Hysteria 8 free porn video

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(There is a short male on male scene in the middle, but those of you who are following this series will be happy to see justice done.)

James escorted a distraught Victoria back to Lucas’ house. Seeing that she was tucked into her bed snugly, he descended the stairs and went to the doctor’s office. Lucas was at his desk; Amelia was sitting close by. He stepped through the door and closed it quietly.

“What’s troubling you, brother?” Amelia asked her twin.

“We have a spot of trouble,” James replied.

Lucas remained silent.

“It seems that Victoria’s ass hole of a husband wants her committed to Bedlam, and he considers you to be a quack,” James said; his attention on Lucas.

Lucas scratched his chin, and then sat back in his chair. He was silent for several seconds before leaning forward again. Shuffling a few sheets of paper, he pulled one free from the file.

“It seems our old boy wants to play hardball. I find it rather funny that as soon as I send him a bill all the sudden I’m labeled as a quack,” Lucas stated.

Amelia studied her husband. Although his voice was calm and collected, she could see the anger boiling inside of him. Everyone knew that he worked hard to achieve his goals, and it was true that he was taking an unorthodox way to treat Victoria. To tell the truth, there was nothing wrong with the woman that a new husband could not fix.

Amelia felt bad for the lady; trapped in a loveless marriage and being no more important than property. Her brother was perfect for Victoria. She could see that the woman was falling for him. James had a firm hand, but would never treat her as badly as Charles did. Amelia had grown fond of her and wanted to see this end positively.

“What are we gonna do?” she asked the men.

“I honestly don’t know,” Lucas admitted.

“Leave this to me. Victoria is mine now, and I’ll not see her abused,” James said, vehemently.

“Now, James, don’t do anything rash. Losing your temper will only cause Victoria more harm,” Lucas admonished.

Amelia, shrewd as ever, sat quietly. While the men bantered back and forth, she stared out the window, as she contemplated a brilliant plan. She stood up and walked to the arguing gentlemen.

“Fellows!” she shouted, “I have a plan.”

While she explained her plan to Lucas and James, Victoria paced the floor in her room. She tried to figure out how her long marriage ended up in it’s present condition. She just couldn’t understand what she had done to make Charles hate her so, when it occurred to her that he would be a poor pauper, if not for her dowery.

“He means to commit me, so that he can steal all my money!” she whispered.

With anger in her heart, she stormed out of her room. Downstairs, the doctor, her love, and Amelia talked about her. She would be damned, if she let them solve all her problems. It was time that she take responsibility for her actions; stand up for herself.

Slipping out of the house, she hailed a carriage and gave the driver directions to her house. During the trip, she planned what she was going to say or do. Even if she had to give into his every demand, he would not steal her son’s inheritance.

With a queasy stomach and shaking hands, she paid the driver and sent him on his way. The massive house was dark, except for the light in Charles’ room. Using the spare key to let herself inside the parlor, Victoria silently crept up the stairs. On the second story landing, she heard familiar noises coming from her husband’s room. She sneaked into her old room and cracked the door that connected their rooms. The scene playing before her had her eyes wide; a small gasp escaped from her mouth.

While Victoria watched the horrifying debacle going on in her husband’s room, Amelia climbed the stairs to speak with the woman that had grown dear to her. Upon opening the door, she was faced with an empty room.

“Victoria, love?” Amelia called, and silence answered her.

Growing worried about her friend’s absence, she ran downstairs. James and Lucas were discussing what to do, when a frantic and tearful Amelia busted into the room. Startled, they turned to her.

“She’s gone! Victoria’s gone!” she said.

“Wait. Wait. Wait!” Lucas told her, “Calm down and tell me what happened.”

As Amelia told her tale, Lucas frowned. He knew that this had to potential to be very bad. Glancing toward James, he noted the tight look on his brother in law’s face.

“Don’t worry, love. I have an idea where to find her, but I need you to ring the constable and sent him to Victoria’s house,” Lucas calmly said.

Lucas led James to his carriage, and they took off at a gallop toward Charles’ residence. The pieces were finally falling into place. The private investigator that he secretly hired had reported in this afternoon. It was time to update James.

