Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 428: Options For W-Dimension Categories #3, #4 And #6 free porn video

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Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued)

There are several billion dimensions in Category #3, in which my body died in either the Casino Kidnappers' basement or the CIA's underground lab.

I need to do some things differently, depending on whether I died in the basement or lab, so I'll describe them separately, starting with the dimensions in which I died in the CIA's care.


A few chapters earlier I described how I'd get my revenge on the DHS and CIA people who'd got away with what had been done to me in the Fort Dodge lab. I wrote that I was just intending to exact revenge in those dimensions where I'd been kidnapped, but on further thought I've decided to enlarge the scope of my action: I'll take the Fort Dodge lab down in all the dimensions it exists, such as where I died in a bathtub and never came to the attention of anyone. I won't include the DHS people in the additional dimensions because they haven't necessarily been immoral, but every CIA employee at every instance of the lab is going to have a very bad day tomorrow, and none of them is going to have a day at all the day after tomorrow. The US Government apparently believes that it's morally imperative to use overwhelming military force to attack someone when they might be making WMDs, and I know for a fact that Fort Dodge is making them, so I feel morally impelled to do the same. Plus I'll enjoy it, and getting rid of them will be a worthwhile public service - that I'll make sure the public learns ALL about.

These category-specific chapters are not about my acts of revenge, nor my crime-prevention measures or public good works, but about my reconnecting with my loved ones in specific circumstances, so that's what I'll concentrate my writing on. Even though the CIA's scientists have already killed all the Marks in this category of dimensions, it would be easy to arrange for my living body to be found inside a sealed room by the rescuers that will turn up after tomorrow's military assault. A little bit of luck - arranged by yours truly - would result in my rescue becoming public knowledge, enabling me to restart my lives in those dimensions, but I have a better idea.

In the dimensions where I got up to thirty two minds, the Government's arrogant illegalities blew up in its face over and over again, often very nearly - it seemed - causing Washington DC to be "blown up" too. Those dimensions' Governments received some very bruising setbacks, although not nearly enough to cure their arrogance, as proved by their actions in the five "Voyage of Discovery" dimensions described above. I know the Governments in the dimensions in which I didn't survive the Casino or DHS/CIA kidnapping are even less restrained in their criminality, not having had any lessons delivered to them by Majestic Countdown, MAF, or the shames caused to the Government by its open pseudo-warfare against God's angel and the Andersons. I will normally be varying my actions across dimensions, but I'll use the same basic plan in most of this category's dimensions to create a VERY nasty lesson for the Government, to make up for lost time. The lesson really being for the public: to teach people to supervise and control their Government better.

I'll get rid of all the evidence of my death in the Fort Dodge lab, such as removing my medical samples. I'll also render innocuous all the results of the medical experimentation they did on me, and create records showing that the CIA transferred me to one of their secret overseas labs about the date of my death. By viewing the past to identify everyone involved, finding them in the present, reviewing all their memories to identify any new people to add to my list, etc., I can easily adjust everyone and everything to make reality consistent with my having been transferred out of Fort Dodge at the chosen date.

At the same time as the Fort Dodge lab is being raided, several other disgusting CIA facilities in America and around the world are going to suffer similar fates, all of which will leave behind evidence of very expert armed attacks and/or sabotage, as well as notes by the apparent perpetrators saying, "This CIA facility was operating in breach of treaties signed by the United States of America. It was illegal so we've shut it down." The media will get anonymous emails alerting them to every disaster, as well as secret internal Government documents evidencing of the activities of each facility.

Mark Anderson will be found barely alive in the ruins of one overseas building, with his body and mind in truly appalling states. I'll have planted evidence throughout the building that it was involved in developing new torture techniques, in response to a presidential memo telling the CIA: "It's inexcusable that we can't quickly break prisoners to get them to tell us everything we want to know. With waterboarding no longer usable, the CIA is instructed to stop at nothing to find a more effective replacement interrogation technique." I'll plant a copy of that memo in the White House's records. For fun, I won't create a memory of it in Bush's mind. He'll know it's a forgery, he'll protest strongly, and very few people will believe him. I like politicians to understand the consequences of their being known to be lying assholes.

To dress up the facility I'll be found in, I'll teleport in a few dozen bodies of dead MIA soldiers from all sides of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as well as some corpses from America and elsewhere. I'll make it look like the DHS was kidnapping American civilians for the CIA, and the CIA was also grabbing American and non-American soldiers and assorted other people, then torturing them to death as part of their research project. There's plenty of torture research material in places like Pyongyang, Moscow and Langley that I can steal ideas from to plant as documentary evidence, and to create the equipment and records necessary to convince everyone of the appalling purpose of the facility.

This plan will:

Allow me to return to my life as Mark Anderson without having to go through a Ron Fisher-type of charade.

