And It Only Gets Better free porn video

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Authors note — here’s a romantic one for ya. As they say, ‘this one’s for the ladies’. It may be too flowery or pukey for some. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

* * * * *

It had been almost four whole years since he had seen her. He noticed her long before she noticed him. Which was a good thing, seeing as how he had no idea how she would react. It had been a long time. Maybe too long.

Definitely too long, he thought as he approached her across the restaurant. He thought she was sitting alone, but as he got closer he saw another plate across from her, and at her side a baby basket. She cooed at the androgynous infant, pursing her purple-tinged lips and fluttering her lashes.

He grabbed a seat, sitting still and knowing she wouldn’t notice him. He watched her with the child, and felt something old and familiar kicking around inside his chest. Her hair was much longer now, red and silky smooth and hanging down over her shoulders. She still had the same freckles, meaning she would always have a youngish look to her.

The girl he had broken up with was now a woman with a baby, and whatever it was he was feeling rolled over into nervousness. Could he even talk to her? What would he say?

Another woman approached the table. She picked up the baby basket, kissed her friend on the cheek, and left money for the bill. She had to go, she said. He rubbed his hands together under the table, and watched the second woman leave.

His former girlfriend was rifling through her purse, preparing to leave. He dove into the moment and slid into the booth across from her.

‘Hi,’ he smiled a genuine smile, something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

‘Oh,’ she replied, dropping her purse. ‘I… well, isn’t this just… hi yourself, stranger.’

‘They don’t come much stranger than me,’ he said, falling back on a line he used to use back when he knew her. ‘It’s great to see you.’

‘Yeah,’ she nodded slowly, as if she was still deciding. ‘Yes, it’s good to see you too.’ She nodded her head a little faster.

The contents of her purse had spilled out across the table. He helped her pick them all up, pausing to wipe ketchup off of a calculator. As he cleaned, he saw that the goop had gotten into the keypad.

‘I think it’s broken,’ he said to her, and helped her finish up.

‘I mostly just use it to calculate tips, anyway,’ she shrugged, tossing it into the glass ashtray. ‘I’m going, actually. Can’t stay too much longer.’

‘That’s too bad,’ he said to her. A moment of clarity came over him then, as he realized if she walked out he might not see her again. That was quickly followed by a sinking feeling, and the knowledge that he couldn’t let that happen. ‘Seeing you here makes me remember how much I’ve missed you, babe.’

‘Don’t call me that,’ she said, standing up. But her cheeks her touched with color, pink fading into red. ‘That was a long time ago. I’m with someone now.’

‘Married? Kids?’

‘No. No.’

‘It wasn’t that long ago.’

She turned to go.

‘Wait,’ he said, more sharply than he would have liked. ‘You mean you never think of me?’

‘It’s not that. It’s just…’

‘Listen, babe,’ I said, pressing a piece of paper into her hand. ‘I’m here for a couple more days, then I’m going back home. Out of town. You don’t want to see me, that’s your call. But if you do, then I would really like to see you, too. So, think about it, okay?’

She left, taking his note with her.

He was lying on the queen-sized bed, naked save his hideous green boxer shorts, watching bad porno movies on the hotel PPV channel. He touched himself, watching the women on the screen but thinking about the woman from his past. The stroking grew faster and more furious, and he slowly began to tune out the tv altogether.

And then the phone rang.

He knew it was her before he picked it up.

‘Hi, babe,’ he answered.

‘You cocky son of a bitch,’ she laughed. ‘How did you know it was me?’

‘Because I’m a cocky son of a bitch. In the good way.’

She laughed again.

‘Are you busy tonight?’ she asked him.

‘I’m hoping to be.’

‘What’s going on?’

‘I’m hoping you’ll come over, and then I’ll be busy catching up with you.’

‘Catching up? Is that what you call it now?’

‘Funny girl. I’m not that easy, you know,’ he played coy. She was the only woman I could ever play coy with.

‘Bullshit,’ she said. ‘What room are you in?’

He told her. She said it would take her an hour to get there. He said make it two.

She knocked softly on the door. Cautiously.

‘Hold on a sec, babe,’ he called out, and took a last look around the room. He had gotten a lot done in two hours,

Eighty unscented votive candles blazed from every available flat surface. The pale aqua walls of the hotel fluttered in the flickering candlelight, looking very much like thick panes of glass holding back a flood of seawater. All the candle flames made the room a little warm, so he had adjusted the air conditioner. The blast of the air made the flames dance and jump all the more. He looked at his bare chest in the mirror and saw the shadows drifting across it. He smiled – he always did look better in shadow.

He opened the door for her, now naked save for a pair of light, thin silk boxers. They were dark, deep red, and looked good against the paleness of his thighs.

