Katie judges a kissing contest
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: This story picks up immediately after the end of my first story, Katies dress is too small. Thanks for all the votes * * * * * * * So, did you like my pussy? whispered 14-year-old Katie, with a sleepy smile.
Scott softly panted, eyes closed. He stroked Katies just-fucked cunt as his heart beat like a jackhammer. His head lay on her young chest, his shaggy hair flopped over her breasts. He could feel her crazy heartbeat under his cheek. Scott lazily opened his mouth and began suckling his sisters cherry-red nipple. Katie sighed contentedly, holding her brothers head in her arms. She had her answer.
Ding, dong!
Oh my God! Thats Josh!! said Katie with a gasp. Hes here for our date!
Scott smiled around Katies breast, his sisters nipple deep inside his open mouth. He gave it a final slow pull, then let go with a slurp. The young girls tit jiggled, her erect nub pointed at Scotts face.
No worries, Kat, said Scott with a grin. Josh is a good guy. Ill stall him while you get dressed. Scott tousled Katies hair, and casually slipped off the bed. He pulled his board shorts up over his lean hips, his tanned legs and chest were bare. As Scott buttoned his shorts and pushed his hair out of his eyes he looked at Katies naked open slit, dribbling his pearly cum. Scott had a nearly irresistible urge to press his lips against his sisters no-longer-virgin hole and lap her juices. Katies breath caught as Scott looked up directly into her eyes. They shared an intimate smile.
Ding, dong!
As her 17-year-old stepbrother loped downstairs to answer the door, Katie tried to collect herself. With her pussy so thoroughly fucked, it was hard to remember what her problem had been. What was the reason she had called Scott into her bedroom?
Katie looked down at herself. Just below her full breasts a red satin dress was bunched around her waist, stained with a few globs of creamy liquid. Her knees were spread open obscenely. Katies pussy slowly throbbed and oozed Scotts cum. I remember now! I needed Scotts advice about this dress. I was afraid it was too tight and too short. Too slutty. Scotts reaction to it was obvious, she needed to pick out a different dress.
The last thing she wanted was to look slutty.
After shimmying the dirty red gown down her slender hips and off onto the floor, Katie slipped off the bed. She stood still for a moment, trying to think straight. It was tough. The girls right breast was wet from Scotts mouth. Katie could almost still feel his flicking tongue on her elongated nipple. The pink tip of her still-erect clitoris, where Scott had focused his sucking, nearly peeked out from between her puffy pussy lips. When Katie walked over to her closet, her thighs rubbed back and forth on her clit, making it nearly impossible to focus. She took a deep breath.
Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Katie looked at herself.
Her hair! Instead of her earlier careful bun, her blond hair was a wild mass of soft curls. I have sex hair. Scott fucked me, Katie thought dreamily. He spread me open and ate me. Scott sucked my cunt like a little baby. Katie haltingly ran her fingers through her curls, smoothing the musses. He pushed his cock between my virgin pussy lips and fucked me. I fucked my brother.
Katies full lips in the mirror looked a little swollen. Her lip gloss was completely gone, the girl felt a twitch in her pussy when she realized it might still be smeared onto Scotts cock. Katie swirled her tongue around the inside of her cheeks, remembering how her brothers thick cock head had filled her small mouth. Katie could still taste him.
Licking her lips, Katie opened her closet door. The clothes hanging inside were mostly too tight, as the 8th-graders breasts had just recently grown to their present lush proportions. Distracted, Katie picked out a stretchy white shirt. How bad could it be? It has a high neck, she half-thought to herself. Katie chose a pleated navy skirt to go with it.
Completely forgetting to put on a bra first, Katie pulled the snug shirt over her blond head. She stretched the slinky material down over her full breasts. The shirt had a high neckline, covering Katies cleavage entirely. However, the smooth fabric clung to her like a second skin, exposing not only her blunt nipples but also the bumps on her areola. Even the colors showed through the flimsy cloth — the plump tips were rosy-red, surrounded by a deep pink. The shirt hugged her flat tummy down to just above her belly button.
In a daze, Katie stepped into some cotton panties and buttoned her blue pleated skirt. The hem fell just a few inches below her slim ass. After absentmindedly strapping on her new high-heeled sandals, Katie teetered in front of the mirror.
The young girl was suddenly overwhelmed by the throb of her messy pussy inside her panties. She closed her eyes, remembering her brothers rooting mouth and tongue reaching deep inside her young cunt. I love sucking your little baby clit, Scott had whispered, his face sticky with her juices. Katie was hit with a wave of desire, and had to steady herself.
Hey Kat, are you ready? Scott called up from downstairs. Josh is here.
