Chance Gim's Black Arts Magick Plan! free porn video

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CHANCE GIM sat at the desk in his home office and looked down at the long list of names, phone numbers and personal data. He had numbered them. One hundred and eleven. All women. The youngest, eighteen, the oldest, twenty-six. All proportionately built. Carefully weeded from an even longer list of three hundred and eighty two.

Like fruit, he thought, you gals are ripe and ready, oh so fucking ready, to be added to the lovelies I already have. All I have to do is give you my song and dance and you'll jump from the tree right into my basket. Ha ha.

Yessiree, old Chance now had the pick of the crop. But it wasn't always like that, so easy, so sweet and easy. Oh, no, not at all. For, prior to his fantastic plan anyway, he even had trouble getting near a babe, let alone having her do his every sexual wish. Like sucking his cock and fucking him. Willingly. And in front of two other guys, no less. And come back for more! Again and again.

At twenty-five, Chance looked younger than his years, but the years had not been kind. Far from it. He was a loser when it came to the ladies. Christ, he once said to his image in the bathroom mirror, I couldn't get laid in a cathouse with a fist full of hundred dollar bills! It was true, he couldn't.

For how many females are out there, who would want to fuck a cadaver? A ghostly white, even vampire white, cadaver, at that. One dressed all in black, the cadaver's favorite color, who reminded anyone with even one good eye of a funeral parlor director, or an evil looking mortician.

Or Lurch of The Addam's Family fame. A long and lanky Lurch, for Chance displayed his ghostly pallor on a 6' 5" frame. And he always, but always, covered the frame in black denim trousers and black knit shirts. Is it any wonder that women immediately thought of him as weird, strange, and downright warped looking? A freak, a loner, a loser. All in black. And ghastly white.

It didn't help his chances with women, not in the least, that he was well off financially by inheritance, owned his own home, same inheritance, drove a brand new car and could wine and dine them in the finest of restaurants. Chance never got the chance to go beyond the first meeting. His looks and demeanor saw to that.

It wasn't two years after he had graduated high school that his widowed mother died and left everything, the big old house and a quarter of a million dollars, to her only child. And left him a lonely hole in his heart the size of Kansas. This, coupled with his general failures with women, had him feeling so lonely, so out of it all, and so depressed he even considered suicide.

But, and in spite of it all, one could say, Chance was, as his mother was, a fighter. He had watched her cope with her husband's sudden death and the almost failure of his real estate company because of dad no longer being at the helm.

Instead of caving in and folding up her weeping tent, she fought back. In less than three months, she had not only turned the company around, it had one of the best years in its thirty-year history. "Son, make lemonade!" was her war cry.

So Chance took his lemon of a life and squeezed it. All he needed, he reasoned, was a plan. A plan that would change things and make them better. One that would rescue him from his doldrums and turn things around, just as momma had done with a failing firm. All it would take was time. And, given his now rosy financial picture, he had plenty of that commodity...

IN TIME, a very short time, a plan did emerge. He called it Plan A even though he had no Plan B at the time. Perhaps, he reasoned, I won't need a Plan B!

Plan A popped out in the form of an ad in the personals column of the local newspaper:

SWM (A Leo!), Financially secure, 20, 6'5" 170#, black hair, green eyes, seeks female for one-on-one relationship. Yeah, I like long walks and cozy dinners for two, but I also dig weird music, strange movies, and kinky novels. If I sound like your bag of tricks, contact me at: BOX 12462.

He received six responses to Plan A. And dated all six, even the two overweight ones, but only once. None of them, not a one, wanted a second date. One date was sufficient, thank you, Lurch. Why don't you go and tend to a grave someplace. OK?

Plan A, it seemed, sucked big time. Chance considered running the ad again, giving it a fair chance to work, so to speak, but gave up on the idea. He didn't have the heart to go through the bullshit again.

What I need now, he pondered, is a Plan B. But he had no Plan B in mind. So he took to staying in the house and reading. Perhaps a Plan B would be sparked by something in a book, some phrase, some idea. But the only books he found in the big bookcase of his father's den were of the boring kind to him.

Business books, ho hum, accounting books, yawn, real estate books, bleh, not one with even a glimmer of fiction or general interest in it. He couldn't see a Plan B emerging from this conglomeration of ho hums, yawns, and blehs. But his momma was still in the background, inspiring him.

He looked at the bookcase and said, out loud to the air around him,

"C'mon, you fucking lemons, get your dumb, lazy asses off the shelf! You're going into cold storage in the basement." And they did, not even caring that more exciting reading matter would soon replace them.

When the lemony books had all been stored away, Chance looked at the now empty bookcase. It reminded him of a shell, an empty shell. Very much like him. What it needed, like Chance, was filling up. And fill it up, he sure did, and in one helluva hurry.

One quick trip to Samuel's Used Books store was all it took. "Sam," he told the proprietor. "Here's a hundred bucks. Box me up some of your best twenty-five cent books, would ya?"

Sam, being quick with basic math, said, "You want I should pick out four hundred books for you? Just like that? You don't want to pick them out for yourself? You want me to do it for you? Just like that?"

"Yeah, Sam, just like that. Just don't throw in any ones that are so friggin' ratty, they'll draw flies, OK?" It was OK by Sam. A hundred bucks doesn't walk in every day of the week, that's for sure. Especially when it throws in an extra twenty just to deliver them. All twenty-odd cartons.

When the books had been ensconced in their new bookcase home, Chance gave them the once over. Sam had, sure as shit, been truly eclectic in his picks. There was "The Poetry of Robert Frost." And one called "America in Pictures." Also included was "Adventures in Literature," a book Chance saw as having some possibilities for exposing a Plan B.

There were also books on politics, government, gardening, and basic homemaking. And one by a Wendell Wilkie, called "One World," that Chance thought might hold promise. At least until he read into the book a bit. Wilkie had been, ho hum, a Republican presidential candidate, yawn, in the last century, bleh!

