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"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with.

Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the money owed to Moe by Jerry. Moe was among other things, a loan shark. He was also the boss of a small time criminal gang on the south side of St. Louis. His 'gang' was involved in loan sharking, protection, and gambling. Moe didn't have the 'scones' to get into drugs or prostitution, but he wanted to become affiliated with the family that controlled the crime in the city; Moe was a wannabe wise guy.

"Look Jerry, just give me what you owe and I won't have to hit you," Ben said as he sort of shook Jerry like a dog playing tug of war with a piece of cloth.

"But I don't have the full amount," Jerry complained. "Moe will just have to wait."

"Moe's not a very patient man. I don't think he'll like your answer." Ben sat Jerry back on the ground and shook his head. He really didn't want to rough up the little guy, but it was his job. After his parents died in a tenement fire, Moe had taken in the orphaned Ben at age 14 and took care of him. He'd given the boy a place to live, food, and shelter.

Ben had started working for Moe when he was 16; running betting slips from the neighborhood stores and parlors to Moe's office and other things that a young boy could be counted on to do. Ben was now 26 and had been working as an enforcer and collector in Moe's organization for over four years.

Ben sometimes had to get physical with Moe's "clients", but not often; his size was usually enough to convince the delinquents to pay up. When he did have to actually put hands on people, Ben tried to do little permanent damage. He'd several times refused to cut off a man's finger or ear or any number of other gruesome suggestions made by Moe. Although not please with Ben's refusals to go ballistic on customers, Moe had to admit that Ben's collection success rates were the best of the group.

"How much you got Jerry?" Ben asked.

"I've got $2000 and can get another two by next week." There was a small inkling of hope in his voice.

"That will pay last week's and this week's interest," Ben stated. "What about the principal?"

"I can't get that for another month."

"Well you know the drill," Ben said. "Your interest is $1000 a week and if you don't at least keep that paid ... well you and I will have another discussion: a very unpleasant one. Give me the money." He took the $2000 from Jerry and walked to the door.

Just as the little man started to breathe easier, Ben turned. "I'll be back next Friday for the $2000 you talked about."

"But I'll only owe a thousand interest by next week," Jerry protested.

"Consider it a collection fee," Ben replied and almost stomped out of Jerry's shop.

"Damn I hate this job," Ben said aloud as he walked to his car. He continued his complaint silently, People like Jerry make the mistake of borrowing money from guys like Moe and don't think about the tremendously high interest that Moe requires. He snorted a laugh. Moe likes to call it the 'juice' or 'vigorish' because he thinks it makes him sound like a 'wise guy'. I hate hurting people, hell I hate scaring people. Wish Moe would let me work in one of his warehouses or his club or even let me leave, he continued to himself. Don't know where I'd go or what I'd do but I'd find something.

The warehouses and the club were Moe's half hearted attempt to appear legitimate. Said warehouses were actually a profitable enterprise. They accepted, stored, and set up deliveries for any number of goods for many different businesses; the warehouses were also a good way to funnel stolen merchandise.

The club, called "Acquiescence", was what was referred to as a gentleman's club. That meant, several young ladies would dance, barely clad and usually topless for the entertainment of the mostly male clientele. The ladies were also required to get up close and personal with the customers by doing "lap" dances. A job at "Acquiescence" was one step, sometimes a very small step, from prostitution.

Moe had taken over a neighborhood bar from a client that couldn't pay his debt; it was either give up the bar or go to the morgue. After watching a series on cable TV about a crime family back in New Jersey, Moe decided he wanted a club similar to the one pictured on the TV show. That's when "Acquiescence" was born. Moe was thinking about stepping into the world of prostitution and thought the club would be a great place to "show the wares", so to speak.

Ben walked into the little coffee shop that Moe used as an office; he owned both the business and the building that stood on the border of the Hill. "The Hill" was a closely knit conclave on the mid west side of St. Louis made up of mostly Italian immigrants, their restaurants and businesses; Moe thought it put him closer to the big boys. He doesn't stop to think that the family that runs organized crime in St. Louis was bossed by a Swede, named Gustavsson, Ben said to himself. Moe still believes in the old stereotype of Italian mobsters being in charge. Ben laughed as he walked over to the booth in the rear of the shop to face Moe.

"Here's $2000 from Jerry Smith." Ben said and dropped the money on the table in front of his boss. "He'll have another $2000 next Friday. I told him the extra thousand was a collection fee for me having to come after him."

Moe picked up the money, counted it, and handed Ben five one hundred dollar bills. "Good job on the extra fee Ben. When's the jamoke gonna have the principal?" Moe thought talking like a gangster would help him get in with the big boys.

He really sounds like a character in a bad movie, Ben thought, but he didn't dare say it out loud.

"He said it'd take another month," Ben answered and then quickly continued before Moe could protest. "Smith knows that the vig is a $1000 a week. He won't get behind again."

"You're too easy on them Ben."

"I've never failed to get your money when you've sent me after it," Ben defended himself. "It's not always necessary to break fingers, or arms or legs."

"Louie's a tougher collector than you," Moe said.

"Louie beat two guys to death last year and crippled another one with that knife of his. The crippled guy is still in rehab, not able to work or make payments on what he owes you. Where's your money from those three deals? What did that cost you, $40,000?"

"Got another job for you, if you want it," Moe said. He ignored Ben's statement and questions because he didn't like admitting that his pet pit bull had gone overboard and cost Moe money. "On second thought, maybe I better send Louie."

Ben waited for Moe to go on. He's too full of himself not to show me that he's the boss.

"Got a Mortadella that owes me $10,000."

"Mortadella?" Ben asked.

"Means loser," Moe answered looking at Ben as if he were stupid.

"Okay, a guy owes you money. So what else is new?" Ben remarked.

"Problem is this Peter Johnson, died before I could collect."

"Did Louie go talk to him and cost you another ten grand?" Ben asked, not caring if it pissed off Moe.

"Careful Ben. Don't be a smart ass," Moe admonished, trying to look mean. "You're not too big to be slapped down a notch." Moe took a sip of his coffee. "The jabone has a daughter."

