Katie free porn video

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     Katie and Jeff were, at last, airborne from their

intermediate stop at Cairo, squeezed into "el cheapo" seats

on a foreign airline that made BA, "Bloody Awful", seem

like luxury in comparison.  Katie was glad she took so little

into the cabin with her, just her handbag, with her passport,

ticket, purse, lipstick and cigarettes. Of course, there was

no smoking allowed.  She was dressed for comfort in the

tropics, casual slip-on shoes, socks, not nylons, a

lightweight cotton dress, light green, to compliment her

russet hair, and a "sports bra", a simple, knitted thing, that

she could wear for hours and hours without it binding or

leaving strap marks.  When flying coffin class, looks don't


     Somewhere over central Africa, the captain came

on the speakers, first in French, then Arabic, then English.

Jeff went stiff before Katie understood the message.  There

were reports of a bomb on board, and they would have to

make an unscheduled emergency landing.  Twenty white-

knuckle minutes later, they were on the ground near some

awful African town with an unpronounceable name.  The

emergency slides were deployed, and the passengers slid

down, to stand on the tarmac.  It wasn't easy to get

information, but no, they could not get their baggage.  The

airplane would stand there, to see if it blew up, and if it

didn't, every bag must be searched.  Yes, arrangements

were being made to put them up at a hotel.  A bus was

being found, which would shuttle them to town.

     It was hours later that they checked into the Prince

Edward Hotel, which might once have been grand but

which looked as if it hadn't been cleaned or repaired since

Prince Edward died, roughly a hundred years ago.  It was

also not really adequate for a whole plane load of

passengers.  Jeff and Katie would have to share a narrow

bed in a tiny room with a bath down the hall.  The sun had

not yet gone down, so the temperature was still  a few

degrees above body temperature, and, of course, Prince

Edward had never heard of air conditioning.  The dining

room, it seemed, would not be open until dark, so Jeff and

Katie went out for a stroll.  The humidity was oppressive,

and Katie's panties were drenched with sweat, clinging and

riding up between her legs.  "Jeff," she said, "we have to

find a shop where I can buy a hat and some sun screen, and

maybe some clean underwear.  If we have to stay here long,

I'll be a mass of freckles.  You know redheads don't tan

properly."  Jeff, ever amiable agreed.  After all those years

of marriage, he knew it was pointless to disagree.  Secretly,

he wished that Katie would be  a little less the strong,

independent businesswoman and more the traditional

British bride, whose primary desire is to serve her master.

Well, at 46, she wasn't going to change.

     They found street of shops, noisy and confusing,

and Katie finally found a stall with a big, floppy hat, just

the thing to keep the sun off.  "How much?" she asked the

shop keeper.  He clearly didn't speak English.  She tried

again to communicate, but it seemed hopeless.

     Jeff said, "Look, just hand him a bill and hope he

gives you the correct change."

     Katie took out her purse and selected a ten pound

note.  She held the hat in one hand and handed the note to

the shopkeeper with the other.

     The shopkeeper looked at it and said, "British

pound sterling?"

     "Yes, yes," replied Katie, with appropriate nods and

gestures.  The man squatted down and rummaged under the

counter, coming up with a huge wad of the local currency,

which he handed to Katie with a wide grin and happy-

sounding noises.  She put the hat on her head and held the

wad of bills in her hand.

     "So, how much did he charge you?"

     "Haven't a clue."

     "How much did you get in change?"

     "Haven't a clue.  For all I know this could be toilet

paper.  But even if it cost me ten pounds, I'm glad to have

the hat. Now, let's look for a chemist or a lingerie shop."

     At the corner was a uniformed policeman.  He

looked at Katie, at her wad of local currency, and asked,

"Excuse me, madame, but where did you get that money?"

     "A shopkeeper, down that way, gave it to me in

change."  She gestured toward the shop.

     "And how much did you give him?"

     "Ten pounds."

     "And how much did he give you?"

     "I don't know." she fanned out some of the bills

and held them so the policeman could see.

"I'm afraid, madame, that you will have to come with me."


     "Illegal exchange of currency."

     "It can't be all the serious.  Here, you take the

money and let us go."  He was not dissuaded, though he did

take the money and her passport.  He led them to a tiny

police station and spoke to the sergeant in charge in the

native language.  The sergeant gestured and spoke rather

loudly, pointing at a squalid jail cell with bars and a hole in

the floor for a toilet.

