Blackhawk HallChapter 4 free porn video

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Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead.

A glance at Ari readily revealed the reason for the stares. Christi had picked out the outfit to specifically accentuate the woman's attributes. Her blonde hair flowed free, framing her smiling face, and shining in the fading light of sunset.

The blouse Arilee wore was unbuttoned at the top to display some cleavage, hiding enough to make a man want to look through the cloth. It was also thin enough that her small nipples pressed against it provocatively. The blouse was also short, and if Ari lifted her arms more than shoulder height, it revealed a little of her taut tummy and a hint of her navel. The skirt she wore was tight and short, showing off her taut bottom and long, shapely legs.

Christi was dressed much the same, save she unbuttoned one more button on her blouse, revealing more of the firm globes it held hidden.

The courtyard was small — the original wall surrounding the keep having been torn down and replaced with one much closer to provide more space for a growing city. Behind the stout walls of Fightershaven, there was little need for the Hall to serve as a true defensive position as it had in times long past. The swollen population of the city could no longer fit inside the Hall if the city was breached, anyway. Thus, it took little time to reach the open gate in the high stone wall that surrounded the Hall to pass into the city proper.

Once again, Christi turned and winked at the staring guards. This pair she knew well, and they were not so quick to remove their eyes from two attractive backsides, so blatantly presented. Christi gave her ass a playful swat, and blew the men a kiss. Ari turned when she heard the spank and blushed upon seeing the guards staring at her bottom.

The noise of the city assaulted the pair immediately as they walked through the gate onto the main thoroughfare of the city — Bison's Way — a crude approximation of the native name for this region coined by the plains dwellers that had lived here since before recorded history. The wide cobblestone trek could accommodate large wagons passing each other on opposite sides, which happened regularly, as the city had become an important part of the trade routes.

The sounds of merchants hawking their wares, hoping for a last minute sale, filled the night. Laughter and singing roared from the taverns to reach a traveler from a fair distance away. Ari thought that the noise inside the buildings would surely have been deafening, to be audible this far away. The snorts of horses and a thousand conversations added to the din of noise that would continue until long after dusk. Fightershaven was a rough and tumble place, and nightfall was more a signal for it to grow increasingly boisterous than to quiet down, as was common in other cities.

Christi laughed, "I told you that you looked good. They're lucky they're standing still. The first man we come across trying to walk while staring at your butt or boobs will probably walk right into something."

"I sort of like it. It's different. I don't usually dress so..."

"Slutty?" Christi supplied and laughed.

Arilee echoed the laugh. "I was going to say provocatively, but it's the same thing isn't it? I've had men stare at me before, but this is — exciting."

Christi leaned over and purred into Ari's ear, "Is it making you hot?"

Playfully pushing her away, Arilee said, "Yes — and so is that, so stop it."

"Sorry I tried to push you a little too far. Gwen used to be the one to come up with those little schemes to keep the men in line, and I guess I miss it a little."

"It's okay. I need to loosen up a little, and you've already told me that you need someone to help you put up the proper appearances at times. So, it all works out."

Christi raised an eyebrow and one corner of her mouth into a crooked smile. "So, you do like showing off a little?"

Arilee blushed and smiled even wider. "Yes, I guess I do. I'm learning about a lot of things I like that I would have never considered until I met you."

Just then, Christi's prophecy came true as a young man walking on the opposite side of the road walked directly into one of the posts supporting the firepots illuminating the street, his eyes locked on Arilee.

Christi quietly suggested, "Try not to laugh, and give him a wink. It will make him feel better."

Arilee did as Christi had suggested, and the young man smiled as he stood back up, holding his head.

The streets were crowded, but fortunately, not so much as they were during the height of the business day in the city. The pair was able to continue with a minimum of jostling.

Prostitutes stood along the busy avenue in front of houses of ill repute, trying to entice customers inside. Beggars pleaded for coin from merchants returning home for the night. Couples and boisterous groups of both men and women moved to and from the many taverns and inns in the city.

Arilee realized she had never really paid attention to just how busy the city was, and what was going on in those crowds. Before, she had always thought of the bustle as little more than an obstruction between her and the place she was going. Now, she looked at things in a more relaxed fashion, and details were leaping out at her she had never before noticed.

One such detail was that nearly everyone in the city was armed. Only those who wore clothing that precluded it, such as her and the Duchess, did not carry a weapon in plain sight.

