Art CriticChapter 11: Dinner Party free porn video

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“I stole one of your paintings, Artie,” confessed Mavis as she looped a hand through my arm. We’d started the day with her as my model for a new composition. I guess I had ulterior motives. I wanted Morgan to experience prolonged eye contact with Mavis. The two had been getting along incredibly well, but both Annette and I had held Mavis’s eyes for an hour or more and the effect had been profound. I’d done the same with both Annette and with Morgan, but I wanted this last loop closed.

I’d set up a whole new scene. Two girls faced off over a chess board. Only Kendra had supplied the chess pieces and they were all a little bizarre. Some of them bore a striking resemblance to people we knew. Others were abstractions or mythical beasts. These weren’t pieces she planned to cast. They’d been fired just enough to preserve as models for a larger work she planned. There wasn’t even a whole set, but that wouldn’t make a difference for what I wanted.

And, of course, both girls were nude. I’d created a tornado swirl of parachute silk around them, so the viewer looked through the fabric into the eye of the storm. None of the silk touched them, so they could get in and out of the pose without disturbing the props. We’d worked three hours with them posed and then the three of us collapsed in bed for some intense loving on my sister.

Mavis and I still hadn’t crossed the final line sexually, but we had been thoroughly exploring each other’s bodies with our hands and fingers. Watching her with Morgan as they held eye contact over the chessboard illuminated the entire scene with increasing radiance. When Mavis prepared to leave after our intimate explorations, she asked me to go for a walk with her.

So here we were, out in a park where spring life was vibrant and I could see color all around me, and she tells me she stole a painting. So what?

“I’d give you any painting you want,” I said. “You don’t have to steal them.”

“I know, love. You didn’t have this one to give me. I stole the one you sold to my father,” she laughed. “We’ve all been working crazy hard getting ready for the install tomorrow. I can hardly believe that in two days we’ll have our BFA exhibition and in two weeks we’ll have our degrees. The posing session today was brilliant. I truly love our girlfriends. And you. You bring out the best in me.”

“We love you, Mavis.” I reached over and touched the carnelian stone at her throat. It seemed to pulse beneath my fingertip. She turned toward me and drew me down to her lips for a long kiss. If we hadn’t just left Morgan—so knocked out that she was still in bed—our kiss might have escalated to something even more intense.

“Now, back to the painting I stole.”

“It won’t be in the exhibition?” I asked. When her father bought the painting, he agreed that we could still exhibit it. He’d been a hard negotiator on the price, eventually giving us twice what Morgan had asked.

“Oh, yes. I’m not really a thief. I returned it.”

“Why did you need to steal it?”

“So Kendra could make a mold.”

“It has color. We can’t make prints from the mold.”

“You know one of the aspects that’s been a problem for the printmaking has been the paper,” Mavis said. “You still only have five prints to exhibit, even though Kendra has pulled a dozen molds. The prints are all labeled ‘artist’s proof’. There is no edition yet. I use paper a lot. I wanted a mold that I could experiment with. And I wanted a photo.”

“Did you figure out how to show the depth of the black in a photo?”

“Um ... sort of. Let’s go back to the studio. My co-conspirators should be finished.”


“You can’t pull off a heist this big without having co-conspirators,” she laughed. I stopped and pulled her in for another kiss. Her partners in crime could wait a few more minutes.

Morgan, Annette, Kendra, Susan, and Les were all in the studio when we got back. Apparently, I was the only one who didn’t know about this top-secret project. We still had hooks for displaying artwork on the walls and my friends parted from in front of a pair of paintings hung for review. It was my painting of Mavis, Annette, and Morgan that Mr. Wells had purchased. Beside it hung an exact duplicate.

While my clear range of vision still only extended a few feet, I’d long been able to see what I’d painted with absolute clarity. Both pieces were so clear to me that I hesitated a moment before identifying which was the painting and which was the print.

“Wow!” I moved up close to the paintings and at this range I could see a few subtle differences, but the print had almost the exact texture of the painting, just like the prints of the all-black pieces. But the black pieces could be covered with a uniform spray coating of black paint from an airbrush. This was a beautiful reproduction of the exact colors in my painting. “How?”

