Making Of free porn video

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Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as a
c***d and had not been permitted to play the ‘rough games’ other boys
his age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of health
and allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boys
because he didn’t know how to play football or baseball or basketball
or any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pick
teams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skill
and small size. This hurt him greatly, and he always avoided being
put in the position of having to be picked if possible.

During the period of poor health, he spent most of his free time doing
things around the house, since he couldn’t go out with the other boys,
like reading, playing cards or board games with the girls in the
neighborhood, and fantasy games with the girls. Both of his parents
worked so it was not unusual for the girls to come to his house after
school and play until his folks came home in the evening. He had a
younger b*****r, whom he had to babysit, so he couldn’t leave the
house anyway. As is usually the case with young girls, the fantasy
games many times involved playing dress-up, something Jason came to
like, and which eventually changed his life.

The Beginning

When he was about 13, Susan, the 12 year old little blond girl next
door, suggested during one of the games that Jason play the part of
his mother, and before he could object, the other girls rushed into
his parents room to see what they could find for him to wear. Lisa
(age 13) and Vicky (age 14) helped Susan find some of Jason’s mother’s
clothes, in the bedroom closet, they also found a wig, but decided
since Jason had long hair, that they would not need it.

They then told Jason to go into the bathroom and put on the clothes,
and come back to the living room. Jason didn’t want to do this and
insisted that he was a boy and not a girl and that he should play the
part of his father rather than his mother.

Vicky, who was physically the largest of the four said that she was to
be the father, and no arguments. She then grabbed him by the arm and
pulled him into the bathroom. Once inside, she ordered him to strip,
‘I can’t, not in front of a girl’ he said. ‘You’ll either do it
yourself, or I’ll do it for you,’ Vicky replied, standing if front of
the door with her feet firmly planted and arms crossed over her small
firm breasts.

Jason looked at Vicky, who was considerably bigger than his 5′, 90 lb.
frame, and knew that there was no way that he could make it past her
and out the door. ‘Please, Please don’t make me do this,’ he pleaded.
Vicky just smiled, and said, ‘Do it! or you will wish you had.’ That
smile worried Jason, as it was not a friendly one, but looked to be
backed with mean intentions. Vicky just glared at him and started
tapping her foot, showing her impatience. Resigning to the fact that
she could f***e him, he started taking off his shirt.

This caused Vicky to smile broadly and say, ‘Relax Jason, you are
going to like this, I think you will make a very pretty woman.’ With
that, she crossed the room, and lifted his downturned face with both
hands and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then stood back and
watched as Jason, red faced, with tears in his eyes, slowly undressed.

When he was down to only his underpants, Jason reached for the dress
the girls had found. Vicky grabbed his hand and said, ‘Not yet
buster, those (pointing to his underwear) come off too.’ Jason
couldn’t believe it! He had never been naked in front of any woman or
girl other than his mother since he was a baby.

‘Please Vicky, I can’t do that,’ he cried, and the tears which had
been welled up in his eyes started to flow down his cheeks.

Vicky was tired of all the arguing and spun him around so his back was
to her, then grabbed his underpants and jerked them down to his
ankles, with her right hand, while still holding his arm with her
left. ‘Step out of them,’ she said, ‘Please’ he cried, as she jerked
back on the underpants, which sent him sprawling to the floor.

He landed on his back with his legs open and Vicky standing directly
over him with one foot on either side of his body.

Glaring down at him, she looked at his small, almost hairless, penis
and balls and said, ‘So that’s what you have been hiding? What makes
you think I’m interested in that little worm you have anyway? It’s
too small to be any good for anything.’ With that, she reached down
and took hold of his small penis and balls and clamped her hand on
them firmly.

Having, two older b*****rs, she knew that boys were very sensitive
there and that this could cause considerable pain. As she squeezed,
she said, ‘Get up you little twerp, you’re mine to do with as I
please. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll make you a girl
permanently!’ She then pulled him up by his crotch and stood him in
front of her.

Shaking with fear, terror and pain, Jason stood before her with tears
flowing down his face, but unable to say anything.

After a short time Jason got himself under enough control to say,
‘Please Vicky, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t hurt me anymore.’
Vicky gave a broad grin and eased the pressure of her grip on his
balls. ‘You’ll do anything I want? Whenever I want? No more
arguments?’ she said. ‘Yes, Yes, just don’t hurt me anymore,’ he
cried. Satisfied, Vicky released her grip on his groin and stepped

‘First, we must put a bra on you’ handing him one of his mother’s, and
helping him fasten it in the back. ‘Next comes some panties,’ and she
held them for him to step into. As he pulled the nylon dainties up
his legs, he got a strange feeling, and trembled all over. Vicky
noticed this but said nothing, as she stuffed the bra with toilet
paper to fill it out.

Vicky then told him to hold out his arms and put a nylon slip over his
head and pulled it down into place. Stepping back and looking him
over she said, ‘This will never do, the clothes are much too old for
you. But I guess they will have to do for today. I think you will
look much better as a little girl, You can be my little s****r.’

Shocked, Jason said nothing, he was afraid of Vicky after than clamp
hold on his balls and did not want to get her angry again. Time was
running short so Vicky quickly pulled a dress over his head, put his
feet into a pair of his mothers high heels and coated his lips with a
bright red lipstick.

Looking him over, she said, ‘Yes, I was right, these clothes just
won’t do. They are too big, too old, and will never look right on
you. Well let’s go show the girls and see what they think.’ Jason
turned beet red and started to say no, then thought about that hold,
and reluctantly started for the door.

When they entered the living room, Lisa and Susan both jumped for joy
and clapped their hands, smiling and laughing at the way Jason looked.
Vicky stood behind him and pushed him towards the girls, smiling, and
looking over his shoulder. ‘Well here’s mom girls,’ but I don’t think
he will be good in the role.’

‘Did he give you any trouble?’, asked Susan, with a little grin on her
face. ‘Only when I told him to strip,’ replied Vicky. ‘Did you have
him take EVERYTHING off?’, asked Lisa, ‘EVERYTHING’ grinned Vicky.
‘Darn, I wish we could have seen that.’ said Lisa, ‘Me too!’ Susan
chimed in. ‘Maybe next time.’ said Vicky.

Without warning, Susan lifted the hem of the dress and looked up at
Jason’s panties. ‘He’s wearing the panties, but no stockings, where
are the stockings?’

Jason was mortified, first he was stripped by a girl only slightly
older than himself, then manhandled and f***ed to make promises in
order to keep her from hurting him, now he had to let a girl younger
than him look up his dress and see his shame, in wearing women’s
panties, all lacy and frilly. He swatted down on the skirt portion of
the dress and pointed to the clock on the wall, ‘Look girls, my mother
will be home in 15 minutes, if she finds me like this, we are all in
big trouble.’ ‘He’s right,’ said Lisa, ‘Not so fast,’ replied Vicky.

‘Saturday, your mother is home so you can go out. My mother is going
to visit my Aunt and my dad has to work, so we can play at my house,’
Vicky observed. I think these clothes are too old for him and don’t
fit right, so I think Jason should come to my house and we’ll dress
him up in my old clothes so he can play the part of our little
s****r.’ ‘Great’ exclaimed both Lisa and Susan, ‘that sounds like
lots of fun.’

Everybody was happy about it except Jason, but he could think of no
reason Vicky would buy that would prevent him from going to her house
on Saturday.

The girls decided they had better leave before Jason’s mother got home
and as they went out the door, Vicky turned to Jason and said, ‘you
better be at my house on Saturday, or I will tell everybody that you
were stripped by a girl your own age and dressed as a woman. The boys
will REALLY find that funny and you will never hear the end of it.’
Trembling, because he knew she meant it, he promised to be there on
Saturday as she wanted.

Jason ran to the bathroom and quickly got undressed and washed the
lipstick from his face. He no more than finished washing than he
heard the front door open, his mother was home. What do I do with
these clothes? he thought. ‘Jason, are you in there?’ she said.
‘Yes, Mom, I’ll be out in a minute.’ Not knowing what else to do, he
stuffed them behind the towels in the linen closet and finished
dressing, then went out to face his mother and hoped she would not
notice anything wrong. She didn’t, and later when she was cooking
dinner, he got the clothes and returned them to her room unnoticed.

It was only Wednesday, so Jason had two full days to worry about what
would happen on Saturday. After, thinking about it, he decided that
he liked the attention even though he did not like the way it was done
to him. He had been lonely most of his short life since he couldn’t
do the things other boys did. Not being able to come up with an
ironclad excuse for not going to Vicky’s Saturday, he resigned himself
to the inevitable.



Jason trembled as he knocked on the door to Vicky’s house and wondered
what was going to happen to him. Susan answered the door and ushered
him into the den where the girls were watching TV. In addition to
Vicky, Lisa, and Susan there was a friend of Vicky’s named Tami who
was a cute redhead and the same age as Vicky. Everyone was sitting
around watching a program and eating snacks, no one said anything
about what had happened Wednesday and Jason was hoping they had

In about half an hour, the program they were watching ended and Jason
and Vicky got into an argument over what to watch next. Finally,
Vicky said, ‘Go change the channel.’ Jason refused. ‘Jason, change
the channel or we are going to take your clothes off,’ Vicky said in a
stern voice. ‘No’ was the reply.

Vicky calmly walked over to where Jason was laying on the floor in
front of the TV and straddled him, pinning his arms down. Jason
thought that Vicky was k**ding since Tami was present and did not know
about what Vicky had done to him before. He started to laugh which
really infuriated Vicky and she called the other girls to help, which
they seemed eager to do.

