S&S NerdChapter 25 free porn video

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Our first day was spent touring the island and all of Mark's discoveries and improvements. The natural gas discovery was huge and was being piped to Limon for sale. The island had sufficient gas escaping from the field to fuel all of the islands' needs and more. What would normally be burned off out in the water was being diverted to the islands.

All of the carts, tractors, and other vehicles had been converted to natural gas. Mark had even been experimenting with a way to fuel the light sport aircraft (LSA) with natural gas. All the boats used on the islands were powered by the free fuel, and Mark was experimenting on how to power the big resort hotel's air conditioning systems with natural gas.

The next afternoon, Mark asked me, "Would you be willing to use an engine powered by natural gas to fly from here and Limon and back? We need someone who can swim to test it."

Mark then laughed at how ridiculous it sounded. I told Mark, "With the sharks out there, I'll do it for you if you don't leave me in the water more than two hours. Tell me when and I'll be ready."

Mark wanted to know if I had my seaplane endorsement, "No Sir, not yet. Steve said I should have one of your kids help me. Jeff wants to get his as well, and if there's enough time, Garth could do his training. I looked it up, and it does require an additional six to ten hours of flight time with multiple takeoffs and landings. There also is a requirement for rough water and crosswind landings."

Mark told me, "I can get you through most of it, so let's get this LSA with floats in the water and I'll start you off."

I was going to check the fuel while I was doing a preflight, but Mark said, "I put this one away myself and know that it has plenty of fuel."

Knowing Mark's meticulousness, I let it go and he directed me into the pilot's seat. The start was normal, but it seemed the throttle was super responsive. We drifted away from the dock and began taxiing to the buoys marking the beginning of the water runway.

Mark directed me to gradually increase speed instead of pouring the power on all at once, because this aircraft had a new type of engine that was considerably more powerful. I could feel when the floats started hydroplaning on top of the water and Mark told me to ease back on the stick as the speed increased.

The little aircraft smoothly lifted off as we headed south toward the other islands. Mark told me to circle the two islands to get an idea of their size and where everything was. As we came back to the home island, he gave me a westerly heading, telling me I was going to see Limon.

We quickly crossed the open water and were soon looking at the coast of Costa Rica. Mark had me stay at five thousand feet to go deeper into the country to see the habitation and jungle that surround the area. We traveled back up the coast until Mark told me that the yacht club was coming up and that we could land there, tie up for a look at Chuck's big fishing boat, and have some ice tea or coffee at the club.

We flew over the area so that Mark could point out where I should touch down and where we were going to tie up. I came back around and listened to Mark as we gently flew the plane into the water. Mark had me keep the speed up after we were in the water and gradually bleed the speed off. He advised that if you immediately cut the throttle after touching down, you took the chance of having the floats dig in and you could actually flip over. I taxied to the dock and was surprised to see two young women waiting to tie us up.

Mark got out of the aircraft, stepped on the dock, and received hugs from the girls. When I got to the dock, Mark introduced me to the two women, one of whom is the head of the crew of the big fishing boat that was in front of us. They were super friendly and led us to the yacht club for coffee.

We talked for a few minutes as Mark explained that I was getting my float plane instruction. I told them that we would be contacting them because we all wanted to go out fishing.

Back at the aircraft, we did a visual inspection to make sure everything looked good. Mark had me untie the aircraft and push off, but I also had to cross under the plane to get in from the other side. I was able to start the engine as we drifted away from the dock, and began moving us toward the buoys that marked the takeoff area.

We had to wait while a fishing boat slowly made its way across the takeoff area, but that would be the way it was wherever you operated float planes.

The flight back to the home island was quick, but Mark had me land, taxi to the takeoff buoys, and take off again. We repeated this three more times before he told me to taxi up to the concrete access ramp where we had put the aircraft into the water. Mark directed me to apply power until the floats moved up the ramp and out of the water to where the wheels took over. I continued to move until we were on level tarmac.

After shutting down, Mark asked, "So what do think of a natural gas powered aircraft?"

I laughed as I said, "That was a sneaky way to test the aircraft. Was it the first time you flew it using natural gas?"