Ben's first inclination was to ask Moe who he was going to use for the slap down. Although one of the youngest of Moe's people, he was also one of the toughest when the need arose. Instead he asked, "Jabone?"

"Means asshole. Anyway he has a daughter," Moe tried to continue.

"Where do you come up with this Italian slang and names? You're Irish for God's sake." Moe frowned and Ben held up his hand. "What's the daughter got to do with her old man's debt?"

"Quit interrupting." Ben nodded and Moe continued. "Anyway," Moe stopped, looked at Ben to see if he was going to keep quiet and continued. "I want her brought to me."

"Why?" Ben couldn't help himself, he had to ask.

"Because I'm gonna offer her a chance to pay her father's debt." Moe looked pleased with himself. "Actually I'm gonna tell her, not ask, that she will work in my club until the debt is paid off."

"How old is she?"

"She's legal, 22 or 23, so she can work in the club."

Ben shook his head. "What if she doesn't want to work in that kind of business?"

"Loretta, that's her name by the way, won't have a choice," Moe replied. He leafed through a briefcase and handed Ben a piece of paper. "This is the girl's address. Go pick her up and bring her to me over at Acquiescence this evening."

"Maybe she won't want to come."

"Persuade her Ben. You're good at persuading people to do what I want; that's why I keep you around." Moe waved his hand to dismiss Ben. "See you tonight, anytime after 8."

Ben drove to the girl's address and waited for her to come home from her evening classes at Forest Park Community College. A little investigation had told him that Loretta Johnson was a substitute teacher and was working to get her accreditation as a full time teacher.

When the young woman got out of her little subcompact car at 8 PM and walked to her door, Ben got his first look at her and thought, just the kind of girl that will be a big hit at the club. She's tall, must be 5' 9 and she's got that healthy, voluptuous, type body that makes no mistake that she's all woman; no stick figure, runway model type here. That long blond hair and big brown eyes don't hurt either, Ben finished his thought.

I don't like this one little bit, he said to himself and he walked to intercept the girl. "Loretta Johnson?" Ben asked as he got close to her.

Loretta turned and looked at the hulk of a man talking to her. "I don't know you," she responded and quickened her pace toward her door.

"My boss, Moe Farrell, wants to see you," Ben said and stepped between the girl and her door.

"I don't know him either. Please leave me alone," Loretta replied.

"Miss Johnson, you don't have a lot of choice in the matter; you need to come with me."

Before he could say any more, Loretta pulled a spray canister from her purse and pointed it at Ben. He moved with a speed that surprised most because of his size and grabbed the canister from her. Looking down at it he shook his head.

"Were you going to spray me with Mace?" He asked and smiled at her. Ben was impressed that the girl was willing to fight to protect herself."

"Yes I was, and I'll cut you if you don't leave me alone." Loretta threatened Ben; holding a box cutter with the blade extended.

"Miss Johnson, I'm sorry but you're going with me. Even if I'm bleeding, you're still going with me." Ben took a step back away from her and added, "I promise that nothing will happen to you."

"Who is this Moe Farrell and why does he want to see me?"

"Your father owed him a lot of money, $10,000, when he passed away and now Moe wants you to pay the debt."

"I don't have that kind of money. I'm a substitute teacher and a college student."

"I guess that's what Moe wants to talk to you about," Ben told her. The more I think about it, the more I'm not real happy with my part in this, Ben thought.

Loretta shook her head; both in denial and refusal. "I'm not going. Leave me alone or I'll call the cops," she said as she took out her cell phone.

Ben sighed, reached out, and took the phone away from her. "That wouldn't be a good thing Miss Johnson: and yes, you are coming with me. You can walk or I'll carry you, but you are coming with me."

The girl's shoulders slumped; she knew she had no chance against this giant of a man. Nodding her head, she let him lead her to his car. Once in the car she leaned against the passenger door trying to stay as far away from Ben as she could. Loretta stared at the floor board until the car stopped. She raised her head and looked at the building where they had stopped.

"But this is a ... a..." Loretta stuttered.

"A gentlemen's club is the most genteel name Miss Johnson," Ben replied. He saw the look on her face and thought I'd better prepare her for her meeting with Moe. "I think Moe's plan is for you working here until you pay off your father's debt and the Vig."


"It's the interest on the loan your father took from Moe." Ben hesitated and added, "The Vig is a $1000 a week; right now that amounts to another $3000."

Moe looked up as Ben escorted Loretta into his office. Even with the door closed you could feel the bass vibration from the driving music from the club. There was a large two way window that allowed whoever was in the office to watch what was going on out in the club.

Loretta looked up just in time to see a dancer do a split while hanging upside down holding onto a brass pole; her rear end faced the window and the thong she wore did little to cover her butt.

"Miss Johnson, have a seat," Moe said and motioned to a chair in front of his desk. When Loretta still stood there, he almost shouted, "Sit down." She sat down and turned her attention from the dancer to Moe.

"Maybe you better study that girl Miss Johnson; that's going to be your job. Well, at least until you pay off your father's debt."

"Are you crazy? I won't do that, I can't do that."

"Oh, you'll do it, and more," Moe said in a menacing voice. "Or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll have Louie here persuade you to see things my way," Moe said motioning toward the other man in the room. "Louie likes that sort of thing."

Loretta saw a man step out of the shadows toward where she was sitting and shuddered at his appearance. She could almost feel a wave of anticipation rolling off him.

Louie was a close to a direct opposite of Ben. Where Ben was tall at 6'6 and muscular, Louie barely topped 5'10 and was thin and angular. Although Ben moved extremely fast when called for, he was a hulking presence, like a bear. Louie was almost gaunt with very quick, jerky movements, like a weasel. Ben had dark hair, worn close cropped to an inch and a half and his eyes were a deep dark brown. His tanned complexion just added to his resemblance to a big Kodiak bear. The only mar to his rugged good looks was a 3 inch scar over his right eye; the result of an altercation between Ben and one of Moe's unhappy clients.