"I know the perfect place to go. There's an inn called the Wayfarer's Rest that is about the cleanest place in town. The food and the drinks are good, and the patrons are usually fun, without being too loud and annoying. I know the owner, and he'll make sure nobody bothers us that we would rather have just go away," Christi said, and motioned for Arilee to follow her along the main street.

"That sounds fine. I never noticed how many beggars and prostitutes there are in the city. It seems strange when there are not really many poor sections in the city."

Christi smiled. "The prostitutes are here because the money is good. We're on a major trade route, and half the population are sell swords with plenty of coin and a need of companionship. The same goes for the beggars, about half of whom are really just scouting for a pocket to pick, or for someone that their partner can rob."

"They are thieves?" Ari asked with surprise.

"The biggest part of them. There's little we can do to stop it, so we just have to keep them from getting out of hand. Most of them are poor and needy, but afraid of work. We can usually find somewhere for them to earn an honest living if they're willing. They just find begging and stealing easier. Cerebus and I made contact with the thieves' guild, and let them know in no uncertain terms that there would be limits on their activity. There have been a few clashes here and there, but mostly we've come to an understanding."

"I don't know if I'll ever understand this city."

Christi laughed and said, "The same holds true for most people. That's why Thakkor picked Cerebus and me to run this Duchy. We're the only ones who really understand the people here, and we get along well with the people of the plains, too."

"The plains people frighten me," Arilee said and hugged her arms around herself, shivering slightly.

"They're just not like us. They have no desire to be tied down to a city, and consider us as strange and frightening as you find them. They go where the bison, deer, and other creatures go. They live a simple life, and might seem like barbarians, but they're very honorable people. Once one of them trusts you enough to talk with you, it's fascinating to listen to their unique view of life."

"I've just heard so many stories about them raiding villages and taking women and things."

"At one time, that was somewhat true. They only did it to protect themselves, though. What you never hear is that we white men started out burning their villages and raping their women first."

"I didn't know that. How can people be that way?"

"It's not something people like to talk about. There were a lot of misunderstandings back then. Things were just starting to work themselves out when Drax invaded and enslaved them all. Once we freed them, it went back to that tension for a while. Cerebus and I have worked hard to keep things from flaring up, and the people of the city accept them for what they are now. The plainsfolk trade in the city now, so everyone benefits, and that's made things easier."

Ari opened her eyes wide with surprise. She had never been on this street before, and the huge two-storied building that was directly in front of them — obviously Christi's destination — was remarkable. "Is that the Inn?"

"The Wayfarer's Rest — sometimes a reason for travelers to come this way in and of itself. The reputation is spreading, and it's almost impossible to get a room without reserving it in advance now. Somewhere to sit in one of the common rooms isn't much easier, but Ishaq always makes sure a few places are available in case Cerebus and I, Thakkor, or somebody else comes to visit."

The place was one of the largest structures Ari had ever seen. It was easily as big as three inns of the size with which she was familiar. All the doors were intricately carved, as were the frames around doors and windows. The lawn and shrubs were perfectly groomed, and beds of flowers lined the cobblestone path. The path split into three branches, each leading to an open double door in the building.

As Ari and Christi walked closer, the sounds of merriment from within drifted to their ears. The sound was loud, but not overly boisterous, as was common in so many taprooms. Joyful laughter and conversation dominated the sound, where elsewhere the sound of swearing and off-key singing seemed to be the norm. Ari also noticed that the large windows dotting the building were quite clear, showing few waves or imperfections in the surface.

"I didn't even know this was here," Arilee marveled.

"It's not unthinkable. You were completely on the other side of town at the Ogre, and I imagine that jackass kept you confined there as much as possible. The people around there aren't the sort to frequent the Rest, and wouldn't have much to say about it."

"It's beautiful. I can see why people travel to see it."

Christi grabbed Ari's hand and pulled her into the central door, which they had just reached. "It's even better inside."

A short distance down the street, two men stood in the shadowed recess of an alleyway watching the women enter the Rest. Both wore cloaks that were certainly too warm in the summer heat, with deep cowls pulled over their heads.

"Who is the fair haired wench with her?"

"A new servant. She is of no importance."

"News from our dear Governor?"

"There have been setbacks, but he is working to correct that now. All should continue according to plan."

"Neither is to die, or be incapacitated. I will be very displeased if such is to occur. Those around them, however, are quite expendable."

"We take great pains to follow your instructions. The color of your coin ensures our greatest diligence."

"See that it continues to be so. Death would be a welcome release from the results of my displeasure."