‘Last chance buster, either you do as I say, or we will undress you
and let these other girls see you naked.’ Jason knew that Vicky was
bigger than him and stronger than him, but still didn’t think she
would to it to him in front of the other girls. As the other girls
held him down, Vicky reversed her position so that she was now
kneeling above his head but still holding his arms down. Jason
started to get scared, and struggled against their holds, this was a
mistake as he was no match for them. Very shortly he found himself
naked except for his shorts.

‘I mean it, this is your last chance, either do as I say or we will
take your shorts off, and I will put you across my knee and spank
you,’ Vicky said. As embarrassing as this situation was, Jason was
becoming very aroused, and could not get his mouth to work to give her
an answer. Smiling, Vicky said, ‘OK girls, take them off slowly.’
Without any vote of approval, Jason shortly found himself nude with
his erect penis exposed and the girls with large smiles on their

Jason wasn’t very big and neither was his penis and as soon as the
girls saw it they began to tease him. ‘What a cute little hard-on’
said Susan, ‘But it’s so small,’said Lisa. ‘I think it’s too small
for a boy’s, so he must be a girl in disguise,’ said Tami. ‘It is
cute’ said Vicky ‘but I think he’s really a girl too.’

‘Let’s play with it until he can’t stand it,’ said Susan, and again
without any vote, all three girls licking their lips, and to the
accompaniment of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ took turns feeling, squeezing, and
stroking his cock and balls.

Vicky then pulled him up by the arm and f***ed him over to a chair.
The other girls got a big kick out of watching his little erection
bobbing up and down as he struggled. The girls finally got him to the
chair and over Vicky’s knees, where she began to spank him with her
bare hand. ‘Please stop Vicky, I’ll do as you say, please don’t hurt
me,’ he cried. ‘You had your chance Jason, now you have to be
punished for being bad,’ Vicky said as she pounded on his bare

Jason was completely humiliated, but to no avail, and the more Vicky
spanked him, the more excited he became. She continued to tell him
that he had his chance and should have done what she said. The other
girls were watching with glee and teasing him about being stripped and
spanked by girls his own age.

About the fifteenth time Vicky’s hand landed on his sore butt, Jason
could hold back no longer and came. This got the girls extremely
excited, but because his penis was between Vicky’s legs, they didn’t
see it happen. ‘I think we should make it happen again,’ said Tami,
‘Only where we can see it,’ said Lisa.

‘But what if he tells someone,’ offered Susan. ‘No WAY!’ said Vicky,
‘What would he tell them, that he was stripped and beaten by us girls?
Who would believe him, if he tells, we’ll just say that he dropped his
pants and jacked off in front of us poor innocent girls and how
shocked we all were.’

They then took him to Vicky’s bedroom and Lisa got the brilliant idea
of tickling him with feathers. Vicky held him in a full nelson in
front of a full length mirror while Lisa took an electric razor and
shaved what little bit of fuzz was on his pubic area, then the three
girls tickled his penis, balls, crotch, legs, and chest. This went on
for a few minutes and Jason thought he was going to go out of his

Finally, Tami gave her feather to one of the other girls who continued
to tickle him with it. ‘I think I’ll help him along,’ said Tami as
she removed her blouse and bra revealing a gorgeous young set of tits.
She then gently took his ‘cute little hard-on’ in hand and rubbed it
with her breasts.

Jason was beside himself and couldn’t hold back any longer. He came
again and sprayed his juice on Tami’s young breasts, Tami squealed and
the other girls laughed and clapped their hands. Tami scooped a drop
of the come onto her finger and tasted it, then scrapped more and put
her finger to Jason’s lips. ‘Taste it little girl’ she said, ‘before
long we will find a real cock for you to suck, won’t that be fun?’

Jason’s mind went wild, it was bad enough having been stripped,
spanked, handled, f***ed to taste his cum and tormented by these
girls, what was this talk of sucking cocks, was there no end to this?
‘Time to play dress up’ said Vicky. Jason just trembled at the

Naked as the day he was born and thoroughly humiliated, Jason was led
into Vicky’s bathroom, where Lisa had drawn a bath for him. The room
smelled of sweet floral scent from the bubble bath she had placed in
the water, and she pointed for Jason to get in. Jason shook as he got
into the water and Lisa stroked his head to calm him down some. He
relaxed and laid back in the soothing water and listened as the other
girls attacked Vicky’s wardrobe to find clothes suitable for Jason to
wear. They tore the closet apart looking for ‘just the right dress’,
then Vicky remembered the outfit she wore to Easter Sunday services
three years before, which was now to small and juvenile for her, but
should fit Jason nicely.

Vicky dug out the box containing the outfit from the back of the
closet, and Susan and Tami jumped for joy when she held up the white
taffeta little girl’s dress with puffy sleeves and short skirt for
them to inspect. Vicky then dug through her closet to find the shoes
which went with the dress and into her dresser drawers to find the
frilly underwear that he was going to need to make his new outfit

In the mean time, Lisa had washed Jason’s long light brown hair, then
put a conditioner into it and did the final rinse. Jason was now
ready to begin. He was told to get out of the tub and Susan who had
come back into the bathroom helped Lisa dry him with soft fluffy
towels. Lisa grinned as she gently rubbed the towel over Jason’s
little cock and balls and Susan who saw the look on Jason’s face just
giggled. The girls then dusted Jason’s body with a large powder puff
and gave him a silky robe which was hanging on the back of the door to
cover his nakedness. They then marched him right back to Vicky’s

Vicky had laid all of the clothes out on her bed and when Jason saw
them he thought he was going to die. Tami then told him to sit on the
end of the bed so that she could do his hair. Jason knew that he was
outnumbered, and weaker than the girls and that there was no way out
of the situation so he meekly sat an let them do what they wanted.
While this was going on Vicky had slipped down to her parent’s room and
gotten their Polaroid camera. As Tami brushed Jason’s hair, Vicky
explained that she would be taking some pictures to make sure that he
wouldn’t act up too much in the future. That if he did, the pictures
would be posted all over the school.

Tami said ‘only a girl should have hair this long,’ referring to
Jason’s longer than normal hair for a boy, as she combed it while
drying it. Tami parted his hair down the middle and braided two pony
tails and tied the ends with ribbons. Vicky took pictures of this.
Then Tami put a big bow in his hair and Vicky took another picture.
Next they pulled his hair into a pony tail and tied a bow in it, again
Vicky took pictures. Then Susan said ‘Stand him up a minute’ and with
a devilish grin pulled the robe from his shoulders and threw it across
the bed. She then took a pink ribbon like the one in his hair and
tied it in a bow on his little penis. ‘Great!’ said Vicky and took
several more pictures. All the while Lisa, Tami, Vicky, and Susan
kept telling him how cute he was and what a pretty girl he’d be.

Tami then took a pair of scissors and trimmed Jason’s hair into a kind
of pageboy style, finished combing it out and placed a pink bow above
each ear. Vicky took more pictures and voiced her approval of the
final product. Jason was then told to stand, and, completely naked
before four girls his own age, with ribbons in his hair and one around
his cock, was shown the array of clothing he was going to have to wear.

Jason wished that a hole in the earth would open up so that he could
just jump in, but he knew he was stuck with no escape possible. Vicky
handed him a pair of white lace trimmed nylon panties, and told him to
put them on to cover that little girl pussy before one of her b*****rs
decided to drop in on them.

Jason put the pretty white panties on, and then was told to put his
arms through the straps of a little girls training bra, which was
fastened behind his back by one of the girls. Vicky then inserted two
small foam rubber pads into the tiny cups, filling them to the limit
of their capacity. They had him sit down on the bed as Lisa rolled a
pair of white tights and worked them up his legs. She had him stand
back up so she could pull them up around his waist when she noticed
the bulge in his pretty lace panties.

‘Look girls, I think Jason likes his new clothes,’ Lisa observed.
Immediately the other three girls looked directly at his crotch,
giggling and laughing, which caused Jason to again turn beet red from
head to toe. Susan, no longer bashful reached out with her tiny hand
and slipped it into Jason’s panties and gently took his small cock in
hand. ‘Yep! Jason definitely likes these panties,’ said Susan as she
slowly stroked him. This brought howls from the other girls as they
fell to the bed and floor with laughter. Jason if possible, turned
even redder, but dared not say a word, because he didn’t want Susan to

Susan pulled the panties down so that she could see Jason’s little
cock as she handled it. Kneeling in front of him, she worked it and
smiled as Jason trembled from excitement. The other girls started
chanting ‘go, go, go, go’ which only caused Susan to pump harder and
faster. After several minutes Jason could hold back no longer and
climaxed, shooting his juice directly into Susan’s face.

Vicky immediately became enraged, ‘How dare you get that cum on Susan,
lick it off immediately!’ Jason was dazed from his climax and didn’t
respond quickly enough. Vicky grabbed his left arm and quickly had
him in a hammer lock, while with her other hand she grabbed his hair
and f***ed him to bend toward Susan. ‘Lick it off, I said or you get
another spanking, here and now,’ screamed Vicky. Reluctantly, Jason
reached out with his tongue and licked the cum from Susan’s face.
Susan just smiled and said ‘thanks Jason.’ Vicky jerked him back
upright and said ‘you are never to shoot cum on my friends again or
it’s an immediate spanking, understand?’ A very soft ‘Yes Vicky’ was
the reply.

