Second Chances - Part 1 free porn video

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Part I

It’s the middle of July on a lonely back road in central Texas. The sun was beating down hard on yet another 114 degree day. The engine in Ben’s 18 wheeler ran hot enough to cycle the cooling fan frequently even on the flat. The air conditioning was running full blast and struggled just to keep the cab somewhat comfortable.
‘Another scorcher.’ He thought morbidly as he looked around through the windows. The road was your typical two lane blacktop. The say everything’s bigger in Texas and that was dispelled as myth as soon as he got on the highway heading east. The shoulders were narrow and almost non-existent in places. The lanes too were narrow. In places there was just enough room for two large trucks to pass as both had to practically drive the edge of the pavement. He’d just gone through a small town at 30 mph for the umpteenth time and the speed limit would rise to 55 within a mile of leaving the town limits. He dropped the hammer to ramp up his speed as he approached a hill in the distance. His speed slowly climbed as he predicted his speed to be about 65 just as he got to it. His rig started up the hill and it immediately began to slow as the effect of gravity pulling on 44,000 pounds of boxed beef in his reefer made its presence known. By the time he reached the top, he was only able to hold on to 30. For a brief moment Ben could see for miles around as he topped the hill. The view was spectacular to him as the desert-like landscape stretched as far as he could see. Ben marveled at how isolated he seemed to be yet be only a couple of miles out of town. The sun was setting behind him. The road turned and twisted in front of him, beckoning him on to meet the horizon as if challenging him to beat the sun to it the next morning.
Several more miles passed and the sun’s intensity lessened as it sank lower in the sky. The cab cooled as the A/C didn’t struggle so much to make cold air. Another hill forced its way between him and the horizon. The view kept changing but seemed to stay the same as mile after mile of different sameness and longer shadows passed by the windows.
Ben entered a long curve in the road and as he came round it, he caught a glint off of metal up ahead in the straight. He saw it was a car on just off the road onto the dirt shoulder and a person looking through the trunk. ‘This ain’t any place to have a break-down.’ He thought and slowed his rig immediately. Engine brakes roared and the figure turned to look at him. Then the person waved their arms to flag him down and as he passed the car he could see the diminutive figure of a very petite woman. He pulled over about a hundred feet beyond her car, stopped and slowly reversed direction on the shoulder to shorten the distance between the vehicles. Ben pulled the air brake knobs to set the brakes with the usual loud shoosh of rushing air and a puff of dust from under the rig. He got out and walked back toward the woman and her car.
Lora was on her way to visit her parents in New Hampshire. She planned the trip out and visited family in Colorado Springs before continuing her trip. Instead of heading east on I-70 out of Denver, she called a close friend in Plainview and told her she wanted to come visit for a day or two if that was ok. Sandy was excited to have Lora come visit as they hadn’t seen each other since she’d moved to Plainview a couple years earlier but wrote often. Lora was thrilled and told Sandy she’d be there the next day.
After her visit with Sandy, Lora went east and wound up on US-70. She figured to catch I-35 North out of Fort Worth to start her northerly direction toward New Hampshire. The road wasn’t as good as it looked on the map. US-70 east of Plainview isn’t that good for a car let alone a big rig. In fact it’s narrow and mostly 55 miles per hour. She passed several big trucks and felt there was barely enough room. She marveled at how desolate the area looked and how isolated she felt from everything. She’d passed through several towns only to find herself back out in the desert-like environment quickly. She hated the desert. So dry, desolate and….brown. Patches of green could be seen but even the greens seemed dull. No trees or rather nothing you would want to call a tree. Just sand and brush and brown.
She’d rounded a long curve when her car started acting up. The little red Mazda’s temp gauge was in the red and she pulled over in the straight about a half mile from the curve. She had to pull off into the dirt to get out of the lane and when she did she heard a loud bang like a big firecracker exploding. Just then the car shuddered horribly and she knew she’d just blown a tire. “Of all the stupid…” she stopped in mid-sentence. She beat her fists on the steering wheel in frustration as the dust settled around the car. She knew she should have gone north to Amarillo and take Interstate 40 East. Her A/C had been running full blast but the hot sun beat down on the thin black convertible top keeping the temperature higher than normal. This coupled with the fact the engine was overheated, with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere didn’t do much for her comfort level. Fortunately the temp gauge began a slow drop so she kept the engine running as she fished out the owner’s manual from the glove compartment to look up how to change a flat tire.
