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Sarah was lining up a shot with her bow, preparing to take down the deer she had been stalking for ten minutes when there was a loud cry from the North-East of her hunting blind. The cry startled the deer, causing it to flee from the noise that permeated the forest.

"There goes a few meals." Sarah sighed with frustration.

Within seconds of shouldering her bow, Sarah noticed that the cry was actually a call for help and she made her way through the trees towards the screaming woman that was making it. In that area of the forest, it might have been a bear attack, bears being common enough there.

Looking down through the branches, she saw a black woman running away from something. Her clothes were slightly torn and her hair was messy, to top off her appearance, she also had a few small cuts and dirty knees.

Then Sarah saw the soldiers. Seven British soldiers were chasing this woman for one reason or another. Knowing how ruthless soldiers could be women, especially black women, Sarah followed them, using the branches and her near-silent steps as cover.

The woman was running towards a box canyon, which would block her escape. Sarah would have to act to help the woman from whatever fate held for her. The rest of her group would hopefully be able to pick up enough meat and hides without her help.

As the woman and her pursuers ran into the canyon, Sarah dropped from a low branch and darted up the hill that the canyon was carved into. Quarter of a mile in was where the back wall was and Sarah was already there when her prey got there.

The woman was sobbing with fear and probably pain as she ran into the natural dead-end. She now had nowhere to go and the soldiers were closing in. realising her plight she turned around, looking ready to fight, though obviously lacking in the skills and confidence to do so.

"Help me!" she screamed. "Oh God! Please help me!"

Sarah watched as the soldiers closed in. She pulled her hood up and readied herself, unleashing her pair of hidden blades. When two of the soldiers made a grab for the woman, Sarah leapt from the cliff-top, plummeting down to land feet first on the soldiers. At the same time, she plunged her blades into their necks, severing their spines and unleashing large, powerful spurts of blood.

The black woman screamed with terror and surprise, passing out from the ordeal while the soldiers readied themselves to fight this new opponent.

"Leave this woman be," Sarah said, commandingly "If you do not, I will be forced to end your lives."

The sudden appearance of this hooded woman and the death of two companions didn't seem to bother the soldiers. They readied their muskets, ready to fire.

Sarah was already in their midst, sliding one of her blades out of the leather vambrace that housed it, holding it like a dagger. She plunged the dagger into the eye of one soldier and her other blade into the chest of the next. Springing the hidden blade back into it's housing, she drew a tomahawk from her belt and smashed it into the head of a third soldier.

The remaining two soldiers looked to be on the edge of running, but weren't fast enough. One of them collapsed as the tomahawk got embedded into his skull. The remaining soldier tried to fire but Sarah slashed his throat with her dagger before returning it to where it belonged as a hidden blade.

Barely even panting, Sarah turned and saw the black woman staring at her with fear and amazement in her eyes. Sarah retrieved her tomahawk and dropped her hood so her face could be seen before she walked towards the woman.

"Are you OK?" Sarah asked. "Did they hurt you?"

Still open-mouthed, the woman shook her head. Sarah noted that she was shaking pretty badly. In fact, it seemed she was almost pissing herself with fear.

Sarah ran a hand through he shoulder-length black hair and smiled as best she could, though a lifetime of training to kill and killing had given her a hard expression. She wasn't up to looking cheery most of the time, even if she was happy.

"I won't hurt you, I promise," Sarah said calmly, then held her hands out. "Look, I'm unarmed."

She almost chuckled at the lie that was intended as comfort. Obviously she was armed. She even had access to a weapon with her hands tied behind her back. She was also strong and fast enough to fight off the largest of men bare-handed if she had to.

The woman merely nodded at the comforting lie and used one of Sarah's hands to help herself up off the floor.

"What's your name?" Sarah asked.

"K-Kayla," the woman said. "I'm Kayla. Are they all dead?"

Sarah nodded grimly. She didn't like killing, though she knew it was necessary for her to do the work she'd been raised to do. If the Assassins wouldn't, who would safeguard humanity's freedom?

"Do you have anywhere to go?" Sarah asked, already guessing at the answer.

Kayla shook her head, confirming Sarah's guess. Sarah motioned for Kayla to follow her and started leading her to her camp.

On the way back to camp, Sarah explained who she was and what she was doing in the wilderness. She said nothing about the Assassin brotherhood, as she had no idea who Kayla was exactly, though she could guess based on skin-colour alone. Kayla was likely a slave to a rich white man.

Surprisingly, though, Kayla wasn't what Sarah would expect in a slave. She was well-fed enough to be skinny, but not anorexic and she had a positive look about her when it came to health and fitness. At least some people were treated right, Sarah thought.

The walk back to her camp was two miles and Sarah and Kayla spent the time calming down from the adrenalin in their systems and Kayla was becoming more talkative, which was a good sign.

She told Sarah how she was a slave to a British officer, a Lieutenant in the army. How he was pawning her off to his men when he'd gotten bored of her. Sarah listened intently, for this was a man that would surely end up on her list of targets at some point or another. He also sounded like the kind of man the world could do without.