Lisa then took hold of Jason’s penis and tucked it back into his
panties, giving his groin a little pat as she did so. She then pulled
the tights up around his waist, and no one made further comment.

A white nylon slip with white lace trim was then pulled over his head
and smoothed out in place as it clung to his body. Tami took the
black patent leather low heeled shoes, and slipped them onto his feet
and fastened the thin straps to the shiny silver buckles on the
outside edge of the shoes. As soon as the shoes were on him, Vicky
told him to come over to her dressing table, where she sat him down in
a chair and looked at his face. Since Jason was to look like a little
girl, she applied a very pale coating of makeup foundation, a little
pink blusher was blended on his cheeks, a little mascara to his
lashes, and a light pink lipstick to match the ribbons in his hair.

The look on Vicky’s face when she was finished was one of pure
astonishment, Jason really did make a very pretty girl. She couldn’t
believe what she was now seeing, he could stand up to any of the girls
in the room for looks. The other girls were silent as they looked at
Jason, as they too realized how pretty he/she was. Tami was feeling a
little jealous in fact, but quickly pushed that thought to the back of
her mind.

Now that his makeup and hair were done, Lisa brought the crinoline
petticoats over to where he was sitting and had him stand into them
and pulled them up in place around his waist. Next they took the
pretty dress and placed it carefully over his head and pulled it down
into place and Susan zipped up the back of the dress. Vicky tied the
white satin ribbon at the waist into a big bow at the small of his
back, and Tami adjusted the flare of his skirt as it hung over the
stiff petticoats. Now fully dressed, the girls stood back and looked
him over from head to toe in silence. He really did look like a girl,
they couldn’t believe their eyes, but they knew it was true.

It was now time for Jason to see himself, and he was led to the full
length mirror in the corner, so he could see what the girls had done
to him. He was made to stand with his back to the mirror until all of
the girls were in position to see his reaction then told to turn and
face the mirror.

As he turned, Jason saw a young girl, maybe 10 years old, in her white
party dress looking back, with big blue eyes and nicely styled light
brown hair in a pageboy cut with pink ribbons in her hair. It took a
minute or two for him to realize that the pretty girl in the mirror
was him, he knew it of course, but his mind wouldn’t accept it
immediately. Deep down, he liked the way he looked, but since this
was f***ed upon him, he knew he had to look embarrassed, over this, or
the girls might catch on to the fact that he liked what was happening.

The girls were excited, and decided that they should go back to the
den and play with Vicky’s new little s****r. He was led from the room
back down the hall and as he walked he heard the rustling sound of his
petticoats and the clicking of his shoes on the floor. The feel of
the smooth nylon undergarments rubbing against his body all combined
to excite Jason even more than the girl he saw in the mirror. Once
again his little penis was hard, but this time the girls couldn’t see
it under all of these frilly clothes.

Back in the den, the girls taught Jason how to sit ‘like a proper
young lady’ which was a problem wearing those stiff petticoats. They
then had him sit on the floor and play with a couple of old dolls,
while they surrounded him and talked about girl things as if he wasn’t

Suddenly, Vicky looked up at the clock and said, ‘Oh God, my b*****rs
will be home in an hour and we can’t let them see Jason like this,
he’s dressed all wrong to be just one of us girls around the house.’
‘Right,’ said Tami, ‘back to the bedroom with you young lady’ and
grabbed Jason by the hand pulling him up.


They rushed back to the bedroom, and Jason was quickly stripped of the
dress, shoes, tights, and petticoats. The slip was replaced with a
half slip which only barely came down to his mid-thigh level. Lisa
then put a pair of tan thigh-high stockings on him with the elastic
tops so a garter belt wouldn’t be needed. Susan, had been digging in
the closet and came back with a short black mini-skirt and a white
cotton peasant blouse with three-quarter length sleeves. These were
quickly put on him and as Vicky sat him back down to redo his makeup,
Tami put his feet into a pair of low heeled black skimmers.

Vicky again looked at his face and made her decision. She used an
even foundation to give him a darker complexion, then shaped his
eyebrows, and applied several more coats of mascara to lengthen his
lashes. A coat of light blue pastel eye-shadow was applied to his
eyelids and again blusher was blended on his cheeks. She then coated
his lips with a glossy red lipstick, had him blot it onto a kleenex
and then coated them again. She then took the pink ribbons from his
hair and placed a single black velvet bow above his left ear. A
modest gold chain was then placed around his neck, Vicky decided
against earrings, since his pageboy hair style hid his ears any way.

Again Jason was led to the mirror and this time was really shocked at
the results. Before him stood the most sexy young girl he had ever
seen, with great legs, and big blue eyes. Had he not known it was him
looking back out of the mirror, he would have never guessed the truth.
Vicky leaned over his shoulder and said, ‘well JANE, what do you

‘Jane?’ asked Jason. ‘Sure, we can’t call you by your real name in
front of my b*****rs or they will know something is wrong. Jane
sounds close to Jason so that you will know when you are addressed but
just enough different to throw the boys off, see?’ ‘Oh-OK, I guess,’
said Jane/Jason, ‘but how will you explain my being here, they know
all the girls at school?’ ‘Simple’ said Tami, ‘you are my cousin from
out of state visiting, and I brought you over to be with us girls for
the day.’ Before he could reply, the girls heard the boys come in the
back door as they noisily made their way through the house.

Vicky’s b*****rs were named Mike and John and were not that much older
than the girls. Mike was 15 years old and very athletic, good looking
with dark hair and a firm muscular build. John was 16 and had blond
hair, blue eyes, and although 5′ 7′ tall, not as athletic as his 5’9′
younger b*****r. John was a swimmer and was firm but thin in build.

As they passed Vicky’s open bedroom door the boys saw the girls inside
and stuck their heads in the door. ‘Hi girls, what’s up?’ said John.
‘Hey who’s the new girl Vick? I’ve never seen her before,’ said Mike.
Tami immediately responded, ‘This is my cousin Jane visiting from
Indiana, thought we’d stop over and see Vicky…’ ‘Hi Jane, nice to
meet you’ said John, turning to Mike, ‘she’s cute!’ ‘I’ll say!’ Mike
replied. Jason smiled at the boys and looked down in embarrassment,
just the way an innocent young girl would in the same circumstances.
‘Get out of here you louts,’ snarled Vicky at here b*****rs, ‘This is
girl talk, and YOU are interrupting.’ ‘Easy s*s, we were just trying
to be friendly,’ said Mike as they both backed towards the door. ‘I
know you two,’ said Vicky, ‘You just want to get into her pants.’
‘OK, we’re leaving, we’re leaving,’ said John as the boys made a hasty

‘Well Jane you’re going to have to be careful, you’ve got both my
b*****rs hot-to-trot, and if they find out who you really are, you’re in
bigger trouble than you can imagine,’ said Vicky. ‘I know, but I
didn’t put me in this spot, you did..’ replied Jane/Jason.

‘Since you want to be so ‘snotty’ about it, I think you and Tami
should stay the night. What do you think, Tami?’ ‘Good idea Vicky,
I’ll call my mom right now to get permission,’ replied Tami. ‘No,
Jane is going to call first,’ and turning to Jason, ‘I would suggest
that you tell your mother that you are staying with your friends Mike
and John.’ ‘Please don’t make me do this,’ pleaded Jason. ‘You can
call right now, or I’ll just go get the boys and we’ll show them who
you really are little bitch… You understand?’

Jason looked at Vicky standing with her arms crossed over her chest,
thought about everything that had happened to him so far, and KNEW
that she would do exactly what she said. He immediately crossed the
room to the telephone and called his mother for permission to stay
overnight at Mike and John’s house. His mother who was very happy
that her son had finally made friends with some boys readily agreed to
let him stay out for the night. Within minutes, Tami also had
permission, but Lisa’s mother said no and Susan knew from her parents
rules that the answer would be she was ‘too young.’

It was fast approaching dinner time and Lisa and Susan had to leave.
Both girls went over to Jason and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Lisa
also hugged him and gave him a pat on the ass, while Susan, now bold
reached under his skirt and gave him a pat to the crotch. Jason was
ready to believe that this was the start of a long ordeal.

‘Enough fun for now Jane, we have to go fix dinner for my b*****rs and
dad,’ as she led the party out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.
Lisa and Susan departed, and Tami helped Vicky in the kitchen while
Jane/Jason set the table. While dinner was cooking, Vicky’s father
called and said he had been called out of town on company business and
would not be home until Monday…would the k**s be OK home alone?
Vicky assured him that everything would be fine and that they would
see him when he got back.

Shortly, the boys came downstairs and asked where their father was
since he was normally home by now. ‘Called out of town,’ replied
Vicky, ‘It’s just us for the weekend.’ ‘Well then let’s have a party!’
said John, ‘You call Tom and invite him over and we’ll dance to some
records and have a good time.’ Mike looked at John and both looked at
the girls, then grinned at each other from ear-to-ear. Vicky looked
at her b*****rs, and knew that Mike had a thing for Tami, and that
this could get REAL interesting. Decision made, Vicky called Tami
into the kitchen for a mini-conference, and told her of her plan for
the evening and that she could have her choice, but that Mike had a
real crush on her. Tami said she thought Mike was a hunk and approved
of the idea. Vicky called Tom her boyfriend, and then returned to the
dining room.

