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[Preface: This story is a shameless attempt to get in as many categories on Fictionmania as possible. The challenge was to make a workable story out of it without imitating Eddie Glover.] Categories by Holly Fairfa Hi! My name is George. I'm a twenty-five year old male. I'm kinda short and thin and I wear my hair long. I play lead guitar in a rock group. My life was recently turned upside-down, inside-out, and every other way imaginable. It seemed that at least every other day there was someone who didn't like the way I was. Let me tell you about last month. Saturday: My girlfriend, Sheila, was really upset at me Friday night so I went to the corner bar. There I met Suzanne, who is attractive and witty. We were getting along great so I went back to her place and spent the night. Little did I know that Sheila and she were friends. I woke up with them both standing over me, like you see in those doctor shows. I tried to get up, but found I couldn't. Sheila gave me a look that would be perfect for an evil villain. She screamed, "This will be the last time you cheat on me for a long time." Then she pulled out a syringe, stabbed me with it, and everything went black. I think I'm awake, but I can't feel anything. It's totally dark and I can't hear anything either. I think I can move, but I can't tell if I'm actually doing anything. Then the light comes on suddenly. I can see I'm outside sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket in front of me. There is a rugged looking boy in front of me. He looks like he plays football in a high school team. My hearing returns and he is talking about how much he enjoys being with me. He takes my hand, well it doesn't look like my hand, but I'm starting to get some feeling there. He takes a diamond engagement ring and slides it on my finger. My hands look well manicured and so feminine with polished 'nails in light pink. I hold the ring up to admire it as he asks me to marry him when we graduate. I can hear a voice saying how much I love him and that I'll be happy to be his wife. I know I am saying it, but the voice is clearly that of a young girl. I get a chance to look at myself and a see the body of a young woman wearing a short cheerleaders skirt, light hosiery, and open-toed white sandals. It's like I have to see things before I can feel them since now I have feeling in my legs and my feet. I look down at my chest and discover a pair of decently sized breasts pushing out a crop top that might have been a size too small. Now that I've seen them, I can feel their weight on my chest. The boy stands up and picks me up by my waist as if I were weightless and pulls me tight to his chest. My vision clouds because I am crying with joy. He reaches his hand under my dress and I move it away telling him that he has to wait until after we are married. He tells me he is okay with that. I can't stop crying. I don't understand what is happening to me. It's like my mind has been transplanted into this woman's body, but all I can do is observe. ---------------------- "I told you this would work", said Sheila, "The sensory deprivation tank keeps him from feeling anything except what we feed into him. Right now he thinks he's a young girl being proposed to." Suzanne looked at the monitor, "Are you sure this will affect the way he treats women? It seems a lot of bother just to teach him a lesson." "This is just the beginning.", replied Sheila ---------------------- My vision clears and I'm sitting at a sidewalk cafe having coffee. It is midday and the sky is clear. I see the boy, my fiance, sitting with another girl at a restaurant just down the street. He holds her tight and French kisses her for what seems an eternity. I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk in their direction. I confront him and scream obscenities at him. Then I pull off the ring and toss it at him telling him I never want to see him again. He laughs at me and tells me that I am a naive girl and I really need to grow up. I don't know what emotions the woman who's body I share is feeling, but I agree with the guy. She needs to understand men's needs better. ---------------------- "I told you this wouldn't work", said Suzanne, "The woman is going through pain and anguish while he is smiling and enjoying her suffer." "Then it is time for step two", said Sheila, "Knock him out again and help me get him in the car ---------------------- Monday: I awoke later with a tight feeling through my body and a sharp pain in my chest. I managed to sit up on the bed now. I was in a sleazy motel room someplace. I could see myself in the mirror across from me, but it sure didn't look like me anymore. I was wearing a black corset, pantyhose, and pumps with what had to be five inch heels. There was also some kind of black leather chastity belt. Each of these was securely locked to my body with a metal fitting and a large lock. My lips looked swollen and were painted bright red. My cheeks had been colored in a similar fashion. My eyelids were painted a dark gray and I now had long fake eyelashes. I ran my hand along my face and couldn't feel any trace of facial hair. Even my eyebrows were gone. Just a thin black arch drawn in their place. My long black hair had been darkened even more and was now a straight cut with short bangs. I now had breasts the size of grapefruits of which the top half was exposed above the corset. They hurt when I touched them. I looked around and could see crude stitches in my armpit. They must have inserted them. I didn't know where the girls were, but I realized I had to get out of there now. I could only imagine what was next on their list. I was working at opening the window when I saw that my fingernails were now lengthened and painted a bright red. I suspected my toenails had also gotten this treatment. At least i could tell this is my body. It doesn't look like it anymore, but it was real. There was some garment on the chair by the window and I grabbed it up as I crawled out. I snuck along the back of the motel, walking primarily on my toes and trying not to fall forward into the sand. I reached the relative safety of a large tree and examined the garment I had. It was a one piece peasant style dress. It had a long flowing skirt attached to a sleeveless top. I wasn't sure which way it went on, but figured it had to be easier to get over my head than to step into with these shoes. I managed to get it on with a bit of pulling and was glad that the skirt almost touched the ground. I might now manage to look like a normal woman, unless someone got too close. It was dark tonight, with a few clouds so I hoped that was lucky for me. I might be able to find my way home before they could find me. Tuesday: Another day in Mexico. They must have taken me across the border when they did this to me. I must admit that I do look a lot like a Mexican woman now. The problems are that I don't speak Spanish, or like a woman, I have no money, home is across the border, and I'm getting very hungry. I was walking through town, trying to figure a way out of my problems when I came upon a pair of youths breaking into a luxury car. They had just gotten the doors open when they noticed me. One dashed over and grabbed me roughly before I could react. It wasn't like I could scream with the tight corset on or run with these shoes, but what little I might have done with my arms was useless now that he was pushing me into the back seat of the car which his friend had opened. The one guy was starting the car while the other kept me quiet. After we were moving, he looked at me and said something which I gathered was his permission to scream all I wanted now. I looked at him as if I didn't understand, which I didn't really and he repeated it in broken English. He smiled at me and began fondling my breasts with one hand while holding both of my wrists with his other one. Then he reached down and pulled my skirt up revealing the locked chastity belt. He smiled again and said, "I unlock you just like I do car." He pulled out a large knife and said, "You make trouble me, I cut you bad." All things considered, I thought removing the locks was a good idea. He checked out the rest of what I was wearing and said, "You have many locked treasures. I save best for last." He picked the locks on the shoes first and tossed them up to his friend who was watching in the rearview mirror as he drove. "Now you no run away from Miguel." I returned his favor by removing the dress, back over my head, and I smiled at him just a bit as he ran his hands up and down my shaven thighs. He picked the lock on the corset just as easily, then cut the laces with the knife. He grabbed the front of it and tossed it up front as well. I kept my upper arms tight to my sides to hide the stitches while trying to cover my now fully exposed breasts with my hands. Miguel responded by grabbing both my arms and forcing them down at my sides. I could see myself in the rearview mirror and with the corset removed, my breasts looked huge as they hung there for the world to admire. I couldn't understand how the girls managed to pack that much inside of me. Miguel brandished the knife in front of my face, "You have pretty eyes. Be shame to remove them. Don't make trouble no more." He started picking the last lock. For some reason he was having a problem with that one and it took him several minutes to open it. I was just sitting there with my legs spread apart and my breasts hanging down hoping that the guy driving was paying enough attention to the road that we didn't get in an accident. Miguel finally got it open. I looked down and saw nothing encouraging through the dark panties. They had shaven all the hair there as well. I was relieved to see the last vestige of my male life emerge from between my legs as Miguel pulled my panties down. Miguel began screaming and waving the knife in front of me. I couldn't understand a word he said but the gestures seemed to indicate he would be glad to finish what the girls started. Instead, the driver stopped the car and Miguel shoved me out of the car onto the sidewalk. I crawled into a nearby alley and pulled my pantyhose back up, making sure to put things back where they were. So there I was with no clothes to speak of and still very hungry. At least I could breath freely although these mammoth breasts were painful without any support. I seemed to be in luck. I could see a woman putting her wash out on the other side of the street. All I had to do was wait for them to dry a bit and I would have clothes. She was a rather large woman and I prayed her bra would be big enough. It seemed like an eternity as I waited in the alley, hoping no-one would find me there. I carefully snuck out to the end of the alley and saw no traffic, either by car or foot, and I ran across the street holding onto my breasts to keep them from bouncing as much as possible. I took the bra off the line and with a lot of difficulty had just managed to get it on when the woman came back. She pointed at me and screamed something and I blacked out. Wednesday: I'm not hungry anymore. In fact, I'm not human anymore. I'm a bra. It's not as bad as I would have thought. It took me a while to recover, but now I have some of my senses back. Mostly touch, but also a bit of hearing and a bit of taste/smell. I don't hear much though when I'm being worn and just a bit more when I'm not. Looking back on it, she must have put me on as soon as I changed. It feels really