Prejudice Ch. 02 free porn video

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On Sunday, 22 June 1941, Anna and Niki woke to shouting in the building. ‘The Germans have attacked! The Germans have attacked!’ The radio reported the attack and said that the Red Army was fighting valiantly but with no more details.

On Tuesday all the workers gathered in the main factory building to hear Comrade Biebler, Elena’s father, give a speech. At the end of the speech, he asked for volunteers from all men under forty. They would leave immediately for the front. They couldn’t even go home. Anna was lucky to have five minutes with Niki before he left.


By the following Thursday German tanks were driving through the main square. The Red Army had abandoned the city so there was no fighting which was a blessing. The next morning everyone went to work as usual.

About mid-afternoon on Friday the workers were again gathered for a speech. This time it was given by a German. He explained how the workers were free now to follow their hopes. There would be no more diktats from Moscow. At the end of the speech six of the local Party commissars were brought on to the platform with the speaker. Comrade Biebler was one of the six. The speaker drew his pistol and walked behind the commissars. Then he shot each one in the back of the head.

Anna couldn’t go back to work. She told her supervisor that she was feeling ill. The Germans were so cruel. Where was Niki? Had they shot him, too? She was crying by the time she got back to their apartment. Would it ever be their apartment again? When she opened the door, she jumped back and screamed. A strange, dirty, bedraggled man was on her couch.

‘Anna, don’t you recognize me?’

Anna looked closer. She screamed again. This time in joy. ‘Niki!’ She flung her body across his. Anna cried for several minutes, her body shaking as all the pent up fear flowed out. Finally, she calmed down. She noticed that Niki’s legs were bandaged. She could see bloody splotches on the white gauze.

‘My god, you’re hurt! What happened? Who did this? How did you get back here?’

‘Slow down. I’m alright,’ he replied soothingly. ‘Let me tell you what happened.’


Niki and the others had been loaded on to trucks at the factory gate. Slowly the trucks had driven about four hours west before stopping and unloading the workers. Niki and four others were taken about fifty meters into the woods and handed shovels. A sergeant told them where and how to dig trenches and went off to another group. It was hard work, but everyone worked together. Niki even remarked how he hoped they’d get some rifles to fight the Germans. He jumped to the top of the trench and pretended his shovel was a rifle.

By early evening they had finished digging about thirty meters of trench. They were beginning to work on what the sergeant called fire steps and machine gun emplacements when troops began to arrive. The troops were bedraggled and several of them were wounded. Niki particularly noticed a young boy who couldn’t have been more than 17 or 18. He had a bandage around his left forearm and looked very scared.

‘We don’t have any chow and we won’t have trucks to take you to the next position until tomorrow morning,’ the sergeant told them. ‘If a comrade needs your help, do what you can. Otherwise, find a soft piece of ground and bed down for the night. We’ll get you off in the morning.’

The soldiers began organizing in the trench. Setting up two machine guns and spacing themselves along the length of the earthworks, they acted like they expected the Germans any minute, but nothing happened.

Niki didn’t sleep well. The ground was hard and despite it being summer it was cool in the woods. No food showed up for breakfast, nor trucks either. About half an hour after sunrise, Niki heard vehicles on the road.

‘Get into the trench,’ the sergeant yelled at the factory workers.

They jumped down into the bottom while the soldiers lay against the mounds of earth that had been thrown up from the digging. Niki was at one end so by leaning out a little he was able to see what was happening.

A truck drove down the road. ‘Hold steady, comrades,’ the sergeant said. Don’t fire yet.’

But one of the machine guns opened up and immediately everyone else joined in. The racket was terrific. It was ten times worse than being in the factory’s machine shop at mid-morning. Niki saw the Germans jumping out of the truck. A couple fell down, but most of them got into the roadside ditch and returned fire. The German bullets made a peculiar crack as they passed overhead. Niki heard some hit the trees nearby, but none of the Russian soldiers seemed affected. The German truck started to burn.

The firing died down to an occasional shot from either side. Then suddenly the tanks showed up. They were squat, ugly things moving slowly, but they turned directly toward the trench. Niki could clearly see the flashes from the machine gun in one turret and then the other one fired its gun. The shell exploded way up in the tree tops and splinters and light debris fell on them.