The inside of the Wayfarer's Rest was even more breathtaking than the outside. All the wood inside had been carefully selected, utilizing only the finest grains and richest colors. The natural hues of the wood were allowed to shine through, no stains or varnishes detracting from the natural beauty. The furniture, walls, beams, and even the floor were works of art, with fine scrollwork carved into the wooden surfaces.

Everywhere on the walls were curiosities and artwork, many obviously having come from foreign lands or artists. Many of the patrons stood near these items, examining them and apparently engaged in conversation about them. There were many statues and busts crafted in alabaster, all with a distinctive artistic style and dominated by human figures with animal heads. The translucent pieces were always at the center of every display, and were plainly favorites of whoever had decorated the Inn.

The patrons were animated, without being rowdy. Most were finely, if casually dressed. Arilee had little doubt that the bulk of the clientele was of a high class. The noise level seemed to hover at a perfect volume to be heard by those nearby, while hampering the ability to intrude upon a conversation from a distance. Attractive barmaids wove through the crowd, expertly balancing trays of mugs and glasses.

Unlike too many other establishments, the air smelled of incense. The scent was pleasant, without being overpowering. Burners were scattered throughout the establishment on high shelves overhead. Arilee found it a welcome change from the usual smells of stale beer, sweat, and other unmentionable odors common to a taproom.

Ari turned and saw Christi wearing a knowing smile. "Everybody does it. You don't expect to walk into a palace when you're going to a taproom. I watched them build this place, and my mouth still dropped wide open when I walked into it on the first night they opened."

"This must have cost a King's ransom," Ari mused, and then repeated it louder when she realized that Christi couldn't hear her.

"Ishaq did a great service for the ruler of his land when he was but a boy, and he was rewarded handsomely. He used his coin wisely, and grew wealthier. There's something about the city that attracted him, and he decided to settle here after spending some time guesting with us in the Hall. I think it may be the women, quite frankly," Christi explained, and nodded her head toward one of the barmaids. She had enormous breasts that threatened to spill out of the v-shaped neck of her blouse with every bounce, as she walked.

Arilee raised her eyebrows. "How does she manage to walk upright with those?"

Christi laughed. "I have no idea. The thought of boobs that big makes my back hurt. Let's go talk to Ishaq. He always works the main bar just like any other employee. Half of the patrons don't know he owns the place."

The pair navigated through the crowd — Christi returning waves and words of greeting from many of the patrons along the way. Ari assumed that the bar was made from cherry wood, considering its rosy hue. The bar was carved all along the face with scenes of beer and wine making, as well as drinking. The carvings were in the same style as the alabaster statues. The dusky-skinned man wearing a headscarf behind the bar did much to explain the style of artwork that dominated the Rest. He smiled wide when he saw Christi approaching.

"Christi. It is good to see you. It has been far too long since you graced my establishment with your beauty. I see you have brought another of equal beauty to doubly bless me this day."

Ari blushed, and Christi nudged her with a laugh. "This is Arilee. Ashtar is in the Hall, but he's busy dealing with our little wood troll problem. I'm sure he'll come by before he leaves though."

"It will be good to see my old friend again. I will never be able to thank him enough for bringing me here to these wonders."

"You've brought wonders with you. This place is beautiful," Ari gushed.

Ishaq's smile grew even wider, his teeth shining a brilliant white against his dusky skin. "I thank you very much. I do what pleases me, and I am glad it pleases others."

Christi batted her eyelashes at him. "You wouldn't happen to have a table for us would you?"

Ishaq's smile turned devilish. "I might be able to find one for a kiss."

Christi laughed and leaned across the bar, kissing him on the cheek.

"Please come this way — if my legs will obey me now."

He led them to a table very near the bar he was working. Arilee could see the entire common room from her seat, as well as the front door. She could also smell food cooking in the nearby kitchen, even over the incense from the table, and the scent was making her mouth water. Ishaq went back to the bar, and then returned with two glasses of blood red wine.

Christi asked, "Boldheart Red?"

Ishaq nodded. "Just delivered from the Heraklan temple. I am sure some has been brought to the Hall as well."

"Mmm — Vladamir's vintage is always twice as good as anyone else's. Thank you, Ishaq."

"There is plenty. I do not give this to just anyone. I am quite miserly with the vintage from the Heraklan vineyard to ensure it lasts me until they bring more. I was a bit more miserly than usual lately, and I now have enough to tempt a few more people of quality."

"We'll call out if we need more. Thank you again, Ishaq."

Ari settled in and listened to Christi as the Duchess pointed out people in the crowd and told Arilee who they were. Many people came over to greet Christi upon recognizing her. Christi always managed to include Ari in the conversations, and the younger woman soon relaxed. Before long, she was doing fine on her own without Christi pulling her into the conversation.