“I met with the investigator today, and he told me more about the person that Charles has been seen with,” Lucas remarked.

“You confirmed it?” James answered.

“Yes. He means to commit her, so he won’t get caught; disgraced,” Lucas agreed, as they raced toward the mansion.

Victoria could not believe her eyes. Her moral, upstanding, boring husband was cheating on her, but not with a woman. She studied the man with Charles; his banking partner. She wanted to be disgusted; outraged even, but the more she watched the wetter her cunny got.

The younger man was kneeling before her naked husband, and the way Charles was holding the man’s head, it was obvious what was being done. The man, George, was equally naked, and his body gleamed in the low lighting. Charles’ head was thrown back in ecstasy; his breath ragged.

Victoria, still dressed only in a pair of shoes and her cloak from her earlier ride in the park, felt her bare nipples harden and rub against the soft velvet of her cloak. She parted the garment and slipped her hand inside. Pinching her rubbery nipple between her fingers, her gaze remained locked on the erotic scene in front of her.

Charles, oblivious to the secret spectator, pushed his cock deeper into the warm cavern of George’s mouth. His hips pumped slowly, feeling his lover’s teeth graze down his swollen length. His cock was saturated with George’s spit, so much so that it dripped from his chin all over Charles’ full ball sac. He tried to keep the same slow pace, but found it to be impossible when a slender finger probed his sensitive asshole.

“Damn, George! You trying to make me blow my load?” he groaned.

In response, George sucked deeper. Charles gasped, when he felt a nose bury itself in his pubic hair. Chills ran down his body, as George’s finger breeched his sphincter, in search of the walnut shaped gland. He was intensely aware of when his lover found it, as globs of thick cum began to pour from his piss slit.

He pulled George up, freeing his cock. His ass felt empty, as the finger was pulled from it. Charles spun the younger man around and bent him over the bed. Rubbing his spitty cockhead against the tightly closed brown hole, he felt his friend shudder.

Victoria, glued to her spot at the door, watched raptly. Her eyes glazed in lust. She sawed her fingers along the seam of her now drenched pussy. Once her digits were glazed in her cream, she pushed her long, middle finger inside her hole and felt it ripple. Her secret bud was swollen and pulsing. She wished James were with her.

With her attention focused intensely on her husband, she never heard the door open. Her scream was stopped with a large hand that firmly covered her mouth. Her heart beat madly, as she was pulled against a muscular chest; a very familiar chest.

James, relieved that she was safe, had been watching from the door. His love, entranced by what he already knew, was turned on by the taboo act of two men having sex.

“What a naughty girl!” he thought.

He covered her hand with his and pulled it from her drenched slit. James could smell her arousal, as it was thick in the room. He brought her hand to his mouth and sucked her wet middle finger clean, and then used his rough finger to circle her ripe clit.

Thankful that her mouth was covered, she bucked her hips, as he pulled and tugged on her nub. She was so close. Bright colors were bursting in front of her eyes.

“Let me cum! I’m gonna cum. Please, don’t stop!” she begged, silently.

One more stroke. One more tug. She was right on the edge, when he suddenly stopped all stimulation. Frustrated, she glared at him, as he licked her juice from his finger.

“Shh! This is not the place. Later, your ass is mine…literally,” he whispered.

James pulled her cloak tightly closed. Pointing toward the door, he motioned for her to watch. Lucas, leading the constable, entered silently. She eased out of the way, letting the law man watch.

Charles, committing a crime that, until the mid-1850’s, was punishable by death, was unaware that he was about to lose everything. Lost in a horny fog, he gave one last push and felt his spongy, plum shaped glans sink deeply into George’s tight ass. His hips began to pick up the pace, and he angled his shaft so that it would massage his friend’s prostate. Sweat dripped from his brow, as he pushed both of them toward an orgasm.

