Wicca Magick
- 4 years ago
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Most people have a very strange idea about 'witches', like witches are all women, or witches worship the devil.
All of that tripe was propaganda propagated by the Royalty of Europe, when it became fashionable to be a Christian, and to prove it was bad to be a witch, they were pictured wearing a broad brimmed conically shaped hat, when all of the fashionable people wore a conical hat without a brim! Big Deal!
Witches are people who practice the religion of Wicca. The basic tenants of which say:
The Power shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need rises, the Power shall be used to protect your life or the lives of others.
The Power is used only as need dictates.
The Power can be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.
It is unwise to accept money for use of the Power, for it quickly controls it taker.
Be not as those of other religions.
Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magick.
Ever remember that the Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
Wicca a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, By Scott Cunningham - Llewellyn Publications
Another way of saying the rules is 'Do what you will, as long as it does no harm to another.'
Of course, these are the rules known by Wiccans, this does not include the reasons why you must follow the rules of Power.
Basically, the reason can be expressed: Good or harm done with the Power comes back to you seven fold.
Now on to the story!
(Author's note: Some say three fold. In the Author's experience, it is seven as many dictate.)
I found one of my wife's 'Witch' books and finally became curious as to what types of magic could be done, by my witch wife or one of her 'coven'.
There was a bunch of drivel about philosophy and such. So I scanned on past that stuff and got right down to casting spells. There were example of how to make a magic circle, what herbs and oils to use, how to use the Athame, how to build Power and direct it to a purpose.
This stuff was cool!
I started thinking about what kind of things I could do with this stuff, if it really works that is.
'You know, ' I thought, 'Mary has always been lacking in the boob department. Maybe I could give her a little boost, and thereby prove to myself whether this stuff works, as well as give myself a little bit more to play with.'
I carefully set up our bedroom making my sleeping beauty the center of the circle. Anointed her with the proper oils I had prepared with her Athame. I built the Power just as the book told me, and I swear I could see a glowing white light building around me as I did so.
When I felt I had enough Power for the job, I directed it toward Mary and visualized her having a 'C' cup size set of breasts.
The glow became very bright, shooting forth en-globing Mary, and becoming a warmer more golden color, seemingly soaking right into her light obscured body. When it was finally gone I had to cover my mouth with my hand, to silence my gasp.
Well you could have knocked me over with a feather! Low and behold there she lay with boobs! Unbelievable!
I quickly cleaned up all of the ritual paraphernalia and slid into bed with my buxom wife, not wanting to waken her and spoil my surprise, I can hardly wait for tomorrow.
It was incredibly difficult not to grope her new boobies, but I refrained and finally drifted off to sleep.
"ROBERT!" I was abruptly awakened by Mary's scream emanating from the bathroom.
"Mmfff ... what?" I mumbled back.
"Do you know anything about these?" she was pointing to her boobs and glaring at me accusatorially.
"Don't you like them dear? I think they look incredible. Come back to bed so we can test drive them," I was leering at her hooters.
"So you, did this to me? Have you been into my Wicca books?" she had a funny look on her face.
"You have been trying to get me to show some interest in your witchy dealings. So I started reading one of them and I just wanted to try and see if it worked, and man did it work! Come to bed, please baby," I cajoled.
"You poor foolish man. Don't you think that if I wanted bigger boobs I could have done it myself?" she glared.
"I suppose ... well I guess, I don't really know," I replied shrugging my shoulders.
"Well you should have come to me, if you wanted to learn the way. You have no Idea what you have done, honey, but I promise I will try and help you live with the consequences of your actions. Just please, do not try any more spells, at least not until you have been properly educated. I realize you didn't think you were doing anything that I wouldn't like, due to your narrow-minded male thought patterns. Most women with big boobs would rather have small ones. Before we met, I had a 'D' cup set of boobs and I used the Power to shrink them," she lectured.
"Well just use it to shrink them again," I offered.