With a start, Katie realized she could hear the two boys talking and laughing downstairs. Ill be right down! she called back.
Without looking in the mirror again, Katie grabbed her purse from the dresser, kicked aside the discarded red dress and left her bedroom. The young girls breasts joggled as she carefully stepped down the stairs, unsure in her new heels. As Katie successfully made it down to the living room, she looked up and prepared to greet her date.
Josh had watched little Katie walk down the stairs in her slutty outfit. He had never seen anything so hot in his life. My God! When had she grown those perfect tits? He could see every detail of her nipples, even the dimpled indentation at the very tips. He got an electric thrill thinking about licking her there, wiggling his tongue into each small pucker. The 17-year-old hastily lifted his eyes from staring at Katies breasts and smiled into her eyes.
Hi Katie, you look real pretty, Josh said admiringly. He shifted from foot to foot. Are you ready to go?
Katie beamed. Josh was a nice guy. He always seemed to be hanging around their house. Josh and Scott had been good friends for years, and both played on the high-school baseball team. Joshs short black hair and brown eyes contrasted with Scotts streaky sun-bleached hair and blue eyes. Both boys were very tall. Josh wore black jeans and a dark soft shirt. His aftershave smelled like pine trees.
Sure, Im ready, said Katie. Im sorry I kept you waiting. The girl threw a sidelong glance at her brother Scott, who stood next to Josh. Clearly amused, he was lazily looking down at her tits. Katie felt the heat of his glance. Her pussy pulsed, a glob of Scotts cum seeped into her panties.
I see you decided against the red dress, said Scott, trying to hide a crooked smile. What happened, did you get something on it?
Something like that, said Katie, her face flushed. I decided on this instead.
Nice. A moment passed as Scott looked at his sisters tits again. He absently stroked his tanned stomach. So, Kat, I guess you guys should get going, said Scott. Josh is taking you to a party at Sam Fosters. Sams parties are always a lot of fun.
OK Scott, Ill see you later. The girl leaned forward to let her brother kiss her on the cheek. Her arms goose-bumped as Scott reached down and put his hand on her waist, touching her warm skin. His lips brushed hers. Bye Kat, have fun.
Katie could smell herself on his face.
On the drive to the party, Josh kept sneaking peeks at the young girl sitting in the passenger seat. If anything, Katie was even sexier with a seat belt on, the diagonal strap divided her breasts and stretched the silky fabric of her white shirt tight against her chest. Her thick nipples pointed forward. Josh had a sudden urge to reach out and touch one, but he restrained himself. The teenager reminded himself that Katie had been a skinny flat-chested kid climbing trees just last year. His cock swelled in his jeans.
Katie self-consciously clutched the hem of her blue skirt. At least this shirt has a high neckline! Katie thought, relieved. She was nervous about showing so much of her thighs. The young girl didnt realize that Josh was too distracted by her tits to even notice how short her skirt was.
Are you excited about starting 9th grade, Katie? Josh asked, trying to get her to relax.
A little nervous, actually. I really liked middle school, but the high school is so big! Scott said hed show me where everything is, though, said Katie. She paused, suddenly remembering two hours earlier, when Scott had nudged the crotch of her panties aside and cupped her pussy. Good girl, good little cunt, he had whispered. Katie fidgeted in her seat. Im lucky to have an older brother.
Josh glanced over at her, noticing Katies voice had gotten huskier.
Moments later Josh pulled over and parked in the street in front of a large house. Tall palm trees lined the dim driveway and clustered in lush groupings in the yard. Here we are. This ought to be fun, said Josh. Sams parties are usually memorable.
Booming music blared from the open front door. Teenagers in various stages of drunkenness spilled out into the lush yard and milled about. Many had plastic cups of yellow beer topped with white foam, others held beer bottles.
As Josh stepped out of his car, a group of boys in the driveway waved to him. Hey Josh, glad you could make it, dude said the tallest, wearing his baseball cap backwards. The boy took a deep drink from his beer.
Josh waved back. He walked around the car, took Katies arm and helped her up and out of the low bucket seat. The girl balanced on her heels, breasts swaying, and smiled up at him. They walked over to the boys in the driveway. Katie didnt know the teenagers personally, they were all older — juniors and seniors at the high school. These are Scotts friends, she thought, self-conscious and a little excited.
Hey guys, this is Katie, Scotts little sister. She starts 9th grade this year, Josh said. He draped his arm casually over Katies tan shoulders.
The boys looked down at Katie, who even with high heels barely came up to Joshs chest. Her high firm breasts and prominent nipples were on full display. Katies hands held her hem down, keeping her pleated skirt from showing more leg than necessary. She smiled at the boys, who returned the smile while looking her over, from her shiny heels to her short skirt to her clingy, nearly see-through shirt.
