The Arranged Encounter Part 2 Setting Sail
- 3 years ago
- 33
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Just before midnight six male businessmen and a young presenter attending a three-day conference on (big breath)’Empowering Executives to Accept Their Role in Collective Responsibility’ decided to have one last drink before heading to their hotel.
With wait staff assisting cleaning behind the bar the oldest man in the group, Perry Taylor, went to the bar to order. He asked Bernie Bader, the presenter who’d that day had spoken about ten dynamic ways to consolidate the team, to help carry back used glasses and empty beer bottles.
Curly blond Bernie collected the six bottles and two of the glasses and grinned, weaving slightly, ‘Can you managed the reminder Perry?’
‘Fine, follow me slave,’ Perry slurred.
Bernie had placed the six bottles held against his chest by one arm and the glasses from his other hand on the bar when balding Perry, rarely anything but charming, attempted to slip in the gap but bumped a guy standing with two others at the bar.
‘Watch it you jerk.’
‘Sorry but I doubt I’m the jerk.’
‘Calling me a jerk are you,’ snarled the guy and threw a punch that Bernie he anticipated. He stepped between the two men and jolted the blow off-course with a forearm.
‘You hurt my arm punk.’
‘My apologies,’ Bernie smiled. ‘The contact with you was unintentional and the slight was rather provoked.’
‘What’s a slight?’ bellowed the aggressor.
‘Jake it will be what you feel if I hit you with this,’ said the woman behind the bar, holding up a baseball bat.
Jake reached over and grabbed the bat from her.
‘Welcome to the world of sore heads you jerks,’ he said, drawing back the bat to swing at Perry who stood frozen, mouth open in shock.
Bernie, in suit and jacket, leapt and kicked under the descending bat into the belly of the guy, knocking the assailant into his friends who caught him and restrained him, not that restraint was necessary because the guy was sucking in air as if on his last gasp.
‘Our apologies for being involved in disturbing the peace,’ Bernie soothed handing the bat back to the barmaid. ‘Nothing broken and here’s a hundred for you guys not to take this incident any further. We’re off now, thanks for your service.’
Jake hurried back to the table and said, ‘Come on guys, let’s go. We must give Bernie twenty each and I owe him greater thanks. My head, it could have been cracked.’
* * *
Three months later Dyan Taylor was in the elevator glaring at a guy and a woman staring at her breasts. What kind of weirdoes where they? Why couldn’t they be like the blond guy looking up at the ceiling? She looked up and saw a spider and closed her eyes shuddering.
The duo who she thought had been thinking about asking her to join her for night-play left at the next floor, both grinning at her like apes.
Now the good looking guy was looking at her breasts. God, other women had breasts. Why didn’t he look at them? Well she had to concede she and the guy were alone in the elevator. Perhaps she should ask what he thought of them?
The elevator stopped at the reception floor to her office and he moved to exit but held the hold door open button.
‘Good morning ma’am?’
‘It’s miss,’ Dyan all but snarled.
‘Miss you have dripped toothpaste between your… your ums.’
The guy smiled apologetically and left.
Dyan was aghast, looking down the front of her black shirt. It was true. Toothpaste was splattered between her, er, ‘ums’. Her what? She giggled as held her handbag against her chest at the next floor and hurried to the bathroom.
Almost an hour later her father appeared with the blond guy in toe. He looked at her ‘ums’ and winked approvingly, presumably because the toothpaste had disappeared and the material had dried. But one can never tell with men. Perhaps he just approved.
‘Hi darling, this is Mr Bader who will be with us for three months to examine our entire operation and to recommend practical ways to streamline and improve productivity. Bernie this is my daughter Dyan.’
‘Um, um. How lovely to meet you Dyan.’
Dyan’s face flamed and her father asked was she okay.
‘Yes perfectly,’ the 30-year-old brunette said icily.
‘Well I’m placing another desk in this office for Bernie. I should have said something but it didn’t come up.’
‘It didn’t come up because you forgot to discuss it with me.’
