My Mom And The Goblin King Ch. 01 free porn video

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Some house cleaning before we start. All characters in this story are 18 years or older.

This is Chapter 1 of My Mom and the Goblin King. This starts off as kind of a slow burn because I wanted a nice set up and didn’t want to rush this. Don’t worry, there is plenty of sexy reading. Future chapters will have more because the base is already there.

As a fair warning before reading the following themes will be present in this series:


Monster sex


Cum inflation

So if that’s not your cup of tea, fair warning.

I hope you all enjoy and feel free to PM me. I love hearing from people.

1. Character Creation

I had always been a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons. As a kid we had a little group going. I always remember this kid Kyle would always play cheap. He would make every session difficult. He had to argue every little detail. Still, those were good times though. We always seemed to be able to get so lost in the game that it felt like we were there. Drawing maps for DnD actually got me into design. So much so that I’m now studying architecture.

Today DnD sessions have kind of faded. With my class load and a part time job it’s hard to get sessions going. My first semester me and a group kind of had something going. But after two or three sessions the passion was lost.

I’ve been living with my parents while going to school. We have always been a very tight family. Mom and dad never really had any issues, at least from what I could see. My Father Liam started as an accountant at a company that made very specific parts for manufacturing. Eventually he was promoted to CFO. The company had grown and so did his salary. So we lived comfortably and I was never really left wanting.

My mother Alessia immigrated here from Italy. She had originally come here on a modeling contract. About halfway through the contract she met my father. They were staying at a nice hotel and met at the bar. Talking late into the night. They were married six months later.

My father always said my mom lit up the bar with her beauty that night and anyone who looked at her could see why. Her golden brown skin was perfectly kissed by the Italian sun. She kept her hair shoulder length and usually I’m a ponytail these days. Her breasts must be a D or DD cup, I’m not sure. They don’t seem to have a hint of sag. Not really needing to work her body is kept tight and her ass could turn a sinner into a Saint.

I was never really attracted to my mom for the longest time. She was just my mom and that was it. But as puberty hit and my friends started making comments. My lust started to grow. I would try to sneak peaks now and then. I even looked for her old modeling pictures but could only ever find one. It was one of her on a beach in a sundress. Not exactly the best spank material. I’ve seen the lingerie she wears and struggle to hide my erection while doing laundry. Lots of lacy thongs and bras.

That brings us to today and the start of the adventure

2. A Critical Failure

The sound of my alarm is always the worst nightmare of the night. Last night I had to finish up a paper and proofreading took forever. I think the final page count was twelve or thirteen. I’m sure it will be a solid B+. The smell of breakfast always wakes me right up though.

Jumping out of bed I throw on some basketball shorts and a shirt. Stumbling out into the hallway and downstairs. The smell of bacon and eggs pulling me to the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen I’m greeted by my beautiful mom already making a plate. Her yoga pants and shirt hug her body wonderfully. She smiles as I walk in.

“How did you sleep dear?” She says.

“Not bad! It was a bit colder than I thought last night. I had my fan on but woke up in the middle of the night to turn it off.”

I sit down to start eating breakfast. I can easily make this myself but mom always adds a little love and they taste better.

“Well you know your father likes it cold when he sleeps. I need to get one of those weighted blankets. They are super warm apparently.” She starts to clean some of the dishes. I try to steal a few glances as she does.

“A girl in one of my classes has one. She says she has never slept better. Apparently it’s super comforting”

Mom turns to look at me.

“Is this a girl you like? Maybe a new love interest?” She says with a devious look.

“You always ask that! No, she’s just a classmate.”

She does always ask that. In my twenty years on this earth I have never had a serious girlfriend. It’s not like I haven’t tried and I’ve had a few flings here and there. Plus an awkward handjob after a blind date. Other than that though, no luck. I think she worries about me.

“Your father has to go to a conference. I guess one of the other executives couldn’t make it. So he had to quickly pack this morning and head out.” There is a slight disappointment in her voice.

“It seems like this has been happening more and more lately.”

She nods in agreement. “Well with a lot of the executives getting close to retirement I guess they aren't motivated to travel.”

“They need to just let dad take over. He has always been there when they needed him and practically runs the place anyway.”

My dad really has been running things. The CEO is always golfing or having “client dinners” and the executive officer is always off on “side projects”. Dad has had to cover for a lot.

“That is a big workload to take on and I don’t think he wants to give all of his time to the company. He would barely see us.” She says.

“I know I know. Just kind of sucks to see him used like that.” Mom walks over to the kitchen table and sits down.

“On the bright side we can have a little bit of you and me time tonight! I was thinking we could make some popcorn and watch some movies. Maybe play a game of two!” She says with a smile.

“Yeah! I have a little bit of work for class I’ll probably have to do. But after that I’m free.” She looks overjoyed to hear that.

“Wonderful! I’ve been hoping we could have some time together.” She looks so happy.

She gets up and kisses me on the forehead.

“Just put your plate in the sink and I’ll get it later.” She kisses my forehead again and walks off. As she does I can’t help but watch her ass sway.

I finish up my breakfast and just to be nice wash my plate. I don’t normally shower before class so all I need to do is throw on a hoodie and grab my bag.

As I open the front door the fall air hits me hard. But not in the normal way cooler weather would. Something feels kind of off but I can’t quite put my finger on it. We don’t live far from campus so I start to walk.

On my way to campus I usually stop at the gas station and grab an energy drink. I go so often the clerk knows me by name.

“Yooooo Alex! What’s good?” He says. Happier than any gas station attendant I’ve ever seen.

“Not much man! Just doing my thing. I only have two classes today so it should be easy” I grab my energy drink and head towards the counter.

“I need to get back to college man. This cashier shit is not cutting it.” He says as he rings me up.

“Damn man I didn’t know you went. What did you study?”

“Just a general studies degree. I never knew what I wanted to be. $3.29 by the way.” I hand him the cash.

“Do you know now?”

“I think I want to get into accounting. I’ve always been good with numbers and there is a lot of money in that.” He says as he hands me my change.

“Hell yeah dude! That’s what my dad does and he makes good money. He’s a CFO now so he moved up. You should get back into it.”