The constable, choosing that moment to make his self known, busted through the door. He caught the men by surprise, but it was too late. George sprayed several jets of white cum onto the bed spread. Charles, emptying his cock into his friend’s gut, jerked his dick from George’s ass. There was no defense. All the evidence was in plain view, from his leaking semi hard cock to the streams of warm cum draining from George’s slack ass. He said nothing, as the constable arrested both of them. Victoria shrank closer to the wall, as Charles’ glared at her on his way out.

“Don’t worry, love. They repealed the death sentence a while back. It is most likely that he will be sent to the prisoner colony in Australia. He won’t be bothering you ever again,” James murmured.

“How did…How did you know?” she said, timidly.

“Never you mind. Now, my disobedient lady, what kind of punishment should you receive for worrying me as you did?” James said, sternly.

“Well…I did see how much she enjoyed watching an ass get fucked,” Lucas crudely said.

“Right. Right,” James agreed.

Victoria’s loins reignited. It truly amazed her how quickly these men could make her cunt gush. She let herself be led to her old bed. They pushed her down on the soft mattress, letting her head hang off the side. Lucas untied her cloak and opened it. Her firm, white breasts pointed toward the ceiling; her nipples pebble hard. He kneaded the luscious globes, pushing them together.

James worked from the other end. Her lightly fleeced pussy was glistening; drops of milky dew clung to the soft hairs surrounding her pink skinned slit. He pushed her legs up close to her chest, opening her puffy lips. He savored the beautiful sight of her creamy pussy hole, as well as her tightly closed, but madly twitching, anus. James probed his strong tongue against her star, and then circled it around the wrinkled, brown skin. He made his way upward; tonguing her sopping hole. By the time he reached her huge clit, she was writhing on the bed. Between James’ ministrations between her thighs and Lucas’ rough treatment of her breasts, she was in an erotic haze.

Lucas pulled something shiny from his pocket. He got her attention when he clamped one of the shiny clips to her left nipple. The pain was sharp and immediate; doubling when the right nipple was clamped. Her back arched, as she whimpered.

James pushed three fingers inside her cunt and relentlessly rubbed the rough, sensitive patch of skin deep inside. The pain radiating from her throbbing nipples transmuted itself to the sharpest pleasure she had ever felt. James had her clit all the way into his mouth, and as he sucked hard, his teeth gnawed and nibbled along the base of it. He pulled one soaking wet finger from her hole and pushed it far inside her ass.

Victoria’s anus clamped tightly around the offending finger that had suddenly invaded her hole. Deep, guttural moans and gasps escaped her. Lucas pushed his cock into her open mouth, fucking her wet throat.

Gagging, she fought to get control. She sucked and slurped on his shaft, making his thick length glisten. She timed her breathing with his strokes and was able to swallow his cock with each thrust. Lucas, now groaning, felt himself throb, as her tight throat massaged his dick. She was about to cum for the second time, when James slapped her ass, sharply.

“I didn’t say you could cum,” he growled.

Lucas pulled his cock from her mouth and nodded to James, who yanked her upward. He lay down on the bed and pulled her on top of him. Victoria, who could not remember when he got naked, felt his meaty shaft nestle itself between the oily lips of her cunny. Lifting her slightly, James positioned his purple cock head at her hole, and then yanked her down.

“Yes!” Victoria screamed, as she felt her pubic hair mesh with his.

The sounds of skin slapping against skin was loud in the room, and pretty soon, the room was thick with the scent of sex. James grasped her ass cheeks in his hands, pulling them apart. She felt cool air tickle her back hole. Victoria knew something was amiss, when he wrapped his arms around her torso and held her close to his chest.

Lucas, now naked himself, had coated his dick with a thick layer of greasy lube. He, then, pushed a large amount of it up her ass hole. Victoria, tensing up, was unsure how this was going to work. Her cunt was overflowing with James’ prick. How was Lucas going to get his big dick in her tiny back hole?

James, seeing her unease, squeezed the clamp on her nipple, as he rolled his hips. Victoria’s mind was diverted. The sharp sting from the clamp augmented the chills racing up and down her body. Taking advantage of the situation, Lucas pushed past the ring of muscles surrounding the entrance to her ass.

