A Black Woman Rejects Feminism
- 4 years ago
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Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, forthrightly bisexual Black male fiction writer. Now a student in the Graduate program at the University of Massachusetts in the city of Boston. I want to get my Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Maybe someday I’ll be a Judge. I might become the only male judge in history who’s sympathetic to men’s rights and men’s issues. I wouldn’t last long on the Feminist-controlled bench but my reign would be something to see. The Recession is in full bloom and nobody is hiring. I live in an apartment in the Brighton neighborhood of Boston. I’ve left the city of Brockton some time ago. I miss it sometimes. It was so lively and dangerous. Not that Boston is a tame place either. To pay the bills, I work as a corrections officer for Suffolk County’s Sheriff. It’s okay, I guess. Hey, any job is better than none. I get depressed when I see the number of males, especially Black males, behind bars.
I wish more young men of all races went to college instead of jail. Men are getting locked up for silly reasons. And quite often, some manipulative woman is the reason why many men’s lives get ruined. And the dumb policemen gleefully arrest their fellow man simply because a woman tells them to. I sometimes wonder if policemen are really men. Maybe they sever all ties to manhood and masculinity when they put on the uniform. I know of men who get arrested for defending themselves from their physically abusive wives and girlfriends. The cops don’t give a damn. Like attack dogs, they’re programmed to hunt their fellow men simply because they worship the vaginas who rule the American criminal justice system. The police never stop to think that the women accusing men of wrongdoing left and right might be lying. They believe everything a woman says as gospel. And most American men are perfectly okay with that. What a mad world!
There is a lot of prejudice in this world. Male and female, Black and White, straight and gay, we’ve all felt it at some point. However, many of us are better off than others. For example, White women have it much better than White men. White men have it somewhat better than Black women. And everyone has it better than Black men. Because being Black and male in American society is a combination that doesn’t make for a happy life. Black males are an endangered species, folks. And the biggest threat to a Black male’s life isn’t a racially prejudiced police officer, or random accidents, or riots, or even health issues. The biggest threat to a Black male’s life is the Black female. Simply put, the Black woman is the Black man’s worst enemy.
I really wish it weren’t so. Yet I know of countless decent, hard-working and law-abiding Black gentlemen whose lives got ruined because of man-hating Black women. To the White Feminist, hatred of men is a motivational tool in business and politics. White women use their misandry or hatred of males to advance in the worlds of politics, business, education, sports, entertainment and religion. A White woman who seeks to gain entrance into the sisterhood’s halls of power must prove her hatred of men a few times. She must sacrifice a male who is a close to her. A husband, a son, a nephew, a father, a brother, or a close male friend. Once she does that, she’s proven herself and gains the keys to the kingdom. Feminism is a cult, folks. Its mantra is hatred of men. And it’s more dangerous than the White Supremacy and Neo-Nazi groups the FBI and other law enforcement agencies warn us about.
At the top of the Feminist ladder of power, there is the Aryan Sisterhood. Tall, good-looking, blonde-haired and blue-eyed women. Educated at schools like Wellesley College, Pine Manor College, Harvard University, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They ruthlessly rise in the world by getting rid of their competition. Policies like Affirmative Action and Title IX were thought up by them. Their goals aren’t to help women gain equality with men. They want to place women on top and render ordinary American males completely subservient. That’s why they advocate gender bias in lawmaking. Women, especially White women, must never be held accountable for anything they do. That’s what feminism is all about.
Of course, don’t assume for a moment that everything is hunky-dory in Feminist circles. Women don’t like each other. And even though they all claim to have no need of men, Feminists are still women and women are hardwired to compete ( for male attention ) against other women. Mother Nature is a bitch and fifty years of feminism cannot override instinctual behavior that took millions of years to be hardwired into the female brain. Simply put, just because a woman is a die-hard Feminist doesn’t mean she wants another woman to take her husband or boyfriend, even if she doesn’t give a damn about the boyfriend or husband in question. She’s hardwired to compete for him and she’s got no control over that. She feels jealousy when the man she considers hers, even if she hates his guts, is talking to an attractive woman. She can’t help it. And feminism doesn’t have a cure for that.
