- 4 years ago
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‘I finally had him last night,’ the tall dark-haired woman said excitedly as she laid out her towel, ‘and let me tell you, it was worth all the hard work.’
‘You’re kidding!’ the smaller, but no less pretty redhead answered.
‘Mmmm, no I’m not. Derek Small is amazing.’
‘So, my dear,’ the second woman said, putting a phony sultry tone into her voice, ‘dish with all the dirty details.’
Emma glanced up from the book she was reading and just as quickly buried her nose again, but her ears were extended to pick up the conversation of the newly-arrived pair as they leaned back in their chaise lounges to gossip.
Despite the twinge of shame she felt at eavesdropping on her neighbors at the swimming pool everyone in the complex shared, she wanted to hear what the women were discussing, because she knew the man they were talking about and the previous evening she’d heard most of the liaison. You see, the man had recently moved into the townhouse next to Emma and Peter.
As the moving van and a stuffed-to-the-gills SUV had arrived that early June morning nearly a month earlier, Emma had been watering the hanging baskets on her front porch. As the new owner strode up the walkway, key in hand to unlock the door, she felt her eyes pulled to stare at him. Later she realized this experience might be just the source of the term ‘animal magnetism’ because that was something Emma had certainly felt. She wouldn’t have been able to look away — even if she’d wanted to.
Mounting the two steps to their shared porch, the man looked up at Emma standing on a kitchen chair and smiled. It was simply dazzling.
‘Oh, hello. I’m your new neighbor, Derek Small.’
Emma quickly got down off the chair, walked three steps and immediately felt her hand engulfed by Derek’s as they shook. His presence completely overwhelmed her.
Her voice came out in a squeak. ‘Emma Richards. I live here with my husband Peter.’
Derek was well over six feet and ruggedly handsome with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She thought of a swimmer as her eyes quickly skittered over his body: broad shoulders tapering to a small waist. His shorts allowed his strong legs to readily show. A wave of heat flowed over Emma being so close to him.
Dragging her mind back, she realized he had gone on with his introduction and she hadn’t taken in a word of it.
‘I, um, live here with my husband,’ she repeated lamely.
Derek’s eyes lit up with humor. ‘Yes, I know, you already said that.’
‘I teach school. I’m off for the summer now.’
‘I start a new job tomorrow and I’ve got a hell of a lot of work to do today, so if you’ll excuse me?’
‘What? Oh, certainly. I understand completely.’
Emma went over, grabbed the kitchen chair and scurried inside. Shutting the front door, she leaned against it. What the heck had just happened?
Their new neighbor soon brought another change to Emma’s life. Emma’s and Peter’s townhouse was on the end of one row. The configuration of the interiors meant that their bedroom was separated from Derek’s by just the wall. Even though it was made of cinder blocks, loud sounds came through it pretty clearly. They also shared a common balcony, separated by a wood privacy wall. Within a week, Emma began hearing sounds from Derek’s bedroom, very specific sounds, very embarrassing sounds, the sounds of lovemaking.
Her husband Peter’s job was a very exhausting one, and he’d always been able to fall into a deep sleep very quickly, anyway. His head would hit the pillow, and he’d be out like a light. Emma enjoyed sitting up in bed to read until she got sleepy. It being summer vacation, she could indulge herself quite late.
Five days after Derek moved in, it happened for the first time. It was a Friday night and Peter had suffered through a hellacious week at work, not getting home until after 8:00 most nights. That Friday, he’d managed to get in by 6:15.
Emma was very disappointed that he’d conked out not a half hour after they’d finished dinner. It had been well over a week since they’d made love, and with Peter going out to play golf with some of his fellow employees the following morning, he’d gone right up to bed.
She’d watched TV until 10:00 and then come up to bed to read for a bit. Emma had barely gotten on the long tee-shirt she slept in when she heard it: sounds in Derek’s bedroom. He had a female visitor.
Getting into bed, she propped up her pillow and grabbed her book from the night table. Peter was turned away on his side, snoring softly. Since it was a coolish night, Emma hadn’t turned on the air conditioning and the sliding door to the balcony was open.
