Betrayed free porn video

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My name is James Dalton. Marianne, my current wife, and I met twenty-one years ago at a small soiree for her date, Mr. Mel Calvo, a gentleman who had just been promoted from sales manager to VP of sales for Riley and Bozman Industries, that, upon the retirement of his predecessor. At the time I was twenty-four, and proud holder of an M.B.A. in business from Wharton. I had just been hired by RBI, who incidentally are makers of various electrical components and computer hardware; it was my first company party.

RBI had been headhunting for a couple of assistant product managers and one such for a quantity control position. Though I'd had but limited experience working summers during my college career, I'd gotten the assistant quantity control managerial job based on my degree and the subsequent interview I'd had with Nick Bozman himself. It was he who had invited me to the party that night.

Marianne at the time was a refugee from the secretarial pool. Mr. Calvo had taken a fancy to her and asked her to be his arm candy for the affair. At any rate, after that night at the party, Marianne and I had become an item. We'd danced some, drank some, and talked a lot. She accepted my enthusiastic offer to begin dating, and a year later we were man and wife.

Our home life was good, or so I'd thought. No damn it! It was good. It really was. And, I thought, I really thought, that the sex had been as well. It was only later that I discovered just how illusory some of my thoughts were in terms of the sex part. But, more about that in a bit.

I progressed over time at RBI; finally becoming VP of procurement and quantity control. My division did all of the materials buying and all of the inventory control. I loved the job, and I especially loved the pay and the perks. The pay, allowed Marianne to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. Yeah we had children: twin girls Melanie and Barbie: both twenty now and juniors at—where else—Wharton. Marianne became active in the community, and her commitments kept her, and keep her, almost as busy as me.

At any rate, for the first few years the sex between us had been hot, then lukewarm, then hohum. Neither of us realized what was happening at first. When we did, our attempts to revitalize our libidos took the forms of fantasy talk and role playing; it'd worked for a while. But now...

I am sitting on the barstool at the wet bar in our den and reading the letter she'd left me. She'd done it; she'd actually really gone and done it.

I'd begged her not to. I'd even tried to bribe her: she'd always wanted to go to Europe. But, evidently not more than she wanted to take a lover and have me be okay with it; all of it, her ideas, the result of our shared fantasies. I was not okay with it, fantasies were just that and nothing more. The verbal warfare that ensued was not good. Eventually, she called my bluff. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The whole mess began two months ago, a Tuesday it was. The mess the result of us deciding to go for one of our fantasies one time, that more or less for the hell of it. Tonight was a Friday, if that means anything at all, and I am alone holding her letter, thinking about our daughters, Marianne, us. My life is fucked!

I reread the letter for maybe the fourth time.


I have decided to take the bull by the horns and take a lover, as we—well I—talked about, and yes, it's Marcus Williams. I am not doing this to hurt us or to end us. I am doing it for me. I need it Jimmy. I hope you can find it in your heart to allow me this freedom. Trite as it may sound, I love only you; I love our babies; I do not love Marcus, but, I do need what he can do for me.

That one time, seemingly so long ago now, Jimmy, has made me need it. If we hadn't decided on me taking a lover so you could watch, well, we did and so here we are. I know we planned on it being a onetime thing, but well, sometimes things don't work out like we think they will. This is one of those times.

I'll be home around 10:00. If you're home and waiting for me, well, then I'll know we have a marriage and we can talk about where we will go from here. Jim, I hope we can move forward and continue as husband and wife, as mom and dad. I need you and I want you, Jimmy. Please allow me to fulfill this need.

Your loving wife,


I refolded the letter and set it almost ceremoniously on the bar. I went around to the back of the bar and found me a marker, a red one. I wrote my response on the back of the letter: NOT A CHANCE! She wanted me, she said; well, evidently not as much as she wanted her freedom. It, we, were over.

She was right of course, at least in part. I had encouraged her to getting it on with another man so I could watch, and, so she could watch me watch her—in our fantasies it had always been a two-way street. It had been a really hot fantasy that we'd shared for years, among a number of others, and the time seemed right to just do it. The Man, Marcus Williams, was a sales agent passing through; and he seemed right too. He was here for a few days, as he said; he'd be gone forever after that—so we erroneously thought. I'd approached him with Marianne's tentative approval. I arranged a dinner meeting for the three of us.

After some shy-time where all concerned consumed a significant amount of liquid courage, Marcus began flirting shamelessly with Marianne. It took a bit longer for her, but soon Marianne was reciprocating. Me? I was—what—an interested spectator. I will admit to feeling some negative vibes as Marianne began to more or less ignore me as the flirtations went on; but, I reasoned; and I was still able to reason; Marianne and I were in our mid-forties, Marcus was in his early thirties, too young for him to get involved with us to any significant degree. Again, that was my reasoning. I was wrong.

Again, Marianne and I had engaged in so many different private fantasies, on so many nights, and never tried hardly any of them. It seemed to me that here was an opportunity to get one of the biggees done with no risk. Marianne, again, had agreed that so long as it was a onetime deal, that it might be a kick. So ... two months gone we did it.

Two months ago:

Marcus had showed up that first night, and in spite of the previously noted ice breaker at the bistro, he was at least as nervous as I was. I counted that a good thing. As for Marianne, she appeared—what—comfortable. I thought that odd as hell; but, what the hey, she was a woman; women didn't think like us men.

She'd made us tea. There would be no drinking this night, no alcohol that is. She was in charge, and she wanted everybody in full performance mode.

As we sat and sipped our tea, I noticed that she and Marcus kept glancing at me. I had to wonder what was passing through their minds. But, their words, everything they said to me, was clearly meant to allay any concerns I might be harboring. All in all it was a good beginning or so I thought then; now, is a whole different kettle of fish. After maybe half an hour of making ourselves more or less at ease, she sent Marcus down the hall to get himself ready; she came to me; I was going to get a reup of my marching orders.