Mark grinned, "Yep, I knew it would work since I've been testing this new engine in my lab for a couple of weeks. We were testing the engine's airworthiness today. There is some added weight for the fuel cells that take up cabin space, but other than that, the fuel is about the same. That's what is under that tarp in the rear. If we get composite fuel cells made, we'll save on weight. I still have some experimenting to do with fuel flow and transfer, but it looks like it's viable for down here. The idea is to have an abundant, cheap fuel we can use for flying back and forth to the mainland and for instruction. We won't be flying very far so our fuel supply will be readily available right here on the island."

We washed the salt water off aircraft's wheels and composite floats before pushing it back in the hangar. Mark told me, "Make sure you get your logbook so that I can make the entries. I'll get one of the kids to work with you on some of the other stuff and sign you off."

I told Mark, "Take Jeff up and do the same with him. That kid is a flying fool. The little guy, Garth, wants to do everything too, but he's just beginning and has to wait until he's seventeen to get his license."

Mark told me, "My boy wanted to solo at thirteen when he was learning, but he had to wait. The most difficult part of waiting was that he had to wait for me to go flying. He had a few dozen lawns that he mowed and was always finding jobs in the area so that he could afford aviation gas. He had a passion for it."

The women were content to relax, get some sun, and play with the boys. The teens were all over the island and at the resort, checking out all the facilities. They reported back to their mothers about the fabulous spa that they wanted to sample. While they were going to do that, Garth and Jeff made arrangements to get some more floatplane hours with certified instructors.

This was my opportunity to get to know Abe better and learn about how remarkable Mark could be. Mark and Abe used me in Mark's R&D shop for three days, helping to document one of Mark's experiments. I realized that both men were probably as old, or older, than my grandfather while we were working together, but I was in awe that they were still so mentally sharp. Mark was experimenting with various patterns and materials for what he called 'energy gathering devices', his new solar panels.

My contribution to Mark's project was to write a quick program that analyzed and reported on which materials were the most effective. He didn't have any kind of interface between the equipment that did the analysis, and his main computer. It didn't take much to create a USB computer link that reported the measured power being supplied to batteries so that he could now get printouts of each step, rather than having to take meticulous notes. His time could now be spent working on new material mixes until he ultimately found the most effective product.

Abe had called home to have another new engine sent down to be installed in Mark's wheels only LSA. Abe told Mark that the engine had been tested in an aircraft at home, and it was putting out considerably more power, but also had a fuel system that should easily be converted to natural gas using the composite fuel cells.

While Mark worked on his solar panels, Abe was going over the engine that had been sent to convert it to natural gas. These two men were having the time of their lives by being creative in their own way.

The girls, including the younger ones, had spent an entire day being pampered in the resort spa. They felt so good afterwards that I was treated to a wonderful evening with all of them. They were very affectionate, feeling pampered and feminine. My enjoyment of all of them was so great that I suggested that they should repeat that day at least once more before we went home.

The younger girls had their hormones poked and prodded, generating pheromones radiating from them that would have had them kidnapped and well used, if they hadn't been protected by the resort's excellent security staff. They felt their femininity to its fullest, and although knowing they were going to wait, they wanted to do some all out experimenting.

By the week's end, Mom and Dad said they were just about pampered out. Dad told me, "We're all going fishing tomorrow, then we're going to the yacht club to feast on the fish we catch afterward. It's all planned with your friend, Chuck's, boat captain."

The boat picked us up at the home island, then made the trip to the main resort island to pick up my folks, grandparents, and the two couples down here for their vacation in paradise. We motored out to an area the Captain said was great for fishing.

The crew helped those unfamiliar with deep-sea fishing to bait hooks and let them drop their lines into deep water. We drifted along until a couple of people caught nice-sized groupers, but the Captain was not pleased so we moved to another area. This time, however, we trailed lines baited with larger fish to entice the bigger fish to come have a bite.

We netted a couple of good-sized fish, but continued on until we were over an area that the women manning the boat assured us had great fishing. It was fun to watch the women, as one, then the next one, would hook a fish to be reeled in, netted, and brought into the boat. This continued all day until it was time to head into the yacht club and the giant fish fry that awaited us.

