A Hot Night
- 4 years ago
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We've been married fourteen years Pen and I. I'm Oscar, Oscar Whitman, age thirty-six, I tape in at five-six and one-forty. Penelope, my wife, also thirty-six, comes in at around five-nine, one-twenty-five. Oh, and she's a very nice looking lady with some really nice female equipment: 36Cs and a truly sensational butt. Until today our lives have been pretty typical, mundane, routine: the stereotypical middle class couple. None of which, I'm discovering, are good things and maybe not normal either.
Pen is a stay at home wife, and no, we have no children. Me, I'm the head mechanic at Studstill Motors. Basically, I make sure that the used cars we take in in trade are up to legal snuff for purposes of resale. The pay is pretty good, and Penelope and I are doing fine in an era when not everybody is.
At any rate, the above being true, Penelope has decided we need to spice things up. Her method of spicing things up? She is dictating, yes dictating, an open marriage. Well, actually, that's not exactly right. She means open for her. Me? I'm to be ready to service her and her lovers on command. She is of the opinion that me watching other men do her will be thrilling for me.
What reason does she have for believing such a thing? That I would knuckle under to such a mandate? Maybe the fact that I have always given in to her. Maybe the fact that some of our late night fantasy talk has revolved around her cuckolding me, or her being the top in a role reversal relationship. Whatever it is, she's assuming, while I sit here with my head in my hands, some might say with my head up my ass, terrified that I may be losing my wife, my marriage, that I will knuckle under and do whatever she says.
"Calm down, Oscar, it won't be as bad as you think. Knowing your proclivities as I do, I am pretty sure you'll be getting off every bit as much as I do, at least in time," said my wife.
"Penelope Whitman, you can't be serious about all of this. I cannot accept being treated this way, not and claim to be a man!" I said.
"Oh pooh! You mean a macho asshole. Macho has no place in this house, Oscar, it never has, and you know it. We'll be having more and better sex than we ever had. And, I mean for you too. Just different is all," she said.
"You really intend to do this, to cuckold me. To make me a laughing stock, Penelope, don't you. What kind of a wife would do this to her husband? What kind, Pen?" I said.
"The kind that wants to put the thrill back in the sex life of a husband and wife," she said. "And, you won't be any laughing stock. No one but you, me, and Bill will ever know. Oscar, it's decided. Now, Bill will be here at seven. This one time, if you wish, you may go out and do your own thing while I am letting him do me. I'll text you when he's gone, so you'll know when to return.
"Or Oscar, If you're man enough, my husband, you can stay and watch it happen to you, your cuckolding I mean. Still, like I say, this time it'll be your choice," she said. "But, Oscar, if you do decide to watch, I need to know by, say, 4:00PM in order to prepare you for your duties. Okay?" I nodded. I began to get emotional in frustration. I was close to actually crying. I guess I was almost as big a wimp as she for sure thought me.
"Now, stop that, right now," she said, noticing my emotional state. It will be my job to make sure you enjoy this as much as Bill and me. Okay?" Her last words were delivered in a kindly tone; but they did little to calm me.
What was happening to me? Why couldn't I just say no and tell her to get real? Being honest with myself, and I hadn't been up to this point, her ideas were a turn on. That said, they, her ideas, were also terrifying. With my undersized dick, not to mention the rest of my body; and, my insecurities when it came to relating to women in general; I was sure that I was on the verge of losing both the respect of my wife and my self-respect, Penelope's reassurances notwithstanding.
By 4:00PM she'd said; I had to decide by 4:00PM. I looked up at the wall clock. It read noon. That gave me four hours before I had to make a choice. I watched through the kitchen's bay window as she left for her appointment at the salon. I knew she was having lunch with somebody; I wondered if it were Bill.
Her gone to her luncheon and salon appointment, I busied myself doing things on the computer. I'd suddenly and finally grown some balls. Her attitude was both killing my heart and making me angry, angry at the both of them. I just didn't have the guts to call her on it. So, what was I going to do about it. I was going to protect myself in case this was nothing more than a prelude to getting rid of me. I might be a pussywhipped wimp, but I was by no means a complete idiot. True I was on the verge of crying my eyes out, but what I didn't want to see happen was the two of them laughing at me as she dumped me.
Her notion of how to spice up a marriage notwithstanding, Again, I intended to not be a complete fool and just let the destruction of my marriage, if it did indeed came to that, destroy me along with it. My becoming a cuckold might be inevitable, but my economic ruination was not. I had to do something just in case. I headed for my little in-house office; the computer would be my friend. It would be the tool I would sue to set up my economic defenses in case the worst case scenario happened to me.
I heard the garage door opener operating; she was home. The door to the kitchen slammed.
"Oscar, can you help me please," she called out.
I came into the kitchen and saw her carrying a load of groceries; the salon had done their job: she was gorgeous, just not for me. I went to her and relieved her of her burden. "Any more in the car?" I said. "Oh, and you look beautiful. Your lover is going to be very pleased. I just wish it was for me." I said this last kind of quietly, but she heard me anyway.
"Oscar! Stop it now. It is for you. You could, should, and I hope will be the guest of honor tonight, not Bill. You're the one who will become a cuckold, my personal cucky; and that's a good thing! And I intend to make sure you are a very pampered cuckold. Okay?" she said.
"And yes, there are more groceries in the car, if you will," she said. "I need to go freshen up. We'll talk in a few minutes." She gave me a frustrated look and headed for the bathroom; I headed for the car.
I was just about finished putting the groceries away when she came back into the kitchen. She sat down and waited for me to do or say something. It was my play.
"I'm gonna be there," I said. "I'm gonna watch, and hopefully just watch. Okay?" I said. She looked down. She seemed to have lost a bit of the confidence that she had displayed earlier in the day.
"Oscar, if you're going to be here. No, it's not all right for you to just watch. At lunch, well, Bill made the decision that if you are going to be a cuckold; you're really going to be one. You will need to serve us, and service us. Please understand, it's part of it, part of you learning your place, your new place in the scheme of things." Well, now I knew who she'd had lunch with.