A few minutes later after a fruitless search to find the instructions, Lora got out and opened the trunk. She started to take out the stuff she packed for the trip setting it on the ground. As she stood up and turned to look into the trunk, she saw the sticker on the underside of the trunk lid with the instructions on how to change the tire. She cursed and continued to empty the trunk to get to the spare and jack. She got the last of her stuff out of the trunk and lifted the floor panel covering the spare. She couldn’t turn the wing nut which held the spare in place. She tried several times and cursed several more. Suddenly she heard a loud roaring sound behind her. She turned and saw it was a big truck. She frantically waved her arms to flag the trucker down for help. As the truck passed, she saw the driver looking down at her as the roar of the exhaust diminished with his speed. She watched as the truck pulled in front of her car a ways then back up to get closer. The truck stopped and the tail lights began to flash.
She wasn’t sure if she should have flagged down a trucker but it was too late to do anything about it. She’d heard stories of how people would stop to help then kill the hapless victim, steal their money and probably the car. She’d also heard stories of truckers and their willingness to help stranded motorists. She felt nervous as the door to the rig opened and a large man climbed down from the cab and started to walk toward her. She moved back behind the car and looked around the trunk lid. Was he good or bad? Then she saw him wave and call out ‘Howdy!’
As he approached the car, the small woman seemed to be hiding behind the car as if scared or something. He was mindful that she might be just that. He was also mindful that sometimes people played tricks on hapless truckers. He scanned the area around the car in the bushes looking for someone that might jump him and try to steal his wallet and maybe do him harm. The he looked back toward her and raised his hand to wave.
“Howdy! I see you’re in a mess a trouble Miss. May I help you?”, he asked in his best light tone and warm smile. She relaxed some when she heard his slight southern drawl and saw the smile touch his eyes.
“My car overheated and blew a tire when I pulled over.”, she said. He was close enough now she could see his deep sea green eyes and dark brown hair. He was big man. Not fat just tall. ‘He must be at least six feet.’, she mused. Compared to her 4 foot 11 inch tall self, he did tower over her a full foot plus.
“This ain’t any place to break-down ma’am. You’re miles from anywhere so let’s get you fixed up and outta here, Ok?”, he said with concern in his voice. She nodded as she practically stared at him. She saw him looking around with a stern look on his face. He looked down at her and picked up on her staring and figured it was because he must be overbearing or something was probably frightened. “I’m going to get the spare put on so you can get out of here ok?”
“OK, Mister…I don’t know your name.”, she cut in mid-sentence.
“Benjamin Logan ma’am. But most people call me Ben.”, he offered politely while tipping his cap and a slight nod of his head.
‘He tipped his hat!’ she thought, shocked anyone would do that these days or even have heard of Emily Post. Her jaw slackened and her lips parted slightly in amazement.
He noted the look of surprise on her face by the blank look and slight parting of her beautiful lips. He chose not to acknowledge it figuring it might embarrass her. He also noted in his mind that her lips weren’t overtly full nor thin and pale. They were better than average. They were perfect along with her chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. She abruptly shut her mouth swallowed and turned away and went to the passenger side of the car. He shook his head. ‘She’s staring at you probably scared out of her wits and you’re staring back. This is no way to act!’, he angrily thought to himself. Then he busied himself with the process of changing the flat.
After a second more determined attempt to twist the wing nut loose his grip on it slipped as it broke free. The motion caused the heel of his hand to slide across the end of the threaded rod. The result was a gash on the heel of his left hand. He cursed quietly and held his hand against his shirt to keep from bleeding all over her trunk. She’d heard his exclamation and came around to look at what might have caused him to curse. She saw the blood on his hand and caught her breath and put a hand to her mouth. The sight of blood always rattled her. He turned and smiled crookedly at her.
“Oh my God! Are you alright Ben?”, she said reaching for his injured hand while also suddenly realizing she’d called him by his first name as though they were familiar with each other. She flushed at the thought.
“Yeah. I’ll be ok.”, he grimaced. He saw her reach for his hand but didn’t pull back. Instead he held it out for her look at.
“That looks bad. Maybe I can find something to dress it with.”, she said.
