Andee Poses For A College Art Class
- 4 years ago
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There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.
Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played a key role in many of the crazy adventures that managed to find their way into Andee’s stories online, and the outfits that she wore for the photos. So, it came as no surprise to Andee when Bella shared that she had been dabbling with a bit of exhibitionism herself – earning a little mad money as a figure model for a college art class.
“I’m really stuck,” Bella said as she explained how she had to head to her mother’s for a couple weeks unexpectedly. “And I know you’re not that unfamiliar with modelling ... and this isn’t anything like your website.”
“I know this is ... different,” Andee replied. “I’m not so sure I could pull this off.”
“You absolutely could, Andee. It’s way easier – and not naughty at all. In fact, most of the time the students can barely see anything they wouldn’t at the beach,” Bella said with a hint of begging in her voice.
Andee held the phone to her shoulder for a moment as she stared through the open door at her husband across the living room. He was lost in his own business.
“I’m not saying yes ... but how many classes would I have to do this for?” Andee said in a hushed tone so not to raise the interest of her spouse.
“It’s twice a week,” Bella answered. “So only four times, Andee. Please ...”
“And it’s not ... naughty?”
“No, it’s art, honey ... think men wearing berets and flowers in a vase. Oh, please say yes ...”
Andee sighed deeply. “Somehow I think I’m going to regret this one too ...”
“Thank you!” Bella yelped from the other end of the phone. “I owe you ... big time.”
“Uh huh ...” Andee resigned before turning the conversation to the details of what she agreed to do for her friend and scribbled down as much as she could.
After she hung up, Andee folded the note and stuffed it into her jeans. She walked over to her husband and told him that she agreed to help out Bella with something and would be out a couple nights for the next two weeks. She wasn’t sure how much information he actually registered, so she left the details vague; no need to draw him into something that may or may not pan out to be interesting.
When the first night of class rolled around, Andee packed a satin robe into a small bag, along with a few makeup items and headed downstairs. She grabbed her car keys and stopped in the entrance to the room where her husband was sitting with their two sons. She smiled and gave a polite wave, explaining she wasn’t sure how long she would be out but didn’t anticipate it being late.
On the drive there, she tried to focus on the kind of poses she could do, remembering how Bella explained that it wasn’t about the nudity but about the artistic interpretation of the students. As she pulled into the parking lot at the college, she glanced around at some of the students making their way into the various buildings.
“My lord,” she said to herself. “They’re so young.”
For a moment, she had pangs of hesitation. She wasn’t afraid of the modelling part, but until now, she hadn’t realized the age group of the students she would be standing naked in front of. It made her self-conscious for a few minutes.
Andee wandered a couple of the halls until she found the room where she was supposed to be at. It was still a few minutes before class began and there was only one person in the room.
“Hello,” she said nervously, sticking her head in the door before entering. “I’m filling in for Bella.”
The man turned and smiled broadly at Andee. She considered herself an exceptionally open-minded individual with a keen ability to read people ... and her “gaydar” immediately went off as he introduced himself. Greg was a handsome man, but with very distinct characteristics and a manner of speaking that didn’t leave Andee with a lot of doubt – not that it mattered to her.
“Greg, I’m not sure if Bella shared anything with you about me, but I haven’t posed for an art class before ... just a photographer,” Andee explained.
“Oh honey, it’s easy as long as you’re comfortable with people looking at you. Be natural, be relaxed and be nude. It won’t be shocking to them; you’re the fourth model this semester,” Greg replied. “Just remember they’re here to draw, not for a show, so try to have a good time and as your mama probably told you, keep your knees together.”
Greg giggled at his own comment and held out his hand to take Andee’s bag. He then nodded his head in a gesture for her to follow. He led her through the classroom to the back corner where a small change room had been created for the models.
“You can get ready in here,” he said as he pushed open the door for her. “I usually talk for a couple minutes first, so when the class is ready, I’ll come and get you.”
Andee smiled and settled into the small room as best she could. There were a table and mirror, along with an old kitchen chair. She hung her coat on one of the hooks and began to pull out her makeup and hairbrush from her bag, and also hung up her robe.
As she sat in the change room, Andee could hear the students beginning to arrive for class. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the enthusiasm with which Greg greeted each of them. A few minutes later, she could hear as he began to address them more formally – class was in session. She listened intently as he talked about subjects such as contrast and shadow, learning a few things of her own, not that she was any kind of an artist.
She could hear Greg’s voice growing more clear as he spoke, which led her to think he was closer to the change room. After another minute or so of talking, he tapped softly on the door. Andee heard Greg explain that the class would be seeing another new model for the next two weeks, but that would not change the perspective of what they were to focus on. Andee chuckled at how “all business” the teacher was being.
She made her way to the small wooden stage in the centre of the classroom. The students had now raised their desktops and were preparing an assortment of drawing pencils and paper.
Greg smiled at Andee as he held out his hand, an obvious indication that she was to ditch the robe. She undid the tied belt at her waist and slipped it off her shoulders. She turned slightly and eased into her first pose. Greg winked and nodded his approval as he turned away from her and began to speak in artistic terms to the class once again.