"Oscar, it is your fantasy after all. You don't have to be here. But, if you are..." she said. I nodded. I sighed.
"Okay, I guess. I can always run away if I can't handle it. Right?" I said, trying to lighten the moment a little. She just smiled benevolently. "What do I have to do?"
"Follow me," she said. He headed for the guest room down the first floor hall. There were clothes hanging on the closet door hook.
"Put these on," she said.
It was a suit—no—a tuxedo: bow tie and tails, the whole ball of wax. "What? A tux! I can't wear a tux, honey. Please, not a damn tux, okay?" I said.
"Bill requires it, baby. Don't worry, you're going to get a really good reward if you can just hang in there. Okay?" I was not happy. I wasn't afraid anymore, and I had been. I was humiliated.
I answered the door, and he looked me up and down. He didn't laugh. But, he did approve. That to me was worse than outright laughter. I was to be his servant for the evening, and he approved of me. I was his servant for the evening as Pen informed me, and I was to remain silent unless spoken to. I was soon to discover that good 'ole Bill had plans for me.
The party began in the living room where the two of them had drinks, served by me, and made out like a couple of teenagers on the couch. It was hot; I had to give them that. I stood near the couch in my tuxedo and bow tie, maybe five or six feet away; I had a small serving towel hung over my forearm. I had been told by Penelope to just relax and enjoy the show for a while.
Bill stopped feeling her up for a moment and reached under her dress and began slowly pulling her panties down; she raised up a little so he could slide them off of her. They resumed their kissing and feeling each over up, but now his hand was under her dress and he was obviously finger fucking her; she yelped a couple of times when he got a little too macho with her.
They stood up. Pen turned and looked at me, and then came to me. "You okay, Oscar? I want you to be okay," she said.
"I'm okay, honey, it's just, a little new to me. I'll be okay," I said. She nodded, smiled at me, and gave me a peck on the cheek. The look on Bill's face when she kissed me, even though only a peck, was not friendly. I felt kind of good about that.
They began stripping each other's clothes off, slowly. Finally naked, they stood, in front of me embracing. Their hands roamed everywhere within reach. I could see his finger penetrate her anus; she just smiled at him; Pulling his finger out of her, he sucked it—his finger.
"Ah sweet," he said, and laughed. "Her poop is like candy to me. You ever get any of that?" he said, looking straight at me. He left her standing naked where she was and came to me. He pushed his finger into my mouth. I almost gagged. It was a direct insult. Now, it was Penelope's turn to be not happy; he saw it in her eyes, relented, and moved back to her to avoid any unpleasantness from her disapproval of the way he had treated me. He led her to the couch and coaxed her into a kneeling position with her butt stuck out towards him.
He knelt behind her and began licking and sucking every part of her. I envied him to a degree I had never envied anyone or anything. He whispered something to her, and she spread her knees wide with her butt even more exposed to him than it had been. All of her charms were visible to the both of us.
She was clearly soaking wet. He aimed the head of his eight-inch cock against her slit and pushed. He pulled out a little and pushed in again, a little farther this time. Finally he drove himself into her. He began screwing her slowly then faster then furiously. Her moans told of the pleasure she was experiencing with his larger than mine cock. Ironically, I was as hard myself as I had ever been. That said, I was more than nervous about the entire scene.
After some minutes, she shuddered and came and came and came. He collapsed across her back breathing hard. He rolled to his left and sat spread-legged on the couch. She slowly rose from her kneeling position and fell to her knees in front of him.
She reached forward and took hold of his cock. Leaning in she began sucking it to life; I could see him alternately jerking and shuddering as she tortured his penis. I was still fully dressed and needing relief myself and that in the most desperate of ways. God how I envied him. She stopped sucking, as he seemed ready to cum, and lay down flat on the floor, legs spread wide for him. He started to mount her and stopped.
He looked at me for a moment. "You're a cuckold now, Oscar boy, take your pants off," he said. I looked at him. His words, his tone more than anything he'd done so far, stung me and awakened a resentment in me, a resentment that had been building in me all day.
"No," I said. "I don't want to. I don't even want to be here anymore. I don't want to take my pants off."
"Just do it cucky," he said. "You have no choice." I could see Penelope suddenly take an interest in the proceedings.
"Leave him alone, Bill, this is all new to him. He doesn't have to take his pants off if he doesn't want to," she said.
"Yes he does. You and I have talked about this. Once he was cuckolded he was to lose all of his husbandly rights," said Bill.
"And I said leave him alone, and I meant it," she said. "If you want to do me, then do me. Otherwise you can go home." He didn't look happy, but he refocused and mounted her. Twenty minutes later he was dressing and didn't waste any time in doing it. He was obviously not in a real good mood, a fact that bothered me not at all.
The door had hardly closed behind him before she came to me. "Come on big boy; it's time for your reward,"
Even with him gone, I felt a little down about all that went on. I felt that way mainly on account of Bill's attitude and the things he'd said about me losing my husbandly rights. But, evidently he had misunderstood my wife's willingness to deny me: I was about to be rewarded and that sexually.
I was so horny I would have done anything for her just to get a kiss, let alone a "reward." I needed relief. I put Bill on the back burner. My wife and I would be talking about him and his attitude a little later, maybe much later.
I followed her naked form up the stairs to our room. I was grateful for the small favor that at least Bill had not been allowed in there. The living room was one thing our bedroom and our bed were, if not exactly sacred, at least pretty important to me.
I was already shucking my clothes as we entered the room. "God I'm horny," I said. "I can't wait to get inside of you, sloppy seconds or not." She was standing by the bed about to lie down when she stopped.
"Oscar?" she said.
"Yes, yes, I know. You're rewarding me," I said, smiling big time.
"Well, yes, you are getting a reward, my husband. But..."
"But?" I said.
"But, Oscar, you're a cuckold now. I'm afraid you are not allowed to screw me. That isn't what you thought was it? I mean I thought you knew what a cuckold's place was, a cuckold's duty was," she said.