Louie's hair was so blond it looked white and in spite of a receding hairline it was worn long, hanging down his back in a pony tail. His very pale, white, complexion coupled with the hair made him look like an Albino; a resemblance that was proven when he removed his sunglasses and stared at Loretta with red colored eyes. He too had a scar but his ran across his neck, almost from ear to ear. That scar was a result of a knife fight when Louie was much younger. He'd killed his opponent and still carried the knife he'd take out of the dead man's hand.

"Hello Miss Johnson," Louis greeted the girl with a high pitch, scratchy voice. He bowed, pulled a flick knife, the souvenir from his youth, out of his rear pocket and started cleaning his fingernails. "I look forward to working with you."

"You'll begin tomorrow night; as a dancer to start with," Moe ordered the girl.

"What do you mean to start with?" Loretta asked.

"There are other things you can do to earn money."

"You mean become a prostitute."

"Prostitute is such an ugly word," Moe replied. "I like to call my girls escorts." He saw the stubborn look on Loretta's face. "It's your choice Miss Johnson; but either way you will work for me until your father's debt is paid.

Moe pushed a button on the intercom. "Summer, bring some costumes into my office," he said. "About a size 10, I think." He looked at Loretta and she nodded.

"How long do I have to work for you?"

"Until the debt is paid, including the juice," Moe answered. "The loan was for $10,000, the weekly vig is $1000. I expect the vig and at least $500 toward the principal each week."

"That's $1500 a week," Loretta protested. "I can't make that kind of money dancing."

"Then you'll just have to work longer or become more than a dancer. Any week you don't pay the vig, it will be added to the debt." Moe sat back in his office chair. "And don't even think about the cops; Louie doesn't like cops. Do you Louie?"

Louie gave Loretta an evil grin, shook his head, and flicked open his knife again. "No, I surely don't. They make me all crazy and stuff."

A short, almost plumb young woman came into the office carrying a small duffle bag. Moe motioned to Loretta and the girl put the bag on the floor next to her chair.

"Summer, this is Loretta," Moe said. "She starts dancing tomorrow night. Show her the ropes; you know where she can dress, how much makeup, and how to treat the customers. And think of a stage name for her; Loretta isn't sexy enough." Turning back to Loretta he added, "Today is Thursday; I'll give you the weekend to get used to your new position. Hell, I'll even cut this week's vig just to show that I'm not such a bad guy. See you tomorrow night at 6."

Moe pulled a credit card out of his wallet and handed it to Ben, "Take her shopping tomorrow and get her some more clothes; you know the type she needs. "Don't worry Miss Johnson; I'll foot the bill for them; after all you'll be using them to make me money."

Moe opened a ledger on his desk, waving Loretta out of the office. Ben and Summer followed her.

"How about Tawny?" Summer asked Loretta as they left the office.


"Tawny; you know for a stage name," Summer answered. "With all that blond hair and those big eyes, it fits." Seeing the troubled look on Loretta's face, Summer's eyes filled with compassion. She had once been where Loretta was now; a good woman forced into a type of life she didn't want. Summer continued, "Don't worry honey, it's not all bad. You can make some really good money and most of the men aren't really that bad; most are just lonely."

Ben waved over a taxi and handed the shocked girl into the back seat. "I'll pick you up at 10 AM to go shopping; be ready to go," he said. He handed the cab driver a fifty. "Take her home and help her with her bag." Ben returned to Moe's office.

"How about cutting her some slack?" Ben asked. His voice was close to a challenge.

"Why should I?" Moe replied.

"C'mon Moe, it's not her fault her father was stupid. Cut the vig and let her pay off the loan." Ben's voice was milder.

"I think she can make a lot of money for me."

"Not for long; she'll make enough to pay you off in three or four months," Ben argued.

"Not with all the charges she'll have to pay to work here," Moe said with a grin. "You know, shift fees, dressing room rental and payment for the drugs she uses."

"She doesn't do drugs," Ben protested.

"She will before the month is over. We'll slip her a little, just to help her out you understand, and then she'll go into escort work to make more money."

"You're an asshole Moe," Ben said angrily.

"Louie doesn't like it when people call me names, Ben," Moe cautioned. Louie stepped around the desk and smiled at Ben. "I'd hate to have him get upset with you."

Ben's smile made him look like a big bear even more. He motioned to Louie, "C'mon Whitey, you're an asshole too."

Louie took a step toward Ben as he opened the knife again. "Louie, behave yourself," Moe said. "Ben just do your job and let me worry about Miss Johnson."

Ben shook his head and left. He knew arguing with Moe was a waste of time. The guy thinks he's a real hood, now that he's getting into prostitution, Ben thought. Maybe it's time I find another line of work.

Loretta answered Ben's knock at 10 AM on the dot. He motioned for her to follow him to his car. Loretta was wearing a sundress that buttoned down the front, and sandals.

"You look nice," Ben offered as he started the car.

"I thought it would be easier to try on things wearing a dress than with jeans," Loretta answered. Her voice was soft and sad.

"You won't be trying on clothes and such this morning," Ben said. Loretta gave him a puzzled look. "You have any money put aside?"


"Money. Do you have any saved?"

"I've got about two thousand dollars in an account and another five hundred in my checking account. Why? Moe said I didn't have to start paying him until next week."

"Which bank?" Ben asked.

"Tower Grove National."

"Good, Moe uses the same bank." Ben saw the puzzled look from Loretta and smiled. "You're not going to go to work for Moe. We're gonna hit the bricks."


"You and I are going to your bank and withdraw all your money. While I'm there, I'll get a cash advance on Moe's credit card and then we'll disappear." Ben smiled and added, "I've already got all my money, so between us we should be able to hide until I can figure something out."

"You're going to help me?" Loretta's voice had life in it for the first time since the meeting with Moe. "Why?"

"Loretta, I'm a lot of things, some, hell most of it bad, but I can't and won't be a part of turning you into a whore. You know that's Moe's plan for you don't you? Anyway, I'll help you get away from him. Now let's go back into your apartment and put together a bag for you. Then we'll hit the bank and get the hell out of Dodge."

As Loretta packed, much too much to Ben's way of thinking, she asked, "But won't he be upset with you helping me?"

