Chances Are...Chapter 13 free porn video

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The senior Westside mob bosses just finished playing their hands and everyone continued to ignore me until the pot had been gathered up. They were playing poker for fairly small stakes, just a friendly game with quarters for chips it looked like, but I couldn’t tell you for sure what the rules were; a variation of five card draw probably. Then finally, Jonny deigned to speak to me just as a fresh hand was being dealt.

“You’re Chancer? Conner here informs me that Antonio ‘Drake’ has gone rogue on us and is probably disloyal to the organization and possibly even now a threat to the entire Syndicate ... and that you’re something of a friend of his.”

I sighed loudly and then gave Connor a glare that nearly caused the already nervous man to spill his drink.

“For starters,” I calmly explained to Westside Jonny, “Drake is not now and never was, and likely never will be my friend or even a drinking pal. He was my neighborhood ward boss. Period. Sometimes he had shit work for me to do and I obeyed orders and did what I was told ... and then tipped my hat to him and said ‘Thank you, Sir’ afterwards. Because Drake took his orders from Connor O’Neil, who takes his orders from you. Yes, the bastard Drake has now gone rogue and yes, you can take it for a fact that he’s now completely disloyal to anyone and everyone but himself. Frankly, and I hope Connor made this quite clear to you, Drake wants to be the Top Boss. First, over all the Westside and then the entire island and the other boroughs too. Antonio ‘Drake’ is many things but he’s neither stupid, nor does he dream or plan small.”

“No... ,” he slowly replied, now giving Connor a squinty-eyed look of his own, “He had not mentioned anything about that.”

“But you knew all about this anyway,” I calmly added, “because you’ve already had a very personal talk with Drake, or rather Fire Drake, as he’s now calling himself. Haven’t you?” It wasn’t really a question. The odds were certain that they’d spoken together very recently.

“Very good Mr. Chancer,” he grinned, “Now care to tell me, if you can, about what was said?”

“I wasn’t there, of course, but the odds are that I can make a series of extremely good calculated guesses. First, that he tried to make the meeting with you a very public one with plenty of witnesses, like right here in the Social Club, standing in fact, just about right where I’m standing now. Second, he told you that he was now running South Hell ... or would be, the moment he so chose to act and that, either way, Mr. O’Neil was now an irrelevance. Accordingly, he then tried to cut a deal with you. For starters, I can safely assume, he wanted the formal authority of you naming him as the new official boss of all SoHell. Additionally, I’m sure some mention was made of making him your chief lieutenant, your number two in the organization, as well. Perhaps later on in another month or two, when the dust or flames had settled a bit. Lastly, that you were somewhat noncommittal with him and told him that you liked the idea, but needed to think it over. That you’d strongly consider the matter and you’d give him an answer in a few days.”

Most of that guesswork was easy and I barely needed to apply my gift at all. The big black scorch marks on the carpet next to my feet had been a solid enough indicator right from the start that Fire Drake had been standing where I was, just recently.

“Well, I see that Connor was in fact right about you,” Jonny said with a feral grin, “that you’re a pretty smooth article and not a joker angling for a bigger piece of the take! He just made you his consigliere, his senior advisor, right? I see I’ll need to let you do his talking for him from now on, as well as his thinking.”

Everyone in the room laughed, but I just let my face freeze back into a mild smile. I could tell that Jonny didn’t seem to have much love or respect for my boss. That was fine, really, I didn’t have much love or respect for Connor either. This also gave me a useful moment to further churn the odds about Fire Drake’s meeting with Jonny. Chances were that Jonny had been far from non-committal and that under pressure had pretty much promised Drake everything he’d wanted, and with a big pretty bow on the package too. That was going to complicate things.

“Or,” I suggested, with the amused smile still pasted to my increasingly angry face, “perhaps I’ll need to stand behind your shoulders too, whispering in your ears as well, especially if you believe for even one minute that Drake will keep his word with you. Trust me ... he won’t. You’ve already agreed to deal with him, to cut Connor out and make him your man, but certainly he will betray you too, the minute he feels that he’s ready and it most suits him. Oh, he’d rather you give him everything he wants on a nice platter now, just to save him the trouble of starting a fight to get it, but make no mistake ... all of you ... he cannot be trusted! Drake, especially now that he’s Fire Drake, has no sense of honor and will betray us all, killing everyone who won’t kneel down to him. It’s your job he really wants, Jonny. Taking South Hell is just a means to get his foot inside your door so he can kick it down anytime he wants. He wants to be the Big Boss here and, then, once he has it, his next goal will be to bring down the Syndicate and run this whole island by himself! Sooner or later he will start a war with the Syndicate for ultimate control over everything ... and none of you want any part of that!”