Derek and his guest moved onto his side of the balcony. Figuring their talking might disturb Peter, Emma got up and padded across the room to shut the door. Reaching out for the handle, she froze.
They were kissing. After a few moments, the woman moaned softly. Emma should have immediately slid the door quietly shut, giving them their privacy, but she didn’t. Possibly it was the disappointment that Peter had come home, eaten dinner and gone to bed, but Emma just stood with her hand on the door, listening as things quickly heated up on the adjoining balcony.
The woman seemed to be quite excited already, and though she was keeping her voice down, Emma could hear everything she said very clearly.
‘Oh, that’s it, lover. Suck on them. Mmmm… Oh, yes, that’s so good…’
Emma felt her face burning, but it wasn’t just with shame at eavesdropping on something so intimate.
Sliding the screen open very quietly, she stepped out onto the balcony. Infinitely slowly, she then closed the inner door. Best not to have Peter be disturbed. But if someone had asked Emma at that moment why she wasn’t back in her own bed minding her own business, she couldn’t have given a good answer.
More kissing sounds, quiet moans and the sounds of clothes rustling. With her heart pounding and the blood singing in her ears, Emma stepped forward to the privacy fence. The edges of the wood had been butted together, but the wood being thin and probably green, the fence had warped a bit. Emma looked through a crack.
Derek was standing in the dark with his back inches from the fence. Emma couldn’t see the woman, blocked by him as she was, but her white blouse could easily be seen in the shadows at her feet. Derek’s shirt was open. His belt moved a bit, then she saw the woman’s hands reaching around to pull out his shirt. The pants dropped to Derek’s knees and Emma was amazed to see that he didn’t have on any underwear.
‘Oh my goodness,’ the woman giggled, ‘there’s nothing small about you, dear Derek!’
Silence for a moment, then Emma saw the woman kneel, her hands gripping Derek’s muscular bottom.
Emma felt herself blushing furiously. She could easily guess what was happening without Derek’s low groans and the sloppy wet sounds.
Of course she knew what oral sex was, but she’d never experienced it, either giving or receiving. She’d heard a lot about it from her fellow coeds in college, but well, she’d never had the courage to try it with Peter, and there certainly hadn’t been anyone else to whom she’d been close enough. Peter, being pretty conservative and inexperienced when they’d met and married at 29, had also never done it for Emma. It wasn’t something either of them felt comfortable bringing up. She innately knew that Peter would find sucking on someone’s genitals completely disgusting.
Emma felt her heart pounding in her chest and her head felt faint. The woman, not 3 feet away from her was giving her handsome new neighbor a very enthusiastic blow job.
‘It’s feels so naughty doing this on your balcony,’ the woman sighed at one point, ‘but I hope no one can see us. I don’t need the neighbors gossiping.’
‘Relax. No one can see anything, certainly not you hidden below the railing
‘What about the people next door? Tom and I can hear a lot that goes on in the townhouses next to ours.’
‘They go to bed very early, I think. I haven’t heard anything other than a low rumble when they’re talking, certainly nothing like what we’re doing now. But perhaps you’re right. Let’s take this inside. I want to eat what I’m sure is a very tasty little pussy.’
‘And I can’t wait to have this fine specimen of a hard cock inside me after that,’ the woman said as she rose from her knees.
Emma was shocked to see in the dim light a neighbor from the other end of the complex, a woman, pretty and blonde, who spent her afternoons at the pool with her two small children.
Going inside, they shut the balcony door. Emma reentered her bedroom and returned to bed, fully intending to mind her own business by finishing her novel. Leaning back, her head contacted the connecting wall. She could hear sounds from the other side. Her neighbor (Julie? Jenny?) was moaning loudly, exhorting Derek to savage her pussy with his tongue.
Turning her head, Emma pressed her ear against the wall and could hear even better. After a few minutes the woman enthusiastically orgasmed. Silence for a few moments, then the woman groaned louder still.
‘Oh my God, Derek, it is so big! Please go slowly.’
Emma was breathing fast, and with a rush of embarrassment, she realized her panties had become soaked. She felt the overwhelming urge to touch herself.