He pushed slowly, letting her adjust to the size. He felt electric shocks course through his body, as her ass molded to his cock. Between that and feeling James’ cock through the thin membrane of skin separating her ass from her cunny, Lucas knew he wasn’t going to last long.

Victoria had never felt so full before. The pressure was amazing. It made her clit feel like it was being wound up tightly; so tightly in fact that it would snap. When she felt Lucas’ cock leave her ass, James would make his presence known, by pushing his shaft deeper.

They kept her constantly on the edge of cumming, by alternating their thrusts, and then changing to a random movement. Soon Lucas’ grasp on her hips got tighter, and he abandoned any pattern. He pounded her anus hard, until she was sure that it was inside out. James’ movement ceased, as his friend’s increased.

Lucas felt his toes curl the moment before hot cum rushed down his shaft and erupted in Victoria’s gaping ass. She felt each spurt coat the dark walls of her rectum. After several short thrusts, Lucas drained the last of his sperm, and then pulled his dick out, gently. He watched, as her tight hole snapped shut. Reclining on the bed beside the couple, he relaxed, as his slit oozed the final drops of cum.

James, now with enough room, grabbed her hips and pounded her cunt roughly. All the stimulation and teasing had made him hornier than hell, and he wanted nothing more than to fill his love’s cunny full of his seed. Faster and faster, he went; his breath coming in short bursts. Victoria screeched loudly.

“OH! I’m so close, James. God…make me cum,” she yelled.

Lucas grabbed the clamps on her nipples and yanked them off her, quickly. The blood that came rushing back to her bright red peaks flooded her with a pleasure so painful that she screamed. Her pussy rippled and trembled; her clit expanded. Victoria came so hard that the cum deep in her ass squirted out and ran down her thighs.

James, with his cock twitching, thrust deep and hard, as if he was trying to climb inside her. He could feel his shaft harden and his balls drawing up. With a hoarse cry, his cock released several hot jets of cum, flooded her cunny with his white cream.

She nestled closer to him, as he wrapped his arms around her. They snuggled quietly, as his softening cock slipped from her hole. James felt the warm wetness of her juices and his sperm drool from her slit, soaking his groin.

“I love you, James,” she whispered.

“I know. I love you, too,” he replied.

“I can’t be with you, though,” she sniffed, “I’m married.”

“You’re not getting rid of me, woman! Your marriage will be dissolved, when Charles is sent to the prisoner camp, and believe me, he won’t be coming back!” James growled.

A glimmer of hope shone in her eyes.

“What of Lucas and Amelia?” she probed.

“You have a lot of training, love, if you are to be a proper submissive; my submissive. Who do you think will be helping me to whip you into shape?” he said, grinning at Lucas.

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Laura’s boyfriend shares the meeting information with his two pervy classmates and invites them along. All three boys conspire against Laura to get her naked. They all see Laura as nothing more than a sexual plaything and a easy and willing target. Laura arrives at the alleyway shortly after twelve and walks to the end of the alley expecting to see her boyfriend alone. To Laura’s shock she see’s her boyfriend and his two mates. She is fully aware of their reputation and is dubious about...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasures

For one as unaccustomed to partying as myself, the wild and energetic lifestyle can wear heavily over time. Francie and I had been partying long, strong and hard for the post few months and it was starting to lose its appeal. Not to mention the fact that it was starting to get expensive. So we decided to take things easy for one weekend. Getting together with a group of friends we decided to go watch a movie. Nothing too exciting, compared to our usual routine, but it was a refreshing and...

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The Shadow Warrior

The Viper class-2A Warbird left Gondora's orbit traveling through the Cylarian system at hyper speed. The smaller scaled, yet highly equipped, battle cruiser carried her normal operating crew of about a dozen, along with seven elite Shadow Warriors, commanded by Raiden Ul'thri. The Viper and her crew were on their way back to the Allied Federation's home world, after having completed their assigned mission. Raiden and his team had been sent in to squelch an uprising on the otherwise peaceful...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Keeghans rave revelation

She didn't know if she was more excited or nervous for the festival. Keeghan had never been to a "rave" before and, although she couldn't wait for a night of fun, dancing, and losing herself with her friends, she really wasn't sure what to expect. She'd been so pent up with school and missing her long distance boyfriend Jeff, she just wanted to forget everything and party. Jeff had been gone to college for a month now, and they talked every night, but it only made her miss him even more. She'd...