As Andee stood there, naked for the first time in front of a large group of men and women, she felt a bit awkward. She tried not to make eye contact with anyone, focusing instead on objects at the back of the room. After a few minutes, she found her mind wandering a little and the strangeness of the situation passed. The room was warm, allowing her to relax and let her thoughts turn to more interesting things. Andee found herself daydreaming about sexual things and some of the adventures that had been over the past few months.
After about forty-five minutes, she was snapped back into reality with the sound of the art teacher’s voice addressing her directly.
“Sorry,” Andee whispered. “I kind of got lost in my thoughts for a moment.”
She made her way back to the change room and closed the door behind her as Greg’s muffled voice carried on in the classroom. Andee was remarkably surprised at herself; she felt not only exhilarated with the experience, but also turned on. As she slipped back into her clothes, she softly touched herself and wondered if the students would have noticed the tiny physical giveaways of her growing arousal. Even the idea of that proved to be fuel in her imagination as she forced herself to stop the gentle caresses of her clit and finish dressing.
By the time she emerged from the room, only Greg remained behind. He thanked her and asked if she enjoyed the class. They chatted briefly about the experience and the next session on Thursday before Andee said goodnight and headed out into the hallway. Some students were milling about, and a couple smiled and thanked her for her time, which made Andee feel good about agreeing to fill in for Bella.
As she made her way out the parking lot, Andee fumbled around to find her keys, eventually leading to her bag dropping onto the pavement beside her car and sending some of her belongings rolling out onto the ground. Cursing, she started picking them up and noticed a young man had quickly darted into the middle of everything and was grabbing things.
“Let me help with you with that,” he said politely.
“Thank you,” she replied. “I must have been lost in thought and everything just ... well ... thanks.”
“You were the model in my art class,” he said as he smiled and handed over some of the items.
Andee stood as she stuffed the last of her things back into her bag.
“In Greg’s class ... yes, I was. I’m filling in for someone for a couple weeks,” Andee answered.
“Dustin,” he said, extending his hand towards her.
“Andee,” she replied. “Nice to meet you.”
They stood up and the young man handed over the things he had picked up for her. Andee smiled and thanked him for helping. Soon she found herself in a conversation about art and modelling, at which point she had to admit she didn’t know a lot about traditional art but was more in tune with photography. She explained briefly how she found herself filling in for her friend and was surprised at how her initial fears seemed silly in hindsight.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you seem ... um ... a bit older than some of the other students,” Andee said with a slightly hesitant tone to her voice. “I mean, some of them ... well, they’re probably trying to get over seeing someone as old as their Mom naked.”
Dustin laughed and explained that he was taking the art class in hopes that it would help him with his day job as a graphic designer.
“If you’re old enough to be their mom, then they should consider themselves lucky,” he said. Andee could see the hint of blush to his cheeks as he spoke.
“That’s very kind.” She opened the car door and tossed her bag onto the passenger seat. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
Dustin smiled and raised his hand in a brief wave.
It only occurred to Andee on the way home that the young man was trying to hit on her. At first, these thoughts made her feel a bit awkward; she figured she was easily ten years older than Dustin – and he had just spent almost an hour examining her nude body as he sat at his desk. No, it’s just an art class, she said to herself. But the more she thought about it, the more intrigued she became. Her sexual adventure had introduced her to a number of new experiences, but she never considered the ages of the men involved so purposefully.
Later that night, as she lay underneath her husband while he ambitiously made love to her, her thoughts drifted to Dustin and the idea of still being sexually desirable to men much younger than herself.
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The next class, Andee could sense that the young man was looking more at her than at her as an artist’s model. At first it made her feel a bit awkward as this was much more of a ‘public’ situation than a moment behind closed doors, but as her mind sifted through the situation, she came to realize that her website wasn’t doing anything different – men would be looking there, in the privacy of their own homes and doing much more intimate things than tracing the contours of her body onto a piece of paper.
After class, Andee was surprised to find Dustin in the hallway, almost as if he was waiting. He walked with her as she made her way out to the parking lot, making small talk along the way. Andee was amused at his awkward flirtatious efforts again, but figured since he was definitely older than the women in the class he probably didn’t have many chances to talk with someone on the same level.
They chatted for about half an hour about nothing specific as they stood beside her car. Andee picked the right moment to say goodnight and said she would see him next week in class. As she drove home, she giggled to herself, wondering if Bella had encountered any of the students with a “lost puppy” approach – until she realized that she was thinking about her best friend. With Bella, there would be no lost puppies, just lost panties.
The night of the third class went pretty much as expected. It didn’t take long for Andee’s mind to wander to erotic thoughts as she lost herself in her own imagination for the next hour. In fact, it wasn’t until she heard Greg’s voice speaking to her directly that she snapped back to reality. She took the robe from his hand and slipped it on before turning to face the students and make her way to the small room at the back of the class.
“You are a true natural at this,” Greg said as she emerged from the dressing room. “If you ever want to model on a more regular basis, just let me know. I have other classes next semester, if you like.”
“Thank you, that’s kind of you to say. I wasn’t so sure this was going to be something I could do,” Andee replied as they walked out into the hallway together.