Stifling a yawn, Chance picked out two to get him started in his quest for Plan B: "Forty Years of Murder" by Keith Simpson, a retired British medical examiner. Just like Quincy, Chance reckoned. And "The New Ager's Biography of Aleister Crowley," including, it said, many passages from Crowley's "Magick in Theory and Practice!"

Chance set fire to some logs in the fireplace, fixed a gin and tonic, and settled in cozily for some good old-fashioned reading. He started on Simpson's book first, but threw in the towel halfway through. Yeah, Simpson was as good an M.E. as old Quincy, maybe better even, but who the fuck cares?

The book on Crowley was a totally different matter. Crowley, it appeared, had also been a bit of a loner, and an outsider. An oddball to most folks. One with weird ideas of the world. But, to Crowley, these weird ideas of his was the way the world should be, and had to be, in his vision, anyway.

Some called Crowley a genius. Others called him the king of depravity. But, Chance thought, at least they called him something. Crowley was also known as a poet, a mage, a prophet, and as a man who was well versed in all things odd or occult. Yoga, Freemasonry, Witchcraft, Black Magic, and others of this ilk were in his bailiwick. He was also seen as the most notorious magician of the last century, or any century for that matter.

One particular quote by Crowley, among the many the book offered, grabbed Chance and made him think, really think:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Aleister Crowley.

Shit, thought Chance, this guy even created a new law! Do whatever the fuck you want, Jack! I like this Crowley guy. He had class!

Crowley's catchword, it appeared to Chance, was "Thelema." Which was somehow linked to something called The Golden Dawn. It was rough reading, very rough reading, but he did come away with a few things.

He read how Crowley had created a tradition known as Thelema, leading to the Thelemites, which was, and is, a spiritual or religious system centered on ideas of freedom and personal growth.

But, when Chance read that OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of the Eastern Temple), a magical order that leans heavily on Thelemic principles, Chance skipped ahead a lot. A whole lot. Paragraphs and pages fell by the wayside. In rapid order. The Golden Dawn, poor thing, never got a chance to come up.

When he read about neophytes entering the paths of evil, and something about Konx om Pax, and "The thinkable is false, then? (Once more!) Yea, but equally it is true." and some crap about avoiding the "Scylla of Ay and the Charybdis of Nay by the Straights of No-meaning," Chance got lost real quick like and started paragraph and page hopping again.

When he read that Crowley had compared Londoners to empty-headed Athenians, he could relate. Chance had more than a few empty-headed Athenians in his life; they were all around him, Londoners or otherwise. They seemed everywhere, the annoying, pesky fools.

After reading such things as, "The manifestation of Nuit," and, "It is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat..." and, "The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs," Chance felt a wee bit Khu-Khu and ready to call a Khab and go home! Nuit to this shit, he thought. But he stuck in there and mixed himself another drink...

HOWEVER, soon after picking up his reading thread, with items swimming around in his head such as, "The Call of the First Aethyr," and "Goetia of the Lemegeton," he'd had it. Up to here. But he saw a potential in it all. A helluva potential.

Plan B had arrived and was staring at him from the horizon of his mind: He would start his own Crowley-like group of magic seeking individuals and, to be sure, they would all be females.

Except, he quickly figured out, for two other males, his two friends, if you could call them that, to give his magic group a little yin and yang balance.

Plus, he reasoned, if he couldn't comprehend the shit, the average chick couldn't, sure as hell, either. Lordy, he thought excitedly, I would be the teacher and they would be my... willing pupils. Very willing pupils. Oh, yeah, I like that. Thank you Plan B. You look so much more promising than Plan A.

For, in his reading on Crowley and the black arts of magic, Chance glommed on another particular phrase:

"Sex is a serious road to magical power and a gateway to theunconscious mind."

To Chance, this translated easily into: Sex! Magic! Power! House! Mind! Ergo, women! Ergo, slave women! Ergo, sex slave women! In his house! All he had to do to make it a reality was fuck with their minds. Which, he now firmly believed, would lead to fucking with their bodies. And their mouths! And, lordy, perhaps even an ass hole or two tossed in willy-nilly.

Another passage he perused concerned Crowley's attitude toward women. He felt women had no magical powers of their own. The men had it all. One women, a practicing witch, was actually quoted as saying:

"The only way a woman can get the power that lives within men, is to swallow their sperm! The life-giving magical sperm that comes from the shaft of life. Or by taking this magical elixir into her vaginal sheath."

Holy shit! Thought Chance, Holy fucking shit! Crowley, you were a real fucking genius! Take my sperm, honey, and feel the magic in you!

The incredible possibilities he now had crawling all over his brain seemed not only hopeful, and certainly doable, but endless and beautifully simple. As long as one had an imagination. And Chance knew, if nothing else, he sure had that little needful thing.

Thus, with excitement oozing out of every pore, he immediately started on a design plan for a room. A room where it would all take place. The magical room. Of suck and fuck. Where women would swallow magical sperm and ask for seconds, please...

A THOUGHT POPPED UP. He would use the windowless basement room. It was very large and perfect for the job he had in mind. True, it would have to be cleaned, emptied of clutter, and the walls, floor, and ceiling painted, but it had wonderfully rough cobblestone walls. Just like in a castle. Or a dungeon! He could picture the flickering light of the candles playing on the old stones. It was, to Chance, now sounding simply delicious.

Black! It had to be all black, his favorite color. Walls. Floor. Ceiling. And low lighting. Yeah! Candles! Only candles. Too dark? Wait and see. A dimmable overhead track-lighting source would be a snap to add. And, he just now thought of it, a rebirthing tub! Made of rough-hewn wood for a back-to-nature effect. Caulked to hold water. Warm water. Body temperature water. He quickly sketched out the tub.

Its dimension would be 2' x 3' x 6.' Coffin like. He liked that aspect. He then sketched the plan for the rough-hewn wooden table. A fuck table.

Dimensions: Just wide enough to hold a woman's back! Oh, make it wide enough so she can rest her arms. This width would make it look different from your everyday household table. It would look magical.

