Betrayal Ch. 01 free porn video

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‘I finally had him last night,’ the tall dark-haired woman said excitedly as she laid out her towel, ‘and let me tell you, it was worth all the hard work.’

‘You’re kidding!’ the smaller, but no less pretty redhead answered.

‘Mmmm, no I’m not. Derek Small is amazing.’

‘So, my dear,’ the second woman said, putting a phony sultry tone into her voice, ‘dish with all the dirty details.’

Emma glanced up from the book she was reading and just as quickly buried her nose again, but her ears were extended to pick up the conversation of the newly-arrived pair as they leaned back in their chaise lounges to gossip.

Despite the twinge of shame she felt at eavesdropping on her neighbors at the swimming pool everyone in the complex shared, she wanted to hear what the women were discussing, because she knew the man they were talking about and the previous evening she’d heard most of the liaison. You see, the man had recently moved into the townhouse next to Emma and Peter.


As the moving van and a stuffed-to-the-gills SUV had arrived that early June morning nearly a month earlier, Emma had been watering the hanging baskets on her front porch. As the new owner strode up the walkway, key in hand to unlock the door, she felt her eyes pulled to stare at him. Later she realized this experience might be just the source of the term ‘animal magnetism’ because that was something Emma had certainly felt. She wouldn’t have been able to look away — even if she’d wanted to.

Mounting the two steps to their shared porch, the man looked up at Emma standing on a kitchen chair and smiled. It was simply dazzling.

‘Oh, hello. I’m your new neighbor, Derek Small.’

Emma quickly got down off the chair, walked three steps and immediately felt her hand engulfed by Derek’s as they shook. His presence completely overwhelmed her.

Her voice came out in a squeak. ‘Emma Richards. I live here with my husband Peter.’

Derek was well over six feet and ruggedly handsome with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She thought of a swimmer as her eyes quickly skittered over his body: broad shoulders tapering to a small waist. His shorts allowed his strong legs to readily show. A wave of heat flowed over Emma being so close to him.

Dragging her mind back, she realized he had gone on with his introduction and she hadn’t taken in a word of it.

‘I, um, live here with my husband,’ she repeated lamely.

Derek’s eyes lit up with humor. ‘Yes, I know, you already said that.’

‘I teach school. I’m off for the summer now.’

‘I start a new job tomorrow and I’ve got a hell of a lot of work to do today, so if you’ll excuse me?’

‘What? Oh, certainly. I understand completely.’

Emma went over, grabbed the kitchen chair and scurried inside. Shutting the front door, she leaned against it. What the heck had just happened?

Their new neighbor soon brought another change to Emma’s life. Emma’s and Peter’s townhouse was on the end of one row. The configuration of the interiors meant that their bedroom was separated from Derek’s by just the wall. Even though it was made of cinder blocks, loud sounds came through it pretty clearly. They also shared a common balcony, separated by a wood privacy wall. Within a week, Emma began hearing sounds from Derek’s bedroom, very specific sounds, very embarrassing sounds, the sounds of lovemaking.

Her husband Peter’s job was a very exhausting one, and he’d always been able to fall into a deep sleep very quickly, anyway. His head would hit the pillow, and he’d be out like a light. Emma enjoyed sitting up in bed to read until she got sleepy. It being summer vacation, she could indulge herself quite late.

Five days after Derek moved in, it happened for the first time. It was a Friday night and Peter had suffered through a hellacious week at work, not getting home until after 8:00 most nights. That Friday, he’d managed to get in by 6:15.

Emma was very disappointed that he’d conked out not a half hour after they’d finished dinner. It had been well over a week since they’d made love, and with Peter going out to play golf with some of his fellow employees the following morning, he’d gone right up to bed.

She’d watched TV until 10:00 and then come up to bed to read for a bit. Emma had barely gotten on the long tee-shirt she slept in when she heard it: sounds in Derek’s bedroom. He had a female visitor.

Getting into bed, she propped up her pillow and grabbed her book from the night table. Peter was turned away on his side, snoring softly. Since it was a coolish night, Emma hadn’t turned on the air conditioning and the sliding door to the balcony was open.