“Absolutely! Maybe I’ll stop by the office after my shift. Might even see you there!” He says with a smile.

“Maybe! I’ve got to head out man but you have a good day” I start to leave.

“See ya!” He waves as I walk out the door.

Walking out of the door I get that strange feeling again. Like the air is thick and electric. It’s so distracting that I barely notice the man approaching me.

“Hey son, do you have a quarter to spare?” He says in a hushed and off sounding voice.

“Hmmmm?” The question just flies right past me. Actually looking at the man I’m kind of stunned. He seems to be wearing what almost looked like a monk's robe. He probably stood about 4 feet tall. Looking down the robes hood obscured his face.

“I said, do you have a quarter to spare?” He said a little louder.

“Oh yeah! I think I do.” I reached into my pocket and felt around for a quarter. As I did the air seemed to get thicker. I felt like my fingers were being guided to the quarter in my pocket. I grabbed it and handed it to the man. Who swiped it away quickly.

“Heads or tails?” The man said.

“What?” I was so confused. I understood the question but it seemed so odd that I was thrown off.

“Heads or tails?” He says a little louder. Obviously annoyed.

“Tails.” I say nervously.

The man flips the coin. As he does the air seems to grow more electric. My arms tingle as the coin tumbles through the air.

It drops to the ground and the ding it makes is almost louder than a bell. It nearly stuns me but the coin clearly lasts on heads.

“Not the best luck today son. I’d be careful and not do anything to risky.” The man says as he reaches down to pick up the coin.

“Yeah I guess so…” I didn’t really know what to say. Almost like a puppet I reach out my hand. He gives the quarter back to me and I quickly put it back in my pocket. The leaves start to blow and all of the colors are so nice. The crisp air is perfect. Not too cold and not too warm.

“Remember what I said son!”

I’m broken out of my trance when I hear the man speak again. Looking around he seems to be just gone. This is a pretty open area and he would have had to have run at a full sprint to leave my view. Man that was strange.

I collect myself and make my way to campus.

My classes pass quickly and are mostly uneventful. My Econ professor has a bad habit of rambling about his earlier days of teaching. He once spent a whole class telling a story that eventually went nowhere. Today he was close but was able to get back on track.

Introduction to design is one of my favorite classes so far. Might also help that my professor is super hot. I had heard rumors about her but they didn’t do her justice. Every time she bends down all of the guys lean forward to get a look.

The walk home is peaceful but I can’t help but wonder about that strange man. Was he just a weird homeless guy? Someone trying to mess with me before Halloween? It was just weird.

It doesn’t take long to get home. Walking up the driveway I get that electric feeling again. It almost excites me for whatever reason. Like when you’re a kid and you see the Christmas tree lined with presents. Opening the front door the feeling grows more noticeable.

Closing the front door I can hear mom in the living room. I run upstairs real quick to drop my bag off and head to the living room to see her.

When I walk in I’m struck by her beauty again. She’s wearing these tight black skinny jeans that I love. They show off her ass perfectly and really hug her curves. Being festive she has a right orange shirt on.

“Oh Alex! Welcome home. I was just about to text you” she says.

“Class went quick today so I got out a little early.” Looking at the room I notice a lot of boxes. Some look super old.

“What is all this?” I ask.

“After yoga I thought it might be a good idea to do some cleaning. I got a lot of old stuff out of the attic and have been sorting through it all. I was going to text you because I think I found something you might enjoy.” She points to one of the boxes.

Walking over to the boxes there seems to be a lot of old toys and some long forgotten board games. Mom continues to look through the boxes.

“How was class dear?” She asks as she folds some old clothes.

“Not too bad! My Econ professor went on and on again but luckily he was able to get class back on track. I swear we spend most of the class listening to rants and stories” As I talk the electricity in the air grows. My arm hair tingles as mom opens another box.

“Oh! Look at this!” She exclaims.

I walk over to the box and look inside. It’s all of my old DnD stuff! The monster manual, some of my old maps, even my character sheet. A wave of nostalgia comes over me as I reach in to have a closer look.

“I always remember you and the boys playing this for hours in the basement. It was a little worrying at first but you all seemed to have fun” she smiles and looks through the box with me.

“Why were you worried?” I flip through the monster manual. Enjoying the amazing art.

“Well you boys would be up late into the night playing. Plus I grew up in a time where there was a lot of panic about this game. But you boys always had fun. How do you play anyways?” She asks.

As she finishes the question the air in the room grows thick. But oddly not uncomfortable. Like a soft sheet is covering us both. I feel kind of strange, almost like I can feel something coming.

“Well you first make a character. Then once you have a group the dungeon master guides you through the story. You can be a good adventuring group or pure evil. It’s just kind of up to you and you imagination” she looks intrigued.

“Sounds like a good time! How do you win?” She asks.

“Well there isn’t really winning and losing. A whole party can be killed but the story doesn’t always end there. The dungeon master is the story teller and they can change how things flow as they please. A good dungeon master wouldn’t let a party get wiped out easily.” We are both lost looking through the books and old maps. There are even old sticky notes about various long forgotten story threads.

“How do you fight?” She asks while looking at an old dungeon map I drew.

“Well you use dice! DnD is pretty well known for its dice. The one you’ll use a lot is a D20. That’s used for a lot of skills and adventuring. People will throw out a D20 if it’s doing bad” I look around but can’t seem to find my dice bag.

“What’s a D20? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before.”

As she asks the question I feel a tingle down my spine. My body seems to lock up and then move on it’s own.

“It’s a twenty sided dice. I can actually show you, I have one right here.” The words slip out of my mouth almost robotically. Without even thinking I reach into my pocket and feel around. My fingers easily find the dice in my pocket.

How did it even get there? I haven’t touched any of this stuff in years. I washed these jeans last night and didn’t feel a dice in my pocket when I put them on. My hand pulls out of my pocket to reveal one of the best D20’s I’ve ever seen.

My mom's eyes light up when I hold out my hand. It looks like it was lovingly crafted. It almost feels like ivory or some kind of bone. The edges are perfectly sharp and the numbers are a nice deep black.

“Wow! I’ve never seen a twenty sided dice before. That one looks beautiful. Where did you get it?” She asks while her eyes are fixed on the dice. It almost seems to glow and send pulses through my hand.