When they reached her camp, Sarah was about to warn Kayla of the other three Assassins when they dropped from the trees, hidden blades extended. Kayla jumped and Sarah just held up a hand, signalling that they stop.

"I just saved this woman from some British soldiers who were trying to harm her," She said. "I killed them about two miles East of here. Go and hide the bodies and cover our tracks as best you can."

With that the three Assassins disappeared towards the East, leaving the camp to Sarah and Kayla. Sarah went to work around what the others had brought back from their hunts, skinning a few a****ls and storing the meat for transport back to the Assassin headquarters, which they called "The Farm" so as not to arouse suspicion.

"Go rest," she told Kayla, noticing how tired she was and pointing to her own tent.

Kayla nodded and slipped into Sarah's tent with a tired wave.

In time the other three Assassins returned. They informed Sarah that they had done their best to hide the bodies and cover the tracks that would lead anyone else to the camp. Sarah thanked them and let them set about their normal tasks while she went to a nearby stream to wash off the blood on her clothes.

When she got back, the older of the other three Assassins, Adam, came up to her to tell her that he'd made sure their guest was sleeping peacefully. She thanked him and, having been up since before dawn, decided she was going to get some sleep herself now that the sun was going down.

She slipped into her tent and unbuckled her weapons, stacking them in a small pile within reach. She then disrobed down to her underwear before strapping on one hidden blade, just in case she needed it at all. She knew she wouldn't need it, but she didn't like feeling she couldn't deliver a killing blow if she needed to.

She didn't know that her entering the tent had woken Kayla up until she heard a soft movement. She didn't think much of it, knowing they were safe, until a wolf howled nearby and Kayla jerked closer to her, grabbing her arm.

"Relax," Sarah said. "Nothing will get you while the others guard the camp."

Kayla seemed to accept this, though she stayed close to Sarah as she rolled back over to sleep. Soon enough, the sounds of the two of them breathing softly filled the tent.

In the morning, Sarah rose early, dressing and arming herself quickly and quietly. Stepping into the dappled dawn light, Sarah stepped over to the fire, above which, there was a pot of stew, which was the source of a lovely smell. Adam and his brother, Peter had been on the night watch during the night, and the smell was their dinner and everyone else's breakfasts.

Sarah scooped some into a bowl and took a small sip of the broth. It was delicious. She was sure it was actually the work of the final Assassin in her group. Antonio was a superb cook. He was Italian and had learned to cook from his parents, who had owned a popular restaurant back in their home town

This made him one of two Assassins not from America, with Sarah having been born into the brotherhood in England. Both of them spent a fair bit of time reminiscing about their respective homelands.

Before long, Kayla exited the tent and sat next to Sarah. Sarah scooped some stew into another bowl and handed it to Kayla, who thanked her and set about having breakfast.

Sarah explained that the Assassins were on a hunt to provide food and other materials for the larger group that was elsewhere, on the Farm. Kayla nodded in understanding and, while she seemed a little down-trodden to be staying in the area (having attached herself to Sarah), she expressed a desire to help.

"Very well," Sarah said, smiling. "Let's go then."

The two of them stood up and headed off to the West, on the hunt for more a****ls that were useful to their needs. Sarah found a decent spot where the bushes had recently been gorged on and there were some a****l droppings. She reached into her pack and pulled out a few items before handing a pile of bait to Kayla.

"Here," she said as Kayla took the bait from her. "s**tter this around, I'll set up the snares and traps."

Kayla set about to s**ttering the bait around the area with Sarah following her, setting up the snares and traps that would catch and kill the a****ls quickly and as painlessly as possible. With that done, she smiled and looked at Kayla.

"Well, that'll take a while for anything to be caught." Sarah said. "Let's take some time to wash. God knows we need it, and it'll probably be good for you to clean your cuts and wash of the dirt."

Kayla looked at herself, nodding in agreement. So Sarah led her to the river that she had washed her clothes in the night before.

"Here we are." Sarah stated, gesturing at the river. "nice, clean water."

Kayla started undressing, taking off her clothes until just her panties were left, at which point she covered her crotch and breasts. Sarah herself had disrobed, leaving everything on the bank of the river. She had her back to Kayla while she was neatly piling up he clothes and gear. When she turned around, Kayla gasped, looking at her crotch in disbelief. Sarah had a cock and the balls to go with it.

"Oh, yeah." Sarah said. "Sorry I should have warned you about that, but we Assassins do preach acceptance, so I forget about it."

"Y-you're," Kayla began, before gathering herself. "You're like me."

Sarah was a little taken aback and a tiny bit confused until Kayla pushed her panties down to reveal her own cock hanging between her thighs. Kayla looked embarrassed but Sarah smiled warmly, putting a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"I can sympathise with any pain it has put you through." Sarah said. "I used to get picked on for mine. It's a good thing we promote acceptance of anything for freedom. Including gender."