It'll cause the DHS and CIA an ENORMOUS amount of trouble. Undeservedly because it's a lie, but deservedly because of what they did to me, and because the CIA historically conducted considerable experimentation on torturing people, especially with psychotropic drugs and often without the victim's knowledge, let alone informed prior consent. (Google "MKULTRA"; it's NOT a conspiracy theory, but was a fully acknowledged, real project. Many of the documents about it make for very scary reading, especially because there's no reason to believe the CIA are any better behaved these days. There's actually quite a lot of evidence that it's worse, such as "extraordinary renditions" and what happened to me when I was in their Fort Dodge lab.)

The subsequent lawsuit for my 2.5 years of being kidnapped, tortured and experimented on will get my families' finances off to a very good start. It won't be billions because there won't be any evidence that I'm particularly special. I could easily plant such evidence in the facility, but there are so many ways I can make money now that I'd rather my uniqueness stayed off the radar. The only thing I'll plant are some comments in my file that my IQ increased dramatically several weeks into my torture, just before I was due to be killed. The documents will state that the CIA kept me alive trying to find out which of one of the many combinations of drug and physical abuses kicked my IQ into high gear. I'll plant evidence that they kidnapped dozens of other white, middle-class, teenage American boys to put through the same tortures as me to see if any of them got more intelligent. I'll make it look like they kidnapped a few British boys too, in case my British heritage mattered. That'll amuse me by causing a screaming row between the UK and US. My increasing intelligence ploy will explain why I was still alive after so long, and it'll allow me to be intellectual after I recover from my terrible ordeal.

Before I put the plan into action, I'll appear in front of my families. Once they've been through the shock of seeing me appear and I've brought them up to date via the Refuge Grand Tour and related discussion, I'll explain my "Comeback Plan". Given what the DHS and CIA did do to me, and did to my families by deliberately lying to them for so long, I expect my families will be positively delighted to stick a knife into those agencies. I'll put my plan into action almost immediately, as soon as I've finished researching torture from sources all over the world so I can create a very convincing stack of evidence and a believable act as a long-suffering torture victim. Given that I can create bodies in any shape, size and condition I want, and can edit my own minds, it'll be easy for me to create a Mark that looks like and actually is a horrible wreck consistent with years of physical and mental abuse.

I've just discovered that there's a suitable research facility in Poland, ostensibly run by the Polish government but the CIA has effectively taken it over and is running it now. There have been several visits to it by US-based brain chemistry experts. The facility isn't exactly torture related, but it's still disgusting and it's entirely believable that part of it might have drifted into torture research.

In some dimensions I'll do even more to land the CIA in a pile of shit, because in those dimensions the CIA scientists who'd been so excited with their experiments on me had sought and been given permission to broaden their investigations to include my family after I'd died. Nothing highly illegal had happened, certainly nothing like their kidnapping anyone again, but they had illegally and nastily stuck their noses into my family's lives. They'd got hold of all my family's medical records, and had also concocted a cover story - a toxic spill from a tanker-truck in a road accident near our home - to require all local inhabitants to get medical tests. The CIA had told my family that their tests had been positive (lies, as the tanker hadn't been carrying anything toxic), and they'd 'urgently' got my family to make themselves the willing victims of a considerably battery of follow-up tests, worrying my loved ones greatly. Ever since, every now and then a CIA scientist studying on my body parts has thought of a new test to perform on my family, so they've been repeatedly reminded to feel fear about the tanker spill. Fortunately for my family, their results have all been very boringly normal and the CIA has lost most of its interest in them. I would have appended " ... thank goodness" on the end of the previous sentence, but I don't think goodness has much to do with the CIA.

Once my tortured body and mind have recovered, which will take a fair while but my families will wait patiently because other versions of me will be visiting them covertly, I'll openly rejoin their lives and we'll live happily ever after in a variety of interesting ways. There are so many of these dimensions that our lives can have a very rich variety. As just one example, Julia and I can create a phenomenally successful R&D company which will produced different types of products in different dimensions because that's more fun and interesting. There are enough similarities between this and other categories that I won't repeat the description of various things I could do.


My and Prof's deaths in the Casino Kidnappers' basement had been made public, so we can't be found in a hidden room somewhere. I'll have to do something else.

With my dying there was no longer any reason for the Andersons and Williamses to move into the same home, so that didn't happen in these dimensions. As the families are in separate homes, I'll have to appear in two places. I think I should be able to manage that.

As soon as they've gotten over their very large surprises, I'll probably teleport both families to Refuge and give them the usual Refuge Grand Tour and the attendant explanations so they gain an appreciation of my new abilities. As soon as they understand enough, especially about how the W-Dimension is structured, I'll raise an issue that is very important to me: When I was discussing the Category #1 Grand Tour above, I made a reference to an important short-term issue that I discussed with the first category's Profs and Vanessas. I wrote then that I'd tell you about it later, which is now. The issue is that this subcategory's Vanessas are widowed. I'm extremely aware and upset that my entering the Williams' lives had led to billions of Profs dying, with all the agony, grief and loss that had caused their families. I'd asked the Category #1 Profs and Vanessas to agree to their Profs being copied so the widowed Vanessas could get a Prof back.

