Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Is Seduced By A Phantasmagoria; An Assassin Strikes! free porn video

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_*Author’s Note: Since I’m a hideous incompetent who should be whipped through town with a leather belt, I have made two unforgivable errors. Firstly, the first chapter of this series erroneously stated that it begins June 3rd when this adventure begins on January 3rd! Secondly, I stated that there was a Kingdom of Caladon. Alas! The city of Caladon is the capital of the Kingdom of Arland.

But with these things corrected, on with the adventure.*_

Standing outside of an inn’s back room while two corpses rotted within was not the most opportune moment to have a heart to heart talk with your companion. But as the front of the Shrouded Hill’s one and only inn sounded as if it was the center of some attention and the only other route out was through a barred and locked window, I decided that now was a better time than any other. Maybe if we lurked here, the people who were conversing in the front would decide to spend their time out in the sunshine.

“Virginia, old girl,” I said, sliding my thumbs underneath my suspenders. They were exposed, as my entirely ratty suit jacket had been shredded most frightfully during my long trip in the wilderness and I had decided to leave the whole sorry thing in the first trash-bin I had noticed in Shrouded Hills. This meant I was only in the rumpled, much stained undershirt and my tie. Feeling choked in the stuffy, close corridor, I reached up and started to adjust the tie.

Sally, though, bulled through the question I had hoped to bring up more diplomatically: “Your friend fucking killed two people with her bare hands.” She cracked her neck by twisting her head one way and her chest the other, keeping her palm flat against her expansive, gray-green shoulder to keep herself rooted. “Who the fuck is she?”

I sighed, then spread my hands apologetically. Sally Mead Mug, as could be attested by her conduct during the brawl that served as our introduction, would come to a point with the graceful elegance of a rampaging dread lizard. Virginia sighed. Her normally bright and cheerful eyes grew pensive and she looked out the window as best she could, considering the closed slats and boards. She shook her head. “The Elder Johanna was ... she found me...” She shook her head again. “It was a hard time in my life, but I trust her to the ends of Arcanum itself. If she says that we need to be on our guard, if she says we need to get to Tarant, we need to get to Tarant.”

“All roads do lead to Tarant after all,” I said, nodding.

Sally stuck her finger in her ear, twisting it. “‘Innit it Dernholm? I always heard the saying was ‘all roads lead to Dernholm?”

“Not anymore,” I said.

“Hah!” Sally laughed, then slapped my back. “Lets get a drink!”

We walked together to the front of the inn – and I saw that the barkeep was standing behind the counter, though the rest of the front was still somewhat a shambles. I stepped forward, seeing no one else. But then a soft cough made me turn. Leaning against the wall to the left of the door leading to the back of the tavern was a man in a tweed jacket, a rough leather belt, green dyed leggings, and the most ferociously bristling mustache I had ever seen in my born days. My hand went of its own accord to mine, to check and make sure that it was still neat and trim. The man had no sheriff’s star nor constabulary uniform, but he still had a holstered revolver at his hip and a steely look in his eyes that was a mirror opposite of the watery, ever fearful gaze of Constable and Mayor John Owens.

“Well, well, well,” he said, his voice holding a thick Cumbrian burr. “What do we have here?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, feeling his suspicious gaze. I beat down the prickly response tingling at the back of my tongue. “The name’s Rayburn Cog, sir. And you...”

“I’m the town doctor,” he said. “The name is Roberts. Doctor Edward Roberts.” He clicked his tongue in his mouth. “Have I seen your face ‘afore, boy?”

The bristling came thicker and faster now. There was a reason why I so often crossed my arms over my chest, or slid my hands into pockets. It meant that I wouldn’t show the fists I so often clenched. My voice came out low and hard. “I’m new in town, my good sir, and unless you happen to be a master of divination or a spiritualist, I don’t rightly see how you could have seen my face.”

Doc’s eyes flicked up and down my body, from my head to my cussed boots.

“Hm,” he said. “Rayburn Cog you said? You sure it wasn’t Resh Craig?”

It took a titanic effort of will to look puzzled. “Who?”

Doc made a quiet ‘hurm’ noise. “See here, boy, the Bowden Gang has been spotted back in this area. I just got word that they’re planning to come through the town, since we’re all fired up worried about the bandits on the bridge.” He stepped over to the bar, leaning a hip against it. Casually, he pulled a small tin carton with PROUDFOOT TOBACCO stenciled on the front and a beaming halfling farmer painted on the top. He popped it open with a finger and tucked a wad of it beneath a lip. He chewed speculatively, then spat in a brass spittoon on the bar, letting me twist in the wind as he enjoyed his self.

“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you ... boy?” he asked.

Behind Doctor Roberts, I saw Virginia clutching her staff, her knuckles white, and her eyes narrowed. Sally was standing next to her and I saw, over the Doctor’s shoulder, Sally lifting up her hand. She mimed bringing her fist down in the same way that one would hammer down a piton while climbing a mountain. I subtly shook my head while Doctor Roberts focused on his tobacco.

“I wouldn’t,” I said, casually. “Though, have you read the latest journal by the physiologist Dr. John Beddos? He says that tobacco is linked to a quite frightful array of deleterious effects on the lungs and heart of all known non-gigantic races.”

Doc Roberts paused in his chewing. Slowly, he spat another brown line into the spittoon. “Now isn’t that the damnedest thing ... an orc with a vo-cabulary,” he said, quietly. Seeming to decide that this was all he might gain from this conversation, he stepped away from the bar-top. Glancing back, he saw Sally, who hastily concealed her hand behind her bulk and put on a rather large, simple smile. Doctor Roberts pointed his finger at her. “Mead-Mug, I don’t want to see you in this here bar again. Understand?”

