He Was A Good Guy But She Is Much Better free porn video

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Hey guys, I've been reading Fictionmania for a few years now and decided it was time to try my hand at contributing something. Let me know if this is any good and thanks for all your stories over the years. He Was a Good Guy but She Was Much Better By Katie Lynn Myers I must have wandered in that near-conscious state for hours. I was clearly awake but was too content to remain motionless with my eyes shut and too rested to return to sleep. The strangest thoughts enter the mind in this state, stranger even than the dreams I had last night. The mind is completely engaged and yet those bizarre dream scenes interject themselves into my thought processes. The mind works to connect the dots and form some kind of REM-flavoured reality which is just close enough to the truth where one doesn't know for certain that they are beyond what is real. I finally began stirring from the altered state, stretching, yawning, turning, and rousing the well-rested muscles to begin the day. Some things definitely felt out of place but I would attend to them once I fully reactivated my body. I moved my arms and hands to rub my eyes open and immediately yelped out in pain as I had stabbed my eye in an unfamiliar clumsiness. There was the sudden rush of consciousness. With it, came the sudden memories of the previous night. My eyes opened with a jolt, my senses reeling, heart rushing, breathing rapid and shallow and screaming, no, shrieking, unfamiliarly and desperately against my memory and the new reality I was facing in the mirror above the bed. She was beautiful but terribly troubled, shaking, eyes darting about but always coming back to center. She lay there naked but too shocked to cover herself, mouth agape and eyes wide as the trembling increased and erupted into violent seizures. At that point, the image of the woman faded to darkness and I passed out. I was once again coming to that blissful state of near-consciousness and heard a cooing voice calling me, "Mike, Mike, can you hear me? Take it easy, I'm here for you. It's me, Cheryl and you're going to be fine." Slowly opening my eyes, I realized it was dark out and I searched for familiar objects to place myself. Despite my sleep, my body felt exhausted and sore muscles labored to stir themselves. Something resisted my weak efforts to move and I couldn't identify anything to tell me where I was. I turned my head to face the voice I heard and made out my friend, Cheryl, with whom I was staying on a mini-vacation. She approached the bed saying comforting things in a soft tone to try to soothe me. I groggily attempted to reply but my throat didn't respond and I uttered a little squeak. "Ssssh, sssh, ssssssh, don't speak right now. You need your rest. You've had a seizure and I gave you a sedative to help you relax for now, alright?" Cheryl said while stroking my head. Her presence and words acted like a cool salve on a fiery blister. "Just settle down, you're restrained so you don't hurt yourself anymore but I'll let you free when you've had your rest, OK?" I nodded my head and closed my eyes. The next morning I awoke and felt much better. I glanced around and knew I was now in her spare bedroom then attempted to move again. I was still bound but felt more ready to go. Cheryl was asleep in a chair in the corner. I called to her, "Cher-", paused and cleared my throat, "Cheryl?". Something was definitely wrong with my voice and I attempted clearing it again when she approached. I started thinking back and began piecing together bizarre snapshots of recollections. Cheryl asked me if I knew where I was, I nodded. She asked me if I felt alright and I shrugged. She asked me if I knew what was happening and I said, "No, no, no, what the hell ? ". My voice would not clear up. Cheryl asked if I recalled what happened 2 nights ago. I answered, "No, not really but I could really use some water for my throat". There was that strange voice again. She looked at me and gently shook her head, "You've been through a lot of changes, Mike, and I want you to know that I will help you through this, OK?" I nodded again that I understood. My mind was put to ease whenever she spoke to me. Whatever had happened, I instinctively knew that she would be the remedy. She got a water pitcher and glass and a straw. "You don't remember anything?" I answered "Very hazy", and then, "What's the matter with my voice?" I tried to modulate the pitch down to my normal tone but couldn't ? I sounded like a little boy. Cheryl said, "I really have no idea of how to tell you this." There was a loaded pause. "You're going to have to just trust in me because we're buds and I'll help you through it. It's going to take time but you and me together will solve it, OK?" I nodded again, not wanting the hassle of messing around with my voice. "You have somehow, I really have no idea what happened myself, but somehow two nights ago you changed after we got back from the bar. Mike, you're ? as best as I can tell ? you're, well you've changed ? a lot." She scanned me up and down and continued, "You look a lot different now, I mean, good, but different. I don't know how to break it to you but from everything I can see you're now a?woman." "What?!?" I squeaked. "You're nuts?" But when I heard my voice again, I realized that there could be something to it. She loosened a strap on my wrist and retrieved a hand mirror from the dresser. I reached for the mirror and saw a foreign slender arm and hand and fingers and saw that it didn't have any of my recognizable features on it, like musculature, moles, scars, freckles, or hair. I took the mirror and slowly raised it to my face. That girl!!! It was that naked girl from the dream! I gasped and the girl in the mirror did as well. She replicated my every movement! I opened my mouth, she opened her pretty lips, I closed an eye, she winked her beautiful blue eye, I shook my head and she mimicked me, I raised my eyebrows and she did the same. My arm went limp and I stared in shock. I looked down and saw more. I saw the two mounds, heaving to my every breath. I looked at Cheryl in disbelief. I moved the mirror and saw a perfect female figure, the small shoulders, willowy arms, hourglass waist and flat little stomach, the little patch ? "Oh my god it's gone!" - the flared hips and narrow and long legs with tiny slender feet. "What happened?!" Cheryl explained, "We both had a lot to drink so we took a cab home. Don't worry about your car, I had a friend get it. When we got in the cab, I noticed that you had a little blood spot on your back. You said you didn't know what had happened and neither one of us were feeling any pain. Then you started to complain that you weren't feeling well so when we got back I got you up to bed. I was getting you some water and aspirin when you started moaning in pain. I came back and there you were, but different. You looked ten years younger and slighter and you were shaking, not like a seizure but like your body was independently moving in ways that bodies don't move. I was afraid you were poisoned and I went to get the phone to call an ambulance. Just then, that new voice came out and you said: "Cheryl, please, help". I asked you how you felt and you said you felt fine but all wired inside. I was about to ask what you meant by that when all of a sudden your face changed. Your nose shrunk as I was watching it, shorter and narrower and your facial structure just - I don't know ? it moved. The brow looked like it was pushed in, your cheekbones shifted up, your chin narrowed and became recessed and your eyes got wider while your lips puffed out. Your chin and jaw became softer. Suddenly, I didn't know who I was looking at. I called your name and you answered me but with that voice again. I thought I was going crazy." "So you watched me become this?" I couldn't say it, girl or woman or female or whatever. "I dropped the phone and backed up to the wall but my eyes couldn't move away. Suddenly, your feet and arms like retracted inside your clothes. The light went on for me when I looked at your face again. It had become more rounded and it