- 3 years ago
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Drew and Teri are our neighbors. I’m Jim and my wife’s name is Linda. We’d been married for two years when these events took place. I’m an attorney and Linda worked part time at a plant nursery back then. Drew is retired from the airline industry and Teri stays home or goes and does what she wants. Sometime during our first week here, Teri and Drew appeared at our door to introduce themselves, and Teri brought us a nice apple pie.
She invited us to dinner with her and Drew the following Saturday night. “Don’t worry about dressing up or anything,” she said merrily. “I’ll be lucky if I can get Drew to put his pants on [Drew snorted at that]. I’ll probably be wearing something like this.” She indicated her obviously braless tank top and shorts, with flip-flops on her feet.
They seemed pleasant enough, so of course we agreed. After closing the door we wasted no time tearing into that pie. We learned we were in for a treat if Teri’s cooking equaled her baking.
“How old do you suppose they are?” Linda asked me.
“Hell, once I passed 30 I couldn’t tell anybody’s age any more. He’s retired, but I’d bet he is still in his fifties, Teri, maybe ten years younger.” I shrugged.
“I guess that’s about right,” she said. “They must be fairly active, though, or they would probably not be so slender.” Drew carried less fat than I did. Teri’s legs were shapely without any cellulite.
“Yeah, maybe they climb mountains on vacation or something.”
“He’s retired and she doesn’t work. Every day is a vacation.”
“Well, maybe they just have good genes.” I don’t like conjecture. “We’ll ask them Saturday how they stay so fit. If she has trouble getting him to wear pants, maybe they’re nudists.”
We learned that Teri was a very good cook. Pork roast, mashed potatoes and corn were well conquered. Drew pulled me with him to the patio so he could smoke a cigarette while ‘the girls cleaned up.
“Man, Drew, I don’t know how you stay so thin if Teri cooks like that every night.” He chuckled.
“Shit, I’m lucky if she tosses me a piece of bologna usually,” he said. “This was a show for you two. She is a great cook, though. We decided as we began to feel older that we’d eat like that three or four times a year, not including the end of the year holidays. Special occasions, like my birthday if I ask. We eat more when we’re out on the boat.”
There was no boat under the carport attached to their garage. I frowned. “How big is your boat, Drew?”
“She’s a thirty-five foot motor sailboat.” He mentioned some boat brand name that I didn’t know. “That more than anything keeps us fit. We love sailing,” he added.
“Wow, an old girlfriend invited me out on her uncle’s sailboat once. I loved it. I just never followed up on it. I’ve often wished I had though. I tried to talk my parents into letting me join the Sea Scouts. They wouldn’t go for it though.”
“Too bad. You might have gone to sea instead of becoming a damn lawyer.”
“Aw, I like the Law. It gets kind of weird sometimes, but it’s mostly straightforward. Well, until a judge or a jury chimes in, that is. That’s not the only dream I gave up along the way.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, man,” he said, not explaining about his own lost dreams. “But, hey, why don’t you and Linda come out for a day sail this summer? We could even go down the coast overnight if you want to.”
“That sounds like a great, idea, Drew! Thanks a lot! I can’t speak for Linda, but I’m in, for sure.” I had remembered that evening on Hannah’s uncle’s boat many times through my life. I would love to go sailing and take Linda along; or she could stay home if she wanted to.
“Sure. Let me show you some shots I took last year. Maybe that will convince her. Women practically wet their pants over sailors, you know!” He laughed at his own joke as we went back inside.
There was a built in bookcase in the living room. He pulled a photo album out and we sat on the couch while he located the pictures he wanted. God, the boat was beautiful. Thirty-five feet looks a lot bigger than it sounds, even in a photo. Teri and Linda brought their wine in and sat with us.
“Honey, look. This is their sailboat,” I said, turning the album so she could see the pictures. She was impressed, too.
“Drew says that’s what keeps them fit. Wait...”
I turned back to Drew. “The two of you crew this thing alone?”
“Mostly, but we like taking a friend or two along.” He turned to Linda and repeated his offer to take us with them.
“Sure, that sounds great!” she said.
Then Teri said, “There are two pretty fair-sized cabins and a really nice galley. I insisted on that when we ordered it. AND a full sized ‘head’, full shower and tub, in there.”
We took our leave with much gratitude for the hospitality. At home I told Linda about my sole time sailing, and how nice it was. “The evening was summer warm and I was 17. My girlfriend was just back home from her first year in college.”
“Wow, a college girl! What a charmer, you must have been.”
“Hey, smartass. I charmed you, didn’t I?”
“You sure did, baby,” she said, snuggling tighter to me. We had poured a drink and we sat on our couch at home.
“Anyway, this was a catamaran – two hulls, you know? We sat on a board at the front that connected the hulls, so our feet were only about two feet off the water. The only sound was the water hissing past the hull as we moved. It was a fine place to make out.” Linda chuckled.
Then she stopped. “Wait, who was sailing the boat?”
“Oh, her uncle, her dad and her brother were aboard. Otherwise the most we could have done is sit on the thing tied up at the dock.” She laughed.
“Well, it sounds like a good time, going along with the Kimballs,” I said, draining my drink.
We went to bed and made love. “I thought you wanted to go to that clothing optional place,” Linda said quietly near my ear. We both sleep naked and that night we were feeling like making love.
“We can do that too. I’ll be a partner by next summer and I’ll get twice the vacation I do now. When we go sailing, I’ll only need one day off, or two if we go overnight.” Linda was quiet for a few minutes while we kissed and got our motors warmed up. I pulled my head up to look at her. She gave me a peck on the lips and explained.
“I was just imagining if sailing with them could turn into a naturist adventure. You know, out there alone, the four of us. Probably we’ll be in our swimming suits anyway. As fit as they are, I bet they have a lot of sex.” I had to chuckle at the thought. Being somewhat older, they’d make an interesting picture making love.
“Hmm. I hadn’t thought about that.” I tried to picture Teri nude. Her tits were a nice softball size, and she was slender. I wondered if she colored her pubic hair the way she did on her head. Or maybe she just shaved that off. I posed the thought to Linda.
