- 4 years ago
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I followed the point man and tried to avoid the wait a minute vines. The thorns caught or snagged on everything and my arms and hands had more than a few scratches. There were only four of us instead of six and we did not have support. Most of the time we slipped into enemy areas at night and set up ambushes to kill them.
We were one of many hunter killer teams that worked behind the enemy lines. If we were caught we would be killed. Besides command detonated mines the heaviest weapon was our M14 rifles. We all had traded to get pistols and mine was a colt 1911 forty five. Besides the rifle and pistol I also carried a cut down browning semi auto shotgun.
The point man stopped and held up his fist and I knelt and faced to the left. Dex moved up past me a moment later and whispered with the point man. On the way back he whispered to me, "a enemy company setting up a base camp."
I nodded as he continued back and warned Richards. The last man or our point man was Mason. My name is Knight, Daniel Knight. I stood as Mason stood and followed as he went to the left. There had been no reports of enemy in this area so a company moving through was unusual.
The brush grew thicker with more wait a minute vines. Those I was not worried about, it was some of the trees. They had two inch barbed thorns on the trunks and if you got stuck they had to be cut out. They also had the damn vines on them and more than one viper. Mason knelt and I followed as he turned and gestured to the left.
I turned to echo it to Richards who told Dex. We were quiet as the jungle went silent and men came through the thick brush thirty meters away. They were following a trail and heading back the way we came which meant they would cross our tracks. We knew what that meant but a moment later there was a boom of thunder and suddenly the world went dark.
The rain was so heavy we were breathing it in as it soaked us. We continued moving and slipped down and into a stream bed and turned right. There was shrieking screams that seemed to drop from the dark sky. The first huge explosion shook the world and I dove into the water in reflex. I was not the only one as more explosions ripped the jungle apart.
It jarred me to my bones as I held my hands over my ears. The earth was rumbling and thudding and pounding as the explosions came so close together they seemed to overlap. Trees above and around us were shredded as the explosions came closer and finally it stopped. I felt as if I had been beaten and groaned while struggling up out of the debris on me.
My whole body felt like it was one huge bruise. The others stood and I was not the only one bleeding from my nose and ears. We stared back the way we had come which was supposed to be our operational area. I doubt if anything was still alive and that included the enemy. We looked at each other and Dex gestured and Mason nodded.
We struggled through the debris and finally reached the jungle. Slowly we moved around the devastation and headed to our pick up site. Hours passed but the chopper never came and Dex finally gestured, "south Mason. We are walking out."
A week later we walked out of the jungle and onto a road leading to a firebase. We were out of pain killers and uppers and still hurting. It was six hours before we could get a ride south. When we walked into headquarters the operations officer looked at us, "you are alive?"
The way he said it made my hair stand up as Dex growled, "what happened to our pick up?"
The major glanced around, "we thought you were dead. We did not know the Air Force was going to do a strike until they did it."
The way he would not look at us made me think he was lying and I was sure Dex and the others knew. We ignored the after action debriefing and went to clean weapons and put them away. I stopped to get money before I left the base. I walked through the city and to my set of rooms. The first thing I did was strip and shower and then put on clean clothes.
I went to pay the rent for the rooms and then headed to a local restaurant. I ate here a lot and knew most of the locals. I smiled at an older woman I had known since I had first gotten here. I was sitting alone and she was with a teenage girl that was very pretty. All the other tables were full and she crossed the room with the girl following.
I gestured to the other chairs and she sat with the girl beside her and I smiled, "how are you?"
She was polite like always, "good."
I looked at the girl and the old woman smiled, "this is Kim."
I bowed my head, "hello I am Daniel."
She winked and I do not know why but my cock got hard. Dinner was interesting because while I talked with both of them the girl kept hinting and making innuendo that kept my cock stiff. The old woman finally laughed as I paid for dinner, "take her to bed before she rapes you right here on the table."
Kim grinned as she stood and reached for my hand and I let her pull me after her. I pulled her the other way, "my rooms are this way."