The boys were silent for a moment. They grinned at each other, slowly nodding. The tallest boy said, Hi Katie, nice to meet you. Im Sam Foster. He smiled at her, his teeth were very white in his tanned face. Thanks for coming to my party. Hey, would you like to help us out?
Sure, Ill help. What do you need me to do, Sam? said Katie, flattered and a little embarrassed by the attention.
Well, were going to have a contest, and we need a judge, said Sam. Can you be the judge for us?
Sure, I-I guess so, stammered Katie. What kind of contest is it?
The boys again grinned at each other, and Sam looked down, adjusting his baseball cap. Its a kissing contest, he said. My parties always have one. We need a girl to judge, and the other girls here at the party already know us, Sam said. We need someone fresh.
Katie blushed and glanced at Josh, who was also smiling. He shrugged. Whatever you want, Katie. It might be fun. Its just kissing.
Uh, OK. Sure! What do I need to do? Katie asked, still blushing. Her brown eyes sparkled.
Sam thrust a cup of cold beer in her hands, and another into Joshs. You guys just chill for a while, and well get set up inside.
The boys went into the house, laughing and joking about the contest rules. Josh and Katie stood facing each other on the dim driveway, tasting their beers. Nervous, Katie drank hers quickly, Josh got them both refills from the keg on the porch. Katie had never had beer before, and it left her lightheaded. She drank deeper, and leaned back against the trunk of a big palm tree. Her head felt like it was spinning, in a nice way.
Do you like your beer? asked Josh, slowly wiping away a bit of beer foam from Katies bottom lip.
Its not bad! I feel a little giddy, the young girl said. Mom would die if she knew I had a beer. Katie giggled, and spilled a bit of foam on her shirt.
I wont tell her if you wont, Josh teased. He looked down at Katies breasts and saw a dab of white foam near her stiffened nipple. Josh casually reached out, wiped away the foam and in the same gesture deliberately fondled her erect bud with his thumb. He rolled the nipple and pulled slightly, lengthening its tip.
Katie closed her eyes, and literally went weak in the knees.
You had some foam on your shirt, said Josh under his breath, as he withdrew his hand and calmly sipped his beer.
Katie suddenly found it hard to balance on her heels. Flushed, she shyly smiled up at Josh. Oh my God, did I just let him do that? Katy thought. Did he like it as much as I did?
Just then, Sam stuck his head out the front door. Hey guys, were ready! Come on in, Sam called from the front door. The contest is all set up in the family room in back.
Josh and Katie walked into the darkened house, and made their way to the family room. The thumping music made it hard to think. Rowdy teenagers filled the rooms, drinking, making out and talking too loudly. One dark room held dancing couples, including several paired-off girls undulating closely together. A corner of the big family room was clear of people, and held a single leather barstool.
Someone turned the music low, and Sam raised his voice. OK everybody, time for the world-famous Foster kissing contest, he said, to cheers and catcalls. Our judge is little Katie here.
Sam motioned for Katie to step forward. All eyes turned to the young girl as she shakily made her way to Sam and the barstool, stepping over people on the way. The cheers immediately grew louder, mixed with whistles and foot stomping. Katie reached Sam and turned to the crowd, her breasts bouncing prettily.
Standing there with all eyes focused on her, Katie realized she was totally aroused by the thought of judging a kissing contest. Shed barely been kissed before, after all. The tipsy girl had a sudden flash of what Scott had said earlier that evening. I dont know which is sweeter — your tongue or your cunt, said her brother after kissing both with his open mouth.
Like before in her bedroom, Katie suddenly became aware of her thighs continually rubbing against her engorged clit, massaging it. Her cotton panties were soaked through, both from her own juices and from Scotts cum.
Katie took Sams hand as he led her to the tall barstool, surrounded by a chorus of cheers and loud whoops. Katie tried to climb into the tall seat, but had a little trouble because of her heels.
Ill help you, little girl, said Sam. He faced Katie, put his hands around her narrow waist, and easily boosted her up into the seat. As she sat down, Sams hands slid up to the deep crease under her breasts. He cupped the perfectly shaped tits, expertly rolling his thumbs over her excited nipples. Katie gasped, tilting her chest toward Sams exploring fingers. He looked Katie right in the eyes. With his back to the group, no one else knew Sam touched the young girl so intimately. Her heart pounding, Katie felt the cool leather on the back of her trembling thighs.
Here, you get to wear my lucky baseball cap, said Sam, settling his hat on Katies blond head.
Sam turned and faced the crowd. Rules, people, rules. Heres how we play: I pick three people to compete. They get one kiss. One. That means if their lips stop touching Katie, their turn is over. The crowd in the family room whooped. Sam turned towards Katie, perched on the bar stool. Katie, you get to pick the best kisser out of the three. Sound good?