"Upset? Hell, he'll be so pissed off he might have a stroke; at least we can hope so."

Loretta looked at Ben with a new hope. "He'll punish you for double crossing him, won't he?" It was a statement more than a question.

"He'll see it as more than a double cross; he'll see it as a betrayal." Ben quickly explained how Moe took him in and took care of him. He shook himself. "We won't use credit cards because they can be traced; we'll have to live off the grid. Moe doesn't know about this car so he can't track us that way."

The car was a non-descript Ford Taurus, like thousands of others on the road. But, Ben had put a new engine, new suspension, and made it the most powerful Tarsus on the road. It would take a very powerful vehicle to keep up with it.

Ben's super Taurus pulled into the parking lot of the bank. "You go clean out your accounts. Leave a few bucks in there so there's no report of them being closed."

Loretta gave Ben a questioning look. "Moe's got an in at this bank and we don't want him knowing that you're running before we get a chance to put some miles between us. I'll go see Brinks, the bank manager, and get as much money on Moe's credit card as I can."

"Won't he question you using Moe's card?"

"Naw, when Moe needs a little extra cash, he sends me to get it. I'll get $20,000 or so, Moe does it all the time. Brinks will separate the amount out over three or four transactions and spread them out over three or four weeks. He won't suspect a thing."

"Why do that?"

"Any transaction for $10,000 or more is reported to the Feds, Homeland Security, and bank regulators. This way we won't run into that limit. I'd like to get more but I don't want to do anything unusual; can't take that chance. When I'm done, I'll meet you in the lobby."

"Are you sure the manager will help you?"

"Yeah. Brinks embezzled some money from a couple of accounts and lost it in the stock market. If the info got out Brinks would be ruined. His job and his reputation would be trashed; he'd also go to jail. He came to Moe and Moe paid it back. Now Moe owns Brinks and just about runs the bank."

"How much this time?" Brinks asked after greeting Ben.

"Twenty," Ben answered. "Moe's got a deal coming up and he needs cash."

In less than fifteen minutes the transaction was completed. Ben put the four stacks of $100 bills in his jacket pockets. Each banded stack contained fifty bills, totaling $5000. Ben had requested this division of the money to make it easier to carry.

As Ben left Brink's desk, the bank manager watched him walk away. He saw Ben join a pretty young lady in the lobby and leave the bank. As Ben had said, this transaction wasn't unusual, but Moe normally called and set it up before Ben got there. Maybe I ought to call Moe, Brinks thought. He picked up the phone and punched in Moe's private line.

"Hey Moe, its Tony Brinks. I gave Ben the money you requested and wanted to know if there is anything else I can do for you."

"What money?" Moe asked.

"The $20,000 you sent Ben for," Brinks answered. Then worried he'd done something wrong he asked, "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Oh yeah, my mind was on something else," Moe replied. "Thanks Tony, talk to you later."

Now why would Ben get cash without my say so? Moe asked himself. He was sitting in the coffee shop and he thought for a couple of minutes. He called Ben's home and then his cell and didn't get an answer. "Louie get your ass in here," he yelled. Louie came out of a dark back office.

"Get over to Ben's and see why he's not answering his phone. When you see him, tell him to get his ass in here." Because of Ben's recent mood and his bit of disrespect, Moe had a bad feeling.

Less than an hour later Louie called. "Ben's split," he told his boss. "His car is still here, but some of his clothes are gone and so is his shaving stuff. That .357 cannon he keeps in his desk is gone too."

"Son of a bitch, ' Moe responded. "Get over to that Johnson girl's place and see if he's there. Call me from there."

The next call was more of the same. "Broad's gone too; dresser drawers left open with nothing much in them. Empty hangers in the closet; looks like someone took off in a hurry."

"Get hold of the guys and tell them to find Ben and that broad," Moe ordered. His voice was angry. "Call me when you find them."

Nice town, Ben thought. He was standing on the porch of a rental cabin on the outskirts of Poplar Bluff. He and Loretta had been there for a week; they'd made the 160 mile drive from St. Louis in a little over 5 hours. Ben had been careful not to break any speed limits but he wasted little time getting out of St. Louis.

Poplar Bluff, known to its residence and people in nearby communities as "The Bluff", was a large town or a small city, depending on who was talking, with a population of about 17,000. It was close to a recreational lake, Lake Wappapello, which brought thousands of tourists through the community. There were several small industries but it was mostly a farming and tourism community. Big enough to have all you need, but still has the small town feel, Ben continued his thought. I wouldn't mind staying here for a while.

"You can come in now," Loretta called from inside the cabin. The cabin had one large room that doubled as a bedroom and living space. The bathroom was small and didn't give you much room for anything but the necessities. Ben had stepped outside while Loretta did whatever it was that women do to get ready. When he entered the cabin, Loretta had her back to the door. She turned around and started buttoning the man's type shirt she was wearing.

Ben could see Loretta's toned, tanned stomach and the light beige bra she was wearing. "Oh, sorry. I thought you said to come in," Ben stammered.

"I did." Seeing the big man turn red she laughed. "C'mon Ben, you'd see more of me at the pool or beach."

"Yeah, but we ain't at the beach. You shouldn't tease me like that Retta," Ben said with a grin.

"Retta? I like that," she said smiling. "But you wouldn't hurt me; you're just a big teddy bear."

"Even teddy bears have teeth and know how to bite a little girl."

They both laughed and walked to a local family owned BBQ restaurant. "Can we go to a club tonight," Retta asked. "Maybe get a drink and dance a little."

"I don't dance," Ben replied shaking his head. Retta pursed her lips in a pout. "Okay," Ben relented. "We'll go for a couple of drinks and one dance; but only one."

After dinner they went to the lounge at the Holiday Inn, Ben didn't feel like braving the probably boisterous crowd at one of the local bars. Ben and Retta were sitting in a booth where Ben was recovering from the six dances he'd just done. The effect that Retta had on him when he held her close bothered him.