She slipped an arm through mine as we walked back to the building my rooms were in. When I closed and locked the door she looked around the living area while taking her clothes off, "you do not have much."
I looked at her body as I began to undress, "I am not here much and do not have anyone to share it with."
She grinned when she was naked and rubbed my chest before turning to walk towards the other room. I followed as I finished and stalked after her as she laid on the bed. I moved over her and kissed her and began to kiss down her body. I stopped to kiss and then give each beautiful nipple a suck before continuing down.
She opened and spread her legs as I moved between them and looked at her lovely pussy. I licked through it and she shivered and lifted her hips. I started to wiggle the tip of my tongue on her clit and she humped and kept shaking. A few minutes and I was sucking and gently nibbling. She twisted and jerked and bucked as she wailed.
When she finally pushed my face back and covered her pussy I moved up and over her. I kissed her as she panted and then lifted and slowly forced my cock into her extremely tight pussy. She shifted and spread her legs while tilting her hips, "mmmm!"
I buried my cock while still kissing her and began to press and rub. She hugged me and shivered and her pussy clenched. After a couple of minutes she humped and I pulled back and began to fuck her slowly. She shuddered and lifted her hips to meet each stroke, "ooohhhh!"
I continued to fuck her and sink my cock as deep as I could into her warm pussy each time. Several minutes and she shuddered and jerked and began to buck, "yyyeeeesssss!"
Her tight pussy rippled and kept grasping as I fucked her. I pressed into her and rubbed when I buried my cock. After awhile she was clutching me and bucking as her pussy squeezed, "YES!"
Finally I pushed into her and held her while pumping years worth of sperm. She jerked and spasmed as she hugged me, "mmmm!"
When I was done she was panting and shivering. She grinned and rolled and sat up and started to thrust and rub her pussy on me as it leaked cum around my cock. It was awhile before I pulled my cock out of her extremely slimy pussy and held her while we slept. It was nice waking up to her against me too.
We washed together and I was reluctant to leave but had to meet my team. I kissed her and left and could not stop thinking of her all the way back to base. We spent the day reading intel reports and looking at maps. It would be a few days before we went back out and were planning the mission.
What made us pause was the way the upper brass or intel people kept slipping in to see how we were doing. I think Dex realized something was off because he quietly moved our route a few kilometers from where we were really going to be. Each night I returned to my rooms and found Kim waiting.
We ate together in different places she took me to and went to watch plays. I made sure the room was paid up for a few weeks. I gave Kim money for food the last afternoon I was with her before going out. The helicopter that took us out made several false landings and Dex spoke with the crew chief.
On the one before the landing zone we were supposed to use we bailed out. The helicopter never touched the ground and lifted off as we came to a knee. The jungle was silent as we moved towards it and within moments it was full of sound. We moved silently and listened and watched the jungle around us.
By morning we were a dozen kilometers from the landing zone and six from the route we had mapped out. As the sun rose the jungle became louder while we rested. When it went silent we shifted and started searching and I gestured to the others when I saw the enemy. It was a small patrol moving towards the area we were supposed to be in.
We spread out and Dex gestured and pulled a grenade. Everyone copied him and when he nodded we pulled the pins and tossed them. The jungle exploded and we began to fire into the few enemy still alive. I was changing the magazine in my rifle when an enemy soldier rushed towards me. I reached up and yanked out my cut down shotgun.
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I had just moved to Washington DC after teaching in Georgia, my home state , for four years. I was happy to get out of my ass backwards thinking hometown. I grew up watching urban television and had a crush on celebrities like Halle Berry, Rihanna, and Asian women. I could have moved to Atlanta but I needed to be far away from my family and Washington DC seemed to be the correct spot. After being in DC from a couple months I got learned all the places to hangout and meet people after work on...
She has one of the juiciest asses I have ever seen in jeans. I knew my wife was going to be one of the few girls at the party. She has been begging me to let her fuck a group of guys every time we have sex. I loved how she would call herself my little slut wife. As we drove to my friends house I could tell she was excited to finally get out for a little fun. Ever since I got her pregnant she has been off of birth control, and now that our baby was old enough to sleep through the night we have...