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Whod want to cum in their pants

Who’d want to cum in their pants?! Well, as a wanker, girl-worshipper and compulsive masturbator, I don’t have a choice. Where’s it supposed to go? You can’t just whip it out and do it on the floor. Maybe some people don’t like being wet and messy in their underpants, but I love it. When a girl makes me cum in my pants it’s fulfilment – even if She doesn’t know, which for most of my life She hasn’t. So here’s the problem. A perv like me doesn’t get to choose when he sees what he needs to see,...

3 years ago
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A Quick Lunch

I eat out a lot. Yes, that's a pun but, really, I mean it literally. I enjoy eating meals out. I have my favorite places all over: the breakfast joints, the excellent little pubs where the cook doesn't know he could be a chef, seafood on the water, dark-paneled steak houses. Different places for different moods, different company, different purposes.I was at a place I like to go for lunch when I am by myself. Great food, busy enough to be private if you know what I mean, good light for reading,...

2 years ago
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The Cuckold Couple

MistressPriya.com presentsThe Cuckold Couple(A free version of this book, with photos is available on MistressPriya.com)?I?m afraid I?ve got some bad news for you,? Priya said gesturing to her footrest, a steel chair placed in front of her couch and pushed it forward a couple of inches using her feet. ?Sit down.?Srinath walked over with a flustered frown on his face as he sat down. His gut twisted inside, warning him of some kind of impending catastrophe. Priya seemed completely laid back,...

2 years ago
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The Midnight Maiden Ch 01

Author’s Note: I want to acknowledge that the two main characters of this story are originally based on two characters that my wonderful girlfriend created in a short erotic story that she wrote for me. They are of course based on us and I loved the idea so much that I created a much longer fantasy romance about them. As a convenient backdrop I have used a fantasy gaming world that I enjoyed as a child. The games that I played and novels that I read were placed in this imaginary world and...

3 years ago
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Two Chut One Lund

Mere name mayank hai. Me gujarat me rheta hu. Me sif 21year ka hu. Aj bhi me mere collage ki last b’day ko yaad karta hu to mera lund at the time uth jta hai. Kya din tha wooo…. Kasam se me to ye chata hu k har koi ye story padhe ya sune us ko har roj aisa din aye.us k bad to jannat bhi choti lagti hai Mere dost (pratik) ki G-FRIEND , us ka name tha vaishali. Waise to starting me usko me line mar rha tha . lakin mene kisi or k sath seting kardi. Ye b’day me rat ki 12 bje sab dost mere ghar pe...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 297

Makeeda had a love-practice she quickly introduced to Laura, who had tried it spontaneously on occasion in the past but never dwelt on at any length before with other lovers. If they lay stretched out in opposite directions on the bed, one face down, the other face up, they could scoot forward until the one on top's breasts dangled in the face of the one on the bottom, whose own breasts were directly under the other's mouth. This way they could leisurely caress and tongue and suck each...

2 years ago
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Incident at Pima MesaChapter 4

Miranda turned to Vasquez suddenly, as if finally, once again, capable of rational thought, aware of his betrayal and fearful of Tom's reaction to her not-so-unwilling participation. "You're a vile and disgusting man!" she said, spitting out the words. Retrieving his gun, he stood, putting on his pants. Vasquez looked first to the woman and then to her husband. "That's not what you were saying only moments ago Senora. You are an apt pupil. You learn fast and well. She will make you a...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbor Madge

"Good Neighbor Madge" I had known our neighbor Madge for several years while growing up and always found her very feminine and exciting. I was a teenaged boy that mostly stayed around home when not in school and I didn't have many friends. Because I was short and slightly built I got teased a lot. Madge however was more than friendly and often chatted with me. I don't know if she planned on teasing me but I always noticed her shiny nylons under her tight skirts and how her legs would...