"Jimmy..." she started.

"Well, here we are, babe," I said. "Wanna call it off?" I was kinda smiling, but it was a weak smile, I knew, I was becoming a little unsettled, worried. She gave me a condescending smirk and ignored my weakly expressed negativity.

"Jimmy, once again, when we go in there, you know what to do, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I sit and watch but say nothing," I said.

"And?" she said, clearly not satisfied with my incomplete answer.

"And I'm not to play with myself or to give—him—dirty looks or do anything to upset the apple cart," I said. She nodded.

"Yes, and after he's gone?" she said.

"I am to strip naked and eat you out, clean all of his cum out of you. Yes, I know," I said. I'd been cleaning my own stuff out of my wife for as long as we'd been married. Somebody else's? Well, how bad could it be.

"Yes. Jimmy, that's exactly right. I know we've been over this several times. But, I just wanted to make sure that we don't have any glitches. You know, so we can enjoy ourselves and get the most out of it as we can. You've agreed to become a real cuckold tonight, Jim, not just an imaginary one. We have talked about that too—a lot—and while some of it may be a real test for us, none of it should be a surprise. So again, are we okay, Jim? Are we sure?" she said. I nodded. "Jim, once again, this is a onetime thing, so if we are going to do it, go ahead with it, we need to make the most of it. Okay?" she said. She was repeating herself; I guess she wasn't quite as comfortable as I'd thought; she was nervous too.

"Yes, of course, and we will," I said. She pointed to the credenza by the far wall.

"Bring your cap. Put it on the night stand when we go inside. Once you have been cuckolded, you will have to put it on and go to your knees and stay there the rest of the while my lover is here. Okay?" she said. I nodded.

The cap was a conical thing. It was an exact replica of the old dunce caps of bygone eras; its sole purpose was to humiliate and chasten. But, instead of DUNCE being emblazoned on it; it had the word CUCK on it instead, again, same purpose obviously as the old dunce cap. She'd made it herself, sewn it, out of felt. When she'd first shown it to me, I was appalled, but, I had agreed to wear it as she dictated; it was part of the scene: the lot of a fantasy cuck was to obey, so I'd obey.

She led me into the room and pointed to the chair some six or eight feet from the bed. After setting the cap on the night stand, as she had directed me, I took my seat.

No words of greeting, or looks for that matter, passed between me and her guest. He stood at the foot of the bed and waited for instructions. He was her servant the same as I was; well, maybe not the same, not the same service for sure.

She flashed me one small smile and went to her knees in front of him. Neither had so far touched the other. She looked up at him and then down at his still hidden manhood. She seemed mesmerized by the thought of it.

She stretched her hand toward him and traced the outline of the bulge in his pants with her index finger. He, for his part, shuddered at her touch.

Slowly, oh so slowly, she unzipped his jeans. The bulge that had been restrained by his zipped pants, now protruded almost, but not quite, obscenely through the opening in his trousers. His cock, the actual flesh of it still hidden by the material of his kelly green boxers, was clearly huge. I swallowed hard. I had to wonder if my wife would ever be able to go back to my less than generous member. That thought began to grow in intensity and caused me some worry.

Unbuckling his pants, she pulled them down to his ankles. Her thumbs invaded the elastic of his boxers and peeled them down as well. Her eyes never left his penis as she did so.

Taking hold of his cock, she stroked in almost inquisitively. She kissed the tip and then with a final glance toward her now suffering husband—me—she let it slip between her lips. She began to suck and lick him lovingly; her commitment to him bothered me a lot; but, straining to maintain my senses, I gathered the last, vestigial elements of my self-control and watched.

Marcus eyes were glazed over. No words had yet passed his lips, but his look was screaming his rapture. He came; he came copiously. Marianne's lips were smeared with his cum, that is, that amount that she had not managed to swallow.

She rose and went to the bed splaying her legs as she waited for him. He stood over her for a moment not yet ready to take to the bed as she had. He slowly jacked himself for a couple of minutes. Miraculously—it seemed a miracle to me—he was hard again. I thought I detected a look of concern from my wife at the sight of his engine: I thought her legs closed a smidgen, but it could have been my imagination.

He loomed above her submissive and prostrate form. Leaning down, he kissed each of her nipples and finally her lips. He had so far been very gentle with her. He raised himself a bit and played with her breasts. I could see her lick her lips in anticipation of what was coming.

"Are you ready, woman?" he whispered.

"Yes, sir," she said. He looked over at me.

"Are you ready, Mr. Dalton?" he said. I swallowed and nodded. His smile was condescending, as though announcing my inferiority to himself. Well, I deserved it; hell, I was inferior to him. I noticed my wife looking at me as he spoke to me. Her smile was benevolent. She looked back at him as he lowered himself to her and found her opening.

I saw him take hold of his penis and rub it gently up and down her slit. Suddenly he pushed the head of his cock into her. She grunted.

"Oh my!" she said. He pushed in a little more, pulled out a little, and pushed in again. He started seesawing in and out of her and then he did it. He rammed himself home. She shrieked her shock at his skewering of her.

I was a cuckold. Once he came, I would have to go to my knees and wear my cap. My humiliation was total; I felt giddy. He seemed almost in a hurry to do it to me. But, I suppose, as hot as I was, I would have been doing the same thing.

I saw him stiffen just as my wife screamed in the throes of her own orgasm. His jerky movement told me that my status had been changed from master of the house to that of my wife's cuckold, and, his. I rose to my duty.

He lay beside her now. They both watched me as I made my way, tentatively to the night stand. My back to them, I donned the cap. I turned and did my best not to meet their gaze as I went back to where my chair was and took my place on my knees facing them.

