- 2 years ago
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I found this story in a forgotten file on my computer and I couldn’t remember if I had submitted it or not. I checked the sites I post to and I didn’t find the title on any of them. I may have changed the title and then submitted it, but I don’t remember. If you have read it before I apologize for taking up your time.
I knew better, but she was a sexy bitch, so when she made her move on me the little head took over from the big one. Her name was Francine Luoma, and rumor had it that she would put out if you dated her while she was having one of her snit fits.
That needs a little bit of an explanation. Fran was the girlfriend of Norm Schnieder. Theirs was a stormy relationship, and only God knew how they managed to keep getting back together. They would get into some kind of argument, break up and then after a month or so, they would get back together. Everything would be cool with them for about three or four months, and there would be another argument and they would split up again. Fran would hook up with some other guy, but she would eventually go back to Norm. During those periods she was with other guy’s, rumor had it she did other guys just to spite Norm.
The cycle repeated itself all through high school and into college. I do have to state that none of the guys I knew that had dated Fran ever said straight out that they had done the horizontal boogie with her, but they never flat out denied it either. When asked, they would get a half smile on their faces and say something like, “A gentleman never tells.” Of course, it left you thinking that that they had indeed done the deed.
As I mentioned earlier, Fran was a sexy little bitch and like most other guys who saw her, I wanted to fuck her. She fed many of my masturbatory fantasies, and while I would have loved to be one of the guys she went with while she was separated from Norm, I never expected it to happen.
For one thing, I wasn’t the type Fran usually went with. Fran always seemed to go for the jocks, and I wasn’t one. For another, I was a bit on the shy side and I didn’t have the stones to approach Fran. Not that I would have anyway, because I was in a fairly long term relationship with Pauline French and I was with Pauline every time Fran broke up with Norm.
How did I end up with Pauline if I was so shy? Pauline came after me. Never did understand why.
One day while we were in the tenth grade she came up to me and said, “Since it doesn’t look like you are ever going to ask me for a date I decided that it was going to have to be up to me. Would you like to go to the movies with me Saturday?”
Pauline and I were together from then until the middle of the twelfth grade. Her father got a promotion of some kind, and it caused them to move away. Pauline said it would only be a short separation, since she would be coming back to attend State. We exchanged letters for a couple of months, and then the letters from her stopped and she never did come back to go to college at State.
So, back to the beginning. When Fran made her move on me I knew better than to get into a relationship with her. If we hooked up, it would only last a month or so and then she would be back with Norm. But, she was a sexy looking lady, and then there were those rumors she would put out. Add to that the fact that I hadn’t been laid since Pauline left, so when Fran came up to me in the Student Union cafeteria and pulled a “Pauline” on me I went along with it.
Pulled a Pauline on me? Yep. Almost word for word what Pauline had said to me that started our relationship.
Fran sat down at my table and said, “How come you have never asked me out Bob? Never mind; no need to answer that, but since it looks like you never will, it will have to be me to do the asking. Would you like to go to the movies with me Saturday?”
Like I said, I knew better, but then there were those rumors.
After the show, we had dinner at Tricocci’s and then we went to a party she had been invited to. We had a few drinks and danced. I had a good time, and when I took her home she kissed me on the cheek, told me that she’d had a good time and then said, “Tomorrow you get to pick what we do. What time do you want to pick me up?”
When I took her home at the end of our fourth date, I started to get out of the car and go around and open her door for her, but she grabbed my arm, pulled me back into the car and then kissed me. Kissed me long and hard and it turned into a steamy make out session. When I walked her to her door I received another hot kiss, and then she told me that we had been invited to Tina’s birthday party and said I should pick her up at six.
We had fun at the party, and when I took her home there was another hot make out session in the car. Thinking of the rumors led me to try a few things with my hands, and Fran promptly shut me down and moved away from me. I knew that the night was over, so I got out of the car and went around and got Fran’s door for her and walked her to her door. I thanked her for a fun time and turned to leave. She grabbed my arm and said, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” and then she kissed me.
It was a hot passionate kiss and when she broke it she said, “See you tomorrow.”