was now definitely a woman's face, so I opened your shirt to watch your chest shrinking, and then your nipples and breasts began growing and swelling. You must have been paralyzed because you just lay there at this point. Then I realized where all this was headed and slid my hand down to your crotch. I felt nothing there so I pulled your pants down and saw you already had what you have now. Your hips expanded and your legs narrowed, and your stomach just flattened in and cinched, it was amazing. The changes slowed now so I came out of my shock and called for you, hoping you weren't in a coma." I was mesmerized by the tale and I could feel this new body as she described each part of the process. As she described it, it felt like I was slipping into each part, like a diver slips into a wetsuit. I shifted around and exercised various muscles at random and felt the slight features of a woman's face, the alluring curves upon my chest, the freeing feeling of having nothing uncomfortable between my legs and the erogenous zone inside me now. I sensed the lighter limbs and the tiny waist and that diver's wetsuit seemed to fit me perfectly, then realized, no it was me. "Katie, are you?alright, are you following this?" Who's Katie? She must be talking to me, "I-uh feel ok now, just tired." "Get some rest, you'll be fine. You drifted off to sleep. The first time you woke up wasn't pretty. Do you remember it at all, Katie?" She called my name again, it sounded nice when she said it. "I'm starting to remember it now. I really want to thank you for being here for me, but what do we do now?" "Well, let's start by untying you and getting you something to eat, you'll need your strength back then we'll worry about the rest later." She untied my other arm and legs and I gingerly rolled to my side, rolled my legs off the side and mentally prepared myself to sit up. I still felt weak, groggy, and maybe a little queasy. Then I sat up. My new boobs hung from my chest and all kinds of stuff inside situated itself. My stomach revolted and lurched into a dry heave. I recovered quickly and twisted around slightly and moved my shoulders to get accustomed to these new feelings. My insides quickly got comfortable but I realized that there must be ovaries and a uterus in there. I thought again, "Oh my god, I really am fully a woman." And it felt nice to realize that. The boobs would take some getting used to, every time I moved, they moved. My arms brushed against their sides and I looked up at Cheryl and suddenly wanted to cover up. We are great friends and all, but I've never been naked in front of her. I turned to reach for the bed sheet to cover up. "Don't worry, you've been naked for a couple of days now and it's nothing I haven't seen before anyway. I'll get you a robe when you get to your feet." I blushed and realized it was just us two girls here, man that sounded funny but maybe I was getting a little too used to my situation too quickly. "Cheryl," I said in that sweet melodic voice, "What am I going to do? What about my life, my family and friends, my house, how am I going to live?" "Don't worry, Katie honey, I've been working on it. For now, all we've got to do is get you up, get some food in you and get you healthy." She retrieved a robe from her closet ? a nice soft pink feminine bath robe. I liked it and put it on, the soft fibers felt soothing against my smooth skin. "But am I stuck like this? How did it happen, did I get injected with some weird experimental drug, is there an antidote? I can't live like this." "Easy now, just calm down and we'll investigate every option, ok? You need to relax and take things slowly for now, one thing at a time. Let's get you up." I placed those dainty little feet on the floor and began shifting my weight forward. The boobs, of course, swung down surprising me once again ? I don't know if I could ever get used to them. I began to stand, with Cheryl holding my arm for support. "Are you ok?" "Yes, fine actually, things feel fine." I answered. This voice will take some getting used to as well. I know I'm talking but I keep thinking someone else is in the room saying the same things I'm thinking. "I'm going to take a little walk around." I didn't even notice it until I passed the dresser mirror but somehow again, things were adjusting too fast. My walking felt fine and normal, other that my new titties bouncing around but when I looked in that mirror and saw myself almost head-to-foot, I saw a woman, that I was that woman, that I was walking as woman does and my posture was decidedly feminine. My curvy hips swayed as I took each small step, carefully placing one tiny foot in front of the other. My arms dangled with the rhythm of my gait, not briskly moving front-to-back any longer. My head was motionless and my eyes were firmly fixed on some distant point, like some runway model. This was no 'when in Rome, do as the Romans' thing. I began to feel genuinely proud of the way I looked then I did one of those spins that women do when checking themselves out when they're totally absorbed in the way they look. I pirouetted, while keeping my head facing the mirror and glancing behind me, I noticed my rounded perfect pear-shaped ass and smiled. I felt completely self-satisfied to gaze at myself in the mirror at myself, admiring my every feature and primping and posing with my beautiful new body. I felt glorious and new and fresh, vibrant and full of energy, and I couldn't believe how sexy I looked and I can't believe I'm thinking this way! I turned and looked at Cheryl, who was smiling at my little display. "Alright, what the hell is going on?" I demanded with my hands high on my hips, elbows pointed back in an indignant and totally feminine manner. I caught myself and harrumphed and marched over to the bed in a pissed off womanly strut, sat down with my legs closed together, placing my slender hands against one another between my shapely legs and now realized that my mannerisms now exactly matched my appearance. I not only looked like a woman, I was also acting like a woman! "Cheryl, I can't act right, I'm acting like a total fag!" My voice now had the inflection of a totally out-of-the-closet flaming homosexual. "Katie, you're just adjusting to your new situation, you'll be fine. And you're not a fag; you're a lovely young woman. You can see how attractive you are and your mind automatically is adjusting to fit your sexy little body. You'll be alright, I'm here for you, anything you need, and I'm here for you." She sat next to me on the bed and hugged me tightly. Our breasts melded together and she caressed my back. I felt better. She kissed me on the cheek and I looked her in the eyes, realizing that she was there for me, then coming to the revelation that Cheryl was all I really had in the world, I completely depended on her to help me out of my predicament. Then I recognized that feeling again, the feeling that keeps drawing me deeper into womanhood. It was somehow connected to her and she kept bringing it on. I had to stop it or I would lose all my identity to my new sex and there would be no going back. I would no longer exist, male or female, and there would just be this woman, this complete, total, feminine thing that took over what once was me. No matter how hard I had tried to act manly, I just kept acting more womanly. Maybe if I reversed my behavior, the process would be reversed as well. "Cheryl, I don't know how to say this, but I'll just come right out ? I love my new body, I love being a woman, please help me live the rest of my life this way!" I started crying tears of joy ? the tears came easily and Cheryl started weeping with me. We hugged each other close, and then started laughing together, we rolled back onto the bed and then she kissed me. Full on the lips then she parted my lips with her tongue and kissed me deeply. I hadn't expected this at all, but I truly enjoyed this moment and I felt true sexual lust for her without that swirling vortex of girlish joy sweeping over me so I must have still been on the right track. There always were rumors of Cheryl being bisexual going back to high school. She had few female friends but those that she did have were