No sane person would ... but chances were that paranoid Westside Jonny still thought the best way to handle an enemy you can’t shoot was to pretend to be his pal and play for time. Some of the smarter hood bosses caught my drift though, that I was likely working the same side of the street that they were, and had their best interests at heart. One or two of them were even starting to wonder (privately) if Jonny had cracked his last marble.

I let all the bosses around the table chatter and I kept my mouth shut, but I could tell that I still hadn’t quite gotten their complete attention. Also, it was clearly evident that none of the underlings quite had the stones to publicly question, let alone debate, the wisdom of Jonny’s tentative deal with Drake. Especially not Connor, who already believed that he was a dead man walking, and was too frightened of his boss to even make full eye contact with him, let alone speak up in protest. After about five minutes, when the chatter had died down, I was fairly certain that, as blunt as I had been, most of the bosses, especially the big one, still didn’t quite see the problem from my perspective.

“It would be suicide to fight him, that burning guy Drake!” one of the bosses muttered aloud, vaguely in response to me, but he didn’t meet my eyes or speak with much sincerity.

“Odds are that it’s equally suicidal, for every single one of you,” I insisted, “if you do nothing and roll over and show your scared bellies to him, like a beaten dog! More so, in fact. Fighting him, preferably now as a unified organization, gives us all the best chance for success, and reduces the likelihood that the crazy bastard will burn down half of the Westside and turn it into a warzone.”

That led to another long bout of angry jawing around the table which frankly resolved nothing. A few of the other minor bosses, like Connor, privately agreed with my point of view, but they didn’t know me or my talents. Since Jonny clearly had made his mind up to make the deal with Fire Drake, there wasn’t anyone willing to directly risk their neck by opposing him.

“Alright then,” I chuckled, “since none of you quite appreciate the significance of this matter, let me further confuse you with this very simple parlor trick of mine. Standing right here where I am, I’m now going to tell you what each of you have for cards in front of you, still lying on the table face down. Then, perhaps, you’ll better understand what the chances are for all of you, or maybe at least some of you, to survive this mess. We can do this, if we work together, and if you listen to me carefully and take my advice.”

Then I started figuring the odds for each hand, which took me about as long to calculate as it did to call out. “Two pairs, kings high ... junk, not even a low pair ... three deuces ... a partial straight, jacks high” and so forth, all around the table. One by one each of the bosses then showed their cards, proving me right in every instance. No one argued or wondered how the trick was done afterwards ... but it had served its purpose and most of the bosses were now taking me a bit more seriously, and quietly admiring the fact that I’d had the balls to pull it off smoothly. Except for Jonny.

The odds were, and remained, that there was no way that the paranoid nutjob was going to take my advice seriously. He’d already made up his mind to accept Fire Drake’s offer and live for another day, or until he could think of a way to weasel out of it. Jonny was both adamant and flustered, seeing nothing but enemies now everywhere around him. Odds were that I didn’t need to consider replacing him from the local leadership, because within a week (at most), Drake would have done the job for me. Replacing one insane boss with yet another, even crazier one!

I’d said my piece and now I needed to find a quiet dark corner in which to park myself for a while to consider some happier possibilities for the future! Chances were that here and now, that Jonny was already holding a dead man’s hand.

“Jonny,” I solemnly stated, “if you play Drake’s hand, it’s going to be a loser ... for both you and the entire Westside.” To illustrate that point I grabbed the deck of cards myself and slowly dealt Jonny those symbolic four cards, all face up; a pair of black aces with a pair of black eights. According to legend, these were the cards dealt to the Old West legend Wild Bill Hickok, at the time he was murdered. All of the poker players around the table understood my meaning.

Now, while everyone was a bit too confused or flustered to object, was a good time to sidle out of the lion’s den, and probably drag Connor out with me as well, before someone plugged him. He wouldn’t appreciate the rescue, but even he could understand that there was only one way that outfit bosses get replaced ... dragged out feet first.

If Jonny couldn’t quite see reason, but at least some of his top lieutenants did, then perhaps it was time for them to consider a different sort of regime change ... hopefully without my direct involvement. Without a doubt, Westside Jonny would not be looking to me for future helpful advice.