There is a ladder of power in the Feminist movement. White women, especially tall, good-looking blonde-haired White women with degrees from Ivy League schools are at the top. They are the Alpha Females. They become the CEOs of big corporations, and the women who make waves in the worlds of politics, business, education and entertainment. They make sure that while they’re in their prime, they marry the men who will become the senators, the governors, the media moguls, the top actors, and the billionaires of tomorrow. Since women, like men, aren’t genetically designed to be monogamous, these women will often seek sexual relations with other men and occasionally with other women. All other women within the Feminist structure of power envy the Alpha Females. These are the women who envy the Alpha Females and secretly wish they were them. And worship them. Do you honestly think it’s a coincidence that all of the top spots in television reporting go to good-looking blonde women regardless of talent level as opposed to smart brunettes and smart redheads? It’s not men making sure only blondes become TV’s reporters. It’s women themselves.
There is a woman whom all other members of the Feminist sisterhood look down upon. The Black woman. Back in the day, the Black woman was the slave of the White woman. The White man ruled the world. Today, the White woman rules the world and the White man is her number two. The Black woman thought the White woman would choose her to be her second-in-command. Hell, some Black women who call themselves Feminists foolishly think White women consider them their equals. In America, there is no one more racist than a privileged White woman. Trust me on this one. I know it for a fact.
The redneck White man from the Deep South has got nothing on the rich White woman when it comes to hating Black males and Black females. Of course, Black women are oblivious to this. To prove themselves to the Feminist sisterhood, they destroy the lives of every Black man who lets them get too close. He could be their father, their brother, their uncle, their cousin, their son, their husband, their boyfriend or simply a Black man they know from work. It doesn’t matter. Destroying Black men is the Black woman’s hobby. And this she does like no other. Even White women who are die-hard man-haters are amazed at the sheer cruelty that Black women visit upon Black men. That’s why White women will never let Black women rise to the top of the Feminist movement. They fear the Black woman’s appetite for destruction. Should she ever realize the White sisterhood has duped her into destroying her own community, she might retaliate in ways even the almighty White women of the world might fear.
The White woman doesn’t want the entirety of the male species to get wiped out. She wants men to acknowledge her as their superior and their ruler. She wants men to think of her as an ange
l, a benevolent savior who rescues them from their primitive selves. Both Black men and White men buy into this hocus pocus. The Black woman wants to exterminate the entirety of the male species, starting with the Black man, whom she blames for everything under the sun. The Black woman’s blood thirst has been useful to the White woman, but now the White woman feels that the Black woman must be kept in check. White women frequently take good-looking Black males as their lovers and, Feminist sisterhood or not, Black women don’t like seeing Black males with White women.
The White woman has everything. She has the love and respect of men and women everywhere. Even the Black man lusts after her. And she likes having him around because he’s a sexual dynamo. And he’s useful for manual labor. The Black man hates the Black woman because she’s the tool he thinks the White man used against him. The Black man doesn’t know it’s the White woman who brainwashed the Black woman against him. So he feels love for the White woman and hates the Black female. The White woman is the damsel in distress that Black men and White men would kill or die for. The Black woman is seen as the angry, eternally raging villain by everyone. Once more, the White woman wins everything and the Black woman has nothing.
The White woman lives in a palace. She’s on the cover of every magazine. She’s the star of almost every television show. She’s the heroine of most novels. She’s the adored angel of all men. The Black woman lives in the ghetto. And the White woman wants her to stay there. Down in the mud. When will the Black woman realize this and stop destroying Black men in the name of Feminism, the White woman’s religion? Imagine how well off the Black community would be if Black women worked with Black men instead of killing, falsely accusing, beating, harassing, intimidating and emasculating them. The Black woman knows, from the White woman’s own scientists, that sons and daughters are better off when the father is present. The White woman allows the White man enough contact with the sons and daughters so that they turn out to be decent citizens instead of murderous psychopaths and gangsters. The Black woman would do that too, if she cared. Sons and daughters need their fathers. Without daddy, the son becomes a gangster who preys on society and the daughter becomes a mother before her time. It’s as simple as two plus two equals four.