“I’ve got a first aid kit in my truck. The rod isn’t rusty so I don’t’ think it’s serious enough for a doctor. By the way, the spare’s flat. “, he said. She looked up at him with a worried look. “I’ll use the air on the truck to fill it and wrap my hand up while I’m up there.” She took his hand and held it. She felt a pang of guilt for his injury and something else. She saw the blood glistening wet and bright red. It oozed and started to run down the side of his hand. He pulled back gently and placed it against his shirt again then reached into the trunk to finish removing the nut. Once done he pulled the spare from the tire well and carried it up to the front of the trailer. She followed him with concern on her mind and her face. He looked over to her and saw the concern but didn’t say anything. Instead he unlocked the passenger door, climbed in and came back out with a first aid kit.
“Would you mind?”, he asked offering her the kit. Without hesitation she took it, opened it up and proceeded to dress his wound quite expertly. His hunch proved correct.
”Thanks. Feels better already.”, he said.
“How did you know I knew First Aid?”, she asked.
“You used the term ‘dress’ in trying to help instead of suggesting I see a doctor. It figured you knew First Aid.”, he said. Ben gave her a wink and started around to the other side of the truck. Lora attempted to follow.
“Stay on that side please. Wouldn’t want ‘MY’ triage nurse to get run over being so close to the road and all.”, he said as he scanned the road behind him for traffic. She raised her eyebrows then nodded and went back around to the other side and felt comforted by his concern of her.
Ben pulled a blue hose out of the side box of the cab and put it down on the catwalk on top of the chassis frame. Then he pulled the red hose off the trailer and connected it to the blue hose with some difficulty as it required two hands. He felt the gash open as he twisted the two glad-hands together and blood started to stain the dressing. He climbed back up and pressed the Trailer Air Supply knob in to apply air pressure to the hose. Before he climbed down he grabbed two bottled waters from his electric cooler and went back around to the other side.
“How about a cold drink?”, he asked her. She brightened as he offered the cold wet liquid refreshment to her. She took the water, opened it and took a long swallow and savored the coolness sliding down her throat. “Thank you.”, she said. “I really needed one of these. By the way, my name is Lora. Lora McKie.” She offered him her hand to shake and he did with a gentle but firm grip. His hand felt strong and sure but not overpowering. The contact made her feel strange inside. Almost familiar. She swore it off as nervousness but couldn’t shake it. He felt the same tingle not knowing she’d felt it too. Then put his water bottle down on the cat walk. As he reached for the air chuck on the hose, she grabbed his left wrist quickly and turned his hand over.
“The dressing is good but won’t do the job if you keep re-injuring yourself. Take it easy on that gash or it will get infected.”, she said. ‘Oh great Lora! Act like his mother.’, she thought sarcastically at herself as she held his hand to inspect the dressing. “You were right. I was an assistant in triage for a hospital in Phoenix.
“Couldn’t help it this time. Had to use both hand to connect the air line. Sorry to ruin your nice work.”, he said. “Do you have some Italian and Celtic ancestry perhaps?”, he inquired suddenly switching subjects. As she held his hand he didn’t want to her to let go. He knew the feeling inside his gut and couldn’t ignore it. It was the same feeling he got when he could hold his wife’s hand when she was alive. His reverie was interrupted by her answer.
“My last name is Celtic for sure but I don’t know where my first name came from. It is spelled L O R A. Could be a part of an Italian name I suppose.”, she said.
“Might be an alternate spelling derivative of the English name Laura?”, he asked.
“It might be. Most of my family comes from Ireland and a female from Britain married into the family line which could explain it. I don’t work genealogy much but it’s interesting to discover things about your past families.”, she said.
Ben looked thoughtful for a moment. She looked at him and wondered how a truck driver could know this kind of stuff let alone talk intelligently about it. The feeling inside her wouldn’t go away. It wasn’t a bad feeling but it seemed strange that she would feel it at all what with her horrible divorce and all. ‘He is handsome. Could I really be attracted to this hulk of a man?’, she thought. ‘A trucker?’
He noticed her hair style was starting to come apart as an errant strand began to unravel. She noticed him looking at the top of her head then noticed the loose hair. It was long and seemed to stop around the middle of her back. She pulled her hat off and laid it down on the catwalk to pull up the errant strands and wrap it again. She had to hold it in place with one hand while searching her hair for something. She was turned sideways to him and he noticed her profile for the first time. She was quite shapely and the curves were in all the right places. Her white sleeveless low-cut tank top rounded a full figure but not overly large. Her waist was pleasantly narrow that flared out to hips that were at least 10 inches larger than her waist giving her the all-beautiful all perfect “hour glass” figure. She looked down toward the ground turning while still holding her hair up with one hand.
