SRU: The Wicked Stepmother free porn video

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SRU: The Wicked Stepmother part 1 of 4 By Morpheus The clear sound of her high heels clicking against the hard floor was comforting to Stephanie Miller as she walked through the crowded mall, grimly intent on her purpose. The sound repeated in her head, soothing her with its steady repetition. Keeping her eyes open for whatever it was that she was looking for, she continued walking through the mall. Stephanie was a beautiful blonde woman who knew how striking she was, and was not afraid to show it. In fact, she often used it to her own purposes. Ignoring the admiring looks of the men she passed, she only felt contempt for them, thinking them all lower class scum. Stephanie had been raised with some wealth, but after her family had gotten in trouble with the IRS some years earlier, she'd had to do without, though it greatly pained her to do so. That was why she married her husband Greg Miller. Greg Miller had enough money to keep him and his son very comfortable, thanks to the hard work he'd put in at his job as a mid ranking executive for his company. Though he earned enough to live very comfortably, and even support Stephanie, that wasn't the main reason she married him. Instead, she'd married him because of his mother. Greg's mother was rich. She was very rich, and better yet, she was old and would probably die soon, leaving all her money to Greg. That was the main reason Stephanie had married him. As an investment against future wealth. Unfortunately for Stephanie, she found out only after she'd married Greg that even though his mother was wealthy, he wouldn't accept any of it from her. As much as Stephanie nagged him to borrow money for a new car or other luxuries, Greg refused to take money from his mother, insisting that he could manage fine on his own. Stephanie snorted at that idea. That foolish husband of hers had plenty of money available should he ask for it, his mother having made that clear, but he still refused to. No matter how much Stephanie tried talking him into it. That problem was the reason that Stephanie was currently at the mall. For a while she'd considered finding some way of speeding up her mother in law's death, but decided that the old woman was too clever for that. And Stephanie didn't want to take any chances of being found out. Instead, she focused her attention on finding some way of getting Greg to accept some of the money early. Before she died. That was what Stephanie wanted at the moment. That would at least keep her comfortable and happy until Greg's mom died, which she thought was taking too long. When Stephanie had confided her problems to a sympathetic friend of hers, the friend had suggested with a smile that she come to this mall. She'd told Stephanie that there was a particular store, which Stephanie would know when she saw it, that could help her with these problems. She'd said that there were rumor's about a store here. Stephanie snorted at the idea, sure that her friend had been having fun with her, and annoyed at that friend for being so mysterious. Stephanie Disdainfully, she looked around at the stores in the mall, thinking that what kind of store in a place like that could possibly be of any use to her. They were all so....common. Finally Stephanie found herself stopping, though she was confused as to why. Looking around, there didn't seem to be anything of interest, making her wonder why she stopped. Then she noticed the store. There was a sign that read Spells R Us, sitting right above a door. The very sight of it stood out since smaller doors like that aren't common in malls. Stephanie didn't know why, but this store seemed to draw her attention. Somehow, she was sure that this was the place she'd come looking for. Smiling smugly to herself, Stephanie went in. As the door closed behind her, Stephanie heard a small bell tinkling. "How quaint" she mused to herself, then glanced around the room, not in the least bit impressed by what she saw. There were antiques, toys, clothes and other odds and ends. As far as Stephanie was concerned, this place was little more than a dump. Scrunching her nose up, she was about to change her mind and leave, when someone touched her shoulder from behind, making her jump. An Old Man stood there as Stephanie turned around, and much to her disgust, he seemed to be wearing little more than a bathrobe. "Thing's aren't always what they seem, Stephanie." he said quietly, then quickly went over behind the counter. "Now, what are you looking for?" Stephanie noticed that he'd called her by name, and was annoyed that he'd presume to act so informally with him. She snorted to herself, sure that her friend had told this old man to expect her. Still, for some reason this old man made her hesitate from leaving. "Who are you?" she asked him instead, determined to regain the upper hand. The Old Man chuckled, "Who I am isn't as important as what I am" Feeling annoyed, Stephanie asked, "And just what are you?" "I, my dear child, am a wizard." Stephanie snorted, and he chuckled, "Oh, but it's true. Now, tell me what your problem is." It wasn't a suggestion, and Stephanie found herself telling the Old Man what she wanted. He nodded now and again as she told him. "So," the Old Man said, scratching at his chin, "you want to control your husband, to have access to all the money in his accounts that he keeps sealed, and to have him ask his mother for money whenever you want?" Stephanie nodded, not liking the way it sounded when the Old Man phrased it like that. Then the Old Man said, "I believe I can help you." The Old Man dug around behind his counter for a minute, then pulled out a wooden box which he set down. Stephanie watched curiously as he opened it, wondering what he was planning. As he pulled out a small glass vial of clear liquid, Stephanie wondered if he was going to give her some kind of hypnotic drug. "Nothing so simple" He said to her, almost as if hearing her thoughts. Trying to keep her control, Stephanie demanded, "Well, what is it then?" The Old Man sighed, saying "Patience. I was going to get to that." Carefully, he closed the wooden box again, setting the glass vial on top of it. "This here will give you what you asked for. Providing that you use it right." Impatiently, Stephanie nodded, wishing that this strange old man would hurry up. "You must first," the Old Man cautioned, "pour a glass with something to drink. Coffee, Tea, wine, it doesn't matter what." When Stephanie nodded, he continued, "You must then pour the contents of the vial in with it. After this is done, you must drink from the cup, and you must have your husband take a drink from the cup. Each of you drinking half of the contents is preferable, but not absolutely necessary." "That's all?" Stephanie demanded. This was so stupid. This guy was asking her to drug herself. There was no way she intended to do such a stupid thing as that. "This is not a drug!" The Old Man snapped, beginning to look angry. Something about him made Stephanie realize that she might not want to push him much farther. "Do as I say, and your request will be fulfilled." He said so calmly that Stephanie felt a shudder run through her. "And finally," The Old Man finished, "You must make sure that you use only the one cup for it to work." Stephanie nodded. This sounded way to far fetched for her to believe, but just by glancing at this Old Man she wasn't so sure anymore. After debating with herself for several seconds, she decided that it certainly couldn't hurt anything to just try it. "All right," she gestured to the vial, "how much is it?" "Ah, the matter of price." the Old Man said with a bit of a grin. "For you, its five thousand dollars." "What?" Stephanie asked shocked. How could this tiny vial of liquid cost so much.. It was a rip off. The Old Man chuckled. "That's the special for it this week. If you want it, that's what it will cost you." Grumbling, Stephanie took out her credit card, not even asking if he accepted credit. Without a word the Old Man took the card and went to the register. A minute later, he handed Stephanie her card back, along with a small paper bag that contained the vial. Feeling rather cross, and already planning on taking it out on her step son, Stephanie started towards the door. As it was closing behind her, she heard the Old Man chuckling behind her, calling out "Thank you for shopping at Spells R Us. Please come again." As the front door slammed, Tony winced, knowing immediately that not only was his stepmom home, but that she wasn't in a good mood either. And he knew that meant bad news for him if she caught sight of him. Carefully Tony crept to his room, hoping that she wouldn't think to look for him. Tony was 13 years old, and fairly small for his age. He was often teased by the other kids at his school not only because of his size, but because he was thin and wore glasses. Not to mention that he was probably the smartest kid in class as well. At school he was immediately labeled as the class wimp and nerd. A somewhat dubious honor, he felt. His dad had told Tony that he was slow growing as a kid as well, not having hit his growth spurt until he was 15. Though his dad assured him that things would change, Tony rather doubted that. Reaching the hopeful safety of his room, Tony locked the door behind him, not wanting anyone barging in. Picking up the book he'd been reading earlier, Tony tried getting back into it. He chuckled, thinking that it wasn't quite as funny as the first book, but Huckleberry Finn was definitely one that he enjoyed. Sadly, Tony thought about how Huck had a couple good friends, thinking that he had none himself. Not only was he unpopular at school, but he didn't find kids his own age too interesting. His dad said he was just a little mature for his age, but that didn't help him make any friends. In fact, it only made it harder for him to fit in. A fact which his wicked stepmother never got tired of rubbing in. Tony hated Stephanie. He wasn't sure why she married his dad, but thought it probably wasn't love. He didn't think that she could love anybody but herself, in spite of how nice she was to his dad most of the time. Tony knew that underneath the nice coating she showed when his dad was around, she was a total bitch. She hated having him for a step son, saying how embarrassing Tony was for her. Sighing, Tony knew that all he could