SRU - A Change For The Better free porn video

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SRU: A Change for the Better The bell tinkled over the door as two men entered. Outside of their piercing blue eyes, they couldn't have looked more different. "Wait out here, Terrence," said the taller man. "We won't be long." His graying blond hair was cropped short and slicked back, his face was angular and clean-shaven. His outfit, from head to toe, spoke of wealth and power--from the sharp lines of his tailored suit to his bold Gucci silk tie to his Italian leather shoes. A sizable diamond glinted in his gold pinkie ring, matching the ones in his cuff links and tie pin. "Did you see me roll coal on that fuckin' Prius on the way in here?" said the shorter man. "Fuckin' classic." His dark hair was spiky and frosted, poking out from around the expensive sunglasses that he wore atop his head. His leather-tanned face was covered in a uniform layer of dark stubble, which coalesced into a thick, dark horseshoe moustache and a bleached-white soul patch. He wore designer distressed jeans and Armani thong sandals. On top, he wore a flannel vest with ripped sleeves over a black t-shirt. On the shirt was a silver logo that read "BIG PIPES GARAGE" in large sharp letters around a stylized hot rod engine; underneath, in a different font, it read "MANIFOLD DESTINY?." The "MAN" was in bold type. "Yes, father would be *so* proud," the first man sneered. He looked about the shop with an expression of disgust, like just being here was contaminating him somehow. "Father *would* be proud, Prez," the second man replied. "Or didja forget that there ain't nothin' Dad loved more than stickin' it to a smug fuckin' hippie?" The first man shrugged. "Then why bring us here, Roderick? This place reeks of..." for the first time, he noticed the shop's apparent proprietors, standing behind the counter. One was an elderly man with a beard, wearing what seemed to be a shabby bathrobe. The other was an attractive young woman with auburn hair cut into a bob, wearing a low-cut burgundy top and tight jeans. He gestured dismissively at them, "...*those* people." If either man heard what obscenities the young woman muttered under her breath, neither gave any indication. The old man in the robe cleared his throat. "Welcome, gentlemen! Prescott and Roderick Vandenberg, it's not often that visits to our little shop here are a family affair." "How does he know who we are?" Prescott asked his brother, glancing furtively toward the door, where his bodyguards waited just outside. "Because we're famous, ya moron," Roderick elbowed him lightly. "My handsome face's been all over this mall for weeks." He walked up to the counter. "Always love to meet my fans," he said in an affected drawl. "Yer comin' to the signin' this afternoon, right? I think I might be able to find an extra VIP pass 'r two." He then looked the young woman up and down. "An' if y'all don't have a book, I'm sure I c'n find somethin' to sign." "Charming," the young woman replied. Roderick would have noticed her dramatic eye-roll, if he hadn't been making eye contact with her cleavage. "Actually," the old man said. "Mr. Vandenberg, the reason I know who you are is because I'm a wizard." "Oh brother," Prescott said. "Man, din'cha learn anything in yer MBA classes?" Roderick said, walking back to his brother. He gestured widely. "This place is brilliant! They're so committed to lookin' authentic, from the rickety sign to all this merch right down to the crazy guy at the counter. This is marketing genius, Prez! Hell, the only thing that looks fake 'round here is that girl's titties." The young woman fumed. "Fake?! You'll find out how real they are when you're *wearing* them, you--" "Dannie, calm down," the Wizard said, pulling her back. "These are customers, and we have a procedure." "You can't be serious." Prescott said. "God, you're easily impressed. In a month, this whole place will be an IniChem plant, and that'll be a major step up from this tacky kitsch thrift store trash." "Tacky?!" the Wizard raged. "We'll see what you think is tacky after a few years in leopard-print leggings--or as them!" Dannie dragged him off the counter. "Master, please!" "Right, right, of course," The Wizard composed himself. "Gentlemen, I assure you that I'm on the level. I know that you are Prescott Vandenberg, former CEO and head lobbyist for Vandenberg Energy, a position you recently left to take over the Environmental Protection Agency. You're here as part of a project to open this area up to natural gas and chemical production." Dannie jumped in. "And you're 'Hot Rod' Vandenberg, host of 'Manifold Destiny,' a basic cable show where you make pickup trucks belch smoke and piss fire. You're here to do a signing for your new book, Man-ual Transmissions: Putting Your Muscle Car on Steroids." "Ah knew you was a fan," Rod said with a wink. "As my brother said, you could learn all that by paying attention to the news. Maybe your 'magic' routine fools the dim-witted rubes who watch car shows, but even a child could see that it's all a cheap act." "Would a cheap actor be able to transform my lovely assistant here into the cable news anchor you fantasize about?" The Wizard waved his hand, and with a sudden cloud of smoke, Dannie turned into a tall, twentysomething woman with sharp features, shoulder-length blond hair, and a sleeveless red sheath dress