inseparably close. Now things were starting to make sense. I would have to shelve these ideas though, because the kissing was getting serious. The remnants of my masculinity fired up and I was starting to kiss her back more intensely then I realized that my vagina was starting to get wet and my new clitoris was beginning to ache for satisfaction. This wasn't so bad after all. Sexual desire was still sexual desire but I had to keep it under wraps to avoid losing myself. I had to enjoy this as the ideal of femininity before I was drawn deeper into it. So I contented myself to be kissed, to be caressed, to be loved as an object of desire, and to be made love to as a woman submits to a man's passions. Thus, I had to submit to Cheryl's advances. "Cheryl, make me your woman." I cooed into her ear. The love was more than satisfying ? I had to say it was immensely pleasurable in my new body. While at first I yearned to take control, to get on top and make love to her, it was obviously impossible. I almost had to submit to her to learn the ways of woman to woman lovemaking and to avoid another perilous journey into that trap that I was sure would swallow me whole next time I strayed down that path. Feminine love was infinitely slower and more beautiful and it really didn't have to go anywhere in particular. We caressed each others naked bodies and kissed playfully and then passionately for what seemed like hours. She licked my newly enlarged nipples and as they became erect, I softly sighed with excitement at the electricity that emanated from them to make my whole body tingle. I heard the sigh of a woman experiencing total pleasure and paused, opened my eyes and then embarrassingly realized it was me. Cheryl looked up and realized what had happened and we giggled. At some point, I could hardly bear it anymore and had to have her inside me, to relieve the aching nubbin that just had to be felt, touched, and stroked into contentment. She finally did, artfully and masterfully teasing me with her tongue. She was very good at giving me oral pleasure and I finally arched my back, craned my head back, pointed my toes, and locked my knees. I was coming to my first female climax and it was glorious. Wave after wave of satisfying pleasure washed over me, starting with my clitoris, rushing through my vagina, around my hips, shooting through my outstretched thin legs, rippling up through my flat stomach and my breasts and my excited nipples recharged the energy and it flowed through the rest of me. I could barely move. Every additional touch seemed to set my body on fire. Each breath seemed to call back seismic aftershocks. I started giggling with pleasure once I had recovered enough strength to do so. I opened my eyes and saw Cheryl, smiling and encouraged by my response to the body and soul of a woman that she had instilled in me. I looked deep into her eyes and exclaimed my truest feelings, "I love you Cheryl, I always have and forever will and I love the woman that I have become. Thank-you for helping me realize that life should always be this way, we, two women hand-in-hand facing forever together." I was shocked at what I had just said. Had I somehow been drawn deeper into the spell which had consumed my body and was working its way into my mind? I didn't remember any effort of mine to resist the femininity that was sweeping over me and I didn't recall any dizzying slide into the womanly abyss. The sex was incredible and I was truly sated and happy, maybe more so than at any other time in my entire life. I went back to the last time that I couldn't keep a smile off my face ? when my daughter was born. I was at that level, maybe beyond it. Then I wondered what if I had given birth to her. I had the right equipment now and maybe Cheryl and I could start a family and I could be the mother, fat, happy and pregnant with our first child and I would go into labor and the contractions would push out my baby girl and I could nurse the baby with milk from my own breasts. Someday she would call me "Mama" and I would be the happiest Mommy on the planet. Just then, Cheryl said, "Yes, of course, Katie my love". I snapped back into reality. The spells were coming if I resisted and when I tried to let them pass by me. There was no way around them. I thought I might panic now. All I had to do was remember who I am, I'm a woman. No, damn it, I've been tricked into this! Cheryl had left the room and now returned holding something behind her back. She knelt down on one knee and said, "Katie, you are the most precious thing in the world to me and I never want to let you go. I have always loved you but things were never quite right for us to be together. Now you are perfect and I want to commit myself to loving you and caring for you for the rest of our lives. Please make me the happiest woman in the world and be my bride and marry me, Katie." I didn't know what to do, it was so beautiful, her words, her commitment of everlasting love, and then the ring was just beautiful. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my days being with Cheryl and basking in the glow of her love for me. I thought of walking down the aisle in the most gorgeous wedding gown to marry her. I thought of exchanging of vows and her lifting my veil to permanently forge the bond of love between us for life. I began to cry tears of joy and was nodding my head yes because I was unable to mouth the word due to my overwhelming happiness. I just held out my delicate finger and Cheryl slid the ring on. My hand looked glorious with the sparkling diamond. I paused and finally gathered myself and asked Cheryl "I want only one thing from you Cheryl, and I will be yours forever. That is the truth. Tell me what is happening to me and I will give myself to you forever. You have something to do with me being this way, don't you?" Cheryl looked up and pulled closer to me, looked into my eyes and saw that I wasn't completely entranced by whatever spell she had on me. She admitted "Yes, Mike I did inject you with experimental mind control serum and a nanotech genetic reengineering probe." "I knew something was going on! Cheryl, this is wrong! You need to understand that I never would have agreed to this" I started to cry again "But I do know that I love you and I always will." "I do have the antidote, Mike, but I made a decision after a long time that I am a lesbian and this relationship cannot last if you go back." "I love you but I can forgive only so much. You've led me to greater joys than I have ever imagined and I have new dreams of ever-greater joys ahead. You need to let our love prosper on its own. It's not real if it's drug-induced and it wouldn't last for you." "Oh God, Mike. You're right; I'd tear myself apart after years of medicating you to love me. You're right ? I'm sorry for what I've done to you. Let me give you the antidote and please forgive me." She left the room and returned with two vials and syringes. She removed the metal seals, swabbed the top of the first vial and withdrew 2 cc's of fluid. She came to me with the syringe when I interrupted her. "Cheryl, I want to see what the truth with this is. I have wholly enjoyed some of what has gone on here today but I don't know if it's the effect of the drug or true feelings for you or what's really me. Just give me the mind control stuff." Cheryl was startled and nearly dropped the syringe. Her eyes were wide and she asked me if I was sure. I answered, "Yes, and it's ok if you call me Katie. I like the name a lot." She took the other syringe and prepared it. I sat on the bed and didn't really know what I was doing but it felt right and seemed like the right thing to do, get a clear head first and resolve the issues we had on the table. She gave me the mind control antidote. I laid back and gave it time to work. It had been a very emotionally traumatic day so I wasn't surprised when I woke the following morning. Once again, I had to reorient myself to um, myself and the bizarre last three days. The ring was still on my finger and I smiled. I could hear that Cheryl was up and working in the kitchen making breakfast. My mind was clear and the conflict it had been put through had been