Arcanum: Of Steamworks And Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Sets Sail For The Isle Of Despair; Rayburn And Virginia Discuss Their Feelings free porn video

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The crisp and chill morning air turned the breath of me and Virginia into streamers of fog as we sprawled together on a pile of clothing and grass. Dew had collected around us, and the enchantment that Virginia had cast to ensure we would not freeze as we lay in our natural state had worn off with the coming of the dawn. And so, the two of us were beginning to collect ice on the parts of our bodies not currently touching – a hand here, a shoulder there, bits of our legs. We were not pressed close, rather, we were both laying on our backs, looking at the slowly bluing sky.

“Well,” Virginia said, quietly.

“Mmhmm,” I said.

A long silence stretched betwixt us. A million things occurred to me to say – things to speak of, considering what we had consummated last night. I could have brought up how I had never felt quite so close to another woman. I could have mentioned that no one had been quite as beautiful as her in the moonlight, with her eyes filled lust. I could have said a great deal of things, and yet all the charisma and all the intelligence in the world matters for nothing when one lacks the courage to say things no half-orc should ever say to a human woman.

And so, rather than saying any of the things rushing through my mind, I sat up and announced: “I must pack the fire!” at the exact same instant Virginia proclaimed: “I shall kindle the bedrolls!”

And together, we both dressed and fled.

Thus passed two weeks of travel. Virginia and I remained distant and aloof from one another. I absorbed myself entirely with tinkering on my prototype accelerator, Gillian providing the assistance of her deft hands. If she wanted to speak to me about the strange strain between I and Virginia, she never did quite find the courage for it either. Sally never seemed to notice, and Maggie was growing somewhat moodily preoccupied with the fact we were drawing ever closer to civilization, forcing herself to begin preparing to adorn herself with her false beard once more. The only successful task I did manage during the entire trip back to Tarant was complete the finalization of my accelerator rifle. Now it was the primary weapon I would use in combat.

The only issue was it required both batteries and bullets to fire – requiring me to jerry rig a charging unit based on my arm strength. I wasn’t sure how to overcome this deficiency, but supposed that it was still better to kill what I was aiming at in battles. Especially if we were to run into any more damned elemental.

We arrived at Tarant on the 1st of April, which meant we had come just as the weather continued to warm after an unusually long, clinging chill throughout March. Now, spring had come and come with full force, bringing the customary warm sun and blue skies. Save for the smog filling the air from the factories, it was as pleasant a time as could be found in the great metropolis of Tarant itself. Walking through the city streets with my companions, I was forced to once more grow used to assuming a posture of habitual deference to the sneers of others. For this reason, we made our way straight to the Bates residence. The guards at the front looked us over, nodded, and sent us in.

There, a stuffy servant said that Mr. Bates would see us after we had cleaned ourselves. This provoked grumbling among Sally and ‘Magnus’, for the obvious reasons of Sally being a sailor and less than interested in bathing and ‘Magnus’ at not wanting to remove the beard she had so painstakingly glued to her face before we entered Tarant. But the servant insisted – and we each contrived to clean ourselves up before going to meet the richest man in all of Arcanum.

I entered into Gilbert Bates study – the self same study we had met in before, a month before – and found that he was sitting before the fire, reading a newspaper proclaiming that the murderer of the professor that had been reported last month had been caught, found guilty, and hung at gallows hills. There were grainy photographs of the gentleman’s covered head and hanging body on the front page, and Mr. Bates clicked his tongue, then folded the paper shut as I stepped into the room.

“You’ve returned,” he said. “And far sooner than I expected. What have you learned?”

I sighed, then took my seat. “I have discovered that the dwarves of the Black Mountain clan were banished by the Wheel Clan to the Isle of Despair. Because...” I paused.

“Because why?” Bates had grown tense, his eyes narrowing. “Out with it boy!”

“Because of your theft of their technology,” I said, frowning.

Instantly, I saw that I had struck a deep blow to the old human’s soul. His face crumpled, wrinkles collecting and pressing against one another, turning his face into a contoured map of pure sorrow. He pressed his long, knobby fingered hands to his face and sobbed into his palms. He openly wept, his shoulders shaking as he hung his head forward. I had grown to dislike Mr. Bates, for his capitalist oppression of my people and for bourgeoisie attitudes towards those less fortunate than himself. He owned a goodly percentage of all the wealth in the world, and controlled the lives of hundreds of thousands directly and indirectly.

And yet...

And yet at that moment, I could feel nothing for the old man but pity. He had been a lad, once. And that lad’s heart was breaking. I placed my hand upon his shoulder. “You could not have known,” I said, softly.

Mr. Bates quieted in his tears after a time. Once he had composed himself, he wiped his face away, breathed in, then said: “We must rescue them. If it is but the beginning to correcting this injustice, I will spare no expense.” He nodded. “You will have all the funds required to discover what had happened to them there on the Isle of Despair.” His lips curled. “Rescuing an entire clan from that dreadful penal colony will take great effort.”

I nodded. “Pay only what is required for transport – though finding a ship will be difficult.”

“No it will not,” Mr. Bates said, his hands resting upon the armrests of his chair. His lips twisted into a smile. “You will go to the port town of Ashbury – there is a train route directly there across the Morbihan Plains. Once there, you will go to the piers and find a man named Edward Teach. He is the captain of a sailing ship I contract to for special assignments.” He nodded. “He will get you to the Isle.”

“Can he be trusted?” I asked.

“Implicitly,” Mr. Bates said. “I will telegram him posthaste.”

“There is an issue of payment, sir,” I said, standing as I did so.

“Yes, yes, I will write you a check-”

“No, Mr. Bates,” I said, my voice firm. “The payment I want is something else. Pay for the supplies we will need and the train tickets ... but rather than throwing me a trinket, I want you to open negotiations with your laborers.”

