, incoming message from the raider" Her voice sounded panicky again in her ears and she tried to calm herself down. "Only audio" she managed in a more normal tone

"Share it with the crew" the captain ordered.

Heviya did and seconds later a deep voice with a slight Russian accent was replayed over the Penelopes speakers.

"Trading ship, good call with powering down and cutting this hunt short for all of us. I will send a boarding party over. Here is the deal, you move your asses down to the main cargo hold and wait for our arrival. Hands were we can see em, no surprises. I swear to the devil if you try ANYTHING stupid I will not only kill you, I will torture and kill you so slowly, man you will beg me to be spaced so you can suffocate in peace. No hiding either. If I find ANYONE outside your main I will kill every last one on the ship. We will cut ourselves in so I don't want nobody near our airlock. When you hear us coming just stay away, stay down, shut up. Hope the conditions are clear now get to it."

The cruel voice of the pirate echoed in Heviyas ears. Her heart had turned to ice while she listened to his commands. She had never felt any more afraid in her entire life.

The captain ordered her to open a channel to the crew again. She could hardly hear him but her fingers typed the commands without much effort and she found a little reassurance in the routine task.

"You have all heard the gentleman. Please make your way to Deck 4s loading area immediately. Allow me to say that it has been an honor to serve for the last months, or," he nodded to Nadine ,"in some cases years with such a professional and competent crew." He signaled to Heviya to cut the channel. "Now Miss Adel, would you please be so kind and inform our soon to be guest that we will comply with all of his demands."

Heviya opened a channel to the raider: "Unidentified ship this... this is the Elysium Interstellar Cargo Hauler Penelope. We... we will comply with all demands. Penelope out."

Lestrange and Nadine got up from their stations and made their way to the lift which would carry them down to main loading area between cargo hold 1 and 2. Heviya followed them on shaky legs.


Cargo one was filled with rare metals from the moon of Asterion III and Cargo 2 was pumped full of liquefied Gas from the giant planets Stratosphere Extractors. The crew of 8 assembled in the main loading area. When Heviya, Nadine and the captain stepped out of the lift the twin brothers Juri and Aleksey from maintenance were already there. Max was just climbing up from the Generator room and waved casually at his friend Nadine who greeted him with a resigned nod.

Last to arrive were Shinji the botanist together with his husband Matheo who was Penelopes doctor, cook and chief expert on early 22nd century movies.

They all grouped together in the center since they could not be certain from which angle the pirates would cut through their hull. Nobody talked.

It did not take much longer until Heviya heard the screeching sound of metal from the wall to her right. That must have been the airlock extending from the pirate ship and making contact with Penelopes hull. The screeching was followed by a high pitched sound from a laser cutting through the hull from the other side.

"Stay back" said captain Lestrange and signaled his crew to sit down on the other side of the loading area. Heviya pressed her back on the bulkhead and started shivering. She felt tears welling up and bit on her lower lip. She had never been good at controlling her emotions.

Nadine who sat down next to her gave her a hug. "Wird halb so schlimm" she said in German. "Du hast den Captain gehört, wir sind gut versichert." Heviya tried to repay the older womans kind words with a smile which did not work out too well. Smiling was hard when you feared for your life. She focused on captain Lestrange again who had taken a stand before his shipmates.

With a flash and an exploding sound the inner hull caved in and immediately two rifles appeared at the corners of the new opening. "Clear" came a female voice from the other side. Four figures rapidly stormed the room. The first seemed to be the woman Heviya had heard moments before. She was clad in a black combat suit with protective armor like Heviya had seen during her military service in the confederate army. Her face was hidden behind a full metal face mask and a worn combat helmet.

The three men in her tow were not as well equipped. One of them carried the same rifle but no armor the other two held small caliber guns in their hand. One of the gunmen immediately caught Heviyas attention. He was a hulking brute of over 2 meters and had nothing on except for Shorts and a pair of leather boots. His torso was covered with burn marks and scars and most importantly he aimed his gun directly at her. The young woman held her breath.

Captain Lestrange stepped up and raised his hands placatingly: "Please, there is no need for violence, I am Captain Pierre Lestrange. We are willing to cooperate and I want to inform... " He did not get any further as the metal faced women brutally smashed the stock of her rifle in his face. The captain crashed down on the deck spewing blood from mouth and nose.