‘Other matters are more important around here darling than who sits where.’
Dyan felt ready to hunt, hit and destroy but before she could fire the newcomer said smoothly, ‘Perry name me one thing more important than your daughter?’
Perry stood scratching his head instead of telling the guy to get lost. Her father then grinned and said, ‘My wife?’
The three of them laughed and Dyan realized she’d been expertly defused. Oh wasn’t he just adorable?
Perry looked at his watch and asked, ‘What do you think about office-sharing with Dyan not you have met my fiery daughter?’
The cur smiled and said, ‘Dyan is production manager. I was wondering why her office is not down in the plant, ideally being elevated so she can see and be seen?’
‘Well whatever,’ Perry said. ‘You sort that out with Dyan but don’t ruffled her. I have a meeting. I’ll leave you in her capable hands Bernie.’
Dyan stood glaring at Bernie who appeared mystified and asked what?
‘If you don’t know already you’ll never know,’ she snorted knowing he never would.
‘Fetch us coffee please Dyan and let’s talk about it. My turn to get coffee next time we have it together.’
God he was smooth. Before she’d had time to thunder and tell him to get his own fucking coffee he was declaring he’d get the next one, signaling he didn’t expect her to be a mule. She handed him coffee and didn’t invite him to sit and she stood, two arm lengths clear of him.
‘May I say something personal?’
She nodded knowing he was about to apologize for attempting to relocate her in the plant.
‘You are very beautiful.’
Dyan felt her chest begin to tighten and her stomach pulled in involuntarily. God, her body was preparing to have sex with him! The jerk had nailed her: how the hell could she reject being called beautiful and now he was staring at her breasts. Where they really swelling that much? No that was impossible.
‘I don’t want you touching me,’ she shrilled.
‘Never touch me.’
‘Do you mean never touch your hand or does your thinking go much deeper and are you thinking groping?’
She gurgled, ‘P-please tell my about yourself.’
The résumé was over in four minutes and then he said, ‘Now tell me about yourself including why you are paranoid about being touched.’
‘Paranoid? I like being touched… oh god. I’m so… oh fuck, saved by the bell. Here comes your desk.’
‘Is the f-word allowable around here?’
‘No but tolerance is given to hot-headed women with visitations of paranoia.’
‘Good heavens, what a wonderful combination for a woman who yearns for release.’
Her brain almost disabled by his intensity, Dyan yelled to the two men, ‘The desk, over here!’ At that moment Christy from HR arriving to induct the newcomer. Dyan managed to kick back into gear and thought Christy was practically devoid of breast development… the guy was forced to appraise her by her legs.
She heard the smooth-ass reply to the introduction, ‘Christy? Was your father a count?’
‘That was Monte Christo, not Monte Christy,’ the head of HR giggled.
Dyan closed her eyes momentarily and groaned as if about to vomit.
‘Are you okay Dyan?’
‘Never better thank you Christy. Have Bernie all day or all week if you wish… er… if you need him then longer.’
‘Why thank you.’
Dyan saw Christy looking at Bernie’s wide chest and wondered what Chri
sty was thinking. There were rumors that at times Christy suspended her marriage vows.
When they’d disappeared and the men had placed the second desk where she wanted it and added two filing cabinets and they’d left, Dyan called Leigh.
‘Mom, I have a man in my office.’
‘Oh lucky you. May I have him as a discard?’
‘Mom, stop being silly. Dad has brought in this work efficiency and management consultant to run through our operation with a fine tooth comb.’
‘I would have thought that was both sensible and desirable.’
‘Perhaps, but daddy has placed the jerk with me in my office and the jerk has already said why isn’t my office above the floor of the plant.’
‘Oooh, that appears good thinking. Get a male production manager and find yourself a role in planning and debit control if you wish to justify remaining in the office suite.’
‘Mom, that’s a great idea. Not debtors though because that is soul-destroying work.’
‘Go for the position of general manager then. You think that woman’s a jerk.’