4 years ago
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Gina the 55 year old submissive part 2

Currently on the couch in the tv room Jeff was facefucking his 50something mom Sharon for the 3rd time today , she hadnt swallowed yet so now was time for her dessert he smiled . Ummmh ummmh the blonde with saggy tits said as her pervert son/master used her face like a pussy. Sharon was collared , leashed,with nipple rings & 8inch spiked heels . She hadnt seen her husband in 48hours since Jeff & she had come down to her former basement. They had fucked, smoked some pot , drank some beer...

3 years ago
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I encounter my accountant

Mein 30 saal ka hoon aur mera lund chodne ke liye tadapta rehta hai. Biwi ko chod chod kar ye kuch naya khoj raha tha. Hamare office me ek ledy account thi. Lekin itni sundar nahi hai par chodne jaise thi. Ab wo kam chod ke chali gayi par jab thi tabhi mein hamesha hi mauke ki talash mein tha kyon ki chodne ke liya ekdum mast cheez thi. Soch soch kar maine kai bar muth mara. Bahut zor se tammana thi kab mauka mile aur kab mein iske bur mein apna lund ghusa doon. Who bhi paini nigahon se mujhe...

3 years ago
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Just before she left

 Me I'm just a little curious as to same sex intercourse. I mean its like this thing that makes me wonder about what another girl can make me feel. When i got the job and became friends with her I had no intentions of having sex with her. Even when she would touch my ass, I would tell her she was out of bond, I still then didn't think she was coming on to me. It took me a while to figure out that she was bisexual. The two of us talked bout baby problems and how she didn't want to be pregnant....

3 years ago
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A young man tries on his mother8217s panties

I awoke midmorning on that summer day. I was instantly shaken from my morning daze when I remembered what I was intending to do. The opportunity had finally presented itself. My hard, dripping cock formed a tent in my pajama pants as I hurried out of bed. I had come home from college over the summer. I was taking summer classes at a local school, but there were no classes scheduled for today. My parents would be at work for the whole day. All the same, I checked each room in the house to make...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink III the Other RealityChapter 7

I was awakened the next morning by Clare gently stroking my cock. There were tears running down her cheeks, and her breathing was already labored. "Please, Master Michael," she pleaded in a whisper when she sensed that I was awake. "Please love me. Let me feel as good as Shannon did last night. Please, Master!" By now I was fully awake, and also fully erect, and as hard as stone. "Sweet Clare, what is wrong?" I asked, as she increased her rate of stroking. "I need to feel the same...

2 years ago
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Bound to Happen

Bound to HappenLisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing...

2 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Four

THE WEEKEND AUGUST-12-13-14 - BOWLING FRIDAY NIGHT Robert Miles in action with the 'Eagles' meant commentary duties for me, and with three of the top ten teams in action I was looking forward to it. A little over three hours later the bowling had been everything I expected and then some with twenty five of the evening's seventy two individual games better than two fifty and thirteen of those twenty five reaching two-seventy. Match number one involving the 'Eagles' and the 'Hawks'...

2 years ago
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Should We

I greet you with a smile and a long thigh hug. You feel nervous, even uncomfortable in this environment yet you are at ease with me and happy to be here. Once we cork the wine, kick of our shoes and relax on the back porch, your nerves begin to ease. We begin to talk about life events and remember good times. We have some hart felt discussions and many laughs even remembering intense drama. After another glass of wine our nervousness is gone and I think to myself, what a great opportunity...

3 years ago
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A Night to Remember

She got home a bit late from shopping; the light on the answer machine was blinking She got home a bit late from shopping; the light on the answer machine was blinking. She put her packages down and pushed the red button. His voice came through the speaker. She smiled listening to His voice. ?I see you are not home yet from your favorite pastime without Me.? He said with a chuckle. ?But, I want you to be ready by 8 tonight so you may have to hurry, it?s about 6:30 right now. Please dress...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 30

XXX Here and there To underscore her subordinate status Florence ate by herself in the kitchen. Then I ordered her into the dining room to clear away the remains of our meal. She was wearing her jeans and rugby shirt but of course had no bra since Wendy had not returned it. I watched how her unconstrained breasts filled the voluminous shirt, they did not project quite so far horizontally as in the bookshop but as she moved about we could all see how the overhang of the shirt, only loosely...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 40

The room was stifling, although the two officers didn't seem to notice. Sawyer crossed one leg over the other, wishing they'd given him something besides a chair. At least a table meant he wouldn't be so exposed. They're probably analyzing your body language with a program, whispered his mind. Don't fidget. The younger man stared at him behind a reflective pair of glasses. He hadn't said a word since they'd escorted him from class, simply steering the boy by the shoulder to the...