“It’s not for everyone. But you have something that makes it seem so relaxed,” he replied. “I hope you consider my offer.”
Andee smiled and told the art teacher she would think about it and let him know. She was flattered by his offer – a sincere gesture as he was obviously not remotely interested in getting her naked for anything other than posing for his art students.
She turned and followed the sidewalk in the direction of where she parked, lost in thought for a moment about how much it turned her on to stand in front of a room, naked and vulnerable. It brought a new element of reward to her sexual adventure, even if it wasn’t meant to be something sexual. And for the most, it had been a perfect opportunity to explore the thoughts in her mind without the usual guilt that surfaced after her other experiences.
As she got closer to the area where she left her car, she could see Dustin standing at the end of the sidewalk that opened up into the parking lot.
He smiled as she approached.
“Hey ... uh ... I was wondering if I might be able to take you for a coffee, or something,” he said somewhat bashfully.
Andee was amused at his awkwardness, but surprised by the request. She looked at him for a moment, trying to understand why a man who was easily a decade younger than her would want to “go for coffee.”
“You do know I’m married, right?” she said as she waggled her left hand for him to see the wedding rings. “Or did you not get to that part of my body in class?”
Andee playfully batted Dustin on the arm to show she wasn’t being too serious, but she did want him to know the reality of her relationship status.
“Uh ... It’s only coffee,” he said with a slight hesitation. “And yes, I noticed your rings when we met the other night. I just thought it would be ... nice ... to have someone to unwind with after class. Your friend, the blonde who usually models, goes out with the young ones ... and that’s not my thing.”
Andee laughed. She felt a little guilty for being so blunt. “Yeah, that sounds like Bella ... you know what, sure. Why not? I don’t have to be home right away, so, sure.”
She asked where he wanted to meet, and got the directions to a quiet upscale coffee shop about ten minutes away. Andee agreed she would meet Dustin there and hopped in her car.
After finding the coffee shop, Andee texted her husband to let him know that she was “going out with the students for coffee,” figuring she didn’t need to fill in any details when she didn’t even really know what she was doing anyway. She only hoped that no one she knew would see her and she would have to find a way to explain the situation.
Inside the little cafe, they found a quiet pair of leather chairs tucked away in a corner. As they sat and chatted for a while, Andee would occasionally catch her new friend’s eyes wandering a little. The chairs were such that they weren’t exactly perfect for women wearing shorter hemlines. Every time she noticed his gaze heading towards her legs, she would just sit and look at Dustin’s face, waiting for him to catch her glance again.
“What does your husband think?” he asked at one point in the conversation.
Andee had almost been expecting the inevitable question. She looked at Dustin for a moment as she played with the handle on her coffee cup. She was trying to figure out how to explain her relationship without sharing anything that would lead to more curious questions.
“He’s perfectly fine with me doing things like modelling,” she said. It wasn’t a total mistruth; she had spent twelve years modelling for him for their website. “He trusts me.”
“He must be a pretty laid back guy,” Dustin replied. “I’m not sure I could handle my wife doing it.”
“Are you married?” Andee asked, turning the conversation back to him and away from anything that might cause her to have to explain.
“No. We divorced a couple years ago,” he answered.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Andee said. “It’s never an easy thing to go through something like that.”
“You get used to it,” he said. “It’s one of the reasons why I started taking classes at night, hoping that it would take my mind off the divorce and maybe I would meet someone interesting.”
Andee listened intently as he talked at length, almost vetting the burden of not having someone to listen to him. He went through the issues he and his wife had between them, the pain of a failed relationship and the frustration of loneliness. He admitted to her that he had initially considered trying to ask Bella out – which made Andee laugh out loud.
“Why is that funny?” he asked.
“Oh my word, Dustin, Bella is my dear friend but she is a man-eater,” Andee replied, leaning forward. “You said it yourself, she likes to party with all the young students ... young guys ... and trust me, she probably parties hard with them.”
After a few more minutes of conversation and words of encouragement, Andee patted Dustin on the knee and said she needed to go. They had been at the cafe for almost two hours and each of them had to work in the morning.
As they walked out to the small parking lot beside the cafe, they reached Dustin’s vehicle first.
“You know, when you first talked to me last week, I couldn’t help but get the sense you were coming on to me. Which, you know, I was okay with. Then tonight, I couldn’t help but notice you kept trying to peek up my dress,” Andee said with a flirtatious tone. “And just before we left, you were looking right down the top ...”
“Uh ... well, as I said, it’s been a while,” Dustin stammered, obviously embarrassed at being caught.
“I guess I find that a bit ... confusing. You’ve already seen me ‘nude’,” Andee said, teasing Dustin. “So there no real surprises waiting under here.”
“Yeah, but that’s at art class ... not ...” Dustin paused and looked away from Andee as a slight blush came to his cheeks. “It’s different looking at you when we are just talking. In class, you’re not supposed to get turned on. It’s not supposed to be a sexual thing.”
“You get turned on when I’m standing in front of the class ... with nothing on?” Andee purred as she leaned into him. She gently stroked his forearm and then across the belt line of his jeans.
“Um ... uh ... a little,” he stammered.