He took her twice more before even he couldn't get it up again. He dressed—he didn't hurry—kissed my wife, and came to me. Still on my knees, he looked down at me, smiled turned and left without another word; that was just as well.

Marianne smiled over at me. "Time for you to do your duty, my husband," she said. I stood, disrobed, and came to her. I was still wearing my cap. Her inner thighs were a mess—my mess to clean up. Starting at her knees, where a small amount of her lover's cum had somehow been smeared, I began licking her. I slowly worked my way up toward her slit and began sucking him out of her. I had worried that I wouldn't be able to stand doing another man's clean up, though I had determined that I somehow would; the reality wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

She grabbed my head and forced me to greater efforts as she neared another orgasm; I was proud of myself for that one.

"Lay down on your back, Jimmy, do it now," she commanded. I followed her directive. She swung her legs over me and settled her pussy over my face and lowered herself. I'd thought that I'd cleaned her out; boy, was I wrong. She drained a seeming quart of him from her vaginal canal. I took it all. I licked her anus now and she giggled.

"That's it my little cucky. Clean my pooper real good. Oh my what a wonderful gift you've given me tonight, my husband," she said.

I had to allow that I was feeling pretty good too. She swung her legs back and settled onto her back. She spread her legs as she had for him. "Take me, Jimmy. Come on and take me, and don't you dare cum until I do! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, getting into my role. She did cum, but not until my second go. I was far too hot and horny too last in my first go 'round.

All in all things had worked out according to plan. It had been a great evening.

That night with Marcus, was a watershed, at least for Marianne. For me it had been one hot session, but a onetime only event, not to be repeated. My wife and I had seemingly been rejuvenated sexually because of it. The next weeks were a succession of sexual adventures between us.

The experiment had been great, and, again, at least as I thought, that should have been the end of it. It wasn't.

One month Ago:

"Sorry, I'm late, babe. The boss called me in for a meeting," I said.

"That's okay, but I'm feeling frisky; I hope you're not too tired," said Marianne. I smiled.

"Never too tired for a woman that looks like you," I said. She giggled and all but dragged me upstairs.

She slipped out of the middie skirt and blouse she was wearing and stood looking at me like I was some kind of a dummy. "You need help getting undressed slow poke?" she said.

"Uh—no," I said. Coming out of my semi-reverie. I hurried to get naked. She was still in her heels, panties and bra. She crooked a finger at me and pointed to the floor. I looked askance at her.

"Huh?" I said.

"On your knees, mister. Do it now." I did as she said. She moved to me and took my head and pulled me to her still panty-clad mound. "Suck on my panties, little man. I need you to get me ready for a really good screwing. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said. I pulled her into my face and sucked on her panties and her mound. She was soaking wet. I couldn't believe how hot I was. I needed this woman and I needed her in the worst of ways.

She pushed me away and turned around. "Pull my panties down," she said. I did so. I could smell her female musk. It was very powerful. "My anus, Jimmy, lick it and suck it." I can't remember any time—ever—that I was so turned on. I went after her butt with a wild abandoned I had never equaled. She was softly laughing at my desperation.

Pulling away from me once again, she went to the bed and bent over it, her legs dangling over the side. "From the rear. Now!" she said. I pushed my penis as deep as I could into her flowing pussy. I went slow at first, but soon I was drilling her with everything I had. She was struggling to maintain control as one small orgasm after another shook her. Finally she screamed, then panted, then squirted her juices out onto me and down my legs. Jesus, she'd been hot and ready.

I slid to the floor and leaned back against the bed, not even able to make it up and onto it. I sat gasping for breath. "God, that was good," I said. Marianne was still bent over the bed my cum leaking down her leg.

"Yes, yes it was," she said. She climbed onto the bed and spread herself. "Get up here and clean me out," she said. As hot as I was, I didn't hesitate. I had eaten my own cum many times in our marriage, but never with so great a need to do it. She came again at least once I was sure of.

Hard once more I took her missionary style before I had to surrender, unable to go again.

We slept hard and long. Little did I suspect that that night, as glorious as it had been, was nothing but a set up to get me to accept my place as a permanent cuckold of my wife and her lover. I would soon discover that truth, and in the discovery just how destructive of us—or at least me—it would be.

I could smell the coffee, even from our room. I headed downstairs to find the source.

"Good mornin' sleepy," said my wife.

"Back atcha," I said. "Coffee smells good." She smiled and brought me my already poured cup. There are few things better than that first cup of java in the early morning.

"You taking the day off like you said?" she said.

"Yeah, after last night I need a day off. I guess us doing our fantasy last month has a small downside," I said. "I'm freakin' tired all of the time anymore, and I'm blaming you!" I was smiling like a possum.

She giggled. "Jimmy?" She had become tentative. I knitted my brow wondering what was suddenly so serious.

"What?" I said.

"Jimmy, our little experiment, you know last month—well—it was good right?" she said.

"Very," I said.

"Yes, it was for me too. Jimmy. You love me right?

"Of course," I said, now beginning to wonder in earnest what was on her mind.

"And you know I love you more than anything, right?" she said.

"Also of course," I said. "Marianne, what are you trying to say?"

"Jimmy, I really liked it. I'd kinda like to do it again, at least..." she stopped in mid-message.

"What? You want us to have another go at it? Do it again with some other guy?" I said.


"Well, what?" I said. "I mean we can talk about it. I'm not against it totally. But, well, we did make a promise to ourselves not to do it more than the once. It was supposed to be a onetime deal."

"Yes, I know. But this time ... Jim this time it would be me alone. You wouldn't..." I think I paled, then flushed.

"What!" I almost screamed. She quailed. "The answer is a flat no! Not a chance! You do that and it ends us. Got it!"


"Who did you plan to do it with, just for the record?"

"Jimmy, please don't yell. It would only be for a short time. He's in town again, and..."

"Marcus? Marcus Williams?" I was still blowing out the walls.