“Doc!” Sally squalled.

“If ya do, I’ll get the constable to toss you into the jail cell and I will make sure he throws away his key, understand?” Doctor Roberts said.

Sally looked aggrieved. Well, as aggrieved as a seven foot tall half-ogre could.

Doctor Roberts walked out, with one last spit into the spittoon. I sighed, and Virginia strode over, bristling furiously.

“Resh Craig! Resh Craig,” she snarled. “To intimate you were some kind of low life bandit.”

“Oh, you’ve heard of him?” I asked, dryly.

“Well, I mean, I’ve read some of the newspaper stories. The train robbery, the bank job in Black Root, the seduct-uh ... t-the other ... stuff...” She trailed off, shrugging. “But, well, it’s quite awful that he’d think you were anything like that brigand and beast, just because you’re a...” She shook her head.

“Come on,” I said, slapping her shoulder. “We have a mine to explore.”

“Whyzzat?” Sally asked, walking over to look over the two of us.

I smiled up at her. “We’re looking for Bessie Toone’s boot,” I said, cheerfully, reaching up to tweak my mustache into fine points. “As part of an incremental step towards unraveling an increasingly dangerous mystery.”

Sally blinked slowly, sticking her tongue into the corner of her mouth, then sliding it back up, creating a distension on the side of her face. Then, beaming, she gave me a great big slap to my back, one fierce enough that I nearly smashed my face into the spittoon. “Wonderful! Who is Bessie Toonie?”

The mouth of the Bessie Toonie silver mine yawned before me, Virginia and Sally Mead Mug. I frowned, noting how the bright light of the sun only reinforced the darkness within. A faint echoing sound emerged from the mine – maybe a trick of wind, maybe the scream of distant ghosts. Who could tell? I drew my pistol slowly, then spun the chamber as I considered our options.

“Do you think that will work a ghost?” Virginia asked.

“We’re not here to shoot the old coot,” I said, grinning at her. “Just to find some bit of her old regalia to appease that madman in the importer’s shop. Once he gets the boot, he’ll tell us who made the ring, and once we know who made the ring, we can find them and ask them who owns the ring and we might actually get some answers to all this.”

“Madman?” Sally asked.

“Tall, skinny, talks a mile a minute?” Virginia offers. “Refers to himself perpetually in the third person?”

“Oh, Ristezze?” Sally asked, comprehension dawning on her bloodshot eyes. “Ah, now this is coming together. That little-” She hiccuped. “Little...” She waved her hand.

Virginia was looking aghast. “Are you drunk again?”

“Mmmmaybe!” Sally wobbled.

“We ... I...” Virginia spluttered and hissed like a tea pot while I started into the mine proper. Once within the darkness and the chill, my eyes adjusted. My orcish blood, coming roaring to my rescue. It did so so rarely that I took a moment to simply enjoy being able to see somewhat unimpeded within the mine. The walls bore all the marks of a well run, well managed mine given over quite rapidly to rot and decay. Cobwebs spidered along the struts and supports, and tiny bits of mold had started to bite into the beams and the logs. They looked sturdy enough, but I was sure as we moved further into the mine, the decay would grow more pronounced.

“Come on,” I said, starting forward confidently, planning to make this a quick, easy job. Just in. Then out. I came to a corner in the tunnel and stepped around, my pistol held near my hip, and saw several large barrels that contained old mining tools – pick axes and hammers and the like – as well as a pile of timber that looked made to be propped up in a hurry if need be. I looked back to make sure Virginia and Sally had followed me...

And saw that the mine itself had shifted behind me. The corner behind me now led to a different set of darkened corridors entirely, not the bright outside. The distant echoes of the mine rang in my ear – and a faint tick tick tick sounded above my head. I looked up and saw a vast spider, black of hide and red of eyes, crawling along the wall towards me. I sprang away, scowling.

“Ah, that’s how this is, then,” I said, shaking my head. I leveled my revolver and pulled the trigger. The ambient magick of the mine was not enough to cause my pistol to fail, and the bullet struck the spider in the cephalothorax. The impact jarred the spider off the wall and to the ground, where it curled its legs inwards as it sprawled in a puddle of its own greenish blood. But the faint tick tick sound of more limbs made me spin about. Gunsmoke flurried around me as I brought my pistol to bear on four more of the buggers.

I twisted my face in distaste and fired two times more, striking one spider in its twitching, dripping mandibles, the other in its belly as it flared up, ready to leap. The third sprang on my forearm and the fourth chittered towards my leg. I kicked out and cried out, even as those sharp fangs tried to bite through my shirt and into my flesh. But my twist sent the spider against the wall and the spider on the floor bit harmlessly against the leather of my shoe. I ignored it, leveling my pistol on the spider I had tossed to the wall. My bullet took it in the abdomen. The last spider, I kicked into paste, stomping down with a series of curses that I could unleash without fear of causing Virginia to blush herself into unconsciousness.

In the ringing silence after this little spider skirmish, I breathed in the acrid smell of gunsmoke and perked my ears, listening for more monsters.


I heard the slow, elegant sound of a string quartet – so hauntingly similar to the sounds aboard the IFS Zephyr before her fiery death that it gave me goose pimples. I quickly reloaded my revolver, then stepped up to the wall nearest the sound. Creeping to the corner, I peeked about and saw that a narrow mine corridor led to a ruddy glow – the bright white light of gas lanterns, as well as a tinkling sound of cutlery, china, and fine conversation. I crept forward, ready for anything, then sprang around the last corner.