“Connor,” I barked out, “scoop up your pile of bits and scram, get back to the Arcade and get the whole wrecking crew heeled and ready for trouble. Drake will be coming ... soon, so have the boys ready to give him a hot reception. The rest of you gentlemen, I’d frankly advise you to go do the same.” I gave the big boss an infinitesimal token nod of about a quarter of an inch, and turned on my heels and walked out.

Probably shocked that I’d outright defied the big boss, no one uttered a single word and even the two monkeys by the door didn’t budge a muscle to stop me. I resisted the urge to put heel to toe and hotfoot out of the pool hall fast, but I kept to a dignified pace giving brief nods of acknowledgement to some of the bigger and nastier pugs as I passed.

Yeah, the old Dean Chance would have wet himself inside that room for sure, and probably would have been too frightened, like Connor, to even make a peep when spoken to, but the Lady of Luck and Fate had changed me, both inside and out far more than just giving me my gift. I now had the courage to go along with my principles, that I did indeed now have the audacity and nerve to do the right thing ... and for the right sort of reasons.

Outside on the street, my pals in blue were still waiting for me, with less than friendly intentions. Now that my meeting with the boss was done, it was time, it seemed, for my overdue lesson in manners and deportment towards my betters. The sergeant and his young partner already had their nightsticks out in hand and were visibly eager to put them to some good work.

A few weeks ago, I’d have meekly taken it ... let them sock me around a bit and then kissed their asses afterwards, groveling. That was a different me, the old Dean Chance, just another two-bit piker, a soft cream puff to be pushed around by every nickel grabber on the street. But I wasn’t a palooka anymore! I’d just shown up the top boss of the entire Westside and demonstrated to him that one of his top neighborhood bosses now worked for me, not him! I’d also likely planted a seed or two in the minds of a few of the others that some upper management changes just might be in order.

These two hard boys in blue didn’t frighten me anymore and it wouldn’t even have mattered a bit if they were armed with guns. I was Chancer now ... and even as they stepped forward to make their first swings at me with their weapons, I already had the odds well in my favor. It was easy and simple really, that my luck didn’t even need to slow down time to deal with them, and it was all over in less than thirty seconds.

The burly sergeant was the greater threat so I dealt with him first. As he stepped up onto the sidewalk to accost me, he didn’t notice that the metal sidewalk delivery elevator for the cellar wasn’t quite brought up level with the cement pavement and he took a sudden hard stumble, falling down face first. He tried to break his sudden fall with his right hand that held his weapon and caught the edge of his wrist hard upon the steel edge with most of his weight, snapping it in two. Now that was most unfortunate! Now on his knees staring at his broken hand while howling in pain, he didn’t notice me step forward and give him a vicious kick right in the teeth, scattering a few onto the pavement and metal elevator. The chump wasn’t out for the count, but he was already in far too much pain to bother me further, until after I’d handled his partner.

The younger cop deftly walked around the elevator to then take a wild swing at me with a long metal security baton, but he missed my head badly, almost overcome by the adrenaline surging wildly in his body. I stepped back away from him, evading two further errant blows, until I was right where I wanted to be, standing just in front of a utility box mounted on the brick wall by an alleyway. The young punk blustered something inane about fixing my clock good, and I just smiled at him and let him take a hard poke right at my mug, neatly ducking under the savage blow at the last moment. His metal weapon clobbered the utility box dead on, knocking off its rather insecure cover plate and connecting solidly with the live electrical wires inside. The flatfoot lug jerked about for a few moments, dancing with the live juice now flowing through him, but I took a bit of pity on him and kicked him away from the connection, a moment or so before his heart would have burned out.

The kid was young and perhaps not entirely a bad job, to be written off as a lost cause. Maybe the punk would even learn a lesson or two. The odds were something of a coin flip but I didn’t think the Lady would want me to constantly play judge with other people’s lives.

I needed to thump my fist hard on the kid’s chest four or five times to get his pump beating again and his eyes somewhat open once more to the world of the living, but except for some educational electrical burns on his hand where the current had flowed through his baton into his body, the dumb onion would have no other lasting damage.

“You owe me your life, kid,” I muttered to him as he lay there in a shocked daze, “so don’t try and do anything stupid later to make me regret it!” The chances were that he wouldn’t.

The bloody mouthed sergeant was starting to get back on his feet, albeit more than a bit wobbly on his pegs. Since the odds were the big boob hadn’t quite learned his lesson yet, I put him promptly back down on the pavement in a blood-spattered stupor with three sharp blows from his own wooden billy club delivered right to his kisser. Then to make sure that the overconfident rooster knew what the score was, I jammed the business end of his club right down his broken and bleeding maw, damn near right down into his throat. Then I looked the beaten bully right straight in the eyes.