‘Yes mom but unfortunately it’s likely where this guy Bernie is heading if he wants permanent employment.’
‘Well fight him for it, you always have loved to scrap.’
‘Mom that’s brilliant. I must buy you a present.’
‘Thank you dear. Bring the jerk home for dinner tonight to allow me to make my assessment.’
‘Er mom, he’ll only stare at your boobs.’
‘Oh great, I need someone who does that.’
Dyan groaned. ‘Mom, I don’t wish to mislead you. He is handsome and could be brilliant.’
‘Oh god, that’s why you are behaving erratically like this? You know he’s the one.’
‘Mom, don’t be so fucking ridiculous.’
When her mom stopped laughing she said, ‘Ah, that foul mouthing tells me I’m right. Wheel him in tonight darling.’
Dyan threw down her phone and kicked her trash bin across the room, hurting her toe.
She mouthed obscenities and was surprised she knew so many of them.
* * *
Leigh called down the passage to the bedrooms, ‘He’s arriving darling.’
‘Please get the door mom, I’m still dressing.’
Perry was glued to a sports report on TV.
Leigh checked her hair in the hallway mirror and opened the door to be greeted by Mr Flowers.
‘These are for you ma’am.’
‘Oh, thank you. These are out of season… there was no need.’
‘I’ve impressed the boss and now wish to impress you ma’am.’
‘Oh you naughty boy,’ she giggled, and stood to be kissed.
Bernie obliged.
‘Call me Leigh.’
‘Um how will Dyan handle that?’
‘Politely I would hope. I take it by that remark you’re already found my daughter has a quick-ignition.’
‘Yes, it’s refreshing. The task though is for her to increase her chances of being either correct or justified when she blows.’
‘That is a very discerning comment Bernie. Please come in. These flowers are lovely.’
‘That tells me they have come to the right home.’
‘Now Bernie,’ Leigh giggled. ‘There’s no need to go over the top.’
The evening went pleasantly, everyone behaving and Dyan even managed to say the flowers for her mother looked lovely, although adding and looking at Bernie, ‘That was a civilized gesture.’
The parents noted Bernie coped by just winking at Dyan who flushed.
Mother and daughter found the 34-year-old had degrees in management and law because he’d planned to leave consulting eventually and end up holding the tiller of a reputable and successful company.
‘Our company doesn’t have a tiller,’ Dyan charged nonsensically and the great ape then said to her, ‘Oh but is it reputable?’
Her father roared in laughter and her mom perhaps had an edge of restraint behind her grin. Dyan managed to choke, ‘Oh that was funny.’ It fell flat as Christy Thomas’ chest. The great ape had been with her all day. So during the next pause in conversation she asked, ‘How did Christy manage to occupy you all day?’
‘She was tremendously informative. She answered my questions about staff deployment and management, what training and job backups were in place and after we had lunch at the yacht club we built a multi-dimensional model of the company in operational mode.’
‘The yacht club?’
‘Ah yes, I transferred my membership here although I sold my sail boat before leaving Seahills.’
‘But it’s almost impossible to get in to the club.’
Her father smiled like a fat cat and said, ‘Bernie was lucky. His uncle Richard Gapes on his mother’s side is club commodore.’
‘Oh we have a boat,’ Leigh said.
‘A motor-yacht, a forty-eight footer,’ Perry explained.
Bernie said, ‘Very nice’ but Dyan said, ‘No it’s not. A friend told me Sonnet is dubbed ‘Granny of the fleet.’
‘We are not a literate family,’ Dyan said. ‘The wife of the previous owner was a poet.’
‘Well perhaps I ought to take a look at her.’
Perry snorted and poured Bernie more red wine. ‘I’d like Sonnet very much. Nothing ever goes wrong with her and so I never have anything done to her.’
‘God Perry,’ Bernie laughed. ‘Boats are like women… expensive to maintain and hard work to get the best out of them.’