‘It’s all set,’ announced Vicky, ‘Tom is coming over and is bringing
some beer.’ Tami immediately went over to Mike and put her arm
through his and leaned her head against his strong shoulder. Mike
smiled like a cheshire cat. John sat down beside Jane/Jason and said,
‘I guess that means it me and you cutie.’ Jason was at a loss for
words and couldn’t have replied even if he had wanted to. ‘Dinner is
served’ announced Vicky, which saved Jason from having to respond, at
least for now.

All through dinner, Jason was trying to think of how to get out of
this situation. Here he was dressed as a girl named Jane, who was
going to stay over night. No parents around, a party planned, and
he/she would be expected to entertain John as the other girls were
demonstrating that they were already paired off. As he/she was
involved in this deep thought, he suddenly felt a hand on her/his left
knee, gently stroking the inside of his/her thigh.

Oh God, he thought, that sure feels good, as the gentle stroking sent
shock waves straight at his groin. As the fingers crept upward, he
suddenly realized where he was and who it was, and how he was dressed,
and what would happen if that hand made it to his crotch and found a
dick instead of a pussy. In shock, Jason immediately grabbed the hand
and removed it from his leg, turned to John and said ‘keep your hands
off buddy.’ John playfully recoiled as if shot and just smiled as he
raised his hands in surrender.

Vicky, Mike and Tami who had been watching this throughout and knew
what John was doing, burst out in uncontrolled laughter. Jane/Jason
turned red and since he couldn’t think of anything else to do got up
from the table and stalked out of the room. ‘She’s a virgin John,
you’ll have to go slow,’ said Tami. ‘And I think she is having her
period’ added Vicky. ‘Oh’ said John. This did not make him happy as
he had hoped to score with this very pretty young thing, well
something might work out yet he thought.

Jason had gone back to Vicky’s room and was huddled in the corner
trembling from the thought of what might have happened. Just then
Vicky and Tami charged in and Vicky pounced on Jason with a verbal
assault. ‘Listen you little bitch, we are going to have a party
tonight and you are going to keep John busy so we can have some fun.
You do what ever you have to keep him away from us or I guarantee you,
that I will see to it that you will entertain all three boys both
sexually and otherwise until they can’t get it up anymore. Then I’ll
spread your little slut pictures all around the school so that ALL of
the boys can have a go at you. Have I made myself clear?’ Before he
could answer, Tami added ‘Just get this clear Jason, you will talk to
him, dance with him, kiss him and anything else you have to, but John
is not to interrupt our fun with the other boys or we’ll have all
three come after you – got it!’ Both girls had Jason pressed back
into the corner and while Vicky had hold of him by the hair, Tami had
him by the balls and both were bigger than he.

‘I will do what you want Vicky’ replied Jason, ‘Please just don’t let
anyone hurt me,’ he cried. ‘Good’ the girls said in unison. ‘Now fix
your face, you have a date for tonight, come to think of it let’s
change those clothes also,’ said Vicky. A meek ‘Yes Vicky’ was the
reply. As Jason stripped, the girls got out his outfit for the night,
a bright red mini dress, cut off of the shoulder with a scooped back,
red high heels with 4′ spiked heels, sheer stockings, and a complete
set of matching underwear.

Once again Jason was stripped to the skin by these lovely young girls
and then handed a red lace long line backless bra and frilly red lace
panties. As he pulled the panties up, Vicky grabbed his balls from
behind and held them in her grip. Jason stopped dead, afraid to move,
when she said, ‘This is just to remind you of what will happen if you
screw up tonight.’ She then squeezed his balls until tears came to his
eyes, while Tami who had been also behind him stroked his ass and
fingered his little puckered hole.

Befor, he could take another breath she had inserted her finger clear
up to the knuckle and was beginning to slide it in and out. Tami then
leaned up by his ear and said, ‘nice little pussy-ass you have baby,
but I don’t think you want a giant cock up it.’ As Jason trembled,
Tami removed her finger and patted his rump, ‘be a good girl tonight
and everything will be OK.’

Vicky then pulled his cock and balls back between his legs and told
him to pull up his panties. When he did, this left his privates
tucked up between his legs and the front almost flat like a girls.
Next the garter belt was placed around his waist and the garter straps
threaded through the leg holes of his panties and the stockings rolled
up his legs and fastened in place. A red half slip was pulled up over
his hips coming to mid thigh. He was then told to step into the dress
which was zipped up in back, he could feel that the dress only came to
the middle of his back and noted that both shoulders were bare. To
his shock, Jason saw that the skirt only came half way down his
thighs. How would he ever keep John’s hands out of there, he
wondered. This time Vicky applied heavy makeup of blush, eye shadow,
mascara and lip gloss and when Jason was led to the mirror he almost
came when he saw the reflection. Looking back at him was the most
gorgeous girl he had ever seen, wearing a red satin mini-dress with
little semi-cap sleeves. Her shoulders were bare to just above her
breasts and the tight dress showed her slim waist then flared into a
short skirt. He turned slightly so he could see the back and saw the
scooped back provided bare skin from her neck to just above the small
of the back. Jason thought he was the most sexy looking thing he had
ever seen.

Tami then put the spiked heels on Jason and told him to try to walk inthem. When he stood, he almost fell and Vicky caught him and held him
steady. ‘Put your shoulders back, and push your hips out a little,’
Vicky suggested. ‘Try swaying from side to side as you walk and see
if that helps,’ added Tami. Soon Jason had the walk that would make
any fashion model jealous.

Vicky told Jason to keep practicing his walking while they changed
into their party clothes. Without hesitation, both Vicky and Tami
stripped down to their bras and panties.

Jason was beside himself as he caught side glances at the delicious
female flesh they displayed as they proceeded about the room looking
for the clothes they intended to wear that evening, fixing their hair
and putting on their makeup. It was as if the BOY Jason were not
present, just three girls getting ready for their dates.

When Tami again bared her firm young breasts to his view, he almost
fell over a chair due to the distraction. The noise this caused,
caught the girls attention and both started laughing. ‘Your ‘cousin’
must be a lesbian,’ said Vicky, ‘she seems distracted by all this
display of female flesh we are providing.’ ‘Come here Jane,’ said
Tami, and pointed to a spot directly in front of the dressing table
where she was seated wearing only her panties.

Jason walked over to the spot indicated and looked at Tami, before him
sat a pretty 15 year old girl with straight flaming red hair falling
down over her pale white shoulders. Her firm young breasts jutted out
proudly and were tipped by pale erect pink nipples almost too light to
see. ‘Jane, Vicky thinks you might be a lesbian, that seeing us nude
is getting you excited, is that true?’ ‘I…I…,’ Jason tried to
answer but the words wouldn’t come out. Standing, Tami pulled her
panties off revealing her almost hairless pussy to Jason’s view, and
again sat in the chair facing him, only with her legs spread so that
her young swollen and red outer lips were visible to Jason’s hungry
eyes. ‘You know that girls are not supposed to get excited by the
sight of other girls naked bodies Jane, why don’t you answer me Jane?’

‘I…I…,’ again the words would not come for Jason and his whole
body trembled with excitement as he looked at the lovely young woman
spread before him. His legs began trembling so bad that he started to
fall due to the unstable spiked heeled shoes. As he was going over,
Vicky rushed over and caught him and lowered him to his knees in front
of Tami’s open legs. He was now looking at Tami’s pussy at eye level
and as he watched Tami reached down and spread her pussy lips wide so
that Jason could see the red and pink inner flesh and her erect little

‘No doubt about it, our little Sissy Jane is a lezzie,’ said Vicky,
‘Why don’t you suck on Tami’s little cunt.’ Vicky then pushed Jason
forward and when he was within reach Tami took hold of his head and
pulled it right in between her smooth thighs and up against her sweet
young cunt.

‘Now , suck it.’ ‘I said suck my cunt Sissy, cunt, bitch, lick my hot
pussy, little girl.’ Jason could hardly breath due to the way Tami
held his head. His face was embedded so tightly in her cunt he was
gasping for air. As soon as he started licking and sucking on her
clit, she relaxed her hold and he proceeded in earnest.

All this got Vicky so hot she reached into her panties and started
fingering herself as she watched the beautiful young boy/girl eat out
her best friend. Finally, Tami came and Jason was allowed to remove
his face from her crotch. Vicky had fingered herself to a climax, but
had already decided that Jason would do her at some time in the
future. ‘Let’s fix your face.’ said Vicky to Jason as Tami recovered
her senses, and started putting her panties back on.

Having Jason again repaired, the girls rushed to get ready for the
evening. Tami opted to go braless and put on a black, mini-dress
which had a lace peasant type neck and three quarter length sleeves.
The neckline was pulled down off of her pale white shoulders and the
sleeves pushed up to just below the elbow. Nude pantyhose and 4 inch
black pumps made her legs look terrific, and a wide white leather belt
completed the look.

Vicky chose black lace underwear including a strapless bra, garter
belt, and g-string panty, black stockings, and a black body-hugging
nylon/lycra tube dress with spaghetti straps and 5 inch black high
heels with leather knotted in a pattern on the toe and with a strap
with gold buckle around the ankle.

‘Time to party girls!’ said Vicky, Jason looked at the two young sex
kittens in front of him and knew that he looked just as sexy as they
and that they were about to go downstairs and meet three real boys.
As all of the bad possible outcomes rushed through his mind, he
started shaking uncontrollably and could not stop. Tami got a worried
look on her face and wondered if they should f***e Jason to go through
with this.