Once these Category #3 Vanessas understand how the W-Dimension works well enough to appreciate that there are near-identical copies of everyone in them, I'll say something like, "Vanessa, there are many dimensions in which Prof and I survived the kidnapping. Those Profs and Vanessas have offered to have their Profs copied and transferred to live with you in this dimension. How'd you like to have a Prof back?" My main points in the ensuing discussion would be:

Vanessa wouldn't need to give an immediate decision.

Whenever she's in Refuge, she can tell her bodyguard that she'd like to talk with the other Vanessa and/or Prof. A duplicate of whomever she invited will immediately appear in the room, and she can talk as much as she wants and for as long as she wants, because I can duplicate her too.

I'll strongly suggest she accepts the offer, "Because I'm sure it'll make you very happy. All the Profs and Vanessas have virtually identical personalities; so much so that I doubt you'll ever be able to tell the difference." (Older people tend to be more similar across dimensions than younger people because their personalities and the contents of their brains and minds are more stable, so they've synchronized closer to each other over the decades. That's why older people déjà vu less often than teenagers.)

Ava is certain to ask about my recreating her parents. Explaining that is going to be sadder because I can't see the contents of minds in the past; only the present. I can bring Prof 'back' to the dimensions he died in by a trivially easy copying job. That a source for that copy exists is because there are differences across the dimensions caused by large-scale random chance, such as which way I merged out of the Casino Kidnappers basement as that determined the dimension in which we survived. For Ava's parents, there wasn't anything to cause the dimensions to have differences. Unfortunately for them, their cancers were very easy for the Universe to synchronize because cancer is so independent of prerequisite decisions and invisible for so long (if you think about it, you'll realize the two main reasons why cancers synchronize into existence rather than out). Thus almost every Katie and Carson got the same cancers and died from them. There are some living Katies or Carsons in other dimensions, but they are individuals whose lives were sufficiently different from those of their cancer-bearing counterparts to never synchronize with them. They are usually living in different cities and have often married different people. Even copying from a pair that is married together and living in Corvallis wouldn't help Ava because none of them have ever heard of her. The only fortunate aspect of this is that Ava's parents have been gone long enough by now that she accepts it and is living a happy life without them. She won't feel happy when I explain this to her, and I'm sad about it myself, but such is the pervasive nature of cancer. In time - maybe ten years or so - when my family are seasoned dimension hoppers, I can imagine Ava visiting her not-quite-parents in dimensions where they still live. Meeting them socially there is probably as close to a reuniting as Ava will ever get.

I'd be very surprised if the Category #1 Vanessas and Profs can't persuade this subcategory's Vanessas to accept my offer. She's an intelligent woman and easily mentally flexible enough not to get hung up on it not seeming 'proper', especially if the Category #1 Vanessas and Profs are pushing her along. Heck, maybe they'll even have a threesome the way I once suspected, or a foursome with a duplicate Prof. Not to be lascivious about it, but I'm sure their discussions will become very intimate and the Profs and Vanessas were never slow to show affection for each other, so I can easily imagine them getting curious and that happening. I certainly can't imagine the 'owning' Vanessa objecting to lending her Prof out for a trial run; jealousy not really applying.

I'll stay out of sight on those Earths until the Vanessas decide. My loved ones can have duplicates staying with me on Refuge until then, but I expect it won't take Vanessa long. Once the widowed Vanessas decide to accept their 'new' Profs I'll have to use a brute force approach to bring Prof and me back in these dimensions. I'll change all the newspaper, hospital, police, OSU's and all other records so they'll all show that Prof and I were discovered alive in the basement, but we were so badly injured that we've had a very long convalescence in a hospital in LA.

I'll find everyone that needs to have their memories adjusted. When I do so, I'll also tweak them not to be curious about our absence. The owner of the building the kidnappers used will remember finding us alive, as will the cops and paramedics who were sent to the scene. At the other end, there'll be medical staff in an LA hospital who'll remember looking after Prof and me. It'll be a big job for me, but quite an easy one as it's helped considerably by the interactions being minimal and easily stereotyped - "people in hospital" is almost a cliché event. People in Corvallis will all have much the same memory implanted, and their imaginations can fill in the gaps easily. And the hospital staff have looked after so many thousands of patients that adding a couple more will be easy.

After all the memories are in place, Prof and I will be declared healthy enough to be returned to Corvallis, and our lives will resume.

There's a HUGE number of dimensions in Category #4, where I'd suicided out of teenage angst, nearly always in the bathtub and occasionally in the menswear store.

Before I learned how to duplicate or create new minds, there were about 1 billion 32-minded Marks, as well as 10 million 16-minded Marks, 300 million 8-minded Marks, etc., finally down to 3.5 billion 1-minded Marks still innocently going about their dull lives. Those totaled just over 5 billion dimensions with a living Mark in them, containing a total of almost 40 billion Mark-minds, thus Marks had successfully suicided during a déjà vu in 35 billion dimensions. But the proportion of dimensions without a Mark in them was much higher than 35/40 (87.5%). It was more like 97.5%. (A figure of 99% was given earlier, but that was for the number of Corvallises without a Mark. Many of those dimensions had a Mark elsewhere.)