"Jimmy please! Please don't yell," she said. I was progressing from angry to insane with rage

"Pack your bags, Marianne, you no longer live here," I said, and I stormed out.

I drove around for literally hours. I didn't stop even to pee. Finally, there was no holding it back; I had to go; some things won't wait.

Spike's Bar and Grill had bathrooms; I used the men's. The place was busy even at noon: lunch crowd, I supposed, the food must have been good. There was a seat at the bar. I took it, ordered a straight shot of Cuervo Silver, and settled in. I was fuming and the Mexican elixir had always been there for me when I was, fuming that is. The barkeep dropped by periodically to see how I was doing. Around three o'clock he asked me for my keys; I gave them to him.

"I'll get you a cab, man, when you're ready," he said. I nodded without saying anything. I had no place I had to be, and I just wanted the traitorous bitch I'd married to be gone and away from me. Of course you knew that it wasn't going to be as easy as that.

Around 5:00PM I was delivered to my house. Things were kinda blurry, and kinda mellow; and those were the good things. I somehow managed to get my uncoordinated physicality into the house, challenge though it was.

"Jimmy! Where have you been? I have been worried sick!" said Marianne.

"Yeah right," I said, not quite sneering. "What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to get out. We're done."

"Jim, this is my house too. You can't just kick me out, and we need to talk; and, we're going to," she said. "And, we are by no means done."

In my inebriated state it was hard to press my side of the issue.

The, " ... we have to talk," shit she'd laid on me turned out to be more of a, "she talked" kind of thing; there was virtually no input from me. I actually started to nod off a couple of times. She was having none of that though; I got periodically shaken pretty good to keep me on point whether I liked it or not. Some little time later; I had no idea exactly how long; she finally got to the bottom line.

"So okay, Jim, that's all I have to say. I get it. I won't ask anymore. You win. There will be no repeat with Marcus or anyone else. Satisfied?" she said.

I heard her, and I think I tried to smile. "I feed to fleep. I tire," I said.

I stumbled up the stairs and made it to the bathroom, that just before an estimated seven Cuervos on the rocks brought about an intestinal revolution—or maybe it was a revulsion—that caused me to spend a deal of time worshipping at the porcelain altar.

Marianne stood just inside the door to the bathroom the whole time watching me retch my guts out. She said nothing. I think she was sympathetic to my plight, but this was one ordeal that she could do little to help me with. The dry heaves having finally subsided, I literally crawled back into the bedroom and onto the bed. Marianne helped me shuck my shoes and socks and pulled my pants down and off. I was out cold in a nano-minute.

Things were kinda frosty for the next few weeks, but, overall, we were seemingly getting along without undue difficulty; but, then, now, the letter. Helluva a thing. I wasn't getting drunk and manipulated this time; I was gone; that since I didn't seem to be able to run her off.

I packed, and spent the next couple of hours finding a place to flake out for the night. Tomorrow being Saturday I figured to look for a little better place than the La Quinta Lodge; I had the money—helluva deal.

I had been just about to cross the parking lot from the lodge to get myself a drink at the little bar there when I looked at my watch. It was 9:00PM. The letter said that she'd said she'd be back by 10:00.

I was parked a little ways down the street from the house when she pulled in; it was 10:05. I'd left the front porch light on, when I'd left, and now that worked for me. She got out of her car. She looked a bit disheveled. Well fucked too, I thought. I saw her hesitate before keying the lock to go inside; I wondered what was going through her mind. She went inside. She'd find my note soon enough.

I drove off. As I did I was thinking of our girls. Soon, I would have to tell them, tell them something. But what? That their mom and I had fantasies that had come back to bite us in the ass? That was the truth, and the truth didn't look too good. Maybe I could come up with a plausible lie. Fuck! For a smart guy, I sure wasn't thinkin' too smart—if at all.

She sat at the kitchen table, head in her hands, her cell phone on the table in front of her. She picked it up and punched in the numbers. Fifteen minutes later, a late model Caddy pulled up in front of the house. A large, well dressed, black man got out and went up to the house. He didn't bother to knock; he just went inside.

"So he's gone," said Marcus.

"Yes," she said. She handed him the paper with the large print note drawn in red marks-a-lot on the back of her letter to her husband. He took it, looked at it, and nodded his sympathy.

"I thought that maybe he'd—well—I don't know what I thought," he said. Her turn to nod. "Whaddya gonna do?"

She looked up at him. "I don't know. I think I may have lost him. Damn him!" she said.

"You've got me. I mean if you want," he said. She shook her head.

"I don't know, Marcus. Like I told Jimmy, with you and me it's just the sexual need not the emotional stuff that I have with him; well, had with him. I just don't know."

"Well, you know I'll be around when you finally decide," he said.

"I know, and I appreciate your willingness to help out," she said. "I just hope he's okay. I feel like shit if you wanna know. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt the guy. He's just so one way. I don't know, maybe it's me."

"No, it's him right enough. He married you, and he isn't into sharing; not in any real sense of the word. I can understand it; I don't agree with him of course, but I do understand where he's at," said Marcus. She gave him a frustrated look.

"What?" he said.

The same bartender was on at Spikes. He remembered me. Sign of a good barkeep, I thought to myself.

"Cuervo Silver?" he said. I looked at him. He was wearing a name tag this time. I didn't remember him wearing one before. It read Sam. A good name for a bartender, I thought.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

I'm not sure how long I sat there, a few hours maybe. I looked up at the wall clock; it read 1:37. It was almost 2:00AM and closing time. I slid off the stool and somehow managed to get to my car and back to the La Quinta. The next thing I knew the sun was up and burning me awake. I'd left the blinds open, and now I paid for that little faux pas by having to get out of bed and close them.

The little bar and grill across the lot from the motel had the virtue of being open at 6:00AM. I took advantage of that little reality.