put to rest. Just a regular day, but a momentous one. I rose from bed and felt the pull of the breasts again. That feeling will never go away, will it? I put on the nice pink bathrobe and went downstairs. I snuck up on Cheryl and gave her a peck on the cheek. She turned and smiled at me and gave me a long kiss back. "I'll bet you're starving." "Just look at me, I must have lost fifty pounds!" We both laughed. "And about six inches", Cheryl said with a pregnant pause, "? of height". "No, no, no, you'd better make that 18 inches ? height and length!" We laughed again and hugged. Things were totally normal between us again, except for the hugging and kissing and my new gender status, but other than those tiny little details everything was the same. "I noticed you're still wearing the ring" Cheryl said with the hopefulness rising in her voice. I blushed, "Well it just looks great on my hand and besides it's a wonderful gift from my lover." "Then you haven't come to a decision yet?" "No, I think my lover needs to do a little more convincing." "Ok, Katie. After we eat, let's get out of the house and do some stuff. I don't think it's a good idea for you to make a life-changing decision without going out in the world as a woman. Let's just do some fun stuff and put off whatever decisions until tomorrow." "Sounds good to me." But I don't have a thing to wear, and my hair is just a mess", I said in an exaggerated Southern belle drawl. We laughed again, this situation would be full of weird events. "I guess we'll have to get you a wig, and we really have some work to do on your nails and eyebrows. Oh, and you'll need to get your ears pierced. We can go to the salon first, I've already made an appointment for you. Then we've got to get you some clothes." We sat down to breakfast then went upstairs to prepare for the day. I got in the shower then Cheryl joined me. "I'll shave your legs and help you with your new parts." Cheryl entered the shower. I turned in the cramped space and we were face-to-face. We kissed under the warm spray and lathered each other up with the soap. The water cascaded off my curves and hers as we slid our hands around each other, enjoying the light touch of our hands on each others bodies. She opened the door and the rush of cold air into the shower stall gave me goose bumps all over and my nipples grew hard. She produced a dildo from the shelf and held it under the water to warm it. She teased me with it, moving it over my breasts and down my flat tummy. I moaned in anticipation when she brushed it against my new labia. She was going to penetrate me and this time I wasn't going to hold back. We gazed into each others eyes, kissed deeply and then she entered me. At first I was shocked as I watched and felt it disappear into me then I surrendered to the rhythmic motion and experienced the fulfilment of having the aching that needed to be filled to be relieved. I was fully into the sensation, enjoying every sensual thrust into me and responded with a woman's, "Oooh, god you're so good. I love you inside me". She responded with quicker and deeper strokes. I was on the receiving end of her love and was thoroughly lost in the feeling of the deep pleasure Cheryl was plunging into me. Cheryl began massaging my boobs now and I climaxed, almost screaming in delight. I knew this time who the woman was in the throes of undeniable passion, she was me, and I loved it. I could hardly stand anymore and sat my little tush on the little seat in the stall. Cheryl caressed me and began washing my hair. I was nearly eye level with her navel and knew it was time to return the love that she had given to me. I wrapped my lithe arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me and kissed her soft belly. She placed her soapy hands on my shoulders and said, "Katie, make love to me." I kissed her and plunged my tongue into her depths. I teased her liberally, bringing her to the edge of climax and backing off several times before she finally came, moaning, "Katie, Katie, Katie, I love you, I love you, I love you". We finished up by washing each other, slowly and sensually, taking special care of those special spots we shared. It was the longest and most blissful shower of my life. When we finally got out and we dried each other, my skin was so smooth and soft and silky and it slightly shimmered like fine satin. I was staring at my new self in the mirror again when Cheryl returned with some clothes for us and I looked at them, something new for me again. "I went out last night while you were asleep and got you a few things. I hope you like them." And there those little frilly things were. I paused as I looked at them, I had never had any desire to do anything more with women's clothes than rip them off them but now I'd be wearing them. I pulled out the lemon colored silky panties, high-cut on the sides and stepped into them, pulling them up my shapely legs, over my sex and up and over my butt. They fit great but felt like my butt was exposed. I faced the mirror and saw they looked good on me. Cheryl said, "Do you like the fit?" "I suppose, but it just feels like my butt cheeks are hanging out of them." I began walking around, trying to get used to the different cut and feel of my panties. They hugged me closely but were very soft and refined, just the way a woman likes to be held. "Well my lover isn't wearing any granny underwear!" "Well I won't be wearing any thongs either!" I felt my rounded butt and the panty line that left half my cheeks exposed. "We'll just see about that! Here's your first bra, Katie." Yee-ow, that's going to be a weird one. I thought how restricting it must be, here I've been letting my breasts hang out for two days now. I realized that their swinging about was distracting, actually disconcerting still and this piece of feminine garb would alleviate that. I wrapped the matching bra around my waist and reached behind me to fasten the hooks. My slender arms easily reached back there, when I was a boy I could never do that. I was a lot more limber now, or maybe my new lack of musculature meant that things weren't in the way anymore. I pulled it up and put the straps on my shoulders. Cheryl came over and adjusted my breasts which spilled into the cups. I faced the mirror, except for my short hair, I looked like an underwear model from a Sunday circular. How did they always try to look totally natural in the pictures? I stood there and affected a natural look but just looked awkward. I was wearing women's underwear, for Chris sakes. But I was naturally beautiful, with no makeup and my short wet boyish hair, I just gazed at myself in the mirror, entranced by the attractive woman I had become. "Cheryl, what's is like ? being a woman? What do you do when guys stare at you? How will I handle that?" I was hesitant for the first time this morning, because I was about to venture out into the world of womanhood without a clue. "Don't worry, Katie. I'm here to show you all that, I'll be your guide. First remember, you're a beautiful young lady. Nobody can take that away from you. Second, you're my lover and I'll always be there for you. Last, you'll have an undeniable and incredible effect on men that goes a long way to improving your status with men. If they leer at you, you have a power over them." "But what if I get hit on, what will I do? I'm not gay, or I mean, I'm not into men, you know?" "That ring will go a long ways to solve that, I'm glad you like it. Anybody that hits on you while you're wearing that ring is just a piece of trash that you can brush off. You'll do fine. Let's get ready." She had a lot more faith in me that I did in myself right now and I felt rather insecure. She pulled out more clothing for me as I lost myself in the mirror again. "I caught you again." She whispered in my ear as she slid up behind me. "Do you like what you see?" She asked as her hands glided up to my breasts, fondling them and lightly brushing my nipples which quickly became aroused. She kissed my neck and I just melted. I was hers. I surrendered to her, I wanted to belong to her, to be her girlfriend, her lover, her wife. I gave myself to her, every bit of me belonged to her, so I opened