Katie nodded. Yes! Im ready.
Sam stepped behind the barstool and pulled a black silk scarf from his pocket. He rolled it up and carefully tied it over Katies eyes.
Are you comfortable, Katie? asked Sam.
Oh yes. Thank you, Sam, said Katie. Her tummy fluttered with nervous excitement, her breasts gently heaved up and down. Katie waited breathlessly for the first contestant as the pounding music swelled again, filling the room with a thumping beat.
Moments later, Katie felt strong hands cup her face, as someone tilted her mouth up. She smelled Joshs pine-tree aftershave, it had to be him. A soft mouth covered hers, then Josh slowly tasted Katies lips, caressing them with his tongue. Joshs insistent tongue then snaked into Katies mouth. The 14-year-old turned her head and opened her mouth wide. The two kissed deeply, tongues dancing and teasing. The boy brushed back Katies blond curls and put both hands behind her baseball cap as he ravaged her mouth. The crowd chanted Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! cheering them on lewdly as the two teenagers kissed. They began to breathe heavily.
After a minute, the boy took a breath, and began kissing Katies mouth again.
No fair! No fair! yelled the drunken onlookers. Only one kiss! The rules say only one kiss!
Laughing, the boy withdrew his mouth from Katie. The girl caught her breath, her lips tingling.
OK, that was contestant No. 1, said Sam, standing behind Katie, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. Are you ready for No. 2?
Katie slowly nodded, smiling beneath the black blindfold. She felt warm all over. The crowd was rowdier than before, whooping and laughing.
Katie then felt an open mouth delicately taste her neck, and begin tracing a slow trail downwards. The soft lips never left Katies skin as they nibbled down her shoulder blades, over her white shirt, toward her right breast. Katie shivered as the small mouth approached her nipple, which poked indecently against the silky fabric.
Suck it! Kiss it! Suck her nipple! the crowd ordered.
The strangers mouth hesitated at the jutting nubbin, and licked around it, wetting the shirt over Katies pink areola. The young girl forgot herself, she arched her back, pushing her tit forward, yearning for the release of a good suck. The nuzzling mouth never left Katie. It circled her nipple, tickling and teasing, then slipped the hard tip inside and began to suckle through the silky fabric. Katie inhaled sharply.
The strangers mouth worked Katies nipple skillfully, sucking deep and hard, soaking the thin cloth. In a daze, Katie felt the strangers head bobbing rhythmically on her breast as her nipple was pulled and stretched. Without thinking, Katie reached up to cradle the strangers head, her fingers felt long hair and a soft, hairless cheek patiently milking her nipple.
A girl! Katies pussy rippled as she caressed the silky hair spilled in her lap. Katie traced the girls nursing lips with her finger, then slipped her finger in the girls mouth. The stranger let go of the nipple, and continued to suck on Katies finger, making loud slurping sounds. The fabric over Katies breast was sopping wet and see-through. Everyone could see her scarlet nipple and pink areola in minute detail, including the puckered dimple at the very tip.
Katies heart was pounding as the stranger let go of her finger with a final wet suck. The crowd whistled and chanted Winner! Winner! Winner!
Hey, not so fast! Theres one more lucky contestant, said Sam. Lets see No. 3 top that!
After a moment, someone slowly twirled Katies barstool around so her back faced the crowd. The onlookers booed their disapproval. Katie could tell the corner of the room was very dark in front of her. Big hands reached around her narrow hips and scooted her gently forward on the leather seat, until she sat on the very edge.
I didnt get a chance to clean you up earlier, a low voice whispered in Katies ear. Be a good little girl, and let your brother suck out your messy pussy.
The girl involuntarily quivered. Her eyes were closed under the black blindfold. She forgot the raucous crowd existed. Her arms and legs broke out in goosebumps as Scott ran his hands down her sides to her thighs. He caressed her knees, then reached under her skirt to her waistband. Scott grasped the top of her panties on either side and tugged them down.
Lift up for me, pussy Kat, murmured Scott. You know what I want.
Katie tilted up her ass, letting her brother slip the tiny panties down and off. He fingered the white cloth, and brought it to his face. Scott inhaled deeply, and licked the damp crotch.
Oh, you are a dirty girl, Kat, Scott whispered. Your big brother needs to suck your little cunny clean.
Scott put his hands on her knees, and firmly pushed them up and wide apart. Katies feet in their strappy high heels rested on Scotts shoulders. She held her brothers head in her little hands, stroking his thick hair as he flipped up her pleated skirt and exposed her hairless slit topped with feathery blond curls. Katies pink folds glistened in the low light. Scott used his thumbs to spread open her cunt lips. Katies pussy pulsed, pushing out another glob of combined girl-cream and cum.