I'd just gotten my dry toast and soft boileds when a woman slid into the booth across from me. "Hey Jimbo, how's tricks?" she said. I looked at her for a full ten seconds before recognizing her.

"Dory! Is that really you?" I said. I hadn't seen Dory Simmons since high school. She was every boy's punchboard at the time, even mine. And, here she was sitting across from me smiling like she knew something I didn't.

"Yep, it's really me. I could ask the same of you, Jimmy. But no, I recognized you last night when you checked in across the street at the motel. I was just coming out of my room when you registered and headed for yours. You looked kinda down, so I figured to wait till morning, now, to come on to you." She giggled.

"Yeah, well it really is me," I said. "And you look good, Dory. Come on to me?"

"Yeah, I remembered you from the old days in high school: Horny, dinky dick, pretty good oral. I'm in the market. Need a little tender loving?" She said, laughing. I frowned. "I'm just pushing your buttons, guy; lighten up for goodness sakes. Nothing's that bad."

"Yeah, well, not everybody shares your opinion about the state of things," I said. "And, it might be a little while before I'm in the market."

"Uh-oh. Woman problems?" she said.

"Marriage cratered. Wife decided I wasn't enough for her. How's that for tellin' it like it is," I said.

"Really? I remember when, if I may," she said. "I mean, you weren't that bad. Not much of a cock, but you did real good oral, like I say. Some of your skills get a little rusty did they?" she said. I looked at her; I was not amused.

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I followed the point man and tried to avoid the wait a minute vines. The thorns caught or snagged on everything and my arms and hands had more than a few scratches. There were only four of us instead of six and we did not have support. Most of the time we slipped into enemy areas at night and set up ambushes to kill them. We were one of many hunter killer teams that worked behind the enemy lines. If we were caught we would be killed. Besides command detonated mines the heaviest weapon was our...

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This was my fourth Jack Black in an hour and the pain was still there. I wondered how many more it would take until I didn't care and I didn't feel. The relentless air conditioning and attendant cold of the bar did nothing to numb the deep burning. I felt like a perfectly fine heart had been ripped out of my chest by the hands of my wife and to some extend that is exactly what had happened. This is my story and I am sticking to it. At the time, in the late1980's, I was the single most...

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Betrayal By Julie O Chapter 1 Mace Conway got up from his seat in front of his computer; He had just spent three hours playing with his latest catch. He arched his back as he stretched and then glanced at his watch. It was almost midnight. He walked over to the fridge and took out another bottle of beer. Soon, he thought, soon I will have another conquest. His real name was...

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Betrayal by Janet Baker Sandra and I were engaged in our second hour of fucking when a flash of light startled us. She was sitting astride me, my cock deep in her vagina; she preferred that position to being underneath me; she also liked being taken from behind, standing, bent over, holding her ankles or bent over a sofa with me holding her arms for leverage while I thrust with passion and vigor. Sandra had come on to me that afternoon, I was flattered...

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They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...

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                                                       BETRAYAL  Pulling into the Safeway parking lot, I could barely contain my excitement. It was Friday morning and the start of a long weekend of camping and partying.  As I entered the store I made my way to the liquor section and grabbed two large bottles of Patrone tequila and two large bottles of Crown Royal. Several bags of ice, some sodas and several gallons of bottled water rounded out my purchases.    As I arrive in our drive way...

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Chapter 1 as told by Bill Williams Greg Benjamin and I have known each other since fourth grade. We lived across the street from each other for almost eleven years when we were kids. We had been best buddies for almost all of that time. That’s why I can’t believe what he has done to my wife and I don’t even know why! It was last Saturday I had come home early from my golf game because it rained us out on the fifteenth hole. We could have waited the shower out but Greg wasn’t there because he...

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"Don't hit me. Please, for God's sake don't hit me," Jerry Smith begged. The man Jerry was pleading with was Ben Stillman, known as Big Ben on the street. The nickname was due to Ben's size, he was 6' 6. If he'd had been shorter, he would have been called stocky; he weighed 270. Instead, he was considered muscular and not someone to mess with. Ben was holding Jerry off the ground with one of his big hands around the neck because his boss, Moe Farrell, had ordered him to collect the...

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Kalani Chapter One           “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her – and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...

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Kalani Chapter One           “ A fter all that I have done for you!” Those words were constantly playing over in Kalani’s mind as she drove down Peachtree Street in her Range Rover. The vibration of her Palm Treo interrupted her thoughts, as she picked it up she smiled to herself, it was a text message from Danielle, Dani to her - and only her. I DON’T KNOW IF I TOLD YOU BUT JUST IN CASE I HAVEN’T – I LOVE YOU BABE! That message brought about a warm feeling for Kalani. Danielle Mackenzie...

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God knows, it’s been decades since I’ve believed that Karl was faithful to me. For all he’d claimed that his vasectomy was to “take the burden off me,” he hadn’t minded putting the burden of contraception on me back when we were having more frequent intercourse. I suspected then that some mistress had given him a scare. But the last straw was when I figured out that he was enjoying his doxies in my bed. I hired a detective. Porter shadowed Karl and a student to our house, but told me that this...

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Mrs. Johnson decided, she wanted Kyle more than she loved her husband. She felt a little sorry for her husband but she didn’t really think it was anything. He and her had been growing apart ever since the day they got married and she had a sneaking suspicion that he had been cheating on her for a while now. The phone rang and on the third ring her husband picked up the phone. Kyle slid his dick into her ass and she let out a shriek as he filled her with his throbbing rod. “Hey Honey, we need to...

Cheating Wifes
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The Man

The lady or girl moved about the abandoned building dressed in a fashion to hopefully go un-noticed, just a sexless shadow on the wall to be ignored. She didn’t want to standout, didn’t want her gender or her face notable to distant observers, knowing up close that both would be noticed no matter what she did. For reasons she couldn’t explain to herself let alone anyone else she had to find the man who once helped her mother. That was decades in the past and she’d only recently learned a...