"Huh? What? I can't have you?" I said. I was already down to my underwear and now I stood transfixed by her words. She'd said them almost sadly.
"Oscar, your reward is to eat me. You know clean me up good and proper. I mean with your mouth. You know like in some of your fantasies and those stories you showed me. A cuck can't have real sex," she said. "It's the way things need to be." I couldn't talk; I couldn't move. My cock, hard as a rock a moment before, shrank like a pair of unsanforized jeans in the laundromat's hot cycle. She noticed.
"Oh my, you did think we were going to screw didn't you. Oscar, you're going to love how I treat you, really. Come on my good man, do your duty," she said, smiling broadly, like she was doing me a favor. She laid down and spread herself wide for me to do her with my mouth.
"I can't," I said. "I have to go. I have to go out. I mean, oh, I don't know what I mean." She stared at me. I think she was disbelieving. I picked up my clothes from the floor and began to dress. I was tying my shoes by the time she got off the bed and came to me.
"Honey, what are you doing? You knew what your duties would be. We've talked about them. I don't want to ruin your evening, Oscar, I want to make it good for you. Please let me. Okay?" I finished tying my shoes and stood up."
"Oscar come on, please. I just need you to, you know, be part of the goings on. I need you to be my good little man, my cuckold. Like we talked about," she said. I looked her in the eye.
"No sex for me?" I said. "None?"
"Oscar, just no intercourse. It's a cuckold's lot. I know you know that," she said.
"Now, come on over here and do your duty. I am filled with his cum, and you need to get it out of me. Come on, now. I mean it," she said. She'd moved back to the bed and laid down on it: legs spread wide and waiting. I looked at her.
"No," I said. "I'm leaving." I grabbed my jacket and my keys and wallet and left. I didn't even look back. I had a lot to think about.
"Oscar! No! Wait!" she called after my retreating figure.
I was sick to my stomach. I needed my woman, but not like this. No sex for me. No sex ever? I wasn't going for it. I couldn't go for it. I needed it. Cuckold or not, I needed to be able to fuck my wife whenever I wanted to, and that was the long and the short of it. But, what if only half a loaf was all I could ever get? Should I throw even that away? It wasn't like women were lining up to get me in their beds.
I drove around for some time. I was sitting at a traffic light when I looked to my left and saw a Travelodge. I needed to sleep and decided that this would be the place.
The sun was my alarm clock. The shower worked pretty good, and the water was scalding hot, just what I needed. I hadn't packed any clothes. At work I had what everybody called our fatigues. I'd be getting those the day after tomorrow, Monday, when I went to work; but I needed some stuff now if I were going to be staying out, out from my house, regardless of how long that might end up being.
I headed for K-Mart. Cheap would work, at least in the short run. I parked and went inside looking for the men's section. Odd, but as many times as I'd been in the place, and that to buy clothes, I didn't know where the men's wear was; Pen had always taken me by the arm and led me to where she would essentially dress me for the next many months. I guess I had never paid attention, knowing as I did that I would have no say in whatever she picked out for me in any event.
I asked two floor people where to find what I needed, and soon found myself hunting for my needs through the various racks. A woman behind me, said, "Try these on," and handed me a pair of shorts. I turned to thank her and stopped cold in my tracks.
"Penelope!" I said.
"I was driving around looking for you and I saw you come in here." she said.
"I ain't going back, Pen. I can't deal with the rules you and that asshole have set up for me. But, I'll take the shorts if you think they'd look okay on me," I said.
"They will look fine on you, and you are coming back with me, Oscar. You need me, and I need you. We'll talk about what you want and need in terms of the other thing when we get home. Okay?" she said. Her last words were uttered in an almost a pleading tone. I looked at her for a long moment; I was not smiling.
"I'm not going back if there is no screwing you, and I mean by me. I mean it," I said. "And, no limits. You okay with all of that?" Her turn to stare at me. She nodded in the affirmative.
"Yes, I guess I didn't realize just how hard a requirement like that would be on you. I should have, but I didn't. I do now. No limits on intercourse for you. Okay? Are we good?" she said.
I nodded. "Okay," I said.
We did a little more shopping for me while we were in the store and she bought some women's stuff too. An hour later we were at home. We put the new duds away and headed for the kitchen. Always the kitchen it seemed.
We sat across from each other. "You know the whole cuckolding thing was your idea originally," she said.
"Maybe, but not the way you and good old Bill wanted to go about it," I said.
"Oh come on, Oscar. Everything we did, and planned to do, is in one or another of your web stories, and you know it," she said.
"Yes, and as I mentioned on more than one occasion even then: there were some things that just weren't appealing to me, and you either if it came to that," I said.
"Granted, but the things we did do were all things you thought were hot. Well, okay, maybe not the one thing. I was reaching a little with that one.
"I guess, my husband, that I have to ask the inevitable question,"
"Yes?" I said.
"Do you even want to continue with the scene?" she said. I looked askance at her. The question was a fair one. That she was even asking me was a surprise to say the least.
"Under the right conditions, I guess it would be okay," I said.
"Oscar, we need to set the limits here, that, so I know what your limits are. I don't want to risk our marriage again, not for anything, and certainly not for any short term sexual thrill," she said.
"I guess, determining what my limits are will be something to discover over time. That said, I wanna be able to say that I object and have that stop anything that, in my opinion, is especially egregious," I said. She nodded.
"Okay, I think that maybe that would be a good idea," she said. "I mean, the 'I object' part," she said.
"When is the next scene?'" I said. She looked away.
"Anytime. Tonight, if you're up to it. Or, whenever," she said.
"Not tonight. I need to come down from my mental state before I can trust myself with him around. Today is Saturday. How about next Saturday. Would that be all right?" I said. She thought for a minute, and apparently coming to a decision, she nodded yes. I finally allowed myself a smile.
All week at work I wasn't worth a damn. I kept wondering if things would really and truly work out for us. I should have said no to the whole scene. But, truth known, I thought it was a hot scene if things were to be ordered well. And, we'd had sex three times during the week, so I was not overly concerned about the upcoming scene with Bill.