"Did i ask you a question you french cunt ?" she bellowed at him lying at her feet. Nadine rushed forward without hesitation and helped her dazed and moaning captain to retreat to the wall with her. Despite her shock and fear Heviya admired the valor of her shipmate to draw attention to herself like this while 4 attackers threatened them with weapons.

Metal Face took the time to eye up each of the captives. The giant covered her while the other two pirates secured the ladder to the engine room and the lift. When the woman looked at her Heviya turned her eyes down and watched the tips of her shoes.

"That all of you?" the pirate leader pointed her rifle at Nadine. The older woman met her masked gaze from below "The whole crew is here, there is nobody else aboard"

There was a long moment of silence, then Heviya heard a chuckle from the pirate leader. "Puta, I hope for your sake thats true. If I am walking around this ship and I or my gang get jumped by someone playing hero," she lowered her voice menacingly ,"I will kill that motherfucker and then I will make you kill that french cunt there before I make you kill yourself."

She sighed before speaking again, this time it seemed to be via a microphone inside her mask or helmet. "Boss I got the cattle all boxed, send Hoff over and we will secure the vessel.

Some time passed and 4 more pirates came over from their ship. Metal Face took some time to talk with a short, bald man while the captives were guarded by the giant and the other guy holding a rifle. Then the whole group came back towards them and without any further warning the brute towering in front of Heviya grappled her by her long auburn hair yanking her on her feet. She let out a scream more surprised from the sudden attack than feeling any pain from the manhandling.

"Get the fuck up you lazy bitch and turn your ass around" She was brutally shoved face first to the bulkhead and felt the brute binding her hands together with some kind of wire which sawed painfully into her wrists. She realized that everybody around her was being screamed at and receiving a similar treatment. Next she got her feet kicked away from under her and managed narrowly to prevent her head crashing to the floor by stopping the fall with her right shoulder. Her legs were now bound at her ankles, same like her hands.

Her shoulder hurt like hell while the giant knelt on her butt and kept working to bind her legs together. She caught a glimpse of captain Lestrange who got fixated next to her by his attacker. He looked at her with a sad expression. "I am so terribly sorry Miss Adel" she heard him mutter through his bleeding lips.

After that sudden burst of violence the pirates finally seemed comfortable with having them restrained and under control. Metal face kept shouting, this time short commands to her gang and they started to search the ship in teams of three in different directions. Two guards were left with the prisoners. The brute, now with his gun holstered and one nervous looking guy about Heviyas age who had arrived with the second group together with the bald man.

The brute squatted down comfortably and got his Smartpad out from the backpocket of his shorts to read something. His young comrade continued to pace up and down in front of the captives eying them suspiciously.

After some time the brute snorted at his fellow guard. "Linus can you chill out for fucks sake. No screaming, no shooting. Means the chief has evrything under control. Its no Q-ship and those shits are a bunch of harmless Junckpullers."

Linus did not seem convinced. "I chill when we are back on the Helldriver hyperspacing out of this system with this prize in tow. Until then I want to keep these fucks under control. They might try something"

"Allah" the giant sighed "stop it man. I have raided my share of ships. And I have seen how it looks when the prey tries something. Those pathetic lot is scared shitless and the only thing giving them ideas is your fucking fear. Fear, boyo, is what keeps em in line. And if you show it yourself, that's when a situation turns to shits.

Linus shrugged unpersuaded.

"But there is no need for that I am telling you, right now, we can do anything with them we want, they won't fight. They are broken and they have given up. Hell, this bunch, they were done even before we boarded."

Heviyas heart started to race. Something about the way he spoke did not sound good.

"I think I'll need to show you, boyo. Talking has never been me strong side. Hey you, redhead."

The giant rose and came directly towards her. No that was definitely not good at all. Heviya was unable to speak and her mind seemed to be slowing down. A hard slap to her face quickly brought her back to reality. "Whore I am talking to you" he was now towering directly above her. Heviya did not know what to do or say so she just looked up at him anxiously.

"So this is what we now do. You see my buddy here is under a lot of pressure. This little raid, first timer, I am sure you understand. So, now I will get my cock out and you start sucking me like the good little hooker you are. Then I will tear those slacks off your ass and give you a nice and deep ass fucking just to show our friend Linus here how much you like it. After I cum in your shitter you may crawl over to em and start sucking him hard so he can fuck your cunt. Evan a worthless nasty Spacer cunt like yours should be enough to release some pressure."