I investigated many thousands of dimensions carefully, discovering that while some of them had never had a Mark, most of them had lost theirs when he'd suicided at the age of fourteen. The numbers calculated out to there having been about 100 billion Marks who'd kicked the bucket without merging. I'd spot checked a few pasts in these dimensions, and it appeared that the bathtub suicides had been fatal as a result of bad timing, irreversible cuts, or they hadn't decided to save themselves in time. The number of Marks that had suicided in the menswear store was consistent with the number of my minds that were still alive who'd done that, so the menswear suicides had worked as intended, without a statistically noticeable failure rate.

When these Marks 'return' to life, I don't want to risk upsetting their families in the future by their new Mark making mistakes because of dimensional differences, but that risk is fairly easily avoided. I can't immediately tell which of my minds came from which dimensions originally - for example, each mind's w-address doesn't identify its birth dimension - because the Universe's Consciousness doesn't care about the past. It's purely reactive, so it cares only about the present, and that's only what it has information about. What I'm doing is reviewing a lot of Marks' pasts. Not our memories of those pasts, but reviewed the actual past on every populated Earth, in order to develop of checklist of dimensional differences that will be precise enough to determine every mind's native dimension: when had I first suicided, what genders were my siblings, was Mom still married to my biological Dad, etc. I was looking for points of distinction that were large and unforgettable. Each combination of answers reduced the number of Earths in each group. Unless a group was down to one entry, I kept looking for memorable differences between members of the group. Once every group had only one member in it, any one of my minds went through the tree of questions to arrive at his Home Dimension. Out of so many billions of minds, we didn't have a single failure - either a Mark not finding a home, or multiple Marks claiming the same one - so the research pass had been very well done. Both types of failures would have been quite easy to fix, but it was still a very pleasing demonstration of our capability to give a job as much attention as it needed to be done properly.

For this category's Earths, in those dimensions in which the Mark had successfully merged into another dimension, a copy of his mind will be the one that returns to his original loved ones. For most of the dimensions, in which the original mind has been lost, I'll use another dimension's mind for the resurrection, choosing one whose life was similar to make the following easier. The lost Marks' lives had lasted about 7 million minutes, 2 million of which he'd been sleeping and another 2 million he'd been too young to matter; so only about 3 million minutes need to be examined. Each of the Marks that'll be providing a new dimension with its mind will create about 100,000 duplicates of his mind, they'll spend half an hour looking at individual segments of their Mark's past life, and then all but one of them will self-cancel.

All the Andersons in these dimensions are going to be incredibly surprised. There's no way to bring their long-dead son back into their lives gradually, so I'll just walk up to their door at dinnertime this evening and introduce myself. If they get too seriously freaked, I'll dampen their emotions, but I'd rather minimize doing that type of manipulation of my loved ones.

They're going to be even more surprised when I show them some of my powers and tell them of the ways their lives are going to change. Having a dead son return will be the least of the changes they'll be adapting to. I won't describe those meetings now, as the ways I'll do it had too many similarities to what's already been described and what will be described for another category below.

After my shocking reappearance to my family, I'll have to find ways to formally come back to life. I prefer not to brute force my return in these dimensions by editing everyone's minds and all the necessary records to be consistent with my having been alive the whole time. That there are over 100 billion such dimensions isn't the major reason, as that would just need me to create more minds to do the necessary work. It's more that the brute-force approach is such a crude method, and making up the individually customized memories for everyone that interacted with my family, and might have interacted with the fake me, over the five years of my absence (in a very few cases, three and a half years) would be a very boring.

The "In an LA Hospital" cover story for the previous subcategory's Prof and me will be easy to implant because so few personal details are needed and they're very routine and even stereotypical, as "people in hospitals" is such a narrow, oft-repeated experience. Whether the new memories are for Corvallis residents imagining my families shuttling back and forth to LA, or for staff in the hospital who remember caring for us, they'll be quick and easy to implant. But if I want to pretend I've been in Corvallis for the last several years, then I'd have to create a shit load of minutiae, especially as my family and I are likely to become reasonably wealthy if not very rich soon, so people are going to research us. The brute-force approach is too tedious so I'll think of other methods to make the public accept my existence.

As usual, my favored approaches involve the very open arrival of aliens or gods because either of those can pressure humanity in so many useful ways: morally, militarily, financially, and even politically - threatening to nuke DC was a wonderfully effective political move. However, despite my personally liking those blatant sorts of approaches, it will be best for me to wait for a while to see how those types of highly intrusive events develop in other dimensions. I'll use it in some of these dimensions, with and without me and the Andersons associated with them, but in most of the dimensions of this category I'll take advantage of my unimportance to stay unimportant. I'll enjoy having lots of apparently normal lives.

Where I want a low-key approach, I'll do things the easy way, by changing a few memories and records so that my having suicided would morph into my having run away as so many teenagers do. The public will think that I've returned to reunite with my family, and we'll take it from there. None of the world governments will receive the benefits of my overt manipulations, but there are many more subtle things that I can do, such as meet the local Julia, form a company with her, and have my scientific expertise result in our commercializing products that change life on Earth. Cheap and plentiful energy production would be a biggie, as would a machine that used energy to construct atoms of whatever non-radioactive material the user wanted. Those two machines would eliminate all the existing energy generating and extraction industries, which would do much to help mankind.