Even though no one had been hurt, Niki saw the young boy jump out of the trench. The sergeant saw him, too, and went after him. In four or five strides he caught him by the collar. Pulling him around he began to push him back to the trench. Suddenly a flash of light was followed by a loud boom and clods of earth were thrown over everyone. When Niki looked back up, he couldn’t tell that two people had once been where the smoke was. Then he saw four boots scattered about a pile of white-red flesh. Although he hadn’t eaten in almost a day, he leaned over in the trench with dry heaves.

When his stomach quit flopping around, he looked out again. The tanks were halfway to the trees. Their machine guns were flashing brighter. A shell from a tank hit the other end of the trench and destroyed one of the Russian machine guns while killing several soldiers. A bright flash hit Niki’s eyes and then darkness.

When Niki came to he was lying on his stomach. He could hear voices nearby, but couldn’t make out anything. A soldier moaned in the trench. Niki looked around and saw a uniform moving. He started to rise to go to the man, but pain shot through his legs.

Rolling to his back, Niki looked down. He saw several pieces of metal sticking out of his thighs and shins. There were splinters of wood piercing his trousers. His head hurt also. He probed gently and felt his hair matted with blood. He heard the soldier moan once more. Using his heels to push, he slid on his back toward the sound.

When he got to the man, he could see that he had a large gash in his side although the bleeding was mostly stopped. ‘You doing okay?’ Niki asked.

The man moaned again, and then his eyes fluttered open. ‘Side hurts like hell,’ he replied.

‘I guess so. You got a bandage?’

‘Look in the pouch on my back.’

Niki reached in and pulled out a wad of gauze and cotton. The voices began to move closer. Niki could tell now that they were German and he caught a few words from his four years instruction in school.

‘I’ll get those fascist bastards,’ the soldier growled and reached for a rifle lying beside him.

Niki was startled. If the soldier fired, they would both be killed in the return fire from the Germans. He saw the man’s bayonet in its scabbard next to the pouch. He pulled it out just as the soldier fired wildly.

‘What are you doing?’ The soldier looked at him quizzically.

Niki knew he had to do something quickly. ‘Deutsche sind Freunde!’ he yelled. It was a bad translation of ‘Germans are our friends’, but he had to try. Then Niki thrust the half-meter blade into the wound and up into the man’s chest.

‘Help, help,’ Niki called out throwing his bloody hands in the air.

Almost immediately several feldgrau uniforms appeared pointing rifles at him. Another person came up who seemed to be in charge. He had a double red stripe down t
he side of his trousers. The officer barked out an order. One of the riflemen helped Niki out of the trench, being careful not to aggravate his wounds.

In a few minutes another soldier arrived and began to speak to him in passable Russian. ‘What were you doing here?’

He started telling him a story, pausing occasionally to let the translator relay to the officer what he was saying. ‘On Tuesday they came to my factory and forced all the men to leave at gunpoint. They loaded us on trucks and brought us out here to dig the trenches. They treated us very badly, wouldn’t let us eat, very little water. And then we got caught in the fighting.’

Niki recounted other parts of his ‘forced’ work and the ‘cruel’ things the sergeant had done. ‘I’ll tell you, when he was killed it was a relief to most of us. He was so horrible for no reason. Then that soldier wanted to shoot you in the back. I couldn’t let him murder you.’

When he finished his tale, the officer and translator talked briefly. Then the translator came back. ‘We’re going to send you to the local aid station where a doctor can look at your wounds. Then we’ll send you off home. Of course you’ll have to be careful of any fighting.’

‘Thank you, thank you. I told my pals that you Germans would be good to us.’

The next morning Niki was standing by the road in a small village. The Germans had cleaned and bandaged his wounds, given him a hot meal and a place to sleep. Now with a pass in his pocket, he began hitchhiking back to the city travelling with German soldiers on their way to the front. His years of German in the gymnasium began to return to him as he bantered with the troops heading out to fight his countrymen.

Finally, after being picked up and dropped off more times than he cared to remember, just before noon on Friday he was dropped at a crossroads about 10 kilometers west of the city. He managed to hobble to their apartment where Anna found him. He had skipped over the part about killing the Russian soldier and calling on the Germans to befriend him.