This was not happening. It couldn't be! "P-p-please," was all she could stutter, "please don't..."

"Ey Hus, I don't know man..." Linus looked at his companion uncertain.

"What is your problem, boyo, are you gay or something ?" said Hus incredulously

"Nah, that's not it... maybe we just do her later back on the Helldriver?" Linus supposed

This got worse and worse. Heviyas mind raced back to her self defense class during basic training in the army. Her captor was clearly stronger than her. And with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound together her options to fight back were more than limited.

"Oh boy this is worse than I thought" Hus chuntered more to himself. "Linus prepare for Hussein Lynch's life council session 101: Sex is best when its dangerous!" And with that he unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to his feet. He slowly started stroking is hardening cock in front of the miserable girls face.

Heviya heard Matheo cursing to her left. "That's enough you pathetic coward, leave her alone already." She saw him struggling against his restraints and overheard Shinji next to him whispering something in japanese to keep quiet.

Hus ignored the doctor and kept his attention on Heviya. "That your boyfriend cunt? Tell you what I love meself a good threesome. Me rod counts for two and he can watch the show."

"Stay the fuck down...fuck...fuck you" Linus aimed his Gun directly at Matheos head, his hand slightly trembling. Heviya heard someone, probably Aleksey, calling for help. But nobody would be coming to save them now.

An enormous fist grabbed Heviyas loosely worn long auburn hair and her head was yanked backwards. Hus cock was now fully erect and she saw the giant grinning expectantly at her. "Start sucking bitch. Come on I am ready don't play innocent."

Heviya could still not believe what was happening to her. Her sight was clouded by tears now and she started to snivel. Another blow, harder than his first slap, landed on her left cheek and she tasted blood from the sidewall of her front lip. "You want it the hard way bitch ok, thats fine with me. I will not say it one more time start sucking."

Everything in her was revolting as she parted her lips and Hus cock roughly entered her mouth. The smell and taste was beyond horrible, a crude mix of old sweat, piss and machine oil. He was grinding in and out, starting at a slow pace and left out a satisfied grunt. The young operator was visibly struggling as the brute plunged deeper into her. She instantly started gagging as he hit her throat for the first time. Snot blew out of her nostrils as she fought hard to keep breathing.

She had never given anybody a blowjob in her live and was by no way prepared for the facefucking Hus was about to make her endure. She tried to pull her head away but hit the wall behind her. "What the fuck ya charra. Where d'you think you're going ?" He pulled out to position her struggling head in a more comfortable position for him.

"God please, please just leave me alone" she wailed

"Leave you alone? This is just foreplay, the hard part will be me destroying your asshole, so you better start enjoying this real fast. Open wide bitch, this time I don't want to feel your teeth!"

Heviya could not will herself to part her lips at first but three strikes aimed at her face quickly made her think better of it. The brute facefucked her in earnest this time and his hairy balls sloppily bounced off her chin, making wet smacking sounds from all the snot she was coughing up. Only the surreal situation and the fact that she did not eat anything in the last 8 hours prevented her from puking all over his cock right then. She constantly kept struggling to twist her head left or right but it was hard to fight the iron grip of his paws, that pinned her to the wall while her hands were tightly tied behind her back.

After what seemed like an eternity for poor Heviya which in reality could not have been more than 2 minutes Hus finally stopped his assault on her throat. She was shedding tears while simultaniously panting, her lungs finally filling up with much needed oxygen. Her rapist galred down at her apparently discontented.

"You really are a worthless piece of shit. S'that what you call a proper blowjob ? Letting me do all the heavy lifting ? Lucky you that I have a big heart and will take it upon meself to teach you a thing or two about technique. Big secret one: Quit playing virgin."

Heviya crouched down at the Penelopes bulkhead and wished to the universe that she could become invisible. She had just been orally raped by one of the most disgusting people she had ever met in her life. And the worst part of it, her shipmates and friends had watched it happen and nobody had been able to prevent it. Least of all herself. People like captain Lestrange whom she respected. Or Nadine who she admired. Or Matheo, her drinking buddy when they were both off duty. She had always loved trading stories with him about her life growing up in the Greater German Republic on Earth and his past in the Brannigan Habitats above Jupiter. What would they now be thinking of her? Could they ever look at her again with the same eyes ? Could she?

