Shemales: An Appreciation free porn video

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Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that they will forego sex-reassignment surgery, opting to retain their male genitals. These divine beings, neither fully male nor fully female, it may be argued, are the sexiest creatures in the universe. For those who believe so, a word of explanation seems to be warranted, since a sexual attraction to shemales which is more immediate, intense, and enduring than sexual attraction to either of the traditional two sexes is unusual, if increasing. What is so attractive about chicks with dicks? Obviously, the incongruity of a feminine appearance, facially, physically, emotionally, and otherwise, coupled with male genitals, is marvelous, even astonishing. Therefore, it is noticeable in a world in which fewer and fewer persons, places, and things have presence. In a world in which people, like objects, are more and more ignored and are becoming, therefore, increasingly invisible, shemales definitely get one's attention. However, the astonishment that one feels could change to disgust as quickly as it can transform into appreciation. In fact, it seems that more men than not are appalled by shemales than are admiring of them. If shemales are reckoned to represent a third sex, it is apparent that not all men (or women) want a third sex. Many people, after all, prefer the status quo. Shemales suggest that men, in mimicking women, can be all that beautiful women are characterized as being: empathetic, gentle, lovely, sensitive, sympathetic tender, and so on. In other words, they suggest that, in every man, there's a beautiful woman waiting to get out (or to "out" herself). From a psychological point of view, shemales imply that a bisexual theory of human personality is correct: there is a female component to masculinity, just as there is a masculine dimension to femininity. Sex and gender are not the neat polar opposites that unsophisticated analysts of human nature and observers of human behavior perceive and believe. There is more complexity to human existence than a set of genitals or secondary sexual characteristics alone suggest, and, as a rule, people tend to prefer the simple to the complex, the black or white to the gray. Men want men to be men and women to be women, and women want women to be women and men to be men. That way, things are straightforward, and there is no room for confusion concerning actions, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, personal identity, social expectations, roles, and a thousand other areas related to individual and collective existence and behavior. Life is hard enough when the rules are clear. Shemales threaten the definitions, understandings, and riles that not only regulate behavior but also allow meaning. Why, then, the question persists, do some people (mostly men, it seems) find shemales irresistibly attractive and preferable, even, to females? There's more to them than meets the eye--initially, at least. They are a "surprise," some say. They represent the "best of both worlds," others declare. They are not women. They are apparent women. They are the sort of "women" whom men prefer who do not want real women, who want only men who look like women. However, these men do not want to admit that they prefer men to women. They do not want to admit, even to themselves, that they are homosexual, because, to them, such an admission, means that they are less than men themselves and presents them with the emotional and psychological quandary of both loving and rejecting their own masculinity, of feeling ambivalent about who and what they are. When the object of one's desire has long hair; a beautiful face; wears makeup and feminine attire; has round, womanly buttocks; has shaved legs, and is equipped with breasts, it is easier to accept the male genitals. One can rationalize his attraction to the shemale by telling himself that this beautiful, feminine creature is not a man. The shemale may also not be a woman, either, exactly, but, just as clearly, "she" is not a man--at least, not fully. She is a he-she, a shemale, a third sex that is both male and female and, yet, paradoxically, at the same time, neither, male nor female. Despite this paradox, which would have it both ways, men want to think of shemales as women, not as men. Therefore, such creatures are regarded as chicks with dicks rather than as dudes with boobs. Ultimately, shemales are denials of femininity. They cannot conceive. They cannot bear children. They cannot become mothers or, legally, wives. They are, at most, companions--playmates rather than helpmates--built for fun, not family; for sex, not responsibility. Their fists, their mouths, or their rectums are surrogate vaginas, and, if they play the manly role, their semen cannot inseminate. Furthermore, in dating a shemale, a man need not explore the feminine within a woman or within himself, for he is not dating a true woman, but a substitute, a "shemale" rather than a female. His woman is a man-made woman. As such, she is a guarantor of sterility, and a promise against the moral and legal responsibilities that claim a father. For an actual woman, despite proper use of the Pill, there is always the chance, however slight, that she could become pregnant; with a shemale, there is no chance, ever, of pregnancy; therefore, there is no chance, ever, of fatherhood and its attendant responsibilities. There's just the fun and adventure of sex with a look- alike woman. The best of both worlds is not only the inclusion of both breasts and male genitals in the same medically and technologically revised anatomy, but it is also the denial of the biological purpose of