She stood with her hands in front of her bosom. Her jaw stopped just short of dropping when she saw him, all but nude, smelling of soap and smoke, surrounded by a sea of flickering candle light.

‘My lady,’ he said, taking her hand and pulling her into the room. Her fingers were cold as ice, his were hot. He took the coat from her back and hung it up. Underneath she wore a simple black dress, low cut. Her gorgeous red hair was pulled up onto the back of her head.

‘All this for me?’ she asked, her voice cracking just a bit. She pointed to the bed, which he had stripped down to the white sheets and covered with rose petals. The floor surrounding the bed was lightly dusted with petals of other kinds of flowers. She kicked off her shoes and walked barefoot across the flowers, they were slightly cool, and soft against her skin.

‘All this for you, babe,’ he said. He popped a bottle of wine, and poured out two glasses. Actual glasses bought from the same place he got the candles – he couldn’t bear to drink wine out of plastic motel cups. ‘I figure, why not make this into something special. Something we can remember for the rest of our days.’

‘This is too much,’ she shook her head. ‘I didn’t want it to be a big deal. I’ve just been thinking about you, and my boyfriend has been…’

‘Ssshhhh,’ he said, touching her lips with his own. Not a deep kiss, just a tease. Just enough to calm her. ‘That’s tomorrow. This isn’t too much. This is going to be the one perfect night we always wanted together. Tomorrow you can go back to your life and your problems, and I won’t stop you.

‘But for now, just be with me.’

She fell into his kiss. He slipped the dress up and over her head in one quick movement, leaving her in only her bright red panties. Their torsos pushed together, skin rubbing against skin, and they stood and felt each other and kissed for longer than either of them could keep track of. Finally, he broke it off and handed her a wineglass.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and drank. He stood, watching her body, watching the firelight in her eyes. She reached up and pulled the red bow out of her hair, letting it fall free around her shoulders. It framed her face perfectly, bangs teasing it around her rosy cheeks.

‘God you’re sexy,’ he said. He tossed back the rest of the wine. ‘I brought chocolate, but if you don’t mind I’d rather start with something sweeter.’

He took the glass from her hand and set it down gently, and then just as g
ently pushed her onto her back. She looked up at him, light and dark swaying across her breasts, rose petals digging into her hair, and let out a deep sigh.

She closed her eyes and made a soft, beautiful noise deep in her throat as he lifted up her ankles and spread them gently. He got on his knees beside the bed and kissed his way up, her smooth ankles to her soft calves to her creamy thighs and then to her panty-clad cunt.

She was wet and hot through the fabric. He kissed it. She wriggled.

‘What do you want to bet I give you the best head you’ve ever had?’

‘What do you want if you win?’

‘You sleep here with me tonight.’

‘That’s it?’

‘And blow me in the morning.’

She laughed again. It was true and real, and made him hungry for her, not the physical, but hungry for her soul and her mind. Hungry to make her his once again.

‘Okay, you’re on. But this had better be good.’

‘Oh,’ he said with a crooked grin, ‘It will be better than that.’

He grabbed the waistband of her panties and flexed his muscular hands. The fabric snapped and tore, and he ripped them free and tossed them aside. She was panting for it, and he kissed both her thighs again, before licking his way up into her, inside her.

Her fingers dug into the sheets, pulling the corners free of the mattress, as he suckled at her swollen clit and lapped at the juices pouring from inside her. She was soft and pink and flushed with excitement. Her pubic hair had been trimmed back to a nice, small patch just over her cunt. He put his hands on her outer hips and jerked her forward, as if trying to pull her more deeply into his mouth.

She moaned and writhed as he worked. The clit down to the pussy, and back up. After he figured she was properly warmed up, and slipped two fingers into her cunt. They went into easy, up to the knuckle, and she grunted as he brushed her G spot. He remembered how she liked it. He remembered her body better than he knew he could.

Taking her clit, sucking it and working it with his tongue, he finger fucked her, hitting her spot in perfect rhythm to the flicking of her rosebud. He knew it wouldn’t take too long now. He knew just how she liked it.

‘Oh god, oh baby, oh babyyyyyyyyy,’ she cried, and it rose and broke and turned into an orgasmic scream. He kept on, working it harder and faster, and made her come again.

She shuddered and shook, pulling her legs up to her chest and trying to get her breath back. He went into the bathroom and washed her juice off his face, then touched up with a little cologne.

When he came back out, she was laying with her head propped up on one hand. Her face was halfway hidden behind a tumble of hair laced with roses. He was naked. He saw her eyes looking him up and down.

‘And it only gets better, sugar,’ he murmured, going to her.

Seeing her, watching her, tasting her again, had his cock thick and engorged. He was well hung, not superhuman, but with enough girth to make it look impressive. The way she looked at it, she hadn’t had one that big in a long while.