“That’s the funny thing. I don’t remember even getting this or putting it in my pocket. It is super nice though. I’ve never seen anything like it” both of our eyes are fixed on it.

“You said people will throw out dice that aren’t good right?” She asks.

“Yeah I mean if they are rolling low sometimes people will get rid of them. There is a superstition that dice can run out of luck” the pulsing through my hand seems to grow more and more. The air grows thicker in the room but we are both oddly relaxed.

“You should give it a roll then! Maybe it’s a really good D20” she says. Never taking her eyes off the D20.

As she finishes her sentence another tingle goes up my spine. All I can think about is rolling. Flashes of memories from years ago start to fill my mind. All those dice rolls and good times. All the petty arguments and the laughs.

“Let’s give it a try.” The words flow robotically out of my mouth. Muscle memory kicks in and I shake the D20 in my hand a few times before letting it go. As it hits the table a terrible ring fills the room. The same sound as the coin the strangeman flipped. Me and my mom both react to the ring.

The die tumbles and rolls and the ringing doesn’t stop. The air grows thicker and more electric. You can almost feel sparks in the air. The room feels like it’s spinning and I’m getting dizzy. Looking over at mom she seems to also be feeling it.

The D20 starts to slow and finally stops. The number it lands on seems to make the ring grow louder. Even with the awful sound, my mom and mom’s eyes were fixed on the final result.

A natural 1.

I start to feel dizzy and the room seems to close in. I can feel my body start to loosen. The ringing grows louder and louder. I look over to see mom gently drop to the floor. Oddly though I don’t feel scared or even anxious. I feel my own body gently fall to the floor.

My eyes start to shut slowly. The air in the room covers me like a soft blanket. I drift off to sleep.

3. Meeting the Goblin King

I couldn’t really tell you how long I was out for. While I was asleep I had vivid dreams. Walking through a field of tall grass. The sun barely drops below the horizon. Running my fingers through the tall grass. Feeling the cool night air on my skin. It all felt so nice and relaxing.

I had another dream that I was in the basement. I was way younger playing DnD with my friends again. We were having such a good time. My mom came downstairs in this tiny little maids outfit. All my friends looked at her and enjoyed her body. She bent over to grab something, revealing a tiny little lace thong underneath. All of us stopped playing and just watched my mom. The dream started to fade as I fell into a deep sleep.

My eyes opened and my surroundings came into view. The first thing I noticed were the iron bars. I was in a jail cell. Looking around the room I was in some kind of hut. The walls and roof seemed sturdy and were made out of hardwood. The bars of my cell reached the ceiling. The cell seemed to have plenty of room to walk around.

The cell didn’t make up the whole hut. There was plenty of room around it. The room was mostly candle lit but there seemed to be parts of the ceiling that glowed. Not like a light bulb but more of a soft glow coming for a single point.

I sat up and noticed I slept on a rather sturdy bed. Probably a single with various furs as blankets and padding. Looking around the rest of my cell there was a desk with a padded chair. A bucket I assumed was used for washing up and a chest with no lock.

I turned and shifted so I was sitting on the bed, my feet on the floor. I don’t think I have felt so well rested in my life. Not a hint of grogginess or anything like that. As I rubbed my eyes I heard the door to the hut open slowly.

Looking up the figure was obscured by the moonlight behind them. But wasting no time they stepped in and shut the door behind them.

Stepping into the light I was shocked by what I saw. But oddly calm as the figure before me was revealed. It was a goblin! He stood just over three feet and was dressed in what could best be described as A pirate's outfit. A red coat with a ruffled white shirt underneath. As I looked him over I noticed a beat up but still elaborate looking crown on his head. Some jewels seemed to be missing and it needed polish badly.

His face was rather grotesque. Warts and sweat covered him. He looked very greasy or slimy. Even with his many layers I got the feeling he was well built by the way he walked and carried himself. He red eyes were oddly mesmerizing.

“I told you boy, your luck was rather low today.” He said with a devious smile.

“Who are you and where am I? Where is my mom? Is this some kind of Halloween prank? What the fuck is going on?!” The words just all slipped out at once. There was no panic in my voice though. It felt weird to ask those questions In such a calm way.

“Slow down there friend! Your questions will be answered. First I’ll introduce myself and maybe a few of those questions will be answered.” His voice didn’t sound like how I figured it would. He was oddly well spoken for a little goblin.

“I am the Goblin King.” He takes a little bow.

“Leader of a clan of misfits and thieves from across all races. We have trolls, orcs, humans, even a few spiders. If you are shunned from normal society you can come here to live and trade. It’s been a long journey but we have carved out a nice place here.” He seems to grow more proud as he talks.

“Yeah but why am I here? Where is my mom?” I say calmly.

“Boy, I think you’ve read enough to know how this works. I have to go through the whole speech to answer your questions.” He steps closer to the cage. His smell hits me and it’s not great. I notice his teeth are mostly gold.

“We have built a nice little home here to be honest. Money flows in nicely and new folks show up and we expand. The bigger kingdoms are at war so we are left alone. In fact we are even used as mercenaries from time to time.” He paces around my cage as he talks.

“The town has grown stagnant though. Yeah we get our thrills and people are mostly satisfied but sometimes you need a little rush. We have such good cash flow that really any magic we want can be purchased.” He finds a nice chair and pushes it towards the cell. Have a seat real close.

“That’s where you and your mother come in. Well, really just your mother. You were kind of just along for the ride. You see I wanted to bring in something exotic something that would really boost morale a bit. So I talked with a mage and he said it would be possible to bring someone from your world to ours.”

My heart sank as he talked. I had a feeling where this was going and I almost wanted to tell him to stop. The way he talked was so strange. You’d think a goblin would be savage and barely literate but he spoke so well.

“So I paid the mage well and had him look for a few candidates to capture. It took awhile but he came upon a vision of your sexy mother. As soon as he described her I knew she would be perfect. I won’t go on and on about the details but he found a way I could open a rift to pull her in. You were the catalyst for that rift and as a consequence would be pulled in too. He seemed to get more excited as he talked.

“What are you going to do with us?” I asked the question knowing it was dumb. I just wanted to confirm what I thought was the case.