It began to dawn on her that this was a turning point in her life, there was no going back even if she came out here alive.

"Now what?" she was pulled out of her thoughts by Hus angry voice. " I am all talkative and helping hand and shit, and you stuck up bitch just freeze me off huh? Well tell you what Lady. I am done playing it nice. Now I am going to use you like the fuckdoll you are and finally get some fun out of this after all!"

He effortlessly grapped her neck and the waistband of her trousers and hauled her off to the middle of the loading area. "Now lets see what we are getting here" Hus muttered and started to unbutten the copper knobs of her grey Elysium Interstellar work jacket. "Well doesn't look like much Linus. Sorry boyo, that chink is as flat chested as you."

"Help please ... anybody ... AHHHHHH" Heviyas pleas were brusquely interrupted by Hus' fist meeting her stomach. "Will you hold still now?" she heard her tormentors cruel demanding voice. He tugged the jacket off her shoulders and peeled the fabric down until it met the bonds at her wrists. Below her company issued jacket she wore a white tank top. A sweet comic figure of a bear giving a thumbs up covered the front. The words "Ich bin ein Berliner" were written below its claw.

Hus made an irritated sigh before he started to rupture the thin cloth. Getting forcefully undressed by this brutal giant in front of her shipmates turned a switch in her brain. The first assault and her oral rape had happened so unexpectedly that there had been no time to get her bearing. It was different now. An unfamiliar anger welled up inside. She was not going to let this bastard rape her here. She started screaming like a maniac and kicked at him with her bound legs. Her attacker landed a harsh blow at the right side of her torso and he also lunged out at her face again but this time his punches could not subdue her.

She landed a kick in his crotch and the sound of his surprised shout of pain was the most rewarding thing since this whole nightmare had started. His next blow was aimed directly at her temple and her world exploded into a black abyss.

When the fog lifted she heard Hus cursing behind her. She weakly turned her head and watched as he threw the rags of her tank top aside. The bland bra Heviya was wearing came off next. The panic had gotten the better of her she realized. There was no way in hell she could have fought off this monster even if she had not been tied down by hands and feet.

"Okay Cawa, big mistake. I was really thinking about making this easy for you. Now I will put you in so much pain you will be begging me to kill you before this is over." Her rapist was boiling with rage now and Heviya could not bear looking at him stroking his half hard dick. She had never been one to consider suicide but if she would have an option now, a way out of this hell...

Her attention was drawn to cargo 1 were her shipmates were still kept in check by Linus. Captain Lestrange tried to get the guard to notice him, probably still thinking to be able to reason with somebody of this gang. Matheo and Shinji were not looking in her direction, probably unable to stomach to watch her abuse and she saw the japanese botanist crying silently. Aleksey and Yuri both shouted at Linus to do something to help her while the pirate kept threatening them from a safe distance with his gun.

"Linus" she heard Hus bellow behind her. "Throw me that knife of yours I want to cut those slacks right off this struggling bitches ass." And with a lowered voice he hissed in her ear. "And maybe fuck you with it after I dumped my cum in your bowels how would you like that you crazy cunt?"

Heviya felt the full weight of the giant pressing her small frame on the cold metal floor. She felt his hard cock pressing tightly against her naked back. She saw how Linus turned around throwing a combat knife in their direction which her tormentor expertly caught. Is this really how her live would end ? Far away from Earth, out in the void, unloved and fucked to death by a raving lunatic ?

Suddenly she heard the bang of a gun going off and saw how Linus was knocked off his feet. Her eyes darted to Nadine. She must have been waiting for the perfect moment to make her move. Hus' Gun had been in the holster of the mans shorts which he had dropped before Heviyas brutal facefucking. The engineer held Hus' gun awkwardly in the restraint hands behind her back. She had assumed a half lying half sitting position to steady her aim and was now reorienting herself to get a clear shot at Hus as well.

The giant had acted quickly and charged at the older woman with a beastlike roar, the combat knife ready to strike. Then in an instant she saw a bloody flower forming behind his spine and the brute fell backwards like a tree cut down by a chainsaw. Nadine let out a triumphant scream but only a split second later her chest was ripped open and Heviya heard the clatter of several aimed volleys from an automatic rifle.