It was amazing the way the locals gathered to welcome and join us in eating the bounties of the sea. We were treated to several local dishes that went with fish, but we were mostly encouraged to have another of their very potent fruit drinks. Those were deadly, and the new mothers avoided them as I did, because I knew that the locals were almost immune to the potency of their drink.

All the locals wanted us to play some music and sing for them, but we weren't the musicians that Chuck and his friends were. The five women and I could barely carry a tune; much less play instruments to entertain them. In time, some locals began playing to entertain us. I almost think the locals loved us for not being able to show up their own. They enjoyed being able to entertain us, rather than having us entertain them.

Back on the island, all of us enjoyed a final treat of the evening. Some had their fermented fruit drinks, while others had stateside bottled liquor. All of it was good, and all of it was able to put us to sleep.

We all enjoyed Mena's special breakfast the next morning, which also included fish, as well as eggs, fresh fruit, and toasted homemade bread. The way that Mena served us washed away the drowsy hangovers we were sure to have had without her help.

The remaining few days of our visit had us investigating the whole island, as well as me working with Abe and Mark some more. The two men were relentless in finding ways to modify what they already had created and made into working models for future engines, as well as future solar panels.

I had to go to the resort when it was time for us to depart, to make sure that the folks there were packing to return home. A surprise was that Grandpa had decided to stay a while longer, and would take care of their way home. Grandma gave me a hug and said, "That man will drive me crazy, but he's found golf and has decided this is the place to learn. Don't worry about me, Sal; I'll be having a great time being pampered. I've signed up for some fitness classes and will be doing those while your grandpa learns to play golf. We'll be fine and we'll call you when we get home, Sal."

Jeff and I flew us home in style, with everyone enjoying the ride. The kids had enjoyed roaming around the island, and Garth and Jeff had enjoyed getting their seaplane certification from Gene and Sandy, Mark's son and daughter-in-law.

Our arrival was opportune, as we landed around two-thirty on a Friday. It was after four by the time the luggage was unloaded and the aircraft refueled and cleaned. Jeff, Garth, Marilyn, Janet, and Jenny had stayed behind with me to clean the aircraft, so we had to take an airpark shuttle van back to the park.

I was surprised to see the big tent set up in the rear of the area next to the patio. People were already showing up, making the patio busy with people making drinks and eating snacks that had been put out.

Mom and Dad were sitting with Tiny and Ruth when I walked in the door. After saying hi to them, and finding the rest of my family, I heard Steve holler at me to join him. He told me, "We made another great sale while you were gone. Our drones are now going to be used by Israel and Italy. I think that deserves a party. Oh yes, we have the first evaluation contract on our combat aircraft. The dollar amount is amazing, since it's for development and we've already done all of that. You and Wes are now our top two moneymakers, and we're here tonight to honor you two.

My guys began coming in the patio, and walked over to me with smiles on their faces. Sandy told me, "We completed what you had us do, and I think we've even found another way to work the defensive program for the combat aircraft. We're working on a laser array that will disable and maybe even cause a SAM to self-destruct on the ground. As soon as radar contact is made on our aircraft, we analyze the return and respond with either a direct laser strike or the interrupted signal field to cause self-destruction. It'll need some field testing on the bombing range, but it's going to work. The mods you made to our original work led us to discover some extra benefits of the program."

Another of the men told me, "We have several ideas that we want you to show us how to implement. We've found several other great ideas that were never thoroughly investigated since we began this area of research. We may have some more weapons, just like the laser."

"That's really good, Guys. I'm anxious to get back to work. We'll dig in on Monday, get me caught up, and go from there. It's also time for each of you to take a week off and go enjoy either Key West or the resort. Make your plans and decide who goes when."

Steve was still next to me, and said, "Your group is going to have to slow down a little. If you keep coming up with new weapons to sell, we're going to have to develop an entire marketing and legal group to handle the traffic. Tiny told me that your laser is taking up so much of legal's time that they hardly have time to deal with the other military contracts."