“Don’t play stupid boy, you know what I’m going to do. Your beautiful mother is going to be a whore In the brothel. Even better as an add on, people can have her son watch her being used!” He let’s put a little chuckle. He seems overjoyed.

“She would never agree to that! She is faithful to my father and would never have sex with a gross creature like you!” My heart sank but I still felt calm. Almost in a dreamlike state.

“There is no need for name calling Alex. She will become a whore, I can say that with absolute certainty.” I’m surprised he knows my name.

“Oh yes I know your name, Alex. I know a lot about you. I know you try to look at that mother of yours. I know you have jerked off to an old picture of her. You told me all this while you were sleeping” he grins.

“Do you know how I know your mom is going to be a whore?” His grin grows bigger as he asks.

If these guys have the ability to grab someone from a different world I don’t see why mine control wouldn’t be possible. Still, I am curious.

“How?” I ask.

“Have you noticed that you feel really calm? You’re in what normally would be a scary situation but you feel so relaxed.” He says.

He was right. From the time I woke up I’ve felt completely calm. Not an ounce of fear as I talk to a goblin. Just completely at ease as I talk to this smelly little thing.

“Yeah, I noticed. I feel really relaxed.” He smiles after I finish.

“That’s because while you were asleep I gave you a little potion. It’s effects are slow to kick in and you have to be careful with it. But it can do all sorts of wonderful things. First it makes you very passive and calm. If I were to swing at you, there would be no instinct to swing back.” He gets up and starts to walk around again.

“If you drink more and let it have some time to sink in. You will start to let go of a lot of the mental barriers you have. You will loosen up and become completely relaxed. Like you feel now.” He gets closer to the cells.

“Going further you will start to really let go. That’s where we want your mother. The beat part though is she won’t be a mindless drone. These boys don’t want to fuck some zombie under a spell. They want a lady to enjoy her fucking. That’s where your mom will be. She will give into desire!” He can’t help but laugh at the end. The words should shock me but I feel completely fine. The words “give in to desire” even send a nice tingle through my body.

“Do you have any more questions Alex?” He says with a sly grin.

“Can I see my mom?” I ask.

“It’s a little late and she is still asleep. She actually woke up before you but she is getting a bit more potion than you are. So she’s a bit drowsy. I promise you’ll see her tomorrow.” He has an honest tone to his voice which relaxes me further.

“For now I want you to get some sleep. Traveling through a rift can make you tired.” He walks towards the door. “And Alex, as much as this might all feel scary. Maybe you might enjoy the shows you’ll eventually see.” With that he opens the door and leaves.

As the door closes the light in the room seems to dim. I walk back to bed and slide in under the fur covers. For being a prisoner my accommodations are oddly nice.

The lights dim further and I start to feel sleep draw me in. My eyes close and I drift off to sleep.

4. Sailor’s Haven

The sound of the door opening woke me up. For a second I thought this might all be a dream but that thought flew away when I saw who opened the door.

Walking into the hut was an orc and a large one at that. He stood around six feet tall and was built like a tank. Each arm was bigger than me. His face was rather ugly with two large teeth protruding from his lower jaw. His clothes were hilariously small for someone so bulky. The Goblin King followed behind the massive orc.

“Good morning Alex! I hope you slept well.” The goblin king said joyfully.

“It was a little cold but it was a nice night.” I sit up and as I do the lights brighten. I realize the orc is carrying a tray.

“I can get you more furs to cover yourself. Actually Grimm here can get them after the tour. Grimm is going to be your bodyguard and servant. He doesn’t speak human very well so you’ll need to speak slow” Grimm opens the cell door and approaches me.

His size is truly incredible. His muscles are incredibly well toned. His skin is a light green and I’ll be honest. He smells worse than the goblin king. His size makes the little tray he’s carrying look very funny. He sets the tray down and on it is a spread of breakfast food.

“Enjoy your breakfast! I realized that yesterday I forgot to give you my actual name. My name is Stordo, but you may only call me that in private. In public you’re to call me King. Is that understood?”

“Yes I understand. When can I see my mom?” I didn’t waste any time eating. I was extremely hungry.

“I promised you yesterday that you would see her and I am a man of my word. Today I will give you a tour of Sailor’s Haven, our little slice of Heaven. After the tour I will bring you to your mother.” Stordo motions to Grimm and the massive orc leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

“After I bring you to your mother you’ll be free to walk around town as you please. You’re under a spell and you can’t leave Sailor’s Haven. Get too far out of town and you’ll be in a world of hurt.” Stordo looks extremely serious.

“I understand. Why do you call this place Sailor’s Haven?” I finish my meal and feel extremely full. The calm has taken over my whole body. I still want to see mom so badly. Although calm I still feel trapped in my body. Like it’s just being propelled forward without much control.

“That’s what was on the sign when we took over. So it stayed. There were a few votes and fights to change the name but they never went forward. So the name stays.” Stordo motions for me to follow him. I get up and follow him out the door.

The first thing that hits me is the smell. A mix of stale beer and dead fish. My hut is one of many in a row. Mine seems to be the smallest. The street it’s on is muddy but wood planks make a half decent walkway down the middle.

The street is busy and I’m stunned by what I see. Goblins, orcs, trolls, and all sorts of creatures walk the streets. It was wild seeing street vendors of various races selling all kinds of oddities.

“You don’t have anything to fear here Alex. You are under my protection and that’s enough for you to pass safely. While we are a group of thieves and liars, we aren’t complete savages. There is a level of law and order here.” Stordo says as we start to walk the streets. People do slight bows towards him as we walk.

“Let’s start at the inn and move on from there!” Stordo seems extremely excited so show me around.

Sailor’s Haven is situated in a cove. The town is laid out kind of like a half moon around the cove. A lot of the various buildings are surpassingly well kept. They were clearly built at different times by different races. You had nice houses next to a couple simple huts.

Stordo shows me the taverns and blacksmith. There are several fences for selling stolen goods. One of the more interesting buildings was the money changer. With so many kingdoms and lands there is no singular currency. So nearly every town has to have someone who can keep track of all the exchange rates.

The tour is so relaxing that I almost didn’t realize we had circled back. We stand in front of the hut next to mine. It’s probably twice the size as mine.