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucks A Poor Wet Beggar

Hi, my name is R. I live in gorgon with my girlfriend and well the truth is I like people looking at my wife. She is not that pretty but My God she has a great figure and not the model figure. She is 40E-30-38, I am always looking for the pics of a big cock preferably black, and it just turns me on thinking of a black guy on top of my girlfriend. And the contrast of a black on wheatish… Well my wife likes to see big cocks whether a black, white, dog, horse bull and others and we talk a lot...

3 years ago
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Photograhy session

About 5 years after our wedding, my husband and I moved to London. We were both 32 years old. We had been university sweethearts, then lived together for a few years after graduation before tying the knot. We liked to think of ourselves as progressive, but we were really innocent. I was the brunette with a degree, and he was the wide-eyed young marketing research guy. He got a real nice job offer from a big London agency after our second anniversary, and I gladly searched and found a position...

1 year ago
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Ambers First Time

Introduction: A True Story When She Was 11 Almost 12 About Amber written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole. Ambers First Time A True Story When She Was 11 Almost 12 About Amber written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole. It was a summer day, the sun beat down heavy-handedly, it was a hot day. Jason he was in High School at the time, I remember watching him get out of his car with his sunglasses and his school jacket one time he looked so hot and cool. I used to watch him all the time he was so hot and...

1 year ago
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Life HappensChapter 9

It was after 8 P.M. when Kathy and Kevin heard loud talking coming from the other room. Their captors sounded like they were drinking, maybe getting drunk. The door to their room opened unexpectedly and three of the four kidnappers came in. They walked in carrying beers in their hands. One had the automatic weapon and the other two had pistols on their belts. They were dressed in black with their ski masks in place. Suddenly, Kevin and Kathy were very frightened. This didn't seem like a...

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Suzys Initiation

“What’s wrong with yours,” her mother replied, “you’ve only had it three days.” “The batteries have run out,” Suzy replied, “l meant to put new ones in before we left but then Daddy wanted to play with my titties and l forgot.” Sky looked across at her husband, he could sense her eyes boring into him. “What?” He said, glancing across at her. “You know the rules,” she replied, “you can look but not touch until Grandpa says so.” “Oh come on Sky, l was only feeling her tits,” he said in...

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Lisa and Lacys First Glory Hole

It was a Saturday night early spring, my best friend and I were up in my room just sitting laughing and talking about boys. Specifically how big their package was or how big we thought they were. My name is Lisa small and petite, 5’2” tall, 105 lbs and nice perky tits that were a small 32B but with large puffy nipples. My friends name is Lacy, she’s 5’ 3” and weight 108 lbs. I have long strawberry blonde hair while Lacy has long blonde hair and the same size of tit as I do. We are seniors and...

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Getting Some Mommy PussyChapter 7 Jenny

Jenny was a married mother of one little boy and she'd given birth about nine months earlier. I'd known her and her husband before they'd married and I'd always thought Jenny was very sexy. She was a medium height young woman with very dark long hair and a beautiful face, pretty eyes and full voluptuous lips that made you fall in love with her at first sight. But it was Jenny's nice mature figure that got my attention. Before she'd married Bill, she'd had a nice rack of tits as a young...

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Middle East perversion

A deviant and perverted whore The following story is pure fiction, has been written for your entertainment and doesn't have a happy ever after ending. Not for the squeamish! I was in my early forties, English and worked as a financial adviser mainly in the Middle East. I am divorced and in the U.K. I was a closet crossdresser. However, on my travels and staying in five star hotels I became Sarah who dressed in clothes and underwear appropriate to my age. No one ever saw me as...

3 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 9 Forever Ashley

My three morning classes were quiet. The teachers seemed a bit distracted, and the students just wanted to whisper about the President's announcement. Most students were speculating on the special show to be on television in two weeks. No one seemed to have a clear idea of what to expect. I stayed silent as the others continued to gossip. It was not due to a lack of interest in the possibilities. My issue was that I wanted to have facts rather than rumor, and other than Jessica, there was...

1 year ago
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Sexual Bucket List item 7 Check

It was just another day at work. I got a call for for a one time service for itssugar ants in a kitchen. No problem its an in an out job. I go in put down my bait make sure there's no other problems spray the outside explain what i did then I'm on my way. I called the customer about 20 minutes ahead of time just to let them know I was coming. I put on my professional work voice deep and strong yet friendly and clear. They picked up, it was a younger girl she said her mother would be bacsatk by...

2 years ago
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A Day

Congratulations, Sir You have won our special "One-day with Hotness" contest and will have an all expense-paid trip to Hollywood, the City of Angels, where you will get to meet the actor of your dreams. Your trip is on August 2, 2014. That's exactly two weeks from the day you receive this letter. Get prepared and a limousine will pick you up at nine in the morning. Please send us the name of your Actor so as we can finalize the needed papers to be signed.

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Right after my wife died, my oldest daughter, Annie, who was thirteen at the time, came and climbed into my bed one night and gave me the surprise of my life. "I know all about fucking and stuff, and I know that since Mama isn't here anymore, you need someone else. Since I' gonna go out and get it done to me pretty soon anyway, I thought that I should just take Mama's place in your bed." I was too stunned to say anything, and before I could react, she had pulled off her nightgown and was...

4 years ago
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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 33 Another Job Offer

Mr. May greets us with a handshake. I comment, “Mr. May your home brings back fond memories of Rick helping me with math.” “Thank you Z for sharing fond memories but please call me Will. My given name is Wilbur. Please simply call me Will. “Dinner will be ready in 10 to 15 minutes. I have a favor to ask of you.” “I’m listening.” “When we leave in three weeks I would like you to take charge of this house. You will be paid for your efforts. After Rick leaves for Chicago, my firm would like...