weird though. It's like my hands are connected to my ankles and my ankles are hooked together. I was starting to get used to this arrangement when my ankles unhooked and I could feel a breeze. She must be taking me off at last. Then I felt the water. I tried to scream as she washed me, but I had no mouth. I felt like I was going to drown as she dunked me. Then it felt like she was going to break all my bones as she wrung me out. Then she hung me out to dry, quite literally. I could feel the hot sun on me and was sure I would be burnt. I blacked out again. I had no idea that this was going to become common for me. Friday : I woke up in a house in a pool of some clear sticky fluid. The woman was standing over me and speaking too fast for me to follow, as if I knew what she was saying anyway. I managed to sit up and discovered to my delight that my breasts were gone. There was a mirror in the corner and I could see that I was back to normal. I gathered that somehow the magic that made me a bra, most likely a well padded one, couldn't deal with all the silicone on the way back. That was the liquid I was sitting in. The woman ran out of the room and came back with two towels. One I used to wipe all the goo off me and the other to cover myself. She escorted me to another room and sat me down in front of a small round table. On the table was some object covered with an ornate scarf. She removed the scarf to reveal a glass sphere about twelve inches in diameter. She stared at it for a second then said, "You have paid for your attempt to wrong me. You have paid for your indiscretions. You are free to go now as you are, or you may serve me and be rewarded." I didn't think I could get far wearing just a towel so I agreed to serve her. "An evil man has taken a medallion that belongs to me. Return it to me and you will be returned home." She tossed me a dress. "Put this on and you will assume the form of a servant girl who works for this man. That way you can just walk in an return that which is mine." I was wondering why she didn't do it herself if she had this much magic power. "The man would be able to detect me. He will not think twice about you." I slid the dress on over my head. I didn't feel any different, but one look in the mirror confirmed that I looked like a woman again. This time I was short, well endowed, and rather cute. I had waist-length black hair which the old woman braided for me. It would have been nice if she had bothered to give me bus fare at least... Anyway, I walked the five miles to the house of this man. I was clothed in a dress similar to the one I wore previously, open-toed sandals, and a large bonnet. I was a bit nervous about the lack of undergarments, but all the new parts seemed to behave themselves. Calling this guys place a house is an understatement. It was much closer to a palace. Now how was I going to find a medallion in this large of a place? For some unknown reason, I knew what I was supposed to do and how to act. It must be something with the dress, I gathered. So I went to the servant's quarters and adjusted my hair and makeup. Then I started my duties. I didn't have to worry about finding the medallion. I was doing my best to act like a nice little servant girl and bring the master his lunch when I saw him remove it from his neck and place it in a glass cabinet near his desk. I left the tray on the desk and was on my way out went I felt a slap on my butt. I was about to get upset when I caught myself and just looked back and smiled suggestively at him. Saturday: Just before dawn, I snuck back into the room. I was in luck. The medallion was there and no-one in sight. But it was bad luck again. I had the medallion in my hand when he grabbed my arm from behind. "This is not for you, my lovely", he whispered as he took it from my hand, almost effortlessly. he dropped it on the desk and forced me onto the couch. "This is for you", he said as he dropped his pants. I knew I couldn't fight him like this so I raised my skirt high so he could see all there was to see and I smiled at him like I had at lunchtime. He released my other arm and I removed the dress totally. This returned my body to normal while he stood there stunned. I used to opportunity to put a foot to good use which caused him to fall to the ground in pain, holding himself. I sprang off the couch and ran to the desk. I wanted both hands free so I put the medallion around my neck. I ran to the door, past the shouting man when I bumped into another servant who had come in response to her master's call. We were chest to breast for a second before I pushed her away and continued running down the hallway. I could feel another change taking place, but I couldn't stop. I dashed out the back of the place and made it as far as the woods before I passed out again. I awoke at the hottest part of the day. I was drenched in sweat. I ran my hands over my body and discovered I was female again. I heard the sound of running water and got up to find it. I came upon a stream branching off from a river. I caught my reflection in the water and saw the woman I had run into staring back at me. The water was inviting though so I waded into it to cool off. This was the first time I had a real female body all to myself so I took the time to explore it. I returned to the bank and waited there with my feet dangling in to water until night. It wasn't easy walking barefoot in the dark. Or in bare everything else for that matter. I had to stay off the roadway as much as possible. I figured that I was about halfway to the old woman's house when I saw the clothes on the line. I couldn't help but think about that old Pink Floyd song, "Denny Lane", where the guy steals women's clothes from clothes lines. It looked to be a loose blouse and skirt, probably too small for this body, but it was something to cover up with. I quickly removed them from the line and ran off, clutching them close to my chest. I could feel another change coming on. I managed to get the clothes on before I passed out again. Sunday: It was probably a few hours later when I woke up. I checked myself out and I was still female, only this time I was a teenager. I was able to make good time back to the old woman's place with this young athletic body and without large breasts bouncing with my every step. I pounded at her door until I saw a light in the window. She came out and looked at me, first upset, and then puzzled. I reached into my blouse and showed her the medallion and she ushered me in, looking around carefully as she did so. "You make a nice little girl. You'll be stuck like this for a long time so you should get used to it." I had managed to get a good look at myself while she was putting the medallion away and I was now a very ugly little girl with a lot of teeth missing and pigtails. I couldn't help but cry as the thought of being stuck like this sunk in. She had me doing light cleaning most of the day. It was strange working a broom taller than myself and having to stand on chairs to dust things. Later in the day, she washed me up and combed out my hair. Then she took me shopping with her to some small boutiques and bought me some clothes of my own. I got a pair of pink panties with a matching training bra, a simple knee-length dress, pink socks, and a pair of sneakers. I didn't know why she did it at first. The rest of the day she had me running assorted errands around town and I knew that was why she had gotten me my own clothes. She made lunch and dinner for us though I had to wash the dishes after each meal. I also had to bathe before dinner as I had gotten pretty dirty running around. I checked myself out in my new clothes in the mirror and if I kept my mouth closed, I looked almost bearable. At least I didn't cry just from seeing my reflection anymore. She made me return the clothes that I had taken when it got dark. At least I didn't have to explain why the ugly little girl that lived there had a twin sister. I just had to put them back on the line. When I returned, she told me that she had found a way to get me back to myself. She had me strip off all the nice new clothes and put the medallion back on. Then she wrapped the towel that I had worn the previous day around me. I awoke with some guy shaking me. "We're in Los Angeles. Time for you to wake up." I looked around to see I was in a van crowded with Mexican men, women, and children. I looked at myself and was relieved to see blue jeans and a T-shirt. We all got out of the van and wandered off our separate ways. There was a phone booth nearby. I punched in the collect code followed by Duane's number. Duane was the singer and leader of our rock group. "Hey! I'm at the corner of... just a second here... Main and Thirty-second street with nothing but the clothes on me. Can you come pick me up?" Monday: It felt good to be myself again. Taking a shower with my body, putting on my clothes, everything felt good again. We were having a practice session in my garage after lunch. I even enjoyed lunch. I went to a buffet and pigged out. Yes, it was good to be home again. The guys dropped over about one o'clock. Duane said he had news for me. "I know you weren't here for the voting, but I think you'll agree with us. We think for our band to become famous, we need an attractive female in it. But we don't want to change the sound we have... So we decided that you're going to be the girl. Eddy is on drums and in the back. Tony is on bass guitar and chicks don't play bass. He's also in the background. I can't sing high notes so that leaves you. You're in front and have several solos with the spotlight just on you." Here I go again, I thought. I wonder how they plan on pulling this off? Duane continued, "I have some friends in special effects at the studios and they fixed up this just for you. It's just like those movies where the gorgeous woman pulls off her skin to reveal the alien inside. Try it on!" He handed me this bundle of beige latex and a short blonde wig. I took the bundle and started to walk off with it. "Hey! None of that modesty stuff here babe. Besides you'll need help with it." They were right. I stripped down to nothing and sat on a chair. They scrunched the legs of the suit up and helped me push my feet into it. Each toe went into its own little sleeve. I looked at my new feet and saw the toenails were painted pink. They worked the smooth legs of the suit up my hairy ones, making sure there were no wrinkles. They had me stand up while they pulled the hips and butt section around me. The person who wore this suit in the movie must have been pretty thin as the hips and butt were padded pretty thick. I looked between my legs and there was a small patch of blonde hair styled to look like a Valentine heart. They scrunched the arms up like they did the legs and slid my arms into the suit up to the shoulder. Duane was standing in front of me holding onto my breasts. He pushed them up tight to me while the guys secured the suit in the back. It had some kind of zipper that went from my tailbone to the back of my neck. Things were starting to get tight. My legs, arms, waist, and chest all felt constricted. But it wasn't over yet. Duane pulled an attached mask from where it had folded under and pushed my head into it. There was some kind of mouthpiece inside like professional athletes use that I bit into. Then he pulled the sides of the neck around where the guys could zip it together. He pushed up on my cheeks and around the sides and I could tell they had finished. I