The day of truth finally arrived, and both my wife and myself were nervous as hell!
I was putting some more beer and soft drinks in my small service porch frig when she came downstairs. I looked back when I heard her footsteps and what I saw was a vision. Black midi; four inch spikes; beautifully done nails—hands and feet; makeup that Cleopatra would have envied; and her hair, cascading curls that blew me away. Oh, and the smell of her.
"You like?" she said. I couldn't speak. All I could do was nod, slowly nod.
"Oscar, can we talk for a few minutes?" she said.
"Sure, I guess so," I said. We adjourned to the couch.
"I'm a little frightened," she said.
"Frightened? Why frightened?" I said. "I'm the one who should be frightened. Bill? You? What do either of you have to be frightened about?"
"Frightened about how you might react. I mean the last time..."
"I only walked out because I thought that I was going to be denied intercourse, my husbandly rights as he said. Not because of the night in general," I said.
"No, not that, Oscar. That won't be a problem. It was when Bill wanted to pants you, and you balked. I was afraid then that there was going to be problems. That's why I jumped in and told him he shouldn't push you. I knew you were kind of fragile, all this being new to us. I just don't want to ruin everything because of some silly misunderstanding. This lifestyle, if that's what it is, can be great or us, but it can also be a serious problem," she said.
"I've thought some about that, Pen. I will do better this time. I promise. So long as you keep your promise to me, I will do my best to not rock the boat. Okay?" I said. She smiled.
"Good. I was hoping you'd say something like that. I think it's time for you to get ready if that's all right with you. He'll be here in an hour. Okay?" she said.
I found myself again in my tuxedo. I made a promise to myself not to be recalcitrant when her lover asked me to do something. And, I hoped I could keep my promise.
She looked at me. We'd both heard the knock. I glanced at her and went to the door.
"Good evening, Bill," I said. I slipped to my knees in front of him. I had not told Penelope of my intention to kneel in front of her lover. I hoped it would please her, and, reassure her. It did.
Bill smiled. He handed me his coat while I was still on my knees, and looked over at Penelope and whistled. He went to her and kissed her passionately.
"You look fabulous," he said. Well, she did. She took his hand and led him toward the hall to the downstairs guest bedroom, no playing in the living room this night. Just as they turned, she looked back at me and mouthed me a message.
"You will be very well rewarded." And then they were walking and kissing and feeling each other up as the moved down the hall. I rose and followed them.
I entered the room but a moment behind them; they were already by the bed and engaged in a very sensual embrace. She heard me and broke from her embrace and came to me.
"Oscar, stand over there, so you can see better. Okay?" she said. I nodded.
"Okay," I said. She took hold of my arm, and stopped me, as I turned to do her bidding.
"Oscar, drop your pants down around your ankles," she nodded toward the spot she wanted me to stand, "but don't kick them completely off. Bill wants to see your penis hanging down or maybe getting hard. Okay?"
I hesitated, but I obeyed her. "Okay," I said. "I went to stand where she'd indicated. I undid my belt and pushed my pants down to my ankles. I followed that by pushing my underpants down as well. I was semi-hard already. I faced them red-faced, as Bill laughed, and Penelope gave me what I could only describe as an indulgent smile. For some reason their looks turned me on and my half sized cock responded. The two of them noticed.
"Is that as big as he gets!" said Bill clearly and actually surprised. She frowned at him.
"Leave my husband alone. Yes, it's as big as it gets. Now leave him alone," she repeated. He scowled, but did as she said.
"Oscar," she said, looking over at me, "don't play with yourself. I want you horny for later. Okay?" I smiled broadly and nodded my obedience. I was feeling pretty good for the totally humiliated cuckold that I was. I did notice that Bill did not share my good feelings. He gave Penelope a hard look, but for the moment he didn't say anything.
Soon the two lovers were naked, but still standing next to the bed. I knew that situation wasn't going to last. I wondered why they were hesitating. I soon got my answer.
Bill whispered in her ear. She pushed back from him a little and had a concerned look on her face. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he wanted to do something to me, and she was worried about it. She looked furtively at me. I shrugged. She came to me.
"He's asking if I can have you do something for him,,, " she started. I interrupted her.
"So long as you are going to keep your promise to me, I will do whatever I can to make this good for you, and, for him too, I guess. And, maybe me?" I said. She gave me a wan smile, but said nothing else.
She took my hand and led me over to him. "Get on your knees, Oscar," she said. I looked at her, smiled, and did what she said.
"Now, my little cucky, I need you t kiss your master's feet," she said. I looked at her and almost choked. I had said I would do anything; she was calling my bluff. Her smile was hopeful. I looked up at him, swallowed hard, leaned down, and kissed his feet one at a time. Straightening up, I started to come to my feet, but Bill restrained me, gently, lightly, but he clearly wanted me to remain on my knees.
"It's time for you to become a true cuckold, I mean a really true cuckold," he said. He waved his cock in front of my face. I paled, I could feel the blood drain from my face. Once again I looked over at my wife. She had a very serious look on her face, but she nodded for me to obey her lover.
I reached up and took hold of his oversized cock. I licked at it for a moment, and then let the tip slide into my mouth. I began to suck. It was my first blow job. It was humiliating, but thinking about what I was going to get later from Penelope minimized the worst of it. Well, as he had indicated I was a true cuck now as if there'd been any doubt before.
He took control of me by holding the back of my head with both hands while he fucked my mouth. I wasn't ready for it when it came; he flooded my mouth with his seed; I choked and coughed, but I swallowed most of it. He, for his part, fell backward onto the bed half out of breath.
Wiping my mouth, I looked over at my wife. This time I had what must've been an angry look on my face. She gave me a look that seemed to say, be patient you'll get used to it. I doubted that; I really doubted that. She'd seated herself on the side of the bed as she'd watched him fuck my face; now she came to me.