A handsome young man had just been dragged away from Christi and Arilee's table by his angry date when Christi noticed Arilee staring toward the door. She looked to where Ari's eyes were fixed, and there saw a handsome young man with a ready smile, standing near the door. Christi guessed he was probably not a patron, but appearances could be deceiving. He didn't look like the type to have excess coin to spend in the Rest, which was quite expensive by any standard.

Christi nudged Arilee and said, "You're staring, dear. So who's that?"

"Joshua. He came into the Ogre and talked to me a lot. He bought me dinner the day before you found me there." Ari continued to stare as the young man appeared to recognize someone, and then walk toward whomever he'd spotted.

"I take it you're interested?"

Arilee blushed. "Yes. He's so handsome and charming. He makes my heart flutter."

Christi looked over and saw Joshua lean down, whisper to one of the patrons, and hand him a note.

"How would you like to treat him to dinner this time? Or rather, let me pay for it and you just provide the company?"

"Really? But it's so expensive."

Christi grinned and winked at her blonde friend. "I can tell you like him. It's worth the coin to see the smile on your face. I think I might just go teach that new guard that lesson after all. You just enjoy yourself here. We can have a girl's night out some other time."

"Oh, thank you, Christi."

Christi winked to her again. "I'll be right back."

The Duchess hurried to the bar and spoke with Ishaq, who signaled one of the doormen and used his hands to send some signs to the man. The doorman nodded and moved to intercept Joshua as the young man headed toward one of the doors of the Rest.

Christi walked back to the table. "I told Ishaq that whatever you wanted was on me. The doorman will show him over here."

Indeed, the doorman intercepted Joshua at that moment. The young man raised his hands in a gesture that indicated he didn't want any trouble. The doorman then spoke to him and pointed toward the table where Christi and Arilee were seated. Joshua's face broke into a wide smile when he recognized Arilee.

He arrived at the table and said, "When I didn't see you at the Ogre, I asked where you had gone, but nobody would tell me. It is good to see you. I thought I had scared you away."

"I'm working in the Hall now, for the Duke and Duchess. I'm sorry I didn't find you to let you know what happened. I've just had my duties and the monster attacks..."

"There is no need to apologize. There are many stories about the Duke and Duchess. Are they as odd as people say?"

Ari stifled a laugh, but Christi didn't. Arilee then said, "Joshua, allow me to introduce Christi."

His mouth dropped wide open. "I'm sorry, Your Grace. I didn't mean to..."

Christi laughed again and put a finger to his lips. "Shush. I know all about the stories. Some are true — some aren't. We're not like other rulers — no. You probably would consider us a bit odd. Ari wants to treat you to dinner. Won't you join her?"

"Here?" He questioned, obviously having the same reaction as Arilee had only a short time earlier.

Christi smiled and said, "Yes — here. I want you two to enjoy yourselves. I need to get back to the Hall and take care of something. Take good care of Ari for me, and escort her back to the Hall when you're done?"

"Of course, Your Grace. I would never allow her to walk alone at night."

"Please — just Christi. I'm not sitting on a throne. That's one of the stories that is true if you've heard it. Titles make my teeth grind."

Christi leaned down to Ari and whispered in her ear, "I told Ishaq that if you want a room, I'll pay for that too. Have fun."

Arilee had a deep red flush in her cheeks when Christi stood back up and turned to leave. "Have fun, you two," the Duchess said by way of farewell.

Christi left the pair and started back to the Hall, going through a mental list of the various girls in the Hall who would get a kick out of teaching a certain guardsman a lesson. She was worked up and needed a man — now. The handsome young man courting Arilee had only intensified the need that had started when Christi found out that she couldn't get pregnant right now, and could let a man come inside her.

Arilee knew the same applied to her, because Christi had cast her spell on the blonde as well. Christi hoped that Arilee would take advantage of it.

Samantha was one of the cook's assistants, and someone who had helped Christi straighten out new guardsmen this way in the past. She was blonde haired and had large breasts, so it was easy enough for her to lure the guard who had been tearing a swath through the hearts of the women in the Hall into her bed.

Christi stood in the hall, not far from Samantha's room. The sounds of the couple's passion were muted, but still quite audible in the hall. The few other servants that passed by smiled, knowing there was only one reason that the Duchess would be standing in the hallway, barefooted and wearing only a robe. The servants continued on with a wink upon seeing Christi, and the other woman with her.