“Just a little,” Andee replied as she looked directly into his eyes. She moved her hand from his belt buckle down along the fly of his pants, pressing just hard enough to trace the outline of the stiffness that was growing inside them.
She leaned against Dustin so if anyone saw them, they wouldn’t be able to see her hand as she gently rubbed his hardening erection.
“How long has it been, Dustin?” she whispered softly without looking at his face.
“A ... long ... long ... time,” he said as he swallowed hard. “Since before the divorce.”
Andee leaned back in surprise and looked her friend directly in the eyes.
“You mean you haven’t been with a woman in two years?” she asked.
Dustin smiled nervously and nodded.
“Fuck, that’s a long time,” Andee whispered. She stopped fondling his crotch and reached for the door handle to the back seat of his car. Pulling it open, she turned and sat on the edge of the back seat, causing the hem of her dress to ride up and flashed Dustin a clear shot of her panties.
Andee slid across the seat as Dustin climbed in beside her. She didn’t say anything as she reached over to his lap, unzipped his pants and wiggled her hand into the opening of his underwear. His cock was hot and hard in her grasp.
“Mmmm ... feels like it still works,” she said playfully. Andee used her free hand to unbutton the waistband of his jeans and pulled them open so she had easier access to Dustin’s rock-hard erection. She slowly stroked him, feeling the heat from his flesh in the palm of her hand.
After a few minutes of her gentle handjob, Andee leaned across his lap and lightly kissed the tip of his cock. A tiny dribble of pre-cum had oozed out and she seductively licked around it, before scooping it up on her tongue. He had a slightly salty tinge to his pre-cum, leaving Andee to curiously wonder what he was going to taste like in a few minutes when she would let him unload in her mouth.
Knowing Dustin wouldn’t last too long, Andee worked his cock like the expert cocksucker other men had claimed she was: flipping her hair playfully as she bobbed up and down, twisting her mouth around his shaft, using her hand to complement her oral efforts.
“Oh god, I can’t believe this,” he moaned as Andee worked her magic up and down his hard shaft.
Andee could sense Dustin was close to coming. His cock grew incredibly hard as she slid her tongue along the bottom of his shaft. She matched her oral massage with the stroke of her hand, pumping and sucking on him with a more rapid pace.
Dustin let out a loud groan and arched his hips forward, pushing the head of his cock towards the back of Andee’s mouth. A hot flood of cum shot onto her tongue as he gripped her hair tightly, holding her mouth on his spurting dick as he unloaded. She braced herself with one hand on the car seat and angled her head slightly so the flood of cum wouldn’t shoot directly down her throat. She was rather accomplished at giving men oral pleasure, but some guys forgot that there was still a risk of a woman gagging if they tried to push too deep into the throat.
Andee moaned softly as she slurped on Dustin’s throbbing cock, holding most of him in place with the soft flatness of her tongue as he continued to spurt into her mouth. She could sense it had been a while since he had cum, from the slightly stronger taste of his cum and the sheer volume he was pumping into her. A tiny trickle dribbled out from the side of her lips and down onto her fingers that gently massaged Dustin’s softening shaft.
He ran both of his hands through her hair as she softly circled the shrinking head of his dick.
“Fuck, that was great,” he said. “I ... I don’t think I’ve had a blowjob in the back seat of a car since I was seventeen. And it sure as hell wasn’t as good as this one.”
Andee let Dustin’s cock slip the rest of the way out of her mouth. She climbed back up onto the back seat and kissed him on the cheek before turning and opening the door.
“I’ll see you in class on Thursday,” she whispered in his ear as she climbed out of the back seat of his car.
She had a huge smile as she walked back to her car. Her arousal had left her panties soaked right through. Andee definitely felt a new level of excitement at the idea of giving a man she barely knew the most memorable blowjob of his life and leaving him in his car with his pants down around his ankles. In her mind, it was one of the sluttiest things she had done in ages, and she liked how it made her feel.
As she pulled into the driveway at home that night, a devious thought popped into her mind. Andee carefully braced herself against the warm hood of her car as she hiked up the hem of her dress and slipped her panties off. For a quick moment, she wondered if any of the neighbours might have seen her, but it was dark and she was horny enough to not care that much anyway. She slipped in the back door and quietly tip-toed through the house in her high heels so she could surprise her husband. She found him at his desk in their home office working away.
Andee leaned against the open door in a seductive pose until he noticed her there. Once she had his attention, without saying a word, she strutted across the room with her best runway model walk, dropped her still wet panties onto the keyboard of his computer. He looked at the bundle of black lace as a stunned expression came across his face. Before he could speak, Andee slipped down to her knees and crawled under the front of the desk. She ignored his half-hearted effort at resisting her sexual advances as she unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. She knew that in no time she would have him coming in her mouth.
As expected, it didn’t take long for her to taste a hot blast of her husband’s cum on her tongue. Throughout their entire marriage, he had always claimed she was the best at giving blowjobs – something she took for granted until she began her sexual adventure and learned other men shared his belief.
Andee rested her head against his knee as she lightly played with his saliva and cum-covered cock. As he recovered from his orgasm, she looked up with her big brown eyes and smiled devilishly at him, licking her lips in an exaggerated way as if to suggest she was licking icing or something sweet from them.