I sometimes long for the days right after slavery was ended. I’m talking about a special time period when Black men and Black women were united. We’re not united now. Not even in the Age of Barack Obama. The time period I refer to ranges maybe from 1870 to 1960. After Black men and Black women gained their freedom, White men and White women still didn’t consider them their equals. Many Black men still got lynched on the say-so of White women and White men. And many Black women got raped and abused by White men who didn’t consider them to be real people. But Black men and Black women shared their misery. They had love for each other. They sympathized with each other. And they didn’t daydream about sleeping with White men and White women, their tormentors! Nowadays, every Black man wants a White girlfriend and every Black woman wants a White boyfriend. Hell, Black lesbians have White female lovers and Gay Black men have White male lovers. Why can’t we find love with our own people?
It’s not impossible, you know. Black men and Black women, whether Gay or Bisexual, can find love with our own people. I’m not saying all White men and White women are secretly racist. However, I don’t think behaviors learned over centuries can be fixed in five or six decades. Simply put, most White people grew up believing Black men and Black women to be inferior. And many Black men and Black women believed these falsehoods about themselves. There is a lot we have to unlearn. White people must learn to stop seeing themselves as Supermen and Superwomen chosen by God to rule the world while seeing Black men and Black women as the inferior race made to serve them. There are Black geniuses, Black senators, Black best-selling authors and Black scientists in the world, yet White women and White men automatically think they’ll win any intellectual contest against a Black person. That is not true, especially when the playing field is level. There are plenty of young Black men and young Black women at historically black colleges and universities who can outperform the best that White schools like Harvard and MIT have to offer. It’s not about the color of your skin, eyes or hair. It’s about your brain. Get this through your head. God and Mother Nature joined forces to create human life in Africa. Ancestral home of all Black men and Black women. God didn’t create humanity in Europe. So be sure to laugh at the next White person who tells Black people to go back to Africa, because that’s where he or she hails from as well. Black people are the original human beings. We’re not inferior to any humans on the planet Earth.
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Hello everybody, I am a 27 yrs old married women & this is my story. I am working in a very reputed AD agency in Bangalore which has it’s head office in Delhi & I have a very good friend of mine, she is also married & working with me & when I told her about my affairs she encouraged me to post my story in ISS & before she told me about this site I did not know that such a site existed. I am posting this true story of mine for all you readers enjoyment & specially for those married women who...
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The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. ‘Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you.’ Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. ‘That’s a good sign for you, Ari. If...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....
Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead. A glance at Ari readily revealed the...
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Womens Prison RegistERBy Wicked WardenessSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONSFlorida Women’s Correctional Institute - StarkeINTRODUCTIONAn enactment by the Florida Legislature in 2104 entitled the “Correctional Reform Act of 2104” revolutionized and automated the intake, incarceration, care, employment, maintenance and in appropriate cases, execution of prisoners. As Warden of FWCI-Starke, I was instrumental in the drafting of this legislation as it applies to our women prisoners. I am...
Blackmailed By Father In Law Ch. 1by hot-hot (C) thanks you all liked my first story " spying the sister"hope you will like this one also.Toby was moaning in her bed as her first door neighbor pushed his cockin and out of his beautiful cunt. She was urging him to do so. She wasin so much heat and in a wanton state for his cock. His huge cock wasgoing deep in her cunt. Their affair started two weeks ago. Toby was25 years old and was married for 2 years. She was living with herfamily in a good...
My wife who is 45 is a great looker even at this age. She exercises regularly and is fit as a young woman. She is smart but when is gets drunk, she gets these amnesia attacks that leave her in a blacked out state and when she comes out of it she can’t remember a thing. I was always irritated at this stupid condition of her but on my birthday I was really thankful for that anomaly. You see what happened was like this. My wife and I were in a horny mood while celebrating my birthday at...
Aching head. I’m trying to cradle my head but my arms won’t move. My eyes bolt open and I can’t make out anything in the dark room. Struggling with my arms I looked behind me and could see my arms cuffed around a marble pole about a foot behind my head. I could feel my torso supported on a hard leather surface that runs to the small of my back my ass has no support from below. I can feel my legs suspended spread eagle in the air by what looked like metal chains. I struggle,...
I love massaging women of any shape, size, creed or color. I have been massaging women; purely as a hobby for more than 15 years now all around the world and every time is an all new experience. Let me share with you one such true experience, sometime ago, in the US of A. She had advertised on Craig's list for a housekeeping job. When I contacted her, she mentioned that she needs to see the house and then quote her rates. She came over on a Saturday morning and I was pleasantly pleased...