Cheating WifesDes Cyndar and Ralyss stayed for two days, giving us pointers about this and that but once they saw us getting into a regular routine, they guessed that everything was going to be alright. Nor was I surprised that three days later Gynowillowbrook and Frostmoonstone came to see Gem. Both were heartsick to see Gem so small and under fed but could see that the luster was returning to her scales from the good food she was now getting. Frost did examine Gem and said the same as Ralyss about her...
Hiii friend my name is Amit from dhanbad jharkhand mai 19 saal ka hu or mai abhi study kr raha hu meri yeh kahani ek gf k sath biti hai kahani yeh hai ki meri gf jiska naam shakuntala tha who 18 saal kit hi size 34-24-36 hai use mai apne dost ki gf k sth dekha tha 2-3 baar jab dost ki gf se milne gya toh use mn hi mn pasand krne laga ek din maine use call krke prpose maar diya pehle toh har larki kit rah mana krti rahi baad me ready ho gyi mai use dil se pyar kr raha tha har baar use se milta...
Hi friends this is Roby from Bangalore I have been a regular reader of this website for 2 years now. I don’t miss any new stories. Some of them find to be fantasies; still they are worthwhile to have a go. I am 28 years old, well built, dusky in color with a sexy body. Girls found me sexy as far as I know. I am going to tell an incident which happened last week while coming to Bangalore. I would appreciate your comments and feedback at my email id I am from Cochin in Kerala and working in...
July 2, 1982, Cincinnati, Ohio “Hi!” Angie gushed as I climbed out of my Mustang just past 8:00pm on Friday evening. “Hi!” I replied. We exchanged a brief hug, and I grabbed my bag from the back seat of the car, then shut and locked the door. “I’ve missed you!” she said, looping her arm in mine. “I don’t like running, praying, and going to church alone.” “I’ve missed doing those things with you, too.” “Come on inside. Mom has you in the spare bedroom.” “Cool. Were you able to get...
My name is Jill and I’m a 17 year old senior at John Deer High. My favorite class is Mrs. Jung’s English class, but my assigned seat is in the back corner, second to last seat. I’m a pretty good student and always pay attention, but the guy who sits behind me, Cliff, is disruptive and sometimes even gets kicked out of class by the teacher. He’s what we call a ‘Super Senior’ because he’s repeating the grad. He’s 19 and kind of cute, but always seemed like such a jerk. Anyway, yesterday I went...
Author’s note: I would like to thank those of you who have read my other stories, particularly those who have provided comment and feedback. As a result of some feedback, I have written this final chapter to the ‘Driving Jackie’ series. Several people commented that the earlier chapters did not have any drama and thus were not reflective of real life. I don’t agree that all real life has to be dramatic, but I gave the matter a lot of thought before deciding to try to add more to the story....
Half of Port City’s fleet of cabs were outside to send the girls and guys home after the so called testing was done. Along with one hundred dollars to pay for, and tip the cabbies if they wanted to. We began dismantling the clinic as soon as the cabs left the area. So no trace of the clinic would be left should Toni’s family try to find the clinic later on. The Doctors and Nurses were real and so was all the props just not the location. None of the guys had my AB- blood type. Now we may...
I had died and gone to Heaven. No, that's not right, I must have been dreaming. But no, I was wide awake in my own room — I recognized it — but it seemed like Heaven right here on Earth. And then I knew. I felt Linda's soft mouth wrapped around Peter The Great, awakening both of us and transporting us to Heaven. My Ebony Angel's fingers caressed the second and third jewels of my three-piece set, the feathery non-threatening touch that she had perfected long before she came into my store —...
As a teller of stories, the author needs to introduce you the reader to the main characters, to do this in this story it would be advantageous for you to understand how Joyce and John were introduced to each other. Now many stories tend to refer to the characters as young love in that they meet at school and become interlinked from that time. Not in this case, for John was introduced to Joyce by a work friend and five years later at a second meeting they finally hit it off and end up...