Derek and his guest moved onto his side of the balcony. Figuring their talking might disturb Peter, Emma got up and padded across the room to shut the door. Reaching out for the handle, she froze.

They were kissing. After a few moments, the woman moaned softly. Emma should have immediately slid the door quietly shut, giving them their privacy, but she didn’t. Possibly it was the disappointment that Peter had come home, eaten dinner and gone to bed, but Emma just stood with her hand on the door, listening as things quickly heated up on the adjoining balcony.

The woman seemed to be quite excited already, and though she was keeping her voice down, Emma could hear everything she said very clearly.

‘Oh, that’s it, lover. Suck on them. Mmmm… Oh, yes, that’s so good…’

Emma felt her face burning, but it wasn’t just with shame at eavesdropping on something so intimate.

Sliding the screen open very quietly, she stepped out onto the balcony. Infinitely slowly, she then closed the inner door. Best not to have Peter be disturbed. But if someone had asked Emma at that moment why she wasn’t back in her own bed minding her own business, she couldn’t have given a good answer.

More kissing sounds, quiet moans and the sounds of clothes rustling. With her heart pounding and the blood singing in her ears, Emma stepped forward to the privacy fence. The edges of the wood had been butted together, but the wood being thin and probably green, the fence had warped a bit. Emma looked through a crack.

Derek was standing in the dark with his back inches from the fence. Emma couldn’t see the woman, blocked by him as she was, but her white blouse could easily be seen in the shadows at her feet. Derek’s shirt was open. His belt moved a bit, then she saw the woman’s hands reaching around to pull out his shirt. The pants dropped to Derek’s knees and Emma was amazed to see that he didn’t have on any underwear.

‘Oh my goodness,’ the woman giggled, ‘there’s nothing small about you, dear Derek!’

Silence for a moment, then Emma saw the woman kneel, her hands gripping Derek’s muscular bottom.

Emma felt herself blushing furiously. She could easily guess what was happening without Derek’s low groans and the sloppy wet sounds.

Of course she knew what oral sex was, but she’d never experienced it, either giving or receiving. She’d heard a lot about it from her fellow coeds in college, but well, she’d never had the courage to try it with Peter, and there certainly hadn’t been anyone else to whom she’d been close enough. Peter, being pretty conservative and inexperienced when they’d met and married at 29, had also never done it for Emma. It wasn’t something either of them felt comfortable bringing up. She innately knew that Peter would find sucking on someone’s genitals completely disgusting.

Emma felt her heart pounding in her chest and her head felt faint. The woman, not 3 feet away from her was giving her handsome new neighbor a very enthusiastic blow job.

‘It’s feels so naughty doing this on your balcony,’ the woman sighed at one point, ‘but I hope no one can see us. I don’t need the neighbors gossiping.’

‘Relax. No one can see anything, certainly not you hidden below the railing

‘What about the people next door? Tom and I can hear a lot that goes on in the townhouses next to ours.’

‘They go to bed very early, I think. I haven’t heard anything other than a low rumble when they’re talking, certainly nothing like what we’re doing now. But perhaps you’re right. Let’s take this inside. I want to eat what I’m sure is a very tasty little pussy.’

‘And I can’t wait to have this fine specimen of a hard cock inside me after that,’ the woman said as she rose from her knees.

Emma was shocked to see in the dim light a neighbor from the other end of the complex, a woman, pretty and blonde, who spent her afternoons at the pool with her two small children.

Going inside, they shut the balcony door. Emma reentered her bedroom and returned to bed, fully intending to mind her own business by finishing her novel. Leaning back, her head contacted the connecting wall. She could hear sounds from the other side. Her neighbor (Julie? Jenny?) was moaning loudly, exhorting Derek to savage her pussy with his tongue.

Turning her head, Emma pressed her ear against the wall and could hear even better. After a few minutes the woman enthusiastically orgasmed. Silence for a few moments, then the woman groaned louder still.

‘Oh my God, Derek, it is so big! Please go slowly.’

Emma was breathing fast, and with a rush of embarrassment, she realized her panties had become soaked. She felt the overwhelming urge to touch herself.