do was avoid her. He'd been close to his dad before she showed up, but now they barely spoke. Just as Tony was getting back into his reading, there was an insistent pounding on the door to his room, with Stephanie's voice calling through "Get your ass out here." Wincing, Tony opened the door, knowing that it would be much worse if he didn't. Standing in the hall glaring at him, Stephanie demanded "My car's dirty, and I want you to get it washed up before your Greg gets home and has to see it." Then she turned around and left, leaving Tony groaning. He hated the way she kept bossing him around and making him do these stupid things like wash her car. He already knew from past experience that if he didn't do what she told him to, she'd tell lies about him to his dad and cost him his allowance at the least. Reluctantly Tony put down his book and went out to wash her stupid car, knowing that it probably didn't even need it. What was just as bad in Tony's mind was that she was only 12 years older than him. Shaking his head, Tony started to get to work, thinking how he used to have a crush on her, and in a way still did. She was gorgeous and Tony couldn't help but admiring her beauty. Before the wedding he'd especially had a crush on her, but once she'd tied the knot with his dad and moved in, she revealed herself as the bitch she was. At least to Tony she had. With soapy rag in hand, Tony almost wished that she would carry through with the threat she'd made against him the week before. After all, even boarding school might be better than having to deal with her all the time. Sighing in self pity again, Tony started on her car. Stephanie waited until after Greg had gotten home and they all finished dinner before she was ready to try what she had planned. While the housekeeper was in the kitchen doing dishes, and Tony was upstairs in his room, Stephanie walked up behind Greg, giving him a kiss. Pulling back, she smiled at him, saying "Why don't you go and get comfortable in the living room and I'll bring you something to drink." When Greg kissed her back and went into the living room, Stephanie smiled, knowing that now was the perfect time to act. Walking to the kitchen, Stephanie filled a glass with some ice then headed straight for the liquor cabinet. Pulling out the vial that she'd bought earlier that day, Stephanie looked at it for a moment, then pulled the stopper out of the top. She sniffed it carefully, not smelling anything from the bottle. For a moment she wondered if it might be just water, then decided that for five thousand dollars it couldn't be. Hesitating for a moment, she considered that it might be a poison, but decided it couldn't be. Still determined, she poured the contents of the vial into the glass, images of her having what she wanted filling her head. Carefully she lifted the glass, seeing the trace amount of liquid in the bottom, looking sort of like water, but with a somewhat oily appearance. Shrugging, she poured the glass full of bourbon, then used a twizzler to ensure it was mixed. Stephanie held the glass in her hand, glancing briefly at the empty vial and remembering what that old man had told her. That she would have to drink from it as well as Greg. She wasn't sure that she liked the idea of touching the stuff herself, but she suspected that she'd have to follow the instructions completely for this to work. Feeling a little nervous about what she was going to do, Stephanie went over to her purse, pulling out her pack of Virginia Slims. Absently, she lit herself a cigarette enjoying its calming influence as she blew the smoke out. With her courage built up, Stephanie picked up the glass and brought it into the living room, adding a suggestive swagger to her walk once she was in sight of Greg. Greg smiled up at her, and Stephanie thought that she was rather lucky that he wasn't anything like his son Tony. Instead of being small and scrawny like his son, Greg was just over 6 feet and decently filled out. Stephanie thought he could have a little more muscle, but she wasn't complaining yet. Stephanie stopped just in front of Greg, smiling pleasantly at him, then taking a deep drink from the bourbon. It went down as smooth as bourbon generally did for her, though it wasn't her favorite drink. However Greg liked it, and for these purposes that was all that mattered. She was even pleased that she didn't taste anything unusual with it as it went down her throat. "Mmmmm. Good." Stephanie said seductively, taking another drag from her cigarette as she handed the glass to Greg. Snubbing her cigarette out in the ashtray, she watched Greg in anticipation. Just as Greg was bringing the glass up to his lips, the phone rang in the next room. Sighing, Greg set the drink down on the coffee table and went to answer the phone, much to Stephanie's annoyance. Curiously she followed after Greg, wanting to know just what was so important that it interfered in her plans. Impatiently Stephanie waited for Greg to finish his conversation on the phone, which by the expression on his face she knew wasn't good news. As he put the receiver down, Greg turned to her sighing, then said "I've got to go. They need me at the office to clarify something, and I won't be back for a couple hours." Stephanie gasped, trying to hide her great annoyance at her plans delays. She calmly accepted the kiss on the cheek as he started to walk towards the door. Going out to the car with Greg, Stephanie said goodbye and glared at him with irritation as he drove off down the driveway. "Damn" she cursed, knowing that she'd have to find another opportunity to finish what she'd started. Feeling somewhat cramped in his room at the moment, Tony put his book down and decided to see what his dad was doing. He smiled to himself, remembering how his dad and him used to go camping together, and wishing that they still did stuff like that. Having made his mind up, Tony went downstairs to find his dad. Walking into the living room, he noticed that no one was there and was about to check the next room when something caught his eye. Shaking his head Tony picked up the nearly half empty glass of bourbon, wishing that his dad and Stephanie would clean up after themselves more. Tony chuckled to himself, realizing how ironic that thought was. Unfortunately though, he knew that either Mrs. Lewis, their housekeeper or himself always got stuck doing it for them. Carrying the glass to the kitchen, Tony found that it was empty, though already cleaned up. "I guess Mrs. Lewis went home already." he muttered to himself. Shrugging, he was about to pour the contents of the glass down the drain, then hesitated. Feeling a little guilty, Tony looked to make sure no one was watching, then drank the glass himself. After all, it was only a little bit and he was curious what it tasted like. Tony coughed as he swallowed it, finding the liquid burning as it went down his throat, though oddly pleasant as well in the way it left his stomach feeling warm. Wincing at the taste, then smiling to himself over his warm belly, Tony put the glass into the sink and started back towards his room. Before Tony got to his room though, Stephanie intercepted him, pissed off look on her face. Tony wasn't sure how she could still look so pretty even when angry. "Get out of my way you freakish brat." she snapped at Tony, pushing him aside. "Hey, watch it." Tony growled back, not at all happy about being insulted or pushed around by this woman. Stephanie turned back to face Tony, then got a nasty look on her face. "Watch how you talk to me" She snarled at Tony, pushing one of her fingers towards his chest, backing him into a wall. "I'm your step mom and if you don't give me the respect I deserve, I'm going to see to it that you go to military school where they can teach you right." Tony gulped, not liking this. First she was threatening him with boarding school, now military school. He was about to say something back when she continued with a nasty leer, "But I doubt if even they could make a man out of you." Furious at the way he was being treated, Tony snarled back, "At least I'm not some stuck up snobby bitch" Stephanie flared at Tony with a look that would kill, ice seeming to form in her veins. Quickly she slapped Tony hard across the face, knocking him to the ground with her forceful blow. "If you ever fuck with me again" she snarled, grabbing the back of Tony's hair and yanking, "I'll cut your balls off. I'm going to have a little talk with your dad when he gets back, and make damn sure that you're not going to be around this house anymore." With that Stephanie let loose of Tony's hair and stormed off. Tony winced at the pain in his scalp still, tears forming in his eyes. Carefully, he reached over and picked up his glasses from where they'd fallen when he'd been knocked down and put them back on. Feeling angry and humiliated, Tony stood back up, rubbing the nasty scratch on his cheek from where Stephanie's ring had torn him, then looking at the blood on his fingers. Damn, he hated her. And Tony knew that she would end up convincing his dad that he'd done something horribly wrong like trying to rape her, and he'd end up in deep shit. Tony shuddered at that, knowing that if it was his word against hers, he wouldn't't want to bet on the outcome. Tony glared in the direction Stephanie had stormed off too. When she'd hit him, he wanted so much to hit her back, but knew that he couldn't. It wasn't that she was a little bigger than him, but that he couldn't bring himself to hit a woman. No matter how much he wanted to. Any kind of physical violence was normally out repulsive to him, but that would have been even worse. Instead, he just had to take it, hoping that somehow he could convince his dad of the truth. Knowing that it wasn't likely, Tony finished going back to his room, locking the door behind him. He was absolutely furious and wanted to lash out at something. Slowly, he tried to relax, making himself calm down. It surprised him just how quickly he lost his feelings of anger. At just how tired he suddenly was. Yawning, Tony felt exhaustion start overtaking his body. Though he tried to keep himself awake, it didn't work well. He couldn't understand just why he was suddenly so tired, not having done anything unusual during the day. Giving in the great weariness that was overcoming him, Tony crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Part 2 of 4 When Tony woke up, he