“Sarge, I’ve probably done you a favor by knocking out most of your front dental work, because at least three of your chompers were already black and rotten through. Too many donuts and sweets in your diet, I think. You were talking about a lesson in respect for authority ... and I’ve given you one. Please pray that I never find it necessary to repeat this example to you or any of your 39th Street friends. Things are changing around here pal, and you and your buddies will need to change with the times. You can help make things around here a bit better or you can stay out of my way. The choice is yours ... but I need you to understand that I’m not your pigeon ... or Westside Jonny’s either! Are we clear?”

“We’re clear ... Sir,” he sputtered as I pulled his club out of his mouth and he spat out more teeth and blood. The odds were slightly better than two-to-one that the lesson hadn’t quite stuck home within the mugg’s skull, and that he and a few buddies would be along later with roscoes to settle up the score. Sometimes you just can’t fix what’s wrong inside a mudhead’s brain, but I’d deal with that problem later, as necessary.

It was starting to rain now as I turned away to walk south towards home. The odds of getting a cab here in lower North Hell were usually dicey but I was confident that something would come my way within a block or two.

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Chance A Day in May Ch 08

Chapter 08: Chance The ride to the restaurant had been quiet. Helen prided herself on her ability to engage anyone in a conversation which seemed to have deserted her since opening her door to Duncan. Duncan’s own short, one or two word answers to her sallies hadn’t helped. Thank goodness the ride had been short. Even that was relative with the thoughts churning around their heads. Duncan was embarrassed at being tongue tied. Try as he could there didn’t seem to be a thing he could do about...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 03

Copyright 2006, 2007 CHAPTER 3 — A Price Must be Paid Paul buzzed Marge. ‘Marge, come in for a minute, please,’ Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul’s secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim and proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated plaid...

4 years ago
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Chance Motel Ch 02

Rebecca walked briskly down the hallway of the Chance Motel toward room 461. She had gotten the voicemail demanding she meet him here at 4:30 p.m. when she had finished work for the day. She especially couldn’t understand why he asked to meet her in a dive like this. As a prosecutor, she tried to keep away from any and all things that could in any way damage her career as the D.A.’s up and coming new attorney mastermind and this place had scandal written all over it. The Chance Motel was known...

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Chance Encounter

1Chance Encounter        It was just a bit over two years since my divorce and I still hadn’t come completely to terms with it.  I was still looking for other answers.  Maybe I had dedicated too much time to advancing my career and not enough time to her, although my major goal there was always to be the best breadwinner I could be, and not aimed at feeding my ego with my success.  And I always tried to be very solicitous to her when we were together.  Maybe even over solicitous.  She had just...

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Chance EncounterChapter 4 Every Worm Must Turn

Paul caught a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Few words were spoken on the way, and nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton's office, or the meeting in general. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and the others could see that he hadn't quite landed on the ground. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk re-ignition. It was a side of Paul rarely seen. The younger man, Spencer, had never seen it. As the plane began its climb out over Lake Michigan Paul...

4 years ago
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Chance Meeting in the Park

I couldn’t get over how big the dog was or how attractive the one girl was, but the girl with the dog said hi back, and as we passed each other, and we made eye contact, I commented, “That’s a big dog.” We again smiled at each other, and she simply remarked, “Yea.” But suddenly, as if the German Shepard knew I was attracted to the girl, it pulled her, causing the two girls to giggle a little as they continued on there walk around the lake, cutting off my chance to talk to her. The girl...

3 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 12

Duncan knew it was not a sign of age for a man with his long history to indulge himself in reminiscing. Still, sometimes he felt guilty to just sit and reminisce, remembering all the wonderful things he had seen and, more importantly, the people he had met. It hadn’t been that many years since he made that early pit stop here in Ritzville. Lord knew he’d spent hours enough recalling that morning. Most especially the vision of Helen, walking, swaying up the walk from where she’d parked that...

4 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 04

CHAPTER 4 — Every Worm Must Turn Paul took a taxi to the airport with Jim Spencer and Ted Wilson. Little was said on the way, except necessary details about flights and arrival times. Nothing was mentioned about the explosion in Wilton’s office, or the meeting in general, until their plane lifted from the runway. Paul had gone off like a rocket, and they could see that he was still in descent mode. They decided to let him cool, rather than risk reigniting him. It was a side of Paul rarely...