She knelt down beside me. She had evidently decided to take over where I had left off. Bill lay spread-eagled with his legs dangling over the side of the bed. She moved between them and sucked his cock like there was no tomorrow. The object was clearly to get him up again in order to fuck her; she succeeded totally, and soon he had her spread-legged on the bed and was plowing her fields with great enthusiasm.
Her moans and gasps were almost non-stop for the next twenty minutes; finally, she screamed as a seismic event engulfed her. I could actually hear her squirting her juices out as he deposited his load inside of her. For the life of me I was turned on—big time—angry at what I'd done, mostly at myself, but nevertheless turned on.
"Cucky, please be so good as to get miss Penelope and I a cup of hot tea," said Bill. Grateful for a chance to get out of the room for a few minutes, I nodded and headed to the kitchen. It took but a few of minutes to brew up the tea and carry it back down the hall to the guest room. As I neared the doorway, I heard them talking and I heard my name. There was a little phone table a few feet down the hall from the room, I set the tea service on it and crept closer to the door to hear what I could hear.
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In the 18 years we had been married, especially of late, my husband and I discussed that if the right woman came along, I would let him fuck her, but only if I could watch. For unknown reasons, the thought of my husband fucking another woman while I watched turned me on. I didn't necessarily want to be involved, I just wanted to watch. Haven was our 19 yr old babysitter. She was in her freshman year at the local college, and had been coming over a couple of times a week at different times to...
VoyeurTom Smith waved goodbye to the receptionist as he walked out of the office. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He was actually leaving his office at 5 p.m. The last time he had left his office before 7 p.m. was when he’d had another moment of temporary insanity and left early to go see a movie. When he announced his departure, Sara looked at him like he’d lost his marbles. Her mouth fell open and she’d blurted out, ‘What the fuck?’ before turning bright red with embarrassment. He laughed...
Nathan and I were a little nervous yet excited as we walked up the path leading up the hillside. We were following the other voices to participate in the Games, and when we entered the only area of the fortified town which was normally off limits to everyone, I got more excited at the prospect of finding out what was up there. The entire town sat at the base of a lone mountain, and apparently the fortified wall had been constructed using the mountain's rock. That left a huge cliff on each...
Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to ISS for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is Akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you can contact me. My mailing id is Boys stay away from...
me being da dj n at my party was djing most the night sow these sexy lokkin chicks evrywere but this 1 she looked at my eyes gave me da fck me look looking up n down at me sorta thing like anyways im drimnking smoking having a gd time then this gawjus looking gal comes upto me and ses if u do a shot of tiquila i will get off with u so i sed y not then thois gawjus gal starts sexy kissin me on the couch wee cant stop kissing she grabs my hand takes me to my room so we doing the sexykissin n...
Sven the younger sighed audibly as the old boat slowly came about on the sun-dappled water. Concentration etched his face, he sailed as close to the wind as the boat’s ancient rig would allow. The old lug sail was no longer the most efficient of rigs, now, in the light summer breeze that wafted between the islands, its age and weight allowed for little more than sailing too and fro. What was gained on one tack was lost on the opposite. As the remainder of the fleet of dinghies, with their more...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, The Kivoneth Princedom, The Strifelands of Zeutch I squirmed in the saddle of my horse. Every moment, I wanted to turn around and ride back to the castle. My pussy ached and my writhing just increased my need. I rubbed my pussy lips and clit into the hard, leather saddle. Only my father could satiate the hot hole between my thighs. Only his cock fucking into me would make me cum and cum and... I clenched my...
‘Come on. Just go on one date. What could it hurt?’ Stevie questioned for the twentieth time that night. It could hurt a lot. I’d learned my lesson earlier that year, which had prompted my decision to take a dating sabbatical. I’d always been the girl that never settled down, never had a boyfriend. And I was pretty proud of that too. But as they say: never say never. I fell for a guy and fell hard. No one quite got it. Whenever Lex got the chance, she would remind me that it was only three...
Pehle part 1 aur part 2 ko padhe. Usse aapko sequence or samajhne mein asani hogi. Nahi to kuch samajh nahi ayega. Aur aap batak jayenge. 11 baje roj subah maa mujhe jagati hai par aaj nahi jagaya. Main pareshan ho gaya. Niche gaya to unse baat karneka himmat nahi ho raha tha. Fir bhi maine pucha unse. Main: Breakfast kar liya aapne? Maa pura silent thi. Maine firse pucha, “Apne breakfast kar liya?” Maa: Table pe rakkha hai. Khalo. Woh kitchen ke counter pe khade hokar kaam kar rahi thi....
This is a true account. To those who have been waiting, I'm sorry it took so long for me to share this. Things have progressed a lot in the three or so months since this first happened, but I’ll share all of that another time!About a year ago, a single event changed my family forever. My Dad declared to my mother that he had met another woman that he was leaving. It tore our family apart and under the circumstances, my sister and I had to stand by our mother. Ultimately, my dad was out of...
I hadn't intended to take another shower so soon, but the girls can be quite convincing. Honestly, it was easier to clean myself after the defiling Yvonne craved, but once I was clean, Chloe got her wish and by the time I filled her with more of my white cream, the water was going cold. The snow outside had let up some but had already accumulated several inches. I knew if everyone who was out didn't return soon, they might be stuck away from the house. The road we lived on was sometimes...
T'was the night of Hallow's Eve in this small town. Neighborhoods readied for trick or treating children as well as parties for the adults. After all tonight was not just a night for sweets and pranks. This was the Devil's night, laced with desire and sin. All were encouraged to follow their impulses and to satisfy their urges no matter what they be. The moon arose high into the night sky, glowing yellow and shining upon the town you called home. Your home was situated at the end of your...
FantasyIt took another thirty minutes before Jingo's knot shrunk enough for him to slip out of her stretched pussy with a squishy loud popping sound. When that happened Mac's ass fell the few inches to the floor with a thump. "Oh shit" Mac exclaimed. When she looked down at her groin she could see a steady flow of doggy cum pouring out of her cunt, puddling to the floor under her. "Damn Jingo," she complained. "Now I'll have to wash the floor." But before she could even move, Jingo...