She just gave another giggle as she dropped down to take my erection into her warm, wet mouth. I couldn’t help but wonder about Drew then, too – how well-hung he might be. But there was no way of telling that when he was covered by baggy shorts.
We loved ourselves to sleep and slept soundly all night. In the shower the next morning I thought about the discussion in bed the night before. Then I thought about some of the things I fantasized about being nude with our new friends on the water. I didn’t really have a problem with being naked. But if there were a lot of other people around and I was alone, I guessed it would be okay. I had talked to some people about it. They said there wasn’t even a hint of an erection – not for any of the men that they’d seen.
By the time I met Linda, I’d lost my self-consciousness – both about being naked around other people and the fact that I regularly shave my pubes. She thought it was cool, too, because her pubic mound had been hairless long before we had met. We’ve been together ever since, giving each other touch-up shaves from time to time. Hairless sex is incredible.
But imagining being together nude with our neighbors, I wondered if they’d react negatively to my hairless state, or even to Linda’s, even though it was common enough among women by then. And with the company being limited to the two couples, how would my dick react?
I talked to Linda about my thoughts. “Well, some of that literature you gave me actually addressed ‘the stray erection’ (as if the visual THAT gave me wasn’t enough to set me off! Imagine a stray erection bouncing around on its balls... ). Anyway, it said if it happened, you are supposed to cover it with your towel until it goes away.”
“Yeah, I read that. But that was assuming you’re among a group of strangers. I’m talking about us being naked with them on the boat, far from anything or anybody else.”
“Well,” she said, “that shouldn’t make a difference if you aren’t already thinking about it.”
“You know as well as I do, honey, that it would be very different. What if one or both of them put the idea in our head? Maybe they’re over there fucking and talking about how they want to do us, sort of the same way we are. You know I can’t exactly control an erection. What then?”
Linda was quiet long enough I thought she had gone to sleep. But she took a deep breath and sat up. “Well, answer your own question. What then? What if Teri corners you in the galley or head and tells you she wants to suck you off?”
“My response would be the same as if we were just at a party or somewhere like that. I’d gently turn her down and get out of the corner.”
“What if you were single? Would you let her do it then?”
“It would depend how Drew felt. He would probably have dropped clues into the conversation along the way if they wanted to play.
“But I’m not single. What if the tables were reversed and he cornered you with a stiff dick? How would you respond?”
Linda looked me right in the eye and said, “That would depend on my agreement with you. If we had decided to allow others into our sexual world, I might allow it, but definitely not without your agreement.” She hesitated before adding, “Drew is kinda cute, though. Teri, too. I would ask him if I could rub my pussy on his bald head.”
“I’d kinda like to see his expression when you did,” I said with a laugh. It did sound kind of sexy though.
We had not, until that night, discussed sharing our bed and bodies with others. I don’t know why, exactly except in the interest of honesty. We had told each other about past relationships, but ours was a first marriage for us both.
That night, though, her answer was so straightforward and openly honest, I was dumbfounded. All I could say in reply was, “Well, that’s fair I suppose. I can agree to that, and I would promise you the same consideration.”
Summer faded. Autumn turned to winter. Linda and I had several discussions about opening our marriage to include other people. As far as I was concerned, as long as I was with her, I didn’t think I’d mind if we invited another man to share her deliciousness, if that would make her happy. And I certainly wouldn’t object to another woman with us.
Linda was still unsure about that but she said if I wanted to watch her fuck another guy, she’d be willing. But she added that she didn’t think I could take it if she did. “You know I’d enjoy it, and you’d probably stop it when you saw that. What if he made me come harder than you do? Think about that.”
“You might be surprised, honey,” I told her. I pondered her last caution. How would I feel, watching my sweet little wife riding some other guy’s cock like a mad woman, screaming at the top of her lungs? Thinking about it was making my erection harder, though.
It didn’t escape Linda’s notice. She had me in her wet mouth in seconds. I think she understood why I’d gotten so hard so suddenly, too. I felt a door open somewhere inside me and I was okay with it.
Thinking about it over the following days, I realized that if that did happen, it would mean I’d get to realize my two women fantasy. That led me to thinking again about Teri. Linda said she was ‘cute’. But that was meaningless, really. I found it easy to imagine fucking Teri while Linda (and Drew, I suppose) watched.
Over the short winter months, we saw them fairly often, living right next door. We invited them to dinner and I made my very best deep-fried Almond Chicken, dipped in a corn starch and egg white base and coated with chopped almonds. They loved it as much as everybody I’ve made it for has. I thought back on Linda’s almost challenging words that night. They could be taken several different ways and have been just as honest in any case.
With the colder weather that time of the year, more layers of clothes went on, so no more ogling bare legs. Instead, we bonded with them more as friends the more we hung around with them. We all got to know a little more about each other.
Being older than we were garnered them some respect to begin with. But personally, they became friends so that the years between our ages meant a lot less. They were more like older siblings or something, not at all like parent substitutes.
After they had eaten Thanksgiving turkey with us, Linda hugged them, as did I, and wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving. Linda kissed them both and I gave Teri a peck on the lips before they left.
As we cleaned up whatever dregs of drinks were left and straightened up a little, Linda wrapped me in a hug and curled my toes with her kiss. “Wow! What did I do to earn that?” It wasn’t that we never kissed that hard any longer; we did – we still do now, years later. But it was so sudden it surprised me.
Linda was giving me what I called her ‘secret grin’ she had when she was holding back from telling me something. “Oh, well you may have noticed Teri having quite a bit of the punch.”
I agreed that she seemed to be feeling no pain. She usually stuck to wine or a small drink or two. The punch was loaded with vodka, and strong.
“Well, according to her and that friend of hers from up the street, Nell, you have the nicest looking butt in the neighborhood.” I grinned at her.
“No shit? That’s cool.” The truth was I was embarrassed. So I said, “He hasn’t said anything yet, but I know where Drew’s eyes go when you move across a room. It was more obvious back in July and August when you wore fewer clothes, but tonight he loved watching your legs below your hem.” She’d worn a brightly patterned dress that came to mid-thigh on her, when she was standing up.