“What the hell was that for?” he said with a playful smirk.
“Because ... I can ... and I wanted to,” she answered in a soft whisper before backing out from under the desk the same way she crawled in. She stood, turned and walked away from him. As she did, she pulled her dress up over her head and dropped it in the middle of the floor. She unhooked her bra and left it hanging on the large wooden bulb at the end of their banister.
Andee turned and looked back at her husband. His legs were still splayed out and he was staring intently at her breasts. She flashed her best flirtatious smile at him as his eyes finally connected with hers.
“I’ll be upstairs ... you’re more than welcome to watch,” she said before stepping onto the stairs. She giggled as she heard him shuffling around to get his pants up and himself out from behind the desk.
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“Thank you for the past two weeks,” Greg said as he held out his hand to help Andee step up onto the small stage in the middle of the class for the last time.
“It’s been a lot more fun than I expected,” Andee replied. “And not nearly as scary as I figured it might be.”
Greg laughed a little and held out his hand. The more Andee was around him, the more she picked up on the obvious clues about his sexuality. She eased the robe off and handed it to Greg, who as usual gave her a smile and a wink. Andee felt the corners of her lips raise into a brief grin as her mind wandered to the idea of how much of a shame it was that he was gay. But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside as she turned into her first pose. Her eyes met Dustin’s as he looked at her from behind his desk. Andee casually adjusted her body position into such a way that the class would see nothing but artistic curves, while her student lover was left with a direct view of the increasingly moist pussy between her legs.
As Greg spoke to the class about their assignment for the week, Andee let her mind wander back to the events after the last class and the memory of how Dustin felt in her mouth and his taste. She could feel herself growing even more turned on as she reminisced. She tried to push the thoughts from her mind, and concentrate on just modelling for the next forty-five minutes.
At the end of the session, Andee avoided eye contact with the students and slipped quickly into the change room at the back of the class. She was hoping no one had noticed her obvious state of arousal from the thoughts in her mind, but just in case, didn’t want to acknowledge it to anyone.
She took her time getting dressed, hoping that by the time she was ready to leave, everyone would be gone. Emerging, she only saw Greg, who thanked her once again for her time and reminded her to call him if she wanted to keep modelling. Andee smiled and told the teacher she would certainly let him know either way, and hustled out of the classroom.
The halls were clearing out, as only a few students still milled about. Andee walked with more determination than usual towards the parking lot, driven by her sexual arousal and thoughts of getting home to convince her husband for a hot session in the bedroom again.
As she approached her car, Andee could see Dustin leaning against the side.
“Kind of dangerous for a lady to be parked way out here,” he said as she strolled closer.
“Why? Is there some stranger out here, waiting to take advantage of me?” she replied playfully, with an exaggerated look around from side to side.
Dustin grabbed Andee by the elbow and pulled her hard against him. Their lips met in a rough passionate kiss. It was the first time she had kissed her new friend on the lips, despite what had transpired in the back seat of his car.
After a moment, she broke the kiss and looked around to see if anyone from the class may have seen them. Seeing no one was near, she put one hand on Dustin’s chest and pushed him an arm’s length away. Andee then hiked up the hem of her denim skirt and pulled her panties down over her knees. As they fell to her ankles, she stepped out of them and put them on the trunk of the car. She then turned and grabbed Dustin by the collar and pulled him against her body.
As Andee ran her hands up along his biceps, Dustin slid one hand across the front of her skirt and gradually pulled the material up. Once he had managed to get the hem higher than the moist pussy between her legs, he used his middle finger to tease her swollen clit. She let out a soft moan and rested her forehead on his chest as his fingers worked her.
“Feels like it’s your turn to be turned on,” he whispered in her ear.
“Way too late for that,” Andee replied without looking up at him.
Dustin took her elbow in his strong grip and pulled Andee to the back of her car, away from the sight of anyone approaching in the parking lot. At first, she was facing him as he slid his hands up under her shirt and bra. He pushed her top up, exposing her breasts. Dustin leaned over and took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked on it until it was hard. The sensation of his tongue swirling around it sent a tingle down to between her legs.
After a few minutes of kissing her breasts, he forcefully spun her around, so she was facing away from him. Andee could feel the cool evening air on her now-exposed buttocks as Dustin fondled and massaged them. His thumbs would gently press just to the slides of her now-wet pussy. Andee was still turned on from the thoughts that filled her mind while posing for the class and this added fuel to her sexual fire.
Andee heard the familiar sound of a zipper being undone. She leaned forward onto the truck so that she was propped against her elbows and spread her legs slightly in anticipation of what she knew would be coming.
Dustin had no trouble pushing his erection all the way into her in one motion.
“Fuck, that’s nice,” he said as he inched the last of his cock into her. Andee moaned in agreement, her mind focusing on the sensation of having him inside her for the first time.
“I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything since Tuesday night,” he growled from behind her as he slowly pumped his cock in and out. “And damn, I wanted to nail you like this.”