As I later sat with Rita and Suki, playing with the babies, I realized that my family was just as complete as I could want. I had two sons to raise, along with Garth and Jeff to continue to influence. The girls were another story, since three of them were on the edge of going out on their own, while the twins were still sweet little girls becoming full-blown teens. The mothers had all been good influences, and none of the kids were addicted to texting or slaves to their cell phones. You could often find them without their phones, enjoying having real conversations with others their ages.

The evening really was a toast to Wes's group, as well as mine. Steve and Tiny talked of our successes and told everyone that we were working on future successes that would bring all of us an increase in our 401K plan. Steve was kind enough not to have me speak, but did have Wes talk to everyone. Wes told all that his next project was going to be helicopters, but he was looking for an engineer who specialized in that field. The man was smart enough to know when to seek help.

On Sunday, the five women, five girls, Deuce and Trey, and I enjoyed a typical day of mall shopping. I wasn't thrilled, but it's necessary to do things like this as a family. Clothes were purchased for everyone, with some discussions over appropriate young lady's apparel for school, whether high school or college. College daily wear for class or play apparently is shorts and a top of some form. The top is a T-shirt displaying the name of a band or group most of the time. Footwear in high school or college is sandals. On very cold days, jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes are worn. A dress might be required for an organized function once a month or so, but sandals are still the footwear even then.

The women didn't think the clothing choices were improper, so I kept my mouth shut. I suppose the Texas dress code of jeans and a T-shirt, or jeans and western shirt, usually with boots, would only mean that apparel was regional.

We completed our day with a late lunch at Red Robin located in the mall. They were very accommodating in joining several tables for all of us to sit together. The only missing kids were Garth and Jeff, who were at the airpark mooching rides with local pilots.

After getting home and sorting out the purchases, the women began washing the clothes so they could immediately be worn. When Garth and Jeff returned to see how we had made out, they were shown shirts and pants that been bought for them. Their excitement was funny, as the most out of either of them was "Oh, that's nice." Most guys just don't care about new clothes.

While enjoying pizza and beer on the patio, Mom and Dad said they were going to catch the first available flight to go home. They admitted to being traveled out for a while, and wanted to enjoy the ranch's peace and quiet. Dad talked about rebuilding his beef herd again, and Mom said she wanted to settle down and just relax, read some books, and work in the yard when the weather was nice. My folks were homesick. DeDe later told me that she had found them a ride leaving around noon tomorrow.

My brother, Val, was still off in training, so Cindy was sad to see the parents leave, but she had begun to become a part of the park culture. She helped with the kids' classes to make sure her two were progressing as fast as they should, and were parallel or better in learning with other kids their age who are in public schools. It wouldn't be that long before her kids would be going to a public high school. So far, all of the parents at the park who were home schooling felt their kids would learn more at a public high school. I felt that thought process had been changing lately, but there had been no effort to define whether or not the mothers could do the job.

Life suddenly became almost routine. The programmers took turns taking a week plus off to go for a little vacation. Sandy went to the resort, while the three unmarried programmers all elected to go to Key West to enjoy the beaches full of skimpy bikinis. Sandy would later tell the guys how great it was going to the nude beaches full of young movie starlets showing it all. I'm not sure whether or not he was teasing.

We decided, as a group, on areas where we should develop programs that would benefit the functions of S&S and Quality Wear. One of the guys worked on enhancing the network, while another worked on streamlining forms that were being used throughout the companies. The goal was to reduce duplication of forms so the companies could share them, yet keep data separate. The third programmer was involved in creating a method for evaluating flight data to recognize potential mechanical problems before they showed up during an inspection.

Sandy and I continued to work on weapons systems and countermeasures for known weapon systems. We kept coming back to our laser weapon to see if it could be a miniaturized any further. As we were looking at it, Sandy asked me, "How small do you want to make this thing, and why so small?"

I sat back in my chair at the small conference table in my office, where we had been comparing notes as to where we could further reduce the size. Looking up at my main man, my true assistant, I said, "Sandy, what would it mean to a Special Operations soldier if he could fire at an enemy without making a sound? What if an infantry soldier could use his rifle to open a hole in a concrete wall or to disable a vehicle? How about a spread shot that would destroy everything within a twenty-foot area? We would be creating one of the best weapons a soldier performing a dangerous covert operation or mission could have, if we could develop that."