“What is this?” I ask confused.

“I told you I would let you see your mother. I keep my promises.” Stordo says as he opens the door. We both walk in.

What I see when I open the door is surprising to say the least. My mom stands at what appears to be a full kitchen making a meal. Her outfit, or lack thereof, instantly makes my pants tighten.

My beautiful Italian mother stands in just a pink bra and thong. The lace thong was just barely covering her ass. The bra pushes her already large tits up. Framing them perfectly. I’ve caught glimpses of her before and obviously have seen her in a bikini. But seeing her in skimpy lingerie was a whole new world.

As we walk in she turns and as soon as she sees me she runs to me. Her breasts bouncing in the bra that’s barely containing them. She hugs me tight and I have to pull away slightly so she doesn’t feel how hard I am.

“Alex! I’m so excited to see you. I was just making lunch. Stordo promised I could see you today.” She says with a big smile.

Seeing my mom made the calm wash away. It was like the last few days were a dream and I suddenly woke up. It set in what was going to happen to my mom and I was feeling terrified.

“Did you find the ingredients adequate, dear?” Stordo says as he sits at a dining room table in the middle of the room.

Did he just call her dear? I know Stordo said the potion was potent but have we really been here long enough that they are that comfortable.

Mom walks over and kisses Stordo on the forehead. The goblin looks at me and grins as he pinches her ass. “Oh!” She exclaims with a giggle. My heart sinks and I know this isn’t good. Still I can’t help but watch my mom’s perfectly toned ass as she brings us both lunch. She takes a seat next to Stordo after.

“Dear, we are going to have a little party tonight. Just a few guests” Stordo says as he starts to eat.

“A party!? I won’t have enough time to get dinner ready. How many people? What do you think we should serve?” Mom says with a worried tone.

“You don’t have to worry about that. It will be me, you, Alex, and maybe four or five other people. I have Grimm getting food and everything ready. You just relax and wear the dress I got you.” Mom giggles when he mentions the dress.

My head is spinning. It’s like watching an old family sitcom but it’s my mom and a goblin casually talking and eating. I can’t even touch my own food. The potion has lost its potency and I feel sick.

“Alex, you should eat something. I’m sure you’re hungry after such a long tour.” Mom says.

“I’m just not feeling well. I’ll try to eat as much as I can. Hey Stordo, what’s this about a party?”

“Just a little entertainment for a few local businessmen. A little wine and a little show.” He smiles and laughs to himself a little.

“What kind of show?” I ask. I know deep down what the answer is but I think I ask in the hopes I’m wrong.

“It’s a surprise but I think you’ll like it.” Stordo says. He reaches out and takes mom's hand in his. “I think you’ll both really enjoy it.”

“Oh yes!” Stordo exclaims. “I almost forgot. I got you a job at The Wayward Anvil. Not the best blacksmith in town but Slak said he’d take you in. That way you won’t be bored and you’ll have some spending cash.” Stordo says as he continues to eat.

“That’s wonderful Alex! You’ll get to learn all sorts of wonderful things.” Mom says. She gets up and grabs a pitcher of water. Topping me off then filling Stordo’s cup. As she does he rests his hand on her ass.

We sit and eat in silence for a while. Stordo and my mom glance at each other now and then. She giggles a few times when they make eye contact. After we are done my mom clears the table.

“Well I have a few things to take care of and Alex has a town to explore. So we will be off.” Stordo says as he puts on his coat. Mom walks over and bends down. To my surprise she kisses the gross little goblin not one but twice. His disgusting face close to her beautiful Italian skin.

“I can’t wait to see you boys later!” Mom smiles and walks towards me. She kisses my forehead and hugs me. I can smell him on her.

“Yeah...I can’t wait…” I say as Stordo starts to usher me out the door.

“See you tonight dear!” He says with a smile as the door shuts.

Out in the street Stordo takes in a deep breath with a devilish grin on his face.

“Did you enjoy the show? I told her to dress in that skimpy underwear she had when she got here. God, your mom looks like a little slut.” He says with a smile.

I don’t even know what to say. Hearing her called a slut simultaneously enrages me and turns me on. The potion no longer has an effect and I’m very aware of what’s going on. In shock I just barely get any words out.

“What are you going to do tonight?” I stammer

“I think you know, Alex. Don’t play dumb with me. Now there is one thing I think I should mention now that we have seen your mother. You aren’t to enter her home unless given permission. I can give you this whole town to wander but this house is off limits.” He says in a serious tone.

“Why not?! That’s my mom in there. You let me walk wherever but I can’t enter the place right next door?” I barely hold back my rage.

“I don’t want you planning anything and I don’t want you disturbing her if she has work. I think I’ve been a good host to you so far. This is the one line I can’t let you cross. With that I bid you good day! I have a lot to do. I’ll see you tonight.” Stordo tips his hat and starts to walk down the street. Two orcs flanking him on either side.

5. Why did I roll?

I stood there for a while after Stordo walked away. A mixture of stunned silence and defeat. Eventually I snapped out of it when a troll bumped into me. He mumbled something in a language I couldn’t understand.

I started to wander around town. It was so strange to walk among creatures I had seen in books and movies. Seeing how a town has to adapt to their various needs. Taverns have special entrances for taller creatures. Smaller tables for gnomes and imps. Signs in front of shops have several different languages.

Eventually I get tired of walking around. I thought about stopping for food but realized I had no money. There is also a level of fear walking into an inn where you might not speak the language.

Making my way back to my hut I stop at the door. Looking over at my mom's hut I considered knocking. But I don’t want anything to happen to either of us. Stepping inside my hut I walk to the fur covered bed. On the table another few furs lay neatly folded. Grimm must have dropped them off.

I lay in bed and try to process the day. Trying not to think about it too deeply. As I think the weight of the day hits me hard. I slowly slide into a nap.

A knock on the door wakes me up. Jumping out of bed I make my way toward the door. Opening it I find Grimm, I have to look up to see his face. He looks down at me and says “party.” It’s going to be weird having a bodyguard who doesn’t speak English.

“Yeah let me wash my face and I’ll be right there.” He just stares at me. Probably should have said that slower. “Party.” He replies.