Andee liked how aggressive her young lover was being. Every now and then she needed a good hard fuck with raw energy, and Dustin was fitting the bill perfectly. He began to increase the intensity of his thrusts as the shaft of his cock became more lubricated with her wetness. In no time, he was pounding into her with such force that his balls would swing forward each time and slap against her swollen clit. The feeling of being taken hard combined with the constant bumping of his balls made her even more turned on.
Then, almost as quickly as it began, Dustin grunted loudly and slammed his cock deep into her one last time. He dug his fingers into her flesh just above her pelvic bone on each side and forced himself against her as hard as he could. Andee could feel the pulse of his orgasm as he spurted his cum into her wet cunt. She flexed her cunt muscles as hard as she could to squeeze his cock as he continued to throb inside her. She could feel his entire body shudder as he released his load into her vagina.
“Oh fuck, yes,” he groaned as he held her tightly against him.
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Andee didn’t bother slipping her panties back on, instead just tossing them into the back seat. As she slid into the driver’s seat, she could feel the hot cum of her lover dribble out from her wet cunt. She wasn’t too sure how she’d manage to explain this to her husband when she got home. Her pussy was still very much alive from the parking lot quickie, and she knew she wouldn’t get any sleep until she had satisfied the horniness that remained.
She dug around in her bag and pulled out her cell phone. For a moment, Andee just sat there, savoring the sensation in her pussy, and letting her mind reflect on the past couple of weeks. Before starting the car, she texted her friend Bella: “Feel free to stay with your mom as long as you like.”
Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversAndee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Wife LoversAndee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...
Wife LoversAndee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...
Wife LoversAndee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....
Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....
Wife LoversIt had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with...
Andee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...
I’d been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved. This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room. But this time around our co-workers had opted to skip it and stay home. Personally, I was looking forward to it. It’s...
LesbianAndee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked ‘Just For You.’ She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Andee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...
I met him at a local amateur art class. I signed up for the class because I was getting tired of the same old same old, I was stuck in a rut of being CFO, making deals on the golf course, taking the dog for a walk, having dinner with the in laws. Actually it was my wife who suggested I’d find a way to express myself creatively and sign up for an art class. He signed up because he was young and he wanted to work on his portfolio to hopefully eventually get into Art School, at least he told me...
“At some point, you’re going to go a bit too far,” Bella said. “I think you’ve been pretty lucky so far … but every man has his limits, even the most open-minded.” Andee knew her best friend had a valid point. Other than her husband, Bella was the only one who knew all of what had been going on with her life the past year. It was pretty much every Saturday afternoon that they would get together to either go for a latte, or when the weather was right like it was today, hang out around Bella’s...
Andee tossed her purse onto the hotel bed and dropped her suitcase onto the rack tucked away in the closet. She had one last stop – this time Chicago – before heading back home. She hadn’t really had the chance to discuss everything that occurred in Denver with her husband, other than to allude how a certain fantasy of hers had become a reality. Of course, there is only so much fun and excitement to be had via webcamming with someone halfway across the continent, even less so when you long for...
It wasn’t every day that Andee had the chance to travel for work, but this time was exciting. She had been selected to attend a training session in Denver for a week and she was determined to make the most of the experience. After checking into the hotel, she headed down to the lounge to get something to eat. It was a pretty quiet place, with only a handful of guests sitting at the various tables. Andee found an empty stool near the end of the bar and made small talk with the bartender. He...
I’d been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved. This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room. But this time around our co-workers had opted to skip it and stay home. Personally, I was looking forward to it. It’s...
The whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...
Not my Story - RepostSummer of sexual debauchery for exhibitionistDuring my job as a nude male model for an art class at the local college, I realized I loved being naked in front of women. After each class, I would race home and jack off. As I stroked my cock, I would think off the many eyes that had devoured my naked body during the two hours I posed nude. I'm sure some women, judging by the way they had looked at me, would go home, think of me, and masturbate, or fuck their boyfriend or...
For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...
MasturbationMartin to Martina By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: How a boy's life is changed when he decides to do what he can to be adopted. The only catch is that he doesn't like the consequences as things get out of control. Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Deals, Bets or Dares, Femdom, Authoritarian, School Girl, Age: Preteen to teen AP Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Martin waited nervously with the other children who were told that they were candidates fro adoption. He had...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Art was a class of nine students, seven boys and two girls with a great teacher who gave us the opportunity to do basically what we liked in practical (painting and sculptor) but pushed us hard in theory. The art room was a double standard size with sinks, potters table and kiln at one end with the students art folders kept at the opposite end with its own lock up section. Each student’s folder where kept in their own section. My folder was at the back of the storeroom on the bottom shelf....
I was trying to imagine what his dick looked like. Was it one of those that was long and thin? Or perhaps short and fat? Or perhaps long and fat? Was it circumcised or not? I wondered if it was wrinkled, the way it was sitting inside his bathing suit. Art, the model, had been posing in front of our art class for nearly an hour, and I had finished drawing his face and chest. I was working my way down, and for some strange reason I always had the most problem with legs. Both mens' and...
It was a Tuesday morning in the middle of my summer holidays just after my first year in high school. I had just woken up and could hear my mom down stairs, looking at my clock I guessed she’d be getting ready to go out, every Tuesday and Thursday she went to an art class, and lucky for me my bitch sister had decided to go too. That meant peace in the house and I wouldn’t have to listen to Julie going on all morning, she is only a year older than me but goes on all the time as if I was a...