Vicky on the other hand, looked him up and down and then slapped him
hard on the face. ‘You’re not backing out now Sissy no matter what
happens, either you go and do as expected or we just send the boys up
here for their evenings entertainment.’ Forcing himself under
control, Jane/Jason put back his shoulders and took a deep breath,
exhaled, and said ‘OK I’m ready now Vicky.’




Off they went down the hall and when they entered the den all three
boys were there sitting around drinking some of the beer Tom had
brought with him. On seeing these three incredibly sexy looking foxes
enter the room, all three whistled and jumped to their feet with broad
smiles on their faces. ‘Hi guys!’ exclaimed Vicky, ‘Ready to Party?’
‘Sure, You Bet, and Let’s Do It,’ came the replies from the boys.

Vicky immediately crossed to Tom who Jane/Jason observed was older
than the other boys, probably about 16 or 17, tall (almost 6 ft) and
well built, with light brown hair and grey eyes. Vicky quickly kissed
him and snuggled up against him, while she looked back over her
shoulder and smiled at Jane.

Tami also immediately marked her turf by moving to Mike’s side and
hooking her arm through his while she smiled coyly at him and made
small talk.

John was standing by the sofa and Jane/Jason moved towards him in a
state of pure fear. Her/his trembling made him a little unsteady on
the high spiked heels, and when she reached John she had to steady
herself by holding his forearms. Seeing her trembling, John moved one
arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, then looked
down with a look of concern and said, ‘Are you OK?’ ‘Just a little
nervous and I’m not used to heels quite this high,’ was the almost
whispered reply. ‘Let’s sit down then,’ John offered, as he gently
guided her down onto the sofa and then sat beside her.

John had maintained his arm around Jane’s shoulders while sitting them
down and now gently stroked the soft skin of the upper left arm and
shoulder as he assessed the incredibly pretty young girl at his side.
Her big blue eyes and fine features were a real turn-on, and the pale
smooth skin of her shoulders and neck looked absolutely edible. As he
stroked her shoulders and upper back, he inhaled the fragrant clean
smell of her hair and perfume and gently moved his hand to the center
of her back and up to her neck which he gently massaged. As he
continued, the trembling stopped and he tilted her chin up so that he
could look directly into her eyes and said, ‘better now?’ ‘Yes’ she
said shyly, ‘Thank you John for being so considerate.’

‘You look great!’ John said to her as his eyes slowly traveled over
her face and down over the swell of small breasts, past her trim
waist, to her great looking legs. ‘I thought you looked good earlier
this evening, but I had no idea you were so incredibly beautiful,’
John added. ‘Thank you,’ was the whispered reply as she leaned her
head back into the crook of his arm.

The evening wore on and the drinks flowed as the three couples sat and
talked and slowly passed the time. Mike put on some music and
everyone started dancing. Jane/Jason was still unsteady when he
walked, but leaned on John and whispered ‘I’ve never done a lot of
dancing, John, so please forgive my rigid movement.’ ‘That’s OK, just
lean on me and let me do all of the work,’ he replied.

John held Jane firmly against him as they danced and continually
stroked his hands over the broad expanse of bare skin available to
him, on her arms, back, shoulders, neck and upper chest. Jane, just
leaned her head against his chest and tried to follow his lead as they
moved about the floor. Slowly his right hand moved down from her bare
back to her ass and gently squeezed the flesh through her dress. Jane
just sighed and continued as though nothing had happened.

Vicky, however, had taken note of this development and when she caught
Tami’s attention, pointed it out with a tilt of her head and eyes.
When Tami saw the hand on Jane’s ass, she just rolled her eye and
smiled at Vicky who had difficulty suppressing her laughter.

Slowly, the other couples disappeared, first Vicky and Tom, then Tami
and Mike, leaving Jane and John to dance alone in the darkened room.
Seeing that they were alone, John pressed his body harder into Jane’s
and worked one leg in between hers as they danced. It wasn’t long
before Jane felt a hard bulge pressing against her stomach, and
looking around saw that they were now alone.

Jane/Jason started to panic, knowing that he/she had gotten this boy
hard and wondering how he/she was going to get away unhurt. The fear
turned to trembling, and again John placed his hands on Jane’s bare
shoulders and gently stroked her as he held her to him.

After a short while, he stopped dancing and tilted her head up so he
could look at her face, holding her chin in the crook of his index
finger. Very gently he leaned forward and lightly kissed her on the
lips, then again, only this time with his mouth open and tongue
probing into her mouth. Jane responded without thinking and soon
found herself being held as he gently kissed her neck and shoulders
and licked around her ears. All this activity turned Jane on and she
responded by kissing him and stroking his body through his clothes.
As her hand moved over his stomach it encountered that hard bulge
again, and reality struck home to Jason.

My God, he thought, what am I doing? Here I am dressed as a sexy girl
making love to a boy. Am I a homosexual? No, I like girls, even
though I have never had the opportunity to have regular sex with one
yet, so what am I doing? Is there anyway I can get out of this
without John finding out I’m a boy dressed as a girl? What will he do
if he finds out?

Without realizing it Jane/Jason had been massaging that bulge while
thinking and John was now beyond the point of return. John reached
down and placed his hand on Jane’s knee and slowly stroked upward. In
panic, Jane grabbed the hand and said ‘Please, No, John, I’m a virgin
and besides I’m having my period.’ ‘What do you mean NO, you’ve got
me all fired up, you can’t just quit and say NO, not now,’ he said.
Jason knew he had to do something for John or the boy would probably
**** her/him. John was clearly beyond his own control and would
become unpredictable if refused relief.

Without saying a word, Jane unzipped John’s trousers and reached
inside. Her fingers gently slipped under the waistband of his
underwear and slowly probed. ‘My God! It’s huge!’ she exclaimed, as
her hand gently stroked down the length of his cock. ‘We better go to
my bedroom,’ he said, ‘the others might come back.’ With this he
quickly got up and guided Jane down the hall to his room before she
had time to think about what he was doing. Inside, he shut and locked
the door, and as he turned to face Jane unbuckled his pants and kicked
off his loafer type shoes.

Things were now serious and Jane/Jason knew that the only way out was
to relieve the sexual stress this boy was under if he/she wanted to
survive. ‘Can I see it?’ she said, and gave a slight smile. ‘Sure,’
he said as he removed his pants, socks, and then dropped his
underwear. Jane’s eyes got as big as silver dollars as she took in
the sight of his 6′ cock and big balls suspended in an almost hairless
sack between his legs. Jane didn’t know that although John’s cock was
about average in length and that it’s 4′ circumference did not qualify
as ‘huge’, to her it was at least 2 times bigger than his/her’s and
that made it huge.

Jane approached him and gently wrapped her tiny hand around his raging
hard-on as she stroked him, said, ‘take off your shirt, I want to see
all of you.’ John quickly complied, and as his smooth almost hairless
swimmer’s body came into view, Jane thought he was sexy in a feminine
sort of way. Moving her hand down to his balls she gently massaged
them and guided him back towards the bed. ‘Sit down and lay back,’
she said, ‘I’ll take care of this for you.’

John wasn’t about to argue with this pretty little brunette who had
hold of his balls and was offering at least partially what he wanted.
He laid back on the bed, with his legs spread wide and his ass right
at the edge so his feet rested on the floor. As he looked down over
his chest he saw the girl kneel between his legs and resting her
elbows on his knees like armrests on a chair watched as she wrapped
her tiny hand around his prick and gently massaged his balls with the
other hand.

Jane looked at his circumcised cock and noted that the head was
turning purple and a drop of pre-cum was visible at the tip. John
could feel Jane’s warm breath passing over his cock and this got him
even more excited. Jane stroked his cock up and down and rubbed her
cheek against the head. John was breathing faster and started humping
his hips in synchronization with the girl’s stroking. ‘Suck me’, he
said, and Jane started to say ‘but I’ve never….’ when he started to
get up off the bed. Jane knew she had to do it, he was out of

‘Ok, Ok .. just lay back and enjoy,’ Jane said as she gave the tip a
tentative lick. Deciding that the taste was good, Jane proceeded to
lick the head and as John looked down Jane slowly licked all around
the head of his dick and then looked him square in the eyes with her
mouth open and his cock resting on her tongue, keeping eye contact she
slowly lowered her mouth onto his cock and John thought he was going
to faint. John restrained himself as Jane’s wet, warm mouth encased
his cock and her nimble tongue twined itself around his rim of his
knob. Her lips sipped at his cumhole, and then quite without warning,
she gulped his cock all the way down to her tonsils, sucking with
wild-eyed, hollow-cheeked, total devotion.

With both hands flat on his belly and his cock in her mouth, Jane
pumped the young man’s meat into her throat. John couldn’t take much
of this and very soon exploded in Jane’s mouth pumping what felt like
gallons of cum down her lovely throat, with some excess seeping out
around his cock onto her lips.


Expended, John reached down and pulled Jane up onto the bed and leaned
over to kiss her. As he did, he tasted his own cum on her lips and
thought that it tasted salty but good. John cuddled Jane to him and
stroked her body as he enjoyed the afterglow of the best blowjob he
had ever had. As he stroked her ass, she sighed and eased her head
onto his bare shoulder. His hand worked it’s way under her skirt and
onto her pantied ass, continuing it’s gentle stroking. Without
warning, the hand moved to Jane’s crotch and felt the little bulge

‘What the hell!’ he exclaimed as he threw the girl off of him and onto
her back. ‘Oh NO!’ cried Jane/Jason as John ruffly threw up her skirt
and tore the panties from his body. ‘What the fuck is this.’ screamed
John as he pointed to the little set of cock and balls, he then
flipped the girl over and quickly unzipped the dress and pulled it
from the slim body before him. Jason/Jane was in sheer terror and
began crying as he/she curled into a fetal position, his/her body
whacked by spasms of uncontrolled muscle contraction. John rolled the
boy/girl onto it’s back and looked more closely at this creature.