with a microphone pinned to the low collar. She and Prescott looked equally surprised. The Wizard looked to Rod, "Or the woman you slept with on your last book tour stop?" He waved his hand again, and after another bit of pyrotechnics, Dannie had become a short, curvy woman with dark, wavy hair and an oversized black Big Pipes Garage shirt falling off one shoulder, exposing a tattoo of a rose whose stem became a string of barbed wire before it disappeared below the collar. If she was wearing anything below that, it was obscured by the shirt and the counter. She smiled and licked her dark red lips. "Or both?" the Wizard gestured again, and suddenly the news anchor appeared next to the hot rod fan. They eyed each other up and down with surprise. "Sheeeeit, man," Rod said. "How'd you do that?" "Seriously?" the two Dannies asked in unison, with wildly different voices. "Let's say I believe this magic nonsense," Prescott said, trying to hide his dumbstruck expression. "What's the point?" "This is a magic shop, gentlemen. I sell magic items, mystical curios that can improve your already extraordinary lives." Rod was still staring at the two women, who were examining one another in somewhat more detail now. "That's a helluva sales pitch. Wha'cha got?" "For you, Roderick, I think I have the perfect thing. After all, you understand more than most the intimate connection between a man's vehicle and his virility." "Ain't nothin' manlier than a truck that's loud, proud, an' spews a cloud!" Rod said, in a thoroughly rehearsed fashion. "Oh, absolutely," the Wizard replied, bent over under the counter. He rose up and slapped a pair of massive chrome-plated testicles down next to the register. "That's why I think you'll love these." "Ugh," Prescott wrinkled his nose. "Truck nuts?" Rod asked. "Man, I got a whole case o' those back at the garage." "Not like these, you don't. Go ahead, give them a feel." Rod picked up the metal testicles. "Huh, heavy," he mused. "And warm. Oh wow!" A smile grew on his face. "Shit, I feel like a million bucks holdin' these! Feels like I could bench press a fuckin' semi!" "I'm afraid you won't be quite that strong, but this ornament will forge a magical bond between your body and any vehicle you put them on. Your manhood and virility will be enhanced by tons of steel as your truck's qualities become tied to yours, and vice versa. I think you'll find that they provide considerable new inspiration for your show, as well." "And what do you have for me?" Prescott asked, trying not to sound eager. "A gold phallus I can put on an oil derrick?" "Oh, nothing so gauche for you, Prescott," the Wizard replied. He pulled a small, rectangular velvet case out from under the counter. "Go ahead, take a look." Prescott took the case hesitantly and opened it. Inside was a hefty, high- class fountain pen, with a sizable diamond on one end. He unscrewed the cap and noted that the nib appeared to be made of real gold. "What, does it make everything I write come true?" Prescott asked. "No, no, its power is in persuasion. Anything you write, even just the papers you sign, will become much more appealing to the people you're trying to influence. You'll find that it's an effective tool to cut through red tape and ensure that you never have to hear the word 'compromise' again." Prescott eyed the pen, his skepticism suddenly overwhelmed by the possibilities. He lifted his gaze slowly to the Wizard. "How much?" "I think I could let both items go for a total of $100,000." "That's outrageous!" Prescott shouted. "Bein' robbed, man," Rod agreed. "Surely neither of you can fault a fellow capitalist for trying to turn a profit. I know either of you could easily afford that sum, and as far as supply and demand go, you won't find another item like either of those anywhere else in the world. But I'm sure I could find a pair of environmentalist hippies who could put these to use, maybe by making other people's cars more efficient or passing anti-pollution legislation." Rod and Prescott shared a look. "Fine," the latter replied. He pulled a platinum money clip out of his pocket and deftly flipped a black credit card from it. Anchorwoman Dannie took it, and noticed that along with it, he'd slipped her a business card. She ran the credit card through her machine, then slipped the business card into her cleavage. Most people wouldn't have seen the way Prescott Vandenberg melted inside at that moment, but Dannie was not most people. She handed him the card and receipt. "If you'd just sign off here," she said, pointing at the line with an expensively-manicured nail. Prescott signed it with a Mont Blanc pen from his pocket that suddenly felt cheap and flimsy in his hand, compared to the sensation of the magic pen he'd held so briefly. "There's just one more thing," the Wizard said, gathering the magical items together on the counter. "You can't be wandering the mall with these; wouldn't want them getting lost, or for someone to mistake you two for shoplifters." He glanced at them to make it clear that he was joking. "Dannie, be a dear and get these men some of the nice shopping bags." Hot Rod Dannie walked into an aisle behind the counter, and Rod's eyes followed every bouncy, swaying step she took. She was far enough away when she bent down to pick up the bags that he couldn't tell whether or not she was wearing underwear, but his imagination filled in what his eyes