was vaguely aware that someone was moving on his bed, and absently thought to himself that it must be his dad coming to check on him. Still being over half asleep and far too tired to get up, Tony didn't even bother opening his eyes, instead letting himself drift back to sleep. Later, he woke up again, this time feeling a little more clear headed. At first Tony didn't want to open his eyes and face the day, but something was pushing uncomfortably into his chest. Thinking that his blankets were bunched up Tony rolled over from his side onto his back, stretching his arms out. As he did this, several things struck him as odd. Not quite sure what was going on, Tony realized though that his arms didn't go over the edges of he bed in the same way as normal. If he didn't know better, he'd swear that he was in a bigger bed than he went to sleep in. Something else was wrong as well, though Tony couldn't quite put his finger on just what that was. Tony nervously opened his eyes and sat up, only to be confronted with a shock. Somehow, he was in his dad's bedroom. When he looked down, trying to figure out why, he was faced with a greater shock. a pair of woman's breasts pushing out from his chest. Absently he realized that the weight on his chest was what had felt wrong, and now he knew why. Horrified, but at the same time curious, Tony climbed out of bed, looking body. Holding his hands in front of himself, he saw small slender fingers with well manicured and long fingernails. A gold ring adorned one of his fingers, diamonds on it glinting faintly in the available light. Gulping, Tony immediately realized that somehow he seemed to have woken up in Stephanie's body. He knew that it wasn't possible, and therefore it must not be. The only explanation he could think of was that he was dreaming. That was the only thing that made any sense. Since Tony knew that he was dreaming, he felt his panic subsiding. He wondered just how come this dream seemed so realistic, but remembered that he'd heard about things like this before. Or at least about dreams that seemed so real that the people could barely tell that they were dreams. Smiling to himself, Tony decided that this was the answer. He'd never had a dream like that before, so was starting to look forward to what this dream would bring. As Tony stood up, feeling his breasts jiggling on his chest, he realized that this dream didn't seem about to change just yet. Wondering why he seemed to look like Stephanie in his dream, Tony grabbed his breasts, gasping at just how real it felt. He could feel his fingers digging into the soft but firm flesh. Since he'd never seen a naked woman before, and this was only a dream, Tony decided to explore his dream body, finding out what he could about it. Chuckling to himself, he was only faintly surprised to hear it sound so feminine. Carefully he looked at his nipples, which were much darker than his normally were, and a lot bigger. Touching one, he found that it seemed incredibly sensitive. Turning away from his chest, Tony couldn't resist looking at his crotch. As he put a hand between his legs, it felt so strange not to have something there. Feeling embarrassed, Tony started to look at it more closely, telling himself that he shouldn't be since he was only dreaming. That didn't help too much, though his curiosity easily overcame his embarrassment and discomfort over the strangeness. There seemed to be a soft mound there, with a bit of a slit in it. Gently, Tony rubbed a finger along the soft folds of skin, gasping at the feeling. He couldn't believe how sensitive that was. Noticing all the hair around his pubic area, Tony couldn't help but chuckling. Stephanie was NOT a natural blonde. At least not in that dream she wasn't, Tony thought amused. He thought that it was definitely a funny detail to have in a dream, but shook it off, reminding himself that it was only a dream. Tony was curious why this wasn't like the other wet dreams he'd had about Stephanie. About why he seemed to be her in it rather than having sex with her. Shrugging, he thought that since this was only a dream, he might as well play along with it and see where it leads him. Having made up his mind, Tony started towards the private bathroom attached to the room. Tony washed himself and got out of the shower quickly, wanting to explore his dream body a little more, but not knowing just how much longer the dream would last. After drying himself off, Tony went into Stephanie's closet, pulling out some of her clothes. He thought it was strange just how realistic this dream was, and was once again starting to get nervous, but quickly forced that down. Since it was only a dream, Tony dressed up in one of the skirts that he'd found, chuckling at that and knowing that he'd never try something like that on in real life. Even if that had actually happened to him. He had some trouble with the bra, but managed to get it on without as much trouble as he thought he would have if it hadn't been a dream. He couldn't resist one last pinch of his nipples though before he put it on. Carefully he slid on a shirt that showed off his figure, and grinned at himself in the mirror. It certainly looked like Stephanie in there. Shaking his head in amazement, Tony thought that this was definitely the most realistic dream he'd ever had. Once Tony had finished dressing, he looked at all the shoes in the closet, choosing a pair of high heels. "I might as well do this all the way" he said to himself cheerfully. Humming to himself, Tony slid the shoes on, then stood up, finding the balance different than he'd expected. Relaxing though, he started walking around the room in them with greater ease after each passing second. Chuckling to himself, Tony said "This proves that it's a dream. No way would I ever be able to walk in high heels in real life." Tony was about to leave the bedroom and explore the rest of his dream, when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Stopping, he looked closer thinking that something seemed to be missing. It took him several seconds before he remembered the makeup. Feeling rather embarrassed, Tony sat down at Stephanie's makeup table, looking over everything arrayed there and shaking his head in confusion. Seeing her jewelry box, he thought that maybe he should start simpler so pulled out a pair of ear rings, a delicate watch and a slender necklace, putting them on. Once he'd done that he looked at the makeup again, wondering just what he needed to do. Picking up one of the jars, he looked at it in curiosity, setting it down in front of him. Tony was about to give up on that project, but knew that he had to at least try it if he was going to go along with his dream. Sighing, he started applying the makeup, afraid that he was going to botch it badly. However as he was applying it, his hands seemed to almost take on a life of their own, putting it on him careful. When he was finished, he gasped at the results in the mirror, seeing that it looked to be an experienced makeup job. Knowing that he'd never be able to do anything like that in real life removed the last of Tony's doubts about this being a dream. Smiling, Tony blew a kiss at the mirror, deciding to explore the rest of his dream. Going downstairs, Tony wondered where everyone was, then chuckled, thinking again how realistic things were. If the dream was following reality, like it seemed to be, with the one exception being himself, Tony knew that his dad would have to be at work, and Mrs. Lewis wouldn't have arrived yet. Humming to himself, Tony slowly went around the house, amazed at just how much detail was in this dream. When he got to the door of his own room, he hesitated for a moment, the carefully tried to open it, only to find that it was locked. Shrugging, he thought that was for the best, thinking that if he had managed to open it, that the dream would probably end and he'd wake up. As Tony went back downstairs again, he thought that other than his being so different, the dream was rather boring. He wondered if maybe that meant his subconscious was trying to tell him something, though he certainly had no idea just what. Maybe it was just trying to get him to see things from Stephanie's point of view, though that didn't make much sense to him either. But then again, Tony knew that dreams didn't have to make any sense. Going back to the living room, Tony sat down on the couch and started massaging his breasts, just wanting to enjoy the feel. They felt so odd to him, and though Tony suspected that this was all just his imagination and that the real thing probably wouldn't feel that way, he couldn't help but like it. Absently, he began to rub at his crotch through the skirt he was wearing as well, finding that it felt rather interesting. Before it went too far though, Tony pulled his hands away, not knowing why, but feeling rather embarrassed. And suspecting that as soon as he had an orgasm, he would wake up all sticky in his bed. He wasn't quite ready to end his dream just yet. Ignoring the strong temptation to explore his body further, Tony got up and started to walk through the house again, wondering if maybe he might have missed something earlier. He smiled as he walked, finding the slight bobbing of his breasts with each step rather distracting, though not in an unpleasant way. Walking in the high heels amused him as well, especially with the ease he was doing it. They made the whole way he walked seem different. It was like his whole rear end was swaying a bit with each step, though he wasn't sure if that was from having the wider hips instead. Maybe some mixture of both, he suspected. When Tony stepped into the room with the liquor cabinet, he leaned against it for a moment, wondering if he should try something to drink. He remembered the stuff he'd drunk the night before, and wondered if that was what made him dream this. Tony thought about it for a minute, and decided that the unfamiliar alcohol must have been what was causing such a vivid dream. With that, he wasn't sure he wanted to try anymore at the moment, though he did feel tempted. Just as Tony was debating with himself over having a drink, something else caught his eye. Turning his head, Tony saw Stephanie's purse set off to the side, with a pack of cigarettes on the counter next to it. Somewhat hesitantly, Tony picked up the pack of Virginia Slims and just stared at them. Stephanie only smoked a couple times a day as far as Tony