The metal faced woman and two of her thugs were filing into the loading area from the lift, weapons ready to shoot at anybody offering resistance. But there was no resistance left in the crew of Penelope after the bloodshed and violance they just had witnessed. The leader ordered her subordinate to check on their shot companions. He knelt beside Hus and gave a slight shake of his head before continuing over to Linus. "He's still breathing... I think" he reported.

"All right then get him over to the Helldriver and see if Needle can patch him up. As soon as you are back we will herd the cattle over and get the fuck out of here." She casually grabbed Heviyas left arm and dragged her over to the other captives. Directly after the pirate leader dropped her the intimidated girl crouched forward and tried to cover her naked boobs with her knees as best as possible. After that metal face picked up the gun close to Nadines corpse and handed it to her partner. "Typical Monday" she said sardonically.


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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 15

Sally was not alone in conditioning Hugh, if that's what I should call it. Jenny and Jane always spoke to him if, they encountered him during the day. It was merely "Good morning, Hugh," or "Good afternoon, blacksmith," or some such thing. It all made him feel good, as if he truly were coming into his manhood. But it was always Sally who brought him a dipper of water, or some treat from the kitchen, as he labored his assigned tasks. Then one day, as he installed the finished lock plate...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 25

Geoffrey's protestations that he had no part in the rape Aldo and Horace intended now had no ability to protect him. He could not testify that he had sought only to "teach the bitch a lesson." In these more modern days, women have attained higher status in the world, but back then, it was commonly held that sometimes, women had to be taught their proper place. Had Geoffrey been dragged in front of a tribunal, that argument might have struck a chord with some. But if ever Geoffrey Flagman...

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And a HalfChapter 7 Penelope

The next day Penelope sought me out. “Claire says you might be amenable to satisfying my little peccadilloes,” she said. “You might say that,” I agreed, while thinking that ‘peccadilloes’ was something Claire would never say. “Where and when?” she asked. “We use the Cleaning Manager’s office in the basement. It’s not marked, so it’s probably best if I meet you at the elevator doors. Since it’s Friday, I’ve got a couple of hours work to do later on, putting machines into hibernation for...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 4

Jack had never met a woman like Penelope. In truth, the only females he knew anything about were the village girls, most of whom found no interest in him. He had somehow found his way between the thighs of some half dozen girls, but that was primarily because he was in position to inherit his father's smithy. Never had their desire to find a man who could support them (eventually) survived actually engaging in a relationship with Jack, though. And so Jack was completely unprepared when, in...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 16

Hugh was a smart fellow, for the dearth of formal education he'd received. Within minutes, his brain began to work again, and some instinct told him what was going on in this room was not normal behavior. His conundrum was that he liked what was going on very much, and didn't want it to end. Trying to decide what to do was difficult, by virtue of the fact that the naked girl in his arms was almost entirely distracting. His penis had stiffened again, rising to lodge between her legs. He was...

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The Penelope Incident2

Heviya stared blankly at Nadines corpse and the pool of blood expanding beneath it. The kind woman had made her feel welcome aboard the Penelope right off the bat. She had never really understood why. At the start of their voyage to Asterion 14 months ago Heviya had been an unexperienced newcomer to space travel, constantly worried to do something wrong. She had been trained as a wireless operator during her compulsory service in the confederate army, but apart from that she only had an...

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The Penelope Incident 2

Heviya stared blankly at Nadines corpse and the pool of blood expanding beneath it. The kind woman had made her feel welcome aboard the Penelope right off the bat. She had never really understood why. At the start of their voyage to Asterion 14 months ago Heviya had been an unexperienced newcomer to space travel, constantly worried to do something wrong. She had been trained as a wireless operator during her compulsory service in the confederate army, but apart from that she only had an...

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Lady Penelopersquos Party Ch2

When the two girls stepped outside the light was just beginning to fade. Silhouetted against the setting sun was a sleek black limousine with darkened windows. A pretty blonde wearing a chauffeur’s cap and a dark blazer stood holding the rear door open. Trying to maintain their dignity the two girls tottered down the steps to the waiting car. They giggled as they climbed on board and collapsed into the soft leather seat. The door was shut with a gentle click then they heard the crunch of...