my lips and she pressed hers against mine and rolled her tongue around mine in a kiss that sealed our love. I tilted my head to the side and she lightly kissed my neck, sending tingles down my spine. I thrust out my chest and she caressed and licked my nipples, exciting me further. Again, I felt the aching inside me that needed relief and I ground my curvaceous hips into hers and she slid one hand down my body, flattening her fingers slowly as they transitioned from breast to my smooth tummy to my new set of lips. I could feel her hand curving to enter me again. Two fingers parted me and one entered me to slowly stroke my need. She pleasured me and she wanted me to experience only total bliss. She was completely into making me enjoy everything that women feel. As I orgasmed again and again in tectonic aftershocks, she spoke softly into my ear, of true love and happiness, of absolute joy and togetherness, the little whispers tickling my mind in a physical and mental climax that left me shaking. After we laid together for hours, lightly touching and kissing each other, so full of love that we went on and on, communicating worlds only by touch, kiss, and gentle caress and long loving looks into each others souls, Cheryl got up and asked "So which will it be, this or that?" She accentuated the "this" obviously steering me toward the mini-dress. It was so cute but I didn't know if I was ready for that yet. I chose the lesser of two evils, the yellow floral sundress. "Cheryl, come on. You're really pushing things. I would really rather wear some pants and sweatshirt." "Hey its fun wearing dresses. It will really get you in the swing of things, girl. The sundress is pretty modest but you'll be showing a little cleavage. I think it will look great on you. I know I'll love it." Cleavage! I used to love it, now I'll be flaunting it! It felt weird but exciting at the same time. I took the dress and it flowed over my head, down me and finding its proper positioning and hanging perfectly, almost like it was made for me. It hugged my torso and showed off my curves and yes, my cleavage before dropping off my perfect little rear and flowing about my long legs. I gazed down at my bust and saw my two beautiful breasts highlighted by the scoop neckline. It was beautiful and I felt beautifully appealing in it. My self-confidence leapt and I spun around. Cheryl gasped, "You're gorgeous, Katie! You look like spring. I love the way it looks on you!" I did look good, and I couldn't help blushing and smiling sheepishly. She hugged me, stood back, looked my up and down, and kissed me. "And you're all mine. I love you so much!" We parted and she began to get ready. I put on the matching sandals and picked up my little purse. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was the picture of femininity; I just needed to do something about my hair. It looked so out of place. Cheryl saw this and came in with a large box. "For the moment, you're going to be a gorgeous blonde". She opened the box and produced a blonde wig. She fixed it in place on my head and began brushing it into shape. She stood back and gasped. "Katie, you're a dream. Look at yourself!" I turned and saw her, a blonde with an angels face wearing a lovely sundress. She had a great body and she gasped. "Oh my god, I love it! Or me! Look at me, I'm gorgeous!" I squealed with delight. I hugged Cheryl and began to cry. "Thank-you for making me this, a beautiful woman! How could I ever want to be anything else?" That day started with me at the salon, getting my nails done. They put on extensions until I could grow my own nails and painted them a light flesh tone. My hands looked so pretty and delicate I now began using the little female mannerisms with my hands. They waxed my eyebrows into an arch and applied a little summer makeup coloring to my eyes, lips, and cheeks. They pierced my ears and added the cutest little dangling set of earrings that matched my outfit. After swinging the chair around, I saw myself in the mirror again. "Oh thank-you ever so much, you've done the most wonderful work." I gushed. The day just kept getting better! I caught up to Cheryl in Talbot's and surprised her. "Ma'am I'm afraid that you need to look on a larger size rack" Cheryl looked up in shock that a saleswoman would ever say such a thing. Her expression instantly reversed. "Wow, look at you! You're dynamite!" She lowered her voice "I can't wait to get you home and ravish this stunning lady." "Take me to your castle, my lady!" I was so caught up in all the beauty now, I couldn't go back and ever be the same. We giggled and left the store. We were so wrapped up in ourselves we didn't know there was a world outside us. I felt so free and the dress was fun and Cheryl was mine and I was hers and I was every bit of a beautiful woman and I loved it and we were together. I was rapidly falling head over heels for her. We did all the things that a lazy carefree perfect day of love insisted we do. We had lunch in the park, me spreading my dress out and carefully munching on fruit to avoid smearing my lipstick. We laughed and mined so deeply into each others souls that I felt like we were the same person. And we were like the same woman, hand-in-hand. At the lake, Cheryl got on her knee again. "Katie, I know we were going to wait but I can't hold out one more day. Marry me and I'll make you the happiest bride in the world. Our love exceeds any other love that came before and it will break all records for all love that is to ever be. Marry me, Katie because I can't have another single day without you. Marry me because that would make everything right in the world that is wrong, a perfect love that knows no bounds and will transcend us to better everything that we share in our lives. Please marry me because none of this can go on without you." "Yes, Cheryl, I will marry you to be your forever love because I can't do anything without you, to you I owe my life and I will repay it with my life, my heart, my soul, and my every breath." "Katie, you owe me nothing but your love", Cheryl kissed me and I melted in her arms. I'm going to be her wife, she's going to be my bride, and we'll be as one woman, with a love that is deeper than life. The time before the wedding rushed by in a whirl. I was doing most of the plans for the wedding myself as Cheryl was the only one working. The best part had to be getting fitted together for our matching wedding gowns. But it was only a hint of how glorious I would look on our wedding day. And my life shifted to my new character. I truly enjoyed being a woman and learning all the nuances and behaviors of my new feminine life were enjoyable. Things that seemed difficult quickly became natural and ingrained in my personality. Cheryl sometimes just looked at me in amazement, adoration, and total love as I became this new woman. She was there for me, supporting me every step along the way. I began to want to please her in my own new ways and when she came home from work, I would have a candlelit dinner awaiting her. A few glasses of wine for us and we wound up wrapped up in each others arms every night. I would surprise her at work for lunch. I always wanted to look my best for her and was constantly looking for the perfect outfit or working out at the gym (with those wimpy little 10 pound weights getting my lithe body perfectly toned). I had my longer hair styled and dyed blonde and learned how to apply my makeup perfectly. I was really into making her house look nicer and started decorating it nicer. I was doing so many little things for her and I couldn't come up with enough ways to make her happy. I was so much more sensitive, thoughtful and caring than in any previous relationship. It seemed almost an obsession, constantly primping and checking my appearance to always look my best for my lover. Cheryl took notice of my efforts and bought me jewelry which really lit up my frame of mind and I just adored the way it highlighted my hands, my neck, and my ears. "Katie, darling you're going to make such a great wife". Cheryl said to me over one dinner as we were staring into each others eyes. "Thank-you, I love doing everything for you. It's just