“Looking for something?”, he asked. Without looking up she answered that she was trying to find the bobby pin that fell out. She had turned toward him slightly bent over while looking on the ground for the pin. He saw the slight gap in her cleavage and a good portion of the tops of her breasts. She stood up and he looked down quickly as if trying to help look for the lost bobby pin too. She looked up at him with one hand still holding her hair in check and said, “No way I’ll find it in the dirt. No way to see it. I’ll just get another one.” She threw up her free hand in defeat and turned to walk toward her car.
“Ok. Be careful please?”, he called after her. She looked back and said she would without breaking her short stride. He watched her for a few moments. Her petite frame seemed alive and very sexy. Her hips swayed back and forth seductively as her short stride allowed.
He turned back to his work and took the other end of the blue hose with the air chuck and pressed it to the spare tire’s valve to fill it. She retrieved a bobby pin and while setting her hair up again, watched him doing something with the spare.
After a minute he pulled a tire gauge from his shirt pocket and checked the pressure. It read 52. The rating on the sidewall read that it should be 60 PSI so he applied more air until the pressure read 60 on the gauge. Once filled he took the spare back to the car where she was waiting.
“It’s full now. Do you have a tire pressure gauge Miss Lora?”, he asked.
“Uh. I don’t think so unless it’s in the glove box.”, she replied and proceeded to search the glove box. When the search turned up nothing he handed her the gauge he had.
“Take this one then. Best to know what the pressure is when the tire is cold so you can tell if you have a leak or not.”
“How far can I go on the spare?”, she asked.
“Only as far as needed to get a new tire on the other rim. Spares aren’t really made for anything more than to get you to a tire shop.”, he said. She thought a moment and decided his slight southern drawl and western character went well together. He’d already started to put the spare on the hub and hand thread the lug nuts.
“Ok. Where’s the next town from here?”, she asked picking up the lug wrench and handing it too him. He took it gladly and nodded with a smile.
“Witchita Falls has a couple of good tire shops. It a big town so it’ll have everything you might need. Your tires are Yokohama’s so you’d best go to a shop that sells them. Just to stay consistent. By the look of these others, I’d recommend getting two tires to put up front and keep the two best of the three left to put on the rear.”, he said.
“I’ve been needing a new set for a little while. Just thought I could wait until I got to my parents.” , she sighed. “Oh well. I guess now’s as good a time as any.”
He’d finished snugging down the lug nuts then lowered the jack to let the tire on the ground. He put a final torque on each lug nut and let the jack down completely pulling from under the car. He carefully put the blown tire in the tire well as best it would fit followed by the jack and wrench. He removed his gloves and started to help her load the truck back up. The two touched inadvertently on purpose several times. Each time a feeling of longing and belonging kept passing through them. Finally the trunk was repacked and only a couple of things had to be put up front in the passenger’s seat.
She’d thanked him and handed him two folded twenty dollar bills.
He had a pained expression as he took the offering. “I can’t take your money. Really it’s enough to know you’re ok and on your way. You don’t need to pay me anything.”, he practically pleaded but hoped he didn’t sound like it and handed the money back to her.
“No really you probably kept me from dying or something out here. Please take it?”, she asked. “This is only a small token of my appreciation. I want you to have it.” She offered it back to him with those beautifully dark brown seductive eyes you can’t say ‘no’ to. He extended his hand hesitantly and took the bills.
She stuck her hand out to shake his hand and he accepted it. She told him to take care of that gash and was in her car and gone as quickly as that. He stood there and watched her drive away down the road until she topped the next hill and disappeared from view. He stuffed the money into his pocket and headed toward the front of his rig to put up his equipment when a feeling of loneliness swept over him.
When he reached where he’d been working on the tire, he donned his gloves again and cleaned up his equipment. He didn’t feel like doing anything right then. He just wanted to crawl into his sleeper and get some sleep and forget about today like most days. But then today wasn’t like most days and wished it didn’t end when she left.
Ben went around to the other side of his rig to check for any loose equipment when he noticed her hat had blown off the catwalk on to the ground. He stared at it a moment and remembered her laying it on the catwalk when her hair started to unravel. He bent down to pick it up. He lifted it toward his nose and sniffed. It still had her perfume on it. He climbed back into the cab, tossed the hat onto his bunk, filled out his logbook and headed for Wichita Falls and a truck stop.