3 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 17

The morning brought more strangeness. Nilsen was somewhat wary of how Makro would feel about their new sexual relationship given the light of day. He was afraid she would regret it and avoid him but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact if anything she almost smothered him for most of the day. They would have had trouble separating her from his arm with a crowbar if anyone had been foolish enough to try. That didn't bother him overly much, other than the time she tried to follow...

1 year ago
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Might As Well Go There In Style

At the middle of the back row of the triangle of cheerleaders, Ellie turned a perfect cartwheel and dropped into an elegant, controlled split. Rob sighed. She was one of the better ones on the cheerleading team but she didn’t get on well with the other girls. Laura, the team captain, always gave Ellie the spot at the back where no one could see her. He’d thought about intervening on her behalf, but he didn’t want to make things more difficult for her. “Coach? You okay?” One of the lads...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 6 Pearl Harbor

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Of the forty-seven people on board the Tri-Star (not counting me), I can safely say that the vast majority of them were, to some extent, unhappy with me. While I’m reasonably sure that the four guys, Robert, Jimmy, Kip, and David, as well as the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer, were not on that list, I wouldn’t bet either way on the two stewardesses. As for the other thirty-eight passengers, there was one toss-up and one that just didn’t care because she loved me...

2 years ago
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An unforeseen incident caught my wife and me off guard that changed Casey’s life, and our marriage. My wife Casey is the most perfect girl I've ever met; she has a caring, sympathetic heart, and is sweet to people around her. However, it’s not easy to have a beautiful wife who attracts other men’s attention when we go out for a dinner, shopping, or on the beach. Sometimes men like to flirt with her, and I notice they are all confident, big, and muscular. When I see that, I have an insecure,...

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Building a Dream Part Ten

Hello reader. You may be reading this and thinking, ‘Part Ten? ‘Can I really be bothered to the read the first Nine?’ Well, that’s up to you but I would recommend it as the events in this whole story are a mixture of fact and fiction and, in the long run, you will not be disappointed. We righted a wrong. A girl we met that week legally owned some paintings that were worth a lot of money and her stepfather had them in his possession. The main theme of this story is how a group of us helped to...

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Date Night

He’s doing it again! CeeCee thought, before saying aloud, “Is something wrong?”“Huh?”CeeCee rolled her eyes, repeating the question as she pointed towards her companion’s knife, still tapping away at the side of his wineglass.   “Look, if I’m boring you, just say so.”“No, I was just...” His voice trailed off under her glare.  “I’m sorry, I was being rude.  My mind was just preoccupied, is all.”   He flashed a grin that would have made most women’s panties melt on the spot, before returning his...

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DorableChapter 12

Josh’s turn: It didn’t take me very long to realize what we needed to do when we returned to Dorable after leaving Gee’s dad and mom. She’s got live parents. I don’t. I have regrets. I don’t want her to have those. I was busy having a career, engineering my butt off on one project after another, across the country, a few overseas. Dad was proud. I called when I could, visited between jobs, but Dad’s last years coincided with some of my peak efforts to build a name and reputation. I got back...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 18 Repairs

"God, I hate fucking computers!" Mark slammed his fist against a bulkhead. He had been working for several days now attempting to get the ship's core to boot. He had traced several faults to the ship's consoles, particularly the navigation control Arron had damaged during his campaign against the pirates. To his frustration the core refused to co-operate with his efforts, a blank screen just stared back at him like a large holographic sightless eye. The Grojan ship's core was a type he...

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