I had been sent to stay with my Aunty whilst my parents were away abroad on business for a couple of weeks. I say Auntie, but in reality, she was in no way related to us, just mums best friend really. I remember once when she had stopped over at our house once after a late night out with my parents, that in the morning when passing the bathroom, I had glimpsed her naked body through the door which was slightly ajar. She had a very hairy bush, and great big pendulous tits, that memory has been...
She is a Dark Mistress, people said, although I have no idea what they mean by that. She has a queue of would-be slaves, they said. She treats them like shit, they said. The best around, they said. A sadistic whore, they said. I munch on some peanuts and say nothing. My initial embarrassment overcome, I am left only with my own shyness. I try to look out through the blacked out windows but see only my own reflection - a hollow, haunted face, drawn out, looking older than my forty-three years,...
BDSMNow that John had Sue all tied up, he started to hesitate. ‘Don’t you dare stop,’ Sue yelled. ‘You got me all excited. Don’t you think for a minute your going to leave me unsatisfied…’ John gulped … then replied, ‘Honey, you know I feel uncomfortable doing this. … If you hadn’t won the bet, I wouldn’t have tied you up in the first place.’ John nervously stepped back to look at what he had done. Sue was securely tied with her shapely ass sticking up in the air. As John was admiring the view,...
Introduction: I apologize for taking so long to post this, I barely finished it last night. Ive been busy with a paper that I have due in a few days but its now done. So my next paper isnt due for another three weeks so my parts will come a lot faster, thanks you for waiting patiently, enjoy(: Bailey felt like a whole new person, she really did. She had new clothes, a few pairs of new shoes and she just got a hair cut. She now had bangs and a short bob, her hair barely passing her jaw line. She...
Part 3 I couldn't sleep again. I just had great sex with my wife, but now I couldn't help but wonder if she was horny for Mark and not me. Now she tells me she is going back tomorrow. She already told me she is not supposed to tan two days in a row. Why was she really going back? I got up early the next morning to go to the gym. Boy did I need to let some steam off. I couldn't help but watch the married women that were more socializing than they were working out. Were they cheating? Were they...
VoyeurPretending Ch. 08 © 2009 All rights reserved Emily proved prophetic. Despite Simon’s grandiose claims, John had wiped out both him and Edward in a few short hands. He was more than happy to see Emily and Connie return. Lydia came in a few moments later, and headed into the kitchen to make coffee and tea to go with their pumpkin pie. Overstuffed from dinner, there had been unanimous agreement to save the pie until it could be properly enjoyed. John pulled Emily to the sofa and refused to let...
It is the summer of '76 in Britain. Longest heatwave on record; there's a Minister for Drought in the government who suggests we shower with a friend to save water! I am twenty-one years old and a male student nurse at a famous University Teaching Hospital in the North of England, about to take my final exams in September to qualify as a State Registered Nurse. And I'm straight; a novelty in those days. I'm fit as a fiddle, play winger on the hospital rugby team. Rugby playing, straight, male...
ThreesomesNot really expecting an answer, i felt my chest become light as air an full of butterflies as you got up an pulled me off into the kitchen, bending forward against the wall, your fingers spreading out as if it were made of velvet. your round gorgeous ass pressing firmly into the rigidness of my hips, and you turn your head, shyly but so cute, to look at me with your deep warm brown eyes, with a lustful light hinting in them, caught in the slight pout of your lips. ...
Anne sat on the blue-painted kitchen stool that Bess had somehow salvaged from Annapolis, an old linen sheet wrapped around her, hands clasped in her lap, positive she had made the right decision, and Bess stood before her with her heavy shears in her hand and a scowl on her face. "You sure 'bout this, girl?" she asked sternly. "Don' seem right." The gray cat licked itself on the windowsill, watching surreptitiously but looking disinterested. Anne nodded. "Cut it off. Take at least...
It wasn’t until they managed to unpack the truck – because no one but Phil had clean clothes – and sat down for a light supper that Phil got to tell them what he’d been meaning to tell them for hours – but it wasn’t easy. “Uh, what I wanted to talk to you about earlier is the apartment in the city,” he said. He had planned the words out in his head but now he wasn’t sure of how he wanted to broach the subject. “We made sure everything was clean and neat,” Tiffany said. “I went through and...
Intro: yes this is a true story. The names have been changed. Please feel free to write a comment, and let me know if I should keep posting more. no! I cry out. ugg I just cant get it right. I crumple the paper that was my failed attempt at my art project. sigh… I look at my phone, its so late and I have to work tomorrow. I roll my eyes as I internally scold myself for asking for an extra shift. I stand up and stretch my arms and tired legs. then I hear a light tap on my window. what the? I...
Welcome! Some house cleaning before we start. All characters in this story are 18 years or older. This is Chapter 1 of My Mom and the Goblin King. This starts off as kind of a slow burn because I wanted a nice set up and didn’t want to rush this. Don’t worry, there is plenty of sexy reading. Future chapters will have more because the base is already there. As a fair warning before reading the following themes will be present in this series: Cuck-son Monster sex Pregnancy Cum...
Hi this is Shyam here I’m a regular reader of ISS, I’m reading since my schooling life about 15 years and I’m a big fan of this site. I’m a man 28 years of height 5ft10 inches fair and handsome with a dick size of 7 Inches. Since my childhood, I’m always attracted towards girls and aunties and have a fantasy to fuck them. Coming to the story this story is about me and my sister (uncle’s daughter) we have a joint family. Her name is tamu, since our childhood I have very good bonding with her...
When I look back, I see how little events that seem totally unrelated shaped the destiny of my life. I believe we are but a mosaic of pieces placed there by others or by random events. The course of a life can pivot on a conversation, a chance meeting, or even an accident.Ann and I met by chance at a grocery store just after I had been discharged from the army. She just graduated from high school and was the loveliest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Now we've been together for over twenty years...