So as I brushed my teeth, I decided there was nothing troubling on the horizon. But her words still bothered me a little. We made love twice that night, including jokes about being thankful and how nice my butt was.
A few weeks passed and it was Christmas week. We went to a party at my firm, shook some hands, had a drink and left. We went to a party at the nursery that we both liked a hell of a lot better than my office party.
We went to neighborhood parties and hosted one -- a Christmas barbecue/pot luck party -- at our house for the neighborhood (I worked at the grill in my parka). Of course, Drew and Teri were at all the same neighborhood parties we went to.
They treated us to Prime Rib on Christmas since we had them over at Thanksgiving. Of course, dinner was made by both Linda and Teri. While the roast was in the oven at Christmas, Drew and I went out back for a smoke. I had taken up the practice – not yet a habit – a month or so before.
“You know, Jim, I have a great idea. I think a guy should be retired until he turns sixty-five and then go to work.” I told him it sounded good to me. Later, Linda related all the things they talked about while Drew and I were smoking or in the garage TV room they have.
Our neighbors were, indeed, home nudists. “They cruised down to California somewhere summer before last – when the weather was so bad here, remember?” I nodded. “They looked up a place they could moor the boat and walk right up into a naturist campground.”
“So ... what? They just stripped down and went native?”
“Oh, no. You haven’t done your homework. The difference between ‘naturist’ and ‘nudist’ is that at a nudist place everybody is nude and things are a lot less rustic than at a naturist area. That’s more like the clothing optional places, where you can go bare or not, according to your whims.”
“So, you said this place they went was a naturist place?”
“Yeah. Teri said she felt nervous and so did Drew. So they went up to a snack bar and had burgers. After watching all the people around the snack bar, she said they were ready to shed their clothes. They both went topless back to the boat where they stripped down and grabbed some towels to sit on. They made some friends and even made some connections with relatives who some of these people knew back where they were from. She said it was one of the best times she’s had in the years they’ve been together.”
As spring came on we’d frequently grill out back together, either at their place or ours. One evening Drew said he had the boat ready to go, but he didn’t want to risk running into spring storms.
“You got it ready so soon?” I asked. “I’d have been glad to help, if you’d asked me,” I said. I’d been hoping to learn more about sailboats than that they were great places to make out.
“Aw, wasn’t much to do to it – at least for me. The guys at the marina dragged it into their dry dock and did all the work. I just replaced a couple of worn lines and Teri and I cleaned up the cabins and stuff. Just spring cleaning, really.” He laughed and added, “The hardest thing I did was write a check!”
“Well that’s great!” I said. I guessed I’d be able to learn more when we actually went out.
“Yeah, it’ll be warm enough soon – as long as nature doesn’t shit on us like it did last year.” The year before was a very cool and rainy summer there. Linda and I had nicer weather where we lived before, farther inland, but I remembered the weatherman talking about the terrible rain and overcast they had.
By May, the local weatherman was predicting clear, warm days and easy nights for the foreseeable future. Drew assured me the guy could only look at his crystal ball for a week at most, however. Finally, on a Monday the middle of May, Linda told me that Teri had come over for coffee and asked if the following weekend would be time enough for us to get ready for a sail.
“I told her I thought so, but I’d have to ask you.”
“Yeah, I mean, what do they need for us to do or get? Drew just shrugs it off and says our clothes and stuff would be fine.”
“Teri made sure she mentioned swimwear,” Linda grinned and went on, “but she said not to be surprised if we found Drew naked when we were anchored somewhere and he had a few drinks.”
I grinned back at her, but my eyebrows went up. “Remember back when we wondered about them? Maybe this is where they start.”
“What do you mean, ‘where they start’? Do you think they’re serial ... what? Seducers? Predators? Killers? You think they want to get us out there and seduce us?”
“Well, maybe. Why not?” Our words reminded me that I still didn’t know what she had meant back in that other conversation. “By the way, I was wondering if you would tell me if some guy came on to you. You would, wouldn’t you?”
“Well, I will if you want me to. But what do you mean?”
“Well, I’m sure you’re friendly to the customers that come into the nursery, and I presume some have flirted – and you flirted back. I mean if some guy wants to take you out, wedding ring or no ring.”
“Yeah, we covered all this back when we were first getting serious. Don’t you remember?”
“I know we talked about flirting. That was how we caught each other, after all.” I hugged her to me tighter.
“But we are a few years older now, and I hope wiser. I’d want to know if you allowed an interest to develop, even accidentally, though that never really happens by accident.”
“Of course. And you’re right, that isn’t an accident. There is no one I want but you. Can you say the same to me?”
“You know I can. You are my life.”
“Oh, Jim, you also have your job, secretaries and clients; enough interests to fill your life without me.”
“But honey! I almost shouted as I jumped off the couch. “You’re the part of my life that makes all the other stuff bearable. It gives me somebody to do all that for, and stay sane with all the rest.”
“But it may not always be enough – for either of us, babe,” she said tiredly, and she rose to go to bed.
I was a little worried by that. I locked the doors and turned out most of the lights. We left a kitchen light on low as a night light. I hurried after Linda and caught her brushing her teeth. She was bent forward, her pale butt gleamed in the bright light. I pulled off my clothes and crowded in behind her suggestively, my rising dick poking her ass.
She nudged me gently and spat into the sink. “Jesus!” she spluttered but laughing. “I nearly swallowed the toothbrush!” She rinsed vigorously and kissed me with a grin. She gave my dick a gentle jerk and encouraged me to hurry.
I left for work the next morning promising to pick up a “really good” bottle of Tequila and the same of Irish whiskey. Along with limes, a case of beer and mixers, that should do it for beverages. Linda assured me the Kimballs would supply the coffee and/or teas of choice, plus the food.
It was only Tuesday, so picking through clothes could wait, at least for me. Linda had already been at it for her stuff. I figured a couple pairs of shorts, a few shirts, and swim trunks. Along with some deck shoes and flip-flops, I figured that should do it. I’d talk to Drew to see if there was any need for ‘dress-up’ stuff, like slacks and button down shirts.