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The new me. The beginning Part 1.... By Jessica Kingston At the local golf club which Jane and Gary regular visited and played golf, as well as playing golf the social life became part of their lives as they were down at the golf club most weekends. Over the years Gary and Jane became really good friends with a couple called John and Janet, John played golf regularly with Gary, and Janet was a non-golfer but was always part of the social life, John and Janet had a daughter called...

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Hannah being a bit of a nympho

As Hannah was sitting on the bench waiting for the #7 train to arrive, she noticed how crowed the subway looked tonight. Knowing that the train cars would be packed full she signed as the she saw the train arriving at the station. She figured that once again she would be standing cramed packed in the train car..with bodies pressed against her in all directions. This normally would have bothered her but she noticed that most of the people piling onto the train were men. Feeling abit aroused...

2 years ago
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Sweet Little Princess

Sweet Little Princess by Lady in Waiting ?Come give mommy a kiss,? said Laura as she reached down into the crib. The little girl she picks up smiles and gives her a big kiss, wrapping her arms around her neck. ?You?re such a sweet little thing. Always so happy in the morning.? ?I love you mommy,? the little girl says as she looks up at Laura. ?Aww, I love you too princess. Oh my, you didn?t tell mommy you had to use the potty.? ?Sorry mommy.? ?Run and get a new diaper...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyVault Rose Monroe Twerks On BBC

Today we have the gorgeous Rose Monroe showing off her thick latina ass. I can watch her shake and twerk all fucking day. We have her show off her perfect body for us before bending over on a couch to show us the goods. The way her pussy lips spread open when she shakes her ass makes me want to jack off right now! Our boy Josh is a lucky man as he’s the one tasked to give Rose a good time. And with his BBC, Rose couldn’t ask for a better fit. Rose is a veteran in the game so she...

4 years ago
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Debauchery The Invitation

The Invitation ~Prologue~ I pulled up to the huge mansion in my car. Valet was waiting with smiles on their faces. “Hello.” The young man said opening my driver side door. I grabbed my bag and purse. “Here is your ticket, enjoy your evening.” He said. “Thank you.” I smiled He hopped in my Buick Enclave and drove off, leaving me there standing on the gravel. I paused for a moment and looked around. All I heard was the singing sound of the crickets. I slowly walked to the...

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The GirlsChapter 13 Carly Animal Instincts

Carly woke early, at the crack of dawn. She hadn't slept well last night - after using her dog Alistair as a sex aid, she'd tossed and turned all night, as horny as could be. Even as she awoke, her first thought was "Is that a cock?" It was indeed a cock, but not the type Carly hoped for. It was the rooster, crowing as the sun came up, and reminding her that she had to get up and do all her chores. Yawning, Carly tossed on her "work" overalls - she had two sets of clothing, the trendy...

4 years ago
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Maa Ke Saath Shaadi Ki

Ye story aaj se 3 saal pehle ki hai. Main us time 22 saal kaa tha aur ghar se durr ek MNC mein kaam karta tha.Ye December ki baat hai ek subah mujhe ghar se phone aaya. Mujhe pata chala mere pitaji ko heart attack aaya hai aur unki maut ho chuki hai. Mere pairo tale zameen khisak gayi! Maine turant apna samaan pack kiya aur gaon ke liye nikal gaya. Jaise hi main ghar pahuncha charo taraf rone chikhne ki awaazein thi. Meri maa ne jaise hi mujhe dekha woh aake mujhse lipat kar rone lagi aur main...

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College library

Hi every body the story today I am going to tell is a true one. It’s about my first experience. First let me introduce myself. I am Satya. I am 5’9 inches tall with slim sexy body. I am of shy nature and usually don’t prefer talking with girls. This happened to me when I was in my college somewhere in Bhubaneswar. One day when I was in my college library this girl named Swati who was my classmate came to me and asked me to be her friend she wanted to know why I ignore my class girls all the...

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From older sister to submissive bimbo

Elizabeth sat in her sister's high ceiling living room and cried. "And they're giving him a few months severance, but after that we'll have nothing!" Megan comforted her blonde older sister as she sobbed on. "It's ok, Elizabeth, really. Jeff will find a job, the economy isn't that bad right now. I'm sure he can find one." Megan held her older sister's hands in her own. They'd always been a bit distant, owing to the fact that Elizabeth was 34, and Megan only 28. Megan had always been the more...