Masturbation was the only way Emma had ever orgasmed. Sometimes when she was single, she’d resorted to it when she felt her concentration suffering because of the time of the month. The urge was always strongest midway through her cycle, and when she felt it was getting in the way of real work, she’d use her hand to quickly bring herself off. Occasionally, she’d have to do it more than once a month. It wasn’t something she actively looked forward to, touching herself intimately was just something that occasionally needed doing, like the laundry or yard work.
When Peter and she had married, he would occasionally use his hand on her, bringing her to delicious cums (as she began to think of them after reading a volume of Victorian erotica) before he stuck his erection into her for several frantic moments of pumping before he came. Lately, Emma had begun to feel it was all very mechanical on his part and not particularly satisfying.
Now she had her head pressed to the wall, listening to the enthusiastic sounds of her two neighbors going at it. From the woman’s noises, it was clear she was greatly enjoying what Derek was doing to her. Emma distinctly heard the woman come twice more while Derek made love to her. Amazing. Emma had never felt even the first twinge of an impending cum when Peter and she made love, and even if she had, she knew she couldn’t manage one in the short time he’d be inside her. Except for those rare occasions when he’d touch her, she usually had to wait until he’d fallen asleep before she could gain her own relief. Peter was a good man, but not imaginative in bed, according to what she knew of Victorian mores — or those of her new neighbor, at least.
Almost as if of their own volition, her hands stole down to her sodden panties. Moving very carefully so as not to disturb her husband, she removed them and pulled her feet up towards her, spreading her legs under the sheet.
She was absolutely drenched.
Dipping two fingers of her left hand down low, she gathered up some of the moisture, then slid them slowly up her widening slit. As both fingers drifted deliciously across the hard little nubbin of her clitoris, she stifled a surprised gasp at how far along she already was. With her other hand, Emma spread her labia apart, further exposing her ‘pleasure button’ (another favorite term from her Victorian literary pursuits).
As the lovebirds next door spent the next 90 minutes in more enthusiastic ‘fucking’ (a very naughty word indeed!), Emma masturbated herself to two furious cums, the strongest she’d ever experienced. In order not to wake Peter (how could she ever explain what she was doing?), she bit down hard on her forearm, groaning out her release as quietly as she could. Instinctively, she knew it somehow also dampered the intensity.
That night as she slept heavily, Emma dreamed for the first time about Derek’s cock.
Emma had been brought up with a pretty sheltered life. Her parents had been very strict, not allowing her to date until she was nearly 17. Sex was never referred to in the house, and everything she knew about it had been gained from overheard conversations and the odd magazine article. In college, she’d been quietly studious, staying away from the post-secondary lifestyle. She’d dated a few guys, all of whom had expected one thing, and she hadn’t found a single one that she’d even liked enough to do more than neck with a bit.
After getting her degree, she’d got a job teaching in a small city about 500 miles from where she’d grown up. At school, all of the male staff were married, not that it stopped them from occasionally hitting on her, she’d soon found out to her disgust.
Emma was quite pretty, something she just accepted as a matter of course. Standing 5 foot seven, she was lean and muscular since she’d always loved sports, playing field hockey, basketball and softball all through high school and on into college as much as she could find time for.
She kept her honey blonde hair shortish, above the collar, and the cut was more male than female, but it suited her pixy-ish looks. She had a small upturned nose, gray-blue eyes and a nice mouth with generous lips — if she were to notice those sorts of things. Male eyes always followed her, but she didn’t notice that, either. She dressed nicely, but never provocatively , preferring longer skirts and dresses and loose-fitting slacks. Her bathing suits were always one-piece, and her lingerie could best be described as ‘utilitarian’. When she wore make-up, it was always discreet: a little mascara, maybe some blush, but she didn’t really need even that. The sexiest thing about her, though, was her voice. It was surprisingly low and sultry. Peter said it was what had first attracted him to her and he loved to hear her talk. Actually, this was true for most men.
If Emma had only realized it, everything about her made a very alluring package.
The next morning, she felt ashamed of what had happened the night before. Peter told her she looked as if she’d had a very good sleep indeed, and had enthusiastically mounted her, using his morning erection as an excuse.