“I beg your pardon?” Mr. Bates asked, his voice growing cold. “I recall the last conversation we had on this topic.”

“And I recall you saying that your orcish laborers were the happiest workers in any factory. If that is the case, Mr. Bates, then the negotiations will be extremely short, will they not?” I asked, frowning at him. Mr. Bates mulled over my words, but remained mulish looking. And so, I tried a subtler blade. Quietly, I said: “How do you remember the dwarves operating their mines?”

Mr. Bates looked as if he had been stricken. He leaned back in the seat, then sighed. “Very well,” he said, sounding quite annoyed. “I will begin to meet with this agitator of theirs.” He shook his head. “Don something, I’ll have to find his name later. Of course, it will take some time. Negotiations will need to be held, discussions will be held in the legislature...” He waved his hand in the air. “My factories supply munitions for the Tarantian Army, and if war brews up with Caladon, then ... well...” He shook his head. “We shall see what we can do.”

I nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Bates.” I inclined my head, turning to go.

But then I stopped.

“Did you say the unionizer was named Don?” I asked.

“I believe it was something like that,” Mr. Bates said, sounding disinterested in the extreme. “A Don or Donnel. Cannot remember the surname. You greens have surnames, right?”

It couldn’t be, I thought. Throgg is dead. Wasn’t he?

I shook my head. “Surely, it was Donnel or something,” I said. “Or maybe Daniel, if he was taking a more human name.”

Mr. Bates nodded. “Yes, Daniel sounds right. I’ll have to check.” He looked at me. “Put it out of your mind, boy.” He smiled. “You have a train to catch.”

Vermilion Station was, by far, the most grandiose monument to the United Kingdom I had ever set foot upon. And remember, I had been aboard the IFS Zephyr on her first and final voyage. The station itself covered nearly the same square footage as Gilbert Bates’ mansion, but where his mansion was subdivided within by many rooms, the station was a single massive space, held aloft by thick pillars of carved marble. Busts of war heroes and dignitaries were set along the walls, but the ceiling was dominated by a massive replica of the Last Charge of the Dragon Knights – a popular choice in hagiography, it seemed – and there were a great deal of benches and seats for the well to do and the poor alike to wait for their train to arrive or depart. The lines to purchase tickets were quite long and our little party stood there for quite some time, tapping our feet and making some small talk. To my great relief, there were other groups just as unusual as ours, meaning that we only got half as many stares as we might have.

Once we stepped up to the front of the line, though, I found myself face to face with a pretty woman in a green uniform and a bonnet hat. She inclined her head. “Welcome to Vermilion Station!” she said. “Are you here to purchase tickets, reserve them for a future date, or to pick them up?”

“I’d like five tickets to Ashbury, if you’d be so kind,” I said.

“Before you buy tickets, you need to complete a quick questionnaire to ensure the safety and comfort of our passengers, sir,” she said, sounding cheerful and perky.

I nodded. “Go on, Ma’am.”

She pulled a small contraption from the side of her kiosk. It looked like a type-writer, but the buttons were large and oddly shaped. She slid a punch card into the contraption, then punched a few keys, a loud cla-clack ringing up. “Are you, or is any member of your party, a practitioner of magick or full blooded elf?”

I resisted the urge to look down to make sure I still had green skin. Instead, I shook my head. “No, ma’am.”

She punched a key. “Are you, or is any member of your party, three quarters elven?”

Once more, I shook my head. “No, ma’am.”

“What describes the most magickal member of your party: A practitioner of low complexity magicks, including cantrips and simple evocations? A practitioner of moderate complexity magicks, including first to fourth circle spellcraft? Or a practitioner of severely complex magicks, including disintegration or teleportation spells?”

I rubbed my chin, my finger stroking the tips of one of my mustaches. I looked back at Virginia. She sighed, looking a bit discomforted. “Moderate? I think?”

“Moderate!” I said to the woman, who punched down a key. She smiled up at me. “Are you carrying any magikal items or been asked to carry them by peoples not traveling with your group?”

“Yes,” I said, recalling Virginia’s sword. “It’s a-”

The cla-clack of the contraption cut me off. “Are any of the magickal items charged with explosive fire, heat, cold, or electrical energies?” she asked.

“No,” I said, frowning a bit. How many more questions would we be getting. “Ma’am, do you-”

She did not look up from her script. “Which of the following categories best describes you and your party? A: Less than one century old? B: between one and two centuries old? C: between two to five centuries old? Or D: Older than five centuries?”

“A?” I asked. “Er, uh, B, Magnus here is two centuries old-”

She punched two keys. “Are you traveling with summoned elemental beings, animated dead, mind controlled, petrified, or otherwise physically challenged party members who will need additional time and assistance to board the train?”

“No,” I said, my brow furrowing. “Wait, mind c-”

“Do you have either knowledge and practice, or enscrolled parchments, or charged magickal items with any of the following magickal spells; Fireflash, Body of Flames, Call Fire Elemental, Jolt, Bolt of Lightning, Disintegrate, Congeal Time, Stasis, Hasten, or Tempus Fugit?

I looked back at Virginia, who shook her head emphatically. “No,” I said, wondering how many more questions we would have to endure. The woman punched six more keys, then worked a crank, then slotted the punch card into some kind of electromechanical calculation automaton that was humming quietly in the back of the kiosk. Rattles, clunks and whirs came from the machine until a huge light-bulb sprang to life. Dials whirred and clattered, and the woman read some words off a small strip of paper that emerged from the machine.

She looked up at us. “You have been assigned to the mage’s caboose!” She smiled. “That will be, for five tickets to Ashbury, three hundred and fifty gold coins.”