“We changed the mold structure. Since we aren’t using molten bronze to pour the form, we did a second-generation mold that was hard plastic. Then we created a negative so we could press the paper in the new mold,” Kendra said.

“Kendra’s new formula for the paper yields a much less porous substrate when it is pressed,” Mavis continued. “Right now, we’re just using weights for about 250 pounds of pressure on the mold. No danger of cracking the mold that way. The result, though, is a paper that is textured on front and back. The previous pieces were filled solid and flat on the back.”

“All that work that Mavis was doing to create color prints was so she could develop your paintings with the saturation you get from oil paint,” Morgan said.

“You did this for me?” I said turning to Mavis and Kendra.

“We’re not just here for the sex, you know,” Kendra laughed. I kissed her before turning to kiss Mavis. “That part’s not bad, though.”

“Mmm,” Mavis agreed. “I’ve been working with a chemist my father introduced me to. Once we had a suitable substrate, we treated it with photosensitive chemicals and then exposed it to the negative of the painting. I’d already run a dozen flat prints to get the exposure timing right. Now that we’ve done it once, though, we could reproduce it as many times as we can stand being in a darkroom together.” She gave me a little nudge with her hip and I put my arm around her waist. Hmm. Let’s lock ourselves in a dark room and see what develops.

“The film isn’t affected by auras, though, is it? I mean, I can see you perfectly clearly, even when it’s dark.”

“That might be the next phase,” Morgan said. “The chemist Mavis is working with is top-notch. She’s working on different photosensitive materials. Maybe one day, we will actually be able to photograph an aura.”

That would be an interesting day.

The next two days were frantic. We made a few changes in our exhibition, with the approval of Drs. Robinson and Lowenstein.

“Albert does not usually take such a personal interest in student exhibitions,” Dr. Robinson said as we watched him working with Annette on the other side of the gallery. “It’s rare to see him so excited. You’ve exceeded all our expectations, Arthur.”

“Not just me,” I said. “It is a group project.” I looked at the painting and print hanging side-by-side in the gallery. We’d labeled the print AP (Artists’ Proof) 1/1 and all three signed it. It was my painting, Kendra’s technology, and Mavis’s photography.

“I thought you made this discovery when you were a freshman, Arthur,” Dr. Robinson said lightly. “You lead. When people see your vision, they naturally follow you.”

“I think we have the wording right if you approve it, Arthur,” Dr. Lowenstein said as he and Annette approached. “You have an extremely talented girlfriend here—not only with words, but with her understanding of your art. I’ve never seen anyone approach a painting quite the way you do, Annette.” Annette blushed and kind of shrugged her shoulders. I’d seldom seen her at a loss for words.

I read the two-page notice they handed me. It was well within my sphere of clear visibility and I could read without too much difficulty. My vision had not expanded permanently beyond the few feet around me and those living things that emitted their own aura. The explanation was good. Not too technical, but still showing that the process was a combination of arts.

Near the painting and print were the molds that Kendra had created and a photograph of Mavis’s lab. Morgan had worked tirelessly with Kendra and a patent attorney to file the necessary papers so she could disclose the ‘invention’ to the public. Of course, all they saw was the result and a few of the pieces. They didn’t really see how everything worked together. Dr. Lowenstein assured us that it would take a person with the combined talents of the three of us to come close to the process within the next five years. By then we would have moved to a new level.

There was a small stage at one end of the gallery, almost entirely taken up by the grand piano Leonard would play. There was enough room for Annette and Susan to do their readings. A table next to the door contained Leonard’s CDs, Susan’s books, and Annette’s pre-order forms with a poster behind her.

Over the performance area, long and wide strips of silk in different colors hung. It was attached to a small hula hoop near the ceiling. The installers knew how to hang mobiles in the gallery, so this was just an everyday thing for them. I wondered if Susan had a portable version for her book tour.

My paintings were interspersed with Mavis’s photos on the walls. Kendra’s sculptures were on stands in the middle of the room. The centerpiece was the aura casting of Mavis and me. When I was close to the bronze and glass fusion, I could see the connection between us. One of the photos nearby was of Kendra, topless, working on the clay model with Annette kneading her shoulders. Mavis really captured that moment.