‘Wouldn’t it be ironic if…’ he mused silently knowing full well the odds were well out of his favor. He pulled back on the road and headed for a truck stop in Wichita Falls.


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Chances AreChapter 18

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night to a pitch black bedroom and at least two warm naked female bodies. There were no street lights on outside and very likely the entire house, along with most of the remaining bits of the Westside, were without electrical power. By feel, I determined that Denise (Firefly) was curled up on my right side, or least her massive tits were. A more slender but nearly equally petite figure dozed on my left, and a brief caress of her hair suggested that this...

3 years ago
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Second Chances

SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...

1 year ago
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Second Chances

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk pretty young girls. Well no one really ever mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be...

2 years ago
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What Would Be the ChancesEpilogue

Since writing this four chapter story and posting on several websites, I have received numerous feed back; mostly along the same lines, IE the dad should be Mark! Let me try to explain my idea of the story. I wrote this story as a sexual who dun nit! In a normal who dun nit, a murder is committed but in a sexual who dun nit is directly opposite to this and it's a case of who created the new life. The story was aptly named 'What would be the chances' because right from the first chances...

1 year ago
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Second Chances

Instant gratification. That’s what most people want these days. Thanks to instant communication with email, instant shopping online, instant pornography too, we all want exactly what we want, exactly when we want it. That’s what made things so frustrating. Much as I don’t want to admit it, my middle-aged brain has been re-wired to operate in the modern era of instant gratification. She made me wait. I had clicked the “send” button and sent my video clip to my foreign correspondent. She was...

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Second Chances Chapter 30 FINAL Hello my name is Chrissy

Sunday, October 5, 1997 I woke up on my own. I sat up in bed. I remembered last night... or rather I remembered what I wished for. I suddenly got really nervous. What have I done? I'm stuck in 1997 now. I'm stuck as Christina now. I was so caught up in the moment I really didn't think it through. Breathe Chrissy. You asked for this. You wanted this. Yeah, But now it's real. I looked at the mirror in front of me. This is very real. This is me. This is me forever...

2 years ago
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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...

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Chances AreChapter 11

Our very private chat now done, we headed on home with naught but a grocery stop at the A&P planned along the way. We agreed that mission number one for tomorrow morning was shopping to seriously upgrade our extremely limited wardrobe. I’d picked up a few basic items of casual clothing at a couple of local used resale shops in North and South Hell over the last couple of weeks, but I still had nothing that our old pal Rags would have been caught dead wearing. We now had the dough, so it...

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We’ve never met. At least not in person. She is just a screen name to me and an avatar, and I suppose that is all I am to her. A few exchanged messages online. That’s what we share. And perhaps she knows more about me than I do about her, since she’s read some of my stories posted online. She knows a bit of what I look like, at least from the waist down, and she knows my age and where I live. Her? I know where she lives and how old she is, but I have no idea what she looks like. I don’t even...

4 years ago
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We’ve never met. At least not in person. She is just a screen name to me and an avatar, and I suppose that is all I am to her. A few exchanged messages online. That’s what we share. And perhaps she knows more about me than I do about her, since she’s read some of my stories posted online. She knows a bit of what I look like, at least from the waist down, and she knows my age and where I live. Her? I know where she lives and how old she is, but I have no idea what she looks like. I don’t even...

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Chances AreChapter 8

So, on that peaceful Saturday evening I was sitting up on the roof of Murder Mansion, alone and slowly enjoying four fingers of fine quality rye, enjoying the late-night spring breezes and the sounds of the city from off in the distance. Most of the flat roof was covered with a series of four long rectangular greenhouses, but everything inside had been dead for a full decade or more. Orchids most likely, from all of the dried petals on the floor. At the northwest corner of the roof, the...

4 years ago
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Chances AreChapter 16

I muttered something about sandwiches and brewing up a pot of fresh coffee for everyone, back at my place, and a few of the heroines agreed to hang around there for a while. For now, at least, all of the fun, mayhem, and destruction seemed to be over. Most of the gals decided that they’d rather enjoy a long bath at home, along with a dozen or more stuff drinks instead, and most of them made their farewells. Even the horde of newsies and television camera crews started to look bored and began...

