- 4 years ago
- 34
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Chapter 1 as told by Bill Williams
Greg Benjamin and I have known each other since fourth grade. We lived across the street from each other for almost eleven years when we were kids. We had been best buddies for almost all of that time. That’s why I can’t believe what he has done to my wife and I don’t even know why!
It was last Saturday I had come home early from my golf game because it rained us out on the fifteenth hole. We could have waited the shower out but Greg wasn’t there because he had to go to Miami for some kind of work function and the three of us were playing like shit anyway. So we just skipped the last three holes and headed home.
When I walked into the house I thought I heard crying, but I wasn’t sure. Then I heard my neighbor Mary saying “I don’t care if he’s Billy’s best friend you have to tell him Sally, he deserves to know.
Sally started to wail again as I walked into the kitchen and said. “Who deserves to know what?”
Mary jumped and stood nervously beside the chair she had been sitting in, Sally, head hung between her knees, just wailed even louder.
Mary was tying her fingers in knots and shifting from one foot to the other then suddenly she announced. “I’ll leave you two alone.” And before I could say anything she was out the back door.
Sally was doing that blubbery hickuppy thing that kids do as she was crying and it was breaking my heart.
“What’s wrong Sally? Why are you crying?” She didn’t look physically hurt, there was no blood or bruises visible. There was a small tear in the yellow summer dress that she had on, but I doubted that that would have made her weep like this.
She shook her head and burst up from the chair and bolted for our room. She hustled inside and locked the door behind her. I stood dumfounded at the door listening. I heard her throw herself onto the bed and began crying that much harder.
I could have jimmied the lock on the door, but I felt that if Sally wanted to talk now that she would have left it open in the first place. So if Sally wasn’t willing to talk then I knew someone that I was willing to make tell me what the fuck was going on.
I marched over to Mary and Kevin’s house and knocked on the back door. An extremely nervous Mary answered and let me in. “Kevin’s’ watching the Gators and LSU.” She stiffly announced.
“Fuck them.” I muttered behind gritted teeth. “Sally’s locked me out of the bedroom and is bawling her eyes out. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” I hissed, trying not to alert Kevin yet not giving a fuck at the same time.
Mary closed the door between the kitchen and the living room. It’s not for me to say Billy. You will just have to wait till Sally is ready to talk.”
“The hell I will! You know why she’s crying and you’re going to tell me! NOW!” I shouted.
“Sssshh. You don’t want Kevin to know.” She paused, listening to hear if Kevin had been disturbed.
“Know what?” I demanded again. I knew Mary. There isn’t a secrete in the world that she can keep to herself more that fifteen minutes
“Ok, I’ll tell you. But you’d better sit down and keep quiet and trust me you aren’t going to want Kevin to hear.”
I sat in a chair in their breakfast nook and stared expectantly into Mary’s eyes. “You want a beer?” she asked. I shook my head no. “Well I need one.” she turned and opened the fridge, brought two beers to the table and shoved one at me as she sat heavily down.
I took the beer and popped it open and took a healthy swig.
Mary slowly looked up and locked eyes with me. “Bill, I need you to stay calm. Mary is not hurt. She’s embarrassed, and upset, but she’s mostly scared what you might do. So promise me that you will hear me out and not do anything stupid.
I glared at Mary.
Promise me Bill. She demanded.
I relented and said. “I promise.”
Mary took a deep breath. “Sally was raped by Greg.” Mary looked as though she was waiting for an explosion to go off.
I looked at her like she had lost her mind. “What?”
“Your friend Greg raped Sally this morning while you were playing golf.”
“Bullshit, Greg is in Miami this morning.”
“No! I saw him leave not thirty minutes before you came home. Sally called me crying right after he left. She couldn’t even tell me why she was calling she was sobbing so hard.”
“No fucking way, Greg would never do that.”
“Who do you believe?” Mary spat back at me. “Your asshole friend or your loving wife?”
“I ... I...” Nothing made any sense. My head felt like it was filled with mud. I couldn’t think.
I lifted the beer to my lips and I didn’t stop till it was empty, then I grabbed Mary’s unopened beer and drained it.
“Greg, raped my wife?”
“I don’t know and I doubt if Sally knows either. She said he just burst through the door, eyes wild as she described him. Then he ripped her dress over her head snatched her panties off and shoved her over the back of the couch and fucked her like there was no tomorrow.”