‘I was so afraid that you wouldn’t be back,’ Anna said. She told him about the meeting that day and the executions.

‘Let me fix you a good meal,’ Anna said when Niki finished his story. She didn’t have any meat in the house. Shopping had been sketchy since the war started. She set out some cheese and fresh bread and heated up some soup. A beer and vodka completed the dinner. Afterwards she drew him a bath and washed his back and chest.

‘Why did you stop,’ Niki asked when she dropped the wash cloth into the water.

‘Well – ,’ she had never touched his manhood except to brush it in bed occasionally and once when she guided him into her. That time she had had several shots of vodka beforehand and he had put her hand on his hardness.

‘Come on. Don’t you want me clean?’

She reached for the cloth. She was so glad that he was back and not hurt badly. The others that had gone out with Niki had not come back. ‘You are hurt, so I guess I need to be careful.’

He put one leg, then the other up on the lip of the bath while she washed him. When the second leg was done, he continued to lie back with his eyes closed, waiting.

She pushed the cloth down under the water. As she reached lower, he spread his legs. She bumped into his prick. ‘Get me clean all over. You need to be gentle and use your hands.’

She put the cloth on the side of the tub and soaped up her hands. Reaching under the water she grasped his prick and lightly stroked it up and down. Soon his member thrust half out of the water. Her other hand dipped lower. She gently caressed his balls.

‘That’s nice,’ he said. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavier. ‘Do it faster,’ he requested.

She did. Soon the water was splashing from her hand. She leaned over and kissed him. He responded with a wet tongue. They kissed for several minutes. When they broke apart, her blouse was soaked from the splashing. She could feel that her panties were soaked also.

‘You’ll catch your death of cold in those wet clothes. Take them off.’

She shivered. They made love almost every day and twice, sometimes three times, on the weekend. Somehow, after their two-day honeymoon, she always had some clothes on: a nightgown or he’d throw up her skirt and pull down her panties. The idea of being completely naked with him also completely naked sent a fire through her body.

She stood up slowly. She saw the tip of his prick above the water as she unbuttoned her skirt. She turned her back to him as she lowered the skirt to the floor and stepped out of it making sure he had a good view of her panty-covered backside.

He stared as she straightened up and then pushed her panties down. The inversion of the way she usually undressed made this event super-sexy. She turned to face him. He could see her clit sticking out at the top of her furrow. He reached out and put a hand behind her leg and pulled.

She was surprised when he pulled her toward him, but she didn’t hold back. She felt his whiskers scratch her belly. Suddenly he rolled his face around and his lips captured her clit. She felt something wet between his lips and realized he was licking her. He had never done that before and it seemed so nasty. But the feelings that his tongue caused made her weak in the knees. ‘I feel like I’m going to fall. Hold me up,’ she moaned.

He heard her say something and she grasped the back of his head, pulling him hard into her center. He wouldn’t give up this luscious taste, this honey of hers on his tongue, and he kept licking. She moaned low and long. She twisted in his arms and then slowly collapsed into the tub with him, still in her blouse and bra.

‘You haven’t finished cleaning me yet,’ he whispered in her ear.

‘I thought you wanted me out of these wet clothes.’ She pouted and half-smiled at him as she reached for the buttons of her blouse. Soon she was as bare as he was.

‘Now, where was I,’ she asked. He took her hand and placed it back on his cock.

‘Oh yes, I remember.’ She leaned in to kiss him again as her hand resumed its stroking. He began caressing her breasts.

After a minute or two he pulled away from her mouth. ‘Oh god, I’m going to … cum.’

Anna felt his manhood jerk in her hand. Then a white stream gushed into the air. She was fascinated. Of course she had felt him jerk inside her, but she had never seen him in the open like this. Several more spurts went up and fell back on her hand.

‘Well, I sure hope that’s your first one and not your last tonight,’ she teased him.

‘You see what happens just being around you. Tonight you’ll lose count of how many times you cum and I won’t be far behind you.’