Last thing we need is to get involved with each other, Ben thought. I don't know where I'm going to end up or what I'm going to do. Moe won't let it go. He'll have Louie and others looking for me until he catches me; or I might get tired of running and look up Moe and settle things. Either way, I'm not a good prospect for a woman. Besides she probably doesn't think of me that way. I'm just the guy that's helping her in a bad situation.

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Mrs. Johnson decided, she wanted Kyle more than she loved her husband. She felt a little sorry for her husband but she didn’t really think it was anything. He and her had been growing apart ever since the day they got married and she had a sneaking suspicion that he had been cheating on her for a while now. The phone rang and on the third ring her husband picked up the phone. Kyle slid his dick into her ass and she let out a shriek as he filled her with his throbbing rod. “Hey Honey, we need to...

Cheating Wifes
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Betrayed Betrayed  I woke to the sound of an engine and the feeling of movement.? I didn?t know where I was; my last memory was of being out with my new boyfriend and feeling a bit dizzy. He had been very worried and suggested we sit down for a while until I felt better. We had been in the city and had just had dinner in a nice caf?, after which we decided to walk a bit to let the meal go down.? That was when I began to feel dizzy and I have no idea what happened after that.?  Trying to w...

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Betrayed by Princess Stacy Fazio was crouched behind a bush, carefully watching one of the larger houses. She was felt herself trembling as the white snowflakes fell on her like icy specks on her face. Hiding behind a few bushes, the bitter cold seemed to bite into the skin of her cheeks. She wore solid black pants, a belt with some knives and a pistol, black woods camo sweater and black vest. The was chillingly cold, partially from horrible memories of sadistic beatings that left...

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“Honey, stop fussing so much,” Heather said, pulling on Sam’s wrist as they waited in line. “You look great.”The muffled sounds of driving subwoofers drifted through the brick walls of the building in front of them, and his heartbeat accelerated. “You know I don’t like these kinds of things.” He tugged on the sleeve cuffs of the button-up gray shirt that stretched tight around his stomach and shoulders.Heather smacked his arm, and the gold bands on her wrist jingled. “Stop worrying about...

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Betrayed By Jennifer Adams I have decided to tell my story in chronological order so I will begin in with the spring of ninety-three. In 1990, I had finally gotten out of fast food and found a job in a factory and moved out on my own at the age of 19. Since my job was over fifty miles away from home I took a basement apartment near the factory. It was dank and cramped, but it to me it was more than a place to live, it was the cornerstone of my independence and my right of...

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My name is Brad, I am 24 years old, I have a good job at the Chevy dealership, Sherry is my girlfriend. She’s 22. She works at the dealership as a receptionist, we’ve been going together for about two years, and we are planning on getting married in June. It’s the 20 of May, a day I will never forget. Some of the girls were throwing a bridal shower for Sherry. We are planning on buying a house, as soon as we get back from our honeymoon in the Bahamas. We haven’t gone all the way. We were saving...

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Introduction: Siblings spot spouses together at a motel. Propped up on my pillows I watched my wife Angie slide the black thong up her slender toned legs. When the back of the thong disappeared between her round firm buttocks I couldnt help but wish it was me slipping between those magnificent cheeks. Casually I flipped the covers off my six-foot frame and began to fondle my semi erect penis. With her back still facing me I glanced into the dresser mirror in front of her and saw the look of...

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I followed the point man and tried to avoid the wait a minute vines. The thorns caught or snagged on everything and my arms and hands had more than a few scratches. There were only four of us instead of six and we did not have support. Most of the time we slipped into enemy areas at night and set up ambushes to kill them. We were one of many hunter killer teams that worked behind the enemy lines. If we were caught we would be killed. Besides command detonated mines the heaviest weapon was our...

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This was my fourth Jack Black in an hour and the pain was still there. I wondered how many more it would take until I didn't care and I didn't feel. The relentless air conditioning and attendant cold of the bar did nothing to numb the deep burning. I felt like a perfectly fine heart had been ripped out of my chest by the hands of my wife and to some extend that is exactly what had happened. This is my story and I am sticking to it. At the time, in the late1980's, I was the single most...

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My name is James Dalton. Marianne, my current wife, and I met twenty-one years ago at a small soiree for her date, Mr. Mel Calvo, a gentleman who had just been promoted from sales manager to VP of sales for Riley and Bozman Industries, that, upon the retirement of his predecessor. At the time I was twenty-four, and proud holder of an M.B.A. in business from Wharton. I had just been hired by RBI, who incidentally are makers of various electrical components and computer hardware; it was my first...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 16 Danielle Neil and I

"Hi," Neil said, entering the room. He looked like he'd walked straight off an Irish travel poster. Tall and lean, long carrot-red hair, blue eyes and a wonderfully engaging smile. In his arms were five or six books. "I'm ready..." he started to say, with just a lilt of an Irish brogue in his voice, but his voice quit when he realized how I was dressed. I raised my arms and placed them around his neck and gave him a warm, tender, moist kiss, with the tip of my tongue just entering the...

2 years ago
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Life With sis Pt 19

Breakfast was over and we had decided to do some sighseeing since we were here. It was decided to go to NC to the Outer Banks, particularly to Kitty Hawk, where the Wright brothers Museum is. We went to the museum and did some driving around. There was a nice micro brewery in Manteo and we ate there and had a beer. After that we stopped at a Wal Mart to buy some new clothes for tonight.When we got back to the Tidewater area we did some sightseeing around the Navy bases that we could get...

2 years ago
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A dream come true conclusion

I loosed her hands and she immediately cupped my head and kissed me passionately for nearly twenty minutes. When I finally pushed her away she clung to my torso and begged me 'don't let go, don't let go, I'll do what you want, please don't let go.' I calmed her down and released her ankles, to my surprise Vanessa, pushed me back and mounted me like she was riding a cycle, she guided my cock into her sopping cunt. I cautioned her 'wait, let me put the rubber on,' she said 'I want to fuck, damn a...

2 years ago
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Samanthas Story

I had just arrived in London for a corporate meeting. I am the CEO of an e-commerce company and some time ago I decided to bring all the staff from all our global locations to London for a three day conference. I started the company ten years ago and grew it into a mid-size company with some hundred-odd staff. With subsidiaries on all continents, I travel a lot, which I generally enjoy. Lots of interesting encounters, business-wise as well as sexually. I put my secretary in charge of...