I frowned, slightly. “I see,” I said, then reached into my pocket. I withdrew Gilbert Bates’ checkbook, starting to scrawl the amount down. Personally, I was doubtful that we were actually so magickal that we could overcome the inherent technological field of the steam engine. But I simply did not know enough about locomotive technologies to say one way or another with enough authority to make a scene. I finished scribbling out the note, tore the check free, then handed it to the woman. She looked at the pay-stub. Then her eyes widened and her eyebrows shot to the top of her head, nearly vanishing beneath her broad bonnet.

I saw an opening.

I smiled. “Are you quite sure that the machine’s calculations were correct?” I asked. “My employer has been interested in-”

“Oh, certainty, sir!” the woman said. “First class! Definitely!”

I puffed on my cigar and sighed as I sprawled back in the sitting chair that was tucked between the bed and the breakfast table in my first class room. It was quite a bit better than even the room I had traveled in while aboard the Zephyr, and so long as this train was not attacked by brigands or derailed by a reborn ancient dragon, I was fairly sure that I would be able to enjoy this room a great deal more than that one. A soft rap came at the door and I tipped some cigar ashes into the ash-tray, smiling.

“Enter,” I said.

The door rattled open and to my surprise, I saw Virginia standing in the doorway. She was dressed in her traveling robes – since wearing chainmail armor and a broadsword was considered uncouth among polite company. The narrow corridor behind her was dominated by the bulk of Sally Mead-Mug. Virginia opened her mouth to speak, but before either she or I could say a thing, Sally put both hands on Virginia’s back and shoved her into the room. Virginia stumbled forward with a yelp, grabbing onto the ottoman that was situated on the far side of my breakfast table. She looked at me, then spun around to glare at Sally.

Sally gave her a jovial thumbs up, winked, then closed the door.

Virginia and I remained in mortified stillness and silence for several moments. Finally Virginia decided to stand from her stooped position, then placed herself down on the sitting couch. This gave her a good view of the window on the side of the room – which was dominated by the broad, flat plains of the Morbihan. A few scrub brushes and the occasional cacti were all that could be seen in terms of vegetation, but that did not take away from the stark beauty of this wilderness. Though I had to admit, the wilderness became far more beautiful when one traveled through it at nearly fifty miles to an hour.

Virginia coughed. “Quite a train,” she said.

“Very impressive,” I said, nodding. “A technological marvel.”


Once more, silence descended upon us. Bugger my original thoughts, now I was wishing that the train would be attacked by bandits. I could handle bandits. I stuck my cigar back into my mouth and puffed on it. Virginia remained seated perfectly upright. I turned my head to watch the wilderness cruise past us. “You know, uh, I used to travel these plains. Back in the day.” I said, coughing. “Before I really settled on my current vocation of...” I paused.

“Reincarnated holy figure?” Virginia suggested.

My face heated. “W-Well, yes.”

“So, uh, this has been edifying, sir,” Virginia said, standing up. “But I believe I shall-” She went to the door, then tried the knob, only to find it refused to budge. She frowned. “Blast and damnation.” She strained, gritting her teeth. From beyond the door, my sharp ears could hear the faint sound of a conductor asking Sally exactly what it was she was doing. Virginia stepped away from the door and put her hands to her brown hair.

“Blood and ashes!” She snarled. “Throw this Panarii shite onto the trash heap, Ray!” She turned to face me. “How am I supposed to protect you like this!?”

I stubbed out my cigar. “I can protect myself, Virginia. And I’d have thought you would be more motivated now.”

“Oh, ha, motivated!” she flung her hands up into the air. “You call barely being able to think straight when you’re in danger a motivation.” She scowled at me, then kicked at my shin. As she had become quite the rough swordswoman, her leg imparted quite the sting to mine, even if she wasn’t wearing her steel tipped boot. “Pike that!”

I reached down to rub my shin. “Come now, you’re...” I paused. “You’re serious?”

“Of course I’m bloody serious, you git!” She blushed, furiously, then crossed her arms over my chest. “Y-You don’t feel the same.”

“Of course I feel the same!” I said, angrily. “I just know you can take care of your own self, Virginia.”

This seemed to strike her with some force. Her cheeks flushed even more, drawing her freckles into stark relief. She looked at me. Then, quietly, she whispered. “But what if I fail you like ... I’ve failed a lot of people, Ray. A-And I can’t bear to fail you, and if I fail you because of getting into a bit of a tizzy-”

“Falling in love isn’t a tizzy, Virginia,” I said, fiercely, standing up.

The cabin, which had felt quite spacious a few moments before, was now far smaller. Tighter. My heart was beating quickly. I could see in Virginia’s eyes that she saw in my eyes the same fear she was feeling. Saying ... saying that specific word felt like a bit of magick in and of itself, a transmutation that would alter our relationship. And so, like the great cowards we both were, we both hastily stepped back.

“Hypothetically!” I nearly bellowed.

“Of course!” she almost shouted back.

“Ma’am, I really will have to ask you to return to your rooms, now,” the conductor was saying from beyond the door.

“Kiss -hic- the stroppy moppet!” Sally said. Somehow, she also contrived to take a drink from one of her many flasks of cheap vodka loudly enough that Virginia and I could both hear her clearly. Virginia flushed and I scowled.

“Go to your room, Mead-mmmph!” I blinked. Somehow, a mouth had contrived to smother mine. And a tongue had contrived to press to mine. And a pair of small hands had somehow reached through my hair, gripping me by the root of my queue, squeezing and holding me in place as Virginia molded to my front. My hands gripped Virginia’s hips and for a time, we simply swayed in time with the motion of the Vermilion express. My eyes closed and I focused only on the warmth of her mouth and her tongue and the softness of her touch – her free hand caressed my cheeks.