They got out of the tub. He dried her off. Then she dried him off. She stood up admiring his tight muscles and his reawakened cock. She turned her back to him as she hung up the towel. ‘I’m awfully tired now,’ she said looking over her shoulder. ‘I think I’ll just go to sleep.’

He took two steps toward her and popped her playfully on her ass. ‘I’ll see you in bed, but I don’t think you’ll get to sleep for a while.’

‘You’ll have to catch me first.’ She skipped down the hall laughing.

Niki caught up with her in the bedroom and they embraced in a new kiss. ‘Show me everything you do,’ he requested after he broke the kiss. As he said that he took one of her hands and moved it to her triangle.

She knew what he wanted. ‘I – I’ve never done that before.’

‘Do it now. Show me.’

She was shy, but today he was safe at home with her. She’d do anything for him. She moved a step back and drew one of her hands up her side. ‘Watch me caress my breast.’ Her fingers floated over the smooth skin down from her collarbone and veered into the valley between her mounds.

Her eyes closed. ‘I can feel how your hands touch me, a man’s hands, but gently setting my nerves on fire.’ Her fingernails drew
slowly tightening circles around one breast. When they arrived at an areola, she changed to using the pads at the tips of her fingers to caress the pink pebbly skin, but she didn’t touch the nipples yet.

‘My nipples are stiff and I haven’t even brushed them yet. Think about how stiff they get for your fingers.’ She opened her eyes and stared straight at him. Then she caught one between thumb and forefinger. She pulled and then she twisted.

He heard her gasp as her eyes fluttered closed again. He had expected her to rub her pussy for a minute and then beg him to fuck her. This was much sexier than he expected. Her throaty voice betrayed her building desire.

Now the hand that was idle moved in circles on her belly. ‘My body’s getting so hot, so hot for you. I feel like I’m melting.’ The hand descended slowly to her dark gold curls.

He was transfixed. He couldn’t decide where to look. Her top hand moved to the neglected breast to grasp the nipple. At the same time, she bowed her legs a little and let the lower hand slip between them. He saw one finger curl and then disappear up inside.

‘See how I’m melting.’ She pulled her hand up extending the one finger that had been briefly hidden. It glistened in the dim light. She held it up as she backed up until her legs were against the bed. She sat and spread her legs straight out. The finger traced a line from the bottom of her pussy up to the little button at the top. It circled around the button several times.

‘Oooohh,’ she groaned. Her eyes closed as she fell back on the bed. ‘I can see your cock coming towards me. It looks so eager to get inside.’

Her movements cast a spell on Niki. Her last sentence broke it and he rushed forward. He leaned over her and kissed her nipples. Then he fell over her catching himself on his arms. His cock ended up against her pussy. Thrusting his hips forward he slid into her easily. They hadn’t used this position before. Their normal position was the traditional Russian ‘grasshopper’ position with him behind her. Now they needed to look at each other, recognizing how close they had come to never seeing each other again. It was early in the morning before their passion of reunion was sated.


Two weeks later Niki was called to the plant manager’s office. ‘Rostov, you’re to report to the District Administrator’s office.’

Niki’s face immediately showed concern. An order to go to the German headquarters in the city couldn’t be good.

‘I don’t think you have to worry, m’boy. The clerk who called assured me that it was a good thing for you.’

A half-hour later Niki was ushered into an office in the District Administrator building. ‘Guten Morgen.’ The Oberst behind the desk didn’t offer to shake hands.

‘Herr General Steiner recommended you as a person who spoke German and could be trusted.’

‘I had some German in the gymnasium and I do good work.’

‘I need someone to oversee the Russian clerks in the Food and Rations office. You’ll report to me.’

So began Niki’s career with the Occupation Forces. At first he was just in charge of the clerks issuing ration cards to the residents of the District. He applied the techniques he learned in the factory to organize and monitor the Ration Clerks in the city. Then he took his procedures and auditing techniques to the outlying towns where other clerks were stationed. Soon the Oberst acknowledged that Niki had a very efficient operation.

His German returned quickly, helped by his twice weekly visits after hours to his old teacher from the gymnasium. He also took every opportunity to talk casually with the Leutnants, Hauptmans and Majors in the administration. He even got to talk with the Oberst occasionally on a personal level.