I was gradually becoming overwhelmed by all the bustle and the people approaching me to get directions on how something should be displayed or what the schedule would be for tomorrow’s opening. I had to wear my dark glasses because it was all a riotous confusion of sound and color. It wouldn’t let up, either. In the evening, Mom and Dad were hosting all of us with our parents for dinner. At least we didn’t have to cook today, too.

But I needed to get out. I needed to breathe. I needed to get hold of my heart and slow it down. Or maybe I could just run away. The art was all on display. No one would miss me.

I slipped out of the gallery and wandered across campus. Even though the school was only about seventy years old and the buildings all had a gauche modernism that belied the art that was created in them, the campus had been laid out in a traditional pattern. The academic buildings and art studios were arranged around a large open mall with paths wandering among the scattered trees. A fountain dedicated to the founder occupied the center. The school’s administration building dominated one end of the mall with the massive structure of the library/theater at the other.

I made my way to the fountain in the center and sat on one of the benches. It was Friday afternoon, so many of the students were already out of class and had left for their weekend activities. I sank into myself as I breathed deeply and watched the world turn black.

The trees winked out, the flowers receded. Even the colors near me that Gramma said were illuminated by my own aura faded into black.

It was peaceful.

I was detached from the world around me, safely within the fortress of my mind where the chaos couldn’t touch me.

Over the past several months, I had been unwillingly plunged into the darkness. I struggled against it, fighting for color to come back to my life. Sex had been a trigger, Mavis, Kendra, and Susan had been catalysts, my loving sister and girlfriend had struggled through the darkness with me. And as a result, my art had taken a turn into new light, texture, and expression.

Through all of this, the darkness had been the enemy that I fought.

As I sat at the fountain, caught again in the darkness, it felt like a friend—a comforter to my overloaded mind. I understood why Mom and Gramma and even Morgan wore dark glasses. The vivid color of the world was overwhelming to our senses. They sought the darkness that I peacefully absorbed.

I controlled it. It was mine.

As I realized this, I lifted my sunglasses and let the living things in my world return to their glorious colors. The area around me was illuminated and I rejoined my cohort.

It looked like a repeat of the dinner we held just a few months ago except Mom, Lily Wells, and Laura Sample had done all the cooking. The table had seven additional place settings. My grandparents would be there as well as Annette’s grandparents. Kendra’s parents and sister, Tricia, had flown in for the exhibition and graduation. When I saw Mom moving things around on the table for another place, I hurried to help.

“Who’s this for?” I asked.

“I’m not sure,” Mom said. “Adam Dorn called and asked if he could bring a date. Her name is Rebecca Reynolds. Of course, I said yes. What’s one more at a table this size? We haven’t had all the leaves in the table in ten years. Even then, we were spread out all around it. I thought Momma was simply crazy when she bought it for us as a house-warming gift when we moved in here. I guess she was just planning ahead.” She set a place name in front of the new setting. That was something else we hadn’t bothered with for our first large meal.

I’d seldom heard my mother so talkative. She didn’t struggle for words, but she never said much more than I do. Dad was the gregarious and talkative one.

“Will you be okay, Mom?” I asked. Mom had difficulty with crowds because of the confusion and brightness she saw in their auras. She pulled her dark glasses off the top of her head and placed them on her nose, then looked at me over the top.

“I’m not the only one in dark glasses these days,” she said, tapping the lenses that sat on my own face. I’d started wearing them in the early days of my darkness to hide my eyes so people wouldn’t know they were closed. It had somehow made it psychologically more acceptable to see everything in black on black. But when color began returning to my world, especially with so many living things awakening in the spring, I found my eyes were sometimes overwhelmed by the brightness. Mostly, I only took them off to paint. Or make love. Morgan had also begun wearing dark glasses as her sensitivity became more pronounced. And, of course, Gramma had worn dark lenses for more than fifty years.

I wanted to tell my mother about learning to accept the darkness when I needed it, but her experience with auras and her own darkness had been so different than mine that we found only hints of what I needed to know in our conversations with Gramma. I still didn’t think it was my aura that lit up inanimate objects that I could see all the way across a room.

“We’re a pretty strange family, aren’t we?” was all I managed to get out. She laughed.