Height? Cock height! For all that stand up fucking. But he foresaw a small problem. He was 6'5" tall, Ben was 5' 10" and Jerry, 5' 8." An adjustable top! But no electric. Too modern. A hand crank setup. Piece of cake. He could build it. The thought that perhaps a bed would be easier to do crossed his mind, but he threw that out. Too obvious. Too horny-bachelor like. Too much like... like... a bedroom.

And, ho ho, he thought, it needs a sperm-swallowing area. Think! Aha! A platform! A round one. Wood. Rough looking wood. Like the tub and the fuck table.

Dimensions? A diameter just large enough to hold four people, three men and woman. 5'? 6'? He'd have to figure it out later, but six, as a guess, seemed the most promising. Height? Low. 6" off the floor seemed ideal.

And a camera! A hidden one, of course. Allowing him and his cronies to review the actual proceedings at their later leisure. A training film, if you will. But why only one? Four! One capturing the inside of the tub. Another, the sperm-eating arena. With two aimed at the fuck table, taking two different angles. Oh, what fun!

Wait! A fifth, to capture her walking naked around the tub! Yeah! I'll have her walk around the tub a few times before getting into it. Give us boys a good look. Four times? No, five sounds better, much better. With instructions to walk slowly! Maybe not? Too lecherous sounding? Weigh this aspect.

How, he thought, is the best way to get Ben and Jerry involved without them thinking it's just another of my oddball ideas? While mulling this over, he made a quick note: Black robes, men's and women's sizes. With those kooky hooded cowls. Designs on them? No. Keep it simple. Black simple.

He solved the Ben and Jerry problem by deciding to wait until the room had been completed. This would telegraph his seriousness. And, if these doltish Athenians didn't bite, well, fuck 'em, he'd find two others easily enough.

Ben and Jerry not only bit, they swallowed the idea, hook, line, and sinker. Neither of them was in the chick magnet arena. And the way that Chance laid it all out for them, showing them his now copious notes on the subject, together with the all black, magical room, with 30 candles aglow, how could they resist? It had vast potential. Even Jerry, the dimmest of the trio, could appreciate that little tidbit.

Chance had even figured out how to go about getting the magic-seeking females. An ad in the personals of the local newspaper:

If you're a female, 18-28, who wants to put real Magick into your life, join us now! Expand your mind and your power. Be a better you! We have a few (limited) openings for select new initiates. Contact Aether, High Priest of The Black Arts Magicians. Box 34213.

And thus, Chance Gim's Black Arts Magic plan quickly went from his fertile mind to a firm reality. He was now, today, known to a cadre of willing servants, consisting of two loyal men and twelve loyal women, as Aether, High Priest of the Black Arts Magicians of Coventry. With Coventry being an imaginary place of the mind and not any actual location he had in mind.

He had simply chosen the name because it reminded him of London, and those empty-headed London-Athenian fools. That, and it had the word coven in it.

Chance had built the tub, which he named the Thelema Tub, himself. From 1" x 4" planks of cheap oak lumber. When finished, it measured 2' x 3' x 6' and looked as boxy as a pine box coffin. He then caulked the tub's interior to make it waterproof.

The overall effect looked more than just homemade, it looked sloppily homemade. Chance had slathered on the caulking and it was heavier in some places than in others, and bumpy here, smooth there. And the light color of the caulking stood out starkly against the dark wood's rough surface, magnifying the errors immensely. He had planned it this way, in keeping with a back to nature look.

As long as it did the job it was intended to do. To hold water. And, in a room lit only by candles, it had a mysterious, magical aura to it. The mystical, magical, Thelema Tub. The other pieces of odd furniture were built next. You listening, Crowley... ?

HE NAMED his little, soon to be group of magic-seeking followers, The Magickers of Coventry, in spite of Ben, the loyalest of his two loyal males, recently saying, "Still sounds like a fucking small town basketball team to me! Schmucks, 6, Magickers, 2."

Although Chance didn't say it, he thought: Piss and whiskey, you

Athenian-headed dolt! What the fuck do you know about it all, anyway? You schmuck. You loyal fucking schmuck. Kiss my High Priest's ass.

What he did say, was, "I have my reasons, Ben. Now, go and prepare the tub, we have our thirteenth woman's baptismal rite tonight. Her name, if that matters at all, and in case you forgot, is Yolanda. Sounds kinda magical, don't it? But, old shit, what really counts is she has great tits and a bodacious ass!" Chance knew exactly what to say to motivate the faithful Ben. "And get Jerry to help."

Thirteenth! A lucky number... ?

WHILE Ben and Jerry got the old baptismal tub prepared, Chance remembered his first female follower of the Coventry Magickers, Margaret, or Maggie. He called her Magic in honor of her being his first faithful female follower and because it fit her name.

She didn't know this fact, her being first, and he wasn't about to enlighten her. That was one of the good things about being the High Priest; he didn't have to tell anyone shit about shit. He only had to tell them what he felt they would eat up in their bullshit quest for those mysterious magical powers. Just the way he did at Margaret's first get to know us meeting with him.

Their second meeting was more pointed. The introduction to the black robe. The nudeness beneath the robe. The black room and candles. Give her just a small taste. Some mumbo-jumbo incantations. A handful of odd sounding names, such as Nuit, Thelema, and the Khu's and the Khab's crap. A mantra was also spoken, in unison, and very somberly:

"Ommmm! Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Ommmm!"

The third meeting was the swearing-in phase. Where the woman, and the role-playing initiates, Ben and Jerry, would be sworn to secrecy... on "pain of death..." should they ever reveal to the outsiders, the profaners, exactly what went on in this magical room of the Coventry Black Arts Magickers.

It was all cleverly geared to bind the woman to the cause, to the magic, to the power, and, to be sure, her fellow practitioners. Without her smelling a male rat at the same time.

It was, to the woman, quite heady stuff, highly charged and exciting. Just like being on a movie set and playing a part. Without, however, being aware of the cameras. Just as Chance had planned it would be. That clever, clever, naughty boy. And by now, the three magicians had it down to a science.