womanhood altogether, which is verified and confirmed again and again every time that the penis enters the fist, mouth, or rectum instead of a vagina and the penetrated person's own penis, whether flaccid or erect, dangles or stands idle and superfluous. If one rejects the biological purpose of the female, a shemale--a man transformed into an imitation of a woman--can be fun and sexy, because then it's only the sex that counts. Shemales are a part of America's love affair with what has been called the "culture of death" or the "death culture." As such, they are as sexy as the forbidden fruit that tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden. They second-guess God or nature, as it were, suggesting that chicks with dicks may be an equally good, if not better, partner with whom men can establish and maintain personal, social, and sexual relationships--one that does not and cannot involve reproduction. As such, the pursuit of the shemale, rather than of the female, defies the divine injunction that demands that men "be fruitful and multiply" and the very reproductive basis itself for male-female (rather than male- shemale) relationships. Despite appearances to the contrary, a shemale is not a female. She is a contradiction, an embodiment of ambivalence and ambiguity. Ostensibly an alternative third sex that, in merging sex and gender, transcends both, she is, as a so-called chick with a dick (and without a cunt), ultimately a denial and a rejection of womanhood. Therein lies her mystique, her charisma, and her attraction for those who admire her and rejoice in her charms. Similarities may be overlooked, but differences demand explanation. In a patriarchal society, wherein men rule, it is men who must explain women, not women who must explain men, and, since men regard themselves as normative, women are considered to be aberrational. In the Western world, until about 100 years ago, women were explained as inferior, weaker versions of men?as pale imitations, as it were, of their betters, or, as Sigmund Freud would have it, as castrated males possessed of "penis envy." It has been said that it is the winners, not the losers, of military campaigns who write their nation's history. Likewise, it is the ruler, not the ruled, who defines (or assigns) the meanings and values of persons, places, and things in their societies. It hardly needs to be mentioned that, in defining such meanings and values, those who do so do so according to their own purposes. Men have defined women as providers of pleasure, as domestic servants, and as bodies upon whom they may beget children?usually, in this order. To hear men tell it, women have breasts primarily for men's benefit, as means by which to provide them with pleasure, and only secondarily to suckle infants. Likewise, women's vaginas are not for the purpose?at least, not primarily?of incubating babies, but for the same purpose as the anus, the hands, and the mouth, which is to say, again, to pleasure men. In the final analysis, to be female (or, at least, feminine)?and one may be feminine without being a woman?is to be fucked, as I suggest in my short story "Transformation," is to be fucked. Shemales (by which term, as I use it, I mean "chicks with dicks," that is, male-to-female transsexuals who, having otherwise completely feminized themselves, opt to retain their male genitals rather than to undergo sex-reassignment surgery) offer an opportunity to even more drastically separate women?or man-made women (the impulse to create the perfect woman, which is to say a man-made woman, remains as strong, or stronger, today as it was when it inspired Pygmalion to carve Galatea)?from her biological, or reproductive, function. By dispensing with the very possibilities of impregnation, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth, men, in fashioning for themselves shemales as sexual playmates, reduce such man-made women purely to the vehicles of their own pleasure (and, perhaps, domestic service). As I argue in part one of this series, divorcing females?or, rather, shemales?from procreation has proven very popular among men, because the impossibility of impregnating them relieves men of the burdens of fatherhood while, at the same time, allowing them the pleasures of sex. Shemales, unable to bear children, offer other pleasures beyond those which they provide by the use of their anuses, rectums, mouths, penises, and hands. They are also, even more than women (who, after all, can be impregnated), vehicles by which, and upon which, men can express the superiority that they have claimed to have until a century or so ago (and often continue to claim to have, even if only to themselves). By relegating shemales to the role of being but providers of sexual pleasure (and, perhaps, domestic service), men, both symbolically (or socially) and literally (or sexually) elevate themselves to the superior status exhibited by their own power and authority in society and the relative powerlessness and submissiveness of the vanquished "other," the shemale herself. In connection with this thought, it is interesting that, despite the shemale's retention of her male genitals, she is defined as a woman (or a man-made woman) in accordance with her possession of artificially acquired secondary sexual characteristics?essentially, besides her feminine appearance and behavior, her artificial breasts. This definition of her as female (or, at least, feminine) by her secondary sexual characteristics is not as odd, actually, as it may first seem, for, throughout history, whenever a crossing of boundaries has occurred between the powerful and the powerless, rulers have defined those whom they regard as hybrids of superiors and inferiors in terms of the