couldn't. She returned with two canvas tote bags that sported fancy "Spells 'R' Us" logos, then packaged both of the items, acutely aware that Rod was craning his head to try to look down her shirt collar. "Here you are, gentlemen," the Wizard said, proffering the bags. "Have a nice day!" The Vandenberg brothers took their purchases and left. "I'm not sure I caught what you did there, Master," Anchorwoman Dannie said. "What do you mean?" the Wizard asked, smiling wryly. "Those guys were assholes," Hot Rod Dannie answered. "And I didn't see any curses on those items. You didn't give them any warnings or easily-misunderstood directions." "Just two gifts to make them into even bigger assholes." "Oh ye of little faith. They'll get their comeuppance, don't worry. You might say it's already in the bag." The Wizard chuckled. "Do you really think I'd pass up a chance to make a change for the better?" The Dannies exchanged a look and shrugged. "Speaking of which, I'm surprised that you're still in those forms. Do you need me to show you the restoration spell again?" "No, no!" Hot Rod Dannie replied quickly. Anchorwoman Dannie glanced at her smaller counterpart and blushed. "We're, uh, going to stay like this for a little while." She added hastily, "to explore the effects of this spell in detail." "And we're clocking out for the day," Hot Rod Dannie said with a grin. She grabbed the other Dannie's hand and they scurried into the back, away from the storefront. The Wizard laughed softly. "Ah, youth." *** Rod couldn't concentrate on the book signing. Throughout the event, all he could think about was the oversized pair of metal testicles in the canvas bag hanging from the back of his chair. He couldn't get over how strong he felt for that moment that he held them, like he was twenty years younger. He wondered what it would feel like to have them actually attached to his truck. When it was over, he sent his publicist and entourage off ahead, posed for a few pictures with fans outside of his famous lifted pickup, and then crawled underneath it. The cool blacktop was strewn with pebbles and gravel, but he tried to ignore it; if the Wizard's promises were true, then the reward was worth a little back pain. He reached into the canvas bag, receiving a small static shock as he did so, and pulled out the chrome balls. Despite his television persona, Rod had never really been a mechanic. His degree was in marketing and communications, and while he'd worked in garages for years, it was always in a managerial position. So looking at the underside of his truck, as he did now, put him at something of a loss. As he tried to make sense of what he was seeing, his mind wandered, settling eventually on the behavior of his buzzkill brother. That wet blanket thought he was so much better because he'd taken over Father's company, but it's like Prez forgot everything Father stood for. Rod had gone to the same prestigious colleges, gotten the same advanced degrees, and set out on his own. He was an entrepreneur building his own brand, the way Father always expected them to. Prez took the easy way, rising up through the family company, and now he was just another political stooge for the powers that be. Even now, he was only in town to do some other corporation's bidding; he couldn't be bothered to stick around for the signing or say a single word of praise about Rod's success. After a few minutes of grumbling, Rod found an appropriate spot to affix the nuts, and eventually had them attached well enough that he was confident they wouldn't fall off. He crawled out from under the truck and admired his handiwork. The balls were really the perfect complement to the huge chrome pipes on the sides and back of his flame-decaled man-mobile. He'd worried that the vehicle's enormity might make the balls look too small, but looking at it from the back, they seemed somehow perfectly proportional. He could already feel the effects, a sense of power that radiated out from his groin and pulsated through his body. He leapt up into the driver's seat and slid the key into the ignition. The truck roared to life with a deep rumble and a spurt of smoke from the stacks. Power surged through his body. His skin tingled, his muscles tightened, and his joints popped all over. "Hell yeah!" he shouted, cranking up the Skynyrd station on his satellite radio. He pulled out of the mall parking lot and gunned the engine, feeling like he was holding onto a live wire. *** Prescott sat in the plush seat on the private jet, breathing deeply as the plane ascended. He kept glancing at the canvas bag next to him, which his bodyguards and associates had eyed skeptically but wisely not asked about. He'd managed to resist opening it all through the meetings with the IniChem lobbyists and representatives, but he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Once the plane was safely airborne, Prescott ordered a stewardess over for a stiff drink. Terrence and Carlos, his bodyguards, sat on the other side of the plane, the former softly snoring. Something about their dull expressions always reminded him of his boorish brother. He had hoped his impromptu visit would be well-received, but Roderick was his usual obnoxious self. The lout had squandered an Ivy League education and a good deal of startup money on this garage nonsense, acting like an idiot on cable television and making the family name a laughingstock. Father