knew, though he knew he could be wrong about that. Holding the cigarettes in his hands, he looked down at his breasts and smiled. "What the hell?" Tony muttered, deciding that since he was dreaming that he was Stephanie, he might as well go with the flow. Besides, it was only a dream. Tony pulled out a cigarette and put it between his lips, while at the same time reaching for the lighter. Hesitating for only a second, he cupped the flame in his hand, lifting it to the end of the cigarette. Putting the lighter down, Tony gently sucked in, feeling the warm smoke filling his mouth and being drawn down into his lungs. He was slightly startled to realize that it didn't feel rough like he would have expected or hurt in any way. It didn't even taste bad, which he shouldn't be surprised at since he knew he was dreaming. Licking his lips gently, Tony held the cigarette between his fingers, staring at it, then blowing the smoke back out. Smiling to himself, Tony watched the smoke floating in the air, then took another puff from the cigarette, finding it oddly comforting. Beginning to feel a little good, Tony started walking towards the kitchen with the cigarette smoldering between his fingers, held in the same manner he'd seen Stephanie use. Once again Tony looked through the kitchen, trying to see if anything looked worth eating. When nothing caught his eye, just stood and stared out the window as he finished smoking the cigarette. After he'd finished the cigarette, Tony went back to the living room then stopped as his eyes fell across the piano that Stephanie had brought in when she'd married his dad. Tony smiled to himself, walking over to the piano and gently running his hand over it. He didn't know how to play, and as far as he knew, didn't have any musical talent at all. Tony had always envied people who could play instruments for their ability to make beautiful music. Carefully Tony sat down at the piano, imagining himself playing it. Then he chuckled to himself, remembering that this was only a dream and that you could do anything in dreams. Gently he put his fingers on the keys, once again noticing how nice and manicured they looked. How feminine. Trying to keep himself more focused, Tony began to push the keys, making just noise at first. As he began to relax, his fingers once again almost seemed to take on a life of their own, knowing just which keys to press. Slowly and hesitantly at first, then more confidently, Tony began to play. He amazed himself with how good the music sounded, knowing that he'd never be able to do such a great job in real life. He didn't know where it was coming from, but he let his fingers have their way, doing what felt natural. As he played, he found it easier and a little more natural, almost as if he actually knew what he was doing. Tony delighted himself by playing for awhile, then finally pulled himself away from the piano, breathing rapidly from the excitement. Joyously, he decided that maybe it was time to end this dream and wake up. Wanting to do it all on a good note, he hurried back upstairs to his dad's bedroom, then stripped himself naked before hopping onto the bed, hands already massaging his breasts. The feelings he received from his breasts amazed him, especially from those very large and sensitive nipples. Tony's nipples hardened between his fingers, feeling even better to him. As he slid a hand between his legs, he felt that he was getting wet there. Taking his time, Tony kept masturbating with his new body, feeling the sexual tension building until finally it exploded in an orgasm that sent waves of pleasure through his body. Sitting up again, Tony wondered why he hadn't woken up. He smiled at the warm pleasure and how good he still felt, but was confused about why his dream hadn't ended. Feeling a little nervous, though refusing to admit it to himself, Tony cleaned himself off and put the clothes back on. Once again the idea passed through Tony's mind that what if it wasn't a dream? What if this was real somehow? Shaking his head, he reminded himself that it couldn't be. In real life he wouldn't be able to walk in high heels or know how to put on makeup, much less play the piano. No, it had to be a dream. Convinced again, Tony knew that he needed to find something else to do before he woke up. As tempting as it was to just dream about masturbating until then, he wasn't sure he wanted to. There might be something else that he needed to see in his dream. Tony thought about it for a few minutes and decided to leave the house. After going downstairs and grabbing Stephanie's purse, making sure he put the cigarettes back in it first, he went outside to her car. Just as he was about to open the door, Tony got an idea. "Why drive when I can fly?" he asked himself. Concentrating, he imagined himself flying, and jumped up, only to jump no more than normal. He tried it several more times, trying various things. "Up up and away" he said hopefully. Still nothing. Sighing, Tony decided that this dreams following reality was going just a little too far. "What's the good of dreaming of you can't fly in it?" Sighing, Tony pulled the keys out of the purse and sat in the front seat of Stephanie's Mercedes. He looked at the steering wheel and the stick shift, hesitating a bit as he put the key into the ignition. He'd watched his dad drive quite often so had a good idea how to do things. Tony was fairly confident that he could make due in an automatic, but this was a stick shift, and wasn't completely sure could manage. Then he laughed at himself, reminding him that this was a dream and that it would come to him like with the piano. After the engine had started, Tony said "Well, here goes nothing." And tried to move the car, only to have it jerk, then die on him. Pursing his lips together, he started it up again. This time he relaxed, trying to do what he'd done while playing the piano, letting his body just do it. This time it worked and the car started moving smoothly. Feeling greatly pleased with himself, Tony decided that since he was dreaming he was Stephanie, he might as well do what she'd do, and go shopping. With his mind made up to take advantage of this opportunity, Tony pulled out of the driveway, completely unaware of someone else waking up inside the house, and screaming. Part 3 of 4 As Tony was driving, it got easier and easier for him to control the car as he learned to control it more consciously rather than just by letting his hands and feet do the work for him. Pleased with himself, Tony wasn't even bothered much when he got lost several times. Eventually he managed to find his way to where he was going and parked the car in front of the expensive store. Smiling to himself, Tony checked his makeup in the car's mirror, amused that it felt so natural to do so. Once that was done, he went into the store. Inside the store, a Saleslady greeted Tony, calling him Mrs. Miller and acting as if she knew him. Or knew Stephanie, he realized. Curious, Tony went with the saleslady and told her that he was just looking for the moment. She seemed to accept that, suggesting that he check out the lingerie first. Tony smiled at that. Normally lingerie was one of those forbidden things for him. Something that he was never allowed to see. Now he not only got to look at as much as he wanted, but was wearing it as well. Absently he hoped that this dream didn't mean he wanted to be a cross-dresser. Over the next several hours, Tony tried on several types of lingerie, deciding to buy several very revealing pieces. Since he was convinced that he was only dreaming, Tony didn't care how much money he spent. After all, it wasn't real. With that in mind, he tried on several dresses, skirts and other outfits, pulling a number of them off to the side to buy. The sales lady went with Tony, helping him the entire time. Finally he was finished, feeling rather tired from the long time he'd spent just trying on different clothes. Going to the front to buy the clothes, he waited until the sales lady told him how much it would be, then handed her one of the credit cards that he'd found in the purse. She didn't hesitate to take it from Tony, which only made him smile. A minute later, she asked Tony to sign something, handing him a pen. Just before Tony was about to sign his name, he reminded himself that he'd have to use Stephanie's name, though he wasn't sure if it would really matter in the dream. As he signed Stephanie's name to the paper, he wasn't even startled to see that it came out smooth and flowing, just like Stephanie's handwriting. His own handwriting wasn't bad, but it wasn't that. At least not normally. Pleased with himself, Tony left the store as the sales lady said "Come back again Mrs. Miller." Looking at the watch on his wrist, Tony realized that it was lunch time, and that he was beginning to feel a little hungry. Looking around quickly, he noticed a small cafe just a couple doors down and went to it. After a small sandwich, Tony sat back enjoying the wine he'd ordered. Tony couldn't resist ordering a glass of wine when he saw that they sold it with lunch, and was thrilled when they gave it to him with no problems. Taking another sip of the wine, he thought that it actually tasted rather nice. Since he was already finished eating, Tony lit himself another cigarette, thinking that he should do this right. Blowing the smoke out and taking another sip from the wine, he thought that this was actually rather interesting and somewhat fun. When Tony had finished, he checked his watch again, realizing suddenly how much time he seemed to have spent in the dream. He knew that time didn't run the same in dreams, but still, it made him nervous. Tony decided that he'd better get back home, having a feeling that something was wrong but refusing to acknowledge it. Tony hurried home, finding his way much easier than hen he'd left. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw that Mrs. Lewis was there to start cleaning the house. This struck him as odd, not in that she was there since she usually was around lunch, but that his dream was too real. Leaving his bags of clothes in the car, he went to the door, and walked in. "Hi, Mrs. Miller" Tony heard Mrs. Lewis call to him as he went into the kitchen. After saying "hi" back, Tony went into the living room still feeling as if something was wrong. He knew that this was far too realistic for a dream, and was beginning to have his doubts again. Doubts that he once again tried forcing down, refusing to believe something as strange as this could happen in real life. Tony hadn't believed in magic since his Mom had died 5 years earlier, and wasn't about to change his mind now. No, dreaming was the only explanation that made sense, even as strained as that explanation was becoming. Nervously Tony looked around, only to suddenly find himself being pushed back without warning. Regaining his balance, Tony gasped, seeing himself angrily standing there. "Give me back my body!" Tony's other self screamed at him, a look of hatred in his eyes, and hands clenched into fists. Tony stared, mouth open at the 13 year old kid in front of him, who was a bit shorter than him, especially since he was also wearing high heels. "What the....?" Tony asked, confused by his doppleganger. The other Tony screamed again, "Give me back my body!", then hit Tony, catching him in the stomach and making him bend over. Gasping, Tony tried standing straight again, realizing that he hurt. This couldn't be a dream. Horrified, Tony realized that this was real. That this was happening. Apparently his confusion and horror was visible on his face, as the other Tony backed up a little. "My God," Tony muttered, still holding his stomach, "it's real. It's not a dream." Then Tony stared at his other self, hesitantly asking "Stephanie? Is that you?" Stephanie snapped back, "You know damn well it is you punk. Now give me back my body!" "I......I didn't take it." Tony stuttered, still shocked to realize that this was real. "I woke up like this. I thought I was just dreaming." At the look on Stephanie's, or actually Tony's old face, he realized that she might have some idea of what was going on. Carefully, Tony reminded himself that he'd been like that all day and had managed fine. He felt a little embarrassed at some of the things he'd done, but shrugged that off. Whatever this was obviously hadn't really hurt them. Tony realized that things could defintitey have been much worse. Feeling much calmer and self controlled, Tony asked her directly, "What happened?" Stephanie turned to walk away without answering, but Tony grabbed her arm and insisted "Tell me!" "I just got real tired last night and went to bed." Stephanie said, sniffing a little, "And I woke up this morning like this." Tony nodded. That sounded just like what had happened to him, but it didn't make any sense. Why did it happen to them? Something didn't sound right, and Tony glared at her, asking what else. Stephanie hesitated, then started to look a little more angry than afraid. "Wait till I tell your dad" She snapped, "Then I'll get my body back, and you'll be sent to military school." Tony looked at her. She was obviously hiding something. Before Tony could say anything else, Mrs. Lewis came in, then looked at Stephanie saying "I've got your laundry done and sitting on your bed Tony." Then she smiled at Tony, which looked a little forced. Tony knew that Mrs. Lewis wasn't very fond of Stephanie, and for good reason. Stephanie was always a little insulting or patronizing towards her. Now he seemed to be stuck with that dislike, "And what would you like for dinner, Mrs. Miller?" Tony felt himself blush a little bit, finding it rather odd to have somebody else thinking he was Stephanie. It was different earlier when he thought it was a dream, but he forced himself to smile back and told her that he'd think about it. When Mrs. Lewis left the room again, Tony turned to Stephanie. "Do you really think that Dad will believe you. As far as he'll be concerned, I am his wife, and you'll be his son." Tony looked Stephanie in the eye, then forced a smile, "Think about that. We can't tell him what happened or he'll think we're both nuts." Stephanie looked pale suddenly, and Tony walked away, leaving her there worried. Smiling to himself, he knew that she'd tell him what else she knew about what had happened. Stephanie wouldn't have much other choice. For the next several hours, Tony mostly avoided Stephanie, and when he did run into her, he smiled and said "You know, military academy might not be so bad." He loved the way she paled when he said that. Tony liked having the shoe on the other foot for a change. He knew that Stephanie absolutely hated being stuck as him and didn't want to spend a minute more like that than possible. Tony on the other hand had already become rather comfortable where he was. He certainly didn't want to stay as Stephanie, especially not when he thought about what that would mean between him and his dad, but he didn't mind being her either. It was better than being picked on by everyone, he thought. Smiling to himself, he thought he'd let her stew for awhile, then find out what she knew and if it could be reversed. Tony hoped it could be. When Tony's dad came home, Tony felt slightly embarrassed to be seen, but refused to let it show. Instead he smiled at his dad, saying "Hi Greg" He corrected himself, "How was work today?" Tony's dad came over, and kissed Tony on the cheek, making him feel rather odd, then said "It was all right. We managed to close the Olsen deal and finish a few things up." With that, they both went into the dining room for dinner. Tony's dad pulled a chair out for him so he could sit down, which Tony thought was rather strange though nice. He rather liked the attention that his dad was showing him, usually just being ignored instead. Mrs. Lewis brought the dinner in, setting the rest of it on the table, and Tony smiled thinking that it looked good. He smiled even more when he saw the way Stephanie was glaring at him. Throughout dinner, Tony had to remind himself to use the proper manners and to be careful with his long fingernails since he wasn't very experienced with them. However, like his earlier experiences, it quickly became extremely easy for him. Stephanie on the other hand kept looking up at him and glaring, which Tony thought looked rather out of place on his face. Stephanie looked at her already emptied plate, then looked towards Greg, asking "Can you pass me the potatoes, Greg?" Tony's dad looked at her sharply, "Since when did you start calling me Greg?" Looking uncomfortable, Stephanie said "I'm" Tony smiled to himself as he watched her looking in her plate, humiliated at being corrected. Then she looked up and saw the look on Tony's face, and suddenly got angry, snarling at him "What the fuck is so funny?" Tony watched his dad pale, then reminded himself sharply that he'd have to think of him as Greg until he changed back, just to avoid mistakes. Greg glared sharply at Stephanie, then stood up. "Don't you talk to your step mother that way young man!" He almost yelled. "Now, go to your room." Tony was amazed to see the look of anger and hatred on his old face as Stephanie stood up and sharply turned around, walking out. "I'm sorry for that." Greg apologized to Tony. Forcing a smile, Tony put a hand on his dads, saying that it was all right. Things were definitely getting interesting, Tony thought as he looked in the direction Stephanie had gone. As he finished with dinner, Tony knew that he'd have to keep up appearances until they could change back. He didn't want his dad, Greg he reminded himself, to notice anything out of the ordinary. Sitting back, Tony eyed the purse, thinking about the cigarettes inside. Stephanie usually smoked one of them shortly after dinner, though Tony was sure that he could get away without. Still, he'd already smoked a couple times earlier when he'd thought he was only dreaming, so shrugged to himself and thought "Why not?" It wasn't as if he hadn't done it already. Tony got up and walked over to the purse on the counter, pulling the pack of cigarettes from it. Without hesitating, he took a cigarette out, and lit it, sucking the smoke down. Smiling to himself, Tony blew the smoke out, amused at how easy it was. At how easy it had been so far to impersonate Stephanie. Greg walked over and gave Tony another kiss on the cheek, and they went into the living room, arm in arm. Tony sat down on the couch, close to Greg and leaning up against him, just as Stephanie often did. Quietly Tony smoked his cigarette, enjoying just being close to his dad. Somehow though, it didn't feel the same as it used to, but he still felt good to sit so close to him. After awhile, Tony got up, wanting to go check on Stephanie and see if she was ready to tell him what she knew. Going upstairs, he went straight for his room, knowing that was where Stephanie would be. Stopping at the door, he was about to open it, when he heard something from inside. Carefully, he listened to what Stephanie was saying to herself. "I'll kill that bastard as soon as get back. I'll send that twerp to military school in Alaska, and I'll kill that fucking old woman" Tony gasped, realizing what she was saying. Nervously, he listened to her rant for a few more minutes, saying how she should have just killed Tony's grandma in the first place instead of trusting in magic potions. Tony was horrified to hear her saying that she was going to rectify that as soon as she got back to normal. Numb with shock, Tony quietly turned around and walked away from his room. He'd known that Stephanie was a cruel, manipulative and self centered bitch, but he'd never thought she would try murdering his grandma. And after hearing the tone of her voice, Tony had no doubt that she would do it either. Tony went back to the living room, silently thinking to himself. Wondering just what they could possibly do. He wasn't sure, but he sure as hell wasn't going to let that bitch kill his grandma. No matter what. That night when it was time for bed, Tony felt rather uncomfortable going to sleep in the same bed as his dad, especially since Stephanie apparently liked to sleep naked. Still, he had to try to keep up appearances, so ignoring Greg's advances and claiming a headache, he climbed into bed, pretending to fall asleep. Tony felt a little guilty when he saw how disappointed Greg was, but he wasn't about to go all the way. Maybe if he still thought he was dreaming he might have, but now that he knew it was real, he had no intentions of doing something like that. Even so, as he laid there in bed with Greg's warm body pressed close to his, Tony could feel his body responding. He could feel his nipples hardening and his groin getting wet. Forcing himself to stay where he was, Tony tried to ignore the building temptation to turn