Or maybe I'll get a job as plumber and live an apparently dull life. That will have value to me too. My loved ones can be linked to or even swap with others of their ilk, so they will be able to enjoy a wide variety of experiences. We have a VERY long time ahead of us, and there's much to be said for keeping many of our lives - or our reincarnated-into descendants' lives - under everyone's radar so we can more easily go in whatever directions we want any time in the future. I like the idea of keeping as many options as possible open across Time just as much as I like it across the W-Dimension.

I'll presume you don't want to read about my plans for how to have very dull, below-the-radar lives, so I'll mention some on-the-radar scenarios. With 135 billion dimensions to do this in, I'll enjoy myself by using a variety of methods:


One of the many alien arrival scenarios I'll use will be having a large and impressively shaped alien craft - saucer-shaped is so passé - land on the White House lawn, protected by an Ava Shield in case the startled guards are trigger happy. Visible through the craft's transparent top will be me and some very strange looking aliens. Probably fakes - my minds in bodies copied from elsewhere in the Universe - rather than real aliens, so I'll have complete control over them in this and all their future visits to Earth.

A hatch will open up and a 10 x 10 x 10 meter cube of gold with me sitting on top of it will float out of the craft and come to a rest on the lawn. An alien will 'wave' goodbye from the hatchway, however Blurgs wave, then the ship will take off. [The cube will be worth a few hundred billion, depending on how much it depresses the gold market. All the gold ever refined on Earth is the equivalent of a 20 x 20 x 20 meter cube, so mine will drive the price down significantly.]

Knowing the Government, all the decision-makers will scurry for cover, leaving their security forces to fuck the situation up by being macho-aggressive. There'll doubtless be a lot of gun waving and other demonstrations of stupidity, but with my powers I'll have exactly nothing to fear. After the guards have annoyed me enough - which won't be much as I have a very low tolerance for crap these days - I'll teleport them all, without their weapons or communications devices, into a highly restricted Chinese Government building in central Beijing.

To get my message out to the American people, I'll teleport some news teams to me. I'll say, "I'm Mark Anderson, formerly of Corvallis, Oregon. I was approached five years ago," or three and a half in a few cases, "by some aliens who wanted me to be trained as their ambassador on Earth. As soon as anyone with authority gets here from the Government, I'll be asking them to formally accept me as an ambassador so I can establish an embassy for the Blurgs." I've made a mental note to make up a more impressive sounding name for the aliens.

There'll be lots of crap from the Government because there always is, but I'll teleport the troublemakers - defined as anyone who doesn't say "Yes" fast enough - to central Pyongyang and other interesting places. That won't get me the agreements I want because the Government will simply stop sending anyone to talk with me, but it'll start establishing who's the boss.

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 421 Category 1 Revealing How I Became So Unique

Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued) In the two chapters above I briefly described some of the things I will be doing with and for humanity now that I'm God. They were just some of my initial thoughts rather than definite plans - apart from the few things I've already started - but they should have given you an idea of the types of things I'm capable of and interested in doing. They're CERTAINLY not a complete list of everything my trillion plus minds have thought of. Even though my minds...

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Talking about my fav categories of porn with pics

So, i wanted to talk a bit about what kind of porn I really like and why. I'll start with the normie stuff and proceed with kinkier categories as I go on. Hope you're along for the ride.Big Natural TitsThis is the basis of my enjoyment of porn, the default level of what I really like. If I'm in the mood for a quick wank and lack the time to find or watch something more elaborate, just a beautiful busty babe with her chest bare will do the deed. Why do I like them? I dunno, some things are just...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 429 Category 5 The 42000 Marks Turn Over New Leaves

Back to Monday, June 30 to Thursday, July 3, 2008 There are about 3.5 billion dimensions in Category #5, in which Mark had single-mindedly and ignorantly remained out of my ascendancy adventure. I wrote at length about the first category of dimensions, those that had 32-minded Marks, and I'll write at length about this, the last category with any of my loved ones in it. In the first category, my families knew more about my uniqueness than my families in any other type of dimension. In this...