Mary got up and retrieved two more beers as I sat stunned, the only sound was the muted football game in the next room and the closing of the refrigerator door.
I don’t know if I was most disturbed by the betrayal of my friend or the anguish that my wife must be going through.
“I need to call the cops.” I blurted.
“No! Sally said no police.” Mary stood as if to block my path to the phone.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out my cell phone.
“Bill! You promised.”
“Calling the cops isn’t foolish.”
“It is until you’ve talked to Sally. You owe her that much. Just go over and knock on the door and tell her you know. If she doesn’t open up call me and I’ll come over.”
Chapter 2
I stood at our bedroom door. There was no sound inside.
Knock, knock. “Sally? Mary told me what happened. Open the door and let’s talk.”
“Sally! Mary stopped me from calling the police, but if you don’t open this door and talk to me I’m going to call them ... right now.”
I heard the lock turn and the door slowly swung open. Sally was standing there, head hung down tears making little splatters on the hard wood floor.
I stepped in and wrapped my arms around her. Her sobs burst forth with renewed energy. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. Her dress slid up to her waist and her sex was exposed to my eyes. Dripping and crusted with his sperm. When I lay her on the bed she quickly pushed the dress back down and looked up at me. I hoped that the shock didn’t show in my eyes, but I’m sure it did, because she broke into another wail and buried her face into the pillow.
Her anguish started me crying too and we were a mess lying there huddled together. For a long time we just lay there occasionally sobbing or sniffling. At one point we must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes the sun was low in the sky.
My arm was numb from Sally laying on it so I moved it out from under her.
“Mary told you everything?” Sally asked sounding as though she had glass in her throat.
“She told me that Greg forced his way in and raped you over the back of the couch.”
“That’s all?”
“THAT’S ALL??” I said my voice rising. “THERE’S MORE??”
“Please Billy ... I don’t think I can do this if you are going to yell.”
I hauled in my shock and tucked it behind my fear and asked. “There’s more?”
“Billy, it was like he was someone else, someone that I had never seen before. It was like he was possessed. He hardly said a word the whole time. He just moved me like I was a child. Forced me into whatever position he wanted and did with me whatever he wanted.”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Not really. I’m going to have some bruises, especially on my breasts. He was kind of rough with me. He acted as if he had no regard for me or what I wanted. He just took what he wanted, how he wanted. If I didn’t move fast enough he threw me where he wanted me. You know how big and strong he is. I had no choice.
I did know how strong Greg was. Once he picked up the back of a Jeep so I could change the tire and he made look easy. Greg is a big man. Well over six foot. Sally was barely five foot two and weighed less than half of Greg’s weight. Then I thought of how big Greg was in the genital department and I wondered.
“Did he hurt you with his size?” I asked.
She knew exactly what I was talking about. “That first time over the couch hurt quite a bit ... at first.” Then she started crying again.
I thought she was crying at the memory of the pain. “Does it still hurt?”
“No, no. you don’t understand. I’m not crying because he hurt me. I’m crying because I got wet and orgasmed as he was FUCKING ME!” she screamed and began sobbing again. “I fucking came as he was raping me! And not just once either, I must have had eight orgasms before he left ... I’m so ashamed.”
The language was out of the ordinary for Sally. I don’t think I have ever heard her say the word fuck during out entire relationship. That surprised me as much as the revelation that she orgasmed during the rape, but I had read somewhere...
“I read somewhere that that is not all that uncommon. It’s a reaction of the body. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Yeah, that’s what Mary said too, but it was more than that. It was exciting being taken like that. Just used like a piece of meat. A toy to be twisted and filled with his cock and his cum over and over. I have never had orgasms like that in my life ... Billy, when he finished with me I didn’t want him to go. I begged him to stay and fuck me again! I don’t deserve to be your wife. I love you, but I was a shameless slut for him.”
“You ... you enjoyed what he did to you?” I asked thoroughly confused.
“No ... I loved what he did to me. That’s why I don’t deserve to be your wife. If he comes back for more of my pussy I will give it to him freely. Actually I won’t give it to him he’ll have to take it, but I won’t resist.”
“But I love you Sally.” I said almost crying myself.
“And I love you too Billy and I love how you make love to me, but Greg didn’t make love. He fucked the shit out of me and my body craves what he did and my mind hangs in anticipation for that degradation again. I want more.”