would be so disappointed. And all he could talk about was signing his ghostwritten book at a dilapidated mall in the middle of nowhere. Not a single word of congratulations for Prescott's new cabinet position, no appreciation for what it might mean for the Vandenberg name--not that he'd ever appreciated *that*--just "look how they put flames around my head on the cover, Prez!" And what he bought at that store...he was such a child. That turned Prescott's thoughts toward his own purchase. He reached into the bag, ignoring the static shock it gave him. He slipped the velvet case out and opened it up, taking the pen into his hands with reverence. It had a weight befitting the power it allegedly contained. Prescott wondered at the best way to test it out. Just then, the stewardess appeared by his seat, setting his drink down on the table next to him. "Here you are, Mr. Vandenberg," she said. "Is there anything else I can bring you?" Prescott looked up, noting that the way she bent over him, he could see her bra down the front of her blouse. "Yes, actually. Can you get me a pad of paper?" *** The Wizard hadn't lied. Rod could feel the roaring engine, the pumping gas, the wind against the dangling metal nuts, as though they were parts of his own body. And his own body felt better than it had since he was a young man. As the speedometer needle crept upward, so too did his cock; he hadn't been this hard without pharmaceutical assistance in the better part of a decade. Rod's heart pounded in his chest, synced with the rhythm of the pistons in his engine. The feel of his tires against the speeding asphalt was every bit as enjoyable as stretching his toes out in warm sand on the beach. He weaved between other cars, knowing that he had become their king. And what a king! Ideas sparked in his mind, exploding into bold new plans for new sports cars and monster trucks and mods that would blow every other mechanic out of the water. Both his body and his chassis tingled with the sense of ecstasy and anticipation and power, building toward an inevitable climax. That's when he saw the hybrid. The little half-electric sedan had a "Coexist" decal in the rear windshield and a bumper sticker supporting some left-wing loser from a past election. Other decorations haphazardly plastered across the hatch proclaimed the car's opposition to that global warming bullshit and support for "Mother Earth." Rod's insides burned like hot gasoline, and he grinned as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator. He whipped around the offending car until his rear bumper was within inches of its hood. Then, with a triumphant burst, his pipes shot their load onto the hybrid, coating the whole car in a thick cloud of choking black smoke. The smoke came again and again in spurts, and so did Rod, filling his pants and barely even noticing. He felt too good, an ecstasy that flowed through every part of him, flesh and steel. But behind him, the metallic testicles swayed in the cloud of smoke. A seam appeared down the center, splitting open just slightly. A thin, green tendril of metal poked from the opening, tentatively probing the air. Rod couldn't remember ever feeling this good before, so full of energy, full of life! Colors seemed more vibrant--the green of the fields on either side of the highway, the brilliant blue of the sky above, even the soft tan of his hands took on a new vibrancy. He slowed down, trying to take it all in, not wanting such beauty to pass him by. The green tendril crept along the underside of the vehicle, the road gradually rising up to meet it. It poked out just behind the bumper and into the sunlight. Rod rolled down the windows and breathed deeply of the fresh air that whipped his hair around his face and neck and shoulders. He poked at the radio with a slender hand, trying to find something that better fit his mood, his mind pregnant with new ideas. He suddenly realized just how little it would take to make his car more aerodynamic, more efficient. He had everything he needed back at the garage. The green tendril fixed itself to the back bumper, reaching toward the sunlight. Shining leaves sprouted from its sides. The cool wind coming into the car made Rod shiver; maybe it was too early in the year for a sundress and sandals, but Rod liked the feeling of openness they provided. How difficult would it be to make this car a convertible? Could it be done with sustainable materials? Would it impact the battery's performance? Rod shifted in the driver's seat, pulled a hand away from the radio controls. There was a gasp inside the cabin when the glittering red-pink bud atop the green metal stem opened, unfolding its petals in a wide bell shape. The two halves of its chrome seed pod withered away into nothingness, and the shining flower danced in the sunlight on the back of the bumper. Rhoda grinned as the silence between songs allowed her to hear the soft electric purr of the engine. She traced a slim finger around the steering wheel, then down to her abdomen. Soon she'd have a constant backseat passenger, and that meant a whole new focus for her tinkering. Could she build a better baby seat? She was sure the next season of "Green Light" would be her best yet. A little hybrid hatchback pulled up next to Rhoda's electric coupe, and she waved at the driver--a kindred spirit, she could tell. The hybrid passed her as acoustic guitar strumming started on the