opened my eyes and went over to a mirror. I had nice breasts this time, not huge ones. They were firm and didn't need support but the nipples were in a permanently aroused state. I tried to push them flat and they popped back out. My new face had pronounced high cheekbones and large full lips. When I smiled I could see perfect teeth. And I had the mandatory long eyelashes and thin brows. While I was inspecting myself, Duane came up behind me and put the wig on my bald head. I looked like a European girl in her twenties. The guys tossed me a red ultra miniskirt and a rainbow colored tube top. I tried them on and took another look at myself. "This is outdated. I think I have something that Sheila left that will work better." It took about half an hour for me to find everything. I came back out wearing black patent leather pumps with four inch heels, black lace stockings, and a black minidress with off the shoulder short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. I had found a necklace with a crystal pendant that sat at the top of my cleavage and some large hoop earrings. I had also managed to put on Sheila's Lavendare lipstick and eye shadow without making a mess. To top it off, I was wearing a black leather beret at a slight angle. I struck several poses like in the fashion magazines while standing in the doorway with the guys whistling and cheering. "Okay, we've had fun. Now get me out of this!" I still don't know how I get talked into these things, but they convinced me that I needed to practice with my new body. And I guess they were right, at least concerning the music. It took me most of the session to get used to playing the guitar with the new hands. Luckily the fingernails are not outrageous lengths, but are short so I can still get the chords. It felt like I was playing with gloves on anyway. And I had to adjust the way I held the guitar for obvious reasons. I was used to doing a lot of walking on stage while playing which also turned out to require more concentration than usual. No long strides for this girl. I was taking small steps and I could feel the padding in my hips and butt shifting with each one. Eddy really appreciated the view from the back as he was going on and on about how I moved like a chick. Then they talked me into going to dinner like this. They wanted to pick a name for me, something stupid like Georgette or Georgina. I told them since I had to be the woman, I would get to choose who I was. I chose Yvette. With the beret on, I looked like a French girl, so I chose a name that would be right for one. After a bit more discussion they agreed I could be Yvette... as if they had a choice. I really need to find better friends. We go to dinner at this nightclub and they have the manager over to discuss a contract. So he's sitting next to me with his hand on my thigh most of the time. I wanted to object but I knew we wouldn't get anywhere if I did. At least he was keeping his hand below the hemline of my dress. It seemed like they were taking forever to work out an arrangement. It didn't help that they kept my glass full either. I was in pain by the time we got back to my place. "Okay guys, enough is enough. I have to answer the call of nature and there are no holes down there. You have to get me out of this thing now!" It's amazing how accommodating guys can be when a girl has to use the ladies room. I took the dress off and they had the rest undone in less than a minute. The guys didn't wait for me to finish. Duane told me to lie the body suit flat when I was done and they'd be here at five tomorrow evening to get me ready. I set everything out and headed for bed, intent on a good night's sleep. Tuesday: I woke up with a start. Sheila was standing over me. This was really getting to me. Just once I'd like to go to sleep normally and wake up by myself. I tried to move my arms and legs but they were tied to the bedposts with Sheila's nylons. The harder I pulled, the tighter they got, so I stopped trying before I cut the circulation off in my wrists. "We missed you down there. We searched for you for three days. We had the doctor ready to make a nice young lady out of you. What happened to your lovely breasts? Suzanne was sure you'd like them considering how much you liked hers." I was going to answer her when I realized she had done something so I couldn't talk. "Is my little toy speechless?", she taunted. "That's because there is a tube down your throat that prevents your vocal chords from vibrating. It's part of my next plan for you." She picked up a bucket from the floor and poured the contents all over me. It looked like clear syrup and felt just as sticky. She put on a pair of latex gloves and made sure I was completely covered with it. "Now just relax for a few minutes", she said followed by an evil laugh. She set an egg timer for five minutes and placed it near me while she left the room. I tried again to get free, but found it hard to move anything. She returned when the timer went off and untied me. I couldn't move at all and she knew it. "Now watch this", she said as she arranged me so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. "You can't move, but I can pose you anyway I want to. And here is the best part." She took a box out of a brown shopping bag and removed something like what I wore last night from it. When I could see it clearer, I could tell it was one of those inflatable sex dolls. She took a pair of scissors and made an incision along the back then proceeded to stuff me into it. If she wasn't one to gloat, I'd have no idea what was happening as the face had plastic eyes without any holes in them. "I always thought you'd be a cute blonde. Let me put a generous bit of hair over your left breast... just like so. Then we'll cover the right one with a swatch of fabric and continue wrapping around your lovely waist, bringing it down your pretty butt and ending around the left leg. I think any guy would love to have you as his sex toy, but you're mine. As soon as I find a couple of batteries, we'll be on our way. I'm sponsoring a contest at the Delta Omega fraternity. The one who can last the longest with you gets two hundred dollars and a date with me. Maybe I'll let the guy who gets second place keep you." Wednesday: "Hey Yvette! Is that you in there? You're wearing the wrong body suit. What's this note taped on your breast? I hope that didn't hurt." said Eddy as he pulled the note off. I always thought he wasn't all together, but he's my friend anyway. "Hey guys, listen to this", started Eddy as he read the note, "This doll is a present for the band. There are fresh batteries on the couch next to her. When you get tired of her, pull the string to remove the tube from her throat and place her in a tub of warm water. All my love, Sheila." I could feel him looking for the spot to insert the batteries. "Shall we take her for a test drive?" I could feel them moving me and I was so glad to see them when they removed the suit. They carefully pulled the tube from my throat and not so carefully dropped me in the tub then filled it with water. I regained control of my arms and legs fairly fast, but when I went to speak it came out as a high pitched whisper, more like a parrot than a person. "I guess we don't have to ask where you were last night", said Duane, "It's too bad because we won't ever be able to play that club... Unless... It might be possible if Yvette were to apologize personally, and privately to the manager." "I don't think so. Do you mind if I stayed at your place for a few days? I don't feel safe here", I managed to squeak or squawk out. "There are two problems with that. The first is I'm not too inclined to share my bed with a guy. The second is that my parents would love to get their hands on that low-life bum George who calls collect in the middle of the night and then screws up a major deal... However, I think we could find accommodations for a cute French girl named Yvette, don't you? You want out of here, that's the deal." "Sigh, Why not put me back in the sex toy and send me to a military training camp? I guess it's a deal. Let me see if Sheila left anything else of hers that I can wear", I whispered. I searched everywhere in the house, especially the hall closet and the clothes hamper, and came up with a few clean dresses and some dirty lingerie. "We'll need to make a stop at the mall for hosiery on the way", I mentioned. Tony picked up a pair of pantyhose and sniffed it, "Phew, why are you taking these along?" "Those are in case Duane's mom wants to help Yvette with her laundry", I replied. "Okay guys, suit me up!" I had found a green babydoll style dress in the closet. Sheila complained that it made her look fat, but it made Yvette look cute... At least in my opinion. Sheila left only the one pair of shoes so my choices were either my sneakers or her sexy pumps. At least my sneakers are clean. Duane dropped the other guys off on the way to the mall. I was imagining walking through the mall with a bunch of grinning fools walking behind me. It's not a nice image. Duane, sweetheart... What do you think of this?", I asked as I held a black lace negligee in front of me. Paybacks are a bitch... and I am her today. I went through the young miss section of the department store trying on anything that caught my eye until I had enough to last a week. Most of it was casual clothes, except for one sleeveless gown with sequins and a side slit up to my hips that was on clearance for 75% off. I ran up all my selections on my debit card and was surprised at how little it was. I was used to much higher numbers when shopping with Sheila. I was window shopping on the way out of the mall. Duane was forced into being the gentleman and carrying all my purchases. As we came upon one store, I noticed a pair of ornate gold rings with a small gem set in each one in the window. "Duane, honey... Would you buy one of those rings for me? I totally forgot about jewelry and I'm a bit low on funds." I gave him my best pout and snuggled up next to him, "Please!" "Okay, I'll get you a ring", he conceded, "Spells R Us, huh... I've never heard of this place before. Must be an antique store. You wait here with your packages and I'll be right back." A bell above the door tinkled as Duane entered the store. "That was a cute touch", he thought, "Much better than those electronic beepers." An old man dressed in what looked to be a bathrobe stood up from behind the counter. "Hello Duane", he said, "What can I interest you in today?" "Umm... How did you know my name?" "Why, it's embroidered right there on your shirt. That is your shirt, right?" "Oh... Yeah, it used to be my work shirt when I was working for Dan's Quickie Auto Fixit Shop... Anyway, I was interested in one of the rings you have in the window for the pretty girl out there." "Well, Duane. Those rings are available only as a set. But I can see what she means to you, so I'll let you have the set for half price", he offered, "I'll give some free advice too. Your companion has an enviable grasp of reality. Don't let something as insignificant as money come between you two." Duane handed me the box with the rings and I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. It was more for show than anything else as I told him later. We had stopped at a restaurant in the mall for lunch. I played with the rings while we were waiting for our burgers to arrive. "Look Duane, it's really neat. I can put the rings on any finger and they fit perfectly. I can put both on one