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River 19

Chapter 19 So far: We start a chapter in which River does not appear. After Alison s horrible session with the vice president of the bank left her unemployed and shattered, she met up with the lawyer Nick and started to calm down. In this chapter we look at what her son, Mark did at the same time as Alison's meeting. ----- --------- Mark wandered through the Taddle Creek Mall, three floors of retail extravagance. In his mind he compared its 300-plus stores to the one main...

1 year ago
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The Training of Jody Part 6 Two For the Price of

As I sat admiring the cock on Sabrina's slave, a hundred things went through my head. What I most focused on was the exquisite simplicity of it. Tatooing your name on a slave's cock as a constant reminder to him, and any would-be lovers, of who really pulled his strings. Tony retrieved the riding crop that I was certain Sabrina provided me. With his magnificent prick standing at attention I told him to tell me if the strokes were too soft or too hard. I pulled my arm back and let fly the first...

2 years ago
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Second helpings anyone

….. Part one of the story of a middle-aged, respectable married woman, who’s world is tipped upside-down when her suburban vanilla cocoon is sliced wide open by the heartless barbs of cruel fate, casting her into an inescapable morass of blackmail, humiliation and depravity. The catalyst was one warm Summer Wednesday morning not long after her 44th birthday. It was then, for the first time ever, her whole being was wracked by what seemed like an endless string of multiple orgasms, during...

3 years ago
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Alices pussy flooded with come

“Hi, I’ve been doctors and its sorted xx”. Great I thought reading the message I couldn’t wait to finish work and get hold of her sweet 18 year old body and come in her tight pussy. “I’ll pick you up outside work when you finish your shift, I’ll take you for a drive in the car because your mum and sister will be home later. I’m going to enjoy coming inside you tonight Alice” “Ok, 10pm xx” Alice text back. For the rest of the day I could think of nothing else except fucking Alice....

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Tennis Kit

It was a pretty nice day for September. I was playing the men’s singles final at my local tennis club. My name is Fred Perry. That is my actual name. And I play tennis. Pretty cool, right? For those of you who don’t know, Fred Perry was the last British male champion of Wimbledon back in the thirties. I have a feeling I was named after him seeing as though my dad’s a bit of a tennis enthusiast himself. OK, I should probably get to the point here. The guy I was playing against was called Ian....

2 years ago
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Rewarding talent

Rewarding TalentThe story of how Anna Perez joined Colonel Marcos’s team.Major Juan Xavier Marcos leaned back in the passenger seat of the jeep and inspected his fingernails with careful precision. His left leg was bent, the foot resting on the dashboard. Beside him his driver looked round, scanning the street for any possible danger. Behind them two other soldiers glowered and clutched their rifles, annoyed they were being kept out of all the fun but hoping that there might be an opportunity...

4 years ago
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A Good Time Shell Never RememberChapter 1

Samantha couldn't imagine what she'd done to make her crotch ache so much. She couldn't remember doing anything to her body that would justify such a hurt between her legs. Her muscles not only ached but were sore, as though she'd spent a lot of time with them stretched wide open for all to see. But she didn't have anyone to whom to show her body. She'd never had a boyfriend, never even let any man touch her there, on her most secret place of places. That evening, while soaking in a tub...

2 years ago
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Enjoying With My Sister Manju At Pondy

Hi All, I feel great meeting you all through ISS and sharing my story. I have previously written 1 story – “My first Encounter with Ghayathri during School Days” About me I am Kavin aged 29, married and from Chennai. I was working in MNC software in Sholinganallur but now I am into business and getting few decent assignments with girls and married aunts. I don’t wish to add more cooked up information that I have sex with more female. I get few and I am happy about it. I keep shuffling between...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith Husband

I live in a rather boring suburban neighborhood. A place where the biggest scandal is if someone does not follow the HOA rules.I wanted excitement in my life. I was recently divorced and my sex life was dead. Hell, it was dead when I was married and it's even worse now. I craved a man and it didn't matter how big his junk was at this point. I considered myself attractive at 5'5, 135 Ibs, C-cup breasts and a perky ass. I had mid back length black hair and hazel eyes. I had plump lips and didn't...

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Unexpected pleasure

I was falling asleep, at this stage where the reality and dream are perfectly mixed, just before the deep sleep. Then all of a sudden I felt a cold hand on my mouth to stifle any sound of protest. Is it a dream or real? Is it my husband? He used to surprise me every now and then. Right now I didn't want to know. The feeling of being taken by stranger in my own bed is amazing, wanted to give myself away to this wonderful adventure.His grasp was strong enough to make me feel uncomfortable but the...

3 years ago
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Working late

Chris was going to be working late, again. Becky put her phone down on the sofa after reading his message and sighed. The money his job brought in was good but the long hours were boring for her and they both knew it. The office wasn't far and she had her car, she knew her way around his office, a plan coming together in her mind...She pulled up outside his work, his car was the only one there. She knew he wouldn't be able to see it from his office, or from anywhere else he might wander while...

Office Sex
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First Four Some Anyone Relate

There are four main characters in this story, Bill and Jennifer, and Eric and Jill. We both know who Bill and Jen are, lets meet Eric and Jill. Their profiles say: Both Eric and Jill are in their late twenties. Eric is about 5’8”, around the same height as Bill and about the same weight but not as tan. He has brown eyes and brown short hair and is built in a similar way compared to Bill. Eric’s dick is a little bigger, measuring about 8 inches and a little thicker (according to the site). Jill...

First Time
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Sex Relation With Indian Mother 8211 Sleeping Pills

(True names are not given) & (My English is not good, hope you all can understand what I am trying to say) My name is Vishnu and I am from a middle class family. Lust is what I cannot control because whenever I see a girl my penis erects and I masturbate 5 or 6 times in a day. I would do anything to see a girl naked or to see some parts of girls body. I love to fuck aunties and masturbate imagining my relative aunties or neighbour aunties or any aunty who has wonderful figure. I am a person who...