As I drove home, I was thinking that if Fran did put out she damned sure wasn’t an easy piece like the rumors said.
Following my nine o’clock class, I had a half hour to kill before my next one so I went to the Union to drink coffee and review my notes.
Norm Schnieder came up to my table and said, “I hear that you and Frannie are seeing each other.”
“True,” I said.
“Put an end to it. She’s mine and I don’t like poachers.”
“That it?”
He said yes and I went back to my notes. He stood there looking at me, I ignored him and then he walked away.
I usually had lunch in the cafeteria between classes, and since our getting together Fran usually joined me.
When she joined me I put my notes away and said, “I saw Norm this morning.”
“He told me to stop seeing you.”
“So what are you going to do?”
“Ask you what you would like to do tonight.”
“How about a quiet evening in? My parents are going to Vegas for the weekend, so I’ll fix us something to eat and we can watch a movie. Dad has a big collection of movies on CD, and I’m sure we can find something good to watch.”
So that is just what we did. Somewhere toward the middle of “Pretty Woman,” we started making out. After a bit I let my hands start roaming and again Fran shut me down and pulled away from me.
“I know what the rumors say, Bob, but they have no basis in fact. I don’t know who started them or why, but they are not true. I suppose that now that you know that you won’t be dating me anymore?”
“It is a minor disappointment, but I won’t stop dating you until you start saying no to me when I ask.”
“You mean that?”
“Of course I do.”
She slid back over to me; I put my arms around her and kissed her. She snuggled up to me and we watched the rest of the movie. When it was over, we made out for about ten minutes and the as I got up to leave I asked, “Same time tomorrow?” and she smiled and said yes.
“I’ll bring pizza tomorrow so you won’t have to cook.”
The next night we watched “She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.” I’ve always thought that John Wayne should have won an Oscar for that one. He was still a young man, but he played that old cavalry captain to perfection.
When the movie was over we made out for a bit, and then I went home.
The make out session weren’t as hot and passionate as the ones we’d had previously. I kept stopping them if they started getting too intense. To me “No” meant just that, and Fran had in effect said “No” when she pulled away from me and told me that the rumors were false. But I’m only human so I needed to eliminate the temptation to keep trying to get in Fran’s panties. When the make out sessions started getting a little hot, I pulled back. No need to get myself all fired up for nothing.
Why did I keep dating her knowing she wasn’t going to get up off of it? Because the more time I spent with her, the more time I wanted to spend with her. The more we did together, the more I wanted to do together. I was getting hooked, but in the back of my mind I knew I should breakaway before I let myself get to the point where her leaving would hurt. I was fast approaching my sell-by date. The longest Fran had spent with anyone before going back to Norm was about six weeks, and I had been keeping company with her for five.
I decided that I would do the breaking up before she could do it. It was an ego thing. I would feel better saying that I had dumped her instead of hearing people say that she had dumped me. We had a date for Saturday, and I decided that it would be our last. I would tell her that it was over. I’d be a little crass about it and tell her I had found someone who would put out for me. It would be a lie, but she wouldn’t know it.
That plan went into the trash can at nine-fifteen on Saturday morning. I was at Paint Brush Park doing my stretching exercises before doing my morning run when Norn came up to me.
“I told you to stay away from Fran, but you weren’t smart enough to do it, so I’m telling you one last time. Stay away from Franny or I’m going to stomp your ass!”
I punched him in the mouth. It rocked him back and I moved in and hit him a half dozen more times and he fell to the ground. I stood over him and looked down into his face.
“Get up asshole! If you are going to stomp my ass you need to be on your feet to do it. Come on shit for brains; get your ass up and do your best!”
He just laid there looking up at me. I waited, but he made no move to get up. Seeing that he wasn’t going to take the challenge I took off and did my run. As I ran I was thinking, “No way I could dump Fran now. Even though I’d just shown Norm what I’d thought of his threat, I knew if I broke up with Fran he would think it was his treat that made me do it. I couldn’t have that! I’d just have to stick it out until Fran gave me my walking papers.
My date with Fran that night didn’t go the way I thought it would.