In September misfortune for one person led to good fortune for Niki. The head of the other Food Administration section, who was responsible for the shipment of food from the Collectives, was killed by partisans. Since Niki’s section was working smoothly and since everybody liked Niki, he was promoted to oversee both sections for the District.

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INTERNAL INVESTIGATION        Sonya pulled the razor up one last time and thought to herself, ?the things I do for the Company?, although this certainly would not be included in her report to her so-called superior at the CIA.  She looked at herself in her Thai hotel room’s full length bathroom mirror and, as usual, was quite pleased with what she saw.  Her own cat green eyes stared back at her from within the lean, high-cheekboned face, framed by a halo of auburn hair which flowed and...

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Me Pehli Bar Jhadi 8211 Part 2

Me fr se geetika ko or uncle ki rang raliya window se dekhne lagi… Uncle ne pehle geetika k chut k balo pe pani dala or comb se thoda suljhaya or scissors se use kat diya…Geetika maje se let k chut k bal saf kr wa rhi thi… Jb scissors se baal chote ho gae to uncle ne razor se uske bal saf kr diye… Ab uski chut saf dikh rhi thi…Upar ki skin thodi si kali…Or uspe uski chut ka pani…Chamak rha tha…Uncle bina der kiye uski chut ko chatne lge…Geetika b pure josh me kamar utha k apni chut chuswa rhi...

3 years ago
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Divorce Celebration Party

Many thanks to Dennis for the editing of this story My pretty common-law wife, Helene, was wearing a sexy dress with a short skirt, which gave a good view of her nice legs. She was standing in the kitchen waiting for a taxi taking her to a "Divorce Celebrating Party" held by a Jenny, one of her best friends. Divorce party sounded as a strange event in our Scandinavian town that is why I asked her, "Why this sexy outfit for that stupid party. Please don't collect any foolish ideas for your...

1 year ago
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The Captains Wife Chapter 3

Chapter 3 - The Attack The next few days were miserable. I noticed a change in the crew. They were silent and sullen, and occasionally I heard violent fighting and angry words. I stayed in my cabin most of the time. I drank very little and ate even less. My thoughts were of William and I wondered if I should ever see him again. It was late on the third day after the storm when I heard shouting. The significance of this shouting was that it was hopeful. I, and everyone else on board, I...

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Carrots at the Carnival

Carrots. Carrots!Remembering I needed carrots, I leave the cashier’s register, dash back to the produce section and quickly find the sign boasting ‘Today’s Special’ - freshly picked carrots. Reaching over them for a bag of smaller, bite-size carrots, my hand passes over the large carrots with green stems. My fingers barely graze the slightly dirty orange skin and large ridged, conical-shaped carrots when suddenly, my mind casts back into a kaleidoscope of images, smells, and sounds, and I hear...

Straight Sex
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Our Swinging Beginning

We were looking for something to add a little bit extra to our sex lives a few years ago and had been discussing several different options we might like, when I came upon several advertisements for couples parties on the Internet. We were both very excited about the idea, but more than a little apprehensive about taking this step; but I suggested we telephone and see if we could attend just as spectators to get an idea what they were actually like, and more importantly, see if this sort of...

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The New Step sisters Sex Party

Lydia was excited about Saturday. First it was her turn to host the party. She was going to have her girlfriends over for a pool party and the best part was her mom and new stepdad were going to be gone until Monday. This would give her the opportunity to host her first orgy.Lydia remembered how her friends had introduced her to the teen swingers club. Since her first orgy she had come to love the lifestyle of swinging. She had sex with dozen of guys and girls and frankly could not imagine just...

1 year ago
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My Big Fat Farty Friend

A BBW friend of mine, in her own words...Hi, my name is Danni, I'm 26 and I guess you'd call me a British BBW. Basically I'm fat lol. Anyway, as well as being lardy I'm also windy. Or as you would say gassy. Basically, on account of IBS, I fart like a thoroughbred racehorse lol!And over the years I've come to know that men just love it when I do!It all started when I was 19. I've always been blessed with a big round arse and my boyfriend at the time just loved it (not the first, won't be the...