I gave my mom a hug and left to join the others in our suite upstairs to get ready for dinner.

They’d begun arriving early to dress. Or undress. We all came over directly from the gallery. We’d become so accustomed to posing nude and simply dressing in the studio that even Les was free to join us. And Kendra’s little sister Tricia was almost as much of an exhibitionist as Susan. She stood in the middle of the room and stripped, then talked for five minutes before she started getting her clothes on. Kendra rolled her eyes and asked me to refasten her jasper necklace.

“When are you going to give Susan hers?” she whispered.

“Soon,” I said. “But Annette’s driving.” Kendra nodded. Annette was fussing with Susan’s long blonde hair. As soon as she was finished, she sat on a stool and Susan began brushing Annette’s hair.

“Hey, Les. How long has your dad been dating?” I asked. Les looked up at me with his brow furrowed. He was in the middle of tying his shoes.

“Dating? My dad? Never. He doesn’t have time for a relationship. He’s told me that frequently.”

“Oh. Sorry. I just assumed the woman he’s bringing was his girlfriend.”

“What woman he’s bringing?” squeaked Les. His voice went up an octave and he sounded near panic. Apparently, his father hadn’t been keeping Les informed.

“Uh ... Sorry. I just figured you knew. Mom says her name is ... um ... Rebecca. Rebecca Reynolds.”

“Shit!” Les’s comment as he turned and headed out the door was accompanied by an almost identical comment from the corner where Annette’s hairbrush hit the floor. Susan stood frozen in place.

“Susan, that’s my hairbrush you dropped on the floor. Don’t be careless, dear,” Annette said.

“I’m sor ... No! Why?” Susan’s unintelligible gabbling continued as she ran out of the studio and threw herself on our bed in the next room. Annette stood to follow her.

“Come with me, Arthur,” she said. “Please.” I paused only long enough to confirm that Morgan would get the rest of the party downstairs and then I joined Annette. “What is it, precious? Why are you suddenly upset?” Susan rolled back to look at Annette. Tears streamed down her face.

“My mother! Why is my mother here? She hasn’t spoken to me since I started dating Zen four years ago. She threw me out of her house. Why is she here now? And what is she doing with Mr. Dorn? I can’t go down there. I can’t.” Susan’s emotional state was sending her into a near-hysteric spiral. She stiffened and rolled to face Annette and me, streaks of her mascara running down her cheeks. “Sir! Please take care of me! My Lady, please!”

Annette looked up at me and mouthed the word ‘blindfold’. I nodded and went back to the studio to retrieve one of the several blindfolds we used when posing Susan. There was a blue one that I thought matched her dress nicely.

“Come here, baby,” Annette cooed to Susan. “You’ve mussed your makeup. Let’s wash your face and get things freshened.”

“But ... my mother!” the distraught girl repeated.

“I understand,” Annette said. “Arthur and I will fix it so you don’t have to face her tonight. It was terrible that they did this without your knowledge. My poor girl. Don’t worry. We’ll protect you. Your Sir and your Lady will take care of their little Dolly.”

That was like a code phrase that we often used when playing with Susan. I quickly slipped the blindfold over her eyes and pulled it tight behind her head.

“But ... Sir?” she gasped.

“Now you won’t have to see her at all, little Dolly. You look so lovely. Let me move this little wisp of hair that escaped while your Sir gave you the gift of darkness. This is good practice for your reading tomorrow night.” Annette busied herself with arranging Susan’s hair and making sure the blindfold was securely over her eyes. I opened the box that held a choker with a teardrop lapis that I placed around her neck.

“Yes, my Lady,” Susan whispered. She felt the choker around her neck. “You ... you’re ... giving me a c- c- collar?” she gasped.

“Shh. You know we’ll tell you when to speak. Your Sir has placed a lovely necklace like mine around your neck. Give me your hand. Now touch the stone. Here.” Annette positioned Susan’s finger on the stone so she could feel the engraving. Susan gasped. She started to speak but Annette laid a finger against her lips. “Hush now. We know what you are thinking. It matches your pretty blue dress. We’ll take care of you, little Dolly.” Susan nodded her head. I took her hand and placed it on my arm.