The face and hair were definitely that of a girl as were the slim legs
and smooth skin. The bra however, was filled with foam pads and the
hips were a little narrow for a girl. He stripped off the bra leaving
only the garter belt and stockings on the little boy-girl before him,
and straddling him/her with his limp cock resting on the boy-girl’s
chest, slapped him quickly and hard about three times. ‘Answer
me…Talk to me…you…you, whatever you are!’

Seeing the uncontrolled spasms racking the little body beneath him,
John started to feel guilty. He moved off to the side and after a
minute or two gathered the little body to him and gently held it as
the contractions started to lessen. ‘Please, please don’t hurt me,’
Jane/Jason managed to get out between the uncontrolled sobs ‘It isn’t
my fault,’ he/she continued after a time, ‘Vicky made me do it,’ he
finally got out. The little body continued to be racked as the
sobbing and crying continued unabated. John considered what had been
said and now felt compassion for the poor thing in his arms. He
therefore gently rocked the little body which huddled against him and
stroked it until it finally was regaining control.

Crying and trembling as he spoke, Jason told John the whole story, all
of the abuse, all of the humiliations, all of the threats, the
pictures, everything. All the while, John continued to stroke the
poor boy he held in his arms and listened to the story. Some parts of
the tale made John wince in pain just thinking about what it must have
been like for the young boy and as he listened and soothed the young
body he felt it pull closer to him and relax.

Without being able to explain it, John felt a bond with the boy and
considered all of his feelings since he met him. Yes, he had believed
it was a girl all the way up to and during the sex they had shared,
still it was not a girl, just a poor little boy terrorized by his
s****r. As he continued to think, and stroke, he felt a strange
sensation come over him, yes he could love this boy and would do what
he could to end the nightmare for him.

John told Jason what he thought and looked down at the little body in
his arms. Even though he knew it was a boy it still looked very much
like a girl and John’s body was responding. ‘ Jane, I mean Jason.
Have you ever made love to another boy?’ asked John. Jason shook his
head and continued to hug John as hard as his little body would allow.
‘Neither have I Jason, but I would like to try it with you, if you’re
willing,’ John whispered. ‘I promise that I will not hurt you in
anyway, and that no one will ever know except us.’ John continued,
Jason looked up into John’s eyes and knew that this gentle boy would
do as he said and shook his head yes.

With that cue, John gently kissed Jason full on the mouth and
continued to stroke the soft body in his arms. His right hand moved
over the smooth chest and down over the hairless belly to the small
penis and balls below. Gently massaging Jason’s groin drew an
immediate reaction from his own and Jason soon felt John’s hard cock
pressing into the crack of his ass from below, as he sat on John’s

John repositioned Jason so that Jason was straddling John’s lap with
Jason’s smooth legs extending around John’s sides. He hugged and
kissed the boy, and freely ran his hands up and down the back and
massaged the young ass cheeks. John could feel the small cock
pressing against his stomach and Jason moved up and down to cause more

Remembering the unforgettable blowjob Jason had given him, John
decided to return the favor, and placed the boy on his back on the bed
with his legs spread wide. Moving up Jason’s body, John kissed his
young neck and chest and sucked on the small nipples until they were
hard and erect. Moving back down, he kissed the smooth stomach and
licked the insides of Jason’s firm but soft thighs.

Opening his mouth, he sucked Jason’s small ball sack in and gently
rolled them around with his tongue, he then moved his mouth to the
little 2 1/2′ erection and gently sucked and licked for about 5
minutes. As he tasted Jason’s pre-cum he knew the boy was about to
shoot, so he slipped a finger under the boy’s ass and while continuing
to suck inserted his finger s

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A Joyful Experience Of TwinsChapter 7

"Enakku avanga rendu peraiyum eppadi samalikkiradhunnu theriyalainga. Avangalai onnu sekkiradha ille pirichudava? Eppadi kalyanam pannuradhu... onnume puriyala!" I really don't know what to do with these two rascals; should we unite them or separate them? How can they marry? Hmm... very disturbing." "Pirikkaradha... Kalyanam pannuradha? Ratna avanga rendu perum valarndha, vayasukku vandha, pillainga. Avangalukku theiryum avanga enna seiyiraangannu. Suppose avangalai pirikkirommnu...

3 years ago
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Nice wife to slut

As Sam and Wendy sat in bed browsing the internet looking for porn to watch, something that they had both come to enjoy over recent years, they chanced across a website where members could share amateur homemade porn. The website ran like a social network, members could share their homemade porn with other like-minded people. They were also able to friend other members, like, and comment on each other's photos and videos. There was also a video chat section, including private chat rooms.The...

1 year ago
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The Rookie Adventurer

"Today is the day!" You shamelessly shout into the wind as your family looks on uncomfortably. You ignore their judgmental stares. After years of preparation, you're finally ready to leave your small frontier village and travel to the city to register as an adventurer. For two summers, you worked your elderly neighbor's fields just to learn sword combat from a retired soldier. You spent the autumn with the best hunters in the village learning advanced techniques to aid you against any beast you...

3 years ago
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A Fuck in the woods

I woke up on a hot summers day feeling realy horny. As the k**s had left home there was just hubby and me. I shouted to him downstairs that we should go out for the day. I got showered and dressed. I wore a tight low cut top with no bra and the shortest, tightest shorts I could find. My pussy was already moist and when I put on the shorts without any undies the crotch of the shorts rubbed against my clit as I moved. It felt lovely. My nipples were hard and poked through my top.I came...

3 years ago
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The Headmasters Room pt 1

This story begins in 1985 when I was 17 and finally ends last year. “Miss Simpson! Go straight to the Headmaster’s room now!” Mr. Flanders shouted as he pointed to the Religious Knowledge classroom door. I shrugged my shoulders and slowly made my way to see Mr. Skinner for the third time that week. With hindsight, at that time of my life I was a bit like a female Marlon Brando in ‘The Wild One’. Q: “What are you rebelling against?” A: “What have you got?” I was...

4 years ago
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The Education of Josephine Ch 01

My parents chose to name me Josephine, but everyone else calls me ‘Jo’. It’s much shorter, and prettier than ‘Josephine’. I don’t like my name… When I introduce myself, I always say ‘Hi, I’m Jo’. Josephine is really old fashioned, but I guess that’s why my parents chose it, because they are really old fashion too. We live in eastern France, a village so small you can’t even call it a village. Ten houses, 30 people and an average of 60 years old among them. Lost in corn fields as far as the eye...

1 year ago
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First Time

Juliet had always enjoyed masturbation but was yet to try out the real thing, partly because she believed in waiting for the right guy and partly because she went to an all girl's high school, so lacked opportunity. It wasn't until her 16th birthday that she had her first kiss and at the age of 18 had her first proper make-out session and got the feel of a man's cock in her hand, but that did not lead to sex - due to lack of protection. Juliet was petite, green eyes, blonde hair and pale...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 16 Who Doesnt Like Mondays

There was something different in the locker room the following Monday morning before practice. Tim could almost feel it in the air as he entered. The normal early birds were already getting ready for first-period practice and, as usual, Tim was the first freshman to arrive. He was not alone for long, though. Others would begin arriving in a few minutes. After gathering his locker basket and changing into his workout shirt and shorts, Tim heard the main door to the locker room slam against...

3 years ago
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Mother of a CheerleaderChapter 2

The team was announced and no one was happier than Danica. The supreme sacrifice somehow seemed worth it, as Julie was selected for the cheerleading squad. Dani sat in the coach's living room and waited for her to speak. "I like to meet with all of the parents ... find out if they have any concerns or wishes," Sarah said. "I want us to be a real happy family." Dani had gone to the coach's house determined to set the record straight. She fully intended on letting Sarah know that she...

3 years ago
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CagedChapter 3 Coming in from Behind

A few hours into her sleep, something woke her with a start. There was no one in the room to wake her. It was almost like someone shouted into her brain. And she woke from the middle of an intense dream too. She was dreaming again about licking Master Thomas' shoes. But, in addition to wearing the shoes, he was also behind her, fucking her; and beating her with the bamboo switch. As soon as she got her bearings, the slave realized that something was different. Her legs weren't all...

2 years ago
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Lilly Coming of age Part 5

March 2007Lillie sat on Tammy’s bed and listened as her friend stood just out of sight in her bathroom talking about how excited she was about going to the prom in the dress she was trying on. Lillie was kind of glad that she did not have a current boyfriend. She did not like asking her father for money for things like fancy dresses that she was only going to wear once. She had even stated that when she got married she was going to have everyone come in their normal clothes because wedding...

2 years ago
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Umar Zyaada Mazaa Zyaada

Umar me bari, to phir maza dekho Ye baat hai navabo k shahar lucknow ki aur un dino ki hai jab mera selection medical me nhi hua tha aur maine ek school me job kar li thi, tab mujhe 10000 milte the aura b mujhe 30000 milte hain kyunki main bhut active rehta hun aur iska sabse bara raaz hai sex. Sex is love love is sex sex is fun and fantastic. Aur haan ek baat aur ye asli kahani hai islie 10 inch k lund ki khwahish mat karna aur na hi yahan koi mu k andar jhadega kyunki asli kahaniyo me aisa...