     "Madame, you will have to spend the night in jail,

and tomorrow you will meet the magistrate.  Your husband

is free to go."

     "No, no!  That can't be.  I won't run away.  We're

staying at the Prince Edward Hotel, just down the street.

Can't you release us, and I'll come back tomorrow?"

     After some discussion with the sergeant, the

policeman said.  "All right.  Be at the Central Court at ten

o'clock, sharp.  We must keep your passport,"

     "Yes, of course.  Where is the Central Court?"  The

policeman showed her on a map.  It wasn't far from the

hotel. "And what will I be charged with?"

     "Black market currency trading and attempting to

bribe an officer.  You would be advised to plead guilty."

     "Oh, and if I don't plead guilty?"

     "You will be remanded for trial, kept in jail until

your court date.  I expect they will keep you maybe ninety,

a hundred days, and then you will be convicted and given a

more serious sentence, because you are not contrite."

     "Oh, then, I give you my word I'll be there at ten,

ready to plead guilty.  Ah, what is the sentence likely to


     "For a first time offender, probably corporal

punishment, the cane."

     "The cane?  You beat criminals in this forsaken


     "You bet, madame.  Very low recidivism rate."

     That night, at the hotel, was hellish.  They bolted

the door of the little room and stripped off everything, as

they had no night clothes, and they were dripping with

sweat, even after sundown.  Jeff tried to cheer up Katie by

being extra affectionate, trying to make love, but Katie

could not be consoled.  All she could think of was the

punishment she might receive.  She had seen pictures of a

man being caned in Singapore, she thought it was.  He had

been trussed up on a sort of triangular frame,  while an

athletic looking chap beat his arse with a six foot cane!

She didn't get much sleep, especially as Jeff took up two

thirds of the narrow bed.  She would have fled, if she could

have, but the plane was not ready, and there was no where

to flee to.

     They had asked at the hotel for a lawyer, but the

best they could get was a young woman, an interpreter, not

a lawyer.  The three of them were at the Central Court

Building at 9:30 and before the magistrate precisely at

10:00.  The interpreter was impressed.  She had expected

they might have had to wait for hours, even days.

     The arresting officer was there, and he spoke to the

magistrate earnestly for several minutes.  The magistrate,

already perspiring in his black robe and white wig, so

strange on a native, took it all in.  He spoke to the

interpreter in the local lingo, and she replied in kind.  The

judge said one short burst of words.

     "What did he say?" asked Katie.

     "He says that, since you plead guilty, sentence can

be carried out immediately."  Katie almost fainted. She had

not yet come to grips with the idea of being caned.

     "And what is the sentence?"

     "Very light.  Practically nothing.  A dozen strokes,

on the bare, below the waist."

     Katie might have collapsed, except that two burly

bailiffs took her by the arms and half carried her down the

corridor from the courtroom.  Jeff tagged along behind.

Katie was taken into room at the end of the hall, but the

interpreter told Jeff he must remain outside.

     A uniformed woman policeman stood impassively

beside a large wooden table, eight or nine feet long.  She

spoke to the interpreter, who translated for Katie.  "She

wants you to take off your dress.  Don't worry, I'll stay

here with you."  Katie pulled her dress up and off over her

head.  The interpreter  hung it on a peg.  "She says now you

must take off your panties."  Katie slipped the damp

panties down her long legs and off over her shoes.  She was

taller than most of the locals.  The uniformed woman

approached Katie and buckled leather straps, cuffs, on her

wrists and then on her ankles, over the knee socks.  There

were chains attached to the cuffs.  She motioned to the

table.  Katie didn't quite understand what was required.

She had quite enough coping with being practically naked

in front of strangers, even if they were women.  The young

translator explained what to do.  Katie had to climb on the

table and lie on her front, arse uppermost.  In the middle of

the table was a wooden post, approximately a cube of

wood, perhaps ten centimeters on a side, which stood up

between Katie's necessarily parted thighs.  The police

woman pulled on the ankle chains, dragging Katie across

the table until the wooden cube was pressed up against the

curly red hairs between Katie's legs, mashing her labia and

digging into the flesh of her thighs on either side.  The

chains fit into slots at the corners of  the table, to hold them

taut and keep Katie's limbs spread in a vee.  The chains

from her wrists went to the other corners, holding her down

tightly, with her full breasts pressed flat against the table,

stretching her bra out of shape..

     "The wooden post was introduced when male

prisoners complained that the cane damaged their testicles.