Cassie left the Head Mistress flustered and extremely aroused. She never expected that she would enjoy the spanking as much as she just did. Was it because it was a new experience or that Mr. Williams, the new male teacher spanked her, or that he touched her wet pussy or that she was able to momentarily brush her tongue against his pant’s bulge? She didn’t know what it was but she felt her body tingle all over. One more moment of Mr. Williams spreading lotion on her red ass and she would have...
Taboobisexual - mfm - anal - bottom bitch - pantiesDavid LaValle was the type of guy that everyone gravitated to. Handsome, out going, talented, confident, sexy. Not macho sexy, just good looking soft-spoken, mysterious sexy. Our sophomore year at college in Vancouver we ended up in art class together. For all his magnetism he gravitated to me. He was a wiz at art & drawing; I struggled. He could whip out drawing after effortless drawing while my efforts were slow, plodding &...
Trumped Up Punishments – Chapter 7Art ClassesThe next morning, Rebecca was intercepted at the school gate by Carl and asked to report to Mr. Barton’s office. She found Alison, Eloise and Peter already there. All four were understandably apprehensive. Mr. Barton entered the room and told them that they were all to act as live models in two art classes during the day – Rebecca and Alison with Mrs. Lockwood in the second and third period, Eloise and Peter with Mr. Hubermayer in the third and...
Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...
Handjob Positions, Poses, and Techniques: How To Become Better At Manhandling Your Man By Cal Y. Pygia Hands handle. Usually, touch signifies acceptance, whereas the avoidance of touch signals rejection. Hands are involved in embrace, which implies fondness or even love. Hands welcome. Hands communicate. Hands work and play. Hands massage. Hands manipulate, shape, and form. Hands hold. Hands give. One of the things that hands give...
I can still remember my friend, Chaz, talking me into signing up for life drawing class. “Come on buddy,” he said, “it will be great. Three hours a week of looking at nude women. Throw in a few beers and it would be a party!” I laughed at his attempt to sway me, but truth is he didn’t have to work that hard. I had been thinking about taking an art class next semester, and this one fit the bill nicely. The first few weeks of class were cool, but not the party that was promised. Most of the...
Professor Sanders stood in his empty classroom. He was waiting for his new model, who was going to pose nude for his next art class, which was scheduled to start in forty minutes. He looked nervously at his watch. She was late. She should have been there twenty minutes ago. If she didn't show up, the class would have to be canceled, he thought, pensively. It would be the second cancellation in one month because of models not showing up. Who could blame them? He thought. The pay was not...
SeductionEveryday she would be there with the shinning face and the most beautiful dark green eyes, he has ever seen in his life. Other days were better than others because she would face with her back to him and not the wall. You see Leslie did not care to wear underwear of anytime and didn't seem to notice when her pants would fall down revealing the cutest butt crack ever made by GOD himself. O.K. enough of the back round information. Let's get down to it. The day after the football game...
Derek stood on a mat in the center of the patio. He wore a traditional white gi, with white slippers. Around his waist he wore a black belt tied in a special knot. On the black belt were three embroidered braids, also black, indicating he had achieved the highest dan in at least one of the martial arts he’d been schooled in at the nearby dojo. From time to time, he would flow into a new position of the Tai Chi, the ancient Chinese martial arts discipline with highly prescribed moves. The...
“Look at them,” Kendra whispered. I was aware of her sitting with Morgan. We’d had an exhausting day. I couldn’t believe Kendra was still awake after posing so long. But after dinner, she’d grabbed her lump of clay and followed us upstairs. Annette grabbed a book and curled up on the sofa. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I was too tired to paint. I sat next to Annette and leaned on her. She petted my hair while she read and I just listened to Kendra and Morgan. “What do you see?” Kendra...
Becky is 20 years old, lives across the street from us with her family and attends the local college. She is a very talented artist and a very attractive looking young lady. Last semester, she knocked on our door to ask to borrow something. Babs and I had just finished our workouts and were still in our sweaty exercise clothes. All I was wearing was a pair of shorts and Babs was wearing a sports bra and shorts. When I answered the door, Becky’s eyes instantly surveyed my sweaty torso and...
The room had a Japanese emptiness. There was no desk, just a square of low seats around a beautiful, deep red rug. Against one wall stood a lacquered oriental armoire. A lonely bamboo bush reached almost to the ceiling. A petite woman stood waiting for her before the square of seats. She wore a kimono-like dress. It confirmed the oriental blood behind her intensely black eyes. "Please be seated, Brigitte", the woman said in American English. Then she took a seat herself, right next to...
The woman didn’t just enter the restaurant where I was having lunch, she swept into it, filling it with a sudden infusion of energy. She walked up to the table where the two ladies she was meeting had been sitting – she was fashionably late – greeted them warmly, then headed to the ladies room. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she walked by my table. She was probably around 40, a little taller than average with a trim, but curvy body that was well-displayed in a pair of tight blue jeans...