Mmmm, a snack. Scott delicately scooped up the creamy glob with his tongue, then curled it between his lips. Tasty. He swallowed and smacked his lips.
Now I want you in my mouth. Scott stuck his tongue out and pushed it deep into his sisters pussy. He pressed forward until he could reach no deeper. His open lips pressed firmly against her slippery cunt. Scott swirled and probed with his tongue, causing Katie to squirm and languidly hump against his face. He began sucking deeply, making slurping sounds and audibly swallowing. Katie could feel the suction from her brothers mouth as he drank from her. Her hips tilted and rocked in time.
Katie could feel her erect clitoris bumping against Scotts nose as he fed on her pussy. Every time he nudged her clit she felt a luscious surge. As he cleaned his sisters hole, his fingers reached up and pinched her clitoral button between his slick fingertips. He expertly rolled the tip and tugged on the hard shaft, causing Katie to jerk forward and groan loudly. Scott then slid his mouth upward. His fingers continued massaging and pinching Katies clit as he began lashing the red tip with his cream-covered tongue.
Aaahhh… Oh my God! Katie could hardly speak, as she felt the muscles low in her belly twitch and jerk.
Scott lowered his mouth to cover Katies clit. The young girl grunted, and thrust upward with her pelvis to give Scott the best possible access to her cunt. He wrapped his lips around her protruding clit and began sucking with intensity, like a hungry infant breastfeeding at his mothers nipple.
As Scott nursed on her clit, Katie felt an overpowering wave that caused her to cry out, clutch at her brothers rooting head and thrust against his tongue in slow, slick rhythm. The climaxing young girl bucked against her brothers mouth, humping urgently. Her convulsing cunt squirted a fresh load of girl-juice directly into Scotts open, working mouth. His jaws kept moving, increasing the suction to pull every drop of cream out of his sisters slit.
Spent, Katie sat slumped in the barstool, panting, her blindfold askew. Her body hummed. Scott again used his thumbs to hold her pussy open, thoroughly licking all her pink folds clean, moving up to taste her mound with its silky blond hair.
I cant get enough of your furry pelt, Scott said in a low voice, inhaling deeply as he smelled his sisters pussy.
He lapped at her, bathing her cunt with his tongue. When he was satisfied that his little sister was clean, he stood up, pulled off her blindfold and leaned in close. Scott whispered in Katies ear, Lick my face and see how you taste.
Katie lazily stretched out her little tongue and flicked Scotts cheek. Mmmm. Tastes like ripe peaches.
Told you so.
Oh, I brought your sweater for you, Scott whispered, draping a fuzzy cardigan over her shoulders. He buttoned the top two buttons, and pulled the sweater together to cover her nipples. Scott smoothed the fabric over her breasts.
I know the last thing you want is to look slutty.
They smiled into each others eyes.
As Scott helped Katie off the barstool, they both became aware that they were not alone. The family room had erupted in loud cheering and clapping. Everyone in the room was standing up in a sustained standing ovation.
Best. Kissing. Contest. Ever, gushed Sam, grinning from ear to ear. He retrieved his baseball cap from Katies head. Sams tanned face was flushed, beads of sweat stood out on his upper lip. I guess we dont need to guess who won.
Katie looked up at Sam, her eyes dancing.
Who was that girl? she asked.
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Straight SexTHE LAWYER'S OFFICEKatie stood in the office, of the man who calls himself her lawyer, in her heels and underwear waiting in silence while this lecherous man, who had to be thirty years her senior, stood before her, his eyes roaming her quivering body as she nervously cast her eyes down, her arms awkwardly at her sides.Silently sipping in her full breasts, curved hips and legs and working his way back up to the shaking young woman's long blonde hair.Katie just wanted to scream at him, put her...
[ This story is entirely a work of fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the habits and preferences of the people involved nor is it derived from any personal knowledge.]KatieThe Today Show on May 19, 2003 went pretty much as usual for a Monday morning. Katie was scheduled to do a live interview with Mark Wahlberg, to plug his new movie, "The Italian Job." Mark was already seated on the set in one the easy chairs facing each other as the camera crew prepared to go live in Studio 1A....
Wife LoversEyes shut tight as she explodes on the couch in a violent orgasm her legs clamping hard on her hand holding her fingers in place as her tight little hole twitches wildly her mouth biting down on her nipples causing her to scream and groan with her tit stuffed mouth. “Fuck daddy come home” Katie groans to herself as her nipples pops out of her mouth with an audible pop softly rubbing her red nipple from having just nibbling hard on herself. It would be another half an hour before her father...