It is for your protection, so the cane cannot strike your

private parts."  The policewoman put a leather strap across

Katie's back.  "To assure that the strokes hit below the

waist, avoiding possible damage to the spine or kidneys."

Katie, stretched taut, as on a medieval rack, wondered what

sort of weapon might break her spine.  The policewoman

went to the door and let in a man in a suit, some sort of

official witness, Katie supposed, incongruous in a suit in

the tropics.  A second man entered, carrying a cane, narrow

but long and gleaming wet.  The man, in shorts and a short

sleeved shirt, looked like a weight lifter, about six and a

half feet tall and bulging with muscles, maybe 250 or 300

pounds of him.  His head was shaved and looked like an

eggplant, gleaming black in the sun which streamed in

from open windows high on the walls.  Katie could hear

noises form the street, and conversations from the hallway,

so surely passers by could hear her screams, if she did not

control herself.  When he saw Katie, the executioner made

a noise like a suppressed laugh and spoke in a deep voice,

like James Earl Jones.  The interpreted told Katie: "he says

he sometimes gets women, but never a white woman of

such charms, mature and curvy, with such nice, soft, full

arse cheeks.  He says he will enjoy his work."  Katie

shivered at that.  Stretched out as she was, she could do no

more than shiver.  The man in the suit said something, and

the big man swished his cane through the air.  Then,

suddenly, it fell right across Katie's upthrust buttocks.

     Jeff, in the hall outside, could hear everything, for

the walls were mostly louvers, to let the air through, and

the sound came through, too.  He heard the translator's

explanations, and imagined his wife, stretched out on the

table with a wooden post pressing her vulva.  He heard the

swish of the cane, heard the crack as it met soft flesh, heard

the scream as Katie reacted, heard a monosyllable from the

suit, and the translator saying, "One."  He nearly wept, at

the idea of Katie suffering, but his imagination pictured her

quivering arse, and his own penis stirred.  It seemed half a

minute before Katie stopped blubbering, then there was the

"swung-splat!" of the cane and another torrent of

incoherent screams and sobs.  The translator said, "Two."

     By the fourth stroke, Jeff had a problem with his

penis trying to climb behind his belt.  It had been years

since it felt so stiff and insistent.  The translator said,

"Madame, you must control yourself, or it will take all

morning."  Katie must have bit her lip or something, for the

next swish-splat elicited only a brief yelp of pain, and it

was not until the twelfth blow that Katie again dissolved

into squeals and sobs.  Jeff pressed on his penis, willing it

to go down, but that, of course, wouldn't help.

     Even before Katie stopped sobbing, the executioner

left the room, and Jeff got a quick glimpse of his wife's

white arse, striped with parallel bright red welts in a neat

horizontal array from the tops of her thighs to the top of her

arse crack.  Then the door closed.  It seemed several

minutes before Katie and the interpreter and the man in the

suit came out into the hall.  Jeff went to Katie and put his

arm around her, thankful that his erection had subsided.

Katie sobbed into his shoulder, "The beast took my panties

as a souvenir."

     The interpret said softly, "You are better off

without them.  You will want to lie on your bed at the

hotel, naked, with nothing touching your sore bottom until

you recover from the caning.  If you like, you can give me

some money and I can get it changed legally, at the official

rate.  You will only have about a third as much as the

shopkeeper would have given you, but it will spare your

bottom.  Perhaps I can buy you some soothing lotion, and,

if you insist on wearing panties, I can get you the thong

type, which will not press on your bruises."  Jeff gave her

some pounds and said he would appreciate her help in that


     Back at the hotel, Katie lay on the bed, totally

naked, still smarting from the judicial punishment.  Jeff

wanted to comfort her, but she wouldn't let him touch her,

and he was forced to sit there, only two feet from his naked

wife, staring at her plump, garish bottom.  He could see the

wisps of reddish pubic hair peeping out between her thighs,

each of which sported a bright red track where the cane had

fallen.  He could see the swell of her breasts, on the bed

sheet, there below her arm pits.  He lusted for his wife,

whom he hadn't seen naked in daylight for years, as best he

could remember, and he wondered if, when they got back

to Merrie ol' England, he would ever again see her naked

in the sunlight.  He rather hoped he might.  "Jeff," she said,

her face still stained with tears, "I'm sorry this happened.  I

love you."