Mind Control
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I finally lose my virginity

In September of 1968, I return to Washington University for my sophomore year. Although I dated a few ladies my freshman year, my virginity was still intact. Freshman year included a season of competitive swimming, where I first met Linda. She was going out with a diver and liked to hang around the swim team. Well, who wouldn't? Young men in the prime of life wearing at most 6 ounces of nylon and college life in 1968... yep, it was interesting.Following year her boyfriend was gone and Linda and...

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Ericas Prom Night

Erica's Prom Night Erica sat on top of the picnic table on the patio behind her home. She stared off into the clear, full-moonlit night sky, as she often did, contemplating life. The clean, fresh scent of an early summer rain shower, somewhere off in the distance, filled the air. It seemed so ironic that the clarity of the night was in stark contrast to her feelings. She wished life did not make her feel so shameful,alienated, ans scared. Erica could she that the lights in the...

1 year ago
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Cum To My Office

V. and I had shaved her pussy the night before, and it had been a wildly erotic night. We had a little wine, made out a little, and when we got particularly horny, she smiled her dirtiest smile and said she was going to take a shower. I joined her there. She fell to her knees immediately and sucked my cock, taking me right to the brink of orgasm before suddenly stopping. She stood up and moved my hand down to her pussy while the other gripped the shaft of my cock. While my cock throbbed I...

Quickie Sex
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Caitlyns Treatment Ch 02

Cindy and I were together in my bed. We’d got back from the prom around 11 o’clock since we had no dates and no after-party we wanted to be at. We chatted about the prom with Mom and Dad and then came up to sleep. It felt so good to strip off the kind of silly prom dresses we’d worn. She jumped into my bed with just her little party panties and a tee. I was in my old sweats and a tee. ‘Cindy? Don’t go to sleep yet.’ ‘Huh, what?’ I could see the sheet rising and falling rhythmically over her...

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The Milkmaids Tale

Hi, honey! Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. There’s a wet bar over there. Make yourself a drink! We’re going to have a nice woman-to-woman talk here, and it may take a while. It’s a long story. You’re doing research on women entrepreneurs, right? That’s what my niece Steffi told me. I don’t know if you can use my story, though. My business was, shall we say unconventional? But the statute of limitations has already passed for this stuff, and I really don’t care about my reputation...

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Convict Lake

Convict lake is nestled in a moraine crotch of the Eastern Sierra. Formed millions of years ago, the valley slowly filled in by sediment from melting ice sheets known as glaciers. Over thousands of years, the shifting ice ground away granite and left it as the only evidence of their titanic forces. When the valley tail filled with moraine a lake basin formed capturing the runoff from the high mountains. Now a vacation spot for valley folks looking for quiet and a place to escape the valley...

2 years ago
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First Time

Marion placed one of her hands on my knees. "Women are so much nicer," she continued. "It takes a female to really appreciate another female."She looked into my eyes desperately and then leaned forward. I found myself leaning in her direction and soon our lips met. Marion, being older by fifteen years and heavier by fifteen pounds, became the aggressor and pushed me against the sofa we were sitting on. I was twenty years old then and I knew that there were such things as dykes in the world. But...

1 year ago
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A Teachers treasure

I am Jessica .It was the first summer session. I was very surprised And upset I had to spend my time at school. (* disappointed in myself)* I had been a a student,so summer class was so unfair. After class. ,walking home it was hot. When I saw my prof ask to see me so we went to her office. As I entered she smiled. ‘ thanks. My t shirt wet from the rain. And said we should talk.’ ‘ I know your upset about last yr,.. she started, ‘ I’m fine,. I replied. I saw her memorized by what was under my...

3 years ago
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A Day in the Life of a Girl

A Day in the Life of a Girl By Donna Allyson Copyright by Donna Allyson 2001 Posting rights granted to Fictionmania, all others by permission only. Email [email protected] Chapter one: Preparation I felt the warm sun stream in the window as I lay snuggled up to my pillow desperately fighting the urge to roll over and go back to sleep. I really had no need to get up as classes had ended for the year and my roommate had left for home two days before. I finally succumbed to...

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CuttyChapter 27 Punishment

As she had been trained, Donna first went to her room to prepare herself. She undressed and showered quickly, then used a lubricated dildo to scratch the ever-present itch in her pussy and ass. Next, she sat down to apply make-up, a lot of make up this time to cover up her sleepy face. It had been a long day for her, much too long. When she looked at the result of her quick make over, Donna was satisfied. The thick black eyeliner, mascara and the red eyeshadow hid her sleepy eyes, and the...