hand or one on each ring finger. I bet they would fit you as well. We could both wear one and tell your parents they are friendship rings. Let's see how this one looks on you." One second I was holding his hand and sliding the ring on his finger. The next second I was looking at this pretty girl sliding a ring on my finger. Somehow I had become Duane. Yvette looked up at me, "Is something wrong dearest?" "I'm okay Yvette. Just a bit disoriented. How are you feeling?" This was rather strange for me. The first time I've been changed into someone other than myself who's a man. "I haven't felt better in my life. These rings you bought me are so lovely. I don't think this one suits you though", she commented as she removed it from my finger. "I think I'll wear them both on the same finger and tell everyone that we are twice as engaged." I looked closely at her and realized this wasn't a guy in a female body suit, but a real woman with a fantastic body. She filled out the dress the way it was meant to be filled. Her voice was perfect as well, a pleasing feminine voice with a trace of a French accent. And she is madly in love with me! Well, she is in love with Duane, whose body I happen to be inhabiting right now. I was wondering what could have happened to him when lunch arrived. The more I thought about Duane, the more I felt like I was Duane. I'd think about his parents and the thoughts would shift to the times we went on vacation together, just the three of us: Mom, Dad, and I. I'd look at Yvette and remember the day we met in the park and how I fixed her bicycle tire. These weren't my memories though... Where did they come from? I was deep in introspection and not paying much attention to the real world. There are a lot of memories here that shouldn't be. I looked up to see Yvette returning from the ladies room. We had finished lunch... I must have eaten without thinking about it. She was looking at me with her lips in a sad pout and asked, "You aren't changing your mind about me moving in, are you? You've been so quiet and distant all morning." "No, my love. I've just been thinking about all the events leading to this happy moment in our lives", I lied. Well, not really a lie, but not as close to the truth in spirit as in the words. I put her packages in the van along with the rest of her possessions; mostly clothes, some linens, and a few small pieces of furniture. I also remember the back of the van as being much emptier when Duane and I arrived at the mall. Before I started the van, I paused for a second or two to consider where we are headed. Duane lived with his parents, but now that I am Duane, I live in an apartment of my own. At least for the next fifteen minutes. Then I'll be sharing it with this lovely person sitting next to me. It took the rest of the day to unload the van and get everything put away. Yvette was taking a shower when the doorbell rang. I looked through the lens and was surprised to see Sheila there. I thought about George for a second and realized that I still existed someplace and was hiding from Sheila. I opened the door, "Hi Sheila. What's new?" She pushed her way in and demanded, "Where are you hiding George? He's your best friend. What's that noise in back?" "That's Yvette. She's living with me now", I replied, "And I haven't seen George today. He's not here." That was the truth... well, it was close enough. "I'll check for myself", she said as she raced back to the bathroom. I heard a few screams and the sounds of a fight followed by Sheila limping back and holding her head in one hand. "You are right. That's not George. If you see that weasel, you tell him that I'm not done with him yet." I closed the door behind her and had a good long laugh. Yvette came out wearing a towel around her hair and nothing else. I took her in my arms and carried her to the bedroom where we had passionate sex. She's really fantastic Duane... Too bad you aren't here to enjoy it. I fell into a deep sleep and woke the next morning. I awoke with the sun and rolled over to find this lovely woman in bed with me. Now this was how I wanted to wake up as opposed to other mornings recently. But this wasn't right. I couldn't do this to my best friend. Thursday: I slid the rings off Yvette's ring finger. I placed one on each of her ring fingers, then took the one from her right hand and placed it on mine. I awoke (again?) with Duane shaking me. "You keep the ring. I think it gives bad dreams." I looked around me. This was Duane's room at his parent's house. I was all me and just me, but I could see Yvette's bodysuit draped over a chair at the foot of the bed. It also seems I had spent the night sleeping on the floor wearing a pair of boxer shorts. Duane helped me back into Yvette before he headed for his morning shower. I don't have any memories about where I put all the clothes I bought yesterday so I looked through the room. All my clothes were hanging neatly at one end of Duane's closet. Out of curiosity I checked through the rest and found a surprise at the other end. Hanging at the back of the closet where it was hard to reach were a pair of beaded gowns and a very long auburn wig. I moved them to one side and found a small shelf set into the wall. There was a photo album sitting on a makeup case there. Duane caught me looking at the album just as I finished. He noticed what I had and said, "Yes, that's me in those pictures. I'm a closet queen. I have been for the last six months. I originally bought the body suit that you're wearing for me, but I haven't had the chance to try it on." I couldn't tell him what happened to me last night. How his body hadn't been inside the bodysuit, but inside Yvette herself. He'd never believe it. Instead I quietly asked, "Can I wear the red cocktail dress tonight? That pair of red pumps I bought yesterday should be perfect with it. Please? I'll even fix things with the club manager." I walked over to him and pressed my naked female bodysuit against his naked body. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and around his neck and pulled myself onto my tiptoes to kiss him. He picked me up by my waist and tossed me playfully on the bed. "Get dressed, lady. We have a long day ahead of us. You need practice in playing more than the guitar." My wardrobe choice was a white blouse and navy palazzo pants with white lace bra and panties under them. I ran a brush through the wig lightly to fix it up a bit, slid on a pair of sandals and was ready to go at the same time Duane was. Then I blacked out again. "Who am I now?" were my first thoughts. Most people would start with "Where am I?", but that's too normal for me. I laid there for a minute or two just testing my senses. Touch told me that I am not in the bodysuit now. It also told me that I am still wearing the clothes I had put on earlier. I tried to move a bit and found I was tied down... again. By the smell, I think I am someplace musty, like a basement. I can hear hissing sounds, like water flowing or boiling. I opened my eyes to see a rock ceiling high above me. Turning my head, I can see that I am in a cave. There is a fire burning about twenty feet away which is the only light in the place. It's under a large bucket which has something boiling in it. On my other side is Suzanne, sitting on a barstool and reading from a large, thick book placed on a table in front of her. She's dressed in what appears to be several green robes, each one slightly larger and lighter in color than the one inside it. "Awake at last, I see", she said. Suzanne closed the book and walked over to the bench that I'm strapped to. "I don't know how you fooled Sheila into thinking you were a real girl last night." She walked over and pinched one of my nipples hard and I screamed. "But you are a real girl now... At least for a while. It was simple magic to make you and the latex suit into one. The hard spell starts in two hours." "Just make yourself comfortable while I go prepare", she said and let out with a cackle that would do wonders for most B-movie witches. I counted to ten to give her some time and then tried to get out of the ropes binding me. The arms were actually easy to slip out. I guess she must have tied me when I was in the suit and didn't take the difference in wrist sizes into account when she made me into a real woman. Looking around, I noticed a full-length mirror mounted to the cave wall above where my head was on the bench. I hadn't seen it before since my head couldn't move that way. I look just like Yvette had looked just a few days ago, only this time I am the one in her body. There is only one exit from this cavern, and Suzanne was likely at the other end of it. I snuck over to the table hoping to find something useful. There was just the book on it. It was very thick, almost six inches, I'd guess. The title was "Ancient Magics, Bizarre: Tome III, Bodily Transformations" Perhaps I could find the one she used on me and reverse it. I could leave the bodysuit on the bench and sneak out when she comes back I opened the book to someplace in the middle. The heading read: "Increase weight and girth" I just scanned down the page to see what it was all about. In the blink on an eye, I was now an obese woman. All my clothes were on the floor in shreds. I could barely manage to stand upright and my now enormous breasts were pulling me forward while my huge butt has pulling my backwards. A quick glance at the mirror confirmed that I might be able to compete for the fattest woman on two legs. I was a giant beach ball with arms, legs, and breasts. I reached over with one flabby arm and turned the page with my now huge hand. The next one was titled "wasp waist". And just like the first one, I just had to look at the page to cast the spell. This one didn't completely counteract the previous spell, but rather modified it. While I did shrink some, I still had breasts that strippers only get after several implants. My hips and butt were of similar dimensions. My arms and legs had returned to normal female proportions, but my waist had shrunk to the point where I could almost touch thumbs and fingertips when I put my hands around it. I look like a woman from the bionic bimbo website. This presents an entirely different challenge than I was expecting. I was hoping to just look up the spell and then worry about how to work it. Instead I have to worry about how to look it up without invoking every spell in the book. I grabbed the top edge of the book and flipped it so I could only see the titles. Although I couldn't see the complete title that way, I didn't change while flipping through the pages. ---------------------- Suzanne watched through the other side of the one-way mirror. It was hilarious and she had to control herself to remain quiet. "The poor fool thinks he, I mean she, can actually do magic. I wonder what her next choice will be", she thought. ---------------------- The title said "... Regained". That sounds like something to correct what I've gotten myself into. I opened the page to see the whole title. It read "Youth Regained" and with that, I became a teenager. I was a well-endowed teenager, and still completely naked. At least I look like a real girl, not an overly inflated one. I still have to find one of these to get back to a man and perhaps with some clothes. "... Reversal". Could this be the one?. No, it isn't. The full title is "Age Reversal" and I've gone from a young girl with shoulder length brunette hair to an old woman with short white hair. My face is wrinkled