There were five students in the room, one teacher and a model who sat smoking, despite all regulations and sitting on the posing chaise as our teacher, Isobel, talked."Ignore Teri – she is a rebel." Isobel smiled at us. "Rebels make good models – they have character. Now, you," she pointed at Martha, the oldest in the room. "Martha, what is the difference between painting and photography?""A painter should try not merely to create an accurate image of her subject but to demonstrate something of...
LesbianHey my names jess and let me tell you about my art class. First im a sexy 176cm blonde with cute brown eyes and perky 34b chest and a slim and very fit build that im very proud of anyway back to the story, so I was sitting in art class and our professor tapped the board and said ‘toady class we will be having a live model so please welcome sasha. I looked up and in walked in this tall gorgeous woman she had luscious black hair and sexy blue eyes i got excited seeing her and then she got on the...
Hey my names jess and let me tell you about my art class. First im a sexy 176cm blonde with cute brown eyes and perky 34b chest and a slim and very fit build that im very proud of anyway back to the story, so I was sitting in art class and our professor tapped the board and said 'toady class we will be having a live model so please welcome sasha. I looked up and in walked in this tall gorgeous woman she had luscious black hair and sexy blue eyes i got excited seeing her and then she got on the...
Corky dreamed he was drowning. He was falling endlessly amid seashells and salt water, the irresistible suction of the current, the distant cries of the seabirds. Strange corals slowly undulated about him. He was being swallowed up whole, he was drinking in the wine-dark fluid. He struggled against the many-tendrilled grip of the waves, but his frantic movements only sank him deeper in to the water's soft embrace. He felt the oceans smooth, warm thighs sliding against his face, He felt the...
Art, part two. Ch. 01 A man struggles to make a new life after a strange happening. Mrs. Davis said, ‘Annie, is there anything I can do for you?’ I shook my head ‘no’ for the umpteenth time and went back to staring at a book I just can’t get into, and it’s by one of my favorite authors. When we arrived at London’s Heathrow Airport yesterday, Suzanne picked up the book to keep me occupied while she visited John Berger’s laboratory. Mrs. Davis keeps looking at me like I’m supposed to want her...
It had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with Paul,...
Wife LoversCaroline and me had been pals for ages, our parents were friends so we had spent a lot of time together as k**s and a friendship had developed.This long hot summer may be our last together as I was off to Uni in the autumn and Caroline was hoping to go to art school.We used to spend a bit of time together when our parents were at work, just hanging at her house and listening to music and the like.Today Caroline seemed to have something on her mind, she was a bit shy as if she wanted to say...
‘A hidden oppression ... The Almighty’s!’ Zax concluded. Now that he reconnected the spirit and consciousness, he became conscious to the inconspicuous Godly Retribution bearing on his being. ‘It began to act’. If he had not reached the Mortal Enlightenment state and joined with his spirit he would have remained oblivious. ‘It’s trying to revoke the speck of the sixth bottleneck, cut off my opportunity to comprehend all six bottlenecks!’ The instant he figured, the land, sky and sea of his...
Introduction: This story is all about the second dirty little secret that I confessed to my live-in boyfriend, who would later become my husband. This confession turned out being my way of finally coming clean with the love of my life, and admitting to him that I really wasnt the naive, innocent young lady that I had always represented myself as being, ever since we had first met and started dating. * * * * * The first dirty little secret that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not...
The first "dirty little secret" that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend's equally-small house, and then sexually molested--and ultimately raped--by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so dark-skinned that he...
Taylynn's sock was still hung on our dorm room doorknob as I passed by. I couldn't believe I had cum before her or even before her boyfriend exploded. I had to laugh a little. Then I wondered if that actually was a good thing. Oh well, it was what it was. I made a poor decision, however, to just wear my clothes. I was still rather moist and my clit rubbing on the denim sure didn't help. My nipples were also still hard. I couldn't cover them. So everyone saw my pokies as I walked to the art...
ExhibitionismSome quirk, meteorological or magical, you can't really tell here, caused a rare muggy stretch in the otherwise mild summer days of the Garwansch Valley where the Brysodine College of the Mystic and Magical Arts was cradled. But in an effort to console himself, Mandeeb reminded himself that it was only as half a humid as the monsoon days of his home in the east. And you're sweating like a dez-atithi, he chided himself and then chuckled at the use of the word. Dez-atithi, the word for foreigner...
FantasyMona Herron entered the studio and was glad to see that all six of her students were present and ready to begin class. During the day she taught advanced painting at the local college, but what she really enjoyed most, were these adult evening classes here at the high school. As with most of the evening sessions, this one only had six sign ups, so it was easy to give each student a lot of individual attention. Mona walked to the front of the room and addressed her students, "This is our seventh...
EroticFor my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true. I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...
HOLIDAY WITH ART by "C.C." For years: I wanted to spend a Vacation down in Texas with Art, my long- time pen-pal, and share some pointers on our mutual interest--Cross- Dressing! We're both "straight", but Art's a very accomplished TV, and I've always fantasized and wanted to try it, so this looked like the Chance! A few- days before I went down, Art told me he'd just met a wonderful woman who enjoyed having him dress up for her and play mild bondage games. He said things...
“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed. I’d...