"We can't, at least not for a very long time. I won't be able to since you are the one who cast the spell on me. You won't be able to since you used it to harm another and are still untrained. I'd say it would probably be at least two years before you will be able to make amends and conjure up enough Power to fix my chest, and many years after that to be able to reverse the effects on yourself," she let out a huge sigh and shook her head.
"What are you talking about?" I was sitting up on the edge of the bed by this time.
"Sweetheart, you might look down to your chest. I don't think you are going to recognize it," she started to giggle.
I looked as I had been told, and there on my chest was a set of 'C' cup sized breasts. No make that 'DD' cup breasts, no 'E' cup no ... No! "Oh my God they are still growing! Mary what's happening?" I hollered.
"Well sweetie, with Wicca, any harm you do to another comes back to you seven fold. It's a damn good thing you didn't give me back my 'D' cups. It's going to be bad enough as it is!" she was laughing outright now.
"This is not funny Mary I've got tits passing the 'GG' cup range and still going. What am I going to do?" I was staring at this huge set of boobs bobbing up and down on my own ribcage.
Mary quickly climbed into bed with me, "Come to bed dear and let's give those babies a test drive."
"This isn't funny Mary!" I was getting annoyed.
"No it's not, and there is not one damn thing that we can do about it, at least not until later today. You know, those look really sensitive, I wonder... ?" she reached up and caressed my nipple.
"Oh God! Tha ... that ... that was incredible," I squealed.
She leaned over and said, "You ain't seen nothing yet," as she placed one of my nipples into her mouth.
"Ohhhh my! Is it like this for you when I suck on your nipples?" I asked her feeling completely out of breath.
"Mmmm ... you like that huh?" she said around my areola. She then re-sucked a full mouthful working it in and out and around.
I didn't even have an erection, but I shot my wad as she worked my nipple. I started arching my back and twitching all over.
"Was it good for you sweetie?" Mary asked.
"What the hell was that?" I panted.
"Nipple orgasm. Did you like that?" she smiled down at me.
"I don't believe that just happened. I shot my wad into my PJs and I wasn't even hard. What's happening to me?" I started sobbing.
She started rubbing my back, "I'm sorry dear, but boobs are like that. They are very easily stimulated. I think though, there must be a lot of in your system, that's why no erection and why you are so easily stimulated."
"That's a relief. So, it's because of that I've got immense hooters and a limp Dick," I groused.
"No, it's because of you giving me big boobs, that you have giant boobs and lots of in your system. Now I'm going to have to suggest something, that I know you are not going to like, just hear me out anyway, okay?" Mary asked.
I nodded my head, but that proved to be a big mistake, due to the fact that my tits started bouncing up and down.
"The bad news is that you are stuck with huge tits. The good news doesn't exist. You are not going to be able to walk around with double 'H' boobs, as a man. At best, you will be a she male, which means no hard on for years, humiliation, and ridicule whenever your true sex is found out. The best thing I can suggest is, that you let me finish the job," she looked into my eyes searching for my reaction.
"You ... you ... you mean ... turn me into a girl?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"Well you started it," she accused.
"How was I supposed to know giving you big boobs would ricochet and give me bigger boobs?" I asked.
"Actually, if you had read the book and not skipped straight to the spells you would have known, it's clearly explained in every one of them," she was still rubbing my back while she scolded me.
"But I love you! If you turn me into a girl with big breasts, what happens to us, to our marriage?" I'm not sure I wanted to know the answer to this question.
"I love you too, even if you are a dunderhead. I won't leave you even if you are a girl. Our sex lives are going to be a little on the 'alternate life style' side, and I don't quite know how to say this ... Ah, I think those hooters of yours, are really starting to turn me on. Do you mind if I grope you a little?" she begged.
"You want to fondle me? Are you a lesbian Mary?" I thought I knew my wife, I never would have suspected this though.
"It's the Power I think, it won't allow harm to come to our love, so to make sure we stay together, I'm becoming turned on by the sight of your boobs. I'm certain that if you ask me to make you a woman, I'll become your impassioned lesbian lover," she informed me.