I found myself standing, as if transposed by some kind of conveyance magicks, in the ball room of a great whopping manor house. The floor was wood tiles and the large glass windows looked out on Shrouded Hills – though several of the buildings I could see showed a stark difference. The temple, for instance, had a stone back and no smoking chimney, and the bank had no second story. The ballroom itself was alight with gas lamps and candles, providing a bright illumination in the early evening. What was more, it was filled with people. Humans, specifically, in fine gowns and fine suits at least fifty to sixty years out of date.

“Oh, Mr. Berrywright?”

A husky, female voice made me turn.

A truly beautiful woman with a cascade of brown hair and bright blue eyes was sashaying towards me, dressed in the large bell gown that had been the style of this time. But while the style was more conservative than the modern day of 1885, this woman clearly cut herself of a cloth that was as daring as any modern socialite, considering the altitude of her decolletage and the exposure of her arms. Despite the clear wealth that had been poured into her dress and her silver necklace, her arms and her hands showed the signs of her being a rustic, hard working woman. Muscular and tough, her fingers were calloused and despite clear effort, her fingernails still had a bit of grit here and there beneath them.

“I wasn’t sure you’d be able to make it, Mr. Berrywright,” she said, holding out a single hand. Then she started. “Or was it sir Berrywright? The King knighted you recently, hadn’t he?”

I took a moment and glanced down at my own self. My clothing had changed, but my skin color had not. But the clothing was cut from a fine silk cloth, dyed a somber black, and a small dragon pin had been stuck to my lapel. I puzzled over that, then realized. Shrouded Hills was on the Cumbrian side of the Golga river. Fifty years ago, it had been a part of the Kingdom of Cumbria and would have sent its silver down river to the coast, then from the cost, to Dernholm.

In this bizarre phantasmagoria, I had somehow been given the guise and seeming of a Dragon Knight. The very idea was preposterous. But, as the saying went...

When in Dernholm!

I took her hand, bent forward, and kissed her knuckles. “For a chance to meet you? I’d have braved far worse,” I said, my voice a husky purr against her pale skin. Thanks to cut of her dress, I could see the flush traveling to her face as she beamed and giggled all at once.

“Oh, Sir Berrywright, you are the living end,” she said, then bit her lower lip. “I wasn’t aware you were interested in some country bumpkin like little old Bessie Toonie.”

I grinned. “Country? Definitely. Bumpkin?” I took her hand, drawing her close as the strings changed their tune to a more jaunty dance. I twirled her onto the dance floor with a casual flourish, enjoying the way her skirts flared daringly. Very nearly, I swore I could see her ankles, a glimpse that set my heart thundering. “Never had I heard a lie I would contest more. I’d challenge you to the field of honor for your honor, but as running you through for an insult you delivered to yourself would be a downright tragedy.”

She let out a burst of laughter. “Sir Berrywright,” she murmured as I twirled her about. For just a moment, her back pressed to my front. “You would be the death of me!”

I chuckled in her ear. Across the way, I could see several men glaring at the two of us. But unlike the modern day, where the Dragon Knights were a faded memory, this phantasmagoria was a time where bearing the fanned wings of the dragon lapel would be enough to keep these louts off my back. Softly, I whispered in Bessie Toonie’s ear.

“Might I be so bold as to ask ... if you wish to continue dancing in a more private venue?”

The red flush grew deeper. “Gideon...” She breathed, sounding shocked. But, I note ... that was far ... far from a no.

“Sir Berrywright!” Bessie gasped as her back touched the wall in her chambers. Slipping from the ballroom had taken waiting for a good moment, when neither servant nor fellow suitor was watching us. Harder than it sounded, considering the number of jealous greedy types who had wanted their hand at Bessie Toonie. It seemed fifty years ago, before she had died and her mine had passed to her children, she had been quite the catch.

And now, I was unlacing the several thousand bits of string and wire and the various whalebone clasps that made up every single part of her elaborate clothes. I took great care to not tear anything – not wishing to see what would happen to ghostly clothes if torn apart. But ... oh ... she felt very warm. Very alive as my hands swept her top down and Bessie lifted her muscular arms over her shoulders and let her full, perky breasts bounce free. Her eyes glittered and she sank her teeth into her lower lip, tensing with a virgin’s excitement as I leaned forward and caught her neck with my own teeth. I nipped and kissed and licked at her as, downstairs, her unwitting suitors waited for their chance to dance. My green hands cupped her pale breasts, squeezing her, and the crooning gasp that escaped her throat was tinged deeply with her rustic accent.

“Oh Gideon,” she moaned, her eyes closed. It was a mite strange, to be called the name of a man likely long dead and buried. But I simply did not care. My mouth had found the tip of her nipple and I sucked it into my eager lips. My tongue thrust forward, sliding in slow, graceful circles around her nipple, teasing her and drawing out moans as musical as the instruments downstairs. My hands had not remained idle, though. As my mouth and my tongue worked on her chest, my hands pushed what was left of her gown away. She stepped from the mass of cloth and carelessly trampled it beneath her feet, dragging me with her to the bed.

I let her fall there. Her thighs spread as she sat there, her sex damp, though it was hard to tell. As was the fashion of the time, her bush had been left to grow as a wild snarl around her sex. But that had its own deliciousness to it, and I admired her pale, youthful body as I undid the buttons on my own undershirt. She bit her lip harder as I revealed my own muscular chest and broad shoulders. This, I noted, showed that I was clearly in the guise of Gideon Berrywright: There were scars and tattoos that I had never seen before displayed on my chest and arms, including one of the heraldic symbol of the King of Cumbria above my heart.

I stood before her, wondering if this long dead half-orc was ... similarly endowed.

I felt a flare of smugness within my breast as I let my pants drop and saw that he was similarly endowed.

But not quite as...