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WildOnCam Scarlett Mae Scarlett Loves Giving Sloppy Blowjobs LIVE

Beautiful redhead Scarlett Mae is always a pleasure to have LIVE on cam and she loves being a tease with her sheer lingerie letting you peek at her bush through her panties before she pulls them off and opens her legs to give you all the access you need! Donnie loves getting handjobs and seeing Scarletts eyes looking up at him while her lips are wrapped around that cock! Better hold off cumming as with a babe like Scarlett it would be easy to lose all control. Grab that ass and just wait until...

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A Gift From The Stars Ch 01

It was a cruel oversight on their part that Rick and Jill Tom named their boy Thomas. He would thereafter be mocked by other boys, as Tom Tom. And so, his childhood was peppered with unending ridicule: muted drumming of fingers on books and beneath desks whenever he’d answer a question in class, feathers left in his books and derisive references to ‘Injun Tom’ when Tom Tom wasn’t sufficiently insulting, causing Thomas to retreat from others and become a loner. During his high school years, the...

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My first time being fingered and giving my first b

This is a story about the first time I was fingered, and giving my first blow job.I was in my early high school days and as most of the k**s then, I was becoming rather sexually active quickly. I met a guy Dylan he was a year older than me and we were soon dating. At this stage I was still a Virgin for almost everything, well everything except for kissing and having my boobs foundled. After dating a few months we found a spot at school, which was very quiet, we use to meet there in the mornings...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 15

The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, twelve hours after drop. The Rookie felt Alba’s dinner plate-sized hands close around his helmet, and she lifted it off slowly, the unnatural colors and outlines of his VISR replaced by her grey skin and her pink lips. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what she was proposing, but he wasn’t sure why. Was it because they were probably going to die, or more because the previous fight had filled her with adrenaline that she needed to burn off? Either way, he...

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My Daughter Sucks

Half way through the summer Sabrina met a new friend. Salina was a local girl and they had an instant connection especially since their names sounded so much alike. Since Sabrina did not know much of the city, Salina offered to show her around town and introduce her to some people. They had a blast hanging out, shopping, and meeting new people. They were like two peas in a pod.Salina was a tall thin big hipped Latina with bright light blue eyes with small perky tits. She wasn't chesty like...

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Ch2 Toms Video

The next three weeks fall into a familiar rhythm.  Tom and Paisley chat almost every day.  Paisley works as a nurse in a downtown Chicago hospital.  Long night shifts mean she wakes up around 11:00.  9:00 for Tom on West Coast time.  He is usually in the middle of his work morning when she comes online, drowsy and with a cup of coffee in her hand.  And horny.  Really horny.Tom glanced at his laptop screen.  For the seventh time in the last five minutes.  A certain twenty-two-year-old was on his...

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Made her watch me jerk off

I love going to those Asian massage places for happy endings.I have been to many and have had all ages and sizes jerk me off making my body look like its being electrocuted. I loved hearing this young woman break the silence to say "Oh, you gotta nice cock!" One hand squeezing my balls and the other tightly jerking me off to a fine explosion. I loved seeing it drip down her tiny hands and see her big smile at having completed her task, a job well done.Another one, rounder but always smiling was...

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I think my son may be fucking my wife

Two Fridays ago we were getting ready to go on a vacation. I had not done my laundry in weeks and my side of the bed was literally like a foot deep in dirty laundry. I sorted all of my clothes starting with my work clothes. Then I pulled out my everyday stuff like gym shorts, tshirts, etc. All that was left was underwear and socks so I used my foot to scoot everything left into a pile. Then as I was bagging up my socks and underwear I picked up a pair of boxers and immediately knew they were...

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A Holiday For Singles

Put a man's name as First Name Put a woman's name for Miss 76 as Last Name It is the middle of summer and the start of the holiday you booked for yourself. You are standing in line on the dock waiting to board the ship that will be your home for the next 2 weeks. Your luggage has been sent ahead to your cabin. While you are waiting, you read the promotional brochure that was given to you by one of the crew. "A Holiday for Singles" it says in big letters at the top. "14 fun filled days for...

2 years ago
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The Whore part two

Part twoThe dog farted. “bloody hell Lucy!” Amanda waved away the aroma with her paper. The fire needed making up, but she couldn’t muster the energy to get out of her chair and do it. She logged onto the railway web site, and booked her ticket for London the following morning, then checked several more emails Izzy had sent her, using her work I-phone, complete with tracker, in case she needed to summon help. Izzy was insistent, wherever she went, the I-phone went as well…..Amanda walked into...