This is the third installment of this series here are links to the previous stories:http://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/439003.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/441660.htmlKatie was walking down the street with her friend Laura after school. Laura was her best friend and had been since they were young.She reflected on how much her life had changed since she became her brother's slut slave. Laura had no idea that Katie was a willing slut to her brother and any of his friends that...
"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...
Katie had just finished soccer practice when her phone buzzed a reminder. Dentist appointment.She was late. Practice went longer than expected and the team had a meeting to hash out some of the drama that lingered from a party that weekend. These are the issues of playing on a women's college team, you not only have the straight girls who have guy problems, but the lesbians also have issues with each other. The team captain had to clear the air about something that happened between two girls on...
Katie 1 - Meeting Katie I first met Katie at a party. My freshman year of high school had just ended, so I threw a big bash to celebrate the fact that my friends and I were now sophomores. All my friends came, they all brought their friends, and someone brought Katie. Katie was going to be a freshman the next year. I don’t even remember who she came with, but I’m glad that she did. The moment she walked through the back gate, I was instantly smitten. This was the cutest girl I had ever seen....
KATIE’S RED WAGON ?by Alex B. ?The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch, ?she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from ?the fact that this was not the purse she normally used, ?it was sort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she’d ?worn it, she put some important papers inside and then ?forgot all about them. ??Great!? Katie sighed. ?Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts. ??What is it?? Rachel asked. ??I’m totally...
"I'm not sure", Linda admitted. "But my big sister told me that they do." Linda's sister, Natalie, was three years older than the two girls. She was always giving Linda advice on what high school boys liked, which Linda passed on to Katie. Katie was grateful for the knowledge, since she and Linda were just starting their high school career. But this time she didn't think the advice was sound. "I can't imagine why anyone would like that. It just sounds disgusting", she said, shaking...
Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...
"Hey Zack, when did you get home?" Katie had seen her brother passing by her partially open bedroom door. Zack was Katie's older brother and they had always been pretty close. Zack was a senior in college and Katie a junior."Last night, late," her replied as he walked through her door a sat down on the bed."How come? I thought you and Allie were going skiing this weekend.""Me and Allie broke up yesterday. She said I wasn't paying enough attention to her."Katie could hear the emotion in her...
Katie left the Professor's office in a stupor. She would never be a boy again, was what the headmaster had told her. Her entire life would be different, and she was all alone. Her mind was racing with all the horrible things that she would have to deal with now, if anyone found out, she didn't think she could handle the humiliation she would endure. How were her parents going to react? "KATIE!" she heard Hermione saying loudly as she was shaken. "Are you okay?" Katie's mind cleared...
Disclaimer: This Story has not been written by me.I have it from trading stories with other People and is out of the net.If there should be a Copyright, please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyAn exciting Adventure in an adult Theater!Katie's Cinema MorningShe'd done it! Katie's heart was pounding and the urge to get up and flee was almost uncontrollable. But, as always, the draw she felt to things taboo was even greater - and so she sat, staring ahead at the screen, waiting for her...
Breakfast was pleasant enough, everyone chatted on as if today was any other day, and no one even mentioned the fact that Kyle was no longer there, as if he had never existed, and that made Katie sad. Had he made so little an impression on his fellow students that he could vanish mysteriously overnight and no one seemed to care? On the other hand, however, everyone seemed to be very interested in Katie. Ernie McMillian wanted to know if Katie collected Chocolate frog cards,...
This is a follow on story about Katie who has been used by her older brother. Here is a link to the original story.http://xhamster.com/user/mooremike/posts/439003.htmlKatie walked home from school and she knew what was going to happen when she got there. Shane her older brother would push her on her knees and make her suck his cock. He would push it down her throat and fuck her mouth. If he didn’t do that he would rip her clothes off and fuck her hard and if he felt like it he push his big cock...
Katie loved to tease her big brother! He was 25 years old and had just moved back home after finishing college. Despite the fact that he eight years older than her the two had always been pretty close or at least they had been.Katie had been just becoming a teen when Shane moved away. He had spent almost six years going through undergrad and graduate programs at a school on the other side of the country. Now that he was back he seemed different.One morning Katie walked down the hall to the...
I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...
After a couple of days without Katie's cute little body, I was intensely craving her. I was very pleased when Katie couldn't wait until next weekend either. She snuck over on Wednesday evening for an hour. I was once more on top of her slowly thrusting my cock in her sweet, tight pussy. Katie's long straight blonde hair was spread out on the bed, her bright blue eyes were glazed in ecstasy, and her beautiful small tits were enjoyable mouthfuls. Before Katie left that evening I provided a...