I walk over to my water bucket and wash my face. I don’t have any other clothes so I guess jeans and a shirt will have to do. I wipe my face and walk outside with Grimm. Not even four steps and we are at my mothers doorstep.

When the door opens my eyes immediately find my mom. She is dressed in a beautiful red dress that hugs her curves. The dress pushes her breasts up leaving a valley of cleavage. Stordo stands next to her proudly dressed in what appears to be a suit.

There are four other men in the room. One looks to be an elf and is nearly as tall as Grimm. Another is a gnome and a clean cut one at that. Most people around town probably haven’t bathed in weeks. He looks fresh out of a shower. One is a human and I can tell he isn’t as wealthy as the others. His clothes are clearly cheaper and he’s not exactly clean looking.

The last man is an orc, but a smaller one than Grimm. His skin is lighter and his toned arms are covered in tattoos. I notice he has an incredible gold pinky ring on. With a massive emerald on it.

Stordo notices me and immediately smiles.

“Gentlemen, our guest of honor, Alex!” He exclaims. The men either tip their hats or nod towards me.

“Alex, these are the owners of the bigger taverns and brothels in the land. They have come a long way to see you both. Why don’t you introduce yourself gentlemen.”

The elf nods “My name Cralar, owner of the Gilded Arrow here in town. It’s an honor to meet you” I nod towards him.

The dirtier man steps forward “Hello, I’m Mack. I run a brothel close to the border.” He seems disinterested in introductions.

The orc is next and his deep voice catches me off guard. “Good evening Alex. My name is Lorn and I own several businesses. Some here in town and around the land.” His tone is commanding. I nod towards him.

The gnome is last and he clearly tries to make himself seem taller when he introduces himself. “Hello Alex, I’m Merrick. I own several taverns and a brothel.” We both bow slightly.

“Gentlemen now that introductions are out of the way, let’s eat!” Stordo exclaims. As the men take their seats I go to join them when I’m stopped by Stordo.

“Alex, your table is over there.” He points to a small table in the corner with a single candle on it. “This table is for business talk.

My heart sinks but I do as I’m told. I walk over to my small table and dinner starts.

The men laugh and drink for a while. Grimm and my mother help keep them well served. As they do, the men ogle my mom. Some even cop a feel of her ass while she pours wine. Eventually she takes over serving them completely.

Grimm walks over and joins me at my small table. The massive orc plops down in a small chair across from me. He doesn’t say much, just looks at me. I’m barely able to eat one bite.

I try to make out what the men are talking about but it’s not easy. Several conversations are going on at once. I keep getting distracted by my mom flirting with the men.

They seem to drink and eat forever. But eventually they start to calm down. As the conversation slows Stordo stands up and with a grin makes an announcement.

“Gentlemen! It’s time for the main event.” The men cheer and things start to move quickly. Grimm stands and so do the men. They shuffle their chairs to one wall. Making a row for them to sit in. Grimm grabs the table and moves it away. Leaving an open spot in the middle of the room with just a chair.

Stordo takes a seat and smiles at my mom. She looks so happy as she looks at the little goblin. Grimm walks to the door and a man walks in with some sort of instrument, almost like a violin. He walks over to the opposite corner of me and takes a seat.

I’m on edge at this point. It’s like watching a car crash I know is going to happen. Stordo sits in the chair in the center of the room, and my mom stands in front of him. He snaps his fingers and the man starts to play music.

As the music plays slowly my mom almost instinctively starts to dance. Her amazing hips away in time with the music. All eyes are on her as she runs her hands up her body.

Stordo licks his slimy lips as my mom dances in front of him. The dress is so tight you can perfectly see the outline of her body. The other men look on with smiles on their faces.

The music picks up a bit and my mom follows it. She turns to show Stordo her ass and he has no problem getting a feel. When she turns I get a good look at her face. She looks so happy and oddly aroused. Not a hint of fear or anything like that.

Mom shakes her ass for a while and grinds on Stordo. He’s clearly getting hard and from what I can tell he’s not small. It looks like he’s hiding a baseball bat in his pants. The music changes slightly as if it’s some kind of cue.

My mom stands up straight and looks back at Stordo. It’s hard to see from the angle I have but it looks like she smiles and winks. He has a devilish grin on his face. My mom reaches for the straps of her dress and slowly starts to peel down.

The first thing I see, for the first time, is my mom's incredible tits. They are perfectly tanned with not a hint of sag. Her nipples are small, like little erasers. I try to hold it back but I’m getting hard. I’ve spent so much time trying to sneak a peek and here it is in front of me.

She continues to shimmy out of the tight dress. Her toned stomach comes into view. Years of yoga and working out have paid off. Her stomach is flat with a hint of muscle.

She struggles to get the dress over her ass but the struggle doesn’t last long. Once she has it over her ass she lets it drop to the floor. Standing up straight and proud.

Seeing my mom's pussy for the first time nearly makes me blow my load. She has a perfectly trimmed landing strip which guides your eyes to her near pussy. The whole room is electric as she steps out of her dress. She does a twirl and the room cheers.

I’m shaking with a mix of adrenaline and anticipation. Things seem to slow as my mom shakes her ass in front of Stordo. Her tanned skin is on display for all of these men. Her goddess-like body being inspected by a grinning goblin.

Stordo snaps his fingers and the musician changes the music to something slower and more sensual. My mom takes the cue and drops to her knees in front of the goblin. My heart sinks, this is when it all happens.

Like an expert she unbuckles his belt and in one swift movement pulls his pants down. What springs out makes me and my mom gasp.

Stordos cock is at least nine inches of pure meat. I don’t even understand how a creature that size has enough blood flow but he clearly does. He’s as hard as a rock and standing at attention. His cock looks disgusting. It has a sheen over it like it’s dirty. Between the veins it looks like there are warts. My mom seems unphased.

The goblin looks over at me and grins. Running his finger through her hair she starts to work. My beautiful mother leans down and starts to take this goblins disgusting cock into her mouth.

She struggles to even get the head in. But she slowly works his shaft as her saliva starts to coat the head. It drips down his shaft as she finally gets the head of his cock in her mouth.