‘You’re much wetter than usual, my dear.’
‘I must have had some sort of dream last night, but I don’t remember it,’ she lied.
Peter looked down at her and smiled as he thrust merrily away. ‘But it’s really nice. I certainly enjoy making love to my adorable little wifey.’
‘And I like making love to you, too,’ she answered, but felt the hollowness of her words.
Peter was out the door 45 minutes later to spend the day golfing with his buddies. Normally, Emma would have looked forward to her morning run, then a day spent tidying the house, puttering in her gardens or just reading on the hammock under the trees.
Today, though, she felt very restless, unable to concentrate on anything or to sit still. She went out for a long run, and came back sweaty, but still uneasy. After getting out of the shower, she went into the bedroom, stood in front of the mirror doors of the closet and slid her bathrobe off her shoulders.
It had been a long time since Emma had looked at the self in the nude, and certainly not with such blatant appraisal. Concerning her physical attributes, her motto had always been ‘it is what it is’ and didn’t dwell on them.
She had always readily acknowledged that she had a pretty face. Today, though, she was studying other things.
Emma’s breast were not particularly
big and rode high on her chest. Even at 34, they hadn’t sagged an iota, her nipples weren’t huge, but when she was excited, they got very hard and her areolae puffed out nicely, giving her breasts a pointy look — sort of like they were now, she realized. They also got very sensitive. She experimentally tweaked one, a very naughty thing to do. Oh yes!
Her tummy was nice and flat and her waist small. Her hips didn’t flare as much as some women, but they were nice.
Her eyes drifting lower, Emma saw she had a gap at the apex of her legs and her little, um, pussy nestled nicely between it. Her blonde pubic hair was rather sparse, so one could easily see her labia. They were surprisingly red today, and Emma’s face colored when she realized why.
She had been thinking what she might look like to Derek if he were to see her like this, naked and ready for him.
As she looked at her muscular legs kept that way by her daily runs, Emma turned to look over her shoulder at her pert bottom, it crossed her mind with some satisfaction that Derek would probably would not be repulsed by what he might see.
Emma’s horniness was overwhelming, what with the previous evening’s happenings, her dream about Derek (his rampant penis had seemed impossibly gigantic) and her quick and unsatisfying tryst with Peter. She looked over at the bed and realized what she must do if she were going to get accomplish anything useful that day.
Propping up her pillows, she lay back, reclining slightly. Pulling her knees up, she spread her legs, modestly at first, than more lewdly. Glancing over at the closet door mirrors, she suddenly had a very naughty idea indeed.
Grabbing all the pillows, she propped them up against the side of the bed, making a comfortable way to partially recline on the floor, facing the mirrors. Emma spread her long legs again, this time as wide as she could. Her reflection looked incredibly wanton, she thought, and she was surprised how red and swollen her genitals had already become, so swollen they’d parted, showing her delicate inner lips and the distinct ridge up the center, at the bottom of which her hard clitoris was beginning to peek out. It was very red.
Realizing she needed to be closer to see really well, Emma quickly rearranged things with the dirty clothes hamper wedged between the bed and the pillows. Now she could touch the mirrored doors with her feet and her crotch was barely two feet away. This blatant behavior made the woman uneasy, but she was too worked up to be able to put a stop to it. She’d never before behaved this way, and it disturbed and excited her at the same time.
Her vaginal opening… No! That was the wrong word for today. It was her pussy, yes, her pussy, and it was dripping she was so turned on. Emma got up one more time to fetch a towel to place underneath her bottom. Now she was ready.
With her eyes glued to her reflection, she started by tweaking her nipples. Oh yes, that was good. Harder. Ummm… Emma felt a warm glow down low and her clit seemed to throb extra hard with passion. Her lips were very swollen now and gaping wide on their own. There would be no need to hold them open today.
Her right hand slid down. Using her middle finger, her ‘naughty finger’, she used the full length of it to press down. The tip was at the opening of her pussy and its base at the top of her slit. It felt sinfully delicious as she slid it slowly back and forth, spreading her slick juices.