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LimitsChapter 6 Mickey

As someone who'd always even slept in a bra, Mickey's new freedom was instantly noticed upon her arrival home. Whipping up a four-cheese lasagna, her mom dropped her sauce ladle when she saw her daughter exit Mary Ann's car topless. She froze as Mickey casually unloaded her bike and hefted it over her shoulder. Turning to wave, Diana DiCapra reckoned the neighbors across the street got a full-on view of her daughter's deformed breasts. Mickey locked her bike to the storm gutter and ran...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 24 Deals and Surprises

Dave heard the scream of joy from down the hall. Both Jenny and Nikky surged out of Dave’s office with him in hot pursuit. JR came running towards them in the other direction waving two magazines and two of the country’s most read newspapers. She looked sexy as hell because she’d realized that tall spike heels and short skirts without undies were an ideal combination to titillate her colleagues and especially Dave. “WE’RE THE HOTTEST THING IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK. LOOK AT THIS COVERAGE!” She...

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My homosexual experience

Ever since I was in my teens, I've had a very active sex life and I've always loved new experiences. If I am not masturbating, I'd be fucking any woman who gave me an opportunity. Years ago I had my first homosexual experience with a family friend, who was about 15 years older than me (I was 19 at the time). While he never approached me, I always a bit of curiosity about having sex with another guy. For me it was a taboo I never acted on. So one night while hanging out at his place, we got into...

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Gay Militia Men and their Masturbating Girlfriend

Introduction: This text contains casual gay sex, gratuitous female masturbation and rednecks. Be warned. Preface Alright, let me write this down, just in case anyone stumbles across this text in a couple of years and wonders what the fuck is going on here. So. At the end of 2015, beginning of 2016, a group of militia men started an armed occupation of the visitor center of a federal wildlife refuge, in order to fight the tyranny of the federal government of america. Sadly, the tyranny didnt...

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Big Daddys Throat Stuff

I awoke to the sound of voices coming from downstairs. I recognized Daddy. His deep, growly voice made me feel all cozy and warm. I stretched and felt the dull ache from between my legs. Oh, right, Daddy and me and last night. I looked around the room; the clothes strewn on the floor, the sloppy bedcovers. I curled in on myself, hugging my arms around me. I was truly Daddy's little girl. He loved me.I listened to the voices from downstairs and played back all that had happened. Daddy was right....

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Lindas Awakening Phoenix Style

Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...

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Home EarlyChapter 2

"Hi Terry, Gary here." "Just fine, you horny stud! Hahaha!" "Hey listen. Something has come up, and we need to have a sit down with you and Mel." "No, it's nothing bad, I promise! Just come over for a bar-b-que tonight." "Yeah, bring the twins, too, they are a part of all this." "OK, we'll see you around four." "Bye." It was almost hard to talk to his brother-in-law on the phone, knowing what the subject matter was, and the fact that his daughter was once again...

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Father Son Bonding

Father Son Bonding I heard the SUV coming up the dirt road, and I quickly told Tom to hide in the other room. Peeking through the blinds, I saw my wife Jenny at the wheel and ... damn ... my daughter Amanda beside her. I would have expected they would be quiet and even nervous, as I was, but they seemed to be sharing a joke. The back of the Yukon, I could tell, was filled with boxes and bags, so at least, I figured, had brought everything we'd asked them to. Jenny was first to the...

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The Public Toilet

It was a warm Saturday afternoon and i had decided to get out and get some air and to clear my head after the long week at work.I headed out and drove along the coast taking in the scenary and just enjoying the sunshine.It was about 3 ish in the afternoon when whilst driving i needed to take a piss and found a public toilet on the coast road, i pulled in and went inside,it was your typical public toilet a little the smell of stale urine floating about everywhere,i found the urinal and unzipped...

4 years ago
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SamChapter 13C

The problem was solved when Angie came over to join us. Polly lost her expression of uncontrollable lust, and when she looked away, I was able to snap out of it as well. "Hey, you two," Angie said. "What's going on?" Her tone implied that if something WAS going on, she wanted to get in on it. She put an arm around my waist and gave me a friendly hug. I acknowledged it by giving her butt a quick squeeze and she grinned at the reminder that it wasn't the first time today I had had my...

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The Five Sexy Waves Hit Me Hard To The Core

Hi folks am maddy (name changed due to privacy) from chennai 26 age. Tall medium build body and 6” inch tool and that enough to satisfied my five sexy goddess of my life time.Currently am dating my five goddess I didnt had sex with her till now only oral sex in my office let me describe her about in upcoming stories. My first goddess name was aishu and this incident happen when I was studying tenth standard. Aishu was cousin we use to be close from childhood after she age attended I reduce to...

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