3 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 09

Chapter 9 Endings and Beginnings (Part II) It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. It had gone as planned between Paul and Leonard Raines five weeks before. A small flap developed when the plaintiff’s side asked for a ‘hold harmless’ clause. It had been due to Paul’s mention of Harry Carmichael’s company’s...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter Ch 02

CHAPTER II — A Plant in Peoria Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn’t see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and the songs of the birds in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn’t about to wake up. Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part III

The night in Adam's cabin had come to an end. I was disappointed. I never wanted it to end, I wanted to stay with Adam. Around nine, I started to get dress, I had a twelve hour drive back to Ohio. I looked at Adam, sound asleep in bed. I didn't want to wake him, but hoped he'd wake before I had to leave, maybe even convince me to stay.I didn't have to wait long, he woke up shortly after I did. He smiled as he propped himself up on the pillows. He said, "You know, I love that shirt, but you look...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Chance Encounter in Georgia

"I swear you are the absolute worst James! I came all the way from Ohio because YOU wanted to rekindle our relationship. I swear I should've seen you pulling something like this. You stand no chance to rekindle our relationship." I was sitting in the bar he told me to meet him in, and now he was telling me he couldn't even show up?!I was young and naive and should've known better. It was a total James thing to do to stand me up. I just didn't want to think he'd do that if I traveled all the way...

Love Stories
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Chance Encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

4 years ago
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Chance Encounter With A Hot Punjabi Office Girl

Once again i will take you people through the pages of my sex life. It’s totally a chance encounter with a hot Punjabi girl in my previous office and it’s a real encounter started in office lift. Needless to say that Punjabi girl has an ass which every men wants to spank and fuck. Hot figure 36-30-38… hold your dicks guys because i know every one of you would love to remove her panty and spank her big ass before actually fucking it… ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was a normal day, and i was...

3 years ago
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Chance encounter

Chance encounterAs I round the corner to the elevators, I see you standing there in front of the doors with a luggage cart and a cart with boxes loaded on it. As I step up near the doors, you look at me and half smile. You are dressed in business attire however I have to admit your shape is very attractive, not to mention your half smile.The door opens and you try to drag both carts into the elevator, the bigger cart gets caught in the door so I help you get it into the elevator. The door...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter 8211 Sarita Nimmo revisited

Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting

I work as an accountant and I was attending a conference for tax preparers.  I was standing by the entrance when I could not believe my eyes.  I could swear the woman who had just walked through the door was Deanna, a former co-worker and a friend of mine.   I remember the last time I saw her it was at her going away party.   She had taken a job out of state.   The party was winding down, myself and Deanna wound up the last ones still in the club. The juke box was still playing....

Straight Sex
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chance meet out walking

It has been a pretty rubbish year this year with everything thats happened, plus staying safe and all the restrictions has made looking for fun put on hold for a while. i have been good stayed in and looked after myself but have been super horny too, so to pass the time i like most have been spending a lot of time online chatting with sexy people and enjoyed some great chats and horny messaging.I spent a lot of time on gay sex dating sites chatting to guys about horny stuff getting more and...

3 years ago
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Chance of a Life Time

Anna Maria Menendez spent the second decade of her life as an aspiring Olympian and student athlete and the next decade submitting to others' wants and needs. She did not make the cut for the Olympics as a high school senior. In college, she had taken the minimum hours each semester to maintain athletic eligibility so she could spend more time practicing in order to be more competitive. Even though they won the national championship her senior year at Kansas, she was injured and could not...

4 years ago
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ChanceChapter 8 Chance

The ride to the restaurant had been quiet. Helen prided herself on her ability to engage anyone in a conversation which seemed to have deserted her since opening her door to Duncan. Duncan's own short, one or two word answers to her sallies hadn't helped. Thank goodness the ride had been short. Even that was relative with the thoughts churning around their heads. Duncan was embarrassed at being tongue tied. Try as he could there didn't seem to be a thing he could do about it. Helen...

4 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 2 A Plant in Peoria

Paul woke first on a Saturday morning. Lying on his back, he couldn't see the clock. He judged the time to be early—before six—considering the hue of the light streaming into the cabin window and birds singing in the surrounding forest. Partly alongside, and partly atop, Glenda lay in bed with him. Her deep, rhythmic breathing told him that she wasn't about to wake up very soon. Paul thought that a change of pace might be enjoyable. He and Glenda had not seen one another for three weeks. A...