3 years ago
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Philanthropy. Part 1.Giving back to the community. That’s the basic definition of philanthropy. I consider myself a philanthropist… I got an early start in business. Always had tremendous drive and ambition, from the time I was a teen. I had multiple jobs at the same time in school, always striving to earn, to be successful. I guess it paid off. Almost 30 years into adulthood and I can look now and see my ambitions have been fruitful. A string of successful businesses, a large collection of...

3 years ago
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Enf Tales

First you have the blonde Leonie, she’s 5’11 and D-cup breast’s and a good butt. Her hair goes down to just her neck. She’s athletic but is sometimes shy. Lucy- another blonde who’s hair comes down to just past her shoulders. She’s 5’7 and has D-cup breasts and a great butt, with a good build. She is nice but very embarrassed about being naked. Then there’s the brunette Carol, who is 5’8 and has C-cup breasts that goes well with her butt. She does athletics and isn’t very shy about being naked...

1 year ago
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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW …This is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them.This is an interracial sex story.This is a story around a mother, Sara and her daughter, Toni. Sara is 43 and Patricia is 23, the only c***d. Both women have long blonde hair...

3 years ago
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My First Time Sex Experience

Hi, this is is abhay from mumbai… I am engineering student… I am 5 11″ tall normal physique… I am a regular reader of ISS from last 3 years… Before this incident I thought these are all bullshit mind written stories… But now  I  agree with you all writers… Mumbai I love you… Without more boring intro lets come to the story… Story ko main hindi me narate karunga taaki sb iska aanand le sake.. Mujhe fucking se jyada maza roleplay me aata hai…. Ye baat tb ki hai jb main apne relatives k ghar se...

1 year ago
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The Rival

Chapter 1 *Present Day* The senior prom is a night that most girls and boys never forget. For 14 students at Winnisimmet High School, it will be the last time they are truly together before graduation. For their parents, it's the last right of passage for their children as they show the world that they are no longer their little babies but are now fully grown adults and ready for the world. For the Finn Family ladies, it was the night they had dreamed about since they started 9th...

1 year ago
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Rivkah accounts of her adult theater humiliation

I met him in town and he nodded in the direction I should be walking and we started down the road. I always feel my free will and decision making skills start to evaporate around him, like my whole being just wants to do what it’s told..He looked at me intently at the intersection before finally saying ‘You should be touching my cock by now’. I immediately stood in front of him facing away and brought my hand up behind me. I could feel the hardness of his cock through his shorts and I took a...

2 years ago
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Best Laid Plans Ch 04

Chapter 4: Will work for Mai Tais. Mike Nash was the darkest black man I’d ever laid my eyes on. He spoke in quick successive sentences that I strained to understand, I made a mental note to invest in a recorder so I could play back our conversations and try to pick out what it was he was saying. Mike also wore a shirt a size too small and pants that swished way too loudly. I was sitting cross legged doing my best to appear angelic in a button down oxford shirt and Express skirt I’d purchased...

3 years ago
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The maintenance guy

In my apartment building the one maintenance guy Jim is a nice dude, likes sports, drinking,, pussy and I found out later cock. Jim is a little guy 5'3 like 110lbs. One night I'm going in my building and I see this good looking girl with long black hair going into his apartment, lucky bastard I thought. Here I get closer and its Jim! Holy shit he looks good as a chick. Next day I'm at pool and he is fixing something there and he comes over as we talk for a little, I ask dude what's with u in...

3 years ago
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Clash of the teen Titans Version 20

Things have gotten worse in the past few years and the crew has finally determined it necessary to admit a new member into its ranks. As of this morning you are now officially a Teen Titan. While the few people who know you personally may call you John Sean, the world will now know you as Lancer. You’ve spent all day going around the tower with Cyborg getting acquainted with the tower’s equipment and protocols. By the time you finished working and decided to eat you realized it was already...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 41

Tamara's ringing phone woke me up that Friday morning. I heard her answer, and then felt her leave the bed. I rolled over and saw her walk out the bedroom door. She quietly closed the door behind her. I was curious; was she being quiet to not wake me or was it she didn't want me to hear her conversation? I couldn't believe I was doubting her. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I came out I could hear her yelling. I opened the door and started down the hall. As I turned the...

3 years ago
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Miss Molly

Das habe ich nun davon Eigentlich hat es mich nur mal gereizt, wie es wohl ist, eine sehr mollige Frau zu sein. Wenn ich die dicken Frauen so beobachtet habe, wie sie ihre Gew?nder tragen, wie sie mit ihren strammen Schenkeln laufen, wie ist das so? Wie f?hlen sie sich dabei? Meine Neugier, einmal solche Kleidung zu tragen wurde immer gr??er. So beschloss ich, mir bei Ebay eine Ausstattung f?r mollige Frauen ab Gr??e 60 zu ersteigern. Eigentlich klappte alles auch ganz gut...

1 year ago
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The BookChapter 10 Out of Print

Something odd was happening. Jorge noticed the noises in the room had stopped. He wondered if thiopental deadened normal senses. They said the effect was different on everyone. The white cloaked man asked him to count backwards, so he had laughed. Laughing failed to stop the drug from working however. Some questions he ignored at first. But then he started telling them about the caves in Denmark and then Edda. They seemed very interested in anything about the symbols. They never heard of...

1 year ago
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My name is John and I"m 21 and i have one sister Tiffany and shes 20. But last year she went at the college i go to, and when she was in high school i realized she was extremely hot. She grew from an ugly ducking to the beautiful woman that was standing in front of me. But i could barely contain my massive boner that was growing in my pants when i saw her double D"s almost bursting out of her shirt.And when we both came home for the holidays our parents would be happy as ever to see us. On...

2 years ago
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Sex With Soma My Friend

Hi friends. This is Anil again from Orissa with a new story. Thanks for your feedback for my previous story (sex with phone friend) on July 21st 2010. Thanks to ISS to publish my story. Let me introduce myself for the new readers. I am a boy of 28. Height 5’11’’. Weight 69kgs. Average health, White complexion. . I work as a Sales Officer in a MNC. Let us come to the story It was the month of July 2008; I had been to Rourkela for my job for 2days. I received a call. The sound was form a girl. Hi...

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The Clairvoyant

The Clairvoyant My life is just about perfect in every way. I am an emergency physician, most of the time working a pre-determined schedule, which gives me time to enjoy time on the golf course, riding my bike, exercising on a regular basis and making a good living, just under $400k each year, is not bad at all. When my parents passed away, since I was an only c***d, their home was left to me. Since it was paid for, I moved in, selling the home I was purchasing gave me a nice bank account,...

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JulianaChapter 7

Was this body the same body she'd been born in – the same body she brought into Chicago? Or, more recently, the same body she lived in when she first rang the doorbell of this villa? Lying in her bathtub Juliana Austin wondered who she was – or rather who she would end up being. Her right hand caressed her leg under the foamy surface of perfumed water. It travelled from the hollow of her knee around her thigh and up to her crotch, feeling the folds there – baby bare, swollen and tender to...

1 year ago
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The Waiting Room

The Waiting RoomIt seemed simple enough... show up at the agreed upon address, let myself in, strip, and wait as appropriate "As appropriate" had never made much sense to me.  I hadn't taken her for being a form oriented domme, expecting me be to kneeling in supplication, palms up or hands behind my back, prefacing any and all responses with "Yes, Mistress."  I am a bottom, fairly dominant in my life, desiring experiences of erotic sensation, most all forms, sensuality to pretty severe, a...

3 years ago
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55 Saal Ki Bua Ki Jabardast Chudai

Hello ISS readers, sabse pehle to mai ye bata doon ki mai is site ka bahut bada fan hoon, specially incest stories. Aur iske alawa wo stories bhi jinme chudne wali auratein “MILF” category ki hoti hai. Khair aap sabka jyada samay barbaad na karte hue mai sidhe story par aata hoon. Mera nam Ankur hai aur mai 23 saal ka hoon. Baat ek hafte pehle ki hai jab meri bua jinka naam Maya hai kuch dino ke liye hamare ghar ayi thi. Bua 55 saal ki hain zaroor lekin fir v 45 saal se jyada ki nai lagti thi,...

2 years ago
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The PickupChapter 3

For the next three days, my phone would ring a little after 1:00 in the afternoon, and it was always for Josh. It was Mary Lou calling. Josh would come up with an excuse for why they needed to play in the woods. His mother just smiled and gave her permission knowing Josh was probably getting his ashes hauled by Mary Lou. My week off was over, and it was back to work. I had hoped Pat would have worked out a plan for her and Josh and be gone before I had to leave. But she hadn’t, and I could...

3 years ago
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"What is going on, have I tamed him so easily?" I thought to myself as I watched him slowly crawl through the small opening and into my bath. My heart raced within my chest as I watched his every movement as he made his way over to where I was sitting in the bath. "B-Blaez?" I whispered just before his moist lips smothered my own in a heated kiss. I then decided to take a chance, a stab in the dark as most would call it. I quickly gripped his hips and turned around, pinning his back...