over and start kissing Greg. He knew that it was wrong, but his body was becoming aroused just by the close proximity to Greg. Tony bit on his lip silently, trying to keep from playing with himself at the very least. He wondered how could he be reacting this way? How could he feel like this? Then Tony realized that it was the same thing that had been happening all day. His body was just responding the way it always did. Even though Greg's mind was in it, the body still had all of Stephanie's muscle memories, reflexes and habits. That was what had happened to him all day long. Whenever he let the body's habits take over, they only got easier for him, and more natural as he acclimated to them. Tony realized that it wasn't just walking around in high heels or playing the piano. He had even started feeling so comfortable in that body that he hadn't noticed the breasts as much. Hadn't noticed how differently he walked and moved. He'd gotten so that it just felt natural. It felt normal. Tony told himself that his being aroused was just another example of this body's normal reactions being carried over to him, though that didn't make it go away. Eventually Tony drifted off to sleep with these thoughts running through his head, and still feeling aroused. Part 4 of 4 Tony woke up feeling very good. Something tickled between his legs, feeling very warm, and very nice. Not sure what was going on, Tony just sighed, amazed at how good it felt. Without thinking about it, he put a hand to one of his breasts and started rubbing, almost moaning at how good it felt. Finally Tony opened his eyes, only to find that Greg's head was between his legs, licking him. Tony wanted to protest, knowing that this was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to open his mouth. He felt too good. All he could do was moan as he was caught up in his pleasure, building until he orgasmed. Gasping for air, Tony stayed where he was on the bed and soaking up the warm afterglow he felt. Looking at Greg who was smiling pleasantly at him, while starting to get dressed, Tony found himself noticing things about Greg that he hadn't before. He was smiling pleasantly while thinking about these things until he caught himself, and felt embarrassed. Disgusted with himself, Tony tried to focus on something else, but couldn't help thinking how nice it was to the attention he normally lacked. Greg smiled at Tony again, then said "I've got to make sure Tony gets off to school today. He seems to have skipped it yesterday for some reason and I'll have to talk to him about that." Tony wanted to say something back, but just stayed where he was. As Greg left the room, Tony remembered that he'd had some dreams the night before, though he couldn't recall what they were. Smiling to himself, he remembered that they were rather nice though, but not as nice as what he'd just had. Catching himself thinking of Greg again, Tony tried to turn over and go back to sleep, a smile still on his face. When Tony got up again later, Greg was already gone to work. And after going to his own bedroom, he found that Stephanie was gone as well, and assumed that she'd been forced to go to school in his place. The thought of that brought a smile to Tony's face as he went about Stephanie's morning routine. For most of the morning Tony tried on various outfits of Stephanie's and the things that he'd bought the day before. Eventually though that bored him and he went downstairs. Going to the living room, he slowly drank a glass of wine, having enjoyed it when he'd tried it the day before, and smoking a cigarette. Shortly before Mrs. Lewis was supposed to arrive, Tony went to Stephanie's car, deciding to go for a drive. He didn't have any idea where to, he just wanted to drive around while he was able to. The rest of the day passed quickly for Tony as he went to several stores and even bought himself some jewelry, though he knew he wouldn't be able to wear the any of it after he changed back. He shrugged, telling himself that it was Stephanie's money he'd spent, forgetting that it was Greg who would actually pay the bills. Going back home, Tony waited for Stephanie to return from school. He had a bad feeling about her and decided that he had to find out more about what caused their exchange. He already knew from overhearing her that it had something to do with a magic potion, which he was no longer willing to deny existed, but he wanted to know more. Like where she got it and if it could be reversed. Finally Stephanie came home, looking pissed off. Tony wasn't surprised, having expected it. He thought it was hilarious that she'd have to go through all the shit he did at school on a daily basis, knowing how much she'd hate it. She glared at him when she walked in, but kept her cool enough not to insult him. That actually impressed Tony a little, though not too much. Since Tony was sure that she'd had enough, he looked around to make sure that Mrs. Lewis wasn't listening, then got straight to the point. "All right, tell me what you know." he said simply. Tony could see the conflict inside Stephanie as she debated on whether to fix things herself or whether she really needed his help. She realized that she would probably need help, so finally told Tony. Tony listened as Stephanie reluctantly told him about the store she'd bought the potion from, and how surprised she was at the results. She told him that she'd gotten it as a love potion to use on Greg, but Tony rather doubted that. Not unless it was supposed to turn Greg into her love slave. Sighing, Tony knew that Greg wouldn't be back for at least an hour, and that was if he wasn't working late. That would be perfect he decided. After telling Mrs. Lewis that they were going to run a quick errand, Tony went out to Stephanie's car, with her reluctantly following behind. Tony chuckled at how bad this must be for her, and especially at how hard she was working to keep from insulting him more, since she knew that she needed him to reverse things. Once they got to the mall, Tony started following Stephanie as she tried finding the store that she'd bought the potion from. He wasn't quite sure he believed her claim that she didn't remember where in the mall the store was, but he didn't have much choice. It was either that or wander around aimlessly, though that thought appealed to him as well. They found the store they were looking for almost immediately, which seemed to surprise Stephanie. As they looked at the Spells R Us sign above the door, Stephanie muttered, "I was sure that this place was on the other side of the mall." After hesitating for only a second, Tony followed Stephanie through the door. Just as Tony stepped inside, a strange old man, dressed in some kind of robe appeared next to him, smiling. "Hello Tony. Stephanie." He nodded at her. "I see that you failed to follow the instructions I gave you." "What?" Stephanie asked, looking angry, "You knew?" "Of course I know." The Old Man said calmly, "I am a wizard after all." Tony looked at this strange old man, feeling a little unsure. "Can you change us back?" he asked cautiously. Then remembering that can and will are not the same thing, Tony rephrased his question, "Will you change us back?" The Old Man smiled, "Clever boy." Then he chuckled, "Or at the moment, Clever woman." The Old Man scratched his chin as if thinking then, said "I gave you a fairly powerful elixir. However, I do have a stronger version of it as well that should work." "Well?" Stephanie snapped impatiently, "Where is it? This was not what I asked you for." The Old Man glared at Stephanie, obviously not impressed with her. "If you would have followed my instructions, you would have gotten exactly what you asked for. You asked to have complete control over Greg, being able to make decisions for him. If you had become Greg, you would be able to." Stephanie gasped. The Old Man looked at Tony again, smiling faintly and saying "I'm sorry that you got caught up in this. If it were just her I wouldn't bother." Tony watched a little nervously as the Old Man went behind the counter and pulled out a wooden box. Carefully the Old Man set the box down and opened it, pulling out a small green bottle. "Here's the one." he muttered, closing the box up again. "Here" the Old Man said, holding the bottle out to Tony, "This is a slightly stronger version of what I sold Stephanie. It will work much quicker, but works the same way." Carefully Tony accepted the bottle, gently holding it, afraid of losing it or breaking it somehow. "Um...thank you, sir." Tony said gratefully. He wasn't sure exactly what it was or how to use it, but he could find out from Stephanie. "You're welcome." The Old Man said with a smile. After a quick glance at Stephanie, who seemed to be having a hard time keeping herself from interrupting, the Old Man continued, "You pour the contents into a cup of some liquid. It doesn't really matter what it is much, though I wouldn't recomend using some of those soft drinks. Then both of you drink half of it. After that, you'll switch back." Tony thanked the Old Man again, then asked how much for it. The Old Man chuckled, "For you, it's free." Stephanie gasped, though the Old Man didn't seem to notice. "There's only enough for one dose, and the effects will be permanent, so use it carefully." Tony nodded in understanding, then gently put the bottle into his purse. He certainly didn't want to lose that. Feeling somewhat relieved, Tony left the store with Stephanie following right behind him. As soon as they were back out, Stephanie demanded that they go to the food court and get something to drink so that they could change back immediately. Beginning to really get annoyed at Stephanie, Tony refused. He thought that it might be better to do something like that at home, where Stephanie wouldn't be able to just drive off and leave him, which he suspected she might do if they changed back at the mall. The trip back home was rather uncomfortable for Tony since Stephanie kept glaring at him. Fortunately, she knew not to push him until after they'd changed back. That made Tony even more nervous. He couldn't help but remember what he'd overheard her saying, and was already dreading what she'd do as soon as she was able. The more Tony thought about it, the more convinced he became that he'd need to do something before they did manage to change back. He wanted to make sure that his grandma was protected from the bitch, and