Masturbation was the only way Emma had ever orgasmed. Sometimes when she was single, she’d resorted to it when she felt her concentration suffering because of the time of the month. The urge was always strongest midway through her cycle, and when she felt it was getting in the way of real work, she’d use her hand to quickly bring herself off. Occasionally, she’d have to do it more than once a month. It wasn’t something she actively looked forward to, touching herself intimately was just something that occasionally needed doing, like the laundry or yard work.

When Peter and she had married, he would occasionally use his hand on her, bringing her to delicious cums (as she began to think of them after reading a volume of Victorian erotica) before he stuck his erection into her for several frantic moments of pumping before he came. Lately, Emma had begun to feel it was all very mechanical on his part and not particularly satisfying.

Now she had her head pressed to the wall, listening to the enthusiastic sounds of her two neighbors going at it. From the woman’s noises, it was clear she was greatly enjoying what Derek was doing to her. Emma distinctly heard the woman come twice more while Derek made love to her. Amazing. Emma had never felt even the first twinge of an impending cum when Peter and she made love, and even if she had, she knew she couldn’t manage one in the short time he’d be inside her. Except for those rare occasions when he’d touch her, she usually had to wait until he’d fallen asleep before she could gain her own relief. Peter was a good man, but not imaginative in bed, according to what she knew of Victorian mores — or those of her new neighbor, at least.

Almost as if of their own volition, her hands stole down to her sodden panties. Moving very carefully so as not to disturb her husband, she removed them and pulled her feet up towards her, spreading her legs under the sheet.

She was absolutely drenched.

Dipping two fingers of her left hand down low, she gathered up some of the moisture, then slid them slowly up her widening slit. As both fingers drifted deliciously across the hard little nubbin of her clitoris, she stifled a surprised gasp at how far along she already was. With her other hand, Emma spread her labia apart, further exposing her ‘pleasure button’ (another favorite term from her Victorian literary pursuits).

As the lovebirds next door spent the next 90 minutes in more enthusiastic ‘fucking’ (a very naughty word indeed!), Emma masturbated herself to two furious cums, the strongest she’d ever experienced. In order not to wake Peter (how could she ever explain what she was doing?), she bit down hard on her forearm, groaning out her release as quietly as she could. Instinctively, she knew it somehow also dampered the intensity.

That night as she slept heavily, Emma dreamed for the first time about Derek’s cock.


Emma had been brought up with a pretty sheltered life. Her parents had been very strict, not allowing her to date until she was nearly 17. Sex was never referred to in the house, and everything she knew about it had been gained from overheard conversations and the odd magazine article. In college, she’d been quietly studious, staying away from the post-secondary lifestyle. She’d dated a few guys, all of whom had expected one thing, and she hadn’t found a single one that she’d even liked enough to do more than neck with a bit.

After getting her degree, she’d got a job teaching in a small city about 500 miles from where she’d grown up. At school, all of the male staff were married, not that it stopped them from occasionally hitting on her, she’d soon found out to her disgust.

Emma was quite pretty, something she just accepted as a matter of course. Standing 5 foot seven, she was lean and muscular since she’d always loved sports, playing field hockey, basketball and softball all through high school and on into college as much as she could find time for.

She kept her honey blonde hair shortish, above the collar, and the cut was more male than female, but it suited her pixy-ish looks. She had a small upturned nose, gray-blue eyes and a nice mouth with generous lips — if she were to notice those sorts of things. Male eyes always followed her, but she didn’t notice that, either. She dressed nicely, but never provocatively , preferring longer skirts and dresses and loose-fitting slacks. Her bathing suits were always one-piece, and her lingerie could best be described as ‘utilitarian’. When she wore make-up, it was always discreet: a little mascara, maybe some blush, but she didn’t really need even that. The sexiest thing about her, though, was her voice. It was surprisingly low and sultry. Peter said it was what had first attracted him to her and he loved to hear her talk. Actually, this was true for most men.

If Emma had only realized it, everything about her made a very alluring package.


The next morning, she felt ashamed of what had happened the night before. Peter told her she looked as if she’d had a very good sleep indeed, and had enthusiastically mounted her, using his morning erection as an excuse.