2 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 13 Underwater

Let me take a moment to get my thoughts straight. I want to tell the rest of the story clearly, but there are some items that are now fuzzy, some items I was unable to figure out, and some items that I never discovered nor could even piece together. Through it all, though, Simone never stopped proving how amazing she was during the time we knew one another. As I’ve said previously, Simone had been on my mind since Amanda and I began our Hawaiian vacation several weeks ago. After returning...

3 years ago
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21 February 2009Chapter 15

Lacey quickly returned to them, the grils waiting still bare-breasted. “Is there anything else you’d like to try on?” “Is there an item you’d like to see on us?” Sandra asked the woman. “I’m Lacey, the owner, and I’d like the nighties on you again,” she said, admiring their bare breasts. “Mind you, your thongs look very nice the way they are.” The girls introduced themselves and returned to put on their nighties. Sandra remained in her thong, spying on Dan and Lacey. Lacey smiled at him...

1 year ago
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On Being Faithful

On Being Faithful by T-Luv (M/F, spanking, nc, serious) WARNING : You must be at least18 years of age to read this story. The following story may describe consensualor non-consensual spanking or other BDSM activity involving one or more adultwomen and/or teenaged girls. The story may also describe consensual or non-consensualsexual activity between adults, between minor persons, or between minors andadults, and will be clearly tagged as appropriate. Please observe the tagsto determine...

1 year ago
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Shes Now A Hot Wife Chapter Two

Since my wife became a hot wife three weeks ago, it has been a whirlwind of emotion.  Our lives have been filled with emotions ranging from exciting, apprehension to frustration. The next day after she became a hot wife, we did a lot of talking about the lifestyle, her wants, her needs and future intentions.  On Saturday, when we returned from our shopping trip, I was downstairs making us a drink. She called down to me and said, "Come up here now."   I asked her, "Why?"Her response was, "Just...

Wife Lovers
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My Sex Encounter With One Of The Readers From Chennai

Hi readers, This is Dheeraj again from Bangalore! For those who have not read my first episode- please do read and share your feedbacks here. () I’m really overwhelmed with your responses and appreciations given to the first story! This has actually given me the inspiration and courage to share another incident that has happened from a recent past with you all! This has happened after a few weeks of hosting my first ever sex encounter that has happened with my very first sex goddess (the...

1 year ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 3

Staring down the barrel of the assault rifle leveled at them, Inari answered the questions posed to her. “We are the crew of the freighter vessel, Darkstrider. We came aboard when we found this ship adrift,” the captain responded. “Your names, now,” Kasumi demanded brusquely. “Remove your helmets, so I can tell you apart.” Surrounded by heavily armed Sentry-Bots, the crew had no choice but to comply. One by one, they reached up and unlocked their helmets. As their faces came into view, the...

2 years ago
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Leave The Ring On Chapter Three Nights in White Satin

Fiona laid in bed next to Sean. Damian's cum was dripping out of her, staining the satin sheets with memories of infidelity. His words were still burning in her head. "Next time I want you to wear your wedding dress," he said with that sexy sly grin she loved so much.She looked over at Sean and sighed loudly. She never should have married him. They should have just went to games and the prom and then ended it like all other sensible people had done when they moved on to college. Not her,...

Wife Lovers
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Sex with my husbands friend

"I" knew or at least I thought I knew, something bout our close friend Russell that my husband John didn't know! John and I'd known Russell for about six years, and even since he'd come to work at the same company my husband still worked for. Russell had eventually changed jobs, and left the company, but he and John had remained close friends. Back when they'd worked together they began playing golf almost every weekend, and even after Russell left the company, they continued to do so. As a...

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TrialsChapter 8

Round seven was anticlimactic. The bikini clad wrestling match between the two women was a complete domination by Helen. In more ways than one. Stacy’s new passion for restriction and bondage was used against her ruthlessly by the taller, angry woman. Those that took an interest in that competition were sorely disappointed in the contest. Clarence in particular had a displeased expression and words for his unrepentant student. He was so looking for a good slippery mud fight. With two pretty...