radio. Rhoda laughed softly and turned it up, then started singing along. "They paved paradise, put up a parking lot..." *** There was a spring in Prescott's step as he rushed into his office. It was after hours, but he was eager to put his newfound power to practical use. By the end of his flight, Terrence and Carlos were enjoying a torrid makeout session, one of the stewardesses was making her rounds in the nude, occasionally stopping to pleasure herself with a wine bottle, and the other had pissed into a pitcher and served it to the very thirsty pilot. But all that was kids' stuff, petty manipulations meant to prove the pen's power to himself. Now, it was time to really see what it could do. He pulled the pen out of its case, noticing that it was a deep red, almost burgundy, rather than the jet black it had appeared to be in the dimmer lighting of the magic shop and the jet. His mind reeled at the wonder of what he could accomplish with this pen--especially considering what he'd accomplished without it! He tucked a strand of hair back behind his ear as he paced, lost in the way the pen's shiny wine-red surface distorted his reflection. He'd been the youngest executive in the history of his father's company, and naturally had to deal with a lot of skepticism from the old guard. But even then, he'd refused to compromise, to play the usual games: sucking up to his older male coworkers, keeping his head down, staying silent. He sat on the edge of the desk, looking at the jewel at the top of the pen. It seemed larger somehow, more watery. He tapped the crystal absentmindedly against his lower lip, trying to decide what he should do first with this newfound power. Prescott had never been one to play it safe or take the easy way out; even with his family name, he had to work twice as hard to get the same recognition as his peers, and he eventually grew to relish the challenge. He'd taken some huge risks--hadn't he been the one who convinced the board to begin divesting from coal and fossil fuels, to begin using carbon capture technology and exploring sustainable, renewable energy options, well before it was trendy, before tighter regulations made it necessary? It had been an uphill climb to convince anyone to get on-board with that plan, but Prescott did it without breaking a sweat--or a nail, for that matter. Prescott stepped back around to the big swivel chair behind the desk and slid into it, slipping the pair of two-inch heels off onto the floor. Toes stretched against pantyhose as Prescott cursed this administration's archaic and sexist dress codes. Prescott eyed the pink pen again, with the clear quartz crystal on one end, reminded of those college years standing on street corners and outside courthouses with a clipboard full of petitions, earning Father's ire for "being such a hippie," but also his respect for being willing to stand up and chart a new path. That's when those piercing blue eyes focused on the proposal for the IniChem plant. That was the perfect way to put the magic pen to good use. What kind of monstrous idiot would suggest building such a potentially hazardous facility so close to residential areas? There was a daycare just across the street! With quick loops, the pen illustrated the word "Rejected" in an attractive pink script across the top of the page. Priscilla smiled and leaned back in the chair, resting her feet on the page. She unclasped her hair clip and let the dusty blond tresses fall around her shoulders. Next, she'd draw up a proposal to turn part of that old mall into a community space, and to suggest that maybe she could consult with IniChem to help them transition to greener alternatives and find success the way Vandenberg Energy had. She imagined that they'd find her proposal very convincing. Before that, though, Priscilla would call up Rhoda. Today's short visit wasn't nearly enough to get caught up, especially now that her sister had a baby on the way. She thought about how far the two of them had come from where they started, but despite all the pressures of success, nothing could change who they really were inside. *** Dannie walked out of the back room, back in her usual, singular body, and dressed in a bathrobe. She toweled at her wet hair. "I still think you went too easy on them," she said. The Wizard gave her a quizzical look. "I brought a crystal ball so I could watch from the tub," she answered his unasked question. "So what's the deal? Usually a couple of rich douchebags like that would be drooling bimbos filling their g-strings with singles by now, but you let them keep their cushy jobs." "Am I really so predictable?" the Wizard asked. Dannie shrugged. "As I said, I'd never pass up the chance to make a change for the better." "They'd be better off dancing around steel poles." The Wizard shook his head. "I don't mean better for them, but better for everybody." Now, Dannie was wearing that quizzical look. "They're going to spend the rest of their lives working to undo the damage caused by people like the men they used to be. If I'd left them to spend those lives on their backs, all that damage would still be around, still causing harm to innocent people." "In other words, the only change you don't want to cause is climate change," Dannie said. The Wizard chuckled. "Something like that, yes." Dannie buffed her nails on the collar of her bathrobe. "So, how about showing me that duplication spell?"