Kayla smiled slightly, her eyes watery, as if she were reliving the pains of her past. Sarah squeezed her shoulder gently but firmly, grounding her in the present while at the same time, assuring her that it's OK

"T-thanks." Kayla said quietly. "It's just that...everyone that knows has...picked on me."

"They did with me, too."

"What did you do?"

"Beat them until they stopped." Sarah said, chuckling. "I had the training for that, though."

Kayla smiled a little sadly in understanding before brightening up and wading into the water, going out to the middle of the river so that the water reached her waist. Sarah joined her in short order, wading into the achingly cold water to join Kayla.

"You really don't have to deal with being picked on because you have a cock?" Kayla asked, honestly curious.

Sarah nodded as she scooped water up and rubbed it onto her shoulders to wash away the grime. Kayla still looked surprised by the revelations that her saviour was a shemale and that she didn't take any crap for it.

"Like I said," Sarah started, "we Assassins place freedom and equality above all else. The only difference to this rule is to our targets, who lost the right to both when they chose their side."

Kayla came over to Sarah and, surprisingly, hugged her tightly for a second before letting go, looking shy. Sarah smiled, knowing it had probably been a long time since Kayla hadn't been shunned because of the manhood that was attached to her feminine body.

Seeing there was still sadness in Kayla's eyes, Sarah held her for a few minutes, gently stroking her hair and back to soothe her. It seemed to work as Kayla relaxed noticeably in Sarah's arms, nuzzling close to her, head on her breasts.

Though Kayla didn't seem to realise it, she'd gotten hard from the long cuddle, as had Sarah. Their cocks were now grinding together softly, bumping into each others' bellies. Kayla looked down and blushed when she finally realised then pulled away and turned around shyly.

"Don't be shy about it, Kayla," Sarah said, smiling softly. "It's normal. Anyway, it happened to me too."

Kayla smiled shyly, accepting the reassurances that Sarah sent her way, causing her to ease up completely. Sarah drew her into a gently but firm hug and kisses her cheek softly to assure her that she had noting to be concerned about when it came to her looks or sexuality.

"Do me?" Kayla asked nervously.

"Of course I do," Sarah replied, softly stroking Kayla's back.

Kayla smiled and looked into Sarah's eyes, drawing a little closer. Sarah leaned in and softly kissed Kayla on the lips before slowly drawing back. Kayla smiled and the two women kissed again, deeper this time, and groped at each others' bodies with a gentle passion.

Sarah reach between them and softly grasped Kayla's cock, rubbing it slowly and gently, feeling the blood pulsing through it in time with her heartbeat. Kayla moaned softly, enjoying the touch she must have rarely gotten from another person as she gently bucked her hips into Sarah's very loose fist.

Sarah gently pushed Kayla back towards the river bank, making sure she didn't slip or fall. When they reached the bank, Kayla lay down in the dirt and Sarah knelt between her legs, still kissing her deeply.

Kayla broke the kiss and raised her legs, exposing her tight, puckered anus invitingly. Sarah looked at her questioningly, making sure Kayla was sure, she nodded quickly, smiling happily.

Sarah pressed the head of her cock firmly against Kayla's tight anus, pressing forward gently, but not softly enough that she wouldn't make it inside the beautiful black shemale's ass. After a moment's struggle, the head of Sarah's cock slid into Kayla's ass, causing them both to sigh with deep pleasure.

Slowly, Sarah pushed in deeper until her large cock was deep inside Kayla and her balls against Kayla's ass. They both moaned deeply as Sarah started thrusting slowly and deeply, Kayla's ass gripping her cock tightly.

Once Kayla's ass had relaxed a little, Sarah started thrusting harder and faster, pulling Kayla towards her with every thrust. Both shemales were moaning loudly in the quiet forest, causing birds to take flight from the canopy, frightened by this new noise.

Sarah felt her cock bump against a small lump in Kayla's ass, causing Kayla to gasp and moan in ecstasy. Sarah was also pleasured further by her cock massaging Kayla's prostate, her head rubbing against it deliciously. After a few moments of this, Sarah sped up again, moaning and groaning gutturally.

The guttural grunts, moans and groans of Kayla and Sarah reached the apex of their volume, filling the forest around them. The echoes of their love-making reverberated from the rocks and trees, filling the area around them with the noise multiple times with a slight delay.

Sarah reached between Kayla's spread legs and gripped her cock firmly. She began to stroke hard and in time with the thrusting of her hips, causing Kayla to moan silently, unable to make any more noise due to the amount of pleasure she was feeling.

Before long, Kayla shook with spasms of pleasure, shooting a huge amount of cum onto her and Sarah's chests and stomachs. Almost immediately, Sarah came, caused by the orgasm-induced squeezing of Kayla's ass. Sarah's load burst forth hard and deep, filling Kayla's ass with hot, sticky cum. After they'd both fired their loads, they collapsed from pleasure, panting heavily, still connected as Sarah's cock was still in Kayla's ass.