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Smoke Fetish Cums full circle

This is a true story. It may come across as strange or weird but it is how a lifelong attraction began for me. As a smoking fetishist all my life, I think back to when it all began, and when, how 'fetishes' manifest in a person, specifically my life. Further, I will detail one of those amazing situations where my fetish came full circle, so to speak. I vividly remember what I believe was one of my first memories which I believe was the imprinting where my fetish began. Late 60's, my mother and...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 08

Story from Angel’s point of view: My husband asked me to write this next installment due to the fact that he is a bit tied up at the moment. I am more than happy to tell you our story. As you may or may not remember, my husband and I were in the captain’s wife’s cabin with him and his nephew Daniel. We were there to pay up on the bet my husband lost to Eve, the captain’s wife. So far, my poor hubby had been feminized, spanked and made to beg to suck the cocks of the captain and his nephew to...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Cecilia Lion Naughty Cecilia Gets The Perfect Treat

Cecilia Lion goes trick or treating in a sexy witch costume. She just happened to knock at the perfect house this time. JMac ran out of candy early but ask for her to give a treat so he can give her a treat. Naughty Cecilia flashes her tits so he gets his drill to give her his treat. She hears the loud noise and gets close to the door and freaks out when she sees the hole through the door. Mac slide his dick through the whole and she’s in shocked but likes it. We get to see her playing with his...

1 year ago
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His First Pegging

Rob couldn't believe it... They had talked about her actually fucking him several times, but never got around to it. Sure, there had been some ass play, but they always got off and got sleepy before she ever got around to actually taking his ass on her cock. They hadn't even bought a harness, but Gina had picked up a nice red leather one while he was away. "Baby girl..." Rob tried to talk, but was at a loss for words. He walked into the living room, and saw her fast asleep on the couch. She was...

First Time
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The Pick Up

Sasha was raised by a whore mother and she was no stranger to sex. She learned early that sex can get you many things. Growing up she saw her mom fuck many men. Her mom was not worried about Sasha seeing her fucking and sucking these men all night long. Some of the sex was very kinky and her mom even would fuck several men at the same time. Sasha had even seen her mom with women. Her mom loved to be with a man and woman together. Sasha would stand at the door to her room and watch as her mom...

3 years ago
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Vegas part 2

The big girl immediately jumps off of me and starts going down on him. To my surprise we both look at the girl he was with and shrug our shoulders and I take her. She flips over and was a beautiful site. Much too pretty to do what she was about to do for the rest of the night. After I worked my way in she started to loosen up and really get into it. She was screaming I've never been this wet in my life. Over and over until she grabbed my hand and made me feel her wetness. Normally that extreme...

3 years ago
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He and She A Story of Endless Love

Their life together had started out almost 62 years earlier. They’d never been fortunate enough to have children and they’d both been born into families that had crumbled under the stress of the hard times that had been so prevalent across the country during the 1930s. Each had wound up a ward of the state and grew up never feeling the warm embrace of loving parents, or the deep, abiding affection that children normally share with their brothers and sisters. They never took the time to form...

1 year ago
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new friends 2

After sleeping like a log last night Chris and I awoke, showered, dressed and headed down for breakfast. Our table was empty no sign of Ben or Sam. We had nearly finished when Sam entered and sat down with us. I asked where Ben was. Gone to play golf, for real this time I saw he to the shop, which was open. He’s going to a course further along the coast with a couple of other guys that were in the shop. We asked Sam how she was going to spend the day; her response was to ask to see the film...

2 years ago
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My Dearest Darling VirginiaChapter 8

I managed to take Brad's advice by avoiding Joyie the rest of the week. She called the house a couple of times, but Mom, who knew what was going on, conveyed my wishes not to speak with her; thus, when she and Michael left for Orlando on Thursday evening, Brad and I were at ChuckECheese's eating pizza and playing games, rather seeing her off at the airport, which I would have done had she not been doing something that I felt was wrong. We were shooting basketball when Doug's four-year-old...

1 year ago
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Dream Come True

The first time I saw her, I knew I wanted her. She was the kind of girl I’ve always wanted to fuck. I don’t know why, but I’ve always fantasized about making love to a girl who was tall, skinny and had itty-bitty breasts. Yes, flat chests appeal to me. I don’t know why. They just make my cock go rock hard. As soon as I saw her, my 9 inch cock stood to attention. It craved the warmth of her pussy. She was standing at the other end of the bar, so I made my way over to her. She looked like she had...