But I don’t want to lose you. We have a good marriage and I don’t want to lose that either.”
“I guess that depends on if you can live with Greg’s slut.”
“What do you mean?’
“I still love you and our marriage is safe as long as Greg can have my body whenever he wants to use it. Can you do that Bill? Can you live with a whore for a wife?” Sally had stopped crying, but I could tell that she was very sad.
I was sure that she didn’t want me to leave her, but I don’t think she believed that I would continue to love her and live with her under those conditions and to tell you the truth I wasn’t very confident I could either.
What the hell got into Greg that he abused my wife like that? What reason could he have for acting the way he had?
“What did Greg say to you? Did he tell you that he wanted you to be his slut Sally?”
“No, he barely said a word he just grunted and groaned and he had this wild determined look in his eyes, but if he wants me, if he wants to use me I will do whatever he demands.”
“So you have no idea why he raped you this morning.”
“Not a clue, but after the first few minutes it was no longer rape. And like I said, I tried to get him to come back and fuck me some more because I was still horny.”
I looked down at my wife and the image of Greg’s fat cock pumping in her tiny pussy flashed through my mind’s eye and my dick began to rise. Sally saw my features change, then she noticed the bulge in my pants.
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Taboo____________________________________________________________________________________________ As always, please rate and comment. Last chapter someone asked if I knew what sleep was.... yes... yeah I know what sleep is. Real question is do I miss it? Hell yes! lol no.... but really, I can manage to get 8-10 hours of sleep, write/edit/brainstorm, read, play some VGs, and even do some house cleaning before the day is over lol. NOTE: for those of you feeling confused by the fact there...
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This chapter does not stand alone, and should not be read without reading the preceding chapters. In keeping with the original story, there is no sex, it just deals with the wrong done to Lorelei. and Chris. I hope that this has been a worthwhile journey for the reader. The beginning of the end I became very busy setting up our Austin office, so much so that for about five months I was either jetting to Philly or driving between Austin, Houston and Dallas. I had rented office accommodation...
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GayDisclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...
I know that you’re watching me. You’re mixed in with the crowd. It’s so easy to get lost here, especially if you’re trying, and I know you want to remain hidden so that you can observe. I thought about having a few drinks, or perhaps smoking a joint, and really letting my inhibitions go, but the truth is, the knowledge that you’re out there is all I really need to let loose. It’s our little secret, after all, that I get off on it. An exhibitionist, you said with a devious smile. Oh, that look,...
ExhibitionismAnnabel (Annabel Redd), a super cute and horny 20 something with gigantic tits, works the late shift at a men’s hair salon. She makes sure to always wear short shorts with a super sexy top. One evening, a handsome young man (Donnie Rock) arrives for a trim and a shave just before closing. Annabel sits Donnie in the chair and covers him in a barber’s cape, making sure to press her tits against his cheek. She reclines his chair and wraps a hot towel around his face. All the while she’s thinking...
xmoviesforyouThe problem with first timers are they don’t know the control. Anish was is lying on the sofa with flaccid fat and short dick oozing after cum liquid. Just half a minute through blowjob and he’s done. Stupid. I went to kitchen and turn off the gas flame. My prawns biryani was ready. I am a good cook, although I don’t really cook every day. I have some taste in my hands which makes everything yummy when I prepare it. I served biryani on two plates and garnished with cut onions and coriander. In...
Introduction: This is a continuation of my last story picking up after I moved in with my mistress Denise, as her slave. I have already gave myself completely to her, and now I will help her get whatever she wants I woke up early, got out of my room (witch was really more of a closet) and begin with my shores around my mistress house. Picking up things, making her breakfast, and becoming the living room. I love doing my mistress chores. Suddenly I hear noises coming from my mistress room, I...
Mistress Melissa reminds us the next day that there is to be no sex or masturbating this week, we must wait until the office party. I carry on a very professional working relationship with Liz who dresses very conservatively at work. Melissa also dresses conservatively. Tammy, our lover and chauffeur dresses more professionally, the three of us do not flirt the entire week.Melissa sent out emails to the twenty employees last week with the necessary information. Dear fellow employees, Next...
Office SexBecky was bent over the bed with her dress pushed up around her waist and my face mere inches from her exposed body. Everything about that moment was intoxicating, the sight, the smell, the feelings washing over me and dragging any self control I had far away. At that moment there was nowhere else in the world I wanted to be. "Waiting for a written invitation?" She asked with a gentle undertone of urgency. I gave no verbal reply, only placed my hands on her firm ass and spread her...