The characters used in this story belong to Archie Comics Publications. They're used in this story as a fantasy fan fiction, with no profit to garnered by the authors in their use. The story is free to be archived upon any website wishing to do so, provided free access is given to readers to see it. It is also mandatory that the authors be given credit upon any site posting. There's a particularly fascinating artist who wishes to go by his eBay selling name, Tebra. Anyone who...
Jill Kassidy is no stranger to a night at Mr. Lucky’s…But tonight she brings her outrageously sexy, tan-skinned, round booty friend Vanna Bardot. These two girls are just what is needed to have an incredible, dream duo threesome!! Watch as they lick, finger, and rub on one another before crawling towards this cock and sharing as only best friends can. They experience genuine pleasure watching the other gets her pussy fucked hard and deep. Vanna gets extra kinky when she pulls the dick straight...
xmoviesforyouThe next morning, Sunday, I slid from between my loves, shaved, showered and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my jock, some socks and shoes and went downstairs to find Ethel with Jill and Myra drinking coffee already. "You finally awake superstud?" Myra asked. "It isn't that late is it?" I asked looking around for a clock. "Past six already. As you can see part of your harem is already up, waiting for you," Ethel smiled. "My harem?" I laughed. "I think you might refer to it as 'The...
Here is a reblog of a personality test I found on the Internet. I cannot vouch for its accuracy or authenticity. And as it was originally posted in early 2011 the answers and grading scale this institute promised seem long overdue. ~Laika THE NORTH DAKOTA WELLNESS AND BETTERMENT INSTITUTE MONOPHASIC GENDER IDENTITY SPECTRUM PLACEMENT TEST by Lucien D. Skye Phd This ten question quiz has been formulated by a team of experts employing the most up to date methodology and rock solid...
Back when I was younger I always looked forward to summer. That meant camping practically every weekend, we were seasonal, which meant my dad had already pre-paid for the campsite from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It was the same every year since I was nine years old, so over the years I had a steady group of friends in which I hung out with. The campgrounds itself was huge; it wasn’t some rinky-dink place with a hundred or so campsites. It was far off the main road; in fact you had to take what...
ReluctanceHello na paru krishna and nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu and na age 24 nenu chaduvukuntunna and naku maa athha antey chaala ishtam chaala sexy ga vuntundi thanani choosinappudu alla nenu enduku thanani pelli chesukoleka poyano ani badha paduthuntanu inka kathaloki velthey okka sari maa athha maa intiki vacchindi enduku antey maa mavayya camp ku velladu thanu intlo ontariga vuntundi andi nannu thoduga padukovadaniki rammani piluvadaniki vacchindi….thanu ma nanna nu adigindi nanu pampamani… Maa nanna...
Looking to make some money during the summer, I went to the normal places. Fast food restaurants, stores in the area malls, and and some gas stations and repair shops with no luck. So the only things left were outdoor jobs. I when into the neighborhood knocking on doors asking if I could do yard work or odd jobs. Finally after walking about ten blocks, a older man said if I was willing to do some hard work he'd let me earn some money.The first day I trimmed bushes, edged the sidewalk and drive...
Sometimes It Just Happens Ch. 02This is the second installment of a series; I recommend you read the first chapter "Sometimes it just happens" first to get the story line correct.A couple of months had past, and Thanksgiving was just a week away. Fall was coming to a close and winter was not far behind it. I had gotten a job in the accounting department at the same grain facility that mom works at. The job is ok, and the pay is decent. It felt good to be able to financially contribute to the...
Pip and Byron's first night at Jeremy's "Manse" established the sleeping arrangements for their visit. These were simple. Pip explained the big bed in the master bedroom was for Mary and one or both of the "masters". Jeremy, attached by a light chain locked around his ankle to a leg of the bed, was to share the same room. He would sleep, when not required for other duties, on the floor. It was a warm summer. They would all sleep naked. No one got very much sleep the first night. Pip...