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He looked at the 1952 Willys Jeep, 4wheel drive station wagon. It was a classic right from an African safari operator. First of all, he could have bought one cheaper in the United States if he had added the shipping cost into the equation. Yes, Artie thought, but it wouldn’t have the provenance of the monster which sat outside his garage. It looked as though all those years working in his father’s auto repair shop might just pay off after all. The thought of those days usually made him sad,...

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Art Teacher

As I step into the art room at my school my nose is assaulted by the foul smell of sulfur, “Oh, what the hell is that?” One of the more annoying kids in my class says pinching his nose. The art teacher, Mr. Hart walks up to the front of the classroom, “Sorry about the smell the janitors can’t figure out what it is, anybody who wants to can go somewhere else as long as you don’t disrupt any classes.” Most of the class, the ones who only took it because they thought it would be an easy A,...

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Art Feasible

After my divorce I moved back to a little town in Florida that I haven’t been to in about ten years. I was looking for a clean start on life again away from my ex who now lives a little over four hundred miles away. I think that will be far enough so that her and I won’t run into each other occasionally. By the way, my name is Peter, I am sixty years old, five foot six inches tall, salt and pepper hair, about fifty pounds overweight and have a sexual appetite greater then what I did when...

3 years ago
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Art Part Two Ch 09

Art, part two. Ch. 09 Dr. Lisa and Art find a possible new beginning for him. Suddenly Heidi said, ‘Well hello ‘Lees’, you’re late.’ Lisa from somewhere behind me said, ‘It doesn’t look like I was missed. Heidi, you and I need to talk.’ When I sat up the two women were looking at me, so I said, ‘OK, I’m out of here.’ What else was there for me to say? Then it dawned on me I was still naked, ‘Heidi, where are my clothes?’ ‘They’re up in my workshop. Grab one of my large T-shirts in the top...

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Art Part Two Ch 10

Art, part two. Ch. 10 Art has a frightening experience. Our next stop was a hair salon where apparently they had both male and female customers. A majority of the customers and attendant’s were little people. I don’t see the connection between height and hair, but maybe it’s just a matter of being more comfortable among their own. Lisa must have called ahead, because we’re led immediately to an open chair. Lisa went into a discussion about what she wanted for me and I was left out until the...

4 years ago
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Art Class

bisexual - mfm - anal - bottom bitch - pantiesDavid LaValle was the type of guy that everyone gravitated to. Handsome, out going, talented, confident, sexy. Not macho sexy, just good looking soft-spoken, mysterious sexy. Our sophomore year at college in Vancouver we ended up in art class together. For all his magnetism he gravitated to me. He was a wiz at art & drawing; I struggled. He could whip out drawing after effortless drawing while my efforts were slow, plodding &...

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Art Subject

Well, here I am. Redder than a tomato. I'm getting stared at by the whole art class. Some are already doing portraits of me and others are waiting. Miss Arania, the art teacher wanted to do something totally crazyand different for this semester's art exhibit. A plan was hatched, we all agreed to stick to the plan and not backout. The whole class was excited. All the guys in class got together. we lined up and drew straws from a can. Unfourtunately, I lost. There was some cheering fighting...

4 years ago
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Art SomethingChapter 5

School started Monday and I made it out the door on time. That was partly because Annette offered to drive. It was okay for me to be late—I didn’t care—but, like with Fay, I wouldn’t make Annette late. People noticed us. We held hands as we walked from the parking lot to the school and she gave me a soft kiss before we went inside. Inside the school, of course, there was no kissing and no hand-holding. People still looked at us as we found our lockers. My face was hot. “It’s too bad we don’t...

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Art SomethingChapter 10

I didn’t get up to paint. How could I even consider leaving Annette alone in my bed? I was vaguely aware of Dad peeking in and quietly closing the door in the morning. I’d made sure we had a sheet and blanket over us. I just stared at the treasure in my arms. “Was my bare butt sticking out when your dad looked in?” Annette whispered. “No, my Lady. I made sure it was covered.” “You could uncover it now, if you want.” We pushed the blanket down and lay naked in each other’s arms. I was hard...