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Mortys dream dimension

ALL CHARACTERS PORTRAYED ARE ABOVE 18 Morty feeling extra horny one night decides to go on the search for a dream dimension. After a couple hours he’s able to find 3 dimensions as his favorites. One is a dimension where he can get payback on summer for all the things she’s done to him. Another is an Amazonian world with women who are into extreme punishments. The final dimension is to a video game dimension where any character he can think of exists

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Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69

This is just a short one that I wrote for a quick chuckle. I was feeling a bit goofy (no, not the Disney kind) when I wrote this story. Attack of the Killer Bimbos from Dimension 69 By Morpheus It was in the middle of Pittsburgh that the lightning struck. A bolt of pink lighting flashed out of the clear sky and struck in the parking lot behind an apartment complex. There was an explosion and a million sparks flying everywhere. And when they had been cleared, a strange looking pink...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 338 Aftermath of the Angels Vandalism

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 I woke up after my usual brief sleep, and lay in bed using my downstairs study's computer to browse the news networks' websites, primarily the print media because the TV networks use sound too much and, as I believe I've mentioned, I can't get goddamn sound blobs to work. The most important consequence of my activities yesterday was that Jonathon Winters was now a VERY busy guy. He now had a large office building, many people helping him, etc. The "Make a...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

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Wet and Wild in the 5th Dimension

When I was nineteen I had a crush on a girl named Ruth. We were both introverted, but Ruth had a tendency to flirt unrepentantly with other guys and since we'd never formalized our own relationship, I was out of luck when it came to complaining about it. Ruth seemed to take a perverse pleasure in torturing me in this way.Though we had gone on dates, and I had professed love for her, she couldn't commit. Our relationship had grown into an intense, often scary, friendship based on mutual...

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4th Dimension Men in Dresses

4th Dimension: Men In Dresses By Busko John is a bodybuilder. All that is male in society is common to him. John is more Rambo than Sylvester Stalone will ever be. Heavily built by his 5 days a week at the gym he is a hunk to all the girls. They all want to date him. John however is very shy, everybody thinks. John has a secret. He loves to wear female underwear. He would even wear dresses if he could, but western society 'prohibits' men to dress the way they want. Women can...

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Wet and Wild in the 5th Dimension

When I was nineteen I had a crush on a girl named Ruth. We were both introverted, but Ruth had a tendency to flirt unrepentantly with other guys and since we'd never formalized our own relationship, I was out of luck when it came to complaining about it. Ruth seemed to take a perverse pleasure in torturing me in this way. Though we had gone on dates, and I had professed love for her, she couldn't commit. Our relationship had grown into an intense, often scary, friendship based on mutual...

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[Preface: This story is a shameless attempt to get in as many categories on Fictionmania as possible. The challenge was to make a workable story out of it without imitating Eddie Glover.] Categories by Holly Fairfa Hi! My name is George. I'm a twenty-five year old male. I'm kinda short and thin and I wear my hair long. I play lead guitar in a rock group. My life was recently turned upside-down, inside-out, and every other way imaginable. It seemed that at least every...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 336 Air Force One and Two

Monday, April 16, 2007 (Continued) I turned off the TV and returned the boat's electrical switches to their original positions, stole a raincoat and cap from the boat, detached myself from the hull and motored myself farther up the Potomac, crossing over to the north shore while I did so. I was looking for a bicycle to steal. I wasn't being very angelic, but no one's perfect. There are plenty of fancy private homes with their own jetties, lots of narrow inlets, etc., so ample choice...

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Ted to Another Dimension

The year was 1985. I think. Who cares? It was a year. Actually, screw that. The year was 2025. That's what we're going on you bastard. But it took place in Valley Hills. Which is in California. Full of Californians. Or at least it started there. It's supposed to be a story about inter dimensional adventures stuff. Maybe that explains what the Nazis and he Last Jedi were doing in Vietnam. Teddy McLang was 18 years old. He was best pals with John and had a girlfriend named Tami-Lynn Parker who...

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Dimension X

Our hero is in his bedroom, bored as he browses his large porn collection. Sure he's got all the best titles from Japan, America and even some vintage ebony videos to make a collector cry but he's grown bored with the lack of physical contact in his life. He wishes that someone would take an interest in him and provide some spice to his monotone life. What our hero doesn't realize is that an inter-dimensional bounty hunter named Hex has been watching him on her ship's screens for weeks now,...

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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 2 Chapter 1 Kinds of sexual union according to dimensions force of desire or passion time

Another example of the forms of intimacy discussed in the Kamasutra includes chumbanas (kissing). The text presents twenty-six forms of kisses, ranging from those appropriate for showing respect and affection, to those during foreplay and sex. Vatsyayana also mentions variations in kissing cultures in different parts of ancient India. The best kiss for an intimate partner, according to kamasutra, is one that is based on the awareness of the avastha (the emotional state of one's partner)...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 150 The Business Takes a Small Step Forward

Friday, April 29, 2005 (Continued) We all headed for the Guys' Room, joining Donna and The Boys. Prof made Dad a big, strong whiskey. Dad asked, "Are you going to join me, Prof?" "I've got to make an important phone call for Mark's business soon so I want to keep my wits about me. If you let me borrow Mark, we could do that now, then come back and join you?" "Sure." Vanessa said, "I need to be involved too, so if you'll excuse me too." Julia said, "Can I listen in too...