The two women sighed at one another as the two guys roared in laughter. Perry asked if Leigh wanted more wine, she said no and he slopped the wine, overfilling her glass.
‘I’ll talk to you afterwards Perry.’ That was all she said. She shouldn’t have even said that in front of a guest but it showed Leigh as being in control of her home and maintained herself under control as well, leaving Bernie to wonder if the hot-headiness had jumped a generation.
Bernie went to leave an hour later. Leigh kissed him with hesitation and said, ‘Good night our charming guest. Perry shake hands with our guest and please show Bernie to his vehicle Dyan.’
‘Is he short-sighted?’
‘This way Bernie.’
They stood expectantly in the driveway. Dyan reached up and gave him a goodnight peck.
Dissatisfied he said, ‘I bet Christy kisses better than that.’
Dyan flashed into super-boil but before she could explode he’d grabbed her and was kissing her… gently, beautifully and long. She almost melted but then no guy had ever pulled the blindfold over Dyan Taylor.
She pulled away and huffed, ‘That was uncalled for.’
‘Can you blame me? If I waited for the invitation I’d be retirement age.’
‘Well try this: touch me again and you’ll be jobless.’
He said quietly, ‘Well try this: I have convinced you father I can set the systems that will increase company efficiency by up to a third within two years and without extra manpower or capital expense. If one of us is to go which one do you think it will be?’
‘Then I must use my head wisely and do nothing to initiate brinkmanship.’
‘That’s very intelligent. May I ask do you like sex?’
‘Up your fat ass sailor,’ Dyan smiled sweetly and walked away not looking back, knowing she’d hit a foul because he appeared to have a really cute ass. However she felt immeasurably better because he’d just had her over a barrel over that question which one of them her father would choose. Um, was he really thinking of having sex with her?
* * *
Dyan saw that Captain Bader was on the fly bridge when they arrived. The engine was already idling, the main lines had been cast off and the inflatable had been unlashed and was sitting in the water at the stern ready on the right length tow line.
God, how nauseatingly correct, she scowled.
Captain Bader came to the end of the bridge deck and waved down to them as if his crew had just arrived.
‘Hurry Perry, get aboard and take stuff,’ Leigh called. ‘It’s weighing me down.’
Just like in films Captain Bader jumped clean over the railing and landed in a crouch seven feet down on the jetty and was already u
pright and taking the box of provisions off her mother before Dyan had only realized what had just happened.
‘Oh thank you Bernie,’ cooed her mom. ‘Put those aboard and then please help me. I get scared stepping over the railing when the tide is full like this.’
‘No problem,’ he said, kissing her mom lifted Leigh who squealed like a wacky teenager over the railing and on to the decking.
‘Next please.’
‘Keep your hands to yourself,’ Dyan snarled softly.
As she was attempting to step over the railing her foot caught in her two-layer sari wrap and she fell sideways and only just recovered her balance but with a foot hanging into the closing gap between the boat and the jetty.
Dyan looked down and saw the gap was no longer closing so held her scream.
She looked along and saw Bernie straining to hold the boat from pressing into the fenders, pushed by a tidal surge.
Dyan called, ‘I’m safe, thanks to you.’
‘My pleasure,’ he said not looking at her.
Leigh and Perry hadn’t seen the close call.
Handing Bernie a beer Perry said, ‘My security is not great huh? You found both sets of keys.’
‘People casually steal boats because of people like you are too slack to really hide keys. But the real tough and determined guys will get in no matter what are your security systems, even alarm mechanisms attached to sirens. Give then well inside two minutes and everything will sound quiet and sleepy again.’
‘Okay, seen anything much wrong with the boat?’
‘Nah, $25,000 to $40,000 should fix it well. The main item would be say twin diesels, possibly turbo-charged. Or maybe gas engines. You need to engage a consultant. He’ll ask what you do with your boat and how often and recommend you over-power so that you run the boat at no more than 80% of available power. What you have installed here is a six in-line gas-guzzler dog that probably no one will buy. If you need to save costs ask the consultant about rebuilt motors that should come in at one third the cost of new ones but they are nothing more than reconditioned old motors. I recommend twin motors for smoother cruising. But for goodness sake, get this boat out of the water and its hull attended to. Some of the poor performance is the result of hauling all that weed around.’