For the first time in her life, Emma pushed a finger inside herself, wanting to feel what it was like inside. She found her interior cushioned, delightfully wet and very, very warm. Another finger slipped inside. She touched something and her eyes opened wide.
Emma was very familiar with the effects of touching her clitoris, but this was different and enjoyable in a different way. Hunching herself down more to get better access, she pressed up on this spot, rubbing it first tentatively, exploring, then with more force as she felt her passion begin to rise sharply. It was just behind her pubic bone.
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Quarantine Cove (c) 2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or new stories under...
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The multiverse is a vast place. We have filled it with our imagination. This is not a choose your own aadventure story per se, it is a compilation of stories, a compilation of incursions of the fanged ones in the familiar lives of our prefered shows and movies. Of course I don't own any of the characters, yada yada yada. And of course all the characters are of age. All this being said, let's get to it.
By Jax_Teller From : The Advert I had been going through a dry spell sexually for some time and didn't want a relationship. Given the lack of local freaks to fuck, I placed an ad on a kink website. The ad read: “ Rough Fuck wanted, I don't want to know your name or where you work or any of that bullshit. I just need you to show up and get fucked. I will tell you what to do and you will do it or leave. That simple, no cuddles or hugging, Just raw fucking.” I really didn't expect...
So first I'll start with a little background on this story. I'm 35 6'2" and keep in fairly good shape. I work out alot and would say that with blonde short hair and green eyes I am a decent catch. I've always been hetrosexual. This is a true story that involves a former friend of mine for years named Andrew and his wife Amy. I'm now their slave, but that's geting ahead of myself. Andrew is in medicore shape, at about 5'11" and 210 lbs. His wife Amy would be a pretty girl, if she lost a few...
BisexualHai frnds i am suresh. Age 15. I am a studant. Ithu 2011 varudathil nadantha unmai kathai. My family dad, mom and me. En appa contractions manager. Amma janaki age 36. 5' tall. Size 34 32 38. Nala sivapu niram. Amma Ladies club member. Appa companyki unmaia work panraru. So epavum busy. Engalidam ore oru car than irunthathu. Athai appa use seithar. Appa epothum vetileye irukamatar. Mor 8am ponal nt 11pm than vetirku varuvar. Athanal ammavirku velie poga siramaka irunthathu. Athanal appa...
Spanking School is the name my students use for my exclusive Erotic Education Enterprise for fresh well-bred virgins of some social standing. Petra is the name of the first graduate and granddaughter of Professor Peter, who founded his Enterprise for her. Together they inspect in Summer their first ever applicants from all over the globe for a full year of training in a small class of classy cute beauties, who all just turned eighteen.Exclusive education is expensive. In special cases the...
Hello name is Harman and I am from Dehradun..I am 32 years old married man…I am a big fan of ISS and have been reading ISS for last 4 years now…have submitted few of my experiences also and have received some really good feedbacks and was able to hook up with two ladies also who were also desperate like me…I am narrating my experience after a long time as it happened few days back only… I had sexual fling with one of my assistant when I was working in Delhi…title of the story is...
By the time I was half way across the bridge, I remembered my attorney hadn't called me back yet and I wondered why. I finally made it back to Sarah's place, only to see officers swarming all over the house and grounds. Tiny was there with a few of his friends and a big truck to move her things. I was glad she had called him, because I knew I could trust him and anyone with him. I had met him through Myrna right after I came over here from France. He was her sister's son and made three of...
Vince left his hotel room and was heading to a conference when he realized he’d left his wallet in his suitcase back in his room. When he returned to get it, he found that Amy – a hotel maid – had opened his suitcase and was stealing money from his wallet. Vince started to call the manager and have Amy fired, but she stopped him, and Vince made her give him a blowjob, instead, blasting his spunk all over her face and tits. Vince was still erect and horny from being angry and having Amy totally...
By the time they entered the room I had already been through an emotional roller coaster....When I came home from my classes on the Saturday evening before Valentine's day I was looking forward to a relaxing evening with my master in the sauna. He informed me as I was getting ready that he had a room booked and two men coming to use me with him. One I will recognize from the portal and someone else...At first I didn't want to believe him, then I felt a little sick and then on the way there I...