"That was amazing, Sarah." Kayla said between deep pants.

Sarah just nodded, not trusting her voice after such a powerful orgasm. Very slowly, she pulled out of Kayla, her cock followed by a small stream of cum spilling out and pooling under them both.

When they'd recovered, Sarah got up shakily and helped Kayla up. They stumbled back to the river and quickly washed themselves, cleaning all evidence of their passionate session before getting dressed.

"We should check the traps," Sarah said.

Kayla nodded and the two of them headed back to the place they'd baited and left traps. The traps now contained a number of rabbits and hares, a small but useful bounty for food and skins. They gathered the a****l carcasses and headed back towards camp.

After storing the small a****ls to be processed later, the two women heard a large number of voices approaching. The voices were, from the words Sarah could pick out, were unmistakeably the voices of more soldiers.

"Into the tent," she ordered Kayla, who hurried to obey.

A moment later, the soldiers entered the clearing housing the Assassins' camp. There were a large number of them; easily fifteen. Sarah doubted her ability to take them all herself, so she decided to engage them in conversation instead.

"What do you want?" She asked loudly, watching them the best she could.

"We're chasing a fugitive," the leader said, confirming Sarah's suspicions. "Have you seen a black woman, raggedly dressed?"

"No," Sarah said, quick to deny it. She hoped to cause them to leave without bloodshed.

"We'll determine that," the officer said, commandingly.

He ordered his men to check the tents, but Sarah drew herself up to her full height and stepped forward challengingly.

"Step aside!" the officer ordered. "Now!"

Sarah shook her head in a resigned way, drawing her tomahawk and springing out her left hidden blade, she dropped into a combat stance. She wouldn't have done this so directly were it not for the fact that she'd seen Adam, Peter and Antonio slipping quietly through the branches of the nearest trees, positioning themselves to strike.

Sarah smiled and launched her first assault, jamming her hidden blade into a soldier's throat, killing him instantly. As the rest of the soldiers prepared to fire their weapons, the other Assassins leapt into motion, dropping on the soldiers from above and extinguishing the lives of those they hit.

The remaining soldiers were startled but quickly regained their wits. They lashed out at the Assassins who all blocked or dodged before slipping back in to attack, some of the soldiers managed to block and strike back, but a few didn't and were cut down.

The remainder of the battle was quick, full of cries of agony as the soldiers were cut down. There was one soldier left: the officer. He aimed at Sarah and fired his gun just as Sarah launched herself at him. She felt a scratch almost instantly before she felled him.

While Peter and Antonio went through the dying to put them out of their pain, Adam walked up to Sarah with an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry," he said. "We knew it'd only be a matter of time until they managed to pick up your trail, but we didn't think they'd find it this fast."

"No problem," Sarah said patting him on the shoulder. "You arrived quickly enough."

"We saw them when they were about half a mile away," Adam explained. "We decided to follow them and hopefully find a good place to lure them for an ambush, but we weren't that lucky."

Sarah nodded and looked around. The bodies would be too difficult to move to a safe distance and there were far too many of them, in her mind, for them to move them quickly enough anyway. She quickly made up her mind.

"We're heading back," she ordered. "Pack up and we'll set back for the Farm."

She went to get Kayla from the tent and the five of them packed up the camp site as quickly as possible while at the same time doing their best to cover their tracks around the camp up. Kayla noticed that Sarah had a wound from a grazing bullet on her upper arm and dressed it quickly and efficiently. When they were ready, they assemble and headed off in the direction of the Farm.

The journey would be slow. The Farm was out of the way, a good fifty miles from any other centre of population. They would also be doing their best to throw off anyone that picked up their trail by weaving in many directions, changing direction on large rocks and leaving false trails wherever possible. This was the standard way the Assassins kept themselves hidden.

On the way, though, came a startling revelation. Kayla was once again talking of her old owner. A man called James Pattonson.

"Wait," Adam interrupted. "What was his name?"

"James Pattonson," Kayla said. "A British Lieutenant."

Sarah looked at Adam before turning to Kayla. She had a look in her eyes that her Mentor had told her she only had when she'd been given a target to kill. Kayla had just said the name of a Templar that the Assassins had been trying to locate for months.

Sarah explained the basics of this, as well as the centuries-long fight between the Assassin brotherhood and the Templar Order. Kayla seemed to understand the ramifications and nodded slowly to every point Sarah told her. She said she'd lead Sarah to the fort that Pattonson was stationed at.

Sarah nodded and told the others to head back and explain the situation to the Mentor and Sarah's plan to rid them of this man. They nodded and took to the trees while Sarah and Kayla headed off in the opposite direction.

The journey to the fort took only a couple of hours. Sarah had Kayla hide in some thick bushes while she stealthily made her way to the perimeter wall. Once there, she scaled it quickly.

At the top, there was a guard, looking out in a bored fashion, not really taking in what he was seeing. Sarah sprung out one of her hidden blades and lifted herself up to plunge it into his gut before pulling him over the wall and letting him fall. He was so surprised that there was no scream as he fell and the sound of him crashing into the rocks at the base of the wall was quiet.