inferior group's attributes. For example, products of sexual liaisons between whites and blacks are regarded as "mulattos," "high yellows," or "blacks," but never as whites, just as the offspring of white and Native American, or Indian, couplings were considered to be "half breeds" or "Indians," but never whites. The same tendency is discernable in characterizing shemales as female despite their lack of vaginas and their possession of penises and testicles. This characterization clearly marks shemales (like females) as being inferior to males. Again, in a patriarchal society, men rule, and they determine, consequently, what meaning and value both they and others shall have. Male is the normative model; females, genetic and man-made, are aberrations?inferior, weaker pale imitations of men. With procreation denied them, shemales are useful to men in another way. They are vehicles by which men exhibit their strength, power, virility, dominance, and masculinity, because only one partner may enter the other, and, of course, in sex, penetration has long signified superiority because, between male and female partners, it is the male who penetrates and the inferior, weaker, aberrational female (or shemale) who is penetrated. To penetrate a person with a penis, even one who has breasts and is considered to be feminine, if not exactly female, is to deny him (or "her") the natural use of his own penis as a penetrating, impregnating organ?in other words, it is not only to feminize him, but also to neuter, or unman, him. Taking the remnant of a man's masculinity is a conquest of him by means of a symbolic castration?even when, as a shemale, he (or "she") is already regarded as feminine. For men who seek empowerment (or the seal of empowerment), anal sex with a man-made woman is sexy, indeed. Women are supposed to be fucked. The very essence of being a woman is to be fucked, and not only fucked but transformed by being fucked, that is, to be made pregnant, so that her belly swells with child, and she becomes a mother (and not any longer merely a lover). The essence of men, therefore, is to fuck, and, thereby, to deliver the seed by which a woman is impregnated. This essential difference between men and women remains even when procreation is seen as alternative and secondary to pleasure as the purpose of heterosexual sex. However, this distinction, fundamental as it is, does not apply between males and shemales, because shemales, lacking vaginas, are not really women at all; at best, they are wannabe women, or artificial, man-made women, flesh-and-blood Galateas. Therefore, although heterosexual sex can end in pregnancy, homosexual sex between a male and a shemale cannot. Denied the essential attribute of womanhood, a shemale's own womanhood is repudiated, and she is shown to be "male," and not "she," after all, appearances to the contrary, which is why, of course, shemales are grouped among gays. Their sexuality, like their identity, is based upon pretense, their own and society's, that they are truly women, despite the technological (chemical and surgical) and the cultural (learned) means of their supposed transformation into "women." To be a woman, one must be a woman born, not made. When it comes to the ultimate test of womanhood, which is the ability to be not merely penetrated, but impregnated, shemales fail at being female. The pretense breaks down. They can be feminine, but they cannot be female. Gender, not sex, is allowed to them. If, in the final analysis, shemales are not really "chicks with dicks" but are, rather, "dudes with boobs," their erotic appeal lies, perhaps, in their willingness to be regarded as women, rather than as men; in their casting off, so to speak, the mantle of masculinity in favor of the mantle of femininity; of their voluntary subjugation of themselves to the power and authority of men who, in a patriarchal society, rule, for, in doing so, they willingly, of their own accord, accept the meaning and valuation that are otherwise reserved by men for women. They make of themselves the very image of womanhood that men define as meaningful and valuable (to men themselves, at least, if not to women per se). When sex is more a matter of empowering oneself at the expense of another (as, for the most part, it is, when procreation is set aside as unimportant or irrelevant), such a devaluation of oneself is prized by those who seek to exhibit their power, and such a willingness to become weak and inferior is, in short, another reason that many men find shemales so damned sexy. (And, of course, there's neither pregnancy nor menstruation to interrupt one's pleasure.) Still, shemale are damned hot for yet another, perhaps more profound, reason, which I shall take up next. Cynthia A. Freeland's discussion of the androgynous nature of Victor von Frankenstein's monster (in The Naked and the Undead: Evil and the Appeal of Horror), sheds light on my topic, shemales. Building upon the opposition of supposedly "masculine" and feminine traits listed below, Freeland argues, quite convincingly, that Frankenstein's "Creature," despite being described as a male and desiring that his creator build him a woman of his own is, according to the very traits themselves, at least as much feminine as masculine: MALE?FEMALE Culture?nature Reason?nature Mind?body Master?slave Reason?matter (physicality) Rationality?animality (nature) Human?nature (non-human) Civilized?primitive (nature) Production?reproduction (nature) Self?other According to Freeland, "the Creature symbolizes animality, primitiveness, and physicality," whereas the "excessively male" Frankenstein himself "represents the forces of civilization, rationality, production, and culture." The Creature is also "other," ostracized