"I don't want to be a woman and I don't want you, to have to become a lesbian. I'm so sorry!" I wailed.
"Well, actually the lesbian thing won't be that big a stretch for me hon., I'm already bi," she was looking into my eyes when she told me that part, so I knew it was true.
"But my job, how can I run a bulldozer with these?" I pointed to my new assets.
"Goddess, I'd pay real money to have pictures of that! Just thinking about it, has made my panties all sopping wet," she started fanning her face as if she had the 'vapors'. "Don't worry we'll get by, even if I have to start taking nude photos of you and selling them to big titty magazines, maybe some lezzy scenes between you and me too. Of course I'll be the one with the little titties," she giggled.
"Great, I've turned myself into, thousands of men's, big titty queen fantasy girl!"
"That is, only if you ask me to," she assured me.
"This is so humiliating, not only do I have to become a girl, I have to ask you to make me one!"
"You don't want, that I should wind up, seven times what I do to you do you?" she inquired.
"No, I wouldn't. Okay Mary you win, would you please make me a woman?" I knew there was no other real option open to me.
"Yes Roberta, I'll make you a woman. I'll need to contact some of the people in my coven, but would you mind terribly if I attack those, because I don't think I can force myself to leave them alone one minute longer?" she pleaded.
"If I can fondle yours. Deal?" I bargained.
"Deal!" and she was all over my immense mammaries, petting, squeezing, licking, and sucking.
I was twitching like an epileptic, during a Grand Mal seizure.
Mary was like a bitch in heat, rubbing her crotch up and down my leg, while diddling herself to orgasm, after orgasm.
"Oooog glagh!" I gurgled, my face beet red and strained looking. I'm not sure the male brain is wired to handle multiple orgasms. I wanted to fondle Mary's breasts and all I could do was flail about on the bed.
I must have lost consciousness because the next thing I knew, Mary was gently stroking my face, cuddled up close to me.
"Welcome back Roberta. I have to tell you that is the best sex I've ever had," she kissed me. "By the way what does, "Oooog glagh!" mean?"
"I think it means 'I'm losing my mind via multiple orgasms.' Does that happen to you?" I asked.
"Sometimes, can't you tell when you do it to me?" she remarked.
"I guess, but it looks a hell of a lot different on this side, than the other, let me tell you!" I assured her.
"Well I have to get up and make some calls. If you will wash my back, I'll help you wash the places you can't reach," she gave me a peck on the lips.
"I think it's going to be worse than that! Can you help me up and steady me while I walk? My balance is shot to hell," I asked unsteadily.
"I guess it's going to take a while for you to regain your balance. Don't try too hard today, by tomorrow it will be different anyway," she helped me to my feet and we climbed into the shower.
I washed her back, she washed mine, but when we were facing one another, she disappeared under my mammoth mammaries and I felt her sudsing up the bottom side of my tits. The sensations were unbelievable! When she worked her way towards my chest I felt her lift one up so she could scrub underneath of where it lay against my chest. Her little hand sunk deeply into the soft firm breast and made me shudder. When she moved to the other one my hands slapped against the glass doors and the wall, my legs spread of their own accord, and I felt sperm dribble from my penis as I orgasmed. I felt her hands quickly grab me around the waist to keep me from falling, on my unsteady legs.
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Hi I have been regular reader of ISS for more than a year and it’s been a part of daily life too so am coming forward to post mine gave a nice thought about it and yeah at last here I am. Let me start telling about myself am basically from Coimbatore right now in Bangalore as a Engineer well built, clean, fair since am good at studies I graduated real fast am just 22 yrs old and with a decent tool which can satisfy any women. You can drop in a mail or suggestion or try to contact me in this...
Debbi answered the door Thursday night. She gave me a quick, slightly self-conscious kiss and said Donna would be ready soon. "Allison is out on a date," she said. "Out on a date?" "She told me 'fair is fair.' But I don't think you have anything to worry about. Allison and Dexter have been friends for a long time, but just friends. She invited him to a movie." I wasn't so sure. Dexter had never been out with this Allison before. Then Donna made her entrance ... and what an...