Same as SRU: The Wicked Stepmother Videos

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SRU Love Doll Lessons

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SRU The Mousepad

Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more info. Copyright 1999 Elaine Blankenship. All rights not specifically granted above reserved. Email the author at [email protected]. I do not own the SRU universe, I...

3 years ago
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SRU The Stock Broker

This started out not being an SRU story, but it was too easy to slip it into the SRU universe by the time I got into it. Hope you like it. [email protected] SRU: The Stock Broker by Elrod W "No, I understand," George Martin said, faking a smile as he shook the hand of his now-former client. "I wish you luck." George escorted the guest out of his office, and when the man had gone, George closed the door, plopped heavily into his chair, and spun the chair so his back faced the...

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SRU Unreally Real

SRU: Unreally Real By Ran Dandel "Damn!" exclaimed Terry Ralston, as the monitor screen pronounced the words, "Game Over". "Killed again! If I could just get past that level!" This was the tenth time Terry had tried to win his way into the final obstacle in his latest computer game. He stripped the oddly-shaped device from over his eyes, and peeled off the equally-strange gloves. "How's that new virtual reality game, Terry?" asked his roommate, Jim Briggs. "Well, it's...

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SRU Pick A Card

With grateful respect to Bill Hart and his creativity, I decided to try an SRU story. It can be archived by Mindy, and by anyone else who has Bill Hart's permission to archive SRU stories, as long as there is no charge for access. SRU - Pick A Card By Brandy Dewinter "Shelly, please, don't go out tonight. Or, let's go somewhere we can be together." "Why, darlin' there's no reason we can't go out together tonight." "You know I can't go to those smoky...

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SRU Wine

SRU Wine BY Bashful Darrell Singleton was lonely and depressed. He always got this way around the beginning of December. The start of the holiday party season. He was a nice enough looking guy and his friends and co-workers liked Him, but he didn't get out much. He was shy, especially in large groups and around women. It had always been that way. This year, he was determined to do things differently. He was going to learn to mix with people and maybe find himself a...

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SRU Wonderful Life

SRU: Wonderful Life by Carol Collins It was the day before Christmas. George Bailey, a tall thirty year old man, virtually ignored the holiday music playing on the public address speakers as he moved from store to store in the large shopping mall in a vain search for a "Trixi" doll. He passed within feet of a very beautiful, very large and very ornate Christmas tree without even noticing it. He was a man on a desperate search for a promised gift for his ten...

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This tale continues the adventures of Mark and Susan after their transformation in 'SRU: Better Than Plastic'. Although the story and SHA are fictional, a real- life celebrity appears without her knowledge or consent, and possibly inaccurate information. Please do NOT discuss this with her if you should happen to know her. Without further ado, here is: S. H. A. By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan were distraught with the news. They were stuck as hermaphrodites, and both were...

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SRU Ultimate Nightmare

Note: As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be Archived on any free site. Further Note: This tale is the continuation of 'SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice'. It takes many twists and bends. This Story is Extremely Twisted. So be forewarned! I'd like to hear your reactions. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment. I'm just a beginning writer, so please take...

2 years ago
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SRU High School Reunion

This is written for the third anniversary of the SRU universe. It's a little late, but somethings can't be helped. The first story specifically designated as SRU (although I spelled it all out the first couple of posts) was posted to the TSA-TALK mailing list on October 8, 1996. At first, I wasn't sure if I would have the time to write an anniversary story. There was the crossover series with the Altered Fates universe to consider, although that project now looks dead. And I didn't...

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SRU Wizards Guest

It's been a while since I did an SRU story and I've missed the anniversary of its creation. This is a sort of sidebar to the SRU-AF crossover I did a while back. That story was the supposedly the beginning of a collaborative collection, but it failed. Maybe this story will help revive it. Or maybe it will just drive another nail into its coffin. But then, I never received much in the way of review one way or the other. Oh well. Those who archive stories freely may do so,...

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SRU Justice Shall Be Done

SRU: Justice Shall Be Done By Alec Stevens 1. Almost Caught Frank Lopa parked his car down the street from the home of Gina Sert; a former girlfriend of his whom Frank believed was involved in a scheme against him to ruin his life. Frank didn't have very good people skills and many people he had met and associated with hated him. The fact that his parents had both been murdered and the loss of his job had caused the rational Frank's mind to snap. He had leaped to the...

4 years ago
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SRU Coming Clean

SRU: Coming Clean ElrodW Synopsis: A boss has a problem with a lecherous employee who he also suspects frequently masturbates in the restroom. When he bumps into the SRU wizard, he finds a special toilet cleaner that the wiz promises will fix the problem. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Coming Clean John Fielding sighed and shook his head sadly as he zipped up his pants. It was quitting time, it...

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SRU Hose

SRU Hose By WEKM Jon was wandering about the mall while his wife Joanne was getting her hair done. Now Jon knew the mall fairly well and had an excellent sense of direction. He prided himself on it. He also had an uncanny memory for the placement of stores in malls as well. He could probably find his way to any shop in any mall he had ever been to weather he had been in the shop or not. He just seemed to be able to see the malls in his head, a trait that his wife had found either...

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SRU Charmed

SRU: Charmed Synopsis: A young man is a bit obsessed with his girlfriend's body. In order to 'improve' her, he gets a magical charm from the SRU wizard. However, the plan backfires when older memories return - with a vengeance. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Charmed Joe glanced up, peering between Kim's breasts to see the expression on her face. With renewed determination, he continued to...

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SRU Stargirls Visit

Authors Notes: The mighty SRU universe belongs to Bill Hart, whom I gladly tip my bonnet to in the hopes I'm not breaking anything here. This story contains a few words not seen on TV as well as an object PC people and people with aversion to sexual items would do well to avoid. This is just a piece of fluff filler before I begin my story universe. Stargirl's reply as she walks out the SRU door I've taken from another SRU story, though I don't remember which one. Also, The...

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SRU Oldtimer part 2 Second Chances

Intro: Three years ago Pretzelgirl wrote a story called "oldtimer in the SRU universe. It was probably one of the best SRU stories written except for the ending. My apologies if I don't do justice to her work. SRU Oldtimer part 2: Second Chances By Reality Check 'She gasped in abject horror at gnarled, withered hands still sporting long bright pink nails. Her chin widened, sprouting a cracked, weedy, sun-reddened texture. The candy-striper's petite nose exploded into a ruddy,...

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My stepmother

I never knew when I broke up with my boyfriend, that I wouldn't be able to meet anybody after that. I go on blind dates all the time and I just can't seem to meet anybody. I'm starting to lose interest with dating completely. I can't find anybody who I get along with, or any that are remotely good looking.Every week, I go on a few blind dates and they never turn out good. My friends are always trying to set me up and it's a failed disaster each time. My dates are always attracted to me, but I'm...

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Mai StepMother

Little Jimmie!"Twenty year old James Middleton ignored his stepmother's call. He had one more kill to make on his X-box game and he could advance to the next level."James Middleton! I know you can hear me!"James groaned loudly, put down his controller and stood. He knew when his stepmother called him by his first and last name she meant business. He left his room and walked slowly toward the kitchen."Yes, Mai?"Her voice softened. "It's been ten years since your father and I married. And you...

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Im having sex with my stepsister but fantasize about my stepmother

My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...

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Losing my Virginity to my Stepmother

Her name was Maureen and she was the most beautiful woman that I’d ever known. She was my stepmother. We were a blended family. My step-mom had three children and my father had five children. I was the oldest of all the siblings. My father was an alcoholic and worked late hours with his job. He'd always stop off at a bar, when he finished his shift for the evening, and then pass out in the spare bedroom. So my stepmother was always alone when she slept. My father was also very abusive to her. ...

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Gina Discovers Something About Her Stepmother

My boyfriend and I were out at a party and I was a little drunk when he drove me home. My father was away on a business trip and my stepmother was asleep. I snuck my boyfriend into the house and we fooled around on our living room couch. We really didn’t have the money to get a hotel room. We had to be quiet, so my stepmother didn't hear us. We kissed deep and passionately. Eric stood up and removed his shoes and his pants. He pulled my skirt up around my waist and pulled my panties down to my...

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Seduced by my Stepmother

When I was still young my mother died in a car accident, and for the next few years it was just me and my father Ted.My father did his best for me, but he could never fill my mothers shoes, but then as I reached my late teens he met another woman called Mary.Mary was a tall redheaded woman in her mid thirties, she had an amazing figure that she looked after with regular trips to the gym, and the few times I saw her in a bathing suit I could see why my father liked her so much.It wasn't long...