She drew back, panting heavily.

I gulped. “Well, Miss...” I paused. “Did you ever tell me your last name?”

Her cheeks flushed. “Virginia,” she said, nodding. “We, uh, renounce our old names when we enter the Panarii.”

“Really?” I asked, quietly. “So, we have more in common than prophecy.”

Virginia blinked. “Your name isn’t Rayburn Cog?”

“It is now,” I said, quickly, feeling as if we were skirting too close to something beyond what either of us were willing to articulate. Telling her I was originally Resh Craig felt far too close to revealing my heart to her. But ... a part of me yerned to. Instead, I took her hands and squeezed. “S-Shall we, uh, get dinner? I hear the dining car on the Vermilion is quite good.”

Virginia’s head bobbed.

Together, we took seats in the corner of the first class dining car. Even so, we drew scandalized looks from the rest of the bourgeoisie customers. A few pursed their lips, and one man tucked his handkerchief into his lapel, as if he was planning to come on over and give me a piece of his mind. But you know what? I was done with this nonsense. And so, as the waiter came over, I leaned back into my seat and loudly said: “I would like the finest wine you have for me and my lovely companion here. Put it to Gilbert Bates’ tab.”

The waiter bowed his head. “Of course, sir, the Quintarran 1210,” he said, then turned to walk off.

As he bustled off, the rest of the cab hastily went back to their conversations. Virginia blushed at me. “Was that wise, Ray?”

“No, but it was satisfying,” I said, nodding quickly. I picked up my napkin, then shook it out. I smiled at Virginia. “Let us own up to it. We are both abject cowards. And so, let us turn the conversation to safer waters and our various and sundry mysteries.” I set the napkin down on my lap as the waiter returned with a fluted crystal bottle and a pair of glasses. The cork popped and I swear half the men in the room flinched, as if they were being suddenly reminded of a half-orc sitting in their midst. As the wine poured, I leaned back in my seat. “Agreed?”

“Agreed!” Virginia said, nodding. She picked up her glass before the wine had even been poured and, for a few moments, a pantomime began as she held out her glass to be poured and the waiter tried to hastily move the tip of his bottle to match her glass, and both shook with the gentle swaying of the dinner cab. Finally, Virginia set her glass down on the table and flushed. Once her glass was actually filled, the waiter stepped away again.

“We have the mysterious missing dwarves,” I said. “The ownership of the Bessie Toonie mine-”

“I had completely forgotten about that,” Virginia admitted.

I grinned. “The mysterious map contained within the ancient iron chest and the three metal drums.”

“Oh, uh...” Virginia coughed. “I had been meaning to tell you about that.”

“What?” I asked.

“We lost the map,” she sad.

“We did?” I asked.

She nodded, looking miserable. “I don’t know when we did, but we did.”

“We still have the newspaper about the Garringsburg robbery, but we lost the irreplaceable map to the ancient machine built by who knows that could possibly do literally anything?” I slumped in my seat, then knocked back my entire glass of wine. “Please tell me we at least still have my schematics for the charged ring and the accelerator rifle, right?”

“We have the original, yes,” Virginia said.

“Good,” I said, sighing. “Still, the Toonie situation is something we can put on the back burnenr.” I frowned. “What do you know of the elves of Arcanum?”

Virginia bit her lower lip. “Well, I know that they mostly live beyond the intersection of the Grey and the Stonewall mountains, in the northwestern corner of Arcanum. I think it’s the Glittering Forest?”

“Glimmering, I believe,” I said as the waiter returned with bread and with pots of soft butter. I began to liberally apply butter to my bread, frowning ever so slightly. Virginia, meanwhile, simply dipped her bread directly into the dish. “But the elves aren’t known for meddling in the affairs of us lowly mortals.”

Virginia nodded. “The last time the elves did anything on the political stage was during the Age of Legends, when Nasrudin and the Elven Council laid down the law. I, uh, finally did manage to stop by the Panarii temple in Tarant.”

“Oh, did you now?” I asked.

“Yes, while you were meeting with Mr. Bates,” she said. “Nasrudin and the elven council were responsible for protecting the younger races during the Age of Legends. Two thousand years ago, magick was far stronger than it was today, and the magickal threats were commensurately stronger. They faced down a great many evils before Arronax. The Bane of Kree, Gorogoth, Kraka-tur...” She shook her head. “Others.”

“I’ve heard of the Bane of Kree,” I said. “He was some ancient barbarian, led the sack of Kree, right?”

“That’s right,” Virginia said, before stuffing half a bread loaf into her face. She chewed with clear relish and, for a few moments, once more looked like the chipmunk faced girl that I had met at the beginning of this adventure. Once she had swallowed, she said: “Gorogoth was some kind of monster with a fondness for eating up whole villages. Unkillable, according to the scripture.”

“Then how did Nasrudin punch his ticket?” I asked, buttering another carefully sliced chunk of bread.

“Oh, the Elven Council didn’t execute any of the great evils, not according to the scripture,” Virginia paused, holding another loaf she had torn in half. She saw me buttering with a knife, blushed, and began to use her own knife, after wiping her hands on the hem of her robes. “Uh, or, they did. It’s not entirely clear whether ‘banished yonder into the infinite void’ is referring to an actual place called the void, or if it’s just a way to describe...” She shrugged. “Death.”

“Death isn’t exactly an infinite void, though,” I said, frowning. “Can’t necromancers, both white and black, bring the dead back?”

Virginia stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, thinking. “The white branch of necromancy is fully capable of bringing the soul back to a body, assuming the soul wishes to return and the body is freshly dead. The black branch, though, can return a body to animation no matter how long the soul has been gone – but that’s not ... that’s not the same thing at all.”