The fourth get-together for Magic Margaret was the Thelema Tub bit. Where anyone could be reborn, any female that is, much like old Grisabella, the Glamour Cat, who gets a new lease on life in Cats, the musical. But with a foot of warm, body temp water thrown in.

Ah, Margaret! How great she was! How sweet it was, too. And how easy it had all gone. In just three meetings with her new High Priesto, there she was, standing naked, willingly, in front of him and his two minions, Ben, and the weak link, Jerry. Momma, it was all they could do not to gawk and drool all over themselves. And, just a few feet away, the Thelema Tub holding a foot of water.

Ben and Jerry played their roles of initiates very well. Geared to get her used to the idea of being in the same room, and naked, with the three men. Each man would be asked, in turn, with Ben being first, "Are you ready to be baptized and reborn, my faithful follower of Thelema?"

Ben would say, quite somberly, "Yes I am, my High Priest." Then Ben would be told to remove his black robe and, and it should be said, he played his acting part to a tee. He darted his eyes about as if nervous, coughed a few times, then slowly, as if slightly, but only slightly, mind you, looked a whit embarrassed. Needless to say, all four people in the room were naked under their individual robes.

Ben, naked before the other three robed people, with his semi-hard erection in plain view, even in the candle-lit room, was given the instruction to walk around the wooden Thelema Tub. Very slowly and exactly five times before getting in and sitting down in the nearly one foot of warm water.

There was a reason for the five times tub walk-around. It gave the boys a good, long look at the female initiate when it was her turn. And it afforded them, and the camera, many and variously enticing angles. It also gave Chance the opportunity to judge her willingness, or reluctance, at having to walk naked in front of the three men. He would then know just how much schmooze he had to lay on her in order to get her to the suck and fuck session.

Margaret went next. Same words spoken, same answer. She was a good little faithful follower. When she popped her black robe up over the top of her head, the boys almost lost it.

Ben stared, bug-eyed, his tongue hanging out, his saliva beyond his control. Jerry gasped, quite audibly, startling everyone in the room but himself. And the High Priest almost whistled, and surely would have if he hadn't had the presence of mind to bite his tongue really hard. For Margaret, Maggie, Magic was mind-blowing, fucking gorgeous!

And Chance estimated that the little minx knew it. She had taken, in his opinion, more time than necessary to let the robe fall to the floor. It had just hung there; her hands in it, over her head, letting the boys get a good feast of her body. Chance thought: Oh, yeah, Magic, you're an exhibitionist, for sure. And, she was.

She did her five times around the tub as professionally enticing as any strip-tease artist could execute. Slowly. Sensuously. Cat like, almost. On tippy-toes, her breasts wobbling slightly to and fro seductively, with her ass cheeks grinding rhythmically together, she walked as if upon a stage.

Seeing this, Chance had the fleeting idea in his mind that he could order her to get on her knees before him, right here, right now, and grab his cock and suck away, but...

But the good stuff, the fun stuff, the suck and swallow and fuck stuff, would have to wait for a future lesson. Chance knew not to rush matters. Gain their trust would play out better in the long haul. Get their loyalty firmly set. Make them, in essence, come to you, willingly and with both eyes wide open. No illusion involved. Thus, the first such bathing tub bullshit of the Magickers of Coventry merely ended with a stare, a gasp, and an almost whistle.

Later, mild reprimands went to Ben and Jerry from the magical High Priest named Aether to behave more coolly, you empty-headed Athenian troglodytes. And they did, in the future. For they now believed in the wisdom of their High Priest...

LATER, when the boys reviewed the film of Margaret, they were overjoyed. There was Maggie, naked, and in living color, walking around and stepping into the Thelema Tub. The track lighting had done a good job, too. Every detail of Margaret was shown in crystal clarity. Right down to some small, blond hairs on her areolas, and the unshaven bush on her pussy.

And Chance had added a new trick to the cameras. They would zoom in whenever they caught a glimpse of Chance's ring. A chip inside the ring accomplished that bit of magic. The close-up of her face and breasts, when she was seated in the tub, was absolutely first class, and priceless.

All Chance had to do to make it happen, was to place his ringed hand on one of her shoulders so the camera could spot it. Of course he mumbled a few pieces of magical bullshit at the same time, to allay her suspicions. And, to cancel the camera's tracking ability, all he had to do was turn his ring around. Simple as a dimple.

Most of his mumbo-jumbo crap came from disjointed snippets right out of the book, but he was not beneath making up a few as things went along. "Har des kabab, Nuit is among us! Let us praiseth and raiseth her powers! The Khu are with the Khabs! Let them seeth the light, those who canst yet see! See, my child. See! Thelema is with us!"

He would then reach a hand into the tub, scoop up some water, and splash it on her chest, baptizing her. And making those wet T-shirt contests seem quite pale by comparison.

Chance had planned on giving Margaret two, perhaps three more bullshit sessions, but upon viewing the tapes, and having had observed her in action, he decided she was ready to take the suck and swallow plunge. Hell, he thought, if it fucks up, it fucks up. Gotta learn somehow.

To this end, he called her and told her he was mailing her the next sacred part of her initiations. She said, quite excitedly, she couldn't wait. We'll see, he thought, we'll see, Magic, old gal.

He mailed her a six-page treatise he had printed out. It was titled, "Learning and Knowing The Art of Sexual Magick! As Practiced by the Faithful Minions of Nuit and Hecate!" He had written the entire piece himself, with a lift here and there from Crowley and a few blurbs from other books. And, but of course, the quote from the woman who said sperm possessed magic was featured prominently, in bright blue ink. At the bottom of each page, all six, neatly centered, and also in blue ink, was:

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Aleister Crowley.

Then Chance waited, with bated breath, for sure. A week later, with all the boys figuring she had chickened out, and Chance blaming himself for rushing matters, she called. When Chance realized it was she, with a hello from him and a cheery hi from her, he felt his heart stop. And his breathing with it. But she opened with:

"My High Priest, as one of your faithful minions, I am ready for my next lesson. If you will but set a date, I will... " He had her!