‘What weed?’
‘I told you the hull below water looked slimy dad.’
They anchored and did some fishing and after lunch and everyone helping to clear away the oldies went down for a nap, but it sounded pretty loud for a nap.
‘What are you going to do?’
Bernie said log an inventory of what he believed needed to be done to the boat.
‘Dad should sell it and buy a new one.’
‘It looks worn out, scruffy.’
‘That’s because it hasn’t been maintained. I believe it’s actually an excellent boat and performs how I hoped it would for its type. Despite the heavy weight of that prehistoric engine it got up and planned well.’
‘Whatever, I’m doing up to the rear of the fly bridge to sunbath. Keep away.’
‘I need to go up there to complete my list.’
‘Okay, please yourself and embarrass me.’
Bernie arrived with his improvised clipboard and Dyan moved to cover up.
‘Nah hold it, I’ve seen lots of tits.’
‘You make it sound as if you’re looking at a piece of meat.’
‘Oh, permitted to look am I?’
‘I’m too big here.’
‘That’s your opinion. I’d say about perfect.’
Dyan looked at him carefully. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah. Want to have sex?’
‘Nah, I have a boyfriend. Jack Doyle, assistant sales manager.’
Dyan looked anxious. ‘What?’
‘A mommy’s boy if I ever saw one.’
‘You don’t know what you’re talking about Bernie. He’s soft with me and attentive and plays the piano. He’s… he’s intellectual.’
‘Aren’t you in need of a guy like me with a bit of grunt?’
‘Fuck off Bernie.’
Bernie went off to complete his self-appointed task. No one would thank him for this. But he grinned. Until now he hadn’t really dwelt on shafting The Daughter, but she had great tits and he’d also glimpsed the outline under her bikini bottom of thick pussy lips.
A couple of hours later he was on the aft deck outside the saloon when Leigh arrived, appearing to be half waddling. Bernie was bored reading Perry’s comics.
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‘Yeah but a decision on the engine first and any replacements done before this other work is commissioned. It will amount to a minor refit.’
‘Do you think it’s worth it?’
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I'm flying in my plane from IAD to SFO... My girlfriend is going to pick me up in her truck and drive me back to santa cruz... She's thin, with auburn hair, and a cute smile... She's a child of the sixties, still into free love. I have my head and foot hanging out of the window in her truck. Sometimes she likes to bottom, sometimes she tops.... sometimes, we just make love.
RomanceNext morning I was awakened by uncle alone, who told me that my aunt was somewhat poorly, and could not come.“I am sorry it is so, for this little fellow is as hard as usual.” “Oh, I am so sorry dear aunt is poorly, both on her account and my own.What shall I do, dear uncle? It is so hard and painful.” “Well, my dear boy, I must try to allay it myself. I love you too dearly to leave you in this state. I am not so good at allaying this painful attack as your aunt, but as you know you were...
I love trains. I have since I was five years old, when my grandfather took me on my first train ride. I never forgot the thrill of waiting on the train for it to start moving, the feel of the gentle side to side rocking as it went down the tracks, and the views out the windows as we rode through the countryside. It wasn't a long ride, just a day trip, but it left a hell of an impression on a young boy. Now fast forward about 30 years, and I was once again at the train station purchasing a...
Straight SexChapter XLI – Fashonista Lust (based on Secret Romance No. 5 cover, Charlton, February 1970)When everybody mentions a fashion designer, mostly pop up ideas of someone with bold ideas, daring, intelligent, a genius who can understand the latest trends of fashion and use it or create of its own… you know, the kind of thing you see at the fashion pages in magazines and newspapers. Yes, those are all truths, but people like us are also human beings like anyone else, people that need to feel the...