Drew said he always keeps a pair of slacks and a couple shirts aboard. “Some of those fuckers are hoity-toity assholes and ask us to dress ‘casually’ for their parties.
“They don’t mean speedos and bikinis. Teri likes to play yacht owner, so I go along to get along, as they say.”
Yeah, I was familiar with the sentiment. So I tossed in some no-iron slacks and two permanent press shirts too.
Drew’s reference to speedos made me wonder if he, like European men I’ve seen in photos, had stayed with briefs, as I’d worn back when I was ten and most men dressed that way to swim. Well, whatever, I thought.
I’m comfortable in my trunks. They aren’t surfer baggies, not briefs, just loose and a little shorter than my street shorts.
Since the weather had warmed up, the times we were with the Kimballs gave me an opportunity to reassess Teri’s body. She was definitely slender. Her breasts seemed to still have little sag. Her butt looked tight and it had acquired some fleshy roundness, despite her otherwise fit appearance.
Wondering if Drew had trouble keeping her in her panties like she claimed to have with him, I decided I wouldn’t mind seeing her naked.
Drew was also slim. He did have a small beer gut, smaller, though, than mine, though I’m heavier in the chest and shoulders. Evidence of years spent reading and physical work growing up, rather than flight school and piloting jumbo jets – or as Drew was quick to point out to me, navigating those jets. That had been his job.
“The big bucks and the horniest girls go to the pilots and copilots. Teri was a flight attendant when we met, did she tell you guys that?”
“Not as I’ve heard,” I said. “That sort of explains your levels of fitness.”
“Oh, shit, you aren’t one of those guys, are you? The ‘fitness nerds’?”
I patted my extended belly and said, “Oh, no! Not in a million years! I may live to regret it but I’m not like those guys. I have a gym membership my firm pays for, but I only go four or five times a year.”
“Good. I might have had to make you walk the plank if you were,” he laughed.
Saturday morning dawned clear and calm. We waved to them across the yard as we gathered everything we thought we’d need. Linda brought out two suitcases! “Oh, come on, honey! We’re only going maybe overnight and maybe two nights. You can’t need all this shit.”
“But babe, there’s all the extra stuff in case...”
“In case what? In case we get shipwrecked along one of the busiest coasts in the world? Trim it down to one, at least.” I was taking an overnight wheelie bag that had more than enough room.
Drew honked out front. I went out and explained. Teri rushed inside and helped Linda sort out what she could possibly need – down to the tampons that even I knew Linda wouldn’t need for at least two weeks.
They came out and we loaded everything up. Linda had cut it down to her smaller suitcase. We were off. Teri reached a thermos cup back to Linda and Linda sipped.
“Ooh! Hot!” I caught the scent of whiskey. Linda handed me the cup and watched as I slurped. It was hot, but it was also laced heavily with whiskey.
“That’s ... uhhh (I gasped) ... hot all right. Nice afterburn, Drew. Did they teach you that in flight school?”
“Haha! All that and more, bud! I’ll tell you all about it sometime.”
Teri told some racy stories about being a single “stew”, short for stewardess, a term that was politically incorrect these days. I was surprised to hear stories about some pilots – some friends of Drew, some not – and how Teri went to parties with them and got loose and wild. Drew held his end up with stories, about passengers more than crew, that he had bedded in the old days.
As I listened, I realized these stories were a part of what made their relationship work. They were things they had lived through separately but could enjoy without jealousy between themselves and friends they met, like us.
The more I listened, the more I learned. I already had known that jealousy was a backward emotion. It is a sign of selfishness, tying a person or thing unjustly to oneself. Call it an epiphany if you want to, but suddenly it didn’t matter if Teri liked my ass, or Drew liked looking at Linda’s legs and tits. Linda would stay with me as long as our life together was satisfying for her. I was free to make the same decision for myself. For now, we were happy together.
I’ve been tempted at times. But it wasn’t like there was any danger of me acting on those feelings. I just wouldn’t. Linda was too important to me. I loved her and being married to her was too important to risk losing her. I trusted her to feel the same way.
But as she had said, “sometimes love isn’t enough, babe”. I knew there would be warnings if that ever came to pass. I just hoped I’d be smart enough to notice them if they were there.
We unloaded their SUV and got everything onto the boat. Teri showed Linda our cabin and Drew began to explain all the motor controls and safety switches to me. We sat on the bridge, Drew in the command chair, of course, and I in the mate’s chair.
He cracked a beer for each of us and sat back. It was only seven thirty in the morning, but I figured I might as well have one. He took a long pull and waved to the women who, unbeknownst to me, had been releasing the ropes attaching us to the dock. They had both stripped to bikini tops and shorts. ‘A step at a time,’ I thought. I had a feeling where this was all going. I was not unhappy.
Drew piloted us out of the harbor. “The wind seems fair. Would you like to start to learn to sail?” he asked me when we were clear of the jetty.
“Man, I thought you’d never ask!” I was overeager.
“Okay,” he laughed. “The first thing you need to learn is, if you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, you need to wait to be told. Calm down first. Want another beer?”
“No, I don’t think that would calm me down.” I said.
“How about a toke then?”
“A what?”
“Oh shit you are young. A toke; a hit; a puff on a joint – marijuana, weed!” He laughed.
“Oh.” I could have been knocked over with a feather. Here was this ‘old guy’ offering to get me stoned.
“Well, it’s not a big deal either way. I’ve been sailing so long I could do it drunk (though I never would) and being a little stoned helps me to concentrate; feel what the boat wants to do.”
Now he had me feeling like a pirate. “Well, yeah,” I said. “I’ll try a ‘toke’ with you.” My voice hardly broke at all.
I had friends in school who offered me a hit from a pipe. I smoked it. I smoked some more. It was fun, but I knew I had more important things to do. So I passed it from then on. Until that day with Drew.