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Love Making With Colleague 8211 9

Avi and Netal here. This is a continuation of our story “Love making with colleague – series”. Please read the story and drop in comments on This is “Netal fucked in all holes at Varkala”. After an year and a half of steaming sex with my girl, I finally broke up with her. Her parents and my parents did not agree to our marriage due to caste difference and we had to part our ways. At present, she is few months pregnant with my kid. After Netal moved in with me, we shared a lot more than we used...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 18 Be Careful What You Ask For You Just Might Get It

GoyseThat night I slept even better than I had for the last couple of nights. Before I went to sleep I thought about what I had promised Shirley and cursed. My sexual attraction and the stimulation that came with it had confused my thought process. I didn’t, in fact, want to have an affair with Shirley. Well, that’s a lie.I did but I was worried about where it could lead. What I had done was just my hormones and sexual drive overcoming my logical thought. It was also my desire to satisfy Ted’s...

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A Virtual MFMF Experience

Vid got the idea from an episode of “Real Sex” on late night HBO. There was a segment on cybersex, and in it there is a woman who is sex chatting with some guy and her boyfriend was right next to her touching her according to the words of the guy online. Vid noticed that his girlfriend Marsha was watching intently and her breathing became a bit ragged. “Wow, that scene was really erotic,” Vid commented to his girlfriend, “Think you might want to try it?” “Uh, well , I don’t know. How do you...

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Aunt Meena Ki Wild Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, this is Raghav , this is my second story after my story “lakshmi ko choda holi pe” which was based on my true experience(with little spice of eroticism). Agr apne nhi pdhi abhi to pls phle use padh lijiye taki is story ka 100 percnt mza utha sake. To ab story pr ate h. Mera nam raghav h Delhi ka rhne wala hu or ladies me both interest rakhta hu or interest milta bhi h samne se(if you know what I mean).Jaisa ap sabne pdha last story me kaise mene apni lakshmi aunty ko choda. Wo mujhse...

2 years ago
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The Love DollChapter 2

Scott's mother Linda might have ignored his masturbating if her friend Ethel hadn't witnessed that awful scene in the boy's bedroom. Ethel and her daughter had been in the living room having tea with Linda when they heard Melissa crying out. They all ran upstairs thinking something awful had happened, and went into the open bedroom door, and saw Melissa covered in semen and crying hysterically. Of course both Linda and Ethel thought that Melissa was making too much of what really hadn't...

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Marie hung up the phone with a smile, glad that her wish had come true. She'd already scheduled off Thursday and Friday, and now her four-day weekend had expanded to five with the office shutting down due to the snowstorm. A quick peek out the window revealed that Jim was nearly done digging out her car from the thick blanket of snow that had buried it and her driveway. She almost hated to tell him that he'd done all the work for nothing. Well, not really nothing, she thought as she pulled...

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My best friends brother

I had a hard time adjusting to life here in Germany when I first arrived. I had to struggle to learn the language and the social things, you see naked people in the park, sunbathing! We never had that back home. Ah, but then I met Victoria and we became fast friends. Victoria, I call her Vicky, is younger than me and still has braces on her teeth but I didn't care about that. It was so cool to find someone I could be comfortable with. I wasn't a virgin but I didn't have much...

1 year ago
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Amazing Oral Sex Experience Of A Virgin School Girl

Hi guys, it’s Anjaly again. I am going to share my first sexual incident at school. I was 18 years old and had never watched porn as I said in my previous story. I studied in a girls-only school till 11th grade. I had to change school as my parents had to migrate to another place as my father got transferred to another department. As I studied in a girls-only school and I was a nerd at my school, I didn’t have knowledge about sex or porn. My nerd friends never talked about boys. But when I see...

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What Happens in Quarantine Part 2

If he were honest with himself though, Daniel wasn't entirely surprised. The three of them had been stuck in the house together for nearly a week, thanks to the quarantine. And Lacey had been walking around in almost nothing, save for some skimpy lingerie. She'd claimed it was to save on dirty laundry, but now Daniel suspected it was for Anthony's benefit. Not that Daniel hadn't had some strange thoughts himself over the past several days. He hadn't been with anyone since he and his wife...

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Dreckige Fantasie Teil1

Dies ist meine erste geschichte überhaupt. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Ich heiße mike und meine freundin heißt lucy. Wir sind seit 10 Jahren zusammen und haben 2 kinder zusammen. Lucy ist eine sehr schöne frau 35 jahre wie ich Schwarze haare und ist klein. So ca 1,55. Sie ist sehr schlank 46 kg kleine Brüste kleiner arsch. Ich bin 1,78 und nomale statur. Mit meinem 17cm schwanz bin ich Mittelmaß und die Breite so um die 4,5 cm. Wir sind zwar mitte 30 aber sehen beide ziemlich Jung aus. Lucy ist...

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Losing Myself Part 2

I watched her as she crawled over me and kissed me softly on the lips, then trailed kisses all the way to my shoulders. I felt her hands gently rub my tits. A moan escaped me as I arched my back. This was the first time I’d gone this far with anyone, and I still couldn’t believe that it was Mia! I opened my eyes as she slid down my body. ‘Mia, I….’ She put her finger to my lips. ‘Shh… Relax, let me explore your body.’ She moaned into my mouth. For some reason, her words calmed me, and I slowly...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 44 War On Many Fronts

March 3, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “I can’t tell you,” she said, looking down. “Because you’re afraid?” “No, I can’t tell you, because I don’t know who it was.” “Because you don’t remember having sex with someone?” She shook her head, “I remember.” “Now I’m even more confused.” “You remember I told you about the wedding that Dustin and I worked?” “Vaguely, yes.” “Well, I had a few drinks like I said, but instead of going to my room, I stayed at the party and got to talking with a guy....

2 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter III The Knight and The Knob

Alice disappeared, or rather her reflection did, the moment the door flew open.“I had to make sure you’re not getting into trouble,” the knight announced, eyeing her suspiciously.  Just then Alice recalled the words of the Cheshire Cat. ‘Something about tea and cakes,’ she thought, wondering if it was helpful advice or simply madness as so much seemed to be since she’d left the comfort of the stream bank to pursue the tiny sailing ship. Just then she realized that the other Alice had left her...