and my breasts are dropping. I can see red and blue lines along my arms and legs. My joints hurt to move, but I have to find the right page to get me out of here. Friday : Suzanne must be returning. I have one last chance so I better get it right. Unfortunately, my fingers slipped and the book opened to "Musician into Instrument" I fell flat on my back and could only see the ceiling. I don't know how long I was there before Suzanne returned, but I could hear her laughing clearly now. She grabbed onto my legs and held me upside down in front of the mirror. I'm an electric guitar. From out of nowhere a small amp appears and she plugs a cable into me. If I could scream, I would as the penetration was both painful and orgasmic. In all the times and ways I had been turned into a woman, this was the first time I had actually been penetrated. She strums me gently and then twists my toes until she's satisfied with the sound. She plays a few chords then spins one of my knobs back and forth. The sensation is incredible and my strings vibrate without her touching them. She runs her left hand along the guitar neck, which are my legs, and I become further stimulated. Her right hand continues playing with my knobs. I quickly reach a crescendo and have multiple orgasms. She abruptly removes the jack from me. "I think you were enjoying that too much", she said. And she was right. I was enjoying that last bit. Now I feel alone, isolated, and depressed. She leaned me up against the stool and headed out the passageway, "I have to check on your pal Duane, now don't you get carried away." She was cackling again, undoubtedly in response to her joke. I had nothing to do but look where I was facing and I could see the bodysuit on the floor. Must have been that last transformation that separated me from it. The shoes and clothes were totally shredded, but the rings Duane bought me were intact and on the finger of the bodysuit. "Your crossdressing buddy, Duane will be in ecstasy soon. He'll think he was accidentally locked in an upscale women's boutique after a shipment of the latest fashions from Paris have arrived. That will keep him occupied until long after I'm through with you", she said as she picked up the tome and locked it in a cabinet. "I'm very tired after all the spells you found. I need to rest before we can proceed. And just for your information... I'm pregnant and you are the father. It seems that there is a curse from using magic. The caster is always fertile. All it took was one night of unprotected sex to get me pregnant. See you in four hours." She picked up the bodysuit and headed for the exit, "I think Duane could use this more than you right now." She left me with that thought. I'm a father. Well, right now I am a guitar who responds as a woman who just happens to have sired a child. And I had four hours that seemed to last four weeks to ponder that. The lights brightened and I can see her returning. She is clad all in white. Her dress resembles a nurses outfit, but much sexier. It has a very low cut sweetheart neckline, so much that I can see a bit of lace from her bra showing. The skirt reaches only a few inches down her thighs, hardly enough to cover her rear if she should be so immodest as to bend over. She has white ribbed tights on under white platform sneakers. She has her long blonde hair pulled up on top of her head and it is supporting one of those small nurse's caps that look like cloth tiaras. On her left breast is a nameplate that reads "Suzy" in dark red letters. I don't understand that as she hates to be called that. "First, you have to be George again", she said, "at least for a few minutes. All that takes is an "Undo All" spell. She was reciting some words that I couldn't understand and I could feel my body shifting. Then I passed out again. I awoke to find my legs chained to the wall with large metal shackels and thick chains. Suzanne was on my left side putting similar chains around her legs. "I'm glad you're awake, lover", she said with an evil smile," This is when you get what you deserve." She turned to another page in the book and began reading. This time I was getting a different feeling from usual, as if you could call anything I've been through lately that. I was falling, or was I floating? Maybe I was flying. It was similar to how this all started. I felt disconnected from my body. Anyway, the next thing I can tell, I see George to my right grinning at me. I'm now Suzanne, or should I say "Suzy", like on my nametag. George calmly reaches down and picks up a key laying almost invisibly along a seam in the wall and undoes his shackles. I page through the book hoping to find something useful, but nothing is happening. I drop the book and cover my face with my hands, realizing how stupid I've been. I can't help it, I fall to my knees and start crying. My former body comes over as if to comfort me. At least that's what I thought he was going to do. Instead he just holds me at arm's length and says, "Don't mess up your makeup too much or you'll be no fun later." He picked up the book and placed it back on the table. "This body of yours is okay from the inside as well. Thank you for letting me have it. I hope you enjoy pregnancy and motherhood." He continued, "Warlocks can have more power than witches. And just wait until I get you in bed, Suzy. I've been anticipating having my first male orgasm for a week. With you in that costume I know you won't disappoint me. In fact, I can feel something happening now, just by looking at you." I looked over and it was clear that my former body was excited about my current one, especially since it was still naked. Suzanne had just realized that as blushed a deep red before she left and came back a few minutes later wearing green doctor's scrubs and sneakers. "Now I'm ready for the costume party too. I get to be the doctor for a change and you'll be my nurse. I gave Duane back his bodysuit and he's found a wonderful dress. He'll look just like a beautiful fashion model direct from a magazine shoot. And before you ask... No, he couldn't tell that I wasn't you." He pulled out a colored disc from the shirt pocket and walked up very close to me. "I'm going to make some attitude changes. It's just so you behave properly tonight and don't try to run away." I look at the disc and see the light reflecting off it. It's so comforting. George is chanting some words softly. I can almost hear them, but I'm feeling tired. I turn from the mirror where I have been adjusting my costume and do my sexiest walk over to George, taking his arm in mine. "I'm ready, sweetheart! Tell me that I'm the sexiest woman you've ever been with", I said. "Yes Suzy, you are the sexiest woman I've ever gone out with", said George, "And if that isn't the truth, may lightning strike me dead here and now." I stepped in front of him and we kissed long and passionately. It was so good, I was feeling weak and I stumbled the next couple of steps. It is strange. I remember being George and I remember being turned into a woman (several times), but I didn't care. I didn't mind being Suzy either, even though she didn't ask me if I wanted to be her. It was all in the past and I was living for the present. I am just so happy when I am near George. When I am away from him, all I can think about is returning to his side. I am totally devoted to him and I'm so very happy to be bearing his child. And I just loved this costume he picked out for me. It shows off my body so well and will make all the other guys wish they were George tonight. Duane is waiting for us in the van. He looks so gorgeous that I wouldn't know it was him if I hadn't worn that bodysuit myself. Yvette was wearing a long strapless gown in iridescent pink with matching pumps, and hosiery. To top it off, there was a hat with a large brim in pink with feathers arranged around it. I don't know what my darling George had done to Yvette, but she didn't seem to care about how she ended up here or where we were going.. We had a fantastic time at the costume party. I danced almost non- stop except for a few trips to the ladies' room, which I felt completely at home using. Every now and then, I'd check on Yvette and see that she was having fun. She was strutting around like she was on a runway and flirting with several guys at once. Most of my dances were with George, but there were a few times we swapped with other couples. I wasn't interested in even dancing with anyone else though so I would go back to him as soon as the song ended. As the party started to wind down, we got a table for four. Yvette had found a friend who joined us. The person was dressed like a pirate and I took a second look before I realized it was a girl dressed like a guy. I guess that Yvette was tired of real men and shared her secret. As we were sitting down, Yvette introduced her friend as William. George shook his hand and I smiled politely. After we were seated, William explained his real name was Cindy and he liked dressing as a guy... just like Duane liked dressing as a girl. "Would you two mind doing a favor for us?", asked George, "I need a couple nice people for witnesses." He turns to me, takes my hand and slides a diamond ring on it. "Would you marry me, Suzy?" I had played this scene before and I accepted without hesitation. "We can take the van and be in Vegas tomorrow", added George. Saturday: George thought of everything. When we got into Vegas, he already had a suite booked and our wedding clothes delivered there. The three of us girls changed in the same room while George changed in another. I had a lovely white wedding gown with a floor length skirt and mesh neckline. The veil was simple, yet still exquisite. Both Yvette and William helped me with all my fittings before getting into their own outfits. Yvette changed into a powder blue gown while William donned a dark blue tux. We headed down to the lobby and was surprised to find a limo waiting for us. Apparently George had this arranged as well. We rode in comfort to the chapel. Yvette and William hurried up to the front while I took my time walking down the aisle. The ceremony went along like a dream, everything perfect. Yvette handed me a ring at the same time that William handed George one. I slid it on his left hand first. Then he slid the one on mine and I realized I'd seen them before. I looked over at William and he winked at me. I was finally getting used to the changing because I stayed alert and managed to catch Suzy as she started to faint. I smiled at the minister and explained that the garments must be a bit too tight. She regained her composure and we kissed. I looked over at Yvette and realized that they had used the rings and somehow Yvette and William were now the people they always wanted to be. Suzy remains totally devoted to me. Yvette and William were married a few months later. We returned the favor for them except we used non- magical rings this time. Yvette had told me that she and William had figured out about the rings on the trip to Vegas. She also noticed the way we were acting at the party and realized that we must have swapped as well. And one thing is certain, Yvette is fantastic as lead singer for our band. After hearing us play at other clubs, the manager apologized for the way he treated Yvette and practically begged us to play at his. As a final note, I never heard from Sheila again. Sometimes I wonder what became of her, but never in front of my beloved Suzy. [Had enough? I have.] And they all lived happily ever after.