Drew called to Teri and she led Linda up from the afterdeck. Drew asked Teri to bring the bag from the compartment in their cabin. Teri spun on her heel. When she returned, she set a small tray down on the map table. Along with a rolled plastic bag and a deck or book of rolling papers, were two different kinds of cheese and three kinds of crackers. “You roll one up, Drew,” she said turning again. “I’ll be right back.”
When she again appeared, she had a bottle of wine, glasses, and two beers for Drew and me.
“Take notes, hon,” I said to Linda. “When we get a boat, and I’m the captain, you’ll be First Mate. You’ll fetch the wine then, wench.”
“Hey, don’t get carried away there, Captain Kidd. Pirate captains were elected by the crew. I learned that on the History Channel.”
A lazy day on the water, sun shining, warm heat on the boat deck. She's lying on her towel sunning herself and gets really hot. She slips off her bikini top to reveal her full breasts to the sun. Not only the sun is graced with her beauty, the sailor below deck is treated to an eye-full when he happens to venture above. He comes to stand over her, blocking the sun on her body. She opens one eye to peer up at his silouheted frame. The expression on his face is one of pure lust. The urge to grab...
EroticIn the morning after showering, dressing and catching up on Lush happenings, I was ready to start my day. I was to meet Trevor out front and we would spend the day traveling to a work site some hours away where we would continue his project. Gathering my things, I first gave Cheryl a good-bye kiss as I always do, waking her in the process. She wished me a good day and I did the same. As I was swinging the door open, she called out, "Bill, be nice to him, okay?" I agreed and she added, "I love...
MatureTo his surprise found his favorite color underwear that Mona was wearing. Her beautiful thong was wet from her excited dripping pussy. Slowly, I made my wife stand up that Nolan can have a better look at her ass. I lifted up my wife’s black dress to give Nolan another full view of her nice firm ass. This drove him crazy and started to touch it talking and mumbling with soft words admiring how beautiful her ass was. Nolan got on his knees and started to kiss her ass cheeks telling me how lucky I...
Bisexual"I like that one! I want that one Nathan!" Callie exclaimed as she and Nathan looked through different housed on the Internet. It was a nice three bedroom Spanish style home. The location was somewhat far from where Nathan would be working but very close to a local college where Callie hoped to get a job. "Well that one looks like a really good choice. I like as well. The price is good too. I'll be sure to call about that one first thing tomorrow morning. We still got a temporary company house...
IncestI'm a single, attractive 26 year old female who is attracted to both males and females. Last, week my company sent me to Boston to meet with a prospective new client and his secretary turned out to be a fellow high school graduate. I didn't recognize Sally at first. Besides the eight-year gap, she had lost a tremendous amount of weight and undergone a complete makeover. It was hard to believe that she was the same chubby girl I'd teased back in twelfth grade gym class. I would have thought that...
The short version of this ad is simple, we are looking for a bisexual or bi curious woman to be our girlfriend/wife to share our lives with the both of us for a long time in and out of the bedroom. We just celebrated 14 wonderful years together and we want to find our wife to join us for the many years of happiness still to come ;). This is a long ad so please read all of it so you can get a good idea of who we are and who we are looking for and you will get to know what we are looking for in...
Deborah shook her head in despair when the instructor in her photography class gave her the assignment to do a series of nude shots. She had been taking the class for the past several months in hopes of getting a nice hobby that would get her mind off of the Barone family, which was driving her crazy. Especially Raymond. But she wrapped her mind around which she could get to do some nude shots. No one came to mind. Later that day as she was cleaning the house and she spied on Allie, her...
“Ladies and Gentlemen, you have stood with us through nine years. We have accomplished much, enjoyed great improvements across our landscape. Life in our cities and towns has changed as our needs and wants changed.” Hawk was really on fire as he talked about our recent successes against ISIS. His speech was peppered with God, Home, and Country like any good whistle stop campaign should be. “Our enemies mistook our hand of fellowship as a weakness they could exploit. American citizens were...
When he got home, he carefully extracted the gum from the baggie he'd carried it in, then swabbed it to get a clean sample of her DNA from the residual saliva. He then grew the sample in a small petrie dish, which took about an hour. The petrie dish went into his DNA analyzer, and he loaded it into his computer. Fifteen minutes after that, he smiled when he saw the digital representation of her on his monitor. She was just as beautiful digitally as she was in real life. He transferred the...
Chris was the first to get in the tub. She moved over to me and lifted her body on to my lap facing me. She kissed my lightly on the lips. Jen moved in next to me and rested her hand on my thigh. I got another twinge in my cock and groin. Chris started. "So I hear you want to talk about this?' "We'll yeah, sort of." I responded. "Go ahead." Chris said. "Why me? What Jen and I did was totally immoral." I said. Chris looked at me then at Jen. She leaned over to Jen...
We met in the airport, both waiting on a flight that had been delayed due to weather. The conversation was sprinkled with good chemistry and it was obvious that we hit it off right away. When finally left the plane, Susan and I exchanged phone numbers. Although we talked quite often since we both traveled a lot for our respective companies so it took a couple weeks before we could make a date. To celebrate our finally getting together, we decided on a dress-update at a very nice restaurant that...
Once again it was Friday Bridge at Aggie’s. Bev Chumley and Trish McMartin wondered about Carla. She was the most astute player in the group but couldn’t follow the game. What had happened to cause her to be so dreamy and far away? Using the term for the birds falling in love in the movie Bambi Bev Chumley said, “It’s almost like you’re twitter-pated Carla.” “Or like you’re involved in some kind of hanky-panky,” Trish McMartin joked. It was a week and a day since Aggie met Elliott Grinnell...
Sarah was at her friend Nicole’s house to watch a movie and spend the night. The girls were in the middle of watching their favorite horror movie when Sarah told Nicole that it was warm and that she was going to take her tank top off. While the girls watched the movie Nicole started to notice how nice Sarah’s size 30 d boobs looked in her white bra. Nicole put her hand near her vagina, on the outside of her pajama bottoms. She started to rub her vagina through her pajama bottoms. Sarah noticed...