I nodded. “Like those bloody zombies.”

“Exactly,” Virginia said, shrugging. “I hope we never run into any of those again.”

I frowned. But before we could continue our conversation, the waiter arrived with the meal for the day, setting out the small dish full of caviar, and the freshly cooked scallop and potatoes, with a heaping side of steamed vegetables. I picked at the vegetables with a silver fork. As the waiter left, I said: “If the void is a place and not a metaphor, then that would explain how Arronax is planning to return, no?”

Virginia nodded. Then she shook her head. “But what does all this have to do with the...” She paused, then glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes fell upon every single person in the dining car and she narrowed her eyes, clearly deeply suspicious. Her voice dropped to a quiet whisper. “What does this have to do with the Molochean Hand? Are they working for Arrronax? And the elves who banished the dwarves, what is their angle? Are the elves from Quintarra turning against Nasrudin’s rulings, two thousand years after the fact, to try and bring back his greatest enemy?”

I spread my hands. “I cannot begin to guess.” I paused. “I don’t suppose Arronax had some ... kind of evil elf followers? Dark elves?”

“Dark elves?” Virginia asked, snorting. “Really, sir? Next, you’ll be saying that there is some kind of gnomish conspiracy running the world via manipulating the banks.”

My face heated. “I was not aware it was on the same level as that...” I admitted.

Virginia smiled, shyly. “Sorry. But there are no such thing as dark elves.”

Sally seemed somewhat frustrated when, four days later, we all stepped off the Vermilion express without me and Virginia having consummated our relationship again. But while Sally might have been upset that she had ‘failed’ at being a matchmaker, the conversations that Virginia and I had shared had removed the awkwardness that had loomed between us ever since that cold night in the Stonewall mountains. We walked into Ashbury free of such concerns – which meant, in a roundabout way, that Mead-Mug might get her wish sooner rather than later.

But at the moment, we were more focused on the oddity of the Ashbury extension of the United Kingdom’s railroads. Rather than being situated in a place of prominence, like in Tarant, the Ashbury station was tucked away behind a large stone fence that ringed around a rather impressive looking graveyard. One had to walk around the graveyard to reach the city itself – and the city was quite a pleasant looking one. It hugged the beach in a series of fanciful terraces, each one growing closer and closer to the white sands of the beach itself. The water beyond was glassy smooth, and several tall ships bobbed as they sailed closer and closer to the piers themselves. The smell of salt was strong in the air – along with a stranger, not quite pleasant scent that reminded me faintly of formaldehyde.

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In Which Our Hero Sets Sail for the Isle of Despair; Rayburn and Virginia Discuss Their Feelings Videos

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July 9th, 1885 The town of Stillwater appeared, after the past week of marching through sticky, humid temperature and the occasional flurry of summer rains, like a paradise upon the gods green earth. I, Virginia, Maggie, Sally, Gillian, the ever faithful Dogmeat and the members of the Stonecutter clan who had decided to emigrate back to the Wheel Clan all trudged into town stinking of long travel and the still omnipresent smell of zombie. As we came to stop near the central statue that...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Engaged in a Shootout at the Sobbing Onion Tavern

February 22nd, 1886 I was nearly fifteen yards from the entrance of Quintarra before Raven dropped from the trees to land before me. Normally, I would have been impressed by the natural grace of an elf in her element – let alone the beauty of Raven herself. But this was not an ordinary day. Virginia had vanished into her own teleportation spell, leaving me with nothing but her tearful confession and where she would be traveling – but Caladon was nearly four months away by foot. Panic...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Has a Most Welcome Reunion

April 28th, 1886 “And so, according to Nasrudin himself, Saint Mannox was tending to the wards at the Ring when Nasrudin emerged from his regenerative bubble. Nasrudin seemed to think Mannox was nothing more than an overeager, overzealous, pompous ass.” I shrugged as I looked across the table at Hadrian and Wilhelm. The two Panarii had been transfixed with utter shock from the moment I began my narrative to the very end. I, meanwhile, had given them the entire story of my adventures to the...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero becomes a Subversive Unionizer Betrayal

December 12th, 1885 Rain pattered against the windows of the Misk household’s expanse library. Virginia had, helpfully, set every light in the room to as bright as it could go. Warmly burning oil lamps and electrical bulbs shrouded in comforting draperies both worked with the stoked fireplace to give the room a warm, cheery glow – but it did little to offset the grim mood that had cast its pall over the Misk house. With both Victor and now Wesley the butler both dead within the same week,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero Confounds a Ghost Makes Love to a Bereaved Priestess

There are many tall tales written in the popular magazines of Tarant and Caladon about life on the edge of Arcanum. Daring do on Thanos, trips to the Vendigroth Wastes, eking out a bold and brave and free living on the Morbihan plains, with nothing but your gun to keep you safe from the invariably savage tribes of orcs that would then be slaughtered by the dozens. Those tales, for some reason, rarely mention the typical fare for one living out at the edge: A hideous slurry of beans and pork...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Seduced by a Phantasmagoria An Assassin Strikes

_*Author’s Note: Since I’m a hideous incompetent who should be whipped through town with a leather belt, I have made two unforgivable errors. Firstly, the first chapter of this series erroneously stated that it begins June 3rd when this adventure begins on January 3rd! Secondly, I stated that there was a Kingdom of Caladon. Alas! The city of Caladon is the capital of the Kingdom of Arland. But with these things corrected, on with the adventure.*_ Standing outside of an inn’s back room while...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Does Battle With Foul Necromancers

January 27th, 1885 Tarant, United Kingdom Our little weather beaten, disheveled trio had set a good, steady pace through the vastness of wilderness between the town of Shrouded Hills and the city of Tarant, which sat astride the Hadrian River like some ungainly colossus. While those weeks had been rife with ambushes by small raiding parties of kites, the occasional ferocious and starving wolf, and at least one bear that needed to be wrestled into submission by our good half-ogre, Sally...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stricken with Amnesia Explores a Prison