as he is from human camaraderie, whereas the scientist "is part of a happy family and has prospects of marriage." Freeland asks, rather pointedly, whether the monster can truly be regarded as male, adding that it "begins with a good and innocent nature," which contradicts the idea that it is wild or "primitive," and is "identified with the feminine in his desire for family and social bonds" and "may even be a personification of Nature's female power." Frankenstein himself, on the other hand, is obviously associated with many of the qualities of masculinity, such as culture, rationality, mind, mastery, humanity, civilization, production, and selfhood. Indeed, Freeland declares, "We could even propose that the Creature's very monstrousness is a result of his gender and moral indeterminacy. He exhibits a combination of the goods and evils associated with each gender: a desire for domesticity coupled with an extreme thirst for knowledge, the raw power of feminine Nature as against the uncaring violence of men. The slipperiness of the monster's status regarding good and evil and the uneasy gender affiliations in the novel reflect his monstrously undecidable, unnatural state between life and death." Much of what Freeland argues concerning Frankenstein's monster, of course, can be likewise proclaimed regarding shemales, or "chicks with dicks" (or, more accurately still, "dudes with boobs"). Shemales are gender benders and, as such, they contradict the neat categories of gender and sex that scientists have erected, suggesting, thereby, that the division of humanity into just two opposing genders and sexes is akin to the either-or fallacy. The division presents society and the individuals of which society is composed with the false dilemma of a false dichotomy. Men have female hormones, and women have male hormones. None of us is entirely one sex (or gender) or the other; we are both. When we try to renounce part of ourselves, we behave irrationally and may suffer a fate similar to that of Frankenstein, for, as Freeland warns her readers, the "excessive rationality" of mad scientists like Frankenstein "becomes effectively irrationality." The etymology of the word "monster" suggests that dual-sex creatures such as hermaphrodites, who were considered to be monsters, were regarded as harbingers of doom. As the Online Etymology Dictionary declares, "monster" originally referred to "signs or omens of impending evil." Although not exactly hermaphrodites, shemales are a close modern equivalent to such "monsters." In an increasingly secular world, such creatures may no longer seem to represent warnings of divine wrath, as hermaphrodites once did, but they do represent a living, breathing rebuke, as it were, to the tendency of the rational (male) mind to categorize everything according to a system of binary opposites that explains away more than it explains. As I observe in "Thank Heaven For Little Girly Boys," shemales, by sporting both feminine breasts and masculine genitals, confuse everything in the most delightful ways! This confusion is a needed corrective to the belief that everyone is either male or female/masculine or feminine, for, like the euglena, which is neither wholly plant nor wholly animal, the shemale is neither wholly man nor wholly woman, neither entirely male nor entirely female. If males and females ground us (to some extent) in maleness, masculinity, femaleness, and femininity, shemales, bless their hearts, free us, to some extent, from these same moorings, letting us understand that our view of sex and gender is as much invented (or socially constructed) as it is "natural" and that, therefore, it is not unnatural to consider oneself a mix of the two genders and sexes. If it is not unnatural to be both male and female and both masculine and feminine, it is also not unnatural to be attracted only to men whether one is himself a man or only to women whether one is herself a woman or to a member of the "opposite" sex or to both men and women (and, indeed, shemales). In two previous installments, I considered reasons as to why shemales are so damned hot. One reason for their erotic appeal, I ventured, is their freeing of men from the responsibilities of fatherhood. Since shemales, by nature, cannot be impregnated, men can use them as they please, without fear that, because of a brief dalliance, they will be called upon to surrender their freedom for the rest of their lives. There are hundreds of thousands of shemales in the world, many of whom are as beautiful as any genetic woman and many more of whom are at least as attractive as the average woman. They may not have vaginas, but their anuses are perfectly suitable substitutes. Indeed, they may be superior, because they are tighter, do not menstruate, and cannot be impregnated. All they lack is lubricant, which can be supplied, easily enough, through applied science, or technology, in the form of a tube of anal lube. Another reason for the popularity of shemales, I suggested, is that they are similar enough to men (while, at the same time, being different enough from men) to facilitate free and easy communication between minds that understand the male (and the masculine) mindset. Finally, as I argue in this last installment, shemales also free men and women to be men and women who are both men and women and who can prefer as sex partners of the same sex, the "opposite" sex, the third sex (if shemales can be supposed to represent a third sex), or any combination thereof. If shemales are not better than females, they're certainly desirable and suitable substitutes or alternatives to women. Is there any wonder men and women should not appreciate them? Speaking for myself, I can't find even one reason.