a symbol of my devotion to you. I'm so happy and it's all due to you." "I really appreciate all you do for me. It's too much sometimes, the house is wonderful. I never had the time to really work on it and you've done so much." "Well, you're hard at work every day and I'm busy making our little love nest. You know what comes with nesting?" "What is that Katie-dear?" "Little eggs", Cheryl's eyes grew wide. "Cheryl, I've been thinking down the line what if we should start a family?" "Katie, you've come so far?" "I think I'm getting that drive to be a mommy. We've never talked about this but when we're out and I see a pregnant woman, I think that I want to have a baby and raise it and we could be a family. I don't know if you ever wanted children or wanted to be a mother or get pregnant or what but I do. I remember when I was a boy that the greatest feeling in my life was when I first saw my baby girl. Now that feeling is being replaced by what I think would be the greatest experience of having a baby, your baby. It sounds really trite but Cheryl, I want to have your babies." I blushed at the admission, but our love was now at a critical moment. Our roles were already defined by her being the breadwinner and me the housekeeper but this would forever characterize me as the woman of the house, the mother of her children, as the submissive wife and her as the leading figure in the relationship. "Katie, you're going to be my wife. I want you to bear my children. I always wanted a family with a couple of kids and the thought of you having them for me is an incredibly wondrous gift. Our love for each other is an incredible bond and it will only grow stronger as we start a family. Will you be the best mother you can be to my babies?" "Oh, yes of course Cheryl!" I broke down in tears of joy and we hugged and kissed having made this important decision together. My biological clock would stop running down and I would be that pregnant woman I dreamed of. I would go through the effort of childbirth out of my love for her and bring her beautiful little babies into this world. They would nurse from my own breasts and they would mean the world to me. I was to be the happiest mother in the world. We were two matching brides, with flowers everywhere and beautiful long trains for our gowns. The matching gowns themselves plunged deeply at the neckline, revealing more than a little of our cleavage, then hugging our bodies closely before dropping off straight to our calves but was slit up the side displaying a revealing glimpse of our long and shapely legs. As I walked, my pantyhose did that satisfying smooth sweeping against my slip, which in turn lightly brushed against my wedding gown in a cascade of silky smoothness. I loved wearing it and I loved the way I looked in it. I was quite the ravishing bride, the picture of femininity, the object of desire. My blonde hair was much longer now and it was tied back loosely with a few framing strands dancing lightly around my oval face. I had my hair lightly sprinkled with mother-of-pearl to match the pattern on my bodice and veil. My perfect skin was accented by my ruby red lips and finely finished arched eyebrows. My eyes were outlined by my long lashes and eye shadow that was the perfect mix of seductiveness and innocence for my wedding day. My white satin slippers clicked lightly along the hard floor. The train trailed behind me elegantly. I felt like it was all like a fairy tale and I was Cinderella. My transformation, my budding realization that I could enjoy being a beautiful woman, the quick courtship, and now our wedding culminating in a dreamy state of feeling fully alive and contented. Heaven itself would have to work exceedingly hard to stay ahead of this day. There would be no turning back into the handmaiden or the pumpkin. I was all woman now and I would live every bit of life as Mrs. Katie Lynn Myers, the stunning wife of Cheryl Marie Myers and the mother-to-be of her children. At the altar Cheryl looked into my eyes and said "I, Cheryl Marie, take you, Katie Marie, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully, through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep." Cheryl retrieved my wedding ring and held my delicate hand in hers. She slid the ring on my finger up to my engagement ring. They looked wonderful together on my hand. I was now Cheryl's wife, I was Mrs. Katie Myers. "I, Katie Lynn, take you Cheryl Marie to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully, through the best and the worst, through the difficult and the easy. What may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold so I give you my life to keep." I took the ring from the ring bearer and gently slid it onto Cheryl's outstretched hand. We gazed into each others eyes through our veils. "You may now kiss the bride." Cheryl lifted my veil as I raised hers. She gazed at me for a moment, whispered, "I'll always love you, Katie", held me close and gave me the deepest kiss. We now were one. Our honeymoon was awesome. Cheryl had planned it while I planned most of the wedding. We went to the airport the morning after our incredible wedding night and flew to Hawaii for two weeks of sun, sand, rain forest hikes together, and of course, deeply satisfying and intense lovemaking. Every day was the height of love but every time, it was topped by the next day. I bought my first bikini and got my first upper torso tan lines. We played in the surf, went snorkeling, and explored the rain forest waterfalls. At one particularly isolated waterfall which tumbled thirty feet from high black rock into a deep and clear pool we found ourselves alone. Cheryl stripped naked and dove into the pool and I followed her. We swam to the base of the waterfall and kissed with the water splashing down upon our naked bodies. She paused from nibbling on my ear and neck and whispered "I've got another surprise for you, Katie my love." I paused from the passion I was in and cooed "What's that, my love?" She went to the backpack and produced a vial and a syringe with an extended tube. "This place is perfect, our love is at a peak and the time is right. Katie, I know you ovulated today." I knew where she was going now and knew she was completely right and wanted this to happen so much. "Yes, this is perfect." First we made love under the waterfall. Feeling sated and replete, I laid back while Cheryl impregnated me. She explained that the genetic material was hers, spliced into genetic-free donor semen. The semen would then fertilize my egg and would grow into a baby in my uterus. I would really be having her baby. "Alright, we're all done, Mom." Wow, I would soon be a pregnant woman then a mother. My dreams were realized. We put our clothes back on and hiked back to the hotel. That night, deep inside me, I felt a little twinge deep inside me and knew that a new life had just begun. I nudged Cheryl awake. "It happened! I'm pregnant! I felt something tiny but glorious. I know it, I just know it, I don't know how but it's there." "It's your woman's intuition. Congratulations, Mommy, we're going to have a baby." She kissed me and held me tight then kissed my belly. I beamed with pride and joy with the biggest smile on my face. Cheryl smiled back at me. We were going to be a family. EPILOGUE: As Cheryl lays by my side, the woman who bears her child, contentedly tracing her fingers over the presently flat stomach that holds her growing seed, I am reflecting back on the life- transforming events that have occurred over the past few months. I am truly pleased with whom I am now and I enjoy every aspect of being a woman in body and mind. I am completely crazily in love with Cheryl. I am elated about my pregnancy and eagerly awaiting my first child. Looking back on my life as a boy seems so distant and foreign to me now that I think it's another person. I remember Mike still and I think we could be good acquaintances but I can't relate to his being, or his world. I couldn't have made it to this point in life without him but now I am Katie Lynn Myers, the pregnant wife of Cheryl Marie Myers and his existence resides in only in my memories. He was a good guy, but now she is so much better.