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Following DoryChapter 17 Dangerous Times

I was offered the Assistant Manager's job at Carlton Books almost by default. They had found an experienced book seller from Vancouver who had sold out and moved to the Comox Valley. He wanted something to keep him occupied and decided to take the Manager's position at the new Carlton store. I got the impression from him that both Carlton and the job were as much on trial as he was. They had no one else apply that had any retail management experience besides the two of us and I was hired...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 337 Memories

“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...

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MylfXTeamSkeet August Taylor Thick Teen Gets The Dick Dream

I am not sure what you would call the piece of clothing August Taylor is wearing in this video. Its like a hoodie connected to a thong. A thoodie? A hong? Eh, who cares. She looks damn good in it either way. Her ass is more plump than a Thanksgiving turkey, and she is serving it up hot. To go with that nice ass is a pair of banging, in your face tits that cannot wait to wrap themselves around our studs maypole. August loves to turn around and ride our studs cock in slow motion, and we love to...

2 years ago
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A Sex Life Started With The Next Door Bhabhi

Hello Friends, First of all I like to thanks all the ladies, gals and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an enthusiastic responses which leaded me to submit my second story for all you people. So sit back and be ready for my real life encounter I had with my neighbor bhabhi. For those who are reading the my story for the first time wanted to tell you brief about me. I am Alok, 26 yrs of age and currently working with a reputed company and currently in Delhi . I am athletic...