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Bhai Ke Lund Se Chudwana Sikhi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali aur main bahut sexy hu mera figure 36 30 38 h aur meri chuchi aur gand bahut badi badi h aur log mujhe line marte h mujhe bahut log chodne ke liye mujhe bolte h aur main bhi bahut sare logo se chudi hu aur mere boyfriends bhi mujhe chodte h lekin mera ab sabse breakup ho gaya h waise mere boyfriends mujhe aaj bhi message karte h whatsapp par aur mujhe chodne ke liye bolte h lekin ab main nahi chudwati hu kyu ki ghar walon se bhi thoda...

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Clares First ShootChapter 2

Clare was about as stunned as anyone could get, as she stared across at the girl in front of her. "You're saying that you're, but the last time I saw you was..." She started off saying, before Annie started to laugh. "Lets see. I think it was your freshman year. That would have made it my senior year." She said, and Clare nodded. "I was kind of shocked when I saw you in the office the other day. I had to go home and pull out my old yearbook to make sure that I wasn't imagining things,...

2 years ago
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first time i had a shemale

It was no secret to me that my victoria was bi; we had talked about it and I encouraged her to express and explore her bi side. When I managed to get us a date with a hot girl that was goth and always wears neon red fishent pantie hoes neon red and black corset with black skirt with neon green dragons she realy truns me on when i walk by her but, I decided to keep that a secret. I took my victoria to a nice dinner, and while being seated our date for the night showed up and introduced herself....

1 year ago
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Part 2 of Cutting the first day of school with Bud Louise

Note : This story is completely fictional!  Part 1 The room reeked of sex. The odor from both of their hard work and multiple cummings gave no doubt that they had been fucking for hours! As they both got their strength back, Louise sat up and discovered just how much cum she had over her body. She told Bud she was going to take a quick shower. As she left for the bathroom, Bud stood up and went in with her. She got into the shower and bud cleaned himself with a wash cloth! That’s one advantages...

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brothers Part 2 Alternate Ending

Read part 1 here. do not accept invites unless you have left a comment on the story=====================================================Amanda walked out of the family room to the stairs, her massive ass swinging side to side, flesh jiggling and sending ripples all over her near naked hips and back. The thin material of her white leotard was busting at seams over those huge butt cheeks. She knew her older son was looking at her and most likely getting...

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The Rainy Night

it was a rainy Friday night, nothing to do on a shitty night like this I sit back in my favorite lazy-boy throw in some new porn i picked up earlier in the day with a beer in one had and a smoke in the other i think it might be that bad of night after all. I was about 5 minutes into the first fuck scene this little blonde slut getting her face hammered by this big black 10 rod her eyes were waters gagging on that big fucking rod. Just then there was a knock on the door I said damn it I was just...

1 year ago
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Morning Wood

Her eyes flutter open, adjusting for a moment as she looks out into the dark room. She lies there for a minute to get her bearings, aware of faint light from outside just beginning to brighten up the windows. She cranes her neck to look at the clock – yeah, it's early. Dawn must just be breaking.She's in bed with her lover behind her, but turned away from him, feeling his skin on her back and butt. She replays the events of last night, which culminated in not just sex, but quite the adventurous...

Straight Sex
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The God Pill Winter JenningsChapter 8

I guess you’d say What can make me feel this way? My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin’ ‘bout my girl (my girl) Sometimes Vanessa and I glam it up. Just for the fun of it. She was taking a Friday night off from both Euforia and BEAR on Broadway. A sure signal that she had both operations running the way she wanted. We were wearing bandage dresses, tight, form-fitting. Vanessa’s was black with fringes hanging from mid thigh to mid calf. They swirled as she strode through the night, drawing...

3 years ago
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An Angel for ChristmasChapter 2

Max and Gina had been working together at the coffee shop near the college that they both attended. They had been dating for only a month. But, Gina fell in love with him the night that they had sex for the first time. The last customer had left for the night and they were closing up the coffee shop. Max locked the door and grabbed Gina by the waist. Bringing her to him, he gave her a passionate kiss. His tongue slipped between her lips and she sucked on it. She could feel Max’s cock growing....

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Delta OriginalChapter 11 The First Jump

Lee woke up approximately four hours later. The crushing effects of the jump forced the breath out of her. The tunnel had been created, and they were short-cutting across space. She never could get her head around the science of why it was possible. It was a simple fact of her life. After the jump, Lee had stayed pinned to the mattress for a minute due to several gees of pressure, as the compensators tried to reassert the artificial gravity. She then floated and fell several times as they...