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Swapping With LauraChapter 2

"Why yes, dear. That would be fine. All alone again? Well, never fear. We're always here. Just come around when it suits you. Bye now." Voluptuous, black-haired Cleonora Frankly laid the phone in its cradle and turned to face her handsome husband, who was lying on the nearby sofa without a stitch of clothing on. His tall, long-legged body was covered with a ragged mass of black curly hairs ranging from his ankles upward over his belly to his wide squarish chest, and over the top of his...

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Persephone in Winter Chapter 911

Waiting in the chilly car was no easier this time than the last. Consumed with agonizing images of his wife with the dark stranger, he sat unmoving behind the wheel, staring into the darkness, hoping to find an answer there, but finding only more anxiety and pain with each passing minute. "What kind of man allows this?" he argued silently to himself. "What kind of wife does this to someone she loves?" He should leave her - start the car and speed away from this revolting house that held her. A...

Wife Lovers
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 13 Hank

My problem, well there were many, but my most immediate one, was Dixie Wexler. Who, Sarah Meriwether swears, was on a mission that she didn’t initiate and that she couldn’t cancel. In her RightWorld office, she told me, “It’s not that he’s brilliant, he isn’t. But our people say he’s dogged — he believes his reputation, his image as a man, depends on delivering on his promise. He keeps his word.” Swell. “Of course he screws up, he’s no criminal mastermind. But he keeps at it. Just keeps at...

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Angels Special Birthday Party

Max Toto and his wife Angel met twenty years ago at a gentlemen’s club. Angel was the headline stripper and Max owned the joint. Angel looked much younger than she was and always filled the place. She made more money than any other stripper. She was wholesome looking. Most guys thought she was a virgin. She had a smoking hot figure and her tits were perfectly sized. She was a good C cup. She had a bare pussy which she covered with a jeweled thong. Angel knew how to work the stage. She’d walk...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Mya Mays Millie Stone 10312016

Voodoo. It’s nothing to joke about. Just ask Mya Mays. She’s been listening to her lover, Millie Stone, blab on and on about her “voodoo powers” for a long time, and nothing’s ever really come of it…until today. They’re in the hottub, post-fucking, when they’re about to start up once more. Mya asks, “How great would it be if we had a white boy here?” And with that, Millie starts in on the chants. Then, she gets Mya to join in…and...

3 years ago
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Slaves Ch5

Chapter 5: Needles and Hot IronThe boy looked like a beat dog as he walked in between the three women who brought him. Shakia shared a smile with her comrades. There was much for him to learn yet. And they were excellent teachers.He was new and yet to be introduced to the torture chambers. The Ha'ekthe clan were just the right ladies for such an introduction."You're late," she told the women as they came over.The one leading gave her a haughty glare. "We got a little carried away with him....

4 years ago
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Fiance Life at HubbardChapter 3

Carter came all over Julie's breasts. He tightened his grip on his cock as spurt after spurt of come splashed across her. At the same time Phil, whom she was riding for all she was worth, arched up into her, groaning. Julie was right there with him. She stopped breathing for a few seconds as the sensations were too much and wave after wave pulsed through her, squeezing her down on his hardness. She finally slumped forward, breathing hard. She felt great. Every last ounce of desire had been...

2 years ago
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With Great PowerChapter 4 Isobet

Note to readers, with this chapter we will be leaving James’ POV and picking up Isobet’s, as this will now be her story, and James will be at most a peripheral character. There will be some overlap with the end of Chapter three as we learn some things to which James was not party. I was a real tomboy growing up. My favorite thing in the whole world was sailing with my Daddy. While other girls dreamed about becoming a model or an actress, I wanted to be a pirate. While Granny and my mother...

4 years ago
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Kelly slave

The door flew open and I felt the air against my cheek. They pushed me out and I struggled to keep up. It was raining. The manacles pulled against my legs and I slipped. I felt my knee hit the wet ground and I yelped. Someone yelled in my ear and pulled me to my feet roughly. He slapped me in the face and I screamed again.  Inside it was cold and damp. I wished I was still outside. The sound of rattling chains and stomping boots resonated weirdly. I heard a door creaked open. They...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 103

Hailey glanced to her right where her guy was reclined in the passenger seat of the Mercedes coupe. The pair had made love on the couch, perused the West Coast financial data and then adjourned to the bedroom for a repeat of their earlier activities. It was well after three in the morning when they finally drifted off. Phil had to be awake at six to go over his prospectus for the day. Hailey had told him that she would help him but it was obvious Phil was nervous. She had done her best to...