My member swayed from side to side as I stepped closer, my hands sliding along Bessie’s cheeks, forcing her head up, breaking her eye-contact with my cock. She hadn’t been able to tear her eyes away from it. She had been watching and gaping, looking down at my shaft as if she had never seen a member before. And considering her youth and her eligibility ... it was entirely likely she hadn’t. She whispered. “It’s beautiful...” she breathed. Then I kissed her, deeply, my tongue thrusting into her mouth. She mewled into the kiss, her palms pressing slowly to my chest, tracing the sword-scars and the puckered arrow wounds that showed Berrywright’s martial prowess. Her finger was tracing the circular hole that had come perilously close to piercing my heart when my own hands slid to her shoulders, to her hips, and then to the bed to either side of her. She lay back with a wanton sigh as I crawled fully atop her. The bed squeaked and I broke the kiss, so we could both pant.

“Gideon...” she whispered.

My cock nestled against the thick bush of her sex. I found her slit after a moment of gentle prodding and shifting about – using one of my hands to guide the final way. Her sex felt utterly soaked and wanton, and she looked into my eyes. Her eyes were hooded and her hands were sprawled above her head, her thighs spread wide. There was no virginal shyness here – only the wanton eagerness of a human woman in desperate need of some green cock. I leaned forward, capturing her mouth with mine. She kissed me back with just as much passion, her hands grabbing onto the back of my head, squeezing and twisting through my short hair.

And with that, I plunged. My cock thrust into her and my hips bumped against her hips. Her legs, spread wide, suddenly clasped around my back. Her ankles hooked one over the other as she clung to me, shuddering in pleasure as she bit my lower lip, her eyes closing tight. I drew back, feeling the faint sting of her teeth on my lip as a delicious counterpoint to her wetness, her softness, her tightness. I groaned as my balls rested on her pale ass and she moaned softly. “Oh yes...” she breathed. “Fill me up...”

I started to drive into her. I had neither the time nor the inclination to draw this out. I needed to bury myself into her again and again and again, and with each thrust, her moans grew louder and more wanton, her back arching as she shuddered in purest bliss. Her face went slack and the look of joy that bloomed across her face was nearly as intoxicating as the tightness of her sex, clenching around my shaft. My balls boiled over and I shuddered as I thrust in deep enough that her ass dragged along the bed, crumpling up silken sheets. I felt my cum spurting within her, and the feeling of each spurt brought Bessie enough pleasure to draw a quiet mewling gasp from her, timed to each surging blast as I painted her womb with my fertile seed.

“Yesss...” She breathed.

I remained buried within her, feeling my passions recede only slowly. Her palm pressed to her belly. Then it slid up, pausing only to cup and squeeze her own breast with a lazy, languid pleasure. Then, her finger slipped underneath her neck. She withdrew her necklace, her voice husky.

“Y-You ... Dragon Knights, ah, they need a bit of their ladies. To wear. Right?” she grinned. “Chivalrous, like.”

I chuckled, slightly chagrined. I was not exactly succeeding at playing a chivalrous Dragon Knight. But courtly love had never exactly been my forte. Bessie lifted up the necklace, holding it out to me. Her smile was shy. I took it from her and nodded.

“I will-”

The sudden roar of fury from the door jerked my head about. The only thing I saw was a vast, dark shape in the shape of a humanoid figure. They seemed as large as an ogre, and were surrounded by a hateful red light. But despite being merely a silhouette and furious red eyes, I could still clearly see the primitive musket in his hands. He bellowed in wordless fury. Bessie screamed out. “Father! No!”

There was a roar and a billowing explosion of smoke and a flare of pain. I staggered backwards, coughing and gasping as I sprawled against the wall. My legs refused to work and my back skidded along the wall as I collapsed to my behind. My eyes closed and I gritted my teeth against the pain. My hand went to my belly and I felt that a great hole had been torn through my clothes. I lifted my hand and saw it was dark black with my own blood. I gritted my teeth, feeling my tusks grind against my upper lip.

It struck me as deeply insulting, to be shot dead by a hallucination. I closed my eyes, feeling the ebbing strength within me. Then scuffed feet, and a cry of alarm. A bright flare of light filled my eyes and I saw Virginia and Sally both looming over me.

“What the bloody hell happened to you, you daft-” Virginia shook her head. “I mean, ah, you’re injured, sir!”

I hissed. “I noticed, Virginia.”

Virginia pressed her palms together. Blue white light flared between her hands and she focused upon me. Energies crackled through my body, and I felt the wound in my belly close slightly. Virginia’s brow knitted and sweat began to flare on her round cheeks. Another flare of light, this time with a brilliant chiming sound, like a holy bell ringing. The belly wound was now a tiny dimple of scar and a heat flaring beneath my skin, like some kind of an infection. Virginia gritted her teeth and focused again and another flare of light. This time, the dimple faded to nothingness and my belly felt as if it had never been pierced by a musket ball.

“There!” Virginia said, panting with relief.

She then promptly passed out, collapsing onto my lap.

“Did you get the boot?” Sally asked, hefting Virginia up and casually tossing the unconscious Priestess over her shoulder.

“Better,” I said, starting to stand. I gently patted Virginia’s shoulder, smiling at her. “Thank you, Virginia.”

“What did you get?” Sally asked, excitedly.

I held up the necklace I had clutched. “Why, I got-” I stopped, seeing that the necklace that had been gifted to me by the ghost of Bessie Toonie had become, once the phantasmagoria illusion had faded to nothingness ... a simple, muddy boot.

Sally chuckled, hiccuped, and said: “Is it better cause it’s got a foot in it?”

I shot her a glare and sighed. “Lets get the hell out of here.”