Sand gritted against my face and for a time, I did not know who I was, nor where I was, nor why I was. Water washed against my feet and I simply lay there in a daze, blinking slowly as light filtered into my vision and I saw the broad expanse of a pale white beach. The waves that lapped at my feet were frothing and white, and the distant horizon curved into oblivion. I closed my eyes and a name came to mind. Resh. Resh Craig. In the darkness, I sorted through memories. I could remember...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Herorsquos Origin is Revealed

The Tale of Resh Craig June 4th, 1876 Somewhere on the Morbihan Plains The evening had reached that fine time, the only time between mid-morning to the setting of the harsh sun where the Morbihan became livable. The fire crackled and popped and some chuckslag was slowly simmering in a cast iron pot. The men gathered around the fire were, on the whole, unwashed, unshaven, and nonhuman. The faint sound of conversation could be heard from quite a distance, interspersed with laughs,...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero Seduces a Married Woman Confronts Mr Gilbert Bates Inventor of the Steam Engine

IFS ZEPHYR MIRACLE! SURVIVORS TELLS ALL! Half-Orc Walks Away from Fiery Death! Greetings, fellow Tarantians! It is I, Victor Wright, your faithful and vigilant editor, bringing you an exclusive story that only a paper of this breadth and quality could possibly do! Just yesterday, our humble offices were visited by none other than the sole survivor of the IFS Zephyr blimp tragedy (please see photograph, pg 2), and he deigned to share his account of the final minutes of that fateful voyage...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn which Our Hero is Stymied by the Scientific Establishment

July 10th, 1885 Stillwater, The United Kingdom I came into the Temple of Geshtianna with Virginia to my left side and ‘Magnus’ to my right, Sally and Gillian taking up the rear. I dragged behind me the statue of the cult’s goddess, covered with a tarp to prevent anyone from noticing both the bared breasts (not exactly appropriate for dragging through a village’s streets) and the magickal effect that caused all to view the statue to become entranced by it. I had to admit the tarp was...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Caught Betwixt Two Fortune Tellers

Once we were safely ensconced in the inn, with a room to ourselves and a chance to wipe off blood and bits of muck, the young dwarven lass who had become a part of our little party took a chance and explained herself. She had put the false beard back onto her face for the trip from the basement of the nightmarish P. Schuyler and Son’s to the inn, but now that we were safe from prying eyes, Maggie Shalefist removed her false beard. Beneath, I got a chance to really contemplate the features of...

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Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick ObscuraIn Which Our Hero is Entrapped in an Orgy

A momentary frisson of fear ran along my spine as I sprawled in the small tent, my arms lashed above my head with leather bindings and my eyes covered with a thick binding of cloth. I wriggled upon a fur mattress and strained my ears, but all I could hear was the heavy footfalls of Sally Mead Mug as she walked about me in the small tent. I swore I could hear the sound of her palms rasping together as she regarded me. I tried to remain calm and collected – but my mind was inevitably drawn to...

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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

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Arcanum Academy The Tiresian Furlough

"A magus is first and foremost a counselor, a guide, and a teacher. Beyond even the arcane arts for which we are most well-known, our most valuable assets are wisdom and perspective. Both of these virtues are shaped by experience, and thus we come to your final task." As Adam Pendrik stared out over the shimmering sea from his preferred perch atop the roof of the north tower, his thoughts could not help turning to the words that Chancellor Thorsson had spoken only a few hours earlier....

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Chance Gims Black Arts Magick Plan

CHANCE GIM sat at the desk in his home office and looked down at the long list of names, phone numbers and personal data. He had numbered them. One hundred and eleven. All women. The youngest, eighteen, the oldest, twenty-six. All proportionately built. Carefully weeded from an even longer list of three hundred and eighty two. Like fruit, he thought, you gals are ripe and ready, oh so fucking ready, to be added to the lovelies I already have. All I have to do is give you my song and dance and...

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Wicca Magick

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Chance Gims Black Arts Magick Plan

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is coincidental. The participants are imaginary, their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment and should not be emulated in the real world. * * * * * ...

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Magick of Sex Pt 1 Meet and Greet

There he was… Sitting, no, more or less laying on the hood of his friends Le Baron. He felt up for a challenge…but how to challenge himself? He could act completely idiotic, and grab his skateboard, “SKATE ELEMENT, BIATCH!” he shouted, imitating Rick James, for no apparent reason. He was wearing a black turtleneck, with a black tee-shirt that had a picture of his Idol, Robert “Bob” Marley, and his “Lucky Love” pants. This pair of pants was nothing more than a pair of his most comfortable...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 6 Sailing Surprise

I had always loved the ocean and so I loved boats as well. We stood on the wharf and admired the gleaming white hull of the vessel we would be spending the next six hours on. The Captain was the son of one of the owners and would be skippering us with one other crew on our cruise around Long Island. I’d brought a duffel bag with some items that I thought we might need like sun screen and a change of clothes even a windbreaker if the weather changed. The girls had similar bags and totes with...

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Jasons TaleChapter 21 East Isle

I cannot describe the relief I felt when I realized what that cloud meant. We had just shy of fifty ships out here carrying more than eight thousand men, and every one of them was going to die of thirst if I fucked up my navigation and we couldn’t find our way home again. Now, that wasn’t a problem. A lot of them may well die in combat here in the Isles, but they had a chance now. Our fleet was still all strung out, a couple hundred miles from end to end. We needed to get all the commanders...