3 years ago
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The Head Hunters

"This bout is a tag team match scheduled for one fall, and is for the tag team championship! Introducing first, the challengers, accompanied by DJ Rigo and Lorena, residing in Las Vegas, weighing in at a total combined weight of 490 pounds, Blake Hawkins and Tim Thomas, Black Thunder!"The crowd (mostly women) cheered for the cocky, arrogant chippendale characters known as Black Thunder."Their opponents, at a total combined weight of 510 pounds, accompanied to the ring by Jason Maxwell, they...

3 years ago
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An Open Marriage Proposal

My wife and I had been together for nearly twenty five years. We met out of college and had been each other’s only sole partners in life. We did everything together, and our marriage over the years had been for the most part rock solid. As the years passed though, things began to change. We had become too complacent in the bedroom, and our sex life began to suffer. Sex was no longer that important to her, while it meant a lot to me. I still loved my wife, but I needed more in the way of sex...

3 years ago
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Who would have thunk it

Who would have thunk it? Me, Thomas Avery Jenkins, the well-known ladies-man, a cocksucker. How did that happen?I was born into one of the finer Irish families in Boston, whose wealth had been depleted during the great depression of the 1930s. After leaving the military following WWII, my father began an earnest drive to restore the family’s wealth.Even though, he was no longer wealthy, he had great connections and he took every advantage. The country was on an economic rebound following the...

1 year ago
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Mag Post! You ever saw a page with a design so simple that you can feel your IQ dropping slowly as you scroll through it? You could say that Mag Post will do that to you, or maybe it's just it me. I know it's a weird way to start the review, but I swear, that's something that bothers me, and I have to mention it right away. It's important to point these things out because you'll notice them too! Onwards to the MagPost.com review.Take a look at the home page. You'll notice that it looks basic as...

Porn Aggregators
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Another sweet Sorority Story part 2

ANOTHER SWEET SORORITY STORY PART TWO PART 2 Recap: Our college freshman boy accepted a part time job offering as a house keeper in a local Sorority named "Phi Omega". The sisters seemed to like our boy especially his capability to clean the sorority house, act sweet, gentle and give great Pedicures. They also noticed his love to cross-dress and how wonderful he looks as a girl when wearing his skirt, blouse and sandals for his uniform. They sensed his inner feminine side as well and...

3 years ago
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Arys initiation

The sludge encrusted harpies circles Ary slowly. Lassa left brownish marks on the floor. "Do you wish to change..." Lassa said, in her echoing voice "I do" replied Ary "Do you have the bowls of cum from a male, female, horse and yourself?" Lassa "I do" "Do you have the bowls of shit from a male, female, horse and yourself?" "i do" "Do you have the ounce of blood." "I do" "Take these four feathers. they are the final ingredient" "Take the...

4 years ago
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Flashed his dick at hotel pool

I was in Arizona for work in late August in a small town close to the border. It felt like 120 degrees outside and it was probably close enough! After work I made my way down to the pool which was shaded by this time of afternoon. I always love to get some pool time in on trips, then the hot tub if available. I was thinking of maybe going to find an adult store hoping for a gloryhole to kill some time, I had that cock sucking urge again.After having a couple beers at the pool and being...

1 year ago
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the secretary part 3

Afew moments ent bu=y while he looked down on her, her hair still wrapped around his fingers. That had been fantastic and he had felt the little suck she had done at the end. She was a little slut really deep down. So prim and proper when she had walked up to his front door. But what sexy underwear and smooth pussy. Yes she was a slt and she would be getting serving for the whoare that she was. He let her go and walk to the door, silently not saying a word he left the room and locked the door...