2 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 3 A Price Must Be Paid

Paul buzzed Marge. "Marge, come in for a minute, please," Paul spoke into the speaker. Marge Bates had been Paul's secretary for over a dozen years. When Paul ascended to top management, he brought Marge with him. They were a likely pair. She was a prim-and-proper type, about the same age as Paul. Marge was quiet and correct at all times. She was tall, neither slender nor stocky. Her usual manner of dress at work was a pleated, plaid skirt with a coordinating blazer. Sometimes, she wore...

4 years ago
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Chance EncounterChapter 9 Endings and Beginnings Part II

It was the middle of March. Paul found himself seated on an airliner next to Ted Wilson on their way to Chicago. They had two items on their agenda that day. First, was the signing of the dismissal agreement on the Peoria lawsuit. Paul's and Leonard Raines' plan worked to near perfection. A small flap developed when the plaintiff's side asked for a 'hold harmless' clause. It was due to Paul's mention of Harry Carmichael's company's losses on account of the suit. For that reason Harry...

1 year ago
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Chance meeting

She could see him from across the room, he was standing there leaning up against the bar looking her way every now and then trying not to let her see him watching her. She couldn’t help but wondering what was running thru this mans mind. Did he feel the things she felt when she gazed upon his eyes. She looked away just for a moment and he was gone, she could think of nothing else but walking around to see if maybe by chance he was still there. Just when she thought she had looked every place...

3 years ago
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Chance Meeting at The Beach

This one particular time when I was lucky enough to go with them to spend time at the beach, I ran into a young lady while there. The afternoon when this all happened, we were all lounging under some umbrellas down by the ocean having a good time with some great conversation and going swimming whenever we got to hot. There were a few other families set up, enjoying their time at the beach, but suddenly a mother and two of her children drove up and set up just down the beach a little bit. I...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting Pt 2

We’ve been lying on the carpet, wrapped in each other’s arms, listening to our own heartbeats slow down, as well as that of the other. There doesn’t seem to be a need to talk with Edward. There’s a sense of calmness and ease.Slowly, Edward turns his head and after I feel his lips kiss the top of my head, he invites me for a shower. After our different experiences so far this evening, I’m looking forward to letting my eyes glance over the whole body that I’ve had only some tastes of.We uncurl...

4 years ago
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Chance Meeting1

who everytime she goes to a club has to show an ID because she looks like a 17 year old. Although it bothers her, she is reminded by friends that the older she gets and people still think she is 17 then the luckier she will be. She figures her friends are right and has come to accept it. Rachel walked into the club with some friends. Rob,35 year-old club manager, noticed her right away and went to the doorman to ask if he had carded her. When the doorman saw who he was referring to...

4 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 3

This time it’s slow. Those first few seconds when you wake up and you don’t know where you are and which way is up. That all ends when I move my hands a little and I feel Nancy’s breasts. We fell asleep the same way as we did the night before only apparently, during the night my hands cupped her breasts. For a few minutes I do nothing but enjoy the position I’m in. Nice hotel, gorgeous woman in my arms and two nights in a row of amazing sex. Nancy is still sleeping soundly. “I’ll soon...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting with my ex part 2

After the bath we went back to bed, made out a bit and then fell asleep spooning. She was wrapped up in my arms the whole night, it was heaven. Because I had to go to work in the morning, there was no time for a pleasant wake-up. Both of us jumped to the sound of the alarm. I hated that thing, not only for the near heart attack, but more so because it made me break the embrace. After the alarm was dealt with, I turned to find Nancy smiling at me. We got close and kissed each other....

4 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 10

Edited by Melado Helen tossed and turned for hours, trying to sleep. Her mind had other ideas. Her feelings for Duncan jumbled, bumped and danced through her head. She nearly hated him when she remembered his giving her that detective’s report on Gerry. Then she would remember how wonderful he had been on that high hill in the moonlight. Every time she did, goosebumps chased one another across her belly accompanying a throbbing in the center and her belly going liquid. Later the memory of...

3 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 09

Chapter 09: Chance A Word of Warning!!!! This chapter has no sex in it, implied or otherwise. As always my stories are about people. I will not force an erotic interlude into my story just to be including it. I hope you enjoy my story of star crossed lovers. There will be one final chapter, and an expected epilogue. Enjoy! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – After a good morning hug lasting too long to be casual the two friends took turns in the shower. Duncan hesitated when dressing....

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