Sarah pulled herself onto the wall and dropped into the fort, crouching on her landing and making her way around the buildings. She hid whenever someone approached her position before moving on when they had passed.

She located her target quickly and made her way over to him silently. He was alone and had his back to her as she approached. When she reached him, she slipped her blade between his shoulder blades, puncturing his heart.

"Find peace in the embrace of whichever Deity you follow," Sarah said. "Rest in peace."

With the deed done, she made her way like a shadow back to the wall, climbed it and dropped back to the ground to make her way back to Kayla. Kayla hugged her carefully.

The two of them quickly moved away and headed towards the Farm. A few hours later, they approached the perimeter. Sarah knew there were Assassins guarding against intruders, but they let her and her new friend pass without even showing themselves.

After a quick talk with Conner, the Mentor, Sarah led Kayla back to the perimeter and climbed a ladder to an open-topped tower with Kayla in tow. On reaching the top, the two of them slumped against the low wall, cuddling.

"Thank you for all you've done," Kayla said. "I'm glad you were there to save me."

"No problem," she said. "I'm glad I could save you, too."

With that, Kayla and Sarah kissed softly and fell into a doze. It had been a long day and they had both earned a rest. Soon enough they both fell asleep in each others' arms, small smiles on their faces.

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Shemale Sex Is The Best

This happened when I went to Mumbai (Bombay then) there was a bar named Voodoo in Colaba. It was a gay bar where transsexual & cross dressers hung around, I went there after about 10 pm when things pick up. The place was full of Cd’s and Transsexuals and no one could make out that they were not women. I was taking in the scene; they were almost all thin and dressed sexy clothes, mostly Short skirts. This is a nice place to get a good looking cd or shemale to give you a blowjob. They just want...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Shemale snapped

(A story written by a friend) Hope you like it!Camilla took a few steps out the door of her balcony to get a feel for the temperature. Thankfully it was cool out. It had been a hot day, which meant a cool night was welcomed. She closed the door and pulled out a pair of gold hoop earrings. She was suffering from a mild case of the jitters. There was a date on the agenda tonight with a guy she'd been seeing for a couple months now. Camilla kicked a pair of high heels out of her closet while...

4 years ago
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Aurora Sexy Assassin

Aurora Sexy Assassin -by Joaquin (a.k.a. "bootboy") Dedicated to the lovely Aurora EPISODE 1: " Death comes in black thongpanties " The long straight lonely highway stretch for several miles for as far asthe eye could see. On both sides of it, a vast desert landscape, warm and onlybeginning to show signs of life as the sun steadily rose on the far horizon.Other than a frightened gecko that scurried pass across the wide deserted avenueand a flight of vultures overhead, and one patient...

2 years ago
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Shemale Surprise

This is 100% true, I know it may sound difficult to believe and I know if I read what is detailed below I’d struggle to believe it but this is what happened to me on Wednesday.I needed to take Wednesday off from work as a holiday to get some work done to my home, as the day wore on I had planned to get a tribute made, but I felt too horny to tribute I’d been to Northwich Sauna before (Which I’ve posted about before) and seen that they run a TV/TS day on Wednesdays, all are welcome to dress how...

2 years ago
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shemale sex slave

BDSM JOURNEY.Let me first say i am no writer by any means.This story starts 5 years ago. I was looking to move up in the mountains off grid with a homestead. I was a single man and wanted a parnter who could share with the daily chores and have for sexual gratification. Finding some one to leave everything the city offered to move to a rural area was a quest in itself. I knew I wanted a completely submissive woman ant my feet.So I put a ad on craigslist and it went a lil something like this"...

3 years ago
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Shemale fun

Recently I've been chatting with a very feminine and beautiful shemale named Lisa.We've been trading photos and dirty talk over chat lines and emails. I've always fanatsized about a cick with a dick and unexpectedly the opportunity came that we could potentially meet. Being married I had to concoct and excuse as to why I had to go to (city name withheld) and my wife didn't see any reason not to bnelieve me. My wife knows that I love porn, but I've never expressed to her that cock also turns...

2 years ago
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Shemale on Shemale

We were in the back of a taxi, our tongues deep in each other’s mouths, tasting and sucking and swirling. My hand slowly moved up her perfectly toned thigh and under her skirt. I lightly caressed her half hard cock through her thong, barely touching her, just tenderly stroking with my fingertips. She responded by grinding herself against my palm in a seductive, circular motion. I could feel her getting harder and she moaned softly. I felt that moan vibrate on my tongue, causing my own cock to...