Lesbian“We’re keeping this money for ourselves! They’d probably never find where it came from and some crooked government official would wind up with it. This money belongs to all of us. I’ve already thought about putting it back for us to buy some land with one day.” “You mean our own land? Not more land there on Crow Ridge?” Isaac asked. “Yep, our own land. I hope each of us can own a big spread, like our dads do. I kind of want to own my own ranch one day, separate from Crow Ridge ... Don’t all...
*** Legal issues: Kia Jaeger(codename Bast) is an original character and belongs to me. All other characters and core X-men concepts are copyright Marvel, Stan Lee, and other creators. I do not own any of them, nor do I profit from them in any way. Author Note: This story is based upon the story and setup in the comics and takes place at no particular point in them, but is instead treated as it’s own events separate from many of the large happenings in the comics. Also, I am not fully aware of...
Erotic FictionAny girls or aunties please contact me. Next day, when I woke up it was already well past nine. I had slept well. I found myself properly tucked in the quilt, which had kept me warm. Soon, the reality descended upon me and I realized I was still in my mother’s bed. Whatever happened last night with mom felt like a dream, but the fact that I was in my mother’s bed, I was completely naked and above all the dried stains on the bed sheets, Which were soaked with our spending, made me believe that...
IncestSolar time unit = year planetary time unit = day Both Sam and Mellos could feel when the seven melded Tetricon council, smashed against the shield. Sam turned to look at Mellos as they both held fast. A moment later Sam felt a small nudge, (Sam, how can this be of help to you? We will do as you ask though for now, we are confused.) Came the thoughts of the male elite. (If I have this calculated right, you’ll see what I am trying to do, ) returned Sam’s thoughts. Sam could feel that both...
Principal Birdie McTaggart, Friday The students surged from their seats. Clothes were flying off in a wild disregard. The cheerleaders were mobbed in a rush of wild passion, their gasps rising in bliss. Heady, wild, and uninhibited frenzy descended. From a side door, the coaches of the various teams wheeled in vast kegs of Gatorade to give the electrolytes to keep this wild orgy going. The last day of the school year was upon us. The first-annual, end-of-the-year Rogers High orgy was...
I wake up on time, and quickly get ready. I run like hell to catch my first bus and begin my dead boring commute to school. A half hour later, I'm on the commuter rail. I have at least an hour ride ahead of me, and I'm not content to simply stare into space, so I dig my personal notebook out of my bag and begin writing down the first things that come to mind. They are, no surprise, sexual. Images of various sexual positions with one or more partners come to mind. "One-way?" I jerk my head...
MasturbationMy buddy George and I have had this competition going on for years, each trying to out-gift the other at Christmastime. Last year he gave me a parrot. The damn thing hasn’t shut up since, so I was a little worried when I got to the company Christmas party. After all the other gifts had been exchanged, George took me aside and said, “Well pal, with the economy being what it is, all I could afford to get you was a little Christmas Holly. I left it in your office. I hope you’re not too...
I held my hands up like I do after scrubbing for surgery. I didn't know where to put them. At my sides would place a hand on the bare thigh of the young girl in her soccer uniform sitting next to me, the one sandwiched in the middle of the car's back seat. If I dropped them in front, they would settle on Tara's legs, my daughter's fourteen-year-old friend perched on my lap. My arms were tiring; I needed to lower them. What I really wanted to do was grab Tara to hold her still, to stop her...
Time: Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:32 PM I was practicing with my abilities at home when the phone rang. I did a quick planet- wide search-pulse for Melanie's DNA. There were faint traces all over the Boston area, even a few micro traces in France, and then I found the mother lode. Melanie was at Biotherapeutics as expected. I zoomed in to see her on a phone waiting for a pickup. I picked up my phone without even looking at the ID. "Hi Pumpkin!" "Hi sweetie! How's your practice...
‘I finally had him last night,’ the tall dark-haired woman said excitedly as she laid out her towel, ‘and let me tell you, it was worth all the hard work.’ ‘You’re kidding!’ the smaller, but no less pretty redhead answered. ‘Mmmm, no I’m not. Derek Small is amazing.’ ‘So, my dear,’ the second woman said, putting a phony sultry tone into her voice, ‘dish with all the dirty details.’ Emma glanced up from the book she was reading and just as quickly buried her nose again, but her ears were...
I had not fucked Helena in several months; although I had always met her in the neighborhood, the mall or every place. My beloved wife Ana knew that her slutty girlfriend was horny thinking about me and my hard cock; so she would not leave alone and she called me at least one time an hour, just to check where I was, or why I was so late…But one afternoon I found the perfect excuse. I called Ana and invited her to have lunch with me around the corner. I knew that I had to attend a business...
Haunted, a Halloween Drabble. I heard her, whispering in my bedroom. "You promised!" "I can't" "It's Time!" Again and again, I heard her. "Please?" Finally, I give in, and go to the trunk, and put on the dress, the makeup, the wig. I look in the mirror, and I don't see a boy. I see her. "Finally!" she says. "Finally," I agree. "We're free!" We speak as one. We are one. Forever.
“Scream all you want, Barbara.” Bob whispered into her ear, as he attempted to mount her from behind, both on hands and knees in the doggie style position. Bob had applied a tiny drop of KY on the outside of her rectum. Just enough lube to work the head of his shaft just inside the anal ring. Not really enough to allay her fear of the pain that was coming. But he found the anal orgasm with the most pain gave the deepest, longest, strongest, and most satisfying climax. Therefore...
As Abel and Christina made breakfast, she kept up the flirting in the kitchen, while Roni and Jules did their Sunday morning routine. Abel grinned, realizing that with Christina’s sensual nature, this kind of thing would be the new norm in his life, at least on weekends, when they had the luxury of more time. His new girlfriend wasn’t even very subtle as she found excuses to brush her ass against him more than a few times. He never really had a girlfriend before, of course, so some of this...
hey friends this is Kant again. today after a long time i am going to submit the real incident which happened with me few days ago. as due to some work i was not able to have sex with any one and though i tell u about my sex story. well it was my holidays and i was to visit my uncle’s house. there were 3 members in there family uncle,aunty and their daughter and mu cousin sister “Tanaya” what a graceful girl she is. she was in her early days to 18 and what a figure 34-28-34 a milky white...