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A Day To Savor For Sheetal

Sheetal is 24year old young housewife living in Surat , her husband was a Diamond merchant , she lived in spacious ancestral house , her only problem is she was bored with life , her husband does not have any time to spend with his beautiful wife , neither he has time to look at sculptured body or indulge in sex every day , he is totally into making money & his sex indulgence is limited to 2 minute quickie & then off that may be once in 15Days , since they are leaving far away neither she had...

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sherrie my teen toy

It was a typical saturday night and i was sitting in the local bar watching the local girls try to strip tease . That is when it went from normal to kinda nice, This short woman came in and sat down besides me and started to talk. She said her name was Pam and was out looking for a good time. Not one to turn down a sure thing I decided to see how far I could get with ehr. To start things off she was not all that great looking with maybe a small B cup tits and a so-so face. About an...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

3 years ago
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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie

Shelton aka Sherrie Gabe and Nick had worked various home construction companies. Both were not “team” workers and had been fired by all the major builders. An accidental meeting at a bar brought them together to form their own company “Boonie Builders”. If it was “in the sticks, off the grid, in no man's land”, they would build it. They were barely surviving for a year, until they built a cabin for Shelton aka “Shell”. Shelton was a architectural designer. He had come out of the closet and...

1 year ago
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Injured Mother Sheetal

Sheetal was feeling very uncomfortable with the advent of monsoon. This happens every year around this season ever since she lost her husband 18 years ago. She was an affluent lady looking after her dad’s business and bringing up her only c***d Dharmesh.Dharmesh was a young man of 16 now. Tall and handsomely built, with a figure of 38-24-34, he has a workout for 90 minutes each day. He has just completed class 10. But strangely he is not attached to his mom. She leaves for her office at 8.15...

4 years ago
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The Next Day With Sherrie and John

After I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...

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Reality or PerceptionChapter 5 Number Four Sherrie

Well, the boat docked and we all parted before going ashore. Rachael told me that Jack would be there to pick her up and she would just as soon not have him see or meet me. He would probably get very suspicious when he saw me. I agreed, kissed her privately before we left the deck and wished her well. I reminded her of my numbers and told her to keep them safe. She promised to call in a week, just to update me. I watched her walk up to the railing on the top deck to join Susan and Mickey. I...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 10

Now they were going to have to move their operations away from North and South America, and the question was: where to, next? The obvious place was Europe, but was that the best choice? They could take a hint from World War II and use the UK as a staging area. They now knew that the Wasps were relatively easy for them to defeat when they had plenty of poison, so they were highly confident of victory no matter which way they went first. The combination of Europe and Asia would take a while to...

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Mom Catches Me Having Sex With Our Maid Sheetal

Hello Readers. This is Rohan again. My maid Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She has dark skin tone and is a little chubby. She has hanging boobs like most women of her age. She took my virginity and we have been having sex since then. She is very adventurous and this quality of hers landed me into trouble. She would often insist me on having sex with her when my parents are in the house. We had done that on several occasions and were never caught. Last week my parents had to go to a wedding for...