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Me Penelope Cruz and My Wife

Me, Penelope Cruz, and My Wife You probably won't believe me, and I can understand that. But, when a new line of cosmetics, "Lola," breaks on to the scene in a month you'll give second thoughts to doubting the truth of this tale. Here's the incredible truth? My wife knows that I like to dress up. As much as I wish she would encourage me to do you, I realize that it is really more my issue of not being comfortable doing it, that an issue of her not accepting it. She's...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 41 Penelope Margaret ONeil

April, 1985, Chicago, Illinois “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Alice said. “Were you serious when you said that?” I asked with quivering voice. “You being white as a sheet and that broken coffee mug say you think I am!” She was playing word games like Jessica! “True,” I answered, daring to breathe again. “It took me by surprise. I thought Penny was kidding when she scampered over here on the way to school.” “I did tell Penny ‘yes’,” she said. I chuckled, “You are torturing me! On...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 6

Mere images in the mind might have been all Jenny had to think about, had her mistress been content to wait a week to further her plan. But Her Ladyship was called into the lord's chamber twice that week, where he roused himself from his drunken stupor enough to heave his bulk on top of her. He managed to get hard enough to fuck her on one of those two occasions, and duly deposited his aged sperm in her nubile womb. The other time his body failed him, and she took pity on him and brought him...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 22

I stayed late that night. They got her up after she was so brutally used, and she finally got her bath, though I don't know how hot the water was by then. She recuperated while the men deposited their seed in their other partners, whereupon she was taught how to use her mouth to make a man ready. By then, she was no longer astonished by anything. I think all her astonishment had been used up. When given her choice, she took Jack again, but ended up beneath all of them again, as they...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 8

I had to leave my post. I had been missing too long. I was to learn, though, that much more happened after I left. He stayed, of course. Who would miss him? Well ... I found that out when Stephan returned from his errand with six bottles of sweet wine for Her Ladyship. Luckily, he came to me when he could not locate Jack in the stables. What was I to do? The mistress wasn't due for supper for two more hours, and when she was closeted in her rooms, only I was authorized to disturb her. If I...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 17

I leaned back, to ease the sore muscles in my back and knees. But I couldn't keep my eye from the spy hole for long. I had to hear the story too. As I peered once again through the hole in the wall, this is what I heard. "Once upon a time there was a girl who had an uncle. She loved him very much, because he knew her better than anyone else in her family. He was kind to her, and answered her questions. He assured her she was pretty, when she doubted that. When others ignored her, she sat...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 21

What happened next must have seemed like a dream to Marie. First, Sally went to the door and left through it ... stark naked. Then, a few minutes later, she returned, followed by Nigel, Jack and Hugh. I was unaware of it, but Stephan was currently unavailable for this task, by virtue of the fact that he was with Suzette, in her room. Her broken limb was still healing, and he spent as many hours with her as possible, even doing some of her work. Likewise, Charley was currently secreted in...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 23

Curtis Flannery was conflicted. He had a good job. His Lordship gave him much more say in the breeding program than most lords would. That was part of the problem, actually. He had noticed the signs that his sons were sniffing about this or that girl on the estate. But all boys did that, and he hadn't given it a thought. And he almost never went up to the manor itself. He told himself that was why he hadn't noticed all the pregnant lasses around the place. He had been shocked nearly out of...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 26

Penelope knew her forest warden was confounded. I have described her actions as if she had not a care in the world, but that was not so. She merely knew she needed to keep him off balance until she could calm his mind. That she was sure she could calm his mind is astonishing enough. So as soon as he was down, she seated herself on a fallen log nearby and pointed to a spot down the log from her. "His Lordship demands I provide him an heir," she said, without preamble. "His age, and...

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Daughters of Penelope Alexis

Daughters of Penelope Alexis By ShannonQ Synopsis--General Isaiah and his wife Ruth give birth to a boy to carry on his great father's battlefield exploits. A freak of nature changes Alexander to Alexis. Will she be the great warrior that Isaiah envisioned? Can Alexis live up to his expectations? Will the man who loves her be able to woo her? Note: If you liked Maiden of Rome and Maiden of Rome Two, you should read this. Rated X Prologue Ruth...