Un-fucking-believable! Now he had to make sure it was suck and swallow time. With an erection beginning to form in his trousers, he said, "My most faithful follower, Margaret, you must first answer some questions. All right?"

"Yes, my High Priest."

"Good. Now, tell me, my child, have you read the entire Thelemic monograph I sent you? All six pages?"

"Oh, yes, my High Priest, all of it." Good girl, Magic.

"And are you now ready to receive the magical elixir, as mentioned in the monograph, from the staff of life?" He held his breath. She hesitated...

"Yes, My High Priest, I am." Her words sounded raspy. He now had a full hardon, as did the two cronies, who were listening to the speakerphone. He decided to make sure, damn sure, that she would do them, too.

"And, Magic, my dear, if you read it carefully, you know you must receive three such elixirs for the magic to take place. You do understand that, don't you? Are prepared to receive?" Again he waited, his heart and breathing at a halt. However, this time she didn't even hesitate.

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Saves the Whole of Arcanum

May 23rd, 1886 I had seen many things in my times on Arcanum – but few struck me as uniquely beautiful and melancholy as the sight of dawn over Tulla, the city of mages. The entire edifice felt isolate and venerable, with an ancient sense seeping from every humble sandstone and brick building. The palm trees that grew around several magickally sustained oasis waved in the morning breeze, and the distant, eerie sound of song echoed from tall minarets that were situated at each corner of the...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Ensnared in Prophecy

November 1st, 1885 The elven city of Quintarra swayed beneath my feet – moving and groaning like Edward Teach’s ship at the high seas. I gripped onto the thin rope that served as the only security as the elven woman Raven led me from the base of the platform leading to the residence of the Silver Lady to the front entrance itself. Raven was, despite her earlier smiles, a woman that seemed to be quite severe in temperament. The earlier flare of sunny disposition had vanished beneath the...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Sets Sail for the Isle of Despair Rayburn and Virginia Discuss Their Feelings

The crisp and chill morning air turned the breath of me and Virginia into streamers of fog as we sprawled together on a pile of clothing and grass. Dew had collected around us, and the enchantment that Virginia had cast to ensure we would not freeze as we lay in our natural state had worn off with the coming of the dawn. And so, the two of us were beginning to collect ice on the parts of our bodies not currently touching – a hand here, a shoulder there, bits of our legs. We were not pressed...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero comes Face to Face with Arronax

April 30th, 1885 Ashbury, the United Kingdom The sea salt and fresh wind off the coast mixed with the scent of fish, of tar, of sailcloth, of unwashed sailors, and of sewage to create a pungent mixture in my nose – but it was all worth it to see the wide eyed expression on Cynthia Boggs’ face as she walked off the gangplank of the Gypsy Queen and onto the mainland of Arcanum for the first time. I watched her, turning to look at Captain Teach, who was fingering the stem of his long pipe,...

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Wicca Magick

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero Confounds a Ghost Makes Love to a Bereaved Priestess

There are many tall tales written in the popular magazines of Tarant and Caladon about life on the edge of Arcanum. Daring do on Thanos, trips to the Vendigroth Wastes, eking out a bold and brave and free living on the Morbihan plains, with nothing but your gun to keep you safe from the invariably savage tribes of orcs that would then be slaughtered by the dozens. Those tales, for some reason, rarely mention the typical fare for one living out at the edge: A hideous slurry of beans and pork...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Arrives in Caladon

December 13th, 1885 While I had wished to set out upon the Gypsy’s Promise under Captain Teach, the simple fact was that Mr. Bates’ chosen man for all things nautical was simply not in the docks at Tarant, but was rather shipping freight to a mysterious, undisclosed location. Entirely above board, I was sure. Surely, Captain Teach would never mislead customs officials to transport goods for Mr. Bates in an extralegal fashion. The very idea was preposterous. And so instead, we paid for...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Herorsquos Origin is Revealed

The Tale of Resh Craig June 4th, 1876 Somewhere on the Morbihan Plains The evening had reached that fine time, the only time between mid-morning to the setting of the harsh sun where the Morbihan became livable. The fire crackled and popped and some chuckslag was slowly simmering in a cast iron pot. The men gathered around the fire were, on the whole, unwashed, unshaven, and nonhuman. The faint sound of conversation could be heard from quite a distance, interspersed with laughs,...

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Magick of Sex Pt 1 Meet and Greet

There he was… Sitting, no, more or less laying on the hood of his friends Le Baron. He felt up for a challenge…but how to challenge himself? He could act completely idiotic, and grab his skateboard, “SKATE ELEMENT, BIATCH!” he shouted, imitating Rick James, for no apparent reason. He was wearing a black turtleneck, with a black tee-shirt that had a picture of his Idol, Robert “Bob” Marley, and his “Lucky Love” pants. This pair of pants was nothing more than a pair of his most comfortable...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Engaged in a Shootout at the Sobbing Onion Tavern

February 22nd, 1886 I was nearly fifteen yards from the entrance of Quintarra before Raven dropped from the trees to land before me. Normally, I would have been impressed by the natural grace of an elf in her element – let alone the beauty of Raven herself. But this was not an ordinary day. Virginia had vanished into her own teleportation spell, leaving me with nothing but her tearful confession and where she would be traveling – but Caladon was nearly four months away by foot. Panic...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero becomes a Subversive Unionizer Betrayal

December 12th, 1885 Rain pattered against the windows of the Misk household’s expanse library. Virginia had, helpfully, set every light in the room to as bright as it could go. Warmly burning oil lamps and electrical bulbs shrouded in comforting draperies both worked with the stoked fireplace to give the room a warm, cheery glow – but it did little to offset the grim mood that had cast its pall over the Misk house. With both Victor and now Wesley the butler both dead within the same week,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Seduced by a Phantasmagoria An Assassin Strikes