1 year ago
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Not Like Anyone Else

My name is Alice and I’m 17. I’ve never really been like everybody else. Never really bothered to I guess. I’m me and I don’t like to pretend to be somebody I’m not. But there is one thing that I have to cover up by not being myself, and it’s something that I really don’t know how to handle. It’s sexual and I’ve never really gotten it. My friends always discuss guys. How hot they are or how cute they are or just simply how ugly they are. And I agree guys are hot. There’s just something lately...

2 years ago
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CoriolanusChapter 7

The legion moved fast, as might be expected. I was rushing to Dondron Hill with our growing band. “Hail Caesar!” shouted General Domus “As you say.” I replied “Drink? It is not poisoned, I assure you. We do not want the legion to run amok without you.” We sat in a tent, three advisers on each side. On my side was Chieftain Bogatrix, Manubis – an Egyptian gladiator of impressive mind, and Virtua. This last was a surprise to many, but she was clever, multi-lingual and could write. She made...

1 year ago
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Cherry Goodhead Housewife Ch 02

Chapter 2: No Man Could Resist A couple weeks later I had a short business trip, for a few days. When I returned I gave my young wife a call while driving. She picked up and was excited to see me, saying that I was going to have a very good night. I asked her what she meant, but she was coy. ‘You’ll see, sir,’ she teased. ‘I have a few ideas I think you’d really enjoy. Did you cum while you were gone?’ I told her no, that I’d saved it for her. ‘Mmm, good. Maybe you can paint my face with it...

3 years ago
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My perfect White milf pt 2

My hot. White milf. Name is kim so bye this time me and Kim have been messing around for a long time now we were doing it so much she pretty much moved in and I was at the best decision in my life letting her do that I figured after a while things will get kind of awkward with me bringing other women over and she would never bring guys over at all so one night I invited her out to go party with me and some of my friends and without me asking she wouldn't put on some of the sexiest outfit that...

2 years ago
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Charles and Jayne

The Honourable Charles Crighton, eldest son of the Jacob, Baron Easterleigh was feeling very proud of himself. He had for the past hour conversed politely and pleasantly with Miss Jayne Fanshawe - Smythe whilst walking around the gardens of the ancestral home and had on no occasion so much as touched any part of her, except when he dutifully kissed her hand on meeting. It was another of Mother’s ruses to get him wed. It had become her obsession to have him tied down in the tedium of holy...

3 years ago
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My first married lady

These are extracts from the story of the first married lady that I had a fling with. A very well to do lady whose husband travelled round the world on business. I was 35 at the time, and hadn't been married long. She was older than me and had a family. I'll call her Lucy.extract 1Many girls swear when they fuck, but usually it comes out in sentences or commands, such as “Fuck me you bastard” or “Ram that cock in my cunt” or similar, but Lucy’s orgasmic swearing was completely incoherent. It was...

2 years ago
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Memorable Dicks I have sucked 2

Part 1. The man with no hairIn Hawaii in my very favorite cruising restroom I ran into a very large, pink man in his thirties with no hair on his body whatsoever. No eyelashes, eyebrows, nothing. I was sitting on my favorite seat in a doorless stall with my legs spread, my shorts hanging on a hook. My half-hard dick dangling between my legs. When I saw him it began to rise, which made him smile. He stepped right in front of me and dropped his baggy Hawaiian shorts down to his ankles. Under his...

1 year ago
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Alone at the Party

‘Excuse me a moment,’ I say to the guy who has been talking my ear off about UFC for the past fifteen minutes and slip through the party to the restroom. You must have been watching me from across the crowd because you slip into the room with me before I pull the door shut. ‘Um, hi,’ I say, a bit taken aback. ‘Hi, yourself,’ you purr at me. ‘And what are you doing here?’ I mockingly inquire. ‘Coming to see you.’ Your hand reaches down and cups my balls as you plant an enormous sloppy kiss...

2 years ago
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Tuition sir takes mom to bed

Hi to all iss readers..dis is my first story in dis site.i am a big fan of iss..infact this is not a story this really happened when i was in class 10..first of all let me tell you about my mom..her name is nagma..she is an orthodox muslim lady..she is very fair and is about 45 years of age..she has big round milky boobs of about 38d..due to her age she has some fat accumalated near her belly..now let me tell you about how all dis happened..my dad died when i was 13 and since then my mom took...