Reluctant Coed By Annie James As the coach sped through the black of the night Robert thought about his childhood friend Donna. What a saviour she had proved to be for a destitute and despairing orphan! It was her suggestion which had led to this all-night bus trip, and to the confidence with which he was beginning to face his prospects for the future. It was strange how an almost forgotten friendship from such a long time ago had proved to be the bridge to renewed opportunity and...
It was now going on to a month . I was fucking Idella everyday, Idella was sucking his limp prick to an orgasm and I was shooting my jism into her beautiful pussy. but Fred's cock was not getting hard..Yet he was enjoying the hell out of our fuck sessions. He would lay there in bed with us rubbing and massage his cock, when Idella wasn't sucking it, and telling me how to fuck her. Drive it in her hard Billie Joe. and when Idella would start cumming Fred would be kissing her sucking...
Character List Tim Part Original, H.S. Student; 5’-9” tall, 145 pounds, 17 years old. auburn hair, gray eyes, nice looking Dottie HS Student; 4’-11” tall, 102 pounds, 34C-22-34, 16 years old, short, curly, strawberry blond hair, gray eyes, some light freckles, very cute Tony HS Student, 5’-10” tall, 200 pounds, 17 years old, black hair, brown eyes Rick HS Student, 6’-0” tall, 160 pounds, 17 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Geno HS Student, 5’-9” tall, 170 pounds, 17 years old, black...
I finished the last sip of my drink and looked around the party. It was a college event organised by some or other society and I had only gone to try and get my mind off my exgirlfriend. We had broken up a week before and I was still feeling pretty down so I decided to go get my mind clear by hooking up with another girl. I’m a decent looking guy with blonde hair and blue eyes and a good body from years of playing sport, I figured I’d be able to find someone who was interested in helping me...
It opens where Chapter 1 ended, with Richard begging Clara to fuck her co-worker Jay.*****Clara held my face in her hands. "Are you sure about this, Richard? You want me to fuck Jay?"I nodded. Tears were streaming down my face. My nose was running. I could taste the salty snot when I licked my lips. I was miserable, and yet I felt so light-headed and high that I was afraid I'd float away. Clara took a couple of tissues and wiped my face. She kissed me on the lips.Reaching down, she took my...
Hello friends mera naam sunita he. Mein delhi ki reheni wali hun.ye meri peheli story he to thoda pblm ho sakta he.mein ek private clg se B.tech kar rahi hun. Mein 3rd year mein hun.dikhne mein mein bohat sundar hun.meri figure 32 28 34 he. Ab ap logon ko jyada bore na karwate hue direct story pe ati hun.ye kahani nanhi meri aap biti he.story padhne se pehele sab ladke appni hatiyar our our ladkiyan apni cot pakad lo.ye bat mujhe jarur likhna ki koun kitne bar jahda. Jab mein b.tech 1st year...
Susan Well, we finally got out of that funny farm and went to our place. There it was like old home week with Mom and Dad meeting and greeting Emily Adams and Ann Stockdale for the first time, as well as congratulating Will on his good fortune. Just as things were quieting down, Gramps and Gram appeared and it was all repeated. One thing had been decided between Emily and the Stockdales: theirs would be a very short engagement, as short as possible. Gram, ever sensitive to things like that,...
Zoe The rain wasn't as bad as I had first thought. Still, I wished I had a coat or even an umbrella. So I was hurrying through the drizzle, glad that I was wearing my old trainers and not the pumps I had brought - quite unnecessarily - along for the presentation. As if a bunch of mathematicians would notice what kind of shoes I was wearing. As if I cared myself. I pushed back a strand of moist hair and made way for a woman which was obviously lost in thoughts and not paying attention to...