2 years ago
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Postumus sic an IntroductionChapter 4

"Couldn't you start from the beginning, at least for us?" I asked Snake, gesturing at Lindy. "I'm not sure there is a beginning," Snake replied cryptically. "Besides," said Betty, "It's more effective if you're surprised like the readers at first. Like fragments, puzzle pieces slowly revealing the whole bit by bit." "But ... You know the puzzle box shows the finished image," Lindy pointed out. "Maybe the gods own the box and drop the pieces from on high," Snake...

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Sex with Friend in Pune

Hi friends… its Rahul again… 5’7″ smart male working with a pvt. Bank at managerial level, from Pune. Once when at a cyber cafe I was on my routine mail checking and chat stuff I was checking the hard drive when I saw some resumes stored in the my document folder… I opened it and saw it was few girls in that. I quickly noted their number and names… One girl was of my area … I just gave a miss call to check if the number is working or not. To my luck I got a miss call again from that number… I...

4 years ago
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Grandfathers punishment

“Please grandpa, Am too dry!” she sobbed. “It’s a punishment, not pleasure. You should feel as much pain as possible.” He said panting as he mercilessly increased his pace to prove his point. After all, there was no-one to stop him because the only other person in their home was his daughter – Brianna’s mother – who was bedridden following a car accident which left her paralyzed from her waist downwards. “Please, am sorry grandpa. Please. You are hurting me!” She begged. “Good! You....

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 37

While Sandra was doing her thing on the soccer-field, Laura was trying to persuade her mother, so she could have a more carefree afternoon than what her parents had planned for her. "Mum, can't I stay home, just for this once?" "Laura, your father and I have discussed it and we both have come to the conclusion that you have to come with us today!" "But mum, looking like this!" Laura said, while holding her arms apart and displaying herself to her mother. "Well, if you want, you...

2 years ago
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Billy Joe Idella and Mom

I layed there, looking up at the clouds floating by. My mind wondered back to Barbara , I was just thirteen then , we were in the same grade. She was the first to ever suck my cock. and she sure was smarter than I was when it come to sex. I thought of how she had told me about watching her Mom and Dad fuck. and about all the white stuff shooting out of his dick. She had got me into watching my folks fuck too...And I could still see in my mind Dad shooting his load into Moms...

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GirlsTryAnal Kenzie Taylor Whitney Wright RemoteControlled Public Arousal

Kenzie Taylor loves pushing herself to the limit and walking a fine line when it comes to pleasure. One of her favorite things to do is wear a vibrating butt plug in public! Today, she’s feeling extra bold and decides to wear it during a work meeting, although she doesn’t yet know that now her pleasure is in the hands of her roommate, Whitney Wright. While Kenzie is at work, Whitney discovers that Kenzie’s left her cellphone at home. She’s about to get ready and return...

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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 12

Hi this is Steve back again with the 12Th part of my story series.. First of all I would like to apologize to my readers about the delay that has happened in posting my current part. The reason for this I have described at the end of my part..In fact I couldn’t find time to pen down even this part but due to increasing pressure from my readers,i have managed to chalk up a limited part purely for the sake of my beloved readers.. Though it might not be as long as my usual stories, I hope that it...

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Experience With My Friend8217s Wife 8211 Part I

Dear friends After reading so many stories I am trying to share my true story. Usually you will read couples fucked each other in a short time. They will share their desire in 2-3 meeting than they easily find a place to enjoy.As per my experience it take 10 years to get that lady in my bed…no no..her bed as we ve enjoyed first time in her bed only. I dont know why it took so long time neither i am shy in nature nore she but i think due to living in a close society it is always a chance that...

4 years ago
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Our Cabin Experiences

I was tied to a chair, next to my dad. Both of us were naked, as we looked at the women of our family, bound at the wrists and hanging in a row from a cross beam that ran across the common room of the three bedroom log cabin that we had rented. We sat there, gagged with our underwear, embarrassed as our semi hard cocks started to show interest in the proceedings around us. The women, my mother and my twin sisters were hanging from their wrists, standing on their toes to maintain their balance,...

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The Repairman Chapter 3 4

Jimmy woke first to find himself spooning with Jane and his morning wood tight against her soft ass, He lean in a little and began softly kissing her neck and then to her ear. “Mmm,” she moaned softly as she turned her head halfway to look to see who was kissing her. Jimmy kissed her softly on her lips and then began manipulating her left nipple. Nothing got Jane going quicker than someone plying with her nipples. She dropped her hand to her ass and found one of the biggest, hardest cocks she...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch11

Chapter: November “Nightmares Are Made of This” *** Never quite even-handed or necessarily fair, life settles on the precipice of endless balances: wealth and poverty, ambition and apathy, love and hate, darkness and light… dreams and nightmares. Often it seems as if there is an excess of the bad and the good will never come, or not enough of the good, and too soon dispersed. Living in the space between, we try and hold on, to avoid giving up living a dream, just to face hard realities. Jahn...

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Twos Company

Part One The day out. Three's a crowd, but four is... well read on and make your own mind up. But, please don't ask me what I think, I'm still coming down and can't think straight yet. Erotica. Probably the best exhibition or show in London of the year. Usually held around the middle of November, when it is cold and miserable out, but the heat in the Grand Hall; Olympia, near Earls Court, South West London goes off the scale. I had managed to get two of the hottest tickets in town. You...

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A Reason to Live

Morning streaks of sunlight poured over the face of my beloved. It was the morning of our first year anniversary. A year since pain of rejection had ended. A year since I didn’t believe in love. A year without pain. I’d looked upon him a thousand times, but that morning he was the most beautiful thing ever created. The shimmer of rosy gold gave him the incandescence of an angel. I looked upon him like I’d never seen beauty before in my life. If I could have poured that joy into him so that he...