1 year ago
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MomsOnMoms Dee Williams Vera King Back In The Dating Game

Vera King, a divorcee, is ready to get back out there and start dating again. She has her reservations, though, but that’s why her best friend, Dee Williams, is there for moral support! As Vera nervously tries on a dress for the date, Dee compliments and encourages her, insisting that Vera needs a man in her life! Of course, raising a family would be so much easier if she dated women instead… While Vera playfully agrees that maybe it’d be easier, it’s not possible since...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 32

When Janey was seated, I went back to the edge of the box. I motioned for Sally to come up behind me, to use my body as a shield from being seen by anyone below us who happened to look up. She understood and stood just off my shoulder. Gary was not hard to pick out. He, too, had two beautiful women with him. They were as dark and tan as Sally and Janey were blonde and fair. Upon closer inspection, I realized that one was much younger than the other. Another mother-daughter pair, I bet...

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Catching up with Natalie

Natalie was skinny dipping using my pool, completely oblivious to the fact I was just around the corner. I was on the phone to my girlfriend and having a cigarette. Natalie was one of my closest friends, She had turned nineteen just a few days ago. “You can never seem to get her out of it, even when we hid her bathers she retaliates with, Oh, I’ll just swim naked..." I whispered to Michelle trying to not get Natalie’s attention as she’d freak out if she knew I was out here while she was nude. ...

Quickie Sex
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Geeks and Freaks Part 1Chapter 2

While the movie "Revenge of the Nerds" had made them all dream of ways in which they would love to get back at the people who hurt them most, none of the seven really were serious until one of their tight circle of friends was almost killed by a "harmless" prank. Ginger was lucky. He lost an eyebrow, and the hair on the left side of his head, and a good part of the skin on that side of his head and neck was blistered, but -- as everyone said -- "it could have been worse." Like he...

4 years ago
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Victorias Secret

Victoria's Secret By Beverley Ann Miles Business in the 'Silky Dream' lingerie shop had been okay, but it was getting late and Vicky was just about to get up and switch the sign on the door of the shop to 'Closed', when the door opened, and in he walked. He was gorgeous. Tall, fit, with broad shoulders draped in a well cut suit that told of money. He had a traditional manly confidence about him, and she immediately began to feel delightfully submissive. A quick appraisal of...

3 years ago
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Any Given Saturday In Summer

I awoke with the sensation of something wet around my cock, as I opened my eyes and looked down, I saw my 24 year old wife, Lou, sucking my hard cock, she was deep throating me and my member was covered in her saliva. As I lay there with my wife pleasuring me I thought about the evening just gone and how I ended up screwing my wife several times, but that is another story. Suddenly I felt my balls tighten an by sperm shot out of my cock and straight down her throat with out even hitting my...

2 years ago
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346 a*****ING CLAIREIt was a Tuesday when they took her, Claire that is she had been shopping. Being an escort, money was important, but so was New lingerie and so on in bags from the respective top shops, each item an important necessity`s, as a working girl. On her way home she had met Clive, big Loveable, not so stupid Clive, who had washed up at the restaurant for years, in his thirties, and carefully giving the impression to everyone, that he was a `bit slow’, so that they gave him...

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Who am I

I hadn't enjoyed myself for a long-time as I had in the past five hours. I had dropped into my local feeling right down in the mouth after an argument with my girlfriend. This wasn't the first disagreement, but another in a long line of them and always over the same thing - marriage. I wasn't ready yet to commit myself; I have seen so many failed marriages among my friends that it has made me cautious. Every time we argued I became more determined to stay as I am. As I said I was feeling a...

2 years ago
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GFs family Midwinter Lodge Retreat 5

I had just finished rubbing lotion onto Tina’s back for her when a bell rang. She turned and looked at me. “What’s that?” I asked.“There are only three hours this whole weekend where everyone has to participate together. Dad started this three years ago and to be honest everyone thought it was a bad idea, but he was right. From now until lunch we have game time. Just keep an open mind and have fun!” She gave me a kiss and took me by the hand and we joined the rest of the family in the main...

3 years ago
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First Orgy

A reader wrote and asked me to write a story with an interesting twist. This short story is based purely on "what if". Hope some of you enjoy it. My first orgy and nothing had ever prepared me for this. Females, all much younger than me, ran around, their faces hidden behind funny masks, their tits in various states of bareness. I took a deep swallow of my third drink, wondering if any of the hot females were students in my history class. "Told you there's nothing like hot, college pussy...