Hello, everyone, my name is Rohan Kapoor and you can contact me at I am average looking guy with height 5’9 and dick size 7 inch, I have my own business in Delhi NCR,., if any girl, lady wants to catch up for a casual meeting or sex chat or one night stand, she can mail me ., privacy guaranteed, guys stay away and don’t ask for pics or contact no of girls , I won’t share it . Now coming to the story, I recently made a GF through this website only as I got a mail and we both started to date...
The roar of the engines could be heard overhead as a girl struggled to keep her red dress from flipping up in the backdraft. She smoothed the slinky red thing down to her mid thigh. She was waiting here for Danny, the friend she had made online around six months ago. He was coming down here just to visit her, but she was a little worried. The guy had never sent her any pictures of himself, but she trusted him more than anything in the world. She waited and waited, looking down at how her...
LesbianHi friends, ela unnaru andaru, na story “Sunanda Srungara Kavyam” vachina response ki thanks, kondaru ithe english or hindi lo rayamantunnaru, possible ithe next English lo rasthanu, meku emaina objection unte naku cheppandi. Cheppalante ippudu cheppaboyedi aa story ki sequel anochu lekapovachu, endukante aa story last lo cheppina nenu replies and comments ni batti thana friend tho threesome chesina incident chepthanu ani, so idi aa story ki sequel or not anedi meeke vadilesthunna. Ika incident...
It all started a few weeks ago when my friend Clare caught me looking at sissy and forced feminization porn. She was rather non-judgemental about it and agreed not to tell anyone. I was starting to think that was the end of it until she brought it up when it was just us two. "I think I could give you your fantasy," she tells me, "I've been doing some reading and I've had an idea." "What do you mean?" I asked, surely she couldn't be talking about me wearing something in front of her. I'd...
Anthony was trying to figure out how to control this new development or at least understand it. He could feel the beast bubble to the surface, as a strange scent came through the open window. Anthony was greatly interested in this unexpected reaction. First he checked to see if Leah was still asleep. Then he followed the scent out of the building. He made his way to the rooftop to get a better view climbing upward. Anthony soon lost scent as he made his way across the rooftop of the...
After a few days I was becoming bored with a quiet life on the farm. I was a little nervous about going to the pub, but I knew I would have to face the locals sooner or later. I resolved that I should go and have a pint at my usual local. I went about an hour before closing time to the Horse and Jockey, which was the only pub in the village. As I entered the pub, I was aware that suddenly everyone had gradually gone silent, as they turned to look at me. I walked up to the bar, and the barman...
Karun now surveyed those that still stood against the wall, their small and beautiful forms wracked with terror. Only one held his gaze, her chin upturned in defiance as her eyes shot blue daggers at him. He smiled but his smile seemed to freeze the defiance that stood within Karina and she shivered, feeling the coldness from the burly giant and lowered in gaze immediately. She had been crazy to single herself out by staring him down. Where would that get her? In a collar, no doubt. She could...
In the early 80's I was a young Airman 18 years old away from home for the first time. I was very thin standing 5'6 and weighing about 110 lbs. My job was an administration specialist or what some called in those days a titless WAF. My first assignment after basic training was to a unit made up of Arab officers who were in the US for training. Many of them were here for a year or more to complete training. The Egyptian commander had been here for several years and he had three...
Please bear with me for a little bit. The pace will pick up later on, but there are some things I need to say to explain how I became the person I did. I was born I 1948, the youngest of four children in my family. My brothers and sister were eight, six, and four years older than I. My parents were older than most of my friends' parents (my dad was in the Navy during WW II). To make things worse, I was small for my age, more interested in reading and drawing than in tossing a football around....
I was left standing in the clutch of Mr Kapoor wearing only my black buckle shoes and blue socks. I was still crying, I felt a hand trying to caress my back, trying to grab my boobies. I got out of my stupor to look at his face. Oh!! He was so ugly, I was so petite in front of him. He reminded me instantaneously of the old hindi villan Premnath. Only that he was stout and short he maybe only couple of inches taller around 5’6. I was graced with a beautiful height I was always the last girl in...
Sometimes I wish I was a butterfly with a pair of beautiful rainbow wings. I would take flight in the endless heavens above. My wings would assuredly brush the constant changing character of puffy clouds. Maybe my touch would bring the change itself. A child far below could gaze as the shape shift takes place. All wide eyed wonder would be played out on their face. I would drink the sweet nectar the pretty meadow flowers offer. Just to decide which brilliant one to choose from would be a...
I kept up my schedule through the end of the school year. Since I didn't have a girlfriend to spend any time with, I kept on running, with and without a soccer ball. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I worked with Davey, Kip, and Justin before the Warriors practices. I wasn't sure how productive these sessions were, but we had fun goofing around in the park, at least. And, at that age, any time spent working the ball was time well spent for a kid who wanted to be a better player. The recreational...
Author’s Note: Hey, ya’ll! Sorry for the gap between chapters, yet again. I guess I could’ve made this into two shorter chapters, but I ended up just doing one long one. Also! There’s a little sexy time in this one, so yay. Thanks for reading! ***** Two days after the hot phone snuggling session Brody and Michelle had, Brody was at home watching ‘Firefly’ (again), when his phone went off. He looked at the screen to see it was his new favorite person. ‘Hey, Sugar Baby,’ he said after...
I remember how jealous my older sister always got when I was little and my mother would brush my straight, thick blond hair. "You should have been a girl, Robin," Sis would say, shaking her frizzy, dirty-blond locks. It bothered me because I was not a girl. I was a boy. Mom would sigh and tell me that most girls would kill to have hair like mine, not only thick and straight, but bright and shiny, too. The style for boys was to wear it pretty long, so I did. As I grew up, I compared my hair with...