Chapter XXII – My Husband Cheated, and We Fucked the Maid (based on All True Romance No. 15, Comic Media, January ?)The worst thing that can happen to a woman is to be cheated by her husband. To me, there is no doubt about it. But, unfortunately, I found out there is something worse than that: a husband who cheats you with someone you really trust, your maid.When I found out Stephen was betraying me with Maria I went totally down. My whole world fell apart. Five years with him and I thought he...
Chapter XVIII – My Boy Loves me... and another boy (based on My Terrible Romance No. 1 Cover, NEC, March-April, 1994) deleted
Chapter XVI – My General (based on All True Romance No. 2 cover, Comic Media, June 1951)Being a army wife it’s not easy. Not at all. Being wife of a high ranked man like a general is even more uneasy. Other than dealing with someone who has a high power inside the Army, the fear of of being wounded or even dead frightens me everytime he has an assignment anywhere. Not counting, of course, the time I spend without him by my side, without hearing his voice, without feeling his touch, without...
Chapter XV – Red and Green (based on Young Romance No.12 (2v6) cover, Prize, July/August 1949)They were Marge and Grace, but for most of people, they were knew as ‘Red’ (Marge) and ‘Green’ (Grace), two friends of mine that are always together, no matter what happened, nothing will take them apart of each other, with the nicknames given because they mostly wear hats and dresses of those respective colors.They were together in everything, specially on the matters of dating and mating. They always...
(work of fiction based on the romance comic cover above, without any financial gain from it. All rights reserved)Chapter I – Adding to the Engagement (based on Romantic Hearts No. 4 (Story Comics, Jan of a year in 50s)When I found out my fiancé was cheating me with the nurse of the hospital he was, I went in shock. How could him betray me that way? How could he? And how could that nurse give in with my man?I had so many doubts that when I came back home, I was pretty much enfuriated. But also,...
Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...
I am Mr. Nikhil from Mumbai,.I always read most of the stories of indian sex stories dot net.I am going to tell you, how I and my innocent cousin had romance in her house.You can give feedback me on my email Any girl and woman can contact me and give me feedback Now I am coming to my story.This happened when I was in college doing my engineering I used to go to my aunties house on vacation.She has two daughters, one was elder to me and another one was 1 year younger to me.Elder one was already...
IncestHello, guys!! This is Sagar Sharma from Bangalore I am a lonely guy ditched by my girlfriend (for another guy). I am 5’7” and weigh 77 KGs fair in colour. Really starving for sex, nowadays attracted more towards aunties of around 30-40 years old. Now get ready to read my story. This is a real incident happened in my life, so it is a bit longer than usual. Please over look any grammatical mistakes. As I said, My GF ditched me for another person who is doing PhD abroad. I am also a research...
Hi, Today I would like to share an incident from my past of my sexual experiences. It is bit awkward as I never thought of this incident will ever take place in my life and have an eclipse in my friendship with my childhood friend. Mail me at It happened in 2015 when as usual I used to work and at my office a new comer came and joined as she was fresher. I was senior at office in my field and she was been appointed to me. Her name was shreya. Shreya – may I come in? Me – yes! Looking at my...
Hi, friends myself Vignesh from hosur, working in Bangalore. I had written three episodes in iss and I got some good response for my stories. After submitting my third story”First time in devi virgin ass” I got a mail from a girl name was Radhika. I opened the mail and there she messaged as ‘wow nice story!! You really made me cum on last night.I replied her, thanks for your comment on my story.She told me she is from Vizag ap, working in mnc company in Bangalore and she also inquired about...
Hi Horny Guys of ISS. Firstly, I would like to thank ISS for publishing my couple of true stories. I would like to get your comments/feedback for this story too. You can reach me on : I would love to chat with girls who are indeed very horny by nature and share their experiences too. I am 38 years young guy, married with a kid. Have my own business. I am 5’10’, average body and am great kisser. This is a real life incident which happened few days back while traveling in A.P. Express from...