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Bending the RulesChapter 7

I've always had a natural curiosity, and I'd be the first to admit that isn't necessarily a good thing to have. It took me until Wednesday afternoon to convince myself that I really should contact Earle Towns myself to find out what he wanted with me. Nancy and I were nearly living together, ever since I told her that night that I loved her. Our only remaining obstacle to achieving complete togetherness was my continued insistence on moving away from the area. So far, we had kept this...

1 year ago
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A Captain Beguiled

There were a round dozen in our party and we had decided to walk to church for morning service rather than have the horses and carriages as we would scarce fit in the two carriages which were all that were available and the road was nearly three times as far as the path. The ladies were a fine sight in their Sunday best, wide brimmed hats, skirts to their ankles, blouses buttonned to the neck, sensible walking boots propriety personified. I escorted Miss Loveridge that morn. Lord P whose...

1 year ago
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I waited on the couch trying not to look to excited and just waiting for the doorbell to ring. It seemed like forever since I hung up the phone and you said you would be here in 20 minutes. I couldn’t wait to finally see you in person after all the phone calls and talking about what we liked about us. Now you’re on your way the moment of truth is near I wondered if you’re as sexy as you sounded. I closed my eyes and tried to picture what you looked like. I slowly slide my hand down the front of...

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My wet hot summer

100% fiction! my name is Amelia and i'm 19 years old my best friend Hale is 22. We have always been really close and growing up together we did everything together. When he went away to college, i only got to see him on holidays. We would chat online at least three or four times a week and i would send him "care" packages. Hale is always so sweet to me, he is the best friend any girl could ask for, he is like my brother in a lot of ways. When his Father died he actually stayed at my house and...

2 years ago
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The Cable Slave Chapter 5

After the party, Zoe is left with Sue for the night.I tidied up the house and left Sue where she was. I loved the way she looked, hung up by her legs with the candle burning. the main lights turned down so she was illuminated by the candle the effect was a kind of magic. The blond her covering her mound picked up the flickering candle and seemed to flash in the dark. I could see her watching the wax drip down the shaft of the candle, none of it had got near the pink bits yet. I poured myself...

2 years ago
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Hot And Wild Fucking Session With Shilpa Aunty

Hello this is rocky again with hot story, where I had encountered real hot wild and romantic session with Shilpa aunty. She looks fucking hot almost every man while have hardon in their pants on seeing her same thing had happened with me when I first saw her in recreational center where I use to go for swimming. Coming back to story. I use to visit the center daily with my friends where I use to go for swimming and my friends goes for gym and badminton. We use usually visit the center in the...

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Mutual Destruction story

We dance closely. My arms are around your neck, face in your neck. Naked against your clothed body. Music playing softly, swaying and softly grinding in a sinuous circle, around and around. You smell good. Clean. Crisp. Lovely and dangerous. Your chaos tightly controlled in your body and hands, that rest in the small of my back. Tensing and waiting. Waiting for me.I press my lips ever so gently on your neck, right above the vein. Can feel your pulse quickening, jumping like a live...

3 years ago
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A Friends Discovery

Sheri and I have been best friends since we were kids, and have always been really close, as we are still today. Our senior year of high school, we had both dumped our idiot boyfriends and were sick of boys, so we decided to just wait until college to date older guys. Sheri and I were always very close, wherever one of us was, you could count on the other being right there as well. Sometimes when we were out, people questioned if we were a couple because we were so close with each other. We...

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The Customer

Lou was an amazing tall blonde with piercing blue eyes and a envied by most girls.  It was a normal day for in the bar where she worked. It was a Monday, so it was very quiet. She stood out side having a cigarette when 3 men walked past, looked back and walked into her bar. He was tall and muscley with mousy brown hair, and amazing deep brown eyes, and the bone structure of a model. Lou immediately put on her best smile and made eye contact with him, she quickly looked away and greeted them...

Straight Sex
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Uncle Timmy takes controlPart 2

....My young cunny instinctively and spontaneously tightened on his finger which he almost immediately pulled from me in surprise,standing and spilling me onto the floor in the process."Aaah! Fuck you" says I...."Why you dirty little...." says heHe raised his hand to me again as I rose to my knees before him and I found myself face to face,as it were,with a large bulge in his trousers.My mouth fell open and my cunt gave a little leap.He saw the half smile on my face and knew what I was thinking...

3 years ago
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Hamster Hook Up 1

***Last night, I met a local guy from hamster that ive been talking to for a while, for a casual get together at a bar near my apartment that I never go to. I've met AOL guys before but never a guy from hamster. (He didnt want me to include his name in the story but if you want his user name private message me) Thinking about how the night might go made me nervous, excited and a little scared all at once. What if he was an asshole? What if he was gross or really immature? I tried not to focus...

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Orissa Ki Girl Ne Diya Jabardast Pyar

Hello dosto hope aap sab thik and maje main ho…..thanks a lot for liking my last story jisme maine apne pahele sex ka experience share kiya tha…I got very nice response specially from very special person ;) and others as well…so once again thanks every one. Apne bare main batadu I am strong build person with good long and hard dick so any lady ya girl mujh se milna, enjoy karna chahe to mujhe pe contact kare and yeah aap safe ho so don’t worry…. So ab agey….maine apni pichli story maine...

3 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 26

Both turned in surprise. The mother had advanced behind them somewhat and was staring directly at MacPherson. "You say that you have been afraid of us, Angus," she said. "Was it so when you came here to the nest, were you afraid then?" "Aye," he said, then corrected it. "Yes." "Then why did you come?" "T'face me— my fear," he answered slowly. "To find out if my fear was real or only in my head, in my mind. I did not want to fear a shadow, something that wasn't real. And I...

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Selena and JoeChapter 54

Joe sat in front of his computer surfing from website to website trying to pass the time. He was uneasy that things were going on around him where he could not participate. Selena, along with Lucy and Jeromy were moving things into their respective dorms and new living quarters. While his future mother-in-law Betty was dusting, cleaning up and putting away the clean dishes, Scott was moving things up from their car to "move in" the guest room for a few weeks to help in nursing Joe back to...

2 years ago
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C nd T

It was a Saturday night and after a long hot day at work, I was excited that at last I was going to meet Chris and Trace. They were attending a wedding in Guildford near my home and I was in a rush to get showered and changed. Chris and I had talked for a long time via xhamster and emails, and had told Trace how much I lusted after her, loving her photo’s and her pert body. After a while we skyped all together, they told me they liked the idea of a threesome and that they wanted to meet, as...

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After all is Dead and Done

In a far off future, something happened. Whether it was nuclear weaponry or an accident, the entire world went Chernobyl. Massive amount of people died and became zombies, animals and humans were massively mutated, and new factions have risen to attempt some level of order. Some humans are isolated, unaware if there are others out there, while there are some who perfer to live with nature again.

2 years ago
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My sister Was My Dream I was 16 I was a starting linebacker for my high school football team, and my sister Katelyn was on the soccer team. One day I got home form my pre game walk through and I went in the kitchen and I herd Katelyn ask our parents if she could have her best friend Hannah sleep over on Friday. My dad said that it would be fine as long as Hannah's parents knew that they would not be here, so they would be home alone. When I got out of my shower I heard my sister in...

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Loser take all

It happened such in a random way there was no way to know such a thing , a sport...he says , existYet once help both doggy ass to ass , on the gym pad it was too late for us too college student in Miami for 2 week of debaucheryi was drunk as hell thinking i we were going to smoke weed following that black dude we met on the beachwe both thumbed sounding stupid behind him, to that basement we should have never went towhen we got to the room everthing coudnt be more wrong , as i get worried and...

1 year ago
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Shall We Play a Game

If someone had looked into the room, it would have seemed very normal. Two couples sitting around a table in the great room of a rustic cabin with drinks in front of them. If the observer had guessed that we were fairly new acquaintances, one young couple and one older couple, they would have been correct. The many video and still cameras and the bright lighting would have puzzled them, as would the fact that most of those cameras and lights were focused on a large bed behind me. I believe...

2 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 30

The Chief Yeoman murmured into his comm., "Commodore Rowan is here, Sir," and getting a reply looked at Silas, "Sir Laurence is waiting for you in the small conference room Sir." and pointed across to the single door. Nodding his thanks, Silas entered the room. He viewed the combination of occupants unhappily, Sir Laurence AND 'Cruncher' Milligan. He became even unhappier when Sir Laurence spoke to him. "Help yourself to a brew, Silas. We're waiting for Sir James to arrive; he was...

2 years ago
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The Perfect VisitorChapter 2

"Thirty seconds in the microwave and it will be fine," I said, reaching for her plate of congealed mac and cheese. She ate like foreigners usually eat when they come to America—slowly and carefully, as though what they're eating might explode at any second. She didn't look like a carnivore, but I reminded myself that I'd already stereotyped her once, and she'd probably make her wishes known. If not, she'd eat what I served her or nothing at all. "So, tell me about what happened all...

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Shirley Dating Chapter Two

This is the continuing story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. . Chapter Two .... Matt took charge Matt: Both of you girls get on the other bed. You are not to talk or say anything. You are here to watch and learn. Shirley: What am I doing? This whole thing was intended to have me sexually satisfied;...

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Rob and JanChapter 2

I met with Kent Brockman this afternoon, and he told me that I really needed to start working out. He was one of the people I talked to about Simpson and Flanders, and he had been divorced about three years ago and had found a very nice divorcee he was serious about, but they were both taking it slow. He said that women today, looked for fit men in their late thirty's and early forties. He found that being fit made a huge difference in being able to connect with today's single or divorced...

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