‘You know it does,’ she replied, reaching up and grabbing his thick shaft and pulling him gently onto the bed. ‘You’ll get your blowjob, but not now. Now you fuck me.’

‘Oh yes, now I fuck you,’ he grunted, his breath now heavy and predatory in his throat. He saw her, he wanted her, and he wanted nothing else.

He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it taut, pulling her head and back and her mouth open. He licked her lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth. He used his knees to push her thighs apart, and teased the end of his thick, purple cockhead against her glistening cunt lips.

She laced her hands together, and he pinned them against the bed over her head. She writhed under him. He slid into her slowly, just an inch at a time, then pulled back out to start teasing all over again. She went wild with anticipation, groaning and grunting whenever he pushed in, whining when he pulled away.

Finally, when she was ripe for the plucking, he thrust his hips forward and slid all the way in, up to the hilt. She screamed in pleasure, and pulled against his hand. With his other hand he stroked her cheek, running his thumb along her smooth face, and began to establish a nice, hard, fast rhythm with her.

They bucked. They rolled over, and she held his hands down for a few minutes and rode him savagely. He then pushed her back, and they fucked sitting up, her sitting cross-legged on his lap. They he pushed her back, rolled her onto her side, and put her ankle behind his neck. This was a new position for her, and she was ecstatic. Her head buzzed from the sensations, the touch, the smell, the fire, the slickness of their skins.

He grabbed a big handful of her ass and plowed into her. She pulled her other knee up to her chest so he could go even deeper. She reached up and clawed at his chest, pinching at his nipples. He reached down and did likewise.

‘Oh, fuck yeah, baby,’ she growled. ‘You feel so fucking good.’

Her touch, her voice, her slippery cunt, all combined to push him over the edge. He threw his head back and moaned grunted half-shouted as the orgasm took him and he flooded her cunt with his seed.

‘Holy Christ,’ he said, falling over and back to lie down at her side. ‘That was fucking fabulous. ‘

‘No,’ she said, kissing him, ‘ that was fabulous fucking.’

She got up, went to the bathroom and cleaned up. When she came back, naked with her hair tied back up, she had two lit cigarettes with her. He sat the glass ashtray on his chest, and she lied down next to him, and they smoked and touched each other.

They talked and smoked and fucked again. The votive candles went out one or two at a time, and after a while they lay in the darkness, his arms around her, her face nestled against his chest. It reminded them both of the first night they had spent together. But it was better, somehow. Much, much better.

And for that moment, for that night, everything was perfect.

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Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

1 year ago
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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada her true story

This story is about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda also known as Peituda Safada.She is working at strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba BrazilFernanda (Peituda Safada) her true storyOver time I had long chats with Fernanda and became to know her very well, she also told me a lot about her daily/nightly activities at the club in Curitiba.So what follows gives a detailed description of her hot live, I got permission from Fernanda to post it all here, she is proud in her work and likes that I...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

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Nandita8217s Dream With Dad

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Nandita was laying on the cot crying in pain. It was dawn and time for her father to come back from the field. She fell from the mango tree while picking some. It was about 2 or 3 hours before. It was serious though. She can’t even move. It was her back which got affected. Her father Randhir was good with his hands, he can fix those displaced bones by some flicks. It was him who raised her from toddler’s age to her teenage, now...

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Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling 3

Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling. #3 Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once...

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Chandu Uncle Aur Didi 8211 Part 1

Suraj dubne ko tha, vukh lagi thi par ghar me na to khana tha aur na paise. Mai aur meri didi ke liye ye koi nayi bat nahi thi. Mummy hame 5 sal pahle chhod ke chali gayi, papa jo pahle se hi sharabi the aur pine lage, roj daru pite, jua khelte aur factory se kamai sare paise ek jue ke adde me gawa ke ghar ajate aur so jate.. Didi jo 22 sal ki thi,5’4” ht, gori, khubsurat, gol chehra, kandhe tak bal, chhoti ankhen,sab taraf se model. Par unki chuchi kuch jyada hi badi, dusre shadi shuda aurton...

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Andersonville 17 Childhood

Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

3 years ago
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Brandi Gets Her Hair Done And A Little Bit More

Brandi Gets Her Hair Done And A Little Bit More. #5 I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn’t feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was...

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Andersonville 26 Hate Crimes

Fade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...

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Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life7

Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life.#7 In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asl**p. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sl**p. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon’s son, he said, ‘My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take...