Looking out from the mine’s mouth and at Shrouded Hills proper. With the view from the phantasmagoria fresh in my mind, I could spot exactly where Bessie Toonie’s mansion was located and, despite fifty years, it was still there. I rubbed my jaw, slowly, then looked over at Sally. “Shall we give a quick visit to the modern Toonies?” I asked.

“Sure. Why?” Sally asked.

“I saw some spectral visions that make me quite curious,” I said, starting towards the mansion. “Bessie Toonie was a prize catch – she’d inherent the mine.” I held up my finger. “But young Bessie found her head turned by a handsome and dashing knight who showed up to woo her. Her father reacted violently, and in the time between then and now, Bessie killed herself in the mine, turning the silver sour.”

Sally nodded. “Gettin’ your lover’s brains blown out would make you barmy, I think.” She hiccuped. “But, uh, she had kids ‘fore she killed herself, right?”

“Right,” I said, as we came up to the front door of the mansion. “It’s a mystery.”

“How many mysteries do you- hic – have?” Sally asked.

I considered. The mystery of the ring, the mystery of the assassins, and now the mystery of Bessie Toonie’s death. I lifted my fingers. “Three.”

“Oh.” Sally looked faintly mournful, as if she had expected more.

The front door of the Toonie Manor looked as if it had gone without a fresh painting since that fateful ball. The windows were dirty, and several panes looked as if they had been knocked out years before had had never been replaced. I rapped on the front door. After a few moments, the door opened and a half-ogre that was nearly a match for Sally in size looked down at me. Clad in a cheap suit and frowning heavily, the half-ogre looked at me. “No solicitors,” he said, before starting to close the door.

“I’m here to talk about the mine,” I said, quickly.

The half-ogre frowned. “Wait here.”

In the time between the door being closed in our face and the door being opened again, I checked on Virginia. She was still completely out cold – an unfortunate byproduct of a mage overstepping their endurance. The door opened and I found myself looking at a man whose face and bearing was a distorted, ugly echo of his mother. Bessie Toonie’s face, but his eyes were a more watery brown than her charming dark brown. He was balding prematurely, and had fierce worry lines etched around his eyes. He worried at his buttons, stammering: “We don’t have the money, sir,” he said, sounding blustery. “And if you seek to squeeze blood from a stone, good sir, I’ll have Thurrak see you out!”

I blinked, then lifted my hands slightly. “Mr. Toonie, please,” I said. “I, uh, am not from anyone.”

The man blinked at me. “Oh. Y-You’re not from the...” he trailed off. “W-Why why why are you here, half-orc?” he asked, emphasize the half and the orc.

I chuckled. “I just so happen to be an investigator into phantasms and spectral phenomenon,” I said. “A kind of ghost catcher, if you will, and I had a remarkable interaction with your moth-”

The door slammed in my face.

I frowned, then rapped on the door, hard. The door opened a moment later and Mr. Toonie glared at me. “Mr. Toonie,” I said, forcefully. “May I see your ears?”

“What!?” He yelped.

I reached out, quickly, and jerked his head to the side. His ear bore a distinct tip – similar to that presented by any with elven or orcish blood. I jerked my hand back and stepped away from him with a broad smile. “Sorry to bother you sir!” I said, waving and turning to run. The man simply gaped after me and Sally as we turned and legged it towards the town square. He closed the door rather than chasing after.

Same as Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
In Which Our Hero is Seduced by a Phantasmagoria; An Assassin Strikes! Videos

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Arrives in Caladon

December 13th, 1885 While I had wished to set out upon the Gypsy’s Promise under Captain Teach, the simple fact was that Mr. Bates’ chosen man for all things nautical was simply not in the docks at Tarant, but was rather shipping freight to a mysterious, undisclosed location. Entirely above board, I was sure. Surely, Captain Teach would never mislead customs officials to transport goods for Mr. Bates in an extralegal fashion. The very idea was preposterous. And so instead, we paid for...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Studies Elves

August 21st, 1885 If there existed a better time to traverse the Hadrian pass and stride through the Glimmering Woods than August in the year 1885, I was sure that it had not come to Arcanum since the last Age of Wonders. I was concerned at first, when the Hadrian Pass turned out to be a treacherous crossing plagued by immense waterfalls and shifting, smoothed pathways of stone and gravel and scrubby brushes that survived the yearly floods that came with the thaw. But once we had traversed...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Rescues a Gnome and Finds a Statue

July 9th, 1885 The town of Stillwater appeared, after the past week of marching through sticky, humid temperature and the occasional flurry of summer rains, like a paradise upon the gods green earth. I, Virginia, Maggie, Sally, Gillian, the ever faithful Dogmeat and the members of the Stonecutter clan who had decided to emigrate back to the Wheel Clan all trudged into town stinking of long travel and the still omnipresent smell of zombie. As we came to stop near the central statue that...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Engaged in a Shootout at the Sobbing Onion Tavern

February 22nd, 1886 I was nearly fifteen yards from the entrance of Quintarra before Raven dropped from the trees to land before me. Normally, I would have been impressed by the natural grace of an elf in her element – let alone the beauty of Raven herself. But this was not an ordinary day. Virginia had vanished into her own teleportation spell, leaving me with nothing but her tearful confession and where she would be traveling – but Caladon was nearly four months away by foot. Panic...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Has a Most Welcome Reunion

April 28th, 1886 “And so, according to Nasrudin himself, Saint Mannox was tending to the wards at the Ring when Nasrudin emerged from his regenerative bubble. Nasrudin seemed to think Mannox was nothing more than an overeager, overzealous, pompous ass.” I shrugged as I looked across the table at Hadrian and Wilhelm. The two Panarii had been transfixed with utter shock from the moment I began my narrative to the very end. I, meanwhile, had given them the entire story of my adventures to the...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero becomes a Subversive Unionizer Betrayal