‘You’re much wetter than usual, my dear.’

‘I must have had some sort of dream last night, but I don’t remember it,’ she lied.

Peter looked down at her and smiled as he thrust merrily away. ‘But it’s really nice. I certainly enjoy making love to my adorable little wifey.’

‘And I like making love to you, too,’ she answered, but felt the hollowness of her words.

Peter was out the door 45 minutes later to spend the day golfing with his buddies. Normally, Emma would have looked forward to her morning run, then a day spent tidying the house, puttering in her gardens or just reading on the hammock under the trees.

Today, though, she felt very restless, unable to concentrate on anything or to sit still. She went out for a long run, and came back sweaty, but still uneasy. After getting out of the shower, she went into the bedroom, stood in front of the mirror doors of the closet and slid her bathrobe off her shoulders.

It had been a long time since Emma had looked at the self in the nude, and certainly not with such blatant appraisal. Concerning her physical attributes, her motto had always been ‘it is what it is’ and didn’t dwell on them.

She had always readily acknowledged that she had a pretty face. Today, though, she was studying other things.

Emma’s breast were not particularly
big and rode high on her chest. Even at 34, they hadn’t sagged an iota, her nipples weren’t huge, but when she was excited, they got very hard and her areolae puffed out nicely, giving her breasts a pointy look — sort of like they were now, she realized. They also got very sensitive. She experimentally tweaked one, a very naughty thing to do. Oh yes!

Her tummy was nice and flat and her waist small. Her hips didn’t flare as much as some women, but they were nice.

Her eyes drifting lower, Emma saw she had a gap at the apex of her legs and her little, um, pussy nestled nicely between it. Her blonde pubic hair was rather sparse, so one could easily see her labia. They were surprisingly red today, and Emma’s face colored when she realized why.

She had been thinking what she might look like to Derek if he were to see her like this, naked and ready for him.

As she looked at her muscular legs kept that way by her daily runs, Emma turned to look over her shoulder at her pert bottom, it crossed her mind with some satisfaction that Derek would probably would not be repulsed by what he might see.

Emma’s horniness was overwhelming, what with the previous evening’s happenings, her dream about Derek (his rampant penis had seemed impossibly gigantic) and her quick and unsatisfying tryst with Peter. She looked over at the bed and realized what she must do if she were going to get accomplish anything useful that day.

Propping up her pillows, she lay back, reclining slightly. Pulling her knees up, she spread her legs, modestly at first, than more lewdly. Glancing over at the closet door mirrors, she suddenly had a very naughty idea indeed.

Grabbing all the pillows, she propped them up against the side of the bed, making a comfortable way to partially recline on the floor, facing the mirrors. Emma spread her long legs again, this time as wide as she could. Her reflection looked incredibly wanton, she thought, and she was surprised how red and swollen her genitals had already become, so swollen they’d parted, showing her delicate inner lips and the distinct ridge up the center, at the bottom of which her hard clitoris was beginning to peek out. It was very red.

Realizing she needed to be closer to see really well, Emma quickly rearranged things with the dirty clothes hamper wedged between the bed and the pillows. Now she could touch the mirrored doors with her feet and her crotch was barely two feet away. This blatant behavior made the woman uneasy, but she was too worked up to be able to put a stop to it. She’d never before behaved this way, and it disturbed and excited her at the same time.

Her vaginal opening… No! That was the wrong word for today. It was her pussy, yes, her pussy, and it was dripping she was so turned on. Emma got up one more time to fetch a towel to place underneath her bottom. Now she was ready.

With her eyes glued to her reflection, she started by tweaking her nipples. Oh yes, that was good. Harder. Ummm… Emma felt a warm glow down low and her clit seemed to throb extra hard with passion. Her lips were very swollen now and gaping wide on their own. There would be no need to hold them open today.

Her right hand slid down. Using her middle finger, her ‘naughty finger’, she used the full length of it to press down. The tip was at the opening of her pussy and its base at the top of her slit. It felt sinfully delicious as she slid it slowly back and forth, spreading her slick juices.