3 years ago
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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories

Following are all real life encounters!You can also be part of it if you meet Fernanda (nickname Peituda Safada) in Brazil!Fernanda gangbangedThey were 15 guys, they leave me out in a Nightclub in São Paulo where I worked as dancer also. We go to a house of one from this guys, there we stayed in big room, in middle was a normal table, I had to go first on table with my short shirt on and dance for them, the guys were sitting around me and pulled out their cocks and wanked them by looking how I...

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Maitland Ward 8800 547000

Maitland Ward was born Ashley Maitland Welkos, in Long Beach, California, on February 3rd, 1977. Maitland has had a long and sordid career, much of which did not involve porn.The Bold and the BootyfulShe got her start acting by playing Jessica Forrester on the hit CBS soap opera "The Bold and the Beautiful" when she was sixteen. However, Maitland was only part of the show for a two-year run before her character was impaled by goblins, or died giving birth to a unicorn, or whatever the fuck...

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1 year ago
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Andersonville 24 Dr Jensen I Presume

"She's here," Leo said in a respectful tone. Crius grunted, and slowly rose from the chair in his tiny but comfortable study. His new accommodations, a single story house with two bedrooms, were smaller than what he was used to, but still better than what the Olympians had provided him with. He entered the living room, and waited for a woman in her early 60's to get out of the car. She walked slowly, with a limp, as she made her way up the entranceway. Leo ushered her inside,...

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Andersonville 29 Terror from the sky

Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...

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Alessandra 1

Alessandra is appearing, first as a virgin still: is appearing, freshly as a woman: is appearing, first fountain found: is appearing, first in my comment there: "Alessandra same sound, see how very wet she gets!" Alessandra is appearing here in private pretty photos and pictures of her pussy play in...

1 year ago
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Nandu Anubhavalu Part 8211 3

Naku job vachina 2 months tarvata, ma peddamma daggarnundi oka cal peddamma pedda koduku ki engagement ani. ma peddamma ki iddaru kodukulu. Anish, Arjun.iddaru software engineers working in pune. Peddanna Anish gurinchi ekkuva teliyadu kani, chinnanna Arjun natho friendly gane undevadu chinnappati nundi. Naku job vachina vishayam vallaku cheppagane andaru happy ga feel ayyaru. maa anna engagement function ku rendu rojula mundu nenu na close friend Manisha, city nunchi bayaluderam....

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandhini My Slutty College Senior 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone, I am Arshaan haling from the southern part of India, young and athletic 25 years sporting a 6-inch cock. This is going to be the first of my many adventures. This story is split into 3 parts. Part 1 being the introduction, Part 2 being the action and Part 3 being the conclusion. All of my stories are true stories and there is no fiction involved. Now, let’s get started with part 1. This incident happened 6 years ago when I was pursuing my engineering degree in one of the most...

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Andersonville 4 Fallen Star

Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Andys new life ch2

Andy woke a couple of hours later, his body ached and there was significant pain from the stripes across his arse. He remembered the reason for the pain, got in the shower and diligently shaved as commanded, he then got back into his basic bed and slept again.Andy was woken by the noise of metal clanking next to his bed. “Rise and shine 61. Put them on, ankles first, chains at the back, then your wrists behind your back”Andy looked at the item on the floor, it was two lengths of chain, each end...

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Vandana The Sexy Bitch Part 1

Hi friends !! I am Ramon and I am here with my second story. Contact me @ The boy here is Ramon. A half Bihari and half Bengali guy. Brought up in Delhi. He joined a college at Delhi University.And with the start of the session, he met a girl named Vandana. Vandana was a short heightened sexy bitch. Round boobs.Sexy bulging ass. Wearing shorts of the time.And the strap of her bag going between her boobs would make it even more prompt. Vandana and Ramon became friends.One day Ramon was given...

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Nandu Anubhavalu Part 8211 1

Hi na peru nandini…Andaru nandu ani pilustaru..Nakkuda alage pilipinchukovadam istam..   Idi konchem lengthy story but na jeevitam lo jarigina nijamaina sangatanulu. Na age 23.Ma intlo 5 members. Amma,nanna, tammudu, chelli and nenu. Amma house wife, nanna gold business. Tammudu, chelli studying still.   Ha height 5.5, na size 34-25-35.Nenu present bangalore lo oka mnc lo panichestunnanu. Nenu putti perigindi antha madanpalle, tirupati.   Nenu 2014 lo b.Tech tirupati lo complete chesanu, naku...

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Wandas Story Enhanced Ch 01

Back in 2004, I wrote a series entitled ‘Wanda’s Story.’ Not knowing at the time how long the story would be, I put each chapter in the category that chapter best fit in. As a result, the story wanders through eight different categories here in Literotica. I recently re-read the story and saw plenty of places to fix the story, as well as expand and explain more. Also I felt Wanda’s story wasn’t done yet. So I’m returning to Wanda’s life, and this time it will all go into one category, for...

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