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Jasons TaleChapter 26 Mountain Isle

When we left Safety Bay for Mountain Isle, we were down to forty-some-odd ships. We’d sent two warships back with the convoy, but we’d turned Eagle 2 into a warship so we still had seven plus our six escorts. Of course, since Flying Arrow was serving as the King’s flagship and Eaglet was used as a message courier, it was really only six and five. We still had thirty transports, plus one fat pig of a cargo ship we were using as a supply ship. We called it the “Larder”. With the men spread out...

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Jasons TaleChapter 22 North Isle

As part of the signal system I had to assign pennant numbers to all the ships. It was either that or spell out “Pirate’s Gift” every time I wanted that ship to do something. Pennant numbers were easier. Shark would be number one. I probably wouldn’t be sending any messages about my own ship, but what if I moved to another ship? What if King Tom wanted Shark somewhere and sent a signal? Shark needed a pennant number, too. I gave Wrong Place, Thunder, and Sword numbers two, three, and four,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Virginia Coleman

This story is not Politically Correct. It concerns African-American politicians and corruption. When we have a President that uses a woman half his age as a cigar humidor, when we have a convicted drug user that is elected as Mayor of our Nation's Capitol, when Democratic and Republican politicians are equally guilty of corruption, such stories will be written. Bill Clinton stated that by approximately the year 2040, whites would be a minority in this country. Therefore, I have written...

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Jasons TaleChapter 25 South Isle

Not as exciting as a huge melee with seventy or so ships all boarding each other, but I thought it was a much better result. Only one ship sunk, and the only casualties would be those sailors on Avenger who had never learned to swim. Breaker and the other nine ships had all surrendered, or hopefully would as soon as Mayor Michael talked to them. I got to report to King Tom and the other commanders that the enemy commander had reached the correct conclusion from Wrong Place’s little...

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Virginia virginity

Introduction: My sister started to wear bulky clothing so that the boys would stop hitting on her. Once I saw what she had under those clothes I hit on her myself. Up until my sister Virginia turned thirteen and started to develop she wore nothing but tight sexy clothing and I enjoyed watching her sweet little boobs develop. When Virginia turned thirteen though she started wearing dad’s shirts and baggy pants all of the time. It wasn’t until she turned fifteen that I found out why.When...

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Donjeta and the SeaThe Witchs Isle

The three Ithacan ships sped in front of the storm, barely keeping ahead. Our crew shot into action, getting everything shipshape fast, tying down what they could, except their oars. They tied themselves to their benches, and their oars swept the sea. "Is this a good idea, Captain, to row into the storm?" "I'd rather risk Poseidon's wrath than that prince. Death is less certain, and a better death in any case." "We could parley with Telemachus, make him let you go in exchange for...

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My Mothers LoverChapter 8 The Riviera Night Sail

Diary: Sunday, March 11, 1973 Dear Diary, Mame's friend and our host took us to Villefranche on his sailboat. Idyllic little harbor at the end of a mesmerizing night sail. On the sail home, Jacques took us to a cosy little bay for the day. C and I spent a day of freedom far away from home civilization, speaking freely, feeling free, feeling each other, too. A little storm at night, so we took a safe haven and had just that much more time to enjoy ... One of my fondest memories ... so...

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The Emotional State of Virginia Revised

Many things were very different some 20 years or so ago. You could carry shampoo containers on an airline flight, your cordless phone was huge and did not take photos or videos, social networking meant drinks after a round of golf or a telephone tree to let everyone know when the next PTA meeting would be held. In Toronto, Canada in 1997, when and where this story takes place, the age of consent was 14; that is, a youth that old could legally consent to having sex with an adult ( some...

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ldquoYes Virginia Daddy is Santardquo

Virginia, home for Christmas, ends up in a steamy sexy romp with her stepbrother’s girlfriend, then her stepbrother and finally her own step-daddy….When you are young and spend a year away from home in a small apartment studying you don’t run your own place like your mum. Though your mum would hope you did. Stuff is thrown everywhere: you have way more important things to do than be tidy... you have lectures, a part time job and above all; a coochie to manage, ensuring the latter gets...

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Sundream Isle

This story was inspired by the 'you make the story' images 2. Sundream Isle The man came along the tiny bridge, across the small gulf... to the island... looking this way and that, he noticed just one real building on the low laying isle... and walked over to it. Slowly walking inside... he found it was a large combination diner and hotel/motel. Musing on this, he took a table... The waitress came over and he ordered a drink and a snack. He told her he was Mr. Keith, of the...

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Something I competed for a class. My classmates seemed to think it was good, so I decided to post it, just for kicks. ————————————————- I’m running, running for my life. Branches whip my face as I stumble up the steep incline. My sandals long gone, sticks and stones rip my feet to shreds. I gasp for breath, my side burning. I have to escape, but I hear them closing in. Their torches flicker through out the forest, casting eerie shadows on the ground. I wince as I plunge onward and something...

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Wicca Magick

Most people have a very strange idea about 'witches', like witches are all women, or witches worship the devil. Poppycock! All of that tripe was propaganda propagated by the Royalty of Europe, when it became fashionable to be a Christian, and to prove it was bad to be a witch, they were pictured wearing a broad brimmed conically shaped hat, when all of the fashionable people wore a conical hat without a brim! Big Deal! Witches are people who practice the religion of Wicca. The basic...

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Virginia episode 16

Introduction: Virginia finally cums my way….. At a time when my friend Virginia and I were both on the outs with our husbands, we decided to take a weekend off and drive over the hill from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe for a little diversion. Our plan was to get some sun, lay by the pool, gamble and pamper ourselves. The drive up the mountainous Highway 50 was uneventful. The topic of conversation was mostly what miserable bastards our men were. We had made a great choice in our getaway,...