For the first time in her life, Emma pushed a finger inside herself, wanting to feel what it was like inside. She found her interior cushioned, delightfully wet and very, very warm. Another finger slipped inside. She touched something and her eyes opened wide.

Emma was very familiar with the effects of touching her clitoris, but this was different and enjoyable in a different way. Hunching herself down more to get better access, she pressed up on this spot, rubbing it first tentatively, exploring, then with more force as she felt her passion begin to rise sharply. It was just behind her pubic bone.

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Javon's parents sold a company that they had started and built for years. They are now wealthy, but still want to live a normal life. He is their only child who was born later in their lives. Although spoiled as a child, his parents raised him to be a responsible adult. He and his family moved to Miami to escape the cold Chicago winters. Javon's first week was spent at a hotel right across the street from South Beach.Javon's first sexual experience was with a woman named Josie and her...

4 years ago
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Rachel in Hollywood

Rachel was a young girl who grew up in Miami, Florida. She was a beautiful girl, with nicely bronzed skin and brown hair, with luscious lips that every man desired. She wasn't very tall, only standing about 5'4", but she was slim and slender with nearly flawless skin and rather large breasts. At age 18, she got a deal to become a swimsuit model, and she and her sister, who was also in the modeling business, flew over to Hollywood to try to make it big. At first, she and her sister, Cecilia, had...

1 year ago
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DanicaPart 2C

The play continued much the same for the remainder of the two days. She served like a perfect little girl, and he took advantage of her innocence often. Danica found that she often offered enough resistance to get the belt — once even enough to get a violent fucking of her mouth, followed by a hard fucking of her tight ass. Danica woke up sopping wet, and went to bed filled with cum. "It is time for me to go again," he said as he gathered up his things the second afternoon. "Come give me...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 372

The Retreat ... Charlotte and Ada sat for a moment as Diana's words sank in. Both mother and daughter were clearly skeptical as they furtively glanced at the other three women. Diana let out a chuckle. "You can say it; we won't get mad." Ada hesitated. "This is no joke? You're actually telling us that Susan is your mother and Arlene is your daughter?" "Got it in one," Diana said with a grin. "But..." Ada began. Then, after studying Susan's and Arlene's faces some more, she...

2 years ago
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Becoming a nymph 2 Waking up

'What a weird dream' I thought when I hadn't even realized what happened in it, rolled from one side to the other in my bed and groaned in fatigue. Wait... when I groaned... there was something weird about it... but what..? I was too tired to open my eyes and I put my hand on my forehead, rubbing the right side of my face - which felt unfamiliar. More smooth? 'What a weird... what did I even..?' I relived my nude walk through the temple... and my meeting with... Aphrodite! The Goddess...

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A story I found in one of my sisters old ntoebooks

I've tried not to change too much as not to ruin the original story, but I've placed the correct terminology in places where it was absent. After reading through it, Ive come to the conclusion that it would be more enjoyable from a female perspective. That being said, anyone can read it. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it. If i find anymore stories, I'll be sure to post them. Also, the story just ends. I don't know why, but it does. So be prepared for it.I had always heard that sex in an act of love...

2 years ago
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Love is comlicated Set up0

I walk out to find Jessica sitting on my bed. She is about 5 foot 7 inches and has some of the smoothest skin I have ever seen. She sits with her legs crossed hands on her knees in short shorts and a t shirt that isn’t exposing the cleavage of her C breasts, but is tight enough you can see their shape perfectly. Her blonde hair sets upon her shoulders and shines in the light from the window and she ever so slightly smiles up at me, her red lipstick making her lips contrast with her eye shadow...

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Hot Twister

“This is me,” Megan said, pointing to a charming Victorian-style two-story with strands of ivy ascending the old brick walls. She turned off the tree-shaded sidewalk, through the creaky white picket gate, and headed down the winding garden path as I followed along. “If my stepmom is home, she’ll be all chatty,” she warned. “Just ignore her.” I nodded in agreement as Megan rattled the key in the stubborn front door lock and the mechanism finally released. Ignoring Mrs. Williams proved a task...