_*Author’s Note: Since I’m a hideous incompetent who should be whipped through town with a leather belt, I have made two unforgivable errors. Firstly, the first chapter of this series erroneously stated that it begins June 3rd when this adventure begins on January 3rd! Secondly, I stated that there was a Kingdom of Caladon. Alas! The city of Caladon is the capital of the Kingdom of Arland. But with these things corrected, on with the adventure.*_ Standing outside of an inn’s back room while...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Seduces a Married Woman Confronts Mr Gilbert Bates Inventor of the Steam Engine

IFS ZEPHYR MIRACLE! SURVIVORS TELLS ALL! Half-Orc Walks Away from Fiery Death! Greetings, fellow Tarantians! It is I, Victor Wright, your faithful and vigilant editor, bringing you an exclusive story that only a paper of this breadth and quality could possibly do! Just yesterday, our humble offices were visited by none other than the sole survivor of the IFS Zephyr blimp tragedy (please see photograph, pg 2), and he deigned to share his account of the final minutes of that fateful voyage...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stymied by the Scientific Establishment

July 10th, 1885 Stillwater, The United Kingdom I came into the Temple of Geshtianna with Virginia to my left side and ‘Magnus’ to my right, Sally and Gillian taking up the rear. I dragged behind me the statue of the cult’s goddess, covered with a tarp to prevent anyone from noticing both the bared breasts (not exactly appropriate for dragging through a village’s streets) and the magickal effect that caused all to view the statue to become entranced by it. I had to admit the tarp was...

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Something I competed for a class. My classmates seemed to think it was good, so I decided to post it, just for kicks. ————————————————- I’m running, running for my life. Branches whip my face as I stumble up the steep incline. My sandals long gone, sticks and stones rip my feet to shreds. I gasp for breath, my side burning. I have to escape, but I hear them closing in. Their torches flicker through out the forest, casting eerie shadows on the ground. I wince as I plunge onward and something...

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Wicca Magick

Most people have a very strange idea about 'witches', like witches are all women, or witches worship the devil. Poppycock! All of that tripe was propaganda propagated by the Royalty of Europe, when it became fashionable to be a Christian, and to prove it was bad to be a witch, they were pictured wearing a broad brimmed conically shaped hat, when all of the fashionable people wore a conical hat without a brim! Big Deal! Witches are people who practice the religion of Wicca. The basic...

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Black Magick

There was a rhythmic thumping sound reverberating throughout the small apartment, the cheap thin walls acting like the skin of the drum. In the bedroom, on the desk, they were engaged; one, the lady, half sitting on the edge, naked but for a pair of socks half on her feet, the rest of her clothes crumpled on the floor or hanging from the tip of her toes. She was beautiful, with coal black hair, her chubby-ish face touched up with a hint of makeup. Her face was scrunched up as if in pain, her...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Does Battle With Foul Necromancers

January 27th, 1885 Tarant, United Kingdom Our little weather beaten, disheveled trio had set a good, steady pace through the vastness of wilderness between the town of Shrouded Hills and the city of Tarant, which sat astride the Hadrian River like some ungainly colossus. While those weeks had been rife with ambushes by small raiding parties of kites, the occasional ferocious and starving wolf, and at least one bear that needed to be wrestled into submission by our good half-ogre, Sally...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stricken with Amnesia Explores a Prison

Sand gritted against my face and for a time, I did not know who I was, nor where I was, nor why I was. Water washed against my feet and I simply lay there in a daze, blinking slowly as light filtered into my vision and I saw the broad expanse of a pale white beach. The waves that lapped at my feet were frothing and white, and the distant horizon curved into oblivion. I closed my eyes and a name came to mind. Resh. Resh Craig. In the darkness, I sorted through memories. I could remember...

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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Chapter 3 Chapter III On the Study of the SixtyFour Arts

Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra states it has 1250 verses, distributed over 36 chapters in 64 sections, organised into 7 books. ] This statement is included in the opening chapter of the text, a common practice in ancient Hindu texts likely included to prevent major and unauthorized expansions of a popular text.[52] The text that has survived into the modern era has 67 sections, and this list is enumerated in Book 7 and in Yashodhara's Sanskrit commentary (bhasya) on the text. The Kamasutra uses a...

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Mr Black No 2 Mr Blacks Theater

Steph lay naked between the sheets waiting for Jack to come to bed. It was Saturday night, their designated date night. The kids were spending the night out. Jack and Steph had gone out to dinner at a new restaurant in town, and sat at a table in a two-level room with brick walls, a black iron staircase, and a curved ceiling painted to look like the night sky. It had been as if they’d been dining on a Venetian terrace. It had been a nice night.Jack came into the room, naked. His dick was...

Wife Lovers
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Petey Sou Got Magicked

Petey Sou got Magicked! By Albedo In a dimly-lit room in a not-very-upmarket nursing home on the outskirts of town, an old lady lay dying. She didn't mind dying, really. Early-onset Alzheimer's meant she didn't fully understand her body was letting go of life. She was warm, rested, being taken care of. It was like being a kid again. She was happy, like a kid. She lived in her memories a lot these days, and she remembered believing things her older, more rational self had discarded....

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Sex Magick

NB: Please click 'Start Game' to enable proper tracking of choices, inventory, etc "The Frozen Hearth. How fitting" you think wryly, before shifting closer to the dying fire in a vain attempt to conserve some heat. It's glowing embers were the only persistent bane to the pressing gloom. The Inn was fairly deserted; the only other patron being a solitary Altmer who kept his face hidden beneath a grey mages' cowl. He feverishly took notes while munching on some bread. You'd heard the keepers...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Caught Betwixt Two Fortune Tellers

Once we were safely ensconced in the inn, with a room to ourselves and a chance to wipe off blood and bits of muck, the young dwarven lass who had become a part of our little party took a chance and explained herself. She had put the false beard back onto her face for the trip from the basement of the nightmarish P. Schuyler and Son’s to the inn, but now that we were safe from prying eyes, Maggie Shalefist removed her false beard. Beneath, I got a chance to really contemplate the features of...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Entrapped in an Orgy

A momentary frisson of fear ran along my spine as I sprawled in the small tent, my arms lashed above my head with leather bindings and my eyes covered with a thick binding of cloth. I wriggled upon a fur mattress and strained my ears, but all I could hear was the heavy footfalls of Sally Mead Mug as she walked about me in the small tent. I swore I could hear the sound of her palms rasping together as she regarded me. I tried to remain calm and collected – but my mind was inevitably drawn to...