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Virginia episode 16

At a time when my friend Virginia and I were both on the outs with our husbands, we decided to take a weekend off and drive over the hill from Sacramento to Lake Tahoe for a little diversion.  Our plan was to get some sun, lay by the pool, gamble and pamper ourselves. The drive up the mountainous Highway 50 was uneventful. The topic of conversation was mostly what miserable bastards our men were. We had made a great choice in our getaway, especially without the men. We could both feel the...

Wife Lovers
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Virginia episode 16

Our plan was to get some sun, lay by the pool, gamble and pamper ourselves. The drive up the mountainous Highway 50 was uneventful. The topic of conversation was mostly what miserable bastards our men were. We had made a great choice in our getaway, especially without the men. We could both feel the tension lifting as we saw the late evening casino lights as we made our way downhill from the summit. There was some sort of convention in town and Tahoe was in full swing. We checked into our...

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The Rape of Virginia P

100% fiction! This is how the story was told by different angles including the rape victim herself on interview by a local tabloid reporter. Husband Sr.Pi: Virginia is of a Spanish descent and her family owned this huge track of land in the province. That day we are there for a vacation. I took my time off from managing my Rice mill business in Manila. We headed for the stream. It's noon time and no one would be within a mile radios from us since everyone is working in the farms as usual. She...

First Time
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 18 Maryland and West Virginia

The day was beautiful and warm. Dave looked forward to traveling across Delaware and into Maryland, staying well north or Baltimore. He’d wanted to see Annapolis, but given the distances and traffic involved he’d opted to bypass that city on this trip. After some morning sex that resulted in both Dave and Gabbie falling asleep with each other for a further nap in her bed, they got up and prepared to travel. Gabbie was aghast at how small a bag she was ‘allowed’, but she had a wardrobe that...

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Mike Radford Accidental HeroChapter 7

Although it was nearly impossible for Mike to believe, Erica was even more responsive in bed than Cat. The young woman came just from being kissed. He had never thought of himself as having much stamina in bed, but she was unconscious before he was even close to coming. At first it worried him a lot, but he got used to her collapsing on the bed unconscious within a minute of two of him entering her. The solution was to include Cat in the bed so that she could warm him up before he turned his...

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A Romance Slowly Sets Sail

CHAPTER 1 Just before midnight six male businessmen and a young presenter attending a three-day conference on (big breath)’Empowering Executives to Accept Their Role in Collective Responsibility’ decided to have one last drink before heading to their hotel. With wait staff assisting cleaning behind the bar the oldest man in the group, Perry Taylor, went to the bar to order. He asked Bernie Bader, the presenter who’d that day had spoken about ten dynamic ways to consolidate the team, to help...

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Sure, you could say that she is my sister. But that is just a word, like table or cow. At least that’s how I would like to think of it. But is it right to think of her as less than my sister? Maybe it is the fact that she is my sister that I find her so attractive. It is the thrill of sticking it to the taboo culture. If she wasn’t my sister, perhaps I wouldn’t even notice her.   Her name is Virginia . We have different mothers. I was born to our father's first wife and...

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Chimera Isle Ch 03

Chimera Isle was as perfect as it sounded. The ocean a deep blue, the trees full, with intense green leaves, the air warm and intoxicating. Cambry gazed around in awe as she gathered her luggage from the employee van. Looking around, she knew this was going to be a hell of a summer. ‘Are you ready?’ asked Keeli excitedly. She hadn’t stopped talking about it for the past four days since the audition. Keeli was wild and candid by nature. This was her place. She was made for Chimera Isle. ‘Ooh,...

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Vacation Isle

Nora Fleming waited anxiously for her son Darrin to arrive home from his summer job at the landscaping business he worked at with his two friends. Her son had just recently graduated from high school, and the eighteen year old was trying to earn extra college money with his summer off. Nora could not have been prouder of her son when he had graduated with honors and gotten a scholarship to the state university. She had wanted to give him something special for his graduation, but the money was...

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Gillians Isle

My name is Gillian. I am the captain of a yacht called the Squirter. I am not your typical crusty ole ship captain. Most men and some women find me attractive if I may be so bold. I am blonde, brown eyes, and thirty-four b breasts. I have had my share of semen or is it seamen?Please sit back and let me tell you about a four-hour cruise that went amuck. I have a first mate named Bob. Let us say Bob is not the sharpest tool in the shed. His parents named him Robert, but he goes by Bob. That way,...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 15 The Sand Isles

The Sand Isles are a long way from Beletara, but then again, they are a long way from everyplace. They are far, far to the west of even the most westward reaching part of Arbor, the southern shores of Westhal. Far to the west, and far south as well. The shores of Beletara were warm, compared to Midhal where I grew up, but even Beletara was not close to the equator. The Sand Isles were, running both north, south and through the equator itself. You don't book passage to the Sand Isles just...

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The Nerd Scores BigChapter 6 Ms Virginia Elsworthy

For the last couple of weeks I had been helping my French teacher Ms Virginia Elsworthy teach the fine art of dancing to some of the 14 and 15 year old junior school students. The last junior school dance had been a disaster with the boys sitting on one side of the room and the girls on the other side with hardly anyone dancing. My mum had insisted that I learnt to dance at about that age so I was pretty proficient at the various dances being taught. Virginia had asked me to help with the...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Virginia and Her SistersChapter 2

I was back at Virginia's place at 10 AM on Saturday morning. She greeted me naked as I stepped inside of her door, and drew me into her lounge room where we spent the next few hours. She was a very particular teacher, especially demanding when it came to how she wanted her pussy licked. As I passed each of her tasks, I was rewarded by a fuck in a new position. Virginia gave me an extra credit gold star when, of my own choosing, I devoured her multiple creampies with much gusto. Later in...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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