2 years ago
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At my friends playing playstation

My name is Chris, i'm 18. One day, I went over to my friend Alex's place, because his dad was out and he was feeling bored. Alex is a small guy with curly blond hair, and he loves to play playstation more than anything. So I knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Alex. He was standing there in a plain white t-shirt and jeans. "Hey man", "hey Chris" he replied, "come" he beckoned for me to come inside with him, so we went inside and I stood in the middle of his living room while he...

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Amelia and GregChapter 7

Sylvia takes the Narrative for a time: We appeared on a grass covered field full of sunshine. While there were a number of houses and cabins in the area, the most impressive was the Kershaw House. It was a large two story white wooden house with a brick basement, plus a large porch with columns on both stories on the front and two large brick chimneys on the sides. Greg told us that it had served as General Cornwallis’ headquarters while the British occupied Camden. The site also included a...

2 years ago
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Wedding Shoes

“You need to alter your face, big time young lady!” The harshness of the words from her father had cut Leah much deeper than anything her mother could have said. That was always the way.“Just remember, this isn’t your day. It isn’t about what you want. It’s important that your big sister is there for her friend as she marries the man of her dreams. So I suggest you stop sulking about who has the better dress – take some time out and get your act together.”Leah stomped off. If truth be told her...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Syren De Mer Mercedes Carrera Mindi Mink 2 Scenes In 1

Mindi Mink is a successful business woman who runs her own company. She’s a tough boss bitch and she knows it. Her wife Mercedes Carrera is smoking hot and they make an unbeatable team. On this lazy Sunday afternoon, the girls have decided to spend it exploring each other’s bodies. As the girl’s kiss, Mindy promises Mercedes that’s she’ll always take care of her and always protect her. Mercedes can’t believe she’s married to such a beautiful powerful...

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Anna and Sam

I stood on the freezing platform waiting for my train, the breeze blowing around me was so cold that I went and sheltered by the lift, out of the wind. A young woman in her late twenties was also standing there. "That wind is cold," I said. "Yes," she replied, "I am frozen!"We got talking and she told me she was a buyer for a chocolate retailer and was going to a meeting in Birmingham and would not be returning until the next day. The train arrived and we parted. She was so nice that I...

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When it happened

100% fiction! I was only boy when my parents got a divorce. After years of fighting with lots of drinking and dad beating mom up they finally divorced. I was heart broken, angry, mad hurt all of it, but to young to understand. My piece of shit father abandoned mom with six kids and no means of support. I lost both parents in one week, dad split and mom started house cleaning 7 days a week to feed us and keep a roof over our heads. Mom was so lost that her drinking was her means of escape from...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 FOREWORD Several years ago I read a story written by Janice the Dreamer titled "Team Spirit". It was wonderful, inventive, and involving, with compelling characters. There was no hero or heroine, just damaged people seeking justice ? as defined by them. This story stuck with me and I found myself asking the classic question, what happened next? I kept creating my own sequel to the original story in my mind. Finally, I was able to contact...

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Mama Ki Beti Ki Naukri

Hi, I am Raja. Main engineering karta hu. Mera last year chal raha hai. Aaj tak meri koi bhi girlfriend nahi hai. Main simple sa ladka hu Mere mama ki beti Mina bahut hi sundar aur sushil hai. Padhai mein bhi excellent hai. Main aur woh bahut hi acche dost hai bachpan se. Magar ab bahut din baad us se mila hu woh bhi ek family ke shadi mein. Bahut hi sundar ho gayi hai aur uski umar bhi 21 saal ki hi hai. Mere mama farmer hai. Mere engineering ke 4 year mein hi Mina ne sarkari naukri nikal di....

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Moment

Hi to all readers of ISS and I love this site and I hope all the readers fell the same and this is my second story here and I hope you like it. This is story is a real one and it’s about me and a stranger women who later became good friends. Let me say about myself, I am Sumith I’m 25 years old and I’m good looking you can call me cute I’m fair in color and a decent body and a good looking face. I stay in a small town named sirsi it’s situated in karnataka in karwar district. I come from a...

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Girlfriend In Hostel Part 1

Hi, Dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers this is Mohan from Delhi and this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories dot net. I have been a regular reader of this site. First, let me introduce myself I am 5 feet 10 inches and have a very attractive face and body. I am a national player so u can understand about my physique.So now let me start with the story let me tell you about this incident which happened in Delhi itself. In our country, we have many societies and I am part of one of such...

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