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Shemale Vids

What is it about Shemale Vids that makes them so goddamn enticing? Honestly, it might be a question for the stoned philosophers and horny social scientists of the world. Me? I’m just your friendly neighborhood PornDude. I may not be able to tell you why you’re so attracted to pretty girls with bigger sausages than your own, but I can certainly turn you on to some good pornos starring the well-endowed broads. Some dudes consider themselves ass men, others are fond of the titty, the thigh, or the...

Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Shemale Shopping Spree

She-Male Shopping Spree featuring Chelsea and Victoria, two gorgeous chicks with dicks - and an attitude! by Mistress Tawny Suede "Oh god, I feel so incredibly horny!" said Victoria. "Well, sugar, if we hurry back to the apartment, I've got just the cure," said her best friend and roommate, Chelsea. Victoria looked the stunning black girl in the eye and giggled. "Actually, I haven't been able to get that cute little salesgirl out of my mind," she said as she and Chelsea left the...

3 years ago
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Shemale Amazon Goddess

This story is based on a dream I had about shemale porn star Meghan Chevalier around 15 years ago.I'm sitting up in bed. There is an empty glass on the nightstand; I know that I have recently drunk whatever was in the glass. I'm wearing a light violet silk robe, and nothing else. It seems quite feminine. Then I realize that my body has become quite feminine as well. The fat I've been carrying around for years is gone and my waist has tapered down to about 27 inches. My legs are long and slim....

3 years ago
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4 years ago
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Shemale Ne Mummy Ko Choda

Hi friends yeh story meri, meri mummy aur shemale ke beech hai. Is story mein btaunga kaise shemale ko maine choda aur phir kaise shemale ne meri mummy ki chudai ki. Meri mummy jinka figure 34-30-36, bank mein job karti hai. Unka divorce hue 6 saal ho gaye hai. Mummy job ke karan kafi fit hai. Yeh incident 3 mahine pahle ka hai. Main aise hi net surffing kar raha tha.Tabhi ek din maine shemale wali video dekhi.Woh mujhe kafi achi lagi. Us mein shemale gand marwata hai aur marta bhi hai. Mujhe...

3 years ago
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Flat Tire Appreciation

I was driving down the Highway when I noticed a car along the side of the road with the trunk open and a lovely lady standing by it.So I pulled over in front of the car. Got out and walked up with a warm greeting of, Hello, Do you need some help?Her reply was an warm Yes, I certainly could use Help!I have a flat tire.... I can chage that for you, I said. She siad Thank You! My name is Sue, and you are? Barney, I replied.I proceeded to change the tire. All the while she was verbally expressing...

2 years ago
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Shemale Stewardess Seduction

Please note that this story is not written by me! It was stored in my computer for a long time now and decided to share it with you. The author's name as well as the site I found the story are not known... My introduction into the sultry, steamy world of shemales came (and I mean came!) at 35,000 feet, on a plane flight to the Northwest. I had been working myself to the bone, staying until ten or eleven at night, coming back in at six o'clock in the morning, and I guess the stress...

4 years ago
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Shemale Summer

Once again, this is not a story written by me! It was stored in my computer for ages and decided to share it with you. Hope you like it! One hot summer day, my friend Sam and I were scoping out the babes at our local beach, as usual. I saw this really hot, busty blonde a few towels down giving me the eye. "Hey, check her out!" I said to Sam. He peeked up from beneath his Ray Bans and shook his head. "Forget that one," he said. "She's not your type." "What do you...

3 years ago
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Shemale And A SouthIndian Girl In An Abandoned Temple

Hey readers, this is my 4th story here in ISS. I am a fair-skinned bisexual male. I usually write erotica partially based on things that happen in real life. Let’s jump into my story. This is a story of a shy South Indian girl with a pretty face, fair skin, big natural Indian boobs, and a juicy bubbly ass. She meets a natural Indian pretty shemale to realize her wildest dreams come true! So the story is being narrated in the South Indian girl’s point of view. Her name is Lavanya or Lavi for...