2 years ago
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The Assassin

Annälisa could be described as a stereotypical Swedish beauty, with her stunning Nordic good looks, long blonde hair, soft blue eyes and that curvaceous body that promised everything. The trouble was that her looks were a problem in her line of work. She was too noticeable. The best assassin’s were able to blend in with the background when they needed to, whereas her eye-catching beauty attracted attention wherever she went. She overcame her difficulty by embracing it, turning it to her...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 24 My Favourite Assassin

Upon reaching Bodahn, I quickly changed into my armour, and once I put on socks, slipped my feet into the boots we had ... liberated. Then, as usual, we walked. Everyone had apparently explained to Shale who I was, and she seemed completely disinterested. She wasn't much for fast running, so she'd stayed with Bodahn when the rest came to my rescue. She barely acknowledged me once we'd returned, and it pissed me off – I thought she'd be at least curious, and I seemed to be taking it...

4 years ago
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Shemale Subway Sex

I was out at a dance club with some friends on Saturday night. Clubbing isn’t really my scene though, and I soon found myself very bored. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was almost 1 o’clock in the morning. I was having an awful time, and if I didn’t leave then, I would miss the last subway train and have to take a $50 cab ride home. So I said goodbye to my friends, and caught the very last train home. The subway ride from the club was going to be around 40 minutes. At first, the car was...

2 years ago
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Shemale Subway Sex

I was out at a dance club with some friends on Saturday night. Clubbing isn't really my scene though, and I soon found myself very bored. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning. I was having an awful time, and if I didn't leave then, I would miss the last subway train and have to take a $50 cab ride home. So I said goodbye to my friends, and caught the very last train home.The subway ride from the club was going to be around 40 minutes. At first, the car was...

3 years ago
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shemale on shemale

Hi dear it just a story may be its real cany sure some 1 told me & i write this 1 for u Hi mai ap ki friend ap ka leya aik or story la kar aee hoain, mujha 1st three stories ka jo respons mila vo to mai ko bata nahi saktee, par ap ka tnx zaroor kartee haoin dil sa. Isee ka sath maree 4th story ap ka leya. Ya mara sath hona wala aik ajeeb or anokha waqia tha. I mean really very different, mujha movie dakhna ka mood huva to mai cenma chalee gae wahan khelade 420 film aksha ki lagi thee new film...

3 years ago
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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 4 The Assassin

Excerpt from training speech at Starfleet Academy. Someone once said that if you travel far enough, long enough, you would eventually meet yourself. Having done so myself, I can tell you one thing with certainty, the experience is not worth the effort. So my advice is, don't bother doing it. James O'Neill Flowsman Star date 1025.070 Personal Log: James O'Neill Flowsman. Star Date: 7.052. "We have successfully mined the remaining planets belonging to the Grays. In all cases, the...

3 years ago
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Shemale Fantasy

Recently you've started to wonder what it would be like to be with a shemale. You've always been attracted to women and have no homosexual interest at all, however the fascination of a women with a penis has made you curious of what a sexual encounter with a shemale would be like. Curiosity finally getting the better of you, you decide that you're going make it happen just once.

2 years ago
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Shemale at the airport

The first shemale story I ever read and still one of my favourites...Layovers are a pain at the best of times but the prospect of five hours at theairport was not a good one. My inbound flight had been delayed and I had missedmy connection, so there was nothing for it but to wait out the afternoon andcatch the next 'plane home to the wife and k**s.The only saving grace was my business class ticket, meaning that at least Icould loaf around in the executive lounge and not in the main...

4 years ago
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Shemale at the airport

This is the first shemale story I ever read and is still one of my favourites...Layovers are a pain at the best of times but the prospect of five hours at theairport was not a good one. My inbound flight had been delayed and I had missedmy connection, so there was nothing for it but to wait out the afternoon andcatch the next 'plane home to the wife and k**s.The only saving grace was my business class ticket, meaning that at least Icould loaf around in the executive lounge and not in the main...

4 years ago
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Shemale banged my wife

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

2 years ago
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Shemale Supermodel

SHEMALE SUPERMODEL ? by: Charlotte Bollinger CHAPTER 1 We were already late as the plane taxied to a stand still at Charles de Gaulle because of the atrocious winter snows, as the seat belt signs were switched of there was the usual click, click of seat belt buckles being undone but non of the usual pandemonium and mad rush to be first of the plane that I had experienced before when I had traveled in economy class. Now being one of the privileged few who can travel first...

2 years ago
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"What is this?" My wife asked me as she opened my suitcase.'Fuck', I sighed to myself. I had just returned from a business trip where I purchased a butt plug. Truth be told, I felt like I was having my mid-life crisis. Instead of buying a Porsche or Lamborghini, I got curious about my sexuality. I wondered what it would be like to suck a cock, even though I did not find men sexually attractive at all. I felt more and more compelled to be on my knees, to have a cock in my mouth. This became my...

4 years ago
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Shemale Shilpi banged my pussy

I am Nargis. I am an in a kindergarten school in Hyderabad. I am 32, age, beautiful, fair, married with no kids, and blessed with a 36d-30-38 figure. Life at my school was a fixed daily routine, boring. The majority of teachers were mature. They were always busy in areas in which I had no interest. I started working here 3 years back. My friendship started with a new trainee teacher Shilpi, who recently joined here after her graduation. She was a bubbly girl, and soon, we became friends. We...