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Lesbian Pussy From Dimension X

Groan! "Oh, yeah, baby. Suck my snorg. Take it deep into your mouth hole!"Those were the sounds I heard coming from the other side of the wall.'Gross,' I thought quietly to myself. You'd think by now they would have figured out how to make soundproof walls. What good is all this Alien technology if they couldn't even do that?I'm Jane, and I would give anything for just one night where I didn't have to hear my mom and my stepdad, Phil, going at it.My thinking continued: I never want to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Categories of Women We Date After A Divorce

I’ve been divorced for a number of years and although many men browse through the internet finding articles for women written by women regarding dating after a divorce, I have yet to find any articles that dealt with the issues of dating for men, written by men on how date or avoid these personality types after a divorce. After a few years of extensive research by myself, I have categorized some women into some very recognizable groups that many of you haven’t articulated in your own minds...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

Driving Mrs. TandyChapter 1  John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time, he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all.    The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 109 Hot Tub Party a Tit in Each Hand

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I entered the hot tub room with a non-specific apology loaded up and ready to speak, but there was no one in the room. I could hear loud music and laughter coming from the Guys' Room, so that's presumably where everyone was. Julia's instructions had been for me to strip and get into the hot tub. She'd even said to do so even if there was no one in the room. But I was ten minutes later than she expected, so did that change anything? Also, should I stick...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 155 The Evening Before Our First Anniversary

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. "Hi Mom. Do you know that Carol and I are going out tonight, with Julia and Ava? I think we are anyway; I need to check." "Yes, I've heard. This is just for the three of us." I started eating pieces of the ingredients. Mom didn't object, as she always cooks 'too much' (silly concept), as leftovers disappear from our fridge amazingly quickly. Mom asked, "Did you win?" "Yes. Much the same result as the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 376 Two Bushes in the Hand

Friday, June 15, 2007 (Continued) Coincidentally, at the same time as the Army was discovering the FBI's little presents, back in Washington DC a little plan our beloved leader had approved had come to fruition. Back on June 7, the President and the then FBI Director, Robert Mueller, had stood shoulder to shoulder while Director Mueller said, "Yes, the FBI was using that UAV - under the control of Northrop Grumman - to surveil the Anderson residence." That'd given us an undeniable claim...

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Deja Vu For a Drow

D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 185 A Breakfast for Millionaires

Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) At daybreak, I felt much more relaxed and secure. Life was good, provided there were several million dollars in my LA account! I was quite eager to go to an ATM to check that. I'd had more or less enough sleep, so I went outside and offered to get the guys some coffee or whatever. They happily accepted more coffee, as their flasks were drained. I figured fresh coffee was the least I could give them for helping us survive the night. Alarm-Girl didn't need...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 211 Unlucky 13th Not for Me Though

Friday, May 13, 2005 I've heard that many people won't fly on Friday the 13ths, so it's a pity I didn't marry Julia and Carol a month ago today, because it might have saved me an expensive shopping trip. That's assuming superstition would win over the lure of Rodeo Drive, which is highly doubtful. I did have some bad luck today, Mackenzie was waiting for me to arrive at the school's parking lot. As soon as I got out of the car, she was on to me. "Mark, after you left I remembered...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 265 Introducing What We Did for My Soccer Team Part One

Monday, June 27, 2005 This chapter has jumped ahead four days. Not much happened over summer that was relevant to my ascendancy, so day-by-day reporting isn't needed. ^ A couple of days after Savannah's test ride in my new car, I invited my soccer team to Julia's, excluding the guys who'd just graduated, had serious girlfriends, were virgins, or were too immature for what I had in mind. That left five of them. That many because they didn't actually have to be mature, just be able to...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 328 Individual Responsibilities for Preparing Our Hilltop Home

January 1 to mid-March, 2007 Once the Army pulled out, everything fell onto our shoulders. Not Vanessa's, because her shoulders were already fully loaded, but the rest of us felt the shift of responsibility. We'd known it was coming of course, but when the Army left, EVERYTHING stopped unless we made it move, and that felt quite different. Mom had been frantic for months. Setting up a home at the "stinking rich" end of the market was something Mom had never been exposed to before, so...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 125 Planning for Avas Thrashing

Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued) Fortunately it was just the immediate family at dinner. As we walked in, the last to arrive, Robert said, "Couldn't stop playing with your new toy, huh?" I hadn't had a chance to play with it at all, and was worried about my answer seeming unappreciative of the work Robert had done getting it for me. I was thinking about how best to politely answer his question when Julia beat me to it, "Mark hasn't had time to use it yet. We've been busy...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 144 Planning for Binions

Thursday, April 28, 2005 (Continued) When my family had left to go home, Prof, Vanessa, Julia and I went to the adults' study. There, Prof said, "Almost everyone we talked to suggested Binion's Horseshoe Casino. Some of them had other ideas as well, but Binion's was easily the most frequently mentioned and seems the easiest answer to our problem. Most of our advisors said we'd just need to turn up with the money and tell them what we wanted. It'd get bumped up to the boss, but he...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 389 Planning for the Costume Party

Saturday, July 14, to Saturday, August 11, 2007 In my following the Sondarm School thread from planning through to execution, I skipped over a few things that I'll attend to now. Carol's birthday was the first event. She didn't want a big bash because she's not really a gregarious person and there were plenty more parties coming up anyway, so she chose to have a small gathering with our families plus three of her best friends from school. It was a very nice evening, and Carol's being...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 417 Multiple Sight Blobs Good for Me Expensive for Israel