2 years ago
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A Princess in Abyss

It’s dark. Luckily there’s still some moonlight. In the riven mountains wrapped by a pea-soup fog, a young lady in fancy dress was running, as if being chased by some nightmare. Suddenly she fell down. Alas! Such a pity! The expensive dress got partly stained by dirt, and somehow torn up a little bit. Never mind. It’s still a fine dress. Gorgeous, in fact. It’s a perfect dress for princess, showing her charming figure flattering. Her breath was soft as a feather and sweet like a lily. Her...

1 year ago
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Desirable Sex

Satsriakal to all my friendz………mein aaj yha par hoon apni first story le kar jo ki 3 months pehle he ghati….so mere story kuch is trah hai……ist introduce myself my name inderjeet girn from mohali punjab….mein nice build athletic body hoon m height is 5.9 and my size of dick is near abt 10… ye story tab ki hai jab mein b-tech 1st year mein tha….mere ek bht achi friend thi named gurpreet…she was nic lookin girl mein usko apni friend se jada kuch nhi manta tha…..aise he din bitte rhe ..ek din...

2 years ago
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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 33

8 pm GMT (3 pm EST), December 31, 2019 New Year’s Eve Abandoned Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia CNN Rapture Town Hall “This has required some cleaning up to make it suitable for CNN’s use, you know,” Van Jones, the lone unchanged, unmodified human reporter left at CNN, commented as he opened the CNN Rapture Town Hall live on international TV. “I imagine that this is worth it, though. This is, without question, the biggest live event in the history of broadcast television, whether...

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Wife Confessions Their Secret

“Have a good day, honey!” I wave at my husband from the front door.He turns and smiles at me just as he gets to his car. “You too, beautiful. I'll be late tonight, as usual. You have fun. Okay?” His voice is dripping with enthusiasm.I notice the shades in the house beside ours move slightly. We both know that our neighbor, Jack, has been checking me out whenever he has the chance. It was Reagan who noticed it first. Whenever I'd be outside, soaking in the sun or in my garden, Jack would come...

3 years ago
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Ovid 8 The Team Pts 610

Ovid 8 The Team By The Professor Part 6 Danny and I had spent most of the party talking to others and had spent very little time together. Maybe it was my imagination, but I suspected Danny was as uncomfortable being around me as I was being around him. We had been thrust into the role of a dating couple, and there were some real pitfalls to that. It might have been easier if we had barely known each other. If, say Austin Blake had been turned into Danny, it might have been...

1 year ago
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Mona Sona

Hello, friends. I thank you all for liking my stories and feeding me your comments. Here is my new erotic story which I am sure you all would love. Please send the feedback at I had married Mona, a beautiful 22 year old big boob woman last year and was madly in love with my wife. Mona was a whore in bed and I loved my whore. She is 5 feet 4 inches, round ass, nice big tits with brown nipples that she loves getting sucked. She keeps her cunt shaved for me and loves my 7 inch cock. She likes...

2 years ago
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A reunion at the funeral the final chapter

I reach out and take his hand into mine. The feel of the heat as I get close to him almost making me gasp. I had almost put to the back of my mind just how worked up I was. “ this doesn’t look good Ellis I know… but Grandma could have been wrong, besides she fell down the stairs you know that” I tell him not wanting to believe my grandfather, as cold as he may be, would kill his own wife. As I speak Ellis lets out an exasperated breath. “Freya… for once will you just fucking listen” he says...

3 years ago
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Comforting Mom

“Morning Dear” Mom says as I walk over and sit down at the counter. “How’d you sleep?” I’d like to tell her the truth. I’d love to say how I spent half the night stroking my cock, thinking about her and Dad sucking and fucking. “Okay, I guess.” Mom slides a plate of pancakes in front of me then, she walks over next to me and leans over and drizzles the pancakes with syrup. She is wearing her light blue silk pajamas still. A short top that shows plenty of her large cleavage, and...

2 years ago
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College Roommate Ke Saath

Hi Doston kaise ho aap. Aaj main yeh apni pehli story aapke liye leke aa rahi hun. Ye meri college ki story hai and ismein eke k ghatna sach hai. Kash woh time firse aa jaye to mazza aa jaye. Is story mein ek main hun jo ki karishma hun. Age 21 years Height 5-4, figure 34 30 32 and kaafi fair hun. Meri dost kehti thi ki main bahut sexy lagti hun and college mein bahut ladke mujhpe line maarte the. Is story ki dusri actor hai meri room mate sonam. Jo ki bahut sexy thi and koi bhi ladka use...