GayWeek one went smoother than Kenny expected. All of the guys, including the two loners, Ziggy and Eric, seemed to be getting into the spirit of things. The boys were busy and active from sun-up through dinner and their evening showers. Ziggy and Ramon were natural athletes, and easily commanded the adulation and respect of the other kids when it came to any physically demanding activities. Kenny, for the most part, worked from the sidelines as he adapted to his own responsibilities, moving...
I'm Chief of Engineering Lt. Bellona Torres of the U.S.S. Voyager. One day last year, I was standing idly staring into the warp core. My hands were absentmindedly tracing my figure up and down my sides. From my broad shoulders, to my firm, perky breast, down to my narrow waist and full wide hips. One hand traced over my ridges, a gift of my Klingon sides as is my temper. I couldn't stop thinking about an Ocampa girl we'd just brought onboard. A year old and the body of a grown woman. She was...
Monday morning, I had my three guys begin on one of Gene's oldest tractors. The beast had been sitting for over a year in anticipation of junking it. They stripped it and worked on the motor and chassis. The motor and transmission were completely rebuilt by the mechanic and Abe's crew, and the chroming of the entire thing proceeded. I didn't tell them not to do it, so they did it on their own. By the third day, the body was on and the interior was almost done. We put on new tires and...
Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...
Long Porn! I can’t stand this trend of condensing hot videos down to like 30-seconds or shorter. How the fuck am I supposed to get hard to that shit, let alone bust a nut? I haven’t even gotten my pants off by the time some of these videos are all said and done. It’s ridiculous. I like to fap like I like to fuck. I want that shit to be a goddamn experience. I’ll fuck a babe until the sun comes up. Then we’ll get some brunch, and I’ll plow her pussy for lunch. I want to sit back and jerk off to...
Free Porn Tube SitesI used to work a couple of years ago with a girl called Vicki.Vicki just turned 18 and a very petite blonde with somethingof a reputation as a girl not afraid to put out with prettymuch anyone. She wasn't conventionally pretty butto me with her almost flat chest and her cute ass she was thehottest thing I'd seen for some time. I'd had abad break up and hadn't kissed, let alone had sex, witha woman for some time. I was a good 12 years older than Vicki and we often used towork Saturday afternoons...
A gentle kiss woke Sue. Opening her eyes, she looked up into the smiling face of her big brother. She grinned and returned his wake-up kiss then wrapped her arms around him and pulled his naked body down on top of hers. After a night spent making love, it was incredible how good she felt. There were no twinges of guilt, no feelings of remorse, just a delicious sense of unconditional love and happiness. They had needed one another: he after coming back from a year in combat physically sound but...
They went upstairs. Brandi, it turned out, was a really nice person, easy to know, friendly and relaxed. But she also seemed starved for friendship, almost too eager to be with Laura. Laura really liked her, but she couldn't drive physcial desire for the girl out of her mind, or her body. Brandi was wearing a tight-fitting bright yellow sleeveless jersey. Its tightness emphasized her small, hard, round breasts, and since there were no sleeves, her sleek, muscular arms were fully exposed....
THE MAKING OF JANE Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as a c***d and had not been permitted to play the ‘rough games’ other boys his age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boys because he didn’t know how to play football or baseball or basketball or any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pick teams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skill...
It has been a long time since we had been together. The holidays are finally behind us and my treatments are working. My body is all tingly as I sink down in a hot bubble bath, preparing myself to meet You later.My mind races with the possibilities of what the next two days hold. I take special care to clean and shave so that I am ready for anything my Dark Lord has in mind. Knowing that soon Your hands will be on me sends shivers of delight throughout my body.I have the outfit You requested...
It had been about three weeks since I had sex with Katie’s mom at my house. It was an hour after a pretty good dinner of lasagna and vegetables and lemon cake at her house. We were sitting in the living room, Jen and me on their leather sofa and Tony, Jen’s husband, on a large chair next to the end table. We’d been drinking wine for a while and the conversation had gotten more risqué, when Jen told her husband, “Lauren saw Toby masturbating maybe two months ago. Can you imagine?”So I told the...
MasturbationPoppy packed her bag. Toothbrush, night clothes, stuff like that. Not her sleeping bag though. She never took that the Shellys. They had sleep in Shellys double bed since they first met when they were 9. 8 years later they were 2 beautiful 18 year olds! Poppy was curvy but in all the right places, with C boobs and long red hair. Her eyes were a stunning green and shone like stars when she laughed. Shelly, her blonde bob. Her eyes were blue like the ocean. Poppy arrived at Shellys at 7:30....
Lesbian(There is a short male on male scene in the middle, but those of you who are following this series will be happy to see justice done.) James escorted a distraught Victoria back to Lucas’ house. Seeing that she was tucked into her bed snugly, he descended the stairs and went to the doctor’s office. Lucas was at his desk; Amelia was sitting close by. He stepped through the door and closed it quietly. “What’s troubling you, brother?” Amelia asked her twin. “We have a spot of trouble,” James...
Group SexLooking back now, I can remember only one conscience attempt to defy my new master. I know it sounds strange. I mean, I'd just been raped. My pussy was sore and full of his cum, my body and mind had both been put through the ringer by a man old enough to be my dad, and for nearly an hour and a half I'd been his captive. He'd let me go and suddenly I was free, but my reaction to such freedom was definitely not normal. Most girls would have felt relieved beyond imagining. Most girls would...
In the summer of 1967, just after my engagement, I got a job cleaning dishes at The Tropicana Gardens Bowl, with fibs I was eighteen and was out of school.The pay was much better than baby-sitting or picking fruit. At the start of my senior year, I confessed and quit with enough saved to buy a neighbor's car for three hundred dollars, a two-door, 1956 Desoto, hardtop. The Desoto, a tank with tail fins, rumbled when driven. Inside, it had big front and rear bench seats, power window controls, a...
CheatingIt all started when I was sixteen fun right? horomones pumping, partying with my friends, girls everywhere and not one was intersted in me.It wasn't from lack of trying I'll tell you that, I'd ask out some one about every week and each time they'd make some lame excuse to make me leave.I have an average build I only weighed 160 and have short spikey blond hair and gray eyes,I looked good.but for some reason the female high school community decided I was undateable,then one day I was going...