First Time
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Am I A Cuckold You Decide

Absolute TRUE STORYHe pushed my tight little asian GF over the end of the bed. He glanced back at me and flashed a cocky smirk before smacking her hard one time on the ass. She dutifully raised up on her toes and perked her round ass up in the air. He slowly slid his hefty cock into her pussy inch by excruciating inch. All I could do was listen as his dick seemingly pushed a puff of air out of her lungs. She began to moan as he started to, first slowly, and then more forcefully fuck her from...

1 year ago
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MY SWEET MOTHER, RELUCTANT SLUT (mF Inc Reluc)By Dave E. Perelli and Kachina Chapter 1 How It BeganJAMES' TALE:It was a good life. We had a large two-story house in anexclusive subdivision. Dad was an executive for a large defensecontractor. Mom didn't have to work. Dad made plenty of money.Mom passed the time doing volunteer work for her church. Mom andDad never missed a church service.I was a model student. I always made sure my homework was donecorrectly and did well on tests. I had...

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Sandwich Bar Girl the SequelChapter 2

I was awoken with a strange sensation ... my nose was being tickled. When I prised my eyelids apart to see the cause, I was greeted with the site of a bald pussy hovering over my lips. It had a pierced clit so I knew that it belonged to Ronnie, my fuck buddy from last night, and aunt of young Tess who I'd fucked during the weekend. Her hand came down and with her fingers she parted her fleshy pussy lips as she settled it onto my open mouth. My tongue slid out between my lips and up into her...

3 years ago
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3 Girls In A Cafe Part 2

Please read Part 1 before this part. It's called 3 Girls In A Cafe :)It'd been a week since Kaito started working in the Cafe with the beautiful three girls. Hiraki had still remained silent and quiet ever since her and Kaito's little interuption on his first day. Yume had grown very fond of him, always talking and clinging to him like she was his little sister and Diasuke remained fierce yet kind to Kaito. It was now a Thursday afternoon and Diasuke had given him the spare room in the Cafe so...

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Dean had always loved Brandon's bear parties. He'd been to four of them, and each one had been different, but ALWAYS fun. Tonight, he was being cruised by every bear in the joint and feeling rather pretty after his third Double Mary. "Dean, have you met Tom?" Dean looked up to see Brandon with that 'Here's-a-live-one' grin on his face. "No, I don't believe I have," Dean replied, taking the big man's hand. "I'm Dean Livingston." "Tom Bennet," the man said, keeping eye contact. "Brandon tells me...

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Didi Se Pyar Hua Part 8211 2

Part 1 me aur Didi ek dusre ki baho me sofa par bethe the. Ab aage. Me aur Didi ek dusre ke gale lage huye the. Hum alag huye. Dono ne ek dusre ki aankho me dekha. Didi ne muje smile di aur dhire se mere forehead par kiss kiya. Me bahit khus ho gaya aur Didi ke breast par apna sir rakh diya aur unko apni baho me le liya. Muje pata hi nahi chala me kab so gaya. Lekin jab me utha to apne aap ko mere room me paya. Sam ke 5 baje the. Me turant bahar aaya. Didi vaha nahi thi. Me unhe dhundne laga...

3 years ago
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Garths Girth

“You won’t remember this conversation, will you?” “Won’t ... remember...” “You’ll forget everything, won’t you?” “Forget ... everything...” “You’ve got a new purpose in life, don’t you?” “New ... purpose...” I moaned as I felt my little brother’s cock enter me. It was the third time this week, and he never failed to impress me with his girth. His cock. It was just so ... big. I’d been at home, in the middle of preparing dinner for my husband when I’d remembered how good it had felt the...

1 year ago
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Georgia on My MindChapter 3

"Delta flight 193 now boarding at gate 24 on the blue concourse for Atlanta with connecting flights to Savanna, Orlando and Miami. Please have your boarding passes out for the flight attendant." The time had passed quickly for Jamie. He had had two scotches and time to think about his upcoming trip. He hoped there wasn't anything for him to do regarding the will. He couldn't imagine that there would be but Mr. Waters said he should be there. He certainly wasn't expecting a bequest or...

4 years ago
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All I Want Chapter 5

Cameron arrived at the arena about half an hour before the opening tip-off and he was greeted by his panicking teammates and the furious coaching staff. They were furious because he had missed the press conferences and practices that could’ve given the team that edge they needed to win, but they found it relatively easy to forgive him seeing as he was their franchise player and all-star. He went to the locker room and started his pre-game routine, which he did religiously. The rest of the Los...

Love Stories
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PadlockedAnd More Part 1

It was Cindy's idea to go out that night. We'd only been dating about a month and she already knew too much about me. She told me my bi-sexual fantasies, and even my interests in chastity play, turned her on!  "So," she said.  "I can lock you up and throw away the key? Make you my own little boy-toy?" "It's kinda early for all that," I told her. I did, however, agree to going out with her to this gay bar I knew about but had never been to. I was actually almost afraid to go to a gay bar alone....

Gay Male
2 years ago
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No Doubt

No Doubt by Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was going to do it, there was no doubt in my mind about that! I had planned this for a long time, and now that the hour drew nearer I became antsy and began to worry that some small thing would upset my plans. My parents, sister Janice who was 13, and my brother Bob, who was 15, were about to visit some relatives in a state 500 miles away, leaving me alone to manage the house. My sister Joanne was still away at college...

1 year ago
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Kerrigan Harper Hot Mess Ch 01

Chapter One She wore a gray pencil skirt with a matching jacket, tailored just enough to help lead the eye away from a voluptuous figure. Her long, dark hair was pinned back from her face and neck, with a small gray pill-box hat perched on top. Black, silk stockings with a seem up the back of her leg and a pair of black leather heels with square toes completed the ensemble. With stoic poise, she made her way through the church toward the gleaming wood of the confessionals. Entering the...

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