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Madame Penelope Part 3

This was my fourth visit to Madame Penelope's house to be her maid. Every visit had started with an inspection and every visit so far Madame had found something wrong with my attire. I was getting better though because last time Madame had only found one thing wrong. I still however received six stokes of the cane, one because Madame liked that number and two because as she so rightly knew. I was becoming her pain slut. This visit was however different. Master let me in as usual but...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 9

The mistress had him where she wanted him - helpless. Whether it was due to shock or something else, she cared not. She simply wanted him malleable enough to bend to her desires. "Girls?" She needed say no more. Both girls stepped delicately into the tub, Jenny behind Stephan, facing his back, and Sally in front of him, facing him. They, too, sank down. I imagined Jenny's thighs sliding past Stephan's hips, her soft skin caressing his, and her firm young breasts pressing into his back....

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 11

Even then, Mistress Penelope did not pull in on the reins of her original plan. The only flaw in it, actually, had been that she assumed all the young women in the manor were engaged in sexual affairs already. It shocked her to find out they were not. Personally, I blame that on the fact that life in the manor was so dismal, and we had such few staff that everyone was busy all the time, and had no time for the frivolity of sex. Actually, come to think of it, the only residents of the manor...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorEpilogue

No one was surprised, of course, when Cynthia announced she was pregnant. She and Louis had only been married two months, and the baby "they" created was born only five months later. By then, of course, the peace and solitude that had been the rule for so many years in the halls of the manor had been completely destroyed by the bawling of babes. Soon that bawling would change to the pitter patter of little bare feet, leaving prints on the shiny floors, followed eventually by the nattering...

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The Penelope incident 3

After the ugly pirate had had his way with her, he left Heviya naked and on her knees. He stooped down and collected the girls scattered clothing, walked over to what seemed to be a trash container close to the hatch and dumped everything inside it except for her panties. Those he tucked under the bedding of what seemed to be his bunk, judging by the worn state of the lower layer sagging in the middle. Can't imagine that you will be wearing any clothes around here any more, Cor's words...

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The Penelope incident 4

Heviya was engulfed in total darkness. She was currently crimped inside one of the empty torpedo magazines for the Helldrivers aft launchers. Something sharp pressed into her upper back and her knees and elbows hurt horribly from constantly having to support her weight or hitting the confines of the metal casket, no matter in which direction she tried to turn. She guessed by the parched feeling of her mouth and throat that they had been keeping her locked up for more than 2 days. Also she had...

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Penelope the Naughty Witch

You are Penelope, a witch. As you lay alone in your small bed in your cramped apartment you feel the familiar tinge of loneliness. You have been taught not to interfere in human matters, but there isn't anything really stopping you. You have never met a soul more powerful than yourself, even the powerful witch you taught you has long since disappeared. Maybe you could spend another day at your terrible, mind-numbing job. Maybe. Or you could use your limitless powers to control the world and...

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Penelope Tux and the Naughty Neighbors

"Oh! UNNNgh! AhhhHFUCKYES!" Penelope Tux winced at the sounds coming from her partner's office. She wished he would at least try some modicum of decency. For Christ's sake they were the top engineering firm in the nation, the least he could do is rent a hotel room for his lunch-time trysts. Ah, c'mon, you remember how much fun it used to be when you were the one he was pounding on his desk. The indecency is half the fun! Her mind sometimes took her back to that unbidden. She hadn't meant to...

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Madame Penelope Part 2

I waited my head down my poor bottom throbbing. I could feel the wheel marks rising. "You climaxed without my permission didn't you Davina," stated Madame "Yes Madame," I confessed. "Carefully remove your panties, without standing up....." she instructed. "I want all your sissy juices to stay in the crotch of those panties....if you spill a drop on my carpet I will have the skin from your bottom," she growled Carefully and awkwardly I pulled the panties down and stepped out...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 37 Penelope Margaret ONeil

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois In the morning, after Jackie and I had slept cuddled together, and I ran, and then showered, we had breakfast together. After breakfast, I helped her load her car with the stuff that she was taking home, and box up the stuff that she’d leave behind. We moved the boxes to my walk-through closet so that the room was ready for Sofia when she arrived in August. “I’m going to miss you,” I said, as we walked out to her car. “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be around. I’m...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 12

Sex is its own reward. By that, I mean simply that once the ecstasy of a good romp is experienced, no one needs bully one into engaging in the sport again. Jane was not a complete idiot. She knew that there was something a bit off about it all. The songs are all full of courtship, and anyone could see that whole process had been skipped over without a nod. But here were two girls she desperately wanted to be like, two girls who had the ear of the Lady of Farnsworth Manor herself, and they had...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 13