December 12th, 1885 Rain pattered against the windows of the Misk household’s expanse library. Virginia had, helpfully, set every light in the room to as bright as it could go. Warmly burning oil lamps and electrical bulbs shrouded in comforting draperies both worked with the stoked fireplace to give the room a warm, cheery glow – but it did little to offset the grim mood that had cast its pall over the Misk house. With both Victor and now Wesley the butler both dead within the same week,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero Confounds a Ghost Makes Love to a Bereaved Priestess

There are many tall tales written in the popular magazines of Tarant and Caladon about life on the edge of Arcanum. Daring do on Thanos, trips to the Vendigroth Wastes, eking out a bold and brave and free living on the Morbihan plains, with nothing but your gun to keep you safe from the invariably savage tribes of orcs that would then be slaughtered by the dozens. Those tales, for some reason, rarely mention the typical fare for one living out at the edge: A hideous slurry of beans and pork...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Does Battle With Foul Necromancers

January 27th, 1885 Tarant, United Kingdom Our little weather beaten, disheveled trio had set a good, steady pace through the vastness of wilderness between the town of Shrouded Hills and the city of Tarant, which sat astride the Hadrian River like some ungainly colossus. While those weeks had been rife with ambushes by small raiding parties of kites, the occasional ferocious and starving wolf, and at least one bear that needed to be wrestled into submission by our good half-ogre, Sally...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stricken with Amnesia Explores a Prison

Sand gritted against my face and for a time, I did not know who I was, nor where I was, nor why I was. Water washed against my feet and I simply lay there in a daze, blinking slowly as light filtered into my vision and I saw the broad expanse of a pale white beach. The waves that lapped at my feet were frothing and white, and the distant horizon curved into oblivion. I closed my eyes and a name came to mind. Resh. Resh Craig. In the darkness, I sorted through memories. I could remember...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Seduces a Married Woman Confronts Mr Gilbert Bates Inventor of the Steam Engine

IFS ZEPHYR MIRACLE! SURVIVORS TELLS ALL! Half-Orc Walks Away from Fiery Death! Greetings, fellow Tarantians! It is I, Victor Wright, your faithful and vigilant editor, bringing you an exclusive story that only a paper of this breadth and quality could possibly do! Just yesterday, our humble offices were visited by none other than the sole survivor of the IFS Zephyr blimp tragedy (please see photograph, pg 2), and he deigned to share his account of the final minutes of that fateful voyage...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Herorsquos Origin is Revealed

The Tale of Resh Craig June 4th, 1876 Somewhere on the Morbihan Plains The evening had reached that fine time, the only time between mid-morning to the setting of the harsh sun where the Morbihan became livable. The fire crackled and popped and some chuckslag was slowly simmering in a cast iron pot. The men gathered around the fire were, on the whole, unwashed, unshaven, and nonhuman. The faint sound of conversation could be heard from quite a distance, interspersed with laughs,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stymied by the Scientific Establishment

July 10th, 1885 Stillwater, The United Kingdom I came into the Temple of Geshtianna with Virginia to my left side and ‘Magnus’ to my right, Sally and Gillian taking up the rear. I dragged behind me the statue of the cult’s goddess, covered with a tarp to prevent anyone from noticing both the bared breasts (not exactly appropriate for dragging through a village’s streets) and the magickal effect that caused all to view the statue to become entranced by it. I had to admit the tarp was...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Caught Betwixt Two Fortune Tellers

Once we were safely ensconced in the inn, with a room to ourselves and a chance to wipe off blood and bits of muck, the young dwarven lass who had become a part of our little party took a chance and explained herself. She had put the false beard back onto her face for the trip from the basement of the nightmarish P. Schuyler and Son’s to the inn, but now that we were safe from prying eyes, Maggie Shalefist removed her false beard. Beneath, I got a chance to really contemplate the features of...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Entrapped in an Orgy

A momentary frisson of fear ran along my spine as I sprawled in the small tent, my arms lashed above my head with leather bindings and my eyes covered with a thick binding of cloth. I wriggled upon a fur mattress and strained my ears, but all I could hear was the heavy footfalls of Sally Mead Mug as she walked about me in the small tent. I swore I could hear the sound of her palms rasping together as she regarded me. I tried to remain calm and collected – but my mind was inevitably drawn to...

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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

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Arcanum Academy The Tiresian Furlough

"A magus is first and foremost a counselor, a guide, and a teacher. Beyond even the arcane arts for which we are most well-known, our most valuable assets are wisdom and perspective. Both of these virtues are shaped by experience, and thus we come to your final task." As Adam Pendrik stared out over the shimmering sea from his preferred perch atop the roof of the north tower, his thoughts could not help turning to the words that Chancellor Thorsson had spoken only a few hours earlier....

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Chance Gims Black Arts Magick Plan

CHANCE GIM sat at the desk in his home office and looked down at the long list of names, phone numbers and personal data. He had numbered them. One hundred and eleven. All women. The youngest, eighteen, the oldest, twenty-six. All proportionately built. Carefully weeded from an even longer list of three hundred and eighty two. Like fruit, he thought, you gals are ripe and ready, oh so fucking ready, to be added to the lovelies I already have. All I have to do is give you my song and dance and...

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Wicca Magick

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Assassins Creed Brotherhood The Portuguese Parisian Assassin Comes to Roma

(Outside The Tiber Hideout) John's Horse Laid Dead beneath his Arrow-Ridden Body, but Still He Clung to Life, His Belief in the Creed in the Assassins Brotherhood Unbroken and Unbeaten, He Crawled through the streets, bloodstained Robes and Stab wounds all red and bleeding red. He Finally Collapsed in front of the Tiber Bridge. (Inside the Tiber Hideout) John Awoke to A Sweet singing, he tried getting up, but he felt several Stitches Pull and the Pain Causes him to groan and pass out. John had...