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SRU The Best Possible World

Summary: Kristin was just your average air-headed blonde, who worshipped the ground her boyfriend David walked on. At least she thought she was, until a visit to SRU forced her to confront the painful truth about herself... Notes: The Spells R Us universe, and the SRU wizard, was originated by Bill Hart. Dannie was introduced by another author, DanielSan59 unless I'm mistaken, but has been further developed by authors such as Bashful, Ellie Dauber, and Bill Hart (to name a...

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SRU The Beauty Contest

SRU: The Beauty Contest By Bashful "This is crazy Jimmy, everyone on campus knows the old man is perverted. He loves to change men, especially frat guys, into girls and leave them that way. If you mess with him, you'll wind up joining a sorority," Chad argued. He had been trying to talk his frat brother and friend out of going to the Spells R Us store they spotted in the mall about twenty minutes ago. "I know about all the stories but most of its hype and urban legends. If...

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SRU The Mousepad

Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more info. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. All rights not specifically granted above reserved. Email the author at [email protected]. I do not own the SRU universe, I...

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SRU The Stock Broker

This started out not being an SRU story, but it was too easy to slip it into the SRU universe by the time I got into it. Hope you like it. [email protected] SRU: The Stock Broker by Elrod W "No, I understand," George Martin said, faking a smile as he shook the hand of his now-former client. "I wish you luck." George escorted the guest out of his office, and when the man had gone, George closed the door, plopped heavily into his chair, and spun the chair so his back faced the...

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SRU Unreally Real

SRU: Unreally Real By Ran Dandel "Damn!" exclaimed Terry Ralston, as the monitor screen pronounced the words, "Game Over". "Killed again! If I could just get past that level!" This was the tenth time Terry had tried to win his way into the final obstacle in his latest computer game. He stripped the oddly-shaped device from over his eyes, and peeled off the equally-strange gloves. "How's that new virtual reality game, Terry?" asked his roommate, Jim Briggs. "Well, it's...

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SRU Pick A Card

With grateful respect to Bill Hart and his creativity, I decided to try an SRU story. It can be archived by Mindy, and by anyone else who has Bill Hart's permission to archive SRU stories, as long as there is no charge for access. SRU - Pick A Card By Brandy Dewinter "Shelly, please, don't go out tonight. Or, let's go somewhere we can be together." "Why, darlin' there's no reason we can't go out together tonight." "You know I can't go to those smoky...

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SRU Wine

SRU Wine BY Bashful Darrell Singleton was lonely and depressed. He always got this way around the beginning of December. The start of the holiday party season. He was a nice enough looking guy and his friends and co-workers liked Him, but he didn't get out much. He was shy, especially in large groups and around women. It had always been that way. This year, he was determined to do things differently. He was going to learn to mix with people and maybe find himself a...

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SRU Wonderful Life

SRU: Wonderful Life by Carol Collins It was the day before Christmas. George Bailey, a tall thirty year old man, virtually ignored the holiday music playing on the public address speakers as he moved from store to store in the large shopping mall in a vain search for a "Trixi" doll. He passed within feet of a very beautiful, very large and very ornate Christmas tree without even noticing it. He was a man on a desperate search for a promised gift for his ten...

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This tale continues the adventures of Mark and Susan after their transformation in 'SRU: Better Than Plastic'. Although the story and SHA are fictional, a real- life celebrity appears without her knowledge or consent, and possibly inaccurate information. Please do NOT discuss this with her if you should happen to know her. Without further ado, here is: S. H. A. By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan were distraught with the news. They were stuck as hermaphrodites, and both were...

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SRU Ultimate Nightmare

Note: As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be Archived on any free site. Further Note: This tale is the continuation of 'SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice'. It takes many twists and bends. This Story is Extremely Twisted. So be forewarned! I'd like to hear your reactions. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment. I'm just a beginning writer, so please take...

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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

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SRU Wizards Guest

It's been a while since I did an SRU story and I've missed the anniversary of its creation. This is a sort of sidebar to the SRU-AF crossover I did a while back. That story was the supposedly the beginning of a collaborative collection, but it failed. Maybe this story will help revive it. Or maybe it will just drive another nail into its coffin. But then, I never received much in the way of review one way or the other. Oh well. Those who archive stories freely may do so,...

3 years ago
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SRU Justice Shall Be Done

SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...

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SRU Coming Clean

SRU: Coming Clean ElrodW Synopsis: A boss has a problem with a lecherous employee who he also suspects frequently masturbates in the restroom. When he bumps into the SRU wizard, he finds a special toilet cleaner that the wiz promises will fix the problem. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Coming Clean John Fielding sighed and shook his head sadly as he zipped up his pants. It was quitting time, it...

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SRU Hose

SRU Hose By WEKM Jon was wandering about the mall while his wife Joanne was getting her hair done. Now Jon knew the mall fairly well and had an excellent sense of direction. He prided himself on it. He also had an uncanny memory for the placement of stores in malls as well. He could probably find his way to any shop in any mall he had ever been to weather he had been in the shop or not. He just seemed to be able to see the malls in his head, a trait that his wife had found either...

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SRU Charmed

SRU: Charmed Synopsis: A young man is a bit obsessed with his girlfriend's body. In order to 'improve' her, he gets a magical charm from the SRU wizard. However, the plan backfires when older memories return - with a vengeance. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Charmed Joe glanced up, peering between Kim's breasts to see the expression on her face. With renewed determination, he continued to...