As soon as she settled into the car seat she said, “I hear you beat up Norm this morning.”
Just fucking great I thought. I get to listen to her bitch at me for hurting her boyfriend.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Brenda Wilson saw it and called me. Is it true?”
I saw no need to duck the question so I told her.
“He threatened me, so I showed him how I react to threats.”
“He threatened you? Why? Come on Bob; don’t make me spend all night trying to drag it out of you.”
“He told me to stop seeing you or he was going to kick my ass.”
“You like me enough that you would fight over me?”
“I like you well enough, but the fight wasn’t over you. It was to show Norm that I wasn’t afraid of him or his threats.”
I know I’d changed my mind about dropping Fran after this date, but the circumstances were right so I decided to get it over with.
“He got whipped for nothing. I had already decided that that tonight was going to be our last date.”
“Our last date? Why?”
“It’s a pride and ego thing. Five weeks is the longest you have ever dated a guy before dropping him and going back to Norm. We are in our fifth week and I decided I would like it better if I was able to tell people I broke up with you rather than have them looking at me and saying you dumped me. Having them think that you found me lacking compared to Norm.”
I wasn’t surprised when she said, “Take me home, please.”
I hung a U-turn and took her back to her place. I started to get out and go around and get her door for her, but she said, “Don’t bother,” opened her door, got out of the car, slammed the door closed and walked up to her place.
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My uncle commented, “Damn you’re tight.” As he worked his finger around inside of my rectum then, in and out slowly. I was gasping and moaning a little, not that it hurt, it felt good being finger fucked, I wanted more though, I wanted his cock. I wanted him to bury all nine inches in me…stretch my little ‘cunt’ good and give me a good fucking. A nice deep hard one.I thought he had about nine, close to it anyway.My boyfriend, of three years was good, very good. Ron was a year older, very nice...
At 20 years of age, Janet was the youngest member of the management team. She had earned her way to the top with her creative marketing ideas and her excellent ability to free-hand artwork. It also didn't hurt her career that she was 5'5" tall, 105 pounds, with long brunette hair to the middle of her back. She had almond-shaped green eyes that perfectly accentuated the shape of her face. With her tremendous ability in art, she was a genius when it came to make-up. She had a figure that all of...
Her name is Lizzie. She was just 21, looked young for her age, neat body, really nice tits, a lovely face and legs that asked to be spread. The first time she gave him an unbelievable blow job in the car while he fingered her to perfection. Her young cunt was soft, tight and very wet and she really squirmed as he pleasured her. She in turn swallowed all his cum and licked him dry. She was a nurse - and had the perfect bedside manner. The second time she was in her flat, walking up the stairs in...
The Fantasy got better (continued) She worked late all that week. I do not know where she gets the energy as I fucked her every night. I looked forward to licking my cum from her pussy and from her wet panties. They were wet every night and full of my cum. She told me next week was going to be her treat and no blindfolds were to be worn. Our play night had finally arrived. I was told to have a wank, shower, wash my ass, get the strap on out and lay it next to the bed. I could not wait. She...
Wife LoversWhen I finally came to, I found myself lying on the ground in a bed of leaves surrounded by frescoed walls. The roof was a marble dome. I didn't know how I got there. It had to be Odali who had left me there. Where could she be, I wondered. It was almost pitch dark in that small marble pavilion but I could see clearly. I saw more clearly than if it were a bright moonlit night. Even the shadows hid nothing from my sight. I shouldn't be able to see so well in the dark, I told myself. I...
I watched as Lina got out of the car, shutting the door behind her. Her boyfriend Tom waiting until she reached the door before he drove off. I heard the front door click and I picked my book back up, making sure she didn't know I was watching her. "Hey" Lina said as she entered the living room. I looked up from my book "Hi, how was your date?" I was curious. "Eh, so so" she shrugged her shoulders and walked over, sitting across from me. "Why so so?" I asked, worried that her and Tom were...