3 years ago
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i have just fulfilled one of my fantasies with the help of niki, who used tobe nicolas a male cousin of mine who is now living life as a shemale. i havejust swallowed a river of cum after sucking on my very first cock. being malei have never thought of myself as being gay, and i still don't as i am not attractive to males at all. i love being hetero, but i do have an attraction for crossers or shemales. my cousin niki and i were having our first tryst and after making niki cumin my mouth she...

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shemale fantasy ive read before and dream

I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable femininity.Her hair was dirty blond...

4 years ago
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Shemale Mistress borrows my Submissive Wife For a

I received a call from a friend of our's a Michelle a shemale Mistress asking if my sub wife could be available for a weekend party. I asked my wife last night if she wanted to be lent out ? She said it would be fine. I called Michelle and said she would be ok. Michelle said she would text me instructions. A day later I received a text of instructions have wife completely shaved pussy, ass and head . Have her dressed as follows cuffs on ankles and wrists. Butt plug and garters and heels and 6"...

2 years ago
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Shemale in bus with a nice girl

Hi dosto maree 3rd story ap ka leya bohat acha repons raha ap ki taraf sa specially females ka respons to bohat he zayada tha, such bataon to mujha itnee achee feed back ki umeed nahi thee, mai shemale haoin is waqt maree age 30 thee or khoob bara boobs jo 38 ka tha or land ka size be 6″ sa kuch bara tha, Maree nazar aik female par thee jo job kartee thee mai rozana usa dakhtee thee or imagin kartee thee, vo public taransport mai atee jatee thee, aik din maina socha ka is ka sath bus main...

1 year ago
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Shemale Part 1

My name is Rick. I'm thirty-seven. I anyone anyone who comes my way. Tonight though, it was with a guy and a tranny. I guess I should describe myself. I'm 6"7 and strong. My cock is large and thick as a bat. I was driving to the town when my phone rang. It was the shemale, Kathy. "Hello Kathy." "Hey, listen, I'm sorry, but I can't make it tonight." "Oh, I'll have to tell Jeff." "Yeah. I'm sorry. We could reschedule or something." She offered. "No, it's fine. We'll do it alone." "Okay. Bye."...

She Males
3 years ago
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Token of Appreciation

"Finally, happy eighteenth birthday to Jason Jones and Valerie Arians. Have a wonderful day Albright Academy." Ashleigh Miller lifted her hand from the mic cue and sighed. She took a step back and walked over to the table holding twin bingo machines that sat in the corner of the school office. Kneeling down, she opened the cabinet tucked underneath and pulled out two little wooden balls with the names Valerie Arians and Jason Jones etched into them. She closed the cabinet and stood up. As...

4 years ago
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Art Appreciation

Mike had never thought of art galleries as a place to meet women. Hell, Mike thought about art galleries as little as possible. The Vallejo/Frazetta exhibit at the Tucson Museum of Fine Arts was a rare exception to the rule. Mike enjoyed fantasy-oriented art, and Vallejo was his favorite artist. There would be paintings by other, lesser-known artists as well. Mike made plans to check out the exhibit. Mike wasn't really comfortable in the three-piece suit that he had dug out for the...

4 years ago
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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 11 Wifersquos Lusty Appreciation

Steve Davies I closed the editing app. Reality lurched around me as Anael and Jophiel vanished. The moans of my youngest daughter and JoBeth, my student and newest concubine, burst to life. The pair sixty-nined, Sam on top of JoBeth. My dick throbbed as I glanced at my daughter as she licked my cum out of JoBeth’s pussy. The two underage girls loved each other. I had used the last two edits for the day. One on JoBeth, giving her a naughty ability in addition to making her one of my...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 221 A Signing of Appreciation

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Waking up, I remembered to take advantage of my new proximity range when I created a dim light blob to help me clamber over Julia. I choose her to exit over more often than Carol because Julia is easier to climb over and she sleeps more soundly. The study session went well, enabling me to catch up to the real class in Calculus 251 just before my study session ended. Once a week, I'll go through the recently posted Calc' 251 or Algebra lectures, but I'll mostly be...