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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

2 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

4 years ago
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When my mistress informed me that she would be going away on a business trip for several months I was secretly quite pleased at first, until she informed me that I would be staying with a friend of hers; Mrs Chappell. The dread set in, I knew any friend of hers would not bode well for me. My thoughts turned to my recent dealings with another friend of hers, Miss Allison and I inwardly shuddered. I was not told when she would be going, but about three weeks later, on the appointed day,...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Ch 06

We arrived at the casino on Friday at 8 PM, a full 2 hours later than our plans. It took us a while to get out of Portland and get there. Weekend traffic, getting away from work, an accident on the highway. Both Jerry and I had last minute emergency issues to clear at work before we could leave. It all conspired against us, but we finally made it. It’s Jerry’s birthday this weekend. We’ve been living together again for about 11 months now, and we both needed to get away from work and be with...

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Second Chances Chapter 17 Youre Makin Me High

During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...

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What Were the Chances

July 1st 2013 I had just started a long shift behind the bar and I wasn’t in the mood for being friendly to customers. I’d had a row with my boyfriend, Chris, before I’d left the house. I can’t even remember what the row had been about; it was that meagre and irrelevant. The cause of the arguments never stayed put in my mind because the rough make up sex would always wipe my memory of the reasons why. Thankfully, the bar had been quiet that night, so my cheeks only slightly ached from the...

Love Stories
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 3

The passing of time was no longer a blur to me, the way it had been just instants before. Time was moving, and fairly fast, but now it was more like a movie put on fast forward rather than the vapor trail it had been. And my memories were returning, no longer events to be observed, but actual pieces of myself and my life; just a trickle at first, but as one moment made itself known it was quickly followed by another, and another ... faster and faster and faster, until the trickle was a flow,...

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Second Chances Chapter 22 Go The Distance

Thursday, October 2, 1997 I woke up to my alarm clock. I was still clutching the cordless phone. I had dried tears around my eyes. The events of last night came flooding back to me. It was such a good day until I screwed it up at the last possible moment. I slogged out of bed and forced myself to get ready for school. I pulled out a blue skirt and tossed it onto my bed. I wasn't feeling happy. I really wasn't into looking cute right now. So I pulled put a black t- shirt and tossed...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 18 Face Off

I am sitting on my couch watching American Idol with my roommate. I remember living here. But I don't anymore. My roommate doesn't live with me anymore. I think she moved. She says something to me about the last singer. I can't remember what. I smile at her. I wish we weren't roommates. I'd totally try to date her if she wasn't my roommate. Maybe if I flirt just a little more. My cellphone rings. I look at the caller ID. It's Ron. I flip open the phone and answer it. "Hey man," I...

4 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 16

When I left the safe house, a quick glance at my watch told me I'd been there the better part of seven hours. It was all I could do to keep from bouncing up and down on my toes like Peggy or Tink were prone to do whenever they got excited. I couldn't believe Roberts had gone unnoticed for so many years. Why hadn't someone picked up on the signs? The man was absolutely convinced of his own intellectual and professional genius. No one was as smart, or clever, or ... just think of an...

4 years ago
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My Missed Out Chances

Hi, Glad to meet you all again thru ISS. I have been reading stories in this site for 5+ years and I have written my experiences as well here. Today, I’m not going to write anything sexy but the missed out chances. If I had capitalized those chances, it could have led me to have sex with those girls/ladies. About me, I’m from South Tamilnadu and right now in Chennai. Year 1991: I don’t know when exactly I started getting addicted to sex. But I could still remember it started at the age of 6 or...

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Chances AreChapter 9

“I get the idea, rather clearly, that most of your ‘relationships’ have been with other women. Same I think for nearly all of the other super-heroines that I’ve met so far. You’re all Sapphists ... and most of you nearly exclusively lesbian. Odds are that none of you, including yourself, would find any long term romance with a man, such as myself, satisfying or enduring. I’d just be an isolated, momentary, object of dalliance. In fact, chances are that none of your relationships with other...