Just to make it clear I consider myself straight (or did). I have never felt a sexual attraction to guys and wasn't something that I'd even consider! Its worth noting as well that this is a 100% truthful and accurate account of what happened to me. Its not a fantasy or any work of fiction, my imagination inst that great (neither is my writing skills) I'm just a guy wanting to share my experience with other people who might want to read it. My introduction to Gay sex Having been married...
Hello, enjoy this story and mail me on or My mother did it one day. I had no idea it was going to happen until it was already happening, and I had no choice but to go along with it. This is the best I can recall of exactly what happened during that forty-five minutes that in some ways will always stay with me. First off, let me tell you that my mother is a truly sexy woman, and we have been living secretly as husband and wife for years. She’s fairly well-off, and she has this thing she likes...
IncestI had always wanted to be a master to a tv or ts so I placed an add in a contact magazine. Much to my surprise I received over 50 replies. One of which included a picture this was Emily a 19 yo tranny from hull. I immediately had to meet her so I called the number given and spoke to Emily for the very first time. I was shocked to hear she was a virgin but loved the idea of being totally submissive to a master . We arranged to meet the following weekend so I took drive to hulls she lived very...
I first had sex a few weeks ago when my parents went off for a weeks holiday leaving me to look after the house and the dog and pony. I took a shower in the morning just after they left to freshen myself up. I put on a pair of white lacy panties and one of my dads large shirts after i got out. Feeling hungry i went downstairs for some food and let Bobby our great dane in. I sat at the table to eat some toast id prepared when Bobby came under the table to poke his nose into my pussy. This...
It had only been an hour since Erica made me her slave, but it seemed like an eternity. The smell of her sex still filled my office. The taste of her pussy lingered on my tongue. Trying to work was useless. I could only think of Erica and our new ‘relationship’ – my undeniable desire to serve her and please her. I could only dream of how she would use me for those purposes. My daydreams were cut short by an incoming IM from Erica. I opened it and read as my pulse quickened. Go to the ladies...
On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...
Abby drove around trying to remember the directions to the house. The eviction notice had showed up on her door, and she had until the end of the month to find a place to live. The manager wanted her out regardless of whether or not she managed to come up with the rent money. He claimed that he had a waiting list of people who would pay the rent on time. The few single friends that she had couldn’t offer much help beyond a couch in their living room. She was desperate and didn’t know what...
Author's note: This is a Giles/Buffy fanfic set in the latter half of season 3, where Buffy is 18. It is also somewhat of an alternate universe story in that Buffy never had sex with Angel, so this is a "first time" story. This is unrelated to my "Black Magic" series. Disclaimer: I'm not Joss Whedon, I don't own Buffy, this is not for profit etc."Is that all you've got?" Giles taunted as he brought his staff down for another strike at the Slayer.Buffy deflected the blow with her own staff,...
Start with the end in mind? (part two)After I showered I felt quite invigorated. My objective was the reconnaissance of a swingers club which had been eventful so far, if you’ve read part one? Was it a good idea to continue the research? Despite the earlier encounters was a slow night in the club giving me a good or bad representation of the venue and its clientele? So the question was should I cut short my night, but as mentioned in part one I met Stella and Hazel which changed my mind.Hazel...
One day I was returning from my college….. oh sorry! let me introduce myself to you all. Hi… I am karan 21 year old guy with very attractive looks. My height is 6” and 78 weights. I am fair and have a gouty.I am born Punjabi good looking guy. Now let’s begin the story! Main pune k wadia colge me third year me padhta hun. Ek din colge se lote same maine walk karne ka socha kyo k colge se mere Room pass hi tha, aur mausam bhi bhot acha tha. Maine us din apni favorite shirt pehni thi. Achanak jab...
Hello Roy here , writing this first time so please excuse me as it is group sex so please do understand and enjoy my real encounter, this story is about my group sex with my teacher and her friend, well i used to have sex with my neighbor teacher aunt (also my teacher), i had seduced her once after sex we both were taking bath together she told me that shes gotta friend who knows about this,I asked her why did you tell her she replied that day she had come to my place and i was happy after...