4 years ago
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Shemales An Appreciation

Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that they will forego sex-reassignment surgery, opting...

4 years ago
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Shemale Mistress borrows my Submissive Wife For a

I received a call from a friend of our's a Michelle a shemale Mistress asking if my sub wife could be available for a weekend party. I asked my wife last night if she wanted to be lent out ? She said it would be fine. I called Michelle and said she would be ok. Michelle said she would text me instructions. A day later I received a text of instructions have wife completely shaved pussy, ass and head . Have her dressed as follows cuffs on ankles and wrists. Butt plug and garters and heels and 6"...

3 years ago
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Shemale Funpark

You go to a Funpark in Miami, Florida where you are supposed to meet your Friends. You really like them and drove all the way out here just for them. Right as you enter the Funpark to get to the meeting point, your Friends call you in a groupchat. They tell you that their Car broke down a long time ago but their Phones had no Battery and they were in the middle of nowhere. They could only call you now to tell you that they sadly can’t come to the Funpark. They say that you have to go on the...

2 years ago
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Shemales An Appreciation

Shemales: An Appreciation By Cal Y. Pygia Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that...

4 years ago
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Shemale Park Shame

Park Shemale Shame Hi All, Now I’m as straight as the next man, I’ve got a cute little blonde girl with a great arse who I love to ride, lick and tit feel, but, well, here’s a cautionary tale. This is a warning for you fellas who sometimes find yourselves looking at pictures of pretty shemales, in all their frillies, on the internet when you just wanna have that added pervy kick so as to cum. Right, the other day I was walking home from the pub after a couple of after work drinks with...

4 years ago
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Yuki Space Assassin

Word has traveled over the star waves from Federation Space to the treaty zone, whispers of the Jade Assassin. A Human woman, or at least humanoid in appearance who has slain hundreds of undesirable people for the Federation's Governments, and parties willing to meet her salary. Little is known about her, even to her employers. Leaks have confirmed she was once named Yuki, and ran with street gangs since a young age. The rest that is known is that she is slender, no taller than 5'4, pale with...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Goddesses Athenas Assassin

Revenge of the Goddesses: Athena's Assassin By Julie O. Edited By Amelia R. Chapter 1 It was a little after ten as Jason Blackthorn started his last security check before heading to bed. He stopped first to see how Lisa Barnard was doing. She was one of the archeologists working the site on the small Greek island. She brushed her strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes. "Why do this every night?" she asked as she looked up from her computer. "We've been here six weeks and...

4 years ago
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Shemale massage

It has been one of those long and stressful weeks. I’m in desperate need of relaxation and relief so I head over to an Asian massage parlor for a typical happy ending massage.The girl who usually massages me isn’t available so another girl is suggested which I accept. I think to myself that she can’t be much different than my usual so I don’t care much. I just need a massage badly.She comes out of the back from another massage and introduces herself as Jessica. I smirk a bit knowing there is no...

1 year ago
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Shemale Gangbanged

Hi........readers.......i am a shemale whose presence looks like an angel.......Due to my physical appearance....boobs,ass....whatever boys use to look at is as soft as cream.My story starts with a mistress ....who fucked me twice....but without any payment...So it was a summer and i called him to pay me....he told sure u come to my home .....i will pay you.I thought why he agreed so easily.....but any how i thought what he can do ......maximum he will again fuck my ass and suck my boob snot...

1 year ago
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Reddit Shemales, aka r/Shemales! Reviewing Reddit subs has become a real drag these days because there’s a sub for every single fetish, niche and sexual preference you can think of – and about a million that you’ve never heard of before. That’s why I’m always glad to get the chance to review something that is a bit outside of my comfort zone. There’s a ton of smut that I’m personally not a fan of, but I’m an equal opportunity porn god, so I really enjoy covering other people’s smut. Sometimes...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Shemale Fun

You are a good-looking man in your mid-twenties. You are 5'10, 170 lbs., and in good shape, with some muscle definition. You have always considered yourself a man's man, but lately you have developed a curiosity about women with...something more. When you fantasize, you sometimes find yourself imagining a cock between the girl's legs. Pretty soon, that's the only way you really get off during masturbation. You can't take it anymore. Even if you end up being only interested in biological...

3 years ago
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Shemale im Urlaub

Als Hans sich entscheidet alleine in den den Urlaub zufahren, fällt seine Wahl auf Amsterdam. Er hat sich im voraus erkundigt und sich besonders über das Nachtleben und den Rotlichtbezirk informiert. Hans hat schon länger Fantasien mit Transen und ist gespannt was der Urlaub mit sich bringt. In Amsterdam angekommen verbringt er den Tag als klassischer Tourist. Zwischendurch besucht er immer Mal wieder einen der vielen kleinen Sexshops und stöbert durch die Dildos, Dessous und Magazine wobei er...