The goblin groans as my mom struggles with each inch. She works his shaft with her hand, trying to get as much as she can into her mouth. The men along the wall watch eagerly.

My mom expertly works his whole shaft into her mouth. I can see her throat bulge as she takes the last inch. Saliva covers his cock and drips onto the chair. She pulls his length out of her mouth and happily looks up at The Goblin King. Jerking his cock as she does. He smiles back and she goes back to work.

She sucks his large cock without hesitation. No fear of the warts or gross sheen. His length punishes her throat but she happily takes it. Stordo looks over at me and smiles. My mom’s tits away as she sucks his cock like a real slut.

The sound of her sucking fills the room. She gags a little when she gets down to the hilt. She works his shaft and balls with her hand. I’m completely hard now. If she sucked my cock like that I’d blow in a second.

The men along the wall are obviously in the same situation. They start to remove their pants as they talk amongst themselves. All of them are hard and ready to go.

Stordo groans and grabs my mom by her nice black hair. He pulls her head off of his cock. She takes a breath and drool streams down her chin to her tits. Stordo’s cock is covered in saliva.

She knows what he wants next and so does the whole room. My mom stands and doesn’t waste any time. She straddles the waiting goblin who can’t help but look over at her son. He knows he’s about to tear her apart.

With his cock standing at attention all my mom has to do is lower herself onto her lover. As soon as the head touches her pussy she lets out a moan. Everyone jumps in their seats with excitement. She slowly lowers herself onto the head.

I don’t have a good angle but I can tell she is working the head in. I shift to a better position and the view is insane. The head of Stordo’s cock is spreading my mom's pussy wide. I don’t even understand how it’s going to fit. She lets out a loud moan as the head slips into her pussy.

“Oh my god you’re so fucking big!” My mom says. Stordo looks at me and smiles as my mom starts to work her way down his shaft. He slaps her ass hard.

“Bigger than your husbands?” He asks with an evil grin.

“Yes! Oh god yes. It’s not even a competition.” She moans louder as she works down his shaft. I glance over and see the other men are jerking off.

My mom’s pussy looks stretched to its limit. She has about half his length inside of her. He slaps her ass again, causing her to groan. The other men jerk their cocks watching my mom get filled. I’m hard but can’t bring myself to touch myself.

Stordo groans and moves his hands to mom’s hips. He must want her bad because he clearly is pushing her down. She is almost at the end and Stordo doesn’t want to wait. He thrusts hard into her.

“Oh my god!” She screams as Stordo slams the rest of his length in. She giggles and starts to grind on his cock. She rests both hands on his face and they kiss passionately. Stordo’s gross tongue probing my mom's mouth.

Mom starts to slowly slide up and down his length. Her pussy looks incredible being stretched by such a big cock. Her moans fill the room as she starts a nice pace riding Stordo.

I shift again and can see her tits bounce as she rides her new lover's cock. They kiss now and then. Her ass ripples as she hits the bottom. The music gets faster and my mom's pace follows. She is riding Stordo hard and the sound of them fucking fills the room.

“Oh fuck me! Fuck! You’re so fucking big” she says.

“You like that big cock? Are you going to be a good slut for me?” Stordo says as he slaps her ass hard.

“Yes! Oh fuck yes! I’ll be a slut. A good slut!” Mom says. She is nearly screaming at this point.

The men watching continue to jerk off. The gnome finishes first. Shooting his load on the floor. The other men look close. Grimm seems unphased by the show in front of him.

Stordo grabs my mom’s hips hard and starts to thrust into her pussy. He can barely stay on the chair he is fucking her so hard. Mom screams and her tits bounce around. I shift again and see her pussy getting pummeled.

“Take that big cock slut. I’m going to whore this slutty pussy out.” Stordo says. Completely focused on fucking my mom.

“I love your big cock baby! Whore me out to the town! I just want to get fucked!” Moms says. She’s moaning so loud I swear the walls are shaking. Their eyes are locked in a passionate gaze.

“Your son is watching you get used! He’s hard as a rock over there watching his slut mom!” Stordo grins but doesn’t take his eyes off mom.

“Fuck that slutty pussy baby! I don’t care. He can watch all he wants. I just need this cock!” My heart sinks even deeper hearing her words.

“Please fuck me harder! I want it baby! I want you to use this slutty pussy!” Mom says. The other men cum their loads on the floor.

Stordo grips mom’s hips harder and fucks her harder. The chair is about to burst they are fucking so hard. Their moans and groans grow louder and louder. It’s obvious they are both getting close.

The creaking of the floor and moans fill the air. My mom's ass ripples as she violently rides goblin cock. He tits bounce around in a blur. You can feel their orgasms coming. The musician has stopped playing and is just watching the show.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” Mom screams at the top of her lungs. “IM CUMMING!” Her body spasms and her eyes roll back, she passes out from pleasure. Stordo pulls her forward so she collapses on top of him.

Her tightening pussy must have set him off. “Take that cum slut!” He yells as his cock fills her pussy with his hot cum. He cums so hard that cum immediately starts to drip out of her used hole.

With mom still passed out Stordo takes the time to catch his breath. After he does he looks at the men to his right. “Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the show. We will be in touch about arrangements being made.” With that the men stand and clean themselves up a bit. They all nod and smile at me as they leave the hut.

My mom is completely out. Stordo slips his cock out of her and a stream of greenish cum leaves her body. Her pussy looks punished and used. He turns to me and smiles wide.

“Hope you liked the show Alex, you’ll be seeing it a lot more. You can go now” he motions to Grimm who stands up and ushers me out. The walk is short but feels like forever. I feel completely defeated.

Grimm opens the door to my hut and looks down on me. “Thank you Grimm, goodnight” I say. Heart sank deep into my chest. He just nods and I walk in. The door shut gently behind me.

I sulk over to the bed and collapse. The calm from the potion starts to creep in again and my body relaxes. I can’t believe my mom fell so quickly. My body is almost completely relaxed when I hear a sound.

It’s a rhythmic thud against the wall. I sit up and can tell it’s coming from the wall connecting to my mom's place. I think something is wrong until I hear it.

“Fuck that pussy baby! Fuck that slutty pussy!” I hear my mom say, though muffled.