4 years ago
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Home convalescence

I'd had an operation and was back home where I'd promised to stay in bed. I live in a small rural town where it's safe to leave doors unlocked, so my back door remained unlocked for friends, neighbours and nurses to gain access. It was Summer and hot so I laid naked and propped up by a multitude of pillows and pulled a sheet to cover myself when anyone came round.My first morning at home my neighbour's daughter (Jo) called round before school with a huge thermos of coffee and told me her Mum...

2 years ago
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Uncle made me part 2

SoI had just had the first orgasm of my nine year old life, and the best part was that it was down Uncle Warrens throat. He got up from the bed and said he had to piss and that he had another surprise for me when he got back. I laid on the bed sweating and trying to regain my power to move. And Uncle Warren came back out of the bathroom with a jar of vaseline and told me he was going to smear some on and in his butthole, and he wanted me to put my pee pee up his butt. My soft cock sprang back...

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Just a fuck

She sucks his cock, starting slowly, then becoming more savage until he can no longer take it. He grabs her hair and fucks her face, gagging her. The rest happens in flashes. Pushing her down onto the couch, he stands up and pulls off his shirt and steps out of his pants. She looks up at him, runs her finger across her lower lip – ‘I want you to fuck me.’ He grabs her upper arm then spins her around, bending her over the arm of the couch. Pulling her black panties down to her knees, he enters...

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CHAPTER 13: AFTERNOON WITH MOMThe next morning I am completely sluggish. The week caught up to me. Wonderfully, but still with the three dogs and a loving husband/Master every day and then both Tim and Mr. R last night with all that drinking … yeah, sluggish is a good word for me. As I walked naked through the house to the kitchen for coffee and something to put into my stomach, I grab my cell phone and manage to get everything out onto the patio. I sip my coffee and pick at the muffin as I...

4 years ago
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14th valentine days

On the first day of Valentines, my lover gave to me. She watched from a safe spot as he approached the car. The rose under the wiper blade took him by surprise. He carefully picked it up and read the tag. Yes, it was addressed to him. He leaned to sniff it and there was a slightly familiar fragrance. That was when he realized the rose was silk. Then he took a closer look at the attached tag. She could tell he had realized exactly what he held in his hand when he quickly got into his car. She...

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Third group meet up

The very next day the group chat was active. All four of my friends and myself were eager to meet up as soon as we could. I would smile to myself reading their messages about how good the last meet up was. Even though I was painfully reminded about our activities each time I sat down, I found it extremely arousing reading how they all enjoyed using my body and asking how it felt to be fucked like that. Even after letting them know how painfull it was to start with, every one was pretty keen to...

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As I stepped into the department store, I had to resist thenatural urge to turn left and head for the electronics section.Instead, I turned right, penetrating deep into the mysteriousworld of women's apparel. Feeling conspicuous, I tried to look asif I belonged, relieved that there were no crowds so early in theday. This was the third time I had attempted this, and I wasdetermined not to chicken out again. I knew what I wanted, but not where to find it - and I wasfar too nervous to ask for...

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My Brothers Porn Addiction 4 Family Love Is Infectious

"So, what did your sister get you?" Trica asked, grabbing my gift and handing it to Joe.He took it and opened it. "Oh, tickets to the Lamb Of God and Megadeth show? These are good seats too, thank you, sis," he said, before pecking my cheek."Your welcome; happy birthday.""Maybe you can take your sister with you though, I'm not a fan of either of them, though," Trica made clear, grabbing our mom's gift too. "That was totally better than the sandals he got you, Bionca. Sorry, but you better get...

1 year ago
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My Aunt And I Part II

As we lay there, in post coital bliss. Your phone began to ring. It was Uncle Tom again. “Hello” you said as you answered the phone, and put it on speaker.“I was going to call to tell you the house better be fucking clean by the time I get home”“Uh huh” you replied.“Look, woman, what have I told you about talking while I’m talking.”“I was…”“You were just shutting the fuck up”“yes” you replied again and let your hand slide down my belly to my soft dick while Tom went on his...

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