4 years ago
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JenniferChapter 13

Jennifer returned to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She knew her work in the office was caught up, and just said, “Fuck it.” Screwing Rocky would tire a team of Olympic athletes. The next several days passed quickly, with occasional fucks from Roger and Rocky, and shortly she noticed that it had been three weeks since she had arrived at the Lakehouse. It was that time of the month again, so that evening she dressed in skintight black denim jeans and a sequined black top that was half...

2 years ago
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Jija Ji Se Bhai Tak 8211 Part I

Hello friends! mera naam Raj hai or mai Kolkata se hoon. meri age 27 saal hai. Ye story meri or mere bahen k bich k sex ki hai ki kaise maine apni badi bahan ko fasaya or sex kiya uske sath. Didi ki age 31 saal hai or wo married hai or uske 2 bacche bhi hai. Meri nazar uspr kabhi gandi nahi thi per ye kahanai tab suru hoti hai jab pahli baar maine didi or jija ji ko sex karte dekha. Un dono k sex ko dekh ker mai pagal ho gaya kyunki didi kya mast chudwa rahi thi jija ji se. aisa lag raha tha...

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The Second Meeting Of The Ladies Group

After the evening with the group on Monday and then my time with Lesley on Tuesday, the next few days were quiet. There were several occasions when Sharon and I had a few moments alone but other than a loving hug and a kiss, nothing else was possible.On Friday evening, I attended the worship time at the church, the one I walked into on that first night in the city. Since that occasion, I had become a regular in the church activities but, of course, observing the secret times within the ladies...

1 year ago
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Pump and Hump

Introduction: Katie needed a fill-up… Katie was returning her friends red Pontiac Sunfire convertible who lived in the town over. It was a hot, clear summer evening, and the sun was nearly setting as Katie traveled down the dark rural highway. Her silky-smooth, shoulder length brown hair waved in the cooling breeze. She had just turned seventeen, and she was enjoying every moment of her freedom as a fully licensed driver. As she approached a small town, she remembered her friend had wanted her...

4 years ago
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Open Minded Niece

Chapter 1 - Formal IntroductionI usually stay with the house of my wife together with her sister-in-law and her young daughter. My wife and k**s works and leave outside the country. My sexual life was not that normal since I only see my wife twice a year and I am really not into the usual men do that hire prostitute for a short time gratification. I am not really satisfied if my partner is not really into it and then I don't feel the money to pay them is worth it. For some they take advantage...

2 years ago
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Naked in School A Parents StoryChapter 5

“I remember the day we talked about The Program and family nudity. That was an interesting discussion,” said Kevin. Kari laughed and said, “I can’t argue with you about the discussion.” “When you told me and then the kids you were interested in having family nude days, I was surprised. I never thought you would make a suggestion like that.” “I surprised myself,” replied Kari, “but I figured it would happen to us sooner or later, so why not jump in and experience before it was forced on...

3 years ago
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naughty wife and black lover

My wife’s naughty night with black cock My wife, is now in her 60’s, with short straight chestnut colour hair, with lovely rounded non saggy 38dd breasts that even a 20 year old would like to have. We have been married for 20 years and have a very active sex life since I first fucked her in the changing rooms where we worked. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each other’s fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of my wife's, and my own, longest standing fantasies and...

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Saras Plight

Sara's Plight ? NOTE: This story contains unrealistic 'breast expansion'.? I did not intend much of this story to sound realistic.? Please keep this in mind while reading, and definitely feel free to just lose yourself in the fantasy of it!? Any comments please send to [email protected].? I appreciate any suggestions on how to make my stories even better! ? With the economy the way it is right now, I am having a hard time finding work.? My bills are piling up, and I am about to lose my...

2 years ago
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My wifes cousin

My wife is gorgeous and I know that she is too good for me. I'm not sure why, but she loves me. When Shelly was pregnant with our first babies (twin boys) she was on bed rest. Her cousin offered to send her 18 yr old daughter Ashleigh to stay with us to help out. Ashleigh loved the idea because she got to live in the city and be away from home for the first time.I didn't really know her well but my wife thought the world of her so we accepted the offer. My first impression of her was she...

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