2 years ago
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What A Friend

Poor Greg had to listen to me rave about the bachelor party over and over again. I know I must have sounded like a k** after being in a toy store. But damn I loved it! I think he got the hint cause his attitude changed a bit after a while. He’d start throwing out ideas at me about how we could throw another one, who we could have as a center, who we would invite. I thought he was acting a bit suspicious, like he was trying to get details out of me without asking. After about a week he told me...

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His Lucky Week

I hope you read my account of how I took Lee’s virginity and started the tuition to turn him into a generous lover, making sure that he will make many girls happy in the future. I also hinted at where my training of him would go nextLee is a fitness enthusiast and likes to go to his boxing club on a Tuesday, insisting it's better than any workout in a gym, before going out for a couple of beers with his friends. Boxing club doesn’t seem a great alternative to a night with me when I can give...

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Insane masturbation to Paris HIlton yesterday

Felt like a big Paris day and wanted to have a MASTURBATION-THON so I wrote down everything.Started at 8AM and came to a pic of her in my sisters Star magazine at 8:259:43 started again to her on a DVR TMZ episode. Big load11:33 Saw new pics I found and loaded in Paris pic section. Dropped TWO loads back to back on Paris.I guess masturbating so much I continue to be horny. 12:40 watching One Night in Paris Vid. Come to Paris at 12:56.2:03 blow my load to Paris on a printed pic of her in white...

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The LibrarianChapter 8 The Day After

Thursday morning dawned bright and clear. Lesa was at the breakfast table with her three children sipping her first cup of coffee. She had been unusually quiet that morning. "Are you okay, mom?" Sara asked. "I'm fine, dear. Why do you ask?" "I don't know. You just seem to be kind of drifting. You're usually bouncing around the kitchen, and this morning you're just sitting here. Did something bad happen last night?" Lesa blinked, "Actually, something good happened last night. It...

1 year ago
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The Great Shift The Bachelor Party

The Great Shift: The Bachelor Party By Ran Dandel When I think back on everything, I should have known that my best buddy, Sal,was up to something on that day. While we've been best friends since grade school, and we knew we could trust each other totally, I always suspected he was related to Loki, or Puck, or Coyote, or somebody like that, because he had a decidedly playful streak. His pranks were harmless, but always slightly weird and always unexpected. We were going to the...

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son and mom in love

visit on to see more top rated story like these One night my husband and I came home to find our son fucking his girlfriend on the couch in the living room. My husband and I went out for dinner, just the two of us, and we stupidly trusted and thought that our son would just innocently watch a movie with his girlfriend and then take her back home. We should have known better than to leave a 16 year old boy with his girlfriend alone. That was how I got pregnant by my husband, who...

2 years ago
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Wife8217s First Gangband Impregnation

When my wife was 19, we decided to have a new yrs party at our duplex and invite a few close friends. my wife(girlfriend at the time) had heard her first boyfriend from highschool was in town and she thought it would be nice to see him again. she also invited 2 other guys who she had dated for a little while in highschool befroe she met me. she had 2 girlfriends invited but one was sick and declined to come over. Her other friend was in town staying with us over the holidays, and was more than...

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Futa Neigbouur

You live in a rented house for about 3 months where a new family comes to live. The family is that of two sisters and their mother, who is divorced. The landlady stays on the floor above yours, a widow with no children. You study in college and go my the name of Lite. You are a pretty tall guy, 5'10'' to be precise with black hair and a hint of muscle. The landlady is a tall(an inch taller than you) muscular blond who spends most of her time in the gym. In spite of her age she happens to...

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Loving Little sister and Friend

Loving Little sister and FriendPrologue Rachel is my younger sister by three years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone.As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned early on that...