Wife LoversThis is a real story happend in my life one year before. I am 42 years old sexy lady with lot of boobs and thick ass, my speciality is my Big navel, which is attractive and normally i wear saree low waste to visible others. When i go to market and shops all eyes will watch my belly to see the attrctive navel, normally i will love others seeing my navel. My husbend is working in dubai as civil engineer and he wil visit every year. I got one daughter aged 25 who is married to a 32 years old...
When I was twenty-four, I was a well-paid mechanic at a gas station. It was summer, and a great summer it was. Back then, we used to pump the gas, and needless to say, hot chicks wearing mini-skirts always drove away with squeaky-clean windows. Life was fantastic! This summer, a gorgeous young redhead often walked past the station. I couldn’t tell how old she was, but she was gorgeous. Her lips were rosy, and out of this world. She had freckles, she had dimples; she was a living doll. Crazy as...
Love StoriesJulia walked into the McDonalds where she worked, wearing a white shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes. She was late, and her boss, the manager, was not happy. "You need to show up on time, AND IN UNIFORM!" he scolded her. Then he stormed out in a huff. Julia stuck her tongue out at the door he had left through. "One of these days, I'll get you back." Julia turned to her locker and opened it. Inside was her blue polo shirt with the McChickenPopsBell logo on it, and her matching blue visor. Then...
Monday, I mentioned to Joe that I was feeling the need to be with another woman. He wished me luck and told me he wanted a video or all the sordid details. Now we do not do videos, so he wanted a full report, so here it is.I decided to wait for the weekend to book a room in the HRH&C and troll the bars. So I was very casually dressed in shorts and a tank top, braless and tennis shoes when I went for my after dinner neighborhood walk. We live in a tight little community and many of us know...
I had my nose pressed into the soft pubic hair of my sweet girlfriend Paula.This was the first time testing a girl’s cunt and I savored the fact that hers was the first. The blissful sounds she made filled my ears as the musty sweet flavor of her juices flowed onto my hungry tongue and red lips. I wanted to take it slow, make the moment last. So, I licked slowly, the flat of my tongue traveling up and down her spread pussy lips, tickling her opening while my upper lip rubbed back and over her...
Chloe Temple has a new job as a cleaning lady, and so far it has been going okay. But our stud is not easy to please. He puts Chloe to work, and then comes home a few hours later to inspect every nook and cranny she was supposed to clean. He watches her scrub the floor on her hands and knees before chastising her about leaving the kitchen counter filthy. Chloe is mortified, so she offers to make up for her mistakes in any way she can. Our stud gets a bright idea, and unleashes his big black...
xmoviesforyouDon't try this in real life! You are not a member of this fictional family! Thanks for the comments; sorry about the typos. LucOuarm. "How was dad?" Mark asked as his mom walked in the door. "Oh, as well as can be expected, I suppose, but a lot happier now that I paid him a little visit, Vicky replied. "I was able to give your poor father a nice, sexy handjob even though the nosy floor nurse kept coming into the room. I thing that she knew I was up to something and wanted to catch me. We have a...
IncestUss din Junaid jab gaya, mujhe kuchh samajh nahi aa raha tha ki kya karu. Maine socha ki main chup chap nikal ke dost ke ghar jaati hu aur seedhe raat ko aati hu parents aane ke baad. Jab main ghar par hi nahi rahungi toh woh kar hi kya lega? Ya main mere cousin se keh dungi, jo gunda hai, ki Junaid mujhe blackmail kar raha hai. Mera cousin sab dekh lega. Main yeh soch kar sab saaman samet kar nikal gayi. Around 7 bake mujhe mere bhai ka phone aaya. Maine uthaya toh usne puchha,”Didi kaha ho?”...
This story is a total work of fiction. I usually don't write fictional stories but i think this story will be erotic, and a good read none the less. Please feel free to vote and comment either way will make my future stories better. The weekend i spent at the Hilton with Dave was wonderful. Having Dave's hard thick cock in my boi pussy truly made me feel like the girl i always wanted to be. Every time Dave made love to me made me feel that much more feminine. Check out time was approaching...
Hello, I am Dev from Mumbai, 25 years old. I have been an avid reader for a long time now. So I am thinking of sharing my stories with this community. Some parts of the stories are based on real-life events and some fiction. I leave it to you to decide which parts are real and which are fictional. Please read the first part before continuing. All through my lectures, I was distracted. There was only one thought on my mind. My conscience was all but lost. Desire to be with Ma was growing strong...
IncestHi ISS readers, how are you? This is my first story here. I wasn’t even ready to share this story. I have never shared this aspect of my life with anyone before, but given the anonymity that ISS affords, I finally decided to tell you my story. I don’t think many of you will like it. From what I understood after reading ISS, most people prefer common everyday sex, sometimes violent, rather than something out of the ordinary. But then who am I to be the judge. I live in Kochi, Kerala. This...
I wish I could lick that pussy and ass a little longer This is a story about my friend’s wife… I and Raju (name changed off course) were childhood friends. We grew up together and finished our engineering also from the same college. After I got a decent job I decided to marry my Love and after our marriage we were gifted with a boy Child. Raju was a little late to get married, but he married a Very orthodox Brahmin girl. (If any one interested to contact me mail me to: ). Because we were good...
Danny gave a small moan as he was awakened by a wet mouth sliding down his erection."Wow Sylvia," he gasped as she sucked noisily beneath the covers, her tongue swirling around the base of his shaft. "That's quite a way to wake me up."Danny moaned again as Sylvia swallowed his entire shaft, right to the base, making a slight gagging noise as her nose pressed against his pubic hair, her lips circling the very base of his dick.The eighteen year old had travelled across the country with Sylvia,...
Chapter 4 Jude and Eve After I broke up with Dottie, then Carrie, then Janice, I found a couple of great strippers Jude and Eve. I often went with the guys to a strip club to drown my sorrows and watch a great show. There were two gals that were strippers that worked at a club just a little bit down Main street. Jude was long and lanky, with beautiful mid-sized titties. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair. Eve was a slender and dark girl with dark hair. It looked like she grew up on...