Thursday, June 19 to Monday, June 24, 2008 I had several areas I wanted to work on: I wanted multiple proximity blobs so I could have one around every loved one, to dramatically improve my ability to detect threats to them. I wanted sight blobs able to fly faster than 300 mph when they're in locations remote from me. I could maybe double that speed with practice, but I wanted at least a tenfold improvement and that'd take an insight. If I need to use a sight blob at a remote location,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 99 Prof Plans for Me to Become a Quadmillionaire

Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) It was easier for me to check the kitchen for Prof than check his study, because the stairs arrive at the ground floor near the kitchen. Plus I should greet Vanessa anyway. The fact that I was overdue for a snack had not escaped my notice either. Also, I like kitchens. So I had lots of good reasons. I stuck my head in, and somewhat to my surprise, Prof was in there. As part of the mutual greetings Vanessa asked, "How's your day been, Mark?" "Very...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 113 Hot Tub Party Line Up for Gropes

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Carol volunteered, "Even I've walked around this house naked. All of Julia's family have seen me like this. They were all very nice about it and I felt totally safe. They're very nice people." "Especially Robert. He can see me naked whenever he wants, haha." That was from Donna, in case you're wondering. I didn't know whether Donna's comment was literally true, or whether Donna had said it just for fun. It didn't matter either way, as I had...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 261 The Car that Best Projects the Right Image for Me is Chosen

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 I woke after the usual 2.5 hours, had a snack bar, shut my eyes again, created a sight blob, sent it through to the study, where seven of my minds created a fingertip each for the scrolling keyboard, and we started studying. Other than a couple of snack breaks, that's how we spent the morning. It was a very successful test, especially because we didn't hit a gap in our knowledge that we had to google, so we didn't need to do any extensive mouse work. One of my...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 100 I Get Told Off for Not Having a Bigger One

Friday, April 22, 2005 (Continued) Julia waited while I turned to my studies to finish them off at a good point. I was in the middle of learning something new in Calculus, and if I stopped now I'd have to start the next session with a review before I could complete the concept. It's much better to stop once the concept is comprehended. As a result of my working through two courses now I would rarely get two perfect stopping points at the same time, so I was just hoping not to be in...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 9 Committing Suicide for the Second Time

Mid-September to Tuesday, February 22, 2005, My vague plan - made back when I started pulling ahead of my 9th grade classmates - was to take as many Advanced Placement subjects as humanly possible in my senior year, which would make that year a busy one. But that was over two years away and what to do about the intervening period wasn't obvious. (For those of you who aren't American or who live in dimensions that use a different nomenclature, in most dimensions students in American school...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 266 Introducing What We Did for My Soccer Team Part Two

Monday, June 27, 2005 (Continued) We kept chatting about aspects of the Target Game, to give the guys plenty of time to get used to seeing My Girls topless. Hopefully enough so they wouldn't react typically when the Targets also started stripping. One of the other issues that came up turned out exactly as I'd expected. I pointed out that under my plan, the guys wouldn't get to choose which of the Target Girls they had sex with. It was up to the Targets to choose the guys. Amusingly, the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 259 A Girl Accuses Me of Using Her for Sex Oh the Injustice

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) I'd called Mom before Aikido to tell her, "I'll be staying the night at the Williams' as I want to show Julia something first thing in the morning." I headed to Julia's after Aikido. As I walked toward the front door, I was amused to see a multitude of female heads through the kitchen window. Julia met me at the door, laughingly telling me the explanation. Soon after I'd left for Aikido, Vanessa had called my mom to say they had too much food, and...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 304 For a Woman There is Something Worse than a Ladder in Her Stocking

Saturday, May 6, 2006 (Continued) I overflew home at a safely high altitude. As I'd hoped, there was a media circus besieging our gate, and several extra cars parked inside (lawyers, cops, CIA?). Watching closely to make sure no cameras pointed skyward, I descended enough to see that all of my extended family were inside. They were watching TV and talking a lot to a few suit-wearing men that I didn't recognize. My families didn't appear to be under any duress and Ron Fisher had no...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 156 Planning for Two Dinner Parties

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Dinner wasn't at a fancy place, but I enjoyed it more than the movie. Our waitress was subjected to the sight of Ava's hands being inside Carol's top, clearly rolling Carol's nipples. The poor girl (the waitress I mean; not Carol or Ava), didn't know where to look. She knew where NOT to look though, and for the rest of the meal refused to look at Carol. Unfortunately for her, on her second visit to the table, it just so happened that I was doing the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 59 Carols Dream of Dying for Her Lord

Friday, April 15, 2005 (Continued) After the dishes were cleared away and loaded into the dishwasher (I hope our mansion will have one of those!) Mom said, "I'm taking Mark to get his cast removed later. I don't know how long that'll take so let's have our little meeting now, over coffee in the living room maybe?" Vanessa agreed and started making it. Carol returned looking happy, and Vanessa told her, "I've left your plate in the microwave, dear. In case you were hungry and wanted...

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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