2 years ago
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Shemale flip flop

OMg isn't this meme hilarious, my girlfriend asks me over whatsapp and I'm already like fuck I need to take a bong rip and play cocky games with my tranny friend. So I smoke the bong and put my phone on silent so she will stop writing me while I'm at work. I show up clean and punctual for her at her house. She looks good with her big tits hanging out and I shower. She lets me get comfortable on the bed then she comes in and seduces me.She has me naked in a second. Sucking as kissing on my big...

4 years ago
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Shemale beauty cloths ripped off on stage

The venue had very talented c***dren performing and Spanky was the final act. Earlier in the day Spanky was furious with his overbearing mother, so he decide to throw the performance. Gathering 25 neighborhood 25 c***dren together, he orchestrated all his friend’s to be at the performance and give him “the works.” The plan was to have them loudly hurl insults and pelt him with rock hard peas. Sure he thought, I will fix her once and for all, I will not just fail but I be so embarrassing and...

1 year ago
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Now it was my time to see the lovely Emiko. She firstly removed her dress and stood resplendent before me in bra, panties, stockings and suspenders. She turned her back on me and I unclipped her brassiere letting it fall to the floor. Now she teased me by taking off her stockings and suspenders leaving the panties to last. I fully expected the Japanese ladies in 1964 to be natural and covered in thick pubic hair as few females bothered to shave their lady gardens back then. Okay eating a bald...

3 years ago
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Shemale experience

Fooled around with a shemale a few years ago and probably the best thing I ever did. I was very nervous at first because I hadn't sucked a cock for a very very long time. What if I didn't remember how to do a good job? What if I couldn't suck a cock properly? I had seen lots of cock sucking porn but I wasn't sure if I was up to the job.I was taught to start with getting on my knees keeping my knees and legs far apart to allow my ass to open up nice and wide. This was such a sexy position to be...

2 years ago
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Shemale cummed in my mouth

Rachel was not new to the shemale world. She made the transition years before I met her. We met each other through mutual friends. We had hung out quite a few times. It was always with a group of friends, never just the two of us. I considered us pretty good friends at this point in time. I was open with Rachel from day one. She new I liked being dressed as a slut and fucked by women with strapons. I never dressed as a women outside of sex other than wearing womens panties all the time. For the...

2 years ago
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Lately i've been going to this one adult video arcade in Oakland, and it is full of action. The reason I began going there was because it is located on the upper floor of a strip club. To get in you have to go through the lobby of the club, and up the stairs. The Strip club is on the ground floor, and it is raunchy, to say the least! It is definitely a no frills place! I mean, they hire anyone - so long as she's female - who walks in the door and applies. The girls are of every race and looks;...

2 years ago
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Shemale school ENG

Shemale schoolActually, I did not even have this thought. I read stories that guys go crazy, they want to be girls and all that. Not my story. I did not want to, I did not think, I did not intend to. Guev - called pidarasami, and dreamed of girls with big tits.But everything turned out somehow wrong. It all started at school.One time after the lesson of physical education, I stayed a little in the locker room. Everyone left, but I just started changing clothes. I just undressed how our local...

2 years ago
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Shemale before emails

1996, Old enough to get the fuck out if the sleepy little Scottish village I was brought up in and take part in the clubscene born in 88. Myself and 3 friends had boarded a flight to Ibiza.we hit it hard the first night and the second. On the third I flaked out in the hotel as my mates headed bk to San Antonio for more treats, lights and beats. They were all arrested for swimming in the fountains on the main drag. When. Police arrived one of them got a lucky punch on the polis man's jaw. Then...

2 years ago
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Shemale Mom

It was a sunny day when I got home from School, My Mother asked me how my day was to which I replied that it was okay, she seemed pleased with my answer, then she said we'd have to have a talk after dinner, I went up stairs and laid down and started thinking about how I was bullied in school again, was it my fault I had a slight built and girls while nice did nothing for me.After eating dinner I helped my was the dishes then we went into the living room to watch The Bachelor, she kept...

2 years ago
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Shemale Cam Girl Sample

Sample from "The Shemale Cam Girl" available on Amazon (“Yes,” she pushed him down onto the couch. “Look, if you are going to suck my cock you are going to have to get better at it. I don’t just let anyone suck my cock, you know,” she shook her head and laughed. “I mean, you saw it? That’s not the kind of cock you just let anyone suck on and Joel, hon, that was not a very good blowjob.”“I’m sorry,” he hung his head, not sure how to respond.“No, it’s okay,”...

2 years ago
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Shemale Public Bondage Fantasy

It was a chilly evening, I had arranged to meet him in the city centre. I was wearing a rather skimpy black dress, black lingerie and red high heels. It was my first time dressed in public like this. He was an average looking man, he shook my hand and kissed my cheek, and asked if I was ready. I affirmed, and then he led me to the park in the city. I noticed he had a small bag with him. He opened it and took out several pieces of rope. 'You know what we agreed', he said. 'Yes, I understand,' I...

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