3 years ago
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Mom Ki Best Friend Ki Chudai Via Blackmail

Hello guys me rajveer and iss baar story thodi si different hai waise mere cock ke baare me to apko pata hi hai. Well jinko nahi pata wapas bata deta hu mera cock kareeb 6.5 inch lamba and 2-3 inch mota hai, me dikhne me handsome hu and workout bhi kafi kerta hu.   So ab story pe aate hai, ye baat se 4 saal pehele ki hai jab me 12th me tha, meri family naye area me shift hue the and meri mom ki ek bohot achhi friend bhi ban gayi thi jinka naam gayatri hai. Gayatri aunty ki height kareeb 5.11...

4 years ago
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Dreams and Nightmares

Kendra was curled partly on her left side, sleeping peacefully, deeply.  Her torso was turned to face the ceiling, he stood by the bed, looking down at her as she slept, taking note of every detail.  The way the well fitted jeans hugged the curve of her hips, the way her pale pink t-shirt rode up her stomach revealing a few fingers width of soft, downy, golden skin; so enticing, so tempting.  The way her high, firm breasts strained against the fabric and the v-neck teased him with just enough...

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My wife and our new neighbor part five

We were now almost seven months into her love affair with Chris and things were amazing. Life is great for us, she has her black lover and I have a blowjob every other day. Her teases to me keep me hard all day long.I got home from work one evening and she met me at the door with a huge passionate kiss, but I could tell that something was wrong. I asked her and she told me that Chris had been approached by Google to head a new development team in Atlanta.It would mean that he would be away for...

2 years ago
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Unfortunate Sex

By : Nas0789 Hi All this is khan from chennai near sowcarpet, am 30yrs old married this is my first story so please excuse.I am slim 5.9 height fair and with 6.5 inch prick with 3” diameter i love the beauty of girls by seeing their boobs i go wild. I have been reading lot of stories and finally could get courage to write my own exp. I never had any discreet relationship with others it happened 2 weeks back when I was travelling from Chennai to Bangalore I met a girl who boarded the train with...

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Melissas Cam Show Guest

Melissa had found a much easier and quicker way to make money. She did a weekly cam show. She never showed her face. It was a lot of sexy dancing, heavy flirting with paying people watching, and some light masturbation. Between the flirting and light touching, the session usually made her extremely horny. They had a busy week with a house guest that weekend. They were dog sitting a large dog named Kahn. He was muscular breed well over 100 pounds with short hair and impeccable grooming. Paul...

4 years ago
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The Courier Ch 08

Chapter 8 — ‘Socrates’ Mistresses’ Maria Elena woke up early and set up the kitchen so Cecilia could prepare breakfast. Cecilia entered the kitchen with a rather concerned look on her face, partly because Pedro was still in bed sick, and partly because correctly suspected that she had interrupted something between her housemate and Victor. As usual, the prisoner focused on serving her host and making sure he was ready to go to work. She assisted him dressing much in the way a wife would help...

2 years ago
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Here Comes The Troubleshooter Part 1

Here comes the Troubleshooter! Entry 1: I cant argue with Carl, at least not about this. He thinks its a good idea to write down my cases, both for myself, and possibly as a way to get business. I'm not a professional writer, but I've done enough incident reports that I'll give it my best shot. So where do I start? Well, today's case was pretty typical of what I do now. I had a client who wanted a drug den moved out of her neighborhood, so I spent a couple of days doing recon on...

2 years ago
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First Date

My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 16 Be Careful What You Wish For

The next step in my estrangement from my brother occurred in another couple of weeks. Monday, the 22nd, during Thanksgiving week, I asked my parents if I could bring Jeana to Thanksgiving dinner. This was pretty much a first for me. Shelley Talbot had come over several times back when we were seeing each other, but we had also been working on the Science Fair together, and besides, since neither of us could drive, a parent always was around. Jeana was the only girl I had ever asked to bring...

4 years ago
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Adultry with Red

I hadnt had my computer very long, probably about a month or so. I was intrigued by all the things you could actually do and see. I had just gotten Yahoo Messenger and was chatting in a private room (before they did away with those) called Married but Looking in NE Tenn. Well I struck up a conversation with a couple and after a while, they asked me to meet them for some 3-way fun. I had never been involved in a MFM 3-way before and was a bit curious as well as apprehensive. They both assured me...

2 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 7

Introduction: THIS STORY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT AND VULGAR LANGUAGE. It is fictional and does not depict real people or events. Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind?...

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80s child

The reason? Who knows? Maybe it had something to do with the impression I made on those who didn't know me. At 5'11" with black hair, I was the kind of guy who would blend in when walking through a crowd. I always had an 80's band shirt on, cargo pants or jeans, and my Element skateboarding shoes. I was just along for the ride, and didn’t really care about the stupid fetishes of high school jocks that think they needed more attention. And after 3 years of high school without a...

4 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 27 Legal Shakeup

On Friday, Helena decided to attend the legal practice that Mrs Romano had used to administer her property portfolio. She rang the practice requesting to speak to one of the partners secretaries. The receptionist was very off putting and explained that they would ring her back at their convenience. Helena stood her ground saying, forget the secretary get a partner NOW or you will loose the total Romano business. The girl put Helena on hold for over 8 minutes. When a partner did answer in a...

1 year ago
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My Surprise Internet Date

The story you're about to read is total fiction. I hope you'll like it.For the past few weeks I'd been checking out dating sites. My profile said a lot about me. I hadn't posted a photo of myself. Hoping that the lady who would show interest would understand why. As the weeks went by I didn't get any response to my profile. That was until a week ago. I'd received a message from a single lady who called herself lover_girl. Like me she didn't have a picture on her profile either. We have been...

4 years ago
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The StormChapter 21

It didn’t take long to finish the uncompleted items in the downstairs of the house and soon we were able to move in. True to Jennifer’s promise, the first night she had to make love in the shower. That was something else as the shower wasn’t one of those big 2 person ones you see in some of the TV shows – this was a simple one person shower. Somehow, thought, she managed to get both of inside the shower and making love. It took a day or so for some of my muscles to recover. As soon as we...

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Sara Becka and me Chapter 3

Sara, Becka, and me. by Teddie S. Chapter III You want me to what!? We've found out that I'm a cross-dresser, and that both of our mothers understand it and instead of trying to stop it, are supporting me. Also, we've found out some interesting things about Sara and me. Anyway, on with my story... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This past school year was really...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 2

Eddie and Joe tied one on at the wake. Joe’s wives too, and almost everyone else there. Joanne stopped for an hour, but by the time they closed the bar, she was wasted too. But Eddie would have the dubious honor of being the most shit faced. And Joe did notice him going off a couple times, usually with members of other local bands who somehow found out about the wake. And his sniffing and hopping and more extreme lunacy suggested cocaine rather than cannabis. He seemed to making up time for...

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Lady In Bus To Kolkata Becomes FuckBuddy

Hey guys, this is Nikhil and I am back with my new story. For those who don’t know me, I am 21 years old. I live in Kolkata and have a tool of 6.3 inches. Also, I would like to suggest my previous stories, the best being, ‘Unsatisfied Housewife Fucked In Kolkata’. Coming to the story, this happened with me when I was coming back to Kolkata by bus. I always travel from the Greenline company. It’s buses provide complete privacy. The seats of the buses are very high raised and the people traveling...

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Surprise Chance for Love Ch 01

This is a fictional story with all characters over eighteen and all rights reserved to the author. I looked up at the gray clouds rolling off to the Northeast, taking the light rain with them. The beginnings of sunshine could be seen in the rearview mirror of my car. You would have thought the change in the weather would have bright-ened my mood, even with the lateness of the summer day, but not when I was sitting on the side of the road with a flat tire. Worse than that, I was somewhere...