The moment Katie Bingham opened her purse to pay for lunch,she knew she was in big trouble. The problem stemmed from thefact that this was not the purse she normally used, it wassort of a spare. Unfortunately, the last time she'd worn it,she put some important papers inside and then forgot allabout them."Great!" Katie sighed.Her workmates, Rachel and Liz, looked up from their desserts."What is it?" Rachel asked."I'm totally busted.""Relax," Liz chimed in. "If you forgot your wallet, we cancover...
Katie Katie and Jeff were, at last, airborne from theirintermediate stop at Cairo, squeezed into "el cheapo" seatson a foreign airline that made BA, "Bloody Awful", seemlike luxury in comparison. Katie was glad she took so littleinto the cabin with her, just her handbag, with her passport,ticket, purse, lipstick and cigarettes. Of course, there wasno smoking allowed. She was dressed for comfort in thetropics, casual slip-on shoes, socks, not nylons, alightweight cotton dress, light green,...
This was it! This was everything she could of imagined it was heaven.Danielle could hardly believe she was here with her. Kissing her, touchingher, making her feel so alive.Another shiver ran down Danielle's spine and Katie's tongue once againdived into her throbbing pussy. She was so close... so close. She couldfeel her juices flowing from with in her.NO!It wasn't her juices at all it was her own piss flooding from withinpouring over the bed sheets arching up and back onto her body. The...
Katie’s best friend’s older sister Brittany had recommended the guy Katie was going to go see. Brittany had gotten knocked up by this guy when she turned sixteen and had a beautiful black baby boy. Brittany had even showed Katie the video they made, watching as Brittany and this older black man—Katie was pretty sure his name was Jamal—writhed together on the pull-out futon moaning in pure bliss. Katie had watched as Jamal’s hard black cock slid in and out of Brittany’s tight cunt. The young...
The biology teacher looked very young from the outside, but in the inside, he is around 40. He is very short because of his addiction to coffee. His leatures were funny because he included funny jokes in them. Katie likes him as a good teacher. His name is Mr. Knight. As Katie did the worksheet Mr. Knight passed out, he walked up to her and told her to come afterschool. Katie was very confused, she was a straight A student, and a teacher has told her to stay afterschool for absolutely no...
The sun was streaming in through the round windows, and the sounds of birds and the wind rustling through the grass that Kyle normally awoke to, were being drowned out by whispering, and voices. Kyle rolled over, to an unfamiliar pressure on his chest, as he felt an odd shifting, and as he blinked his eyes open, he could she shadowed shapes all around him, and then someone squealed. "She's awake!" a girl said excitedly. "About bloody time," another girl responded with...
Katie is a mature geek who loves puzzles. Married to another geek, she took pretty good care of herself but we all have what genetics give us. No amount of bike riding was going to slim those 50 inch hips or 44D tits! She kept her waist at a comfy 32 inches via frequent biking, walking, and a yoga class. She wasn't a looker, but she knew there were men who couldn't resist a fine big ass and wasn't against using her double x chromosomes as needed for leverage. It was a sneaky snow day in North...
Katie figured out how to seduce her own father. Since of course her father has been working long hours at the office and her mother being a R.N, never was hardly home, she would dress skanky around him knowing his hormones must be filled to the limit due to no sex. She got out of bed and put on some really short booty shorts that she wore while working out and a tight low-cut sleeveless shirt. She looked in the mirror and noticed her ass and boobs were practically hanging out. "This...
Tricia was driving home like a Zombie. The little video that Caroline had sent her just wasn't fair. She knew Tricia wasn't really meant to use her phone and couldn't look at it for long or phone to see what they were up to. What she did know was the few seconds of Katie she had seen were just so beautiful. If she dint know Katie it would have been just another young teenager showing off her ballet skills and being well aware of how sweet she looked. But then again that described Katie...
Introduction: We have some fun in the midst of an innocent school play. Rubbing my eyes groggily, I awoke to the sound of my glowing red alarm clock beeping. I strained my arms and legs which were stiff from the night, and opened my eyes to the pool of sunlight spilling through the window adjacent to my desk. It was going to be a good day. It had been three days since that fateful Chemistry class in which Id risked everything and succeeded, making Katie Quinn, the sex goddess of my high school...
I’ll start off by introducing myself and a few other important characters in this tale. My name is Chris Hollis, and I attend Medford High School in New Hampshire. I wouldn’t call myself popular in school, nor a loner of any kind. I was simply average, with a small group of friends upon whom I could rely, a steady 3.5 GPA, and a star spot on the lacrosse team at my school. It is ironic, I notice while describing myself, that the other significant character in this...