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Art ProjectChapter 9 Models

My session with Dee was as close to the opposite of my session with Susan as we could get. We went to Kendra’s room after our last class and she was dancing around like she had to go to the bathroom. I let Kendra get her ready while I had my back turned. Dee had taken off her bra and hid it so I wouldn’t see her underwear. Go figure. Then she’d pulled her t-shirt up over her right shoulder, but kept it pulled down over her left breast so tightly that it was still tucked into her jeans. When I...

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Martine By: Doctor Wankenstein Martine Back in 1978 I was a very innocent lad, really, not that I'dadmit it. I'd had a few girlfriends, at school, one for 18 months 1973-5, the lovely Debbie, but this was snogging and boobs only, and one little feel of her pussy ever,(Debbie to be revisited in "After So Long" in 2001) and including just one sha9, Sara at 15, then one "adult" relationship at 18, lasting six months in the heady summer of '76, with a 19 year old mother, Sue, who provided sha9s #2...

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Martine By: Doctor Wankenstein Martine Back in 1978 I was a very innocent lad, really, not that I'dadmit it. I'd had a few girlfriends, at school, one for 18 months 1973-5, the lovely Debbie, but this was snogging and boobs only, and one little feel of her pussy ever,(Debbie to be revisited in "After So Long" in 2001) and including just one sha9, Sara at 15, then one "adult" relationship at 18, lasting six months in the heady summer of '76, with a 19 year old mother, Sue, who provided sha9s #2...

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"Nächster Halt: Friedrichstraße", ertönte es aus dem kleinen Lautsprecher neben der Tür. Das war meine Haltestelle, eine Strasse weiter war die Party - Nadines Party. Ich hatte die Blondine vor drei Wochen bei einer Geburtstagsfeier einer guten Freundin kennengelernt. Wir waren uns gleich sympathisch und so lud sich mich zu ihrer Party in dem großen Stadthaus am Rande des Parks ein. Der Bus kam mit kreischenden Bremsen an einem kleinen Unterstand aus Glas zum Stehen. Außer mir stieg nur ein...

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Mein Name ist Paul, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und bin etwas aufgregt... Mein Freund Flo (Florian) hat heute Geburtstag und hat nicht nur mich, sondern auch M

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Es war ein schöner, lauer Sommerabend. Die Klasse 10B feierte ihre Abschlussparty am Strand auf einem idyllischen kleinen Campingplatz, der direkt am See gelegen war. Die Party hatte sich rumgesprochen, so waren neben den Schülern auch noch einige Geschwister der Absolventen, Freunde und ein paar Eltern anwesend. Es wurde gegrillt und getrunken, ein paar Jungs waren grade dabei, noch etwas mehr Holz für das Lagerfeuer zu sammeln und dieses in Gang zu bringen. Ein paar Mädchen spielten...

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

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Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...

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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

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Donk Party! Well, let's see what this "party" is all about! Porn stars take it too far with their fake moans and not to mention, the surgically remodelled sin slits. Sometimes you will need that authenticity to have a real hard on lest you get a fake one too. Times like these, a good dose of amateur content will do you good. What of watching a fresh-faced girl being fucked on camera for the first time or hot young wives cheating on their husbands with their out of shape neighbors? Who knows,...

Porn Link Sites
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Sin Party! Do you love looking at tube sites? No shit! You are always looking around on ThePornDude, so why in the hell would you hate looking at tube sites? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!Or do you love sites like OnlyFans? You know, those types of sites. Again, of course, you fucking do! What kind of goddamn stupid question is that?How convenient would it be if someone took the best parts of those types of sites and combined them together, but added a livestreaming component to it...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Arti Ki Chudai

Ye kahani tab ki hai jab me 12th me padta tha. Meri behan arti jo ki mujhse 2 saal badi the aur jawan husn ki mallika thi. Height 5.5, aur ras bhare chuchu. Jinhe dekh kar log palat palat kar dekhte the. Main kafi porn aur sex stories padne ka shokeen tha. Jese jese meri tharak badi mujhe arti me behan kam aur ek jawan aurat jyada najar ane lagi jesse main apne jism ki pyas bujhane k plan banane laga. Arti thoda khule vicharo wali ladki the. Use movies dekhna naye gaane sunna pasand tha. Toh...