4 years ago
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Training Begins

"On your knees, face in the pillow. That is it, show your ass to me baby." She giggled as she smacked his ass. He moaned as she smacked his ass again and again, her hand alternating between running over his cheeks and smacking them hard, occasionally sneaking down to graze his hard shaft or pull on his balls. "Well, well, well, it seems you are liking this quite a bit my little slut." She smiled as her hands wrapped around his hot, throbbing cock, stroking and squeezing him as she...

2 years ago
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Portals of Mankind

I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Identity Ch 03

(Author’s Note: This is a ‘what if’ side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part...

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Emilys Boarding HouseChapter 4

We were both soaked with perspiration and Emily’s queen-sized bed was in a shambles. “You don’t have a cigarette, do you?” she said. “Quit after high school,” I told her. “Sorry.” “I quit, too — years ago,” she said. “But, oh boy, I’d really like one right about now.” “I quit so early, I don’t even associate smoking with sex,” I said, laughing. “It does sound good, though.” “I’m afraid to start up again,” Emily said, “even if it was only after sex.” “Yes -- even six or seven cigarettes...

1 year ago
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Crippling Anxiety

Veronica could feel her chest tightening as breathing became a chore, then transitioned into impossible. Her hands felt hot despite the cold chill of the fall wind. They shook violently, she didn't know if she could walk another step. "Get it together." Taking deep breaths she managed to shakily take a seat on the marble fountain edge in the center of the secluded park, it was small and intimate, usually relaxing. It was also along the way to her new job. But today also marked the day of the...

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Blackshaft 101 Say Hello To The Black Guys p3

(Adults Only. Copyright@Rama. 2013) Eglin City Police Department. Holding Cells. Night. “I don’t know what happened to you,” Mike Pernell said, gripping Patty Heinrich’s hair as he thrust his hips towards her face and enjoyed the gagging sounds. “But I fucking like it.” The black police officer closed his eyes and moaned as he pushed his thick cock further past the white woman’s lips. His cock was in her throat. He felt her hands grip his ass cheeks and pull as his balls were...

3 years ago
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The second day after

« I still don’t see why me… » I know it sounded almost helpless, but I wasn’t feeling that way. I felt like putting up a fight, and like it winning it, too. It had been said, control was important for me and being my own boss too. I wasn’t to be taken like this; there were other women who would easily agree. I love sex, I had loved and more than enjoyed what they had done to me hours ago, but I wasn’t going to give up. David looked at me. He was still smiling. “It had to be you”, he said. “You...

1 year ago
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The Grand Tour

There she stood, as radiant as ever. From across the room I could see the sunlight shining through the window and glistening off each strand of Rebel’s golden hair. Does she even know I exist? Does she know of the thoughts that run through my head when she turns and smiles? She turns to look my direction, quickly I glance the other way. Did she see me? Oh my, she’s coming towards me.. I gasp to catch my breath as each step closer she takes, my heart quickens. She takes a seat next to me, my...

3 years ago
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Hot Night

You have a date and time, an address, and a key with a room number. The address is a hotel, a nice one, and the room is on an upper floor. You knock. I answer. I smile, eyes twinkling. I'm wearing a pair of silk pajamas in a paisley that complements my hazel eyes. I hand you a matching set and guide you to the bathroom to change. You protest. You won't mind changing into them in front of me, or foregoing them altogether. "Patience, my sweet," I say. "There's time for that." The...

3 years ago
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Dreams of Love Ch 03

Linaross looked around the room and sighed inwardly. Topain was no where to be seen. In fact he had disappeared not long after the ball started. Sipping some champagne, she glanced up in time to see her father coming towards her. He took her elbow and led her into a secluded corner. ‘Yes Father?’ she asked. ‘I want you to go to bed now. You have had a long day. Just walk out and don’t stop for anything, all right my sweet daughter?’ he said, brushing her hair out of her face. She looked...

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Goofy White Folks

It was first year at university and I rented a room from this older couple right near the campus. Her name was Lauren and his was John. They were very nice and I felt at home. Things went smoothly. Every so often we would play cards or a board game with adult drinks to help every body unwind from a busy week. Well this one evening we may have drank a little more than usual and the talk turned to the differences between black people and white people. This was fun until John brought up that black...

3 years ago
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My Sexy Neighbour Friend Athira

Hi, this is Rahul 54545 from Kerala to share my experience with my neighbour. I had earlier wrote about my first time with my aunt seena when I was 18. This story is how I used my friendship with my neighbour athira to satisfy my teen cock. I was 19 and athira was 18 years old. We were childhood friends too. We used to play all sort of games with other friends since childhood. Once, when we were 10 years, we played the game of parents with we acting as parents and another girl as our child. I...

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The Secret Life of Rosalie Wren

“What..” famed race car driver Rosalie Wren began, but whatever she was going to say was cut off by a savage mouth. Rumbles reverberating through the pits drowned her protest. Even if logic hadn’t told her who it was, that kiss would have. There was no taste to it, only wetness and strength, and a hungry, agile tongue that slid around hers like a snake. It was Juan Pablo, whom she had twice thrashed already and would defeat again today unless, of course, she allowed herself to be distracted...

1 year ago
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The Quarry

The Quarry Alexis and Kelly were best friends while growing up in their suburban Denver neighborhood. They were a great match for doing things together because as much as they were the same physically, they had individual and unique personalities. Both girls were tall and thin with almost identical athletic bodies. 5’7, all legs, tan everywhere, perky grapefruit sized breasts, beautiful yoga butts, long straight hair, and both had pouty thick lips and perfect white teeth. Alexis had olive skin,...

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Susans Island Man

The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracial scene. We actually watched that movie twice, and the sex...

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I have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...

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