1 year ago
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Sheetal the prostitute

Sheetal and had opened up a part of me I never really admitted I had. My life with my wife Rupali was your typical, wholesome life. We loved each other and our infant son. We shared household chores. I worked hard and provided for the family while she stayed at home and took care of the house and our son. Despite our hectic lives we made love to each other a couple of times a week and maintained a healthy sex life. Nothing had changed there, but now Sheetal had added another more devious...

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Another from the GurlTown Files Sherrie 4

Boonie Baby's Whore Warren came to assist her getting up, he winked at her. Knowing what that wink meant, she clumsily got up spreading her thighs, pausing seconds, twisting on unbalanced legs. She made sure everyone in every direction got flashed. As she stood, Warren told everyone to give them a minute of privacy and grab a cigarette break outside. Sherrie said, “I know what my Baby wants”. She turned around, got on her knees, using her own dripping cum to lubricate her hole, she waited...

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Gary Becky Sheep for the Shearing

"If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep." Calvera – The Magnificent Seven Paul Simmons is brilliant, generous, a kind and loving man. Yet he is the antithesis of all that. A passionate man who possesses all he can, holding on to what he covets with a tightly clasped fist until he no longer wants it. Including people – his secret side isn't really a dark side, still, he is a controlling man who has taken what belongs to others. Fulfilling needs locked up deep...

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Butterfly Book I Sherry and KyleChapter 3 Wild Night Out

It was a clear and cool late autumn day, the kind of weather that makes Midwesterners move to Florida. But on this beautiful Friday afternoon, Sherry was planted behind her desk updating a client database. Data entry was not in her job description. Didn't matter; she knew that if didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. The office was relatively quiet, and the letters and numbers began to blur together as she plowed her way through the endless list of contact information. When her phone rang,...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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COCKWASHED By Katharine Sexkitten cockwashed verb "kok.wah-shed" believing that there is no greater joy in life than worshipping cocks, leading to giving into the desires to suck cock and be fucked by cock, by frequently being exposed to it or repeatedly being shown that it is true and thereby realizing ones true place in life. other tenses: cockwashing, cockwasher, cockwash I have been cockwashed. It's like being brainwashed, but as opposed to some radical...

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Goa Beach With Sheetal And Lots Of Tease 8211 Part 2

That night after returning back to our room after dinner, I couldn’t stop thinking about Sheetal’s sexy body. I wanted to fuck her again. I wanted to suck her juicy lips and caress her soft breasts. I went inside the bathroom and took out her soft silky panty. I put it on my dick and started to slowly rub it on my dick. The feeling of her soft panty on my penis made me go mad, and I masturbated like crazy. I wanted to play with her body. If you look at Sheetal and even if she doesn’t know you,...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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Night Out with Sheetal my adorable princess

Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...

3 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With Sheetal An Office Colleague

Hi this is Rajeev here from Delhi/NCR. Am 6 feet tall, fair, well built handsome guy with a 7 inches cock. This is my first story on this site. I am sharing one of my real life sexual encounters with a friend of mine. This event happened about a year back. It involves me and a colleague of mine in an ITES company in Delhi. Her name was Sheetal (name changed). At first we were not very friendly, but we had a change in the seating arrangement in our office, and she landed just next to my seat...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

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Horny housewife sheela1

Dear readers, this story is not mine i ve just taken it from net and it mostly belongs to curly bhojrani. So due credit must be given to the original author for a fabulous story which is one of my all time favorite [meaning never fails to give an erection]regards vicky kumar alias bicks…My name is Sheela, I am married to Vinod Agarwal who now heads the south east region of a global tele company. I read with my friend Curly, stories posted in Hindi Internet Love Stories and enjoy how the writers...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

1 year ago
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I met Sheetal at the local Costco. I was there with my wife Rupali. She loved buying stuff in bulk. I guess I should be thankful to have a wife who is so frugal with my money but the idea of buying diapers by the caseload hardly fills me with the same kind of excitement as it does her. I love Rupali; ours was a love marriage though with the consent of both our parents. We both grew up in India and met in college here in the US. That's where we fell in love and decided to get married. We held...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

1 year ago
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Shelia pays off bet

Shelia pays off betChapter 1Shelia’s Bar and Fetish shop was the hub of the BDSM community in South Florida.  Also many folks came from other parts of Florida, as she had a reputation for the finest B&D  fetish wear and equipment in the state.  Shelia Bobbs was 35 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5’10? and about 140lb.  She was very popular and her close friends also knew she had a dungeon up in her loft for their enjoyment.  It was a Monday night in April, when Racheal entered the bar with...

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Bangalore Sex Tale 8211 Sheetal

Hi all sex lovers. This is Shyam from Bangalore. Thanks for your comments for my first experience with Maria. Now I am going to share how I had my second sex with one of my class mate. After having sex with neighbor Maria for next six months I did not get any chance to have sex. And when I entered my 12th std a new girl called Sheetal had joined our class. Sheetal was from Punjab and as her father had got transferred, they had come to Bangalore. Sheetal was little overweight for her age and...

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Sheetal ki chut ki aag mere peshab se bhuji

Hi all. This is my real life story. It’s very hot. So loosen your underwear’s & let the CHUTS become wet & LUNDS become erect & tight. Start rubbing your pussies all you sexy girls & put your fingers inside & start moving …. No start fucking your wet & hot pussies. Right If now you are set, I will tell my real life story for your sexual pleasures & fantasies. It so happened that once during my exams a very good friend of mine whose name is Sheetal, had requested to study with me turn by turn...

1 year ago
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Some chick’s buttcrack was hanging out in front of me at the grocery store this morning as she grabbed something off the bottom shelf. She’d gone through a lot of trouble to mask up to prevent the spread of COVID but seemed to make no effort to halt that subtle spread of her cheeks as she squatted low, her booty cleavage exposed to me, and any other voyeur who happened to be around. I reached for my phone to snap a souvenir, but by the time I pulled it from my pocket, the young hottie had stood...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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