How many days had passed since she arrived in this place? Blair wondered. She had tried keeping a count of them. She had picked an overhanging broadleaf from a nearby tree and had tried making fingernail indentations for each day. But, after seven, or was it ten, she had given up. The days had all been pretty much the same. She would be rudely poked awake in the morning. One of the number of apes would throw her some bananas, mangoes, or passion fruit. Often, there were nuts and seeds of...
When he came up into the stands to me after winning the big game. I planted a huge fiercely passionate kiss on Jordan's sexy lips. "You are so sexy out there! You make me so proud baby." I say. "You like watching Daddy play baby?" he asks "Mmmmm yes very much!" I say'. He looks at me the look in his eyes changing darker more carnal. "I'd like to play another game…Come with me!" he commands taking me by the hand forcefully and pulling me along with him. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see"...
Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual Black male fiction writer. Now a student in the Graduate program at the University of Massachusetts in the city of Boston. I want to get my Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Maybe someday I’ll be a Judge. I might become the only male judge in history who’s sympathetic to men’s rights and men’s issues. I wouldn’t last long on the Feminist-controlled bench but my reign would be something to see. The Recession is in full...
But she definitely didn’t want to actually be caught. So, when her phone jingled unapologetically from her bag, it was the worst possible thing that could’ve happened. She had always been a jumpy, skittish individual – which is why, she suspected, that she -had such a penchant for the adrenaline-imparting act of getting naughty in public like she was a moment ago – so, naturally, she butterfingered the ooey-gooey plastic schlong right out of her hand. She yelped in surprise at that, too, and...
Jean Hayes-- 40-year-old wife of business owner, Rodger. He's in his early 60s and has totally lost interest in sex for the past year and a half.Troy Martin-- 19-year-old son of Jason and Mica Troy. Jason is Rodger's business partner. Troy is a low to moderately functioning autistic. He has one younger brother, Carl, who's 18.********************************************************************************"It's only for an afternoon and overnight," Rodger said."That's one afternoon and night too...
I ran into a girl from grad. school last weekend. She and I used to swap sex stories and experiences and when we saw one another she told her boyfriend, "OMG, this is the girl I was telling you about" Apparently she had told her boyfriend what a slut I was and he instantly gave me the "I wanna sex you up" eyes. It was a turn on and the girl had always been super cute and sexually explorative so I wasn't surprised when they asked me to go home with them by the end of the night. I've really been...
as you steer at me, you see the bulge growing in my pants, your eyes widen with excitement, as the bulge grows with every glance, you decide that I should be punished for showing no control, and flaunting my cock Hard and stiff hidden from sight, beneath my pants, at once you demand, what good is it there if I can't see it, and what good is it that because your cock throbs and moves for my affection and touch, does not mean it gets it, no matter how big, no matter how hard, and for that, I'm...
It was on a night like this that I met her. Betsy. I had taken to walking the streets at night after my relationship with Cindy ended. Well it was better than staying home and watching old sit-coms on television. They were funny the first time around, maybe even the second time. But when you're watching Hawkeye Pierce deliver the same zinger at Frank Burns for the thirty-eighth time, well let's just say the joke's worn a bit thin. So I'd hit the streets, avoiding the sleazier part of...
I was continuing to explore my feminine side of me, under the wonderful direction of my wife, and her friend Susan, when one night next door at Susans house, we decided to play strip poker..... and Susan said ...no this is not fair. you have trousers shirt etc and Gilly and me are in Basque stockings the lot ....we have to dress the same to make this game fair and fun.So Gilly quick as a flash said ..... I know what you can wear darling ....my wedding outfit (I was slim in those days) and ran...
This is a story about me catching my 12 year old little sister Samantha in a dog sex orgy and my second animal encounter. One day when Sam was about 12 I had to pick her up from school as I turn the corner at the bottom of the school grounds I could see movement behind the sports shed, I thought I may have been kids try to break in or vandalise the shed so I slow down to get a better look, AND A BETTER LOOK IS WHAT I GOT A BIRD EYE VIEW YOU MIGHT SAY, here was my little sister Sam on all...
I answered the on-line ad and was surprised to have gotten a response. Carl replied back stating that they had received quite a few replies and that he was trying to weed out the fakes. My situation matched their criteria, which was within the right age, recently separated, and in good shape. The ad stated that Kim and Carl were both married, in their early 30's and looking to experiment with a MFM for the first time. After corresponding with Carl a few times, I learned that Kim was not exactly...
This is the 5th story in the Date Night series. I wrote this story for the enjoyment of adults only. Hope you like it. Please send any comments to [email protected] DATE NIGHT 5 Written by 4play In the two weeks that had elapsed since the Mistress Rachel's wild party, my wife Chris had not mentioned a word about the events which had transpired there. While she had obviously had a very exciting time, I had spent much of the party bound and hooded in what was called the Playroom,...
it was a quiet night, the wife joined me to watch some tv. when ever we get some alone time i find myself craving for her to dominate me. this urge gets stronger after every time she does it. anyway i told her about these femdom videos i saw and told we should check them out together. we watched them and some others then she left the room and surprised me when she came back wearing her strapon. i felt way to excited and sat up in my seat waiting for her instructions. she came up to me and...
Sarah Smith is going through some difficult phase for any woman. She's over her thirthies, and she feels her life empty. Sure, she has a stable job as a teacher, a loving family with her husband Richard, and his 3 children, Danny, Laurie and Emma, but she feels that life doesn't give any thrill anymore. She remember how her university were: sex with a lot of guys and girls, drinking beer whatever she wants, partying all day and all night, doing extreme stuff, like streaking. Now, the most...
MILFThis story is based upon an idea given to me by a reader. I hope you enjoy and as always please keep the comments and suggestions cumming.Billy is a small man. His light blond hair and pale blue eyes made him a threat to nobody. That is how he came upon Shavon, a black haired, green eyed fit and tone woman, with a tight ass and supple breast. She is his complete opposite, people do not mess with her. He loves her so much, he does everything she ask of him no matter how humilating it can...