4 years ago
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Art Appreciation

Mike had never thought of art galleries as a place to meet women. Hell, Mike thought about art galleries as little as possible. The Vallejo/Frazetta exhibit at the Tucson Museum of Fine Arts was a rare exception to the rule. Mike enjoyed fantasy-oriented art, and Vallejo was his favorite artist. There would be paintings by other, lesser-known artists as well. Mike made plans to check out the exhibit. Mike wasn't really comfortable in the three-piece suit that he had dug out for the...

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Art ProjectChapter 4 Houseguest

We had Monday and Tuesday classes Thanksgiving week. That meant Fay had only one day of class since she had no classes on Mondays. Annette kissed me at the door of Lib Arts and I went in to sit beside Kendra. We didn’t even hesitate anymore. If I got to class first, Kendra just walked over and sat beside me. If she was there, I sat beside her. And it wasn’t always in the same place. Other students in our class usually arrived after us and decided which seats to take if we were in ‘their’...

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Aarti ki chaahat

Hi, everybody, mai ek baat clear kar du, ye ek real stori hai , isme koi 8 ya 9 inch lamba organ nahi hai ya 45 min tak ka shot nahi hai, a pure Indian stori jo aapke dil ke karib lagegi, Mai prash It professional from Mumbai, meri marriage 2004 feb me sheetal se hue, hamari luv marriage thi, sheetal thodi chuuby gal hai, aur shayad isliye mai attract hua tha, hamara physical relation shadi ke 18 saal pehle se hi tha, uski bahot hi close friend aarti jo ek slim and perfect gal thi, uska looks...

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Aarti Fucked Before Her Marriage

Hey readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new incident. All my readers may recollect who Aarti is and I meet her in bus journey to Aurangabad during my office tour and had the discreet relationship with her and all my readers may recollect that she was divorcee and staying all alone in Mumbai after our relationship. We enjoyed the sex very much and she was also addicted to it. So, at last, she decided to get marry with a widow person, whose wife expired in a car accident and he do not...

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Art and Artists

The woman didn’t just enter the restaurant where I was having lunch, she swept into it, filling it with a sudden infusion of energy. She walked up to the table where the two ladies she was meeting had been sitting – she was fashionably late – greeted them warmly, then headed to the ladies room. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her as she walked by my table. She was probably around 40, a little taller than average with a trim, but curvy body that was well-displayed in a pair of tight blue jeans...

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Art For Arts Sake

Dejeuner Sur L?Herbe Dejeuner Sur L?Herbe?I don?t understand, Monsieur Manet, why would you think that anything has happened to this young lady.? The gendarme was finding it difficult to make any sense of what the gentlemen was saying but you got all sorts here in Gennevilliers. They come from the city with their strange ideas. Across the Seine. These Parisians were all the same. The gendarme did what he could to encourage the gentleman to explain. Small children were dashing around...

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Art Deco Part OneChapter 2

'Sorry to bring you here before taking you to the apartment we've found for you, only I wanted to quickly introduce you to the girls. As soon as we're done I'm going to make you comfortable at your new residence, and let you have a nice sleep. Tomorrow you're invited to a barbecue at my house'. He was overwhelmed, both by her hospitality, and by the way she was allowing him into her life. He didn't know at that point just how involved he was to become with the women he was about to...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 2 An Erotic Threesome Relationship

This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 3 Lust For His Brother8217s Wife

This is a fictional story about a man’s lust for his brother’s wife. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t...

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Tarts Vicars Party

l had been invited to a Tarts & Vicars party whichwas being held to raise funds for a local football club, now as l was between girlfriends and l didn't have much of a sex life l agreed to go.So there l was standing in a corner dressed like a vicar watching a group of middle aged women all dressed like tarts dancing in the middle of the dance floor, as virtually everyone was in a couple l was thinking of leaving and going home when suddenly the DJ annouced that the next dance would be one...

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Deviant Art is arguably one of the most popular hentai sites on the planet, though they don’t actually market themselves as such. The online art community has been around for decades now, and has always been welcoming to all kinds of artists, from photographers and videographers to the fursuit-wearing deviates drawing up all that X-rated anime you’ve been shaking your dick at. It’s only natural that an art-based social network with “Deviant” in the title would pick up a whole lot of beautifully...

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