Katie Kush is excited to be back at the WildOnCam studio and is eager to get down and fuck Dan Ferrari. She is looking sexy in her purple lingerie and bounces that juicy ass right in your face wishing so badly she could sit down right on you and feel your tongue all over her clit. She so badly wants to cum and so badly wants to get Dans hard cock deep down her throat! Face fuck her please! She begs for it so Dan delivers making her drool and spit all over his cock! This babe needs no lube with...
xmoviesforyouI must preface this with the fact that this is the result of a very real occurrence in my life. One I am still dealing with and that this, as it is, it an attempt to get some of it out in the open. More a rambling of thoughts and feelings, really. I apologize if this is not up to the standards, but it is my first attempt and ask that you be kind, if possible. Please vote and comment if you like. I am not a writer I am just a man with a story to tell. What you have read is me and my life. I...
100% fiction! I was a teenage boy when I started noticing girls. Around 18 I really began to see my mom in a new light. Ever since I was young we would sit together on her bed as she read A newspaper. I was at the foot of the bed and she would sit on her pillow as we faced each other with the T.V. In the back ground. She would have to spread her legs to make room for the news paper, and that was no big deal because she always had her work clothes on and I wasn't looking anyway. After I turned...
IncestCalculated Misfortune, Chapter 1 Stingray I recently took a vacation to a town where a friend of mine lives due to some work related stuff. I haven't seen my friend for almost two year’s and I looked forward to seeing her. We had always been close to each other and had a special friendship, which allowed us to be there for each other without getting lost in the throws of a relationship. She had moved away and we had always kept in touch with each other, a call every month was always welcomed...
Mandy’s turn: Oh, what a night. Best night ever! Went to sleep oozing the results of our fourth round of ... Got Ben to do me missionary-fashion. I was OWNED. Then wake up and do it some more. It’s not a boat, it’s a honeymoon suite. I woke up naked next to Ben, snuggled up really good because my shoulders were cold, for one reason. Second was that I wanted to be welded to him. Wanted to stay like this all day, but physical limitations come into play. “I’m going to relieve myself,” I...
I made it through the rest of the car ride, but by the time we arrived at Liv’s place, my cock was fully erect again. She had a great apartment right on the top floor of a new building that I usually was super jealous of. Right now all I wanted to do was get inside.She fumbled in her purse for her fob to unlock the door. A stiff breeze rolled down the street, gusting beneath my dress and giving me a vivid reminder that I wasn’t wearing any underwear. Despite the warmth of the summer afternoon,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOur life revolved around the movie for the next two months. George ended up loving Abby’s thoughtful and skillful script corrections, and once the screenwriter realized George didn’t care how he felt about it, he turned over a new leaf and stopped whining like an idiot. The one dark spot of the movie was the unexplained accidents that kept occurring. It was like the movie had its own gremlin causing trouble for the producers. Sometimes it was a special light that failed in the middle of...
Cedric was standing behind the (his) EW screen on "Sundowner" using his pointer laser at the holo in the "battle pit" just forward of the bridge console, "There are two SDs with a CL squadron and a flotilla of DDs sitting out there almost completely shut down to avoid detection. The scout got a sniff of a DD haring off somewhere and that's when Morg called me; he wasn't happy about that radiation null region. If they hadn't been so tightly packed together, no one would have noticed...
Well Jen as you know is twisted and a little purvey too. We did sleep in her bed no sex 20 minutes or so 69ing and then we went to sleep I was tired she maybe too.Any way Mom and Dan got home the next afternoon and told us a few new things.Our summer vacation to Hawaii is now at Christmas Jen is playing tennis for the clubs team and I was going to play on the all-stars, the baseball team that is being sponsored by Dan's work. This is a gruesome schedule 15 games in 21 days and we practice a...
Introduction: Chases dick acts strangely when Mila is teaching in class. Chases dick was as impenetrable as a stone. It picked itself up inside his underwear, without warning and at full speed moreover. He just sat there in his chair, appearing to be expressionless-faced when in fact, deep down in the bounds of his feelings, he was lusting after his good-looking lecture, Mila Brooks. She seemed to be in a sociable mood today. Her cheeks were glowing and lenient, her eyes flickered with...
Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...