Returning from Australia was always going to be challenging but settling back home was made ever more difficult by the adverse weather conditions at the start of 2014. A cold December was followed by stormy and blustery conditions in January which were at their peak when Katie arrived back in the UK. A week of meeting and greeting with old friends and family drastically improved her mood, but soon the realisation of starting again from scratch started to dwell on her mind. Katie decided she...
Straight SexThe new year came, and with it the beginning of a new phase of Tyler and Katie's relationship. Ever since her arrival back home from her travels, the passion between them had been reinvigorated to new heights. They had nights of passion, some of kinkiness, and they tried things they had never even discussed before. The freshness of it all felt as if it would never wear off. It was approaching Valentine's Day which meant soon Tyler's long standing plans would come to the fore. He knew of Katie's...
LesbianIt had been three days since that fateful Chemistry class in which I'd risked everything and succeeded, making Katie Quinn, the sex goddess of my high school junior year, cum her sweet juices all over my hand in the middle of our lab presentation. Since she hadn't even been particularly angry, maybe even satisfied, I hadn't worried about the consequences after school that day, and rightfully so; since then, we hadn't had time to be alone, but that certainly didn't refute flirting and...
The bell had rang and Katie and Danielle left the school as they did everyday. They had been best friends for as long as they could remember and theywould spend nearly all their time in school with each other. On thisparticular day Katie was due to picked by her mother from outside theschool, the girls talked as they walked side by side both girls agreeingthat school was boring and they wished they didn't have to return thefollowing day. Katie's mother was outside just as she had said she would...
She always starts off slow, making sure I enjoy her grabbing and squeezing my cock. She knows how it helps relax me and she lives to make me happy. Her words always get to me, with her telling me how much she loves holding and playing with daddy's cock. She's so appreciative, always thanking me for allowing her to hold my cock. She has recently started asking me when will daddy make love to her. I tell her that now is not the time. She has a tiny pussy and I'm afraid of hurting her. I...
"Good Morning, James Robinson, Home Office." "Oh, Hello, Mr Robinson, I'm a friend of Angela. I'm afraid she's not too well today and won't be able to come in. She should be fine by Monday. Had a nasty fall and she's a bit bruised and shaken up. She'll be good as new in a day or two" "Hello, Katie O'Brien's office, Jean here" "Hi, Jean, Katie here. I'm not feeling too well, I had a bit of a tumble, yesterday and I've a few cuts and bruises and a splitting headache. I'll...
I first met Katie online a couple of years ago when she showed interest in some photographs I posted in a photography site. It was pictures of oil well fires in Iraq and she contacted me and we exchanged a few emails and hit it off immediately and became friends. She introduced me to messenger so we began chatting direct and got closer and closer and then began talking to each other by phone a few times each week. As we got closer we talked about personal things in our lives and I learned a...
Living next door to Katie initially was not a big deal. I hadn't seen her, run across her, encountered her, or spent twenty minutes behind my garage making out with her until I'd lived in my house for quite some time.After the encounter in her backyard, including rubbing sun tan lotion across her shoulders, rubbing her back, and her literally coming onto me in a fun, cute and flirtatious way, things changed significantly. After that first encounter, every time she'd be in the yard, walking...
Taboo"Oooooh!" Nicole moaned loudly. I groaned and shot my jizz. "Yessss" she hissed. Ten minutes later, I watched the cute girl with the wavy shoulder length blonde hair get dressed. It was an excellent evening and morning with her. Nicole was another of Katie's friends. Nicole had one big distinction from Katie, Cristina, and Courtney. Nicole wasn't a virgin before we had sex. Nicole tried sex with her boyfriend twice, but neither time was very good. Katie told Nicole how good I was...
Thought I'd share the first chapter of my new book, "Katie's Casting Call" for free on here. If you like it, please pop along to Amazon, download the Kindle app on your phone, and read it!Katie’s Casting CallBy Paul Garland A No Angels Novel All rights reserved by the Author.Contents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a...
Katie's hand flew up over my mouth, even though I was being dead silent. We listened for a few moments as our seemingly drunk mother stumbled around the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close, but nothing was put in or taken out. Luckily, though the couch is visible from the kitchen, it is facing away and the back of the couch blocks visibility of anyone laying down. This was obviously especially lucky, since her son and daughter had just been fucking! After a few more moments of her...
IncestMy wife and I have been married for 20 years and we are both in our mid 40's. Katie still looks quite hot even after having 2 k**s. She is 5'-1", about 120 pounds, full B cup boobs, dark hair and eyes and is quite curvy. She is aging nicely with all the little lines, creases and sags in all the right places. I think it really gives her that COUGAR look. I have had a better sex life than the average Joe. We have done some experimenting during our time together. Nothing on a regular basis, but...