I love massaging women of any shape, size, creed or color. I have been massaging women; purely as a hobby for more than 15 years now all around the world and every time is an all new experience. Let me share with you one such true experience, sometime ago, in the US of A. She had advertised on Craig's list for a housekeeping job. When I contacted her, she mentioned that she needs to see the house and then quote her rates. She came over on a Saturday morning and I was pleasantly pleased...
Older Women When I turned sixteen my mother had her hands full with me. Dad was never around and when he was, he was still never around. He was your preverbal traveling salesman. He was a womanizer, a drunk, and a poor excuse for a human being. He provided a roof over our heads but that was just about it. Mom worked to pay for the food we ate and the clothes on our backs. I started my own lawn business that spring. I handed out fliers in a nice neighborhood just outside of town and...
I had a buddy a while ago and he would suck my dick from time to time and occasionally I would return the favor. He told me he new a lady that wanted to see. I was sceptically at 1st but one day he invited me over for a afternoon blow job and when I got to his apartment he had a decent looking lady with a big ole ass on the couch in a corset with all the trimmings and he had on a tight t-shirt and some by cut shorts. I don’t know exactly what they were doing when I arrived but it looked...
Please enter your name under the "First Name" blank, & the chosen name of your FantasyWoman in the "Last Name" blank. If you've filled-out the form correctly, you should see your name here: John - & the name of your Fantasy Woman here: Doe - Welcome to FantasyWomen, Incorporated! Please sit back, & make yourself comfortable. In a few minutes, we wil begin the process that will allow you to select your ideal FantasyWoman from over 1,000 options! Once your Fantasy Woman is complete, you may...
Judy and her friend Sally, both in the their 60s and demanding older women. Judy was my mother in law and knew I liked bondage when she found my hidden material while sitting at our house. Now they had me for the week to use as they liked at any time. She had me strip then masturbate while the watched. Both laying back in large soft chairs with the legs spread. In silk lingerie showing the curves of the breast and split up to the thighs. My cock was hard as I looked at them pulling hard on my...
From Batman's Robin to Catwomen's Robin (A vignette) By Belinda Batman and Robin are finishing solving another crime. This time Catwomen and King Tutt, were working together. With the help of Tutt's Mirrors, Catwomen and Tutt escape, but before they do, one thing is set... At home, Bruce and Robin Ward are in the library. Robin is studying for his speech tomorrow. His speech is one on relationships.... Based on his crime fighting career, it is sometimes difficult to be...
Werewomen - Sensate By Beyogi Why did I come here? I should have known better... But when some friends, the last friends I still had would ask me to, what should I do? Now they were dancing with some more or less hot girls they picked up. I'd preferred them younger, but then I was damaged by hentais(Manga Porn, also known as eichi) anyway. There was an older woman I'd call hot, too, but there was no way that she'd even talk to a dweeb like me. She probably thought I was creepy or...
I had a buddy a while ago and he would suck my dick from time to time and occasionally I would return the favor. He told me he new a lady that wanted to see. I was sceptically at 1st but one day he invited me over for a afternoon blow job and when I got to his apartment he had a decent looking lady with a big ole ass on the couch in a corset with all the trimmings and he had on a tight t-shirt and some by cut shorts. I don't know exactly what they were doing when I arrived but it looked...
Adwomen A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Siobhan and I had gone through a similar education for a career in advertising. We shared a modest apartment in the city. We were both young and ambitious, and short of money. The only real differences were that she was a woman, and I wasn't; and I had talent, and she didn't. So, imagine my private disgust when she got a prime job at the Garret Agency, and I was still only free-lancing. She got the job because she was what I was not. ...
Hi this me Solomon from Chennai I am 18 years of age from last 2 year I had a dream to fuck any one day I got a chance inn that .in my old house I had a watch women was very sexy and had a structure of 36-30-36 and fair in color. One day I had been shifted my house from there and I had been sad for shifting my house so I can’t see my uma akka (watch women). One I went to my old house that I want to take my bank letter from that house. That day she was very sexy in blue color saree tat was very...
The Photograph The Photograph This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green...
On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...