Another Vampire Story by popular request, Hope you all enjoy the read. This could run into a running series, but for now I'll be posting 5 chapters.Enjoy!Thunder rumbled in the darkening clouds above him as Dustin walked along the sidewalk heading towards the store. The cold wind blew through him making him shiver as he tugged his blue denim jacket tighter around his body, his exposed fingers closing firmly along the front lapel in an attempt to keep the cold at bay. His blue jeans weren't...
A few years back I was invited to a low key adult party in "The Trey Fo - 3-4". A cool laid back couple (W & M) opened their home to a few select couples and very few select single males of which I happened to be one of. I had only met these people online so I was a little nervous.The party started with a game where each person wrote down a low level sexual act on a small piece of paper and put it in a hat. When all slips were in, the hat was passed around for everyone to take a slip....
Mom and Daughter It happened when I was f******n. No, I didn’t have sex at that age. It was when I discovered my love for members of my own sex. Surprising as this may sound, it was my mom’s fault. You see, in our house, if the bathroom door is shut, that means someone is using it and you don’t enter. If it is open, it is free for use. My parents have done a good job of enforcing this in our house. So it came as a surprise one morning when I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and walked...
This happened to us during summer break from school at a young age with my best friends girlfriend and a friend of mine. My best friend Brian had been seeing Becky, one of the girls in the neighborhood for a few weeks now. Becky was a blonde not chubby nor thick, maybe between thick and your normal girl with tits bigger than any other girl of her age I'd say C cups. Brian was the textbook bad boy, always getting into trouble and girls were drawn to that big time. The night before Brian and...
This guy calls the escort services and it seems like he is going to have the best sex in his life…So, I come home from watching Monday Night Football with some guys at the local pub. I turn on the TV and some infomercial for an exercise machine comes on. The model working the machine has a great body and seeing her workout is really working me up. My cock even gets a bit hard.Feeling a bit on the adventurous side, I open the phonebook and look for an escort service that has shemales. I find...
I had just gotten home; it was Friday, and I was looking forward to the weekend. My wife was waiting for me. Not waiting for me as she usually did with a smile and a peck, but fidgeting—and seemingly determined about something. Something was up, and it didn't look good. "Hi honey," I said. I stopped and looked at her. "Something wrong? Where are the children?" It was Friday and the kids should have been home. "The children are with mom until Monday. John, I have to talk to you. I have...
Hi, ISS readers and Rishma, thanks for appreciation for my previous stories, I am Tinku Shah from Nagpur 27, 5’11” with my another encounter with a lovely, beauty, softy, mrugnayani, sweetheart TARA from Hyderabad. It more love story than a sex story. My previous stories are: “Nagpurs Naughty Shalu Bhabhi 1-2” “Visit to Bombay as a Callboy” This incident happens when i visit to Hyderabad for yard inspection of my company, Our company has big yard in Hyderabad, and there are many employees...
Prologue It awoke. Had it been fully human, it would have been confused upon awakening, but it wasn't fully human. As such, it was immediately aware of a large amount of information, some of which didn't make any sense, but it wasn't worried. It knew what "worry" meant. It just didn't feel that particular emotion, at present. Maybe it would, some day, but not at present. Somehow it knew that, given time, this or that piece of information would settle into its appropriate place in...
Lynn hurried back to her hotel. She and Peter had made love for over two hours. He had suggested she simply leave with him then and there, but Lynn had insisted she owed Denise more than to simply sneak away. She told Peter she would find the appropriate time to break the news and then she would go with him anywhere he wanted. He reluctantly agreed and they parted, but not before they again drove each other to another in a series of breathtaking orgasms, Lynn's labial lips sucking every drop...
Where next? Josh thought to himself and then it came to him, Kara. Josh had been drooling over Kara for ages and thought to himself that it was finally his chance so he headed straight to work to 'check the rota' well that was his excuse. "Hi everyone," he said as he walked into work, "what you doing in" Kara said, he didn't think it would be that easy to find her so thought fuck it and turned on the device, "could I speak to you in private?" he asked Kara and under the control of...