LesbianSaturday afternoon our 17-year-old daughter told us that Louise was coming over to spend the night. I complained and told her she should have told us earlier because we wanted to go out. She told us they were old enough to stay by themselves. Well after a long discussion and some yelling from my daughter and wife, I finally gave in and Louise came over around 8 PM. Now Louise is around 17 also, but this girl is one sexy young lady who I bet could pass for 24 or 25 w/o any problem. She wears no...
Erotic"So...what were you doing on the chat...?" I asked. "Just horny...and you?" he asked. "I was curious...and...I was kinda surprised that you had pics of yourself to give away" I said. "Those are old...everybody changes...." He said. "Maybe...but you are still chubby to me...." I said smirking to him. "'re actually gonna go there 'Mr.4 pack'?" he said rolling his eyes at me. "Duh...of course I am 'Mr.semi-6-pack'..." I said laughing. "You're a...
This story is part of a series. Although it could be read as a stand alone, I highley recommend that all previous parts be read first. *TAT* *TAT* *DIDDLE-TAT* The snare beats as I lead the band out of the stadium to our buses. The mood is tense and everyone can tell I am not pleased. Our football team was crushed by their opponents and the other band played circles around us. As we reach our convoy of buses and a trailer, I calmly address my fellow band members. ‘At ease.’ I say, pausing a...
You're here. It still hasn't sunk in fully for me. I'm in a half daze. We are in your car. You ask the driver to stop at the mall, give me cash and tell me to go buy myself a pantie and bra. The lacy, the better you say. I ask, "Why""Do I have to tell why behind whatever I tell you to do now? Is that it?" was how you get back to me. I wince, shut up. You're pissed off, and I don't like you angry. I don't like making you angry but I have. It was my fault. I go inside the mall, search through the...
My wife and I are in our upper forties and had been married for twenty years. We were what you call your typical average middle income family. A few years ago I began to fantasize about seeing her with another man. I don't know exactly why I felt the way I did, but I do know I felt a huge rush of adrenalin thinking about it.I had become so enamored with the idea that I approached my wife one night about it. My wife is a bit on the conservative side, but at times she can surprise me. I brought...
What a day! I get to wake up to a corrupted file system, a crashed computer, no OEM for my OS CD to restore, a lost report, and a longing for sexual relief. However, I didn't know that it would eventually turn out better.It all started when I when I woke up this morning. I had been doing some rather important schoolwork on my computer and grew tired, so I saved and let the program run all night. And when I woke up, my computer was frozen and refused to boot into Windows 98. I tried to salvage...
It was a shock to Tom. He was a man who’d looked after himself and his family all his life. A loving husband and a devoted father. Life had dealt him a bitter blow when his wife, the mother of their daughter Karen, had left and Tom decided that he would just enjoy himself from then on. Karen was, by that time, married and off his hands so he could do as he pleased and with whom he pleased and there were many ladies who pleased him immensely. Not least of whom was Annie Davies, a woman of...
This story is part of a series. Although it could be read as a stand alone, I highley recommend that all previous parts be read first.TAT *TAT* DIDDLE-TAT The snare beats as I lead the band out of the stadium to our buses. The mood is tense and everyone can tell I am not pleased. Our football team was crushed by their opponents and the other band played circles around us. As we reach our convoy of buses and a trailer, I calmly address my fellow band members. "At ease." I say, pausing a moment...
Quickie SexMy husband, Ryan, and I have been married for almost 20 years and our sex life has never been better. During the honeymoon phase of our marriage we made love whenever we wanted. Then we had an awkward phase. Most of our difficulties were due to poor communication. But we learned to share what feels good, and open up to each other more. Since then, we have had an incredible sex life and it just keeps getting better. The first thing we did was accept that we both liked looking at sexy people. We...
It was a brutal week at work. I was not in the mood to go home and I wasnot in the mood to hangout with my friends. I went to the bar around the corner from my apartment, took a stool bar side. I ordered a shot of Tequila and a Corona. My favorite summertime beer. Three shots later and I was feeling better. I decided to head to the jukebox and play some tunes. When I turned the corner I saw a stunning brunette in tight black jeans with a red tank top that bared her stomach. Her belly was firm...
Straight Sex