2 years ago
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Parents Son Appreciation

I chuckle before saying, “It’s no issue at all. Do you remember who you’re talking to? The only thing you’re depriving me of is sitting around, flipping through my list of things to watch, while waiting for my check to process. Plus, I’ve been dying to meet the little scamp, anyways. Trust me, it’s no issue.” “Ok, I’ll take your word for it. Now, he’s struggling with social studies and science. He just can’t seem to click with those subjects. I really hope you can get him to really focus on...

4 years ago
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Shemale Funpark

You go to a Funpark in Miami, Florida where you are supposed to meet your Friends. You really like them and drove all the way out here just for them. Right as you enter the Funpark to get to the meeting point, your Friends call you in a groupchat. They tell you that their Car broke down a long time ago but their Phones had no Battery and they were in the middle of nowhere. They could only call you now to tell you that they sadly can’t come to the Funpark. They say that you have to go on the...

4 years ago
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Shemale Sex Is The Best

This happened when I went to Mumbai (Bombay then) there was a bar named Voodoo in Colaba. It was a gay bar where transsexual & cross dressers hung around, I went there after about 10 pm when things pick up. The place was full of Cd’s and Transsexuals and no one could make out that they were not women. I was taking in the scene; they were almost all thin and dressed sexy clothes, mostly Short skirts. This is a nice place to get a good looking cd or shemale to give you a blowjob. They just want...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Shemale snapped

(A story written by a friend) Hope you like it!Camilla took a few steps out the door of her balcony to get a feel for the temperature. Thankfully it was cool out. It had been a hot day, which meant a cool night was welcomed. She closed the door and pulled out a pair of gold hoop earrings. She was suffering from a mild case of the jitters. There was a date on the agenda tonight with a guy she'd been seeing for a couple months now. Camilla kicked a pair of high heels out of her closet while...

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Shemale Park Shame

Park Shemale Shame Hi All, Now I’m as straight as the next man, I’ve got a cute little blonde girl with a great arse who I love to ride, lick and tit feel, but, well, here’s a cautionary tale. This is a warning for you fellas who sometimes find yourselves looking at pictures of pretty shemales, in all their frillies, on the internet when you just wanna have that added pervy kick so as to cum. Right, the other day I was walking home from the pub after a couple of after work drinks with...

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Shemale Subway Sex

I was out at a dance club with some friends on Saturday night. Clubbing isn’t really my scene though, and I soon found myself very bored. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was almost 1 o’clock in the morning. I was having an awful time, and if I didn’t leave then, I would miss the last subway train and have to take a $50 cab ride home. So I said goodbye to my friends, and caught the very last train home. The subway ride from the club was going to be around 40 minutes. At first, the car was...

2 years ago
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Shemale Surprise

This is 100% true, I know it may sound difficult to believe and I know if I read what is detailed below I’d struggle to believe it but this is what happened to me on Wednesday.I needed to take Wednesday off from work as a holiday to get some work done to my home, as the day wore on I had planned to get a tribute made, but I felt too horny to tribute I’d been to Northwich Sauna before (Which I’ve posted about before) and seen that they run a TV/TS day on Wednesdays, all are welcome to dress how...

2 years ago
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shemale sex slave

BDSM JOURNEY.Let me first say i am no writer by any means.This story starts 5 years ago. I was looking to move up in the mountains off grid with a homestead. I was a single man and wanted a parnter who could share with the daily chores and have for sexual gratification. Finding some one to leave everything the city offered to move to a rural area was a quest in itself. I knew I wanted a completely submissive woman ant my feet.So I put a ad on craigslist and it went a lil something like this"...

4 years ago
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Shemale fun

Recently I've been chatting with a very feminine and beautiful shemale named Lisa.We've been trading photos and dirty talk over chat lines and emails. I've always fanatsized about a cick with a dick and unexpectedly the opportunity came that we could potentially meet. Being married I had to concoct and excuse as to why I had to go to (city name withheld) and my wife didn't see any reason not to bnelieve me. My wife knows that I love porn, but I've never expressed to her that cock also turns...

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Shemale on Shemale

We were in the back of a taxi, our tongues deep in each other’s mouths, tasting and sucking and swirling. My hand slowly moved up her perfectly toned thigh and under her skirt. I lightly caressed her half hard cock through her thong, barely touching her, just tenderly stroking with my fingertips. She responded by grinding herself against my palm in a seductive, circular motion. I could feel her getting harder and she moaned softly. I felt that moan vibrate on my tongue, causing my own cock to...