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Chances AreChapter 15

Chances were, if I could help it ... that not a single bullet was going hurt me or any of my mortal friends! As for most of the three dozen or so assembled super-powered heroines, there wasn’t one of them really that was the least bit frightened by gaggles of gunsels spewing lead! Some, especially the mightiest ones on the front line, were innately bullet-proof and others had protective armor in their costumes or else were just too fast to be hit either in flight or on the run. A cameraman...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Ch 10

Sarah came back to earth slowly, feeling a sense of wonder and peace that awed her. So this was what it felt like to be Brian’s love. She grinned, slightly sorry for all the other women of the world who would have to settle for something less. Brian had rolled onto his back and pulled her halfway on top of him. Her head was resting on his broad chest, and his hand was cupping her bottom. His deep, steady breathing told her that he was asleep. She leaned her head back to look at him. Silvery...

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Second Chances Chapter 4 Going through the motions Part 1

I eventually found my English homework. I skimmed it to see what Christina wrote before I handed it in. It went completely over my head. Either she's a better student than me, or that is literally the same BS I wrote 20 years ago. I was able to follow along with the rest of the class and it triggered long forgotten memories. I was called on once. I BS'ed something about fake culture and Holden Caufield's pessimism. It wasn't hard honestly. After all, I came from a year that society had...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 14

My second or third greatest work related failure occurred in May of 1994 when I was forbidden by an Act of Congress from ever setting foot within the State Department. This happened almost immediately after my first and only tour of our major European embassies. This was followed quickly, in congressional terms, three months later by a second Act designed to keep me away from the Justice Department. I guess they figured by then that I was already so deep into the FBI that it was pointless to...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 7 Take Two

Wednesday, September 24, 1997 The alarm buzzer went off. The same confusion from yesterday washed over me. But this time I reminded myself I was not home in 2018, but in high school in 1997. I groaned, immediately regretting my decision on setting my clock for so early. I kicked my legs out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. I stood up and stretched my arms out, arching my back and extending my boobs forward. Yup. I'm still Christina. I flicked on the bedroom light and...

4 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 27 I Wanna Dance With Somebody

5:18 PM Cindy and I were standing outside on our freshly raked front lawn in our dresses waiting for Mom and Dad. Mom came outside with her camera. "We're just waiting for Dad." Dad joined her. He was holding his camera as well. "Chris, honey. When you're done with the Internet, can you please log off of it." Whoops. "Sorry dad." I smiled. "This is the second time in two weeks I picked up the den phone only to realize you were still dialed-in. Hang up the Internet when you're...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 6 Homework

My mom hugged me and congratulated me as I showed her my new licence. I looked at the licence in my hand. It was very simple. Very much not like the more complex security-enhanced licences in the future. This was just a laminated piece of paper with my picture and personal information on it. I looked at the picture of me. I'm not facing the camera because looking straight ahead was reserved for 21 plus year old drivers. I am looking kinda cute in this picture. Wait.. where did that...

2 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 7

I went upstairs, showered and changed clothes then went back down to the kitchen and retrieved the vials of blood in their little lunch box cooler. I took the cooler and my coat, got into my car and drove to Langley. As soon as I got into my office I picked up the phone and began dialing. "FBI, Coburn." the light tenor voice announced. "Number one, this is Doctor Blacktower ... do you recognize my voice?" "Yes sir, of course. What can I do for you sir?" "I'm sending you a package...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 17

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan generated Executive Order 12333, which, among other things, stated that "No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination." This order had been preceded by similar restrictions from Presidents Ford and Carter. I've often wondered about the legality of presidential Executive Orders. Are they? Legal, I mean? Less than a law? More than an Act of Congress? The same? Do they...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 4

How many people through the long history of the world have looked back on their lives and wondered, 'When did it all go wrong?' Do you suppose Napoleon ever asked himself that question? The fact is that even if you knew precisely when it happened, what difference would it make? What could you possibly do with that priceless bit of information? I can do some pretty amazing things, but time travel isn't among them. Unfortunately, one of the things I do have is an exceptional memory. Using...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 8

I was the junior partner in a Psychiatry/Psychology practice in D.C. The two senior partners are former Air Force Colonel Evan DeBerg and Dr. Janis Karpinski, both psychiatrists with decades of combined experience. I'm the psychologist of the group. Evan and I formed our partnership in '96 after I received my MS and he resigned from active duty. Janis joined us later that year. Technically I'm one of the senior partners, but we agreed that their names should precede mine; partly in...

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