The calm from the potion fades again as I hear my mom's moans and groans. The bed frame hitting the wall hard.

I don’t know how long I stayed up for but the moans never stopped. I eventually just slipped off to sleep.

End of Chapter 1

I hope you all enjoyed! Feel free to PM me or reach out. I really enjoy reading messages. Also feel free to PM me about Patreon if you want to support me.


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Goblin breeding slave

Kazex was a tribal goblin who lived in the enchanted forest far from civilized society. He lived in a cave with tribal decor, an alchemy lab, and a large sleeping mat. He left his tribe almost a year ago. He felt that he could run the tribe a lot better than the current chief and he spoke his mind off it. That got him exiled but didn't mind. He made a plan to start his own tribe. He had the skills and knowledge to start one and make it prosper. There was only one thing he needed. Tribe members....

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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My Mom and the Goblin King Ch 02

Welcome to the second chapter of My Mom and the Goblin King CH. 02. I hope you all enjoyed the first installment and thank you for all the feedback both publicly and privately. I appreciate any feedback and support. Again as a general warning this series will contain some of the following content wise: Cuckold Monster sex Cum inflation Pregnancy These could expand so if that’s not your cup of tea, fair warning. All characters represented in this work are 18 years of age or...

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She Ra whore to the goblins

Title: She Ra, whore to the goblins. Author: slaveboyusa Send comments to: [email protected] Date: 1/14/2009 Summary: She Ra, while very beautiful, is still a virgin and therefore ripe for impregnating. A goblin horde has set it eyes on She Ra. They hatch a plan to kidnap her. When the goblins have She Ra in their little green clutches, they take the future queen down a notch.She Ra was still virgin at age 28. She is engaged to a prince and she is to bare him many children. It is important...

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Trucy the goblin

It was late at night at the old wooden tavern near the outskirts of the town. After many hours of hard drinking and arduous work it seemed like the workload was finally ending. By now most of the patreons were too drunk, too tired or both to remain at the drinking hole and had decided to leave to their homes or the inn next door. Trucy sighed relieved as she saw another group of drunken dwarves stumble to the door. She loved seeing the shenanigans those stupid drunkards got into, but they were...

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Urban Goblins

Lurking in the shadows of the alley way their waylay a duo of monstrous beings. Two goblins stared at her delicious frame as they laughed wicked, giving each other a playful shove. One having a crimson red hue of skin and green eyes the other has moss green skin with red eyes. The red one liked dealing pain and pleasure, the other liked hearing screams and moans. Both were deviants of sex rape and torture. Devilish fiends of chaos. Wearing black cloaks they waited until the night drew and the...

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Aufstieg der Goblins

(Die Bilder sind von IronHawk-R, zu finden bei "DeviantArt" und mit seinem Einverständnis veröffentlicht, bisher nur das Startbild, aber passend zum Storyverlauf kommen vielleicht auch noch weitere dazu) Die wilden Lande verdienten ihren Namen eigentlich nicht mehr. Früher war es hier wahrlich wild zugegangen, plündernde Orks, Zentauren und viele andere Schrecken hatten das Land unsicher gemacht. Doch dann kamen die Amazonen! Sie sorgten für Sicherheit und brachten tatsächlich den Frieden. Die...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 24 Gifts and Goblins and Revalations

When they re-entered the office it was to find Petunia waving what looked to Dudley like a short stick, except that as she waved it sparks flew out of its end. Look daddy I've got a wand and I can do magic with," it she cried. Luna looked over at professor McGonagall in shocked surprise. Seeing this, the Professor said, "It is alright Luna, we have special permission from the ministry for Petunia to have it. We have explained to the nature of the experiment we are conducting and they...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Pauls Goblins

‘Calling all Goblins.’ It was a cheerful, deep-toned voice, and Laurie turned her attention away from the chore of trying to find the ripest melon on the stack in the produce bins to taking a straight shot look down the cereal aisle. There a good-looking young man was gathering in three racing young boys, ranging, it appeared, from the age of three up to five. He held two boxes of cereal in his hands and apparently was opening the choice up for a vote. The vote, of course, was split—and...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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The Randy Adventures of Long John Thomas the Pirate King

Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of traveling...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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The Goblin TrainChapter 2

The day that Ex disappeared was the single worst day ever of Valencia’s life. She got in trouble that morning for not taking the garbage out the night before. She got in trouble at school for not finishing her homework. She got in trouble in another class for talking. She got in trouble in gym class for popping an obnoxious girl on the butt with a wet towel. It just went on like that all day. She raced home, having to struggle to keep from crying. It was that bad. She dropped her books on...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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The Randy Adventures of Long John Thomas the Pirate King

Once up a time there lived a pirate by the name of Long John Thomas. A bloodthirsty fiend who terrorised the kingdom of Albion, he sailed the seven seas on his trusty galleon the Randy Badger. Any man who dared to take to the sea would find themselves on the end of his sword and any woman who dared to take to the sea would find herself on the end of his cock. This is the story of how Long John Thomas humped the oldest daughter of the King of England. Princess Beatrice was not a fan of...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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Mom Ke Padosi Ke Sath Sambandh 8211 Part 3

Dosto aap logo ne meri story mom ke padosi ke sath sambandh jarur padi hogi jin dosto ne nhi padi ho jarur pade.Ye story usi story ka next part h..Dosto jaise ki mene aapko apne bare main btaya tha ki mere naam ranvijay hai aur meri family main meri hot mom jinki age 47 years papa unki age 52 aur mera ek bhai h jiski age 6 years h jo ki mera real brother nhi hai wo unhi padosi uncle ki nishani hai jinke sath mom ke nazayaz sambandh the..Pr wo uncle tb chale gye the humari society se..Pr mere...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Confessions 5 Alessandra fools Father Peter

Father Peter of St. Johns Cathedral in Duketown has a fame for tolerance of sexual sinsHis virtual girlfriends from the net flock from everywhere to do their Confessions at himAlessandra is a local girl, attending mass at Sundays sometimes, when I lead the ceremonyAlessandra prefers private talks though, sometimes she gets a bit too friendly with FatherAlessandra plays a great girlish game with her beloved spiritual Father PeterAlessandra has confessed earlier at me, always being very honest,...

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