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Chance Gims Black Arts Magick Plan

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary, their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. * * * * * ...

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Magick of Sex Pt 1 Meet and Greet

There he was… Sitting, no, more or less laying on the hood of his friends Le Baron. He felt up for a challenge…but how to challenge himself? He could act completely idiotic, and grab his skateboard, “SKATE ELEMENT, BIATCH!” he shouted, imitating Rick James, for no apparent reason. He was wearing a black turtleneck, with a black tee-shirt that had a picture of his Idol, Robert “Bob” Marley, and his “Lucky Love” pants. This pair of pants was nothing more than a pair of his most comfortable...

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Shadows seemed to change, seemed to move with each step. The moon, small and distant upon a velvet sky, shone little light upon the ground. The assassin needed no light to show the path, all that was needed was the candle lit windows that identified the manor. The assignment was simple, the target was easy, just getting in was the hard part. That was what she was told anyway. The hired killer reached the outermost perimeter gates. The iron bars were wide enough for the assassin to squeeze, or...

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Copyright 2003 It seemed so surreal and dream like. I felt strange and detached. I was in a room, this much I knew. There were other women in the room with me. I sensed them rather than saw or heard anything that would have cause me to have noticed their presence. If I looked around, all I saw was light and mist. There was no sound and everything was misty and hazy. It was like being in a smoke filled room but there was no smell of smoke. Or, imagine a room with so much dust in the air, the...

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Project Assassin the Perfect Killer

I awoke in the desert at least I believed it to be the desert. I looked around the barren landscape before me as I stood up from where I had awakened. I stood there looking around at this strange place wondering where I was. The air was foul with the smell of death all around me. The ground around me had a reddish cast to it almost as if soaked in blood. No plants or trees stood anywhere. There were only small clumps of dirt piled up maybe three feet high. They looked like mini volcanoes...

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Something I competed for a class. My classmates seemed to think it was good, so I decided to post it, just for kicks. ————————————————- I’m running, running for my life. Branches whip my face as I stumble up the steep incline. My sandals long gone, sticks and stones rip my feet to shreds. I gasp for breath, my side burning. I have to escape, but I hear them closing in. Their torches flicker through out the forest, casting eerie shadows on the ground. I wince as I plunge onward and something...

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Wicca Magick

Most people have a very strange idea about 'witches', like witches are all women, or witches worship the devil. Poppycock! All of that tripe was propaganda propagated by the Royalty of Europe, when it became fashionable to be a Christian, and to prove it was bad to be a witch, they were pictured wearing a broad brimmed conically shaped hat, when all of the fashionable people wore a conical hat without a brim! Big Deal! Witches are people who practice the religion of Wicca. The basic...

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The Assassin Ch 01

The cross hairs were aimed at his heart. She didn’t normally aim for the heart, but this was personal. She was silent, one with her environment. Her pulse beat the same rhythm as the air around her. She was in the void and he was already dead. He just didn’t know it yet. She exhaled and squeezed the trigger, snatching a quick glimpse to see the bullet hit true. Now the real game started. She packed up her .223 rifle, snapped the case shut, strapped her gear-bag to her back and made her...

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Reluctant Assassin Pt 2

We approached a tiny grey one-story building squatting in the trees. It had no windows, only two torches on the wall on either side of an iron-enforced door. The moonlight filtered weakly through the dense overgrowth as I was led across a small clearing and into the maw of the building. Inside was pitch black, and my eyes took a long time to adjust, but before I could fully adjust to the twilight, I torch was brought inside. The warm glow didn’t seem right in such a horrific place. The room was...

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Shemale Assassin

Sarah was lining up a shot with her bow, preparing to take down the deer she had been stalking for ten minutes when there was a loud cry from the North-East of her hunting blind. The cry startled the deer, causing it to flee from the noise that permeated the forest."There goes a few meals." Sarah sighed with frustration.Within seconds of shouldering her bow, Sarah noticed that the cry was actually a call for help and she made her way through the trees towards the screaming woman that was making...

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My Wife The Assassin

My name is Brett. I’m 28 years old and married. My wife and I live in a nice two-story house in Reno, Nevada. Sounds pretty normal so far, right? Well, it’s about to get abnormal. My wife is a professional assassin. Her name is Deborah and she’s the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever known. She’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman – confident, smart, beautiful, powerful, athletic, and feminine. I consider myself the luckiest guy in the world to be married to her. Debbie is 32 years old,...

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Reluctant Assassin Pt 1

I am Vincent Frau Hacku and I will kill Ayanami. I fought alongside my men in battle. My violet eyes shining, sword flashing in the sunlight as I charge forwards with the front line to meet my foe. We were the best army in the world, ranked first of six run by the Chancellor in protection of his people. “Hacku’s Guard” they called us, and I fought for my men as much as they did for me. They wanted to please me and I was popular with them all. When I became general of what was known as...

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There and BackChapter 24 My Favourite Assassin

Upon reaching Bodahn, I quickly changed into my armour, and once I put on socks, slipped my feet into the boots we had ... liberated. Then, as usual, we walked. Everyone had apparently explained to Shale who I was, and she seemed completely disinterested. She wasn't much for fast running, so she'd stayed with Bodahn when the rest came to my rescue. She barely acknowledged me once we'd returned, and it pissed me off – I thought she'd be at least curious, and I seemed to be taking it...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Assassin Ch 02

Chapter TWO: Annälisa meets Salma … and the games begin ‘Okay, baby. See you later. Be careful.’ Annälisa smiled to herself as Yoko ended their call. Her young Japanese lover always told her to be careful when she had a contract to carry out. Tonight’s was the third since they’d met. It looked like being the most straightforward of all three. That meant she could think of other things, for now. And sex was on her mind. She hadn’t been with Yoko for a couple of days and that was way too...