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Sissy Stepmother

Sissy Stepmother A Pantyboy Profile INTRODUCTION Cheryl here. You remember me. The 20-year-old pantyboy extraordinaire. Every man's naughty, secret, wet dream. Raconteur without equal. In "Service" and "Test Driven," I told you about Amy and Judy, two of my lovely roommates, fellow pantyboys and like me, covergirls for "Panty Boy," the only publication worth buying, besides some of those Spermco comic books about us "special boygirls" and the "Sunday New York Times." And Panty...

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SRU Made for Each Other

SRU: MADE FOR EACH OTHER by Roy Del Frink Leland Welker was strolling through the mall one day when he saw a strange sight. It was an old-fashioned wooden shop called "Spells R Us". He was bored, so he decided to enter on a whim. Leland couldn't believe all the junk in there, and didn't understand what he would do in a place like this. Just then he noticed a short old man behind the counter. He looked at least eighty years old, and he wore an old crimson bathrobe. He asked the...

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SRU The Contract

Spells-R-Us & The Contract by Bad Irving Standard disclaimer, if under 18 do not read this tale. Actually this disclaimer is just a chance to give some credit, where credit is due. The story "The Reviewer from Hell" by Happyguy was the starting idea for the creation of this story. It is with Happyguy's permission that I take his concept and proceed with my own story. The characters in this story are not a carry over from Happyguy's tale, but, the Spells-R-Us (SRU) characters...

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SRU The Retrun fo the Love Doll

SRU: The Return of the Love Doll By Ran Dandel The Riding Club of the University was one of its most exclusive organizations. It was like a non-resident fraternity. The members gathered there to meet and socialize, and to build their skills at networking. The exclusivity was guaranteed because only the wealthiest students in good standing in their respective cities' Society could become members. Members who graduated were destined to wield great power in whatever ...

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SRU The Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU The Thin Line of Love

Author's Note: This story is a continuation of my previous SRU story entitled "The Love Hate Rule". If you haven't read that, it may help before you read this one, but it is not necessary. This story is pretty much free standing. I hope you enjoy it as much as it's predecessor. ----------------- SRU: The Thin Line of Love By Crunch Andrea Clark had just stepped out of the shower. It was another lost bout of trying fight off the sexual urges she felt. It...

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SRU The Good Wifes Guide

SRU: The Good Wifes Guide. by Darkside --------------------------- This contains actual extracts from a Home Economics textbook printed in the early 60s. It did the rounds at work a while ago and it just begged to have a story written around it. This is my one and only sojourn into the 'Spell R Us' universe. So I hope you all like it. As an experiment, I've deliberately left much to the imagination. This is more of a covert TG story than most. At was also an experiment in that I...

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SRU The Way of the Manga

SRU: The Way of the Manga By Melissa Virus Copyright 2000 Matt and Jason headed into the mall. Every Tuesday they went to Cedar Oaks Mall to pick up the latest issues of their favorite comics at Skanky's Comic and Video; today was especially exciting because a Class of Ninja High School video Jason had special-ordered was supposed to be coming in. Matt made fun of him. "You know that Ninja High shit's American, right? That's not real. The guy who makes it is named fuckin' Ben," he...

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SRU The Pardon

A version of this story appeared on Big Closet and on Sapphire's TG Fiction List. It may be added to other free archives as long as it does not violate Bill Hart's strictures on the use of his characters or my own notice at the bottom of the story. SRU: The Pardon By Lainie Lee The shabbily dressed man hurrying through the holiday shopping crowd slipped into the first door he came to. Hal David figured it must be a side corridor into service areas of the mall where he could hide...

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SRU The Shop Keeper

Author's note: I've always liked the SRU stories. This is my contribution. I hope you like it. LS SRU - The Shop Keeper By Lord Stormbringer "Damn, look at all that lost business," Tony said as he looked out of his storefront in the mall. Shoppers were bumping into each other in their hurry past his clothing store. He turned around and surveyed the few women shoppers comparing clothes. He went into the office at the back with the two-way glass window. Tom was reading a girly...

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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

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SRU The Big Mall

SRU: The Big Mall Edmonton isnt the first place you think of when you think "tourist destination" But there is one site that brings people from all over the world to see it - The Big Mall. Its real name is West Edmonton Mall, but nobody calls it that. Its always just been - The Big Mall. At one time, it was the biggest in the world, and I think its still in the top three. I'm not sure if words do it justice, but the place is ... HUGE. It has a rollercoaster, an enormous wave pool, ...

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SRU Spare Key

Permission to post to TSA list, archive, and website. Permission to post to TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictomania site. Personal copies for non commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected]...

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SRU Nightlight

Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...

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SRU Nicely Backfired

SRU: Nicely Backfired: by Donna-Allyson McCleod (my first attempt at short SRU story) It had all started a month earlier when Shirley Davis had moved into Don's neighborhood along with her older sister Valerie and their estranged mother Sherry. Don Wallace was a senior at St. Mary's Boy's High School at the time. Shirley Davis had immediately caught Don's eye on her first day at the school. Shirley was sixteen and had transferred into the adjoining St. Mary's School for Girls as a...

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SRU An Error in Application

Warning: This story contains adult material. SRU: An Error in Application by Fringold Sixfingers Lyle Green had heard several rumors about the 'Spells R Us' shop in the mall. Sense he did not believe in magic, he took the stories as tells of fancy. There was one rumor he was not about to ignore. The best place to buy computer hardware was SRU. Lyle could use an upgrade to keep him competitive. Soon he was outside the shop. Not at all what he was expecting. The store looked more...

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SRUAF A Wizards Altered Fate

Author's Notes by Bill Hart This was initially intended to be the second posting of the collaborative crossover set in the 'Spells R Us' and 'Altered Fates' universes written by myself and Raven. However, after finally making contact with Raven, we decided my story could be posted first, with his story becoming a prequel of sorts, instead of the lead in. Before I do anything else I would like...

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SRU Well Dressed

SRU: Well Dressed By Bashful Jack Edward Wilson was a relatively happy man. He had a good job and a wonderful wife. They had not been blessed with children yet but that was just a matter of time, he was sure. Jack really enjoyed his job, it was something he liked doing and he was good at it. He worked for a good company that treated it's employees well. You'd think he had the perfect life and you'd be right, except for one little thing. Jack wished he was a...

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SRU Hunting Season

Note: This is rather tame compared to the other SRU stories and I took a few liberties with this one. I hope that I don't piss anyone off with it. There is no sex on this one so if that is a deciding factor for you, pass this one by. Please let me know what you think of this story, whether you like or dislike it. I have other stories that I'm working on and hopefully will post in the future. This story may be posted to any sight that doesn't charge a fee. All others must get my...

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SRU Pantyhose

SRU: PANTYHOSE BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Why can't I wear clothes like that." Was the thought that often ran through Chris's mind. Chris was a pleasant twenty-two year old. Anyone who looked at him would think he was a normal boy checking out girls. What he was looking at was the clothes they had on. Clothes he wish he could have on. His mother's side of the family ran a night club and during the early evening he listened to the music and wondered what it would be like to feel silk...

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SRU Christmas Miracles

SRU: Christmas Miracles Copyright (c) 1999 by Chilli TNG --------------------------------------- Notes: The Spells 'R' Us Universe was created by Bill Hart; any characters from that universe that I've borrowed are ultimately his and I thank him for opening this universe to everyone. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or undead is totally coincidental. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get a life. Comments and thoughtful...

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SRU Half and Half

SRU: HALF AND HALF By Roy Del Frink A disgruntled lady walked up to the counter, holding a paper bag in her arm. "Listen here, buddy," she said to the old man behind the counter, "you sold me a potion that would turn my husband into the next thing I said. I said, 'Change my husband into a Chippendale dancer,' and look what happened!" She placed the bag on the counter, and opened it. The lady pulled out two chipmunks, dressed in tiny top hats, tuxes, and canes. One had a...

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SRU Ultimate Sacrifice

Note: This Story contains an exceptionally grisly scene. As always, The SRU universe and related Intellectual Property are copyrighted to Bill Hart. Thanks to Bill for creating this wide and grand universe. This story may be archived on any free site. SRU: Ultimate Sacrifice By Lucretia Alex was walking to the mall, planning on stopping by the food court to grab some grub. He cursed his car, which broke down yesterday. He looked like the walk could do him some good for at 23;...

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SRU Better Than Plastic

SRU: Better Than Plastic By Roy Del Frink Mark and Susan Johnson had been married ten long, happy years. They were a perfect couple. Although they were childless, they planned to have children soon; in fact, Mark had tried to impregnate Susan for two months without success. Mark was pleased with his job balancing the bank's checkbooks, and Susan was equally pleased to serve as receptionist for the local high school. Time was starting to wreak havoc on the thirty-something couple's...

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