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SRU Stargirls Visit

Authors Notes: The mighty SRU universe belongs to Bill Hart, whom I gladly tip my bonnet to in the hopes I'm not breaking anything here. This story contains a few words not seen on TV as well as an object PC people and people with aversion to sexual items would do well to avoid. This is just a piece of fluff filler before I begin my story universe. Stargirl's reply as she walks out the SRU door I've taken from another SRU story, though I don't remember which one. Also, The...

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SRU Oldtimer part 2 Second Chances

Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...

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SRU The More Things Change

SRU: The More Things Change.... By Morpheus ([email protected]) Noreen McCormick confidently stepped into the mall, keeping an eye out for the special store that her friend at work had told her about. Noreen was 25 years old, with shoulder length reddish brown hair. She was slender and fairly well endowed, but certainly not voluptuous or gorgeous. In fact, she was a little petite, standing at 5 foot 2. Overall though, she was a very attractive person to look at. However she...

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SRU Made for Each Other

SRU: MADE FOR EACH OTHER by Roy Del Frink Leland Welker was strolling through the mall one day when he saw a strange sight. It was an old-fashioned wooden shop called "Spells R Us". He was bored, so he decided to enter on a whim. Leland couldn't believe all the junk in there, and didn't understand what he would do in a place like this. Just then he noticed a short old man behind the counter. He looked at least eighty years old, and he wore an old crimson bathrobe. He asked the...

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SRU Spare Change

SRU: Spare Change Copyright 1999 by Radioactive Loner [Permission granted to reproduce this on any archive, as long as I'm informed of its archival.] Alan's eyes gazed in stark rapture and concentration as he throttled the joystick back and forth, hitting red and green buttons with a fervid intensity. His friend Ralph watched, egging him on with appropriate enthusiasm or commiseration as befitted each particular situation. In the background, one could hear the strains of Michael...

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SRU The Contract

Spells-R-Us & The Contract by Bad Irving Standard disclaimer, if under 18 do not read this tale. Actually this disclaimer is just a chance to give some credit, where credit is due. The story "The Reviewer from Hell" by Happyguy was the starting idea for the creation of this story. It is with Happyguy's permission that I take his concept and proceed with my own story. The characters in this story are not a carry over from Happyguy's tale, but, the Spells-R-Us (SRU) characters...

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SRU The Retrun fo the Love Doll

SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU The Thin Line of Love

Author's Note: This story is a continuation of my previous SRU story entitled "The Love Hate Rule". If you haven't read that, it may help before you read this one, but it is not necessary. This story is pretty much free standing. I hope you enjoy it as much as it's predecessor. ----------------- SRU: The Thin Line of Love By Crunch Andrea Clark had just stepped out of the shower. It was another lost bout of trying fight off the sexual urges she felt. It...

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SRU The Good Wifes Guide

SRU: The Good Wifes Guide. by Darkside --------------------------- This contains actual extracts from a Home Economics textbook printed in the early 60s. It did the rounds at work a while ago and it just begged to have a story written around it. This is my one and only sojourn into the 'Spell R Us' universe. So I hope you all like it. As an experiment, I've deliberately left much to the imagination. This is more of a covert TG story than most. At was also an experiment in that I...

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SRU The Way of the Manga

SRU: The Way of the Manga By Melissa Virus Copyright 2000 Matt and Jason headed into the mall. Every Tuesday they went to Cedar Oaks Mall to pick up the latest issues of their favorite comics at Skanky's Comic and Video; today was especially exciting because a Class of Ninja High School video Jason had special-ordered was supposed to be coming in. Matt made fun of him. "You know that Ninja High shit's American, right? That's not real. The guy who makes it is named fuckin' Ben," he...

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SRU The Pardon

A version of this story appeared on Big Closet and on Sapphire's TG Fiction List. It may be added to other free archives as long as it does not violate Bill Hart's strictures on the use of his characters or my own notice at the bottom of the story. SRU: The Pardon By Lainie Lee The shabbily dressed man hurrying through the holiday shopping crowd slipped into the first door he came to. Hal David figured it must be a side corridor into service areas of the mall where he could hide...

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SRU The Shop Keeper

Author's note: I've always liked the SRU stories. This is my contribution. I hope you like it. LS SRU - The Shop Keeper By Lord Stormbringer "Damn, look at all that lost business," Tony said as he looked out of his storefront in the mall. Shoppers were bumping into each other in their hurry past his clothing store. He turned around and surveyed the few women shoppers comparing clothes. He went into the office at the back with the two-way glass window. Tom was reading a girly...

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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

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SRU Spare Key

Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...

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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU Nicely Backfired

SRU: Nicely Backfired: by Donna-Allyson McCleod (my first attempt at short SRU story) It had all started a month earlier when Shirley Davis had moved into Don's neighborhood along with her older sister Valerie and their estranged mother Sherry. Don Wallace was a senior at St. Mary's Boy's High School at the time. Shirley Davis had immediately caught Don's eye on her first day at the school. Shirley was sixteen and had transferred into the adjoining St. Mary's School for Girls as a...