2 years ago
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What She Deserves After Dessert

It was Saturday and Daddy had been reviewing the entries in my food diary when the waitress came by and asked if we wanted to have some dessert. Daddy flipped to today’s entry which revealed that I had a sweet treat at lunch. I knew the rule: only one treat a day WHEN AND ONLY WHEN Daddy approved it beforehand. I also knew that I wanted the chocolate cake pictured on the menu. ‘Can I?’ I asked. Daddy crinkled his forehead and looked at me. ‘Give us a minute,’ he said to the waitress. He set...

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Her Reptiles

Trying to gain an idea of where she was and how she got there Christie's mind was swirling in a maelstrom of thoughts. Looking around her she saw that she was in a cave of some sort, illuminated by a strange bioluminescent bluish light, pillars of rock spread about her. Her black t-shirt, the laced bra, and her tight jean shorts were still on, as were the panties she wore underneath, telling her that nothing untoward had happened to her. Yet. That chilling after-thought made her heart go...

4 years ago
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Dinner With Melinda

In this story, the sexual activity will be more consensual, but the story will still have a male dominance theme. Melinda is turned on by male dominance, spanking, anal, oral and a few other things that turn me on. While this story is written for all xnxx readers to enjoy, it is also written for one special xnxx member, Melinda. My name is Ray, I am a married man. My wife Ann and I have been married for twenty years. Ann is 5' 8” tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, small perky...

1 year ago
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Broken WingsChapter 14

Angela looked at the sick man on the bed. His features were extremely different from what she remembered but that was normal considering that she hadn't seen him in 8 years. His face was very pale as if life was slowly leaving his body, his lips were white and pursed together and he was so thin that she was afraid to touch him. The man was breathing with difficulty and he still hadn't realized that there was someone else in the room with him. He hardly seemed like the monster that had...

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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 10

But it was not to be as Black Fang stalked to his position of honour on the highest point of the circle such were the instinctive laws of the pack! His mates were untouchable, and once given to the other males, became their own bitches to use as they saw fit! he barked a command and the pack surged forward. Please no?" Katherine Heigl asked plaintively, looking up through her long platinum hair with those bright blue, still childish eyes of hers. The wolves snarled and snapped at each other,...

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Mom gets married Part 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! It is friday morning. Carla, my 38 year old mother, and I have been sharing my bed, since wednesday evening, so this is the second morning in a row, on which I have awakened with my mothers breasts pressed against my body, and our legs entwined. It is quite pleasant to wake up smelling her scent so close. Having fallen asleep after sating ourselves sexually the night before, there is the faint smell of the perfume she had worn yesterday, the cologne I...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Fantasy

You had made a promise to your girlfriend Doe that you would fulfill her deepest darkest fantasy that she has had for the longest time, that until you she never felt she could experience. Well now the time time had come for her to collect and for you make good on your word. A little about Doe she was everything you had ever wanted in a woman and you knew that you loved her as you know she loves you. Your sex life had been simply fantastic and it was quite obvious because she always wanted to...

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War Prisoner

Her mind was pained and on the edge of consciousness as she vainly tried to order her thought, coming slowly to. There had been a battle, she remembered, a brutal conflict between Elf and Orc, one that, she thought, they had been winning. She had been in the fray, in the thick of it, encouraging her lessers around her, a beacon of Elven beauty and ferocity, then one of her Sargents had let out a cry of fear, Shae had turned, and her world had gone black. Weakly she tried to lift her head,...

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Guess Who

I had just arrived home from having a few drinks with some mates. I opened the front door and made my way to the kitchen passing the lounge as I did – the girls were all still here and drinking and laughing together. My housemate Jess had told me the day before that she was having a group of friends round in the evening so I might want to make myself scarce as they would be drinking and things may get loud, that’s why I had gone out for drinks with a few of the guys. I hadn’t had that much to...

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Mistaken Identity

Cathy was happy to get checked into the hotel after a long day's journey. Life has been hard for her since her husband told her he was bored and wanted a divorce. Somehow she had never thought at thirty two she would be on her own again. Now that her divorce was final she decided to go to the beach for a week and try to think of what to do next. Her now x-husband was rather blunt with her about how boring she was in bed. Cathy had been raised by her conservative mother who was certain that sex...

4 years ago
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A Little Ways To Go Pt 4

I dashed into the guest room and made a spot check of all the drawers. "Fuck, that was a good catch." One of my buddies left some condoms and a packet of lube in the night stand. Both extremely expired. I snatched them out and buried them under some garbage in the kitchen trash. The hotline for pizza delivery had about a fifteen minute wait. Once I placed the order, I had nothing to do but wait. I tried to relax but a thought cropped up. What would Shelly think? I found myself hoping...

2 years ago
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Bite of the Bimbo

THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN 2014 CONTEST ENTRY. I WROTE THIS IN THE IN MEMORY OF THE MASTER OF THE BIMBO STORIES CRYSTALWYND. THANKS FOR THE EDITING FROM SPIRIT02. PLEASE ENJOY AND REMEMBER TO VOTE. * Being a cop in San Diego was all Sarah Penn ever wanted to be. Sure she had ambitions while in high school and college, but deep down all she really wanted was to ‘protect and serve’. She graduated high in her class at the academy – in the top ten. Despite her mother wanting her to go into...

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Foursome Fun With TraceyChapter 3

Once on all fours I eagerly began to lap at my bets friends pussy for the very first time. I was amazed at how quickly I got to grips with licking and tonguing her cunt hole. My experience with Louise had certainly gave me the appetite for more lezzy fun and boy was I enjoying it. Tracey moaned and writhed as I probed deep up her very wet gash with my tongue. "Oh fuck Anna," she said. "That's brilliant go on keep going you're gonna make me fucking cum off you bitch." My tongue...

1 year ago
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SugarFans sounds at least a little bit sweeter than OnlyFans, at least if the name is to be believed. By the numbers, OnlyFans is still getting 1,500 times as much traffic as this sugary content platform, but we’ve all got to start somewhere. That’s still a fucking ton of visitors by almost any measure, with a good 200,000 perverts and content creators swinging by last month to either post fresh fap fodder or just shake their dicks at it. I think you can probably guess which category I’m in, as...

Premium OnlyFans Sites
3 years ago
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Sexy Black Boots

While walking through the local mall you suddenly notice one of your fellow coworkers coming toward you and not wanting to deal with this obnoxious jerk you find yourself quickly ducking into the next store you see to get out of sight. With out even paying attention to the store you find yourself walking all the way to the back of the store to get out of sight. “Can I help you?” You turn to see you have just walked all the way to the back of one of those odd little stores you have seen a...

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While working

Gordon is working in the morning shift from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. in this t.v. station. Being a private station that offers services for a full range of t.v. programmes from various parts of the world, Gordon's job is to monitor all the 50 t.v. monitors which show programmes from different stations. His reactions and observations on the monitors have to be fast and accurate. Usually, there is no problem. Today, he feels different. He feels tense and unable to concentrade. Just yesterday...

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Urlaubserinnerungen Teil 2 Fruumlhstuumlck

Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...

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A Brothers Love Ch 03

(May 18th 2000) The new year of 2000 had come and gone without remark, full of the usual laughter, dancing and drunken cheering that always led them into a brand new January. The millennium bug didn’t wipe them all out as the media had feared, computer systems went unaffected, the world didn’t end at the stroke of midnight and life continued to pass by as it always had. But life on the Howard’s farm was somehow different. The first week of January, Bill collapsed unexpectedly whilst...

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The Last Police ChiefChapter 25

Mica and I arrived in Chapel Hill NC at 10:30AM. We were shown right into the vice sergeant in charge’s office. Yes at the time of the meeting I was told his name. Unfortunately it stayed in my mind less than a day. “So sergeant my name is Mica, I spoke to you yesterday. This gentleman is Ed Rogers he was the former chief of police in Draper NC. Now he is a consultant with the Triboro Police Department where I’m from.” The sergeant held out his hand. “Nice to meet you sarge. We are looking...

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