2 years ago
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Shemale Subway Sex

I was out at a dance club with some friends on Saturday night. Clubbing isn't really my scene though, and I soon found myself very bored. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning. I was having an awful time, and if I didn't leave then, I would miss the last subway train and have to take a $50 cab ride home. So I said goodbye to my friends, and caught the very last train home.The subway ride from the club was going to be around 40 minutes. At first, the car was...

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shemale on shemale

Hi dear it just a story may be its real cany sure some 1 told me & i write this 1 for u Hi mai ap ki friend ap ka leya aik or story la kar aee hoain, mujha 1st three stories ka jo respons mila vo to mai ko bata nahi saktee, par ap ka tnx zaroor kartee haoin dil sa. Isee ka sath maree 4th story ap ka leya. Ya mara sath hona wala aik ajeeb or anokha waqia tha. I mean really very different, mujha movie dakhna ka mood huva to mai cenma chalee gae wahan khelade 420 film aksha ki lagi thee new film...

3 years ago
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Shemale Fantasy

Recently you've started to wonder what it would be like to be with a shemale. You've always been attracted to women and have no homosexual interest at all, however the fascination of a women with a penis has made you curious of what a sexual encounter with a shemale would be like. Curiosity finally getting the better of you, you decide that you're going make it happen just once.

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Shemale at the airport

The first shemale story I ever read and still one of my favourites...Layovers are a pain at the best of times but the prospect of five hours at theairport was not a good one. My inbound flight had been delayed and I had missedmy connection, so there was nothing for it but to wait out the afternoon andcatch the next 'plane home to the wife and k**s.The only saving grace was my business class ticket, meaning that at least Icould loaf around in the executive lounge and not in the main...

4 years ago
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Shemale at the airport

This is the first shemale story I ever read and is still one of my favourites...Layovers are a pain at the best of times but the prospect of five hours at theairport was not a good one. My inbound flight had been delayed and I had missedmy connection, so there was nothing for it but to wait out the afternoon andcatch the next 'plane home to the wife and k**s.The only saving grace was my business class ticket, meaning that at least Icould loaf around in the executive lounge and not in the main...

3 years ago
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Shemale Assassin

Sarah was lining up a shot with her bow, preparing to take down the deer she had been stalking for ten minutes when there was a loud cry from the North-East of her hunting blind. The cry startled the deer, causing it to flee from the noise that permeated the forest."There goes a few meals." Sarah sighed with frustration.Within seconds of shouldering her bow, Sarah noticed that the cry was actually a call for help and she made her way through the trees towards the screaming woman that was making...

4 years ago
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Shemale massage

It has been one of those long and stressful weeks. I’m in desperate need of relaxation and relief so I head over to an Asian massage parlor for a typical happy ending massage.The girl who usually massages me isn’t available so another girl is suggested which I accept. I think to myself that she can’t be much different than my usual so I don’t care much. I just need a massage badly.She comes out of the back from another massage and introduces herself as Jessica. I smirk a bit knowing there is no...

2 years ago
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Shemale Gangbanged

Hi........readers.......i am a shemale whose presence looks like an angel.......Due to my physical appearance....boobs,ass....whatever boys use to look at is as soft as cream.My story starts with a mistress ....who fucked me twice....but without any payment...So it was a summer and i called him to pay me....he told sure u come to my home .....i will pay you.I thought why he agreed so easily.....but any how i thought what he can do ......maximum he will again fuck my ass and suck my boob snot...

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Shemale banged my wife

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

2 years ago
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Shemale Supermodel

SHEMALE SUPERMODEL ? by: Charlotte Bollinger CHAPTER 1 We were already late as the plane taxied to a stand still at Charles de Gaulle because of the atrocious winter snows, as the seat belt signs were switched of there was the usual click, click of seat belt buckles being undone but non of the usual pandemonium and mad rush to be first of the plane that I had experienced before when I had traveled in economy class. Now being one of the privileged few who can travel first...

2 years ago
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"What is this?" My wife asked me as she opened my suitcase.'Fuck', I sighed to myself. I had just returned from a business trip where I purchased a butt plug. Truth be told, I felt like I was having my mid-life crisis. Instead of buying a Porsche or Lamborghini, I got curious about my sexuality. I wondered what it would be like to suck a cock, even though I did not find men sexually attractive at all. I felt more and more compelled to be on my knees, to have a cock in my mouth. This became my...

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