Hello. My name is ... well, let’s call me Arya, after my favorite virgin assassin on Game of Thrones. (I fantasize about doing her and I have sleazy pictures of her on my computer.) I’m 25, I live on Miami Beach, I have an MBA and I’m doing very well working for a venture capital firm. I’m a blue-eyed brunette, tall and athletic and considered attractive, although with a youthful face, made more so with my dark brown ponytail. I have kind of a girl-next- door look about me. I’m positive and...
Drake helped the other personal and house slaves clean up. His leash bounced against his chest, a reminder of Mistress Raell’s order for him to come upstairs after the dining room was clean. The captured slaves were cut free and shepherded down to the Cave. Drake noticed most of the house slaves snuck scraps of the dinner food, which had consisted of a roasted hog and various fruit and vegetable dishes. He didn’t blame them- the meal had been delicious. Drake finished stacking a bunch of...
Author's Note: This is the true story of what happened between me and a teacher of mine when I was 18. I plan to follow this story up with a story about what I wished happened instead, a fantasy version.---------She was the biggest woman I'd ever seen. In stature and in character. 6'3" on a good day without heels, and completely in control of any situation. A bossy bitch, but just nice enough that you felt compelled to argue and to fight back. A drop-dead gorgeous redhead with skin pale as milk...
Ode on Life's Journey - I began life's journey when I was young, And the glitt'ring prospect charmed my eyes; I saw joy after joy successive rise Along the extended plain. But soon I found 'twas all a dream, And learned the fond pursuit to shun, Where few can reach the purposed aim and thousand daily are undone. There are more tearful goodbyes, as we start out early the very next day. Howle and Liss stand with Nev at the edge of their home stead. Nev, saying she was needed at home but...
Hi All, Sexy Morning, This is a true story of me and my aunty. My name is Harish and sexy queen is Kanammal, we both are living in Chennai.I’m very excited to tell you my real sex experience with my aunty. I love to sex with aunties and girls but I never get chance to do it. Please reach out me with your valuable comments to I’m a looking good, 5.11 height and 6.5 inches cock. Now I’m going to elaborate you a very interesting story that totally belongs to me when I was 12th standard. This is...
IncestNatsuki double-checked the address on the ad in the free real estate magazine, 3 Bancho Nakano Building. This was it. Unlike most other real estate agencies in Japan, there were no brightly colored flags outside advertising its location and there were no new listings posted outside for the casual passerby to look at. The only indication that it was there was the small little name plate bearing the name 'Sakamoto Real Estate - Third Floor'. It wasn't that flashy stuff that had drawn Natsuki...
As soon as I closed the door, Daddy was right there with an angry look on his face. “You little whore, flirting with that man” he said. “I didn’t say anything, I just paid him” I pleaded. “I saw him checking you out, ogling your tight ass, because you dress like a whore” he raged. I was wearing daisy dukes and a cropped t-shirt, but that was what Daddy had given me. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen. He grabbed my arm and dragged me with him while muttering under...
I met up with Mandy last Friday in a hotel that she had pre-booked.Normally I would be round her house but her husband had been home. I arranged to meet her around 12pm. Mandy had told her husband that she was going shopping and that she will be back later.We both got into the room and began kissing whilst removing our clothes, I was getting hard just looking at Mandy's naked body. We both continued to kiss whilst I grabbed her ass and began fingering her from behind. I could feel her getting...
Introduction: enjoy With their parents away for the weekend – and their little brother currently round a friends house – sisters Demi and Emma had the house to themselves. It was Saturday lunchtime and the two young women had invited round their friend, Natalie. The three of them were sitting in the living room, chatting happily, each with a glass of wine. Demi was the elder sister. She was twenty years old and currently at college, preferring to live at home to save money and also to be...
We were sitting at home watching a movie, I can't even remember what we were watching. We were waiting for Daniels mother to go to work, we had a whole day planned. She left the house late which postponed our plan's. After she left me and Daniel went and had a shower to freshen up. While we were in the shower we started kissing, kissing turned into touching and the touching turned into oral, we had done oral only a few times before but he loved when I gave him head. I got down on my knees,...