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Movie Magick

I had just got a call from Cathy earlier that day, all she said was "I'm going to take you to the movies tonight" "What we going to see babe?" "It's a surprise sexy!" "Well, sex slave could you at least tell me what your wearing babe?" She giggled, her little sexy laugh made me get a boner instantly. "Well, I just got of the shower, so I am absolutely naked babe. I wish you were here so I could fuck you!" "Will we be able to fuck tonight?" Heck, I would make sure I rammed my cock inside her...

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Mr Black No 1 Mr Blacks Dinner Party

As they lay naked in their bed, the sun slowly rising and sending yellow-orange rays through the curtains, wakefulness ever-so-slowly creeping through their bodies, Jack slowly dragged his fingertips along Steph’s thigh. Jack drew his lips to Steph’s ear and whispered, “I had an interesting dream.”Steph mumbled in response, unsure of whether she wanted to allow herself to cross over into wakefulness. She was warm and cozy under the covers and sleeping felt pretty damned good.“I was sitting at a...

Wife Lovers
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The CircleChapter 46 Martial arts pays off

Derek stood on a mat in the center of the patio. He wore a traditional white gi, with white slippers. Around his waist he wore a black belt tied in a special knot. On the black belt were three embroidered braids, also black, indicating he had achieved the highest dan in at least one of the martial arts he’d been schooled in at the nearby dojo. From time to time, he would flow into a new position of the Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial arts discipline with highly prescribed moves. The...

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Unholy Arts Scenes

This story contains many selected scenes from the erotic text-based game "Unholy Arts". The High Priestess, symbol of the Goddess herself in the Confined Valley, has died, and the tribes must find her successor. Each of them must send a Candidate, a pure woman who just became of age, who will have to show talent for the arts of magic, combat, and love... And manages to get the others to accept her leadership. The game is part Choose Your Own Adventure Novel, part RPG, part Simulation, with a...

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Fine Arts Theatre in Asheville NC

When I was young, barely eighteen, a co-worker and I hit some of the bars in Asheville. After we'd had a few drinks and got bored with the bar scene we decided to check out the Fine Arts theatre. It was a seedy porno theatre, the kind of place you didn't want to be seen walking into by anyone you knew. As we sat there watching low quality porn flicks I started noticing that guys kept walking up and down the aisles way more than usual, especially considering there was no concession stand. I also...

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Brysodine College of the Mystic and Magical Arts

Some quirk, meteorological or magical, you can't really tell here, caused a rare muggy stretch in the otherwise mild summer days of the Garwansch Valley where the Brysodine College of the Mystic and Magical Arts was cradled. But in an effort to console himself, Mandeeb reminded himself that it was only as half a humid as the monsoon days of his home in the east. And you're sweating like a dez-atithi, he chided himself and then chuckled at the use of the word. Dez-atithi, the word for foreigner...

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My Professor of the Sexual Arts

My First Year of College, I came home for the summer. But coming from a small town, all my friends that also went off to college decided in their first year to stick around their perspective college towns and work jobs they had, hang out and party. Me on the other hand, studying to become a veterinarian, I came home. I just wanted a break from the books. I soon found myself bored out of my mind and my mom was getting agitated with me hanging around the house all the time. One day she suggested...

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The Village Arts CenterChapter 2

It was the night of the dance. Tricia was worried that her dress was too tight in the back. She could see in the mirror that her plump ass cheeks were sticking out in a shameful way. They seemed so out of place perched atop her slender dancer's legs. The dress was a little low cut in front as well and her boobs were peeking out like she was a lot older than her 17 years. Her friend Trudy was wearing a simple skirt and peasant blouse that accentuated her more generous breasts and drew...

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The Arts Festival

Sasha awoke to the sound of her husband brushing his teeth. She tuned over in their soft, warm bed and curled the blanket around her hands and pulled them to her face. The bathroom door was open enough to allow her to see him standing in front of the mirror and the twisting motion of his body as he moved his hand back and forth. She was comfortable with him. Sasha knew his body and felt she knew his thoughts. They had been married long enough that Sasha knew what he would say before he said it...

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A Patron of the Arts Part Two Lisa

While my wife and I were certainly supporters of the performing arts when she was alive, I would not have necessarily put us in the “patron” classification. However, due to her and my daughter’s untimely and unfortunate deaths in an auto accident, the charitable foundation that I was able to establish with the various insurance settlements enabled me to offer financial support, as well as other-source fund raising help that garnered me some level of notoriety. It also meant that all number of...

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The Arts Festival

Sasha awoke to the sound of her husband brushing his teeth. She tuned over in their soft, warm bed and curled the blanket around her hands and pulled them to her face. The bathroom door was open enough to allow her to see him standing in front of the mirror and the twisting motion of his body as he moved his hand back and forth. She was comfortable with him. Sasha knew his body and felt she knew his thoughts. They had been married long enough that Sasha knew what he would say before he said it...

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Young Life of White TigerChapter 35 Martial Arts Tour

This weekend was going to be hectic for me. Last summer when I had been working out how moving might affect my ability to train in Ninjutsu, I had come up with a plan to get some one on one tuition with a senior instructor. As I had told my baseball coach, it had taken some money to make it work, because I wasn’t satisfied with just any instructor, I had arranged to have an instructor come over from Japan just to satisfy my needs. The instructor hadn’t been happy with my initial plan, to...

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Black Jamal in a Japanese Soapland

Jamal had just graduated from college and had enjoyed a good four years in at a private New England university where he had a full football ball scholarship and was one of the only black males around. Standing 6’2’’, 200lbs Jamal had enjoyed his time up north, being the big black man on campus and now it had all come to an end unfortunately. However, a benefactor at the school had taken a liking to him and given him a month long all expense paid trip to Japan, to expand his cultural...