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Pokemon trainer

You wake up and walk over to your full body mirror to see a guy looking back at you with sharp blue eyes, high cheek bones, shaggy white hair, a charming smile, ripped abs, tan skin, and a 12" cock. You look over to your alarm clock to see it's 12:00? "Oh shit I'm late!" you explain out loud You hurry to put on a pair of jeans, a baggie white t-shirt, and your backpack. You run out the door, and you run down to Professor Oaks lab. You check your watch to see that you still have thirty...

3 years ago
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Street Name Samanta

Street Name: Samantha! Players: Sam/Samantha, the lead in this story; Chief Helen Sanders, Sam's boss; Rose, Sam's teacher and dominate; Ruth/Ray, Chief Sanders brother/sister; Helen, Rose's Sister and her husband Jack, an adult baby. Julie, A male-to-female transsexual, and Sam's co-worker at the boutique; John, Sam's new sissy friend, Patrick/Patty Cake, the bookkeeper, Sandy, the self proclaimed "Queen of Tarts", and owner of Swirls and Curls. Synopsis: Sam's job, in...

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Slutty stepdaughter

My stepdaughter, and her 3 year old son, had been living with us for a couple months, as she would tease me bad. My dick would come to attention everytime I saw the outfits she wore around the house. Jen is a somewhat chubby 27 year old, 5ft 4in tall, nice set of D tits, brownish hair, and a curvy ass. She would usually wear a tank top that showed her big cleavage nicely, and a pair of stretchy shorts that barely covered her ass cheeks. Her mom got moved from dayshift to nightshift, as it was...

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Akka Nu Dengina Tammudu

Hi, ISS readers naa Peru Rajesh(name changed) naa vayasu 22.well build body vundhi. B-tech final year chaduvuthunanu.nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu.nenu iss lo stories some 2 years nundi chadhuvuthunanu. so nenu e roju na sexlife gurinchi chepalani e story rasthunanu. nenu first time kavadam valla adhina tapulu vunte sorry nanu excuse cheyandi.e story lo nenu ela na sontha akkanu degano daniki na luck ella kalisi vachindo chepalani anukuntunanu. First nenu ma enti gurinche, maa family gurinche...

4 years ago
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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses

Leila browsed her social media page, keeping up with friends, commenting about the day’s little adventures with her peers. It was 10 p.m. and she had just gotten the kids to bed. Leila’s husband Joel was still hours away from getting off his late shift. Leila’s laptop suddenly pinged her. A message! She looked to see who had sent it and was suddenly seized by an invisible hand clenching her throat. It was Horacio – his friends just called him Ace. He wanted to friend her. As soon as Leila...

Wife Lovers
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Long lost mom

This story is completely fictional! This is my first time story my name is jack I am 18 years old I live with my adoptive parents I never new my biological family I was getting ready for my 18th birthday. I hadn’t had any luck with the opposite sex as yet I am still a virgin, I live in Australia and when you turn 18 in Australia you are allowed to do things you would have to be 21 for in America, Australia legalised prostitution in 1983 so I decided to go to a brothel in Melbourne. I was in the...

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New Neighbours Part 1 The Bike Ride

The new family that had moved into the road had caused quite a stir in their first few days. Their old car didn't really fit in with the expensive German cars parked outside the houses in the street. The loud party they'd held on their first night had broken the silence in the usually quiet and tranquil neighbourhood. And the way they dressed was certainly something the mainly older residents weren't used to seeing.Mikey and his wife Sarah went across the road with their three-year-old daughter...

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Hotel Service Was Excellant

We were down in the city for a few days as I had some meetings to attend. We had been fortunate to have an upgrade to a suite at the hotel which had a small settee , a TV and a fridge which we used to cool the wine and keep a few snacks. The first night there we had watched some TV in the suite and as they had videos available we had watched a movie. After the movie I had a quick shower before bed. While my wife had her shower I had found some porn videos available and had one playing when she...

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I was now 25, and had a very good job and was earning handsomely. My Mom and Dad kept pressuring me to get married for the last two years and for some reason or another it just didn't happen. My mom got us a new maid from our village, her name was Shalini. She was very fair and beautiful and looked a lot like my mother and sister. She told us that she was abandoned by her mother after delivery and was brought up by her grandparents… Shalini was very shy and scared. She used to wake up in the...

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