Hi, I am name change Kishore, from chennai 25yrs old, working as a technician I used to stay in apartment which is of two floors, I was rented on the top floor, coming to my house it is single bedroom with nice ventilation and attached bathroom and a nice terrace.Evening I used to spent time on the terrace with friends Coming to story, my house owner name Shanti, nice figure(33 yrs) age and having a son studying in 4th class. I m staying in that house for last two years, till now I never had...
Hi friends .my name is kumar frrom East Godhavari born in 1990 . Inka chepalantay .ummm black ga untanu present bussiness chedthunanu. Inka inka .5.7 height . Inka inka chepalantay . Edhi na mail id . Nenuu amchelooo comments evan the please guys Sareee! Na life loo gurthundi po a story edhi . In my story JOYTHI na ex-girlfriend . Young married aunty .pure white skin. Good physics .shee loking so fair. Thanatho campare chesthe nenu avarage.Kaneee nenantau chala antay chala love(estam )...
Hi to all ISS readers. Forgive me for any mistakes. I Raj aged 21. We are a family of 4; dad, mom, I and sis. Let me give a brief intro of sis. Her name is Padma aged 19 avg color awesome boobs and size of 32 -28-36. My sis uses my laptop for net and other purposes. One day she used laptop for much time I got doubt seen history she is using social networking site. I kept silence for a week later one day she forget to logout it. I seen her conversation with 2 boys one of them is her bf and other...
IncestRomance: Another country heard from: 1. Sultry asked herself, WHAT IS HE DOING??? Jack just drove. Odd, isn't it? She's a psychological mess and I'm calm as a cucumber. The dinner went like a first date and Sultry was impressed. No movie though. They had to watch Television. Since the house was the highest point and John/Jack has had the phone company install two phones in the house ... the telephone pole was the tallest point and the TV antenna was able to pull in broadcasts ......
Romance: Another country heard from:2. She's a natural, thought Jack, as he watched Sultry cut lazy circles in the sky. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Slow down heart! Stop shaking knees!, thought Sultry. The preflight was straight forward, Jack put the card in her hand and said, "This tells you what to tell me to do." So ... she started to read and Jack showed her what each written direction meant. Like shake. The chart meant SHAKE! Jack SHOOK it. There were a few times that it seemed like...
Romance: Another country heard from:3. "Colonel?" The intercom had buzzed and the Command Chief Master Sergeant spoke. "Yes, Tom?" "Sir. We have an incident." The door to the colonel's office buzzed and the CCMS stepped into the Base Commander's office. He stepped around the room and closed the infrared and sound canceling curtains. The colonel switched on the white noise. "As you know, Sir, there are always combat ready aircraft in the air at all times. They carry the...
Romance: Another country heard from:5. Landing at the mine, they fueled up, oiled the 710 tank, pushed the plane back in the huge white shed locked everything up and Jack held the door so Sultry could climb up and sit. "Good thing I'm wearing jeans," Sultry said. "That's twice you've mentioned that my vehicles are too tall," said Jack. "I never," she said ... but started laughing. "I did, didn't I?" "Yup," Jack said. "Supper?" "I had the folks at Regas put the leftovers...
Romance: Another country heard from:7. "Medieval Europe?" Sultry asked. "What ever for?" "It's not really Europe ... it's another planet." "We'll go!" said the Seven in One, "Hello Sultry, you're looking ... Geese, I almost said Well Fucked." Sultry grinned. "Didn't Cassie... ?" asked Jack. "She didn't say we couldn't come back," said the disembodying Powers that Be. "I distinctly remember her saying..." Jack started but was interrupted. "She said she hoped she...
Romance: Another country heard from:9. "Jack? What are we going to do with all this?" "I don't know," he answered, "All I wanted was some swords to train with." "Why did you buy all this junk?" That particular piece of junk was a Priest Gorō Masamune tachi, similar to one recently returned to Japan and worth half a million dollars. "That Rheinmettal 88 is a pretty rare bird. I couldn't pass it up. It's a Flak 41. Uses a longer casing than the original Krupp designed...