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SRU An Error in Application

Warning: This story contains adult material. SRU: An Error in Application by Fringold Sixfingers Lyle Green had heard several rumors about the 'Spells R Us' shop in the mall. Sense he did not believe in magic, he took the stories as tells of fancy. There was one rumor he was not about to ignore. The best place to buy computer hardware was SRU. Lyle could use an upgrade to keep him competitive. Soon he was outside the shop. Not at all what he was expecting. The store looked more...

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SRUAF A Wizards Altered Fate

Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...

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SRU Well Dressed

SRU: Well Dressed By Bashful Jack Edward Wilson was a relatively happy man. He had a good job and a wonderful wife. They had not been blessed with children yet but that was just a matter of time, he was sure. Jack really enjoyed his job, it was something he liked doing and he was good at it. He worked for a good company that treated it's employees well. You'd think he had the perfect life and you'd be right, except for one little thing. Jack wished he was a...

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SRU Hunting Season

Note: This is rather tame compared to the other SRU stories and I took a few liberties with this one. I hope that I don't piss anyone off with it. There is no sex on this one so if that is a deciding factor for you, pass this one by. Please let me know what you think of this story, whether you like or dislike it. I have other stories that I'm working on and hopefully will post in the future. This story may be posted to any sight that doesn't charge a fee. All others must get my...

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SRU Pantyhose

SRU: PANTYHOSE BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Why can't I wear clothes like that." Was the thought that often ran through Chris's mind. Chris was a pleasant twenty-two year old. Anyone who looked at him would think he was a normal boy checking out girls. What he was looking at was the clothes they had on. Clothes he wish he could have on. His mother's side of the family ran a night club and during the early evening he listened to the music and wondered what it would be like to feel silk...

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SRU Christmas Miracles

SRU: Christmas Miracles Copyright (c) 1999 by Chilli TNG --------------------------------------- Notes: The Spells 'R' Us Universe was created by Bill Hart; any characters from that universe that I've borrowed are ultimately his and I thank him for opening this universe to everyone. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or undead is totally coincidental. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a life. Comments and thoughtful...

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SRU Half and Half

SRU: HALF AND HALF By Roy Del Frink A disgruntled lady walked up to the counter, holding a paper bag in her arm. "Listen here, buddy," she said to the old man behind the counter, "you sold me a potion that would turn my husband into the next thing I said. I said, 'Change my husband into a Chippendale dancer,' and look what happened!" She placed the bag on the counter, and opened it. The lady pulled out two chipmunks, dressed in tiny top hats, tuxes, and canes. One had a...

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SRU Ultimate Sacrifice

Note: This Story contains an exceptionally grisly scene. As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be archived on any free site. SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice By Lucretia Alex was walking to the mall, planning on stopping by the food court to grab some grub. He cursed his car, which broke down yesterday. He looked like the walk could do him some good for at 23;...

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SRU Better Than Plastic

SRU: Better Than Plastic By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan Johnson had been married ten long, happy years. They were a perfect couple. Although they were childless, they planned to have children soon; in fact, Mark had tried to impregnate Susan for two months without success. Mark was pleased with his job balancing the bank's checkbooks, and Susan was equally pleased to serve as receptionist for the local high school. Time was starting to wreak havoc on the thirty-something couple's...

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SRU Chads Story

SRU: Chad's Story By Bashful Chad walked into the mall and looked around. He needed some girls to come to the frat party tonight. So far he had struck out. Last year he had come up with the idea to bring back the party committee and party fund. He had been appointed party chairman as a result. This was to be the first big party of the new school year. Chad was a senior and he wanted to make this last year of college a memorable one. Chad stopped and stared at a little...

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SRU Jerry Jerry Jerry

SRU: Jerry...Jerry...Jerry... by [email protected] edited by SteveZ The SRU Universe belongs to the great Bill Hart, but most of you already knew that. Although it pains me to say it, I was watching an episode of the Springer show the other day, and this story seemed natural. This story can be posted on any free site. (Especially FM!) ********************************************************** "Welcome to the show, today's topic: Magical Gender Changes. We ...

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SRU Learning French

SRU: Learning French By Demonn Hi, my name is Todd or should I say was Todd. I am, was 5' 10" and maybe just a bit of a geek. I wasn't ugly mind you but I wasn't all that incredibly strong. But that didn't stop me having friends like everyone else. It was a Saturday and like always, I was going to have some fun at my friend's house. I was a simple 15 year old guy, who enjoyed some R&R, when, my high school, Rivers High, was out. I mean who didn't. When I arrived at...

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