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A Patron of the Arts Part Three Karen

As part of the function of the foundation that I set up in memory of my deceased wife and daughter to support the local performing arts community, I often had to meet with the directors and other supporters of programs seeking monetary assistance. At first I took these meetings at home, but soon realized that I would need a formal office/meeting space; especially since one time a group showed up at my home with about forty people who were under the impression that head-count was an important...

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A Patron of the Arts Part One Quinn

I first met Quinn when she and my daughter Gretchen began acting in the same instructional theatre group. Quinn was actually a very good actress; as well as an accomplished singer and dancer. As the group did mostly musical theatre, she readily and regularly won the best roles. While she was gracious about it at first, by the time the summer of her sixteenth year had come, she was becoming quite the snob. Then, that summer, things went from bad to worse. Quinn’s parents, both prominent...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 176 Remembrances 11Dark Arts

(Kenshin is standing over Nakajou, sword poised.) Kenshin: Will you take me to Tomoe? Or will you die? Choose, now. Nakajou (thinking): That was a killing blow... If he'd pushed it one step further... no, he... could it be... (aloud) Then try this! (He fires a tiny crossbow bolt at him; it strikes Kenshin in the shoulder.) Nakajou: I thought so! You didn't stop a step short! Like I thought, you just misjudged your own movements! In this forest you've lost your intuition--you're not as...

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The Village Arts CenterChapter 3

Once again, it was summer in the city of seven million stories. The well-heeled city dwellers with cash to spend were already in their favorite vacation spot with no desire to return too quickly to the hot melting tar oozing up underneath. The canyons of glass and steel shimmered with the reflected heat of the burning summer sun. Only the temporary respite of an air-conditioned movie house gave needed sanctuary to the heat-stressed "left-behinds" with fantasies of wind-swept beaches and...

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My Martial Arts Boxing Boy

I met Bill when we both took the same program at the local college. He was 24, I was 42. I was immediately attracted to Bill. He's just under 6 feet, dark hair, brown eyes and a great martial arts trained body. I knew this because we had to change into uniforms for our classes. I found myself lingering in the change room waiting for Bill to show up so I could watch him put on his uniform. I would steal quick glances as he pulled his jeans down over his underwear to reveal a large bulge in his...

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WellEndowed Blackman Wanted Blacken

A few months ago my wife and I placed an online ad for a "well-endowed black man." Of course we were inundated with replies, but eventually decided to meet a few in person at a local bar. The first few were real duds. We thanked them for meeting us and parted ways. We were about to give up on our adventure, when we met Jaymes. He's been our fantasy come alive.It's Tuesday night around 7:00 and Laura and I are in bed reading getting ready to go to sleep, when our doorbell rings. We look at each...

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A Visit From Blackjack

Hi! After seeing the bits on cliches in TG fiction on the Fictionmania Hyperboard, I decided a story was needed that played a bit with them. Blackjack was created by the late great Osamu Tezuka;all you need to know about him for the story is included. It's okay to post this on sites that don't charge readers. A VISIT FROM BLACKJACK by Scott K. Jamison (Blackjack created by Osamu Tezuka. North American rights held by Viz Comics, and no infringement is...

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A Simple Black Plan

Sandra listened to her daughter with shock at first. She couldn't believe she was saying such things. The girl wanted to make their white rich neighbors, the Van Horns, their slaves. She had it all planned out already and was showing her a tape of Jennifer (Mrs. Van Horn) seducing the paperboy in her backyard which she had recorded with her new cam only days earlier. She taught it was unfair for her mother to work so hard to try to make a living while the neighbors could screw around and enjoy...

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Harrys Final Year at Hogwarts Chapter One

To The Readers: I personally love the HP series so these chapters will be longer but I have taken more time to work on the grammar and spelling. Hope this one meets the standers and constructive feedback is always welcome. Enjoy! Chapter one: New Pets and Big Surprises Harry Potter was sitting at his desk inside his new bedroom at the burrow trying to write a letter to Fred Wesley, unable to find any words that would be fitting to put on the paper he simply gave up. Harry...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 9 To Hogwarts

Introduction: Harry and Hermione journey to Hogwarts, to finally end the war. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 9 Harry and Hermione were sat on Harrys bed in Shell Cottage, in deep discussion about where the final horcrux could be hidden. Over a week had passed since they had rescued Luna and Dean from Malfoy Manor and Harry was starting to become agitated by their lack of progress. Hermione,...

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How I modeled naked for my arts teacher

That reputation was a wild one. Stories traveled through the hallways, stories about Mr. Monet. They said he had dated college girls, not from our particular college, but from nearby ones. Or, better: they said he fucked college girls. There were girls who claimed they had been taken to his mansion on the far side of town, where they had been devoured, pleased, ravished and caressed. Their stories never added up. It was always too beautiful, too romantic, or too unbelievable to be true. I...

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Dark Arts I Words

You're thinking I'm nuts, aren't you? Yeah, I thought that too. For the longest of times. I guess part of me still does. But I know it. The Art, Kammeryn and friends call it. Well, I guess I'm his friend too. We're all part of what us Gifted call a "cabal." Fancy word for a group of mages who work together and study together. Every Gifted (or "Mage", as you would call it) has to have a ritual performed on them that allows them to invoke the powers found in words in...

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Always Bet on Black to Win Blacken

My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much.Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair,...

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Blackmailed into Sucking Black Cock PT2 Gay

In case you didn't read my first story I will bring you up to date quickly.I would consider myself a happily married heterosexual although I have always been bi curious. My wife and I have foreign students studying English to stay from time to time to make a bit of extra money. One summer a beautiful 30-year Old Italian woman called Carla came to stay for 3 months and a week later a French guy called Jamal also came to stay.To cut a long story short Carla caught me on her bed masturbating and...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Lily Evans is a Slut

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut! by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry...

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