Romance: Another country heard from:10. Major Austin, "You can call me David," and his band of slightly daft 'excavators'..."We like to dig into things" ... showed up two days later. Sultry and Jack were digging their way through the first cabinet of firearms. Sultry was writing, Jack was digging. In two days, one cabinet was all they had accomplished. Sultry was writing because she watched Jack start a list and was horrified. "Give me that! You won't be able to tell me what's in...
Romance: Another country heard from:11. Virginia 610 was deserted. Turning left they negotiated the dirt road into Frogmorton. They parked the electric blue 1965 2 door hardtop, four on the floor, SS 396 Chevrolet Impala on the graveled street and took Sultry's brand new four cylinder green Jeep CJ-5 the rest of the way home. Dirty Sally the lowrider Chebby, doesn't like railroad tracks or the road to Jack's house The exhaust is set up so the tailpipe and mufflers slide back on foot long...
Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...
Romance: Another country heard from:15. The announcer, chosen for his deep and manly voice, announced, "In the normal course of events, a Hero and his caretaker have three Damsels to chose from. To make the event more interesting for you, the audience, we are passing out small tablets of paper and a writing instrument." There was commotion in the studio as this years flock of interns, chosen from the Communication and Broadcasting College of Cassandra, distributed small packets of paper...
Romance: Another country heard from:16. Jack called for his box ... ok ... he stuck his ID finger in the hole. The box whooshed in and Jack started passing out weapons, saddles and tack. He left some Conchs for a rainy day. The lid closed with a snap ... air molecules rushing and colliding with other air molecules. A small thunderclap. Seven said, "Jack? I don't think we should go out there right this minute. Somebody is robbing ... or trying to rob the bank." "How do you know?" "I...
Romance: Another country heard from:17. Oh, she showed him alright. The working folks ate the excellent stew, drank the watered wine, and left. The ones who stayed decided that Sultry was worth fighting over ... until she, and that stick she carried, killed two of the more experienced fighters. One with a jab in the throat and the other, a thump in the chest that broke his sternum and stopped his heart. A good doctor could have saved the man ... if there was such a thing on Chaos. As it...
Romance: Another country heard from:19. No matter what Sultry tried ... she couldn't get Jack to take care of the bodies ... or get to the bank. Sultry was stuck spending the night in the Inn. Chaos had a dearth of readers along with a lack of writers. The sign painter couldn't spell Jack's Place. So he painted a ball and jacks. Hey! It worked. First man to pass the signboard, said, "Jacks Place," and went inside for a drink. "Great name," he said to Art. Art hadn't seen the sign...
Romance: Another country heard from:20. "If I'm going ... let's go," Sultry said. "We can't," said Jack. "Why not?" "Our spies aren't back yet," Jack said. "Spies? Jack? We don't have spies." "We do now." "Jack? Who did you send?" Sultry asked. "Wait. Don't answer that." Who is missing? She mumbled and fumbled for a minute. "Jack? You sent Two and One?" Jack grinned. "You didn't!" Sultry said, "Jack ... Two is always looking for trouble and One is usually...
Romance: Another country heard from:22. There were two possible plans. Hide out well past the cave and wait for the well to do single rider. Capture him and subject him to a reduced dose of the sleepy drug. Sultry said the drugged always got chatty for a few minutes before sleep and ... according to what she learned ... the drugged always told the truth. Drug him and ask him why he was on the road. "Might work," Jack shrugged. "Might not," said Seven. "Fifty fifty?" asked Two, "Or...
Romance: Another country heard from:23. When Ted awakened, he wished he hadn't. Four corner tied to the bed, he was certain he felt something wet hot and slippery. At his center he saw a mane of coal black hair ... ready to say something, a golden blonde wig stared at him from the bedpost. He groaned and attempted to struggle. Something sharp bloodied his hip and he jerked away only to bloody his other hip. She pulled off with a long slow slurp. If that poke in the hip didn't sting like...