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Captured Assassin

()-Thoughts. She did not know how long she had been held for. Days seemed to go so fast for her. All she knew is that her life as an Assassin was over. She could never go back. She didn't think she wanted to go back. Her days as Assassin and noble of England were over. Dame Evie Frye was now dead, in a sense. The door to her cell was opened as the usual sight of her warden appeared. He was not an overly attractive chap, smelling of sweat and hard liquor, but he kept her locked away and...

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Aurora Sexy Assassin II

Aurora, Sexy Assassin (2) Episode II: Lured by her The unmistakable purr of a mechanical cat heralded the arrival of a sleekbright red Lamborghini Diablo sports car as it maneuvered itself behind a copseof wild bushes and trees that dotted the long deserted stretch of white sandybeach so typical of beaches that surround the exotic island of Mactan. Engines shut down; night sounds descended once again with only the gentlelapping of the waves hitting the sandy shores can be heard. A tall young...

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The Assassins Creed Chapter I

Seville 1490 a young girl named Maria with Arab features survives every day the Spanish inquisition imposed by Tomas de Torquemada. Maria's parents died at the stake burned by heretics, Maria survived stealing thanks to the cunning she had and easily disappear into the crowd. The situation in Spain was bad and more in Andalusia every day 100 people were executed at the stake or were tortured to death, very few citizens managed to change that situation since the gentleman Ojeda was one of the...

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Aurora Sexy Assassin

Aurora Sexy Assassin -by Joaquin (a.k.a. "bootboy") Dedicated to the lovely Aurora EPISODE 1: " Death comes in black thongpanties " The long straight lonely highway stretch for several miles for as far asthe eye could see. On both sides of it, a vast desert landscape, warm and onlybeginning to show signs of life as the sun steadily rose on the far horizon.Other than a frightened gecko that scurried pass across the wide deserted avenueand a flight of vultures overhead, and one patient...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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The Assassin

Annälisa could be described as a stereotypical Swedish beauty, with her stunning Nordic good looks, long blonde hair, soft blue eyes and that curvaceous body that promised everything. The trouble was that her looks were a problem in her line of work. She was too noticeable. The best assassin’s were able to blend in with the background when they needed to, whereas her eye-catching beauty attracted attention wherever she went. She overcame her difficulty by embracing it, turning it to her...

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Assassin No MoreChapter 2 An Ocean Voyage

It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us. I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Assassin No MoreChapter 3 Land Port city Amgree

The city was full of color and sound as people shouted and called out trying to get someone to buy their wares. I slowly made my way across the city and stopped at a large inn by what they called the caravan gate. Inside my room, I filled a large purse with gold coins and then dumped a dozen stones into a large pouch. I got directions from the innkeeper and headed out the gates. Outside the gates were huge pens and corrals that held a variety of animals. When I came upon the isolated pen...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Assassin Learning the TradeChapter 15

Shirley's training was completed the next day, so now she was a full fledged member of the GPD. All she needed was some experience in the field. That didn't take long to arrange. Seven showed up that evening with a mission proposal. "Folks, the fifteens have been tweaking their time travel device, and our software experts have been working on some simulations of historical alternatives. The upshot is that we would like to do some experiments with changing history to see if the simulation...

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The Masked Bandit Strikes

The Masked Bandit StrikesGuess what? Scarlett Secret has a fan. But not just any Fan, we are talking about a lunatic fanatic with boundary issues. While relaxing in the house without a care in the world, Scarlett goes into the bathroom to shake the dew off of her lily and hears a curious sound. Scarlett does't know that there is a Masked Man in her house waiting in the shadows ready to pounce on that ass and Fuck the out of her.. She thinks its a game and quickly finds out it is not. At least...

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How our Landlord seduced my friend and then me

Introduction: This happened when we first moved to city and rented a house just above our landlords house After plenty for requests to publish the story of my landlord,here Im finally relating my experience.Im an Indian girl,so Please forgive my English To find an apartment for rent for two single ladies is now officially categorized as herculean task. I had lost count of number of houses that I and my friend, Neha had visited over the past 6 days. The mobile numbers of brokers filled up my...

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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 4 The Assassin

Excerpt from training speech at Starfleet Academy. Someone once said that if you travel far enough, long enough, you would eventually meet yourself. Having done so myself, I can tell you one thing with certainty, the experience is not worth the effort. So my advice is, don't bother doing it. James O'Neill Flowsman Star date 1025.070 Personal Log: James O'Neill Flowsman. Star Date: 7.052. "We have successfully mined the remaining planets belonging to the Grays. In all cases, the...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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The Assassins Gambit she who has the amethyst eyes

The leader of the four, Finneous, motions instructions to his associates in the silent sign language used by the Assassins Guild; though they already know their goal, no mistakes will be tolerated this night, the contract must be fulfilled…no survivors and no evidence is to be left behind. On that the Grandfather of Assassins, the true ruler of the guild and of Providence is clear. Silent as death, they move between shadows illuminated moment by moment as lightning dances across the...

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My Hero

My Hero By J.L. Williams As I stared at the picture I couldn't help but cry. It had been almost forty years, but seeing his picture in the obituary section of the newspaper brought all the emotion and love flooding back into my heart. I have to tell this story; it truly is about my hero. My name is Michelle Anderson. I am now a woman, but I was born Michael McKinney. I was born a male, but I am now a fully...

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