I thought that might be all that was planned, and I was in the process of getting my nightshirt in order again when there was another tap on the door. It was actually louder than a tap ... loud enough that the frivolity in the tub ceased. The lady finally moved, and sat at her vanity, her arms up and hands busy with her hair. "Enter," she said, clearly. Jane gasped. My eyes went to the door, of course, as it opened. In stepped Jack, followed by Stephan ... and his brother, Charley. Jack...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 14

Jack and Hugh had never been close, probably because Jack was a bully back in the days when he still lived at home with his little brother. Jack's attitudes had changed radically, once the mistress took him firmly in hand. I intend no pun there, though I notice one exists. I rather suspect there had been little intercourse between the brothers since Jack's ... awakening ... and so I imagine Hugh expected his brother to still be an insufferable oaf. If so, he was pleasantly surprised. That...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 24

The intruders were huddled on the floor, their masks askew. None of them had been able to defend themselves in any way because they couldn't see her attacks, and their hands were too busy trying to fend off blows. Those hands had been reduced to bloody lumps. While Jack and Nigel stopped, staring at the astonishing scene before them, she whacked each one an additional time. She could have stabbed them, but did not. "Bastards," she panted. "You think you can violate my privacy, and do...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 27

When Cynthia burst through the door to her father's cottage, he was sitting in a cloth covered chair, an old cast off from the manor, stuffed with horse hair. He sat beside the unlit hearth in the weak light of an afternoon sun trying to pierce a layer of clouds that filled the sky. She skidded to a stop. He seemed so still. "Is it true, Papa?" she asked, breathlessly. "Is what true?" came his deep voice. "Did Mistress Penelope find you? Did she tell you? Did she ask you if you...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 28

Once Cynthia had weathered that first orgasm, which actually frightened her initially, she was insatiable. He only lasted another five minutes before, with a bellow, he filled her as he had dreamed of filling her for years. Now that his shame was banished, he gloried in lifting her into the air as his seed burst into her passage. After they rested, their second engagement was of a different kind. He took her in the usual way, looming over her and thrusting hard enough to make the bed squeak...

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Penelopes FUCKing Birthday

Note: This story i have made to a sexy lady on mfc that goes by the username stackednslim which you can also find her on twitter and this is a story i made for her 43rd birthday last monthhope you guys will comment about it It has been a couple of months in the planning for me and penelope to finally meet up and fuck each others brains out. I'm sitting on a train right now heading to Los Angeles to finally meet up and fuck each others brains out plus i plan on doing some very nasty stuff to...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 10

It is probably good that I watched as Sally claimed her brother that day. That is because if I hadn't, I might have accidentally seen Jack claim his sister. I cannot tell you why one was acceptable to me, and to the other I would object. It was just the way I felt. I mentioned that Jenny was not there when Louis went to "visit his sister." That is because she was told she could have some time off for a little family time with Jack. As I said before, I didn't see what happened, but the...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 18

Again, I was not to directly witness Suzette's depravity. This was because it took place on a Sunday, the only day Jenny and Sally could arrange another picnic, to which both Jane and Suzette could be invited. The guest list made it quite clear to me that they intended much more than simply eating outdoors. It was well thought out, because in addition to snaring poor Suzette, the trap was also set for Nigel. Suzette didn't have to invite Stephan. That was arranged for her. But the other...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 19

Suzette was trying to run to the creek, while looking all about her at the same time. Jane and Charley's location was now revealed to her. Both of them were equally as naked as she and Stephan now were. Charley was lying on his back, on the blanket they had taken. Jane was sitting upon him, as if he were a horse, though of course a horse could not lie on its back like that. She bounced on him. Even with her level of inexperience, their positioning made it clear that their sexual organs were...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 29

I stayed, even though my libido was satiated for a while. I felt it was my duty to observe, and later record in my journal, all that happened. I didn't know how, or even if that journal might become valuable some day, or who its value might assist. That is why I witnessed them sink to the depths of perversity. After each wife accepted her husband ... she accepted the others as well. They went on like that for hours. Eventually even Cynthia succumbed to the depravity, and was bred in equal...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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